This forum topic is provided for the benefit of asking direct questions to Simon Dunn regarding Rotala bus operations and services.
If you have a pertinent question to ask, please do so here, and Simon will respond when he is able to. General customer service related enquiries should of course continue to be sent through the appropriate channels.
West Midlands:
Worcestershire & Warwickshire:
Note to other members: this is not a general 'chit-chat' area, so any answers or replies you may post here yourself may be removed by the forum moderators and admins, in order to keep this topic 'clear' for Simon to answer.
Really glad that you have joined the forum Simon-great to have a member of rotala on here to answer our questions etc. I understand your initial reluctance but thanks for responding to the points!
2) It is good that you aware of having too many smaller buses and I am glad that you intend to address this-though isnt K126URP still in service? It was recently as really enjoyed a ride on it!!
The vehicle was removed from service on 1st September 2013.
3) Understand this entirely but just think that an already well run and successful route could be further improved
4) Yes probably because people are buying it up to avoid the fact that soon buses will be more expensive euro6 buses And yes, i imagine the investigation made fleet changes a bit of an issue
There is capacity before Euro 6, in all bus builders at present. As you say, the investigation delayed investment.
5) great news about the three centros and does make sense to standardise long acre on centros and send the only eclipse 2 there to wessex. though not so sure about solos for redditch-more small buses are definitely not needed there!! The enviros were a good buy though in my opinion and maybe rotala could look out for more of these?
We need to revise our plan with regards the buses that originally came from Wessex. That being the 07 plate Centro's. I am not sure I know which Enviro's you mean.
6) To my knowledge these buses are DDA compliant!!
Not quite. They are missing an interlock. This would not cost much, and we will fit it to the buses in service. The ones currently missing from service, we need to review and evaluate.
Good news about the netowork review but it doesnt seem to have every redditch bus route actually on it which is a shame
I have looked at the marketing material, and I cannot see any Redditch Bus route missing. It certainly wasn't our intention
9) to be honest, with regards to the 192 I would only like it to be reinstated on entusiasts grounds-i understand it is probably not financially viable
10) Great and about point 11 all I would say here is that the new buses gets it wrong again-tonnes of mistakes in this magazine recently and the quality seems to have gone downhill or is that just me that thinks that?
Thanks for answering these points but just a couple more
Can withdrawal dates for the cadets/KS03 solos be given?
Not at present
Also, how long do you think rotala will keep W567JVV, the AKW darts and the SVV and JUA and MNH darts-just interested as I like them and need to photo a couple more
We have lost a number of Centro tenders from October. We need to assess what we need on going, this has not happened yet.
And the same with the first darts and presidents-where are they being stored and when will some be withdrawn from service and also could I email rotala seperately about a depot visit to photo some of the withdrawn stuff. Is that ok?
They are being stored between Redditch and Kidderminster. Depots visits are not a problem, and you should contact (he is away for 2 weeks from Yesterday). A number have been withdrawn, a number will exit when either we have a buyer or we acquire the buses to replace them.
Love the new style rotala branding eg for summer sale!! Next time, could this be put by the entrance to buses or at the bottom of the windscreen to advertise it a bit more?
Thanks very much for reading this and best of luck with improving diamond buses in the coming months
Hi Simon.
I am a user of your 226(W) service and maybe you could answer a few questions
Why have the 2 Y plate darts been debranded?
What's with the collection of just about anything from Solos to Red Diamond pointers on the 226?
Will we be seeing newer vehicles/a new branding on the 226?
Also, why did Diamond just implement a West Bromwich extension on Sundays only for the 226W and throughout the week?
The bsues on this route, operate some of the highest mileages of all the buses from Tividale. This was the reason for change. The 226W is a Centro subsidised contract, and following the Sandwell network review they asked to change the route.
Hi Simon & welcome,
Thanks for joining and giving us the ability to ask you questions, we appreciate as Rotala Plc CEO that your are tied by Stock market rules etc,
Couple of questions/points from me:
1. Do Rotala prefer to buy new buses generally from dealer stock as and when the need to upgrade/replace the existing fleet & new contract wins dictate, rather than ordering a larger batch of say 40 x B7RLE/Wright annually for fleet replacement for group and achieving a lower cost per unit for buying in bulk?
2. We were led to believe through Tony that 3 x B7RLE/Wright would be released from Wessex to Tividale upon receipt of their 4 x 13 plate examples (30936-30939) to complement their 4 new 13 plate examples & the 3 ex Midland Classic 57/08 plate examples, have plans changed or are they still expected?
3. We've noticed over the last couple of years that Diamond have withdrawn from a number of long standing commercial routes from both Long Acre i.e. 17, 37 & 97 & the 9 & 74 from Tividale, obviously the economy/reduced passenger journey's may have played some part, the B'ham City Centre omission zone (min Euro 3 requirement) another, has increased competition from NX also had an impact of your decision to withdraw?
4. Have Rotala Plc considered the 10 plate Scania Omnicity double decker ex Scania Demo or the batch of 08 plate dual door ex London Central Omnicity double deckers currently for sale at Ensign Bus & Coach as potential options to complement the examples currently at Wessex
5. How many additional B7RLE/Wright have been purchased for Wessex? I've seen a report of 2 allover white B7RLE registered BL13SWW and BL13SWX. The poster also goes on to say that there are two branded for route 13, not sure if they are also new or from the existing fleet, can you advise?
6. Have you had any more luck selling on any further redundant Levantes? I'm surprised another NX contractor didn't snap up a batch of that size for fleet replacement or even NX themselves for owned Op's
7. Do you intend to undertake a similar review of your Kidderminster operation in due course?
Thanks in advance for your reply,
1. Since about 2010, the market for buying buses has changed. There has been no need for stock orders. We have however made orders for buses to Optare for Hybrid Single Decks, to Volvo for the Hybrid double decks, and the 4 normal Deckers we acquired last year. We will shortly be ordering another 2 new Double Deckers for the South West, and we are looking at options for at present for next year. Our rates for new buses are the same (excluding extras) whether we buy 1 or 50.
2. The plan was for 3 Ex Park & Ride Volvo Centros to come to the West Midlands. There are a large number of service frequencies increases in the South West. All but one of these vehicles will now go back to Keynsham.
3. There are two reasons why
1. We expected the Competition Commission report, to have a greater impact on the Multi-Operator ticketing in the West Midlands. It didn't.
2. We wanted to improve and focus on the quality of the rest of our service provision
4. Having acquired and operated a large number of Ex-London vehicles, I am not a fan hence my reluctance on the 08 plate buses. On the 10 plate bus, I made Ross an offer which he refused. We seem to both have a different view on its worth.
5. The 2 you have mentioned have been purchased, plus 2 "59" plate Volvo Centro's, plus BX62FGD will be transferred (one "59" plate will replace this) The rebranded ones are from existing fleet.
6. At the end of this week, I should have a better idea of what is happening.
7. Yes
I hope you are doing a review of kidderminster services as there are quite a few routes that if they where tweak a bit on the route they take would be able to keep to time better , and most of the services finish around 6.00pm to 6.30 pm. when some people are still at work if the y finished around 7.00 pm would be better the other week I missed my last bus by about 2 mins the bus I came to Kidderminster got delay by a diversion and traffic at that was only 5.50pm which is my last bus a local service not out of town and I had to have a taxi . and at to wait for that as they are busy at that time taking people home from work who get together and share one and people who missed there last bus, I know quite a few taxi drivers who have all told me this
It is our intention to start the same exercise in Kidderminster we are currently doing in Redditch.
Hi again Simon.
Another question about the 226 if I may, just so satisfy some of the views held by residents of the area I live in.
Why did diamond initially launch on Monday to Saturday daytime services, initially within a couple of minutes of the Hansons journeys whereas surely creating a every 15 minute joint frequency would have been better initially.
Another view which is held locally was that the intention was not to promote diamond but to, as several people have said in my area, run Hansons off the road. This was inflamed by rumours of diamond drivers saying that this was the intention.
My question therefore is to know if that was what was to happen or was it something that was hoped to be different but turned out to be just one of then things.
On a personal note I must say I like the blue livery on the Wright Eclipses.
(Please note I am not asking on behalf of Hansons however much some people probably think I am)
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 06:50:54 AM
Hi Simon & welcome,
Thanks for joining and giving us the ability to ask you questions, we appreciate as Rotala Plc CEO that your are tied by Stock market rules etc,
Couple of questions/points from me:
1. Do Rotala prefer to buy new buses generally from dealer stock as and when the need to upgrade/replace the existing fleet & new contract wins dictate, rather than ordering a larger batch of say 40 x B7RLE/Wright annually for fleet replacement for group and achieving a lower cost per unit for buying in bulk?
2. We were led to believe through Tony that 3 x B7RLE/Wright would be released from Wessex to Tividale upon receipt of their 4 x 13 plate examples (30936-30939) to complement their 4 new 13 plate examples & the 3 ex Midland Classic 57/08 plate examples, have plans changed or are they still expected?
3. We've noticed over the last couple of years that Diamond have withdrawn from a number of long standing commercial routes from both Long Acre i.e. 17, 37 & 97 & the 9 & 74 from Tividale, obviously the economy/reduced passenger journey's may have played some part, the B'ham City Centre omission zone (min Euro 3 requirement) another, has increased competition from NX also had an impact of your decision to withdraw?
4. Have Rotala Plc considered the 10 plate Scania Omnicity double decker ex Scania Demo or the batch of 08 plate dual door ex London Central Omnicity double deckers currently for sale at Ensign Bus & Coach as potential options to complement the examples currently at Wessex
5. How many additional B7RLE/Wright have been purchased for Wessex? I've seen a report of 2 allover white B7RLE registered BL13SWW and BL13SWX. The poster also goes on to say that there are two branded for route 13, not sure if they are also new or from the existing fleet, can you advise?
6. Have you had any more luck selling on any further redundant Levantes? I'm surprised another NX contractor didn't snap up a batch of that size for fleet replacement or even NX themselves for owned Op's
7. Do you intend to undertake a similar review of your Kidderminster operation in due course?
Thanks in advance for your reply,
1. Since about 2010, the market for buying buses has changed. There has been no need for stock orders. We have however made orders for buses to Optare for Hybrid Single Decks, to Volvo for the Hybrid double decks, and the 4 normal Deckers we acquired last year. We will shortly be ordering another 2 new Double Deckers for the South West, and we are looking at options for at present for next year. Our rates for new buses are the same (excluding extras) whether we buy 1 or 50.
2. The plan was for 3 Ex Park & Ride Volvo Centros to come to the West Midlands. There are a large number of service frequencies increases in the South West. All but one of these vehicles will now go back to Keynsham.
3. There are two reasons why
1. We expected the Competition Commission report, to have a greater impact on the Multi-Operator ticketing in the West Midlands. It didn't.
2. We wanted to improve and focus on the quality of the rest of our service provision
4. Having acquired and operated a large number of Ex-London vehicles, I am not a fan hence my reluctance on the 08 plate buses. On the 10 plate bus, I made Ross an offer which he refused. We seem to both have a different view on its worth.
5. The 2 you have mentioned have been purchased, plus 2 "59" plate Volvo Centro's, plus BX62FGD will be transferred (one "59" plate will replace this) The rebranded ones are from existing fleet.
6. At the end of this week, I should have a better idea of what is happening.
7. Yes
Hi again Simon,
Thanks for your reply
From observations, it appears that a lot of the focus for new vehicle investment is dictated by the needs/growth of Wessex & the South West Business and to a lesser degree the Preston business, whilst Diamond @ Long Acre & Tividale which is Rotala's biggest subsidiary appears to be the poorer relation which generally losses newer buses to Wessex or receives older cascades. Even the entire batch of Hybrid Versas were originally destined for Wessex according to the Green bus funding announcement as I understood it.
Are there any plans to grow the business/allocation at Long Acre? As that depot has seen the most loss of work i.e. withdrawal from commercial routes, Centro tender losses, exit from NX work, loss of NEC shuttle work etc
With the impressive growth Scott has achieved @ Yourbus in just 4 years, going from start-up to a 100 vehicle operation / second-hand Darts/B10B's/Olympians being replaced by brand new Mercedes Citaros/Streetlights on newly launched routes etc. Were Scott & team unable to achieve similar growth results at the Diamond business? From observations the Diamond business doesn't appear to be as strong as it was during the period Scott was in charge and appears to be losing ground to new entrants such as Arriva & WMSNT. Are the operating conditions in the West Midlands much tougher?
Glad someone from Rotala is answering some of our questions and queries so thank you for that.
I have a few general questions:
1) Is there any possibility in the future the 4 will be reinstated on a sunday to it's old 404E timetable just between Walsall and West Bromwich every 15 minutes, I caught the sunday service a few times when it was the 404E and always seemed popular with many of the mcv's been full when reaching Walsall or West Bromwich. I think the 4M every 30 minutes killed the service especially when operating just a few minutes behind NXWM 4M.
2) Will any return branding be applied to any vehicles especially the cadets which normally stay on the 4 or 301 advertising the cheap £2.50 return especially when NXWM advertise there's on their vehicles at £2.90.
3) Will 30212 return to service in the near future, also I haven't seen 30832 for a while is this bus in for repair or out of service.
Thank You.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 06:28:19 AM
Really glad that you have joined the forum Simon-great to have a member of rotala on here to answer our questions etc. I understand your initial reluctance but thanks for responding to the points!
2) It is good that you aware of having too many smaller buses and I am glad that you intend to address this-though isnt K126URP still in service? It was recently as really enjoyed a ride on it!!
The vehicle was removed from service on 1st September 2013.
Is it a case of catch it while you can then if it will be withdrawn in a couple of days time?
3) Understand this entirely but just think that an already well run and successful route could be further improved
4) Yes probably because people are buying it up to avoid the fact that soon buses will be more expensive euro6 buses And yes, i imagine the investigation made fleet changes a bit of an issue
There is capacity before Euro 6, in all bus builders at present. As you say, the investigation delayed investment.
Thats good news then
5) great news about the three centros and does make sense to standardise long acre on centros and send the only eclipse 2 there to wessex. though not so sure about solos for redditch-more small buses are definitely not needed there!! The enviros were a good buy though in my opinion and maybe rotala could look out for more of these?
We need to revise our plan with regards the buses that originally came from Wessex. That being the 07 plate Centro's. I am not sure I know which Enviro's you mean.
I meant the three enviro300s boughts-the two ex hansons and two ex premiere. Sorry-didnt make that clear.
6) To my knowledge these buses are DDA compliant!!
Not quite. They are missing an interlock. This would not cost much, and we will fit it to the buses in service. The ones currently missing from service, we need to review and evaluate. Sorry didnt realise this but hopefully some could renter service to replace older MPDs?
Good news about the netowork review but it doesnt seem to have every redditch bus route actually on it which is a shame
I have looked at the marketing material, and I cannot see any Redditch Bus route missing. It certainly wasn't our intention
Think the 146 at least is missing
9) to be honest, with regards to the 192 I would only like it to be reinstated on entusiasts grounds-i understand it is probably not financially viable
10) Great and about point 11 all I would say here is that the new buses gets it wrong again-tonnes of mistakes in this magazine recently and the quality seems to have gone downhill or is that just me that thinks that?
Thanks for answering these points but just a couple more
Can withdrawal dates for the cadets/KS03 solos be given?
Not at present I understand just I thought rotala's policy of selling buses that seem to break down a lot etc would eliminate these batches of buses
Also, how long do you think rotala will keep W567JVV, the AKW darts and the SVV and JUA and MNH darts-just interested as I like them and need to photo a couple more
We have lost a number of Centro tenders from October. We need to assess what we need on going, this has not happened yet. Sorry to hear that though there does seem to be a bit of ridiculous bidding going on at the moment-first arriva and not wmsnt so diamond are competing against a registered charity which can get better tax rates etc which ISNT AT ALL FAIR and makes me cross to be honest
And the same with the first darts and presidents-where are they being stored and when will some be withdrawn from service and also could I email rotala seperately about a depot visit to photo some of the withdrawn stuff. Is that ok?
They are being stored between Redditch and Kidderminster. Depots visits are not a problem, and you should contact (he is away for 2 weeks from Yesterday). A number have been withdrawn, a number will exit when either we have a buyer or we acquire the buses to replace them. Thanks very much Simon! Might arrange one for a couple of weeks time then-is any depot a possibility-is much stored at tividale or mostly kidderminster/redditch/long acre?
Love the new style rotala branding eg for summer sale!! Next time, could this be put by the entrance to buses or at the bottom of the windscreen to advertise it a bit more? Think this was the only point of mine that you missed but just to say Im a huge fan of the current "style" if thats the right word? The redditch guides and timetables are absolutely spot on and in my view industry leading but is there one for kidderminster and other routes other than redditch/247/142/143? Could some be made for birmingham routes
Also, don't know to what extent you were involved with diamond buses in the early days of rotala ownership but I've got timetables for diamond 144/002/56 and connect 10/904/37/17/97/119. Were any other timetables produced out of interest-if you don't know this no worries-but Im thinking 301/404 as it was then or anything else and does rotala still have copies of these old timetables printed and possibly available to those of us who collect anything diamond buses
Cheers and Im sorry if the quoting thing has gone crazy!!!
Thanks very much for reading this and best of luck with improving diamond buses in the coming months
There were 404E black country connection timetables which were available in the early days of when the mcv's were first introduced onto the service.
Quote from: Ash on August 28, 2013, 02:29:33 PM
There were 404E black country connection timetables which were available in the early days of when the mcv's were first introduced onto the service.
Were there? Shame I havent got one of those or seen where to get them-how about when the initial MANs and volvos came on the route? were there timetables for that as well? And thanks for your rely Ash :)
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 06:50:54 AM
3. There are two reasons why
1. We expected the Competition Commission report, to have a greater impact on the Multi-Operator ticketing in the West Midlands. It didn't.
Here we have it from the horse's mouth..... this is why no operator will ever make any serious inroads into NX's monopoly. And why Rotala in particular chooses to make its investment and concentrate it resources in other areas, where they can actually achieve a decent market share. I don't think people realise how much of a monopoly NX have achieved via the lack of multi operator ticketing in this area. It simply doesn't happen anywhere else.
Quote from: andy on August 28, 2013, 07:10:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 06:50:54 AM
3. There are two reasons why
1. We expected the Competition Commission report, to have a greater impact on the Multi-Operator ticketing in the West Midlands. It didn't.
Here we have it from the horse's mouth..... this is why no operator will ever make any serious inroads into NX's monopoly. And why Rotala in particular chooses to make its investment and concentrate it resources in other areas, where they can actually achieve a decent market share. I don't think people realise how much of a monopoly NX have achieved via the lack of multi operator ticketing in this area. It simply doesn't happen anywhere else.
I agree Andy and having seen rotala's quality timetables and branded buses for the routes-it was let's be honest-a textbook effort and even then they couldnt get it to work so I agree it is unfair and anti-competitive. I would be interested to hear Simon though as to whether rotala are for or against reregulated operation. Just to open a can of worms... :P
Quote from: the #trainbasher on August 28, 2013, 08:43:46 AM
Hi again Simon.
Another question about the 226 if I may, just so satisfy some of the views held by residents of the area I live in.
Why did diamond initially launch on Monday to Saturday daytime services, initially within a couple of minutes of the Hansons journeys whereas surely creating a every 15 minute joint frequency would have been better initially.
Another view which is held locally was that the intention was not to promote diamond but to, as several people have said in my area, run Hansons off the road. This was inflamed by rumours of diamond drivers saying that this was the intention.
The 226 commenced whilst Scott (my brother) was overseeing the Diamond Bus operation. In all honesty, I am not exactly sure the Commercial reasons why. I believe, (it is a long time back now) that it was connected to what we perceived were some other opportunities we saw in the area at that time.
Unfortunately drivers will have banter, and there are always a few who create situations.
My question therefore is to know if that was what was to happen or was it something that was hoped to be different but turned out to be just one of then things.
On a personal note I must say I like the blue livery on the Wright Eclipses.
(Please note I am not asking on behalf of Hansons however much some people probably think I am)
Quote from: Winston on August 28, 2013, 10:05:34 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 06:50:54 AM
Hi Simon & welcome,
Thanks for joining and giving us the ability to ask you questions, we appreciate as Rotala Plc CEO that your are tied by Stock market rules etc,
Couple of questions/points from me:
1. Do Rotala prefer to buy new buses generally from dealer stock as and when the need to upgrade/replace the existing fleet & new contract wins dictate, rather than ordering a larger batch of say 40 x B7RLE/Wright annually for fleet replacement for group and achieving a lower cost per unit for buying in bulk?
2. We were led to believe through Tony that 3 x B7RLE/Wright would be released from Wessex to Tividale upon receipt of their 4 x 13 plate examples (30936-30939) to complement their 4 new 13 plate examples & the 3 ex Midland Classic 57/08 plate examples, have plans changed or are they still expected?
3. We've noticed over the last couple of years that Diamond have withdrawn from a number of long standing commercial routes from both Long Acre i.e. 17, 37 & 97 & the 9 & 74 from Tividale, obviously the economy/reduced passenger journey's may have played some part, the B'ham City Centre omission zone (min Euro 3 requirement) another, has increased competition from NX also had an impact of your decision to withdraw?
4. Have Rotala Plc considered the 10 plate Scania Omnicity double decker ex Scania Demo or the batch of 08 plate dual door ex London Central Omnicity double deckers currently for sale at Ensign Bus & Coach as potential options to complement the examples currently at Wessex
5. How many additional B7RLE/Wright have been purchased for Wessex? I've seen a report of 2 allover white B7RLE registered BL13SWW and BL13SWX. The poster also goes on to say that there are two branded for route 13, not sure if they are also new or from the existing fleet, can you advise?
6. Have you had any more luck selling on any further redundant Levantes? I'm surprised another NX contractor didn't snap up a batch of that size for fleet replacement or even NX themselves for owned Op's
7. Do you intend to undertake a similar review of your Kidderminster operation in due course?
Thanks in advance for your reply,
1. Since about 2010, the market for buying buses has changed. There has been no need for stock orders. We have however made orders for buses to Optare for Hybrid Single Decks, to Volvo for the Hybrid double decks, and the 4 normal Deckers we acquired last year. We will shortly be ordering another 2 new Double Deckers for the South West, and we are looking at options for at present for next year. Our rates for new buses are the same (excluding extras) whether we buy 1 or 50.
2. The plan was for 3 Ex Park & Ride Volvo Centros to come to the West Midlands. There are a large number of service frequencies increases in the South West. All but one of these vehicles will now go back to Keynsham.
3. There are two reasons why
1. We expected the Competition Commission report, to have a greater impact on the Multi-Operator ticketing in the West Midlands. It didn't.
2. We wanted to improve and focus on the quality of the rest of our service provision
4. Having acquired and operated a large number of Ex-London vehicles, I am not a fan hence my reluctance on the 08 plate buses. On the 10 plate bus, I made Ross an offer which he refused. We seem to both have a different view on its worth.
5. The 2 you have mentioned have been purchased, plus 2 "59" plate Volvo Centro's, plus BX62FGD will be transferred (one "59" plate will replace this) The rebranded ones are from existing fleet.
6. At the end of this week, I should have a better idea of what is happening.
7. Yes
Hi again Simon,
Thanks for your reply
From observations, it appears that a lot of the focus for new vehicle investment is dictated by the needs/growth of Wessex & the South West Business and to a lesser degree the Preston business, whilst Diamond @ Long Acre & Tividale which is Rotala's biggest subsidiary appears to be the poorer relation which generally losses newer buses to Wessex or receives older cascades. Even the entire batch of Hybrid Versas were originally destined for Wessex according to the Green bus funding announcement as I understood it.
Are there any plans to grow the business/allocation at Long Acre? As that depot has seen the most loss of work i.e. withdrawal from commercial routes, Centro tender losses, exit from NX work, loss of NEC shuttle work etc
With the impressive growth Scott has achieved @ Yourbus in just 4 years, going from start-up to a 100 vehicle operation / second-hand Darts/B10B's/Olympians being replaced by brand new Mercedes Citaros/Streetlights on newly launched routes etc. Were Scott & team unable to achieve similar growth results at the Diamond business? From observations the Diamond business doesn't appear to be as strong as it was during the period Scott was in charge and appears to be losing ground to new entrants such as Arriva & WMSNT. Are the operating conditions in the West Midlands much tougher?
In an ideal world all areas would justify and warrant new fleets. Each market is different, each market has its own requirements. In the South West Area most of our work comes under either high contractual requirements or SQPS stipulations that require vehicles to a high standard. These requirements and standards, influence cost of provision and quality of vehicles. In the West Midlands, I believe over a period of time we have invested in our Commercial corridors, yes there is still room for improvement. In terms of subsidised Contracts we are happy to provide whatever the client requires, ultimately though someone has to pay for it.
In relation to Long Acre, it is always disappointing to lose work. I am responsible for doing what is right for the Rotala businesses, and in all honesty I regret losing none of what has gone. Medium term we have opportunities in the pipeline.
In relation to Scott. His business operates in a different market with different opportunities. It is difficult to compare what we are doing with him.
Overall, from memory I think our operational fleet has an average age of 7.5 years. From the last TAS report I saw (again from memory) I believe this would compare well with our Peers.
Quote from: Ash on August 28, 2013, 12:47:28 PM
Glad someone from Rotala is answering some of our questions and queries so thank you for that.
I have a few general questions:
1) Is there any possibility in the future the 4 will be reinstated on a sunday to it's old 404E timetable just between Walsall and West Bromwich every 15 minutes, I caught the sunday service a few times when it was the 404E and always seemed popular with many of the mcv's been full when reaching Walsall or West Bromwich. I think the 4M every 30 minutes killed the service especially when operating just a few minutes behind NXWM 4M.
2) Will any return branding be applied to any vehicles especially the cadets which normally stay on the 4 or 301 advertising the cheap £2.50 return especially when NXWM advertise there's on their vehicles at £2.90.
3) Will 30212 return to service in the near future, also I haven't seen 30832 for a while is this bus in for repair or out of service.
Thank You.
1. This will be reviewed in the near future.
2. At present, we are reviewing the Tividale fleet post the October Centro changes. At that point, we intend to do something.
3. 30212 - This vehicle has been badly damaged and I doubt it will return to fleet.
4. 30832 - This vehicle is in service
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 28, 2013, 02:18:50 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 06:28:19 AM
Really glad that you have joined the forum Simon-great to have a member of rotala on here to answer our questions etc. I understand your initial reluctance but thanks for responding to the points!
2) It is good that you aware of having too many smaller buses and I am glad that you intend to address this-though isnt K126URP still in service? It was recently as really enjoyed a ride on it!!
The vehicle was removed from service on 1st September 2013.
Is it a case of catch it while you can then if it will be withdrawn in a couple of days time?
3) Understand this entirely but just think that an already well run and successful route could be further improved
4) Yes probably because people are buying it up to avoid the fact that soon buses will be more expensive euro6 buses And yes, i imagine the investigation made fleet changes a bit of an issue
There is capacity before Euro 6, in all bus builders at present. As you say, the investigation delayed investment.
Thats good news then
5) great news about the three centros and does make sense to standardise long acre on centros and send the only eclipse 2 there to wessex. though not so sure about solos for redditch-more small buses are definitely not needed there!! The enviros were a good buy though in my opinion and maybe rotala could look out for more of these?
We need to revise our plan with regards the buses that originally came from Wessex. That being the 07 plate Centro's. I am not sure I know which Enviro's you mean.
I meant the three enviro300s boughts-the two ex hansons and two ex premiere. Sorry-didnt make that clear.
6) To my knowledge these buses are DDA compliant!!
Not quite. They are missing an interlock. This would not cost much, and we will fit it to the buses in service. The ones currently missing from service, we need to review and evaluate. Sorry didnt realise this but hopefully some could renter service to replace older MPDs?
Good news about the netowork review but it doesnt seem to have every redditch bus route actually on it which is a shame
I have looked at the marketing material, and I cannot see any Redditch Bus route missing. It certainly wasn't our intention
Think the 146 at least is missing
9) to be honest, with regards to the 192 I would only like it to be reinstated on entusiasts grounds-i understand it is probably not financially viable
10) Great and about point 11 all I would say here is that the new buses gets it wrong again-tonnes of mistakes in this magazine recently and the quality seems to have gone downhill or is that just me that thinks that?
Thanks for answering these points but just a couple more
Can withdrawal dates for the cadets/KS03 solos be given?
Not at present I understand just I thought rotala's policy of selling buses that seem to break down a lot etc would eliminate these batches of buses
Also, how long do you think rotala will keep W567JVV, the AKW darts and the SVV and JUA and MNH darts-just interested as I like them and need to photo a couple more
We have lost a number of Centro tenders from October. We need to assess what we need on going, this has not happened yet. Sorry to hear that though there does seem to be a bit of ridiculous bidding going on at the moment-first arriva and not wmsnt so diamond are competing against a registered charity which can get better tax rates etc which ISNT AT ALL FAIR and makes me cross to be honest
And the same with the first darts and presidents-where are they being stored and when will some be withdrawn from service and also could I email rotala seperately about a depot visit to photo some of the withdrawn stuff. Is that ok?
They are being stored between Redditch and Kidderminster. Depots visits are not a problem, and you should contact (he is away for 2 weeks from Yesterday). A number have been withdrawn, a number will exit when either we have a buyer or we acquire the buses to replace them. Thanks very much Simon! Might arrange one for a couple of weeks time then-is any depot a possibility-is much stored at tividale or mostly kidderminster/redditch/long acre?
Love the new style rotala branding eg for summer sale!! Next time, could this be put by the entrance to buses or at the bottom of the windscreen to advertise it a bit more? Think this was the only point of mine that you missed but just to say Im a huge fan of the current "style" if thats the right word? The redditch guides and timetables are absolutely spot on and in my view industry leading but is there one for kidderminster and other routes other than redditch/247/142/143? Could some be made for birmingham routes
Also, don't know to what extent you were involved with diamond buses in the early days of rotala ownership but I've got timetables for diamond 144/002/56 and connect 10/904/37/17/97/119. Were any other timetables produced out of interest-if you don't know this no worries-but Im thinking 301/404 as it was then or anything else and does rotala still have copies of these old timetables printed and possibly available to those of us who collect anything diamond buses
Cheers and Im sorry if the quoting thing has gone crazy!!!
Thanks very much for reading this and best of luck with improving diamond buses in the coming months
1. E300's. Yes, we are pleased with what we have acquired.
2. W90*JNF - The none operational buses, I believe are beyond economical repair.
3. There is a Kidderminster guide. If you send me your address offline, I will post you one.
I am sorry I have mixed up the responses. If I have missed anything let me know.
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 28, 2013, 07:27:00 PM
Quote from: andy on August 28, 2013, 07:10:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 06:50:54 AM
3. There are two reasons why
1. We expected the Competition Commission report, to have a greater impact on the Multi-Operator ticketing in the West Midlands. It didn't.
Here we have it from the horse's mouth..... this is why no operator will ever make any serious inroads into NX's monopoly. And why Rotala in particular chooses to make its investment and concentrate it resources in other areas, where they can actually achieve a decent market share. I don't think people realise how much of a monopoly NX have achieved via the lack of multi operator ticketing in this area. It simply doesn't happen anywhere else.
I agree Andy and having seen rotala's quality timetables and branded buses for the routes-it was let's be honest-a textbook effort and even then they couldnt get it to work so I agree it is unfair and anti-competitive. I would be interested to hear Simon though as to whether rotala are for or against reregulated operation. Just to open a can of worms... :P
My view is irrelevant, until at some point there is the political desire to change the market, it will remain unchanged.
It's not the market that needs changing its the cultures in NX!
Brands are not stick on colour labels but imaginative eye catching buses.
Nifty Fifty with granny peering out from back at road users behind, Brilliant.
Love the new style rotala branding eg for summer sale!! Next time, could this be put by the entrance to buses or at the bottom of the windscreen to advertise it a bit more? Think this was the only point of mine that you missed but just to say Im a huge fan of the current "style" if thats the right word? The redditch guides and timetables are absolutely spot on and in my view industry leading but is there one for kidderminster and other routes other than redditch/247/142/143? Could some be made for birmingham routes
Also, don't know to what extent you were involved with diamond buses in the early days of rotala ownership but I've got timetables for diamond 144/002/56 and connect 10/904/37/17/97/119. Were any other timetables produced out of interest-if you don't know this no worries-but Im thinking 301/404 as it was then or anything else and does rotala still have copies of these old timetables printed and possibly available to those of us who collect anything diamond buses
Cheers and Im sorry if the quoting thing has gone crazy!!!
Thanks very much for reading this and best of luck with improving diamond buses in the coming months
1. E300's. Yes, we are pleased with what we have acquired.
2. W90*JNF - The none operational buses, I believe are beyond economical repair.
3. There is a Kidderminster guide. If you send me your address offline, I will post you one.
I am sorry I have mixed up the responses. If I have missed anything let me know.
may I say your guide for the Kidderminster local services and x3 it is good to have a proper guide
again rather than printout from the Worcestershire hub Kidderminster it would be nice if there was a guide that had the out of town 133/292/294/295/303 services
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 08:54:15 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 28, 2013, 07:27:00 PM
Quote from: andy on August 28, 2013, 07:10:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 06:50:54 AM
3. There are two reasons why
1. We expected the Competition Commission report, to have a greater impact on the Multi-Operator ticketing in the West Midlands. It didn't.
Here we have it from the horse's mouth..... this is why no operator will ever make any serious inroads into NX's monopoly. And why Rotala in particular chooses to make its investment and concentrate it resources in other areas, where they can actually achieve a decent market share. I don't think people realise how much of a monopoly NX have achieved via the lack of multi operator ticketing in this area. It simply doesn't happen anywhere else.
I agree Andy and having seen rotala's quality timetables and branded buses for the routes-it was let's be honest-a textbook effort and even then they couldnt get it to work so I agree it is unfair and anti-competitive. I would be interested to hear Simon though as to whether rotala are for or against reregulated operation. Just to open a can of worms... :P
My view is irrelevant, until at some point there is the political desire to change the market, it will remain unchanged.
Fair enough just interested and yes that is definitely true and can't see that happening very soon other than in very specific areas
Hi Simon-have done away with the quoting as it wasnt really working for me so here goes
1) Definitely can't find the 146 on the network review
2) Could branding eg summer sale be photocopied or copied and printed to put by the door/on the cab door/at the bottom of the windscreens to promote the offers which are really good value!!
3) Great plan about possibly promoting returns on some buses
4) Might arrange a depot visit for a couple of weeks time and is any depot possible and can withdrawn stuff be photoed?
5) Could I pick up a Kidderminster guide if I visited kidderminster depot?
6)Could timetables be made for some birmingham routes?
This was the only other thing:
Also, don't know to what extent you were involved with diamond buses in the early days of rotala ownership but I've got timetables for diamond 144/002/56 and connect 10/904/37/17/97/119. Were any other timetables produced out of interest-if you don't know this no worries-but Im thinking 301/404 as it was then or anything else and does rotala still have copies of these old timetables printed and possibly available to those of us who collect anything diamond buses
diamond dart I got my Kidderminster guide from Kidderminster library
Quote from: bewminster on August 28, 2013, 10:09:16 PM
diamond dart I got my Kidderminster guide from Kidderminster library
Great-I'll pick one up
Quote from: bewminster on August 28, 2013, 10:09:16 PM
diamond dart I got my Kidderminster guide from Kidderminster library
Bewdley tourist information centre also had some last time I went in
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 08:47:27 PM
Quote from: Ash on August 28, 2013, 12:47:28 PM
Glad someone from Rotala is answering some of our questions and queries so thank you for that.
I have a few general questions:
1) Is there any possibility in the future the 4 will be reinstated on a sunday to it's old 404E timetable just between Walsall and West Bromwich every 15 minutes, I caught the sunday service a few times when it was the 404E and always seemed popular with many of the mcv's been full when reaching Walsall or West Bromwich. I think the 4M every 30 minutes killed the service especially when operating just a few minutes behind NXWM 4M.
2) Will any return branding be applied to any vehicles especially the cadets which normally stay on the 4 or 301 advertising the cheap £2.50 return especially when NXWM advertise there's on their vehicles at £2.90.
3) Will 30212 return to service in the near future, also I haven't seen 30832 for a while is this bus in for repair or out of service.
Thank You.
1. This will be reviewed in the near future.
2. At present, we are reviewing the Tividale fleet post the October Centro changes. At that point, we intend to do something.
3. 30212 - This vehicle has been badly damaged and I doubt it will return to fleet.
4. 30832 - This vehicle is in service
Thats good news about the 4 hopefully some sort of Sunday service will be reinstated.
Thanks for your reply
I assume you aready aware of the 03 plate E300 currently for sale at Southdown PSV?
2007 Scania/Wright (3 ex Reading) & 4 x Scania Omnicity (56 plate)?
Do the turnover figures released today with Rotala Plc half yearly report included much of a contribution from the newly acquired RH & KR operations?
Quote from: bewminster on August 28, 2013, 09:19:41 PM
Love the new style rotala branding eg for summer sale!! Next time, could this be put by the entrance to buses or at the bottom of the windscreen to advertise it a bit more? Think this was the only point of mine that you missed but just to say Im a huge fan of the current "style" if thats the right word? The redditch guides and timetables are absolutely spot on and in my view industry leading but is there one for kidderminster and other routes other than redditch/247/142/143? Could some be made for birmingham routes
Also, don't know to what extent you were involved with diamond buses in the early days of rotala ownership but I've got timetables for diamond 144/002/56 and connect 10/904/37/17/97/119. Were any other timetables produced out of interest-if you don't know this no worries-but Im thinking 301/404 as it was then or anything else and does rotala still have copies of these old timetables printed and possibly available to those of us who collect anything diamond buses
Cheers and Im sorry if the quoting thing has gone crazy!!!
Thanks very much for reading this and best of luck with improving diamond buses in the coming months
1. E300's. Yes, we are pleased with what we have acquired.
2. W90*JNF - The none operational buses, I believe are beyond economical repair.
3. There is a Kidderminster guide. If you send me your address offline, I will post you one.
I am sorry I have mixed up the responses. If I have missed anything let me know.
may I say your guide for the Kidderminster local services and x3 it is good to have a proper guide
again rather than printout from the Worcestershire hub Kidderminster it would be nice if there was a guide that had the out of town 133/292/294/295/303 services
If you send me your address I can arrange to have all timetables sent to you.
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 28, 2013, 09:34:36 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 08:54:15 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 28, 2013, 07:27:00 PM
Quote from: andy on August 28, 2013, 07:10:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 06:50:54 AM
3. There are two reasons why
1. We expected the Competition Commission report, to have a greater impact on the Multi-Operator ticketing in the West Midlands. It didn't.
Here we have it from the horse's mouth..... this is why no operator will ever make any serious inroads into NX's monopoly. And why Rotala in particular chooses to make its investment and concentrate it resources in other areas, where they can actually achieve a decent market share. I don't think people realise how much of a monopoly NX have achieved via the lack of multi operator ticketing in this area. It simply doesn't happen anywhere else.
I agree Andy and having seen rotala's quality timetables and branded buses for the routes-it was let's be honest-a textbook effort and even then they couldnt get it to work so I agree it is unfair and anti-competitive. I would be interested to hear Simon though as to whether rotala are for or against reregulated operation. Just to open a can of worms... :P
My view is irrelevant, until at some point there is the political desire to change the market, it will remain unchanged.
Fair enough just interested and yes that is definitely true and can't see that happening very soon other than in very specific areas
I am not trying to be difficult or funny, when responding I have to consider who may read my response. Unfortunately this is public forum, I have very clear views on what is best for the West Midlands market. Rotala actively participated in the CC investigation and there are numerous case studies with our involvement, which are in the public domain.
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 28, 2013, 09:59:34 PM
Hi Simon-have done away with the quoting as it wasnt really working for me so here goes
1) Definitely can't find the 146 on the network review
2) Could branding eg summer sale be photocopied or copied and printed to put by the door/on the cab door/at the bottom of the windscreens to promote the offers which are really good value!!
3) Great plan about possibly promoting returns on some buses
4) Might arrange a depot visit for a couple of weeks time and is any depot possible and can withdrawn stuff be photoed?
5) Could I pick up a Kidderminster guide if I visited kidderminster depot?
6)Could timetables be made for some birmingham routes?
This was the only other thing:
Also, don't know to what extent you were involved with diamond buses in the early days of rotala ownership but I've got timetables for diamond 144/002/56 and connect 10/904/37/17/97/119. Were any other timetables produced out of interest-if you don't know this no worries-but Im thinking 301/404 as it was then or anything else and does rotala still have copies of these old timetables printed and possibly available to those of us who collect anything diamond buses
1. Where are you looking?
2. We intend to carry it on.
4. It is not a problem to photograph any buses at any depot.
5. Yes
6. We have timetables for most routes, if not all.
Last week we cleared out our stores of old timetables. There were timetables, which were out of date for all those services, unfortunately they have now been recycled.
Quote from: Winston on August 29, 2013, 12:15:46 PM
I assume you aready aware of the 03 plate E300 currently for sale at Southdown PSV?
2007 Scania/Wright (3 ex Reading) & 4 x Scania Omnicity (56 plate)?
Do the turnover figures released today with Rotala Plc half yearly report included much of a contribution from the newly acquired RH & KR operations?
1. I want to upgrade the fleet, although I have acquired older buses my preference is to look at newer vehicles than these.
2. There are a number of reasons why, these are of no interest
I made an offer recently on some Scania's (not these). I don't value the vehicles as being worth what Mr McCree wants for them.
The Scania's that we operate, are poor on fuel.
Priority for long buses in our fleet is Redditch, and these would represent another variation of vehicle.
We have made an offer on 15 vehicles for wihch we are awaiting a response.
3. Interim Numbers.
Redditch was acquired on 2nd March @ 2359 hrs. The interims represent the period up to 31st May 2013, and therefore are nearly 3 months.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 29, 2013, 04:57:16 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 28, 2013, 09:59:34 PM
Hi Simon-have done away with the quoting as it wasnt really working for me so here goes
1) Definitely can't find the 146 on the network review
2) Could branding eg summer sale be photocopied or copied and printed to put by the door/on the cab door/at the bottom of the windscreens to promote the offers which are really good value!!
3) Great plan about possibly promoting returns on some buses
4) Might arrange a depot visit for a couple of weeks time and is any depot possible and can withdrawn stuff be photoed?
5) Could I pick up a Kidderminster guide if I visited kidderminster depot?
6)Could timetables be made for some birmingham routes?
This was the only other thing:
Also, don't know to what extent you were involved with diamond buses in the early days of rotala ownership but I've got timetables for diamond 144/002/56 and connect 10/904/37/17/97/119. Were any other timetables produced out of interest-if you don't know this no worries-but Im thinking 301/404 as it was then or anything else and does rotala still have copies of these old timetables printed and possibly available to those of us who collect anything diamond buses
1. Where are you looking?
2. We intend to carry it on.
4. It is not a problem to photograph any buses at any depot.
5. Yes
6. We have timetables for most routes, if not all.
Last week we cleared out our stores of old timetables. There were timetables, which were out of date for all those services, unfortunately they have now been recycled.
1)Oh its been changed I think-different to how it was a couple of days ago with way more routes on there
4) Thanks
6) Sorry I meant timetable/leaflet guides available on buses
And no worries about the old timetables-guess I will be able to pick them up at rallies etc in the future and I understand that things like that can't be kept for ever but if any old ones do appear/remain then I would still remain interested
Thanks for your reply :)
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 29, 2013, 05:05:04 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 29, 2013, 12:15:46 PM
I assume you aready aware of the 03 plate E300 currently for sale at Southdown PSV?
2007 Scania/Wright (3 ex Reading) & 4 x Scania Omnicity (56 plate)?
Do the turnover figures released today with Rotala Plc half yearly report included much of a contribution from the newly acquired RH & KR operations?
1. I want to upgrade the fleet, although I have acquired older buses my preference is to look at newer vehicles than these.
2. There are a number of reasons why, these are of no interest
I made an offer recently on some Scania's (not these). I don't value the vehicles as being worth what Mr McCree wants for them.
The Scania's that we operate, are poor on fuel.
Priority for long buses in our fleet is Redditch, and these would represent another variation of vehicle.
We have made an offer on 15 vehicles for wihch we are awaiting a response.
3. Interim Numbers.
Redditch was acquired on 2nd March @ 2359 hrs. The interims represent the period up to 31st May 2013, and therefore are nearly 3 months.
Obviously you can't say what buses they are but can't find any batch of buses that big for sale on route one trader or any of the usual dealers, not even on coach and bus market. Well, I tell a lie I did find one fairly large batch of buses for sale at but you have already said that you do not favour ex london vehicles and I imagine the buses are long ones as opposed to these shorter ones of which rotala already seem to have enough? What do you make of these buses Simon as I've never heard of this seller before-are they well known in the industry? I am aware also that you sold the acquired ex travel london MPDs though not quite sure why-was this more in a dealer capacity and also you mention this batch of buses which don't seem to be in trade magazines and the same with the volvo/centros-they don't appear anywhere online either so I guess the question I'm really asking is are there specific companies which approach you offering to sell certain buses or a special magazine or something listing them as certainly the 59 reg centros I never saw advertised anywhere?
15 vehicles and I think the PVR for the 4/4H/4M is 15, but guess any new acquired buses will be for Redditch unless any buses for Tividale will allow buses such as the 30832-4 and 30940-3 to move to Redditch.
Will any of the cadets get repainted into the new diamond livery as i guess the 51 and 02 reg ones are DDA compliant.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 29, 2013, 05:05:04 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 29, 2013, 12:15:46 PM
I assume you aready aware of the 03 plate E300 currently for sale at Southdown PSV?
2007 Scania/Wright (3 ex Reading) & 4 x Scania Omnicity (56 plate)?
Do the turnover figures released today with Rotala Plc half yearly report included much of a contribution from the newly acquired RH & KR operations?
1. I want to upgrade the fleet, although I have acquired older buses my preference is to look at newer vehicles than these.
2. There are a number of reasons why, these are of no interest
I made an offer recently on some Scania's (not these). I don't value the vehicles as being worth what Mr McCree wants for them.
The Scania's that we operate, are poor on fuel.
Priority for long buses in our fleet is Redditch, and these would represent another variation of vehicle.
We have made an offer on 15 vehicles for wihch we are awaiting a response.
3. Interim Numbers.
Redditch was acquired on 2nd March @ 2359 hrs. The interims represent the period up to 31st May 2013, and therefore are nearly 3 months.
Simon thanks for your reply,
1. Although the 03 plate E300 isn't that new, as I understand it there were limited numbers built during the 2003-8 period, the later ones were generally with 3 + 2 seating configuration for schools work
2. I was thinking more along the lines of any acquired Scania's going in to Wessex thus releasing similar aged Volvo's to Diamond whether it be Redditch or Tividale to keep the number of vehicle types to a minimum, obviously Scania's do have a reputation for being a bit thirsty on fuel.... but again there appear to be limited numbers of newer second-hand full size buses available, First Group are also after nearly new buses as well.
3. Rotala Plc turnover for the half year fell £1.850 Million to £26.665 Million over the same period a year earlier, obviously this was despite a 3 month contribution from the acquired RH & KR businesses. Is the majority of the drop in turnover attributed to reduced tendered work at Diamond and the loss of NX coach work by Flights Hallmark? Wessex & Preston both appear to be growing.
4. Do Rotala Plc anticipate / have sufficient headroom to make any further acquisitions or plan to setup in any new areas prior to year end?
5. Are the 15 vehicles you have made an offer for all the from a batch? or made up of a number of types?
6. Do you currently anticipate retaining Church Road depot in Redditch after the current lease expires?
7. Do the 4 x 13 plate B7RLE/Wright @ Tividale i.e. 30940-30943 form Rotala Plc's commitment to the Brierley Hill BBA bid? Or are others new buses due?
Why don't you make a timetable leaflet available for the Walsall 301, as the Network WM one only features the NX one? (And put them in Walsall Bus Station travel office. If Arriva can manage it, surely you can too?)
Ever thought about going onto the Walsall 302 as a 'compliment' to the 301?
I used to be able to use my NX pass & pay 50p to use your buses, which came in useful on several occasions.
How come you stopped it?
Surely it would put more bums on seats?
Quote from: Westy on August 29, 2013, 08:55:04 PM
Why don't you make a timetable leaflet available for the Walsall 301, as the Network WM one only features the NX one? (And put them in Walsall Bus Station travel office. If Arriva can manage it, surely you can too?)
Ever thought about going onto the Walsall 302 as a 'compliment' to the 301?
I used to be able to use my NX pass & pay 50p to use your buses, which came in useful on several occasions.
How come you stopped it?
Surely it would put more bums on seats?
I would imagine Rotala are 'biting the bullet' when it comes to the NX travelcard charge as did Arriva before.
It's all very well putting bums on seats but the policy is counterproductive, it keeps people buying the NX card. Once people stop having the flexibility of the option of jumping on Diamond for a small surcharge, they are forced to travel on NX. NX may be full or overcrowded. The passenger may then become aware that they are better off purchasing the Network WM product instead, or even just paying regular fares to increase flexibility.
I would hope they are attempting to play the long game!
Hi Simon, Thanks for joining the forum and taking our questions. I have 3 questions that aren't really that "constructive", I am just asking for personal curiosity! Firstly now that 30804 is the only nifty fifty left, are there any plans to re-upgrade the 50 or will it continue to be a mish mash of any buses? Secondly I remember a while back you trialled a 35E service but the service seemed very short lived, I just wondered now that competition on the 50 has stepped up, would it be a considerable option to re introduce the 35 service to boost Diamonds overall frequency between Moseley/KH and Birmingham and combine day ticket options? Finally have Diamond ever looked at operating on the Outer Circle in the past or recently?
Looking forward to your reply!
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 29, 2013, 07:16:21 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 29, 2013, 05:05:04 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 29, 2013, 12:15:46 PM
I assume you aready aware of the 03 plate E300 currently for sale at Southdown PSV?
2007 Scania/Wright (3 ex Reading) & 4 x Scania Omnicity (56 plate)?
Do the turnover figures released today with Rotala Plc half yearly report included much of a contribution from the newly acquired RH & KR operations?
1. I want to upgrade the fleet, although I have acquired older buses my preference is to look at newer vehicles than these.
2. There are a number of reasons why, these are of no interest
I made an offer recently on some Scania's (not these). I don't value the vehicles as being worth what Mr McCree wants for them.
The Scania's that we operate, are poor on fuel.
Priority for long buses in our fleet is Redditch, and these would represent another variation of vehicle.
We have made an offer on 15 vehicles for wihch we are awaiting a response.
3. Interim Numbers.
Redditch was acquired on 2nd March @ 2359 hrs. The interims represent the period up to 31st May 2013, and therefore are nearly 3 months.
Obviously you can't say what buses they are but can't find any batch of buses that big for sale on route one trader or any of the usual dealers, not even on coach and bus market. Well, I tell a lie I did find one fairly large batch of buses for sale at but you have already said that you do not favour ex london vehicles and I imagine the buses are long ones as opposed to these shorter ones of which rotala already seem to have enough? What do you make of these buses Simon as I've never heard of this seller before-are they well known in the industry? I am aware also that you sold the acquired ex travel london MPDs though not quite sure why-was this more in a dealer capacity and also you mention this batch of buses which don't seem to be in trade magazines and the same with the volvo/centros-they don't appear anywhere online either so I guess the question I'm really asking is are there specific companies which approach you offering to sell certain buses or a special magazine or something listing them as certainly the 59 reg centros I never saw advertised anywhere?
Abellio is what was Tellings Golden Millar, then Travel London. They have been in the London market now for a few years. The buses in my opinion are over priced, they will struggle to sell them as they are 2 door, Ex-London, and not really suitable for provincial spec. I sold the 2 x 2005 MPD's having acquired them we lost some work, and quality standards changed in the South West, were in effect there is now a 10 year age limit due to contractual specifications, Euro 4 in Bristol and the vehicles were only 18 months from this limit. The only option would be somewhere in the West Midlands and we already have too many small vehicles. Having been in this industry since I was 8, you get to know a lot of people, especially people who are selling something. We were offered the 59 plate Centro's, they were taken as part exchange by a manufacturer. A lot of people email me or one of my colleagues, if they believe they have something which we would be interested in.
Quote from: Ash on August 29, 2013, 07:20:28 PM
15 vehicles and I think the PVR for the 4/4H/4M is 15, but guess any new acquired buses will be for Redditch unless any buses for Tividale will allow buses such as the 30832-4 and 30940-3 to move to Redditch.
Will any of the cadets get repainted into the new diamond livery as i guess the 51 and 02 reg ones are DDA compliant.
We need to acquire a few spare buses for the South West, however our main focus is Redditch/Kidderminster. It may be that having acquired something it may make sense to re-shuffle things. Until we know what we are doing it is difficult to comment.
Our priority in terms of painting is the Redditch/Kidderminster fleet we are keeping, and the new buses we have inbound for everywhere else.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 30, 2013, 07:25:28 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 29, 2013, 07:16:21 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 29, 2013, 05:05:04 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 29, 2013, 12:15:46 PM
I assume you aready aware of the 03 plate E300 currently for sale at Southdown PSV?
2007 Scania/Wright (3 ex Reading) & 4 x Scania Omnicity (56 plate)?
Do the turnover figures released today with Rotala Plc half yearly report included much of a contribution from the newly acquired RH & KR operations?
1. I want to upgrade the fleet, although I have acquired older buses my preference is to look at newer vehicles than these.
2. There are a number of reasons why, these are of no interest
I made an offer recently on some Scania's (not these). I don't value the vehicles as being worth what Mr McCree wants for them.
The Scania's that we operate, are poor on fuel.
Priority for long buses in our fleet is Redditch, and these would represent another variation of vehicle.
We have made an offer on 15 vehicles for wihch we are awaiting a response.
3. Interim Numbers.
Redditch was acquired on 2nd March @ 2359 hrs. The interims represent the period up to 31st May 2013, and therefore are nearly 3 months.
Obviously you can't say what buses they are but can't find any batch of buses that big for sale on route one trader or any of the usual dealers, not even on coach and bus market. Well, I tell a lie I did find one fairly large batch of buses for sale at but you have already said that you do not favour ex london vehicles and I imagine the buses are long ones as opposed to these shorter ones of which rotala already seem to have enough? What do you make of these buses Simon as I've never heard of this seller before-are they well known in the industry? I am aware also that you sold the acquired ex travel london MPDs though not quite sure why-was this more in a dealer capacity and also you mention this batch of buses which don't seem to be in trade magazines and the same with the volvo/centros-they don't appear anywhere online either so I guess the question I'm really asking is are there specific companies which approach you offering to sell certain buses or a special magazine or something listing them as certainly the 59 reg centros I never saw advertised anywhere?
Abellio is what was Tellings Golden Millar, then Travel London. They have been in the London market now for a few years. The buses in my opinion are over priced, they will struggle to sell them as they are 2 door, Ex-London, and not really suitable for provincial spec. I sold the 2 x 2005 MPD's having acquired them we lost some work, and quality standards changed in the South West, were in effect there is now a 10 year age limit due to contractual specifications, Euro 4 in Bristol and the vehicles were only 18 months from this limit. The only option would be somewhere in the West Midlands and we already have too many small vehicles. Having been in this industry since I was 8, you get to know a lot of people, especially people who are selling something. We were offered the 59 plate Centro's, they were taken as part exchange by a manufacturer. A lot of people email me or one of my colleagues, if they believe they have something which we would be interested in.
Thanks again for your reply Simon These buses have been for sale for ages so clearly wrongly priced and I agree there are too many smaller buses in the west midlands. I thought as much as rotala have acquired buses which haven't appeared on the open market which I was just curious about.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 30, 2013, 07:30:37 AM
Quote from: Ash on August 29, 2013, 07:20:28 PM
15 vehicles and I think the PVR for the 4/4H/4M is 15, but guess any new acquired buses will be for Redditch unless any buses for Tividale will allow buses such as the 30832-4 and 30940-3 to move to Redditch.
Will any of the cadets get repainted into the new diamond livery as i guess the 51 and 02 reg ones are DDA compliant.
We need to acquire a few spare buses for the South West, however our main focus is Redditch/Kidderminster. It may be that having acquired something it may make sense to re-shuffle things. Until we know what we are doing it is difficult to comment.
Our priority in terms of painting is the Redditch/Kidderminster fleet we are keeping, and the new buses we have inbound for everywhere else.
It really does sound like wessex is doing well at the moment with further contract wins etc and glad to hear that potentially 15 more buses will be acquired for the rotala group and some for redditch and kidderminster.
Would it be fair to say that the 15 buses are of the longer single deck variety and a type already operated?
Also, could similar to what happened in november 2011 to the central connect fleet-could all references to red diamond/black diamond/blue diamond be removed even if buses aren't repainted to give a more unified branding across the fleet?
Could fleet numberings be tidied up a bit-for instance all MPDs put in the 2050. series and buses of a similar type all put together?
In time, will all the plaxton primos be sold-are they just not as good as solos-just interested as never actually been on one
Quote from: Winston on August 29, 2013, 07:56:41 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 29, 2013, 05:05:04 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 29, 2013, 12:15:46 PM
I assume you aready aware of the 03 plate E300 currently for sale at Southdown PSV?
2007 Scania/Wright (3 ex Reading) & 4 x Scania Omnicity (56 plate)?
Do the turnover figures released today with Rotala Plc half yearly report included much of a contribution from the newly acquired RH & KR operations?
1. I want to upgrade the fleet, although I have acquired older buses my preference is to look at newer vehicles than these.
2. There are a number of reasons why, these are of no interest
I made an offer recently on some Scania's (not these). I don't value the vehicles as being worth what Mr McCree wants for them.
The Scania's that we operate, are poor on fuel.
Priority for long buses in our fleet is Redditch, and these would represent another variation of vehicle.
We have made an offer on 15 vehicles for wihch we are awaiting a response.
3. Interim Numbers.
Redditch was acquired on 2nd March @ 2359 hrs. The interims represent the period up to 31st May 2013, and therefore are nearly 3 months.
Simon thanks for your reply,
1. Although the 03 plate E300 isn't that new, as I understand it there were limited numbers built during the 2003-8 period, the later ones were generally with 3 + 2 seating configuration for schools work
2. I was thinking more along the lines of any acquired Scania's going in to Wessex thus releasing similar aged Volvo's to Diamond whether it be Redditch or Tividale to keep the number of vehicle types to a minimum, obviously Scania's do have a reputation for being a bit thirsty on fuel.... but again there appear to be limited numbers of newer second-hand full size buses available, First Group are also after nearly new buses as well.
3. Rotala Plc turnover for the half year fell £1.850 Million to £26.665 Million over the same period a year earlier, obviously this was despite a 3 month contribution from the acquired RH & KR businesses. Is the majority of the drop in turnover attributed to reduced tendered work at Diamond and the loss of NX coach work by Flights Hallmark? Wessex & Preston both appear to be growing.
4. Do Rotala Plc anticipate / have sufficient headroom to make any further acquisitions or plan to setup in any new areas prior to year end?
5. Are the 15 vehicles you have made an offer for all the from a batch? or made up of a number of types?
6. Do you currently anticipate retaining Church Road depot in Redditch after the current lease expires?
7. Do the 4 x 13 plate B7RLE/Wright @ Tividale i.e. 30940-30943 form Rotala Plc's commitment to the Brierley Hill BBA bid? Or are others new buses due?
1. I believe some were built in 2009.
2. The Scania's are too big for the Contracts or not new enough for replacing the 57 plates.
3. In the Interim Announcement which is available on our Plc Web site, it gives a list of areas were the revenue has dropped. The West Midlands features on that list, but the poor weather has contributed also.
4. Yes
5. We have recieved feed back today from the manufacturer. Of the batch some are New, 1 year old and 3 years old. We are not interested in the price on the 3 year old kit. We believe there is better value in the New and 1 year old, we are at present still negotiating the final price.
6. At the present moment in time to service the fleet, Church Road is required. We have 3 options, 1 maintain the current position, 2. Invest in the current depot, extend the workshop and facilities. 3. Move somewhere different altogether. Now we have the OFT result, we need to review and consider our options.
7. We are not part of any BBA bid.
Quote from: trident4370 on August 29, 2013, 10:30:40 PM
Hi Simon, Thanks for joining the forum and taking our questions. I have 3 questions that aren't really that "constructive", I am just asking for personal curiosity! Firstly now that 30804 is the only nifty fifty left, are there any plans to re-upgrade the 50 or will it continue to be a mish mash of any buses? Secondly I remember a while back you trialled a 35E service but the service seemed very short lived, I just wondered now that competition on the 50 has stepped up, would it be a considerable option to re introduce the 35 service to boost Diamonds overall frequency between Moseley/KH and Birmingham and combine day ticket options? Finally have Diamond ever looked at operating on the Outer Circle in the past or recently?
Looking forward to your reply!
1. 50 Service - What we currently do is under review.
2. 35E - I am not sure I remember this service. What was it?
3. No.
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 30, 2013, 10:17:50 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 30, 2013, 07:30:37 AM
Quote from: Ash on August 29, 2013, 07:20:28 PM
15 vehicles and I think the PVR for the 4/4H/4M is 15, but guess any new acquired buses will be for Redditch unless any buses for Tividale will allow buses such as the 30832-4 and 30940-3 to move to Redditch.
Will any of the cadets get repainted into the new diamond livery as i guess the 51 and 02 reg ones are DDA compliant.
We need to acquire a few spare buses for the South West, however our main focus is Redditch/Kidderminster. It may be that having acquired something it may make sense to re-shuffle things. Until we know what we are doing it is difficult to comment.
Our priority in terms of painting is the Redditch/Kidderminster fleet we are keeping, and the new buses we have inbound for everywhere else.
It really does sound like wessex is doing well at the moment with further contract wins etc and glad to hear that potentially 15 more buses will be acquired for the rotala group and some for redditch and kidderminster.
Would it be fair to say that the 15 buses are of the longer single deck variety and a type already operated?
Also, could similar to what happened in november 2011 to the central connect fleet-could all references to red diamond/black diamond/blue diamond be removed even if buses aren't repainted to give a more unified branding across the fleet?
Could fleet numberings be tidied up a bit-for instance all MPDs put in the 2050. series and buses of a similar type all put together?
In time, will all the plaxton primos be sold-are they just not as good as solos-just interested as never actually been on one
1. Of the buses we are looking at, they are all either 37 or 40 plus seats.
2. The intention over time is that the fleet moves to all Blue
3. It will be difficult to re-label fleet numbers, unless there is something which is in just wrongly in the wrong sequence.
4. I believe the Mercedes Engine Solo is the best small bus. We have some primo's left and we are working at putting them all into fleet.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 30, 2013, 06:11:00 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 30, 2013, 10:17:50 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 30, 2013, 07:30:37 AM
Quote from: Ash on August 29, 2013, 07:20:28 PM
15 vehicles and I think the PVR for the 4/4H/4M is 15, but guess any new acquired buses will be for Redditch unless any buses for Tividale will allow buses such as the 30832-4 and 30940-3 to move to Redditch.
Will any of the cadets get repainted into the new diamond livery as i guess the 51 and 02 reg ones are DDA compliant.
We need to acquire a few spare buses for the South West, however our main focus is Redditch/Kidderminster. It may be that having acquired something it may make sense to re-shuffle things. Until we know what we are doing it is difficult to comment.
Our priority in terms of painting is the Redditch/Kidderminster fleet we are keeping, and the new buses we have inbound for everywhere else.
It really does sound like wessex is doing well at the moment with further contract wins etc and glad to hear that potentially 15 more buses will be acquired for the rotala group and some for redditch and kidderminster.
Would it be fair to say that the 15 buses are of the longer single deck variety and a type already operated?
Also, could similar to what happened in november 2011 to the central connect fleet-could all references to red diamond/black diamond/blue diamond be removed even if buses aren't repainted to give a more unified branding across the fleet?
Could fleet numberings be tidied up a bit-for instance all MPDs put in the 2050. series and buses of a similar type all put together?
In time, will all the plaxton primos be sold-are they just not as good as solos-just interested as never actually been on one
1. Of the buses we are looking at, they are all either 37 or 40 plus seats.
2. The intention over time is that the fleet moves to all Blue
3. It will be difficult to re-label fleet numbers, unless there is something which is in just wrongly in the wrong sequence.
4. I believe the Mercedes Engine Solo is the best small bus. We have some primo's left and we are working at putting them all into fleet.
1. So some adl e200s and e300s are on the way then or possibly streetlites/versas-not b7rles
2. great as the blue looks smart
3. Just thinking of 21009 which seems a bit of a random choice of number as it suggests it is non-dda?
4. I agree with you from a passenger perspective and when you say we are working at putting them all into fleet-does that mean some are going to re-enter service?
Thanks again
You definitely need a fleet name irrespective of livery!
Mind you NX are only just starting to get their bum into gear on this anyway.
There is a Black Diamond single decker still floating round with branding for a long withdrawn Walsall to Willenhall 529 every 12 mins.
Quote from: Westy on August 30, 2013, 07:08:38 PM
You definitely need a fleet name irrespective of livery!
Mind you NX are only just starting to get their bum into gear on this anyway.
There is a Black Diamond single decker still floating round with branding for a long withdrawn Walsall to Willenhall 529 every 12 mins.
Not any more-havent seen T443 EBD for a while actually
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 30, 2013, 07:17:09 PM
Quote from: Westy on August 30, 2013, 07:08:38 PM
You definitely need a fleet name irrespective of livery!
Mind you NX are only just starting to get their bum into gear on this anyway.
There is a Black Diamond single decker still floating round with branding for a long withdrawn Walsall to Willenhall 529 every 12 mins.
Not any more-havent seen T443 EBD for a while actually
Sure I saw one the other day in Walsall.
Quote from: Westy on August 30, 2013, 07:21:45 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 30, 2013, 07:17:09 PM
Quote from: Westy on August 30, 2013, 07:08:38 PM
You definitely need a fleet name irrespective of livery!
Mind you NX are only just starting to get their bum into gear on this anyway.
There is a Black Diamond single decker still floating round with branding for a long withdrawn Walsall to Willenhall 529 every 12 mins.
Not any more-havent seen T443 EBD for a while actually
Sure I saw one the other day in Walsall.
Oh right not saying you didnt tbf just I personally havent been on it since the end of july
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 30, 2013, 06:04:29 PM
Quote from: trident4370 on August 29, 2013, 10:30:40 PM
Hi Simon, Thanks for joining the forum and taking our questions. I have 3 questions that aren't really that "constructive", I am just asking for personal curiosity! Firstly now that 30804 is the only nifty fifty left, are there any plans to re-upgrade the 50 or will it continue to be a mish mash of any buses? Secondly I remember a while back you trialled a 35E service but the service seemed very short lived, I just wondered now that competition on the 50 has stepped up, would it be a considerable option to re introduce the 35 service to boost Diamonds overall frequency between Moseley/KH and Birmingham and combine day ticket options? Finally have Diamond ever looked at operating on the Outer Circle in the past or recently?
Looking forward to your reply!
1. 50 Service - What we currently do is under review.
2. 35E - I am not sure I remember this service. What was it?
3. No.
Thanks for the reply Simon, I am glad the 50 is getting some attention! The 35E was the Birmingham - Pool Farm section of the NX 35 but I don't think it was run for more than a couple of months before it was gone again, I know it was back when the 178 also topped up the services through Balsall Heath/Moseley, and it was usually Royale operated. ( )
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 30, 2013, 07:23:45 PM
Quote from: Westy on August 30, 2013, 07:21:45 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 30, 2013, 07:17:09 PM
Quote from: Westy on August 30, 2013, 07:08:38 PM
You definitely need a fleet name irrespective of livery!
Mind you NX are only just starting to get their bum into gear on this anyway.
There is a Black Diamond single decker still floating round with branding for a long withdrawn Walsall to Willenhall 529 every 12 mins.
Not any more-havent seen T443 EBD for a while actually
Sure I saw one the other day in Walsall.
Oh right not saying you didnt tbf just I personally havent been on it since the end of july
Remember seeing that in Dudley recently, on 42 I think.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 30, 2013, 06:01:25 PM
1. I believe some were built in 2009.
2. The Scania's are too big for the Contracts or not new enough for replacing the 57 plates.
3. In the Interim Announcement which is available on our Plc Web site, it gives a list of areas were the revenue has dropped. The West Midlands features on that list, but the poor weather has contributed also.
4. Yes
5. We have recieved feed back today from the manufacturer. Of the batch some are New, 1 year old and 3 years old. We are not interested in the price on the 3 year old kit. We believe there is better value in the New and 1 year old, we are at present still negotiating the final price.
6. At the present moment in time to service the fleet, Church Road is required. We have 3 options, 1 maintain the current position, 2. Invest in the current depot, extend the workshop and facilities. 3. Move somewhere different altogether. Now we have the OFT result, we need to review and consider our options.
7. We are not part of any BBA bid.
Thanks for all your replies,
3. I've seen the Interim report, the turnover is broken down in to Contracted / Commercial & Charter Services, it isn't broken down to show the performance of each subsiduary company - on a side note the Rotala Plc website will also need to be updated to remove the Blue / Black & Red Diamond logo's off the home page & combine the three businesses under the 'Our Companies' section to combine the three buses under just Diamond.
5. Sounds promising with further new/nearly new buses if it comes off
6. Would I be correct in saying that Plymouth Road depot has very little spare land surrounding it that can be be used to increase the depot capacity & engineering facilities? Could the Kidderminster depot facilities not be utilized more to reduced costs of Church Road? As it seems that KR depot is only at a third to half capacity maximum. Does the lease on Church Road have much longer to run? Another potential issue on vacating Church Road is that you could leave Diamond vunerable to a new entrant in to the Redditch market with a purpose built bus depot available for use/lease......
7. Weblink for Brierley Hill Better Bus Network Transformation BBA Bid Submission Bus
On page 6 it states the following:
A4. Total package cost (£m):£10.0m (£1 local contribution for every £1 from DfT)
A5. Total DfT funding contribution sought (£m):£5.0m (£3m capital and £2m revenue)
A5. Source of local contribution:£1.5m from Westfield Shoppingtowns Limited as a contribution towards the
state of the art Merry Hill Bus Station
£1.3m from Centro (Transforming Bus Travel Partnership fund) as a
contribution towards upgrading the strategic bus routes and highway network
detailed in A4
£2.2m from National Express and Rotala for new buses on strategic corridorsNX have delivered new E200's for the 222 which was believed to be their share of the above commitment, are Rotala Plc no longer involved?
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 30, 2013, 07:17:09 PM
Quote from: Westy on August 30, 2013, 07:08:38 PM
You definitely need a fleet name irrespective of livery!
Mind you NX are only just starting to get their bum into gear on this anyway.
There is a Black Diamond single decker still floating round with branding for a long withdrawn Walsall to Willenhall 529 every 12 mins.
Not any more-havent seen T443 EBD for a while actually
It was on the 4 a couple of days ago.
Quote from: andy on August 28, 2013, 07:10:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 06:50:54 AM
3. There are two reasons why
1. We expected the Competition Commission report, to have a greater impact on the Multi-Operator ticketing in the West Midlands. It didn't.
Here we have it from the horse's mouth..... this is why no operator will ever make any serious inroads into NX's monopoly. And why Rotala in particular chooses to make its investment and concentrate it resources in other areas, where they can actually achieve a decent market share. I don't think people realise how much of a monopoly NX have achieved via the lack of multi operator ticketing in this area. It simply doesn't happen anywhere else.
I worked at Long Acre before i moved out of Birmingham and whe Central Connect did the 17's 37's and 97's NXWM didnt like it . We carried so many in the peaks, passengers loved it as our lil Darts would get them from A to B quicker and with less hassle than NXWM. The livery designs were good too. Its a shame that NXWM have such a hold on the area, passengers and enthusiasts think this is great but in reality its pants. Theres so much potential with Rotala if no one believes me then just look at their Preston operations.
Quote from: dayvid on August 30, 2013, 10:55:38 PM
Quote from: andy on August 28, 2013, 07:10:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 06:50:54 AM
3. There are two reasons why
1. We expected the Competition Commission report, to have a greater impact on the Multi-Operator ticketing in the West Midlands. It didn't.
Here we have it from the horse's mouth..... this is why no operator will ever make any serious inroads into NX's monopoly. And why Rotala in particular chooses to make its investment and concentrate it resources in other areas, where they can actually achieve a decent market share. I don't think people realise how much of a monopoly NX have achieved via the lack of multi operator ticketing in this area. It simply doesn't happen anywhere else.
I worked at Long Acre before i moved out of Birmingham and whe Central Connect did the 17's 37's and 97's NXWM didnt like it . We carried so many in the peaks, passengers loved it as our lil Darts would get them from A to B quicker and with less hassle than NXWM. The livery designs were good too. Its a shame that NXWM have such a hold on the area, passengers and enthusiasts think this is great but in reality its pants. Theres so much potential with Rotala if no one believes me then just look at their Preston operations.
Dayvid, where those routes not that busy during the daytime then? I can only assume the revenue earn't during the peaks alone wasn't enough to warrant keeping the routes going hence they're eventual withdrawal
Quote from: Westy on August 30, 2013, 07:08:38 PM
There is a Black Diamond single decker still floating round with branding for a long withdrawn Walsall to Willenhall 529 every 12 mins.
T443EBD. I lost count of the number of times I reported that it was still carrying 529E branding - only to find it still intact the next time!
Quote from: dayvid on August 30, 2013, 10:55:38 PM
I worked at Long Acre before i moved out of Birmingham and whe Central Connect did the 17's 37's and 97's NXWM didnt like it . We carried so many in the peaks, passengers loved it as our lil Darts would get them from A to B quicker and with less hassle than NXWM. The livery designs were good too.
Quite. Although I wasn't overly keen on orange for the 97, they could be seen & picked out from a fair distance, which certainly helped. It was a shame that the three routes mentioned were allowed to peter out. Pulling back to Tile Cross from Marston Green & alternate trips back to Olton on the 37 sounded the death knell for these two (IMO). I'm still stunned that no-one else has since tried their luck on the 97 though.
I am aware that Simon is of the opinion that Drivers can monitor themselves, unfortunately that wasn't the case towards the end. Still, at least I enjoyed doing my little bit & wish Rotala all the best in the future.
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on August 31, 2013, 01:27:31 AM
Quite. Although I wasn't overly keen on orange for the 97, they could be seen & picked out from a fair distance, which certainly helped. It was a shame that the three routes mentioned were allowed to peter out. Pulling back to Tile Cross from Marston Green & alternate trips back to Olton on the 37 sounded the death knell for these two (IMO). I'm still stunned that no-one else has since tried their luck on the 97 though.
I am aware that Simon is of the opinion that Drivers can monitor themselves, unfortunately that wasn't the case towards the end. Still, at least I enjoyed doing my little bit & wish Rotala all the best in the future.
Who else is there to have a go on the 97 other than possibly Claribels? Do they have capacity at their depot to expand any further?
Quote from: Winston on August 31, 2013, 01:33:16 AM
Who else is there to have a go on the 97 other than possibly Claribels? Do they have capacity at their depot to expand any further?
1) Names have been put forward. Some spoof, some have thought about it.
2) Nope, full to the brim at current premises. Possible to outstation more at Airparks I suppose.
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on August 31, 2013, 02:54:28 AM
Quote from: Winston on August 31, 2013, 01:33:16 AM
Who else is there to have a go on the 97 other than possibly Claribels? Do they have capacity at their depot to expand any further?
1) Names have been put forward. Some spoof, some have thought about it.
Yes, I remember being told that Arriva were going on the 97s last year....still waiting!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 29, 2013, 04:49:24 PM
Quote from: bewminster on August 28, 2013, 09:19:41 PM
Love the new style rotala branding eg for summer sale!! Next time, could this be put by the entrance to buses or at the bottom of the windscreen to advertise it a bit more? Think this was the only point of mine that you missed but just to say Im a huge fan of the current "style" if thats the right word? The redditch guides and timetables are absolutely spot on and in my view industry leading but is there one for kidderminster and other routes other than redditch/247/142/143? Could some be made for birmingham routes
Also, don't know to what extent you were involved with diamond buses in the early days of rotala ownership but I've got timetables for diamond 144/002/56 and connect 10/904/37/17/97/119. Were any other timetables produced out of interest-if you don't know this no worries-but Im thinking 301/404 as it was then or anything else and does rotala still have copies of these old timetables printed and possibly available to those of us who collect anything diamond buses
Cheers and Im sorry if the quoting thing has gone crazy!!!
Thanks very much for reading this and best of luck with improving diamond buses in the coming months
1. E300's. Yes, we are pleased with what we have acquired.
2. W90*JNF - The none operational buses, I believe are beyond economical repair.
3. There is a Kidderminster guide. If you send me your address offline, I will post you one.
I am sorry I have mixed up the responses. If I have missed anything let me know.
may I say your guide for the Kidderminster local services and x3 it is good to have a proper guide
again rather than printout from the Worcestershire hub Kidderminster it would be nice if there was a guide that had the out of town 133/292/294/295/303 services
If you send me your address I can arrange to have all timetables sent to you.
many thanks for taking time out of your busy day to send the timetables to me
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on August 31, 2013, 02:54:28 AM
Quote from: Winston on August 31, 2013, 01:33:16 AM
Who else is there to have a go on the 97 other than possibly Claribels? Do they have capacity at their depot to expand any further?
1) Names have been put forward. Some spoof, some have thought about it.
2) Nope, full to the brim at current premises. Possible to outstation more at Airparks I suppose.
Cheers Dave,
I thought that was case with Claribels depot
Quote from: Tony on August 31, 2013, 07:11:25 AM
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on August 31, 2013, 02:54:28 AM
Quote from: Winston on August 31, 2013, 01:33:16 AM
Who else is there to have a go on the 97 other than possibly Claribels? Do they have capacity at their depot to expand any further?
1) Names have been put forward. Some spoof, some have thought about it.
Yes, I remember being told that Arriva were going on the 97s last year....still waiting!
Arriva don't seem very intent of starting a bus war with NX at the moment, and obviously took fright at NX's Cannock tender wins....
It's not the first time they have thought about running the 97 though. A fair few years ago they actually registered the 96 as it was then, this was at the time when Serverse ran the 96/97 against TWM. They ended up cancelling the registration when Serverse threatened an all out bus war in Tamworth matching Arriva bus for bus on the entire town network.
IMHO if they chose to run the 97 now then NX would just do what Serverse threatened & take Tamworth off the, so I doubt they would take the risk.
Quote from: Steveminor on August 31, 2013, 04:36:17 PM
It's not the first time they have thought about running the 97 though. A fair few years ago they actually registered the 96 as it was then, this was at the time when Serverse ran the 96/97 against TWM. They ended up cancelling the registration when Serverse threatened an all out bus war in Tamworth matching Arriva bus for bus on the entire town network.
IMHO if they chose to run the 97 now then NX would just do what Serverse threatened & take Tamworth off the, so I doubt they would take the risk.
That is one of the big problems that Arriva have should they decide to go head to head against NX. NX could retaliate in Arriva strongholds such as Telford (from WN), Tamworth (from PB) & Cannock (from WA). Judging by their reaction to NX winning Cannock tenders, I doubt they'll now make a move......
I think we may see rotala taking more tentative steps with competing with NX for the same reason.
It wouldn't take much for NX to cruise down the road to redditch or Kidderminster.
In fact let's ask Simon.
What is your position now towards defending your new territories, would you now look at less competition with the big groups to try & prevent them attacking you or is it still fair game to attack NX & the like?
Quote from: Steveminor on August 31, 2013, 04:36:17 PM
It's not the first time they have thought about running the 97 though. A fair few years ago they actually registered the 96 as it was then, this was at the time when Serverse ran the 96/97 against TWM. They ended up cancelling the registration when Serverse threatened an all out bus war in Tamworth matching Arriva bus for bus on the entire town network.
IMHO if they chose to run the 97 now then NX would just do what Serverse threatened & take Tamworth off the, so I doubt they would take the risk.
I love the constant assertions on here that any old Tom Dick or Harry can just roll up in an Arriva area and take over it, and that Arriva will never make any moves in the market 'just incase....'
What a load of balderdash. Do you want me to list the operators that have engaged Arriva in Tamworth and been blown out of the water?
Quote from: dayvid on August 30, 2013, 10:55:38 PM
Quote from: andy on August 28, 2013, 07:10:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2013, 06:50:54 AM
3. There are two reasons why
1. We expected the Competition Commission report, to have a greater impact on the Multi-Operator ticketing in the West Midlands. It didn't.
Here we have it from the horse's mouth..... this is why no operator will ever make any serious inroads into NX's monopoly. And why Rotala in particular chooses to make its investment and concentrate it resources in other areas, where they can actually achieve a decent market share. I don't think people realise how much of a monopoly NX have achieved via the lack of multi operator ticketing in this area. It simply doesn't happen anywhere else.
I worked at Long Acre before i moved out of Birmingham and whe Central Connect did the 17's 37's and 97's NXWM didnt like it . We carried so many in the peaks, passengers loved it as our lil Darts would get them from A to B quicker and with less hassle than NXWM. The livery designs were good too. Its a shame that NXWM have such a hold on the area, passengers and enthusiasts think this is great but in reality its pants. Theres so much potential with Rotala if no one believes me then just look at their Preston operations.
I would have said that the 17/97 did a lot lot better than the 37 and I know I always used to catch central connect instead of nx on these routes as they were just far more pleasant to travel on-cleaner, faster and no people smoking weed on the routes which is always nice. Connect drivers were and still are nice and the liveries eye catching-I think the rotala effort on these routes was textbook-just a shame it went downhill so fast-replacing the darts with solos may have been a good plan but really they are too small and the livery easily missed-if you're competing, a smart bit boring livery-like the blue-doesnt seem to be what you want. You want something bold, bright and noticable even if it doesnt look great. And I agree-their monopoly isnt at all good. And finally someone agrees with me!! I do believe rotala have a lot of potential and have achieved a lot since their formation.
Quote from: Winston on August 31, 2013, 04:42:33 PM
Quote from: Steveminor on August 31, 2013, 04:36:17 PM
It's not the first time they have thought about running the 97 though. A fair few years ago they actually registered the 96 as it was then, this was at the time when Serverse ran the 96/97 against TWM. They ended up cancelling the registration when Serverse threatened an all out bus war in Tamworth matching Arriva bus for bus on the entire town network.
IMHO if they chose to run the 97 now then NX would just do what Serverse threatened & take Tamworth off the, so I doubt they would take the risk.
That is one of the big problems that Arriva have should they decide to go head to head against NX. NX could retaliate in Arriva strongholds such as Telford (from WN), Tamworth (from PB) & Cannock (from WA). Judging by their reaction to NX winning Cannock tenders, I doubt they'll now make a move......
Don't NX have capacity issues in Brum anyway?
A few what would've been Perry Barr routes are now operated by Walsall thesedays!
Dead mileage issues maybe too?
Quote from: andy on September 01, 2013, 11:07:28 AM
Quote from: Steveminor on August 31, 2013, 04:36:17 PM
It's not the first time they have thought about running the 97 though. A fair few years ago they actually registered the 96 as it was then, this was at the time when Serverse ran the 96/97 against TWM. They ended up cancelling the registration when Serverse threatened an all out bus war in Tamworth matching Arriva bus for bus on the entire town network.
IMHO if they chose to run the 97 now then NX would just do what Serverse threatened & take Tamworth off the, so I doubt they would take the risk.
I love the constant assertions on here that any old Tom Dick or Harry can just roll up in an Arriva area and take over it, and that Arriva will never make any moves in the market 'just incase....'
What a load of balderdash. Do you want me to list the operators that have engaged Arriva in Tamworth and been blown out of the water?
Andy, but any old Tom Dick or Harry can roll up in an Arriva area, just they they could in an NX area. I was purely going on Arriva's reaction to the NX Cannock tender wins, they've effectively blocked NX from entering Cannock by taking on journey's commercially that they previously wanted support for
The majority of the attacks in Tamworth in the past have come from smaller independent that don't have the finance to throw at any new operation that the big groups have, anyhow it's probably unlikely to happen anyway.
Quote from: Westy on September 01, 2013, 12:20:32 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 31, 2013, 04:42:33 PM
Quote from: Steveminor on August 31, 2013, 04:36:17 PM
It's not the first time they have thought about running the 97 though. A fair few years ago they actually registered the 96 as it was then, this was at the time when Serverse ran the 96/97 against TWM. They ended up cancelling the registration when Serverse threatened an all out bus war in Tamworth matching Arriva bus for bus on the entire town network.
IMHO if they chose to run the 97 now then NX would just do what Serverse threatened & take Tamworth off the, so I doubt they would take the risk.
That is one of the big problems that Arriva have should they decide to go head to head against NX. NX could retaliate in Arriva strongholds such as Telford (from WN), Tamworth (from PB) & Cannock (from WA). Judging by their reaction to NX winning Cannock tenders, I doubt they'll now make a move......
Don't NX have capacity issues in Brum anyway?
A few what would've been Perry Barr routes are now operated by Walsall thesedays!
Dead mileage issues maybe too?
PB are full to the brim, but things can always be moved around show the need arise, WN & WA should both have capacity. It's is more than likely than such a thing would ever happen now, as war bus wars are a thing of the past & generally the big groups don't normally tread on each other toe's.
Dead mileage would be cheaper than setting up an new base local to any new operating area
Quote from: Tony on August 31, 2013, 07:11:25 AM
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on August 31, 2013, 02:54:28 AM
Quote from: Winston on August 31, 2013, 01:33:16 AM
Who else is there to have a go on the 97 other than possibly Claribels? Do they have capacity at their depot to expand any further?
1) Names have been put forward. Some spoof, some have thought about it.
Yes, I remember being told that Arriva were going on the 97s last year....still waiting!
Tony i heard the exact same rumour
Quote from: Winston on September 01, 2013, 12:32:04 PM
The majority of the attacks in Tamworth in the past have come from smaller independent that don't have the finance to throw at any new operation that the big groups have, anyhow it's probably unlikely to happen anyway.
And that is the point Winston. All out bus wars are far too expensive for large bus groups with shareholders to answer to, and generally result in very little long term gain. I can't ever see NX and Arriva properly engaging each other in such a way. The furthest this will go is the odd bit of tit for tat on largely worthless tenders such as the Cannock episode. Every now and then they will clash over a tender that both went for, but 9 times out of 10 only one operator or the other will have been interested in the tender.
Each operator will give a little and take a little. The exercise is all about market share, not predominance. And the same will apply with Rotala now that they appear to have given up on the commercial challenge to NX while the scandal of Centro's cosy relationship with them remains not dealt with.
Quote from: andy on September 01, 2013, 01:03:38 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 01, 2013, 12:32:04 PM
The majority of the attacks in Tamworth in the past have come from smaller independent that don't have the finance to throw at any new operation that the big groups have, anyhow it's probably unlikely to happen anyway.
And that is the point Winston. All out bus wars are far too expensive for large bus groups with shareholders to answer to, and generally result in very little long term gain. I can't ever see NX and Arriva properly engaging each other in such a way. The furthest this will go is the odd bit of tit for tat on largely worthless tenders such as the Cannock episode. Every now and then they will clash over a tender that both went for, but 9 times out of 10 only one operator or the other will have been interested in the tender.
Each operator will give a little and take a little. The exercise is all about market share, not predominance. And the same will apply with Rotala now that they appear to have given up on the commercial challenge to NX while the scandal of Centro's cosy relationship with them remains not dealt with.
I don't think rotala have given up at all-they have just faced up for the fact that no listed company can make a return and invest by competing on routes like the 97 dominated by NX. Not to say they arent profitable, but they aren't sufficiently profitable to ensure consistent investment in new buses etc. Smaller operators with lower overheads can but rotala are trapped in the sense that gwm were as well-they are essentially operating routes run by small companies like petes with leased buses and low costs with their own buses which are heavier and possibly use more fuel with larger overheads. Thats the problem and as ever Andy I agree about NX and centro-when rotala entered the WM they had started to change that, as cento nominated them for that award they got and there was a lot of publicity with centro but now things seem to have returned to how they were.....
Quote from: andy on September 01, 2013, 01:03:38 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 01, 2013, 12:32:04 PM
The majority of the attacks in Tamworth in the past have come from smaller independent that don't have the finance to throw at any new operation that the big groups have, anyhow it's probably unlikely to happen anyway.
And that is the point Winston. All out bus wars are far too expensive for large bus groups with shareholders to answer to, and generally result in very little long term gain. I can't ever see NX and Arriva properly engaging each other in such a way. The furthest this will go is the odd bit of tit for tat on largely worthless tenders such as the Cannock episode. Every now and then they will clash over a tender that both went for, but 9 times out of 10 only one operator or the other will have been interested in the tender.
Each operator will give a little and take a little. The exercise is all about market share, not predominance. And the same will apply with Rotala now that they appear to have given up on the commercial challenge to NX while the scandal of Centro's cosy relationship with them remains not dealt with.
Andy, agreed it is unlikely that it would ever be more than a potential threat than a reality, bus wars were a thing of the 1990's when costs were much lower i.e. fuel/insurance etc not in the current climate. As you say the bigger groups have the odd spat here & there but no setting up on each other's patch generally.
As Simon has confirmed the competition commission have looked in to the local bus market with case studies by Rotala but haven't deemed it necessary to intervene in the West Midlands with NX's market share/ dominance etc
Quote from: Winston on September 01, 2013, 01:13:18 PM
Quote from: andy on September 01, 2013, 01:03:38 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 01, 2013, 12:32:04 PM
The majority of the attacks in Tamworth in the past have come from smaller independent that don't have the finance to throw at any new operation that the big groups have, anyhow it's probably unlikely to happen anyway.
And that is the point Winston. All out bus wars are far too expensive for large bus groups with shareholders to answer to, and generally result in very little long term gain. I can't ever see NX and Arriva properly engaging each other in such a way. The furthest this will go is the odd bit of tit for tat on largely worthless tenders such as the Cannock episode. Every now and then they will clash over a tender that both went for, but 9 times out of 10 only one operator or the other will have been interested in the tender.
Each operator will give a little and take a little. The exercise is all about market share, not predominance. And the same will apply with Rotala now that they appear to have given up on the commercial challenge to NX while the scandal of Centro's cosy relationship with them remains not dealt with.
Andy, agreed it is unlikely that it would ever be more than a potential threat than a reality, bus wars were a thing of the 1990's when costs were much lower i.e. fuel/insurance etc not in the current climate. As you say the bigger groups have the odd spat here & there but no setting up on each other's patch generally.
As Simon has confirmed the competition commission have looked in to the local bus market with case studies by Rotala but haven't deemed it necessary to intervene in the West Midlands with NX's market share/ dominance etc
Things can always change though-who's to say that in 2015 if(when) labour gain power that we couldnt even see reregulation? I wouldnt be in favour of it but it could happen quite possibly with all what is going on in tyne and wear. And if we're honest, has the competition commission ever done anything useful in the transport world? I think not-that report they did wasted a lot of money and said absolutely nothing. Personally, I'd far rather listen to Roger French than anyone from the cc as he offers and has offered in brighton practical proposals to get people using buses.
Quote from: Westy on August 29, 2013, 08:55:04 PM
Why don't you make a timetable leaflet available for the Walsall 301, as the Network WM one only features the NX one? (And put them in Walsall Bus Station travel office. If Arriva can manage it, surely you can too?)
Ever thought about going onto the Walsall 302 as a 'compliment' to the 301?
I used to be able to use my NX pass & pay 50p to use your buses, which came in useful on several occasions.
How come you stopped it?
Surely it would put more bums on seats?
There should be timetable leaflets for the 301, I will correct this
No we haven't. Why do you believe the 301 will compliment the 301?
The NX travel card is one of the barrier to entry in the West Midlands. By allowing people to pay 50 pence, we are were re-enforcing its value. Ultimately there is a multi-operator travel card and we would prefer for people to acquire this.
In addition, accepting travel at 50 pence per passenger this would have a negative impact on concessionary fares reimbursement for all passengers.
Quote from: Winston on August 30, 2013, 07:58:26 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 30, 2013, 06:01:25 PM
1. I believe some were built in 2009.
2. The Scania's are too big for the Contracts or not new enough for replacing the 57 plates.
3. In the Interim Announcement which is available on our Plc Web site, it gives a list of areas were the revenue has dropped. The West Midlands features on that list, but the poor weather has contributed also.
4. Yes
5. We have recieved feed back today from the manufacturer. Of the batch some are New, 1 year old and 3 years old. We are not interested in the price on the 3 year old kit. We believe there is better value in the New and 1 year old, we are at present still negotiating the final price.
6. At the present moment in time to service the fleet, Church Road is required. We have 3 options, 1 maintain the current position, 2. Invest in the current depot, extend the workshop and facilities. 3. Move somewhere different altogether. Now we have the OFT result, we need to review and consider our options.
7. We are not part of any BBA bid.
Thanks for all your replies,
3. I've seen the Interim report, the turnover is broken down in to Contracted / Commercial & Charter Services, it isn't broken down to show the performance of each subsiduary company - on a side note the Rotala Plc website will also need to be updated to remove the Blue / Black & Red Diamond logo's off the home page & combine the three businesses under the 'Our Companies' section to combine the three buses under just Diamond.
5. Sounds promising with further new/nearly new buses if it comes off
6. Would I be correct in saying that Plymouth Road depot has very little spare land surrounding it that can be be used to increase the depot capacity & engineering facilities? Could the Kidderminster depot facilities not be utilized more to reduced costs of Church Road? As it seems that KR depot is only at a third to half capacity maximum. Does the lease on Church Road have much longer to run? Another potential issue on vacating Church Road is that you could leave Diamond vunerable to a new entrant in to the Redditch market with a purpose built bus depot available for use/lease......
7. Weblink for Brierley Hill Better Bus Network Transformation BBA Bid Submission Bus
On page 6 it states the following:
A4. Total package cost (£m):
£10.0m (£1 local contribution for every £1 from DfT)
A5. Total DfT funding contribution sought (£m):
£5.0m (£3m capital and £2m revenue)
A5. Source of local contribution:
£1.5m from Westfield Shoppingtowns Limited as a contribution towards the
state of the art Merry Hill Bus Station
£1.3m from Centro (Transforming Bus Travel Partnership fund) as a
contribution towards upgrading the strategic bus routes and highway network
detailed in A4
£2.2m from National Express and Rotala for new buses on strategic corridors
NX have delivered new E200's for the 222 which was believed to be their share of the above commitment, are Rotala Plc no longer involved?
3. Financial accounting standards unable me to be more specific due to rules around segmental reporting. Sorry. I agree the website needs to be changed
6. The depot is large enough to develop. Although you could undertake additional work at Kidderminster. Our present view is that Plymouth Road is too small without some form of development to even undertake running repairs. Church Road (from memory) has 18 months to run.
7. There was some discussion around this, but there is no commitment on our behalf.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 02, 2013, 08:01:55 AM
3. Financial accounting standards unable me to be more specific due to rules around segmental reporting. Sorry. I agree the website needs to be changed
6. The depot is large enough to develop. Although you could undertake additional work at Kidderminster. Our present view is that Plymouth Road is too small without some form of development to even undertake running repairs. Church Road (from memory) has 18 months to run.
7. There was some discussion around this, but there is no commitment on our behalf.
Simon, thanks for all your responses ;)
Quote from: Steveminor on August 31, 2013, 06:29:54 PM
I think we may see rotala taking more tentative steps with competing with NX for the same reason.
It wouldn't take much for NX to cruise down the road to redditch or Kidderminster.
In fact let's ask Simon.
What is your position now towards defending your new territories, would you now look at less competition with the big groups to try & prevent them attacking you or is it still fair game to attack NX & the like?
The threat of Competition does not affect in anyway, our thoughts or actions on what we will do.
MPD on the 4H this morning-is there a vehicle shortage at tividale at the moment as really MPDs are way too small for this route
Is MX08NNU VOR at the moment as I havent seen it for ages-my last photo is sometime in june!
Are the primos going to re-enter service
Where is W335VGX as again havent seen that for a long while
Just noticed the fleet changes on the main site. Are there solos to come and any news about the 15 buses rotala put in a bid for. Why has an esteem been sold out of interest?
Hi Simon,
Are you able to confirm who the Levantes have been sold too?
Interesting that the 3 x 59 plate Centros are the ex Go Whippet that operate on the guided busway, are these available immediately or are you having to wait for Go Whippet to receive new busway vehicles first?
Hi Simon, Have you ever considered introducing a sunday service on the 002 with it being a popular service mon-sat and Merry Hill being as busy if not busier on a Sunday. Also may be extending the finishing time of the service monday-saturday.
The 4M mon-sat is every hour and when I have caught the service seems quite well used are there any plans to increasing the frequency may be to every 30 minutes.
Thank You.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 02, 2013, 07:55:30 AM
Quote from: Westy on August 29, 2013, 08:55:04 PM
Why don't you make a timetable leaflet available for the Walsall 301, as the Network WM one only features the NX one? (And put them in Walsall Bus Station travel office. If Arriva can manage it, surely you can too?)
Ever thought about going onto the Walsall 302 as a 'compliment' to the 301?
I used to be able to use my NX pass & pay 50p to use your buses, which came in useful on several occasions.
How come you stopped it?
Surely it would put more bums on seats?
There should be timetable leaflets for the 301, I will correct this
No we haven't. Why do you believe the 301 will compliment the 301?
The NX travel card is one of the barrier to entry in the West Midlands. By allowing people to pay 50 pence, we are were re-enforcing its value. Ultimately there is a multi-operator travel card and we would prefer for people to acquire this.
In addition, accepting travel at 50 pence per passenger this would have a negative impact on concessionary fares reimbursement for all passengers.
How come you never appeared on the Network WM version of the 301 leaflet?
The reason I ask about the 302 is a friend of mine has issues with the reliability of the NX journeys on that service.
( The local perception is that the 301 tends to be looked after better compared with the 302. 302 buses tend to go 'missing' more than 301's)
Where would you find lost property?
Quote from: dgss1 on September 03, 2013, 06:43:12 PM
Where would you find lost property?
The depot which operates the route
Quote from: dgss1 on September 03, 2013, 06:43:12 PM
Where would you find lost property?
Wherever you left it. Ber-boom!
Seriously, give (0121) 322 2222 a ring.
Or tividale is 01215577337
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 03, 2013, 11:46:48 AM
MPD on the 4H this morning-is there a vehicle shortage at tividale at the moment as really MPDs are way too small for this route
Is MX08NNU VOR at the moment as I havent seen it for ages-my last photo is sometime in june!
Are the primos going to re-enter service
Where is W335VGX as again havent seen that for a long while
We have a large number of Long Single decks off the road including MX08NNU. It is our intention to put the Primo's back into service. W335VGX has been withdrawn.
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 03, 2013, 01:20:46 PM
Just noticed the fleet changes on the main site. Are there solos to come and any news about the 15 buses rotala put in a bid for. Why has an esteem been sold out of interest?
We have not committed to buy any new or additional Solo's. We are still negotiating on the 15 buses, although I now believe it will be less than 15. We are not a fan of the Esteem product, and we had the opportunity to dispose of one, so we did.
Quote from: Winston on September 03, 2013, 01:24:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to confirm who the Levantes have been sold too?
Interesting that the 3 x 59 plate Centros are the ex Go Whippet that operate on the guided busway, are these available immediately or are you having to wait for Go Whippet to receive new busway vehicles first?
This seems like the never ending story with the Levantes. The vehicles should have gone a few weeks back, there has been some delays. This should go through anyday
We are due to pay for the today/tomorrow/ in the next few days. My understanding is that the equipment from the busway is being swapped from them to new buses and when this is complete we will pay and take delivery.
Quote from: Ash on September 03, 2013, 06:03:22 PM
Hi Simon, Have you ever considered introducing a sunday service on the 002 with it being a popular service mon-sat and Merry Hill being as busy if not busier on a Sunday. Also may be extending the finishing time of the service monday-saturday.
The 4M mon-sat is every hour and when I have caught the service seems quite well used are there any plans to increasing the frequency may be to every 30 minutes.
Thank You.
We have set change dates with Centro for service changes. I will pass on your comments to my Commercial colleagues.
Quote from: Westy on September 03, 2013, 06:37:25 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 02, 2013, 07:55:30 AM
Quote from: Westy on August 29, 2013, 08:55:04 PM
Why don't you make a timetable leaflet available for the Walsall 301, as the Network WM one only features the NX one? (And put them in Walsall Bus Station travel office. If Arriva can manage it, surely you can too?)
Ever thought about going onto the Walsall 302 as a 'compliment' to the 301?
I used to be able to use my NX pass & pay 50p to use your buses, which came in useful on several occasions.
How come you stopped it?
Surely it would put more bums on seats?
There should be timetable leaflets for the 301, I will correct this
No we haven't. Why do you believe the 301 will compliment the 301?
The NX travel card is one of the barrier to entry in the West Midlands. By allowing people to pay 50 pence, we are were re-enforcing its value. Ultimately there is a multi-operator travel card and we would prefer for people to acquire this.
In addition, accepting travel at 50 pence per passenger this would have a negative impact on concessionary fares reimbursement for all passengers.
How come you never appeared on the Network WM version of the 301 leaflet?
The reason I ask about the 302 is a friend of mine has issues with the reliability of the NX journeys on that service.
( The local perception is that the 301 tends to be looked after better compared with the 302. 302 buses tend to go 'missing' more than 301's)
We opted out of participating in the partnership agreement in the area which covers the 301, this is why we do not feature.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 04, 2013, 07:40:14 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 03, 2013, 01:24:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to confirm who the Levantes have been sold too?
Interesting that the 3 x 59 plate Centros are the ex Go Whippet that operate on the guided busway, are these available immediately or are you having to wait for Go Whippet to receive new busway vehicles first?
This seems like the never ending story with the Levantes. The vehicles should have gone a few weeks back, there has been some delays. This should go through anyday
We are due to pay for the today/tomorrow/ in the next few days. My understanding is that the equipment from the busway is being swapped from them to new buses and when this is complete we will pay and take delivery.
Thanks Simon,
Sounds as though you are nearly there with the Levantes ;) obviously they are expensive assets to be sat around doing very little. Do you intend to re-invest the proceeds of the sale of these back in to upgrading the Diamond bus fleet?
One thing that did cross my mind, have Rotala/Diamond ever considered dropping the price of their cash fares to attract more passengers on your commercial competing services? Obviously they are set at exactly the same level as NXWM? And not everyone would be looking to buy a return ticket
Additionally, the Diamond day ticket is priced at £3.90 exactly the same as NXWM, but Diamond doesn't have the same network coverage or hours of operation
Have you ever looked at buying any MAN/Wright Meridian? There seems to be a number of late model examples around, not sure if that is a good thing or not....
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 04, 2013, 07:35:08 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 03, 2013, 11:46:48 AM
MPD on the 4H this morning-is there a vehicle shortage at tividale at the moment as really MPDs are way too small for this route
Is MX08NNU VOR at the moment as I havent seen it for ages-my last photo is sometime in june!
Are the primos going to re-enter service
Where is W335VGX as again havent seen that for a long while
We have a large number of Long Single decks off the road including MX08NNU. It is our intention to put the Primo's back into service. W335VGX has been withdrawn.
Thanks for your reply and my comment about MX08NNU is now a bit irrelevant as it was on the 002 today presumably after repairs. Thanks for the info about W335VGX-where is it at the moment? And about the primos-shame they are going to reenter service as it would be nicer to get shot of them and get more longer buses in the fleet as that seems to be what is needed. And will other esteems be sold in the future if rotala isnt keen on them? Will preston therefore need some more single deckers soon?
On Bank Holiday monday when on the 50 line of route, I saw 30004 BX07AXO-I'm sure of it but havent seen it since. I was wondering if you could tell me if it was at long acre, if I was imagining things or got the reg totally wrong and if it is at long acre whether it will be out again
Thanks Simon
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 04, 2013, 07:41:50 AM
Quote from: Ash on September 03, 2013, 06:03:22 PM
Hi Simon, Have you ever considered introducing a sunday service on the 002 with it being a popular service mon-sat and Merry Hill being as busy if not busier on a Sunday. Also may be extending the finishing time of the service monday-saturday.
The 4M mon-sat is every hour and when I have caught the service seems quite well used are there any plans to increasing the frequency may be to every 30 minutes.
Thank You.
We have set change dates with Centro for service changes. I will pass on your comments to my Commercial colleagues.
Hi Simon, When can we expect any service changes notices to be released to the public. Also are there certain cadets that seem to get used on the 4/4H/4M as it's rare to find 30209 on the 4 for example.
Thank You.
Why don't you extend the 226 to west bromwich daily?
Quote from: dgss1 on September 05, 2013, 09:26:46 AM
Why don't you extend the 226 to west bromwich daily?
Read page 1 ;)
Quote from: Sh4166 on September 05, 2013, 09:42:28 AM
Quote from: dgss1 on September 05, 2013, 09:26:46 AM
Why don't you extend the 226 to west bromwich daily?
Read page 1 ;)
I mean try commercialy to try to get more passengers on that corridor, and in west brom
Quote from: dgss1 on September 05, 2013, 11:51:20 AM
Quote from: Sh4166 on September 05, 2013, 09:42:28 AM
Quote from: dgss1 on September 05, 2013, 09:26:46 AM
Why don't you extend the 226 to west bromwich daily?
Read page 1 ;)
I mean try commercialy to try to get more passengers on that corridor, and in west brom
From memory, there's problems tacking commercial bits onto a supported route. We had one such route where there was significant layover if the tendered bit was retimed to a more realistic schedule, and sought a fill-in trip for the bus. There was no question of additional funding as the only feasible trip was already covered by another route & there was no commercial alternative that I could suggest anyway that was likely to cover the diesel!
Fair enough for Diamond regarding the taking on the tender, but the 226W in my opinion is such a bad idea for a route. Just a waste of diesel one day a week, especially when the 74 leaves 5 minutes before it.
when will you be starting a review for Kidderminster area
Quote from: bususer12 on September 05, 2013, 01:20:35 PM
Fair enough for Diamond regarding the taking on the tender, but the 226W in my opinion is such a bad idea for a route. Just a waste of diesel one day a week, especially when the 74 leaves 5 minutes before it.
The 226W is supposed to provide a link to the Russell's Hall Hospital from West Bromwich and agree between West Bromwich and Dudley it's hardly used, although if it was a service provided monday to saturday as well as Sunday's it would be much more popular. If this was to be the case you could extend the 42 service from Dudley with an express service to the hospital (non-stop) which would not increase the journey time by much.
Quote from: Ash on September 05, 2013, 07:54:04 PM
Quote from: bususer12 on September 05, 2013, 01:20:35 PM
Fair enough for Diamond regarding the taking on the tender, but the 226W in my opinion is such a bad idea for a route. Just a waste of diesel one day a week, especially when the 74 leaves 5 minutes before it.
The 226W is supposed to provide a link to the Russell's Hall Hospital from West Bromwich and agree between West Bromwich and Dudley it's hardly used, although if it was a service provided monday to saturday as well as Sunday's it would be much more popular. If this was to be the case you could extend the 42 service from Dudley with an express service to the hospital (non-stop) which would not increase the journey time by much.
It seems to me that the 40/42/43 are the routes most in need of upgrade. Its a mismatch of solos and old darts some of which arent great along with MPDs in many liveries. Could rotala buy some more smaller enviro200 darts like the ones at wessex to replace the euro2 MPDs some of which look a bit dated?
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 05, 2013, 07:59:34 PM
Quote from: Ash on September 05, 2013, 07:54:04 PM
Quote from: bususer12 on September 05, 2013, 01:20:35 PM
Fair enough for Diamond regarding the taking on the tender, but the 226W in my opinion is such a bad idea for a route. Just a waste of diesel one day a week, especially when the 74 leaves 5 minutes before it.
The 226W is supposed to provide a link to the Russell's Hall Hospital from West Bromwich and agree between West Bromwich and Dudley it's hardly used, although if it was a service provided monday to saturday as well as Sunday's it would be much more popular. If this was to be the case you could extend the 42 service from Dudley with an express service to the hospital (non-stop) which would not increase the journey time by much.
It seems to me that the 40/42/43 are the routes most in need of upgrade. Its a mismatch of solos and old darts some of which arent great along with MPDs in many liveries. Could rotala buy some more smaller enviro200 darts like the ones at wessex to replace the euro2 MPDs some of which look a bit dated?
The 40/42/43 can be busy services most of the time they need full size single deckers, if more buses were to come to Tividale for service 4 or the 301 then the cadets would be ideal for these services.
Quote from: bususer12 on September 05, 2013, 01:20:35 PM
Fair enough for Diamond regarding the taking on the tender, but the 226W in my opinion is such a bad idea for a route. Just a waste of diesel one day a week, especially when the 74 leaves 5 minutes before it.
...or passengers could get the 4M to Merry Hill, which would be miles quicker
Quote from: dgss1 on September 05, 2013, 09:26:46 AM
Why don't you extend the 226 to west bromwich daily?
They cannot run the 226 right now as some drivers not all ( Some will run to time but others will park up and fake a brake down ( well thats what they tell Centro then leave on hansons time)) will hang back or park up on route and then run on hanson time. so before you send it to west brom i think Simon will have to look in to why his drives are doing the above and taking the piss out him and rotala. ps Simon they do mess about on the night when centro pay you to run the routre
Had a nice ride round the diamond network today and caught some of the new enviros which are nice and some of the ex yourbus darts
Couple of points:
Why did diamond initially try to sell all the ex first enviro300s?
One of the ex yourbus darts still has yourbus interior notices-could these be removed? Other than that, great buses and the ones at redditch/kidderminster seem to rattle a lot less than 20849.
Which buses are the priority for repaint at the moment?
Oh and in walsall bus station, I asked about the diamond 301 timetable which didnt seem to be there only to be told diamond didnt run the 301 anymore?? when I could see one outside-maybe this is the problem with bus information points ran by nx officials.
Thanks Simon
Quote from: Winston on September 04, 2013, 10:32:13 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 04, 2013, 07:40:14 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 03, 2013, 01:24:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to confirm who the Levantes have been sold too?
Interesting that the 3 x 59 plate Centros are the ex Go Whippet that operate on the guided busway, are these available immediately or are you having to wait for Go Whippet to receive new busway vehicles first?
This seems like the never ending story with the Levantes. The vehicles should have gone a few weeks back, there has been some delays. This should go through anyday
We are due to pay for the today/tomorrow/ in the next few days. My understanding is that the equipment from the busway is being swapped from them to new buses and when this is complete we will pay and take delivery.
Thanks Simon,
Sounds as though you are nearly there with the Levantes ;) obviously they are expensive assets to be sat around doing very little. Do you intend to re-invest the proceeds of the sale of these back in to upgrading the Diamond bus fleet?
One thing that did cross my mind, have Rotala/Diamond ever considered dropping the price of their cash fares to attract more passengers on your commercial competing services? Obviously they are set at exactly the same level as NXWM? And not everyone would be looking to buy a return ticket
Additionally, the Diamond day ticket is priced at £3.90 exactly the same as NXWM, but Diamond doesn't have the same network coverage or hours of operation
Have you ever looked at buying any MAN/Wright Meridian? There seems to be a number of late model examples around, not sure if that is a good thing or not....
The Levantes were on an Operating Lease. A subsidiary of National Express has taken assignment.
On an on going basis, we look at our fares. What matters to us, is the money we take per trip, not what we charge. Our whole pricing strategy is something we need to review again. I agree with your comments that clearly a day ticket with ourselves with not worth the same value as on NX. On the NBus panel, I tried to encourage the cost of the NBus product to be no more than NX (or less). However, this is not something that any other operator or Centro would support.
I did participate in an Auction for some MAN/Wright Meridian. They went for more than I would like to pay. I am not particularly an MAN fan, and the reason why we sold the MAN MCV's was because the relationship failed with MAN. In our opinion they made a catalogue of promises which they failed to keep.
Quote from: Ash on September 03, 2013, 06:03:22 PM
Hi Simon, Have you ever considered introducing a sunday service on the 002 with it being a popular service mon-sat and Merry Hill being as busy if not busier on a Sunday. Also may be extending the finishing time of the service monday-saturday.
The 4M mon-sat is every hour and when I have caught the service seems quite well used are there any plans to increasing the frequency may be to every 30 minutes.
Thank You.
We intend to review all our Black Diamond operations shortly. Any comments you have would be appreciated.
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 04, 2013, 08:06:52 PM
On Bank Holiday monday when on the 50 line of route, I saw 30004 BX07AXO-I'm sure of it but havent seen it since. I was wondering if you could tell me if it was at long acre, if I was imagining things or got the reg totally wrong and if it is at long acre whether it will be out again
Thanks Simon
This vehicle was one, we intended to move to Long Acre. Only one now be moved, and from memory I cant remember if this is going back to Bath or not
Quote from: dgss1 on September 05, 2013, 09:26:46 AM
Why don't you extend the 226 to west bromwich daily?
The 226 variation to West Bromwich is a variation undertook on behalf of Centro. We do not believe Monday to Saturday this is something that would be commercially viable.
Quote from: bewminster on September 05, 2013, 07:29:05 PM
when will you be starting a review for Kidderminster area
This is already underway. Any comments you have are welcome
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 05, 2013, 07:59:34 PM
Quote from: Ash on September 05, 2013, 07:54:04 PM
Quote from: bususer12 on September 05, 2013, 01:20:35 PM
Fair enough for Diamond regarding the taking on the tender, but the 226W in my opinion is such a bad idea for a route. Just a waste of diesel one day a week, especially when the 74 leaves 5 minutes before it.
The 226W is supposed to provide a link to the Russell's Hall Hospital from West Bromwich and agree between West Bromwich and Dudley it's hardly used, although if it was a service provided monday to saturday as well as Sunday's it would be much more popular. If this was to be the case you could extend the 42 service from Dudley with an express service to the hospital (non-stop) which would not increase the journey time by much.
It seems to me that the 40/42/43 are the routes most in need of upgrade. Its a mismatch of solos and old darts some of which arent great along with MPDs in many liveries. Could rotala buy some more smaller enviro200 darts like the ones at wessex to replace the euro2 MPDs some of which look a bit dated?
We have a number of Enviro 200's in our fleet. We have an on going relationship with ADL, but as a product I think there are better product. With regards fleet replacement. It would be nice to operate an all new fleet. However, we have to invest money at a gradual rate, to maintain a sensible level of Debt leverage in the overall business. What we undertake needs to make business sense and be affordable to the individual business unit
Quote from: Jon on September 06, 2013, 11:51:00 AM
Quote from: dgss1 on September 05, 2013, 09:26:46 AM
Why don't you extend the 226 to west bromwich daily?
They cannot run the 226 right now as some drivers not all ( Some will run to time but others will park up and fake a brake down ( well thats what they tell Centro then leave on hansons time)) will hang back or park up on route and then run on hanson time. so before you send it to west brom i think Simon will have to look in to why his drives are doing the above and taking the **** out him and rotala. ps Simon they do mess about on the night when centro pay you to run the routre
I am surprised by your comments. This service has come under scrutiny from VOSA. From their investigations 95% or more of our journeys operate with in the window of tolerance. That being said, any VOSA view is at those given point in time. We do monitor these services on an on going basis, if you have specific examples of were this has happened I would appreciate some exact information off line. It is important that we run our services properly and we do not give instructions to drivers to or any member of staff to act inappropriately.
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 06, 2013, 04:28:54 PM
Had a nice ride round the diamond network today and caught some of the new enviros which are nice and some of the ex yourbus darts
Couple of points:
Why did diamond initially try to sell all the ex first enviro300s?
One of the ex yourbus darts still has yourbus interior notices-could these be removed? Other than that, great buses and the ones at redditch/kidderminster seem to rattle a lot less than 20849.
Which buses are the priority for repaint at the moment?
Oh and in walsall bus station, I asked about the diamond 301 timetable which didnt seem to be there only to be told diamond didnt run the 301 anymore?? when I could see one outside-maybe this is the problem with bus information points ran by nx officials.
Thanks Simon
Thank you for your comments
In response to your questions
1. Having acquire the two businesses based at Redditch and Kidderminster, I was approached and made an offer for the E300's. I was not really interested in selling them, but as this offer was more than I viewed they were worth I decided to put them in the weekly advert we were running. As if someone was prepared to pay more, maybe it made sense to dispose of them and replace with newer vehicles.
2. Yes, the YourBus information should not be on. Ironically I acquired these vehicles from Ensign Bus.
3. We must have about 6 vehicles going through paint at the moment. We have now paid for the 3 x 59 plate Volvo's (they will go into paint soon), we agreed a deal with Wrights on Friday for 12 Streetlites. We need to get all these vehicles into fleet to create capacity to repaint other vehicles.
4. This is because we did not sign up to the Network review in this area.
Since Tony received his fleet list. There has been some fleet changes, and I think some of you expressed a desire to take pictures of the buses before they go. Since Monday of this week, we have accepted offer on the following
1. Willenhall Commercials
K123/6URP, plus all 5 darts parked up at Redditch and Kidderminster
2. Peter Reddish - for Scrap
The last lance at Kidderminster
3. A Bristol operator with 1 or 2 vehicles.
These are planned to be removed after service on Monday
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 06:00:35 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 06, 2013, 04:28:54 PM
Had a nice ride round the diamond network today and caught some of the new enviros which are nice and some of the ex yourbus darts
Couple of points:
Why did diamond initially try to sell all the ex first enviro300s?
One of the ex yourbus darts still has yourbus interior notices-could these be removed? Other than that, great buses and the ones at redditch/kidderminster seem to rattle a lot less than 20849.
Which buses are the priority for repaint at the moment?
Oh and in walsall bus station, I asked about the diamond 301 timetable which didnt seem to be there only to be told diamond didnt run the 301 anymore?? when I could see one outside-maybe this is the problem with bus information points ran by nx officials.
Thanks Simon
Thank you for your comments
In response to your questions
1. Having acquire the two businesses based at Redditch and Kidderminster, I was approached and made an offer for the E300's. I was not really interested in selling them, but as this offer was more than I viewed they were worth I decided to put them in the weekly advert we were running. As if someone was prepared to pay more, maybe it made sense to dispose of them and replace with newer vehicles.
2. Yes, the YourBus information should not be on. Ironically I acquired these vehicles from Ensign Bus.
3. We must have about 6 vehicles going through paint at the moment. We have now paid for the 3 x 59 plate Volvo's (they will go into paint soon), we agreed a deal with Wrights on Friday for 12 Streetlites. We need to get all these vehicles into fleet to create capacity to repaint other vehicles.
4. This is because we did not sign up to the Network review in this area.
Will any of the newly acquired buses be for the Midlands?
Hi Simon, I was wondering if you know what's happened to the 002-branded Centro 30808, which has been missing from the 002 for at least a couple of months now?
Hi Simon,
Speaking of the 002, are there any future plans for tha route?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 06:00:35 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 06, 2013, 04:28:54 PM
Had a nice ride round the diamond network today and caught some of the new enviros which are nice and some of the ex yourbus darts
Couple of points:
Why did diamond initially try to sell all the ex first enviro300s?
One of the ex yourbus darts still has yourbus interior notices-could these be removed? Other than that, great buses and the ones at redditch/kidderminster seem to rattle a lot less than 20849.
Which buses are the priority for repaint at the moment?
Oh and in walsall bus station, I asked about the diamond 301 timetable which didnt seem to be there only to be told diamond didnt run the 301 anymore?? when I could see one outside-maybe this is the problem with bus information points ran by nx officials.
Thanks Simon
Thank you for your comments
In response to your questions
1. Having acquire the two businesses based at Redditch and Kidderminster, I was approached and made an offer for the E300's. I was not really interested in selling them, but as this offer was more than I viewed they were worth I decided to put them in the weekly advert we were running. As if someone was prepared to pay more, maybe it made sense to dispose of them and replace with newer vehicles.
2. Yes, the YourBus information should not be on. Ironically I acquired these vehicles from Ensign Bus.
3. We must have about 6 vehicles going through paint at the moment. We have now paid for the 3 x 59 plate Volvo's (they will go into paint soon), we agreed a deal with Wrights on Friday for 12 Streetlites. We need to get all these vehicles into fleet to create capacity to repaint other vehicles.
4. This is because we did not sign up to the Network review in this area.
Surely its not stopping you putting 301 leaflets in the travel shop?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 05:31:29 AM
The Levantes were on an Operating Lease. A subsidiary of National Express has taken assignment.
On an on going basis, we look at our fares. What matters to us, is the money we take per trip, not what we charge. Our whole pricing strategy is something we need to review again. I agree with your comments that clearly a day ticket with ourselves with not worth the same value as on NX. On the NBus panel, I tried to encourage the cost of the NBus product to be no more than NX (or less). However, this is not something that any other operator or Centro would support.
Simon, Thanks for your responses,
A batch of 11 plate Levante that size was crying out to be snapped up by either NX or a major NX subcontractor, NX especially have large numbers of 06/56 plate Scania/Levate that will need removing from the network. I assume Rotala have still had to pay the monthly lease payments despite having no for them work.
I still think passenger numbers on Diamonds WM commercial services began to fall when fares were brought in line with those of NX, and ultimately those services began to be withdrawn. Obviously the economy has had an affect of passenger journeys across the board, the only thing to differentiate between the two competing operators is service & vehicle quality.
Good news of the 12 x Streetlites, will these be larger capacity DF versions? I take it Rotala are growing increasingly in favour of the Wright Streetlite with recent second-hand versions at Preston & Wessex
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 06:13:52 AM
Since Tony received his fleet list. There has been some fleet changes, and I think some of you expressed a desire to take pictures of the buses before they go. Since Monday of this week, we have accepted offer on the following
1. Willenhall Commercials
K123/6URP, plus all 5 darts parked up at Redditch and Kidderminster
2. Peter Reddish - for Scrap
The last lance at Kidderminster
3. A Bristol operator with 1 or 2 vehicles.
These are planned to be removed after service on Monday
Thanks for this Simon so basically got the citybuses need to get the rest before end of service monday-stuff still in service till then is easy but some of the parked up darts and lances are more difficult
Hi Simon, Diamond do seem to behave better now on the 226, although one thing that is annoying is the tendered timetable. It gives 15 minutes to get from Dudley to Wordsley Hospital, which in all the years that I have caught the bus, has never got to Wordsley on time(xx.30). I understand that Centro have the say in tendered timetables, but If there was a way to show them that they have it wrong, it would be good.
When I set out for my bus, sometimes it will arrive at xx.35, or xx.45, depending on the driving sstyle of driver and type of day.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 05:31:29 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 04, 2013, 10:32:13 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 04, 2013, 07:40:14 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 03, 2013, 01:24:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to confirm who the Levantes have been sold too?
Interesting that the 3 x 59 plate Centros are the ex Go Whippet that operate on the guided busway, are these available immediately or are you having to wait for Go Whippet to receive new busway vehicles first?
This seems like the never ending story with the Levantes. The vehicles should have gone a few weeks back, there has been some delays. This should go through anyday
We are due to pay for the today/tomorrow/ in the next few days. My understanding is that the equipment from the busway is being swapped from them to new buses and when this is complete we will pay and take delivery.
Thanks Simon,
Sounds as though you are nearly there with the Levantes ;) obviously they are expensive assets to be sat around doing very little. Do you intend to re-invest the proceeds of the sale of these back in to upgrading the Diamond bus fleet?
One thing that did cross my mind, have Rotala/Diamond ever considered dropping the price of their cash fares to attract more passengers on your commercial competing services? Obviously they are set at exactly the same level as NXWM? And not everyone would be looking to buy a return ticket
Additionally, the Diamond day ticket is priced at £3.90 exactly the same as NXWM, but Diamond doesn't have the same network coverage or hours of operation
Have you ever looked at buying any MAN/Wright Meridian? There seems to be a number of late model examples around, not sure if that is a good thing or not....
The Levantes were on an Operating Lease. A subsidiary of National Express has taken assignment.
On an on going basis, we look at our fares. What matters to us, is the money we take per trip, not what we charge. Our whole pricing strategy is something we need to review again. I agree with your comments that clearly a day ticket with ourselves with not worth the same value as on NX. On the NBus panel, I tried to encourage the cost of the NBus product to be no more than NX (or less). However, this is not something that any other operator or Centro would support.
I did participate in an Auction for some MAN/Wright Meridian. They went for more than I would like to pay. I am not particularly an MAN fan, and the reason why we sold the MAN MCV's was because the relationship failed with MAN. In our opinion they made a catalogue of promises which they failed to keep.
Interesting as there do seem to be a lot around being sold by santander etc so many must have been leased. It seemed like there are quite a few operators with failed relationships with MAN buses-rotala and newport as well though I understand that has since been resolved
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 05:33:58 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 04, 2013, 08:06:52 PM
On Bank Holiday monday when on the 50 line of route, I saw 30004 BX07AXO-I'm sure of it but havent seen it since. I was wondering if you could tell me if it was at long acre, if I was imagining things or got the reg totally wrong and if it is at long acre whether it will be out again
Thanks Simon
This vehicle was one, we intended to move to Long Acre. Only one now be moved, and from memory I cant remember if this is going back to Bath or not
No worries so overall 3 07 centros have run here-brv, kpp and axo? But KPP one has gone back to be followed by BRV and will be replaced by a 59 reg
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 06:00:35 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 06, 2013, 04:28:54 PM
Had a nice ride round the diamond network today and caught some of the new enviros which are nice and some of the ex yourbus darts
Couple of points:
Why did diamond initially try to sell all the ex first enviro300s?
One of the ex yourbus darts still has yourbus interior notices-could these be removed? Other than that, great buses and the ones at redditch/kidderminster seem to rattle a lot less than 20849.
Which buses are the priority for repaint at the moment?
Oh and in walsall bus station, I asked about the diamond 301 timetable which didnt seem to be there only to be told diamond didnt run the 301 anymore?? when I could see one outside-maybe this is the problem with bus information points ran by nx officials.
Thanks Simon
Thank you for your comments
In response to your questions
1. Having acquire the two businesses based at Redditch and Kidderminster, I was approached and made an offer for the E300's. I was not really interested in selling them, but as this offer was more than I viewed they were worth I decided to put them in the weekly advert we were running. As if someone was prepared to pay more, maybe it made sense to dispose of them and replace with newer vehicles.
2. Yes, the YourBus information should not be on. Ironically I acquired these vehicles from Ensign Bus.
3. We must have about 6 vehicles going through paint at the moment. We have now paid for the 3 x 59 plate Volvo's (they will go into paint soon), we agreed a deal with Wrights on Friday for 12 Streetlites. We need to get all these vehicles into fleet to create capacity to repaint other vehicles.
4. This is because we did not sign up to the Network review in this area.
Interesting about the enviro300s and do you still have a weekly advert thing as i havent seen this for a while-was it not worth it-that route one feature on the levantes was good though
Yeah I thought that was weird they were bought from ensignbus and that more weren't purchased as they are brilliant
Interesting about the streetlites-anything wrightbus will undoubtedly be well made and rattle and clatter less than the enviro200 that is at tividale/long acre-dont know at the moment where it is. What livery are the streetlites currently in and are they new/stock built/second hand ones or a mixture?
Understand this but a few timetables on buses would really help loadings I would reckon as people like diamond on the 301 and would wait around if they had a timetable in their pocket they could look at and think theres a diamond due at such and such a time as not everyone has the internet etc
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 05:32:50 AM
Quote from: Ash on September 03, 2013, 06:03:22 PM
Hi Simon, Have you ever considered introducing a sunday service on the 002 with it being a popular service mon-sat and Merry Hill being as busy if not busier on a Sunday. Also may be extending the finishing time of the service monday-saturday.
The 4M mon-sat is every hour and when I have caught the service seems quite well used are there any plans to increasing the frequency may be to every 30 minutes.
Thank You.
We intend to review all our Black Diamond operations shortly. Any comments you have would be appreciated.
Glad to hear about the network review starting. In my view, theres a lot for rotala to be positive about in the west midlands, despite what people might say on here. Exisiting commercial routes after the poor ones were cut back seem to be doing okay, routes are popular, people are buying diamond weeklies and monthlies which is good and there is a fair bit of tendered stuff to support it as well but clearly it isnt being run at stupidly low prices. There is more of a network than there has ever been before and this will no doubt encourage people to buy diamond passes.
However certain routes could be looked at such as the 002/202/4 group and some of the capacity issues addressed eg MPDs on the 4H. There needs to be a clearout of some of the older darts-much as I like them!-and promotion and branding with leaflets for certain routes advertising weeklies etc to encourage people who dont already know about the returns etc.
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 07, 2013, 06:47:36 PM
Understand this but a few timetables on buses would really help loadings I would reckon as people like diamond on the 301 and would wait around if they had a timetable in their pocket they could look at and think theres a diamond due at such and such a time as not everyone has the internet etc
You are overestimating people there. Very few cash paying passengers wait for any company even if one charges lower fares. Nearly all of them will get on the first bus that comes.
On the 301 most get on the first bus that comes on their first journey, buy a return and most then wait for that company to go home on. The others try and use the first bus again either arguing with the driver about not being able to use the oppositions return or don't even realise they are two seperate companys.
If you think a timetable on that route is going to increase trade during the day I think you would be in for a shock
As some of the cadets are not going to be repainted for some time it would be nice to see the diamond fleet names reapplied to some vehicles as some have had panel replacements and either have no fleet names or parts missing on them. Also some of the displays are not working on the cadets one for example is the side destination blind on 30216 which hasn't worked for some time. I was on 30202 last week and when the driver put his foot on the break the interior lights kept going on and off with a loud beeping noise in the cab to warn the driver that there is some kind of issue.
Quote from: Tony on September 07, 2013, 07:07:53 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 07, 2013, 06:47:36 PM
Understand this but a few timetables on buses would really help loadings I would reckon as people like diamond on the 301 and would wait around if they had a timetable in their pocket they could look at and think theres a diamond due at such and such a time as not everyone has the internet etc
You are overestimating people there. Very few cash paying passengers wait for any company even if one charges lower fares. Nearly all of them will get on the first bus that comes.
On the 301 most get on the first bus that comes on their first journey, buy a return and most then wait for that company to go home on. The others try and use the first bus again either arguing with the driver about not being able to use the oppositions return or don't even realise they are two seperate companys.
If you think a timetable on that route is going to increase trade during the day I think you would be in for a shock
I'll wait till the Swift's available on both NX & Diamond instead!
Quote from: Tony on September 07, 2013, 07:07:53 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 07, 2013, 06:47:36 PM
Understand this but a few timetables on buses would really help loadings I would reckon as people like diamond on the 301 and would wait around if they had a timetable in their pocket they could look at and think theres a diamond due at such and such a time as not everyone has the internet etc
You are overestimating people there. Very few cash paying passengers wait for any company even if one charges lower fares. Nearly all of them will get on the first bus that comes.
On the 301 most get on the first bus that comes on their first journey, buy a return and most then wait for that company to go home on. The others try and use the first bus again either arguing with the driver about not being able to use the oppositions return or don't even realise they are two seperate companys.
If you think a timetable on that route is going to increase trade during the day I think you would be in for a shock
From witnessing it myself I know of quite a few passengers that let the NXWM bus go and wait for diamond if there buying a return ticket as there cheaper, this happens on service 4 where diamond is every 6 minutes so you rarely have to wait long.
Quote from: Ash on September 07, 2013, 11:18:01 PM
Quote from: Tony on September 07, 2013, 07:07:53 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 07, 2013, 06:47:36 PM
Understand this but a few timetables on buses would really help loadings I would reckon as people like diamond on the 301 and would wait around if they had a timetable in their pocket they could look at and think theres a diamond due at such and such a time as not everyone has the internet etc
You are overestimating people there. Very few cash paying passengers wait for any company even if one charges lower fares. Nearly all of them will get on the first bus that comes.
On the 301 most get on the first bus that comes on their first journey, buy a return and most then wait for that company to go home on. The others try and use the first bus again either arguing with the driver about not being able to use the oppositions return or don't even realise they are two seperate companys.
If you think a timetable on that route is going to increase trade during the day I think you would be in for a shock
From witnessing it myself I know of quite a few passengers that let the NXWM bus go and wait for diamond if there buying a return ticket as there cheaper, this happens on service 4 where diamond is every 6 minutes so you rarely have to wait long.
Yeah same I know this for a start when you see a queue of cash payers stood by the diamond stand in west brom and ignore the nx bus ahead. A timetable would I am sure boost trade-inform people of weeklies and monthlies who are buying returns and also informing people potentially of other diamond routes-some sort of black country guide could be produced covering all the routes. What does need to happen on the 301-have seen it myself last week-people with diamond returns confused if they could use it on KV51KZH which is a bit of a problem
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Dont remember the 10(H) branding nor the 142
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:12:59 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Dont remember the 10(H) branding nor the 142
the 142 was the stourbridge shuttle on the KS03 solos and the 10 branding was connect10 on R...VLA darts and I accept that some of these brandings were technically not diamond but central connect but have classed it as one rotala wm business
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:14:26 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:12:59 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Dont remember the 10(H) branding nor the 142
the 142 was the stourbridge shuttle on the KS03 solos and the 10 branding was connect10 on R...VLA darts and I accept that some of these brandings were technically not diamond but central connect but have classed it as one rotala wm business
Ill have to have a look next time im on the train see if any are parked up by the 97 branded buses or was all of them debranded
Here is a link to a photo of the 142 Stourbridge Shuttle Branding (
It was really smart. I liked it.
This is the Connect10 branding: (
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:21:51 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:14:26 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:12:59 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Dont remember the 10(H) branding nor the 142
the 142 was the stourbridge shuttle on the KS03 solos and the 10 branding was connect10 on R...VLA darts and I accept that some of these brandings were technically not diamond but central connect but have classed it as one rotala wm business
Ill have to have a look next time im on the train see if any are parked up by the 97 branded buses or was all of them debranded
All debranded and sold-and are there still connect97 buses in long acre?
Quote from: sonic84 on September 08, 2013, 11:25:40 AM
Here is a link to a photo of the 142 Stourbridge Shuttle Branding (
Looks like the old 401E Branding :) do Diamond still run the 401E
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:27:28 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:21:51 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:14:26 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:12:59 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Dont remember the 10(H) branding nor the 142
the 142 was the stourbridge shuttle on the KS03 solos and the 10 branding was connect10 on R...VLA darts and I accept that some of these brandings were technically not diamond but central connect but have classed it as one rotala wm business
Ill have to have a look next time im on the train see if any are parked up by the 97 branded buses or was all of them debranded
All debranded and sold-and are there still connect97 buses in long acre?
Ye, if your on the train heading from WA to Birmingham you'll see them all parked up at the back of the garage, gonna try an get a picture next time im on the train ;D ;D
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:37:09 AM
Quote from: sonic84 on September 08, 2013, 11:25:40 AM
Here is a link to a photo of the 142 Stourbridge Shuttle Branding (
Looks like the old 401E Branding :) do Diamond still run the 401E
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:27:28 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:21:51 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:14:26 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:12:59 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Dont remember the 10(H) branding nor the 142
the 142 was the stourbridge shuttle on the KS03 solos and the 10 branding was connect10 on R...VLA darts and I accept that some of these brandings were technically not diamond but central connect but have classed it as one rotala wm business
Ill have to have a look next time im on the train see if any are parked up by the 97 branded buses or was all of them debranded
All debranded and sold-and are there still connect97 buses in long acre?
Ye, if your on the train heading from WA to Birmingham you'll see them all parked up at the back of the garage, gonna try an get a picture next time im on the train ;D ;D
yep they still run the 401e ironically now with the same buses debranded which were removed initially and also theres the usual selection of MPDs on that route as well. And liked this similar style of liveries for the routes and in fairness the solos did look smart like this and look smart now in black diamond livery-shame the drivers dont like them and they break down all the time lol. And gonna try and visit long acre soon as it seems to be worth a look as to whats actually there. Can't wait!
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Don't forget the 4 (404) Black Country connection
Quote from: Winston on September 08, 2013, 12:34:41 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Don't forget the 4 (404) Black Country connection
Course!! How did I forget that??!! Best ones were the bcc, super 16, nifty 50 and double o 2 in my opinion
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 12:42:05 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 08, 2013, 12:34:41 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Don't forget the 4 (404) Black Country connection
Course!! How did I forget that??!! Best ones were the bcc, super 16, nifty 50 and double o 2 in my opinion
I dunno the ones for Worcester city services competing with First were pretty good, Oooh Matron!
Quote from: Winston on September 08, 2013, 12:49:39 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 12:42:05 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 08, 2013, 12:34:41 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Don't forget the 4 (404) Black Country connection
Course!! How did I forget that??!! Best ones were the bcc, super 16, nifty 50 and double o 2 in my opinion
I dunno the ones for Worcester city services competing with First were pretty good, Oooh Matron!
Haha there was ooh matron! forgot about that and then the super melons one as well. In fairness, they were imaginative brandings and some quite funny but shame some people dont have a sense of humour
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 01:01:40 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 08, 2013, 12:49:39 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 12:42:05 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 08, 2013, 12:34:41 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Don't forget the 4 (404) Black Country connection
Course!! How did I forget that??!! Best ones were the bcc, super 16, nifty 50 and double o 2 in my opinion
I dunno the ones for Worcester city services competing with First were pretty good, Oooh Matron!
Haha there was ooh matron! forgot about that and then the super melons one as well. In fairness, they were imaginative brandings and some quite funny but shame some people dont have a sense of humour
Which route was "Ooh Matron" for?
Quote from: nitromatt1 on September 08, 2013, 01:05:28 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 01:01:40 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 08, 2013, 12:49:39 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 12:42:05 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 08, 2013, 12:34:41 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Don't forget the 4 (404) Black Country connection
Course!! How did I forget that??!! Best ones were the bcc, super 16, nifty 50 and double o 2 in my opinion
I dunno the ones for Worcester city services competing with First were pretty good, Oooh Matron!
Haha there was ooh matron! forgot about that and then the super melons one as well. In fairness, they were imaginative brandings and some quite funny but shame some people dont have a sense of humour
Which route was "Ooh Matron" for?
The worcester 37 from memory-think the branding advertised the night service on the route to worcester royal hospital
Quote from: nitromatt1 on September 08, 2013, 01:05:28 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 01:01:40 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 08, 2013, 12:49:39 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 12:42:05 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 08, 2013, 12:34:41 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Don't forget the 4 (404) Black Country connection
Course!! How did I forget that??!! Best ones were the bcc, super 16, nifty 50 and double o 2 in my opinion
I dunno the ones for Worcester city services competing with First were pretty good, Oooh Matron!
Haha there was ooh matron! forgot about that and then the super melons one as well. In fairness, they were imaginative brandings and some quite funny but shame some people dont have a sense of humour
Which route was "Ooh Matron" for?
It was for the 37 in Worcester, but from memory the branding was removed when staff at the hospital complained.
Quote from: sonic84 on September 08, 2013, 01:07:38 PM
Quote from: nitromatt1 on September 08, 2013, 01:05:28 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 01:01:40 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 08, 2013, 12:49:39 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 12:42:05 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 08, 2013, 12:34:41 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Don't forget the 4 (404) Black Country connection
Course!! How did I forget that??!! Best ones were the bcc, super 16, nifty 50 and double o 2 in my opinion
I dunno the ones for Worcester city services competing with First were pretty good, Oooh Matron!
Haha there was ooh matron! forgot about that and then the super melons one as well. In fairness, they were imaginative brandings and some quite funny but shame some people dont have a sense of humour
Which route was "Ooh Matron" for?
It was for the 37 in Worcester, but from memory the branding was removed when staff at the hospital complained.
Sadly yes but they lost the route anyway.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 05:52:16 AM
Quote from: Jon on September 06, 2013, 11:51:00 AM
Quote from: dgss1 on September 05, 2013, 09:26:46 AM
Why don't you extend the 226 to west bromwich daily?
They cannot run the 226 right now as some drivers not all ( Some will run to time but others will park up and fake a brake down ( well thats what they tell Centro then leave on hansons time)) will hang back or park up on route and then run on hanson time. so before you send it to west brom i think Simon will have to look in to why his drives are doing the above and taking the **** out him and rotala. ps Simon they do mess about on the night when centro pay you to run the routre
I am surprised by your comments. This service has come under scrutiny from VOSA. From their investigations 95% or more of our journeys operate with in the window of tolerance. That being said, any VOSA view is at those given point in time. We do monitor these services on an on going basis, if you have specific examples of were this has happened I would appreciate some exact information off line. It is important that we run our services properly and we do not give instructions to drivers to or any member of staff to act inappropriately.
Hi Simon
Thanks for your comments this is were we have to agree to disagree, but i think the best thing to do know is leave this matter for this forum but if you want to talk please contact me off the forum
QuoteIt was for the 37 in Worcester, but from memory the branding was removed when staff at the hospital complained.
The branding wasn't removed because the hospital complained - although it made headline news around the UK and Europe, Matron ran on the back of the bus until the contract came to an end.
The one that was tweaked was 'Ride Me All Night' to 'Catch Me All Night' on the 31 branded Solo following 'feedback' from the University, Police and, urm, a rape support group. We were referring to the bus - dunno what they were referring to :o ::)
Quote from: Diamond Geezer on September 08, 2013, 04:58:32 PM
QuoteIt was for the 37 in Worcester, but from memory the branding was removed when staff at the hospital complained.
The branding wasn't removed because the hospital complained - although it made headline news around the UK and Europe, Matron ran on the back of the bus until the contract came to an end.
The one that was tweaked was 'Ride Me All Night' to 'Catch Me All Night' on the 31 branded Solo following 'feedback' from the University, Police and, urm, a rape support group. We were referring to the bus - dunno what they were referring to :o ::)
Quote from: Diamond Geezer on September 08, 2013, 04:58:32 PM
QuoteIt was for the 37 in Worcester, but from memory the branding was removed when staff at the hospital complained.
The branding wasn't removed because the hospital complained - although it made headline news around the UK and Europe, Matron ran on the back of the bus until the contract came to an end.
The one that was tweaked was 'Ride Me All Night' to 'Catch Me All Night' on the 31 branded Solo following 'feedback' from the University, Police and, urm, a rape support group. We were referring to the bus - dunno what they were referring to :o ::)
Haha thats brilliant-did it have a picture of someone on the back or something? And people do go totally over the top
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 05:57:53 PM
Quote from: Diamond Geezer on September 08, 2013, 04:58:32 PM
QuoteIt was for the 37 in Worcester, but from memory the branding was removed when staff at the hospital complained.
The branding wasn't removed because the hospital complained - although it made headline news around the UK and Europe, Matron ran on the back of the bus until the contract came to an end.
The one that was tweaked was 'Ride Me All Night' to 'Catch Me All Night' on the 31 branded Solo following 'feedback' from the University, Police and, urm, a rape support group. We were referring to the bus - dunno what they were referring to :o ::)
Haha thats brilliant-did it have a picture of someone on the back or something? And people do go totally over the top
There you go, theres the article and photo of the advert on the back of the bus.
advert looks alright to me ;)
Since Tony received his fleet list. There has been some fleet changes, and I think some of you expressed a desire to take pictures of the buses before they go. Since Monday of this week, we have accepted offer on the following
1. Willenhall Commercials
K123/6URP, plus all 5 darts parked up at Redditch and Kidderminster
2. Peter Reddish - for Scrap
The last lance at Kidderminster
3. A Bristol operator with 1 or 2 vehicles.
These are planned to be removed after service on Monday
Does anyone on here know which 5 darts are parked up at redditch/kiddy-cos not interested in the MLA ones really as theyre vile but MSA need to get tomorrow along with YCR and CCV. Are all of these still in service? Just out of interest as i dont live very near worcestershire so dont get out there very often. Hope that someone from redditch or kidderminster or Simon could help here?
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 08:18:12 PM
Since Tony received his fleet list. There has been some fleet changes, and I think some of you expressed a desire to take pictures of the buses before they go. Since Monday of this week, we have accepted offer on the following
1. Willenhall Commercials
K123/6URP, plus all 5 darts parked up at Redditch and Kidderminster
2. Peter Reddish - for Scrap
The last lance at Kidderminster
3. A Bristol operator with 1 or 2 vehicles.
These are planned to be removed after service on Monday
Does anyone on here know which 5 darts are parked up at redditch/kiddy-cos not interested in the MLA ones really as theyre vile but MSA need to get tomorrow along with YCR and CCV. Are all of these still in service? Just out of interest as i dont live very near worcestershire so dont get out there very often. Hope that someone from redditch or kidderminster or Simon could help here?
not 100% sure what is parked up in Kidderminster but P 403 mla did the late 292 on Saturday and all the adds inside have been removed and it was very clean inside so do not know if that on could be going
Hello and great to see your here.
I have a couple of questions for you
1. when Veolia transport lost the nx coach work did you put in a bid for the London 410/420 as well
2. will you be looking to purchase any buses with leather seats still?
and finally id just like to thank you for running rotala its good to see competition in the west midlands as it gives customers choice.
Quote from: bewminster on September 08, 2013, 08:33:33 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 08:18:12 PM
Since Tony received his fleet list. There has been some fleet changes, and I think some of you expressed a desire to take pictures of the buses before they go. Since Monday of this week, we have accepted offer on the following
1. Willenhall Commercials
K123/6URP, plus all 5 darts parked up at Redditch and Kidderminster
2. Peter Reddish - for Scrap
The last lance at Kidderminster
3. A Bristol operator with 1 or 2 vehicles.
These are planned to be removed after service on Monday
Does anyone on here know which 5 darts are parked up at redditch/kiddy-cos not interested in the MLA ones really as theyre vile but MSA need to get tomorrow along with YCR and CCV. Are all of these still in service? Just out of interest as i dont live very near worcestershire so dont get out there very often. Hope that someone from redditch or kidderminster or Simon could help here?
not 100% sure what is parked up in Kidderminster but P 403 mla did the late 292 on Saturday and all the adds inside have been removed and it was very clean inside so do not know if that on could be going
No worries but thanks for the info about 403 as not all darts seem to being sold this time round but just trying to find out if any other pointer 2s other than the R...CAH one are being sold this time round
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 11:10:19 AM
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 08, 2013, 11:00:17 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
Another question Simon-sorry! What is your opinion on route branding as we have seen a lot of it go at diamond even though it seemed popular and looked really smart Thanks
other than
226/50 what other Diamond routes were branded ?, 529 branding was still alive at Xmas running in bilston on 42
As you say Nathan, 226, 50, 16, 17, 97, 37, 10(H), 119, 401E, 142, 002, 529 and also some redditch routes were sort of branded-144/57/58 etc and at worcester 30/31-maybe more.
Route 56 was also branded for a while
Although not officially route branded 802-805 and 807-813 carried the £2 return branding on the front windscreen for the 401E/404E services. 30201-30207 also carried similar £2 return branding on their front windscreen for the 301 service and these buses along with the centro's were rarely seen off route. 801 and 806 at that time were used on the 202 so never had the return branding for the 401E/404E.
Quote from: NXWM Spectra on September 07, 2013, 09:36:22 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 06:00:35 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 06, 2013, 04:28:54 PM
Had a nice ride round the diamond network today and caught some of the new enviros which are nice and some of the ex yourbus darts
Couple of points:
Why did diamond initially try to sell all the ex first enviro300s?
One of the ex yourbus darts still has yourbus interior notices-could these be removed? Other than that, great buses and the ones at redditch/kidderminster seem to rattle a lot less than 20849.
Which buses are the priority for repaint at the moment?
Oh and in walsall bus station, I asked about the diamond 301 timetable which didnt seem to be there only to be told diamond didnt run the 301 anymore?? when I could see one outside-maybe this is the problem with bus information points ran by nx officials.
Thanks Simon
Thank you for your comments
In response to your questions
1. Having acquire the two businesses based at Redditch and Kidderminster, I was approached and made an offer for the E300's. I was not really interested in selling them, but as this offer was more than I viewed they were worth I decided to put them in the weekly advert we were running. As if someone was prepared to pay more, maybe it made sense to dispose of them and replace with newer vehicles.
2. Yes, the YourBus information should not be on. Ironically I acquired these vehicles from Ensign Bus.
3. We must have about 6 vehicles going through paint at the moment. We have now paid for the 3 x 59 plate Volvo's (they will go into paint soon), we agreed a deal with Wrights on Friday for 12 Streetlites. We need to get all these vehicles into fleet to create capacity to repaint other vehicles.
4. This is because we did not sign up to the Network review in this area.
Will any of the newly acquired buses be for the Midlands?
Of the 12 vehicles we have agreed to acquire. 7 are 10.8 metre New Buses, 5 are due now and the Balance in January. 5 are 9.5m versions. 1 is New, 4 are 2012 Registration. Unless something changes, we expect all the first 5 Long 10.8m version will go to Redditch and 3 of the Used 9.5m versions will go to Avonmouth.
Quote from: nitromatt1 on September 07, 2013, 10:02:36 AM
Hi Simon, I was wondering if you know what's happened to the 002-branded Centro 30808, which has been missing from the 002 for at least a couple of months now?
The vehicle has had a a series of Engine issues which we have been working through
Quote from: Sh4166 on September 07, 2013, 10:04:47 AM
Hi Simon,
Speaking of the 002, are there any future plans for tha route?
We are at present reviewing the route
Quote from: Winston on September 07, 2013, 11:49:19 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 05:31:29 AM
The Levantes were on an Operating Lease. A subsidiary of National Express has taken assignment.
On an on going basis, we look at our fares. What matters to us, is the money we take per trip, not what we charge. Our whole pricing strategy is something we need to review again. I agree with your comments that clearly a day ticket with ourselves with not worth the same value as on NX. On the NBus panel, I tried to encourage the cost of the NBus product to be no more than NX (or less). However, this is not something that any other operator or Centro would support.
Simon, Thanks for your responses,
A batch of 11 plate Levante that size was crying out to be snapped up by either NX or a major NX subcontractor, NX especially have large numbers of 06/56 plate Scania/Levate that will need removing from the network. I assume Rotala have still had to pay the monthly lease payments despite having no for them work.
I still think passenger numbers on Diamonds WM commercial services began to fall when fares were brought in line with those of NX, and ultimately those services began to be withdrawn. Obviously the economy has had an affect of passenger journeys across the board, the only thing to differentiate between the two competing operators is service & vehicle quality.
Good news of the 12 x Streetlites, will these be larger capacity DF versions? I take it Rotala are growing increasingly in favour of the Wright Streetlite with recent second-hand versions at Preston & Wessex
National Express have taken all 14 Levantes, and we were responsible for the payments until the assignment.
7 are 10.8m DF versions, 5 are 9.5m versions. We acquired 3 about a year ago for Preston. Since then we have been evaluating them. When we acquire any vehicle we have to assess what is best value for money. We consider the deal we have done with Wrights to be best value for money at this present moment in time.
Quote from: bususer12 on September 07, 2013, 06:24:06 PM
Hi Simon, Diamond do seem to behave better now on the 226, although one thing that is annoying is the tendered timetable. It gives 15 minutes to get from Dudley to Wordsley Hospital, which in all the years that I have caught the bus, has never got to Wordsley on time(xx.30). I understand that Centro have the say in tendered timetables, but If there was a way to show them that they have it wrong, it would be good.
When I set out for my bus, sometimes it will arrive at xx.35, or xx.45, depending on the driving sstyle of driver and type of day.
I will get our Commercial team to look at this. Thank you for your advice
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 07, 2013, 06:47:36 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 06:00:35 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 06, 2013, 04:28:54 PM
Had a nice ride round the diamond network today and caught some of the new enviros which are nice and some of the ex yourbus darts
Couple of points:
Why did diamond initially try to sell all the ex first enviro300s?
One of the ex yourbus darts still has yourbus interior notices-could these be removed? Other than that, great buses and the ones at redditch/kidderminster seem to rattle a lot less than 20849.
Which buses are the priority for repaint at the moment?
Oh and in walsall bus station, I asked about the diamond 301 timetable which didnt seem to be there only to be told diamond didnt run the 301 anymore?? when I could see one outside-maybe this is the problem with bus information points ran by nx officials.
Thanks Simon
Thank you for your comments
In response to your questions
1. Having acquire the two businesses based at Redditch and Kidderminster, I was approached and made an offer for the E300's. I was not really interested in selling them, but as this offer was more than I viewed they were worth I decided to put them in the weekly advert we were running. As if someone was prepared to pay more, maybe it made sense to dispose of them and replace with newer vehicles.
2. Yes, the YourBus information should not be on. Ironically I acquired these vehicles from Ensign Bus.
3. We must have about 6 vehicles going through paint at the moment. We have now paid for the 3 x 59 plate Volvo's (they will go into paint soon), we agreed a deal with Wrights on Friday for 12 Streetlites. We need to get all these vehicles into fleet to create capacity to repaint other vehicles.
4. This is because we did not sign up to the Network review in this area.
Interesting about the enviro300s and do you still have a weekly advert thing as i havent seen this for a while-was it not worth it-that route one feature on the levantes was good though
Yeah I thought that was weird they were bought from ensignbus and that more weren't purchased as they are brilliant
Interesting about the streetlites-anything wrightbus will undoubtedly be well made and rattle and clatter less than the enviro200 that is at tividale/long acre-dont know at the moment where it is. What livery are the streetlites currently in and are they new/stock built/second hand ones or a mixture?
Understand this but a few timetables on buses would really help loadings I would reckon as people like diamond on the 301 and would wait around if they had a timetable in their pocket they could look at and think theres a diamond due at such and such a time as not everyone has the internet etc
1. Most of our vehicles are not sold through advertising.
2. I understand 8 are stock white, and 4 are in Reading Transport livery
3. We will get the 301 timetable issue resolved.
Quote from: Ash on September 07, 2013, 09:48:28 PM
As some of the cadets are not going to be repainted for some time it would be nice to see the diamond fleet names reapplied to some vehicles as some have had panel replacements and either have no fleet names or parts missing on them. Also some of the displays are not working on the cadets one for example is the side destination blind on 30216 which hasn't worked for some time. I was on 30202 last week and when the driver put his foot on the break the interior lights kept going on and off with a loud beeping noise in the cab to warn the driver that there is some kind of issue.
Every driver carries a defect card, and if the destination blind is not working or is the electrics dim these items should be defected immediately. The 2 vehicles you have mentioned, I will get looked at today
Thank you
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 08, 2013, 08:18:12 PM
Since Tony received his fleet list. There has been some fleet changes, and I think some of you expressed a desire to take pictures of the buses before they go. Since Monday of this week, we have accepted offer on the following
1. Willenhall Commercials
K123/6URP, plus all 5 darts parked up at Redditch and Kidderminster
2. Peter Reddish - for Scrap
The last lance at Kidderminster
3. A Bristol operator with 1 or 2 vehicles.
These are planned to be removed after service on Monday
Does anyone on here know which 5 darts are parked up at redditch/kiddy-cos not interested in the MLA ones really as theyre vile but MSA need to get tomorrow along with YCR and CCV. Are all of these still in service? Just out of interest as i dont live very near worcestershire so dont get out there very often. Hope that someone from redditch or kidderminster or Simon could help here?
I am at work now. So I can confirm the vehicles sold to Willenhall Commercials are
Quote from: dannygill on September 08, 2013, 08:39:53 PM
Hello and great to see your here.
I have a couple of questions for you
1. when Veolia transport lost the nx coach work did you put in a bid for the London 410/420 as well
2. will you be looking to purchase any buses with leather seats still?
and finally id just like to thank you for running rotala its good to see competition in the west midlands as it gives customers choice.
1. Yes
2. Yes.
3. Thank you
Ash the lights going off with a load bleep is a common problem with cadets have a trip to arriva land im surr you will find a few!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 09, 2013, 06:31:35 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 07, 2013, 11:49:19 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 05:31:29 AM
The Levantes were on an Operating Lease. A subsidiary of National Express has taken assignment.
On an on going basis, we look at our fares. What matters to us, is the money we take per trip, not what we charge. Our whole pricing strategy is something we need to review again. I agree with your comments that clearly a day ticket with ourselves with not worth the same value as on NX. On the NBus panel, I tried to encourage the cost of the NBus product to be no more than NX (or less). However, this is not something that any other operator or Centro would support.
Simon, Thanks for your responses,
A batch of 11 plate Levante that size was crying out to be snapped up by either NX or a major NX subcontractor, NX especially have large numbers of 06/56 plate Scania/Levate that will need removing from the network. I assume Rotala have still had to pay the monthly lease payments despite having no for them work.
I still think passenger numbers on Diamonds WM commercial services began to fall when fares were brought in line with those of NX, and ultimately those services began to be withdrawn. Obviously the economy has had an affect of passenger journeys across the board, the only thing to differentiate between the two competing operators is service & vehicle quality.
Good news of the 12 x Streetlites, will these be larger capacity DF versions? I take it Rotala are growing increasingly in favour of the Wright Streetlite with recent second-hand versions at Preston & Wessex
National Express have taken all 14 Levantes, and we were responsible for the payments until the assignment.
7 are 10.8m DF versions, 5 are 9.5m versions. We acquired 3 about a year ago for Preston. Since then we have been evaluating them. When we acquire any vehicle we have to assess what is best value for money. We consider the deal we have done with Wrights to be best value for money at this present moment in time.
Great news about the streetlites being acquired and thanks for your information on the vehicles sold-really helpful as I popped over to kidderminster today to photograph some of the older stuff. Please could you do this in future for other buses sold as it will give those of us who want to photo then a bit of advance warning? Thanks
Are the MAN/centros at redditch having reliability problems at the moment as some of them dont sound very healthy and according to the drivers there they are not very reliable.
On the subject of MAN/centros, 30804 billows black smoke all the time and has done since about last november/december-maybe this one needs a look at?
How many MPDs are arriving at kidderminster from wessex out of interest and what fleetnumbers will the new streetlites have?
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 10, 2013, 04:18:23 PM
How many MPDs are arriving at kidderminster from wessex out of interest and what fleetnumbers will the new streetlites have?
the 2 mpd I saw had fleet numbers 20653/20654
Quote from: bewminster on September 10, 2013, 04:41:33 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 10, 2013, 04:18:23 PM
How many MPDs are arriving at kidderminster from wessex out of interest and what fleetnumbers will the new streetlites have?
the 2 mpd I saw had fleet numbers 20653/20654
Thanks bewminster but i was just interested in asking Simon how many of the batch are going to arrive-as I know two of the batch are on lease with another company
what services will the streetlite's be uses on
There were some royal bath mpd darts parked up at Tividale about a month back the buses put into service may have come from there.
30940 has a defective side destination display and was blank today when I saw it.
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 10, 2013, 04:51:20 PM
Quote from: bewminster on September 10, 2013, 04:41:33 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 10, 2013, 04:18:23 PM
How many MPDs are arriving at kidderminster from wessex out of interest and what fleetnumbers will the new streetlites have?
the 2 mpd I saw had fleet numbers 20653/20654
Thanks bewminster but i was just interested in asking Simon how many of the batch are going to arrive-as I know two of the batch are on lease with another company
posted on wrong on wrong section sorry
Quote from: bewminster on September 10, 2013, 06:28:53 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 10, 2013, 04:51:20 PM
Quote from: bewminster on September 10, 2013, 04:41:33 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 10, 2013, 04:18:23 PM
How many MPDs are arriving at kidderminster from wessex out of interest and what fleetnumbers will the new streetlites have?
the 2 mpd I saw had fleet numbers 20653/20654
Thanks bewminster but i was just interested in asking Simon how many of the batch are going to arrive-as I know two of the batch are on lease with another company
posted on wrong on wrong section sorry
No worries :) And interesting that they may have been at tividale before. Theyre ex transdev this lot so they should be in decent nic-some of the YVV ones at long acre are great though.
have put some things in the Kidderminster review but there are quite a few things I can think of that could improve your services a lot and they may attract more passangers. can I use review more than once . or is there any other way I can in form you
QuoteRoute 56 was also branded for a while
It sure was, as Route56 - playing on the iconic US Highway sign for Route66. Lines from the Nat King Cole song were changed as follows:
"If you ever plan to motor west" - changed to "Planning to motor Brownhills West?"
"Get your kicks on Route66" - changed to "Get your kids on Route56"
Even had the american bumper sticker too !
This was one of my favourites.
QuoteThe one that was tweaked was 'Ride Me All Night' to 'Catch Me All Night' on the 31 branded Solo following 'feedback' from the University, Police and, urm, a rape support group. We were referring to the bus - dunno what they were referring to :o ::)
Are there any plans to brand or rebrand any of the services within the diamond network especially out of Tividale. Shame the black country connection branding was lost as the 404E gained it's own brand of which quite a few passengers referred to it as the 'black country connection bus' or the 'purple bus' whereas at the moment you can get a black/red/blue and red and white diamond vehicle on the service at any one time.
Quote from: Diamond Geezer on September 10, 2013, 10:17:33 PM
QuoteRoute 56 was also branded for a while
It sure was, as Route56 - playing on the iconic US Highway sign for Route66. Lines from the Nat King Cole song were changed as follows:
"If you ever plan to motor west" - changed to "Planning to motor Brownhills West?"
"Get your kicks on Route66" - changed to "Get your kids on Route56"
Even had the american bumper sticker too !
This was one of my favourites.
I remember this as 1 of these appeared on a Sunday on the 226 and another appeared on the 223 on a weekday!
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 09, 2013, 04:14:10 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 09, 2013, 06:31:35 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 07, 2013, 11:49:19 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 05:31:29 AM
The Levantes were on an Operating Lease. A subsidiary of National Express has taken assignment.
On an on going basis, we look at our fares. What matters to us, is the money we take per trip, not what we charge. Our whole pricing strategy is something we need to review again. I agree with your comments that clearly a day ticket with ourselves with not worth the same value as on NX. On the NBus panel, I tried to encourage the cost of the NBus product to be no more than NX (or less). However, this is not something that any other operator or Centro would support.
Simon, Thanks for your responses,
A batch of 11 plate Levante that size was crying out to be snapped up by either NX or a major NX subcontractor, NX especially have large numbers of 06/56 plate Scania/Levate that will need removing from the network. I assume Rotala have still had to pay the monthly lease payments despite having no for them work.
I still think passenger numbers on Diamonds WM commercial services began to fall when fares were brought in line with those of NX, and ultimately those services began to be withdrawn. Obviously the economy has had an affect of passenger journeys across the board, the only thing to differentiate between the two competing operators is service & vehicle quality.
Good news of the 12 x Streetlites, will these be larger capacity DF versions? I take it Rotala are growing increasingly in favour of the Wright Streetlite with recent second-hand versions at Preston & Wessex
National Express have taken all 14 Levantes, and we were responsible for the payments until the assignment.
7 are 10.8m DF versions, 5 are 9.5m versions. We acquired 3 about a year ago for Preston. Since then we have been evaluating them. When we acquire any vehicle we have to assess what is best value for money. We consider the deal we have done with Wrights to be best value for money at this present moment in time.
Great news about the streetlites being acquired and thanks for your information on the vehicles sold-really helpful as I popped over to kidderminster today to photograph some of the older stuff. Please could you do this in future for other buses sold as it will give those of us who want to photo then a bit of advance warning? Thanks
Are the MAN/centros at redditch having reliability problems at the moment as some of them dont sound very healthy and according to the drivers there they are not very reliable.
On the subject of MAN/centros, 30804 billows black smoke all the time and has done since about last november/december-maybe this one needs a look at?
1. We have sold some further vehicles last night, which includes all the Ex-First Tridents, the last 2 remaining First darts at Kidderminster and W446DOP and I think W232DNO
2. We have had problems with the MAN's, but it has been self inflicted. i.e. Running without water.
3. 30804 - I will get it checked out
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 10, 2013, 04:18:23 PM
How many MPDs are arriving at kidderminster from wessex out of interest and what fleetnumbers will the new streetlites have?
To enable us to sell and move some vehicles around we are putting all the Blue V***HEC series MPD's into Kidderminster. This will give us time to assess what we actually need
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 10, 2013, 04:51:20 PM
Quote from: bewminster on September 10, 2013, 04:41:33 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 10, 2013, 04:18:23 PM
How many MPDs are arriving at kidderminster from wessex out of interest and what fleetnumbers will the new streetlites have?
the 2 mpd I saw had fleet numbers 20653/20654
Thanks bewminster but i was just interested in asking Simon how many of the batch are going to arrive-as I know two of the batch are on lease with another company
This may fall through
Quote from: bewminster on September 10, 2013, 09:08:50 PM
have put some things in the Kidderminster review but there are quite a few things I can think of that could improve your services a lot and they may attract more passangers. can I use review more than once . or is there any other way I can in form you
Your comments are welcome. Can you send me a private message?
Quote from: Ash on September 10, 2013, 11:17:56 PM
Are there any plans to brand or rebrand any of the services within the diamond network especially out of Tividale. Shame the black country connection branding was lost as the 404E gained it's own brand of which quite a few passengers referred to it as the 'black country connection bus' or the 'purple bus' whereas at the moment you can get a black/red/blue and red and white diamond vehicle on the service at any one time.
I will forward your comments to the Commercial Director. I don't believe this is something we are considering at present
What was the point of Black, Red Diamond etc?
You couldn't move the buses around without them looking out of place, eg Red Diamond's appearing on Black Diamond 301 for instance.
Why didn't you stick with the red & white livery instead?
Twm tried branding with the local garage name which didn't work.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 11, 2013, 06:30:51 AM
Quote from: Ash on September 10, 2013, 11:17:56 PM
Are there any plans to brand or rebrand any of the services within the diamond network especially out of Tividale. Shame the black country connection branding was lost as the 404E gained it's own brand of which quite a few passengers referred to it as the 'black country connection bus' or the 'purple bus' whereas at the moment you can get a black/red/blue and red and white diamond vehicle on the service at any one time.
I will forward your comments to the Commercial Director. I don't believe this is something we are considering at present
This is a shame as some branding would be great-would boost ridership on already popular routes
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 11, 2013, 06:24:36 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 10, 2013, 04:18:23 PM
How many MPDs are arriving at kidderminster from wessex out of interest and what fleetnumbers will the new streetlites have?
To enable us to sell and move some vehicles around we are putting all the Blue V***HEC series MPD's into Kidderminster. This will give us time to assess what we actually need
Thats a good idea-will they have royal bath branding removed and diamond logos slapped on? Is that the plan? Never been on one of these so looking forward to that tomorrow
1. We have sold some further vehicles last night, which includes all the Ex-First Tridents, the last 2 remaining First darts at Kidderminster and W446DOP and I think W232DNO
2. We have had problems with the MAN's, but it has been self inflicted. i.e. Running without water.
3. 30804 - I will get it checked out
Which 2 darts at kidderminster are these-P403MLA and R610YCR?
That explains the MANs sounding unhealthy but hope that hasnt caused any damage
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 11, 2013, 06:23:11 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 09, 2013, 04:14:10 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 09, 2013, 06:31:35 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 07, 2013, 11:49:19 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 05:31:29 AM
The Levantes were on an Operating Lease. A subsidiary of National Express has taken assignment.
On an on going basis, we look at our fares. What matters to us, is the money we take per trip, not what we charge. Our whole pricing strategy is something we need to review again. I agree with your comments that clearly a day ticket with ourselves with not worth the same value as on NX. On the NBus panel, I tried to encourage the cost of the NBus product to be no more than NX (or less). However, this is not something that any other operator or Centro would support.
Simon, Thanks for your responses,
A batch of 11 plate Levante that size was crying out to be snapped up by either NX or a major NX subcontractor, NX especially have large numbers of 06/56 plate Scania/Levate that will need removing from the network. I assume Rotala have still had to pay the monthly lease payments despite having no for them work.
I still think passenger numbers on Diamonds WM commercial services began to fall when fares were brought in line with those of NX, and ultimately those services began to be withdrawn. Obviously the economy has had an affect of passenger journeys across the board, the only thing to differentiate between the two competing operators is service & vehicle quality.
Good news of the 12 x Streetlites, will these be larger capacity DF versions? I take it Rotala are growing increasingly in favour of the Wright Streetlite with recent second-hand versions at Preston & Wessex
National Express have taken all 14 Levantes, and we were responsible for the payments until the assignment.
7 are 10.8m DF versions, 5 are 9.5m versions. We acquired 3 about a year ago for Preston. Since then we have been evaluating them. When we acquire any vehicle we have to assess what is best value for money. We consider the deal we have done with Wrights to be best value for money at this present moment in time.
Great news about the streetlites being acquired and thanks for your information on the vehicles sold-really helpful as I popped over to kidderminster today to photograph some of the older stuff. Please could you do this in future for other buses sold as it will give those of us who want to photo then a bit of advance warning? Thanks
Are the MAN/centros at redditch having reliability problems at the moment as some of them dont sound very healthy and according to the drivers there they are not very reliable.
On the subject of MAN/centros, 30804 billows black smoke all the time and has done since about last november/december-maybe this one needs a look at?
1. We have sold some further vehicles last night, which includes all the Ex-First Tridents, the last 2 remaining First darts at Kidderminster and W446DOP and I think W232DNO
2. We have had problems with the MAN's, but it has been self inflicted. i.e. Running without water.
3. 30804 - I will get it checked out
Have you kept the ex first 54 reg darts ? that where at kiddermister/redditch
Quote from: bewminster on September 11, 2013, 03:29:43 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 11, 2013, 06:23:11 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 09, 2013, 04:14:10 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 09, 2013, 06:31:35 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 07, 2013, 11:49:19 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2013, 05:31:29 AM
The Levantes were on an Operating Lease. A subsidiary of National Express has taken assignment.
On an on going basis, we look at our fares. What matters to us, is the money we take per trip, not what we charge. Our whole pricing strategy is something we need to review again. I agree with your comments that clearly a day ticket with ourselves with not worth the same value as on NX. On the NBus panel, I tried to encourage the cost of the NBus product to be no more than NX (or less). However, this is not something that any other operator or Centro would support.
Simon, Thanks for your responses,
A batch of 11 plate Levante that size was crying out to be snapped up by either NX or a major NX subcontractor, NX especially have large numbers of 06/56 plate Scania/Levate that will need removing from the network. I assume Rotala have still had to pay the monthly lease payments despite having no for them work.
I still think passenger numbers on Diamonds WM commercial services began to fall when fares were brought in line with those of NX, and ultimately those services began to be withdrawn. Obviously the economy has had an affect of passenger journeys across the board, the only thing to differentiate between the two competing operators is service & vehicle quality.
Good news of the 12 x Streetlites, will these be larger capacity DF versions? I take it Rotala are growing increasingly in favour of the Wright Streetlite with recent second-hand versions at Preston & Wessex
National Express have taken all 14 Levantes, and we were responsible for the payments until the assignment.
7 are 10.8m DF versions, 5 are 9.5m versions. We acquired 3 about a year ago for Preston. Since then we have been evaluating them. When we acquire any vehicle we have to assess what is best value for money. We consider the deal we have done with Wrights to be best value for money at this present moment in time.
Great news about the streetlites being acquired and thanks for your information on the vehicles sold-really helpful as I popped over to kidderminster today to photograph some of the older stuff. Please could you do this in future for other buses sold as it will give those of us who want to photo then a bit of advance warning? Thanks
Are the MAN/centros at redditch having reliability problems at the moment as some of them dont sound very healthy and according to the drivers there they are not very reliable.
On the subject of MAN/centros, 30804 billows black smoke all the time and has done since about last november/december-maybe this one needs a look at?
1. We have sold some further vehicles last night, which includes all the Ex-First Tridents, the last 2 remaining First darts at Kidderminster and W446DOP and I think W232DNO
2. We have had problems with the MAN's, but it has been self inflicted. i.e. Running without water.
3. 30804 - I will get it checked out
Have you kept the ex first 54 reg darts ? that where at kiddermister/redditch
Yeah went on them on monday and theyre being repainted gradually I think
Hi Simon, I just wondered what you consider or are the flagship services of Rotala within the West Midlands.
Hi Simon further to your post about the review of services in the West Midlands asking what us members thing, the service that I used to use all the time was the 56 Birmingham-Brownhills, the only thing that stopped me using the service was it became very unreliable, taking to other people they all agree with me that when Diamond changed the route along the A34 to avoid the flyovers & underpasses the service went downhill fast. Buses turn up late or not at all, that might be why NXWM but on the 936 because so many people where unhappy with the Diamond service. The time's I,ve used the service nobody ever gets on or of at Perry Barr or Aston. If the Service was to go back to the old route Limted stop down the A34 using the underpasses & flyover also the Lancaster tunnels surely the service would become faster & more reliable. People might come back to using it, because what people from Aldridge & Brownhills want is a reliable, fast service into Brum.
Quote from: Solo1 on September 10, 2013, 05:45:58 PM
what services will the streetlite's be uses on
never seen a streetlite who makes it and is it a big bus or a small one like mpd size
Quote from: bewminster on September 11, 2013, 09:44:32 PM
never seen a streetlite who makes it and is it a big bus or a small one like mpd size
Made by Wright, and it is a small bus. There are different lengths, here are 2 pictures of mine showing different configurations/length
Door Forward version
Wheel forward version
Quote from: Westy on September 11, 2013, 07:54:36 AM
What was the point of Black, Red Diamond etc?
You couldn't move the buses around without them looking out of place, eg Red Diamond's appearing on Black Diamond 301 for instance.
Why didn't you stick with the red & white livery instead?
Twm tried branding with the local garage name which didn't work.
We acquired Diamond Bus in 2008. We didn't like the Red & White livery and we have tried some different liveries, and route branding. Today, we want one consistent livery for the West Midlands and we have decided on the Blue. Clearly the Signature services will stay in their current Silver livery
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 12, 2013, 06:35:44 AM
Quote from: Westy on September 11, 2013, 07:54:36 AM
What was the point of Black, Red Diamond etc?
You couldn't move the buses around without them looking out of place, eg Red Diamond's appearing on Black Diamond 301 for instance.
Why didn't you stick with the red & white livery instead?
Twm tried branding with the local garage name which didn't work.
We acquired Diamond Bus in 2008. We didn't like the Red & White livery and we have tried some different liveries, and route branding. Today, we want one consistent livery for the West Midlands and we have decided on the Blue. Clearly the Signature services will stay in their current Silver livery
Aah didn't realise the red & white was from the old regime.
The seating on 20543 is quite scruffy, it was on the 205 last night. It may be because the seats are non standard, but its not that inviting, By the look of it they're from new (12 years). On the other hand it's good to hear that the buses and routes will be reviewed after the tender changes. I also would like to see the stance on NX Travelcards change, but i don't think that will happen, unless swift operates similar to Oyster with there being a daily cap, in which case the competitiveness of the travelcard may fall.
Quote from: bususer12 on September 12, 2013, 08:05:21 AM
The seating on 20543 is quite scruffy, it was on the 205 last night. It may be because the seats are non standard, but its not that inviting, By the look of it they're from new (12 years). On the other hand it's good to hear that the buses and routes will be reviewed after the tender changes. I also would like to see the stance on NX Travelcards change, but i don't think that will happen, unless swift operates similar to Oyster with there being a daily cap, in which case the competitiveness of the travelcard may fall.
Know what you mean here. In fairness to diamond, theyve got so many different types of seat with so many different moquettes, patching up or redoing any seats must be really difficult. I guess there is not much point redoing the seats for a fairly old bus
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 12, 2013, 12:58:45 PM
Quote from: bususer12 on September 12, 2013, 08:05:21 AM
The seating on 20543 is quite scruffy, it was on the 205 last night. It may be because the seats are non standard, but its not that inviting, By the look of it they're from new (12 years). On the other hand it's good to hear that the buses and routes will be reviewed after the tender changes. I also would like to see the stance on NX Travelcards change, but i don't think that will happen, unless swift operates similar to Oyster with there being a daily cap, in which case the competitiveness of the travelcard may fall.
Know what you mean here. In fairness to diamond, theyve got so many different types of seat with so many different moquettes, patching up or redoing any seats must be really difficult. I guess there is not much point redoing the seats for a fairly old bus
That's one of the problems of buying second-hand with buses all different internal / mechanical specs
If you had a few of the same batch, there is nothing stopping Diamond replacing the cushion on the one with Diamond moquette and retaining the old cushions to use as replacement on other vehicles from the same batch
Quote from: Winston on September 12, 2013, 01:23:25 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 12, 2013, 12:58:45 PM
Quote from: bususer12 on September 12, 2013, 08:05:21 AM
The seating on 20543 is quite scruffy, it was on the 205 last night. It may be because the seats are non standard, but its not that inviting, By the look of it they're from new (12 years). On the other hand it's good to hear that the buses and routes will be reviewed after the tender changes. I also would like to see the stance on NX Travelcards change, but i don't think that will happen, unless swift operates similar to Oyster with there being a daily cap, in which case the competitiveness of the travelcard may fall.
Know what you mean here. In fairness to diamond, theyve got so many different types of seat with so many different moquettes, patching up or redoing any seats must be really difficult. I guess there is not much point redoing the seats for a fairly old bus
That's one of the problems of buying second-hand with buses all different internal / mechanical specs
If you had a few of the same batch, there is nothing stopping Diamond replacing the cushion on the one with Diamond moquette and retaining the old cushions to use as replacement on other vehicles from the same batch
It is the problem but makes it a lot more interesting for enthusiasts!! And yeah think S404JUA had seats from another withdrawn dart but for example the X808NWX cadet has this bright moquette thats on no other bus so so has had to have one cushion replaced by one in "diamond" moquette-the red one with dots and swirls if anyone knows what Im on about??
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 11, 2013, 03:02:32 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 11, 2013, 06:24:36 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 10, 2013, 04:18:23 PM
How many MPDs are arriving at kidderminster from wessex out of interest and what fleetnumbers will the new streetlites have?
To enable us to sell and move some vehicles around we are putting all the Blue V***HEC series MPD's into Kidderminster. This will give us time to assess what we actually need
Thats a good idea-will they have royal bath branding removed and diamond logos slapped on? Is that the plan? Never been on one of these so looking forward to that tomorrow
1. We have sold some further vehicles last night, which includes all the Ex-First Tridents, the last 2 remaining First darts at Kidderminster and W446DOP and I think W232DNO
2. We have had problems with the MAN's, but it has been self inflicted. i.e. Running without water.
3. 30804 - I will get it checked out
Which 2 darts at kidderminster are these-P403MLA and R610YCR?
That explains the MANs sounding unhealthy but hope that hasnt caused any damage
1. I understand the V registration darts are all now at Kidderminster, and before entering service all the branding relating to Bath will be removed.
2. Yes - P403MLA and R610YCR
Quote from: Ash on September 11, 2013, 04:25:25 PM
Hi Simon, I just wondered what you consider or are the flagship services of Rotala within the West Midlands.
Centro consider the signature services we operate to their Flagship services. From our perspective for commercial reasons I would rather not comment
Quote from: woody38 on September 11, 2013, 08:36:18 PM
Hi Simon further to your post about the review of services in the West Midlands asking what us members thing, the service that I used to use all the time was the 56 Birmingham-Brownhills, the only thing that stopped me using the service was it became very unreliable, taking to other people they all agree with me that when Diamond changed the route along the A34 to avoid the flyovers & underpasses the service went downhill fast. Buses turn up late or not at all, that might be why NXWM but on the 936 because so many people where unhappy with the Diamond service. The time's I,ve used the service nobody ever gets on or of at Perry Barr or Aston. If the Service was to go back to the old route Limted stop down the A34 using the underpasses & flyover also the Lancaster tunnels surely the service would become faster & more reliable. People might come back to using it, because what people from Aldridge & Brownhills want is a reliable, fast service into Brum.
I have past your comments onto the Commercial team. I am told the service was changed in 2009, is this the change you are talking about?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 12, 2013, 02:33:29 PM
Quote from: woody38 on September 11, 2013, 08:36:18 PM
Hi Simon further to your post about the review of services in the West Midlands asking what us members thing, the service that I used to use all the time was the 56 Birmingham-Brownhills, the only thing that stopped me using the service was it became very unreliable, taking to other people they all agree with me that when Diamond changed the route along the A34 to avoid the flyovers & underpasses the service went downhill fast. Buses turn up late or not at all, that might be why NXWM but on the 936 because so many people where unhappy with the Diamond service. The time's I,ve used the service nobody ever gets on or of at Perry Barr or Aston. If the Service was to go back to the old route Limted stop down the A34 using the underpasses & flyover also the Lancaster tunnels surely the service would become faster & more reliable. People might come back to using it, because what people from Aldridge & Brownhills want is a reliable, fast service into Brum.
I have past your comments onto the Commercial team. I am told the service was changed in 2009, is this the change you are talking about?
Yes that's when it changed
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 12, 2013, 02:32:24 PM
Quote from: Ash on September 11, 2013, 04:25:25 PM
Hi Simon, I just wondered what you consider or are the flagship services of Rotala within the West Midlands.
Centro consider the signature services we operate to their Flagship services. From our perspective for commercial reasons I would rather not comment
Totally understand, thank you for your response.
Thanks for your replies Simon-just a couple more questions
1) Is R610YCR still in service or not-has it been withdrawn yet?
2)Do you plan to sell AE10CSF soon seeing as others of the type have gone and it is a one off in the WMids?
3)Do you plan to repaint KX57OVV soon or concentrate the MAN/centro type at any one depot as opposed to them being everywhere but kidderminster?
4) Which do you prefer-a plaxton centro or a wright eclipse? Just out of interest
5) What are your "favourite" buses run by diamond-ie best from an operational perspective, most reliable, cheapest to run, best value etc
6) Could rotala bring out a west midlands guide like the ones for redditch and kidderminster like arriva has done to raise awareness of the diamond network?
Thanks again :)
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 12, 2013, 10:12:25 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon-just a couple more questions
1) Is R610YCR still in service or not-has it been withdrawn yet?
2)Do you plan to sell AE10CSF soon seeing as others of the type have gone and it is a one off in the WMids?
3)Do you plan to repaint KX57OVV soon or concentrate the MAN/centro type at any one depot as opposed to them being everywhere but kidderminster?
4) Which do you prefer-a plaxton centro or a wright eclipse? Just out of interest
5) What are your "favourite" buses run by diamond-ie best from an operational perspective, most reliable, cheapest to run, best value etc
6) Could rotala bring out a west midlands guide like the ones for redditch and kidderminster like arriva has done to raise awareness of the diamond network?
Thanks again :)
1. It is still in service at present, but is due for imminent withdrawel
2. We have an offer from New Zealand, which we are considering.
3. No plan at present.
4. Wright Eclipse.
Mercedes Engine, Optare Solo up to 9.5m
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse - 12m.
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
6. it is something we should do. However, until the network is stable this is difficult
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 12, 2013, 10:12:25 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon-just a couple more questions
1) Is R610YCR still in service or not-has it been withdrawn yet?
2)Do you plan to sell AE10CSF soon seeing as others of the type have gone and it is a one off in the WMids?
3)Do you plan to repaint KX57OVV soon or concentrate the MAN/centro type at any one depot as opposed to them being everywhere but kidderminster?
4) Which do you prefer-a plaxton centro or a wright eclipse? Just out of interest
5) What are your "favourite" buses run by diamond-ie best from an operational perspective, most reliable, cheapest to run, best value etc
6) Could rotala bring out a west midlands guide like the ones for redditch and kidderminster like arriva has done to raise awareness of the diamond network?
Thanks again :)
1. It is still in service at present, but is due for imminent withdrawel
2. We have an offer from New Zealand, which we are considering.
3. No plan at present.
4. Wright Eclipse.
Mercedes Engine, Optare Solo up to 9.5m
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse - 12m.
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
6. it is something we should do. However, until the network is stable this is difficult
Thanks for all your replies again Simon!
Interesting to hear about CSF potentially going to new zealand as well soon and also interesting that you prefer eclipses over centros-sorry if it seemed a weird question but I was just intrigued as rotala have bought both types so can compare them directly. Personally, I prefer centros in terms of appearance and I like the royale ones-so do passengers as people often say about how its a posh bus when they pop up on unfamiliar routes. I understand your point about a network guide entirely-I guess its pointless to spend money on a quickly outdated guide. Also interesting about your favourite buses-I too like eclipse gemini's, b7rles, but also MAN/centros, MAN/evolutions and dart slfs.
Where abouts is R610YCR at the moment as I havent been able to find it anywhere for ages. I imagine its at kidderminster and when is it coming off service?
Thanks again
Quote from: Winston on September 13, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
Scania are more thirsty about 7 mile to the gallon, Volvo and ADL are lot better on fuel you be look around 10 + miles to the gallon
Quote from: Winston on September 13, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
We do not have a large requirement for Double deckers. This year we have had to replace 1 and acquire an additional decker for Avonmouth. We offered the 10 plates as an alternative to new. In the end Ross wanted more than I thought they were worth, and the client wanted new. Hence why we currently have 2 demo's from Volvo, until the new are delivered.
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 13, 2013, 06:38:21 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 12, 2013, 10:12:25 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon-just a couple more questions
1) Is R610YCR still in service or not-has it been withdrawn yet?
2)Do you plan to sell AE10CSF soon seeing as others of the type have gone and it is a one off in the WMids?
3)Do you plan to repaint KX57OVV soon or concentrate the MAN/centro type at any one depot as opposed to them being everywhere but kidderminster?
4) Which do you prefer-a plaxton centro or a wright eclipse? Just out of interest
5) What are your "favourite" buses run by diamond-ie best from an operational perspective, most reliable, cheapest to run, best value etc
6) Could rotala bring out a west midlands guide like the ones for redditch and kidderminster like arriva has done to raise awareness of the diamond network?
Thanks again :)
1. It is still in service at present, but is due for imminent withdrawel
2. We have an offer from New Zealand, which we are considering.
3. No plan at present.
4. Wright Eclipse.
Mercedes Engine, Optare Solo up to 9.5m
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse - 12m.
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
6. it is something we should do. However, until the network is stable this is difficult
Thanks for all your replies again Simon!
Interesting to hear about CSF potentially going to new zealand as well soon and also interesting that you prefer eclipses over centros-sorry if it seemed a weird question but I was just intrigued as rotala have bought both types so can compare them directly. Personally, I prefer centros in terms of appearance and I like the royale ones-so do passengers as people often say about how its a posh bus when they pop up on unfamiliar routes. I understand your point about a network guide entirely-I guess its pointless to spend money on a quickly outdated guide. Also interesting about your favourite buses-I too like eclipse gemini's, b7rles, but also MAN/centros, MAN/evolutions and dart slfs.
Where abouts is R610YCR at the moment as I havent been able to find it anywhere for ages. I imagine its at kidderminster and when is it coming off service?
Thanks again
The build quality on an eclipse is far superior to that of a Centro.
From memory I believe R610YCR is in Kidderminster and the plan is to remove and a number of other vehicles from Redditch and Kidderminster when the V registration darts from Wessex enter service/New Streetlites and Deckers are removed
Quote from: Jon on September 13, 2013, 10:42:51 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 13, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
Scania are more thirsty about 7 mile to the gallon, Volvo and ADL are lot better on fuel you be look around 10 + miles to the gallon
We are not a large operator of Double decks. However, from our experience I would say the Scania double deck is better than the Volvo double deck
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:54:03 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 13, 2013, 06:38:21 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 12, 2013, 10:12:25 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon-just a couple more questions
1) Is R610YCR still in service or not-has it been withdrawn yet?
2)Do you plan to sell AE10CSF soon seeing as others of the type have gone and it is a one off in the WMids?
3)Do you plan to repaint KX57OVV soon or concentrate the MAN/centro type at any one depot as opposed to them being everywhere but kidderminster?
4) Which do you prefer-a plaxton centro or a wright eclipse? Just out of interest
5) What are your "favourite" buses run by diamond-ie best from an operational perspective, most reliable, cheapest to run, best value etc
6) Could rotala bring out a west midlands guide like the ones for redditch and kidderminster like arriva has done to raise awareness of the diamond network?
Thanks again :)
1. It is still in service at present, but is due for imminent withdrawel
2. We have an offer from New Zealand, which we are considering.
3. No plan at present.
4. Wright Eclipse.
Mercedes Engine, Optare Solo up to 9.5m
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse - 12m.
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
6. it is something we should do. However, until the network is stable this is difficult
Thanks for all your replies again Simon!
Interesting to hear about CSF potentially going to new zealand as well soon and also interesting that you prefer eclipses over centros-sorry if it seemed a weird question but I was just intrigued as rotala have bought both types so can compare them directly. Personally, I prefer centros in terms of appearance and I like the royale ones-so do passengers as people often say about how its a posh bus when they pop up on unfamiliar routes. I understand your point about a network guide entirely-I guess its pointless to spend money on a quickly outdated guide. Also interesting about your favourite buses-I too like eclipse gemini's, b7rles, but also MAN/centros, MAN/evolutions and dart slfs.
Where abouts is R610YCR at the moment as I havent been able to find it anywhere for ages. I imagine its at kidderminster and when is it coming off service?
Thanks again
The build quality on an eclipse is far superior to that of a Centro.
From memory I believe R610YCR is in Kidderminster and the plan is to remove and a number of other vehicles from Redditch and Kidderminster when the V registration darts from Wessex enter service/New Streetlites and Deckers are removed
That is interesting about build quality and thanks for the info about YCR-will try to get across to kidderminster soon and I imagine the buses leaving redditch soon will be the deckers, T418MNH?, old MPDs, S405JUA and R455CCV? Am I right or miles off?!
Thanks again
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:55:08 AM
Quote from: Jon on September 13, 2013, 10:42:51 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 13, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
Scania are more thirsty about 7 mile to the gallon, Volvo and ADL are lot better on fuel you be look around 10 + miles to the gallon
We are not a large operator of Double decks. However, from our experience I would say the Scania double deck is better than the Volvo double deck
Hi Simon
I talking about more on the lines off single decker such as OmniLink there are more thirsty vs B7's and E200 's but i not sure on double decker
Surely it would be easier to make leaflets available rather than bus guides?
Most of the West Midlands services are available via NWM leaflets anyway apart from the 301 obviously.
Quote from: Westy on September 14, 2013, 12:37:57 PM
Surely it would be easier to make leaflets available rather than bus guides?
Most of the West Midlands services are available via NWM leaflets anyway apart from the 301 obviously.
I guess it would but people know about individual routes-what is needed is something to heighten network awareness-like arriva have done and like in the redditch and kidderminster guides
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:51:24 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 13, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
We do not have a large requirement for Double deckers. This year we have had to replace 1 and acquire an additional decker for Avonmouth. We offered the 10 plates as an alternative to new. In the end Ross wanted more than I thought they were worth, and the client wanted new. Hence why we currently have 2 demo's from Volvo, until the new are delivered.
So you have 2 new Omnicity double deckers on order for Avonmouth then, are these from stock? As I though Scania have stopped making them unless they received a large fleet order
One thing I've wondered, is why New Zealand operators are so keen to take on the MCV Evolutions if the build quality isn't up to scratch, do you have an any inklings?
Quote from: Winston on September 14, 2013, 01:57:48 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:51:24 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 13, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
We do not have a large requirement for Double deckers. This year we have had to replace 1 and acquire an additional decker for Avonmouth. We offered the 10 plates as an alternative to new. In the end Ross wanted more than I thought they were worth, and the client wanted new. Hence why we currently have 2 demo's from Volvo, until the new are delivered.
So you have 2 new Omnicity double deckers on order for Avonmouth then, are these from stock? As I though Scania have stopped making them unless they received a large fleet order
One thing I've wondered, is why New Zealand operators are so keen to take on the MCV Evolutions if the build quality isn't up to scratch, do you have an any inklings?
I was wondering the same Winston and also about the fact that arent scania omni-buses known for very poor build quality if nxwm's omnilinks are anything to go by?
A good buy in my view would be the citaro currently at ensignbus-a single door one as well-would be perfect at preston to fit with the citaro there to replace the sold esteem or even at diamond
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 14, 2013, 02:02:45 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 14, 2013, 01:57:48 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:51:24 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 13, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
We do not have a large requirement for Double deckers. This year we have had to replace 1 and acquire an additional decker for Avonmouth. We offered the 10 plates as an alternative to new. In the end Ross wanted more than I thought they were worth, and the client wanted new. Hence why we currently have 2 demo's from Volvo, until the new are delivered.
So you have 2 new Omnicity double deckers on order for Avonmouth then, are these from stock? As I though Scania have stopped making them unless they received a large fleet order
One thing I've wondered, is why New Zealand operators are so keen to take on the MCV Evolutions if the build quality isn't up to scratch, do you have an any inklings?
I was wondering the same Winston and also about the fact that arent scania omni-buses known for very poor build quality if nxwm's omnilinks are anything to go by?
A good buy in my view would be the citaro currently at ensignbus-a single door one as well-would be perfect at preston to fit with the citaro there to replace the sold esteem or even at diamond
Yes that 04 plate Citaro may be an option for Long Acre, it must be surplus to requirements at Western Greyhound now FDC have taken over the Truro Park & Ride. Or it has been traded in against the Y/51-reg Tridents/ALX400's that Ensign are supplying to WG ex Stagecoach London
Quote from: Winston on September 14, 2013, 02:07:07 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 14, 2013, 02:02:45 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 14, 2013, 01:57:48 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:51:24 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 13, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
We do not have a large requirement for Double deckers. This year we have had to replace 1 and acquire an additional decker for Avonmouth. We offered the 10 plates as an alternative to new. In the end Ross wanted more than I thought they were worth, and the client wanted new. Hence why we currently have 2 demo's from Volvo, until the new are delivered.
So you have 2 new Omnicity double deckers on order for Avonmouth then, are these from stock? As I though Scania have stopped making them unless they received a large fleet order
One thing I've wondered, is why New Zealand operators are so keen to take on the MCV Evolutions if the build quality isn't up to scratch, do you have an any inklings?
I was wondering the same Winston and also about the fact that arent scania omni-buses known for very poor build quality if nxwm's omnilinks are anything to go by?
A good buy in my view would be the citaro currently at ensignbus-a single door one as well-would be perfect at preston to fit with the citaro there to replace the sold esteem or even at diamond
Yes that 04 plate Citaro may be an option for Long Acre, it must be surplus to requirements at Western Greyhound now FDC have taken over the Truro Park & Ride. Or it has been traded in against the Y/51-reg Tridents/ALX400's that Ensign are supplying to WG ex Stagecoach London
Think its ex park and ride and looks a decent buy obviously dependant on price-I still think the dual door ex yourbus citaros would be good somehwere-shame they cant be used on student services
Hi Simon,
How much do you want for this?
Quote from: ge321321 on September 14, 2013, 09:04:45 PM
Hi Simon,
How much do you want for this?
Didn't see that one coming....... that is obviously the longer term plan for Long Acre Simon previously mentioned ;)
Maybe Long Acre would be of interest to NX as a new depot to house the current allocation at BY and offer some additional capacity? Double deckers could then also be operated from LA and keep BY as NXWM HQ and use the current depot building for storing single deckers with the highest book values from the reserve fleet, especially once LH is eventually sold. I believe this was originally the intention prior to LH closing
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 14, 2013, 11:24:40 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:54:03 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 13, 2013, 06:38:21 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 12, 2013, 10:12:25 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon-just a couple more questions
1) Is R610YCR still in service or not-has it been withdrawn yet?
2)Do you plan to sell AE10CSF soon seeing as others of the type have gone and it is a one off in the WMids?
3)Do you plan to repaint KX57OVV soon or concentrate the MAN/centro type at any one depot as opposed to them being everywhere but kidderminster?
4) Which do you prefer-a plaxton centro or a wright eclipse? Just out of interest
5) What are your "favourite" buses run by diamond-ie best from an operational perspective, most reliable, cheapest to run, best value etc
6) Could rotala bring out a west midlands guide like the ones for redditch and kidderminster like arriva has done to raise awareness of the diamond network?
Thanks again :)
1. It is still in service at present, but is due for imminent withdrawel
2. We have an offer from New Zealand, which we are considering.
3. No plan at present.
4. Wright Eclipse.
Mercedes Engine, Optare Solo up to 9.5m
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse - 12m.
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
6. it is something we should do. However, until the network is stable this is difficult
Thanks for all your replies again Simon!
Interesting to hear about CSF potentially going to new zealand as well soon and also interesting that you prefer eclipses over centros-sorry if it seemed a weird question but I was just intrigued as rotala have bought both types so can compare them directly. Personally, I prefer centros in terms of appearance and I like the royale ones-so do passengers as people often say about how its a posh bus when they pop up on unfamiliar routes. I understand your point about a network guide entirely-I guess its pointless to spend money on a quickly outdated guide. Also interesting about your favourite buses-I too like eclipse gemini's, b7rles, but also MAN/centros, MAN/evolutions and dart slfs.
Where abouts is R610YCR at the moment as I havent been able to find it anywhere for ages. I imagine its at kidderminster and when is it coming off service?
Thanks again
The build quality on an eclipse is far superior to that of a Centro.
From memory I believe R610YCR is in Kidderminster and the plan is to remove and a number of other vehicles from Redditch and Kidderminster when the V registration darts from Wessex enter service/New Streetlites and Deckers are removed
That is interesting about build quality and thanks for the info about YCR-will try to get across to kidderminster soon and I imagine the buses leaving redditch soon will be the deckers, T418MNH?, old MPDs, S405JUA and R455CCV? Am I right or miles off?!
Thanks again
At the moment we have too many spares in Redditch. Once, we get this better under control we should not need any of the ex Diamond darts which have been transferred in
Quote from: Jon on September 14, 2013, 11:44:19 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:55:08 AM
Quote from: Jon on September 13, 2013, 10:42:51 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 13, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
Scania are more thirsty about 7 mile to the gallon, Volvo and ADL are lot better on fuel you be look around 10 + miles to the gallon
We are not a large operator of Double decks. However, from our experience I would say the Scania double deck is better than the Volvo double deck
Hi Simon
I talking about more on the lines off single decker such as OmniLink there are more thirsty vs B7's and E200 's but i not sure on double decker
From our experience of the Scania products we operate at Avonmouth. The single deck product is not as good as the B7 or E200 on fuel. That being said we do not operate any Long E200 at Avonmouth, nor on a similar type of route. In addition the E200 is a light weight product, and not comparable to a B7 or Scania.
Quote from: Winston on September 14, 2013, 01:57:48 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:51:24 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 13, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
We do not have a large requirement for Double deckers. This year we have had to replace 1 and acquire an additional decker for Avonmouth. We offered the 10 plates as an alternative to new. In the end Ross wanted more than I thought they were worth, and the client wanted new. Hence why we currently have 2 demo's from Volvo, until the new are delivered.
So you have 2 new Omnicity double deckers on order for Avonmouth then, are these from stock? As I though Scania have stopped making them unless they received a large fleet order
One thing I've wondered, is why New Zealand operators are so keen to take on the MCV Evolutions if the build quality isn't up to scratch, do you have an any inklings?
We have 2 Volvo Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 deckers on order for Avonmouth. These are not from stock, they are new build.
I am not an expert on the requirements for buses for New Zealand. However, my understanding is that there are vehicle dimension restrictions. My understanding is that the MCV is 2.5m wide, were as most other products are 2.55 m wide. I believe the New Zealand law allows for a maximum of 2.5m (From memory I believe this is what ours used to be until about 1991).
The MCV body is not badly built. We sold the 23 x MAN MCV, due to the chassis and aftermarket support.
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 14, 2013, 02:02:45 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 14, 2013, 01:57:48 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:51:24 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 13, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
We do not have a large requirement for Double deckers. This year we have had to replace 1 and acquire an additional decker for Avonmouth. We offered the 10 plates as an alternative to new. In the end Ross wanted more than I thought they were worth, and the client wanted new. Hence why we currently have 2 demo's from Volvo, until the new are delivered.
So you have 2 new Omnicity double deckers on order for Avonmouth then, are these from stock? As I though Scania have stopped making them unless they received a large fleet order
One thing I've wondered, is why New Zealand operators are so keen to take on the MCV Evolutions if the build quality isn't up to scratch, do you have an any inklings?
I was wondering the same Winston and also about the fact that arent scania omni-buses known for very poor build quality if nxwm's omnilinks are anything to go by?
A good buy in my view would be the citaro currently at ensignbus-a single door one as well-would be perfect at preston to fit with the citaro there to replace the sold esteem or even at diamond
The New Citaro is a good product. We had a number of pre 2005 Citaro's which we sold, and couldn't wait to get out of.
Quote from: ge321321 on September 14, 2013, 09:04:45 PM
Hi Simon,
How much do you want for this?
Following our acquisition of Redditch and Kidderminster, some of the work operated from Long Acre is now nearly as Close from Redditch. This provides the opportunity to reassess our depot Footprint, and Knight Frank are the acting agents for both Long Acre and Shady Lane (We have a 40+ year lease).
We have not made a firm decision as yet, but we are considering our options and for the right offer would consider Sale of all, Sublet either all or part.
In terms of a Sale Price, the agent is quoting £2.75 million.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 15, 2013, 07:36:39 AM
We have 2 Volvo Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 deckers on order for Avonmouth. These are not from stock, they are new build.
I am not an expert on the requirements for buses for New Zealand. However, my understanding is that there are vehicle dimension restrictions. My understanding is that the MCV is 2.5m wide, were as most other products are 2.55 m wide. I believe the New Zealand law allows for a maximum of 2.5m (From memory I believe this is what ours used to be until about 1991).
The MCV body is not badly built. We sold the 23 x MAN MCV, due to the chassis and aftermarket support.
Apologies Simon, I must have misunderstood your previous reply, I wrongly read it that new Scania Omnicity double deckers had been ordered.....
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 15, 2013, 07:47:12 AM
Quote from: ge321321 on September 14, 2013, 09:04:45 PM
Hi Simon,
How much do you want for this?
Following our acquisition of Redditch and Kidderminster, some of the work operated from Long Acre is now nearly as Close from Redditch. This provides the opportunity to reassess our depot Footprint, and Knight Frank are the acting agents for both Long Acre and Shady Lane (We have a 40+ year lease).
We have not made a firm decision as yet, but we are considering our options and for the right offer would consider Sale of all, Sublet either all or part.
In terms of a Sale Price, the agent is quoting £2.75 million.
It obviously makes good business sense to vacate and sell Long Acre if sufficient work can't be found in the short/medium term to bolster the allocation and fill it to its full potential. In doing so subsequently it will reduce Rotala Plc/Diamond's overheads going forward..... Obviously disposing of an un-required asset such as Shady Lane makes perfect sense, the proceeds of any sales can then be re-injection back in to the business or used to pay down some of Rotala Plc debt
Is the £2.75 Million for both properties I take it?
Would Rotala Plc HQ have to find a new head office somewhere or could this function be moved in to Tividale in the event of Long Acre being sold or sub-let?
Hi Simon,
One thing I've noticed whilst browsing the diamond site is that it does not contain any of the network changes that have been made since the network map was made in Oct 2012.
Is there any plans for marketing to change it and also would mini network maps (eg Redditch, Kidderminster, the Black Country) work on there as a way for folks in those areas to see specific routes without some of the restrictions the big network map has?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 15, 2013, 07:28:41 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 14, 2013, 11:24:40 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:54:03 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 13, 2013, 06:38:21 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 12, 2013, 10:12:25 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon-just a couple more questions
1) Is R610YCR still in service or not-has it been withdrawn yet?
2)Do you plan to sell AE10CSF soon seeing as others of the type have gone and it is a one off in the WMids?
3)Do you plan to repaint KX57OVV soon or concentrate the MAN/centro type at any one depot as opposed to them being everywhere but kidderminster?
4) Which do you prefer-a plaxton centro or a wright eclipse? Just out of interest
5) What are your "favourite" buses run by diamond-ie best from an operational perspective, most reliable, cheapest to run, best value etc
6) Could rotala bring out a west midlands guide like the ones for redditch and kidderminster like arriva has done to raise awareness of the diamond network?
Thanks again :)
1. It is still in service at present, but is due for imminent withdrawel
2. We have an offer from New Zealand, which we are considering.
3. No plan at present.
4. Wright Eclipse.
Mercedes Engine, Optare Solo up to 9.5m
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse - 12m.
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
6. it is something we should do. However, until the network is stable this is difficult
Thanks for all your replies again Simon!
Interesting to hear about CSF potentially going to new zealand as well soon and also interesting that you prefer eclipses over centros-sorry if it seemed a weird question but I was just intrigued as rotala have bought both types so can compare them directly. Personally, I prefer centros in terms of appearance and I like the royale ones-so do passengers as people often say about how its a posh bus when they pop up on unfamiliar routes. I understand your point about a network guide entirely-I guess its pointless to spend money on a quickly outdated guide. Also interesting about your favourite buses-I too like eclipse gemini's, b7rles, but also MAN/centros, MAN/evolutions and dart slfs.
Where abouts is R610YCR at the moment as I havent been able to find it anywhere for ages. I imagine its at kidderminster and when is it coming off service?
Thanks again
The build quality on an eclipse is far superior to that of a Centro.
From memory I believe R610YCR is in Kidderminster and the plan is to remove and a number of other vehicles from Redditch and Kidderminster when the V registration darts from Wessex enter service/New Streetlites and Deckers are removed
That is interesting about build quality and thanks for the info about YCR-will try to get across to kidderminster soon and I imagine the buses leaving redditch soon will be the deckers, T418MNH?, old MPDs, S405JUA and R455CCV? Am I right or miles off?!
Thanks again
At the moment we have too many spares in Redditch. Once, we get this better under control we should not need any of the ex Diamond darts which have been transferred in
Thanks Simon-will these be going back to tividale soon as there as some routes there that need extra capacity and larger buses on the 142 at the moment might be an idea due to the holdups buses are getting very busy-know this isnt diamonds fault but might be an idea or maybe reduce the fares for a bit like in evesham as I overheard people talking about not catching it any more and that might be a way of keeping more custom
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 15, 2013, 07:36:39 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 14, 2013, 01:57:48 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:51:24 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 13, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
I was surprised that the Scania Omnideck featured our your favorites list, are those not quite so thirsty on fuel? It's a pity Ross @ Ensign wouldn't accept your offer on the 10 plate for sale there
We do not have a large requirement for Double deckers. This year we have had to replace 1 and acquire an additional decker for Avonmouth. We offered the 10 plates as an alternative to new. In the end Ross wanted more than I thought they were worth, and the client wanted new. Hence why we currently have 2 demo's from Volvo, until the new are delivered.
So you have 2 new Omnicity double deckers on order for Avonmouth then, are these from stock? As I though Scania have stopped making them unless they received a large fleet order
One thing I've wondered, is why New Zealand operators are so keen to take on the MCV Evolutions if the build quality isn't up to scratch, do you have an any inklings?
We have 2 Volvo Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 deckers on order for Avonmouth. These are not from stock, they are new build.
I am not an expert on the requirements for buses for New Zealand. However, my understanding is that there are vehicle dimension restrictions. My understanding is that the MCV is 2.5m wide, were as most other products are 2.55 m wide. I believe the New Zealand law allows for a maximum of 2.5m (From memory I believe this is what ours used to be until about 1991).
The MCV body is not badly built. We sold the 23 x MAN MCV, due to the chassis and aftermarket support.
Good that more new buses are on order and interesting about the MCVs thought they looked narrower than say a b7rle and I liked the MCVs to be honest but the drivers didnt
Which pre-2005 citaros did rotala sell out of interest and thanks for all your replies-sorry for all the questions!!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 09, 2013, 06:31:35 AM
7 are 10.8m DF versions, 5 are 9.5m versions. We acquired 3 about a year ago for Preston. Since then we have been evaluating them. When we acquire any vehicle we have to assess what is best value for money. We consider the deal we have done with Wrights to be best value for money at this present moment in time.
Re: the Streetlites you have an order,
From the South Yorkshire forum, a senior figure at FSY (Olive Grove) depot is quoted as saying:
'Modifications now being carried out to Streetlites to enable them to operate at night without interior light problems, operation should settle down to 52/76s and plans afoot to maximise useage at weekends due to impressive MPG figures. There are a few niggles to sort out mainly electrical but most are performing ok'
They are the DF max type currently replacing B7L/Wright Eclipse in Sheffield
Quote from: Winston on September 15, 2013, 10:02:30 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 15, 2013, 07:47:12 AM
Quote from: ge321321 on September 14, 2013, 09:04:45 PM
Hi Simon,
How much do you want for this?
Following our acquisition of Redditch and Kidderminster, some of the work operated from Long Acre is now nearly as Close from Redditch. This provides the opportunity to reassess our depot Footprint, and Knight Frank are the acting agents for both Long Acre and Shady Lane (We have a 40+ year lease).
We have not made a firm decision as yet, but we are considering our options and for the right offer would consider Sale of all, Sublet either all or part.
In terms of a Sale Price, the agent is quoting £2.75 million.
It obviously makes good business sense to vacate and sell Long Acre if sufficient work can't be found in the short/medium term to bolster the allocation and fill it to its full potential. In doing so subsequently it will reduce Rotala Plc/Diamond's overheads going forward..... Obviously disposing of an un-required asset such as Shady Lane makes perfect sense, the proceeds of any sales can then be re-injection back in to the business or used to pay down some of Rotala Plc debt
Is the £2.75 Million for both properties I take it?
Would Rotala Plc HQ have to find a new head office somewhere or could this function be moved in to Tividale in the event of Long Acre being sold or sub-let?
The £2.75 million is the value of the Long Acre property.
Although Shady Lane can be sold, we foresee a more likely solution to sublet part of it.
We do not believe we will rent/lease/sell all the site to one person. We have not as yet decided, this is exactly what we want to do. We are considering our options, one option if we do recieve an offer for the asking price is that the Unit next door to Tividale is for Sale. Potentially we could relocate our Head Office staff to the site current depot/ acquire the unit next door for the Operational team and combine all the site into one.
There are potentially other things we could, not sell Beacon House (part of Long Acre)
We are at present exploring options.
Quote from: the #trainbasher on September 15, 2013, 11:58:40 AM
Hi Simon,
One thing I've noticed whilst browsing the diamond site is that it does not contain any of the network changes that have been made since the network map was made in Oct 2012.
Is there any plans for marketing to change it and also would mini network maps (eg Redditch, Kidderminster, the Black Country) work on there as a way for folks in those areas to see specific routes without some of the restrictions the big network map has?
I believe the site has been updated. What do you think is out of date?
With regards mini network maps. This is not something we have previously considered.
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 15, 2013, 04:21:25 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 15, 2013, 07:28:41 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 14, 2013, 11:24:40 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 14, 2013, 07:54:03 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 13, 2013, 06:38:21 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2013, 05:53:55 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 12, 2013, 10:12:25 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon-just a couple more questions
1) Is R610YCR still in service or not-has it been withdrawn yet?
2)Do you plan to sell AE10CSF soon seeing as others of the type have gone and it is a one off in the WMids?
3)Do you plan to repaint KX57OVV soon or concentrate the MAN/centro type at any one depot as opposed to them being everywhere but kidderminster?
4) Which do you prefer-a plaxton centro or a wright eclipse? Just out of interest
5) What are your "favourite" buses run by diamond-ie best from an operational perspective, most reliable, cheapest to run, best value etc
6) Could rotala bring out a west midlands guide like the ones for redditch and kidderminster like arriva has done to raise awareness of the diamond network?
Thanks again :)
1. It is still in service at present, but is due for imminent withdrawel
2. We have an offer from New Zealand, which we are considering.
3. No plan at present.
4. Wright Eclipse.
Mercedes Engine, Optare Solo up to 9.5m
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse - 12m.
Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse Gemini/ Scania OmniDeck (not currently available due to not being whole type approved) - Double Deck
6. it is something we should do. However, until the network is stable this is difficult
Thanks for all your replies again Simon!
Interesting to hear about CSF potentially going to new zealand as well soon and also interesting that you prefer eclipses over centros-sorry if it seemed a weird question but I was just intrigued as rotala have bought both types so can compare them directly. Personally, I prefer centros in terms of appearance and I like the royale ones-so do passengers as people often say about how its a posh bus when they pop up on unfamiliar routes. I understand your point about a network guide entirely-I guess its pointless to spend money on a quickly outdated guide. Also interesting about your favourite buses-I too like eclipse gemini's, b7rles, but also MAN/centros, MAN/evolutions and dart slfs.
Where abouts is R610YCR at the moment as I havent been able to find it anywhere for ages. I imagine its at kidderminster and when is it coming off service?
Thanks again
The build quality on an eclipse is far superior to that of a Centro.
From memory I believe R610YCR is in Kidderminster and the plan is to remove and a number of other vehicles from Redditch and Kidderminster when the V registration darts from Wessex enter service/New Streetlites and Deckers are removed
That is interesting about build quality and thanks for the info about YCR-will try to get across to kidderminster soon and I imagine the buses leaving redditch soon will be the deckers, T418MNH?, old MPDs, S405JUA and R455CCV? Am I right or miles off?!
Thanks again
At the moment we have too many spares in Redditch. Once, we get this better under control we should not need any of the ex Diamond darts which have been transferred in
Thanks Simon-will these be going back to tividale soon as there as some routes there that need extra capacity and larger buses on the 142 at the moment might be an idea due to the holdups buses are getting very busy-know this isnt diamonds fault but might be an idea or maybe reduce the fares for a bit like in evesham as I overheard people talking about not catching it any more and that might be a way of keeping more custom
The intention is for the buses to be withdrawn. I was not aware there were timing issues on the 142.
I will forward your comments.
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 15, 2013, 04:26:46 PM
Which pre-2005 citaros did rotala sell out of interest and thanks for all your replies-sorry for all the questions!!
Going back a long time we had the following Mercedes Citaro's
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 15, 2013, 04:26:46 PM
Which pre-2005 citaros did rotala sell out of interest and thanks for all your replies-sorry for all the questions!!
Going back a long time, we had the following Citaro's
Quote from: Winston on September 15, 2013, 10:42:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 09, 2013, 06:31:35 AM
7 are 10.8m DF versions, 5 are 9.5m versions. We acquired 3 about a year ago for Preston. Since then we have been evaluating them. When we acquire any vehicle we have to assess what is best value for money. We consider the deal we have done with Wrights to be best value for money at this present moment in time.
Re: the Streetlites you have an order,
From the South Yorkshire forum, a senior figure at FSY (Olive Grove) depot is quoted as saying:
'Modifications now being carried out to Streetlites to enable them to operate at night without interior light problems, operation should settle down to 52/76s and plans afoot to maximise useage at weekends due to impressive MPG figures. There are a few niggles to sort out mainly electrical but most are performing ok'
They are the DF max type currently replacing B7L/Wright Eclipse in Sheffield
I am not aware of this problem with Streetlites.
I have asked them about the problem this morning, and they claim on the later vehicles which we will recieve it has been resolved.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 16, 2013, 07:20:44 AM
Quote from: the #trainbasher on September 15, 2013, 11:58:40 AM
Hi Simon,
One thing I've noticed whilst browsing the diamond site is that it does not contain any of the network changes that have been made since the network map was made in Oct 2012.
Is there any plans for marketing to change it and also would mini network maps (eg Redditch, Kidderminster, the Black Country) work on there as a way for folks in those areas to see specific routes without some of the restrictions the big network map has?
I believe the site has been updated. What do you think is out of date?
With regards mini network maps. This is not something we have previously considered.
Hi Simon
I should have made myself clear
This is what I meant when I said that it does not contain any of the network changes that have been made since the network map was made in Oct 2012.
It still shows routes like the 17 and does not show any of the ex First routes Diamond had now.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 16, 2013, 07:16:53 AM
The £2.75 million is the value of the Long Acre property.
Although Shady Lane can be sold, we foresee a more likely solution to sublet part of it.
We do not believe we will rent/lease/sell all the site to one person. We have not as yet decided, this is exactly what we want to do. We are considering our options, one option if we do recieve an offer for the asking price is that the Unit next door to Tividale is for Sale. Potentially we could relocate our Head Office staff to the site current depot/ acquire the unit next door for the Operational team and combine all the site into one.
There are potentially other things we could, not sell Beacon House (part of Long Acre)
We are at present exploring options.
Thanks Simon,
Interesting stuff, is the site next door to Tividale that is currently for sale the glass re-processors? or the site that you turn right in to off Hallbridge Way that backs on to the canal?
I guess acquring that site would make sense and keep all Wm operations under one roof/on one site. Most of Diamond's routes can be run from Tividale without too much dead mileage
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 16, 2013, 07:28:54 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 15, 2013, 10:42:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 09, 2013, 06:31:35 AM
7 are 10.8m DF versions, 5 are 9.5m versions. We acquired 3 about a year ago for Preston. Since then we have been evaluating them. When we acquire any vehicle we have to assess what is best value for money. We consider the deal we have done with Wrights to be best value for money at this present moment in time.
Re: the Streetlites you have an order,
From the South Yorkshire forum, a senior figure at FSY (Olive Grove) depot is quoted as saying:
'Modifications now being carried out to Streetlites to enable them to operate at night without interior light problems, operation should settle down to 52/76s and plans afoot to maximise useage at weekends due to impressive MPG figures. There are a few niggles to sort out mainly electrical but most are performing ok'
They are the DF max type currently replacing B7L/Wright Eclipse in Sheffield
I am not aware of this problem with Streetlites.
I have asked them about the problem this morning, and they claim on the later vehicles which we will recieve it has been resolved.
Sorry Simon, I should have made the post a bit clearer, FSY (Olive Grove) were initially not too impressed to be receiving 41 x Streetlites, it was the 'impressive MPG figures' and the fact they are talking more positively about them that I was trying to unsuccessfully to highlight, obviously this is even in hilly terrains of Sheffield.
Quote from: Winston on September 16, 2013, 09:26:03 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 16, 2013, 07:16:53 AM
The £2.75 million is the value of the Long Acre property.
Although Shady Lane can be sold, we foresee a more likely solution to sublet part of it.
We do not believe we will rent/lease/sell all the site to one person. We have not as yet decided, this is exactly what we want to do. We are considering our options, one option if we do recieve an offer for the asking price is that the Unit next door to Tividale is for Sale. Potentially we could relocate our Head Office staff to the site current depot/ acquire the unit next door for the Operational team and combine all the site into one.
There are potentially other things we could, not sell Beacon House (part of Long Acre)
We are at present exploring options.
Thanks Simon,
Interesting stuff, is the site next door to Tividale that is currently for sale the glass re-processors? or the site that you turn right in to off Hallbridge Way that backs on to the canal?
I guess acquring that site would make sense and keep all Wm operations under one roof/on one site. Most of Diamond's routes can be run from Tividale without too much dead mileage
Its the glass site, which is for sale
Quote from: Winston on September 16, 2013, 09:30:54 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 16, 2013, 07:28:54 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 15, 2013, 10:42:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 09, 2013, 06:31:35 AM
7 are 10.8m DF versions, 5 are 9.5m versions. We acquired 3 about a year ago for Preston. Since then we have been evaluating them. When we acquire any vehicle we have to assess what is best value for money. We consider the deal we have done with Wrights to be best value for money at this present moment in time.
Re: the Streetlites you have an order,
From the South Yorkshire forum, a senior figure at FSY (Olive Grove) depot is quoted as saying:
'Modifications now being carried out to Streetlites to enable them to operate at night without interior light problems, operation should settle down to 52/76s and plans afoot to maximise useage at weekends due to impressive MPG figures. There are a few niggles to sort out mainly electrical but most are performing ok'
They are the DF max type currently replacing B7L/Wright Eclipse in Sheffield
I am not aware of this problem with Streetlites.
I have asked them about the problem this morning, and they claim on the later vehicles which we will recieve it has been resolved.
Sorry Simon, I should have made the post a bit clearer, FSY (Olive Grove) were initially not too impressed to be receiving 41 x Streetlites, it was the 'impressive MPG figures' and the fact they are talking more positively about them that I was trying to unsuccessfully to highlight, obviously this is even in hilly terrains of Sheffield.
Thank you.
The Streetlites will replace Ex London Double Deckers, so I am sure you can imagine the difference in MPG's
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 16, 2013, 05:24:50 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 16, 2013, 09:26:03 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 16, 2013, 07:16:53 AM
The £2.75 million is the value of the Long Acre property.
Although Shady Lane can be sold, we foresee a more likely solution to sublet part of it.
We do not believe we will rent/lease/sell all the site to one person. We have not as yet decided, this is exactly what we want to do. We are considering our options, one option if we do recieve an offer for the asking price is that the Unit next door to Tividale is for Sale. Potentially we could relocate our Head Office staff to the site current depot/ acquire the unit next door for the Operational team and combine all the site into one.
There are potentially other things we could, not sell Beacon House (part of Long Acre)
We are at present exploring options.
Thanks Simon,
Interesting stuff, is the site next door to Tividale that is currently for sale the glass re-processors? or the site that you turn right in to off Hallbridge Way that backs on to the canal?
I guess acquring that site would make sense and keep all Wm operations under one roof/on one site. Most of Diamond's routes can be run from Tividale without too much dead mileage
Its the glass site, which is for sale
That's the better of the two properties, as it would also allow you to be able to extend the Tividale yard in front of the engineering block if an offer was made/accepted. Sounds as though it may be worth snapping it up as a bolt-on regardless of whether or not you decide to vacate Long Acre. You'd then have the potential in the future to make Tividale in to one super depot & Rotala HQ if desired and/or increase capacity at Tividale ;)
Do Rotala own or lease the overflow yard on the opposite side of the road to the depot?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 16, 2013, 05:26:30 PM
Thank you.
The Streetlites will replace Ex London Double Deckers, so I am sure you can imagine the difference in MPG's
Simon, no problem, it seems that the DF Max Streetlites are growing on FSY
Hi Simon I tried to purchase your £6 diamond network ticket twice today once on a 4 service and then on a 4H. Both drivers had no idea about the ticket with one trying to sell me a n network ticket. Even under the diamond network tab on the ticket machine all it has was an option for the 50% off the Evesham fares. Instead I had to go on the train to Kidderminster and then the bus to Stourport which was a bit disappointed as I wanted to use the diamond services and not the trains. Is the £6 diamond network 1 day ticket available to buy on the bus as I would think drivers would be aware of the ticket and where to find it on the bus but after each driver spending 5 minutes trying to find it I just walked off the bus but to be honest before I even asked the driver I guess they wouldn't be aware of the ticket or where to find it on the ticket machine if it was available. I will try again soon and hopefully have more luck.
Quote from: Ash on September 16, 2013, 07:12:07 PM
Both drivers had no idea about the ticket with one trying to sell me a n network ticket.
I just walked off the bus but to be honest before I even asked the driver I guess they wouldn't be aware of the ticket or where to find it on the ticket machine if it was available. I will try again soon and hopefully have more luck.
A little disappointing that revenue is being refused for the sake of a radio call back to the depot...
What seems like a daft question, but I had a problem using a similar ticket 20 odd years ago back in the BCC days & it wasn't funny at the time!
People may remember that bus companies got the abillity to sell Daytripper from the ticket machine on the bus, instead of going to the nearest Travel Shop & buying one of the scratchcards.
Ok, so I thought, I give it a go & bought one from a WMT driver & headed over to Dudley.
I fell foul of the BCC driver on the 311 at the time, who despite me informing him it was a WMPTE / Centro Daytripper, even though it looked like a standard WMT bus ticket, swore blind he could not accept it! (I put this down to lack of communication between management & drivers of the time!)
Now 20 years on, BCC is now Diamond, but if I buy a Daytripper from a National Express driver, which looks like a standard National Express bus ticket, are your drivers now clued up enough to recognise a National Express branded Daytripper or will I more than likely have another 'discussion' with one of your drivers over the validity of the ticket?
(Can I please stress, I'm definetely talking about the £6 NWM / Centro Daytrippers & not the £3.90 National Express Daysavers, so there is no confusion & misunderstanding!)
Quote from: Westy on September 16, 2013, 09:50:23 PM
What seems like a daft question, but I had a problem using a similar ticket 20 odd years ago back in the BCC days & it wasn't funny at the time!
People may remember that bus companies got the abillity to sell Daytripper from the ticket machine on the bus, instead of going to the nearest Travel Shop & buying one of the scratchcards.
Ok, so I thought, I give it a go & bought one from a WMT driver & headed over to Dudley.
I fell foul of the BCC driver on the 311 at the time, who despite me informing him it was a WMPTE / Centro Daytripper, even though it looked like a standard WMT bus ticket, swore blind he could not accept it! (I put this down to lack of communication between management & drivers of the time!)
Now 20 years on, BCC is now Diamond, but if I buy a Daytripper from a National Express driver, which looks like a standard National Express bus ticket, are your drivers now clued up enough to recognise a National Express branded Daytripper or will I more than likely have another 'discussion' with one of your drivers over the validity of the ticket?
(Can I please stress, I'm definetely talking about the £6 NWM / Centro Daytrippers & not the £3.90 National Express Daysavers, so there is no confusion & misunderstanding!)
Well yes diamond's drivers are perfectly capable of accepting a nxwm issued nbus ticket and do it all the time so yes, they are perfectly "clued up"
Quote from: the #trainbasher on September 16, 2013, 08:43:35 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 16, 2013, 07:20:44 AM
Quote from: the #trainbasher on September 15, 2013, 11:58:40 AM
Hi Simon,
One thing I've noticed whilst browsing the diamond site is that it does not contain any of the network changes that have been made since the network map was made in Oct 2012.
Is there any plans for marketing to change it and also would mini network maps (eg Redditch, Kidderminster, the Black Country) work on there as a way for folks in those areas to see specific routes without some of the restrictions the big network map has?
I believe the site has been updated. What do you think is out of date?
With regards mini network maps. This is not something we have previously considered.
Hi Simon
I should have made myself clear
This is what I meant when I said that it does not contain any of the network changes that have been made since the network map was made in Oct 2012.
It still shows routes like the 17 and does not show any of the ex First routes Diamond had now.
Thank you.
This will be corrected
Quote from: Winston on September 16, 2013, 05:53:37 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 16, 2013, 05:24:50 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 16, 2013, 09:26:03 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 16, 2013, 07:16:53 AM
The £2.75 million is the value of the Long Acre property.
Although Shady Lane can be sold, we foresee a more likely solution to sublet part of it.
We do not believe we will rent/lease/sell all the site to one person. We have not as yet decided, this is exactly what we want to do. We are considering our options, one option if we do recieve an offer for the asking price is that the Unit next door to Tividale is for Sale. Potentially we could relocate our Head Office staff to the site current depot/ acquire the unit next door for the Operational team and combine all the site into one.
There are potentially other things we could, not sell Beacon House (part of Long Acre)
We are at present exploring options.
Thanks Simon,
Interesting stuff, is the site next door to Tividale that is currently for sale the glass re-processors? or the site that you turn right in to off Hallbridge Way that backs on to the canal?
I guess acquring that site would make sense and keep all Wm operations under one roof/on one site. Most of Diamond's routes can be run from Tividale without too much dead mileage
Its the glass site, which is for sale
That's the better of the two properties, as it would also allow you to be able to extend the Tividale yard in front of the engineering block if an offer was made/accepted. Sounds as though it may be worth snapping it up as a bolt-on regardless of whether or not you decide to vacate Long Acre. You'd then have the potential in the future to make Tividale in to one super depot & Rotala HQ if desired and/or increase capacity at Tividale ;)
Do Rotala own or lease the overflow yard on the opposite side of the road to the depot?
We sublet the property
Quote from: Ash on September 16, 2013, 07:12:07 PM
Hi Simon I tried to purchase your £6 diamond network ticket twice today once on a 4 service and then on a 4H. Both drivers had no idea about the ticket with one trying to sell me a n network ticket. Even under the diamond network tab on the ticket machine all it has was an option for the 50% off the Evesham fares. Instead I had to go on the train to Kidderminster and then the bus to Stourport which was a bit disappointed as I wanted to use the diamond services and not the trains. Is the £6 diamond network 1 day ticket available to buy on the bus as I would think drivers would be aware of the ticket and where to find it on the bus but after each driver spending 5 minutes trying to find it I just walked off the bus but to be honest before I even asked the driver I guess they wouldn't be aware of the ticket or where to find it on the ticket machine if it was available. I will try again soon and hopefully have more luck.
I am sorry about this. The ticket machines contain the ability to issue these tickets. If you can advise what journey time, what direction and what pick up point we will indentify the driver for retraining.
Hi Simon;
Regards to service 56 (B'Ham - Brownhills) is it not possible to re-introduce the X56 without it running limited stop from Kingstanding, College Road straight into Birmingham as it used to before it was withdrawn an replaced with 56 journeys, instead have it run limited stop from Perry Barr, Wellhead Lane - Birmingham like the 934/5/6, 997 do currently
I only say this because off the passenger loadings, between Kingstanding - Birmingham very few passengers can board the service, I think from a personal point of view what puts them off getting the 56 is that it runs the same route as the 33 from Hawthorn Road - Birmingham and think it means stop, start from Perry Barr - Town were in fact that's not the case there has been many times were this route has just gone straight through without stopping until Birmingham Uni were as if the X56 was re-introduced you could see a rise in passenger loadings.
So the new route would be as follows;
normal stopping between Brownhills, The Rising Sun - Perry Barr, Wellhead Lane then over the flyover stopping at Royal mail, Lancaster Circus, B'Ham Uni, Moor Street & Lower Bull Street.
Just floating an Idea that's all
Quote from: Nathan4775 on September 17, 2013, 09:04:52 PM
Hi Simon;
Regards to service 56 (B'Ham - Brownhills) is it not possible to re-introduce the X56 without it running limited stop from Kingstanding, College Road straight into Birmingham as it used to before it was withdrawn an replaced with 56 journeys, instead have it run limited stop from Perry Barr, Wellhead Lane - Birmingham like the 934/5/6, 997 do currently
I only say this because off the passenger loadings, between Kingstanding - Birmingham very few passengers can board the service, I think from a personal point of view what puts them off getting the 56 is that it runs the same route as the 33 from Hawthorn Road - Birmingham and think it means stop, start from Perry Barr - Town were in fact that's not the case there has been many times were this route has just gone straight through without stopping until Birmingham Uni were as if the X56 was re-introduced you could see a rise in passenger loadings.
So the new route would be as follows;
normal stopping between Brownhills, The Rising Sun - Perry Barr, Wellhead Lane then over the flyover stopping at Royal mail, Lancaster Circus, B'Ham Uni, Moor Street & Lower Bull Street.
Just floating an Idea that's all
Would they be able to use 'X56', now NX uses the number?
I didn't think of that;
Or maybe 56X or 956?. Then again the X56 NX runs only through peak hours
I don't see any problem using the x56 number after all diamond were using it when midland were running the x56 so what is the difference now.
Had another good day out exploring the diamond network but for some reason Simon Diamond Network tickets are not available to purchase on any tividale vehicles-could this possibly be corrected?
Could the red diamond eclipses also be given a good deep clean and removal of out of date notices?
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 18, 2013, 04:30:36 PM
Had another good day out exploring the diamond network but for some reason Simon Diamond Network tickets are not available to purchase on any tividale vehicles-could this possibly be corrected?
Could the red diamond eclipses also be given a good deep clean and removal of out of date notices?
All the ticket machines at Tividale, Redditch and Kidderminster use the same back office. Therefore the tickets are on the ticket machine. Following two reports of the same thing, we will retrain all the drivers. In the mean time, can you help us identify who specifically didnt know how to issue this.
In relation to the buses. All the buses by rotation go through special cleans. If you can let me know which buses, I will have them inspected.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 19, 2013, 06:06:13 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 18, 2013, 04:30:36 PM
Had another good day out exploring the diamond network but for some reason Simon Diamond Network tickets are not available to purchase on any tividale vehicles-could this possibly be corrected?
Could the red diamond eclipses also be given a good deep clean and removal of out of date notices?
All the ticket machines at Tividale, Redditch and Kidderminster use the same back office. Therefore the tickets are on the ticket machine. Following two reports of the same thing, we will retrain all the drivers. In the mean time, can you help us identify who specifically didnt know how to issue this.
In relation to the buses. All the buses by rotation go through special cleans. If you can let me know which buses, I will have them inspected.
Thanks for your reply
It was the second 002 from weoley castle at about 8:00 yesterday who couldnt issue the ticket and then another 002 coming back to weoley castle. It isnt the drivers fault though as you go into sales-diamond network is in grey and pressing it has no result whereas on redditch/kidderminster buses using the same process of sales-diamond network it can be issued
Couldnt tell you which buses in particular but each of the 3 red diamond eclipses I went on needed doing to be honest
Also, have you got a vehicle shortage at tividale at the moment as apparently there is and if so, why? Couldnt some darts transfer across from redditch or somewhere?
Why are solos at kidderminster that are clearly staying there operating with the trading name as central connect ltd. Shouldnt this have been changed when they were transferred as central connect is a totally separate operator license to diamond bus company ltd.
Thanks again
We have looked at the ticket machine set up again this morning. For some reason on certain services, the config although in the back office is installed is not downloading into the ticket machine. - Thank you for pointing this out.
We do not have a vehicle shortage issue anyway. At present we have over 40 vehicles designated for sale, and we will look at your comments around legal lettering tonight.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 19, 2013, 04:18:37 PM
We have looked at the ticket machine set up again this morning. For some reason on certain services, the config although in the back office is installed is not downloading into the ticket machine. - Thank you for pointing this out.
We do not have a vehicle shortage issue anyway. At present we have over 40 vehicles designated for sale, and we will look at your comments around legal lettering tonight.
No worries and thought there must be something wrong as it was possible last week/week before whereas this week its been difficult
Oh well-heard unofficially that there was one this morning at tividale explaining one of the day's unusual workings but thats what I thought-there are a lot of buses for sale but I guess when the streetlites arrive the problem-if any-will be solved.
Didn't mean to make work for you-just interested that is all...
Thanks for your very quick reply :)
Spotted a white single decker with Wessex Connect in both West Bromwich & Wednesbury this week.
Surely there is a Diamond sticker you can shove over the other name?
Quote from: Westy on September 19, 2013, 06:32:35 PM
Spotted a white single decker with Wessex Connect in both West Bromwich & Wednesbury this week.
Surely there is a Diamond sticker you can shove over the other name?
One in Dudley on Monday, presume it was the same one
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on September 19, 2013, 06:44:48 PM
Quote from: Westy on September 19, 2013, 06:32:35 PM
Spotted a white single decker with Wessex Connect in both West Bromwich & Wednesbury this week.
Surely there is a Diamond sticker you can shove over the other name?
One in Dudley on Monday, presume it was the same one
Same bus has now lost the Wessex Connect lettering, still visible of course through the scruffy paintwork but less obvious so thanks Simon
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on September 20, 2013, 10:19:55 AM
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on September 19, 2013, 06:44:48 PM
Quote from: Westy on September 19, 2013, 06:32:35 PM
Spotted a white single decker with Wessex Connect in both West Bromwich & Wednesbury this week.
Surely there is a Diamond sticker you can shove over the other name?
One in Dudley on Monday, presume it was the same one
Same bus has now lost the Wessex Connect lettering, still visible of course through the scruffy paintwork but less obvious so thanks Simon
There are two Darts in Wessex livery. They are 20602 (KU52 YJZ) and 20606 (KV51 KZH).
R.E: The sale of Long Acre.
If this goes ahead, where are services i.e Signatures more likely to run from (Redditch/Tividale)?
two little points for your Saturday the 21st I travelled on a solo working the 18 45 no 10 from offmore farm to Kidderminster
and it had posters in with the Veolia name on , sorry can not remember fleet no , and Friday the 20th travelled on 20654
on a 10 in same dircection and it had posters in with transdev Lancaster united on , think some of the Kidderminster buses need looking at by that and having posters removing and replacing , with ones with diamond
Hi Simon,
There are 3 x DF Streetlites in dealer stock white currently at Heysham Docks, would these be the first 3 or yours?!i=2782616890&k=XQ5Bmws
Quote from: neale95 on September 21, 2013, 12:15:22 PM
R.E: The sale of Long Acre.
If this goes ahead, where are services i.e Signatures more likely to run from (Redditch/Tividale)?
There are a lot of scenarios. However, the most likely would be Redditch
Quote from: bewminster on September 22, 2013, 10:17:37 PM
two little points for your Saturday the 21st I travelled on a solo working the 18 45 no 10 from offmore farm to Kidderminster
and it had posters in with the Veolia name on , sorry can not remember fleet no , and Friday the 20th travelled on 20654
on a 10 in same dircection and it had posters in with transdev Lancaster united on , think some of the Kidderminster buses need looking at by that and having posters removing and replacing , with ones with diamond
These should have been removed before entering service. Thank you.
Hi Simon.
Great to see a Tividale bus at showbus this year. I must say it looked very smart.
Quote from: Winston on September 22, 2013, 11:53:25 PM
Hi Simon,
There are 3 x DF Streetlites in dealer stock white currently at Heysham Docks, would these be the first 3 or yours?!i=2782616890&k=XQ5Bmws
I am not sure. We had one delivered today, and I am told they will all be here by Wednesday
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 23, 2013, 10:02:09 AM
Quote from: neale95 on September 21, 2013, 12:15:22 PM
R.E: The sale of Long Acre.
If this goes ahead, where are services i.e Signatures more likely to run from (Redditch/Tividale)?
There are a lot of scenarios. However, the most likely would be Redditch
Thanks Simon.
By the way I'm Matt, not Nathan ::)
Sorry about the name error
Hi Simon,
Thanks for all of your replies!
Just one other thing that crossed my mind, why are Rotala choosing to dispose of their ADL Dart SLF/MCV Evolutions when the original decision to dispose of the 23 x MAN/MCV Evolutions was primarily down to MAN?
Quote from: Winston on September 23, 2013, 01:02:49 PM
Hi Simon,
Thanks for all of your replies!
Just one other thing that crossed my mind, why are Rotala choosing to dispose of their ADL Dart SLF/MCV Evolutions when the original decision to dispose of the 23 x MAN/MCV Evolutions was primarily down to MAN?
A number of reasons;
1. We have too many vehicles and selling some straight will allow me to trade, some of the vehicles we don't need.
2. There are more fuel efficient alternatives available.
3. You have to question how long MCV will stay committed to the UK Market and whilst I can I will continue to sell them.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 23, 2013, 10:06:29 AM
Quote from: bewminster on September 22, 2013, 10:17:37 PM
two little points for your Saturday the 21st I travelled on a solo working the 18 45 no 10 from offmore farm to Kidderminster
and it had posters in with the Veolia name on , sorry can not remember fleet no , and Friday the 20th travelled on 20654
on a 10 in same dircection and it had posters in with transdev Lancaster united on , think some of the Kidderminster buses need looking at by that and having posters removing and replacing , with ones with diamond
These should have been removed before entering service. Thank you.
simon just been on same solo it is 20639
typing error should be 30639
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 23, 2013, 01:51:58 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 23, 2013, 01:02:49 PM
Hi Simon,
Thanks for all of your replies!
Just one other thing that crossed my mind, why are Rotala choosing to dispose of their ADL Dart SLF/MCV Evolutions when the original decision to dispose of the 23 x MAN/MCV Evolutions was primarily down to MAN?
A number of reasons;
1. We have too many vehicles and selling some straight will allow me to trade, some of the vehicles we don't need.
2. There are more fuel efficient alternatives available.
3. You have to question how long MCV will stay committed to the UK Market and whilst I can I will continue to sell them.
Thanks Simon, hadn't considered point 3 - at present MCV don't appear to be selling much in any great quantity and also there are numerous MCV bodies vehicles remaining un-sold on the second-hand market generally on MAN chassis
I notice from the latest RouteOne that Scania are discontinuing to offer the Omnicity & its replacement in RHD format from Euro 6, I assume this actually refers to the Omnilink as Omnicities are no longer available. I'm not sure how many Scania/Irizar I3 buses will sell in the UK
The one pictured in Routeone appears to be a high floor example
Hi Simon-thanks for all your replies
Just a couple of very quick questions
Will all the BA MCVs be coming up to Long Acre for a bit before they are sold? If so, what will replace them down at Heathrow?
Also, wouldnt running the 122 from tividale save some dead mileage, same with running the 133 from kidderminster, also reducing the number of vehicles required at redditch slightly.
Thanks again
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 23, 2013, 04:06:35 PM
Hi Simon-thanks for all your replies
Just a couple of very quick questions
Will all the BA MCVs be coming up to Long Acre for a bit before they are sold? If so, what will replace them down at Heathrow?
Also, wouldnt running the 122 from tividale save some dead mileage, same with running the 133 from kidderminster, also reducing the number of vehicles required at redditch slightly.
Thanks again
I think the same about the 133
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 23, 2013, 04:06:35 PM
Hi Simon-thanks for all your replies
Just a couple of very quick questions
Will all the BA MCVs be coming up to Long Acre for a bit before they are sold? If so, what will replace them down at Heathrow?
Also, wouldnt running the 122 from tividale save some dead mileage, same with running the 133 from kidderminster, also reducing the number of vehicles required at redditch slightly.
Thanks again
We have agreed last night to sell another 3 to New Zealand. All the buses that we have been sold have been prepared in the West Midlands, and there are some extensive cleaning requirements. So yes, they will be brought up here.
From next Monday, we are changing some of the location of the bus workings from Redditch to Kidderminster. We have indentified a number of buses which will be closer from Kidderminster than Redditch. I believe the 133 is one of these.
Which buses/services are moving to kidderminster
From Redditch thanks
Hi, I would like to make suggestion and it's about 122. Is it possible to extend the route to the Four Dwellings School by former 443 route? I used the service regularly when 443 ran and from my observation, it only used by OAPs and school pupils to avoid catching 24 and 11A/C.
The 443 was always dead, but only required one bus, it was withdrawn from Diamond in 2008(?), so it might not be financially viable
Quote from: Solo1 on September 24, 2013, 07:12:18 AM
Which buses/services are moving to kidderminster
From Redditch thanks
S006, 833, 133, 141 which equates to 3 buses.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 24, 2013, 01:02:54 PM
Quote from: Solo1 on September 24, 2013, 07:12:18 AM
Which buses/services are moving to kidderminster
From Redditch thanks
S006, 833, 133, 141 which equates to 3 buses.
What buses are moving from Redditch of is there enough buses
at Kidderminster for the above services
Hi Simon,
I notice Scott's Yourbus business has now withdrawn the entire Nottingham Uni Hopper fleet after the contract was lost, is there any possibility that Rotala could acquire the 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro's for either Wessex or Diamond @ Tividale (i.e. 3601/2 BK10MFX/MFY) & the 2 x 10 plate ADL E300's for Diamond @ Redditch (1402/1403 SN10CDF/CDK),
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 23, 2013, 04:06:35 PM
Hi Simon-thanks for all your replies
Just a couple of very quick questions
Will all the BA MCVs be coming up to Long Acre for a bit before they are sold? If so, what will replace them down at Heathrow?
Also, wouldnt running the 122 from tividale save some dead mileage, same with running the 133 from kidderminster, also reducing the number of vehicles required at redditch slightly.
Thanks again
With reference to your point about moving the 122 to Tividale. The route starts and finishes at Bearwood rather than Oldbury, so I don't think there is much int it. Also the driver who does the relief trip 1330 dep Bearwood and 1400 dep Oldbury then goes across to Solihull and eventually takes up the late night journeys on S3.
Quote from: bususer12 on September 07, 2013, 06:24:06 PM
Hi Simon, Diamond do seem to behave better now on the 226, although one thing that is annoying is the tendered timetable. It gives 15 minutes to get from Dudley to Wordsley Hospital, which in all the years that I have caught the bus, has never got to Wordsley on time(xx.30). I understand that Centro have the say in tendered timetables, but If there was a way to show them that they have it wrong, it would be good.
When I set out for my bus, sometimes it will arrive at xx.35, or xx.45, depending on the driving sstyle of driver and type of day.
Any Joy on getting Centro to look at the tendered timetable/
Quote from: Winston on September 29, 2013, 09:16:20 PM
Hi Simon,
I notice Scott's Yourbus business has now withdrawn the entire Nottingham Uni Hopper fleet after the contract was lost, is there any possibility that Rotala could acquire the 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro's for either Wessex or Diamond @ Tividale (i.e. 3601/2 BK10MFX/MFY) & the 2 x 10 plate ADL E300's for Diamond @ Redditch (1402/1403 SN10CDF/CDK),
Sorry, for the delay in response.
He has told me is looking to dispose of his deckers, but at no point has he told me these are for sale.
Quote from: bususer12 on September 30, 2013, 11:55:48 PM
Quote from: bususer12 on September 07, 2013, 06:24:06 PM
Hi Simon, Diamond do seem to behave better now on the 226, although one thing that is annoying is the tendered timetable. It gives 15 minutes to get from Dudley to Wordsley Hospital, which in all the years that I have caught the bus, has never got to Wordsley on time(xx.30). I understand that Centro have the say in tendered timetables, but If there was a way to show them that they have it wrong, it would be good.
When I set out for my bus, sometimes it will arrive at xx.35, or xx.45, depending on the driving sstyle of driver and type of day.
Any Joy on getting Centro to look at the tendered timetable/
I will chase up, what is happening.
Sorry for the delay
The Streetlites start to enter service tomorrow in Redditch.
They are intended to be used primarily at this stage on 51/55/56.
Seeing you are changing the 301 end of October, any chance of leaflets to coincide?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 01, 2013, 08:44:30 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 29, 2013, 09:16:20 PM
Hi Simon,
I notice Scott's Yourbus business has now withdrawn the entire Nottingham Uni Hopper fleet after the contract was lost, is there any possibility that Rotala could acquire the 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro's for either Wessex or Diamond @ Tividale (i.e. 3601/2 BK10MFX/MFY) & the 2 x 10 plate ADL E300's for Diamond @ Redditch (1402/1403 SN10CDF/CDK),
Sorry, for the delay in response.
He has told me is looking to dispose of his deckers, but at no point has he told me these are for sale.
Hi Simon,
Thanks the reply, maybe what was posted with them all quoted as being withdrawn was more of an assumption than fact then?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 01, 2013, 08:48:41 PM
The Streetlites start to enter service tomorrow in Redditch.
They are intended to be used primarily at this stage on 51/55/56.
Was it the 5 x Door Forward models that are due for Redditch?
Do you have any dates set as yet for possible changes to the RH & KR networks following the reviews you are currently undertaking?
Quote from: Westy on October 01, 2013, 09:20:59 PM
Seeing you are changing the 301 end of October, any chance of leaflets to coincide?
At this point, this will be actioned.
Quote from: Winston on October 01, 2013, 09:28:30 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 01, 2013, 08:44:30 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 29, 2013, 09:16:20 PM
Hi Simon,
I notice Scott's Yourbus business has now withdrawn the entire Nottingham Uni Hopper fleet after the contract was lost, is there any possibility that Rotala could acquire the 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro's for either Wessex or Diamond @ Tividale (i.e. 3601/2 BK10MFX/MFY) & the 2 x 10 plate ADL E300's for Diamond @ Redditch (1402/1403 SN10CDF/CDK),
Sorry, for the delay in response.
He has told me is looking to dispose of his deckers, but at no point has he told me these are for sale.
Hi Simon,
Thanks the reply, maybe what was posted with them all quoted as being withdrawn was more of an assumption than fact then?
I don't honestly know what he intends to do with them.
why is Kidderminster getting old big bus from Redditch and Redditch getting all the new ones could the not be share out between the two depots
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 02, 2013, 03:39:29 PM
Quote from: Westy on October 01, 2013, 09:20:59 PM
Seeing you are changing the 301 end of October, any chance of leaflets to coincide?
At this point, this will be actioned.
What changes are being made?
I would be interested to know what happened to 30806 today on the 002 about 1 o'clock as quite frankly what happened could have caused a huge incident and it is very fortunate that no passengers or other drivers were hurt, my praise goes out to the driver who coped very well and managed to get it somewhere near the kerb at least, it seemed that either the handbrake or footbrake just jammed fully on at about 30 MPH, sending the bus swinging to the rear and coming to an abrupt halt, with no electrics working and the engine just dying, did it ever restart? Or did it have to be towed?
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 04, 2013, 10:26:28 PM
I would be interested to know what happened to 30806 today on the 002 about 1 o'clock as quite frankly what happened could have caused a huge incident and it is very fortunate that no passengers or other drivers were hurt, my praise goes out to the driver who coped very well and managed to get it somewhere near the kerb at least, it seemed that either the handbrake or footbrake just jammed fully on at about 30 MPH, sending the bus swinging to the rear and coming to an abrupt halt, with no electrics working and the engine just dying, did it ever restart? Or did it have to be towed?
I know this probably isn't the cause, but what happens if the master switch is turned off whilst the bus is driving?
Hi Simon,
When can we looking forward to seeing any changes from the Redditch and Kidderminster reviews being implemented?
Quote from: Winston on October 01, 2013, 09:28:30 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 01, 2013, 08:44:30 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 29, 2013, 09:16:20 PM
Hi Simon,
I notice Scott's Yourbus business has now withdrawn the entire Nottingham Uni Hopper fleet after the contract was lost, is there any possibility that Rotala could acquire the 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro's for either Wessex or Diamond @ Tividale (i.e. 3601/2 BK10MFX/MFY) & the 2 x 10 plate ADL E300's for Diamond @ Redditch (1402/1403 SN10CDF/CDK),
Sorry, for the delay in response.
He has told me is looking to dispose of his deckers, but at no point has he told me these are for sale.
Hi Simon,
Thanks the reply, maybe what was posted with them all quoted as being withdrawn was more of an assumption than fact then?
He is looking to dispose of the vehicles. From my perspective, the value he wants is more than I would be willing pay
Quote from: bewminster on October 02, 2013, 11:53:46 PM
why is Kidderminster getting old big bus from Redditch and Redditch getting all the new ones could the not be share out between the two depots
We moved some routes from Redditch to Kidderminster on 1st October, at that point some buses were transferred from Redditch to undertake the work.
Has anyone thought at diamond of extending the 4s that terminate at West Bromwich to Blackheath with another 4 running as a 4M to compete against NXWM?
Or even launching a Walsall to Dudley via Oldbury and the 121 route as part of the 4?
Quote from: Winston on October 01, 2013, 09:31:56 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 01, 2013, 08:48:41 PM
The Streetlites start to enter service tomorrow in Redditch.
They are intended to be used primarily at this stage on 51/55/56.
Was it the 5 x Door Forward models that are due for Redditch?
Do you have any dates set as yet for possible changes to the RH & KR networks following the reviews you are currently undertaking?
They were all 10.8 m Door Forward versions.
At present we have a number of public forums for which need to be undertaken and the results reviewed
Hey Simon
Any way of possibly arranging a date for a depot visit ie open day like NXWM?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 05, 2013, 03:08:51 PM
Quote from: bewminster on October 02, 2013, 11:53:46 PM
why is Kidderminster getting old big bus from Redditch and Redditch getting all the new ones could the not be share out between the two depots
We moved some routes from Redditch to Kidderminster on 1st October, at that point some buses were transferred from Redditch to undertake the work.
simon one of the buses transferred is in a state which is not really a good advert for diamond I saw it on Thursday afternoon on the 292 it is in the red and white livery fleet no 30445 it had damage on the rear offside at the side of the rear window
which was filthy
Simon I hope you did not think I was running the company down in what I said before, what I was trying to say was that
seening Kidderminster is a new area for the company it does not create a good impression of the company especialy with you being in the middle of the review of the Kidderminster area. and I did hear others comenting on the state of 30445 . when is the results of the review likely to be .one point is there any chance of diamond starting to use the bus station again
as when buses are queing up to get to stands or double parked while loading if it can not get on stand it creates a traffic jam in the street and emergency services could not get through. and with the bus station being near to Tesco where a lot of people do there shoping it would not so far to carry heavy shoping, when the bus station was used before the town hall stops where just used to pick up no setting down or waiting for time to depart.
Quick Question, how much is an adult week ticket for the birmingham and Black Country area? The adverts on your buses say £10, but on the site is £13, could you clarify which is the live price on your machines?
Quote from: vinh1000 on October 05, 2013, 03:21:36 PM
Hey Simon
Any way of possibly arranging a date for a depot visit ie open day like NXWM?
If you wish to visit the depot, and take photographs please email He will accommodate this.
We are at present tidying both the West Midlands Depots up. This is something we will consider in the future, but at present it is not a priority
Quote from: the trainbasher on October 05, 2013, 03:12:21 PM
Has anyone thought at diamond of extending the 4s that terminate at West Bromwich to Blackheath with another 4 running as a 4M to compete against NXWM?
Or even launching a Walsall to Dudley via Oldbury and the 121 route as part of the 4?
I will forward your comment to our Commercial team
Quote from: sonic84 on October 05, 2013, 07:32:13 AM
Hi Simon,
When can we looking forward to seeing any changes from the Redditch and Kidderminster reviews being implemented?
We have not placed a deadline on the consultation. There are a number of community forums we are undertaking, to gain a better picture
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 07, 2013, 03:55:40 PM
Quote from: vinh1000 on October 05, 2013, 03:21:36 PM
Hey Simon
Any way of possibly arranging a date for a depot visit ie open day like NXWM?
If you wish to visit the depot, and take photographs please email He will accommodate this.
We are at present tidying both the West Midlands Depots up. This is something we will consider in the future, but at present it is not a priority
Hi Simon,
Does the tidying include the removal of scrap / withdrawn buses?
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 04, 2013, 10:26:28 PM
I would be interested to know what happened to 30806 today on the 002 about 1 o'clock as quite frankly what happened could have caused a huge incident and it is very fortunate that no passengers or other drivers were hurt, my praise goes out to the driver who coped very well and managed to get it somewhere near the kerb at least, it seemed that either the handbrake or footbrake just jammed fully on at about 30 MPH, sending the bus swinging to the rear and coming to an abrupt halt, with no electrics working and the engine just dying, did it ever restart? Or did it have to be towed?
We need to investigate the incident. However, the cause of the incident was to do with the Batteries and not the braking system.
Quote from: Westy on October 01, 2013, 09:20:59 PM
Seeing you are changing the 301 end of October, any chance of leaflets to coincide?
The Early morning journeys are changed, together with inserting stand time at Walsall bus Station. Sundays remain unchanged
Quote from: bususer12 on October 07, 2013, 03:07:28 PM
Quick Question, how much is an adult week ticket for the birmingham and Black Country area? The adverts on your buses say £10, but on the site is £13, could you clarify which is the live price on your machines?
The Black Country ticket is £12.50 and the Whole network ticket is £20.00.
What bus has the £10 ticket on?
Sorry if this seems rude Simon but what has happened to your companies competative spirit. Only a few years ago you were introducing more & more head to head routes against NX & we're doing really well on some of them. It has been a long time since you started any new competative routes & have cut some long standing competative routes like the 904, 97 etc. I know that passenger numbers had been falling but it just seemed like the will to fight had gone long before the routes were cancelled.
There are so many routes that I think Diamond could do well on & that are crying out for competition, the 900 for example which we did well on at AMPM we only came off as the Deckers were needed for other work & the darts proved too unreliable for the route.
Do you have any plans to increase your comparative portfolio?
Hi Simon
Looking at the recent fleetchanges, why does it seem that coaches are sold and then very similar ones acquired-surely easier to just keep them
Are there plans to move even more solos down to wessex?
Why is 20856 a probable write off-doesnt it just have minor damage at the back?
Are there plans to reinstate any more/repaint any more older darts in addition to 30382/30388
Will any euro2 mpds like the W361 one be repainted/prepped for service or is the plan to withdraw them
Why are VGX darts being withdrawn when older ones like 30382 are entering service?
Quote from: Winston on October 07, 2013, 03:59:49 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 07, 2013, 03:55:40 PM
Quote from: vinh1000 on October 05, 2013, 03:21:36 PM
Hey Simon
Any way of possibly arranging a date for a depot visit ie open day like NXWM?
If you wish to visit the depot, and take photographs please email He will accommodate this.
We are at present tidying both the West Midlands Depots up. This is something we will consider in the future, but at present it is not a priority
Hi Simon,
Does the tidying include the removal of scrap / withdrawn buses?
We have sold a number of buses recently, and we continue to sell what we have left.
Yes, as part of this exercise we are disposing of vehicles which will never see the road again. In addition, we have large amounts of old stock, which we have been selling parts going back to the acquisition of North Birmingham Busways, Ludlows of Halesowen etc, for vehicles that we simply don't operate anymore.
Quote from: Steveminor on October 07, 2013, 09:04:22 PM
Sorry if this seems rude Simon but what has happened to your companies competative spirit. Only a few years ago you were introducing more & more head to head routes against NX & we're doing really well on some of them. It has been a long time since you started any new competative routes & have cut some long standing competative routes like the 904, 97 etc. I know that passenger numbers had been falling but it just seemed like the will to fight had gone long before the routes were cancelled.
There are so many routes that I think Diamond could do well on & that are crying out for competition, the 900 for example which we did well on at AMPM we only came off as the Deckers were needed for other work & the darts proved too unreliable for the route.
Do you have any plans to increase your comparative portfolio?
Approx two years ago, the market started to go under a huge amount of change. BSOG reductions/ SQPS introduction/ Review of DFT guidelines around Concessionary reimbursement/Reduction in Contracted Services Budget. At the same time, we looked at what we were doing, and how we were performing and felt that the right direction for our business was to focus and improve the quality of what we were providing. As a result we started to re-brand the business, focused on what we considered were the core corridors, invested in our driver training, and invested in the overall fleet.
We do want to grow our West Midlands Business, but at the same time we want the quality to be right in everything we do and we want focus on our core underlying values .
Rotala are an AIM business, and as such Shareholders want maximisation of shareholder value, growing dividend, growing value and growth in the stock value. Therefore, in the overall business, in the medium term the business needs to continue to grow.
Putting all this to one side. I personally work extremely long hours, and I am dedicated to whatever I do. I need to feel proud of what we do.
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 09, 2013, 01:59:08 PM
Hi Simon
Looking at the recent fleetchanges, why does it seem that coaches are sold and then very similar ones acquired-surely easier to just keep them
Are there plans to move even more solos down to wessex?
Why is 20856 a probable write off-doesnt it just have minor damage at the back?
Are there plans to reinstate any more/repaint any more older darts in addition to 30382/30388
Will any euro2 mpds like the W361 one be repainted/prepped for service or is the plan to withdraw them
Why are VGX darts being withdrawn when older ones like 30382 are entering service?
Dear Diamond Dart,
Without knowing the specific examples, it is difficult to comment. So I will ansswer your questions generally about coaches. When we stopped operating the National Express contract, we had too many coaches. So we were looking to dispose of 14 vehicles (the NX number) and we therefore disposed of whatever we could for fair value. After National Express took the vehicles, we looked to acquire suitable vehicles to operate the work we had left - everything I ever do has a reason.
We have a fluid position in the South West, we have some capacity issues, and some of the routes which have capacity issues have problems with small vehicles. So the honest answer is I am not sure, but I don't think so.
Upon rear impact the bus popped one side window, and if you look underneath the bus the chassis is bent. The vehicle is now a confirmed write off.
Other Darts
We do not need anymore vehicles. However, over the last few winters we seem to have around half a dozen written off by third party accidents and hence why we increasing our spare capacity.
We intend to make fit for service both W361ABD and W366ABD again for the same reason we have made spare 30382/8
This was written off by third party insurers following an accident. We have been paid in full, and the third party have recovered the salvage
I need to look at. I am told it is quite badly damaged.
I think that is everything
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 10, 2013, 06:01:53 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 09, 2013, 01:59:08 PM
Hi Simon
Looking at the recent fleetchanges, why does it seem that coaches are sold and then very similar ones acquired-surely easier to just keep them
Are there plans to move even more solos down to wessex?
Why is 20856 a probable write off-doesnt it just have minor damage at the back?
Are there plans to reinstate any more/repaint any more older darts in addition to 30382/30388
Will any euro2 mpds like the W361 one be repainted/prepped for service or is the plan to withdraw them
Why are VGX darts being withdrawn when older ones like 30382 are entering service?
Dear Diamond Dart,
Without knowing the specific examples, it is difficult to comment. So I will ansswer your questions generally about coaches. When we stopped operating the National Express contract, we had too many coaches. So we were looking to dispose of 14 vehicles (the NX number) and we therefore disposed of whatever we could for fair value. After National Express took the vehicles, we looked to acquire suitable vehicles to operate the work we had left - everything I ever do has a reason.
We have a fluid position in the South West, we have some capacity issues, and some of the routes which have capacity issues have problems with small vehicles. So the honest answer is I am not sure, but I don't think so.
Upon rear impact the bus popped one side window, and if you look underneath the bus the chassis is bent. The vehicle is now a confirmed write off.
Other Darts
We do not need anymore vehicles. However, over the last few winters we seem to have around half a dozen written off by third party accidents and hence why we increasing our spare capacity.
We intend to make fit for service both W361ABD and W366ABD again for the same reason we have made spare 30382/8
This was written off by third party insurers following an accident. We have been paid in full, and the third party have recovered the salvage
I need to look at. I am told it is quite badly damaged.
I think that is everything
Thanks very much for your replies Simon
With regard to coaches, I meant the fact that plaxton panthers are being acquired and also plaxton panthers are being sold-admittedly they are slightly older but still not at all old vehicles. Does rotala still view coaches out of long acre as a valuable bit of its portfolio and if long acre closed, where would operate these coaches?
Sorry-didnt realise the extent of the damage to 20856
Understand about the darts-unfortunately thats the case in winter...
Thanks for your reply about the VGX darts-but do you plan to repaint any more darts into blue diamond livery-I'm thinking of the Y211/2HWJ darts, W337VGX, W567JVV in other words newer darts...
Would you consider buying more secondhand euro3 darts?
Was the new WF streetlite prepped at long acre?
Why were 30638/9 acquired at kidderminster-why werent solos transferred across from long acre and then these 2 newer solos acquired at wessex as it would save repainting both lots of buses, one set into and the other out of diamond livery
Also, why were they numbered in the 30- series as isnt this meant for bigger buses?
Thanks again
Quote from: John on September 20, 2013, 12:43:37 PM
There are two Darts in Wessex livery. They are 20602 (KU52 YJZ) and 20606 (KV51 KZH).
There is a third Dart in the old Wessex/Central Connect White and blue. Saw all 3 today. It is a W reg MPD (Not a W-DNO).
I don't know if it a recent arrival, but I can not find a similar vehicle on Tony's fleetlist
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 10, 2013, 11:39:57 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 10, 2013, 06:01:53 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 09, 2013, 01:59:08 PM
Hi Simon
Looking at the recent fleetchanges, why does it seem that coaches are sold and then very similar ones acquired-surely easier to just keep them
Are there plans to move even more solos down to wessex?
Why is 20856 a probable write off-doesnt it just have minor damage at the back?
Are there plans to reinstate any more/repaint any more older darts in addition to 30382/30388
Will any euro2 mpds like the W361 one be repainted/prepped for service or is the plan to withdraw them
Why are VGX darts being withdrawn when older ones like 30382 are entering service?
Dear Diamond Dart,
Without knowing the specific examples, it is difficult to comment. So I will ansswer your questions generally about coaches. When we stopped operating the National Express contract, we had too many coaches. So we were looking to dispose of 14 vehicles (the NX number) and we therefore disposed of whatever we could for fair value. After National Express took the vehicles, we looked to acquire suitable vehicles to operate the work we had left - everything I ever do has a reason.
We have a fluid position in the South West, we have some capacity issues, and some of the routes which have capacity issues have problems with small vehicles. So the honest answer is I am not sure, but I don't think so.
Upon rear impact the bus popped one side window, and if you look underneath the bus the chassis is bent. The vehicle is now a confirmed write off.
Other Darts
We do not need anymore vehicles. However, over the last few winters we seem to have around half a dozen written off by third party accidents and hence why we increasing our spare capacity.
We intend to make fit for service both W361ABD and W366ABD again for the same reason we have made spare 30382/8
This was written off by third party insurers following an accident. We have been paid in full, and the third party have recovered the salvage
I need to look at. I am told it is quite badly damaged.
I think that is everything
Thanks very much for your replies Simon
With regard to coaches, I meant the fact that plaxton panthers are being acquired and also plaxton panthers are being sold-admittedly they are slightly older but still not at all old vehicles. Does rotala still view coaches out of long acre as a valuable bit of its portfolio and if long acre closed, where would operate these coaches?
Sorry-didnt realise the extent of the damage to 20856
Understand about the darts-unfortunately thats the case in winter...
Thanks for your reply about the VGX darts-but do you plan to repaint any more darts into blue diamond livery-I'm thinking of the Y211/2HWJ darts, W337VGX, W567JVV in other words newer darts...
Would you consider buying more secondhand euro3 darts?
Was the new WF streetlite prepped at long acre?
Why were 30638/9 acquired at kidderminster-why werent solos transferred across from long acre and then these 2 newer solos acquired at wessex as it would save repainting both lots of buses, one set into and the other out of diamond livery
Also, why were they numbered in the 30- series as isnt this meant for bigger buses?
Thanks again
might be that 30638/9 are 37 seaters that they have been put in the 30-- series
Quote from: John on October 10, 2013, 06:47:10 PM
There is a third Dart in the old Wessex/Central Connect White and blue. Saw all 3 today. It is a W reg MPD (Not a W-DNO).
I don't know if it a recent arrival, but I can not find a similar vehicle on Tony's fleetlist
An old 'friend', W572JVV, it's on the Hallmark page.
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on October 10, 2013, 09:23:37 PM
Quote from: John on October 10, 2013, 06:47:10 PM
There is a third Dart in the old Wessex/Central Connect White and blue. Saw all 3 today. It is a W reg MPD (Not a W-DNO).
I don't know if it a recent arrival, but I can not find a similar vehicle on Tony's fleetlist
An old 'friend', W572JVV, it's on the Hallmark page.
Thanks Dave. I take it 20572 has been withdrawn from Wessex and brought up to Diamond, with it been on the Hallmark fleetlist?
Quote from: John on October 10, 2013, 09:26:47 PM
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on October 10, 2013, 09:23:37 PM
Quote from: John on October 10, 2013, 06:47:10 PM
There is a third Dart in the old Wessex/Central Connect White and blue. Saw all 3 today. It is a W reg MPD (Not a W-DNO).
I don't know if it a recent arrival, but I can not find a similar vehicle on Tony's fleetlist
An old 'friend', W572JVV, it's on the Hallmark page.
Thanks Dave. I take it 20572 has been withdrawn from Wessex and brought up to Diamond, with it been on the Hallmark fleetlist?
Wessex is also Hallmark, the Bristol / Heathrow & Long Acre Hallmark allocations are all on there
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 10, 2013, 11:39:57 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 10, 2013, 06:01:53 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 09, 2013, 01:59:08 PM
Hi Simon
Looking at the recent fleetchanges, why does it seem that coaches are sold and then very similar ones acquired-surely easier to just keep them
Are there plans to move even more solos down to wessex?
Why is 20856 a probable write off-doesnt it just have minor damage at the back?
Are there plans to reinstate any more/repaint any more older darts in addition to 30382/30388
Will any euro2 mpds like the W361 one be repainted/prepped for service or is the plan to withdraw them
Why are VGX darts being withdrawn when older ones like 30382 are entering service?
Dear Diamond Dart,
Without knowing the specific examples, it is difficult to comment. So I will ansswer your questions generally about coaches. When we stopped operating the National Express contract, we had too many coaches. So we were looking to dispose of 14 vehicles (the NX number) and we therefore disposed of whatever we could for fair value. After National Express took the vehicles, we looked to acquire suitable vehicles to operate the work we had left - everything I ever do has a reason.
We have a fluid position in the South West, we have some capacity issues, and some of the routes which have capacity issues have problems with small vehicles. So the honest answer is I am not sure, but I don't think so.
Upon rear impact the bus popped one side window, and if you look underneath the bus the chassis is bent. The vehicle is now a confirmed write off.
Other Darts
We do not need anymore vehicles. However, over the last few winters we seem to have around half a dozen written off by third party accidents and hence why we increasing our spare capacity.
We intend to make fit for service both W361ABD and W366ABD again for the same reason we have made spare 30382/8
This was written off by third party insurers following an accident. We have been paid in full, and the third party have recovered the salvage
I need to look at. I am told it is quite badly damaged.
I think that is everything
Thanks very much for your replies Simon
With regard to coaches, I meant the fact that plaxton panthers are being acquired and also plaxton panthers are being sold-admittedly they are slightly older but still not at all old vehicles. Does rotala still view coaches out of long acre as a valuable bit of its portfolio and if long acre closed, where would operate these coaches?
Sorry-didnt realise the extent of the damage to 20856
Understand about the darts-unfortunately thats the case in winter...
Thanks for your reply about the VGX darts-but do you plan to repaint any more darts into blue diamond livery-I'm thinking of the Y211/2HWJ darts, W337VGX, W567JVV in other words newer darts...
Would you consider buying more secondhand euro3 darts?
Was the new WF streetlite prepped at long acre?
Why were 30638/9 acquired at kidderminster-why werent solos transferred across from long acre and then these 2 newer solos acquired at wessex as it would save repainting both lots of buses, one set into and the other out of diamond livery
Also, why were they numbered in the 30- series as isnt this meant for bigger buses?
Thanks again
We have a number of Contracted coach operations, for which we have agreed to replace the 2004 vehicles with 2007/8 versions. The contract involves around 9 coaches daily, and we would move each vehicle to its closest starting depot. This would involve Redditch and Tividale
If it involved trading up some of our older stuff, possibly.
WF Streetlite
We dont paint any vehicles at any of our depots. We do all the prep work ourselves.
These 2 buses are 10.2 metres long. The threshold for fleet numbers starting 3, is longer than 9.9m.
The Solos we have transferred are actually owned by FHL, and not DBCL. The blue we use in Bath is the same as the Blue we use in Birmingham. So the vinyls will be changed and they will be used in Bath.
Any reason why 20805 was 15 minutes late heading towards Dudlley on the 226 now? The bus infront and behind are right on time?
Thanks for all your replies Simon
Just a couple more, though
First, there are a fair few blue diamond solos I havent seen in a while so some must be off the road. Are there plans to repair them and bring them back into service or just use them for spares?
Are there also any plans for the ex yourbus presidents currently at long acre?
Thanks again
How Frequently are you going to run on the 41?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 02, 2013, 03:40:33 PM
Quote from: Winston on October 01, 2013, 09:28:30 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 01, 2013, 08:44:30 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 29, 2013, 09:16:20 PM
Hi Simon,
I notice Scott's Yourbus business has now withdrawn the entire Nottingham Uni Hopper fleet after the contract was lost, is there any possibility that Rotala could acquire the 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro's for either Wessex or Diamond @ Tividale (i.e. 3601/2 BK10MFX/MFY) & the 2 x 10 plate ADL E300's for Diamond @ Redditch (1402/1403 SN10CDF/CDK),
Sorry, for the delay in response.
He has told me is looking to dispose of his deckers, but at no point has he told me these are for sale.
Hi Simon,
Thanks the reply, maybe what was posted with them all quoted as being withdrawn was more of an assumption than fact then?
I don't honestly know what he intends to do with them.
Hi Simon,
If you're not already aware, Scott's 10 plate ADL E300's & 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centros are currently for sale at Ensignbus
Surely, they would make ideal purchases for Redditch (E300's) & Tividale\Long Acre or Wessex (B7RLE)
Quote from: bususer12 on October 11, 2013, 08:51:46 AM
Any reason why 20805 was 15 minutes late heading towards Dudlley on the 226 now? The bus infront and behind are right on time?
I am not aware of any specific reason
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 13, 2013, 11:11:53 AM
Thanks for all your replies Simon
Just a couple more, though
First, there are a fair few blue diamond solos I havent seen in a while so some must be off the road. Are there plans to repair them and bring them back into service or just use them for spares?
Are there also any plans for the ex yourbus presidents currently at long acre?
Thanks again
Which Solo's specifically do you refer?
The deckers are for Sale.
Quote from: Winston on October 14, 2013, 01:22:12 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 02, 2013, 03:40:33 PM
Quote from: Winston on October 01, 2013, 09:28:30 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 01, 2013, 08:44:30 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 29, 2013, 09:16:20 PM
Hi Simon,
I notice Scott's Yourbus business has now withdrawn the entire Nottingham Uni Hopper fleet after the contract was lost, is there any possibility that Rotala could acquire the 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro's for either Wessex or Diamond @ Tividale (i.e. 3601/2 BK10MFX/MFY) & the 2 x 10 plate ADL E300's for Diamond @ Redditch (1402/1403 SN10CDF/CDK),
Sorry, for the delay in response.
He has told me is looking to dispose of his deckers, but at no point has he told me these are for sale.
Hi Simon,
Thanks the reply, maybe what was posted with them all quoted as being withdrawn was more of an assumption than fact then?
I don't honestly know what he intends to do with them.
Hi Simon,
If you're not already aware, Scott's 10 plate ADL E300's & 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centros are currently for sale at Ensignbus
Surely, they would make ideal purchases for Redditch (E300's) & Tividale\Long Acre or Wessex (B7RLE)
He wants more than we are willing to pay
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 14, 2013, 06:29:43 AM
Quote from: Winston on October 14, 2013, 01:22:12 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 02, 2013, 03:40:33 PM
Quote from: Winston on October 01, 2013, 09:28:30 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 01, 2013, 08:44:30 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 29, 2013, 09:16:20 PM
Hi Simon,
I notice Scott's Yourbus business has now withdrawn the entire Nottingham Uni Hopper fleet after the contract was lost, is there any possibility that Rotala could acquire the 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro's for either Wessex or Diamond @ Tividale (i.e. 3601/2 BK10MFX/MFY) & the 2 x 10 plate ADL E300's for Diamond @ Redditch (1402/1403 SN10CDF/CDK),
Sorry, for the delay in response.
He has told me is looking to dispose of his deckers, but at no point has he told me these are for sale.
Hi Simon,
Thanks the reply, maybe what was posted with them all quoted as being withdrawn was more of an assumption than fact then?
I don't honestly know what he intends to do with them.
Hi Simon,
If you're not already aware, Scott's 10 plate ADL E300's & 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centros are currently for sale at Ensignbus
Surely, they would make ideal purchases for Redditch (E300's) & Tividale\Long Acre or Wessex (B7RLE)
He wants more than we are willing to pay
That's a shame, they would have been ideal. I assume First Group may well snap them up
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 07, 2013, 04:16:46 PM
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 04, 2013, 10:26:28 PM
I would be interested to know what happened to 30806 today on the 002 about 1 o'clock as quite frankly what happened could have caused a huge incident and it is very fortunate that no passengers or other drivers were hurt, my praise goes out to the driver who coped very well and managed to get it somewhere near the kerb at least, it seemed that either the handbrake or footbrake just jammed fully on at about 30 MPH, sending the bus swinging to the rear and coming to an abrupt halt, with no electrics working and the engine just dying, did it ever restart? Or did it have to be towed?
We need to investigate the incident. However, the cause of the incident was to do with the Batteries and not the braking system.
Failed again today 5:30 just coming into Bartley Green! Causing traffic congestion in the rush hour, this bus fails about once a week it seems! Not a fan at all, the seats are just so unsuited for a journey from one end to the other
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 14, 2013, 06:27:52 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 13, 2013, 11:11:53 AM
Thanks for all your replies Simon
Just a couple more, though
First, there are a fair few blue diamond solos I havent seen in a while so some must be off the road. Are there plans to repair them and bring them back into service or just use them for spares?
Are there also any plans for the ex yourbus presidents currently at long acre?
Thanks again
Which Solo's specifically do you refer?
The deckers are for Sale.
Are the presidents pretty much beyond use then? And wouldnt it have been easier to have just sold the lot to stafford bus centre or sold the eclipses instead of swapping eclipses for presidents with yourbus and then trying then to sell the presidents?
Solos I havent seen in a while are:
MX06BRV and
Also are there any plans in hand for changes to the tividale fleet in the near future as its not long now until the october changes kick in when you said that fleet requirements would be re-assessed
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 14, 2013, 10:44:06 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 14, 2013, 06:27:52 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 13, 2013, 11:11:53 AM
Thanks for all your replies Simon
Just a couple more, though
First, there are a fair few blue diamond solos I havent seen in a while so some must be off the road. Are there plans to repair them and bring them back into service or just use them for spares?
Are there also any plans for the ex yourbus presidents currently at long acre?
Thanks again
Which Solo's specifically do you refer?
The deckers are for Sale.
Are the presidents pretty much beyond use then? And wouldnt it have been easier to have just sold the lot to stafford bus centre or sold the eclipses instead of swapping eclipses for presidents with yourbus and then trying then to sell the presidents?
Solos I havent seen in a while are:
MX06BRV and
Also are there any plans in hand for changes to the tividale fleet in the near future as its not long now until the october changes kick in when you said that fleet requirements would be re-assessed
I think MX06 BRV has been withdrawn
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 14, 2013, 06:10:16 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 07, 2013, 04:16:46 PM
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 04, 2013, 10:26:28 PM
I would be interested to know what happened to 30806 today on the 002 about 1 o'clock as quite frankly what happened could have caused a huge incident and it is very fortunate that no passengers or other drivers were hurt, my praise goes out to the driver who coped very well and managed to get it somewhere near the kerb at least, it seemed that either the handbrake or footbrake just jammed fully on at about 30 MPH, sending the bus swinging to the rear and coming to an abrupt halt, with no electrics working and the engine just dying, did it ever restart? Or did it have to be towed?
We need to investigate the incident. However, the cause of the incident was to do with the Batteries and not the braking system.
Failed again today 5:30 just coming into Bartley Green! Causing traffic congestion in the rush hour, this bus fails about once a week it seems! Not a fan at all, the seats are just so unsuited for a journey from one end to the other
We are looking into this
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 14, 2013, 10:44:06 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 14, 2013, 06:27:52 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 13, 2013, 11:11:53 AM
Thanks for all your replies Simon
Just a couple more, though
First, there are a fair few blue diamond solos I havent seen in a while so some must be off the road. Are there plans to repair them and bring them back into service or just use them for spares?
Are there also any plans for the ex yourbus presidents currently at long acre?
Thanks again
Which Solo's specifically do you refer?
The deckers are for Sale.
Are the presidents pretty much beyond use then? And wouldnt it have been easier to have just sold the lot to stafford bus centre or sold the eclipses instead of swapping eclipses for presidents with yourbus and then trying then to sell the presidents?
Solos I havent seen in a while are:
MX06BRV and
Also are there any plans in hand for changes to the tividale fleet in the near future as its not long now until the october changes kick in when you said that fleet requirements would be re-assessed
When I took the presidents, I thought overall the deal was right. I have had numerous enquiries for the vehicles since acquisition, people seem to be struggling with getting finance.
MX06BRV - had an electrical fire and there is no way that is returning to service.
20826 - We initially have had problems getting bits. When SF54ORC was written off, we acquired the salvage and we are slowly repairing 20826, using the bits off this one.
I have not committed to do anything yet with Tividale. We would like to replace some of the older vehicles and at the same time increase the split of longer buses. We need to see what opportunities come our way.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 15, 2013, 07:35:20 AM
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 14, 2013, 06:10:16 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 07, 2013, 04:16:46 PM
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 04, 2013, 10:26:28 PM
I would be interested to know what happened to 30806 today on the 002 about 1 o'clock as quite frankly what happened could have caused a huge incident and it is very fortunate that no passengers or other drivers were hurt, my praise goes out to the driver who coped very well and managed to get it somewhere near the kerb at least, it seemed that either the handbrake or footbrake just jammed fully on at about 30 MPH, sending the bus swinging to the rear and coming to an abrupt halt, with no electrics working and the engine just dying, did it ever restart? Or did it have to be towed?
We need to investigate the incident. However, the cause of the incident was to do with the Batteries and not the braking system.
Failed again today 5:30 just coming into Bartley Green! Causing traffic congestion in the rush hour, this bus fails about once a week it seems! Not a fan at all, the seats are just so unsuited for a journey from one end to the other
We are looking into this
belts off this time
Has diamond ever thought about extending the signature brand elsewhere within the network?
For example a Stourbridge Signature network?
Quote from: 4747 on October 15, 2013, 07:57:12 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 15, 2013, 07:35:20 AM
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 14, 2013, 06:10:16 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 07, 2013, 04:16:46 PM
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 04, 2013, 10:26:28 PM
I would be interested to know what happened to 30806 today on the 002 about 1 o'clock as quite frankly what happened could have caused a huge incident and it is very fortunate that no passengers or other drivers were hurt, my praise goes out to the driver who coped very well and managed to get it somewhere near the kerb at least, it seemed that either the handbrake or footbrake just jammed fully on at about 30 MPH, sending the bus swinging to the rear and coming to an abrupt halt, with no electrics working and the engine just dying, did it ever restart? Or did it have to be towed?
We need to investigate the incident. However, the cause of the incident was to do with the Batteries and not the braking system.
Failed again today 5:30 just coming into Bartley Green! Causing traffic congestion in the rush hour, this bus fails about once a week it seems! Not a fan at all, the seats are just so unsuited for a journey from one end to the other
We are looking into this
belts off this time
Yes, you are correct
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 15, 2013, 07:42:19 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 14, 2013, 10:44:06 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 14, 2013, 06:27:52 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 13, 2013, 11:11:53 AM
Thanks for all your replies Simon
Just a couple more, though
First, there are a fair few blue diamond solos I havent seen in a while so some must be off the road. Are there plans to repair them and bring them back into service or just use them for spares?
Are there also any plans for the ex yourbus presidents currently at long acre?
Thanks again
Which Solo's specifically do you refer?
The deckers are for Sale.
Are the presidents pretty much beyond use then? And wouldnt it have been easier to have just sold the lot to stafford bus centre or sold the eclipses instead of swapping eclipses for presidents with yourbus and then trying then to sell the presidents?
Solos I havent seen in a while are:
MX06BRV and
Also are there any plans in hand for changes to the tividale fleet in the near future as its not long now until the october changes kick in when you said that fleet requirements would be re-assessed
When I took the presidents, I thought overall the deal was right. I have had numerous enquiries for the vehicles since acquisition, people seem to be struggling with getting finance.
MX06BRV - had an electrical fire and there is no way that is returning to service.
20826 - We initially have had problems getting bits. When SF54ORC was written off, we acquired the salvage and we are slowly repairing 20826, using the bits off this one.
I have not committed to do anything yet with Tividale. We would like to replace some of the older vehicles and at the same time increase the split of longer buses. We need to see what opportunities come our way.
Thats good that rotala have had enquiries for them and thanks for clarifying the solo situation. Thanks for the reply about tividale but if MCVs are being sold from heathrow, what is going to replace them down there as I wasn't aware that rotala had lost contracts. Do these contracts specify a certain type/age of vehicle or not just out of interest. Thanks again Peter
Long time lurker, new poster.
Question to Rotala Management.
Fares on 141, 142, 143..
Using these services between Bromsgrove Bus Station & Bromsgrove Train station i have found different fares on the different services and what seems to me like diffrent replys from Rotala Customer services.
A few weeks ago i used the 141 which is the most direct bus to the station via New Road it's £1.30 single & £2.00 return
I then used the 143 a few days later which goes via Charford which is £1.40 single and £2.30 return, on this bus i saw that a return to Finstall which is after the railway station is £2.00 return, i queried this with Diamond CS and they replied it's £3.90, fair enough problem solved.
I used the 142 last wednesday at 0827 from the bus station, this time Bromsgrove Rail Station was £2.30 & Finstall was £2.00 return, i emailed customer services again, yet to have no reply and queried this again.
I bought the £2.00 finstall return and just got off at the station, i don't understand how it can be more for the Train Station (Photo attached)
I have a few ideas for the Bromsgrove Fare issues, which i will raise when your network review is in town on the 21st.
I would like to see a minimum fare option of £1.30 single in Bromsgrove £2.10 return, as these different fares for different buses is ridiclous.
I would also like Diamond, Hansons, First and MRD Travel to come together to offer a Bromsgrove Connecta ticket for say £3.00, this would may it a lot easier for people to travel from Catshill to Bromsgrove Railway Station/Morrisons without paying for two bus tickets.
Thank you.
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 14, 2013, 06:10:16 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 07, 2013, 04:16:46 PM
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 04, 2013, 10:26:28 PM
I would be interested to know what happened to 30806 today on the 002 about 1 o'clock as quite frankly what happened could have caused a huge incident and it is very fortunate that no passengers or other drivers were hurt, my praise goes out to the driver who coped very well and managed to get it somewhere near the kerb at least, it seemed that either the handbrake or footbrake just jammed fully on at about 30 MPH, sending the bus swinging to the rear and coming to an abrupt halt, with no electrics working and the engine just dying, did it ever restart? Or did it have to be towed?
We need to investigate the incident. However, the cause of the incident was to do with the Batteries and not the braking system.
Failed again today 5:30 just coming into Bartley Green! Causing traffic congestion in the rush hour, this bus fails about once a week it seems! Not a fan at all, the seats are just so unsuited for a journey from one end to the other
Quote from: sonic2009 on October 16, 2013, 02:16:17 PM
Long time lurker, new poster.
Question to Rotala Management.
Fares on 141, 142, 143..
Using these services between Bromsgrove Bus Station & Bromsgrove Train station i have found different fares on the different services and what seems to me like diffrent replys from Rotala Customer services.
A few weeks ago i used the 141 which is the most direct bus to the station via New Road it's £1.30 single & £2.00 return
I then used the 143 a few days later which goes via Charford which is £1.40 single and £2.30 return, on this bus i saw that a return to Finstall which is after the railway station is £2.00 return, i queried this with Diamond CS and they replied it's £3.90, fair enough problem solved.
I used the 142 last wednesday at 0827 from the bus station, this time Bromsgrove Rail Station was £2.30 & Finstall was £2.00 return, i emailed customer services again, yet to have no reply and queried this again.
I bought the £2.00 finstall return and just got off at the station, i don't understand how it can be more for the Train Station (Photo attached)
I have a few ideas for the Bromsgrove Fare issues, which i will raise when your network review is in town on the 21st.
I would like to see a minimum fare option of £1.30 single in Bromsgrove £2.10 return, as these different fares for different buses is ridiclous.
I would also like Diamond, Hansons, First and MRD Travel to come together to offer a Bromsgrove Connecta ticket for say £3.00, this would may it a lot easier for people to travel from Catshill to Bromsgrove Railway Station/Morrisons without paying for two bus tickets.
Thank you.
The Connecta tickets scheme is a Worcestershire county council thing there are details on there web site but can see on for Bromsgrove suggest you look at ther site in case I missed something might be worth and phone call or email to them and getting in touch with dirstrict / county counclir or even mp. if I am right in thinking , because there are not many route in Bromsgrove think in my coame under county connecta ticket not 100% sure on that . here is the link which will take you to the right page ,
Have diamond ever considered running a route from west bromwich to perry barr?
Quote from: bewminster on October 16, 2013, 02:46:14 PM
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 14, 2013, 06:10:16 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 07, 2013, 04:16:46 PM
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on October 04, 2013, 10:26:28 PM
I would be interested to know what happened to 30806 today on the 002 about 1 o'clock as quite frankly what happened could have caused a huge incident and it is very fortunate that no passengers or other drivers were hurt, my praise goes out to the driver who coped very well and managed to get it somewhere near the kerb at least, it seemed that either the handbrake or footbrake just jammed fully on at about 30 MPH, sending the bus swinging to the rear and coming to an abrupt halt, with no electrics working and the engine just dying, did it ever restart? Or did it have to be towed?
We need to investigate the incident. However, the cause of the incident was to do with the Batteries and not the braking system.
Failed again today 5:30 just coming into Bartley Green! Causing traffic congestion in the rush hour, this bus fails about once a week it seems! Not a fan at all, the seats are just so unsuited for a journey from one end to the other
Quote from: sonic2009 on October 16, 2013, 02:16:17 PM
Long time lurker, new poster.
Question to Rotala Management.
Fares on 141, 142, 143..
Using these services between Bromsgrove Bus Station & Bromsgrove Train station i have found different fares on the different services and what seems to me like diffrent replys from Rotala Customer services.
A few weeks ago i used the 141 which is the most direct bus to the station via New Road it's £1.30 single & £2.00 return
I then used the 143 a few days later which goes via Charford which is £1.40 single and £2.30 return, on this bus i saw that a return to Finstall which is after the railway station is £2.00 return, i queried this with Diamond CS and they replied it's £3.90, fair enough problem solved.
I used the 142 last wednesday at 0827 from the bus station, this time Bromsgrove Rail Station was £2.30 & Finstall was £2.00 return, i emailed customer services again, yet to have no reply and queried this again.
I bought the £2.00 finstall return and just got off at the station, i don't understand how it can be more for the Train Station (Photo attached)
I have a few ideas for the Bromsgrove Fare issues, which i will raise when your network review is in town on the 21st.
I would like to see a minimum fare option of £1.30 single in Bromsgrove £2.10 return, as these different fares for different buses is ridiclous.
I would also like Diamond, Hansons, First and MRD Travel to come together to offer a Bromsgrove Connecta ticket for say £3.00, this would may it a lot easier for people to travel from Catshill to Bromsgrove Railway Station/Morrisons without paying for two bus tickets.
Thank you.
The Connecta tickets scheme is a Worcestershire county council thing there are details on there web site but can see on for Bromsgrove suggest you look at ther site in case I missed something might be worth and phone call or email to them and getting in touch with dirstrict / county counclir or even mp. if I am right in thinking , because there are not many route in Bromsgrove think in my coame under county connecta ticket not 100% sure on that . here is the link which will take you to the right page ,
There's plenty of routes that accept the County Connecta, that if a Bromsgrove one was implmented could easily accept them :
144/144a First
141/142/143/202/183/X3 Diamond
007 Central Buses
318 Hansons
93/97/98 MRD Travel
Quote from: bususer12 on October 07, 2013, 03:07:28 PM
Quick Question, how much is an adult week ticket for the birmingham and Black Country area? The adverts on your buses say £10, but on the site is £13, could you clarify which is the live price on your machines?
still advertised as 10 pound on 30810, false advertisement?
I was unable to vist the 3 places you held your roadshow in the Kidderminster area , is the online review exactly the same
. are you having good response at them and pleanty of people turning up , to give there views. to you
How many pushchairs are allowed on a bus at any one time un folded , recently I have been on several services where there
have been 3 , some of the vehicles did have space for 2 . when the gangways are blocked by them it is difficult to get passed them. even without carrying anything. do not get me wrong not any pushchair or trying to get any driver in trouble
. just bring this to your attention as it posse a health and safety issues. and also if people trip while trying to get pass one they would my a claim against you
Hi Simon-don't want this to turn into enthusiasts like me suggesting buying second hand buses theyve seen but caught sight of these and couldnt help thinking what good value they are:
less than 18k for good single deck second hand buses of a type already run by rotala.
Just interested to hear if they are something that you would consider purchasing for redditch
Thanks :)
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 03:56:15 PM
Hi Simon-don't want this to turn into enthusiasts like me suggesting buying second hand buses theyve seen but caught sight of these and couldnt help thinking what good value they are:
less than 18k for good single deck second hand buses of a type already run by rotala.
Just interested to hear if they are something that you would consider purchasing for redditch
Thanks :)
If those are the four I'm thinking of, then they've had a relatively easy life as well.
They are ex Stagecoach in Warwicksire, Warwickshire County Council County Links branded.
This one and 3 others are listed as withdrawn on Tony's fleetlist
Quote from: John on October 23, 2013, 04:04:39 PM
They are ex Stagecoach in Warwicksire, Warwickshire County Council County Links branded.
This one and 3 others are listed as withdrawn on Tony's fleetlist
Exactly stagecoach buses are well looked after aren't they?
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 04:28:12 PM
Quote from: John on October 23, 2013, 04:04:39 PM
They are ex Stagecoach in Warwicksire, Warwickshire County Council County Links branded.
This one and 3 others are listed as withdrawn on Tony's fleetlist
Exactly stagecoach buses are well looked after aren't they?
Stagecoach never owned them, they have always been owned by Warwickshire County Council. One of them was off the road for some time with major accident damage and has had extensive repairs done to it.
Is the price for them good value as Im not an expert in prices for secondhand buses. But just thought less than £18k seemed fairly cheap for recent secondhand long single deck buses?
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 03:56:15 PM
Hi Simon-don't want this to turn into enthusiasts like me suggesting buying second hand buses theyve seen but caught sight of these and couldnt help thinking what good value they are:
less than 18k for good single deck second hand buses of a type already run by rotala.
Just interested to hear if they are something that you would consider purchasing for redditch
Thanks :)
I noticed those in the latest Routeone, also the two 10 plate B9TL/Wright Gemini advertised for sale with Ensign ex Yourbus (Nottingham Uni livery) have soon been sold
Quote from: Winston on October 23, 2013, 08:30:44 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 03:56:15 PM
Hi Simon-don't want this to turn into enthusiasts like me suggesting buying second hand buses theyve seen but caught sight of these and couldnt help thinking what good value they are:
less than 18k for good single deck second hand buses of a type already run by rotala.
Just interested to hear if they are something that you would consider purchasing for redditch
Thanks :)
I noticed those in the latest Routeone, also the two 10 plate B9TL/Wright Gemini advertised for sale with Ensign ex Yourbus (Nottingham Uni livery) have soon been sold
The ex Reay's e200s look in good condition as well-theyre being advertised in route one this week and last week I think as well. But still think 4 e300s would be a great buy, along with the centro and e300 with ensignbus-more ex yourbus vehicles.
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 08:51:37 PM
Quote from: Winston on October 23, 2013, 08:30:44 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 03:56:15 PM
Hi Simon-don't want this to turn into enthusiasts like me suggesting buying second hand buses theyve seen but caught sight of these and couldnt help thinking what good value they are:
less than 18k for good single deck second hand buses of a type already run by rotala.
Just interested to hear if they are something that you would consider purchasing for redditch
Thanks :)
I noticed those in the latest Routeone, also the two 10 plate B9TL/Wright Gemini advertised for sale with Ensign ex Yourbus (Nottingham Uni livery) have soon been sold
The ex Reay's e200s look in good condition as well-theyre being advertised in route one this week and last week I think as well. But still think 4 e300s would be a great buy, along with the centro and e300 with ensignbus-more ex yourbus vehicles.
I rode a Reays E200 on the 555R in Cumbria (sadly got that instead of the Olympian!), nothing to complain about, went like the clappers and was immaculate inside. Free wifi as well, not that I used it. I wish we had more companies like them in the Midlands.
I rode the 555r too despite some guy From Stagecoach with a ticket machine insisting everyone had to buy a ticket off him before boarding the bus
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 15, 2013, 07:06:24 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 15, 2013, 07:42:19 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 14, 2013, 10:44:06 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 14, 2013, 06:27:52 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 13, 2013, 11:11:53 AM
Thanks for all your replies Simon
Just a couple more, though
First, there are a fair few blue diamond solos I havent seen in a while so some must be off the road. Are there plans to repair them and bring them back into service or just use them for spares?
Are there also any plans for the ex yourbus presidents currently at long acre?
Thanks again
Which Solo's specifically do you refer?
The deckers are for Sale.
Are the presidents pretty much beyond use then? And wouldnt it have been easier to have just sold the lot to stafford bus centre or sold the eclipses instead of swapping eclipses for presidents with yourbus and then trying then to sell the presidents?
Solos I havent seen in a while are:
MX06BRV and
Also are there any plans in hand for changes to the tividale fleet in the near future as its not long now until the october changes kick in when you said that fleet requirements would be re-assessed
When I took the presidents, I thought overall the deal was right. I have had numerous enquiries for the vehicles since acquisition, people seem to be struggling with getting finance.
MX06BRV - had an electrical fire and there is no way that is returning to service.
20826 - We initially have had problems getting bits. When SF54ORC was written off, we acquired the salvage and we are slowly repairing 20826, using the bits off this one.
I have not committed to do anything yet with Tividale. We would like to replace some of the older vehicles and at the same time increase the split of longer buses. We need to see what opportunities come our way.
Thats good that rotala have had enquiries for them and thanks for clarifying the solo situation. Thanks for the reply about tividale but if MCVs are being sold from heathrow, what is going to replace them down there as I wasn't aware that rotala had lost contracts. Do these contracts specify a certain type/age of vehicle or not just out of interest. Thanks again Peter
Sorry for the delay in responding, I have been away.
We have not lost any contracts. We have brought back into full service 2 x 2008 Primo's and acquired 1 x Streetlite to replace the MCV's.
Quote from: bususer12 on October 18, 2013, 01:52:01 PM
Quote from: bususer12 on October 07, 2013, 03:07:28 PM
Quick Question, how much is an adult week ticket for the birmingham and Black Country area? The adverts on your buses say £10, but on the site is £13, could you clarify which is the live price on your machines?
still advertised as 10 pound on 30810, false advertisement?
This should have now been corrected
Quote from: bewminster on October 23, 2013, 02:24:45 PM
How many pushchairs are allowed on a bus at any one time un folded , recently I have been on several services where there
have been 3 , some of the vehicles did have space for 2 . when the gangways are blocked by them it is difficult to get passed them. even without carrying anything. do not get me wrong not any pushchair or trying to get any driver in trouble
. just bring this to your attention as it posse a health and safety issues. and also if people trip while trying to get pass one they would my a claim against you
Dear Bewminster
It very much depends upon which vehicle it is and what it has been certified to. The certification is typically listed above were the driver sits, if you are able to provide more specific information I will look into this
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 07:29:14 PM
Is the price for them good value as Im not an expert in prices for secondhand buses. But just thought less than £18k seemed fairly cheap for recent secondhand long single deck buses?
Dear Sir
They are worth £18k, maybe a little more.
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 08:51:37 PM
Quote from: Winston on October 23, 2013, 08:30:44 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 03:56:15 PM
Hi Simon-don't want this to turn into enthusiasts like me suggesting buying second hand buses theyve seen but caught sight of these and couldnt help thinking what good value they are:
less than 18k for good single deck second hand buses of a type already run by rotala.
Just interested to hear if they are something that you would consider purchasing for redditch
Thanks :)
I noticed those in the latest Routeone, also the two 10 plate B9TL/Wright Gemini advertised for sale with Ensign ex Yourbus (Nottingham Uni livery) have soon been sold
The ex Reay's e200s look in good condition as well-theyre being advertised in route one this week and last week I think as well. But still think 4 e300s would be a great buy, along with the centro and e300 with ensignbus-more ex yourbus vehicles.
Dear Sir,
Whatever we buy we always get good value. I don't consider any of the buses listed above to be competitively priced.
Thanks for your replies Simon!
Perhaps you could help me with a couple of small queries:
1) Why was 30801 at Preston to repair-when preston dont operate any MANs? Has Preston got one of the best engineering departments out of the whole rotala group?
2) Does rotala have any plans for preston bus in the near future-ie new buses or network changes or a new depot as I understand that Deepdale Road is fairly old...Got to say though I was impressed with preston bus...
3) Why did rotala buy a company a fair way northwest of the other main operations? Would rotala consider buying other companies that are geographically separate obviously given price/size of company etc
4)Why was just one citaro delivered to preston-was this originally meant for the West Midlands.
Thanks very much :)
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 26, 2013, 05:20:34 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 07:29:14 PM
Is the price for them good value as Im not an expert in prices for secondhand buses. But just thought less than £18k seemed fairly cheap for recent secondhand long single deck buses?
Dear Sir
They are worth £18k, maybe a little more.
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 26, 2013, 05:57:35 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon!
Perhaps you could help me with a couple of small queries:
1) Why was 30801 at Preston to repair-when preston dont operate any MANs? Has Preston got one of the best engineering departments out of the whole rotala group?
2) Does rotala have any plans for preston bus in the near future-ie new buses or network changes or a new depot as I understand that Deepdale Road is fairly old...Got to say though I was impressed with preston bus...
3) Why did rotala buy a company a fair way northwest of the other main operations? Would rotala consider buying other companies that are geographically separate obviously given price/size of company etc
4)Why was just one citaro delivered to preston-was this originally meant for the West Midlands.
Thanks very much :)
things happen where companies have change there plans so that maybe be the reason . and while we would like new/newish buses in our area. we all forget it is simons company so it is up to him what happens
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 26, 2013, 05:57:35 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon!
Perhaps you could help me with a couple of small queries:
1) Why was 30801 at Preston to repair-when preston dont operate any MANs? Has Preston got one of the best engineering departments out of the whole rotala group?
2) Does rotala have any plans for preston bus in the near future-ie new buses or network changes or a new depot as I understand that Deepdale Road is fairly old...Got to say though I was impressed with preston bus...
3) Why did rotala buy a company a fair way northwest of the other main operations? Would rotala consider buying other companies that are geographically separate obviously given price/size of company etc
4)Why was just one citaro delivered to preston-was this originally meant for the West Midlands.
Thanks very much :)
Dear Sir,
In response to your questions;
1. The Group Engineering Manager, until his recent death was also responsible for Preston Bus. To support Redditch, he took the vehicle to Preston to repair. Different businesses have different strengths, Preston has a long established work force. There are two sides to this, one side is they are well trained, and in our opinion the Engineering team maintain the fleet to high standard
2. We will continue to invest in all our fleets. Preston has just won some LCC contracts for 3 vehicles, so we need to procure them shortly. In terms of the depot, we are currently looking at our options, my understanding is that the depot itself has been highlighted as an area for an Affordable housing development. So, on one hand we have this consideration, on another we need a depot which does not disrupt the business and is more efficient and cost effective than the current depot. To achieve this, is not easy
3. As Rotala is an AIM business, shareholders expect the business to continue to grow. Therefore geographical expansion is necessary. Therefore naturally in answer to the second part of your question, yes we will look at out of area businesses provided they are of the right size, in the right markets, and make financial sense. Rotala has access to a large amount of money for the right acquisition. Over a period of time we have looked at, and made offers for numerous businesses and we continue to do so.
4. From memory, I think so. It is a long time back now. The Citaro is a good product, in the last year we have acquired a number of Hybrid deckers for Preston. This has taken up the allocation of capital for fleet replacement for that particular business.
Quote from: bewminster on October 26, 2013, 06:07:29 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 26, 2013, 05:20:34 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 07:29:14 PM
Is the price for them good value as Im not an expert in prices for secondhand buses. But just thought less than £18k seemed fairly cheap for recent secondhand long single deck buses?
Dear Sir
They are worth £18k, maybe a little more.
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 26, 2013, 05:57:35 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon!
Perhaps you could help me with a couple of small queries:
1) Why was 30801 at Preston to repair-when preston dont operate any MANs? Has Preston got one of the best engineering departments out of the whole rotala group?
2) Does rotala have any plans for preston bus in the near future-ie new buses or network changes or a new depot as I understand that Deepdale Road is fairly old...Got to say though I was impressed with preston bus...
3) Why did rotala buy a company a fair way northwest of the other main operations? Would rotala consider buying other companies that are geographically separate obviously given price/size of company etc
4)Why was just one citaro delivered to preston-was this originally meant for the West Midlands.
Thanks very much :)
things happen where companies have change there plans so that maybe be the reason . and while we would like new/newish buses in our area. we all forget it is simons company so it is up to him what happens
Dear Sir,
Although I am the CEO, and a Shareholder and I am fortunate enough to be responsible for delivering the companies strategy. It is not my business, I do not own a controlling amount of shares so it would be wrong for me to allow you to think otherwise.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 26, 2013, 05:18:12 PM
Quote from: bewminster on October 23, 2013, 02:24:45 PM
How many pushchairs are allowed on a bus at any one time un folded , recently I have been on several services where there
have been 3 , some of the vehicles did have space for 2 . when the gangways are blocked by them it is difficult to get passed them. even without carrying anything. do not get me wrong not any pushchair or trying to get any driver in trouble
. just bring this to your attention as it posse a health and safety issues. and also if people trip while trying to get pass one they would my a claim against you
Dear Bewminster
It very much depends upon which vehicle it is and what it has been certified to. The certification is typically listed above were the driver sits, if you are able to provide more specific information I will look into this
I have seen these figures on vehicles it usualy say for example so many seated and so many standing , and 1 wheelchair
which when a wheelchair is on it gives the standing figure more and seating figure less, only some vehciles carry this lettering on display inside . and some have figures missing . the cases I was talking about one was in the correct space and one was blocking the gangway, the other was close up to two single seats in the front of the vehicle that is just one case another time two where in the provide space but one of them was a big one and to get it in it was put in sideways with the front face side of the vehicle back with big handle sticking out in the gangway with another on alongside side single front seats on the other completely blocking gangway again.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 26, 2013, 08:31:04 PM
Quote from: bewminster on October 26, 2013, 06:07:29 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 26, 2013, 05:20:34 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 07:29:14 PM
Is the price for them good value as Im not an expert in prices for secondhand buses. But just thought less than £18k seemed fairly cheap for recent secondhand long single deck buses?
Dear Sir
They are worth £18k, maybe a little more.
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 26, 2013, 05:57:35 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon!
Perhaps you could help me with a couple of small queries:
1) Why was 30801 at Preston to repair-when preston dont operate any MANs? Has Preston got one of the best engineering departments out of the whole rotala group?
2) Does rotala have any plans for preston bus in the near future-ie new buses or network changes or a new depot as I understand that Deepdale Road is fairly old...Got to say though I was impressed with preston bus...
3) Why did rotala buy a company a fair way northwest of the other main operations? Would rotala consider buying other companies that are geographically separate obviously given price/size of company etc
4)Why was just one citaro delivered to preston-was this originally meant for the West Midlands.
Thanks very much :)
things happen where companies have change there plans so that maybe be the reason . and while we would like new/newish buses in our area. we all forget it is simons company so it is up to him what happens
Dear Sir,
Although I am the CEO, and a Shareholder and I am fortunate enough to be responsible for delivering the companies strategy. It is not my business, I do not own a controlling amount of shares so it would be wrong for me to allow you to think otherwise.
what I meant simon that you where in charge of the day running did not mean you owned it , sorry for my incorrect choice of words
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 26, 2013, 08:29:21 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 26, 2013, 05:57:35 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon!
Perhaps you could help me with a couple of small queries:
1) Why was 30801 at Preston to repair-when preston dont operate any MANs? Has Preston got one of the best engineering departments out of the whole rotala group?
2) Does rotala have any plans for preston bus in the near future-ie new buses or network changes or a new depot as I understand that Deepdale Road is fairly old...Got to say though I was impressed with preston bus...
3) Why did rotala buy a company a fair way northwest of the other main operations? Would rotala consider buying other companies that are geographically separate obviously given price/size of company etc
4)Why was just one citaro delivered to preston-was this originally meant for the West Midlands.
Thanks very much :)
Dear Sir,
In response to your questions;
1. The Group Engineering Manager, until his recent death was also responsible for Preston Bus. To support Redditch, he took the vehicle to Preston to repair. Different businesses have different strengths, Preston has a long established work force. There are two sides to this, one side is they are well trained, and in our opinion the Engineering team maintain the fleet to high standard
2. We will continue to invest in all our fleets. Preston has just won some LCC contracts for 3 vehicles, so we need to procure them shortly. In terms of the depot, we are currently looking at our options, my understanding is that the depot itself has been highlighted as an area for an Affordable housing development. So, on one hand we have this consideration, on another we need a depot which does not disrupt the business and is more efficient and cost effective than the current depot. To achieve this, is not easy
3. As Rotala is an AIM business, shareholders expect the business to continue to grow. Therefore geographical expansion is necessary. Therefore naturally in answer to the second part of your question, yes we will look at out of area businesses provided they are of the right size, in the right markets, and make financial sense. Rotala has access to a large amount of money for the right acquisition. Over a period of time we have looked at, and made offers for numerous businesses and we continue to do so.
4. From memory, I think so. It is a long time back now. The Citaro is a good product, in the last year we have acquired a number of Hybrid deckers for Preston. This has taken up the allocation of capital for fleet replacement for that particular business.
Thanks very much for your replies!
Quote from: bewminster on October 26, 2013, 08:43:47 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 26, 2013, 05:18:12 PM
Quote from: bewminster on October 23, 2013, 02:24:45 PM
How many pushchairs are allowed on a bus at any one time un folded , recently I have been on several services where there
have been 3 , some of the vehicles did have space for 2 . when the gangways are blocked by them it is difficult to get passed them. even without carrying anything. do not get me wrong not any pushchair or trying to get any driver in trouble
. just bring this to your attention as it posse a health and safety issues. and also if people trip while trying to get pass one they would my a claim against you
Dear Bewminster
It very much depends upon which vehicle it is and what it has been certified to. The certification is typically listed above were the driver sits, if you are able to provide more specific information I will look into this
I have seen these figures on vehicles it usualy say for example so many seated and so many standing , and 1 wheelchair
which when a wheelchair is on it gives the standing figure more and seating figure less, only some vehciles carry this lettering on display inside . and some have figures missing . the cases I was talking about one was in the correct space and one was blocking the gangway, the other was close up to two single seats in the front of the vehicle that is just one case another time two where in the provide space but one of them was a big one and to get it in it was put in sideways with the front face side of the vehicle back with big handle sticking out in the gangway with another on alongside side single front seats on the other completely blocking gangway again.
You are referring to pushchairs, not wheechairs
Quote from: Tony on October 26, 2013, 09:14:07 PM
Quote from: bewminster on October 26, 2013, 08:43:47 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 26, 2013, 05:18:12 PM
Quote from: bewminster on October 23, 2013, 02:24:45 PM
How many pushchairs are allowed on a bus at any one time un folded , recently I have been on several services where there
have been 3 , some of the vehicles did have space for 2 . when the gangways are blocked by them it is difficult to get passed them. even without carrying anything. do not get me wrong not any pushchair or trying to get any driver in trouble
. just bring this to your attention as it posse a health and safety issues. and also if people trip while trying to get pass one they would my a claim against you
Dear Bewminster
It very much depends upon which vehicle it is and what it has been certified to. The certification is typically listed above were the driver sits, if you are able to provide more specific information I will look into this
I have seen these figures on vehicles it usualy say for example so many seated and so many standing , and 1 wheelchair
which when a wheelchair is on it gives the standing figure more and seating figure less, only some vehciles carry this lettering on display inside . and some have figures missing . the cases I was talking about one was in the correct space and one was blocking the gangway, the other was close up to two single seats in the front of the vehicle that is just one case another time two where in the provide space but one of them was a big one and to get it in it was put in sideways with the front face side of the vehicle back with big handle sticking out in the gangway with another on alongside side single front seats on the other completely blocking gangway again.
You are referring to pushchairs, not wheelchairs
is it not the same figure then for pushchairs ? but what ever the figure I am sure 1 should not be in the gangway blocking it , and I am not taking about ones being folded down
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 26, 2013, 05:20:34 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 07:29:14 PM
Is the price for them good value as Im not an expert in prices for secondhand buses. But just thought less than £18k seemed fairly cheap for recent secondhand long single deck buses?
Dear Sir
They are worth £18k, maybe a little more.
Would those 4 E300's then be of interest to Rotala given that they are being advertised at an attractive price? Although 9 years old, they could boost the numbers of full size single deckers at Redditch in the interim or may also be useful for KR on the X3 or 292?
I think the prices on the inside panels on 30828 need looking at as they're showing prices from the days of the 9!
Hi Simon,
Is there any significance behind some of the Wessex double decker fleet being re-registered?
So far noted are:
02 reg Trident/ALX400 now W555EXR
02 reg Trident/ALX400 now R3WSX (ex LG02FDV?)
02 reg Trident/ALX 400 now K3WSX
Scania Omnicity Double Decker BU52UWE which appears to be one of the 61 reg examples re-registered
How many have been/are due to be done?
Quote from: Winston on October 27, 2013, 11:54:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Is there any significance behind some of the Wessex double decker fleet being re-registered?
So far noted are:
02 reg Trident/ALX400 now W555EXR
02 reg Trident/ALX400 now R3WSX (ex LG02FDV?)
02 reg Trident/ALX 400 now K3WSX
Scania Omnicity Double Decker BU52UWE which appears to be one of the 61 reg examples re-registered
How many have been/are due to be done?
Winston they've all been re-done to words related to wessex buses.
Quote from: Dylan4579 on October 28, 2013, 01:37:03 PM
Quote from: Winston on October 27, 2013, 11:54:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Is there any significance behind some of the Wessex double decker fleet being re-registered?
So far noted are:
02 reg Trident/ALX400 now W555EXR
02 reg Trident/ALX400 now R3WSX (ex LG02FDV?)
02 reg Trident/ALX 400 now K3WSX
Scania Omnicity Double Decker BU52UWE which appears to be one of the 61 reg examples re-registered
How many have been/are due to be done?
Winston they've all been re-done to words related to wessex buses.
Thanks, I'd already figured that bit out, I was referring more to why they had been done? especially when at least one is a 61 plate example,
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 26, 2013, 05:20:34 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 07:29:14 PM
Is the price for them good value as Im not an expert in prices for secondhand buses. But just thought less than £18k seemed fairly cheap for recent secondhand long single deck buses?
Dear Sir
They are worth £18k, maybe a little more.
Hi Simon,
It may not be connected, but I notice someone has placed a deposit on the 4 x 04 plate E300's at Heatons, have Rotala been out shopping?
Quote from: sonic2009 on October 16, 2013, 02:16:17 PM
Long time lurker, new poster.
Question to Rotala Management.
Fares on 141, 142, 143..
Using these services between Bromsgrove Bus Station & Bromsgrove Train station i have found different fares on the different services and what seems to me like diffrent replys from Rotala Customer services.
A few weeks ago i used the 141 which is the most direct bus to the station via New Road it's £1.30 single & £2.00 return
I then used the 143 a few days later which goes via Charford which is £1.40 single and £2.30 return, on this bus i saw that a return to Finstall which is after the railway station is £2.00 return, i queried this with Diamond CS and they replied it's £3.90, fair enough problem solved.
I used the 142 last wednesday at 0827 from the bus station, this time Bromsgrove Rail Station was £2.30 & Finstall was £2.00 return, i emailed customer services again, yet to have no reply and queried this again.
I bought the £2.00 finstall return and just got off at the station, i don't understand how it can be more for the Train Station (Photo attached)
I have a few ideas for the Bromsgrove Fare issues, which i will raise when your network review is in town on the 21st.
I would like to see a minimum fare option of £1.30 single in Bromsgrove £2.10 return, as these different fares for different buses is ridiclous.
I would also like Diamond, Hansons, First and MRD Travel to come together to offer a Bromsgrove Connecta ticket for say £3.00, this would may it a lot easier for people to travel from Catshill to Bromsgrove Railway Station/Morrisons without paying for two bus tickets.
Thank you.
Dear Sir,
Sorry for the delay in response
1. 141 service, is sponsored by Worcestershire County Council, and they specify the fares. The reduced fares are therefore in effect subsidised by the contractual payment.
2. I accept that the differing fare structures is silly. the reality is that the WCC contracts should fall in line with the Commercial operations.
3. We are going to take these points up with WCC, but this service is on the at risk list at WCC council list of services to be cut.
4. We sell Connecta tickets for the County, Redditch, Kidderminster and Worcester. The Connecta board are discussing the introduction of a Evesham and Bromsgrove Connecta ticket.
Quote from: bewminster on October 21, 2013, 07:24:10 PM
I was unable to vist the 3 places you held your roadshow in the Kidderminster area , is the online review exactly the same
. are you having good response at them and pleanty of people turning up , to give there views. to you
Dear Sir,
Sorry for the delay in response.
The On line survey is exactly the same as the printed questionnaire, we are having a healthy response but we always appreciate additional views.
Should you wish to contact the person direct their email address is
Many thanks
Quote from: Winston on October 26, 2013, 10:00:10 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 26, 2013, 05:20:34 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2013, 07:29:14 PM
Is the price for them good value as Im not an expert in prices for secondhand buses. But just thought less than £18k seemed fairly cheap for recent secondhand long single deck buses?
Dear Sir
They are worth £18k, maybe a little more.
Would those 4 E300's then be of interest to Rotala given that they are being advertised at an attractive price? Although 9 years old, they could boost the numbers of full size single deckers at Redditch in the interim or may also be useful for KR on the X3 or 292?
We would have acquired them had they not already had been sold.
Hi Simon
Just a quick question-what is rotala's opinion on the east lancs esteem bodied b7rles ensign currently have
And were the MAN/centros in this month's fleet changes acquired very recently. Is rotala keen on theses and which fleetnumbers will they carry?
Many Thanks
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 04, 2013, 01:18:30 PM
Hi Simon
Just a quick question-what is rotala's opinion on the east lancs esteem bodied b7rles ensign currently have
And were the MAN/centros in this month's fleet changes acquired very recently. Is rotala keen on theses and which fleetnumbers will they carry?
Many Thanks
Ross offered me the buses probably a couple of months ago now. I am not a fan of the East Lancs Esteem body, and although they were competitively priced, the offer was not as good value as some other options.
For all the hype of the DDA deadline, we are in a buyers market at the moment.
With regards the MAN Centro. It would be nice to have a fleet of New Citaro's, Volvo Wrights Eclipse 2, but the reality is, in most operating enviroments this is not sustainable across a fleet of buses. I think the MAN Centro is an average product. We acquired this pair as they were extremely good value, otherwise I wouldn't have. At the moment, they have not been allocated fleet numbers.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 04, 2013, 09:18:24 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 04, 2013, 01:18:30 PM
Hi Simon
Just a quick question-what is rotala's opinion on the east lancs esteem bodied b7rles ensign currently have
And were the MAN/centros in this month's fleet changes acquired very recently. Is rotala keen on theses and which fleetnumbers will they carry?
Many Thanks
Ross offered me the buses probably a couple of months ago now. I am not a fan of the East Lancs Esteem body, and although they were competitively priced, the offer was not as good value as some other options.
For all the hype of the DDA deadline, we are in a buyers market at the moment.
With regards the MAN Centro. It would be nice to have a fleet of New Citaro's, Volvo Wrights Eclipse 2, but the reality is, in most operating enviroments this is not sustainable across a fleet of buses. I think the MAN Centro is an average product. We acquired this pair as they were extremely good value, otherwise I wouldn't have. At the moment, they have not been allocated fleet numbers.
Many Thanks for your reply Simon. Glad to hear diamond have picked up the emergency tenders as well-does long acre have enough buses for all these contracts, though I guess some could be run from tividale, or will some of this month's fleet changes be temporarily put on hold.
Thanks again
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 04, 2013, 11:26:09 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 04, 2013, 09:18:24 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 04, 2013, 01:18:30 PM
Hi Simon
Just a quick question-what is rotala's opinion on the east lancs esteem bodied b7rles ensign currently have
And were the MAN/centros in this month's fleet changes acquired very recently. Is rotala keen on theses and which fleetnumbers will they carry?
Many Thanks
Ross offered me the buses probably a couple of months ago now. I am not a fan of the East Lancs Esteem body, and although they were competitively priced, the offer was not as good value as some other options.
For all the hype of the DDA deadline, we are in a buyers market at the moment.
With regards the MAN Centro. It would be nice to have a fleet of New Citaro's, Volvo Wrights Eclipse 2, but the reality is, in most operating enviroments this is not sustainable across a fleet of buses. I think the MAN Centro is an average product. We acquired this pair as they were extremely good value, otherwise I wouldn't have. At the moment, they have not been allocated fleet numbers.
Many Thanks for your reply Simon. Glad to hear diamond have picked up the emergency tenders as well-does long acre have enough buses for all these contracts, though I guess some could be run from tividale, or will some of this month's fleet changes be temporarily put on hold.
Thanks again
According to the last fleet provided to Tony, we have around 47 spare buses which are parked up, so we need to recommission a few.
Most of the services due to their location will be operated from Long Acre.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 05, 2013, 06:13:52 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 04, 2013, 11:26:09 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 04, 2013, 09:18:24 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 04, 2013, 01:18:30 PM
Hi Simon
Just a quick question-what is rotala's opinion on the east lancs esteem bodied b7rles ensign currently have
And were the MAN/centros in this month's fleet changes acquired very recently. Is rotala keen on theses and which fleetnumbers will they carry?
Many Thanks
Ross offered me the buses probably a couple of months ago now. I am not a fan of the East Lancs Esteem body, and although they were competitively priced, the offer was not as good value as some other options.
For all the hype of the DDA deadline, we are in a buyers market at the moment.
With regards the MAN Centro. It would be nice to have a fleet of New Citaro's, Volvo Wrights Eclipse 2, but the reality is, in most operating enviroments this is not sustainable across a fleet of buses. I think the MAN Centro is an average product. We acquired this pair as they were extremely good value, otherwise I wouldn't have. At the moment, they have not been allocated fleet numbers.
Many Thanks for your reply Simon. Glad to hear diamond have picked up the emergency tenders as well-does long acre have enough buses for all these contracts, though I guess some could be run from tividale, or will some of this month's fleet changes be temporarily put on hold.
Thanks again
According to the last fleet provided to Tony, we have around 47 spare buses which are parked up, so we need to recommission a few.
Most of the services due to their location will be operated from Long Acre.
Thanks again for your reply. Do you know at this stage which buses/types/roughly how many will be recommissioned? I understand if it hasn't yet been decided or if you cannot say for commercial reasons. I'm just interested, that's all.
Many Thanks
Hi Simon,
Some time ago you've previously mentioned that Diamond were planning on undertaking a review of routes 002 & 4/4H/4M, has this taken place as yet? & do you anticipate making any changes?
Are the 2 x new DF Streelites due in Jan due to join the others in Redditch?
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 05, 2013, 06:05:24 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 05, 2013, 06:13:52 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 04, 2013, 11:26:09 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 04, 2013, 09:18:24 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 04, 2013, 01:18:30 PM
Hi Simon
Just a quick question-what is rotala's opinion on the east lancs esteem bodied b7rles ensign currently have
And were the MAN/centros in this month's fleet changes acquired very recently. Is rotala keen on theses and which fleetnumbers will they carry?
Many Thanks
Ross offered me the buses probably a couple of months ago now. I am not a fan of the East Lancs Esteem body, and although they were competitively priced, the offer was not as good value as some other options.
For all the hype of the DDA deadline, we are in a buyers market at the moment.
With regards the MAN Centro. It would be nice to have a fleet of New Citaro's, Volvo Wrights Eclipse 2, but the reality is, in most operating enviroments this is not sustainable across a fleet of buses. I think the MAN Centro is an average product. We acquired this pair as they were extremely good value, otherwise I wouldn't have. At the moment, they have not been allocated fleet numbers.
Many Thanks for your reply Simon. Glad to hear diamond have picked up the emergency tenders as well-does long acre have enough buses for all these contracts, though I guess some could be run from tividale, or will some of this month's fleet changes be temporarily put on hold.
Thanks again
According to the last fleet provided to Tony, we have around 47 spare buses which are parked up, so we need to recommission a few.
Most of the services due to their location will be operated from Long Acre.
Thanks again for your reply. Do you know at this stage which buses/types/roughly how many will be recommissioned? I understand if it hasn't yet been decided or if you cannot say for commercial reasons. I'm just interested, that's all.
Many Thanks
I believe the following
S377TMB - already in use
Quote from: Winston on November 05, 2013, 06:34:33 PM
Hi Simon,
Some time ago you've previously mentioned that Diamond were planning on undertaking a review of routes 002 & 4/4H/4M, has this taken place as yet? & do you anticipate making any changes?
Are the 2 x new DF Streelites due in Jan due to join the others in Redditch?
We intend to place specific resource into the 002, 4's. We want to undertake this first.
With regards the 2 x new DF Streetlites, these are planned for Avonmouth.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 07, 2013, 07:26:13 AM
Quote from: Winston on November 05, 2013, 06:34:33 PM
Hi Simon,
Some time ago you've previously mentioned that Diamond were planning on undertaking a review of routes 002 & 4/4H/4M, has this taken place as yet? & do you anticipate making any changes?
Are the 2 x new DF Streelites due in Jan due to join the others in Redditch?
We intend to place specific resource into the 002, 4's. We want to undertake this first.
With regards the 2 x new DF Streetlites, these are planned for Avonmouth.
Thanks Simon,
Are those 'specific resources' you intend to place of the 002, 4's from the existing fleet or further new/used acquisitions?
I appreciate that you may be wishing to improve the quality/consistency of the vehicles that operate those routes first especially the 4's, but the general consensus on here appears to be that the 002 at least would benefit passengers from running later in to the evenings to coincide with Merry Hill Centre opening times and a Sunday daytime service provided. If another operator was to see the potential and try its hand at providing these services after Diamond have finished, do Diamond not run the risk of potentially being on the receiving end of competition on the Mon -Sat daytime 002 services as well? I'm assuming the 002 is an important/profitable route for Diamond....
Hi Simon,
Have Rotala thought about bringing in RTI/a system similar to ibus for its fleet in a way as to allow the benefits of "talking buses", real time information for both passengers and controllers and possibly a groupwide smartcard with benefits similar to Swift?
Thanks again for your replies Simon and looking forward to seeing the return of a few buses to service.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 07, 2013, 07:22:22 AM
I believe the following
S377TMB - already in use
W572JVV has been back in use at since at least mid October as I've seen it at Merry Hill & Tony has photographed it. It's distinctive in the fact the front LED blind only shows the route number & it has no fleetnames
However, it didn't appear re-instated on Tony's Oct Rotala fleetchanges which I'm assuming match the Rotala one that was supplied
Quote from: Winston on November 07, 2013, 01:50:20 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 07, 2013, 07:22:22 AM
I believe the following
S377TMB - already in use
W572JVV has been back in use at since at least mid October as I've seen it at Merry Hill & Tony has photographed it. It's distinctive in the fact the front LED blind only shows the route number & it has no fleetnames
However, it didn't appear re-instated on Tony's Oct Rotala fleetchanges which I'm assuming match the Rotala one that was supplied
saw W 366 ABD in Kidderminster yesterday
Quote from: bewminster on November 07, 2013, 02:43:21 PM
Quote from: Winston on November 07, 2013, 01:50:20 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 07, 2013, 07:22:22 AM
I believe the following
S377TMB - already in use
W572JVV has been back in use at since at least mid October as I've seen it at Merry Hill & Tony has photographed it. It's distinctive in the fact the front LED blind only shows the route number & it has no fleetnames
However, it didn't appear re-instated on Tony's Oct Rotala fleetchanges which I'm assuming match the Rotala one that was supplied
saw W 366 ABD in Kidderminster yesterday
And I did the other day, I think.
Also saw KX03 HZJ or something like that on service 3 about a week or two ago.
Hi Simon hope you are doing well and congratulations on winning the new services. I also want to say well done on the website its looking brilliant and the posts on Facebook again brilliant. its good to see operators keep customers informed.
I have a few questions
1. do diamond or any other part of rotala plan or are even thinking about a smart phone app?
2. how come the real time information boards that centro use don't feature any real time information for diamond?
3. (now this is the big one), do you think/plan or would you consider a buy out of scotts Yourbus or think about merging with yourbus. (I would love to see Rotala keep expanding and the name becoming more known).
4. finally I would love to see more promotion of your key routes like the 002, 4, 56 in the way of having inspectors or something by where these routes serve (such as at merry hill, Walsall, west brom etc) there to help your customers with information and promote your service. I know there used to be someone like this who looked after the 301 a few years ago, would you consider/look into doin something similar again?
just want to add good choice in buying those b12's that parks used to have they are really good motors, hope you have a really busy Christmas period and keep up the good work!!!!
Best Regards
Quote from: Winston on November 07, 2013, 01:50:20 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 07, 2013, 07:22:22 AM
I believe the following
S377TMB - already in use
W572JVV has been back in use at since at least mid October as I've seen it at Merry Hill & Tony has photographed it. It's distinctive in the fact the front LED blind only shows the route number & it has no fleetnames
However, it didn't appear re-instated on Tony's Oct Rotala fleetchanges which I'm assuming match the Rotala one that was supplied
The bus had been removed inbetween these, and I believe the next time you will see it in service the bus will be repainted.
Quote from: dannygill on November 10, 2013, 08:01:47 PM
Hi Simon hope you are doing well and congratulations on winning the new services. I also want to say well done on the website its looking brilliant and the posts on Facebook again brilliant. its good to see operators keep customers informed.
I have a few questions
1. do diamond or any other part of rotala plan or are even thinking about a smart phone app?
2. how come the real time information boards that centro use don't feature any real time information for diamond?
3. (now this is the big one), do you think/plan or would you consider a buy out of scotts Yourbus or think about merging with yourbus. (I would love to see Rotala keep expanding and the name becoming more known).
4. finally I would love to see more promotion of your key routes like the 002, 4, 56 in the way of having inspectors or something by where these routes serve (such as at merry hill, Walsall, west brom etc) there to help your customers with information and promote your service. I know there used to be someone like this who looked after the 301 a few years ago, would you consider/look into doin something similar again?
just want to add good choice in buying those b12's that parks used to have they are really good motors, hope you have a really busy Christmas period and keep up the good work!!!!
Best Regards
1. To provide what information?
2. The Centro RTI displays need a data feed from an RTI unit. There has been on going discussions about taking a feed from our RTI source.
3. Rotala is a listed business, and as such needs to continue to grow. You can never say never, however in its current form, some of the markets it operates I doubt it very much.
4. We are looking at increasing our on the road supervision.
Thank you
Hi Simon,
Thanks for all your replies, there were a couple of other queries that I'd asked which you may have missed either whilst on holiday or catching up on your return:
Thanks Simon,
Are those 'specific resources' you intend to place of the 002, 4's from the existing fleet or further new/used acquisitions?
I appreciate that you may be wishing to improve the quality/consistency of the vehicles that operate those routes first especially the 4's, but the general consensus on here appears to be that the 002 at least would benefit passengers from running later in to the evenings to coincide with Merry Hill Centre opening times and a Sunday daytime service provided. If another operator was to see the potential and try its hand at providing these services after Diamond have finished, do Diamond not run the risk of potentially being on the receiving end of competition on the Mon -Sat daytime 002 services as well? I'm assuming the 002 is an important/profitable route for Diamond....
Hi Simon,
Is there any significance behind some of the Wessex double decker fleet being re-registered?
So far noted are:
02 reg Trident/ALX400 now W555EXR
02 reg Trident/ALX400 now R3WSX (ex LG02FDV?)
02 reg Trident/ALX 400 now K3WSX
Scania Omnicity Double Decker BU52UWE which appears to be one of the 61 reg examples re-registered
How many have been/are due to be done?
In addition, from Tony's fleetlist updates if appears that these re-registrations may also be missing off Rotala's own fleetlist
Quote from: Winston on November 11, 2013, 11:34:00 AM
Hi Simon,
Thanks for all your replies, there were a couple of other queries that I'd asked which you may have missed either whilst on holiday or catching up on your return:
Thanks Simon,
Are those 'specific resources' you intend to place of the 002, 4's from the existing fleet or further new/used acquisitions?
I appreciate that you may be wishing to improve the quality/consistency of the vehicles that operate those routes first especially the 4's, but the general consensus on here appears to be that the 002 at least would benefit passengers from running later in to the evenings to coincide with Merry Hill Centre opening times and a Sunday daytime service provided. If another operator was to see the potential and try its hand at providing these services after Diamond have finished, do Diamond not run the risk of potentially being on the receiving end of competition on the Mon -Sat daytime 002 services as well? I'm assuming the 002 is an important/profitable route for Diamond....
Hi Simon,
Is there any significance behind some of the Wessex double decker fleet being re-registered?
So far noted are:
02 reg Trident/ALX400 now W555EXR
02 reg Trident/ALX400 now R3WSX (ex LG02FDV?)
02 reg Trident/ALX 400 now K3WSX
Scania Omnicity Double Decker BU52UWE which appears to be one of the 61 reg examples re-registered
How many have been/are due to be done?
In addition, from Tony's fleetlist updates if appears that these re-registrations may also be missing off Rotala's own fleetlist
Sorry, I thought I had answered these.
1. The resource I am talking about is an increased number of people, focused on our West Midlands Bus Business
2. Our primary focus is to improve what we do now before we do anything, and therefore we will not be increasing the 002 or any service in the short term.
3. There is no significance in the re-registrations of the deckers.
4. I may be wrong, but I thought our fleet list sent to Tony included these changes. If they didnt, they certainly do now.
Hi Simon
I've only just noticed the fleetlist has two 14518s on it
14518 KY63VTM
14518 VX08HZS
Both Vario coaches, do you still have both
Hi again Simon
Do you know anything about these clowns
2nd director claims to have worked for you, along with almost everyone else in 6 years!
They are claiming to have taken Claribels over on facebook
(The photo of YJ12HJD) has been stolen from my website and Claribels have always contacted me if they want to use one so don't believe they have anything to do with Claribels.
If you plough through all the rubbish they have put on the internet they are also using your Diamond Logo on a company called DiamondBristol which with you operating in Bristol is a bit close to home
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 07:21:42 AM
Hi Simon
I've only just noticed the fleetlist has two 14518s on it
14518 KY63VTM
14518 VX08HZS
Both Vario coaches, do you still have both
You are correct, we will change KY63VTM to 14519
Hi Simon
Just a few more questions for you if that's ok?
1) Why were the 04 reg eclipses sold as the eclipse seems a good product
2)It seems that a lot of the repaints of the existing diamond fleet have stopped-is this because paint booths are being occupied by acquired buses/primos going back to service etc? For instance, are there plans to repaint the cadets?
3)Why was W767URP renumbered from 20506 to 20867. Is rotala trying to fill in the gaps in terms of fleet numbering, as I see the preston citaro is also renumbered. Would it not be easier to have a block for solos, a block for MPDs, e200s and another for primos.
4) Is 30929 permanently moved to long acre now as this is where it has worked from for some time?
5) Will 30000 be heading back to wessex?
6) Will 20656 or 20182 be coming back into service?
Lastly, how does rotala decide which buses to repaint. In other words, how many years' life would rotala expect out of a bus that had been repainted recently as a minimum-for instance the HEC, SVV darts that have recently been returned to service.
Many Thanks and just to say what a brilliant idea I think the free travel for armed forces people is-a credit to the company and whoever came up with it. Best of luck with continuing to run a good operation in the run up to Christmas.
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 08:24:43 AM
Hi again Simon
Do you know anything about these clowns
2nd director claims to have worked for you, along with almost everyone else in 6 years!
They are claiming to have taken Claribels over on facebook
(The photo of YJ12HJD) has been stolen from my website and Claribels have always contacted me if they want to use one so don't believe they have anything to do with Claribels.
If you plough through all the rubbish they have put on the internet they are also using your Diamond Logo on a company called DiamondBristol which with you operating in Bristol is a bit close to home
I have met Mr Hands. He worked for our Avonmouth depot, firstly as a cleaner/shunter several years ago and more recently he helped route train a number of drivers.
Mr Bearman had two spells at a driver in our business. I am told his second spell ended when his employment was terminated in his probationary period.
They are nothing to do with Rotala, and I clearly have views on some of the other comments you have made which I have no desire to put on a public forum
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 08:24:43 AM
Hi again Simon
Do you know anything about these clowns
2nd director claims to have worked for you, along with almost everyone else in 6 years!
They are claiming to have taken Claribels over on facebook
(The photo of YJ12HJD) has been stolen from my website and Claribels have always contacted me if they want to use one so don't believe they have anything to do with Claribels.
If you plough through all the rubbish they have put on the internet they are also using your Diamond Logo on a company called DiamondBristol which with you operating in Bristol is a bit close to home
I find this a little incredible:
QuoteRhys Hand
Regional Managing Director
Aged 18, has operational responsibility for the business of the group. He has been employed in the transport industry all of his working life and has been working for transport businesses since 2007. He previously worked for various businesses such as National Express, Rotala Plc & Western Greyhound.
A director aged 18? And working for transport businesses since he was 12? ::)
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 12, 2013, 06:10:50 PM
Hi Simon
Just a few more questions for you if that's ok?
1) Why were the 04 reg eclipses sold as the eclipse seems a good product
2)It seems that a lot of the repaints of the existing diamond fleet have stopped-is this because paint booths are being occupied by acquired buses/primos going back to service etc? For instance, are there plans to repaint the cadets?
3)Why was W767URP renumbered from 20506 to 20867. Is rotala trying to fill in the gaps in terms of fleet numbering, as I see the preston citaro is also renumbered. Would it not be easier to have a block for solos, a block for MPDs, e200s and another for primos.
4) Is 30929 permanently moved to long acre now as this is where it has worked from for some time?
5) Will 30000 be heading back to wessex?
6) Will 20656 or 20182 be coming back into service?
Lastly, how does rotala decide which buses to repaint. In other words, how many years' life would rotala expect out of a bus that had been repainted recently as a minimum-for instance the HEC, SVV darts that have recently been returned to service.
Many Thanks and just to say what a brilliant idea I think the free travel for armed forces people is-a credit to the company and whoever came up with it. Best of luck with continuing to run a good operation in the run up to Christmas.
1. We had hoped to acquire more businesses than we did last year, and we were managing our overall group leverage. They were sold at the same time as new buses were acquired.
2. We have buses continually going through paint. Unfortunately, nothing happens as fast as we would like.
3. Our fleet numbers is based upon length/dda/etc. W767URP was renumbered as there was a clash.
4. 30929 - I am not sure.
5. 30000 - No
6. 20182 - No
20656 - Possibly, but no plans at the minute
We expect a paint job to last between 2 and 3 years. However, we assess what needs painting based upon condition, damage, and long term view on the vehicle.
Thank you
Quote from: Stu on November 12, 2013, 06:23:30 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 08:24:43 AM
Hi again Simon
Do you know anything about these clowns
2nd director claims to have worked for you, along with almost everyone else in 6 years!
They are claiming to have taken Claribels over on facebook
(The photo of YJ12HJD) has been stolen from my website and Claribels have always contacted me if they want to use one so don't believe they have anything to do with Claribels.
If you plough through all the rubbish they have put on the internet they are also using your Diamond Logo on a company called DiamondBristol which with you operating in Bristol is a bit close to home
I find this a little incredible:
QuoteRhys Hand
Regional Managing Director
Aged 18, has operational responsibility for the business of the group. He has been employed in the transport industry all of his working life and has been working for transport businesses since 2007. He previously worked for various businesses such as National Express, Rotala Plc & Western Greyhound.
A director aged 18? And working for transport businesses since he was 12? ::)
I believe he is older than 18.
He told me he worked for National Express in London Victoria for the summer just gone. I am not sure what position he held for Western Greyhound.
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 08:24:43 AM
They are claiming to have taken Claribels over on facebook
(The photo of YJ12HJD) has been stolen from my website and Claribels have always contacted me if they want to use one so don't believe they have anything to do with Claribels.
I looked at that Facebook page, and it looks bogus to me. I might report it.
QuoteDelays on the 71E - police have closed Dansbury Avenue, buses are diverted round Snuff Square until further notice. Delays of up to 10 mins. Sorry
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 12, 2013, 06:28:28 PM
Quote from: Stu on November 12, 2013, 06:23:30 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 08:24:43 AM
Hi again Simon
Do you know anything about these clowns
2nd director claims to have worked for you, along with almost everyone else in 6 years!
They are claiming to have taken Claribels over on facebook
(The photo of YJ12HJD) has been stolen from my website and Claribels have always contacted me if they want to use one so don't believe they have anything to do with Claribels.
If you plough through all the rubbish they have put on the internet they are also using your Diamond Logo on a company called DiamondBristol which with you operating in Bristol is a bit close to home
I find this a little incredible:
QuoteRhys Hand
Regional Managing Director
Aged 18, has operational responsibility for the business of the group. He has been employed in the transport industry all of his working life and has been working for transport businesses since 2007. He previously worked for various businesses such as National Express, Rotala Plc & Western Greyhound.
A director aged 18? And working for transport businesses since he was 12? ::)
I believe he is older than 18.
He told me he worked for National Express in London Victoria for the summer just gone. I am not sure what position he held for Western Greyhound.
I have just been told one of those listed has been arrested and bailed in connection the fire at Western Greyhound.
Fantasist & Arsonist?
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 09:02:24 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 12, 2013, 06:28:28 PM
Quote from: Stu on November 12, 2013, 06:23:30 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 08:24:43 AM
Hi again Simon
Do you know anything about these clowns
2nd director claims to have worked for you, along with almost everyone else in 6 years!
They are claiming to have taken Claribels over on facebook
(The photo of YJ12HJD) has been stolen from my website and Claribels have always contacted me if they want to use one so don't believe they have anything to do with Claribels.
If you plough through all the rubbish they have put on the internet they are also using your Diamond Logo on a company called DiamondBristol which with you operating in Bristol is a bit close to home
I find this a little incredible:
QuoteRhys Hand
Regional Managing Director
Aged 18, has operational responsibility for the business of the group. He has been employed in the transport industry all of his working life and has been working for transport businesses since 2007. He previously worked for various businesses such as National Express, Rotala Plc & Western Greyhound.
A director aged 18? And working for transport businesses since he was 12? ::)
I believe he is older than 18.
He told me he worked for National Express in London Victoria for the summer just gone. I am not sure what position he held for Western Greyhound.
I have just been told one of those listed has been arrested and bailed in connection the fire at Western Greyhound.
Fantasist & Arsonist?
This all seems very strange indeed.
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 09:02:24 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 12, 2013, 06:28:28 PM
Quote from: Stu on November 12, 2013, 06:23:30 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 08:24:43 AM
Hi again Simon
Do you know anything about these clowns
2nd director claims to have worked for you, along with almost everyone else in 6 years!
They are claiming to have taken Claribels over on facebook
(The photo of YJ12HJD) has been stolen from my website and Claribels have always contacted me if they want to use one so don't believe they have anything to do with Claribels.
If you plough through all the rubbish they have put on the internet they are also using your Diamond Logo on a company called DiamondBristol which with you operating in Bristol is a bit close to home
I find this a little incredible:
QuoteRhys Hand
Regional Managing Director
Aged 18, has operational responsibility for the business of the group. He has been employed in the transport industry all of his working life and has been working for transport businesses since 2007. He previously worked for various businesses such as National Express, Rotala Plc & Western Greyhound.
A director aged 18? And working for transport businesses since he was 12? ::)
I believe he is older than 18.
He told me he worked for National Express in London Victoria for the summer just gone. I am not sure what position he held for Western Greyhound.
I have just been told one of those listed has been arrested and bailed in connection the fire at Western Greyhound.
Fantasist & Arsonist?
I have heard that rumour about Mr Bearman. This incident happened after he had left our employment, I am not sure if it is true.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 13, 2013, 08:25:00 AM
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 09:02:24 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 12, 2013, 06:28:28 PM
Quote from: Stu on November 12, 2013, 06:23:30 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 08:24:43 AM
Hi again Simon
Do you know anything about these clowns
2nd director claims to have worked for you, along with almost everyone else in 6 years!
They are claiming to have taken Claribels over on facebook
(The photo of YJ12HJD) has been stolen from my website and Claribels have always contacted me if they want to use one so don't believe they have anything to do with Claribels.
If you plough through all the rubbish they have put on the internet they are also using your Diamond Logo on a company called DiamondBristol which with you operating in Bristol is a bit close to home
I find this a little incredible:
QuoteRhys Hand
Regional Managing Director
Aged 18, has operational responsibility for the business of the group. He has been employed in the transport industry all of his working life and has been working for transport businesses since 2007. He previously worked for various businesses such as National Express, Rotala Plc & Western Greyhound.
A director aged 18? And working for transport businesses since he was 12? ::)
I believe he is older than 18.
He told me he worked for National Express in London Victoria for the summer just gone. I am not sure what position he held for Western Greyhound.
I have just been told one of those listed has been arrested and bailed in connection the fire at Western Greyhound.
Fantasist & Arsonist?
I have heard that rumour about Mr Bearman. This incident happened after he had left our employment, I am not sure if it is true.
Well it is two people from Bristol, which is where this bogus website is based that were arrested
Quote from: Stu on November 12, 2013, 07:03:26 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 08:24:43 AM
They are claiming to have taken Claribels over on facebook
(The photo of YJ12HJD) has been stolen from my website and Claribels have always contacted me if they want to use one so don't believe they have anything to do with Claribels.
I looked at that Facebook page, and it looks bogus to me. I might report it.
QuoteDelays on the 71E - police have closed Dansbury Avenue, buses are diverted round Snuff Square until further notice. Delays of up to 10 mins. Sorry
That Facebook link takes me to Claribels? What the hell is CityFocks? Is that real? I've never heard of that before. I've heard of Rhys though...
Quote from: Liverpool Street on November 14, 2013, 04:41:10 PM
Quote from: Stu on November 12, 2013, 07:03:26 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 12, 2013, 08:24:43 AM
They are claiming to have taken Claribels over on facebook
(The photo of YJ12HJD) has been stolen from my website and Claribels have always contacted me if they want to use one so don't believe they have anything to do with Claribels.
I looked at that Facebook page, and it looks bogus to me. I might report it.
QuoteDelays on the 71E - police have closed Dansbury Avenue, buses are diverted round Snuff Square until further notice. Delays of up to 10 mins. Sorry
That Facebook link takes me to Claribels? What the hell is CityFocks? Is that real? I've never heard of that before. I've heard of Rhys though...
It would appear they are copying/stealing/borrowing (delete as applicable) images and text from the yourbus website too - how flattering.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 31, 2013, 05:39:01 PM
Dear Sir
They are worth £18k, maybe a little more.
Would those 4 E300's then be of interest to Rotala given that they are being advertised at an attractive price? Although 9 years old, they could boost the numbers of full size single deckers at Redditch in the interim or may also be useful for KR on the X3 or 292?
We would have acquired them had they not already had been sold.
Looks as though it was GHA Coaches that beat you to the 4 x E300's
Quote from: Liverpool Street on November 15, 2013, 09:28:50 PM
Stu - Simon @ Rotala has confirmed he's worked for them. He's older then 18 which he believes, and he was only a cleaner for the summer.
Interestingly on his facebook page
he claims to have been at Rotala's Avonmouth depot at 3am in the morning. Be careful Simon we don't want another Western Greyhound!
Quote from: Tony on November 15, 2013, 09:33:51 PM
dQuote from: Liverpool Street on November 15, 2013, 09:28:50 PM
Stu - Simon @ Rotala has confirmed he's worked for them. He's older then 18 which he believes, and he was only a cleaner for the summer.
Interestingly on his facebook page
he claims to have been at Rotala's Avonmouth depot at 3am in the morning. Be careful Simon we don't want another Western Greyhound!
it not his only facebook page
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on November 15, 2013, 10:52:18 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 15, 2013, 09:33:51 PM
dQuote from: Liverpool Street on November 15, 2013, 09:28:50 PM
Stu - Simon @ Rotala has confirmed he's worked for them. He's older then 18 which he believes, and he was only a cleaner for the summer.
Interestingly on his facebook page
he claims to have been at Rotala's Avonmouth depot at 3am in the morning. Be careful Simon we don't want another Western Greyhound!
it not his only facebook page
Is it against Facebook rules to have multiple accounts?
Quote from: Winston on November 14, 2013, 10:05:19 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 31, 2013, 05:39:01 PM
Dear Sir
They are worth £18k, maybe a little more.
Would those 4 E300's then be of interest to Rotala given that they are being advertised at an attractive price? Although 9 years old, they could boost the numbers of full size single deckers at Redditch in the interim or may also be useful for KR on the X3 or 292?
We would have acquired them had they not already had been sold.
Looks as though it was GHA Coaches that beat you to the 4 x E300's
Yes it does. They got a good deal.
Quote from: Liverpool Street on November 15, 2013, 10:54:09 PM
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on November 15, 2013, 10:52:18 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 15, 2013, 09:33:51 PM
dQuote from: Liverpool Street on November 15, 2013, 09:28:50 PM
Stu - Simon @ Rotala has confirmed he's worked for them. He's older then 18 which he believes, and he was only a cleaner for the summer.
Interestingly on his facebook page
he claims to have been at Rotala's Avonmouth depot at 3am in the morning. Be careful Simon we don't want another Western Greyhound!
it not his only facebook page
Is it against Facebook rules to have multiple accounts?
You seen his latest post about sewing a little forum lol?
Quote from: vinh1000 on November 22, 2013, 07:35:51 PM
Quote from: Liverpool Street on November 15, 2013, 10:54:09 PM
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on November 15, 2013, 10:52:18 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 15, 2013, 09:33:51 PM
dQuote from: Liverpool Street on November 15, 2013, 09:28:50 PM
Stu - Simon @ Rotala has confirmed he's worked for them. He's older then 18 which he believes, and he was only a cleaner for the summer.
Interestingly on his facebook page
he claims to have been at Rotala's Avonmouth depot at 3am in the morning. Be careful Simon we don't want another Western Greyhound!
it not his only facebook page
Is it against Facebook rules to have multiple accounts?
Yes it is
Here are Facebook's rules - see number 2
Registration and Account Security
Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account:
You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.
You will not create more than one personal account.
If we disable your account, you will not create another one without our permission.
You will not use your personal timeline primarily for your own commercial gain, and will use a Facebook Page for such purposes.
You will not use Facebook if you are under 13.
You will not use Facebook if you are a convicted sex offender.
You will keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date.
You will not share your password (or in the case of developers, your secret key), let anyone else access your account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account.
You will not transfer your account (including any Page or application you administer) to anyone without first getting our written permission.
If you select a username or similar identifier for your account or Page, we reserve the right to remove or reclaim it if we believe it is appropriate (such as when a trademark owner complains about a username that does not closely relate to a user's actual name).
Quote from: Tony on November 22, 2013, 07:49:25 PM
Quote from: vinh1000 on November 22, 2013, 07:35:51 PM
Quote from: Liverpool Street on November 15, 2013, 10:54:09 PM
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on November 15, 2013, 10:52:18 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 15, 2013, 09:33:51 PM
dQuote from: Liverpool Street on November 15, 2013, 09:28:50 PM
Stu - Simon @ Rotala has confirmed he's worked for them. He's older then 18 which he believes, and he was only a cleaner for the summer.
Interestingly on his facebook page
he claims to have been at Rotala's Avonmouth depot at 3am in the morning. Be careful Simon we don't want another Western Greyhound!
it not his only facebook page
Is it against Facebook rules to have multiple accounts?
Yes it is
Here are Facebook's rules - see number 2
Registration and Account Security
Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account:
You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.
You will not create more than one personal account.
If we disable your account, you will not create another one without our permission.
You will not use your personal timeline primarily for your own commercial gain, and will use a Facebook Page for such purposes.
You will not use Facebook if you are under 13.
You will not use Facebook if you are a convicted sex offender.
You will keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date.
You will not share your password (or in the case of developers, your secret key), let anyone else access your account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account.
You will not transfer your account (including any Page or application you administer) to anyone without first getting our written permission.
If you select a username or similar identifier for your account or Page, we reserve the right to remove or reclaim it if we believe it is appropriate (such as when a trademark owner complains about a username that does not closely relate to a user's actual name).
Ah i have one personal and a business page :)
sorry :-)
Hi Simon
Do you happen to know which bus was involved in the accident on the 226 the other day and if it will be repaired or not?
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 23, 2013, 02:44:26 PM
Hi Simon
Do you happen to know which bus was involved in the accident on the 226 the other day and if it will be repaired or not?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 22, 2013, 06:43:22 AM
Quote from: Winston on November 14, 2013, 10:05:19 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 31, 2013, 05:39:01 PM
Dear Sir
They are worth £18k, maybe a little more.
Would those 4 E300's then be of interest to Rotala given that they are being advertised at an attractive price? Although 9 years old, they could boost the numbers of full size single deckers at Redditch in the interim or may also be useful for KR on the X3 or 292?
We would have acquired them had they not already had been sold.
Looks as though it was GHA Coaches that beat you to the 4 x E300's
Yes it does. They got a good deal.
It does seem that way, pity Rotala couldn't have got in first & snapped them up....
1. Does Rotala have any immediate plans to re-brand any/all of the remaining buses with 'Blue Diamond' fleetnames already in the current allover blue scheme and update their logo's with the latest 'Diamond' fleetnames to eradicate the 'Blue Diamond' brand?
2. Does Rotala also have any plans to speed up the current re-paint programme of the existing fleet to remove the number of liveries at Tividale, Kidderminster & Redditch garages, in particular the Red Diamond MPD's that have been at Tividale for sometime and a start be made on repainting the remaining 'Red Diamond' liveried Darts & B7RLE/Wright at both KR & RH? Some of the early allover black repaints at Tividale are also looking as though they are in need of a repaint, the DAF/Cadets in particular
3. Have Rotala had much interest in the sub-letting or selling of Long Acre depot at present?
4. Do you anticipate Rotala will acquire the empty glass recycling premises next-door to Tividale depot?
Quote from: Winston on November 24, 2013, 02:07:19 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 22, 2013, 06:43:22 AM
Quote from: Winston on November 14, 2013, 10:05:19 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 31, 2013, 05:39:01 PM
Dear Sir
They are worth £18k, maybe a little more.
Would those 4 E300's then be of interest to Rotala given that they are being advertised at an attractive price? Although 9 years old, they could boost the numbers of full size single deckers at Redditch in the interim or may also be useful for KR on the X3 or 292?
We would have acquired them had they not already had been sold.
Looks as though it was GHA Coaches that beat you to the 4 x E300's
Yes it does. They got a good deal.
It does seem that way, pity Rotala couldn't have got in first & snapped them up....
1. Does Rotala have any immediate plans to re-brand any/all of the remaining buses with 'Blue Diamond' fleetnames already in the current allover blue scheme and update their logo's with the latest 'Diamond' fleetnames to eradicate the 'Blue Diamond' brand?
2. Does Rotala also have any plans to speed up the current re-paint programme of the existing fleet to remove the number of liveries at Tividale, Kidderminster & Redditch garages, in particular the Red Diamond MPD's that have been at Tividale for sometime and a start be made on repainting the remaining 'Red Diamond' liveried Darts & B7RLE/Wright at both KR & RH? Some of the early allover black repaints at Tividale are also looking as though they are in need of a repaint, the DAF/Cadets in particular
3. Have Rotala had much interest in the sub-letting or selling of Long Acre depot at present?
4. Do you anticipate Rotala will acquire the empty glass recycling premises next-door to Tividale depot?
In response to your questions above.
1. Our focus in on painting everything blue over a reasonable amount of time.
2. It may not seem like it, but every week we have vehicles in paint. We had acquired the 2 x 2009 MAN Centro's to support the re-painting, and these will shortly be entering service.
3. We have had about 10 different organisations look around the site, but at present we have not recieved an acceptable offer.
4. We would like to, and we have the means to acquire at any time. However, the owner of the site is now reviewing their options as part of a strategic review and we need to see what happens.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 25, 2013, 03:44:04 PM
In response to your questions above.
1. Our focus in on painting everything blue over a reasonable amount of time.
2. It may not seem like it, but every week we have vehicles in paint. We had acquired the 2 x 2009 MAN Centro's to support the re-painting, and these will shortly be entering service.
3. We have had about 10 different organisations look around the site, but at present we have not recieved an acceptable offer.
4. We would like to, and we have the means to acquire at any time. However, the owner of the site is now reviewing their options as part of a strategic review and we need to see what happens.
Many thanks for your replies:
2. It just seemed as though the Central Connect fleet was repainted blue and re-branded 'Blue Diamond' & the Tividale fleet repainted black and re-branded 'Black Diamond' at a much faster pace than the present repaint programme
Do you intend to reinstate the retrim programme at Diamond at some point? Thus the moquettes of the current fleet and any current/future used acquisitions all match.
If Rotala Plc were able to acquire the vacant glass recycling premises, is that yard big enough to accommodate the fleet/withdrawn vehicles from the rented overflow yard opposite the depot?
One last question, then I'll leave you in peace......
Is it fairly common for a transport group such as Rotala Plc & others to make a number of takeover offers and for them not to be concluded? What is generally the main stumbling block? Is it agreement on price or unwillingness to sell etc?
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Quote from: Winston on November 25, 2013, 03:58:57 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 25, 2013, 03:44:04 PM
In response to your questions above.
1. Our focus in on painting everything blue over a reasonable amount of time.
2. It may not seem like it, but every week we have vehicles in paint. We had acquired the 2 x 2009 MAN Centro's to support the re-painting, and these will shortly be entering service.
3. We have had about 10 different organisations look around the site, but at present we have not recieved an acceptable offer.
4. We would like to, and we have the means to acquire at any time. However, the owner of the site is now reviewing their options as part of a strategic review and we need to see what happens.
Many thanks for your replies:
2. It just seemed as though the Central Connect fleet was repainted blue and re-branded 'Blue Diamond' & the Tividale fleet repainted black and re-branded 'Black Diamond' at a much faster pace than the present repaint programme
Do you intend to reinstate the retrim programme at Diamond at some point? Thus the moquettes of the current fleet and any current/future used acquisitions all match.
If Rotala Plc were able to acquire the vacant glass recycling premises, is that yard big enough to accommodate the fleet/withdrawn vehicles from the rented overflow yard opposite the depot?
One last question, then I'll leave you in peace......
Is it fairly common for a transport group such as Rotala Plc & others to make a number of takeover offers and for them not to be concluded? What is generally the main stumbling block? Is it agreement on price or unwillingness to sell etc?
When we repainted the Long Acre buses into Blue, from memory the vast majority of the buses were new to fleet and this made the process quicker. When we are rotating buses it becomes harder and unfortunately slower.
We do have a company Moquettes for re-trim and we are continually re-triming vehicles and seats. Clearly from your comments suggest we are not doing enough.
It is difficult to know what is going to happen with the glass recycling premises, if we did acquire it we believe having spent some money on the site, in essence surfacing and make the whole site one, then there is more than sufficient space.
Although we have access to large amounts of capital, the return required and our Cost of equity means we do not always offer the best deal. That being said, we are very specific about what we are looking for and there is never one reason why you don't succeed.
Price, Timing not being right, the Markets the business operates in or its customers/contractual conditions/risk associated with the business.
Therefore, it is not a straight forward answer.
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:12:13 PM
Quote from: Winston on November 25, 2013, 03:58:57 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 25, 2013, 03:44:04 PM
In response to your questions above.
1. Our focus in on painting everything blue over a reasonable amount of time.
2. It may not seem like it, but every week we have vehicles in paint. We had acquired the 2 x 2009 MAN Centro's to support the re-painting, and these will shortly be entering service.
3. We have had about 10 different organisations look around the site, but at present we have not recieved an acceptable offer.
4. We would like to, and we have the means to acquire at any time. However, the owner of the site is now reviewing their options as part of a strategic review and we need to see what happens.
Many thanks for your replies:
2. It just seemed as though the Central Connect fleet was repainted blue and re-branded 'Blue Diamond' & the Tividale fleet repainted black and re-branded 'Black Diamond' at a much faster pace than the present repaint programme
Do you intend to reinstate the retrim programme at Diamond at some point? Thus the moquettes of the current fleet and any current/future used acquisitions all match.
If Rotala Plc were able to acquire the vacant glass recycling premises, is that yard big enough to accommodate the fleet/withdrawn vehicles from the rented overflow yard opposite the depot?
One last question, then I'll leave you in peace......
Is it fairly common for a transport group such as Rotala Plc & others to make a number of takeover offers and for them not to be concluded? What is generally the main stumbling block? Is it agreement on price or unwillingness to sell etc?
When we repainted the Long Acre buses into Blue, from memory the vast majority of the buses were new to fleet and this made the process quicker. When we are rotating buses it becomes harder and unfortunately slower.
We do have a company Moquettes for re-trim and we are continually re-triming vehicles and seats. Clearly from your comments suggest we are not doing enough.
It is difficult to know what is going to happen with the glass recycling premises, if we did acquire it we believe having spent some money on the site, in essence surfacing and make the whole site one, then there is more than sufficient space.
Although we have access to large amounts of capital, the return required and our Cost of equity means we do not always offer the best deal. That being said, we are very specific about what we are looking for and there is never one reason why you don't succeed.
Price, Timing not being right, the Markets the business operates in or its customers/contractual conditions/risk associated with the business.
Therefore, it is not a straight forward answer.
Many thanks for all you replies, I'll leave you in peace for a bit.......... ;)
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
Thank you for your reply Simon. On reflection you have jogged my memory as to the lances and P reg darts from First Diamond have ousted. I was thinking particularly of 20004, 20010, 20810, 20811, 20841 and 20844 which have recently departed for Preston and Wessex to seemingly be replaced by the likes of 20503, 20504, 20469, 20652-8, 20361, 30445, etc. I understand some of these vehicles came from Redditch after transferring the 133 et al to Kidderminster but still that seems a retrograde step in my opinion.
30860 is allocated to Kidderminster, but I hardly seem to see it - even when the depot is closed and full on a Sunday. Is there any reason for this please?
Finally, could you confirm for me if I am right in thinking R455 CCV and S405 JUA have been withdrawn and are unlikely to see further use with Rotala?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
this post took my interested coming from Kidderminster , I have just had a look at tonys fleetlist on here
and on looking the ex first vehicles replaced where m/p/r regs replaced with s/t/v/ regs ones which are just a little bit newer . the only older one I have seen at that was a L reg solo. on the 10 there are more often than not standing loads
,as solo , and the smaller darts are not big enough .at certain times of the week. when will we get to know what is happing from the results of the Worcestershire review please cedric
Quote from: bewminster on November 26, 2013, 07:00:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
this post took my interested coming from Kidderminster , I have just had a look at tonys fleetlist on here
and on looking the ex first vehicles replaced where m/p/r regs replaced with s/t/v/ regs ones which are just a little bit newer . the only older one I have seen at that was a L reg solo. on the 10 there are more often than not standing loads
,as solo , and the smaller darts are not big enough .at certain times of the week. when will we get to know what is happing from the results of the Worcestershire review please cedric
They weren't building 'L' registration Solos. If you are referring to 20827 It was new in 2004, after anything First ever operated in Kidderminster. See the history of the vehicle on that page and have a look who it was new to and you will see where the registration comes from
I should also mention that the likes of the LG02 darts, W361 ABD, KX03 HZJ etc. whilst being newer replaced larger older buses. Catch 22 I suppose!
I think the general consensus from peoples observations & comments on the forum, is that they see the Diamond fleets at Tividale particularly & by the sounds of it also Kidderminster are made up of too higher proportion of midibuses i.e. MPD's & Solo's with little or no spare carrying capacity to cater for any growth at busy times. Both depots would appear to be in need of additional 10.6M Darts or full size single deckers.
Obviously the number of used nearly new full size single deckers available on the secondhand market is limited
Some of the solos moved in though are the same size as the darts first had there-ie the very long solos. I agree that more darts are needed there but can't see where they would come from as wessex doesn't really have many long darts in service and tividale/long acre/redditch need the ones that they have. Difficult one as whenever I've visited Kidderminster, MPDs and solos seemed fine.
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 26, 2013, 08:35:34 PM
Some of the solos moved in though are the same size as the darts first had there-ie the very long solos. I agree that more darts are needed there but can't see where they would come from as wessex doesn't really have many long darts in service and tividale/long acre/redditch need the ones that they have. Difficult one as whenever I've visited Kidderminster, MPDs and solos seemed fine.
Did you travel off peak in Kidderminster by any chance!!!??? And what routes?
First has a lot of large lances and darts - no mpds. It could be suggested however, that larger buses on lesser used routes contributed to the loss making reason to sell to Rotala.
Quote from: StourportSam on November 26, 2013, 08:49:23 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 26, 2013, 08:35:34 PM
Some of the solos moved in though are the same size as the darts first had there-ie the very long solos. I agree that more darts are needed there but can't see where they would come from as wessex doesn't really have many long darts in service and tividale/long acre/redditch need the ones that they have. Difficult one as whenever I've visited Kidderminster, MPDs and solos seemed fine.
Did you travel off peak in Kidderminster by any chance!!!??? And what routes?
First has a lot of large lances and darts - no mpds. It could be suggested however, that larger buses on lesser used routes contributed to the loss making reason to sell to Rotala.
Yeah, I was gonna say it was off peak though 9:30 could be considered sort of like a peak with all the OAP passes. That is true-first seemed to have a blanket approach of long single decks in redditch and kidderminster. Hopefully, by using newer more fuel efficient buses, rotala have managed to cut costs and make a profit there. I would like to see, certainly on the X3, b7rles as they would be better on these longer routes. Then, darts could be used on some well-used routes and then some solos and MPDs on less popular routes, or tendered routes such as the 133. They could then be used as peak time extras. It would seem a waste to have bigger buses travelling round kidderminster all day. Maybe a short term solution would be upping the frequency which first destroyed there and this would also win custom back from Whittles. Kidderminster managed with minibuses a few years ago. The frequencies have to be right though...
Quote from: Tony on November 26, 2013, 07:20:34 PM
Quote from: bewminster on November 26, 2013, 07:00:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
this post took my interested coming from Kidderminster , I have just had a look at tonys fleetlist on here
and on looking the ex first vehicles replaced where m/p/r regs replaced with s/t/v/ regs ones which are just a little bit newer . the only older one I have seen at that was a L reg solo. on the 10 there are more often than not standing loads
,as solo , and the smaller darts are not big enough .at certain times of the week. when will we get to know what is happing from the results of the Worcestershire review please cedric
They weren't building 'L' registration Solos. If you are referring to 20827 It was new in 2004, after anything First ever operated in Kidderminster. See the history of the vehicle on that page and have a look who it was new to and you will see where the registration comes from
tony I see when it was new worked out the first owner was in Scotland, but never heard of the place of the second owner comes from ?
I know I have said before about older vehicles replacing newer diamond vehicles . but really thinking about as long as a bus turns up to run the service the age does not matter as long as it goes and is clean and tidy inside age does not really matter after all if it gets you to where you are going that's is the main thing. and may I say there are more people using the buses since diamond took over.
Quote from: bewminster on November 26, 2013, 09:57:14 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 26, 2013, 07:20:34 PM
Quote from: bewminster on November 26, 2013, 07:00:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
this post took my interested coming from Kidderminster , I have just had a look at tonys fleetlist on here
and on looking the ex first vehicles replaced where m/p/r regs replaced with s/t/v/ regs ones which are just a little bit newer . the only older one I have seen at that was a L reg solo. on the 10 there are more often than not standing loads
,as solo , and the smaller darts are not big enough .at certain times of the week. when will we get to know what is happing from the results of the Worcestershire review please cedric
They weren't building 'L' registration Solos. If you are referring to 20827 It was new in 2004, after anything First ever operated in Kidderminster. See the history of the vehicle on that page and have a look who it was new to and you will see where the registration comes from
tony I see when it was new worked out the first owner was in Scotland, but never heard of the place of the second owner comes from ? cedric
The company name is a big clue
Greece? or spain ? aryshire
Quote from: Tony on November 26, 2013, 10:04:18 PM
Quote from: bewminster on November 26, 2013, 09:57:14 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 26, 2013, 07:20:34 PM
Quote from: bewminster on November 26, 2013, 07:00:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
this post took my interested coming from Kidderminster , I have just had a look at tonys fleetlist on here
and on looking the ex first vehicles replaced where m/p/r regs replaced with s/t/v/ regs ones which are just a little bit newer . the only older one I have seen at that was a L reg solo. on the 10 there are more often than not standing loads
,as solo , and the smaller darts are not big enough .at certain times of the week. when will we get to know what is happing from the results of the Worcestershire review please cedric
They weren't building 'L' registration Solos. If you are referring to 20827 It was new in 2004, after anything First ever operated in Kidderminster. See the history of the vehicle on that page and have a look who it was new to and you will see where the registration comes from
tony I see when it was new worked out the first owner was in Scotland, but never heard of the place of the second owner comes from ? cedric
The company name is a big clue
Yes but Patna is in India not East Ayrshire tho Tony, Or is there another Patna that's in snowie Scotland?
Quote from: tank90 on November 27, 2013, 12:28:25 AM
Quote from: Tony on November 26, 2013, 10:04:18 PM
Quote from: bewminster on November 26, 2013, 09:57:14 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 26, 2013, 07:20:34 PM
Quote from: bewminster on November 26, 2013, 07:00:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
this post took my interested coming from Kidderminster , I have just had a look at tonys fleetlist on here
and on looking the ex first vehicles replaced where m/p/r regs replaced with s/t/v/ regs ones which are just a little bit newer . the only older one I have seen at that was a L reg solo. on the 10 there are more often than not standing loads
,as solo , and the smaller darts are not big enough .at certain times of the week. when will we get to know what is happing from the results of the Worcestershire review please cedric
They weren't building 'L' registration Solos. If you are referring to 20827 It was new in 2004, after anything First ever operated in Kidderminster. See the history of the vehicle on that page and have a look who it was new to and you will see where the registration comes from
tony I see when it was new worked out the first owner was in Scotland, but never heard of the place of the second owner comes from ? cedric
The company name is a big clue
Yes but Patna is in India not East Ayrshire tho Tony, Or is there another Patna that's in snowie Scotland?,_East_Ayrshire
Thanks for your replies Simon.
I was just wondering about when you think the network changes in Redditch and Kidderminster will be decided and implemented. Will they potentially be delayed until after the consultation on the WCC funding cuts, as several diamond services are impacted by that.
Many Thanks
Quote from: StourportSam on November 26, 2013, 06:51:16 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
Thank you for your reply Simon. On reflection you have jogged my memory as to the lances and P reg darts from First Diamond have ousted. I was thinking particularly of 20004, 20010, 20810, 20811, 20841 and 20844 which have recently departed for Preston and Wessex to seemingly be replaced by the likes of 20503, 20504, 20469, 20652-8, 20361, 30445, etc. I understand some of these vehicles came from Redditch after transferring the 133 et al to Kidderminster but still that seems a retrograde step in my opinion.
30860 is allocated to Kidderminster, but I hardly seem to see it - even when the depot is closed and full on a Sunday. Is there any reason for this please?
Finally, could you confirm for me if I am right in thinking R455 CCV and S405 JUA have been withdrawn and are unlikely to see further use with Rotala?
I am home now, and out for a couple of days. So I am struggling to look at the specific type registration number of vehicles you are referring to. Some of the buses that should be in Kidderminster are in Redditch and vice versa. Over this weekend, this will be changed. R455CCV - we are looking to sell. S405JUA, there is an engine fault which we are looking to repair.
Quote from: bewminster on November 26, 2013, 07:00:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
this post took my interested coming from Kidderminster , I have just had a look at tonys fleetlist on here
and on looking the ex first vehicles replaced where m/p/r regs replaced with s/t/v/ regs ones which are just a little bit newer . the only older one I have seen at that was a L reg solo. on the 10 there are more often than not standing loads
,as solo , and the smaller darts are not big enough .at certain times of the week. when will we get to know what is happing from the results of the Worcestershire review please cedric
I am not looking to have an argument, and like any business we need to balance the books otherwise the business will not be profitable. We have tried to undertake a gradual fleet replacement. We have chosen to remove all the m/p reg buses and we have tried to use what we have which is newer better. At the same time we have acquired some 2006 Long Solo's, a pair of 2009 MAN Centro's and moved from Redditch a Volvo B7RLE.
From our perspective, we have now assessed the response to our network review and the Commercial team are meeting on Friday to discuss the results.
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 27, 2013, 01:36:22 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon.
I was just wondering about when you think the network changes in Redditch and Kidderminster will be decided and implemented. Will they potentially be delayed until after the consultation on the WCC funding cuts, as several diamond services are impacted by that.
Many Thanks
I will know more on Friday, but I don't expect the funding cuts to impact on the network review.
Quote from: StourportSam on November 26, 2013, 08:49:23 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 26, 2013, 08:35:34 PM
Some of the solos moved in though are the same size as the darts first had there-ie the very long solos. I agree that more darts are needed there but can't see where they would come from as wessex doesn't really have many long darts in service and tividale/long acre/redditch need the ones that they have. Difficult one as whenever I've visited Kidderminster, MPDs and solos seemed fine.
Did you travel off peak in Kidderminster by any chance!!!??? And what routes?
First has a lot of large lances and darts - no mpds. It could be suggested however, that larger buses on lesser used routes contributed to the loss making reason to sell to Rotala.
I agree we need to address the size of bus issue, and we accept we don't have enough. However, part of the problem is the way the buses are scheduled which we will look to deal with as part of the network review.
Hello Simon
I'm not sure if this is your department, but do you know what's been going on with the 002 Centros lately? Is another one VOR (in addition to 30808), as there seem to be 2-3 unbranded buses on the 002 each day recently?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 27, 2013, 09:20:44 PM
Quote from: bewminster on November 26, 2013, 07:00:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
this post took my interested coming from Kidderminster , I have just had a look at tonys fleetlist on here
and on looking the ex first vehicles replaced where m/p/r regs replaced with s/t/v/ regs ones which are just a little bit newer . the only older one I have seen at that was a L reg solo. on the 10 there are more often than not standing loads
,as solo , and the smaller darts are not big enough .at certain times of the week. when will we get to know what is happing from the results of the Worcestershire review please cedric
I am not looking to have an argument, and like any business we need to balance the books otherwise the business will not be profitable. We have tried to undertake a gradual fleet replacement. We have chosen to remove all the m/p reg buses and we have tried to use what we have which is newer better. At the same time we have acquired some 2006 Long Solo's, a pair of 2009 MAN Centro's and moved from Redditch a Volvo B7RLE.
From our perspective, we have now assessed the response to our network review and the Commercial team are meeting on Friday to discuss the results.
Simon I understand all what you say and all I was trying to do was point out to some other posters that these vehicle where actually are not older that the ex first buses they replaced . indeed I travelled on 2 off them today to Redditch and back and I must say the journies where comfortable and vehicles nice to travel in . and nice pleasant staff.. sorry if you
miss understood my post from my bad choice of words the last thing I wanted to do was cause a argument with you . I have found the quality of services since diamond have taken over is a lot better. and more people seam to be using the services , I can only really say that about the 10 and the 2 that I use mostly . and once again sorry for my post giving the wrong impresstion to you. I know that diamond as a business needs to be profitable. company to blance your books to
keep giving us the good level of service you give us now all the best to you simon ps and your name on there was a mistake on my part ,
Quote from: nitromatt1 on November 27, 2013, 09:29:28 PM
Hello Simon
I'm not sure if this is your department, but do you know what's been going on with the 002 Centros lately? Is another one VOR (in addition to 30808), as there seem to be 2-3 unbranded buses on the 002 each day recently?
It was about half and half on Tuesday and at least two Royale centros yesterday but I'm not complaining, some of the 002 Centro's are right bags, hard seats, terrible ride and some of the rattles and shakes of the interior fixtures and fittings is rediculous, worse than Pensnett's R reg O405's
Hi simon ive noticed that the optare versa seem to keep appearing on the 82 along with other midi sized buses. On monday this happened and there was a quite a few older people having to stand because of the smaller bus. Is there any reason to why tue citaros arent being put on it?
Also would it be better to put one of the b7 centros on the 82 rather than a versa has its got more room??
(enjoying my new diamond bus pass holder very smart I must say)
Best regards
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on November 28, 2013, 09:53:36 AM
Quote from: nitromatt1 on November 27, 2013, 09:29:28 PM
Hello Simon
I'm not sure if this is your department, but do you know what's been going on with the 002 Centros lately? Is another one VOR (in addition to 30808), as there seem to be 2-3 unbranded buses on the 002 each day recently?
It was about half and half on Tuesday and at least two Royale centros yesterday but I'm not complaining, some of the 002 Centro's are right bags, hard seats, terrible ride and some of the rattles and shakes of the interior fixtures and fittings is rediculous, worse than Pensnett's R reg O405's
Maybe this is why some of them are not on the 002 at the moment-they are off the road having some of the issues you mention addressed
Quote from: nitromatt1 on November 27, 2013, 09:29:28 PM
Hello Simon
I'm not sure if this is your department, but do you know what's been going on with the 002 Centros lately? Is another one VOR (in addition to 30808), as there seem to be 2-3 unbranded buses on the 002 each day recently?
30808 is under going MOT and body refurb, whilst 30809 has an on going Engine/Fuel issue which we are trying to bottom out.
Quote from: bewminster on November 27, 2013, 10:34:35 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 27, 2013, 09:20:44 PM
Quote from: bewminster on November 26, 2013, 07:00:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
this post took my interested coming from Kidderminster , I have just had a look at tonys fleetlist on here
and on looking the ex first vehicles replaced where m/p/r regs replaced with s/t/v/ regs ones which are just a little bit newer . the only older one I have seen at that was a L reg solo. on the 10 there are more often than not standing loads
,as solo , and the smaller darts are not big enough .at certain times of the week. when will we get to know what is happing from the results of the Worcestershire review please cedric
I am not looking to have an argument, and like any business we need to balance the books otherwise the business will not be profitable. We have tried to undertake a gradual fleet replacement. We have chosen to remove all the m/p reg buses and we have tried to use what we have which is newer better. At the same time we have acquired some 2006 Long Solo's, a pair of 2009 MAN Centro's and moved from Redditch a Volvo B7RLE.
From our perspective, we have now assessed the response to our network review and the Commercial team are meeting on Friday to discuss the results.
Simon I understand all what you say and all I was trying to do was point out to some other posters that these vehicle where actually are not older that the ex first buses they replaced . indeed I travelled on 2 off them today to Redditch and back and I must say the journies where comfortable and vehicles nice to travel in . and nice pleasant staff.. sorry if you
miss understood my post from my bad choice of words the last thing I wanted to do was cause a argument with you . I have found the quality of services since diamond have taken over is a lot better. and more people seam to be using the services , I can only really say that about the 10 and the 2 that I use mostly . and once again sorry for my post giving the wrong impresstion to you. I know that diamond as a business needs to be profitable. company to blance your books to
keep giving us the good level of service you give us now all the best to you simon ps and your name on there was a mistake on my part ,
I take no offence to anything you have said.
We realise that further improvements are still needed
Quote from: dannygill on November 28, 2013, 02:35:30 PM
Hi simon ive noticed that the optare versa seem to keep appearing on the 82 along with other midi sized buses. On monday this happened and there was a quite a few older people having to stand because of the smaller bus. Is there any reason to why tue citaros arent being put on it?
Also would it be better to put one of the b7 centros on the 82 rather than a versa has its got more room??
(enjoying my new diamond bus pass holder very smart I must say)
Best regards
In the last week we have had problems with 2 Citaro's.
The agreed spares for the Signature services are the Optare Hybrids, as they are to the same specification. Hence, why there was a Versa on the service
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 29, 2013, 08:48:17 AM
Quote from: nitromatt1 on November 27, 2013, 09:29:28 PM
Hello Simon
I'm not sure if this is your department, but do you know what's been going on with the 002 Centros lately? Is another one VOR (in addition to 30808), as there seem to be 2-3 unbranded buses on the 002 each day recently?
30808 is under going MOT and body refurb, whilst 30809 has an on going Engine/Fuel issue which we are trying to bottom out.
Will you be repainting 30808 and if so will it be into diamond blue livery or the double o 2 green?
Also, as you operate VDL /centros is rotala keen on them as a type? Is so, would be something rotala would consider.
Are ex lease buses like e200s and streetlites something rotala would consider of value as well?
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 29, 2013, 09:04:48 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 29, 2013, 08:48:17 AM
Quote from: nitromatt1 on November 27, 2013, 09:29:28 PM
Hello Simon
I'm not sure if this is your department, but do you know what's been going on with the 002 Centros lately? Is another one VOR (in addition to 30808), as there seem to be 2-3 unbranded buses on the 002 each day recently?
30808 is under going MOT and body refurb, whilst 30809 has an on going Engine/Fuel issue which we are trying to bottom out.
Will you be repainting 30808 and if so will it be into diamond blue livery or the double o 2 green?
Also, as you operate VDL /centros is rotala keen on them as a type? Is so, would be something rotala would consider.
Are ex lease buses like e200s and streetlites something rotala would consider of value as well?
1. There is no plan to repaint the 002 buses.
2. I have no plans to buy any more VDL's. It is a none standard bus for us. We have 5, which we had to acquire in 2007 when Plaxtons told me the day of delivery for the Park & Ride buses, that they couldn't deliver.
3. I have recently just acquired a number Streetlites off Mistral. The condition of them was unacceptable, and unless they do something to deal with this, we won't be buying any more buses from them
Hi Simon,
1. I think I may have touched on part of this before? I've noticed that there are a number of 08/09 plate MAN/Wright Meridians currently for sale on the second-hand market with Drew Wilson & now Ensign have taken two in during Nov ex Premiere, plus Santander have a number of similar aged examples for hire
The 08/09 plate examples at Drew Wilson are priced £65k each, when compared to what Rotala where originally asking for their 5 ex Whitelaw 04 plate B7RLE/Wright Eclipse that Yourbus acquired, them seem very competitively priced, would you agree? Or are they that poor a product?
2. Additionally, is Rotala Group's only real option to fund any future acquisitions via debt financing? In the past additional funds have normally been raised through the issue of additional shares to raise capital for expansion, is there a limit on how many time you can do this due to diluting major shareholders percentage stakes.
3. If Rotala are successful in selling one or both of Long Acre & Shady Lane depot, do Rotala plan to re-invest the money back in to the West Midland operations or pay down some of the existing debt? Or a bit of both?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 30, 2013, 06:58:16 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 29, 2013, 09:04:48 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 29, 2013, 08:48:17 AM
Quote from: nitromatt1 on November 27, 2013, 09:29:28 PM
Hello Simon
I'm not sure if this is your department, but do you know what's been going on with the 002 Centros lately? Is another one VOR (in addition to 30808), as there seem to be 2-3 unbranded buses on the 002 each day recently?
30808 is under going MOT and body refurb, whilst 30809 has an on going Engine/Fuel issue which we are trying to bottom out.
Will you be repainting 30808 and if so will it be into diamond blue livery or the double o 2 green?
Also, as you operate VDL /centros is rotala keen on them as a type? Is so, would be something rotala would consider.
Are ex lease buses like e200s and streetlites something rotala would consider of value as well?
1. There is no plan to repaint the 002 buses.
2. I have no plans to buy any more VDL's. It is a none standard bus for us. We have 5, which we had to acquire in 2007 when Plaxtons told me the day of delivery for the Park & Ride buses, that they couldn't deliver.
3. I have recently just acquired a number Streetlites off Mistral. The condition of them was unacceptable, and unless they do something to deal with this, we won't be buying any more buses from them
Thanks very much Simon
Sorry if this is a stupid question but what does a body refurb mean? Is it external or internal or a bit of both?
I can understand about the VDLs-did rotala not want to just lease them so they could be returned when the volvos arrived? Would it make sense to ultimately move them over to tividale as they run several sb120s?
And were the buses acquired from mistral the ones that entered the fleet at wessex that were secondhand, or have more been bought since?
I was also wondering which buses you plan to repaint next
Finally, noticed this picture and it looks extremely smart. Could a similar vinyl be used on diamond buses to advertise return fares on key routes?
Thanks again
Hi simon ive noticed a few people talking about what buses to buy so I thought id ask along the same lines.
now that you have had them a while what is your opinion on the optare versa and the versa hybrid?
are they good value for money in the sense of fuel consumption and original buying cost compared to other builders?
would you consider buying anymore new/second hand?
would you consider buying any optare tempos?
Quote from: Winston on November 30, 2013, 01:35:40 PM
Hi Simon,
1. I think I may have touched on part of this before? I've noticed that there are a number of 08/09 plate MAN/Wright Meridians currently for sale on the second-hand market with Drew Wilson & now Ensign have taken two in during Nov ex Premiere, plus Santander have a number of similar aged examples for hire
The 08/09 plate examples at Drew Wilson are priced £65k each, when compared to what Rotala where originally asking for their 5 ex Whitelaw 04 plate B7RLE/Wright Eclipse that Yourbus acquired, them seem very competitively priced, would you agree? Or are they that poor a product?
2. Additionally, is Rotala Group's only real option to fund any future acquisitions via debt financing? In the past additional funds have normally been raised through the issue of additional shares to raise capital for expansion, is there a limit on how many time you can do this due to diluting major shareholders percentage stakes.
3. If Rotala are successful in selling one or both of Long Acre & Shady Lane depot, do Rotala plan to re-invest the money back in to the West Midland operations or pay down some of the existing debt? Or a bit of both?
1. Ironically I got offered these buses on Friday, and was told me to make an offer. So I did, the offer I made was substantially below the £65K you mention. I don't think they will accept it.
2. Providing an acquisition is earnings enhancing from a shareholder perspective we will get support for whatever we want to do. Issuing equity if needed has never been a problem, nor do we expect it to be going forward.
3. Rotala EBITDA is over £6 million, Dividend is less than 10% of this, so in essence every year we generate millions every year to pay down debt, to reinvest or for acquisitions. The biggest desire from the Board, the Shareholders and I is for growth. As I sit here today, we intend to put formulate a structured fleet replacement programme for Preston, there are at present (unless we are awarded new business) no new or replacement vehicle requirements for the South West or London, so the only other fleet requirement is the West Midlands in which we recognise we need to replace a number of short buses with longer buses. The purpose of considering the sale of Long Acre is to improve efficiency and in doing so financial performance, and increase available cash for investment without the need for Equity
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 30, 2013, 02:35:29 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 30, 2013, 06:58:16 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 29, 2013, 09:04:48 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 29, 2013, 08:48:17 AM
Quote from: nitromatt1 on November 27, 2013, 09:29:28 PM
Hello Simon
I'm not sure if this is your department, but do you know what's been going on with the 002 Centros lately? Is another one VOR (in addition to 30808), as there seem to be 2-3 unbranded buses on the 002 each day recently?
30808 is under going MOT and body refurb, whilst 30809 has an on going Engine/Fuel issue which we are trying to bottom out.
Will you be repainting 30808 and if so will it be into diamond blue livery or the double o 2 green?
Also, as you operate VDL /centros is rotala keen on them as a type? Is so, would be something rotala would consider.
Are ex lease buses like e200s and streetlites something rotala would consider of value as well?
1. There is no plan to repaint the 002 buses.
2. I have no plans to buy any more VDL's. It is a none standard bus for us. We have 5, which we had to acquire in 2007 when Plaxtons told me the day of delivery for the Park & Ride buses, that they couldn't deliver.
3. I have recently just acquired a number Streetlites off Mistral. The condition of them was unacceptable, and unless they do something to deal with this, we won't be buying any more buses from them
Thanks very much Simon
Sorry if this is a stupid question but what does a body refurb mean? Is it external or internal or a bit of both?
I can understand about the VDLs-did rotala not want to just lease them so they could be returned when the volvos arrived? Would it make sense to ultimately move them over to tividale as they run several sb120s?
And were the buses acquired from mistral the ones that entered the fleet at wessex that were secondhand, or have more been bought since?
I was also wondering which buses you plan to repaint next
Finally, noticed this picture and it looks extremely smart. Could a similar vinyl be used on diamond buses to advertise return fares on key routes?
Thanks again
1. We are undertaking work to repanel the vehicle.
2. I was told the day of delivery so there was no time other than to just pay for them.
3. Yes, the Wessex vehicles
4. We have a long list of vehicles based at Tividale, we are looking to repaint.
5. We are in the process of vinyl up a large number of buses with fares offers.
Quote from: dannygill on November 30, 2013, 06:38:33 PM
Hi simon ive noticed a few people talking about what buses to buy so I thought id ask along the same lines.
now that you have had them a while what is your opinion on the optare versa and the versa hybrid?
are they good value for money in the sense of fuel consumption and original buying cost compared to other builders?
would you consider buying anymore new/second hand?
would you consider buying any optare tempos?
1. Normal Versa
I am not sure when I would ever buy one. In terms of Value for money, as prices sit today they are too close to a heavier/better product being a Citaro or Volvo Wrights Eclipse to consider buying one.
2. Hybrid Versa
The vehicles were good value for money as they were 100% additional cost funded, without this there is no justification to buy them.
3. Second Hand Versa
I was offered some a couple of months ago, and I wasn't interested. I am not sure, but they are not my first choice.
4. Optare Tempo's
I don't think so. There are enough vehicles for sale, of products we do operate.
Re your Wessex operation. Initially you made good inroads into Firsts operation with some good head to head routes in Bath the 121 contract to weston etc. you seem to have lost a little ground recently. With Bristol council (especially) actively looking for someone to compete with First (they don't seem to like them very much) are you looking to expand your operation in the West Country "maybe more head to head competition" your head to head competition against first in redditch turned out very favorably for you.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 01, 2013, 06:19:16 AM
1. Normal Versa
I am not sure when I would ever buy one. In terms of Value for money, as prices sit today they are too close to a heavier/better product being a Citaro or Volvo Wrights Eclipse to consider buying one.
2. Hybrid Versa
The vehicles were good value for money as they were 100% additional cost funded, without this there is no justification to buy them.
I will admit to some sceptiscism over the Versa hybrid capabilities when new, but was immediately won over by them & able to discount Drivers stories that they weren't up to maintaining schedule (on the 56). Passengers comments were extremely favourable - noticeably more appreciative of them than the comparable 'Signature' Solos, they gave an extremely favourable image of the company (with the exception of the one with the vinyl wrap!).
Out of interest, how do the hybrids perform in terms of fuel consumption, now that they've been configured & been in service for a good while - For example, do they compare favourably to the pair of straight-diesel Versa's acquired for the 30? Are they returning a fuel cost saving over the life of the vehicle that justifies the additional cost over a straight diesel?
Regards, Dave.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 01, 2013, 06:15:43 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 30, 2013, 02:35:29 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 30, 2013, 06:58:16 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 29, 2013, 09:04:48 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 29, 2013, 08:48:17 AM
Quote from: nitromatt1 on November 27, 2013, 09:29:28 PM
Hello Simon
I'm not sure if this is your department, but do you know what's been going on with the 002 Centros lately? Is another one VOR (in addition to 30808), as there seem to be 2-3 unbranded buses on the 002 each day recently?
30808 is under going MOT and body refurb, whilst 30809 has an on going Engine/Fuel issue which we are trying to bottom out.
Will you be repainting 30808 and if so will it be into diamond blue livery or the double o 2 green?
Also, as you operate VDL /centros is rotala keen on them as a type? Is so, would be something rotala would consider.
Are ex lease buses like e200s and streetlites something rotala would consider of value as well?
1. There is no plan to repaint the 002 buses.
2. I have no plans to buy any more VDL's. It is a none standard bus for us. We have 5, which we had to acquire in 2007 when Plaxtons told me the day of delivery for the Park & Ride buses, that they couldn't deliver.
3. I have recently just acquired a number Streetlites off Mistral. The condition of them was unacceptable, and unless they do something to deal with this, we won't be buying any more buses from them
Thanks very much Simon
Sorry if this is a stupid question but what does a body refurb mean? Is it external or internal or a bit of both?
I can understand about the VDLs-did rotala not want to just lease them so they could be returned when the volvos arrived? Would it make sense to ultimately move them over to tividale as they run several sb120s?
And were the buses acquired from mistral the ones that entered the fleet at wessex that were secondhand, or have more been bought since?
I was also wondering which buses you plan to repaint next
Finally, noticed this picture and it looks extremely smart. Could a similar vinyl be used on diamond buses to advertise return fares on key routes?
Thanks again
1. We are undertaking work to repanel the vehicle.
2. I was told the day of delivery so there was no time other than to just pay for them.
3. Yes, the Wessex vehicles
4. We have a long list of vehicles based at Tividale, we are looking to repaint.
5. We are in the process of vinyl up a large number of buses with fares offers.
Thanks for your replies Simon and I'm looking forward to seeing the vinyls for fares offers. Thanks for your replies-I'll leave you in peace for a bit now!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 30, 2013, 06:57:49 PM
Quote from: Winston on November 30, 2013, 01:35:40 PM
Hi Simon,
1. I think I may have touched on part of this before? I've noticed that there are a number of 08/09 plate MAN/Wright Meridians currently for sale on the second-hand market with Drew Wilson & now Ensign have taken two in during Nov ex Premiere, plus Santander have a number of similar aged examples for hire
The 08/09 plate examples at Drew Wilson are priced £65k each, when compared to what Rotala where originally asking for their 5 ex Whitelaw 04 plate B7RLE/Wright Eclipse that Yourbus acquired, them seem very competitively priced, would you agree? Or are they that poor a product?
2. Additionally, is Rotala Group's only real option to fund any future acquisitions via debt financing? In the past additional funds have normally been raised through the issue of additional shares to raise capital for expansion, is there a limit on how many time you can do this due to diluting major shareholders percentage stakes.
3. If Rotala are successful in selling one or both of Long Acre & Shady Lane depot, do Rotala plan to re-invest the money back in to the West Midland operations or pay down some of the existing debt? Or a bit of both?
1. Ironically I got offered these buses on Friday, and was told me to make an offer. So I did, the offer I made was substantially below the £65K you mention. I don't think they will accept it.
2. Providing an acquisition is earnings enhancing from a shareholder perspective we will get support for whatever we want to do. Issuing equity if needed has never been a problem, nor do we expect it to be going forward.
3. Rotala EBITDA is over £6 million, Dividend is less than 10% of this, so in essence every year we generate millions every year to pay down debt, to reinvest or for acquisitions. The biggest desire from the Board, the Shareholders and I is for growth. As I sit here today, we intend to put formulate a structured fleet replacement programme for Preston, there are at present (unless we are awarded new business) no new or replacement vehicle requirements for the South West or London, so the only other fleet requirement is the West Midlands in which we recognise we need to replace a number of short buses with longer buses. The purpose of considering the sale of Long Acre is to improve efficiency and in doing so financial performance, and increase available cash for investment without the need for Equity
Thanks for all your responses, few more points in response, you'll be pleased to here.....
1. Re: the Drew Wilson MAN/Wright Meridian's, I take it Rotala aren't that fussed either way if you've gone in with a cheeky offer? I was already under the impression that they were priced to sell using the Rotala asking price for the 04 plate B7RLE's £60k as a guide and the fact that they have been for sale for some time. I see from your other comments that your full size single deckers of choice are B7RLE/Wright or Merc Citaro's, but obviously very few of those come on to the second-hand market or are snapped up quickly by others
3. I'm no financial expert, but isn't it catch 22 with the debt financing? I.e. if group debt levels were much lower, interest payments would be lower/the amount of EBITDA required annually to pay down debt would fall substantially, thus pre-tax profits and margins would be much higher? Then Rotala could pay more cash for future growth & acquisitions and reduce the level of additional debt taken on.
4. Do Rotala allocate an annual budget for existing fleet vehicle replacement new & used?
5. Re: your comments about the state of the ex Mistral Streetlites st Wessex, is it common practice for vehicles not to be inspected before a deal is concluded & monies change hands?
6. I know you've previously that said your not really a fan of the Esteem bodywork and we've asked about the B7RLE/Optare Esteems currently for sale @ Ensign, I was thinking would there be any mileage in acquiring those from Ensign, putting them in to Preston to allow the withdrawal/sale of a further 4 x Scania/Esteems and potentially move the sole Merc Citaro (30103) down to Long Acre to provide back-up on Signature service 82? At least those Esteems would be on a favored chassis and you may be able to pick them up at a sensible price given that most other operators will no doubt share your opinion on the bodywork and interest will be low
Quote from: Steveminor on December 01, 2013, 07:59:32 AM
Re your Wessex operation. Initially you made good inroads into Firsts operation with some good head to head routes in Bath the 121 contract to weston etc. you seem to have lost a little ground recently. With Bristol council (especially) actively looking for someone to compete with First (they don't seem to like them very much) are you looking to expand your operation in the West Country "maybe more head to head competition" your head to head competition against first in redditch turned out very favorably for you.
Most of our original operation focused around contracted work, the 121 including. We only operate 1 commercial service and this is something we would like to build over time.
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on December 01, 2013, 01:06:20 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 01, 2013, 06:19:16 AM
1. Normal Versa
I am not sure when I would ever buy one. In terms of Value for money, as prices sit today they are too close to a heavier/better product being a Citaro or Volvo Wrights Eclipse to consider buying one.
2. Hybrid Versa
The vehicles were good value for money as they were 100% additional cost funded, without this there is no justification to buy them.
I will admit to some sceptiscism over the Versa hybrid capabilities when new, but was immediately won over by them & able to discount Drivers stories that they weren't up to maintaining schedule (on the 56). Passengers comments were extremely favourable - noticeably more appreciative of them than the comparable 'Signature' Solos, they gave an extremely favourable image of the company (with the exception of the one with the vinyl wrap!).
Out of interest, how do the hybrids perform in terms of fuel consumption, now that they've been configured & been in service for a good while - For example, do they compare favourably to the pair of straight-diesel Versa's acquired for the 30? Are they returning a fuel cost saving over the life of the vehicle that justifies the additional cost over a straight diesel?
Regards, Dave.
To be eligible for the DFT funding the vehicles need to deliver 30% increase in fuel efficiency. Assuming they are used on the right route and operating conditions they are capable of delivering this.
Quote from: Winston on December 01, 2013, 04:29:45 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 30, 2013, 06:57:49 PM
Quote from: Winston on November 30, 2013, 01:35:40 PM
Hi Simon,
1. I think I may have touched on part of this before? I've noticed that there are a number of 08/09 plate MAN/Wright Meridians currently for sale on the second-hand market with Drew Wilson & now Ensign have taken two in during Nov ex Premiere, plus Santander have a number of similar aged examples for hire
The 08/09 plate examples at Drew Wilson are priced £65k each, when compared to what Rotala where originally asking for their 5 ex Whitelaw 04 plate B7RLE/Wright Eclipse that Yourbus acquired, them seem very competitively priced, would you agree? Or are they that poor a product?
2. Additionally, is Rotala Group's only real option to fund any future acquisitions via debt financing? In the past additional funds have normally been raised through the issue of additional shares to raise capital for expansion, is there a limit on how many time you can do this due to diluting major shareholders percentage stakes.
3. If Rotala are successful in selling one or both of Long Acre & Shady Lane depot, do Rotala plan to re-invest the money back in to the West Midland operations or pay down some of the existing debt? Or a bit of both?
1. Ironically I got offered these buses on Friday, and was told me to make an offer. So I did, the offer I made was substantially below the £65K you mention. I don't think they will accept it.
2. Providing an acquisition is earnings enhancing from a shareholder perspective we will get support for whatever we want to do. Issuing equity if needed has never been a problem, nor do we expect it to be going forward.
3. Rotala EBITDA is over £6 million, Dividend is less than 10% of this, so in essence every year we generate millions every year to pay down debt, to reinvest or for acquisitions. The biggest desire from the Board, the Shareholders and I is for growth. As I sit here today, we intend to put formulate a structured fleet replacement programme for Preston, there are at present (unless we are awarded new business) no new or replacement vehicle requirements for the South West or London, so the only other fleet requirement is the West Midlands in which we recognise we need to replace a number of short buses with longer buses. The purpose of considering the sale of Long Acre is to improve efficiency and in doing so financial performance, and increase available cash for investment without the need for Equity
Thanks for all your responses, few more points in response, you'll be pleased to here.....
1. Re: the Drew Wilson MAN/Wright Meridian's, I take it Rotala aren't that fussed either way if you've gone in with a cheeky offer? I was already under the impression that they were priced to sell using the Rotala asking price for the 04 plate B7RLE's £60k as a guide and the fact that they have been for sale for some time. I see from your other comments that your full size single deckers of choice are B7RLE/Wright or Merc Citaro's, but obviously very few of those come on to the second-hand market or are snapped up quickly by others
3. I'm no financial expert, but isn't it catch 22 with the debt financing? I.e. if group debt levels were much lower, interest payments would be lower/the amount of EBITDA required annually to pay down debt would fall substantially, thus pre-tax profits and margins would be much higher? Then Rotala could pay more cash for future growth & acquisitions and reduce the level of additional debt taken on.
4. Do Rotala allocate an annual budget for existing fleet vehicle replacement new & used?
5. Re: your comments about the state of the ex Mistral Streetlites st Wessex, is it common practice for vehicles not to be inspected before a deal is concluded & monies change hands?
6. I know you've previously that said your not really a fan of the Esteem bodywork and we've asked about the B7RLE/Optare Esteems currently for sale @ Ensign, I was thinking would there be any mileage in acquiring those from Ensign, putting them in to Preston to allow the withdrawal/sale of a further 4 x Scania/Esteems and potentially move the sole Merc Citaro (30103) down to Long Acre to provide back-up on Signature service 82? At least those Esteems would be on a favored chassis and you may be able to pick them up at a sensible price given that most other operators will no doubt share your opinion on the bodywork and interest will be low
1. I am not bothered either way. The Volvo product is a much better product hence the reason for the price difference.
3. It would be wrong to assume that without a level of continued investment profitability is sustainable. You are correct if we had less debt than naturally we could pay more cash for acquisitions.
4. No.
5. We inspect nearly all the vehicles we acquire. With the "Mistral vehicles" we were assured over their condition by the Sales Director. So like most relationships there is an element of trust.
6. I currently have offers on some other B7RLE's, for which we are awaiting a response.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 02, 2013, 03:57:53 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 01, 2013, 04:29:45 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 30, 2013, 06:57:49 PM
Quote from: Winston on November 30, 2013, 01:35:40 PM
Hi Simon,
1. I think I may have touched on part of this before? I've noticed that there are a number of 08/09 plate MAN/Wright Meridians currently for sale on the second-hand market with Drew Wilson & now Ensign have taken two in during Nov ex Premiere, plus Santander have a number of similar aged examples for hire
The 08/09 plate examples at Drew Wilson are priced £65k each, when compared to what Rotala where originally asking for their 5 ex Whitelaw 04 plate B7RLE/Wright Eclipse that Yourbus acquired, them seem very competitively priced, would you agree? Or are they that poor a product?
2. Additionally, is Rotala Group's only real option to fund any future acquisitions via debt financing? In the past additional funds have normally been raised through the issue of additional shares to raise capital for expansion, is there a limit on how many time you can do this due to diluting major shareholders percentage stakes.
3. If Rotala are successful in selling one or both of Long Acre & Shady Lane depot, do Rotala plan to re-invest the money back in to the West Midland operations or pay down some of the existing debt? Or a bit of both?
1. Ironically I got offered these buses on Friday, and was told me to make an offer. So I did, the offer I made was substantially below the £65K you mention. I don't think they will accept it.
2. Providing an acquisition is earnings enhancing from a shareholder perspective we will get support for whatever we want to do. Issuing equity if needed has never been a problem, nor do we expect it to be going forward.
3. Rotala EBITDA is over £6 million, Dividend is less than 10% of this, so in essence every year we generate millions every year to pay down debt, to reinvest or for acquisitions. The biggest desire from the Board, the Shareholders and I is for growth. As I sit here today, we intend to put formulate a structured fleet replacement programme for Preston, there are at present (unless we are awarded new business) no new or replacement vehicle requirements for the South West or London, so the only other fleet requirement is the West Midlands in which we recognise we need to replace a number of short buses with longer buses. The purpose of considering the sale of Long Acre is to improve efficiency and in doing so financial performance, and increase available cash for investment without the need for Equity
Thanks for all your responses, few more points in response, you'll be pleased to here.....
1. Re: the Drew Wilson MAN/Wright Meridian's, I take it Rotala aren't that fussed either way if you've gone in with a cheeky offer? I was already under the impression that they were priced to sell using the Rotala asking price for the 04 plate B7RLE's £60k as a guide and the fact that they have been for sale for some time. I see from your other comments that your full size single deckers of choice are B7RLE/Wright or Merc Citaro's, but obviously very few of those come on to the second-hand market or are snapped up quickly by others
3. I'm no financial expert, but isn't it catch 22 with the debt financing? I.e. if group debt levels were much lower, interest payments would be lower/the amount of EBITDA required annually to pay down debt would fall substantially, thus pre-tax profits and margins would be much higher? Then Rotala could pay more cash for future growth & acquisitions and reduce the level of additional debt taken on.
4. Do Rotala allocate an annual budget for existing fleet vehicle replacement new & used?
5. Re: your comments about the state of the ex Mistral Streetlites st Wessex, is it common practice for vehicles not to be inspected before a deal is concluded & monies change hands?
6. I know you've previously that said your not really a fan of the Esteem bodywork and we've asked about the B7RLE/Optare Esteems currently for sale @ Ensign, I was thinking would there be any mileage in acquiring those from Ensign, putting them in to Preston to allow the withdrawal/sale of a further 4 x Scania/Esteems and potentially move the sole Merc Citaro (30103) down to Long Acre to provide back-up on Signature service 82? At least those Esteems would be on a favored chassis and you may be able to pick them up at a sensible price given that most other operators will no doubt share your opinion on the bodywork and interest will be low
1. I am not bothered either way. The Volvo product is a much better product hence the reason for the price difference.
3. It would be wrong to assume that without a level of continued investment profitability is sustainable. You are correct if we had less debt than naturally we could pay more cash for acquisitions.
4. No.
5. We inspect nearly all the vehicles we acquire. With the "Mistral vehicles" we were assured over their condition by the Sales Director. So like most relationships there is an element of trust.
6. I currently have offers on some other B7RLE's, for which we are awaiting a response.
Many thanks for all your open & honest replies, all very interesting stuff especially with the replies to questions that we wouldn't normally get the opportunity to ask.
Obviously there are more B7RLE's around than we think, the only potential option I can see from reports elsewhere are some B7RLE/Wright are being returned off lease from Transdev Lancashire United. I assume you get to hear about vehicles coming on to the market long before they are advertized on the web/in the trade press. If that offer was to be accepted would they be more likely to head to Preston based on your planned fleet renewal programme?
I'll leave it there and leave you in peace for a while,
Hi Simon,
I'm just wondering how much (just out of interest) do you intend to sell 31507 (R455 CCV) for?, Or has she already been sold to another operator?
And also what are your intentions for (R503 CNP) the old First Mercedes Beaver parked up in Kidderminster is it being scrapped or retained for any purpose?
I await your response
Quote from: Winston on December 02, 2013, 05:22:20 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 02, 2013, 03:57:53 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 01, 2013, 04:29:45 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 30, 2013, 06:57:49 PM
Quote from: Winston on November 30, 2013, 01:35:40 PM
Hi Simon,
1. I think I may have touched on part of this before? I've noticed that there are a number of 08/09 plate MAN/Wright Meridians currently for sale on the second-hand market with Drew Wilson & now Ensign have taken two in during Nov ex Premiere, plus Santander have a number of similar aged examples for hire
The 08/09 plate examples at Drew Wilson are priced £65k each, when compared to what Rotala where originally asking for their 5 ex Whitelaw 04 plate B7RLE/Wright Eclipse that Yourbus acquired, them seem very competitively priced, would you agree? Or are they that poor a product?
2. Additionally, is Rotala Group's only real option to fund any future acquisitions via debt financing? In the past additional funds have normally been raised through the issue of additional shares to raise capital for expansion, is there a limit on how many time you can do this due to diluting major shareholders percentage stakes.
3. If Rotala are successful in selling one or both of Long Acre & Shady Lane depot, do Rotala plan to re-invest the money back in to the West Midland operations or pay down some of the existing debt? Or a bit of both?
1. Ironically I got offered these buses on Friday, and was told me to make an offer. So I did, the offer I made was substantially below the £65K you mention. I don't think they will accept it.
2. Providing an acquisition is earnings enhancing from a shareholder perspective we will get support for whatever we want to do. Issuing equity if needed has never been a problem, nor do we expect it to be going forward.
3. Rotala EBITDA is over £6 million, Dividend is less than 10% of this, so in essence every year we generate millions every year to pay down debt, to reinvest or for acquisitions. The biggest desire from the Board, the Shareholders and I is for growth. As I sit here today, we intend to put formulate a structured fleet replacement programme for Preston, there are at present (unless we are awarded new business) no new or replacement vehicle requirements for the South West or London, so the only other fleet requirement is the West Midlands in which we recognise we need to replace a number of short buses with longer buses. The purpose of considering the sale of Long Acre is to improve efficiency and in doing so financial performance, and increase available cash for investment without the need for Equity
Thanks for all your responses, few more points in response, you'll be pleased to here.....
1. Re: the Drew Wilson MAN/Wright Meridian's, I take it Rotala aren't that fussed either way if you've gone in with a cheeky offer? I was already under the impression that they were priced to sell using the Rotala asking price for the 04 plate B7RLE's £60k as a guide and the fact that they have been for sale for some time. I see from your other comments that your full size single deckers of choice are B7RLE/Wright or Merc Citaro's, but obviously very few of those come on to the second-hand market or are snapped up quickly by others
3. I'm no financial expert, but isn't it catch 22 with the debt financing? I.e. if group debt levels were much lower, interest payments would be lower/the amount of EBITDA required annually to pay down debt would fall substantially, thus pre-tax profits and margins would be much higher? Then Rotala could pay more cash for future growth & acquisitions and reduce the level of additional debt taken on.
4. Do Rotala allocate an annual budget for existing fleet vehicle replacement new & used?
5. Re: your comments about the state of the ex Mistral Streetlites st Wessex, is it common practice for vehicles not to be inspected before a deal is concluded & monies change hands?
6. I know you've previously that said your not really a fan of the Esteem bodywork and we've asked about the B7RLE/Optare Esteems currently for sale @ Ensign, I was thinking would there be any mileage in acquiring those from Ensign, putting them in to Preston to allow the withdrawal/sale of a further 4 x Scania/Esteems and potentially move the sole Merc Citaro (30103) down to Long Acre to provide back-up on Signature service 82? At least those Esteems would be on a favored chassis and you may be able to pick them up at a sensible price given that most other operators will no doubt share your opinion on the bodywork and interest will be low
1. I am not bothered either way. The Volvo product is a much better product hence the reason for the price difference.
3. It would be wrong to assume that without a level of continued investment profitability is sustainable. You are correct if we had less debt than naturally we could pay more cash for acquisitions.
4. No.
5. We inspect nearly all the vehicles we acquire. With the "Mistral vehicles" we were assured over their condition by the Sales Director. So like most relationships there is an element of trust.
6. I currently have offers on some other B7RLE's, for which we are awaiting a response.
Many thanks for all your open & honest replies, all very interesting stuff especially with the replies to questions that we wouldn't normally get the opportunity to ask.
Obviously there are more B7RLE's around than we think, the only potential option I can see from reports elsewhere are some B7RLE/Wright are being returned off lease from Transdev Lancashire United. I assume you get to hear about vehicles coming on to the market long before they are advertized on the web/in the trade press. If that offer was to be accepted would they be more likely to head to Preston based on your planned fleet renewal programme?
I'll leave it there and leave you in peace for a while,
The B7RLE would be for the West Midlands, and no it is not the ex-Transdev examples.
Quote from: Will on December 03, 2013, 12:47:02 AM
Hi Simon,
I'm just wondering how much (just out of interest) do you intend to sell 31507 (R455 CCV) for?, Or has she already been sold to another operator?
And also what are your intentions for (R503 CNP) the old First Mercedes Beaver parked up in Kidderminster is it being scrapped or retained for any purpose?
I await your response
I have sold both buses, three times and have still not been paid.
R455CCV - I have previously sold for £4,000 plus VAT including Tyres and destination blinds. I would sell this week for £3,500 plus VAT
R503CNP - We have no use for the vehicle and our intention is to dispose of it.
Hi Simon, thanks for your response and oh I see some people hey and as for R503 CNP can I make a suggestion? Sell it to Whittle's perhaps? Also which other buses do you intend to withdraw/sell/scrap etc are the Alexander Dennis's safe VX54 MUO (30930) /MUC (30931) /MUP (30932) or are they being sold off etc? if not are the other two (MUO and MUC) being re-sprayed into blue to look like MUP it would be nice to see them both in blue like MUP as they are amazing buses and they run superbly so it would be a shame to see them go (if they were to of course).
Quote from: Will on December 03, 2013, 01:03:12 PM
Hi Simon, thanks for your response and oh I see some people hey and as for R503 CNP can I make a suggestion? Sell it to Whittle's perhaps? Also which other buses do you intend to withdraw/sell/scrap etc are the Alexander Dennis's safe VX54 MUO (30930) /MUC (30931) /MUP (30932) or are they being sold off etc? if not are the other two (MUO and MUC) being re-sprayed into blue to look like MUP it would be nice to see them both in blue like MUP as they are amazing buses and they run superbly so it would be a shame to see them go (if they were to of course).
We are keeping the E300's.
Quote from: Will on December 03, 2013, 01:03:12 PM
Hi Simon, thanks for your response and oh I see some people hey and as for R503 CNP can I make a suggestion? Sell it to Whittle's perhaps? Also which other buses do you intend to withdraw/sell/scrap etc are the Alexander Dennis's safe VX54 MUO (30930) /MUC (30931) /MUP (30932) or are they being sold off etc? if not are the other two (MUO and MUC) being re-sprayed into blue to look like MUP it would be nice to see them both in blue like MUP as they are amazing buses and they run superbly so it would be a shame to see them go (if they were to of course).
What on earth makes you think someone like whittles would part with money with an old Merc that hasn't been used for many years
Tony: Yes good point I guess but if they did it could the do 2A service which YX51 MUO was doing recently
Simon, I forgot to ask you earlier where has (30428, S405 JUA) gone as it states on here that it is based here in Kidderminster and yes it was for about 2-3 weeks it was indeed here parked up around the back of depot but when I walked passed a fortnight or so ago I noticed it had gone. Has it gone elsewhere? or is it still in Kidderminster?
Quote from: Will on December 03, 2013, 11:23:59 PM
Tony: Yes good point I guess but if they did it could the do 2A service which YX51 MUO was doing recently
Will I think if I read rightly somewhere on here or Midland Red net First MRW stripped it of useful parts and plus it hasnt turned over in years and is as good as scrap due to that. So I think Whittles wouldn't waste the time or money on it.
And Simon replied 30428 was going to have engine issues resolved and would return to service...
Quote from: tank90 on December 04, 2013, 12:28:27 AM
Quote from: Will on December 03, 2013, 11:23:59 PM
Tony: Yes good point I guess but if they did it could the do 2A service which YX51 MUO was doing recently
Will I think if I read rightly somewhere on here or Midland Red net First MRW stripped it of useful parts and plus it hasnt turned over in years and is as good as scrap due to that. So I think Whittles wouldn't waste the time or money on it.
Whittle won't want it, they are proud of their all low floor fleet, even if it was blighted by 418 for a year or so.
It is full of what looks like spare seats and it has lots of bits missing. It is good for nothing but SCRAP by its appearance
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 27, 2013, 09:17:42 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 26, 2013, 06:51:16 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
Thank you for your reply Simon. On reflection you have jogged my memory as to the lances and P reg darts from First Diamond have ousted. I was thinking particularly of 20004, 20010, 20810, 20811, 20841 and 20844 which have recently departed for Preston and Wessex to seemingly be replaced by the likes of 20503, 20504, 20469, 20652-8, 20361, 30445, etc. I understand some of these vehicles came from Redditch after transferring the 133 et al to Kidderminster but still that seems a retrograde step in my opinion.
30860 is allocated to Kidderminster, but I hardly seem to see it - even when the depot is closed and full on a Sunday. Is there any reason for this please?
Finally, could you confirm for me if I am right in thinking R455 CCV and S405 JUA have been withdrawn and are unlikely to see further use with Rotala?
I am home now, and out for a couple of days. So I am struggling to look at the specific type registration number of vehicles you are referring to. Some of the buses that should be in Kidderminster are in Redditch and vice versa. Over this weekend, this will be changed. R455CCV - we are looking to sell. S405JUA, there is an engine fault which we are looking to repair.
Hello Simon,
After my concern with short buses last week V382 and 388 SVV appeared in Kidderminster it would seem by magic and seem to have made an improvement in capacity for Kidderminster. I has a pleasant ride to work on one of them Friday morning! They are in a nice shiny coat of Diamond blue as well.
However, I did see one incident where Diamond could improve yesterday. One of the SVV full length darts was on service 5 (empty) and a full and standing X3 left the town hall at the same time with one of the LG02 MPDs. Surely this sort of thing is allocated and can be avoided with effective planning?
One more question if I may, two 2009 centros have been mentioned on here. I was wondering if either or both of these are intended for Kidderminster, as that is what seems to have been hinted at on here?
The newer buses I mentioned above that have left Kidderminster are 06/56/58/09 plate solos to be replaced by S/T/V/W darts.
Don't get me wrong - - I like Diamond and I think the company is doing the best it can with the resources available.
Quote from: StourportSam on December 04, 2013, 11:28:43 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 27, 2013, 09:17:42 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 26, 2013, 06:51:16 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
Thank you for your reply Simon. On reflection you have jogged my memory as to the lances and P reg darts from First Diamond have ousted. I was thinking particularly of 20004, 20010, 20810, 20811, 20841 and 20844 which have recently departed for Preston and Wessex to seemingly be replaced by the likes of 20503, 20504, 20469, 20652-8, 20361, 30445, etc. I understand some of these vehicles came from Redditch after transferring the 133 et al to Kidderminster but still that seems a retrograde step in my opinion.
30860 is allocated to Kidderminster, but I hardly seem to see it - even when the depot is closed and full on a Sunday. Is there any reason for this please?
Finally, could you confirm for me if I am right in thinking R455 CCV and S405 JUA have been withdrawn and are unlikely to see further use with Rotala?
I am home now, and out for a couple of days. So I am struggling to look at the specific type registration number of vehicles you are referring to. Some of the buses that should be in Kidderminster are in Redditch and vice versa. Over this weekend, this will be changed. R455CCV - we are looking to sell. S405JUA, there is an engine fault which we are looking to repair.
Hello Simon,
After my concern with short buses last week V382 and 388 SVV appeared in Kidderminster it would seem by magic and seem to have made an improvement in capacity for Kidderminster. I has a pleasant ride to work on one of them Friday morning! They are in a nice shiny coat of Diamond blue as well.
However, I did see one incident where Diamond could improve yesterday. One of the SVV full length darts was on service 5 (empty) and a full and standing X3 left the town hall at the same time with one of the LG02 MPDs. Surely this sort of thing is allocated and can be avoided with effective planning?
One more question if I may, two 2009 centros have been mentioned on here. I was wondering if either or both of these are intended for Kidderminster, as that is what seems to have been hinted at on here?
The newer buses I mentioned above that have left Kidderminster are 06/56/58/09 plate solos to be replaced by S/T/V/W darts.
Don't get me wrong - - I like Diamond and I think the company is doing the best it can with the resources available.
1. I am not aware of the circumstances were we ended up with a long bus on the 5, and a short bus on the X3. What I do know is that the interworking of services is something we want to change following the network review. The 5 bus in the morning was probably on something that required it.
2. We planned to put the 2 x 2009 MAN's into Redditch, so that the majority of MANs are together. We then planned to move an alternative long bus to Kidderminster. However, B12WTS has been written off and we have had to send one of the 2009 buses to Heathrow.
3. The Solo's we removed were put in, shortly after acquisition, it became evident we needed longer buses so we re-deployed them.
Hi Simon
I was just going to ask you about the cadets. Why were they originally put up for sale out of interest?
Is rotala not a fan and do you find them unreliable? Is the dart a better product? What were you intending to replace them with, had they sold? Why was 30201 acquired and would you consider buying more cadets for tividale?
Many Thanks
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 05, 2013, 11:10:49 AM
Hi Simon
I was just going to ask you about the cadets. Why were they originally put up for sale out of interest?
Is rotala not a fan and do you find them unreliable? Is the dart a better product? What were you intending to replace them with, had they sold? Why was 30201 acquired and would you consider buying more cadets for tividale?
Many Thanks
If I could have got a fair value, I would have sold them and upgraded them.
I acquired 30201 as it was a straight swap for a number of old double deckers.
This may be of interest to you all as it has been commissioned by Diamond and Redditch Town Centre Partnership businesses and includes a special Diamond Bus Playing Piece!
Quote from: stephen on December 05, 2013, 01:59:51 PM
This may be of interest to you all as it has been commissioned by Diamond and Redditch Town Centre Partnership businesses and includes a special Diamond Bus Playing Piece!
Brilliant idea! Gotta love monopoly-at least the MMC didn't actually think that there was one in Redditch ;)
And welcome to a new member! :)
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 05, 2013, 09:09:53 AM
Quote from: StourportSam on December 04, 2013, 11:28:43 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 27, 2013, 09:17:42 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 26, 2013, 06:51:16 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 26, 2013, 05:16:24 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2013, 07:17:33 PM
Hello Simon,
I have been impressed by the professionalism Diamond has shown since the takeover in Redditch and Kidderminster, but I am now concerned at the number of shorter and older buses being transferred to Kidderminster particularly replacing longer and in some case newer buses. I understand this is presumably a result of replacing all the non-DDA First vehicles acquired and the stock available to the company presently. However, my question is are there plans in the short term to increase the number of larger vehicles at Kidderminster? In the past few weeks I have noticed a high volume of MPDs on routes such as the X3, 303, 10 and 3 - the loadings of which surely deserve bigger buses. For example, last Friday an MPD was put on the first bus out of Stourport after 0930 and was full and standing all the way to Kidderminster - the driver had to tell passengers waiting in Birchen Coppice to catch the Whittle service behind! It was not a pleasant journey. I have also seen a few full and standing service 10s.
I ask because I am concerned Diamond has a risk of undoing some of the progress it has made in the area and becoming almost as disliked by passengers as FIRST! I have heard several comments from passengers moaning the service is the same, etc. Hopefully your network review will improve matters.
Apologies for the rant and essay in my first question to you.
Since we acquired Kidderminster we have removed every Lance, and every old First Dart. My perception is that we have replaced them apart from one or two exceptions with considerably newer versions.
I note your comment about short buses, and on some of the services you have highlighted that should not be happening. What vehicles do you think we have removed/moved which are newer?
Thank you for your reply Simon. On reflection you have jogged my memory as to the lances and P reg darts from First Diamond have ousted. I was thinking particularly of 20004, 20010, 20810, 20811, 20841 and 20844 which have recently departed for Preston and Wessex to seemingly be replaced by the likes of 20503, 20504, 20469, 20652-8, 20361, 30445, etc. I understand some of these vehicles came from Redditch after transferring the 133 et al to Kidderminster but still that seems a retrograde step in my opinion.
30860 is allocated to Kidderminster, but I hardly seem to see it - even when the depot is closed and full on a Sunday. Is there any reason for this please?
Finally, could you confirm for me if I am right in thinking R455 CCV and S405 JUA have been withdrawn and are unlikely to see further use with Rotala?
I am home now, and out for a couple of days. So I am struggling to look at the specific type registration number of vehicles you are referring to. Some of the buses that should be in Kidderminster are in Redditch and vice versa. Over this weekend, this will be changed. R455CCV - we are looking to sell. S405JUA, there is an engine fault which we are looking to repair.
Hello Simon,
After my concern with short buses last week V382 and 388 SVV appeared in Kidderminster it would seem by magic and seem to have made an improvement in capacity for Kidderminster. I has a pleasant ride to work on one of them Friday morning! They are in a nice shiny coat of Diamond blue as well.
However, I did see one incident where Diamond could improve yesterday. One of the SVV full length darts was on service 5 (empty) and a full and standing X3 left the town hall at the same time with one of the LG02 MPDs. Surely this sort of thing is allocated and can be avoided with effective planning?
One more question if I may, two 2009 centros have been mentioned on here. I was wondering if either or both of these are intended for Kidderminster, as that is what seems to have been hinted at on here?
The newer buses I mentioned above that have left Kidderminster are 06/56/58/09 plate solos to be replaced by S/T/V/W darts.
Don't get me wrong - - I like Diamond and I think the company is doing the best it can with the resources available.
1. I am not aware of the circumstances were we ended up with a long bus on the 5, and a short bus on the X3. What I do know is that the interworking of services is something we want to change following the network review. The 5 bus in the morning was probably on something that required it.
2. We planned to put the 2 x 2009 MAN's into Redditch, so that the majority of MANs are together. We then planned to move an alternative long bus to Kidderminster. However, B12WTS has been written off and we have had to send one of the 2009 buses to Heathrow.
3. The Solo's we removed were put in, shortly after acquisition, it became evident we needed longer buses so we re-deployed them.
Thank you for your reply Simon. That's very unfortunate about B12 WTS.
I'm looking forward to the outcome of your network review and hope it is a success for both Diamond and local bus users.
Hi Simon,
Would anything from Arriva Bus and Coach be useful to Diamond as they seem to have some interesting buses still
Quote from: stephen on December 05, 2013, 01:59:51 PM
This may be of interest to you all as it has been commissioned by Diamond and Redditch Town Centre Partnership businesses and includes a special Diamond Bus Playing Piece!
There is an Urban running round with branding for this, looks to be a white/silver vinyl, only seen it this morning and was very dark! Looked to be either 30857 or 30858, Im sure Simon can tell us which, thanks
Quote from: jc on December 09, 2013, 07:01:22 AM
Quote from: stephen on December 05, 2013, 01:59:51 PM
This may be of interest to you all as it has been commissioned by Diamond and Redditch Town Centre Partnership businesses and includes a special Diamond Bus Playing Piece!
There is an Urban running round with branding for this, looks to be a white/silver vinyl, only seen it this morning and was very dark! Looked to be either 30857 or 30858, Im sure Simon can tell us which, thanks
It is a Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 12.1m - 30857 (BU08 DHO). It is silver (RAL 9007) with Special Diamond Monopoly Livery.
Quote from: stephen on December 09, 2013, 10:13:50 AM
Quote from: jc on December 09, 2013, 07:01:22 AM
Quote from: stephen on December 05, 2013, 01:59:51 PM
This may be of interest to you all as it has been commissioned by Diamond and Redditch Town Centre Partnership businesses and includes a special Diamond Bus Playing Piece!
There is an Urban running round with branding for this, looks to be a white/silver vinyl, only seen it this morning and was very dark! Looked to be either 30857 or 30858, Im sure Simon can tell us which, thanks
It is a Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 12.1m - 30857 (BU08 DHO). It is silver (RAL 9007) with Special Diamond Monopoly Livery.
Is it just a vinyl or a full proper repaint out of interest?
And thanks for your replies Simon and Stephen. Just a couple of quick ones:
1) Do you have any idea when network changes will be implemented?
2) Has rotala recently bought any MAN/meridians as I think Simon mentioned there were offers on some of them, only they are appearing as sold on Santander's website.
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 09, 2013, 01:12:29 PM
Quote from: stephen on December 09, 2013, 10:13:50 AM
Quote from: jc on December 09, 2013, 07:01:22 AM
Quote from: stephen on December 05, 2013, 01:59:51 PM
This may be of interest to you all as it has been commissioned by Diamond and Redditch Town Centre Partnership businesses and includes a special Diamond Bus Playing Piece!
There is an Urban running round with branding for this, looks to be a white/silver vinyl, only seen it this morning and was very dark! Looked to be either 30857 or 30858, Im sure Simon can tell us which, thanks
It is a Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 12.1m - 30857 (BU08 DHO). It is silver (RAL 9007) with Special Diamond Monopoly Livery.
Is it just a vinyl or a full proper repaint out of interest?
And thanks for your replies Simon and Stephen. Just a couple of quick ones:
1) Do you have any idea when network changes will be implemented?
2) Has rotala recently bought any MAN/meridians as I think Simon mentioned there were offers on some of them, only they are appearing as sold on Santander's website.
It's a full re-panel and re-paint in RAL 9007 with vinyl livery on top. See attached photo.
The Network Review changes are still being discussed internally and will hopefully be agreed in the coming weeks. Registrations will be submitted once this process has finished but I cannot give you a date I am afraid.
Just a quick one,
I think that Monopoly Diamond livery is the best thing to come out of Rotala. Well done: Diamond - on the face of it - is proving to be more and more professional as the year goes on. I've seen it in the flesh and I think it'll be a real success.
Keep up the good work
Quote from: Liverpool Street on December 09, 2013, 05:02:34 PM
Just a quick one,
I think that Monopoly Diamond livery is the best thing to come out of Rotala. Well done: Diamond - on the face of it - is proving to be more and more professional as the year goes on. I've seen it in the flesh and I think it'll be a real success.
Keep up the good work
Thank you very much! I will pass that to the team.
Quote from: tank90 on December 06, 2013, 03:57:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Would anything from Arriva Bus and Coach be useful to Diamond as they seem to have some interesting buses still
I am not a fan of VDL engine buses, so no. Not really
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 09, 2013, 01:12:29 PM
Quote from: stephen on December 09, 2013, 10:13:50 AM
Quote from: jc on December 09, 2013, 07:01:22 AM
Quote from: stephen on December 05, 2013, 01:59:51 PM
This may be of interest to you all as it has been commissioned by Diamond and Redditch Town Centre Partnership businesses and includes a special Diamond Bus Playing Piece!
There is an Urban running round with branding for this, looks to be a white/silver vinyl, only seen it this morning and was very dark! Looked to be either 30857 or 30858, Im sure Simon can tell us which, thanks
It is a Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse 12.1m - 30857 (BU08 DHO). It is silver (RAL 9007) with Special Diamond Monopoly Livery.
Is it just a vinyl or a full proper repaint out of interest?
And thanks for your replies Simon and Stephen. Just a couple of quick ones:
1) Do you have any idea when network changes will be implemented?
2) Has rotala recently bought any MAN/meridians as I think Simon mentioned there were offers on some of them, only they are appearing as sold on Santander's website.
No we havent acquired any
Hi Simon,
Would Rotala ever consider setting up any new operations in new operating areas from scratch? Or do Rotala prefer to acquire established businesses and build on those?
Have you had any feedback on the B7RLE you made offers on?
Quote from: Winston on December 10, 2013, 10:37:51 PM
Hi Simon,
Would Rotala ever consider setting up any new operations in new operating areas from scratch? Or do Rotala prefer to acquire established businesses and build on those?
Have you had any feedback on the B7RLE you made offers on?
We will consider any opportunity.
Still awaiting feedback on our B7RLE offer. We are under writing a manufacturer deal, so its not straight forward
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 12, 2013, 04:42:13 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 10, 2013, 10:37:51 PM
Hi Simon,
Would Rotala ever consider setting up any new operations in new operating areas from scratch? Or do Rotala prefer to acquire established businesses and build on those?
Have you had any feedback on the B7RLE you made offers on?
We will consider any opportunity.
Still awaiting feedback on our B7RLE offer. We are under writing a manufacturer deal, so its not straight forward
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the reply, it doesn't have anything to do with the 3 brand new B7RLE/Wright in dealer white that have been left at Heysham Docks a good couple of weeks?
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2013, 05:34:44 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 12, 2013, 04:42:13 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 10, 2013, 10:37:51 PM
Hi Simon,
Would Rotala ever consider setting up any new operations in new operating areas from scratch? Or do Rotala prefer to acquire established businesses and build on those?
Have you had any feedback on the B7RLE you made offers on?
We will consider any opportunity.
Still awaiting feedback on our B7RLE offer. We are under writing a manufacturer deal, so its not straight forward
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the reply, it doesn't have anything to do with the 3 brand new B7RLE/Wright in dealer white that have been left at Heysham Docks a good couple of weeks?
I have not made an offer on any new B7RLE's
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 13, 2013, 07:46:16 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2013, 05:34:44 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 12, 2013, 04:42:13 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 10, 2013, 10:37:51 PM
Hi Simon,
Would Rotala ever consider setting up any new operations in new operating areas from scratch? Or do Rotala prefer to acquire established businesses and build on those?
Have you had any feedback on the B7RLE you made offers on?
We will consider any opportunity.
Still awaiting feedback on our B7RLE offer. We are under writing a manufacturer deal, so its not straight forward
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the reply, it doesn't have anything to do with the 3 brand new B7RLE/Wright in dealer white that have been left at Heysham Docks a good couple of weeks?
I have not made an offer on any new B7RLE's
Thanks Simon,
I obviously got the wrong end of the stick, it was this comment that made me think they have been a cancelled order or something along the lines as the deal involves a manufacturer 'We are under writing a manufacturer deal'
Just one, quick question, are the remainder of the used WF Streelites still due, given the issues with what Mistral have previously supplied?
Hi simon I was wondering what you make of the scania omnilinks. I noticed that you have some down Wessex way?
were they bought as dealer stock
is there any chance of us getting some up in diamond land?
on another note, I would like to congratulate you on your recruitment and training. I have been using your number 4 service for many years now and have to say that the level of standard of the driver is ever increasing. it is fantastic to see drivers actually hand tickets to your customers and more importantly it is wonderful to see when less abled people get on the bus that driver wait and look in there mirror till they are seated. Personally I think this is excellent customer services and something which I don't see other large operators doing!
Hi Simon, are you going to raise your fares in January?
Quote from: bewminster on December 15, 2013, 07:08:55 PM
When will we know how the Worcestershire review
will change the bus services in the area.
Already been answered by Stephen on the forum not long back...
Quote from: bewminster on December 15, 2013, 07:59:20 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 15, 2013, 07:33:22 PM
Quote from: bewminster on December 15, 2013, 07:08:55 PM
When will we know how the Worcestershire review
will change the bus services in the area.
Already been answered by Stephen on the forum not long back...
could not find anything myself that is why I was asking what is title of the thread where stephens post is
Pg34 of this thread
The Network Review changes are still being discussed internally and will hopefully be agreed in the coming weeks. Registrations will be submitted once this process has finished but I cannot give you a date I am afraid.
Quote from: Winston on December 15, 2013, 08:02:46 PM
Quote from: bewminster on December 15, 2013, 07:59:20 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 15, 2013, 07:33:22 PM
Quote from: bewminster on December 15, 2013, 07:08:55 PM
When will we know how the Worcestershire review
will change the bus services in the area.
Already been answered by Stephen on the forum not long back...
could not find anything myself that is why I was asking what is title of the thread where stephens post is
Pg34 of this thread
The Network Review changes are still being discussed internally and will hopefully be agreed in the coming weeks. Registrations will be submitted once this process has finished but I cannot give you a date I am afraid.
thanks found it now so I have delete my post asking the question
Hello Simon,
Just out of interest, are you at all able to provide identities for the two Diamond buses (Not the 2 ex First ones) currently in store at Kidderminster depot please?
One is a Black Diamond MPD that looks to be partially stripped for spares.
The other is a Dart in Central Connect livery, again with a few body panels missing. It is also very dirty and looks to have been in store for some time?
I saw them from the bus on my way to work and just wondered as to their identities.
Thank you,
Quote from: Winston on December 13, 2013, 09:44:26 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 13, 2013, 07:46:16 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2013, 05:34:44 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 12, 2013, 04:42:13 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 10, 2013, 10:37:51 PM
Hi Simon,
Would Rotala ever consider setting up any new operations in new operating areas from scratch? Or do Rotala prefer to acquire established businesses and build on those?
Have you had any feedback on the B7RLE you made offers on?
We will consider any opportunity.
Still awaiting feedback on our B7RLE offer. We are under writing a manufacturer deal, so its not straight forward
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the reply, it doesn't have anything to do with the 3 brand new B7RLE/Wright in dealer white that have been left at Heysham Docks a good couple of weeks?
I have not made an offer on any new B7RLE's
Thanks Simon,
I obviously got the wrong end of the stick, it was this comment that made me think they have been a cancelled order or something along the lines as the deal involves a manufacturer 'We are under writing a manufacturer deal'
Just one, quick question, are the remainder of the used WF Streelites still due, given the issues with what Mistral have previously supplied?
All the Streetlites we have acquired recently are direct from Wrights. Wrights are unable to confirm any delivery date for the second hand vehicles, so we have put this on hold for the time being.
Quote from: dannygill on December 14, 2013, 09:55:14 PM
Hi simon I was wondering what you make of the scania omnilinks. I noticed that you have some down Wessex way?
were they bought as dealer stock
is there any chance of us getting some up in diamond land?
on another note, I would like to congratulate you on your recruitment and training. I have been using your number 4 service for many years now and have to say that the level of standard of the driver is ever increasing. it is fantastic to see drivers actually hand tickets to your customers and more importantly it is wonderful to see when less abled people get on the bus that driver wait and look in there mirror till they are seated. Personally I think this is excellent customer services and something which I don't see other large operators doing!
We needed some vehicles quick at the time, and they were the best option. They have stopped building Omnilinks, so I doubt we will acquire any more.
Thank you for your positive comments.
Quote from: Dylan4579 on December 15, 2013, 06:52:33 PM
Hi Simon, are you going to raise your fares in January?
We will review our fares in January, and the Single will increase.
Nbus product prices are agreed by the Nbus committee.
Quote from: StourportSam on December 16, 2013, 07:47:37 PM
Hello Simon,
Just out of interest, are you at all able to provide identities for the two Diamond buses (Not the 2 ex First ones) currently in store at Kidderminster depot please?
One is a Black Diamond MPD that looks to be partially stripped for spares.
The other is a Dart in Central Connect livery, again with a few body panels missing. It is also very dirty and looks to have been in store for some time?
I saw them from the bus on my way to work and just wondered as to their identities.
Thank you,
I am guessing you mean
Both these vehicles were badly damaged in none fault accidents, both until recently were awaiting payout.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 17, 2013, 06:17:58 AM
Quote from: StourportSam on December 16, 2013, 07:47:37 PM
Hello Simon,
Just out of interest, are you at all able to provide identities for the two Diamond buses (Not the 2 ex First ones) currently in store at Kidderminster depot please?
One is a Black Diamond MPD that looks to be partially stripped for spares.
The other is a Dart in Central Connect livery, again with a few body panels missing. It is also very dirty and looks to have been in store for some time?
I saw them from the bus on my way to work and just wondered as to their identities.
Thank you,
I am guessing you mean
Both these vehicles were badly damaged in none fault accidents, both until recently were awaiting payout.
Is the intention to scrap these or use them for spares as I imagine they will not be repaired?
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 17, 2013, 08:07:23 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 17, 2013, 06:17:58 AM
Quote from: StourportSam on December 16, 2013, 07:47:37 PM
Hello Simon,
Just out of interest, are you at all able to provide identities for the two Diamond buses (Not the 2 ex First ones) currently in store at Kidderminster depot please?
One is a Black Diamond MPD that looks to be partially stripped for spares.
The other is a Dart in Central Connect livery, again with a few body panels missing. It is also very dirty and looks to have been in store for some time?
I saw them from the bus on my way to work and just wondered as to their identities.
Thank you,
I am guessing you mean
Both these vehicles were badly damaged in none fault accidents, both until recently were awaiting payout.
Is the intention to scrap these or use them for spares as I imagine they will not be repaired?
They are both at Kidderminster to have the engines removed for use in alternative vehicles.
Once the engines are removed we will either Scrap, or remove parts as they are needed
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 17, 2013, 06:11:57 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 13, 2013, 09:44:26 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 13, 2013, 07:46:16 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2013, 05:34:44 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 12, 2013, 04:42:13 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 10, 2013, 10:37:51 PM
Hi Simon,
Would Rotala ever consider setting up any new operations in new operating areas from scratch? Or do Rotala prefer to acquire established businesses and build on those?
Have you had any feedback on the B7RLE you made offers on?
We will consider any opportunity.
Still awaiting feedback on our B7RLE offer. We are under writing a manufacturer deal, so its not straight forward
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the reply, it doesn't have anything to do with the 3 brand new B7RLE/Wright in dealer white that have been left at Heysham Docks a good couple of weeks?
I have not made an offer on any new B7RLE's
Thanks Simon,
I obviously got the wrong end of the stick, it was this comment that made me think they have been a cancelled order or something along the lines as the deal involves a manufacturer 'We are under writing a manufacturer deal'
Just one, quick question, are the remainder of the used WF Streelites still due, given the issues with what Mistral have previously supplied?
All the Streetlites we have acquired recently are direct from Wrights. Wrights are unable to confirm any delivery date for the second hand vehicles, so we have put this on hold for the time being.
Sorry Simon, I'm getting confused. I was thinking these second-hand ones were also from Mistral like the Wessex ones your having issues with. But both new & used are sourced through Wrightbus. Does the same re- lack of delivery dates with the 2 new B9TL/Wright Eclipse for Wessex?
Hi Simon,
Was Diamond consulted by Dudley Council about the "Safety Improvements" (i.e. Plonking a mini roundabout in a stupid place) that is being done at the junction of Moor Street/Hawbush Road on the 226 route? If so, what was Diamonds views considering that because of this mini roundabout it will be making it more awkward to get buses out of Hawbush Road onto Moor Street and vice versa
Quote from: the trainbasher on December 17, 2013, 01:07:14 PM
Hi Simon,
Was Diamond consulted by Dudley Council about the "Safety Improvements" (i.e. Plonking a mini roundabout in a stupid place) that is being done at the junction of Moor Street/Hawbush Road on the 226 route? If so, what was Diamonds views considering that because of this mini roundabout it will be making it more awkward to get buses out of Hawbush Road onto Moor Street and vice versa
And those mini islands on the 16 route are hellishly high. Last time I was on there the Diamond driver took it too narrow and I was chucked out of my seat. Wasn't the drivers fault the islands shouldn't be that high.
Slightly off topic I know but whats wrong/happened to/with V388 SVV? How come it has been V.O.R'd? As it was only recently bought over to KD
Simon, could you please reprimand driver 10107 for very dangerous driving. According to my ticket, the 1620 226 journey from Dudley arrived at wordsley hospital for 1708, approx 26 mins late. Could you explain that he should call to be adjusted and not risk the lives of those onboard. Of you have rti you will see what i mean in terms of braking, and the distance that he covered in rush hour. Timekeeping compared to hansons is appualing and I feel that Vosa and Centroneed to intervene AGAIN.
Thanks for your replies Simon.
Just a quick one: is it true diamond are withdrawing off the 301 evening journeys from the end of January?
Quote from: bususer12 on December 17, 2013, 05:24:42 PM
Simon, could you please reprimand driver 10107 for very dangerous driving. According to my ticket, the 1620 226 journey from Dudley arrived at wordsley hospital for 1708, approx 26 mins late. Could you explain that he should call to be adjusted and not risk the lives of those onboard. Of you have rti you will see what i mean in terms of braking, and the distance that he covered in rush hour. Timekeeping compared to hansons is appualing and I feel that Vosa and Centroneed to intervene AGAIN.
Do you really think a public forum to be the best/most efficent way to complain about matters like this?.........If so I suggest you man up and make a phone call or send an email to the company instead of being an internet warrior....
Quote from: 4747 on December 17, 2013, 07:00:41 PM
Quote from: bususer12 on December 17, 2013, 05:24:42 PM
Simon, could you please reprimand driver 10107 for very dangerous driving. According to my ticket, the 1620 226 journey from Dudley arrived at wordsley hospital for 1708, approx 26 mins late. Could you explain that he should call to be adjusted and not risk the lives of those onboard. Of you have rti you will see what i mean in terms of braking, and the distance that he covered in rush hour. Timekeeping compared to hansons is appualing and I feel that Vosa and Centroneed to intervene AGAIN.
Do you really think a public forum to be the best/most efficent way to complain about matters like this?.........If so I suggest you man up and make a phone call or send an email to the company intead of being an internet warrior....
Well apart from the fact there isn't a fleetnumber 10107
Quote from: Tony on December 17, 2013, 07:15:29 PM
Quote from: 4747 on December 17, 2013, 07:00:41 PM
Quote from: bususer12 on December 17, 2013, 05:24:42 PM
Simon, could you please reprimand driver 10107 for very dangerous driving. According to my ticket, the 1620 226 journey from Dudley arrived at wordsley hospital for 1708, approx 26 mins late. Could you explain that he should call to be adjusted and not risk the lives of those onboard. Of you have rti you will see what i mean in terms of braking, and the distance that he covered in rush hour. Timekeeping compared to hansons is appualing and I feel that Vosa and Centroneed to intervene AGAIN.
Do you really think a public forum to be the best/most efficent way to complain about matters like this?.........If so I suggest you man up and make a phone call or send an email to the company intead of being an internet warrior....
Well apart from the fact there isn't a fleetnumber 10107
I think he must mean the driver ID printed on the ticket, but I do agree specifics like this should be reported by the proper methods
Precisely. It is what we constantly see-attempts to just knock rotala for seemingly anything, particularly over the 226 route. I for one hope that people in future use the proper method of complaining and do not post specifics about a driver on a public forum where they are completely unable to defend themselves.
For the record I had a great day travelling about the diamond network including on the 226 which was perfectly on time leaving Dudley and arriving in Merry Hill. The driver on the 002 this morning was a credit to the company and this isn't the first time I have seen him being extremely polite and helpful-he even seemed to know a lot of the passengers...The 226 driver directed a woman to another stand when she didn't know which bus to catch and the driver of the 4H stopped and waited for a woman who flagged down the bus from the opposite side of the road. Top marks I say and the vast vast majority of the drivers give an extremely good impression of the company. Only ever had one incident when that wasn't the case. Had a great day travelling about on diamond buses and I say well done!
The 002 drivers in particular are extremely friendly and helpful. They are happy to answer any questions (even one I asked about what was wrong with the bus!) and greet/chat with passengers. They are also always immaculately dressed and are a credit to the company.
Quote from: nitromatt1 on December 17, 2013, 08:12:30 PM
The 002 drivers in particular are extremely friendly and helpful. They are happy to answer any questions (even one I asked about what was wrong with the bus!) and greet/chat with passengers. They are also always immaculately dressed and are a credit to the company.
Yeah they seem a pretty regular bunch on there-the tall guy with glasses is the friendliest. Today he was recommending people to buy returns to save them 60p which is very good customer service.
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 17, 2013, 08:14:59 PM
Quote from: nitromatt1 on December 17, 2013, 08:12:30 PM
The 002 drivers in particular are extremely friendly and helpful. They are happy to answer any questions (even one I asked about what was wrong with the bus!) and greet/chat with passengers. They are also always immaculately dressed and are a credit to the company.
Yeah they seem a pretty regular bunch on there-the tall guy with glasses is the friendliest. Today he was recommending people to buy returns to save them 60p which is very good customer service.
Yes some of the 002 drivers are some of the friendliest drivers i have encountered
Signature Service Drivers also are very friendly and know the regulars
Quote from: Will on December 17, 2013, 05:15:43 PM
Slightly off topic I know but whats wrong/happened to/with V388 SVV? How come it has been V.O.R'd? As it was only recently bought over to KD
Isn't it V382 SVV that is VOR?
I don't know tbf it's either one or the other
Quote from: Winston on December 17, 2013, 12:07:02 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 17, 2013, 06:11:57 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 13, 2013, 09:44:26 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 13, 2013, 07:46:16 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2013, 05:34:44 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 12, 2013, 04:42:13 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 10, 2013, 10:37:51 PM
Hi Simon,
Would Rotala ever consider setting up any new operations in new operating areas from scratch? Or do Rotala prefer to acquire established businesses and build on those?
Have you had any feedback on the B7RLE you made offers on?
We will consider any opportunity.
Still awaiting feedback on our B7RLE offer. We are under writing a manufacturer deal, so its not straight forward
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the reply, it doesn't have anything to do with the 3 brand new B7RLE/Wright in dealer white that have been left at Heysham Docks a good couple of weeks?
I have not made an offer on any new B7RLE's
Thanks Simon,
I obviously got the wrong end of the stick, it was this comment that made me think they have been a cancelled order or something along the lines as the deal involves a manufacturer 'We are under writing a manufacturer deal'
Just one, quick question, are the remainder of the used WF Streelites still due, given the issues with what Mistral have previously supplied?
All the Streetlites we have acquired recently are direct from Wrights. Wrights are unable to confirm any delivery date for the second hand vehicles, so we have put this on hold for the time being.
Sorry Simon, I'm getting confused. I was thinking these second-hand ones were also from Mistral like the Wessex ones your having issues with. But both new & used are sourced through Wrightbus. Does the same re- lack of delivery dates with the 2 new B9TL/Wright Eclipse for Wessex?
At the present moment in time, we have live orders for 2 x DF 10.8 m Streetlites and 2 x New B9TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini all are for Wessex
We have chased delivery dates they were all suppossed to be January. I am being told that the Streetlites will be done at the factory week 2, I have asked for what that translates to for delivery to Birmingham. It feels like late January, at the moment we are awaiting an update on the deckers.
I am sorry I can't be more specific
Quote from: the trainbasher on December 17, 2013, 01:07:14 PM
Hi Simon,
Was Diamond consulted by Dudley Council about the "Safety Improvements" (i.e. Plonking a mini roundabout in a stupid place) that is being done at the junction of Moor Street/Hawbush Road on the 226 route? If so, what was Diamonds views considering that because of this mini roundabout it will be making it more awkward to get buses out of Hawbush Road onto Moor Street and vice versa
Dear Sir,
I have checked interrnally, and if we were no one is owning up to it.
Quote from: Will on December 17, 2013, 05:15:43 PM
Slightly off topic I know but whats wrong/happened to/with V388 SVV? How come it has been V.O.R'd? As it was only recently bought over to KD
I believe the vehicle has recently had an Oil leak, which needed rectification. The leak took a while to resolve.
Quote from: bususer12 on December 17, 2013, 05:24:42 PM
Simon, could you please reprimand driver 10107 for very dangerous driving. According to my ticket, the 1620 226 journey from Dudley arrived at wordsley hospital for 1708, approx 26 mins late. Could you explain that he should call to be adjusted and not risk the lives of those onboard. Of you have rti you will see what i mean in terms of braking, and the distance that he covered in rush hour. Timekeeping compared to hansons is appualing and I feel that Vosa and Centroneed to intervene AGAIN.
Dear Sir,
We will interview the driver about both your comments, and if appropriate we will look to realign his performance.
In respect to your comments about time keeping. We have had VOSA monitor this service and during those investigations the service operated with in the window of tolerance above 95%. I try not to get into conflict on Public forums, but you are suggesting that VOSA and Centro have intervened previously and we have acted outside the terms of our Operators licence. In a Public forum these comments will be interpreted as accurate unless I advise otherwise.
Therefore, I would like you to tell me, what you think has previously happened and where you have had this information from. It feels like you are privy to some incorrect information.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 18, 2013, 06:59:53 AM
Quote from: bususer12 on December 17, 2013, 05:24:42 PM
Simon, could you please reprimand driver 10107 for very dangerous driving. According to my ticket, the 1620 226 journey from Dudley arrived at wordsley hospital for 1708, approx 26 mins late. Could you explain that he should call to be adjusted and not risk the lives of those onboard. Of you have rti you will see what i mean in terms of braking, and the distance that he covered in rush hour. Timekeeping compared to hansons is appualing and I feel that Vosa and Centroneed to intervene AGAIN.
Dear Sir,
We will interview the driver about both your comments, and if appropriate we will look to realign his performance.
In respect to your comments about time keeping. We have had VOSA monitor this service and during those investigations the service operated with in the window of tolerance above 95%. I try not to get into conflict on Public forums, but you are suggesting that VOSA and Centro have intervened previously and we have acted outside the terms of our Operators licence. In a Public forum these comments will be interpreted as accurate unless I advise otherwise.
Therefore, I would like you to tell me, what you think has previously happened and where you have had this information from. It feels like you are privy to some incorrect information.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for your reply,
Didn't Centro intervene previously regarding the registrations 5 minutes before the other operator, resulting in untimely service from both operators, and therefore the fitted 15 minute frequency introduced.
Quote from: bususer12 on December 18, 2013, 07:36:00 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 18, 2013, 06:59:53 AM
Quote from: bususer12 on December 17, 2013, 05:24:42 PM
Simon, could you please reprimand driver 10107 for very dangerous driving. According to my ticket, the 1620 226 journey from Dudley arrived at wordsley hospital for 1708, approx 26 mins late. Could you explain that he should call to be adjusted and not risk the lives of those onboard. Of you have rti you will see what i mean in terms of braking, and the distance that he covered in rush hour. Timekeeping compared to hansons is appualing and I feel that Vosa and Centroneed to intervene AGAIN.
Dear Sir,
We will interview the driver about both your comments, and if appropriate we will look to realign his performance.
In respect to your comments about time keeping. We have had VOSA monitor this service and during those investigations the service operated with in the window of tolerance above 95%. I try not to get into conflict on Public forums, but you are suggesting that VOSA and Centro have intervened previously and we have acted outside the terms of our Operators licence. In a Public forum these comments will be interpreted as accurate unless I advise otherwise.
Therefore, I would like you to tell me, what you think has previously happened and where you have had this information from. It feels like you are privy to some incorrect information.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for your reply,
Didn't Centro intervene previously regarding the registrations 5 minutes before the other operator, resulting in untimely service from both operators, and therefore the fitted 15 minute frequency introduced.
Dear Sir,
I think you are confusing the role of Centro. Centro are not a regulator and have no ability to make an operator do anything on any COMMERCIAL service. We chose to do this.
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 17, 2013, 05:49:49 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon.
Just a quick one: is it true diamond are withdrawing off the 301 evening journeys from the end of January?
Dear Sir,
From the 26th January we are removing the journeys from 1925 hrs from Mossley and the 1945 from Walsall.
Can I take this opportunity to congratulate your driver on service 66A last night. (2000 Star City departure) Excellent driving standards and a very pleasant manner. According to a ticket I found onboard its driver number 4001. A real credit to your company. On time, well mannered. Please make sure he gets credit which he deserves.
Even over the uneven road at Boldmere resurfacing he made it seem like we were traveling over silk.
That 66A is highly reliable service.. I hope to get that driver again.
All the best,
Who do I need to contact about coming to have a look around the Kiddy depot for bus-photoing?
Please contact
Currently on the Rotala fleetlist on here it states the following
31507 | R455 CCV | Kidderminster << this should read as "withdrawn" so needs to be changed
And finally..
T71 JBA is now based in Kiddy as are V266 BNV and T468 HNH all these currently read as being based in Redditch although this is not the case and needs to be changed
Quote from: Will on December 18, 2013, 06:55:21 PM
Currently on the Rotala fleetlist on here it states the following
31507 | R455 CCV | Kidderminster << this should read as "withdrawn" so needs to be changed
And finally..
T71 JBA is now based in Kiddy as are V266 BNV and T468 HNH all these currently read as being based in Redditch although this is not the case and needs to be changed
As with all the other large operators (NX/First/Arriva/Stagecoach) the Rotala fleetlist is only updated when I receive new fleetlists from the operator. Simon is kind enough to supply a new one at the beginning of each month, so all those changes will be done at the beginning of January.
NX supply me with a list at the beginning of each month
Stagecoach is every four weeks so is not at the beginning of months.
Arriva is approximately monthly.
First seems to come at some random dates that I have not worked out the pattern yet!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 18, 2013, 07:58:23 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 17, 2013, 05:49:49 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon.
Just a quick one: is it true diamond are withdrawing off the 301 evening journeys from the end of January?
Dear Sir,
From the 26th January we are removing the journeys from 1925 hrs from Mossley and the 1945 from Walsall.
Hi simon is it just that journey or is it all journey after this time?
Also will you ever review the service 4 to ever look to re introduce and evening and/or sunday service??
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 17, 2013, 08:10:02 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 17, 2013, 08:07:23 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 17, 2013, 06:17:58 AM
Quote from: StourportSam on December 16, 2013, 07:47:37 PM
Hello Simon,
Just out of interest, are you at all able to provide identities for the two Diamond buses (Not the 2 ex First ones) currently in store at Kidderminster depot please?
One is a Black Diamond MPD that looks to be partially stripped for spares.
The other is a Dart in Central Connect livery, again with a few body panels missing. It is also very dirty and looks to have been in store for some time?
I saw them from the bus on my way to work and just wondered as to their identities.
Thank you,
I am guessing you mean
Both these vehicles were badly damaged in none fault accidents, both until recently were awaiting payout.
Is the intention to scrap these or use them for spares as I imagine they will not be repaired?
They are both at Kidderminster to have the engines removed for use in alternative vehicles.
Once the engines are removed we will either Scrap, or remove parts as they are needed
Thank you for your reply Simon.
I'm afraid I do have one more question, 30860 is listed as allocated to Kidderminster and I have seen it once or twice in the past few months. However, it does appear to have left Kidderminster again, so my question is is this vehicle still allocated to Kidderminster or has it gone back to Redditch please?
Quote from: dannygill on December 18, 2013, 10:39:43 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 18, 2013, 07:58:23 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 17, 2013, 05:49:49 PM
Thanks for your replies Simon.
Just a quick one: is it true diamond are withdrawing off the 301 evening journeys from the end of January?
Dear Sir,
From the 26th January we are removing the journeys from 1925 hrs from Mossley and the 1945 from Walsall.
Hi simon is it just that journey or is it all journey after this time?
Also will you ever review the service 4 to ever look to re introduce and evening and/or sunday service??
Its all the journeys.
We are currently changing some of the 4 service from 26th January, but this wont at this point include the introduction of Sundays and Evenings
Thanks for all your replies Simon.
Have just noticed the fares for 2014. I am really glad to see that many prices are frozen or even cut but I was just wondering if these were the fares that you are going to promote on the vinyls on many buses that you mentioned a while back-as many of them are extremely competitive and should hopefully get people travelling on Diamond Buses.
Thank you, Merry Christmas and all the best to Diamond in 2014!
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 23, 2013, 01:29:08 PM
Thanks for all your replies Simon.
Have just noticed the fares for 2014. I am really glad to see that many prices are frozen or even cut but I was just wondering if these were the fares that you are going to promote on the vinyls on many buses that you mentioned a while back-as many of them are extremely competitive and should hopefully get people travelling on Diamond Buses.
Thank you, Merry Christmas and all the best to Diamond in 2014!
Dear Sir,
Yes, in the new year we will be launching a new marketing project to greatly increase the visibility of our fares and brand in the interior and on the exterior of our vehicles.
This will not be instant, however we hope that through 2014 a noticeable difference will be achieved. Also, there is an exciting development in relation to fares and offers that we may instigate in January (but currently hush hush and undecided at this moment!).
I trust this answers your question; if not please reply and I'll try to clarify.
Hi i"m wondering whether the
119 Sutton Coldfield Minworth service is to be completely withdrawn from
26 January 2014.
As this route was invented by Petes Travel 1996/1997 and has had
2 attempts by TWM competing against it and failed.
Quote from: lynx1103 on December 29, 2013, 06:32:30 PM
Hi i"m wondering whether the
119 Sutton Coldfield Minworth service is to be completely withdrawn from
26 January 2014.
As this route was invented by Petes Travel 1996/1997 and has had
2 attempts by TWM competing against it and failed.
Yes it is? Is your question why or if?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 03, 2013, 05:47:26 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 02, 2013, 05:22:20 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 02, 2013, 03:57:53 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 01, 2013, 04:29:45 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 30, 2013, 06:57:49 PM
Quote from: Winston on November 30, 2013, 01:35:40 PM
Hi Simon,
1. I think I may have touched on part of this before? I've noticed that there are a number of 08/09 plate MAN/Wright Meridians currently for sale on the second-hand market with Drew Wilson & now Ensign have taken two in during Nov ex Premiere, plus Santander have a number of similar aged examples for hire
The 08/09 plate examples at Drew Wilson are priced £65k each, when compared to what Rotala where originally asking for their 5 ex Whitelaw 04 plate B7RLE/Wright Eclipse that Yourbus acquired, them seem very competitively priced, would you agree? Or are they that poor a product?
2. Additionally, is Rotala Group's only real option to fund any future acquisitions via debt financing? In the past additional funds have normally been raised through the issue of additional shares to raise capital for expansion, is there a limit on how many time you can do this due to diluting major shareholders percentage stakes.
3. If Rotala are successful in selling one or both of Long Acre & Shady Lane depot, do Rotala plan to re-invest the money back in to the West Midland operations or pay down some of the existing debt? Or a bit of both?
1. Ironically I got offered these buses on Friday, and was told me to make an offer. So I did, the offer I made was substantially below the £65K you mention. I don't think they will accept it.
2. Providing an acquisition is earnings enhancing from a shareholder perspective we will get support for whatever we want to do. Issuing equity if needed has never been a problem, nor do we expect it to be going forward.
3. Rotala EBITDA is over £6 million, Dividend is less than 10% of this, so in essence every year we generate millions every year to pay down debt, to reinvest or for acquisitions. The biggest desire from the Board, the Shareholders and I is for growth. As I sit here today, we intend to put formulate a structured fleet replacement programme for Preston, there are at present (unless we are awarded new business) no new or replacement vehicle requirements for the South West or London, so the only other fleet requirement is the West Midlands in which we recognise we need to replace a number of short buses with longer buses. The purpose of considering the sale of Long Acre is to improve efficiency and in doing so financial performance, and increase available cash for investment without the need for Equity
Thanks for all your responses, few more points in response, you'll be pleased to here.....
1. Re: the Drew Wilson MAN/Wright Meridian's, I take it Rotala aren't that fussed either way if you've gone in with a cheeky offer? I was already under the impression that they were priced to sell using the Rotala asking price for the 04 plate B7RLE's £60k as a guide and the fact that they have been for sale for some time. I see from your other comments that your full size single deckers of choice are B7RLE/Wright or Merc Citaro's, but obviously very few of those come on to the second-hand market or are snapped up quickly by others
3. I'm no financial expert, but isn't it catch 22 with the debt financing? I.e. if group debt levels were much lower, interest payments would be lower/the amount of EBITDA required annually to pay down debt would fall substantially, thus pre-tax profits and margins would be much higher? Then Rotala could pay more cash for future growth & acquisitions and reduce the level of additional debt taken on.
4. Do Rotala allocate an annual budget for existing fleet vehicle replacement new & used?
5. Re: your comments about the state of the ex Mistral Streetlites st Wessex, is it common practice for vehicles not to be inspected before a deal is concluded & monies change hands?
6. I know you've previously that said your not really a fan of the Esteem bodywork and we've asked about the B7RLE/Optare Esteems currently for sale @ Ensign, I was thinking would there be any mileage in acquiring those from Ensign, putting them in to Preston to allow the withdrawal/sale of a further 4 x Scania/Esteems and potentially move the sole Merc Citaro (30103) down to Long Acre to provide back-up on Signature service 82? At least those Esteems would be on a favored chassis and you may be able to pick them up at a sensible price given that most other operators will no doubt share your opinion on the bodywork and interest will be low
1. I am not bothered either way. The Volvo product is a much better product hence the reason for the price difference.
3. It would be wrong to assume that without a level of continued investment profitability is sustainable. You are correct if we had less debt than naturally we could pay more cash for acquisitions.
4. No.
5. We inspect nearly all the vehicles we acquire. With the "Mistral vehicles" we were assured over their condition by the Sales Director. So like most relationships there is an element of trust.
6. I currently have offers on some other B7RLE's, for which we are awaiting a response.
Many thanks for all your open & honest replies, all very interesting stuff especially with the replies to questions that we wouldn't normally get the opportunity to ask.
Obviously there are more B7RLE's around than we think, the only potential option I can see from reports elsewhere are some B7RLE/Wright are being returned off lease from Transdev Lancashire United. I assume you get to hear about vehicles coming on to the market long before they are advertized on the web/in the trade press. If that offer was to be accepted would they be more likely to head to Preston based on your planned fleet renewal programme?
I'll leave it there and leave you in peace for a while,
The B7RLE would be for the West Midlands, and no it is not the ex-Transdev examples.
Hi Simon,
I notice from Tony's recent Rotala fleetchanges for December that you've acquired further B7RLE/Wright and they are infact the ex Transdev examples, are/have Rotala acquired the entire batch? as I understand that these form part of a larger batch (possibly up to 25) which are in the process of being returned off lease by Transdev.
Also is the B7RLE/Optare Esteem from Ensign a one off acquisition? As I didn't think you were too keen on the Esteem bodywork,
Quote from: Winston on December 30, 2013, 10:28:28 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 03, 2013, 05:47:26 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 02, 2013, 05:22:20 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 02, 2013, 03:57:53 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 01, 2013, 04:29:45 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 30, 2013, 06:57:49 PM
Quote from: Winston on November 30, 2013, 01:35:40 PM
Hi Simon,
1. I think I may have touched on part of this before? I've noticed that there are a number of 08/09 plate MAN/Wright Meridians currently for sale on the second-hand market with Drew Wilson & now Ensign have taken two in during Nov ex Premiere, plus Santander have a number of similar aged examples for hire
The 08/09 plate examples at Drew Wilson are priced £65k each, when compared to what Rotala where originally asking for their 5 ex Whitelaw 04 plate B7RLE/Wright Eclipse that Yourbus acquired, them seem very competitively priced, would you agree? Or are they that poor a product?
2. Additionally, is Rotala Group's only real option to fund any future acquisitions via debt financing? In the past additional funds have normally been raised through the issue of additional shares to raise capital for expansion, is there a limit on how many time you can do this due to diluting major shareholders percentage stakes.
3. If Rotala are successful in selling one or both of Long Acre & Shady Lane depot, do Rotala plan to re-invest the money back in to the West Midland operations or pay down some of the existing debt? Or a bit of both?
1. Ironically I got offered these buses on Friday, and was told me to make an offer. So I did, the offer I made was substantially below the £65K you mention. I don't think they will accept it.
2. Providing an acquisition is earnings enhancing from a shareholder perspective we will get support for whatever we want to do. Issuing equity if needed has never been a problem, nor do we expect it to be going forward.
3. Rotala EBITDA is over £6 million, Dividend is less than 10% of this, so in essence every year we generate millions every year to pay down debt, to reinvest or for acquisitions. The biggest desire from the Board, the Shareholders and I is for growth. As I sit here today, we intend to put formulate a structured fleet replacement programme for Preston, there are at present (unless we are awarded new business) no new or replacement vehicle requirements for the South West or London, so the only other fleet requirement is the West Midlands in which we recognise we need to replace a number of short buses with longer buses. The purpose of considering the sale of Long Acre is to improve efficiency and in doing so financial performance, and increase available cash for investment without the need for Equity
Thanks for all your responses, few more points in response, you'll be pleased to here.....
1. Re: the Drew Wilson MAN/Wright Meridian's, I take it Rotala aren't that fussed either way if you've gone in with a cheeky offer? I was already under the impression that they were priced to sell using the Rotala asking price for the 04 plate B7RLE's £60k as a guide and the fact that they have been for sale for some time. I see from your other comments that your full size single deckers of choice are B7RLE/Wright or Merc Citaro's, but obviously very few of those come on to the second-hand market or are snapped up quickly by others
3. I'm no financial expert, but isn't it catch 22 with the debt financing? I.e. if group debt levels were much lower, interest payments would be lower/the amount of EBITDA required annually to pay down debt would fall substantially, thus pre-tax profits and margins would be much higher? Then Rotala could pay more cash for future growth & acquisitions and reduce the level of additional debt taken on.
4. Do Rotala allocate an annual budget for existing fleet vehicle replacement new & used?
5. Re: your comments about the state of the ex Mistral Streetlites st Wessex, is it common practice for vehicles not to be inspected before a deal is concluded & monies change hands?
6. I know you've previously that said your not really a fan of the Esteem bodywork and we've asked about the B7RLE/Optare Esteems currently for sale @ Ensign, I was thinking would there be any mileage in acquiring those from Ensign, putting them in to Preston to allow the withdrawal/sale of a further 4 x Scania/Esteems and potentially move the sole Merc Citaro (30103) down to Long Acre to provide back-up on Signature service 82? At least those Esteems would be on a favored chassis and you may be able to pick them up at a sensible price given that most other operators will no doubt share your opinion on the bodywork and interest will be low
1. I am not bothered either way. The Volvo product is a much better product hence the reason for the price difference.
3. It would be wrong to assume that without a level of continued investment profitability is sustainable. You are correct if we had less debt than naturally we could pay more cash for acquisitions.
4. No.
5. We inspect nearly all the vehicles we acquire. With the "Mistral vehicles" we were assured over their condition by the Sales Director. So like most relationships there is an element of trust.
6. I currently have offers on some other B7RLE's, for which we are awaiting a response.
Many thanks for all your open & honest replies, all very interesting stuff especially with the replies to questions that we wouldn't normally get the opportunity to ask.
Obviously there are more B7RLE's around than we think, the only potential option I can see from reports elsewhere are some B7RLE/Wright are being returned off lease from Transdev Lancashire United. I assume you get to hear about vehicles coming on to the market long before they are advertized on the web/in the trade press. If that offer was to be accepted would they be more likely to head to Preston based on your planned fleet renewal programme?
I'll leave it there and leave you in peace for a while,
The B7RLE would be for the West Midlands, and no it is not the ex-Transdev examples.
Hi Simon,
I notice from Tony's recent Rotala fleetchanges for December that you've acquired further B7RLE/Wright and they are infact the ex Transdev examples, are/have Rotala acquired the entire batch? as I understand that these form part of a larger batch (possibly up to 25) which are in the process of being returned off lease by Transdev.
Also is the B7RLE/Optare Esteem from Ensign a one off acquisition? As I didn't think you were too keen on the Esteem bodywork,
We believe we will need an additional 10 vehicels from 26th January. We have therefore acquired the vehicles as a result. You are correct I am not a fan of the Esteem bodywork however, time is against us.
Are the ex transdev ones destined for west mid ops if so which garage
Happy new year from danny
why was there such a vehicle shortage in Kidderminster that caused service not to run for a good part of the day ?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 31, 2013, 07:05:37 AM
We believe we will need an additional 10 vehicels from 26th January. We have therefore acquired the vehicles as a result. You are correct I am not a fan of the Esteem bodywork however, time is against us.
Thanks Simon,
Happy New Year to you & Rotala!
Is it safe to assume that Diamond have won the Centro tenders in Coventry for the 360A/360C in its new guise?
Do you anticipate taking any more of the ex Transdev LU B7RLE being returned off lease for fleet replacement? I think there could be up to available 25 in total
Are these B7RLE different to the B7RLE you had an offer on / were underwriting from the manufacturers then?
Hi Simon
Happy New Year to you and to Rotala group as a whole. Just a quick question-what is with the cadets at Long Acre? Is there a vehicle shortage there at the moment or something and are they loans or permanent transfers?
Also has 30445 gone for repaint/will it go for repaint as I didn't see it in Kidderminster today
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 31, 2013, 06:58:31 PM
Hi Simon
Happy New Year to you and to Rotala group as a whole. Just a quick question-what is with the cadets at Long Acre? Is there a vehicle shortage there at the moment or something and are they loans or permanent transfers?
Also has 30445 gone for repaint/will it go for repaint as I didn't see it in Kidderminster today
30445 has been operating in Kidderminster during the past week, can't remember what day but I seemed to keep catching it to work.
Quote from: dannygill on December 31, 2013, 01:01:47 PM
Are the ex transdev ones destined for west mid ops if so which garage
Happy new year from danny
They are all destined for the West Midlands garages. We are not sure which one at present.
Quote from: bewminster on December 31, 2013, 02:38:03 PM
why was there such a vehicle shortage in Kidderminster that caused service not to run for a good part of the day ?
Dear Sir,
We had two breakdowns at once. I am told that intially we thought there would be one trip lost. However, things took considerably longer than expected to get back up and running.
Quote from: Winston on December 31, 2013, 03:45:36 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 31, 2013, 07:05:37 AM
We believe we will need an additional 10 vehicels from 26th January. We have therefore acquired the vehicles as a result. You are correct I am not a fan of the Esteem bodywork however, time is against us.
Thanks Simon,
Happy New Year to you & Rotala!
Is it safe to assume that Diamond have won the Centro tenders in Coventry for the 360A/360C in its new guise?
Do you anticipate taking any more of the ex Transdev LU B7RLE being returned off lease for fleet replacement? I think there could be up to available 25 in total
Are these B7RLE different to the B7RLE you had an offer on / were underwriting from the manufacturers then?
1. We have not been awarded anything as yet.
2. We have agreed to acquire what is on our fleet list, no more as yet.
3. These are different to the other ones we have an offer pending on.
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 31, 2013, 06:58:31 PM
Hi Simon
Happy New Year to you and to Rotala group as a whole. Just a quick question-what is with the cadets at Long Acre? Is there a vehicle shortage there at the moment or something and are they loans or permanent transfers?
Also has 30445 gone for repaint/will it go for repaint as I didn't see it in Kidderminster today
1. There is a Cadet at LAC under repair for body damage.
2. 30445 - I believe has gone for paint.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2014, 08:39:51 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 31, 2013, 03:45:36 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 31, 2013, 07:05:37 AM
We believe we will need an additional 10 vehicels from 26th January. We have therefore acquired the vehicles as a result. You are correct I am not a fan of the Esteem bodywork however, time is against us.
Thanks Simon,
Happy New Year to you & Rotala!
Is it safe to assume that Diamond have won the Centro tenders in Coventry for the 360A/360C in its new guise?
Do you anticipate taking any more of the ex Transdev LU B7RLE being returned off lease for fleet replacement? I think there could be up to available 25 in total
Are these B7RLE different to the B7RLE you had an offer on / were underwriting from the manufacturers then?
1. We have not been awarded anything as yet.
2. We have agreed to acquire what is on our fleet list, no more as yet.
3. These are different to the other ones we have an offer pending on.
Simon, Thanks for your reply,
It would be good if Rotala could buy the remainder of the ex Transdev LU batch of B7RLE for fleet replacement. I suspect that they will have been well looked after, as Transdev/Blazefield seem to refurbish their vehicles regularly and don't appear to scrimp on spending on their vehicles. I was thinking that the higher spec interiors may be useful for upgrading vehicles on longer distance interurban routes such as the 292 & X3 (KR) 143 & 146 (RH), plus possibly upgrading the 50 (LA) with higher spec full size single deckers to offer something different against NXWM & Greenbus double deckers?
Have Rotala had anymore interest in Long Acre or Shady Lane, possible sale or subletting?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2014, 08:41:02 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 31, 2013, 06:58:31 PM
Hi Simon
Happy New Year to you and to Rotala group as a whole. Just a quick question-what is with the cadets at Long Acre? Is there a vehicle shortage there at the moment or something and are they loans or permanent transfers?
Also has 30445 gone for repaint/will it go for repaint as I didn't see it in Kidderminster today
1. There is a Cadet at LAC under repair for body damage.
2. 30445 - I believe has gone for paint.
Thanks very much for your replies
Quote from: Winston on January 02, 2014, 11:26:30 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2014, 08:39:51 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 31, 2013, 03:45:36 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 31, 2013, 07:05:37 AM
We believe we will need an additional 10 vehicels from 26th January. We have therefore acquired the vehicles as a result. You are correct I am not a fan of the Esteem bodywork however, time is against us.
Thanks Simon,
Happy New Year to you & Rotala!
Is it safe to assume that Diamond have won the Centro tenders in Coventry for the 360A/360C in its new guise?
Do you anticipate taking any more of the ex Transdev LU B7RLE being returned off lease for fleet replacement? I think there could be up to available 25 in total
Are these B7RLE different to the B7RLE you had an offer on / were underwriting from the manufacturers then?
1. We have not been awarded anything as yet.
2. We have agreed to acquire what is on our fleet list, no more as yet.
3. These are different to the other ones we have an offer pending on.
Simon, Thanks for your reply,
It would be good if Rotala could buy the remainder of the ex Transdev LU batch of B7RLE for fleet replacement. I suspect that they will have been well looked after, as Transdev/Blazefield seem to refurbish their vehicles regularly and don't appear to scrimp on spending on their vehicles. I was thinking that the higher spec interiors may be useful for upgrading vehicles on longer distance interurban routes such as the 292 & X3 (KR) 143 & 146 (RH), plus possibly upgrading the 50 (LA) with higher spec full size single deckers to offer something different against NXWM & Greenbus double deckers?
Have Rotala had anymore interest in Long Acre or Shady Lane, possible sale or subletting?
1. We have not been offered anymore of the B7RLE batch, you refer to. Maybe they are not yet ready for disposal.
2. We have had a numerous viewings at Long Acre. No offer, which delivers our objective.
3. At Shady Lane, we have recieved 2 suitable offers. We have left it with the agent to take one through to conclusion.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2014, 01:24:36 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 02, 2014, 11:26:30 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2014, 08:39:51 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 31, 2013, 03:45:36 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 31, 2013, 07:05:37 AM
We believe we will need an additional 10 vehicels from 26th January. We have therefore acquired the vehicles as a result. You are correct I am not a fan of the Esteem bodywork however, time is against us.
Thanks Simon,
Happy New Year to you & Rotala!
Is it safe to assume that Diamond have won the Centro tenders in Coventry for the 360A/360C in its new guise?
Do you anticipate taking any more of the ex Transdev LU B7RLE being returned off lease for fleet replacement? I think there could be up to available 25 in total
Are these B7RLE different to the B7RLE you had an offer on / were underwriting from the manufacturers then?
1. We have not been awarded anything as yet.
2. We have agreed to acquire what is on our fleet list, no more as yet.
3. These are different to the other ones we have an offer pending on.
Simon, Thanks for your reply,
It would be good if Rotala could buy the remainder of the ex Transdev LU batch of B7RLE for fleet replacement. I suspect that they will have been well looked after, as Transdev/Blazefield seem to refurbish their vehicles regularly and don't appear to scrimp on spending on their vehicles. I was thinking that the higher spec interiors may be useful for upgrading vehicles on longer distance interurban routes such as the 292 & X3 (KR) 143 & 146 (RH), plus possibly upgrading the 50 (LA) with higher spec full size single deckers to offer something different against NXWM & Greenbus double deckers?
Have Rotala had anymore interest in Long Acre or Shady Lane, possible sale or subletting?
1. We have not been offered anymore of the B7RLE batch, you refer to. Maybe they are not yet ready for disposal.
2. We have had a numerous viewings at Long Acre. No offer, which delivers our objective.
3. At Shady Lane, we have recieved 2 suitable offers. We have left it with the agent to take one through to conclusion.
Simon, thanks for your response.
- I think the B7RLE are in the process of being returned off lease being replaced by refurbished owned B10BLE, I had thought that they were all due to be returned by Jan 2014. I rightly/wrongly assumed that they may have been offer for sale as a complete batch even if they weren't all immediately available.
- That's good news on Shady Lane, at least that redundant property will release some cash to re-inject within Rotala
- It is still the same with the former glass recycling premises next to Tividale, i.e. the current owners are still undecided?
Quote from: Winston on January 02, 2014, 01:45:03 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2014, 01:24:36 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 02, 2014, 11:26:30 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2014, 08:39:51 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 31, 2013, 03:45:36 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 31, 2013, 07:05:37 AM
We believe we will need an additional 10 vehicels from 26th January. We have therefore acquired the vehicles as a result. You are correct I am not a fan of the Esteem bodywork however, time is against us.
Thanks Simon,
Happy New Year to you & Rotala!
Is it safe to assume that Diamond have won the Centro tenders in Coventry for the 360A/360C in its new guise?
Do you anticipate taking any more of the ex Transdev LU B7RLE being returned off lease for fleet replacement? I think there could be up to available 25 in total
Are these B7RLE different to the B7RLE you had an offer on / were underwriting from the manufacturers then?
1. We have not been awarded anything as yet.
2. We have agreed to acquire what is on our fleet list, no more as yet.
3. These are different to the other ones we have an offer pending on.
Simon, Thanks for your reply,
It would be good if Rotala could buy the remainder of the ex Transdev LU batch of B7RLE for fleet replacement. I suspect that they will have been well looked after, as Transdev/Blazefield seem to refurbish their vehicles regularly and don't appear to scrimp on spending on their vehicles. I was thinking that the higher spec interiors may be useful for upgrading vehicles on longer distance interurban routes such as the 292 & X3 (KR) 143 & 146 (RH), plus possibly upgrading the 50 (LA) with higher spec full size single deckers to offer something different against NXWM & Greenbus double deckers?
Have Rotala had anymore interest in Long Acre or Shady Lane, possible sale or subletting?
1. We have not been offered anymore of the B7RLE batch, you refer to. Maybe they are not yet ready for disposal.
2. We have had a numerous viewings at Long Acre. No offer, which delivers our objective.
3. At Shady Lane, we have recieved 2 suitable offers. We have left it with the agent to take one through to conclusion.
Simon, thanks for your response.
- I think the B7RLE are in the process of being returned off lease being replaced by refurbished owned B10BLE, I had thought that they were all due to be returned by Jan 2014. I rightly/wrongly assumed that they may have been offer for sale as a complete batch even if they weren't all immediately available.
- That's good news on Shady Lane, at least that redundant property will release some cash to re-inject within Rotala
- It is still the same with the former glass recycling premises next to Tividale, i.e. the current owners are still undecided?
2. Although we have offers on Shady Lane, they are for sub-lease. Not for Sale.
3. We would like to acquire the site, but it is not proving easy. Alternatively, it may make sense to look for a site in Coventry.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 03, 2014, 09:45:12 AM
2. Although we have offers on Shady Lane, they are for sub-lease. Not for Sale.
3. We would like to acquire the site, but it is not proving easy. Alternatively, it may make sense to look for a site in Coventry.
2. Sorry, my mistake, at least Shady Lane will be earning its keep and providing Rotala with an additional source of income
3. It's a shame the current owners aren't playing ball, the site would be a perfect bolt-on addition to Tividale. Would a potential site in Coventry only be required if Rotala should end up vacating Long Acre - Rotala could always see if Mr DeCourcey was interested in joining the fold ;)
Quote from: Winston on January 03, 2014, 10:57:26 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 03, 2014, 09:45:12 AM
3. We would like to acquire the site, but it is not proving easy. Alternatively, it may make sense to look for a site in Coventry.
3. It's a shame the current owners aren't playing ball, the site would be a perfect bolt-on addition to Tividale. Would a potential site in Coventry only be required if Rotala should end up vacating Long Acre - Rotala could always see if Mr DeCourcey was interested in joining the fold ;)
Coventry - presumably as an outstation for Signature services & National Grid contracts? Isn't the old Midland Red South plot (next door tp Nookies) still vacant?
Quote from: Winston on January 03, 2014, 10:57:26 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 03, 2014, 09:45:12 AM
2. Although we have offers on Shady Lane, they are for sub-lease. Not for Sale.
3. We would like to acquire the site, but it is not proving easy. Alternatively, it may make sense to look for a site in Coventry.
2. Sorry, my mistake, at least Shady Lane will be earning its keep and providing Rotala with an additional source of income
3. It's a shame the current owners aren't playing ball, the site would be a perfect bolt-on addition to Tividale. Would a potential site in Coventry only be required if Rotala should end up vacating Long Acre - Rotala could always see if Mr DeCourcey was interested in joining the fold ;)
1. I agree about Tividale.
2. We operate a huge amount of dead mileage into Solihull and Coventry, and we for options.
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on January 03, 2014, 11:40:51 AM
Quote from: Winston on January 03, 2014, 10:57:26 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 03, 2014, 09:45:12 AM
3. We would like to acquire the site, but it is not proving easy. Alternatively, it may make sense to look for a site in Coventry.
3. It's a shame the current owners aren't playing ball, the site would be a perfect bolt-on addition to Tividale. Would a potential site in Coventry only be required if Rotala should end up vacating Long Acre - Rotala could always see if Mr DeCourcey was interested in joining the fold ;)
Coventry - presumably as an outstation for Signature services & National Grid contracts? Isn't the old Midland Red South plot (next door tp Nookies) still vacant?
Yes. Do you know who is advertising this site? Do you have the address?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 03, 2014, 11:46:46 AM
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on January 03, 2014, 11:40:51 AM
Quote from: Winston on January 03, 2014, 10:57:26 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 03, 2014, 09:45:12 AM
3. We would like to acquire the site, but it is not proving easy. Alternatively, it may make sense to look for a site in Coventry.
3. It's a shame the current owners aren't playing ball, the site would be a perfect bolt-on addition to Tividale. Would a potential site in Coventry only be required if Rotala should end up vacating Long Acre - Rotala could always see if Mr DeCourcey was interested in joining the fold ;)
Coventry - presumably as an outstation for Signature services & National Grid contracts? Isn't the old Midland Red South plot (next door tp Nookies) still vacant?
Yes. Do you know who is advertising this site? Do you have the address?
No idea on the agents, sorry, address is Rowley Drive - this is just to the north of Coventry (Baginton) airport. Looking at a google map, the former MRS plot appears to have shrunk & I doubt would be large enough (this is the 'light grey' rectangle to the north of DeCourcey's yard & opposite the red 'A' map marker. However, that vacant plot to the east of DeCourceys with a central accommodation building & access off Rowley Road appears to be more promising.
Further to the above, that larger plot appears to be owned by Manheim Auctions:
The aerial (google) view shows the site to be empty but the street view shows it occupied. I don't know which of the two is the most recent. I've not been there for six months or so, which was when I noticed that the former MRS site was unoccupied.
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on January 03, 2014, 12:21:52 PM
Further to the above, that larger plot appears to be owned by Manheim Auctions:
The aerial (google) view shows the site to be empty but the street view shows it occupied. I don't know which of the two is the most recent. I've not been there for six months or so, which was when I noticed that the former MRS site was unoccupied.
I'm sure its a car rental place now?
Just a quick question Simon. I was interested to hear your opinion about advertising on buses. Preston seem to have a fair few members of the fleet with adverts and initially rotala applied adverts to vehicles like 30445 etc but this seems to have stopped. Do you think adverts are a worthwhile source of money or not? As many of the ex first fleet already have frames fitted. Or is the simply not the demand like there was in the past?
Dear Sir,
The demand for advertising has certainly fell since 2008.
Advertising space needs to be managed. Advertising can soon look a mess.
From our perspective, we allow advertising on the majority of our fleet (but not all).
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 08, 2014, 01:52:00 PM
Dear Sir,
The demand for advertising has certainly fell since 2008.
Advertising space needs to be managed. Advertising can soon look a mess.
From our perspective, we allow advertising on the majority of our fleet (but not all).
Thanks for the info-I was just interested
Hi Simon, first of all Happy New Year to all at Rotala, I trust you had a pleasent break and good luck for everything in 2014 :)!
What seems to be the trouble with (20851, KU52 RYN) read that it's currently VOR
Is (30445, T418 MNH), being resprayed only I've read stuff on here about that it is although according to what people have said it's currently still in White & Red,
and also are both (30930, VX54 MUO and 30931, VX54 MUC) being resprayed?
And finally...
Congratulations on the eventual sale of R455 CCV it's took a while but I knew it would sell (albeit eventually) who was the person/company that purchased are they a small bus company/individual or is it scrap related and are they taking R503 CNP also?
Quote from: Will on January 09, 2014, 02:23:46 AM
Hi Simon, first of all Happy New Year to all at Rotala, I trust you had a pleasent break and good luck for everything in 2014 :)!
What seems to be the trouble with (20851, KU52 RYN) read that it's currently VOR
Is (30445, T418 MNH), being resprayed only I've read stuff on here about that it is although according to what people have said it's currently still in White & Red,
and also are both (30930, VX54 MUO and 30931, VX54 MUC) being resprayed?
And finally...
Congratulations on the eventual sale of R455 CCV it's took a while but I knew it would sell (albeit eventually) who was the person/company that purchased are they a small bus company/individual or is it scrap related and are they taking R503 CNP also?
1. KU52RYN
2. T418MNH - we will repaint in due course
3. 30930 - this will be repainted in due course
4. 30931 - this will be painted in due course
At the present we are quickly painting all the recently acquired vehicles, in preperation for a service up lift on 26th January.
R455 and R503 were sold for scrap to a gentleman from Barnsley called Peter Reddish
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 10, 2014, 02:00:42 PM
Quote from: Will on January 09, 2014, 02:23:46 AM
Hi Simon, first of all Happy New Year to all at Rotala, I trust you had a pleasent break and good luck for everything in 2014 :)!
What seems to be the trouble with (20851, KU52 RYN) read that it's currently VOR
Is (30445, T418 MNH), being resprayed only I've read stuff on here about that it is although according to what people have said it's currently still in White & Red,
and also are both (30930, VX54 MUO and 30931, VX54 MUC) being resprayed?
And finally...
Congratulations on the eventual sale of R455 CCV it's took a while but I knew it would sell (albeit eventually) who was the person/company that purchased are they a small bus company/individual or is it scrap related and are they taking R503 CNP also?
1. KU52RYN
2. T418MNH - we will repaint in due course
3. 30930 - this will be repainted in due course
4. 30931 - this will be painted in due course
At the present we are quickly painting all the recently acquired vehicles, in preperation for a service up lift on 26th January.
R455 and R503 were sold for scrap to a gentleman from Barnsley called Peter Reddish
Hi Simon,
Are you able to announce what the service up lift will be from 26th Jan.
Are Diamond any closer to announcing service changes in RH & KR following the Network Review?
Ahh excellent thats good to know and what has happened to RYN as you never said and I've not seen MW52 PZR for a while is it still around - by the way W905 JNF looks alot better with Diamond decals as apposed to Blue Diamond. Also can I ask are there any future plans to make all Diamond buses 'Exact Fare' to co-incide with NXWM or is that not going to happen
Quote from: Winston on January 10, 2014, 02:28:44 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 10, 2014, 02:00:42 PM
Quote from: Will on January 09, 2014, 02:23:46 AM
Hi Simon, first of all Happy New Year to all at Rotala, I trust you had a pleasent break and good luck for everything in 2014 :)!
What seems to be the trouble with (20851, KU52 RYN) read that it's currently VOR
Is (30445, T418 MNH), being resprayed only I've read stuff on here about that it is although according to what people have said it's currently still in White & Red,
and also are both (30930, VX54 MUO and 30931, VX54 MUC) being resprayed?
And finally...
Congratulations on the eventual sale of R455 CCV it's took a while but I knew it would sell (albeit eventually) who was the person/company that purchased are they a small bus company/individual or is it scrap related and are they taking R503 CNP also?
1. KU52RYN
2. T418MNH - we will repaint in due course
3. 30930 - this will be repainted in due course
4. 30931 - this will be painted in due course
At the present we are quickly painting all the recently acquired vehicles, in preperation for a service up lift on 26th January.
R455 and R503 were sold for scrap to a gentleman from Barnsley called Peter Reddish
Hi Simon,
Are you able to announce what the service up lift will be from 26th Jan.
Are Diamond any closer to announcing service changes in RH & KR following the Network Review?
I think its the 360A/C gain Winston
Quote from: Winston on January 10, 2014, 02:28:44 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 10, 2014, 02:00:42 PM
Quote from: Will on January 09, 2014, 02:23:46 AM
Hi Simon, first of all Happy New Year to all at Rotala, I trust you had a pleasent break and good luck for everything in 2014 :)!
What seems to be the trouble with (20851, KU52 RYN) read that it's currently VOR
Is (30445, T418 MNH), being resprayed only I've read stuff on here about that it is although according to what people have said it's currently still in White & Red,
and also are both (30930, VX54 MUO and 30931, VX54 MUC) being resprayed?
And finally...
Congratulations on the eventual sale of R455 CCV it's took a while but I knew it would sell (albeit eventually) who was the person/company that purchased are they a small bus company/individual or is it scrap related and are they taking R503 CNP also?
1. KU52RYN
2. T418MNH - we will repaint in due course
3. 30930 - this will be repainted in due course
4. 30931 - this will be painted in due course
At the present we are quickly painting all the recently acquired vehicles, in preperation for a service up lift on 26th January.
R455 and R503 were sold for scrap to a gentleman from Barnsley called Peter Reddish
Hi Simon,
Are you able to announce what the service up lift will be from 26th Jan.
Are Diamond any closer to announcing service changes in RH & KR following the Network Review?
is the diamond Worcestershire review on hold until WCC review in finished ?
Hi Simon
Just spotted these for sale with Southdown PSV so it looks like the batch is being returned as has been suggested though not through Ensign. Would you say the price was reasonable and that they would be useful buses for rotala when they come into stock? Also, part exchange is mentioned with Southdown PSV-is rotala keen to sell on the remaining YourBus presidents?
Many Thanks
Quote from: Winston on January 10, 2014, 02:28:44 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 10, 2014, 02:00:42 PM
Quote from: Will on January 09, 2014, 02:23:46 AM
Hi Simon, first of all Happy New Year to all at Rotala, I trust you had a pleasent break and good luck for everything in 2014 :)!
What seems to be the trouble with (20851, KU52 RYN) read that it's currently VOR
Is (30445, T418 MNH), being resprayed only I've read stuff on here about that it is although according to what people have said it's currently still in White & Red,
and also are both (30930, VX54 MUO and 30931, VX54 MUC) being resprayed?
And finally...
Congratulations on the eventual sale of R455 CCV it's took a while but I knew it would sell (albeit eventually) who was the person/company that purchased are they a small bus company/individual or is it scrap related and are they taking R503 CNP also?
1. KU52RYN
2. T418MNH - we will repaint in due course
3. 30930 - this will be repainted in due course
4. 30931 - this will be painted in due course
At the present we are quickly painting all the recently acquired vehicles, in preperation for a service up lift on 26th January.
R455 and R503 were sold for scrap to a gentleman from Barnsley called Peter Reddish
Hi Simon,
Are you able to announce what the service up lift will be from 26th Jan.
Are Diamond any closer to announcing service changes in RH & KR following the Network Review?
1. We are just awaiting for confirmation about 26th.
2. I understand due to the WCC review, there has been a delay
Quote from: Will on January 10, 2014, 03:14:42 PM
Ahh excellent thats good to know and what has happened to RYN as you never said and I've not seen MW52 PZR for a while is it still around - by the way W905 JNF looks alot better with Diamond decals as apposed to Blue Diamond. Also can I ask are there any future plans to make all Diamond buses 'Exact Fare' to co-incide with NXWM or is that not going to happen
We have no plans tyo move to an Exact Fare policy
Quote from: bewminster on January 10, 2014, 10:26:02 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 10, 2014, 02:28:44 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 10, 2014, 02:00:42 PM
Quote from: Will on January 09, 2014, 02:23:46 AM
Hi Simon, first of all Happy New Year to all at Rotala, I trust you had a pleasent break and good luck for everything in 2014 :)!
What seems to be the trouble with (20851, KU52 RYN) read that it's currently VOR
Is (30445, T418 MNH), being resprayed only I've read stuff on here about that it is although according to what people have said it's currently still in White & Red,
and also are both (30930, VX54 MUO and 30931, VX54 MUC) being resprayed?
And finally...
Congratulations on the eventual sale of R455 CCV it's took a while but I knew it would sell (albeit eventually) who was the person/company that purchased are they a small bus company/individual or is it scrap related and are they taking R503 CNP also?
1. KU52RYN
2. T418MNH - we will repaint in due course
3. 30930 - this will be repainted in due course
4. 30931 - this will be painted in due course
At the present we are quickly painting all the recently acquired vehicles, in preperation for a service up lift on 26th January.
R455 and R503 were sold for scrap to a gentleman from Barnsley called Peter Reddish
Hi Simon,
Are you able to announce what the service up lift will be from 26th Jan.
Are Diamond any closer to announcing service changes in RH & KR following the Network Review?
is the diamond Worcestershire review on hold until WCC review in finished ?
Not necessarily. We are just trying to interpret what is means for us
Quote from: DiamondDart on January 12, 2014, 02:25:40 PM
Hi Simon
Just spotted these for sale with Southdown PSV so it looks like the batch is being returned as has been suggested though not through Ensign. Would you say the price was reasonable and that they would be useful buses for rotala when they come into stock? Also, part exchange is mentioned with Southdown PSV-is rotala keen to sell on the remaining YourBus presidents?
Many Thanks
I have made an offer on some more of these. I believe however, someone beat me to it.
Yes, we are looking to sell the YourBus presidents.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2014, 07:40:21 AM
Quote from: Will on January 10, 2014, 03:14:42 PM
Ahh excellent thats good to know and what has happened to RYN as you never said and I've not seen MW52 PZR for a while is it still around - by the way W905 JNF looks alot better with Diamond decals as apposed to Blue Diamond. Also can I ask are there any future plans to make all Diamond buses 'Exact Fare' to co-incide with NXWM or is that not going to happen
We have no plans tyo move to an Exact Fare policy
If I remember correctly diamond (Back in go ahead/early Rotala ownership) tried a exact fare on some routes back in 2007/2008 which failed.
Quote from: the trainbasher on January 13, 2014, 10:32:13 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2014, 07:40:21 AM
Quote from: Will on January 10, 2014, 03:14:42 PM
Ahh excellent thats good to know and what has happened to RYN as you never said and I've not seen MW52 PZR for a while is it still around - by the way W905 JNF looks alot better with Diamond decals as apposed to Blue Diamond. Also can I ask are there any future plans to make all Diamond buses 'Exact Fare' to co-incide with NXWM or is that not going to happen
We have no plans tyo move to an Exact Fare policy
If I remember correctly diamond (Back in go ahead/early Rotala ownership) tried a exact fare on some routes back in 2007/2008 which failed.
From my experience, giving change is helpful to people and the drivers are really quick at issuing change so it doesn't slow down journey times.
Quote from: the trainbasher on January 13, 2014, 10:32:13 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2014, 07:40:21 AM
Quote from: Will on January 10, 2014, 03:14:42 PM
Ahh excellent thats good to know and what has happened to RYN as you never said and I've not seen MW52 PZR for a while is it still around - by the way W905 JNF looks alot better with Diamond decals as apposed to Blue Diamond. Also can I ask are there any future plans to make all Diamond buses 'Exact Fare' to co-incide with NXWM or is that not going to happen
We have no plans tyo move to an Exact Fare policy
If I remember correctly diamond (Back in go ahead/early Rotala ownership) tried a exact fare on some routes back in 2007/2008 which failed.
on the 74 route I recall
Quote from: 4747 on January 13, 2014, 07:26:35 PM
Quote from: the trainbasher on January 13, 2014, 10:32:13 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2014, 07:40:21 AM
Quote from: Will on January 10, 2014, 03:14:42 PM
Ahh excellent thats good to know and what has happened to RYN as you never said and I've not seen MW52 PZR for a while is it still around - by the way W905 JNF looks alot better with Diamond decals as apposed to Blue Diamond. Also can I ask are there any future plans to make all Diamond buses 'Exact Fare' to co-incide with NXWM or is that not going to happen
We have no plans tyo move to an Exact Fare policy
If I remember correctly diamond (Back in go ahead/early Rotala ownership) tried a exact fare on some routes back in 2007/2008 which failed.
on the 74 route I recall
Was this for driver safety more than anything?
Pete's travel used to operate an exact fare policy which worked well.
Claribels don't have any problem with their exact fare policy neither did AMPM.
It adds extra security for the driver & also helps stops drivers sticky fingers.
The number of times I've seen diamond drivers picketing cash I could have bought a dart with the amount I've seen pocketed. Even today an X3 driver was putting all cash fares into his picket & not issuing tickets saying the machine didn't work (strange as he issued me with a connects ticket)
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2014, 07:41:27 AM
Quote from: bewminster on January 10, 2014, 10:26:02 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 10, 2014, 02:28:44 PM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to announce what the service up lift will be from 26th Jan.
Are Diamond any closer to announcing service changes in RH & KR following the Network Review?
is the diamond Worcestershire review on hold until WCC review in finished ?
Not necessarily. We are just trying to interpret what is means for us
Hi Simon,
I was under the impression that only Diamond RH & KR commercial services were being reviewed? Or are Rotala looking to see what tendered routes could be cut by WCC & how those could be incorporated in to the revised commercial service network?
Forgot to ask, when Rotala went to Ensign for the additional 10 buses that were required, were the 2 x 10 plate E300's & 2 x 10 plate B7RLE considered / have Ensign moved on their valuations from previous at all now that they've been for sale a few months?
Quote from: Steveminor on January 14, 2014, 07:31:03 PM
Pete's travel used to operate an exact fare policy which worked well.
Claribels don't have any problem with their exact fare policy neither did AMPM.
It adds extra security for the driver & also helps stops drivers sticky fingers.
The number of times I've seen diamond drivers picketing cash I could have bought a dart with the amount I've seen pocketed. Even today an X3 driver was putting all cash fares into his picket & not issuing tickets saying the machine didn't work (strange as he issued me with a connects ticket)
Some times its because also with change drivers can run out of it in a float if they have one and need to use there own money to give change and in other cases they have to make there own floats out of there own money yes i see your point but dont assume, there can be many a reason.
Quote from: tank90 on January 14, 2014, 07:37:30 PM
Quote from: Steveminor on January 14, 2014, 07:31:03 PM
Pete's travel used to operate an exact fare policy which worked well.
Claribels don't have any problem with their exact fare policy neither did AMPM.
It adds extra security for the driver & also helps stops drivers sticky fingers.
The number of times I've seen diamond drivers picketing cash I could have bought a dart with the amount I've seen pocketed. Even today an X3 driver was putting all cash fares into his picket & not issuing tickets saying the machine didn't work (strange as he issued me with a connects ticket)
Some times its because also with change drivers can run out of it in a float if they have one and need to use there own money to give change and in other cases they have to make there own floats out of there own money yes i see your point but dont assume, there can be many a reason.
Putting money in his own pocket isn't a problem, not issuing passengers with a ticket, or issuing them with an under valued one is the problem, That is the point Steve mas making!
Quote from: Tony on January 14, 2014, 07:44:01 PM
Quote from: tank90 on January 14, 2014, 07:37:30 PM
Quote from: Steveminor on January 14, 2014, 07:31:03 PM
Pete's travel used to operate an exact fare policy which worked well.
Claribels don't have any problem with their exact fare policy neither did AMPM.
It adds extra security for the driver & also helps stops drivers sticky fingers.
The number of times I've seen diamond drivers picketing cash I could have bought a dart with the amount I've seen pocketed. Even today an X3 driver was putting all cash fares into his picket & not issuing tickets saying the machine didn't work (strange as he issued me with a connects ticket)
Some times its because also with change drivers can run out of it in a float if they have one and need to use there own money to give change and in other cases they have to make there own floats out of there own money yes i see your point but dont assume, there can be many a reason.
Putting money in his own pocket isn't a problem, not issuing passengers with a ticket, or issuing them with an under valued one is the problem, That is the point Steve mas making!
Or issuing a ticket which isn't taken, holding on to it and giving it to the next person who pays cash when they board the bus, as opposed to issuing a new ticket...
Surely this kind of thing must be evident from shift totals?
Quote from: DiamondDart on January 14, 2014, 07:46:56 PM
Quote from: Tony on January 14, 2014, 07:44:01 PM
Quote from: tank90 on January 14, 2014, 07:37:30 PM
Quote from: Steveminor on January 14, 2014, 07:31:03 PM
Pete's travel used to operate an exact fare policy which worked well.
Claribels don't have any problem with their exact fare policy neither did AMPM.
It adds extra security for the driver & also helps stops drivers sticky fingers.
The number of times I've seen diamond drivers picketing cash I could have bought a dart with the amount I've seen pocketed. Even today an X3 driver was putting all cash fares into his picket & not issuing tickets saying the machine didn't work (strange as he issued me with a connects ticket)
Some times its because also with change drivers can run out of it in a float if they have one and need to use there own money to give change and in other cases they have to make there own floats out of there own money yes i see your point but dont assume, there can be many a reason.
Putting money in his own pocket isn't a problem, not issuing passengers with a ticket, or issuing them with an under valued one is the problem, That is the point Steve mas making!
Or issuing a ticket which isn't taken, holding on to it and giving it to the next person who pays cash when they board the bus, as opposed to issuing a new ticket...
Surely this kind of thing must be evident from shift totals?
I've seen this happen many times, both with drivers taking exact money for single fares and not issuing a ticket, and the process described by Diamond Dart. I'm not prepared on a public forum to say where and what operator though.
It wouldn't be evident on shift totals if it doesn't go through the machine and goes straight in a pocket would it? Maybe certain bus services don't lose as much money as is accounted for???
Ooooh I think I may have started a debate here! :D
It makes me wonder if Simon & co will reconsider about there decision to having exact fare machines installed (after this mini debate) as apposed to not having them I mean if it did happen I can't see alot of people being very impressed with it but at the end of the day it's Rotala's decision and nothing to do with anyone else futhermore if they did decide in future to go ahead with it then hell I'll support them 100% all the way!
I seen this happen other day when someone wanted a city hop but the driver could not find this option on the Wayfarer so gave him a adult single saved from earlier instead
Quote from: Will on January 15, 2014, 01:46:26 AM
Ooooh I think I may have started a debate here! :D
It makes me wonder if Simon & co will reconsider about there decision to having exact fare machines installed (after this mini debate) as apposed to not having them I mean if it did happen I can't see alot of people being very impressed with it but at the end of the day it's Rotala's decision and nothing to do with anyone else futhermore if they did decide in future to go ahead with it then hell I'll support them 100% all the way!
No thanks.
As passenger, it is really helpful when drivers have change, there are times when I've had to catch the bus, not had the right change and still been able to board. I wouldn't expect drivers to be able to change anything more than a £5 note but its really helpful for passengers when, say, you have a £2 coin for a £1.20 journey. I can understand NXWM having this policy in Birmingham, but if policies like this are brought in then both bus companies and passengers lose out as it could well put people off travelling. I'm glad Rotala have no plans to do this.
Quote from: the trainbasher on January 13, 2014, 10:32:13 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2014, 07:40:21 AM
Quote from: Will on January 10, 2014, 03:14:42 PM
Ahh excellent thats good to know and what has happened to RYN as you never said and I've not seen MW52 PZR for a while is it still around - by the way W905 JNF looks alot better with Diamond decals as apposed to Blue Diamond. Also can I ask are there any future plans to make all Diamond buses 'Exact Fare' to co-incide with NXWM or is that not going to happen
We have no plans tyo move to an Exact Fare policy
If I remember correctly diamond (Back in go ahead/early Rotala ownership) tried a exact fare on some routes back in 2007/2008 which failed.
This was before our ownership
Quote from: Winston on January 14, 2014, 07:35:25 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2014, 07:41:27 AM
Quote from: bewminster on January 10, 2014, 10:26:02 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 10, 2014, 02:28:44 PM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to announce what the service up lift will be from 26th Jan.
Are Diamond any closer to announcing service changes in RH & KR following the Network Review?
is the diamond Worcestershire review on hold until WCC review in finished ?
Not necessarily. We are just trying to interpret what is means for us
Hi Simon,
I was under the impression that only Diamond RH & KR commercial services were being reviewed? Or are Rotala looking to see what tendered routes could be cut by WCC & how those could be incorporated in to the revised commercial service network?
Forgot to ask, when Rotala went to Ensign for the additional 10 buses that were required, were the 2 x 10 plate E300's & 2 x 10 plate B7RLE considered / have Ensign moved on their valuations from previous at all now that they've been for sale a few months?
We are trying to work with the various stakeholders to possible incoporate what we can in the wider network.
The vehicles you mention are owned by YourBus, and there has been some movement
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 16, 2014, 01:07:03 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 14, 2014, 07:35:25 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2014, 07:41:27 AM
Quote from: bewminster on January 10, 2014, 10:26:02 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 10, 2014, 02:28:44 PM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to announce what the service up lift will be from 26th Jan.
Are Diamond any closer to announcing service changes in RH & KR following the Network Review?
is the diamond Worcestershire review on hold until WCC review in finished ?
Not necessarily. We are just trying to interpret what is means for us
Hi Simon,
I was under the impression that only Diamond RH & KR commercial services were being reviewed? Or are Rotala looking to see what tendered routes could be cut by WCC & how those could be incorporated in to the revised commercial service network?
Forgot to ask, when Rotala went to Ensign for the additional 10 buses that were required, were the 2 x 10 plate E300's & 2 x 10 plate B7RLE considered / have Ensign moved on their valuations from previous at all now that they've been for sale a few months?
We are trying to work with the various stakeholders to possible incoporate what we can in the wider network.
The vehicles you mention are owned by YourBus, and there has been some movement
Thanks Simon,
Yes, I've since seen that they are being re-instated to cover the additional work Yourbus have gained as a result of the collapse of Doyles. I hadn't realized that they were still with Yourbus, I assumed they were at Ensignbus as the 57 plate ex Wessex Gemini
Quote from: Winston on January 16, 2014, 01:50:25 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 16, 2014, 01:07:03 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 14, 2014, 07:35:25 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2014, 07:41:27 AM
Quote from: bewminster on January 10, 2014, 10:26:02 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 10, 2014, 02:28:44 PM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to announce what the service up lift will be from 26th Jan.
Are Diamond any closer to announcing service changes in RH & KR following the Network Review?
is the diamond Worcestershire review on hold until WCC review in finished ?
Not necessarily. We are just trying to interpret what is means for us
Hi Simon,
I was under the impression that only Diamond RH & KR commercial services were being reviewed? Or are Rotala looking to see what tendered routes could be cut by WCC & how those could be incorporated in to the revised commercial service network?
Forgot to ask, when Rotala went to Ensign for the additional 10 buses that were required, were the 2 x 10 plate E300's & 2 x 10 plate B7RLE considered / have Ensign moved on their valuations from previous at all now that they've been for sale a few months?
We are trying to work with the various stakeholders to possible incoporate what we can in the wider network.
The vehicles you mention are owned by YourBus, and there has been some movement
Thanks Simon,
Yes, I've since seen that they are being re-instated to cover the additional work Yourbus have gained as a result of the collapse of Doyles. I hadn't realized that they were still with Yourbus, I assumed they were at Ensignbus as the 57 plate ex Wessex Gemini
I think he is only re-instating the E300's, but I maybe wrong.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 16, 2014, 01:57:45 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 16, 2014, 01:50:25 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 16, 2014, 01:07:03 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 14, 2014, 07:35:25 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2014, 07:41:27 AM
Quote from: bewminster on January 10, 2014, 10:26:02 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 10, 2014, 02:28:44 PM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to announce what the service up lift will be from 26th Jan.
Are Diamond any closer to announcing service changes in RH & KR following the Network Review?
is the diamond Worcestershire review on hold until WCC review in finished ?
Not necessarily. We are just trying to interpret what is means for us
Hi Simon,
I was under the impression that only Diamond RH & KR commercial services were being reviewed? Or are Rotala looking to see what tendered routes could be cut by WCC & how those could be incorporated in to the revised commercial service network?
Forgot to ask, when Rotala went to Ensign for the additional 10 buses that were required, were the 2 x 10 plate E300's & 2 x 10 plate B7RLE considered / have Ensign moved on their valuations from previous at all now that they've been for sale a few months?
We are trying to work with the various stakeholders to possible incoporate what we can in the wider network.
The vehicles you mention are owned by YourBus, and there has been some movement
Thanks Simon,
Yes, I've since seen that they are being re-instated to cover the additional work Yourbus have gained as a result of the collapse of Doyles. I hadn't realized that they were still with Yourbus, I assumed they were at Ensignbus as the 57 plate ex Wessex Gemini
I think he is only re-instating the E300's, but I maybe wrong.
Simon, this was posted on the Yourbus Yahoo group which suggests both the E300's & B7RLE/Centro's have been re-instated?
Afternoon all
The following routes have been acquired from Doyles following their collapse.
From Wednesday 15th Jan routes 143/144/148/151/152/153 will all be operated by Yourbus.
3601/3602/1402/1403 are all being reinstated to cover these services and will repainted over the next few weeks.
Regards Paul
Diamond just announced they are not taking over 360 from 27th January for definite
Quote from: vinh1000 on January 17, 2014, 03:25:16 PM
Diamond just announced they are taking over 360 from 27th January for definite
This says the opposite, it says *not* taking over the 360 Coventry Circular here & on FB. Is it a typo? As why announce their not taking it over?
Maybe they have announced it to dispel the rumours they are taking it over?
Quote from: trident4370 on January 17, 2014, 03:31:45 PM
Maybe they have announced it to dispel the rumours they are taking it over?
Possibly, unless there was some last minute change?
So, if Diamond aren't taking it over. Have DeCourcey made a last minute offer to retain the contract effectively blocking Diamond from setting up a new base in Coventry? I assume a Coventry depot wouldn't be financially viable without the extra work
Hi Simon,
I was just wondering if you have any information on what is wrong with the following vehicles please?
V654 HEC
V383 SVV
I've noticed all of them are currently VOR at Kidderminster.
Also, I haven't seen V382 SVV recently, is this still at Kidderminster?
Quote from: Winston on January 17, 2014, 03:28:12 PM
Quote from: vinh1000 on January 17, 2014, 03:25:16 PM
Diamond just announced they are taking over 360 from 27th January for definite
This says the opposite, it says *not* taking over the 360 Coventry Circular here & on FB. Is it a typo? As why announce their not taking it over?
Maybe i misinterperet this :(
The really confusing thing is that the timetables and maps are up on the Network West Midlands website with the company name Diamond adjacent!
Quote from: StourportSam on January 17, 2014, 05:29:53 PM
Hi Simon,
I was just wondering if you have any information on what is wrong with the following vehicles please?
V654 HEC
V383 SVV
I've noticed all of them are currently VOR at Kidderminster.
Also, I haven't seen V382 SVV recently, is this still at Kidderminster?
KU52RYN - There is currently a problem taxing the vehicle.
V654HEC - Was involved in an RTA.
V383SVV - awaiting MOT.
Problem taxing the vehicle how do you mean Simon?
Hi Simon was just wondering why Diamond decided not to operate the 360A & C In Coventry
Hi Simon
Just a few quick questions from me
1) Are the royale's the next buses scheduled for repaint at Tividale, being replaced temporarily on the 56 with the new eclipses?
2) I assume that ultimately all the royales, YN08NXL will return to Tividale?
3) Why do Redditch and Kidderminster seem to be loaning a lot of buses at the moment-as Redditch has already had buses like the SN09 centro moved in?
4) Have you had any more information re the new b7rles rotala was looking at negotiating for with a manufacturer?
5) Do you intend to continue with the new depot in Coventry even without the 360A/C contract?
6)Is Y263KNB and W181DNO re-entering service, it is just I see that W181DNO has the DIAMOND is supporting the British Legio sticker attached and Y263KNB is in Long Acre depot?
7)Does rotala feel there is an issue with the reliability of many of the Optare Signature buses which is causing breakdowns and service cancellations? Is there a way of combating this, other than replacing the buses or stationing spares in Solihull?
Many Thanks
Quote from: Will on January 20, 2014, 12:29:08 PM
Problem taxing the vehicle how do you mean Simon?
We have misplaced the registration document
Quote from: woody38 on January 20, 2014, 02:51:55 PM
Hi Simon was just wondering why Diamond decided not to operate the 360A & C In Coventry
We were priced the contract based upon the tender information we were provided.
Upon awarded, we noticed that there were inaccuracies within the tender document. An example would be, the mileage qouted was less than half the actual mileage.
Therefore we discussed this with Centro, and they decided to retender the contract.
Quote from: DiamondDart on January 21, 2014, 05:40:13 PM
Hi Simon
Just a few quick questions from me
1) Are the royale's the next buses scheduled for repaint at Tividale, being replaced temporarily on the 56 with the new eclipses?
2) I assume that ultimately all the royales, YN08NXL will return to Tividale?
3) Why do Redditch and Kidderminster seem to be loaning a lot of buses at the moment-as Redditch has already had buses like the SN09 centro moved in?
4) Have you had any more information re the new b7rles rotala was looking at negotiating for with a manufacturer?
5) Do you intend to continue with the new depot in Coventry even without the 360A/C contract?
6)Is Y263KNB and W181DNO re-entering service, it is just I see that W181DNO has the DIAMOND is supporting the British Legio sticker attached and Y263KNB is in Long Acre depot?
7)Does rotala feel there is an issue with the reliability of many of the Optare Signature buses which is causing breakdowns and service cancellations? Is there a way of combating this, other than replacing the buses or stationing spares in Solihull?
Many Thanks
1. There are a number being repainted now.
2. Yes
3. We have some short term issues, we are dealing with.
4. No
5. Yes, however there is less of a immediate rush now.
6. We intend to increase the number of spares. Y263 is being prepared as a result. There is no intention to return W181DNO to service.
7. We have had an increase in issues recently. We are reviewing the reasons for failure and are focusing on dealing with this.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for your responce
Oh dear! What a pickle I can imagine misplacing a document for any vehicle must be quite a headache for all involved.
Few questions:
(1) What has happened to (20849, KU52 RYH) as I do believe it was in Kidderminster very briefly has it now returned to Birmingham?
(2) What's happening with (20654, V654 HEC) I know you said on Monday on here that it had been involved in an RTC is it badly damaged and will it return to service?
(3) What's wrong with (20533, X372 CUY) as I read on here that this is also currently V.O.R.
...And finally I am pleased that V383 SVV will soon be coming into service long Darts like that are much needed on the number 3 & 10 etc.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 22, 2014, 06:21:04 PM
Quote from: woody38 on January 20, 2014, 02:51:55 PM
Hi Simon was just wondering why Diamond decided not to operate the 360A & C In Coventry
We were priced the contract based upon the tender information we were provided.
Upon awarded, we noticed that there were inaccuracies within the tender document. An example would be, the mileage qouted was less than half the actual mileage.
Therefore we discussed this with Centro, and they decided to retender the contract.
Cheers Simon for the Reply
Hi Simon,
1. Are Rotala still intending to take delivery of the 5 ex Reading Buses WF Streetlites? As understand it, new DF Streetlites are currently being painted at Hants & Dorset trim for Reading Buses.
2. Do Rotala intend to take advantage of Euro 5 models still being available this year and place any orders for any further new buses?
3. I notice that the advert for the ex Transdev B7RLE has been removed from Southdown PSV's website, I also understand that Transdev themselves are also buying a handful of them for Pvr increases. I take it there's little chance now of Rotala obtaining anymore? They seem in very good condition....
Hi Simon, Sorry if these questions have already been asked (a lot of pages to backtrack through) but I thought I would ask just to satisfy curiosity.
Firstly are there any plans to brand the remaining Black hybrids in Signature livery.
Secondly, a little while ago you said the 50 was under review, I just wondered if there were any results/possible service plans yet?
Lastly The Royale Centros currently being repainted already have higher spec interiors, and as the hybrids were originally meant to "upgrade" the 56, would it be an option to repaint the remaining Royale's into Signature livery and have the 56 as Tividale's first 'Signature' route, or is the signature branding exclusive to Solihull routes only?
Thanks in advance.
Just one question from me Simon :)
Looking in another thread on the forum, it has been posted that the 4 and 002 are to gain a Sunday service.
Is this true?
Hi Simon
Just a few quick questions from me:
1) Can you provide any more details about the service enhancements on the 4/002 or on the new route X31?
2) Has 30427 been sold to Select and would it not have been possible to sell them a similar age withdrawn dart such as S395HVV etc
3)What are the plans with regard to the ex first tridents and east lancs tridents? Is the plan to send them to Preston Bus for spares?
4) Do you have any more information about fleet development plans for Preston Bus? Could ex b and h tridents currently at Ensignbus be used to replace the remaining Olympians?
5) Are the enviro300s that JPT are currently selling in Route One something that would be well-priced additional vehicles for Redditch, as there seems to be few decent secondhand single deckers for sale at the moment
6) Are the 2004 b7rle/eclipses that Rotala sold to YourBus originally and are now priced for sale at £45k each something that rotala would be keen to buy?
7) When buses like BX07AXO and BX07KPP came up to Birmingham in the summer, they were repainted blue but I haven't seen them back in service yet at Wessex. Are they being repainted back into Wessex livery?
8 ) What is the plan with regard to a lot of the withdrawn darts at Long Acre and Tividale? Would it be more economical to scrap most of them and keep a couple for spares or just keep them all for spares?
9) Whereabouts is W904JNF and do you envisage W901/4/3JNF or indeed any other buses re-entering service like Y263KNB has to boost capacity at Redditch/kidderminster. If they are not to re-enter service, would it make sense to move them to Redditch/Kidderminster for spare parts?
10) Are there plans for Y283HUA to re-enter service or is it being used for spares? Are the cadets also high up on the priority list for repaint/refurb? Do you currently envisage many of the darts currently at Tividale also being repainted/refurbed?
Many Thanks Again
Quote from: Will on January 23, 2014, 03:19:20 AM
Hi Simon,
Thanks for your responce
Oh dear! What a pickle I can imagine misplacing a document for any vehicle must be quite a headache for all involved.
Few questions:
(1) What has happened to (20849, KU52 RYH) as I do believe it was in Kidderminster very briefly has it now returned to Birmingham?
(2) What's happening with (20654, V654 HEC) I know you said on Monday on here that it had been involved in an RTC is it badly damaged and will it return to service?
(3) What's wrong with (20533, X372 CUY) as I read on here that this is also currently V.O.R.
...And finally I am pleased that V383 SVV will soon be coming into service long Darts like that are much needed on the number 3 & 10 etc.
1. It will return to service in Kidderminster.
2. It will return to service. Vehicle currently being repaired
2. Currently under repair
Quote from: Winston on January 26, 2014, 11:25:24 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Are Rotala still intending to take delivery of the 5 ex Reading Buses WF Streetlites? As understand it, new DF Streetlites are currently being painted at Hants & Dorset trim for Reading Buses.
2. Do Rotala intend to take advantage of Euro 5 models still being available this year and place any orders for any further new buses?
3. I notice that the advert for the ex Transdev B7RLE has been removed from Southdown PSV's website, I also understand that Transdev themselves are also buying a handful of them for Pvr increases. I take it there's little chance now of Rotala obtaining anymore? They seem in very good condition....
1. No
2. We have 2 due shortly to enter service, these were part of last years order.
3. We tried to acquire some more to be told they were not available.
Quote from: trident4370 on January 28, 2014, 07:30:27 PM
Hi Simon, Sorry if these questions have already been asked (a lot of pages to backtrack through) but I thought I would ask just to satisfy curiosity.
Firstly are there any plans to brand the remaining Black hybrids in Signature livery.
Secondly, a little while ago you said the 50 was under review, I just wondered if there were any results/possible service plans yet?
Lastly The Royale Centros currently being repainted already have higher spec interiors, and as the hybrids were originally meant to "upgrade" the 56, would it be an option to repaint the remaining Royale's into Signature livery and have the 56 as Tividale's first 'Signature' route, or is the signature branding exclusive to Solihull routes only?
Thanks in advance.
We are slowly working our way through the fleet.
We had considered painting them into signature livery, but decided against it.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 30, 2014, 02:14:23 PM
Quote from: trident4370 on January 28, 2014, 07:30:27 PM
Hi Simon, Sorry if these questions have already been asked (a lot of pages to backtrack through) but I thought I would ask just to satisfy curiosity.
Firstly are there any plans to brand the remaining Black hybrids in Signature livery.
Secondly, a little while ago you said the 50 was under review, I just wondered if there were any results/possible service plans yet?
Lastly The Royale Centros currently being repainted already have higher spec interiors, and as the hybrids were originally meant to "upgrade" the 56, would it be an option to repaint the remaining Royale's into Signature livery and have the 56 as Tividale's first 'Signature' route, or is the signature branding exclusive to Solihull routes only?
Thanks in advance.
We are slowly working our way through the fleet.
We had considered painting them into signature livery, but decided against it.
Rotala have been mentioned on the N&P as the 50 is being amended in March..
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 30, 2014, 02:11:57 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 26, 2014, 11:25:24 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Are Rotala still intending to take delivery of the 5 ex Reading Buses WF Streetlites? As understand it, new DF Streetlites are currently being painted at Hants & Dorset trim for Reading Buses.
2. Do Rotala intend to take advantage of Euro 5 models still being available this year and place any orders for any further new buses?
3. I notice that the advert for the ex Transdev B7RLE has been removed from Southdown PSV's website, I also understand that Transdev themselves are also buying a handful of them for Pvr increases. I take it there's little chance now of Rotala obtaining anymore? They seem in very good condition....
1. No
2. We have 2 due shortly to enter service, these were part of last years order.
3. We tried to acquire some more to be told they were not available.
Thanks Simon,
Re: answer No 2, yes I've seen photo's of those at Heysham Docks, have you managed to get an update out of Wrights on your two Volvo B9TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 for Wessex.
Are there no current plans to buy any other new buses during 2014 and take advantage of cheaper Euro 5 models?
Quote from: Nathan on January 28, 2014, 07:32:46 PM
Just one question from me Simon :)
Looking in another thread on the forum, it has been posted that the 4 and 002 are to gain a Sunday service.
Is this true?
Quote from: DiamondDart on January 29, 2014, 12:14:02 PM
Hi Simon
Just a few quick questions from me:
1) Can you provide any more details about the service enhancements on the 4/002 or on the new route X31?
2) Has 30427 been sold to Select and would it not have been possible to sell them a similar age withdrawn dart such as S395HVV etc
3)What are the plans with regard to the ex first tridents and east lancs tridents? Is the plan to send them to Preston Bus for spares?
4) Do you have any more information about fleet development plans for Preston Bus? Could ex b and h tridents currently at Ensignbus be used to replace the remaining Olympians?
5) Are the enviro300s that JPT are currently selling in Route One something that would be well-priced additional vehicles for Redditch, as there seems to be few decent secondhand single deckers for sale at the moment
6) Are the 2004 b7rle/eclipses that Rotala sold to YourBus originally and are now priced for sale at £45k each something that rotala would be keen to buy?
7) When buses like BX07AXO and BX07KPP came up to Birmingham in the summer, they were repainted blue but I haven't seen them back in service yet at Wessex. Are they being repainted back into Wessex livery?
8 ) What is the plan with regard to a lot of the withdrawn darts at Long Acre and Tividale? Would it be more economical to scrap most of them and keep a couple for spares or just keep them all for spares?
9) Whereabouts is W904JNF and do you envisage W901/4/3JNF or indeed any other buses re-entering service like Y263KNB has to boost capacity at Redditch/kidderminster. If they are not to re-enter service, would it make sense to move them to Redditch/Kidderminster for spare parts?
10) Are there plans for Y283HUA to re-enter service or is it being used for spares? Are the cadets also high up on the priority list for repaint/refurb? Do you currently envisage many of the darts currently at Tividale also being repainted/refurbed?
Many Thanks Again
1. There will be a service, and if you contact our office they can provide a timetable
2. The vehicle is on a rent to buy agreement. Following recent second hand bus purchases, this is now surplus to requirements.
3. They will be used in Preston to cover School contracts from April. Preston Bus has a number of new school contracts starting.
4. Nothing has been decided as yet this year.
5. Following recent fleet additions, they have provided capacity to repaint/refurbish vehicles. Our immediate priority is to increase repaint programme
6. If they were the right price we would consider it.
7. Some of these will return shortly.
8. We have sold 14 recently and intend, to review this again shortly.
9. A number of them require work. This is being done, there is no need at present for them to re-enter service. We are however, making all off fleet vehicles useable
10. We have not made a decision
Quote from: Winston on January 30, 2014, 03:14:35 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 30, 2014, 02:11:57 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 26, 2014, 11:25:24 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Are Rotala still intending to take delivery of the 5 ex Reading Buses WF Streetlites? As understand it, new DF Streetlites are currently being painted at Hants & Dorset trim for Reading Buses.
2. Do Rotala intend to take advantage of Euro 5 models still being available this year and place any orders for any further new buses?
3. I notice that the advert for the ex Transdev B7RLE has been removed from Southdown PSV's website, I also understand that Transdev themselves are also buying a handful of them for Pvr increases. I take it there's little chance now of Rotala obtaining anymore? They seem in very good condition....
1. No
2. We have 2 due shortly to enter service, these were part of last years order.
3. We tried to acquire some more to be told they were not available.
Thanks Simon,
Re: answer No 2, yes I've seen photo's of those at Heysham Docks, have you managed to get an update out of Wrights on your two Volvo B9TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 for Wessex.
Are there no current plans to buy any other new buses during 2014 and take advantage of cheaper Euro 5 models?
1. The deckers are expected at the end of February.
2. I am sure we will procure some new buses this year. We have not as yet decided what, how many and where for
Quote from: Liverpool Street on January 30, 2014, 02:38:39 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 30, 2014, 02:14:23 PM
Quote from: trident4370 on January 28, 2014, 07:30:27 PM
Hi Simon, Sorry if these questions have already been asked (a lot of pages to backtrack through) but I thought I would ask just to satisfy curiosity.
Firstly are there any plans to brand the remaining Black hybrids in Signature livery.
Secondly, a little while ago you said the 50 was under review, I just wondered if there were any results/possible service plans yet?
Lastly The Royale Centros currently being repainted already have higher spec interiors, and as the hybrids were originally meant to "upgrade" the 56, would it be an option to repaint the remaining Royale's into Signature livery and have the 56 as Tividale's first 'Signature' route, or is the signature branding exclusive to Solihull routes only?
Thanks in advance.
We are slowly working our way through the fleet.
We had considered painting them into signature livery, but decided against it.
Rotala have been mentioned on the N&P as the 50 is being amended in March..
Thanks for the answers Simon and LS.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 30, 2014, 04:50:28 PM
Quote from: Nathan on January 28, 2014, 07:32:46 PM
Just one question from me Simon :)
Looking in another thread on the forum, it has been posted that the 4 and 002 are to gain a Sunday service.
Is this true?
Thanks for the reply Simon :) I hope these prove a success :) Will B7RLE's (Centro's and Weight Eclipse Urban) be used on the 4 on Sundays like how you allocate B7's to the 301 Sunday service or will Cadets/darts be allocated like in the week?
Hi Simon,
As the 002 is gaining a Sunday service, will its operating hours be extended into the evening Mon-Sat, or will Mon-Sat timetables remain unaltered?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 30, 2014, 04:57:24 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on January 29, 2014, 12:14:02 PM
Hi Simon
Just a few quick questions from me:
1) Can you provide any more details about the service enhancements on the 4/002 or on the new route X31?
2) Has 30427 been sold to Select and would it not have been possible to sell them a similar age withdrawn dart such as S395HVV etc
3)What are the plans with regard to the ex first tridents and east lancs tridents? Is the plan to send them to Preston Bus for spares?
4) Do you have any more information about fleet development plans for Preston Bus? Could ex b and h tridents currently at Ensignbus be used to replace the remaining Olympians?
5) Are the enviro300s that JPT are currently selling in Route One something that would be well-priced additional vehicles for Redditch, as there seems to be few decent secondhand single deckers for sale at the moment
6) Are the 2004 b7rle/eclipses that Rotala sold to YourBus originally and are now priced for sale at £45k each something that rotala would be keen to buy?
7) When buses like BX07AXO and BX07KPP came up to Birmingham in the summer, they were repainted blue but I haven't seen them back in service yet at Wessex. Are they being repainted back into Wessex livery?
8 ) What is the plan with regard to a lot of the withdrawn darts at Long Acre and Tividale? Would it be more economical to scrap most of them and keep a couple for spares or just keep them all for spares?
9) Whereabouts is W904JNF and do you envisage W901/4/3JNF or indeed any other buses re-entering service like Y263KNB has to boost capacity at Redditch/kidderminster. If they are not to re-enter service, would it make sense to move them to Redditch/Kidderminster for spare parts?
10) Are there plans for Y283HUA to re-enter service or is it being used for spares? Are the cadets also high up on the priority list for repaint/refurb? Do you currently envisage many of the darts currently at Tividale also being repainted/refurbed?
Many Thanks Again
1. There will be a service, and if you contact our office they can provide a timetable
2. The vehicle is on a rent to buy agreement. Following recent second hand bus purchases, this is now surplus to requirements.
3. They will be used in Preston to cover School contracts from April. Preston Bus has a number of new school contracts starting.
4. Nothing has been decided as yet this year.
5. Following recent fleet additions, they have provided capacity to repaint/refurbish vehicles. Our immediate priority is to increase repaint programme
6. If they were the right price we would consider it.
7. Some of these will return shortly.
8. We have sold 14 recently and intend, to review this again shortly.
9. A number of them require work. This is being done, there is no need at present for them to re-enter service. We are however, making all off fleet vehicles useable
10. We have not made a decision
Many thanks on your replies-glad to hear PrestonBus is continuing to win contracts and that more b7rle will be arriving from Wessex fairly soon. Glad to hear about more buses being made roadworthy and best of luck with the new services and thanks for the information about where to get timetables for them from.
I also notice the JPT e300s have dropped in price by £12.5K since first being advertised and are now £65k. Is this a good price for vehicles of this type and age?
Could the following buses
be of interest for Preston replacing esteems or is that no longer the plan
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 30, 2014, 02:11:57 PM
Quote from: Winston on January 26, 2014, 11:25:24 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Are Rotala still intending to take delivery of the 5 ex Reading Buses WF Streetlites? As understand it, new DF Streetlites are currently being painted at Hants & Dorset trim for Reading Buses.
2. Do Rotala intend to take advantage of Euro 5 models still being available this year and place any orders for any further new buses?
3. I notice that the advert for the ex Transdev B7RLE has been removed from Southdown PSV's website, I also understand that Transdev themselves are also buying a handful of them for Pvr increases. I take it there's little chance now of Rotala obtaining anymore? They seem in very good condition....
1. No
2. We have 2 due shortly to enter service, these were part of last years order.
3. We tried to acquire some more to be told they were not available.
Hi Simon,
It looks as though it was Rosso that pipped Rotala to snapping up more of the ex Transdev B7RLE's, they are acquired 9, see post from Blazefield Yahoo Group
Rosso is purchasing 9 of the 07 reg Volvo B7RLE's with first four, 1816, 1822, 1824 and 1826 shortly to become 241-244 in the Rosso fleet. These are to be repainted at Bus & Coach World and will be followed by 1829, 1830, 1832, 1835 & 1836 (to become Rosso 245-249) when released by Transdev.
Hi Simon,
Meant to ask earlier what has happened to (30500, MW52 PZR) I saw it the other day parked up in Kidderminster with a VOR notice in the windscreen do hope it's okay as that goes like a bomb! Also when will (20851, KU52 RYN) return to service has the paperwork been located yet or not?
which operators have now got the 14 diamond buses that they sold
Hi Simon,
30406 has made a great addition to boost capacity at Kidderminster on the X3.
Is it planned to stay at Kidderminster, or return to Redditch/Tividale at some point?
Quote from: StourportSam on January 31, 2014, 05:45:30 PM
Hi Simon,
30406 has made a great addition to boost capacity at Kidderminster on the X3.
Is it planned to stay at Kidderminster, or return to Redditch/Tividale at some point?
See Simon's reply from the 22/1.
Quote from: DiamondDart on January 31, 2014, 06:23:11 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on January 31, 2014, 05:45:30 PM
Hi Simon,
30406 has made a great addition to boost capacity at Kidderminster on the X3.
Is it planned to stay at Kidderminster, or return to Redditch/Tividale at some point?
See Simon's reply from the 22/1.
Oh Damn.
Yes Sam I can also confirm (myself) that 30406 isn't staying in Kiddy as when I was at the bus depot yesterday in the office I noticed a whiteboard and written on it in big black letters were this:
30406 - YN08 NXL - LOAN (Tividale).
20851 - KU52 RYN - VOR
20533 - X372 CUY - MOT
Quote from: Will on January 31, 2014, 07:40:03 PM
Yes Sam I can also confirm (myself) that 30406 isn't staying in Kiddy as when I was at the bus depot yesterday in the office I noticed a whiteboard and written on it in big black letters were this:
30406 - YN08 NXL - LOAN (Tividale).
20851 - KU52 RYN - VOR
20533 - X372 CUY - MOT
I think the 4 x 04 plate B7RLE/Wright currently for sale at Yourbus would make ideal purchases for adding a quantity of full size/heavy duty buses to upgrade/increase capacity on the 3/X3 routes at KR. The fact they are now 10 years old and fairly well depreciated should allow the smaller KR operation to justify the purchase of them.
B7RLE/Wright on the used market seem to be few & fair between and generally are in demand judging by the ex Transdev examples
Just a quick question when are we likely to see the results of the Worcestershire review come in play. or are you waiting to see how the results of the WCC subsidy review affects you. cedric
Quote from: Winston on January 31, 2014, 08:08:11 PM
Quote from: Will on January 31, 2014, 07:40:03 PM
Yes Sam I can also confirm (myself) that 30406 isn't staying in Kiddy as when I was at the bus depot yesterday in the office I noticed a whiteboard and written on it in big black letters were this:
30406 - YN08 NXL - LOAN (Tividale).
20851 - KU52 RYN - VOR
20533 - X372 CUY - MOT
I think the 4 x 04 plate B7RLE/Wright currently for sale at Yourbus would make ideal purchases for adding a quantity of full size/heavy duty buses to upgrade/increase capacity on the 3/X3 routes at KR. The fact they are now 10 years old and fairly well depreciated should allow the smaller KR operation to justify the purchase of them.
B7RLE/Wright on the used market seem to be few & fair between and generally are in demand judging by the ex Transdev examples
I don't think age matters really, just so long as any buses acquired for KR are not less than about 30 seats. B7RLEs are probably ideal. I quite often used to travel on the 56 plate B7RLE/Wright First Kernow have and used to think they would be ideal to replace the Dennis Lances at KR (this was back in 2011/12).
I think KR will always suffer compared to the rest of the Diamond operation as it wasn't what Rotala wanted to acquire and probably brings in the least revenue. That said, Diamond have done very well to upgrade the fleet at Kidderminster with the resources available. This time last year there were quite a few step entry Lances left and all but 3 of the KR allocation were not DDA compliant.
Quote from: bowler on January 31, 2014, 10:15:00 PM
Just a quick question when are we likely to see the results of the Worcestershire review come in play. or are you waiting to see how the results of the WCC subsidy review affects you. cedric
Pretty sure this has been answered a few times now!
Quote from: DiamondDart on February 01, 2014, 02:04:18 PM
Quote from: bowler on January 31, 2014, 10:15:00 PM
Just a quick question when are we likely to see the results of the Worcestershire review come in play. or are you waiting to see how the results of the WCC subsidy review affects you. cedric
Pretty sure this has been answered a few times now!
what I was asking was different to . the answers before. I was asking if the results of the Worcestershire subsidy consultaion on withdrwal
of subsidys on routes in the county, is delaying the introduction of the diamond review in the county. and I have looked through the forum before I posted could not find anything on the subject appoliges if I missed
Hi Simon,
1. How are Diamond at Redditch finding their 5 x DF Streetlites in terms of fuel consumption / driver & passenger feedback etc ? Obviously First Group are buying large quantities of them, just wondered how Rotala were finding them & if you anticipate buying anymore over & above the two currently being prepared for service at Wessex. I personally much prefer the DF range to the WF version
2. Are there any updates / interest in Long Acre?
3. Do you already have a depot site in Coventry sourced? I.e. at the address in Radford that was posted on the forum
Hi Simon,
Whilst I was out today I saw both 20183 and 20602 still in Wessex Connect livery. Surely these should be priority for repaint as it's not even in a Diamond livery?
Hi simon I was just wondering why you remove the metal cover on the wheels on your new busew as I personally think it makes them look smarter?
Hi Simon,
Not sure if you are already aware or not? but JPT seem keen to sell their 2 x 09 plate E300's they have since dropped again in price to £60k from £72.5k when originally advertised.
A 56 plate E300 is also now for sale at Stafford Bus Centre with 60 seats (school bus spec), I assume that could be converted without too much expense
Hi Simon,
Back at the start of January Diamond announced all Redditch and Kidderminster fares were frozen for January 2014.
Does this mean fares in Kidderminster will now be rising?
Quote from: Nathan on January 30, 2014, 05:31:27 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 30, 2014, 04:50:28 PM
Quote from: Nathan on January 28, 2014, 07:32:46 PM
Just one question from me Simon :)
Looking in another thread on the forum, it has been posted that the 4 and 002 are to gain a Sunday service.
Is this true?
Thanks for the reply Simon :) I hope these prove a success :) Will B7RLE's (Centro's and Weight Eclipse Urban) be used on the 4 on Sundays like how you allocate B7's to the 301 Sunday service or will Cadets/darts be allocated like in the week?
The intention is to increase the quality of buses on the 4
Quote from: DiamondDart on January 30, 2014, 10:14:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 30, 2014, 04:57:24 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on January 29, 2014, 12:14:02 PM
Hi Simon
Just a few quick questions from me:
1) Can you provide any more details about the service enhancements on the 4/002 or on the new route X31?
2) Has 30427 been sold to Select and would it not have been possible to sell them a similar age withdrawn dart such as S395HVV etc
3)What are the plans with regard to the ex first tridents and east lancs tridents? Is the plan to send them to Preston Bus for spares?
4) Do you have any more information about fleet development plans for Preston Bus? Could ex b and h tridents currently at Ensignbus be used to replace the remaining Olympians?
5) Are the enviro300s that JPT are currently selling in Route One something that would be well-priced additional vehicles for Redditch, as there seems to be few decent secondhand single deckers for sale at the moment
6) Are the 2004 b7rle/eclipses that Rotala sold to YourBus originally and are now priced for sale at £45k each something that rotala would be keen to buy?
7) When buses like BX07AXO and BX07KPP came up to Birmingham in the summer, they were repainted blue but I haven't seen them back in service yet at Wessex. Are they being repainted back into Wessex livery?
8 ) What is the plan with regard to a lot of the withdrawn darts at Long Acre and Tividale? Would it be more economical to scrap most of them and keep a couple for spares or just keep them all for spares?
9) Whereabouts is W904JNF and do you envisage W901/4/3JNF or indeed any other buses re-entering service like Y263KNB has to boost capacity at Redditch/kidderminster. If they are not to re-enter service, would it make sense to move them to Redditch/Kidderminster for spare parts?
10) Are there plans for Y283HUA to re-enter service or is it being used for spares? Are the cadets also high up on the priority list for repaint/refurb? Do you currently envisage many of the darts currently at Tividale also being repainted/refurbed?
Many Thanks Again
1. There will be a service, and if you contact our office they can provide a timetable
2. The vehicle is on a rent to buy agreement. Following recent second hand bus purchases, this is now surplus to requirements.
3. They will be used in Preston to cover School contracts from April. Preston Bus has a number of new school contracts starting.
4. Nothing has been decided as yet this year.
5. Following recent fleet additions, they have provided capacity to repaint/refurbish vehicles. Our immediate priority is to increase repaint programme
6. If they were the right price we would consider it.
7. Some of these will return shortly.
8. We have sold 14 recently and intend, to review this again shortly.
9. A number of them require work. This is being done, there is no need at present for them to re-enter service. We are however, making all off fleet vehicles useable
10. We have not made a decision
Many thanks on your replies-glad to hear PrestonBus is continuing to win contracts and that more b7rle will be arriving from Wessex fairly soon. Glad to hear about more buses being made roadworthy and best of luck with the new services and thanks for the information about where to get timetables for them from.
I also notice the JPT e300s have dropped in price by £12.5K since first being advertised and are now £65k. Is this a good price for vehicles of this type and age?
Could the following buses
be of interest for Preston replacing esteems or is that no longer the plan
We are always looking to improve the fleet.
I have twice agreed to buy the E300's from JP Travel. Both times they/ or someone acting for them has stopped the deal. After a point, you become tired of messing around
Quote from: Solo1 on January 31, 2014, 02:08:08 AM
which operators have now got the 14 diamond buses that they sold
We scrapped the majority
Quote from: StourportSam on January 31, 2014, 05:45:30 PM
Hi Simon,
30406 has made a great addition to boost capacity at Kidderminster on the X3.
Is it planned to stay at Kidderminster, or return to Redditch/Tividale at some point?
It is only there short term
Quote from: Winston on January 31, 2014, 08:08:11 PM
Quote from: Will on January 31, 2014, 07:40:03 PM
Yes Sam I can also confirm (myself) that 30406 isn't staying in Kiddy as when I was at the bus depot yesterday in the office I noticed a whiteboard and written on it in big black letters were this:
30406 - YN08 NXL - LOAN (Tividale).
20851 - KU52 RYN - VOR
20533 - X372 CUY - MOT
I think the 4 x 04 plate B7RLE/Wright currently for sale at Yourbus would make ideal purchases for adding a quantity of full size/heavy duty buses to upgrade/increase capacity on the 3/X3 routes at KR. The fact they are now 10 years old and fairly well depreciated should allow the smaller KR operation to justify the purchase of them.
B7RLE/Wright on the used market seem to be few & fair between and generally are in demand judging by the ex Transdev examples
Scott and I, dont see eye to eye on their value
Quote from: bowler on January 31, 2014, 10:15:00 PM
Just a quick question when are we likely to see the results of the Worcestershire review come in play. or are you waiting to see how the results of the WCC subsidy review affects you. cedric
First stage of service changes in Redditch, I believe take effect 26th February 2014.
Quote from: Winston on February 02, 2014, 12:28:08 AM
Hi Simon,
1. How are Diamond at Redditch finding their 5 x DF Streetlites in terms of fuel consumption / driver & passenger feedback etc ? Obviously First Group are buying large quantities of them, just wondered how Rotala were finding them & if you anticipate buying anymore over & above the two currently being prepared for service at Wessex. I personally much prefer the DF range to the WF version
2. Are there any updates / interest in Long Acre?
3. Do you already have a depot site in Coventry sourced? I.e. at the address in Radford that was posted on the forum
1. The simple answer is they are Satisfactory. They don't set the world on fire, nor are they a major headache
2. We have had a lot of interest in LAC. We have yet to recieve an acceptable offer
3. Due to 2, not being concluded we have not placed much time and energy into this.
Quote from: the trainbasher on February 02, 2014, 12:50:26 AM
Hi Simon,
Whilst I was out today I saw both 20183 and 20602 still in Wessex Connect livery. Surely these should be priority for repaint as it's not even in a Diamond livery?
These will be repainted shortly
Quote from: dannygill on February 05, 2014, 08:31:03 AM
Hi simon I was just wondering why you remove the metal cover on the wheels on your new busew as I personally think it makes them look smarter?
As part of a drivers walk round check, they should check all wheel pointers. With a metal cover, hidding them it is not possible
Quote from: Winston on February 05, 2014, 12:28:19 PM
Hi Simon,
Not sure if you are already aware or not? but JPT seem keen to sell their 2 x 09 plate E300's they have since dropped again in price to £60k from £72.5k when originally advertised.
A 56 plate E300 is also now for sale at Stafford Bus Centre with 60 seats (school bus spec), I assume that could be converted without too much expense
I have seen them both.
I have responded to the JP comment in an earlie response I posted this morning.
On the Stafford Bus E300, I think they are too much money.
Quote from: StourportSam on February 06, 2014, 05:02:09 PM
Hi Simon,
Back at the start of January Diamond announced all Redditch and Kidderminster fares were frozen for January 2014.
Does this mean fares in Kidderminster will now be rising?
We have made no decision about the future of Kidderminster fares.
Hi Simon,
What seems to be wrong with (30428, S405 JUA) and (30639, YJ06 YPU) as I've noticed that they are currently VOR in Kidderminster and also how much longer will (20851, KU52 RYN) be off the road for?
When is (20849, KU52 RYH) returning to Kidderminster?
Also I noticed the other day that (20654, V654 HEC) was parked up at the back of the depot has it now been repaired?
Quote from: Will on February 07, 2014, 11:56:22 AM
Hi Simon,
What seems to be wrong with (30428, S405 JUA) and (30639, YJ06 YPU) as I've noticed that they are currently VOR in Kidderminster and also how much longer will (20851, KU52 RYN) be off the road for?
When is (20849, KU52 RYH) returning to Kidderminster?
Also I noticed the other day that (20654, V654 HEC) was parked up at the back of the depot has it now been repaired?
30428 - removed off fleet at present. We are assessing this alongside some other vehicles
20849 - still awaiting tax
20654 - RTA body damage repaired. Still some mechanical work to do
30639 - Under repair
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 07, 2014, 07:45:35 AM
Quote from: Winston on February 05, 2014, 12:28:19 PM
Hi Simon,
Not sure if you are already aware or not? but JPT seem keen to sell their 2 x 09 plate E300's they have since dropped again in price to £60k from £72.5k when originally advertised.
A 56 plate E300 is also now for sale at Stafford Bus Centre with 60 seats (school bus spec), I assume that could be converted without too much expense
I have seen them both.
I have responded to the JP comment in an earlie response I posted this morning.
On the Stafford Bus E300, I think they are too much money.
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for all your replies,
I don't understand JPT messing you about, they are giving the impression of the weekly price drops on the E300's that they are desperate to sell.
Your comments/experience of the DF Streetlites are also interesting given how keen First Group seem to be on the product. It sounds as though large fleets of Streetlites could potentially cause First Group problems later in their lives if they wear more than their heavier counterparts.
Will Diamond be registering the 4 / 002 & 1st phase of Redditch service revisions on VOSA at short notice, as I've not seen any new registrations for any of the above to date
Southdown PSV have now dropped the price of that 03 plate E300 that's been for sale a while to £22.5K from £27.5K
I also came across these nearly new WF Streetlites which I suspect may have been the ones that Rotala were originally intending to buy
Hi Simon,
Thanks for your response(s)
So does that mean 30428 (along with some others) may be being withdrawn? It would be a shame if that were to be the case.
Is there plans to acquire anymore full size single deckers (eg the recently acquired B7RLE's) for Tividale?
Many Thanks for your replies Simon.
Having seen a photo of one of the eclipses in the new livery and branding. First of all, can I just say I think it looks fantastic and I hope it boosts takings on these services.
How many buses do you anticipate branding with these vinyls?
Do you think some MPDs will be branded for the 142/401e, or cadets which are often used on this group of value services?
Do you plan to put any vinyls on or is that it, finished?
Which buses do you ultimately see as being next to be withdrawn now these b7rles are in service? Old MPDs?
I also see Nigel McCree has some Scania/solars for sale
Could these be of interest to replace esteems or would you say
A 2007 Daf/Centro for £30k was a good price?
Many Thanks
Quote from: Nathan on February 08, 2014, 09:55:17 PM
Is there plans to acquire anymore full size single deckers (eg the recently acquired B7RLE's) for Tividale?
Not at the minute. We need to put everything into service, liveried etc.
Quote from: DiamondDart on February 09, 2014, 07:50:12 PM
Many Thanks for your replies Simon.
Having seen a photo of one of the eclipses in the new livery and branding. First of all, can I just say I think it looks fantastic and I hope it boosts takings on these services.
How many buses do you anticipate branding with these vinyls?
Do you think some MPDs will be branded for the 142/401e, or cadets which are often used on this group of value services?
Do you plan to put any vinyls on or is that it, finished?
Which buses do you ultimately see as being next to be withdrawn now these b7rles are in service? Old MPDs?
I also see Nigel McCree has some Scania/solars for sale
Could these be of interest to replace esteems or would you say
A 2007 Daf/Centro for £30k was a good price?
Many Thanks
1. We expect the branding to be applied to approx 10 vehicles.
2. We will remove the older buses, which we percieve are poorer in quality, we have yet to decide which ones.
I am not interested in acquiring any more DAFS
Quote from: Winston on February 07, 2014, 01:27:47 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 07, 2014, 07:45:35 AM
Quote from: Winston on February 05, 2014, 12:28:19 PM
Hi Simon,
Not sure if you are already aware or not? but JPT seem keen to sell their 2 x 09 plate E300's they have since dropped again in price to £60k from £72.5k when originally advertised.
A 56 plate E300 is also now for sale at Stafford Bus Centre with 60 seats (school bus spec), I assume that could be converted without too much expense
I have seen them both.
I have responded to the JP comment in an earlie response I posted this morning.
On the Stafford Bus E300, I think they are too much money.
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for all your replies,
I don't understand JPT messing you about, they are giving the impression of the weekly price drops on the E300's that they are desperate to sell.
Your comments/experience of the DF Streetlites are also interesting given how keen First Group seem to be on the product. It sounds as though large fleets of Streetlites could potentially cause First Group problems later in their lives if they wear more than their heavier counterparts.
Will Diamond be registering the 4 / 002 & 1st phase of Redditch service revisions on VOSA at short notice, as I've not seen any new registrations for any of the above to date
Southdown PSV have now dropped the price of that 03 plate E300 that's been for sale a while to £22.5K from £27.5K
I also came across these nearly new WF Streetlites which I suspect may have been the ones that Rotala were originally intending to buy
I understand service changes will be up loaded onto the website and facebook this morning
Hello Simon
I once worked for you at Tividale when you still had a big hand in the depot. I see you have put some nice buses on the 301 (I used to do it ) in Walsall and must admit I am impressed. What about the rest as you still have a lot of tired darts. I left on good terms and still respect Diamond but they have taken a bit of a bashing by the competition with a lot of route stoppages tender losses also it seems a lot of care in the midlands espically the black country has just gone even the hybrids went to Solihull.
Quote from: justdave on February 13, 2014, 11:57:43 AM
Hello Simon
I once worked for you at Tividale when you still had a big hand in the depot. I see you have put some nice buses on the 301 (I used to do it ) in Walsall and must admit I am impressed. What about the rest as you still have a lot of tired darts. I left on good terms and still respect Diamond but they have taken a bit of a bashing by the competition with a lot of route stoppages tender losses also it seems a lot of care in the midlands espically the black country has just gone even the hybrids went to Solihull.
Dear Dave,
I have never worked at Tividale daily. I would presume you would mean Scott, who is my brother.
In response to your questions.
1. Medium term once the fleet stablises and everything is rebranded appropriately I do not believe there is a requirement to use a large number of the odler darts
2. We price contracts so that they are financially viable. If other operators can operate them cheaper, then good luck to them. you will notice not all, but a number of operators who take contracts from us, don't last
3. The Hybrids were not suitable for the route they were operating.
Hi Simon,
Think you missed my question, a few pages back. Was just wondering if, as the 002 is gaining a Sunday service, are there any plans for its operating hours to extend into the evening Mon-Sat?
Hi Simon.
Don't know if you will be able to answer this one of not? I notice that you are looking for drivers at your Tividale depot at the moment. I have a full PCV licence that I took myself last year and also passed the drivers CPC at the same time. No points on my licence and never had any accidents in more years of driving than I care to remember (I'm 40) ;)
The only thing I'm lacking is bus driving experience, I've spoken to a couple of your drivers and they have both suggested that a lack of any experience would probably be a problem if I applied. I only live 5 minutes away from your Tividale depot and would love to work for Diamond, just worried I'll be rejected straight away if I apply with no experience?
Many thanks for any help you can give.
Quote from: Metrorider on February 14, 2014, 06:57:16 PM
Hi Simon.
Don't know if you will be able to answer this one of not? I notice that you are looking for drivers at your Tividale depot at the moment. I have a full PCV licence that I took myself last year and also passed the drivers CPC at the same time. No points on my licence and never had any accidents in more years of driving than I care to remember (I'm 40) ;)
The only thing I'm lacking is bus driving experience, I've spoken to a couple of your drivers and they have both suggested that a lack of any experience would probably be a problem if I applied. I only live 5 minutes away from your Tividale depot and would love to work for Diamond, just worried I'll be rejected straight away if I apply with no experience?
Many thanks for any help you can give.
I doubt you'll be rejected straight away as any bus company tends to offer a Driving Assessment. Fail that then you'll be rejected, obviously.
Quote from: Metrorider on February 14, 2014, 06:57:16 PM
Hi Simon.
Don't know if you will be able to answer this one of not? I notice that you are looking for drivers at your Tividale depot at the moment. I have a full PCV licence that I took myself last year and also passed the drivers CPC at the same time. No points on my licence and never had any accidents in more years of driving than I care to remember (I'm 40) ;)
The only thing I'm lacking is bus driving experience, I've spoken to a couple of your drivers and they have both suggested that a lack of any experience would probably be a problem if I applied. I only live 5 minutes away from your Tividale depot and would love to work for Diamond, just worried I'll be rejected straight away if I apply with no experience?
Many thanks for any help you can give.
Dear Sir
Your lack of experience would not hinder your application
Hi Simon,
Have Rotala acquired any used Optare Solo's from Kinchbus recently?
Quote from: Winston on February 18, 2014, 05:28:56 PM
Hi Simon,
Have Rotala acquired any used Optare Solo's from Kinchbus recently?
I have seen that thread. I am not sure where it comes from. The simple answer is no.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 18, 2014, 05:27:35 PM
Dear Sir
Your lack of experience would not hinder your application
Thanks Simon, dropped the application form off today and got an interview tomorrow! One very happy person here tonight :D
Hi Simon would just like to say I think your Diamond Value ticket range is a brilliant idea and ive just had my month pass come through, I know its early but how has the up take been on the ticket range so far?
I would like to as why 30952 hasn't been painted straight away, has it been done yet (sorry if you have already answered this)?
Plus 30408 does stick out down in diamond land are there any plans to join it with any of the other esteem vehicles you have up in preston?
Finally has you noticed numbers down on your 56 service since nxwm introduced the 936?
Best Regards
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 18, 2014, 05:27:35 PM
Dear Sir
Your lack of experience would not hinder your application
Looks like you were correct Simon as I became your latest recruit today :D Absolutely over the moon at the moment, your recruitment guy at Tividale is a credit to the company (I wont name him on here just in case he don't want to be named), made me feel totally at ease throughout the whole day and the assessment.
Thanks for taking the time to reply on here simon. :D
Quote from: Metrorider on February 19, 2014, 05:11:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 18, 2014, 05:27:35 PM
Dear Sir
Your lack of experience would not hinder your application
Looks like you were correct Simon as I became your latest recruit today :D Absolutely over the moon at the moment, your recruitment guy at Tividale is a credit to the company (I wont name him on here just in case he don't want to be named), made me feel totally at ease throughout the whole day and the assessment.
Thanks for taking the time to reply on here simon. :D
Congrats :-)
Hope to see you maybe on routes like the 4 soon! :)
Cheers Vinny ;D
Quote from: Metrorider on February 19, 2014, 05:11:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 18, 2014, 05:27:35 PM
Dear Sir
Your lack of experience would not hinder your application
Looks like you were correct Simon as I became your latest recruit today :D Absolutely over the moon at the moment, your recruitment guy at Tividale is a credit to the company (I wont name him on here just in case he don't want to be named), made me feel totally at ease throughout the whole day and the assessment.
Thanks for taking the time to reply on here simon. :D
Very well done, mate. There's a lot worse companies out there ;)
Diamond isn't actually that bad. Again, all the best!
Quote from: Liverpool Street on February 19, 2014, 09:27:18 PM
Quote from: Metrorider on February 19, 2014, 05:11:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 18, 2014, 05:27:35 PM
Dear Sir
Your lack of experience would not hinder your application
Looks like you were correct Simon as I became your latest recruit today :D Absolutely over the moon at the moment, your recruitment guy at Tividale is a credit to the company (I wont name him on here just in case he don't want to be named), made me feel totally at ease throughout the whole day and the assessment.
Thanks for taking the time to reply on here simon. :D
Very well done, mate. There's a lot worse companies out there ;)
Diamond isn't actually that bad. Again, all the best!
Quote from: vinh1000 on February 19, 2014, 06:15:24 PM
Quote from: Metrorider on February 19, 2014, 05:11:40 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 18, 2014, 05:27:35 PM
Dear Sir
Your lack of experience would not hinder your application
Looks like you were correct Simon as I became your latest recruit today :D Absolutely over the moon at the moment, your recruitment guy at Tividale is a credit to the company (I wont name him on here just in case he don't want to be named), made me feel totally at ease throughout the whole day and the assessment.
Thanks for taking the time to reply on here simon. :D
Congrats :-)
Hope to see you maybe on routes like the 4 soon! :)
Well done hope to see you on the 226
Hi Simon
A few questions regarding Black Country route: 42A/42C
I remember the days when I'd catch routes 401/402 and it would be a standing load, no matter what time of day. The busiest days I remember the route being was when it was operated by Pete's. Since diamond have operated the route it seems to carry fewer and fewer passengers now than ever before. When the 402 changed to service 42 to Dudley I noticed that most buses were running empty to Dudley (hence the reason why your services dont go there anymore). However now that it operates as services 42A/C it seems to be even quieter. It is very confusing for people to make sure they are on the right bus and it can be very infrequent if you are waiting in a particular area of the route (I.e Tipton rail station. Both 42A/C arrive within a few minutes of each other, then nothing for 25 minutes). Since these changes I have noticed that NXWM have starte using more double deckers because their buses have become so busy. Another thing is the quality of the buses. When Pete's travel operated it had brand new vehicles (W901-6JNF) . Now in 2014 it is operated by R, V, W & 02 reg vehicles which are falling apart!
Where do you see this route going in the future? Are there any proposals to update the fleet of vehicles for his route. NXWM are using brand new buses and other modern double deckers and Diamond are still in the dark ages!
Quote from: Liverpool Street on February 19, 2014, 09:27:18 PM
Very well done, mate. There's a lot worse companies out there ;)
Diamond isn't actually that bad. Again, all the best!
Quote from: Christopher on February 20, 2014, 09:19:51 AM
Well done hope to see you on the 226
Cheers guys just replied in this one message because don't want to hijack Simons thread. Really enjoying the whole experience and hope to meet some of you out on the road in the future :)
Quote from: baker_06 on February 20, 2014, 06:31:25 PM
Hi Simon
A few questions regarding Black Country route: 42A/42C
I remember the days when I'd catch routes 401/402 and it would be a standing load, no matter what time of day. The busiest days I remember the route being was when it was operated by Pete's. Since diamond have operated the route it seems to carry fewer and fewer passengers now than ever before. When the 402 changed to service 42 to Dudley I noticed that most buses were running empty to Dudley (hence the reason why your services dont go there anymore). However now that it operates as services 42A/C it seems to be even quieter. It is very confusing for people to make sure they are on the right bus and it can be very infrequent if you are waiting in a particular area of the route (I.e Tipton rail station. Both 42A/C arrive within a few minutes of each other, then nothing for 25 minutes). Since these changes I have noticed that NXWM have starte using more double deckers because their buses have become so busy. Another thing is the quality of the buses. When Pete's travel operated it had brand new vehicles (W901-6JNF) . Now in 2014 it is operated by R, V, W & 02 reg vehicles which are falling apart!
Where do you see this route going in the future? Are there any proposals to update the fleet of vehicles for his route. NXWM are using brand new buses and other modern double deckers and Diamond are still in the dark ages!
This is a little bit unfair, the loads on the 42 and 43 pre the 42A/C always seemed healthy especially from Great Bridge into West Brom. Also, W901-6JNF were new to the 404, not the 401/2. There are no R reg buses at Tividale. In fairness to diamond, there has been a lot of publicity about the route changes and even timetable leaflets apparently and they have tried to do something different to NXWM. NXWM use mostly old mercs on these routes sometimes older than the buses diamond have on there and the modern deckers are a minimum of 8 years old... Even the brand new buses are a few e200s now over a year old.
My comments are not intended to slate Diamond and cause any offence. The fact is though that the condition of the diamond vehicles compared to those of a similar age at NXWM are considerably shabbier. The older double deckers have all been refurbished to a high standard and are much cleaner & smoother than the older darts used by diamond. I agree that the Merc's NX have are extremely shabby but even those have seen some refurbishment.
I recently caught one of your DAF's on route 42 and it rattled like crazy and absolutely stunk of diesel. Also the paintwork of many of Diamond's darts is extremely shabby! Back in 2007/2008 Diamond promoted that they were putting brand new buses on routes 401/402. How long did these last for......
As for your comments regarding the loadings, between Great Bridge - Tipton via Alexandra Rd buses are running empty until they get to Central Ave & St Marks Rd when it starts picking up again.
Hi Simon,
With the recent VOSA changes in authorisation at various Diamond depots and Long Acre/the new Coventry depot being added on to the the Diamond Bus Company License, is the Central Connect Limited license being relinquished?
With the above changes at Long Acre & the recent reported clear-out of withdrawn vehicles, have Rotala managed to negotiate an acceptable deal to sub-let the depot?
Will the Flights Hallmark allocation still be based at Long Acre?
I also notice Wessex are withdrawing a couple of commercial services & First have won a number of tendered routes currently operated by Wessex in the Bristol areas from April. Is this likely to have much impact on fleet strength at Wessex?
Hi Simon
Further to Winston's questions, I just have a few to add:
1) Has rotala managed to sell on many of the withdrawn vehicles that were at Long Acre or have they simply been moved elsewhere for storage?
2) Which 10 vehicles on the Diamond Bus Company license do you anticipate keeping at Long Acre? Buses for the 16/50 or other Birmingham routes?
3) I take it JPT never got back to you about the e300s, only the advert has vanished from Route One and other trade magazines? Have you heard back about the manufacturer deal you talked of yet, out of interest?
4) Do you plan to produce further timetable leaflets/route guides for the value services by way of promotion or a network guide of all diamond value/diamond services in the Birmingham/Black Country?
Many Thanks
Quote from: Winston on February 22, 2014, 02:25:30 PM
Hi Simon,
With the recent VOSA changes in authorisation at various Diamond depots and Long Acre/the new Coventry depot being added on to the the Diamond Bus Company License, is the Central Connect Limited license being relinquished?
With the above changes at Long Acre & the recent reported clear-out of withdrawn vehicles, have Rotala managed to negotiate an acceptable deal to sub-let the depot?
Will the Flights Hallmark allocation still be based at Long Acre?
I also notice Wessex are withdrawing a couple of commercial services & First have won a number of tendered routes currently operated by Wessex in the Bristol areas from April. Is this likely to have much impact on fleet strength at Wessex?
We felt the current licences don't overlap as much as we would like so the changes are purely for Admin purposes, there is no expected immediate impact.
The recent changes in the South West are some up and some down overall the fleet between the two depots will reduce by about 4/5
Hi Simon,
Just wondering if you have any updates on the fates of..
1) 30428 - S405 JUA
2) 20851 - KU52 RYN
3) 30639 - YJ06 YPU
Are they returning to service if so when?
And also when is (20849, KU52 RYH) coming back to Kidderminster as I know you said it is and finally is when are (30445, T418 MNH / 30930, VX54 MUC / 30931, VX54 MUO) off for re-spray?
....And finally is (30439, W567 JVV) also coming back to Kidderminster?
I await your updates.
- Will
may I say with it being 1 year on Monday (by date) since diamond took over in Kidderminster, I have found that things have improved
loads in that time 99.9% on the time , when I have travelled and vehicles look better in your livery and they are turned out better inside and do not rattle so much. know there will be others with a different point of view . only 1 thing I have found wrong being over 6ft there is not so much room between the seat ( but that's me being to tall) nothing wrong with vehicles. and may I add how hard you and your drivers worked hard today in Kidderminster with thing things that happened in the town today (Thursday) and the large funeral on the 3 route . good job done by diamond staff Kidderminster today
Quote from: baker_06 on February 20, 2014, 06:31:25 PM
Hi Simon
A few questions regarding Black Country route: 42A/42C
I remember the days when I'd catch routes 401/402 and it would be a standing load, no matter what time of day. The busiest days I remember the route being was when it was operated by Pete's. Since diamond have operated the route it seems to carry fewer and fewer passengers now than ever before. When the 402 changed to service 42 to Dudley I noticed that most buses were running empty to Dudley (hence the reason why your services dont go there anymore). However now that it operates as services 42A/C it seems to be even quieter. It is very confusing for people to make sure they are on the right bus and it can be very infrequent if you are waiting in a particular area of the route (I.e Tipton rail station. Both 42A/C arrive within a few minutes of each other, then nothing for 25 minutes). Since these changes I have noticed that NXWM have starte using more double deckers because their buses have become so busy. Another thing is the quality of the buses. When Pete's travel operated it had brand new vehicles (W901-6JNF) . Now in 2014 it is operated by R, V, W & 02 reg vehicles which are falling apart!
Where do you see this route going in the future? Are there any proposals to update the fleet of vehicles for his route. NXWM are using brand new buses and other modern double deckers and Diamond are still in the dark ages!
Dear Sir,
We have invested in the Tividale fleet lately, and overtime will continue to do so.
On the route you mention, we need to try and educate the passengers better, this is something we are working on.
Quote from: bowler on February 26, 2014, 09:40:47 PM
may I say with it being 1 year on Monday (by date) since diamond took over in Kidderminster, I have found that things have improved
loads in that time 99.9% on the time , when I have travelled and vehicles look better in your livery and they are turned out better inside and do not rattle so much. know there will be others with a different point of view . only 1 thing I have found wrong being over 6ft there is not so much room between the seat ( but that's me being to tall) nothing wrong with vehicles. and may I add how hard you and your drivers worked hard today in Kidderminster with thing things that happened in the town today (Thursday) and the large funeral on the 3 route . good job done by diamond staff Kidderminster today
Thank you.
It is difficult to get the balance right between seat place and capacity
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 28, 2014, 01:34:42 PM
Quote from: bowler on February 26, 2014, 09:40:47 PM
may I say with it being 1 year on Monday (by date) since diamond took over in Kidderminster, I have found that things have improved
loads in that time 99.9% on the time , when I have travelled and vehicles look better in your livery and they are turned out better inside and do not rattle so much. know there will be others with a different point of view . only 1 thing I have found wrong being over 6ft there is not so much room between the seat ( but that's me being to tall) nothing wrong with vehicles. and may I add how hard you and your drivers worked hard today in Kidderminster with thing things that happened in the town today (Thursday) and the large funeral on the 3 route . good job done by diamond staff Kidderminster today
Thank you.
It is difficult to get the balance right between seat place and capacity
it is not on all vehicles if find this it seams to be more the ones with the rounded type seat backs. but I find this one trains and planes as well.
know what you meant I your answer. and realise that what you says is true . for all forms of transport ,
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Not just those, theres at least one E200 56 plate as well, would go down a storm with our Kiddy friends and those who use the X3 at peak times as the MPDs (dinky toys) are far too small!
Quote from: tank90 on March 05, 2014, 09:29:47 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Not just those, theres at least one E200 56 plate as well, would go down a storm with our Kiddy friends and those who use the X3 at peak times as the MPDs (dinky toys) are far too small!
I don't think Simon's a fan of E200's, Ensign have had 2 x 58 plate examples for sale ex Hanson's plus another ex Kent Top Travel, which have all since been sold during Feb to others
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 10:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 05, 2014, 09:29:47 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Not just those, theres at least one E200 56 plate as well, would go down a storm with our Kiddy friends and those who use the X3 at peak times as the MPDs (dinky toys) are far too small!
I don't think Simon's a fan of E200's, Ensign have had 2 x 58 plate examples for sale ex Hanson's plus another ex Kent Top Travel, which have all since been sold during Feb to others
Fan or no fan, people have had enough of standing up on the bromsgrove highway and it will hurt diamond as they are getting called by some first in blue.
Quote from: tank90 on March 06, 2014, 12:02:07 AM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 10:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 05, 2014, 09:29:47 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Not just those, theres at least one E200 56 plate as well, would go down a storm with our Kiddy friends and those who use the X3 at peak times as the MPDs (dinky toys) are far too small!
I don't think Simon's a fan of E200's, Ensign have had 2 x 58 plate examples for sale ex Hanson's plus another ex Kent Top Travel, which have all since been sold during Feb to others
Fan or no fan, people have had enough of standing up on the bromsgrove highway and it will hurt diamond as they are getting called by some first in blue.
We've said all along the X3 deserves/requires full size buses and MPD's aren't suitable
Quote from: Winston on March 06, 2014, 12:04:17 AM
Quote from: tank90 on March 06, 2014, 12:02:07 AM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 10:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 05, 2014, 09:29:47 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Not just those, theres at least one E200 56 plate as well, would go down a storm with our Kiddy friends and those who use the X3 at peak times as the MPDs (dinky toys) are far too small!
I don't think Simon's a fan of E200's, Ensign have had 2 x 58 plate examples for sale ex Hanson's plus another ex Kent Top Travel, which have all since been sold during Feb to others
Fan or no fan, people have had enough of standing up on the bromsgrove highway and it will hurt diamond as they are getting called by some first in blue.
We've said all along the X3 deserves/requires full size buses and MPD's aren't suitable
Yes that is true, and each and everytime we have given Rotala ideal buys they have turned there nosies up at them. I hate to say it so publicly but, sometimes I wonder why I bother even trying to explain to other passenagers that they are trying there best when clearly they are not. If I were Rotala I would look at every bus on the market even going to ADL direct to see what part ex i could get for some of the clapped out darts for new E200s. I say this as India and africa are looking at cheap low floors and refurbs are useful to them.
I wouldn't not look at anything as it can help keep the mony rolling in.
Quote from: Winston on March 06, 2014, 12:04:17 AM
Quote from: tank90 on March 06, 2014, 12:02:07 AM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 10:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 05, 2014, 09:29:47 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Not just those, theres at least one E200 56 plate as well, would go down a storm with our Kiddy friends and those who use the X3 at peak times as the MPDs (dinky toys) are far too small!
I don't think Simon's a fan of E200's, Ensign have had 2 x 58 plate examples for sale ex Hanson's plus another ex Kent Top Travel, which have all since been sold during Feb to others
Fan or no fan, people have had enough of standing up on the bromsgrove highway and it will hurt diamond as they are getting called by some first in blue.
We've said all along the X3 deserves/requires full size buses and MPD's aren't suitable
Why don't Diamond do what first did and have boards run by both redditch and Kiddy...then. Redditch could hypothetically send a bigger bus out (either a e300/b7/MAN?)
Quote from: the trainbasher on March 06, 2014, 01:28:52 AM
Quote from: Winston on March 06, 2014, 12:04:17 AM
Quote from: tank90 on March 06, 2014, 12:02:07 AM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 10:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 05, 2014, 09:29:47 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Not just those, theres at least one E200 56 plate as well, would go down a storm with our Kiddy friends and those who use the X3 at peak times as the MPDs (dinky toys) are far too small!
I don't think Simon's a fan of E200's, Ensign have had 2 x 58 plate examples for sale ex Hanson's plus another ex Kent Top Travel, which have all since been sold during Feb to others
Fan or no fan, people have had enough of standing up on the bromsgrove highway and it will hurt diamond as they are getting called by some first in blue.
We've said all along the X3 deserves/requires full size buses and MPD's aren't suitable
Why don't Diamond do what first did and have boards run by both redditch and Kiddy...then. Redditch could hypothetically send a bigger bus out (either a e300/b7/MAN?)
The ironic thing is its full and standing Kidderminster MPDs mainly in the week and half full if that Redditch Enviro 300s/Streetlights on Sundays!
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
No we have no Double decker requirements.
Quote from: tank90 on March 05, 2014, 09:29:47 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Not just those, theres at least one E200 56 plate as well, would go down a storm with our Kiddy friends and those who use the X3 at peak times as the MPDs (dinky toys) are far too small!
The E200 is too much money for what it is
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 10:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 05, 2014, 09:29:47 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Not just those, theres at least one E200 56 plate as well, would go down a storm with our Kiddy friends and those who use the X3 at peak times as the MPDs (dinky toys) are far too small!
I don't think Simon's a fan of E200's, Ensign have had 2 x 58 plate examples for sale ex Hanson's plus another ex Kent Top Travel, which have all since been sold during Feb to others
I don't think they are the best bus. However, at the same time they are not the worst.
Ensign wanted more than I was prepared to pay for them
Quote from: tank90 on March 06, 2014, 12:58:13 AM
Quote from: Winston on March 06, 2014, 12:04:17 AM
Quote from: tank90 on March 06, 2014, 12:02:07 AM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 10:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 05, 2014, 09:29:47 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Not just those, theres at least one E200 56 plate as well, would go down a storm with our Kiddy friends and those who use the X3 at peak times as the MPDs (dinky toys) are far too small!
I don't think Simon's a fan of E200's, Ensign have had 2 x 58 plate examples for sale ex Hanson's plus another ex Kent Top Travel, which have all since been sold during Feb to others
Fan or no fan, people have had enough of standing up on the bromsgrove highway and it will hurt diamond as they are getting called by some first in blue.
We've said all along the X3 deserves/requires full size buses and MPD's aren't suitable
Yes that is true, and each and everytime we have given Rotala ideal buys they have turned there nosies up at them. I hate to say it so publicly but, sometimes I wonder why I bother even trying to explain to other passenagers that they are trying there best when clearly they are not. If I were Rotala I would look at every bus on the market even going to ADL direct to see what part ex i could get for some of the clapped out darts for new E200s. I say this as India and africa are looking at cheap low floors and refurbs are useful to them.
I wouldn't not look at anything as it can help keep the mony rolling in.
The 54 plate Long darts have been left in Kidderminster for the X3, and other long buses have been left to operate on other services.
Like I have previously said, not all markets can justify new buses.
I am sure if you were buying a car or a house, you would only pay what you believed something was worth. I believe I trade as many buses as anyone, so I think I have a good idea of market value of buses.
Quote from: tank90 on March 06, 2014, 12:58:13 AM
Yes that is true, and each and everytime we have given Rotala ideal buys they have turned there nosies up at them. I hate to say it so publicly but, sometimes I wonder why I bother even trying to explain to other passenagers that they are trying there best when clearly they are not. If I were Rotala I would look at every bus on the market even going to ADL direct to see what part ex i could get for some of the clapped out darts for new E200s. I say this as India and africa are looking at cheap low floors and refurbs are useful to them.
I wouldn't not look at anything as it can help keep the mony rolling in.
It's a complete no-brainer really. Yes, routes such as the X3 are not suited to the MPD, but there simply isn't the revenue available at the Kidderminster end to justify suitable newish stock. In most cases, day tickets are cheaper than the West Midlands equivalent & there certainly isn't the same footfall available. Think about it, even if from day one Kidderminster had been completely restocked with brand medium/high capacity new stock, how much would have been transferred away by now to somewhere where it might have a chance of returning the investment?
I said it at the time, I still can't fathom what made Rotala go for Kidderminster (& Redditch for that matter), much less actually pay First for the privilege either.
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on March 06, 2014, 08:22:43 AM
Quote from: tank90 on March 06, 2014, 12:58:13 AM
Yes that is true, and each and everytime we have given Rotala ideal buys they have turned there nosies up at them. I hate to say it so publicly but, sometimes I wonder why I bother even trying to explain to other passenagers that they are trying there best when clearly they are not. If I were Rotala I would look at every bus on the market even going to ADL direct to see what part ex i could get for some of the clapped out darts for new E200s. I say this as India and africa are looking at cheap low floors and refurbs are useful to them.
I wouldn't not look at anything as it can help keep the mony rolling in.
It's a complete no-brainer really. Yes, routes such as the X3 are not suited to the MPD, but there simply isn't the revenue available at the Kidderminster end to justify suitable newish stock. In most cases, day tickets are cheaper than the West Midlands equivalent & there certainly isn't the same footfall available. Think about it, even if from day one Kidderminster had been completely restocked with brand medium/high capacity new stock, how much would have been transferred away by now to somewhere where it might have a chance of returning the investment?
I said it at the time, I still can't fathom what made Rotala go for Kidderminster (& Redditch for that matter), much less actually pay First for the privilege either.
Within the OFT report written about acquisition we make no secret of the fact, that we either needed to exit the market completely or consolidate the Diamond Bus business in Redditch and the First Bus business in Redditch into one.
First operated Redditch and Kidderminster as one unit, and therefore we acquired both businesses. Since acquiring Kidderminster we have pleasently been surprised with what we have acquired, with the constraints that Worcestershire face it is difficult to understand how that impacts on our business however, we always try to act in a reasonable rational way and invest what makes sense.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 06, 2014, 06:18:29 AM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
No we have no Double decker requirements.
Thanks Simon,
I was thinking along the lines of whether a busy single decker route @ Wessex could be upgraded to using those double deckers and allow B7RLE to be cascaded to Diamond or something? Or even if they would be suitable for Preston.
I think with the X3 issues, Diamond have moved in a higher proportion of larger Darts to Kidderminster of late, but I don't think the resources are being allocated to the busiest routes to match their capacities based on some of the more recent sightings.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 06, 2014, 08:33:57 AM
Within the OFT report written about acquisition we make no secret of the fact, that we either needed to exit the market completely or consolidate the Diamond Bus business in Redditch and the First Bus business in Redditch into one.
First operated Redditch and Kidderminster as one unit, and therefore we acquired both businesses. Since acquiring Kidderminster we have pleasently been surprised with what we have acquired, with the constraints that Worcestershire face it is difficult to understand how that impacts on our business however, we always try to act in a reasonable rational way and invest what makes sense.
I appreciate that there was always going to be OFT involvement with the Redditch deal & that the outcome was never in doubt - merger of the two operations etc. The period of limbo before OFT ratification, along with uncertainty of future funding from Worcestershire (think what was happening with the 192/292, extra funding being available for additional summer services for two years, then abruptly nothing available for ANY service - along with a discussion at LA where two of us came to the conclusion that it was best for Buses & crew to lay over between services at Kidderminster during the Summer as it would lose less money than any alternate service use that we could think for them) that didn't scan for me.
I pitched an alternative strategy to Mo in 2012, when it was common knowledge that First wanted out of Redditch. That of using some of the numerous Darts that were redundant from LA & TE to register on all RH routes that Rotala weren't already involved in, even running for free until the registrations had commenced. Admittedly based on some quick back-of-fag-packet maths, the sums involved for a year of competition were a fraction of the eventual deal - & would have given a quick exit strategy had this not achieved the effect of removing First from the equation.
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on March 06, 2014, 09:54:07 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 06, 2014, 08:33:57 AM
Within the OFT report written about acquisition we make no secret of the fact, that we either needed to exit the market completely or consolidate the Diamond Bus business in Redditch and the First Bus business in Redditch into one.
First operated Redditch and Kidderminster as one unit, and therefore we acquired both businesses. Since acquiring Kidderminster we have pleasently been surprised with what we have acquired, with the constraints that Worcestershire face it is difficult to understand how that impacts on our business however, we always try to act in a reasonable rational way and invest what makes sense.
I appreciate that there was always going to be OFT involvement with the Redditch deal & that the outcome was never in doubt - merger of the two operations etc. The period of limbo before OFT ratification, along with uncertainty of future funding from Worcestershire (think what was happening with the 192/292, extra funding being available for additional summer services for two years, then abruptly nothing available for ANY service - along with a discussion at LA where two of us came to the conclusion that it was best for Buses & crew to lay over between services at Kidderminster during the Summer as it would lose less money than any alternate service use that we could think for them) that didn't scan for me.
I pitched an alternative strategy to Mo in 2012, when it was common knowledge that First wanted out of Redditch. That of using some of the numerous Darts that were redundant from LA & TE to register on all RH routes that Rotala weren't already involved in, even running for free until the registrations had commenced. Admittedly based on some quick back-of-fag-packet maths, the sums involved for a year of competition were a fraction of the eventual deal - & would have given a quick exit strategy had this not achieved the effect of removing First from the equation.
In the public arena it states we paid £1.5 million for the business, we acquired 25 buses some with very little value admittedly, and 2 freehold properites. I am more than happy that we achieved a deal which was in Rotala shareholders best interests.
Hi Simon,
Just wondering if you have any updates on the fates of..
1) 30428 - S405 JUA
2) 20851 - KU52 RYN
3) 30639 - YJ06 YPU
Are they returning to service if so when?
And also when is (20849, KU52 RYH) coming back to Kidderminster as I know you said it is and finally is when are (30445, T418 MNH / 30930, VX54 MUC / 30931, VX54 MUO) off for re-spray?
....And finally is (30439, W567 JVV) also coming back to Kidderminster?
I await your updates.
- Will
Hi Simon has Diamond thought about buying gas buses ie the man eco city thingy?
If not then it could be a goer as they are greener than a standard bus. Plus I can think of routes that they would go well on too across the network.
Quote from: tank90 on March 08, 2014, 01:16:04 AM
Hi Simon has Diamond thought about buying gas buses ie the man eco city thingy?
If not then it could be a goer as they are greener than a standard bus. Plus I can think of routes that they would go well on too across the network.
When you are buying a Hybrid, gas or a new product off any manufacturer, you should be fully aware and confident they are capable, willing and able to support it.
I would not be confident MAN could support such a product and would therefore not consider it.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 08, 2014, 07:41:12 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 08, 2014, 01:16:04 AM
Hi Simon has Diamond thought about buying gas buses ie the man eco city thingy?
If not then it could be a goer as they are greener than a standard bus. Plus I can think of routes that they would go well on too across the network.
When you are buying a Hybrid, gas or a new product off any manufacturer, you should be fully aware and confident they are capable, willing and able to support it.
I would not be confident MAN could support such a product and would therefore not consider it.
That is a fair point, tho Arriva and Anglian bus seem to have a few.
ADL with Scania have got one on the E300 chassie that is floating around the UK, not sure of itss price tag tho.
Hi simon I'm really glad that the 4 has its sunday service again and I really hope people choose to use it, is there any chance that rotala would look to run a 4h on a sunday? like what you do Monday to Saturday I think every other 4/4h would be brilliant on a sunday too so every 30 mins?
Have You news of when the results of the review will take place in Kidderminster.
please. there are more people I talk to and when I am at the bus stops saying how
the services have got better here than moaning about them. there are certainly
more people using the 10. regard cedric
Hi Simon,
1. Have Rotala/Wessex waited to register the 2 x DF Streetlights until after 1st March as 14 reg? As I notice they don't feature on the Feb Rotala fleetchanges
2. Did the deal to buy B7RLE that was underwritten by Rotala fall through?
3. Have the new range of value tickets on selected Diamond services had a positive effect on passenger numbers during there first month?
4. Do you anticipate Rotala making any acquisitions during this year either bolt-on or in a new operating area?
Quote from: Will on March 12, 2014, 11:22:08 PM
Hi Simon,
Just wondering if you have any updates on the fates of..
1) 30428 - S405 JUA
2) 20851 - KU52 RYN
3) 30639 - YJ06 YPU
Are they returning to service if so when?
And also when is (20849, KU52 RYH) coming back to Kidderminster as I know you said it is and finally is when are (30445, T418 MNH / 30930, VX54 MUC / 30931, VX54 MUO) off for re-spray?
....And finally is (30439, W567 JVV) also coming back to Kidderminster?
I await your updates.
- Will
That's about the 4th time you've repeated that question Will!
I don't think Simon is going to answer it; he would have by now...
Repeating it every few days may just just look impatient?
Quote from: Will on March 13, 2014, 02:23:29 AM
Yes I knw! It is only because it keeps getting buried under other peoples comments & questions and as it goes I'm probably NOT the only one that repeats themselves on here unfortunatly those that do they go unoticed meanwhile I don't! And futhermore I'm only interested as to why 3 excellent vehicles with no mechanical faults (to our public knowledge) have been V.O.R. Since at least January/early Feb and haven't since returned to service I much prefer those vehicles to the 10 MPDs that Diamond have got (or rather shouldn't have) in Kidderminster I can assure you at least your not like a sardine on S405 JUA where as you would be on T71 JBA (et al)
I'd say MPDs are suitable for some Kidderminster routes, such as the 141, 133 and 4/5.
Simon has already answered why KU52 RYN is VOR - the documentation has been lost and it cannot be taxed.
I know you want to have answers to your questions (I am also interested to know the answers) but Simon chooses to contribute to this forum, doesn't have to, and could easily stop if he felt the thread was being spammed or abused.
Not meaning to be funny at all just friendly advice!
Sam, I totally agree.
Will, you should be grateful for any responses to your questions that you actually get, after all Simon is the Chief Exec of Rotala plc & I'm sure he has more pressing issues to worry about than answering all our questions!!! If you keep badgering him, he could choose to stop contributing althogether, Winston,
Hi Simon
Is there any plans to improve reliability on the 226/W. Last few weeks I've noticed that some of the journeys (weekday peaks, Saturday off peak and Sundays) have a habit of running consistently late (Sundays it doesn't help with the 81 running same departure times from Merry hill!). Although sometimes they're coming at times anything up to 5-10 minutes early!
Also, is there any plans to renew the fleet on the 226 as surely the 2 remaining darts that are branded must be worn out near enough having to tackle the hills on the route? It's that bad even solos and B7s have appeared during the daytime!
Anyway that's it from me for a bit.
Tom (the trainbasher)
Quote from: the trainbasher on March 13, 2014, 05:33:11 PM
Hi Simon
Is there any plans to improve reliability on the 226/W. Last few weeks I've noticed that some of the journeys (weekday peaks, Saturday off peak and Sundays) have a habit of running consistently late
Tom (the trainbasher)
I can offer a bit of input regarding reliability in peak periods from a driver perspective as I've driven the 226 route before....
The occasional late running at peak periods on Monday to Friday comes from the traffic between the hospital and Pensnett and also through Wordsley at the lights by The Cat pub. It's a weird one to be honest because one day you can go straight through the hospital and not hit any traffic and get straight over the lights at Wordsley, the other day you'll hit both the traffic at the hospital and the lights. On an evening you can also hit traffic at the Five Ways junction at Brierley Hill, again though that can be very hit and miss. You can also lose time coming out of Dudley if you catch all the lights wrong at King Street, I've had it happen to me before now that I've caught every set of lights on King street, those lights can easily put you 2-3 minutes down. On the other hand I've gone straight through the lights with them all on green!
The late running on a Saturday or Sunday I don't know because I've never driven the route on either day.
As a driver I don't feel it's a reliability issue as such, because if you only hit one or 2 sets of lights at Dudley or only a little bit of traffic at the hospital it's possible to keep it on time at peak periods, the problem comes from traffic delays no one can control.
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
These are not of interest. The only requirement for double deck is fullfilled by new bus purchases sat in our yard at Long Acre
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 10:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 05, 2014, 09:29:47 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Not just those, theres at least one E200 56 plate as well, would go down a storm with our Kiddy friends and those who use the X3 at peak times as the MPDs (dinky toys) are far too small!
I don't think Simon's a fan of E200's, Ensign have had 2 x 58 plate examples for sale ex Hanson's plus another ex Kent Top Travel, which have all since been sold during Feb to others
I have spoken to Ross, and in my opinion this vehicle is too expensive for what it is
Quote from: tank90 on March 06, 2014, 12:58:13 AM
Quote from: Winston on March 06, 2014, 12:04:17 AM
Quote from: tank90 on March 06, 2014, 12:02:07 AM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 10:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 05, 2014, 09:29:47 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
Not just those, theres at least one E200 56 plate as well, would go down a storm with our Kiddy friends and those who use the X3 at peak times as the MPDs (dinky toys) are far too small!
I don't think Simon's a fan of E200's, Ensign have had 2 x 58 plate examples for sale ex Hanson's plus another ex Kent Top Travel, which have all since been sold during Feb to others
Fan or no fan, people have had enough of standing up on the bromsgrove highway and it will hurt diamond as they are getting called by some first in blue.
We've said all along the X3 deserves/requires full size buses and MPD's aren't suitable
Yes that is true, and each and everytime we have given Rotala ideal buys they have turned there nosies up at them. I hate to say it so publicly but, sometimes I wonder why I bother even trying to explain to other passenagers that they are trying there best when clearly they are not. If I were Rotala I would look at every bus on the market even going to ADL direct to see what part ex i could get for some of the clapped out darts for new E200s. I say this as India and africa are looking at cheap low floors and refurbs are useful to them.
I wouldn't not look at anything as it can help keep the mony rolling in.
With service changes planned, will we have some long single decks come free from Wessex
Quote from: bwsau cymru on March 10, 2014, 08:07:24 PM
Hi simon I'm really glad that the 4 has its sunday service again and I really hope people choose to use it, is there any chance that rotala would look to run a 4h on a sunday? like what you do Monday to Saturday I think every other 4/4h would be brilliant on a sunday too so every 30 mins?
There are no plans at present to do this
Quote from: Winston on March 12, 2014, 10:46:22 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Have Rotala/Wessex waited to register the 2 x DF Streetlights until after 1st March as 14 reg? As I notice they don't feature on the Feb Rotala fleetchanges
2. Did the deal to buy B7RLE that was underwritten by Rotala fall through?
3. Have the new range of value tickets on selected Diamond services had a positive effect on passenger numbers during there first month?
4. Do you anticipate Rotala making any acquisitions during this year either bolt-on or in a new operating area?
1. They were registered during March.
2. Yes, this doesnt look like it will happen.
3. It is too early to tell.
4. We have cash and desire, it depends upon what is available, our view on value, against what someone is prepared to sell for.
Quote from: StourportSam on March 13, 2014, 01:28:03 AM
Quote from: Will on March 12, 2014, 11:22:08 PM
Hi Simon,
Just wondering if you have any updates on the fates of..
1) 30428 - S405 JUA
2) 20851 - KU52 RYN
3) 30639 - YJ06 YPU
Are they returning to service if so when?
And also when is (20849, KU52 RYH) coming back to Kidderminster as I know you said it is and finally is when are (30445, T418 MNH / 30930, VX54 MUC / 30931, VX54 MUO) off for re-spray?
....And finally is (30439, W567 JVV) also coming back to Kidderminster?
I await your updates.
- Will
That's about the 4th time you've repeated that question Will!
I don't think Simon is going to answer it; he would have by now...
Repeating it every few days may just just look impatient?
I believe most of these buses have returned to service.
Quote from: StourportSam on March 13, 2014, 10:53:43 AM
Quote from: Will on March 13, 2014, 02:23:29 AM
Yes I knw! It is only because it keeps getting buried under other peoples comments & questions and as it goes I'm probably NOT the only one that repeats themselves on here unfortunatly those that do they go unoticed meanwhile I don't! And futhermore I'm only interested as to why 3 excellent vehicles with no mechanical faults (to our public knowledge) have been V.O.R. Since at least January/early Feb and haven't since returned to service I much prefer those vehicles to the 10 MPDs that Diamond have got (or rather shouldn't have) in Kidderminster I can assure you at least your not like a sardine on S405 JUA where as you would be on T71 JBA (et al)
I'd say MPDs are suitable for some Kidderminster routes, such as the 141, 133 and 4/5.
Simon has already answered why KU52 RYN is VOR - the documentation has been lost and it cannot be taxed.
I know you want to have answers to your questions (I am also interested to know the answers) but Simon chooses to contribute to this forum, doesn't have to, and could easily stop if he felt the thread was being spammed or abused.
Not meaning to be funny at all just friendly advice!
Sam, I totally agree.
Will, you should be grateful for any responses to your questions that you actually get, after all Simon is the Chief Exec of Rotala plc & I'm sure he has more pressing issues to worry about than answering all our questions!!! If you keep badgering him, he could choose to stop contributing althogether, Winston,
I apologise if I havent answered some questions.
It has not been my intention.
Quote from: the trainbasher on March 13, 2014, 05:33:11 PM
Hi Simon
Is there any plans to improve reliability on the 226/W. Last few weeks I've noticed that some of the journeys (weekday peaks, Saturday off peak and Sundays) have a habit of running consistently late (Sundays it doesn't help with the 81 running same departure times from Merry hill!). Although sometimes they're coming at times anything up to 5-10 minutes early!
Also, is there any plans to renew the fleet on the 226 as surely the 2 remaining darts that are branded must be worn out near enough having to tackle the hills on the route? It's that bad even solos and B7s have appeared during the daytime!
Anyway that's it from me for a bit.
Tom (the trainbasher)
I have shared your comments with our commercial team.
We need to look at this, and take appropriate action.
Sorry for the delay
I am sorry if I have not been as responsive lately. I have had a lot on, in preperation for my Holiday, and a number of things we are doing.
FYI I am away after this Saturday for a little over 2 weeks, so if you have questions please ask them in advance.
Around Mid/late April, we are going to re-deploy 5 x VDL Centros from Avonmouth to the Midlands, a further decker to Preston to allow the release of Preston deckers to operate school contracts in Blackpool and also the 07 plate Volvo B7RLE's which should have come up earlier. We have not yet decided their exact location.
We have (from memmory) 3 x W90*JNF off the road. These are being returned to service to help with over capacity issues, between all these vehicle movements we do not believe we have a vehicle size problem, we just need to deploy them appropriately.
We have also undertaken some fleet re-organisation to keep mainly darts in Kidderminster to simplify Engineering.
Once all this is all settled down and re-organised we will have a better idea of what if anything needs to be further replaced.
Hi Simon,
I would like to behalf of everyone here wish you a warm welcome back!
I know I have asked before mate and I apologise for repeating but what are the intentions of S405 JUA/YJ06 YPU/KU52 RYN/V383 SVV are these vehicles being withdrawn as I noted when walking past Kidderminster bus garage on Sunday that RYN still has a VOR notice in the windscreen and YPU has a missing front bumper btw I like the 07 Centro parked up in Kidderminster can't wait for that to come into service if indeed it is intended for Kidderminster.
Hi Simon,
I have just one question, regarding a recent VOSA registration change regarding 'route and timetable changes'; what changes are occurring to the 30 service (Acocks Green to Solihull) from 27th April? This date coincides with other changes being made as part of the South Birmingham & Solihull consultation, in particular in the Acocks Green area there are changes to be made to the 1, 3 and 31 NXWM services, though details have not been made available yet.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 25, 2014, 04:07:59 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
These are not of interest. The only requirement for double deck is fullfilled by new bus purchases sat in our yard at Long Acre
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your replies.
re: the new bus purchases, I assume you are referring to the two new Volvo B9TL/Wright Gemini's for Wessex?
Quote from: Stu on March 25, 2014, 07:12:48 PM
Hi Simon,
I have just one question, regarding a recent VOSA registration change regarding 'route and timetable changes'; what changes are occurring to the 30 service (Acocks Green to Solihull) from 27th April? This date coincides with other changes being made as part of the South Birmingham & Solihull consultation, in particular in the Acocks Green area there are changes to be made to the 1, 3 and 31 NXWM services, though details have not been made available yet.
New route will be as now from Acocks Green to Blossomfield Road (Swimming Baths), then left Solihull Station Approach, right Streetsbrook Road, ahead at roundabout into Station Road & continue to Poplar Road. Then left Warwick Road, ahead/left Lode Lane, ahead/right at roundabout back into Blossomfield Road then as now.
Buses will only serve the loop and the rail station in Solihull once per trip and in one direction at all times. If necessary the bus can pause for time up to 2 minutes if required in Poplar Road. The time taken in the peaks to do the loop twice around Solihull is equating to half of the journey time, so extra running time has also been built in and additional recovery time at each end. The peak headways are extended to 35 minutes instead of 30 minutes as this had to be done with existing resource.
Quote from: Will on March 25, 2014, 04:44:56 PM
Hi Simon,
I would like to behalf of everyone here wish you a warm welcome back!
I know I have asked before mate and I apologise for repeating but what are the intentions of S405 JUA/YJ06 YPU/KU52 RYN/V383 SVV are these vehicles being withdrawn as I noted when walking past Kidderminster bus garage on Sunday that RYN still has a VOR notice in the windscreen and YPU has a missing front bumper btw I like the 07 Centro parked up in Kidderminster can't wait for that to come into service if indeed it is intended for Kidderminster.
KU52RYN - Will re-enter service on 1st April 2014.
V383SVV - Was repossessed following the colapse of PCL. This is due to be MOT'd on Friday
YJ06YPU - Awaiting slot to go into Mercedes, for some work.
Quote from: Winston on March 25, 2014, 10:31:30 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 25, 2014, 04:07:59 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
These are not of interest. The only requirement for double deck is fullfilled by new bus purchases sat in our yard at Long Acre
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your replies.
re: the new bus purchases, I assume you are referring to the two new Volvo B9TL/Wright Gemini's for Wessex?
That is correct
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 27, 2014, 01:07:12 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 25, 2014, 10:31:30 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 25, 2014, 04:07:59 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
These are not of interest. The only requirement for double deck is fullfilled by new bus purchases sat in our yard at Long Acre
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your replies.
re: the new bus purchases, I assume you are referring to the two new Volvo B9TL/Wright Gemini's for Wessex?
That is correct
Thanks for your response Simon, will S405 JUA also re-enter service? Or has it gone elsewhere
Quote from: Will on March 27, 2014, 02:16:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 27, 2014, 01:07:12 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 25, 2014, 10:31:30 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 25, 2014, 04:07:59 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
These are not of interest. The only requirement for double deck is fullfilled by new bus purchases sat in our yard at Long Acre
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your replies.
re: the new bus purchases, I assume you are referring to the two new Volvo B9TL/Wright Gemini's for Wessex?
That is correct
Thanks for your response Simon, will S405 JUA also re-enter service? Or has it gone elsewhere
We are not sure.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 28, 2014, 02:33:52 PM
Quote from: Will on March 27, 2014, 02:16:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 27, 2014, 01:07:12 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 25, 2014, 10:31:30 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 25, 2014, 04:07:59 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
These are not of interest. The only requirement for double deck is fullfilled by new bus purchases sat in our yard at Long Acre
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your replies.
re: the new bus purchases, I assume you are referring to the two new Volvo B9TL/Wright Gemini's for Wessex?
That is correct
Thanks for your response Simon, will S405 JUA also re-enter service? Or has it gone elsewhere
We are not sure.
Oh dear why what's wrong with it?
Quote from: Will on March 28, 2014, 02:42:35 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 28, 2014, 02:33:52 PM
Quote from: Will on March 27, 2014, 02:16:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 27, 2014, 01:07:12 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 25, 2014, 10:31:30 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 25, 2014, 04:07:59 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 05, 2014, 12:50:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Would the 6 x 55 plate ex Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner B7TL's/Wright Eclipse Gemini's (single door format with coach seats) just taken in to stock at Ensign be of interest to Rotala?
These are not of interest. The only requirement for double deck is fullfilled by new bus purchases sat in our yard at Long Acre
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your replies.
re: the new bus purchases, I assume you are referring to the two new Volvo B9TL/Wright Gemini's for Wessex?
That is correct
Thanks for your response Simon, will S405 JUA also re-enter service? Or has it gone elsewhere
We are not sure.
Oh dear why what's wrong with it?
We have too many vehicles, the engine is damaged. we will repair. However, we may look to sell once repaired
re:- s405jua thats ironic seen as its sister has same trouble!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 28, 2014, 03:02:56 PM
Quote from: Will on March 28, 2014, 02:42:35 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 28, 2014, 02:33:52 PM
Quote from: Will on March 27, 2014, 02:16:13 PM
Thanks for your response Simon, will S405 JUA also re-enter service? Or has it gone elsewhere
We are not sure.
Oh dear why what's wrong with it?
We have too many vehicles, the engine is damaged. we will repair. However, we may look to sell once repaired
Hi Simon,
If your intending to repair S405JUA & then possibly sell it on it, would using S405JUA to allow the withdrawal of non-repainted 30445 T418MNH at Kidderminster not be a better option? At least then S405JUA would earn it's keep for a little longer to go some way towards paying for its recent repaint.
Could T418MNH then be part exchanged for something like this, thus allowing an older Dart to be withdrawn from Tividale?
p.s. Have a good holiday!
Quote from: Winston on March 28, 2014, 03:21:45 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 28, 2014, 03:02:56 PM
Quote from: Will on March 28, 2014, 02:42:35 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 28, 2014, 02:33:52 PM
Quote from: Will on March 27, 2014, 02:16:13 PM
Thanks for your response Simon, will S405 JUA also re-enter service? Or has it gone elsewhere
We are not sure.
Oh dear why what's wrong with it?
We have too many vehicles, the engine is damaged. we will repair. However, we may look to sell once repaired
Hi Simon,
If your intending to repair S405JUA & then possibly sell it on it, would using S405JUA to allow the withdrawal of non-repainted 30445 T418MNH at Kidderminster not be a better option? At least then S405JUA would earn it's keep for a little longer to go some way towards paying for its recent repaint.
Could T418MNH then be part exchanged for something like this, thus allowing an older Dart to be withdrawn from Tividale?
p.s. Have a good holiday!
Winston, thank you someone else who agree's with me you've hit the nail on the head there and I absolutely 110% agree with you they should get rid of T418 MNH as it would be a waste of money and time repainting that particular vehicle and keep S405 JUA on the road otherwise the repaint they did on that would of been a waste of money and time so Simon honestly it would be in your best interest to do as Winston suggested and to add to it S405 has got at least another 2 or 3 years left in her so please don't get rid
Hi Simon,
Have you seen in Route one magazine an 04 plate Enviro 300 for sale at £28,000 here the phone number in the ad 01234 710 674.
Idea for Redditch so a lng dart could transfer to Kidderminster.
Ps have a good holiday, and if I have said anything on the forum that was unfair I do apologise.
Quote from: tank90 on March 28, 2014, 04:01:35 PM
Hi Simon,
Have you seen in Route one magazine an 04 plate Enviro 300 for sale at £28,000 here the phone number in the ad 01234 710 674.
Idea for Redditch so a lng dart could transfer to Kidderminster.
Ps have a good holiday, and if I have said anything on the forum that was unfair I do apologise.
The 4 x 04 plate B7RLE/Wright that Rotala originally sold to Yourbus have now dropped in price by £10K, they are now £35k/each
The 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro aslo appear to be for sale again @ £90k each
Quote from: Winston on March 28, 2014, 04:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 28, 2014, 04:01:35 PM
Hi Simon,
Have you seen in Route one magazine an 04 plate Enviro 300 for sale at £28,000 here the phone number in the ad 01234 710 674.
Idea for Redditch so a lng dart could transfer to Kidderminster.
Ps have a good holiday, and if I have said anything on the forum that was unfair I do apologise.
The 4 x 04 plate B7RLE/Wright that Rotala originally sold to Yourbus have now dropped in price by £10K, they are now £35k/each
The 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro aslo appear to be for sale again @ £90k each
All would be useful from a passenagers point of view if im being 100% honest.
Quote from: Will on March 28, 2014, 03:42:34 PM
Quote from: Winston on March 28, 2014, 03:21:45 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 28, 2014, 03:02:56 PM
Quote from: Will on March 28, 2014, 02:42:35 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 28, 2014, 02:33:52 PM
Quote from: Will on March 27, 2014, 02:16:13 PM
Thanks for your response Simon, will S405 JUA also re-enter service? Or has it gone elsewhere
We are not sure.
Oh dear why what's wrong with it?
We have too many vehicles, the engine is damaged. we will repair. However, we may look to sell once repaired
Hi Simon,
If your intending to repair S405JUA & then possibly sell it on it, would using S405JUA to allow the withdrawal of non-repainted 30445 T418MNH at Kidderminster not be a better option? At least then S405JUA would earn it's keep for a little longer to go some way towards paying for its recent repaint.
Could T418MNH then be part exchanged for something like this, thus allowing an older Dart to be withdrawn from Tividale?
p.s. Have a good holiday!
Winston, thank you someone else who agree's with me you've hit the nail on the head there and I absolutely 110% agree with you they should get rid of T418 MNH as it would be a waste of money and time repainting that particular vehicle and keep S405 JUA on the road otherwise the repaint they did on that would of been a waste of money and time so Simon honestly it would be in your best interest to do as Winston suggested and to add to it S405 has got at least another 2 or 3 years left in her so please don't get rid
Colour aside, from my observations T418 MNH is a much better vehicle than S405 JUA, which sounded completely knackered when I was on it around December.
Quote from: Ash on March 27, 2014, 12:29:46 PM
Quote from: Stu on March 25, 2014, 07:12:48 PM
Hi Simon,
I have just one question, regarding a recent VOSA registration change regarding 'route and timetable changes'; what changes are occurring to the 30 service (Acocks Green to Solihull) from 27th April? This date coincides with other changes being made as part of the South Birmingham & Solihull consultation, in particular in the Acocks Green area there are changes to be made to the 1, 3 and 31 NXWM services, though details have not been made available yet.
New route will be as now from Acocks Green to Blossomfield Road (Swimming Baths), then left Solihull Station Approach, right Streetsbrook Road, ahead at roundabout into Station Road & continue to Poplar Road. Then left Warwick Road, ahead/left Lode Lane, ahead/right at roundabout back into Blossomfield Road then as now.
Buses will only serve the loop and the rail station in Solihull once per trip and in one direction at all times. If necessary the bus can pause for time up to 2 minutes if required in Poplar Road. The time taken in the peaks to do the loop twice around Solihull is equating to half of the journey time, so extra running time has also been built in and additional recovery time at each end. The peak headways are extended to 35 minutes instead of 30 minutes as this had to be done with existing resource.
Many thanks for that, I had almost begun to convince myself that the route change would have been at the Acocks Green end! I probably would have done away with the 30 even going into the station, just turning round at the town centre, passengers for the train station could always get off at the Swimming Baths stop on Blossomfield Road and walk through to the back of the station.
Hi Simon,
Are you able to tell me what the current PVR is for Kidderminster please, just out of interest?
Also which depot are routes 356/357/358 and S006 operated from please?
Hi Simon,
Just wondering if you could tell me when you intend to re-spray these buses
* 30930, VX54 MUC
* 30931, VX54 MUO
obviously 30932 (VX54 MUP) was resprayed around April/May of last year so like I say I'm wondering when you intend to get the other two resprayed. Also is 20849 (KU52 RYH) returning to Kidderminster at some stage?
Hope you had a good holiday and I await your responce
Hi Simon, really good that you come on here, not like other bus bosses who don't listen to enthusiasts. I was just wandering if some of the other people on this forum would be kind to you and give you the special websites were they find all of these buses for sale, I am sure it would make your job a bit easier if you new what buses were for sale as well as them?
Quote from: Tracline on April 04, 2014, 08:23:28 PM
I was just wandering if some of the other people on this forum would be kind to you and give you the special websites were they find all of these buses for sale, I am sure it would make your job a bit easier if you new what buses were for sale as well as them?
All the major trade rags are available in house, I've even browsed a couple of them in reception when I've had to wait whilst others were in meetings!
I think the only benefit to Simon of the 'early warning' system on here is to flag up potential targets. Obviously He can do this himself, but then needs to find the time to trawl through each advertisement. Ditto with dealers websites etc.
Ohhhh I see. I would of thought a company as big as Rotala might have people as well as Simon who would know about things like that or maybe places that sell buses would ring up SImon to tell him about what buses they have for sale. He must be really happy to have this group to tell him what buses he should buy and how much they are. This is why other bus bosses should come on here, they are missing out
Quote from: Tracline on April 05, 2014, 01:16:22 PM
Ohhhh I see. I would of thought a company as big as Rotala might have people as well as Simon who would know about things like that or maybe places that sell buses would ring up SImon to tell him about what buses they have for sale. He must be really happy to have this group to tell him what buses he should buy and how much they are. This is why other bus bosses should come on here, they are missing out
Simon, does get approached by dealers sometimes long before we even see an advert in the trade press or on a dealers website.
Quote from: Winston on April 05, 2014, 01:59:09 PM
Quote from: Tracline on April 05, 2014, 01:16:22 PM
Ohhhh I see. I would of thought a company as big as Rotala might have people as well as Simon who would know about things like that or maybe places that sell buses would ring up SImon to tell him about what buses they have for sale. He must be really happy to have this group to tell him what buses he should buy and how much they are. This is why other bus bosses should come on here, they are missing out
Simon, does get approached by dealers sometimes long before we even see an advert in the trade press or on a dealers website.
Precisely-it is more interesting and useful for us than it probably is for Simon, hence why it is really kind he is prepared to spend time answering questions.
Quote from: Will on April 04, 2014, 06:00:36 PM
Hi Simon,
Just wondering if you could tell me when you intend to re-spray these buses
* 30930, VX54 MUC
* 30931, VX54 MUO
obviously 30932 (VX54 MUP) was resprayed around April/May of last year so like I say I'm wondering when you intend to get the other two resprayed. Also is 20849 (KU52 RYH) returning to Kidderminster at some stage?
Hope you had a good holiday and I await your responce
Personally I like seeing the remnant of Barbie around Kidderminster. What with those two buses, First logos on the Oxford Street shelters and First Midland Red bus stop flags everywhere its almost First is haunting the area! Oh yeah and the First logo on a sticker on board VX54 MTE!
Quote from: StourportSam on April 07, 2014, 12:52:42 AM
Quote from: Will on April 04, 2014, 06:00:36 PM
Hi Simon,
Just wondering if you could tell me when you intend to re-spray these buses
* 30930, VX54 MUC
* 30931, VX54 MUO
obviously 30932 (VX54 MUP) was resprayed around April/May of last year so like I say I'm wondering when you intend to get the other two resprayed. Also is 20849 (KU52 RYH) returning to Kidderminster at some stage?
Hope you had a good holiday and I await your responce
Personally I like seeing the remnant of Barbie around Kidderminster. What with those two buses, First logos on the Oxford Street shelters and First Midland Red bus stop flags everywhere its almost First is haunting the area! Oh yeah and the First logo on a sticker on board VX54 MTE!
Times change Sam! First were in Kidder for far too long and now that Diamond own them everything should be "Diamond" related including Bus stop signs! For example if Kidderminster was somewhere in the Black Country like Walsall area and for arguments sake NXWM (I'm using them for example purposes only) had taken over First (granted they never did any services there) then they [NXWM] would of made sure everything was changed and I guess in time Diamond will do the same here
Can I ask a question?
Regarding the 50 service, I can not believe how many buses there are per hour on this service I believe there is something like 26 per hour! Can someone please clarify this.
Also as NXWM has the biggest monopoly of this route is there nothing the smaller operators e.g Green Bus / Diamond Bus can do in terms of fair trade? Mr Dunn maybe you can answer this?
Quote from: Will on April 07, 2014, 01:37:53 AM
Quote from: StourportSam on April 07, 2014, 12:52:42 AM
Quote from: Will on April 04, 2014, 06:00:36 PM
Hi Simon,
Just wondering if you could tell me when you intend to re-spray these buses
* 30930, VX54 MUC
* 30931, VX54 MUO
obviously 30932 (VX54 MUP) was resprayed around April/May of last year so like I say I'm wondering when you intend to get the other two resprayed. Also is 20849 (KU52 RYH) returning to Kidderminster at some stage?
Hope you had a good holiday and I await your responce
Personally I like seeing the remnant of Barbie around Kidderminster. What with those two buses, First logos on the Oxford Street shelters and First Midland Red bus stop flags everywhere its almost First is haunting the area! Oh yeah and the First logo on a sticker on board VX54 MTE!
Times change Sam! First were in Kidder for far too long and now that Diamond own them everything should be "Diamond" related including Bus stop signs! For example if Kidderminster was somewhere in the Black Country like Walsall area and for arguments sake NXWM (I'm using them for example purposes only) had taken over First (granted they never did any services there) then they [NXWM] would of made sure everything was changed and I guess in time Diamond will do the same here
I know times change I was only commenting on the remnants of First in the area. In Cornwall there are bus stops branded for First where Western Greyhound are now the sole operator due to cuts/retendering and vice-versa. This is often where changes took place at least 2011 or before! I doubt we will see a blitz of First logos anytime soon due to the cost involved. As I understand it bus stops are the responsibility of Worcesterhsire CC so any changes to flags will be made by the council. For example where flags have been renewed or replaced in the last few years they are in the WCC style, such as that outside Sainsburys on Crossley Park or in the hospital forecourt. What's worse is the ex First flags on Exchange Street show service numbers 300 and such which are long gone!
Hi Simon,
Hope you had a good holiday, I don't know if you're already aware / interested, in the latest edition of Bus & Coach Buyer (April 11th), the following vehicles are for sale:
Scania UK:
1 x 12 plate Omnilink & 3 x 11 plate Omnilinks available from May. These may of interest to add to those already in the Wessex fleet & release further older Volvo B7RLE/Plaxton Centro's to Diamond?
Southdown PSV:
Still has the advert running for the 2003 E300 that has been for sale for sometime, however the advert now reads 2003/2009 ADL Enviro 300 12m - Choice from £22,500 + vat. I'm thinking Southdown could have bought the two 2009 E300's off JPT that you expressed an interest in? Their website doesn't show this yet.
Hi Simon, I also hope you had a good holiday, did you go anywhere nice? I was just looking for a reasonable priced tumble drier on ebay and never new that they sold buses on there but I saw some and wandered if you might be interested in them? There is an Optari delta for only 1850 pounds so a lot cheaper than some buses and I don't think you have any like it so it would make a nice change to see one in Walsall especially if you didn't paint it as a yellow bus would look different from the other buses. There is also a dennis dart for only 1000 pound which is a very good bargain, you should bid for them please.
Quote from: Tracline on April 12, 2014, 09:26:58 PM
Hi Simon, I also hope you had a good holiday, did you go anywhere nice? I was just looking for a reasonable priced tumble drier on ebay and never new that they sold buses on there but I saw some and wandered if you might be interested in them? There is an Optari delta for only 1850 pounds so a lot cheaper than some buses and I don't think you have any like it so it would make a nice change to see one in Walsall especially if you didn't paint it as a yellow bus would look different from the other buses. There is also a dennis dart for only 1000 pound which is a very good bargain, you should bid for them please.
Please keep questions on here serious!
Rotala are a respectable company who operate a modern fleet. They are dismantling darts for spares in better condition than those. Why on earth would they waste money buying scrap
Quote from: Tony on April 12, 2014, 10:11:27 PM
Quote from: Tracline on April 12, 2014, 09:26:58 PM
Hi Simon, I also hope you had a good holiday, did you go anywhere nice? I was just looking for a reasonable priced tumble drier on ebay and never new that they sold buses on there but I saw some and wandered if you might be interested in them? There is an Optari delta for only 1850 pounds so a lot cheaper than some buses and I don't think you have any like it so it would make a nice change to see one in Walsall especially if you didn't paint it as a yellow bus would look different from the other buses. There is also a dennis dart for only 1000 pound which is a very good bargain, you should bid for them please.
Please keep questions on here serious!
Rotala are a respectable company who operate a modern fleet. They are dismantling darts for spares in better condition than those. Why on earth would they waste money buying scrap
I tend to agree with Tony. No Operator would go through Amazon or ebay to buy buses because you dont know what you are getting. Rotala will only use companies they are happy with or buy direct from previous operator not an online auction site like ebay.
Granted Tracline you are new but do read through all the posts before posting as you will make your self look silly before long. As we have been reminded Simon takes time out of his busy office hours and home life to answer some of our questions and to read our feed back, so we should make it worth while and of some sort of help not I've found a bargin bus for 1000 at my local pub type of thing.
I'm very sorry Tony, I didn't mean to make the website maker angry, I'm sorry and tank90 sorry too. I hope I haven't spoiled Simon's holiday I see now I was being selfish wanting Simon just to buy buses that I like. If you have read it alredy simon please ignore my last post and don't buy olden buses from ebay just buy the buses winston says, they are probly much better. sorry all of you
You may have noticed 7 larger vehicles being moved from Wessex to the West Midlands.
We are focusing on putting these into service before we acquire anything else.
Quote from: tank90 on March 28, 2014, 04:01:35 PM
Hi Simon,
Have you seen in Route one magazine an 04 plate Enviro 300 for sale at £28,000 here the phone number in the ad 01234 710 674.
Idea for Redditch so a lng dart could transfer to Kidderminster.
Ps have a good holiday, and if I have said anything on the forum that was unfair I do apologise.
Yes I have seen the vehicles. Our priority is to redeploy our current fleet first.
Quote from: Will on April 04, 2014, 06:00:36 PM
Hi Simon,
Just wondering if you could tell me when you intend to re-spray these buses
* 30930, VX54 MUC
* 30931, VX54 MUO
obviously 30932 (VX54 MUP) was resprayed around April/May of last year so like I say I'm wondering when you intend to get the other two resprayed. Also is 20849 (KU52 RYH) returning to Kidderminster at some stage?
Hope you had a good holiday and I await your responce
1. Both E300's short be painted before they are returned to service.
2. KU52RYH, I believe this is now back
Quote from: DiamondDart on April 05, 2014, 02:14:11 PM
Quote from: Winston on April 05, 2014, 01:59:09 PM
Quote from: Tracline on April 05, 2014, 01:16:22 PM
Ohhhh I see. I would of thought a company as big as Rotala might have people as well as Simon who would know about things like that or maybe places that sell buses would ring up SImon to tell him about what buses they have for sale. He must be really happy to have this group to tell him what buses he should buy and how much they are. This is why other bus bosses should come on here, they are missing out
Simon, does get approached by dealers sometimes long before we even see an advert in the trade press or on a dealers website.
Precisely-it is more interesting and useful for us than it probably is for Simon, hence why it is really kind he is prepared to spend time answering questions.
We have a fleet manager. Who deals with all vehicle acquisitions/disposals/taxation/central source of information for vehicle compliance.
At the same time, we normally know about most vehicles which are for sale before they are advertised. Some vehicles don't get advertised.
Quote from: Dave Spencer on April 07, 2014, 11:24:41 PM
Can I ask a question?
Regarding the 50 service, I can not believe how many buses there are per hour on this service I believe there is something like 26 per hour! Can someone please clarify this.
Also as NXWM has the biggest monopoly of this route is there nothing the smaller operators e.g Green Bus / Diamond Bus can do in terms of fair trade? Mr Dunn maybe you can answer this?
Should we wish to take some form of legal action, then we have in essence 2 routes
1. If any operator was operating outside their registered timetable or outside the terms of the SQPS then we could report them to the Office of the Traffic Commissioner/VOSA.
In the case of National Express, this service operates to a frequency timetable and I cannot imagine there is any evidence to support they are operating outside of this.
2. Competition Commission.
If they were operating the service for a cost beneath Gross margin level (It is a long time, since I have looked at this so if the words I am using are incorrect please forgive me) then we have the option to report them to the OFT/CC.
Considering National Express operate a flat fare structure then there is no possible reason to believe they are doing this.
Quote from: Winston on April 12, 2014, 06:00:03 PM
Hi Simon,
Hope you had a good holiday, I don't know if you're already aware / interested, in the latest edition of Bus & Coach Buyer (April 11th), the following vehicles are for sale:
Scania UK:
1 x 12 plate Omnilink & 3 x 11 plate Omnilinks available from May. These may of interest to add to those already in the Wessex fleet & release further older Volvo B7RLE/Plaxton Centro's to Diamond?
Southdown PSV:
Still has the advert running for the 2003 E300 that has been for sale for sometime, however the advert now reads 2003/2009 ADL Enviro 300 12m - Choice from £22,500 + vat. I'm thinking Southdown could have bought the two 2009 E300's off JPT that you expressed an interest in? Their website doesn't show this yet.
I am aware of these vehicles.
I don't deal with Southdown, the Scania's we have had some discussion with them over. However, we are not able as yet to achieve a deal which would be of interest to us
Quote from: Tracline on April 12, 2014, 11:17:11 PM
I'm very sorry Tony, I didn't mean to make the website maker angry, I'm sorry and tank90 sorry too. I hope I haven't spoiled Simon's holiday I see now I was being selfish wanting Simon just to buy buses that I like. If you have read it alredy simon please ignore my last post and don't buy olden buses from ebay just buy the buses winston says, they are probly much better. sorry all of you
We are in the process of breaking a couple of old darts up for parts.
Unfortunately they are worth more in parts now, than someone is prepared to pay for them
Quote from: Winston on March 28, 2014, 04:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 28, 2014, 04:01:35 PM
Hi Simon,
Have you seen in Route one magazine an 04 plate Enviro 300 for sale at £28,000 here the phone number in the ad 01234 710 674.
Idea for Redditch so a lng dart could transfer to Kidderminster.
Ps have a good holiday, and if I have said anything on the forum that was unfair I do apologise.
The 4 x 04 plate B7RLE/Wright that Rotala originally sold to Yourbus have now dropped in price by £10K, they are now £35k/each
The 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro aslo appear to be for sale again @ £90k each
I know.
I generally don't like doing business with Scott. I again, offered him a deal on the buses, but he felt they were worth more than I was offering
Quote from: StourportSam on April 03, 2014, 02:21:02 AM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to tell me what the current PVR is for Kidderminster please, just out of interest?
Also which depot are routes 356/357/358 and S006 operated from please?
Current PVR is 20. This will increase with new services, and service transfers into Kidderminster.
S006 is at Kidderminster and the 356/357/358 is at Redditch
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 22, 2014, 09:35:15 AM
Quote from: Will on April 04, 2014, 06:00:36 PM
Hi Simon,
Just wondering if you could tell me when you intend to re-spray these buses
* 30930, VX54 MUC
* 30931, VX54 MUO
obviously 30932 (VX54 MUP) was resprayed around April/May of last year so like I say I'm wondering when you intend to get the other two resprayed. Also is 20849 (KU52 RYH) returning to Kidderminster at some stage?
Hope you had a good holiday and I await your responce
1. Both E300's short be painted before they are returned to service.
2. KU52RYH, I believe this is now back
Those vehicles aren't E300s Simon they are Alexander Dennis Darts. What is happening with S405 JUA?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 22, 2014, 09:46:47 AM
Quote from: Winston on March 28, 2014, 04:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 28, 2014, 04:01:35 PM
Hi Simon,
Have you seen in Route one magazine an 04 plate Enviro 300 for sale at £28,000 here the phone number in the ad 01234 710 674.
Idea for Redditch so a lng dart could transfer to Kidderminster.
Ps have a good holiday, and if I have said anything on the forum that was unfair I do apologise.
The 4 x 04 plate B7RLE/Wright that Rotala originally sold to Yourbus have now dropped in price by £10K, they are now £35k/each
The 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro aslo appear to be for sale again @ £90k each
I know.
I generally don't like doing business with Scott. I again, offered him a deal on the buses, but he felt they were worth more than I was offering
Many thanks for your replies.
That's a shame with the Yourbus vehicles that are for sale.
You will probably already be aware, but another 6 x B7RLE/Wright have just been Delivered to Heysham Docks over the weekend for Volvo dealer stock.
6 unregistered all white Volvo B7RLE vehicles
Volvo B7RLE 1 -
Volvo B7RLE 2 -
Volvo B7RLE 3 -
Volvo B7RLE 4 -
Volvo B7RLE 5 -
Volvo B7RLE 6 -
If you would prefer us not to make vehicle acquisition suggestions, please say.
1. I take it the 7 longer buses coming up from Wessex are the 5 x VDL/Plaxton Centro's & 2 x B7RLE/Plaxton Centro including 30816. Have Rotala made a decision on where the VDL's will be allocated as yet?
2. I've noticed Kidderminster depot is filling up with withdrawn Darts recently that were formally stored at the Tividale overflow yard, is this being emptied?
3. Is Oban Road, Coventry depot in use yet?
4. With NX publically announcing their new vehicle investment program over the next five years and 275 new buses being due in to NXWM over the course of the next 18 month, do Rotala feel under any more pressure to buy further new vehicles for their Diamond businesses?
Quote from: Winston on April 22, 2014, 10:28:33 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 22, 2014, 09:46:47 AM
Quote from: Winston on March 28, 2014, 04:06:24 PM
Quote from: tank90 on March 28, 2014, 04:01:35 PM
Hi Simon,
Have you seen in Route one magazine an 04 plate Enviro 300 for sale at £28,000 here the phone number in the ad 01234 710 674.
Idea for Redditch so a lng dart could transfer to Kidderminster.
Ps have a good holiday, and if I have said anything on the forum that was unfair I do apologise.
The 4 x 04 plate B7RLE/Wright that Rotala originally sold to Yourbus have now dropped in price by £10K, they are now £35k/each
The 2 x 10 plate B7RLE/Plaxton Centro aslo appear to be for sale again @ £90k each
I know.
I generally don't like doing business with Scott. I again, offered him a deal on the buses, but he felt they were worth more than I was offering
Many thanks for your replies.
That's a shame with the Yourbus vehicles that are for sale.
You will probably already be aware, but another 6 x B7RLE/Wright have just been Delivered to Heysham Docks over the weekend for Volvo dealer stock.
6 unregistered all white Volvo B7RLE vehicles
Volvo B7RLE 1 -
Volvo B7RLE 2 -
Volvo B7RLE 3 -
Volvo B7RLE 4 -
Volvo B7RLE 5 -
Volvo B7RLE 6 -
If you would prefer us not to make vehicle acquisition suggestions, please say.
1. I take it the 7 longer buses coming up from Wessex are the 5 x VDL/Plaxton Centro's & 2 x B7RLE/Plaxton Centro including 30816. Have Rotala made a decision on where the VDL's will be allocated as yet?
2. I've noticed Kidderminster depot is filling up with withdrawn Darts recently that were formally stored at the Tividale overflow yard, is this being emptied?
3. Is Oban Road, Coventry depot in use yet?
4. With NX publically announcing their new vehicle investment program over the next five years and 275 new buses being due in to NXWM over the course of the next 18 month, do Rotala feel under any more pressure to buy further new vehicles for their Diamond businesses?
I have seen the buses coming over, for Volvo Stock.
In response to your questions.
1. We have not decided as yet.
2. Yes, we are emptying the overflow yard at Tividale
3. We are looking for an alternative site.
4. Not at all.
Quote from: Will on April 22, 2014, 10:17:13 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 22, 2014, 09:35:15 AM
Quote from: Will on April 04, 2014, 06:00:36 PM
Hi Simon,
Just wondering if you could tell me when you intend to re-spray these buses
* 30930, VX54 MUC
* 30931, VX54 MUO
obviously 30932 (VX54 MUP) was resprayed around April/May of last year so like I say I'm wondering when you intend to get the other two resprayed. Also is 20849 (KU52 RYH) returning to Kidderminster at some stage?
Hope you had a good holiday and I await your responce
1. Both E300's short be painted before they are returned to service.
2. KU52RYH, I believe this is now back
Those vehicles aren't E300s Simon they are Alexander Dennis Darts. What is happening with S405 JUA?
Yes, you are correct.
S405JUA is now part of our spare fleet.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 22, 2014, 10:50:22 AM
Quote from: Will on April 22, 2014, 10:17:13 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 22, 2014, 09:35:15 AM
Quote from: Will on April 04, 2014, 06:00:36 PM
Hi Simon,
Just wondering if you could tell me when you intend to re-spray these buses
* 30930, VX54 MUC
* 30931, VX54 MUO
obviously 30932 (VX54 MUP) was resprayed around April/May of last year so like I say I'm wondering when you intend to get the other two resprayed. Also is 20849 (KU52 RYH) returning to Kidderminster at some stage?
Hope you had a good holiday and I await your responce
1. Both E300's short be painted before they are returned to service.
2. KU52RYH, I believe this is now back
Those vehicles aren't E300s Simon they are Alexander Dennis Darts. What is happening with S405 JUA?
Yes, you are correct.
S405JUA is now part of our spare fleet.
Does that mean S405 will no longer be operating in Kidderminster ?
with Simon saying it is part of the spare fleet, I take that it may or may not depending if the Kidderminster fleet ever has a shortage.
hope you had a good time Simon
Quote from: bowler on April 22, 2014, 11:38:49 AM
with Simon saying it is part of the spare fleet, I take that it may or may not depending if the Kidderminster fleet ever has a shortage.
hope you had a good time Simon
Thats correct
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 22, 2014, 09:50:34 AM
Quote from: StourportSam on April 03, 2014, 02:21:02 AM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to tell me what the current PVR is for Kidderminster please, just out of interest?
Also which depot are routes 356/357/358 and S006 operated from please?
Current PVR is 20. This will increase with new services, and service transfers into Kidderminster.
S006 is at Kidderminster and the 356/357/358 is at Redditch
sounds like results of the Worcestershire network review come be starting
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 22, 2014, 09:50:34 AM
Quote from: StourportSam on April 03, 2014, 02:21:02 AM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to tell me what the current PVR is for Kidderminster please, just out of interest?
Also which depot are routes 356/357/358 and S006 operated from please?
Current PVR is 20. This will increase with new services, and service transfers into Kidderminster.
S006 is at Kidderminster and the 356/357/358 is at Redditch
Many thanks for your reply Simon, much appreciated.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 22, 2014, 10:48:23 AM
Quote from: Winston on April 22, 2014, 10:28:33 AM
Many thanks for your replies.
That's a shame with the Yourbus vehicles that are for sale.
You will probably already be aware, but another 6 x B7RLE/Wright have just been Delivered to Heysham Docks over the weekend for Volvo dealer stock.
6 unregistered all white Volvo B7RLE vehicles
Volvo B7RLE 1 -
Volvo B7RLE 2 -
Volvo B7RLE 3 -
Volvo B7RLE 4 -
Volvo B7RLE 5 -
Volvo B7RLE 6 -
If you would prefer us not to make vehicle acquisition suggestions, please say.
1. I take it the 7 longer buses coming up from Wessex are the 5 x VDL/Plaxton Centro's & 2 x B7RLE/Plaxton Centro including 30816. Have Rotala made a decision on where the VDL's will be allocated as yet?
2. I've noticed Kidderminster depot is filling up with withdrawn Darts recently that were formally stored at the Tividale overflow yard, is this being emptied?
3. Is Oban Road, Coventry depot in use yet?
4. With NX publically announcing their new vehicle investment program over the next five years and 275 new buses being due in to NXWM over the course of the next 18 month, do Rotala feel under any more pressure to buy further new vehicles for their Diamond businesses?
I have seen the buses coming over, for Volvo Stock.
In response to your questions.
1. We have not decided as yet.
2. Yes, we are emptying the overflow yard at Tividale
3. We are looking for an alternative site.
4. Not at all.
2. Has there been any movements with the sub-letting/sale of Long Acre? I was wondering if that may have been the reason behind the Tividale overflow yard being cleared.
5. Are WCC still on course to announce the level of service/funding cuts during June and those implemented from Sept?
6. Are the service changes to the 142/143, 3/X3 & new KR service 1 as a direct result of the Network Review feedback? Do you anticipate many other changes at RH & KR over the coming months?
7. With First Bristol taking on a number of former Wessex tendered routes commercially within the 'Yate' area and seemingly trying to push Wessex out, would Wessex consider introducing any new commercial services in other areas of Bristol to compete elsewhere with First?
8. Do Wessex operate the UWE services commercially in partnership with UWE & UOB or are they contracted services? I.e. Is there any risk that First Bristol could in the future take these off Wessex?
2. There is nothing to report.
5. Yes, at present. We are doing a few "tweaks" to our original package proposal that they will look through during the first weeks of May; based on which they will make a decision.
6. The changes are indeed due to feedback from the network review, as are other things such as an increase in information provision, cleanliness of buses and vehicle presentation (interior). Based on WCC's decisions we will then consider if other changes we need to make ourselves are required.
7. I can't comment on "Firsts" intentions. To be honest, we are better off now they have terminated.
8. The contract which was signed I believe 2 years ago, was for 8 years.
Simon, thanks for previous replies.
Whilst looking through the latest edition Routeone I was a little surprised when I came across the 'for sale' advert below:
1. Are the Signature Citaro's being replaced with new/used acquisitions? It's a pity Rotala couldn't do a swap with Yourbus for the B7RLE/Wright & B7RLE/Plaxton's for sale there.
2. Is the intention to still keep the sole Citaro at Preston bus?
3. Also are the 8 x E200's for sale from Wessex as a direct result of the tender losses to First + the new intake of Streetlites? Is there no requirement to transfer them elsewhere within group to replace older MPD's?
HI Simon what's happening to service 56 Brownhills to Birmingham from June 2014
Quote from: Winston on April 24, 2014, 12:26:13 PM
Simon, thanks for previous replies.
Whilst looking through the latest edition Routeone I was a little surprised when I came across the 'for sale' advert below:
1. Are the Signature Citaro's being replaced with new/used acquisitions? It's a pity Rotala couldn't do a swap with Yourbus for the B7RLE/Wright & B7RLE/Plaxton's for sale there.
2. Is the intention to still keep the sole Citaro at Preston bus?
3. Also are the 8 x E200's for sale from Wessex as a direct result of the tender losses to First + the new intake of Streetlites? Is there no requirement to transfer them elsewhere within group to replace older MPD's?
1. We are testing the water. Although the Citaro's are probably the best bus, the after market support is poor and to have only 3 means it is difficult to get geared up properly to support them
2. Yes
3. We have too many short buses in the fleet. Again, we are testing the water.
Quote from: woody38 on April 24, 2014, 03:38:54 PM
HI Simon what's happening to service 56 Brownhills to Birmingham from June 2014
Minor retiming changes.
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your previous replies what is happening with (20503, T71 JBA)? As it has been parked up out of service in Kidder for about 2 weeks is it returning to service or is it being transferred back to Redditch? As I know (through reading on here) that X372 CUY has returned to RH. And I'm wondering if JBA will be following suit
Quote from: Will on April 25, 2014, 10:59:05 AM
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your previous replies what is happening with (20503, T71 JBA)? As it has been parked up out of service in Kidder for about 2 weeks is it returning to service or is it being transferred back to Redditch? As I know (through reading on here) that X372 CUY has returned to RH. And I'm wondering if JBA will be following suit
We have removed the vehicle from service.
It has been moved to the spare fleet for the time being
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 25, 2014, 07:30:17 AM
Quote from: Winston on April 24, 2014, 12:26:13 PM
Simon, thanks for previous replies.
Whilst looking through the latest edition Routeone I was a little surprised when I came across the 'for sale' advert below:
1. Are the Signature Citaro's being replaced with new/used acquisitions? It's a pity Rotala couldn't do a swap with Yourbus for the B7RLE/Wright & B7RLE/Plaxton's for sale there.
2. Is the intention to still keep the sole Citaro at Preston bus?
3. Also are the 8 x E200's for sale from Wessex as a direct result of the tender losses to First + the new intake of Streetlites? Is there no requirement to transfer them elsewhere within group to replace older MPD's?
1. We are testing the water. Although the Citaro's are probably the best bus, the after market support is poor and to have only 3 means it is difficult to get geared up properly to support them
2. Yes
3. We have too many short buses in the fleet. Again, we are testing the water.
1. As the one in Preston is being retained, is not a viable option to move the 3 x Signature Mercs up there to join it & replace 3 older single deckers i.e. further Scania/East Lancs? Do you have any contingency plans as yet for what you would use on the 82 Signature services should you find a buyer?
3. Although it is acknowledged that there are too many short buses in the fleet, again is it not a viable option to modernize some of the existing smaller buses at say 'Diamond' and dispense with older S, T & V reg MPD's that are still in service in 'Red Diamond' colours at both Tividale & Redditch depots and allocate a few newer E200's to Kidderminster?
On the subject of Signature, I see on the Signature website that from 27th April, it says that service 30 (Acocks Green to Solihull) will be operated by Diamond Bus.
I take it this will no longer be a Signature service from that date then? (thus freeing up two Signature livery buses?)
Also, for the other Signature services, are there vehicle requirements specified in your contract(s) with Centro any more (wi-fi, leather seats, hybrid bus etc)? If the Citaros do get sold, would you just repaint up a few of the B7RLEs for example, to replace them? Or would you need to source new vehicles?
Just curious, thats all!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 25, 2014, 11:48:39 AM
Quote from: Will on April 25, 2014, 10:59:05 AM
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your previous replies what is happening with (20503, T71 JBA)? As it has been parked up out of service in Kidder for about 2 weeks is it returning to service or is it being transferred back to Redditch? As I know (through reading on here) that X372 CUY has returned to RH. And I'm wondering if JBA will be following suit
We have removed the vehicle from service.
It has been moved to the spare fleet for the time being
Best place for it in all honesty on another subject where has 30637 (X637 AKW) gone to? as I've not seen it in Kidderminster for a few days has this also been removed from service?
Quote from: Will on April 25, 2014, 11:40:45 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 25, 2014, 11:48:39 AM
Quote from: Will on April 25, 2014, 10:59:05 AM
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your previous replies what is happening with (20503, T71 JBA)? As it has been parked up out of service in Kidder for about 2 weeks is it returning to service or is it being transferred back to Redditch? As I know (through reading on here) that X372 CUY has returned to RH. And I'm wondering if JBA will be following suit
We have removed the vehicle from service.
It has been moved to the spare fleet for the time being
Best place for it in all honesty on another subject where has 30637 (X637 AKW) gone to? as I've not seen it in Kidderminster for a few days has this also been removed from service?
seen 30637 a few times since Tuesday it is on the 10 today
Quote from: bowler on April 26, 2014, 11:00:05 AM
Quote from: Will on April 25, 2014, 11:40:45 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 25, 2014, 11:48:39 AM
Quote from: Will on April 25, 2014, 10:59:05 AM
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your previous replies what is happening with (20503, T71 JBA)? As it has been parked up out of service in Kidder for about 2 weeks is it returning to service or is it being transferred back to Redditch? As I know (through reading on here) that X372 CUY has returned to RH. And I'm wondering if JBA will be following suit
We have removed the vehicle from service.
It has been moved to the spare fleet for the time being
Best place for it in all honesty on another subject where has 30637 (X637 AKW) gone to? as I've not seen it in Kidderminster for a few days has this also been removed from service?
seen 30637 a few times since Tuesday it is on the 10 today
I just seen it go past my house I stand corrected
Quote from: Will on April 26, 2014, 11:12:33 AM
Quote from: bowler on April 26, 2014, 11:00:05 AM
Quote from: Will on April 25, 2014, 11:40:45 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 25, 2014, 11:48:39 AM
Quote from: Will on April 25, 2014, 10:59:05 AM
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your previous replies what is happening with (20503, T71 JBA)? As it has been parked up out of service in Kidder for about 2 weeks is it returning to service or is it being transferred back to Redditch? As I know (through reading on here) that X372 CUY has returned to RH. And I'm wondering if JBA will be following suit
We have removed the vehicle from service.
It has been moved to the spare fleet for the time being
Best place for it in all honesty on another subject where has 30637 (X637 AKW) gone to? as I've not seen it in Kidderminster for a few days has this also been removed from service?
seen 30637 a few times since Tuesday it is on the 10 today
I just seen it go past my house I stand corrected
295 now
here is X637AKW in Kidderminster
Hi Simon,
I'm just wondering if you could tell me whether or not you intend to get (30445, T418 MNH) resprayed or do you not intend to bother with it?
I reckon it would look wonderful with a fresh coat of Blue paint and by the way (30931, VX54 MUO) looks magnificent now that it's had a lick of paint is (30930, VX54 MUC) the next to be resprayed?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 24, 2014, 08:43:52 AM
7. I can't comment on "Firsts" intentions. To be honest, we are better off now they have terminated.
Well I for one miss some of the services that have now transferred to First. Their replacements mean extra expense or switching my commute to First so that I can by a weekly ticket that serves all the services/routes that I need to use each week. The alternative is to do more walking. :(
However, you do seem to have kept the majority of commuters on the X27 between Yate and Bristol who seem reluctant at present to switch to or at least try First's X46. Admittedly you do run to Anchor Road in Bristol which is an advantage for you. But two questions:
1) Why do you both operate an hourly service at near enough the same timings?
2) Why did it need First to start operating on the route before you stopped using 30005 and 30006? The continued use of these two buses caused much inconvenience, delay and expense to many of my fellow passengers as one or both would fail most days. In fact one of these two failed on both my morning and evening journeys a few weeks back!
By the way, where are 30005 and 30006?. I haven't seen either of them since 11th April, the Friday before First started their competing service. Hopefully they've gone for scrap. ::)
Quote from: PaulW2B on April 27, 2014, 09:36:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 24, 2014, 08:43:52 AM
7. I can't comment on "Firsts" intentions. To be honest, we are better off now they have terminated.
Well I for one miss some of the services that have now transferred to First. Their replacements mean extra expense or switching my commute to First so that I can by a weekly ticket that serves all the services/routes that I need to use each week. The alternative is to do more walking. :(
However, you do seem to have kept the majority of commuters on the X27 between Yate and Bristol who seem reluctant at present to switch to or at least try First's X46. Admittedly you do run to Anchor Road in Bristol which is an advantage for you. But two questions:
1) Why do you both operate an hourly service at near enough the same timings?
2) Why did it need First to start operating on the route before you stopped using 30005 and 30006? The continued use of these two buses caused much inconvenience, delay and expense to many of my fellow passengers as one or both would fail most days. In fact one of these two failed on both my morning and evening journeys a few weeks back!
By the way, where are 30005 and 30006?. I haven't seen either of them since 11th April, the Friday before First started their competing service. Hopefully they've gone for scrap. ::)
The decision to remove services, was taking by South Gloucestershire Council following a commecial registration from First.
We have kept operating to our times on the X27. This works around other vehicle workings, and we have no reason to change service timings as I am sure it would cause disruption to customers.
These buses have not been removed from the service. These two vehicles are too valuable to go for scrap, and have experienced some short term reliability problems, which will be resolved when they revert to operating the service.
Quote from: Winston on April 25, 2014, 12:51:13 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 25, 2014, 07:30:17 AM
Quote from: Winston on April 24, 2014, 12:26:13 PM
Simon, thanks for previous replies.
Whilst looking through the latest edition Routeone I was a little surprised when I came across the 'for sale' advert below:
1. Are the Signature Citaro's being replaced with new/used acquisitions? It's a pity Rotala couldn't do a swap with Yourbus for the B7RLE/Wright & B7RLE/Plaxton's for sale there.
2. Is the intention to still keep the sole Citaro at Preston bus?
3. Also are the 8 x E200's for sale from Wessex as a direct result of the tender losses to First + the new intake of Streetlites? Is there no requirement to transfer them elsewhere within group to replace older MPD's?
1. We are testing the water. Although the Citaro's are probably the best bus, the after market support is poor and to have only 3 means it is difficult to get geared up properly to support them
2. Yes
3. We have too many short buses in the fleet. Again, we are testing the water.
1. As the one in Preston is being retained, is not a viable option to move the 3 x Signature Mercs up there to join it & replace 3 older single deckers i.e. further Scania/East Lancs? Do you have any contingency plans as yet for what you would use on the 82 Signature services should you find a buyer?
3. Although it is acknowledged that there are too many short buses in the fleet, again is it not a viable option to modernize some of the existing smaller buses at say 'Diamond' and dispense with older S, T & V reg MPD's that are still in service in 'Red Diamond' colours at both Tividale & Redditch depots and allocate a few newer E200's to Kidderminster?
We are looking at options.
Nothing has been decided as yet
Quote from: Stu on April 25, 2014, 06:28:00 PM
On the subject of Signature, I see on the Signature website that from 27th April, it says that service 30 (Acocks Green to Solihull) will be operated by Diamond Bus.
I take it this will no longer be a Signature service from that date then? (thus freeing up two Signature livery buses?)
Also, for the other Signature services, are there vehicle requirements specified in your contract(s) with Centro any more (wi-fi, leather seats, hybrid bus etc)? If the Citaros do get sold, would you just repaint up a few of the B7RLEs for example, to replace them? Or would you need to source new vehicles?
Just curious, thats all!
This service is no longer a signature specified service as you say.
We have not decided what we will do at present.
Quote from: Will on April 27, 2014, 08:58:55 PM
Hi Simon,
I'm just wondering if you could tell me whether or not you intend to get (30445, T418 MNH) resprayed or do you not intend to bother with it?
I reckon it would look wonderful with a fresh coat of Blue paint and by the way (30931, VX54 MUO) looks magnificent now that it's had a lick of paint is (30930, VX54 MUC) the next to be resprayed?
Dear Sir,
T418MNH - we are painting the longer term vehicle first. When we have resolved them, we will review what we need to paint next
VX54MUC - This is due to painted next
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 28, 2014, 09:15:25 AM
Quote from: Will on April 27, 2014, 08:58:55 PM
Hi Simon,
I'm just wondering if you could tell me whether or not you intend to get (30445, T418 MNH) resprayed or do you not intend to bother with it?
I reckon it would look wonderful with a fresh coat of Blue paint and by the way (30931, VX54 MUO) looks magnificent now that it's had a lick of paint is (30930, VX54 MUC) the next to be resprayed?
Dear Sir,
T418MNH - we are painting the longer term vehicle first. When we have resolved them, we will review what we need to paint next
VX54MUC - This is due to painted next
Hi Simon,
Very many thanks for your responce,
Have you got any intentions of placing 30378 (S378 TMB) back into service or does it have mechanical issues?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 28, 2014, 09:11:41 AM
The decision to remove services, was taking by South Gloucestershire Council following a commecial registration from First.
We have kept operating to our times on the X27. This works around other vehicle workings, and we have no reason to change service timings as I am sure it would cause disruption to customers.
These buses have not been removed from the service. These two vehicles are too valuable to go for scrap, and have experienced some short term reliability problems, which will be resolved when they revert to operating the service.
Simon, thanks for your reply. However:
1) South Gloucestershire Council tell me that it was Wessex that "cancelled" services after First registered their competing services.
2) There is much ridicule amongst both commuters and casual travellers over the timings of the X27 and X46. Today travelling on the X27, I could see the X46 just a few hundred yards ahead of me for most of the journey. Something really does need to be done.
3) 30005 and 30006 were both taken out of service for around six weeks last summer and temporarily replaced by brand new vehicles. To say their reliability problems are short term is not correct. Even after they returned to service one of them lasted only a few days and disappeared again. If these two vehicles return to operating the X27 service then I will use First on a more or less permanent basis. Just because they have minimal route branding is no excuse to continually use these vehicles on the same service six days a week. Why not remove the branding or transfer it to more reliable buses. While my reference to them going for scrap was a little 'tongue in cheek' I am very worried about seeing either of them again. If you want to operate a reliable service that competes with First, please do reconsider which vehicles you use to operate the X27.
Quote from: PaulW2B on April 28, 2014, 04:21:14 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 28, 2014, 09:11:41 AM
The decision to remove services, was taking by South Gloucestershire Council following a commecial registration from First.
We have kept operating to our times on the X27. This works around other vehicle workings, and we have no reason to change service timings as I am sure it would cause disruption to customers.
These buses have not been removed from the service. These two vehicles are too valuable to go for scrap, and have experienced some short term reliability problems, which will be resolved when they revert to operating the service.
Simon, thanks for your reply. However:
1) South Gloucestershire Council tell me that it was Wessex that "cancelled" services after First registered their competing services.
2) There is much ridicule amongst both commuters and casual travellers over the timings of the X27 and X46. Today travelling on the X27, I could see the X46 just a few hundred yards ahead of me for most of the journey. Something really does need to be done.
3) 30005 and 30006 were both taken out of service for around six weeks last summer and temporarily replaced by brand new vehicles. To say their reliability problems are short term is not correct. Even after they returned to service one of them lasted only a few days and disappeared again. If these two vehicles return to operating the X27 service then I will use First on a more or less permanent basis. Just because they have minimal route branding is no excuse to continually use these vehicles on the same service six days a week. Why not remove the branding or transfer it to more reliable buses. While my reference to them going for scrap was a little 'tongue in cheek' I am very worried about seeing either of them again. If you want to operate a reliable service that competes with First, please do reconsider which vehicles you use to operate the X27.
1. South Gloucestershire County Council terminated the contracts due to commercial registrations, and at which point we cancelled the services with VOSA. That is the facts.
2. Our service timings have not changed, and unfortunately we can not tell First what to do.
3. We recognise the vehicles have had some issues, hence why they have been removed. I am assured on their return the issues will be resolved.
Hi Simon,
Very many thanks for your previous responce,
Have you got any intentions of placing 30378 (S378 TMB) [the Wessex Connect Dart currently at Kidderminster] back into service or does it have mechanical issues?
Quote from: Will on April 30, 2014, 10:30:00 AM
Hi Simon,
Very many thanks for your previous responce,
Have you got any intentions of placing 30378 (S378 TMB) [the Wessex Connect Dart currently at Kidderminster] back into service or does it have mechanical issues?
You've already asked that once! Give Simon a chance to respond!
Quote from: StourportSam on April 30, 2014, 12:59:50 PM
Quote from: Will on April 30, 2014, 10:30:00 AM
Hi Simon,
Very many thanks for your previous responce,
Have you got any intentions of placing 30378 (S378 TMB) [the Wessex Connect Dart currently at Kidderminster] back into service or does it have mechanical issues?
You've already asked that once! Give Simon a chance to respond!
Sam I agree with you Will needs to give simon time to respond. he is a very busy man .
Quote from: Will on April 30, 2014, 10:30:00 AM
Hi Simon,
Very many thanks for your previous responce,
Have you got any intentions of placing 30378 (S378 TMB) [the Wessex Connect Dart currently at Kidderminster] back into service or does it have mechanical issues?
The bus is now at Kidderminster and is parked up with no plans to re-enter service at present
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 30, 2014, 01:30:10 PM
Quote from: Will on April 30, 2014, 10:30:00 AM
Hi Simon,
Very many thanks for your previous responce,
Have you got any intentions of placing 30378 (S378 TMB) [the Wessex Connect Dart currently at Kidderminster] back into service or does it have mechanical issues?
The bus is now at Kidderminster and is parked up with no plans to re-enter service at present
That's a shame looks in good condition
Hi Simon
Just a few quick questions from me.
1) You mentioned a while back improving information provision. Would that stretch as far as guides for Redditch or Kidderminster or potentially even the WM. Diamond seems one of the best bus companies on social media and the websites are all fantastic as well but as you I am sure know many bus passengers do not have access to this.
2) If you have too many small vehicles in fleet, would selling or R2B the primos remove what must be inferior vehicles to e200s. Or do you not see the demand.
3) I imagine you saw the yourbus darts recently at ensignbus that have now disappeared. Were you offered a deal on them or is the current e200 something you would consider.
4) Are you testing the water with advertising the sb120 centros for sale?
5) Do you foresee any more JNF darts coming back to service or is that it for present?
6) Aside from changes to the 143 and introduction of the 1 do you see that being it as far as concerns the network review? I appreciate this is commercial info so I can understand if you cannot say. Do you also see demand for adding the 2A/C to your Kidderminster network or increasing the X3 and 143 to half hourly potentially extending to Birmingham. Do you see much of a market for Redditch to Bham routes?
7) Finally with regard to WCC tendered routes is it a case of bidding for existing RHand KR routes you run that are supported or expanding out potentially onto new services currently operated by other companies.
Many thanks :)
Hi Simon,
Looking at Route-one this evening I couldn't help but notice that the VDLs are now for sale. Is this a joke because if not I may be forced by these actions to tell the people of Redditch about it via the two local rags and maybe even Midlands Today.
I am a loyal passanger and have been for a while, but apon seeing this I feel you are having a laugh. How is it safe to cram 60 people on to a midi Dart Simon how safe?
Some runnings of the 57 and 58 are dangerous as are some of the 51s and 55 and 56s not to meantion the School buses you run.
You had said on here to Winston and I that the VDLs would be used with in the West mids to help with over crowding. Now if the staff at Redditch are not recording numbers propperly then come out to redditch for 1 month not in the summer but with the schools in (this month would be a good start) and see the problems for your self travel on the buses not stay at the bus station. there was a reason why first had the amout of E300s and Double deckers in Redditch it wasnt for show.
The midi darts are far to small for the 51 55 56 57 58 routes with the timings as they are. you have banned DDs from the 51 fair enough but why not ban MPDs from routes as well starting with the X3 and 57 58, It is a joke now Simon get it sorted because as a passenger Im getting fed up of standing like a sardine on a small bus. Because if it doesnt then I will go to the press!
When this operator operate the 42wb route they never turn up on time or they stop before a stop for no apparnt reason
This is from my observation
Simon can you help?
Quote from: tank90 on April 30, 2014, 09:40:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Looking at Route-one this evening I couldn't help but notice that the VDLs are now for sale. Is this a joke because if not I may be forced by these actions to tell the people of Redditch about it via the two local rags and maybe even Midlands Today.
I am a loyal passanger and have been for a while, but apon seeing this I feel you are having a laugh. How is it safe to cram 60 people on to a midi Dart Simon how safe?
Some runnings of the 57 and 58 are dangerous as are some of the 51s and 55 and 56s not to meantion the School buses you run.
You had said on here to Winston and I that the VDLs would be used with in the West mids to help with over crowding. Now if the staff at Redditch are not recording numbers propperly then come out to redditch for 1 month not in the summer but with the schools in (this month would be a good start) and see the problems for your self travel on the buses not stay at the bus station. there was a reason why first had the amout of E300s and Double deckers in Redditch it wasnt for show.
The midi darts are far to small for the 51 55 56 57 58 routes with the timings as they are. you have banned DDs from the 51 fair enough but why not ban MPDs from routes as well starting with the X3 and 57 58, It is a joke now Simon get it sorted because as a passenger Im getting fed up of standing like a sardine on a small bus. Because if it doesnt then I will go to the press!
At 55k each i dont think you will have to worry about them being sold anytime soon
Quote from: DiamondDart on April 30, 2014, 02:19:26 PM
Hi Simon
Just a few quick questions from me.
1) You mentioned a while back improving information provision. Would that stretch as far as guides for Redditch or Kidderminster or potentially even the WM. Diamond seems one of the best bus companies on social media and the websites are all fantastic as well but as you I am sure know many bus passengers do not have access to this.
2) If you have too many small vehicles in fleet, would selling or R2B the primos remove what must be inferior vehicles to e200s. Or do you not see the demand.
3) I imagine you saw the yourbus darts recently at ensignbus that have now disappeared. Were you offered a deal on them or is the current e200 something you would consider.
4) Are you testing the water with advertising the sb120 centros for sale?
5) Do you foresee any more JNF darts coming back to service or is that it for present?
6) Aside from changes to the 143 and introduction of the 1 do you see that being it as far as concerns the network review? I appreciate this is commercial info so I can understand if you cannot say. Do you also see demand for adding the 2A/C to your Kidderminster network or increasing the X3 and 143 to half hourly potentially extending to Birmingham. Do you see much of a market for Redditch to Bham routes?
7) Finally with regard to WCC tendered routes is it a case of bidding for existing RHand KR routes you run that are supported or expanding out potentially onto new services currently operated by other companies.
Many thanks :)
Dear Sir,
In response to your questions
1. We are in the process of doing this.
2. We are pursuing all avenues.
3. No, we werent to be honest we wouldnt have been interested and Ross knows that
4. Yes
5. Yes.
6. The service changes we have implemented are the changes that ultimately came from the network review.
7. We are awaiting the WCC judgement due in June.
Quote from: tank90 on April 30, 2014, 09:40:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Looking at Route-one this evening I couldn't help but notice that the VDLs are now for sale. Is this a joke because if not I may be forced by these actions to tell the people of Redditch about it via the two local rags and maybe even Midlands Today.
I am a loyal passanger and have been for a while, but apon seeing this I feel you are having a laugh. How is it safe to cram 60 people on to a midi Dart Simon how safe?
Some runnings of the 57 and 58 are dangerous as are some of the 51s and 55 and 56s not to meantion the School buses you run.
You had said on here to Winston and I that the VDLs would be used with in the West mids to help with over crowding. Now if the staff at Redditch are not recording numbers propperly then come out to redditch for 1 month not in the summer but with the schools in (this month would be a good start) and see the problems for your self travel on the buses not stay at the bus station. there was a reason why first had the amout of E300s and Double deckers in Redditch it wasnt for show.
The midi darts are far to small for the 51 55 56 57 58 routes with the timings as they are. you have banned DDs from the 51 fair enough but why not ban MPDs from routes as well starting with the X3 and 57 58, It is a joke now Simon get it sorted because as a passenger Im getting fed up of standing like a sardine on a small bus. Because if it doesnt then I will go to the press!
I took the decision to contribute towards this forum.
At all times, I try to act civil and respectful. However, within your writings there are threats and unnecessary agressive behaviour.
In Redditch, we have replaced, acquired new and signifcantly improved the fleet.
Hi Simon,
One futher question from me the Wessex Connect Centro (30007, YJ07 JRV) that was "VOR" in Kidderminster for a brief period is it intended for service in Kidderminster or was it only here temporarily?
Will, all five VDL's including 30007 are currently 'for sale' mentioned at least twice above, Winston
Quote from: Will on May 01, 2014, 08:35:01 AM
Hi Simon,
One futher question from me the Wessex Connect Centro (30007, YJ07 JRV) that was "VOR" in Kidderminster for a brief period is it intended for service in Kidderminster or was it only here temporarily?
Will, all five VDL's including 30007 are currently 'for sale' mentioned at least twice above, Winston
Kidderminster MOT'd the vehiicle, and prepared the vehicle for service.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 01, 2014, 08:22:58 AM
Quote from: tank90 on April 30, 2014, 09:40:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Looking at Route-one this evening I couldn't help but notice that the VDLs are now for sale. Is this a joke because if not I may be forced by these actions to tell the people of Redditch about it via the two local rags and maybe even Midlands Today.
I am a loyal passanger and have been for a while, but apon seeing this I feel you are having a laugh. How is it safe to cram 60 people on to a midi Dart Simon how safe?
Some runnings of the 57 and 58 are dangerous as are some of the 51s and 55 and 56s not to meantion the School buses you run.
You had said on here to Winston and I that the VDLs would be used with in the West mids to help with over crowding. Now if the staff at Redditch are not recording numbers propperly then come out to redditch for 1 month not in the summer but with the schools in (this month would be a good start) and see the problems for your self travel on the buses not stay at the bus station. there was a reason why first had the amout of E300s and Double deckers in Redditch it wasnt for show.
The midi darts are far to small for the 51 55 56 57 58 routes with the timings as they are. you have banned DDs from the 51 fair enough but why not ban MPDs from routes as well starting with the X3 and 57 58, It is a joke now Simon get it sorted because as a passenger Im getting fed up of standing like a sardine on a small bus. Because if it doesnt then I will go to the press!
I took the decision to contribute towards this forum.
At all times, I try to act civil and respectful. However, within your writings there are threats and unnecessary agressive behaviour.
In Redditch, we have replaced, acquired new and signifcantly improved the fleet.
I do not think there is any need for the above posting to you via the board, if tank or any one else (which I include myself in) have got things like that. they feel is wrong . they should go through the customer care section on your website or phone diamond not put it in public forum .
Quote from: bowler on May 01, 2014, 10:41:15 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 01, 2014, 08:22:58 AM
Quote from: tank90 on April 30, 2014, 09:40:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Looking at Route-one this evening I couldn't help but notice that the VDLs are now for sale. Is this a joke because if not I may be forced by these actions to tell the people of Redditch about it via the two local rags and maybe even Midlands Today.
I am a loyal passanger and have been for a while, but apon seeing this I feel you are having a laugh. How is it safe to cram 60 people on to a midi Dart Simon how safe?
Some runnings of the 57 and 58 are dangerous as are some of the 51s and 55 and 56s not to meantion the School buses you run.
You had said on here to Winston and I that the VDLs would be used with in the West mids to help with over crowding. Now if the staff at Redditch are not recording numbers propperly then come out to redditch for 1 month not in the summer but with the schools in (this month would be a good start) and see the problems for your self travel on the buses not stay at the bus station. there was a reason why first had the amout of E300s and Double deckers in Redditch it wasnt for show.
The midi darts are far to small for the 51 55 56 57 58 routes with the timings as they are. you have banned DDs from the 51 fair enough but why not ban MPDs from routes as well starting with the X3 and 57 58, It is a joke now Simon get it sorted because as a passenger Im getting fed up of standing like a sardine on a small bus. Because if it doesnt then I will go to the press!
I took the decision to contribute towards this forum.
At all times, I try to act civil and respectful. However, within your writings there are threats and unnecessary agressive behaviour.
In Redditch, we have replaced, acquired new and signifcantly improved the fleet.
I do not think there is any need for the above posting to you via the board, if tank or any one else (which I include myself in) have got things like that. they feel is wrong . they should go through the customer care section on your website or phone diamond not put it in public forum .
Dear Bowler,
Very often its not what you say, but how you say it
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 01, 2014, 10:45:30 AM
Quote from: bowler on May 01, 2014, 10:41:15 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 01, 2014, 08:22:58 AM
Quote from: tank90 on April 30, 2014, 09:40:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Looking at Route-one this evening I couldn't help but notice that the VDLs are now for sale. Is this a joke because if not I may be forced by these actions to tell the people of Redditch about it via the two local rags and maybe even Midlands Today.
I am a loyal passanger and have been for a while, but apon seeing this I feel you are having a laugh. How is it safe to cram 60 people on to a midi Dart Simon how safe?
Some runnings of the 57 and 58 are dangerous as are some of the 51s and 55 and 56s not to meantion the School buses you run.
You had said on here to Winston and I that the VDLs would be used with in the West mids to help with over crowding. Now if the staff at Redditch are not recording numbers propperly then come out to redditch for 1 month not in the summer but with the schools in (this month would be a good start) and see the problems for your self travel on the buses not stay at the bus station. there was a reason why first had the amout of E300s and Double deckers in Redditch it wasnt for show.
The midi darts are far to small for the 51 55 56 57 58 routes with the timings as they are. you have banned DDs from the 51 fair enough but why not ban MPDs from routes as well starting with the X3 and 57 58, It is a joke now Simon get it sorted because as a passenger Im getting fed up of standing like a sardine on a small bus. Because if it doesnt then I will go to the press!
I took the decision to contribute towards this forum.
At all times, I try to act civil and respectful. However, within your writings there are threats and unnecessary agressive behaviour.
In Redditch, we have replaced, acquired new and signifcantly improved the fleet.
I do not think there is any need for the above posting to you via the board, if tank or any one else (which I include myself in) have got things like that. they feel is wrong . they should go through the customer care section on your website or phone diamond not put it in public forum .
Dear Bowler,
Very often its not what you say, but how you say it
think I may have worded my post wrong , and you may have thought it was your post I was talking about. it was not yours . it was the one you where answering. I was on about . can I just say as well since you took over in Kidderminster the services I use have been more reliable and there seams to be more people using there services
Sorry to post off-topic but have Western Greyhound got rid of some solos Diamond Dart?
Sam, they are for sale at Ensign, have been for a while, Winston
Quote from: StourportSam on May 01, 2014, 02:25:21 PM
Sorry to post off-topic but have Western Greyhound got rid of some solos Diamond Dart?
Yes, see ensignbus' website: and Not 2006 like address says but 59 reg. Presumably the entirety of both batches-none sold yet I don't think.
Quote from: bowler on May 01, 2014, 11:26:09 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 01, 2014, 10:45:30 AM
Quote from: bowler on May 01, 2014, 10:41:15 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 01, 2014, 08:22:58 AM
Quote from: tank90 on April 30, 2014, 09:40:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Looking at Route-one this evening I couldn't help but notice that the VDLs are now for sale. Is this a joke because if not I may be forced by these actions to tell the people of Redditch about it via the two local rags and maybe even Midlands Today.
I am a loyal passanger and have been for a while, but apon seeing this I feel you are having a laugh. How is it safe to cram 60 people on to a midi Dart Simon how safe?
Some runnings of the 57 and 58 are dangerous as are some of the 51s and 55 and 56s not to meantion the School buses you run.
You had said on here to Winston and I that the VDLs would be used with in the West mids to help with over crowding. Now if the staff at Redditch are not recording numbers propperly then come out to redditch for 1 month not in the summer but with the schools in (this month would be a good start) and see the problems for your self travel on the buses not stay at the bus station. there was a reason why first had the amout of E300s and Double deckers in Redditch it wasnt for show.
The midi darts are far to small for the 51 55 56 57 58 routes with the timings as they are. you have banned DDs from the 51 fair enough but why not ban MPDs from routes as well starting with the X3 and 57 58, It is a joke now Simon get it sorted because as a passenger Im getting fed up of standing like a sardine on a small bus. Because if it doesnt then I will go to the press!
I took the decision to contribute towards this forum.
At all times, I try to act civil and respectful. However, within your writings there are threats and unnecessary agressive behaviour.
In Redditch, we have replaced, acquired new and signifcantly improved the fleet.
I do not think there is any need for the above posting to you via the board, if tank or any one else (which I include myself in) have got things like that. they feel is wrong . they should go through the customer care section on your website or phone diamond not put it in public forum .
Dear Bowler,
Very often its not what you say, but how you say it
think I may have worded my post wrong , and you may have thought it was your post I was talking about. it was not yours . it was the one you where answering. I was on about . can I just say as well since you took over in Kidderminster the services I use have been more reliable and there seams to be more people using there services
Bowler I am 100% sure Simon was reffering to me being very hot headed and typing and posting with out planning the post properly. Also Bowler the customer care section dont alway pass it on, because serval people have got hold of them and nothing so far has been done.
Simon, I am sorry for the aggrestion you felt and the wording was very much wrong in the sense I was blaming you personally which I know its not your fault, you can only tell staff what to do not make them. But there is some fact in that posting tho that I think you should be aware of tho Simon and that some of the running of the 51 55 56 57 58 are dangerous because of the MPDs used. Which is why I have reflected upon the post I made and I am truely sorry for being a bull in a china shop and going off in a direction that I should not have even in a PM.
"In Redditch, we have replaced, acquired new and signifcantly improved the fleet", yes ok the 4 E300s and the 5 Streetlites have improved things slightly but they have only part plugged the hole left by First being silly towards you (rotala not you personally) over the E300s from Redditch (kidderminster never had full time allocations of E300s as they only went to KR for MOT and maintance that couldn't be done at RH) but they had got plans for them which didn't include selling them to you last year. As for the Ex Lothain DDs they are having the odd wobble now and then. And over all yes you have, its all low floor what im now saying is there is still a lot more that could be done to put the MDPs on routes best suited to them not the routes the wonder on to.
And again I am sorry for the way I wrote the post to you Simon. I was just frustated with the fact that I have had some uncomfortable ridings in the past few weeks on small cramped MPDs with 40+ people on board which is a squeeze by any strecth of the imagination.
Quote from: tank90 on May 01, 2014, 04:28:35 PM
Quote from: bowler on May 01, 2014, 11:26:09 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 01, 2014, 10:45:30 AM
Quote from: bowler on May 01, 2014, 10:41:15 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 01, 2014, 08:22:58 AM
Quote from: tank90 on April 30, 2014, 09:40:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Looking at Route-one this evening I couldn't help but notice that the VDLs are now for sale. Is this a joke because if not I may be forced by these actions to tell the people of Redditch about it via the two local rags and maybe even Midlands Today.
I am a loyal passanger and have been for a while, but apon seeing this I feel you are having a laugh. How is it safe to cram 60 people on to a midi Dart Simon how safe?
Some runnings of the 57 and 58 are dangerous as are some of the 51s and 55 and 56s not to meantion the School buses you run.
You had said on here to Winston and I that the VDLs would be used with in the West mids to help with over crowding. Now if the staff at Redditch are not recording numbers propperly then come out to redditch for 1 month not in the summer but with the schools in (this month would be a good start) and see the problems for your self travel on the buses not stay at the bus station. there was a reason why first had the amout of E300s and Double deckers in Redditch it wasnt for show.
The midi darts are far to small for the 51 55 56 57 58 routes with the timings as they are. you have banned DDs from the 51 fair enough but why not ban MPDs from routes as well starting with the X3 and 57 58, It is a joke now Simon get it sorted because as a passenger Im getting fed up of standing like a sardine on a small bus. Because if it doesnt then I will go to the press!
I took the decision to contribute towards this forum.
At all times, I try to act civil and respectful. However, within your writings there are threats and unnecessary agressive behaviour.
In Redditch, we have replaced, acquired new and signifcantly improved the fleet.
I do not think there is any need for the above posting to you via the board, if tank or any one else (which I include myself in) have got things like that. they feel is wrong . they should go through the customer care section on your website or phone diamond not put it in public forum .
Dear Bowler,
Very often its not what you say, but how you say it
think I may have worded my post wrong , and you may have thought it was your post I was talking about. it was not yours . it was the one you where answering. I was on about . can I just say as well since you took over in Kidderminster the services I use have been more reliable and there seams to be more people using there services
Bowler I am 100% sure Simon was reffering to me being very hot headed and typing and posting with out planning the post properly. Also Bowler the customer care section dont alway pass it on, because serval people have got hold of them and nothing so far has been done.
Simon, I am sorry for the aggrestion you felt and the wording was very much wrong in the sense I was blaming you personally which I know its not your fault, you can only tell staff what to do not make them. But there is some fact in that posting tho that I think you should be aware of tho Simon and that some of the running of the 51 55 56 57 58 are dangerous because of the MPDs used. Which is why I have reflected upon the post I made and I am truely sorry for being a bull in a china shop and going off in a direction that I should not have even in a PM.
"In Redditch, we have replaced, acquired new and signifcantly improved the fleet", yes ok the 4 E300s and the 5 Streetlites have improved things slightly but they have only part plugged the hole left by First being silly towards you (rotala not you personally) over the E300s from Redditch (kidderminster never had full time allocations of E300s as they only went to KR for MOT and maintance that couldn't be done at RH) but they had got plans for them which didn't include selling them to you last year. As for the Ex Lothain DDs they are having the odd wobble now and then. And over all yes you have, its all low floor what im now saying is there is still a lot more that could be done to put the MDPs on routes best suited to them not the routes the wonder on to.
And again I am sorry for the way I wrote the post to you Simon. I was just frustated with the fact that I have had some uncomfortable ridings in the past few weeks on small cramped MPDs with 40+ people on board which is a squeeze by any strecth of the imagination.
You are correct, I was referring to your posting.
For Redditch we have a specified Bus capacity for every running board. I have checked a couple of days, and have only found one error. Which was a 38 seater being used instead of a 44 seater.
We now believe our running boards, and capacity more or less match demand. Our Operations team have not witnessed any over loadings, so if you have please let me know what route, what time, and where. Clearly this should not be happening.
You will note when we acquired the Kidderminster and Redditch business, we outlined the historical loss making performance, which was for an accounting period before the BSOG reductions. I am sure you can appreciate, we are trying to balance, quality, service frequency, investment, and price.
Hi Simon,
To be fair to Daniel (Tank90) I can see where he is coming from with some of his points raised re: seated capacity reduction
I.e. prior to Rotala's takeover of the First RH operations, the following were operating in Redditch:
10 x Trident / Plaxton Presidents
2 x Volvo Citybuses
1 x Volvo Olympian
16 x ADL E300's
Red Diamond:
12 x Volvo B7RLE
Since the two operations have been merged, the combined Pvrs & overlapping services rationalized there are far fewer double deckers & full size single decker operating in the town than previous when both operators were competing head to head. Obviously now the operations are combined and the competition from First has been removed, Diamond are now taking 100% of the revenue & carrying all passengers rather than a split of say 50/50 with First previously.
Diamond now have the following:
12 x Volvo B7RLE
5 x Trident Presidents
7 x ADL E300's
1 x MAN/Centro (30801)
Unless I'm mistaken the 5 x new Streetlites aren't the DF Max type, I understand them to effectively be the same length as a full length Dart/E200. Therefore as I see it, there are now 8 x deckers & 8 x full size single deckers less than when First & Diamond we both locked in competition.
Although the First RH operation that Rotala inherited was historically loss making, some of that may well have been down to the fact the like for like competition from Diamond on all of First's main town services and the low fares that resulted on some routes. Surely now the Rotala have both operations, are taking 100% of the Redditch revenue with cost reductions from the rationalization mentioned above and have little of no competition, surely the financial performance from the combined operations should have improved dramatically?
Back to my query:
I had a ride past Tividale depot today and noticed that only one withdrawn Dart remained parked in the overflow yard, interestingly none of the operational fleet were parked in there & the gates locked. Is it safe to assume that the additional parking is no longer required and Diamond will soon no longer be using it?
I assume the glass recycling facility next to the main Tividale depot is still not available for acquisition?
Hi Simon
I think my reply may have got buried under postings not relevant to the topic. To save searching back through, I will modify and re-post below.
Thanks very much, as ever, for your replies-much appreciated. Just a couple of things:
1) When do you see the remaining JNF's returning to service, presumably at Kidderminster? Do they need much doing to them or do they look worse than they actually are?
2) So would you say that is it as regards Worcestershire network changes, at least for the time being, pre-WCC contract changes being announced?
3) Why do repaints of royales seem to have stalled, as TE now has spare capacity sufficient for repaints, or am I wrong on that?
4) Where abouts is Y283HUA as I haven't seen that for ages?
5) Why has TE been cleared of withdrawn vehicles-would it not be better to keep the scrap cadets there to use directly for spares, or does KR have more engineering expertise?
6) I take it you have been offered the ex Western Greyhound solos. I know you are a fan of Merc Solo's or is it a case of too many small buses still?
7) I understand also that the vast majority of Centro contracts in the Black Country are being re-tendered this year. Have Centro confirmed this with you and do you think this could have a positive or negative impact upon the TE part of the business?
Many thanks and best of luck for trying to further improve your already successful Diamond business. I and I am sure most others feel you and Rotala are doing a fantastic job!
Hi Simon,
can you confirm if 20849 (KU52 RYH) will be returning to Kidderminster and if so will this be on a permanent basis?
I have to ask about W904 JNF Simon. I am not suggesting for one second Diamond have done anything funny here and am 100% sure there is a reasonable explanation.
But from my observations and searching photo's etc... the 'current' W904 JNF, has a different front, a completely different dashboard, different style of seats, different colour poles, seats in a Stagecoach moquette! (Particularly confusing this one) Gasket not bonded glazing (this is the major change), side destination in a different place and different mirrors to name just the notable differences
Quote from: Will on May 05, 2014, 05:06:54 PM
Hi Simon,
can you confirm if 20849 (KU52 RYH) will be returning to Kidderminster and if so will this be on a permanent basis?
Will I think you have asked that question 5 times or more over the past month or two. I doubt Diamond have a specific plan for this vehicle seeing as it was only a short term loan to cover for VOR Kidderminster buses and is painted black... It can't be their highest priority at the moment.
Quote from: Winston on May 05, 2014, 02:27:36 PM
Hi Simon,
To be fair to Daniel (Tank90) I can see where he is coming from with some of his points raised re: seated capacity reduction
I.e. prior to Rotala's takeover of the First RH operations, the following were operating in Redditch:
10 x Trident / Plaxton Presidents
2 x Volvo Citybuses
1 x Volvo Olympian
16 x ADL E300's
Red Diamond:
12 x Volvo B7RLE
Since the two operations have been merged, the combined Pvrs & overlapping services rationalized there are far fewer double deckers & full size single decker operating in the town than previous when both operators were competing head to head. Obviously now the operations are combined and the competition from First has been removed, Diamond are now taking 100% of the revenue & carrying all passengers rather than a split of say 50/50 with First previously.
Diamond now have the following:
12 x Volvo B7RLE
5 x Trident Presidents
7 x ADL E300's
1 x MAN/Centro (30801)
Unless I'm mistaken the 5 x new Streetlites aren't the DF Max type, I understand them to effectively be the same length as a full length Dart/E200. Therefore as I see it, there are now 8 x deckers & 8 x full size single deckers less than when First & Diamond we both locked in competition.
Although the First RH operation that Rotala inherited was historically loss making, some of that may well have been down to the fact the like for like competition from Diamond on all of First's main town services and the low fares that resulted on some routes. Surely now the Rotala have both operations, are taking 100% of the Redditch revenue with cost reductions from the rationalization mentioned above and have little of no competition, surely the financial performance from the combined operations should have improved dramatically?
Back to my query:
I had a ride past Tividale depot today and noticed that only one withdrawn Dart remained parked in the overflow yard, interestingly none of the operational fleet were parked in there & the gates locked. Is it safe to assume that the additional parking is no longer required and Diamond will soon no longer be using it?
I assume the glass recycling facility next to the main Tividale depot is still not available for acquisition?
1. First and Diamond only competed directly on one route.
2. We now have 6 MAN Centro's, none were previously in Redditch
3. My understanding is that the deckers were in Redditch, not for capacity reasons but because they had become spare following exit from London.
4. Can someone actually tell me what they think the deckers were required for, if it is for capacity reasons.
In response to your questions about Tividale
1. The land we previously occupied, has been re-let to someone else at the end of our lease. We were never offered the option.
2. I understand somone has signed a lease on the glass place for 10 years.
3. We are moving/have moved all our for sale/spare buses to Kidderminster.
4. Our preference has always been to acquire the Glass site. In the absence of this, we have calculated if we acquire a car park within walking distance we can increase the depot capacity by about 30 vehicles.
Quote from: wilmotm (Matt Wilmot) on May 05, 2014, 11:34:45 PM
I have to ask about W904 JNF Simon. I am not suggesting for one second Diamond have done anything funny here and am 100% sure there is a reasonable explanation.
But from my observations and searching photo's etc... the 'current' W904 JNF, has a different front, a completely different dashboard, different style of seats, different colour poles, seats in a Stagecoach moquette! (Particularly confusing this one) Gasket not bonded glazing (this is the major change), side destination in a different place and different mirrors to name just the notable differences
When this vehicle returned from Avonmouth, there was a lot of damage and repairs required to the vehicle.
We use a third party contractor for some Engine rebuilds, and on returning a vehicle, he said he had just acquired a similiar vehicle from Stagecoach and was able to undertake the repairs on our vehicle at a competitive price.
I have not noticed the vehicle on its return. However, I presume this is the reason why
Quote from: Will on May 05, 2014, 05:06:54 PM
Hi Simon,
can you confirm if 20849 (KU52 RYH) will be returning to Kidderminster and if so will this be on a permanent basis?
This is a Tividale vehicle. However, we are moving some Tividale services to Kidderminster before the end of May. At that point we will need to transfer some vehicles, this may be one of the vehicles we transfer
Quote from: DiamondDart on May 05, 2014, 04:42:38 PM
Hi Simon
I think my reply may have got buried under postings not relevant to the topic. To save searching back through, I will modify and re-post below.
Thanks very much, as ever, for your replies-much appreciated. Just a couple of things:
1) When do you see the remaining JNF's returning to service, presumably at Kidderminster? Do they need much doing to them or do they look worse than they actually are?
2) So would you say that is it as regards Worcestershire network changes, at least for the time being, pre-WCC contract changes being announced?
3) Why do repaints of royales seem to have stalled, as TE now has spare capacity sufficient for repaints, or am I wrong on that?
4) Where abouts is Y283HUA as I haven't seen that for ages?
5) Why has TE been cleared of withdrawn vehicles-would it not be better to keep the scrap cadets there to use directly for spares, or does KR have more engineering expertise?
6) I take it you have been offered the ex Western Greyhound solos. I know you are a fan of Merc Solo's or is it a case of too many small buses still?
7) I understand also that the vast majority of Centro contracts in the Black Country are being re-tendered this year. Have Centro confirmed this with you and do you think this could have a positive or negative impact upon the TE part of the business?
Many thanks and best of luck for trying to further improve your already successful Diamond business. I and I am sure most others feel you and Rotala are doing a fantastic job!
Dear Sir,
In response to your questions.
1. We have out sourced the work, so I am not exactly sure of the timescales. I expect they will return to Kidderminster though
2. Yes
3. We have moved painting the VDL's in front of the Royale's. It makes more sense to put these into use.
4. Off the road at Kidderminster, awaiting parts.
5. Please note reply to Winston.
6. No, we werent.
7. Most contract terminations have been driven to the October re-tendering date. Like always we will submit our price.
Which services are moving to Kidderminster
& what's the reason behind it thank you
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 06, 2014, 08:38:16 AM
Quote from: Will on May 05, 2014, 05:06:54 PM
Hi Simon,
can you confirm if 20849 (KU52 RYH) will be returning to Kidderminster and if so will this be on a permanent basis?
This is a Tividale vehicle. However, we are moving some Tividale services to Kidderminster before the end of May. At that point we will need to transfer some vehicles, this may be one of the vehicles we transfer
Hi Simon,
Will one of the routes moving from Tividale to Kiddeminster be the 142 by any chance?
Quote from: Solo1 on May 06, 2014, 09:45:45 AM
Which services are moving to Kidderminster
& what's the reason behind it thank you
We are looking at moving the 142, and 202.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 06, 2014, 11:16:47 AM
Quote from: Solo1 on May 06, 2014, 09:45:45 AM
Which services are moving to Kidderminster
& what's the reason behind it thank you
We are looking at moving the 142, and 202.
Cheers Simon. If the 202 does move that mean the Royale Centro's that are used on the 202 can be put onto other route. Maybe they can be used on the 4 as i have noticed alot of Darts/Cadets still operate the 4.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 06, 2014, 11:16:47 AM
Quote from: Solo1 on May 06, 2014, 09:45:45 AM
Which services are moving to Kidderminster
& what's the reason behind it thank you
We are looking at moving the 142, and 202.
is there no possibility that we could have the 146 route (or a new route all together) could it not be merged with the X3 i.e. goes from Kidder to Redditch then from RH to BH and vice versa? I think having a bus direct from Kidderminster to Birmingham (albeit via Redditch) would be a valuable commodity and also are there any plans for Diamond to start doing services to Bridgnorth could Diamond not purchase the Arriva (297) or Whittle (125) contract?
In response to your questions.
1. We have out sourced the work, so I am not exactly sure of the timescales. I expect they will return to Kidderminster though
2. Yes
3. We have moved painting the VDL's in front of the Royale's. It makes more sense to put these into use.
4. Off the road at Kidderminster, awaiting parts.
5. Please note reply to Winston.
6. No, we werent.
7. Most contract terminations have been driven to the October re-tendering date. Like always we will submit our price.
Thanks, as ever, for your replies.
I take it you now intend for the VDL centro's to re-enter service if you intend to have them painted?
I see you mentioned to Winston acquiring a car park near Tividale, within walking distance. Would this be required if some black country stuff moved over to Tividale or is it anticipation of LAC closing and services moving into Tividale from there?
Quote from: Nathan on May 06, 2014, 11:28:44 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 06, 2014, 11:16:47 AM
Quote from: Solo1 on May 06, 2014, 09:45:45 AM
Which services are moving to Kidderminster
& what's the reason behind it thank you
We are looking at moving the 142, and 202.
Cheers Simon. If the 202 does move that mean the Royale Centro's that are used on the 202 can be put onto other route. Maybe they can be used on the 4 as i have noticed alot of Darts/Cadets still operate the 4.
Or move the Royales to Kidder where they can be used on more suitable routes (202, X3, 294/295, 303)...
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 06, 2014, 07:18:43 AM
1. First and Diamond only competed directly on one route.
2. We now have 6 MAN Centro's, none were previously in Redditch
3. My understanding is that the deckers were in Redditch, not for capacity reasons but because they had become spare following exit from London.
4. Can someone actually tell me what they think the deckers were required for, if it is for capacity reasons.
In response to your questions about Tividale
1. The land we previously occupied, has been re-let to someone else at the end of our lease. We were never offered the option.
2. I understand somone has signed a lease on the glass place for 10 years.
3. We are moving/have moved all our for sale/spare buses to Kidderminster.
4. Our preference has always been to acquire the Glass site. In the absence of this, we have calculated if we acquire a car park within walking distance we can increase the depot capacity by about 30 vehicles.
Thanks for your replies Simon.
1. Were the 51 & 70 routes tendered then?
2. Yes there are 6 x MAN/Centro's but other than 30801 they are all 38 seaters which I would class as a 'Midis'. Another issue I've noticed which seems to crop up frequently is people complaining about the number of moms with pushchairs on certain routes, obviously if one pushchair is carried you also lose the 3 pull down seats and then only able to accommodate 35 seated.
3. I believe First draughted in the Tridents as they were available and to make Redditch fully low floor i.e. remove the remaining Lance from service. I did understand prior to the Rotala takeover that double deckers on some routes in the peaks were welcomed (i.e. 57/58) + all schools
5. Some time ago you suggested the Rotala were looking at either re-developing Plymouth Road or building a new purpose built depot out of town & possibly moving the 50 from Long Acre in to Redditch. has anything moved forward with those plans?
Re: Tividale
1. Nice of them not to have offered you the option, do Rotala only rent half of the car park? Could the new tenant want the lot?
2. Were you not consulted / offered a lease on the glass place either. Not ideal to lease, but once in you may have been able to persuade the owners to sell up in the future.
4. You are probably already aware, but there does seem ample open parking area on the 'Vaughen Trading Estate' back up Sedgley Road East on the right heading back up towards Dudley Port looking on Google Earth, there is also a 'to let' sign up & another coach operator appears to base its vehicles there just behind the gatehouse.
5. Re possibly moving the 142 & 202 out of Tividale & in to Kidderminster. Have you considered moving the 226 to KR? Obviously the Darts it currently employs would be more fitting in with KR's fleet and the timetable could possibly be amended so journey's start/finish at Wordsley / Kingswinford which isn't too far from KR? I assume the 202 at KR would lose its Centro's?
Looking at the 226 some trips terminate at Kingswinford and some start at Wordsley hospital
Quote from: the trainbasher on May 06, 2014, 05:20:46 PM
Looking at the 226 some trips terminate at Kingswinford and some start at Wordsley hospital
The only with the 226 proposal that I've since though of it KR depot isn't currently open in the evenings or on Sundays to cover all 2226/226W workings.
If it was, the 205 could also be moved to KR as well as some trips start/finish in Wall Heath (Blaze Park), straight down the A449 and the buses are back home.
Quote from: Nathan on May 06, 2014, 11:28:44 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 06, 2014, 11:16:47 AM
Quote from: Solo1 on May 06, 2014, 09:45:45 AM
Which services are moving to Kidderminster
& what's the reason behind it thank you
We are looking at moving the 142, and 202.
Cheers Simon. If the 202 does move that mean the Royale Centro's that are used on the 202 can be put onto other route. Maybe they can be used on the 4 as i have noticed alot of Darts/Cadets still operate the 4.
We have not decided as yet, which vehicles we should transfer
Quote from: Will on May 06, 2014, 11:40:39 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 06, 2014, 11:16:47 AM
Quote from: Solo1 on May 06, 2014, 09:45:45 AM
Which services are moving to Kidderminster
& what's the reason behind it thank you
We are looking at moving the 142, and 202.
is there no possibility that we could have the 146 route (or a new route all together) could it not be merged with the X3 i.e. goes from Kidder to Redditch then from RH to BH and vice versa? I think having a bus direct from Kidderminster to Birmingham (albeit via Redditch) would be a valuable commodity and also are there any plans for Diamond to start doing services to Bridgnorth could Diamond not purchase the Arriva (297) or Whittle (125) contract?
The service changes we have made reflect what recieved sufficient demand within the network review.
If other operators wish to dispose of their business, we are always interested. Considering Whittles/Arriva operate other routes I cannot believe they are looking to dispose of the above services.
Quote from: DiamondDart on May 06, 2014, 11:49:39 AM
In response to your questions.
1. We have out sourced the work, so I am not exactly sure of the timescales. I expect they will return to Kidderminster though
2. Yes
3. We have moved painting the VDL's in front of the Royale's. It makes more sense to put these into use.
4. Off the road at Kidderminster, awaiting parts.
5. Please note reply to Winston.
6. No, we werent.
7. Most contract terminations have been driven to the October re-tendering date. Like always we will submit our price.
Thanks, as ever, for your replies.
I take it you now intend for the VDL centro's to re-enter service if you intend to have them painted?
I see you mentioned to Winston acquiring a car park near Tividale, within walking distance. Would this be required if some black country stuff moved over to Tividale or is it anticipation of LAC closing and services moving into Tividale from there?
Dear Sir,
Although they are advertised for sale, we are still working towards putting them back into service. 2 are painted, and due to re-enter shortly. Short term they will be used in Redditch, to continue with the re-paints of the Redditch fleet.
From our perspective long term, we want to increase capacity at Tividale. Whether we dispose of LAC or not.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 07, 2014, 03:21:37 PM
Quote from: Will on May 06, 2014, 11:40:39 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 06, 2014, 11:16:47 AM
Quote from: Solo1 on May 06, 2014, 09:45:45 AM
Which services are moving to Kidderminster
& what's the reason behind it thank you
We are looking at moving the 142, and 202.
is there no possibility that we could have the 146 route (or a new route all together) could it not be merged with the X3 i.e. goes from Kidder to Redditch then from RH to BH and vice versa? I think having a bus direct from Kidderminster to Birmingham (albeit via Redditch) would be a valuable commodity and also are there any plans for Diamond to start doing services to Bridgnorth could Diamond not purchase the Arriva (297) or Whittle (125) contract?
The service changes we have made reflect what recieved sufficient demand within the network review.
If other operators wish to dispose of their business, we are always interested. Considering Whittles/Arriva operate other routes I cannot believe they are looking to dispose of the above services.
Well they're not but could you not make either one of them an offer?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 07, 2014, 03:23:59 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on May 06, 2014, 11:49:39 AM
In response to your questions.
1. We have out sourced the work, so I am not exactly sure of the timescales. I expect they will return to Kidderminster though
2. Yes
3. We have moved painting the VDL's in front of the Royale's. It makes more sense to put these into use.
4. Off the road at Kidderminster, awaiting parts.
5. Please note reply to Winston.
6. No, we werent.
7. Most contract terminations have been driven to the October re-tendering date. Like always we will submit our price.
Thanks, as ever, for your replies.
I take it you now intend for the VDL centro's to re-enter service if you intend to have them painted?
I see you mentioned to Winston acquiring a car park near Tividale, within walking distance. Would this be required if some black country stuff moved over to Tividale or is it anticipation of LAC closing and services moving into Tividale from there?
Dear Sir,
Although they are advertised for sale, we are still working towards putting them back into service. 2 are painted, and due to re-enter shortly. Short term they will be used in Redditch, to continue with the re-paints of the Redditch fleet.
From our perspective long term, we want to increase capacity at Tividale. Whether we dispose of LAC or not.
Thanks very much for your replies.
In this month's fleet update, I couldn't help notice 30302 is withdrawn at Heathrow. Has this vehicle recently sustained accident damage?
Also, the solos withdrawn at Wessex-are they destined to return to Diamond?
Thanks again
Quote from: Winston on May 06, 2014, 02:10:42 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 06, 2014, 07:18:43 AM
1. First and Diamond only competed directly on one route.
2. We now have 6 MAN Centro's, none were previously in Redditch
3. My understanding is that the deckers were in Redditch, not for capacity reasons but because they had become spare following exit from London.
4. Can someone actually tell me what they think the deckers were required for, if it is for capacity reasons.
In response to your questions about Tividale
1. The land we previously occupied, has been re-let to someone else at the end of our lease. We were never offered the option.
2. I understand somone has signed a lease on the glass place for 10 years.
3. We are moving/have moved all our for sale/spare buses to Kidderminster.
4. Our preference has always been to acquire the Glass site. In the absence of this, we have calculated if we acquire a car park within walking distance we can increase the depot capacity by about 30 vehicles.
Thanks for your replies Simon.
1. Were the 51 & 70 routes tendered then?
2. Yes there are 6 x MAN/Centro's but other than 30801 they are all 38 seaters which I would class as a 'Midis'. Another issue I've noticed which seems to crop up frequently is people complaining about the number of moms with pushchairs on certain routes, obviously if one pushchair is carried you also lose the 3 pull down seats and then only able to accommodate 35 seated.
3. I believe First draughted in the Tridents as they were available and to make Redditch fully low floor i.e. remove the remaining Lance from service. I did understand prior to the Rotala takeover that double deckers on some routes in the peaks were welcomed (i.e. 57/58) + all schools
5. Some time ago you suggested the Rotala were looking at either re-developing Plymouth Road or building a new purpose built depot out of town & possibly moving the 50 from Long Acre in to Redditch. has anything moved forward with those plans?
Re: Tividale
1. Nice of them not to have offered you the option, do Rotala only rent half of the car park? Could the new tenant want the lot?
2. Were you not consulted / offered a lease on the glass place either. Not ideal to lease, but once in you may have been able to persuade the owners to sell up in the future.
4. You are probably already aware, but there does seem ample open parking area on the 'Vaughen Trading Estate' back up Sedgley Road East on the right heading back up towards Dudley Port looking on Google Earth, there is also a 'to let' sign up & another coach operator appears to base its vehicles there just behind the gatehouse.
5. Re possibly moving the 142 & 202 out of Tividale & in to Kidderminster. Have you considered moving the 226 to KR? Obviously the Darts it currently employs would be more fitting in with KR's fleet and the timetable could possibly be amended so journey's start/finish at Wordsley / Kingswinford which isn't too far from KR? I assume the 202 at KR would lose its Centro's?
1. You are right we competed on the 51. However, we always intended to remove the Commercial registration on this, and we did just before we acquired the business. Although we did compete on the 70, from memmory our route was different.
2. These buses are big enough for nearly all the routes.
3. That is not my understanding, having gone through a OFT investigation were both sides had to disclose confidential documents.
5. Although we have disposal options for ou site. I do not believe the suitable available alternatives are right at present. We are committed to Church Road for a couple of years, so it depends what becomes available/ and the cost of development of the present site.
1. No, the new leaseholders require the whole site
2. No. I believe it is part of a larger deal involving multiple sites.
4. I am aware. It is an option. However, I would like something closer which we can acquire.
5. The current schedules would represent a mileage increase. The 202/142 are more or less neutral
Quote from: DiamondDart on May 07, 2014, 03:29:01 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 07, 2014, 03:23:59 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on May 06, 2014, 11:49:39 AM
In response to your questions.
1. We have out sourced the work, so I am not exactly sure of the timescales. I expect they will return to Kidderminster though
2. Yes
3. We have moved painting the VDL's in front of the Royale's. It makes more sense to put these into use.
4. Off the road at Kidderminster, awaiting parts.
5. Please note reply to Winston.
6. No, we werent.
7. Most contract terminations have been driven to the October re-tendering date. Like always we will submit our price.
Thanks, as ever, for your replies.
I take it you now intend for the VDL centro's to re-enter service if you intend to have them painted?
I see you mentioned to Winston acquiring a car park near Tividale, within walking distance. Would this be required if some black country stuff moved over to Tividale or is it anticipation of LAC closing and services moving into Tividale from there?
Dear Sir,
Although they are advertised for sale, we are still working towards putting them back into service. 2 are painted, and due to re-enter shortly. Short term they will be used in Redditch, to continue with the re-paints of the Redditch fleet.
From our perspective long term, we want to increase capacity at Tividale. Whether we dispose of LAC or not.
Thanks very much for your replies.
In this month's fleet update, I couldn't help notice 30302 is withdrawn at Heathrow. Has this vehicle recently sustained accident damage?
Also, the solos withdrawn at Wessex-are they destined to return to Diamond?
Thanks again
We will move 30302 to Redditch. Which Solo's do you mean?
Quote from: Will on May 07, 2014, 03:28:08 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 07, 2014, 03:21:37 PM
Quote from: Will on May 06, 2014, 11:40:39 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 06, 2014, 11:16:47 AM
Quote from: Solo1 on May 06, 2014, 09:45:45 AM
Which services are moving to Kidderminster
& what's the reason behind it thank you
We are looking at moving the 142, and 202.
is there no possibility that we could have the 146 route (or a new route all together) could it not be merged with the X3 i.e. goes from Kidder to Redditch then from RH to BH and vice versa? I think having a bus direct from Kidderminster to Birmingham (albeit via Redditch) would be a valuable commodity and also are there any plans for Diamond to start doing services to Bridgnorth could Diamond not purchase the Arriva (297) or Whittle (125) contract?
The service changes we have made reflect what recieved sufficient demand within the network review.
If other operators wish to dispose of their business, we are always interested. Considering Whittles/Arriva operate other routes I cannot believe they are looking to dispose of the above services.
Well they're not but could you not make either one of them an offer?
Will they are both tendered routes (Wholely or Partley) so Simon could not just make them a offer (for the routes)even if he wanted to , it is a case of when the tenders are up companies putting bids in . and then the county coucils decied on who they award the tender to . simon hope
I got that about right
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 07, 2014, 03:33:06 PM
1. You are right we competed on the 51. However, we always intended to remove the Commercial registration on this, and we did just before we acquired the business. Although we did compete on the 70, from memmory our route was different.
2. These buses are big enough for nearly all the routes.
3. That is not my understanding, having gone through a OFT investigation were both sides had to disclose confidential documents.
5. Although we have disposal options for ou site. I do not believe the suitable available alternatives are right at present. We are committed to Church Road for a couple of years, so it depends what becomes available/ and the cost of development of the present site.
1. No, the new leaseholders require the whole site
2. No. I believe it is part of a larger deal involving multiple sites.
4. I am aware. It is an option. However, I would like something closer which we can acquire.
5. The current schedules would represent a mileage increase. The 202/142 are more or less neutral
Simon, many thanks for all your responses.
Re: Redditch
1-3 Regarding the Redditch fleet make-up, I'll leave it there, as obviously you have more information available to you than I do.
5. Is there much scope to increase the width/length of the Plymouth Rd depot is you decide to stay put? And could you possibly demolish the engineering/office block & re-build it in a corner/to one side to open up the parking area?
Re: Tividale
2. That's a shame on the glass place, it would have been perfect.
4. Do you have something in mind to acquire that is closer? There does seem to be another vacant plot that may be suitable on the same side as Tividale depot, it's just on the left after you go over the bridge heading towards Dudley Port
As a side note, I notice the Souls 04 plate E300 has been dropped in price from £28k down to £20k in this weeks RouteOne
Hi Simon,
Any news with the sale of your Long Acre depot? Is it still up for sale?
Hi Simon; I may have missed something here on the forum but if the Long Acre depot is sold what will happen to the Solihull Signature buses that are currently based there?
P.S Dave; the depot is still on this website
Quote from: Winston on May 07, 2014, 03:53:25 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 07, 2014, 03:33:06 PM
1. You are right we competed on the 51. However, we always intended to remove the Commercial registration on this, and we did just before we acquired the business. Although we did compete on the 70, from memmory our route was different.
2. These buses are big enough for nearly all the routes.
3. That is not my understanding, having gone through a OFT investigation were both sides had to disclose confidential documents.
5. Although we have disposal options for ou site. I do not believe the suitable available alternatives are right at present. We are committed to Church Road for a couple of years, so it depends what becomes available/ and the cost of development of the present site.
1. No, the new leaseholders require the whole site
2. No. I believe it is part of a larger deal involving multiple sites.
4. I am aware. It is an option. However, I would like something closer which we can acquire.
5. The current schedules would represent a mileage increase. The 202/142 are more or less neutral
Simon, many thanks for all your responses.
Re: Redditch
1-3 Regarding the Redditch fleet make-up, I'll leave it there, as obviously you have more information available to you than I do.
5. Is there much scope to increase the width/length of the Plymouth Rd depot is you decide to stay put? And could you possibly demolish the engineering/office block & re-build it in a corner/to one side to open up the parking area?
Re: Tividale
2. That's a shame on the glass place, it would have been perfect.
4. Do you have something in mind to acquire that is closer? There does seem to be another vacant plot that may be suitable on the same side as Tividale depot, it's just on the left after you go over the bridge heading towards Dudley Port
As a side note, I notice the Souls 04 plate E300 has been dropped in price from £28k down to £20k in this weeks RouteOne
Sorry for the delay
In response to your points
5. We are looking at this.
2. I agree
4. We want to acquire, they are looking to sublet
Quote from: Dave Spencer on May 09, 2014, 08:40:34 PM
Hi Simon,
Any news with the sale of your Long Acre depot? Is it still up for sale?
There is no update at the moment
Quote from: Liberator9 on May 09, 2014, 10:20:33 PM
Hi Simon; I may have missed something here on the forum but if the Long Acre depot is sold what will happen to the Solihull Signature buses that are currently based there?
P.S Dave; the depot is still on this website
There are 2 options.
1. We relocate to Redditch
2. We look to open a depot Coventry/Solihull area to serve this and some other work we have
As we havent sold LAC, we have not rushed looking for a solution
Hi Simon,
30406 (YN08 NXL) was working from Long Acre on Sunday on the 50. Is this a transfer from Tividale or did Long Acre really need to borrow a bus on Sunday?
Also to add LA based 30816 was posted on here as working from Tividale last Friday on the 4's.
Do you know if these were just loans or have these swapped garages (30406 and 30816?)
Quote from: Nathan on May 13, 2014, 03:06:06 PM
Hi Simon,
30406 (YN08 NXL) was working from Long Acre on Sunday on the 50. Is this a transfer from Tividale or did Long Acre really need to borrow a bus on Sunday?
Also to add LA based 30816 was posted on here as working from Tividale last Friday on the 4's.
Do you know if these were just loans or have these swapped garages (30406 and 30816?)
The 2 vehicles have been swapped around. YN08NXL has seat belts which has been requested on a specific contract
There are 2 options.
1. We relocate to Redditch
2. We look to open a depot Coventry/Solihull area to serve this and some other work we have
As we havent sold LAC, we have not rushed looking for a solution
Thanks Simon for the explanation.
Hi Simon
Just a really quick one from me. I couldn't help but notice I imagine it is something that Rotala have already been offered. Is it something too much of a "one-off" for Rotala to even consider acquiring.
Just interested to hear your opinion on it
Thanks again :)
Quote from: DiamondDart on May 13, 2014, 11:02:14 PM
Hi Simon
Just a really quick one from me. I couldn't help but notice I imagine it is something that Rotala have already been offered. Is it something too much of a "one-off" for Rotala to even consider acquiring.
Just interested to hear your opinion on it
Thanks again :)
Dear Sir,
It is not something that I have been offered.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 13, 2014, 02:59:37 PM
Sorry for the delay
In response to your points
5. We are looking at this.
2. I agree
4. We want to acquire, they are looking to sublet
No worries, I understand you're a busy man!
In addition to the Ensign 08 plate E300, there is a new advert in today's Routeone:
2006 ADL E300 on page 60, 57 seater, one owner from new, recent engine £29.5k Tel 01347-838990
Plus the Souls 04 plate E300 has dropped in price from £28k down to £20k
I notice Rotala are now dropping their asking prices for the various Ciataro's / VDL's & E200's for sale, I take it Rotala's preferred option is still to sell all these?
Also Nigel McRee has a 45 seater 2007 & 2008 ADL E300 for sale, if the stock sheet is still current?
Quote from: Winston on May 14, 2014, 12:16:04 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 13, 2014, 02:59:37 PM
Sorry for the delay
In response to your points
5. We are looking at this.
2. I agree
4. We want to acquire, they are looking to sublet
No worries, I understand you're a busy man!
In addition to the Ensign 08 plate E300, there is a new advert in today's Routeone:
2006 ADL E300 on page 60, 57 seater, one owner from new, recent engine £29.5k Tel 01347-838990
Plus the Souls 04 plate E300 has dropped in price from £28k down to £20k
I notice Rotala are now dropping their asking prices for the various Ciataro's / VDL's & E200's for sale, I take it Rotala's preferred option is still to sell all these?
Also Nigel McRee has a 45 seater 2007 & 2008 ADL E300 for sale, if the stock sheet is still current?
1. There has been a number of E300's for sale which were originally school buses. These buses cost a lot of time and money to convert for normal bus operation.
2. I would prefer to dispose of and replace.
3. From expereince, I don't find anything for sale by Nigel McCree to be competitive.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 15, 2014, 08:47:12 AM
Quote from: Winston on May 14, 2014, 12:16:04 PM
No worries, I understand you're a busy man!
In addition to the Ensign 08 plate E300, there is a new advert in today's Routeone:
2006 ADL E300 on page 60, 57 seater, one owner from new, recent engine £29.5k Tel 01347-838990
Plus the Souls 04 plate E300 has dropped in price from £28k down to £20k
I notice Rotala are now dropping their asking prices for the various Ciataro's / VDL's & E200's for sale, I take it Rotala's preferred option is still to sell all these?
Also Nigel McRee has a 45 seater 2007 & 2008 ADL E300 for sale, if the stock sheet is still current?
1. There has been a number of E300's for sale which were originally school buses. These buses cost a lot of time and money to convert for normal bus operation.
2. I would prefer to dispose of and replace.
3. From expereince, I don't find anything for sale by Nigel McCree to be competitive.
Thanks Simon,
One last query then I'll leave you in peace, why is Rotala incurring costs preparing the VDL's for service / repainting them etc only for them preferably to be sold asap. Surely Rotala wouldn't be able to recoup the costs in the sale price would they?
If they don't get sold then they can be used in a reasonable condition, if they do get repainted and tidied up then they are in a much better condition for when viewers come to look at them
Quote from: Winston on May 15, 2014, 09:47:19 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 15, 2014, 08:47:12 AM
Quote from: Winston on May 14, 2014, 12:16:04 PM
No worries, I understand you're a busy man!
In addition to the Ensign 08 plate E300, there is a new advert in today's Routeone:
2006 ADL E300 on page 60, 57 seater, one owner from new, recent engine £29.5k Tel 01347-838990
Plus the Souls 04 plate E300 has dropped in price from £28k down to £20k
I notice Rotala are now dropping their asking prices for the various Ciataro's / VDL's & E200's for sale, I take it Rotala's preferred option is still to sell all these?
Also Nigel McRee has a 45 seater 2007 & 2008 ADL E300 for sale, if the stock sheet is still current?
1. There has been a number of E300's for sale which were originally school buses. These buses cost a lot of time and money to convert for normal bus operation.
2. I would prefer to dispose of and replace.
3. From expereince, I don't find anything for sale by Nigel McCree to be competitive.
Thanks Simon,
One last query then I'll leave you in peace, why is Rotala incurring costs preparing the VDL's for service / repainting them etc only for them preferably to be sold asap. Surely Rotala wouldn't be able to recoup the costs in the sale price would they?
I don't believe the vehicles will sell, so we are preparing them for service. Three are actually in service in Redditch. If someone did come to look at them, following repaints etc, they are now in a far better condition as well
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 16, 2014, 10:31:57 AM
Quote from: Winston on May 15, 2014, 09:47:19 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 15, 2014, 08:47:12 AM
Quote from: Winston on May 14, 2014, 12:16:04 PM
No worries, I understand you're a busy man!
In addition to the Ensign 08 plate E300, there is a new advert in today's Routeone:
2006 ADL E300 on page 60, 57 seater, one owner from new, recent engine £29.5k Tel 01347-838990
Plus the Souls 04 plate E300 has dropped in price from £28k down to £20k
I notice Rotala are now dropping their asking prices for the various Ciataro's / VDL's & E200's for sale, I take it Rotala's preferred option is still to sell all these?
Also Nigel McRee has a 45 seater 2007 & 2008 ADL E300 for sale, if the stock sheet is still current?
1. There has been a number of E300's for sale which were originally school buses. These buses cost a lot of time and money to convert for normal bus operation.
2. I would prefer to dispose of and replace.
3. From expereince, I don't find anything for sale by Nigel McCree to be competitive.
Thanks Simon,
One last query then I'll leave you in peace, why is Rotala incurring costs preparing the VDL's for service / repainting them etc only for them preferably to be sold asap. Surely Rotala wouldn't be able to recoup the costs in the sale price would they?
I don't believe the vehicles will sell, so we are preparing them for service. Three are actually in service in Redditch. If someone did come to look at them, following repaints etc, they are now in a far better condition as well
Thanks Simon,
Are those at Redditch acting as paint floats?
Could I just ask why Rotala & other operators aren't keen on VDL's? I was under the impression that they very similar to a Dart
Quote from: Winston on May 16, 2014, 10:37:28 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 16, 2014, 10:31:57 AM
Quote from: Winston on May 15, 2014, 09:47:19 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 15, 2014, 08:47:12 AM
Quote from: Winston on May 14, 2014, 12:16:04 PM
No worries, I understand you're a busy man!
In addition to the Ensign 08 plate E300, there is a new advert in today's Routeone:
2006 ADL E300 on page 60, 57 seater, one owner from new, recent engine £29.5k Tel 01347-838990
Plus the Souls 04 plate E300 has dropped in price from £28k down to £20k
I notice Rotala are now dropping their asking prices for the various Ciataro's / VDL's & E200's for sale, I take it Rotala's preferred option is still to sell all these?
Also Nigel McRee has a 45 seater 2007 & 2008 ADL E300 for sale, if the stock sheet is still current?
1. There has been a number of E300's for sale which were originally school buses. These buses cost a lot of time and money to convert for normal bus operation.
2. I would prefer to dispose of and replace.
3. From expereince, I don't find anything for sale by Nigel McCree to be competitive.
Thanks Simon,
One last query then I'll leave you in peace, why is Rotala incurring costs preparing the VDL's for service / repainting them etc only for them preferably to be sold asap. Surely Rotala wouldn't be able to recoup the costs in the sale price would they?
I don't believe the vehicles will sell, so we are preparing them for service. Three are actually in service in Redditch. If someone did come to look at them, following repaints etc, they are now in a far better condition as well
Thanks Simon,
Are those at Redditch acting as paint floats?
Could I just ask why Rotala & other operators aren't keen on VDL's? I was under the impression that they very similar to a Dart
Yes, we have removed/going to remove 3 x B7's for repaint.
Our problem in our fleet is that they are yet another type of variation. They arent a bad bus, but it is better to minimise variation of fleet
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 16, 2014, 10:40:09 AM
Quote from: Winston on May 16, 2014, 10:37:28 AM
Thanks Simon,
Are those at Redditch acting as paint floats?
Could I just ask why Rotala & other operators aren't keen on VDL's? I was under the impression that they very similar to a Dart
Yes, we have removed/going to remove 3 x B7's for repaint.
Our problem in our fleet is that they are yet another type of variation. They arent a bad bus, but it is better to minimise variation of fleet
Thanks Simon,
I completely agree on standardization, however that must be harder to achieve buying a mixture or new / used acquisitions. Would Tividale not be a better final destination for the VDL's as they already operate the Cadets & have numerous Plaxton Centro's.
Do Rotala intend to buy any more B7RLE/Wright this year before the model is replaced? or indeed anything else new?
Do Rotala have any particular midibus in mind to eventually become a standard replacement for your Darts either new/used, I get the impression you're not too keen on E200's & weren't overly stuck by the Streetlites?
Hi Simon, just wondering if you could tell me when are you planning on entering the other JNF's into service at Kidderminster? and which ones are they likely to be as I've seen 2 ([30902, W902 JNF] and [30516, W906 JNF]) in Redditch will those be transferred to KD or are they going to remain in Redditch? & finally will 30901 (W901 JNF) and 30903 (W903 JNF) enter traffic in KD or not?
Quote from: Winston on May 16, 2014, 01:02:39 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 16, 2014, 10:40:09 AM
Quote from: Winston on May 16, 2014, 10:37:28 AM
Thanks Simon,
Are those at Redditch acting as paint floats?
Could I just ask why Rotala & other operators aren't keen on VDL's? I was under the impression that they very similar to a Dart
Yes, we have removed/going to remove 3 x B7's for repaint.
Our problem in our fleet is that they are yet another type of variation. They arent a bad bus, but it is better to minimise variation of fleet
Thanks Simon,
I completely agree on standardization, however that must be harder to achieve buying a mixture or new / used acquisitions. Would Tividale not be a better final destination for the VDL's as they already operate the Cadets & have numerous Plaxton Centro's.
Do Rotala intend to buy any more B7RLE/Wright this year before the model is replaced? or indeed anything else new?
Do Rotala have any particular midibus in mind to eventually become a standard replacement for your Darts either new/used, I get the impression you're not too keen on E200's & weren't overly stuck by the Streetlites?
1. Tividale has most bus types going.
2. We are not sure on new bus purchases, yet.
3. I think the best small bus is a Mercedes Engined Optare Solo
Quote from: Will on May 17, 2014, 04:05:13 PM
Hi Simon, just wondering if you could tell me when are you planning on entering the other JNF's into service at Kidderminster? and which ones are they likely to be as I've seen 2 ([30902, W902 JNF] and [30516, W906 JNF]) in Redditch will those be transferred to KD or are they going to remain in Redditch? & finally will 30901 (W901 JNF) and 30903 (W903 JNF) enter traffic in KD or not?
The intention is to repair the two off the road and return them to Kidderminster.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 19, 2014, 02:54:53 PM
Quote from: Will on May 17, 2014, 04:05:13 PM
Hi Simon, just wondering if you could tell me when are you planning on entering the other JNF's into service at Kidderminster? and which ones are they likely to be as I've seen 2 ([30902, W902 JNF] and [30516, W906 JNF]) in Redditch will those be transferred to KD or are they going to remain in Redditch? & finally will 30901 (W901 JNF) and 30903 (W903 JNF) enter traffic in KD or not?
The intention is to repair the two off the road and return them to Kidderminster.
Ohh I see I look foward to seeing them in service also when is (30930, VX54 MUC - Alexander Dennis Dart) likely to return to service? As it's been out of service for around 2 months I know you said it was/is due to be resprayed
Quote from: Will on May 19, 2014, 03:08:33 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 19, 2014, 02:54:53 PM
Quote from: Will on May 17, 2014, 04:05:13 PM
Hi Simon, just wondering if you could tell me when are you planning on entering the other JNF's into service at Kidderminster? and which ones are they likely to be as I've seen 2 ([30902, W902 JNF] and [30516, W906 JNF]) in Redditch will those be transferred to KD or are they going to remain in Redditch? & finally will 30901 (W901 JNF) and 30903 (W903 JNF) enter traffic in KD or not?
The intention is to repair the two off the road and return them to Kidderminster.
Ohh I see I look foward to seeing them in service also when is (30930, VX54 MUC - Alexander Dennis Dart) likely to return to service? As it's been out of service for around 2 months I know you said it was/is due to be resprayed
The vehicle currently has a gearbox fault which is being repaired under warranty
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 19, 2014, 02:53:34 PM
Quote from: Winston on May 16, 2014, 01:02:39 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 16, 2014, 10:40:09 AM
Quote from: Winston on May 16, 2014, 10:37:28 AM
Thanks Simon,
Are those at Redditch acting as paint floats?
Could I just ask why Rotala & other operators aren't keen on VDL's? I was under the impression that they very similar to a Dart
Yes, we have removed/going to remove 3 x B7's for repaint.
Our problem in our fleet is that they are yet another type of variation. They arent a bad bus, but it is better to minimise variation of fleet
Thanks Simon,
I completely agree on standardization, however that must be harder to achieve buying a mixture or new / used acquisitions. Would Tividale not be a better final destination for the VDL's as they already operate the Cadets & have numerous Plaxton Centro's.
Do Rotala intend to buy any more B7RLE/Wright this year before the model is replaced? or indeed anything else new?
Do Rotala have any particular midibus in mind to eventually become a standard replacement for your Darts either new/used, I get the impression you're not too keen on E200's & weren't overly stuck by the Streetlites?
1. Tividale has most bus types going.
2. We are not sure on new bus purchases, yet.
3. I think the best small bus is a Mercedes Engined Optare Solo
Thanks for all your responses, Simon,
1. Has a decision / date been set on which routes to move out of Tividale to Kidderminster as yet?
3. I didn't think many operators were overly complimentary on Optare products, are the Solo SR's as good, as I was under the impression some of the 'Signature' have had reliability issues. Have Rotala got any thoughts on preferred future replacements for full length Darts i.e. 37+ seaters
4. Are Rotala Plc intending to update their website at some point, i.e. the banner on the homepage still has Black, Blue & Red Diamond brands, and they are still listed as separate entities under 'Our Companies'
In response to your questions
1. We are working to transferring 142 & 202 from 2nd June 2014.
3. We don't have a preferred product in the 37 seater range
4. I believe it has been updated today
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 21, 2014, 01:52:49 PM
In response to your questions
1. We are working to transferring 142 & 202 from 2nd June 2014.
3. We don't have a preferred product in the 37 seater range
4. I believe it has been updated today
Thanks Simon, last couple of queries, then I promise I will leave you in peace!
1. Do you know which vehicles / type used intent to operate the 202 with from KR?
5. With the increased frequency on the 3, new route 1 & the moving in of the 142 & 202. By how many will the Pvr increase by?
I think there maybe an anomaly on the Rotala Plc website 'Our Companies' section, if you add up the turnover for each subsidiary it comes out to £62.4 Million with a total fleet size of 670 buses, where Rotala Plc turnover to 30th Nov 2013 was £53.3 Million & elsewhere on the website it states a group fleet size of 530 buses. To me, it looks as though the turnover/fleet size for Wessex is included within both the Flights Hallmark figures & also listed separately under Wessex.
Hi Simon, just a quick note, the notices about half term family tickets have been displayed all 3 of your buses I've been on today. However. At the the top it says Driver notice, do not display and shows how to issue the tickets on the bottom of the poster
Hi Simon, does Diamond have any plans to increase the frequency of the 146 during the Redditch rail blockade to compete against the rail replacement/train option?
Quote from: bususer12 on May 22, 2014, 09:54:50 AM
Hi Simon, just a quick note, the notices about half term family tickets have been displayed all 3 of your buses I've been on today. However. At the the top it says Driver notice, do not display and shows how to issue the tickets on the bottom of the poster
Dear Sir,
This should have now been rectified
Quote from: Winston on May 21, 2014, 01:58:36 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 21, 2014, 01:52:49 PM
In response to your questions
1. We are working to transferring 142 & 202 from 2nd June 2014.
3. We don't have a preferred product in the 37 seater range
4. I believe it has been updated today
Thanks Simon, last couple of queries, then I promise I will leave you in peace!
1. Do you know which vehicles / type used intent to operate the 202 with from KR?
5. With the increased frequency on the 3, new route 1 & the moving in of the 142 & 202. By how many will the Pvr increase by?
I think there maybe an anomaly on the Rotala Plc website 'Our Companies' section, if you add up the turnover for each subsidiary it comes out to £62.4 Million with a total fleet size of 670 buses, where Rotala Plc turnover to 30th Nov 2013 was £53.3 Million & elsewhere on the website it states a group fleet size of 530 buses. To me, it looks as though the turnover/fleet size for Wessex is included within both the Flights Hallmark figures & also listed separately under Wessex.
1. Not 100% sure, we are trying a few different types of vehicles on the route now.
5. The increase is 6.
I will review and correct the website
Quote from: the trainbasher on May 22, 2014, 12:47:53 PM
Hi Simon, does Diamond have any plans to increase the frequency of the 146 during the Redditch rail blockade to compete against the rail replacement/train option?
Dear Sir,
WE have not considered this. I have forwarded your comments to my Commercial colleagues
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 23, 2014, 05:41:03 PM
Quote from: the trainbasher on May 22, 2014, 12:47:53 PM
Hi Simon, does Diamond have any plans to increase the frequency of the 146 during the Redditch rail blockade to compete against the rail replacement/train option?
Dear Sir,
WE have not considered this. I have forwarded your comments to my Commercial colleagues
Hi Simon,
Do you have any plans to reinstate (20503) T71 JBA to service or is this going to be disposed of?
And also what's happened to (20136) Y36 YVV as I've noticed it is currently VOR & finally have you decided which Tividale vehicles are being transferred to Kidderminster in readiness for the new routes?
1. T71JBA
It is not a good example, and we have no requirement for it.
2. Y36YVV
The vehicle has an engine fault and is awaiting repair
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 23, 2014, 06:16:49 PM
1. T71JBA
It is not a good example, and we have no requirement for it.
2. Y36YVV
The vehicle has an engine fault and is awaiting repair
Thanks Simon,
Ohh I see shame really it would look good in a fresh coat of blue paint as for Y36 YVV oh dear
Hi Simon
Just a couple of quick questions from me:
1) I hear 30850 is the first of the trio you mentioned are off for repaint. On repaint, will out of date notices also be removed and at least a deep clean for the interior carried out as well, as I'm sure you know these buses are in worse condition than similar age Tividale and LAC vehicles. At least one had cracks in the plastic mouldings above the doors/driver as well which appeared to be causing a lot of rattles?
2) Will the remaining tridents at Wessex 40005/8 also be heading up to Preston soon to join the rest of the batch?
3) Do you anticipate moving their registration plates over to vehicles on Wessex/UWE services so as they remain relevant?
4) With the 142/202 soon to move out of Tividale, do you plan to move services like the 122 in to cut dead mileage?
5) Do you anticipate moving more solos into Heathrow and subsequently moving MAN/Centro's up to Redditch?
6) You probably know anyway but the Nigel McCree e300's now have prices: one at £60k and the other at £63k.
Many Thanks
Quote from: DiamondDart on May 24, 2014, 06:04:56 PM
Hi Simon
Just a couple of quick questions from me:
1) I hear 30850 is the first of the trio you mentioned are off for repaint. On repaint, will out of date notices also be removed and at least a deep clean for the interior carried out as well, as I'm sure you know these buses are in worse condition than similar age Tividale and LAC vehicles. At least one had cracks in the plastic mouldings above the doors/driver as well which appeared to be causing a lot of rattles?
2) Will the remaining tridents at Wessex 40005/8 also be heading up to Preston soon to join the rest of the batch?
3) Do you anticipate moving their registration plates over to vehicles on Wessex/UWE services so as they remain relevant?
4) With the 142/202 soon to move out of Tividale, do you plan to move services like the 122 in to cut dead mileage?
5) Do you anticipate moving more solos into Heathrow and subsequently moving MAN/Centro's up to Redditch?
6) You probably know anyway but the Nigel McCree e300's now have prices: one at £60k and the other at £63k.
Many Thanks
Dear Sir
In response to your questions.
1. 2 have been painted, a third is currently in paint. After repaint the vehicles will be thoroughly cleaned and internal vinyls updated.
2. There is one more trident heading to Preston - K3WSX
3. we have not considered it as yet
4. Once the Kidderminster services have stablised we will review what other changes can be done.
5. We do not see more Solo's moving to Heathrow
6. I wasnt aware. We have never acquired a vehicle from him
Hi Simon
Does long acre depot offer work expirence? I'm in year 10 and currently looking to do work expirence
Hi Simon.
Do you happen to know why there's often a Royale Centro parked up in Halesowen bus station early evening, which eventually drives off private? I see it quite often and had thought it was a bus off the 202, but it was there again yesterday with the 202 now at Kidderminster so can't be.
Cheers, Matt.
Quote from: Matt on June 03, 2014, 01:34:15 PM
Hi Simon.
Do you happen to know why there's often a Royale Centro parked up in Halesowen bus station early evening, which eventually drives off private? I see it quite often and had thought it was a bus off the 202, but it was there again yesterday with the 202 now at Kidderminster so can't be.
Cheers, Matt.
It was a 202 that went onto the 205 but as of 02/06/2014 it's a 002 that goes onto the 205
Hi Simon,
May/may not be of interest?
Hi Simon,
First of all congratulations to Rotala for making much needed changes to the 3 route through Areley Kings. Your new route is much better for time keeping and actually serves a new area of the village. Also good luck with the new route 1, a much more logical route than that operated by Whittle.
I have two questions to ask if I may:
1) Were evening services on the 3 service in Kidderminster something passengers asked for in the network review, and if so was it felt these would be unviable? I know First operated these on a tender basis for which funding was removed but have Diamond considered this on a commercial basis?
2) The improved frequency on the 3 is absolutely fantastic, but I am wondering if there is any thinking behind the standard 'at these mins past each hour' times mon-fri being 51, 01, 11, 21, 31 then a 20 minute gap between buses from Areley Kings, which is a worse frequency than before. Why not space them out to be every 12 minutes rather than an unattractive gap?
Quote from: nxwmbusfan1999 on June 01, 2014, 08:24:17 PM
Hi Simon
Does long acre depot offer work expirence? I'm in year 10 and currently looking to do work expirence
Dear Sir,
All work experience enquries are filtered through our Group HR Manager.
His email address is
Quote from: Winston on June 03, 2014, 08:00:12 PM
Hi Simon,
May/may not be of interest?
We have some bad experiences of buying buses from Drew.
Quote from: Matt on June 03, 2014, 01:34:15 PM
Hi Simon.
Do you happen to know why there's often a Royale Centro parked up in Halesowen bus station early evening, which eventually drives off private? I see it quite often and had thought it was a bus off the 202, but it was there again yesterday with the 202 now at Kidderminster so can't be.
Cheers, Matt.
I can answer this one for you if Simon doesn't mind as it's me that normally parks the bus there most nights. It used to come off the 202 at 1820 then leave Halesowen at 1910 for the 1930 205 from Wall Heath. Now it arrives at 1840 off the 002 then departs at about 1910-1915 to take up service on the 1925 205 from Blackheath.
Quote from: StourportSam on June 04, 2014, 10:42:10 PM
Hi Simon,
First of all congratulations to Rotala for making much needed changes to the 3 route through Areley Kings. Your new route is much better for time keeping and actually serves a new area of the village. Also good luck with the new route 1, a much more logical route than that operated by Whittle.
I have two questions to ask if I may:
1) Were evening services on the 3 service in Kidderminster something passengers asked for in the network review, and if so was it felt these would be unviable? I know First operated these on a tender basis for which funding was removed but have Diamond considered this on a commercial basis?
2) The improved frequency on the 3 is absolutely fantastic, but I am wondering if there is any thinking behind the standard 'at these mins past each hour' times mon-fri being 51, 01, 11, 21, 31 then a 20 minute gap between buses from Areley Kings, which is a worse frequency than before. Why not space them out to be every 12 minutes rather than an unattractive gap?
Dear Sam,
I have asked our Commercial team, and I was given the following response.
1. There was limited demand for later evening services. However, having consulted with the longer serving staff neither the demand nor the previous operating experience suggested there was anything like the demand to make the services commercially viable.
2. They are at these times past the hour to allow for the buses to have enough waiting time at the town hall, as we all know the space here is very limited and if we don't allow for enough layover, the services will consistently run late. At the same, time, we could put too much time in as by having the buses on stand for too long, it causes problems for those other services arriving at the town hall and having to stop in the middle of the road. It just worked out that these were the times that fit. The 20 minute gap is where the 3 and X3 fit together. It has always been an awkward gap here because of the route the X3 takes round the hospital. The extra time that it takes to do the hospital route means that the next 3 catches up and they end up running 2 minutes behind eachother. That service wouldn't benefit anyone having two buses following each other for most of the route... We had to decide to keep the ten minute frequency at the town hall and have the buses following eachother or once an hour have a twenty minute gap from the town hall, which only becomes ten minutes apart once it gets to Foley Park anyway, they are ten minutes apart. The 3 before the X3 is 20 minutes aparte, but again there is nothing that can be done to change this as it would most likely add another bus in for the sake of having a service running a couple of minutes apart from eachother. One of the things that was constantly asked by people in the network review was why do we have the X3 and the 3 following eachother and then still have a gap of 20 minutes after it...
3- It also made more sense and made it easier to understand to have the 10 minute headway from the Town hall instead of from Areley Kings as there are more people catching it from here, and we felt the times would be more memorable.
Quote from: Metrorider on June 05, 2014, 11:15:05 PM
Quote from: Matt on June 03, 2014, 01:34:15 PM
Hi Simon.
Do you happen to know why there's often a Royale Centro parked up in Halesowen bus station early evening, which eventually drives off private? I see it quite often and had thought it was a bus off the 202, but it was there again yesterday with the 202 now at Kidderminster so can't be.
Cheers, Matt.
I can answer this one for you if Simon doesn't mind as it's me that normally parks the bus there most nights. It used to come off the 202 at 1820 then leave Halesowen at 1910 for the 1930 205 from Wall Heath. Now it arrives at 1840 off the 002 then departs at about 1910-1915 to take up service on the 1925 205 from Blackheath.
You are correct and thank you
Hi Simon
Many thanks for your replies-just a few more questions
1) What happened to 30301 after its withdrawal-is it being used for spares or was it sold for scrap? Do you still see 30302 entering service at RH?
2) Have you decided where the sb120/centros will go after covering at RH?
3) What will the additional b7rle's at Tividale be used on- the 2 originally used on the 202 and 30952 recently transferred?
4) Do you foresee acquiring more e300's for RH? I see the 08 reg e300 has gone from Ensign's website
5) Do you predict the volvo b8rle becoming the new Rotala "standard/preferred" single deck or do you foresee Rotala trying to acquire stock b7rle's for as long as possible?
6) Do you need to update the Wessex Red fleet this year as part of contract requirements as I know in the past several vehicles have been bought before the University term starts in the Autumn?
7) If the Woosh citaro's came on the market at a decent price, would it be worth adding them to the fleet at LAC or Preston?
8 ) Have you had much interest in the vehicles currently for sale?
9) Is Rotala now aware of the impact of WCC cuts/changes to its services? Do new contracts come into effect in the Autumn?
10) Do you see any buses from Heathrow/Wessex moving up to LAC during the Summer like last year?
Many Thanks!
Quote from: DiamondDart on June 08, 2014, 11:56:30 PM
Hi Simon
Many thanks for your replies-just a few more questions
1) What happened to 30301 after its withdrawal-is it being used for spares or was it sold for scrap? Do you still see 30302 entering service at RH?
2) Have you decided where the sb120/centros will go after covering at RH?
3) What will the additional b7rle's at Tividale be used on- the 2 originally used on the 202 and 30952 recently transferred?
4) Do you foresee acquiring more e300's for RH? I see the 08 reg e300 has gone from Ensign's website
5) Do you predict the volvo b8rle becoming the new Rotala "standard/preferred" single deck or do you foresee Rotala trying to acquire stock b7rle's for as long as possible?
6) Do you need to update the Wessex Red fleet this year as part of contract requirements as I know in the past several vehicles have been bought before the University term starts in the Autumn?
7) If the Woosh citaro's came on the market at a decent price, would it be worth adding them to the fleet at LAC or Preston?
8 ) Have you had much interest in the vehicles currently for sale?
9) Is Rotala now aware of the impact of WCC cuts/changes to its services? Do new contracts come into effect in the Autumn?
10) Do you see any buses from Heathrow/Wessex moving up to LAC during the Summer like last year?
Many Thanks!
Dear Sir,
In response to your questions
1. The vehicle was written off, A third party vehicle hit our vehicle, and the third party insurers acquired our vehicle
2. I think we will keep them at Redditch.
3. We have not specified.
4. Not at the moment
5. We have not decided.
6. We have no new bus requirements this year. We expect to withdraw some vehicles from Wessex
7. Depends upon price.
8. We have had limited interest. Apart from Y3NBB nothing has sold. We will drop the prices again this week
9. No. I understand WCC are going to market on a package of different options.
10. We have moved FJ57CYW out of Wessex. There may be another odd vehicle to follow.
Quote from: DiamondDart on June 08, 2014, 11:56:30 PM
Hi Simon
Many thanks for your replies-just a few more questions
1) What happened to 30301 after its withdrawal-is it being used for spares or was it sold for scrap? Do you still see 30302 entering service at RH?
2) Have you decided where the sb120/centros will go after covering at RH?
3) What will the additional b7rle's at Tividale be used on- the 2 originally used on the 202 and 30952 recently transferred?
4) Do you foresee acquiring more e300's for RH? I see the 08 reg e300 has gone from Ensign's website
5) Do you predict the volvo b8rle becoming the new Rotala "standard/preferred" single deck or do you foresee Rotala trying to acquire stock b7rle's for as long as possible?
6) Do you need to update the Wessex Red fleet this year as part of contract requirements as I know in the past several vehicles have been bought before the University term starts in the Autumn?
7) If the Woosh citaro's came on the market at a decent price, would it be worth adding them to the fleet at LAC or Preston?
8 ) Have you had much interest in the vehicles currently for sale?
9) Is Rotala now aware of the impact of WCC cuts/changes to its services? Do new contracts come into effect in the Autumn?
10) Do you see any buses from Heathrow/Wessex moving up to LAC during the Summer like last year?
Many Thanks!
re 9 WCC are only having the meeting to decied on what services get altered by the cut/changes today.
Quote from: bowler on June 09, 2014, 06:28:54 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on June 08, 2014, 11:56:30 PM
Hi Simon
Many thanks for your replies-just a few more questions
1) What happened to 30301 after its withdrawal-is it being used for spares or was it sold for scrap? Do you still see 30302 entering service at RH?
2) Have you decided where the sb120/centros will go after covering at RH?
3) What will the additional b7rle's at Tividale be used on- the 2 originally used on the 202 and 30952 recently transferred?
4) Do you foresee acquiring more e300's for RH? I see the 08 reg e300 has gone from Ensign's website
5) Do you predict the volvo b8rle becoming the new Rotala "standard/preferred" single deck or do you foresee Rotala trying to acquire stock b7rle's for as long as possible?
6) Do you need to update the Wessex Red fleet this year as part of contract requirements as I know in the past several vehicles have been bought before the University term starts in the Autumn?
7) If the Woosh citaro's came on the market at a decent price, would it be worth adding them to the fleet at LAC or Preston?
8 ) Have you had much interest in the vehicles currently for sale?
9) Is Rotala now aware of the impact of WCC cuts/changes to its services? Do new contracts come into effect in the Autumn?
10) Do you see any buses from Heathrow/Wessex moving up to LAC during the Summer like last year?
Many Thanks!
re 9 WCC are only having the meeting to decied on what services get altered by the cut/changes today.
We have provided WCC with a variety of different options.
My understanding is that following receipt of that they have decided to put the relevant services out for tender
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 09, 2014, 06:39:11 AM
Quote from: bowler on June 09, 2014, 06:28:54 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on June 08, 2014, 11:56:30 PM
Hi Simon
Many thanks for your replies-just a few more questions
1) What happened to 30301 after its withdrawal-is it being used for spares or was it sold for scrap? Do you still see 30302 entering service at RH?
2) Have you decided where the sb120/centros will go after covering at RH?
3) What will the additional b7rle's at Tividale be used on- the 2 originally used on the 202 and 30952 recently transferred?
4) Do you foresee acquiring more e300's for RH? I see the 08 reg e300 has gone from Ensign's website
5) Do you predict the volvo b8rle becoming the new Rotala "standard/preferred" single deck or do you foresee Rotala trying to acquire stock b7rle's for as long as possible?
6) Do you need to update the Wessex Red fleet this year as part of contract requirements as I know in the past several vehicles have been bought before the University term starts in the Autumn?
7) If the Woosh citaro's came on the market at a decent price, would it be worth adding them to the fleet at LAC or Preston?
8 ) Have you had much interest in the vehicles currently for sale?
9) Is Rotala now aware of the impact of WCC cuts/changes to its services? Do new contracts come into effect in the Autumn?
10) Do you see any buses from Heathrow/Wessex moving up to LAC during the Summer like last year?
Many Thanks!
re 9 WCC are only having the meeting to decied on what services get altered by the cut/changes today.
We have provided WCC with a variety of different options.
My understanding is that following receipt of that they have decided to put the relevant services out for tender
thanks Simon the information.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 09, 2014, 06:25:45 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on June 08, 2014, 11:56:30 PM
Hi Simon
Many thanks for your replies-just a few more questions
1) What happened to 30301 after its withdrawal-is it being used for spares or was it sold for scrap? Do you still see 30302 entering service at RH?
2) Have you decided where the sb120/centros will go after covering at RH?
3) What will the additional b7rle's at Tividale be used on- the 2 originally used on the 202 and 30952 recently transferred?
4) Do you foresee acquiring more e300's for RH? I see the 08 reg e300 has gone from Ensign's website
5) Do you predict the volvo b8rle becoming the new Rotala "standard/preferred" single deck or do you foresee Rotala trying to acquire stock b7rle's for as long as possible?
6) Do you need to update the Wessex Red fleet this year as part of contract requirements as I know in the past several vehicles have been bought before the University term starts in the Autumn?
7) If the Woosh citaro's came on the market at a decent price, would it be worth adding them to the fleet at LAC or Preston?
8 ) Have you had much interest in the vehicles currently for sale?
9) Is Rotala now aware of the impact of WCC cuts/changes to its services? Do new contracts come into effect in the Autumn?
10) Do you see any buses from Heathrow/Wessex moving up to LAC during the Summer like last year?
Many Thanks!
Dear Sir,
In response to your questions
1. The vehicle was written off, A third party vehicle hit our vehicle, and the third party insurers acquired our vehicle
2. I think we will keep them at Redditch.
3. We have not specified.
4. Not at the moment
5. We have not decided.
6. We have no new bus requirements this year. We expect to withdraw some vehicles from Wessex
7. Depends upon price.
8. We have had limited interest. Apart from Y3NBB nothing has sold. We will drop the prices again this week
9. No. I understand WCC are going to market on a package of different options.
10. We have moved FJ57CYW out of Wessex. There may be another odd vehicle to follow.
Hi Simon,
Further to your replies to DiamondDarts questions:
6. Do Rotala only now generally buy new vehicles for specific contracts / partnerships etc as specified? Are Rotala planning on scaling back the Wessex operation if you're planning to withdrawn buses without replacement?
11. Will the 8 x E200's at Wessex not need to be replaced if sold?
6. No we acquire buses, were we think we need to. In terms of Wessex, we have contracts which are annually committed to, and some which are longer term. The annual committed contracts requirements are not yet 100% clear. Therefore I cannot answer your question.
11. We have a couple of vehicles under repair at Long Acre, which are from Wessex. Therefore we could certainly dispose of a few vehicles without replacement. Whether we could dispose of all the vehicles very much depends upon what happens with the annually committed contracts, and other contract wins which may release other suitable replacements.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 10, 2014, 06:11:15 AM
6. No we acquire buses, were we think we need to. In terms of Wessex, we have contracts which are annually committed to, and some which are longer term. The annual committed contracts requirements are not yet 100% clear. Therefore I cannot answer your question.
11. We have a couple of vehicles under repair at Long Acre, which are from Wessex. Therefore we could certainly dispose of a few vehicles without replacement. Whether we could dispose of all the vehicles very much depends upon what happens with the annually committed contracts, and other contract wins which may release other suitable replacements.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the reply, It just sounded from your previous reply, that Rotala didn't currently have any plans to buy any new vehicles this year for either fleet replacement/specific route upgrades or have any contracts which required new investment. I had thought that Rotala may have taken advantage of Euro 5 vehicles still being available this year / the Volvo B7RLE/Wright dealer stock currently available to reduce new vehicle requirements/ investment required during 2015 when Euro 6 is compulsory / allow Rotala to trial demonstrators / seed vehicles etc
Do you have any idea when the Bristol Park & Ride contracts will be available again for you to tender for?
I notice Rotala have added to the 'For Sale' list in the latest RouteOne, is the 05 MPD the Long Acre one 21009 or one of the Wessex ones i.e. 20001 or 20023? I would have thought the MPD was a Rotala standard bus and ideal for Tividale or Kidderminster.
Is the 03 Solo for sale Wessex 20008?
Do Rotala not have any contingency plans should any of the larger newer batches of buses sell i.e. E200's / Signature Citaro's / VDL's / Plaxton Centro's?
Hi Simon,
Thank you very much to you and your colleagues for the very detailed response previously. I completely understand the reasons and was expecting such an answer.
My next question is about Kidderminster Bus Station. Is there a particular reason as to why First and now Diamond seemingly boycott the bus station in favour of having services terminate/depart from Exchange Street/Town Hall? Congestion seems even worse on this short stretch since the additional buses for services 1 and X3 have been waiting time there. The road quite often blocks completely for a few minutes as one bus which is unable to get into the stands loads in the middle of the road. Personally I think having all services using the bus station would make for a more integrated network, particularly between different operators. The only reasons I can think of are either capacity or safety due to the poor design?
Quote from: StourportSam on June 11, 2014, 12:10:37 PM
Hi Simon,
Thank you very much to you and your colleagues for the very detailed response previously. I completely understand the reasons and was expecting such an answer.
My next question is about Kidderminster Bus Station. Is there a particular reason as to why First and now Diamond seemingly boycott the bus station in favour of having services terminate/depart from Exchange Street/Town Hall? Congestion seems even worse on this short stretch since the additional buses for services 1 and X3 have been waiting time there. The road quite often blocks completely for a few minutes as one bus which is unable to get into the stands loads in the middle of the road. Personally I think having all services using the bus station would make for a more integrated network, particularly between different operators. The only reasons I can think of are either capacity or safety due to the poor design?
Don't they have to pay to use the bus station?
Quote from: Westy on June 11, 2014, 05:20:11 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on June 11, 2014, 12:10:37 PM
Hi Simon,
Thank you very much to you and your colleagues for the very detailed response previously. I completely understand the reasons and was expecting such an answer.
My next question is about Kidderminster Bus Station. Is there a particular reason as to why First and now Diamond seemingly boycott the bus station in favour of having services terminate/depart from Exchange Street/Town Hall? Congestion seems even worse on this short stretch since the additional buses for services 1 and X3 have been waiting time there. The road quite often blocks completely for a few minutes as one bus which is unable to get into the stands loads in the middle of the road. Personally I think having all services using the bus station would make for a more integrated network, particularly between different operators. The only reasons I can think of are either capacity or safety due to the poor design?
Don't they have to pay to use the bus station?
you are correct the do have to pay the 0nly diamond ones that do not
are subsidized services and smaller operator such as whittles arriva, r&b travel
most of whos services are subsided. the X 3 only stopped using since the time table change on the 3/6/14
Quote from: bowler on June 11, 2014, 07:39:02 PM
Quote from: Westy on June 11, 2014, 05:20:11 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on June 11, 2014, 12:10:37 PM
Hi Simon,
Thank you very much to you and your colleagues for the very detailed response previously. I completely understand the reasons and was expecting such an answer.
My next question is about Kidderminster Bus Station. Is there a particular reason as to why First and now Diamond seemingly boycott the bus station in favour of having services terminate/depart from Exchange Street/Town Hall? Congestion seems even worse on this short stretch since the additional buses for services 1 and X3 have been waiting time there. The road quite often blocks completely for a few minutes as one bus which is unable to get into the stands loads in the middle of the road. Personally I think having all services using the bus station would make for a more integrated network, particularly between different operators. The only reasons I can think of are either capacity or safety due to the poor design?
Don't they have to pay to use the bus station?
you are correct the do have to pay the 0nly diamond ones that do not
are subsidized services and smaller operator such as whittles arriva, r&b travel
most of whos services are subsided. the X 3 only stopped using since the time table change on the 3/6/14
I don't know why Whittle pay to have the 3 and other commerically operated services use the bus station. Most passengers board at the Town Hall stops and Oxford Street!
Quote from: Matt on June 11, 2014, 07:44:11 PM
Quote from: bowler on June 11, 2014, 07:39:02 PM
Quote from: Westy on June 11, 2014, 05:20:11 PM
Quote from: StourportSam on June 11, 2014, 12:10:37 PM
Hi Simon,
Thank you very much to you and your colleagues for the very detailed response previously. I completely understand the reasons and was expecting such an answer.
My next question is about Kidderminster Bus Station. Is there a particular reason as to why First and now Diamond seemingly boycott the bus station in favour of having services terminate/depart from Exchange Street/Town Hall? Congestion seems even worse on this short stretch since the additional buses for services 1 and X3 have been waiting time there. The road quite often blocks completely for a few minutes as one bus which is unable to get into the stands loads in the middle of the road. Personally I think having all services using the bus station would make for a more integrated network, particularly between different operators. The only reasons I can think of are either capacity or safety due to the poor design?
Don't they have to pay to use the bus station?
you are correct the do have to pay the 0nly diamond ones that do not
are subsidized services and smaller operator such as whittles arriva, r&b travel
most of whos services are subsided. the X 3 only stopped using since the time table change on the 3/6/14
I don't know why Whittle pay to have the 3 and other commerically operated services use the bus station. Most passengers board at the Town Hall stops and Oxford Street!
whittle and the other smaller operators do not pay for any of there services to use the bus station, do not know if I am 100% in thinking this
it has something to do with the owner/developer of the land the bus station.
Quote from: Winston on June 10, 2014, 08:14:39 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 10, 2014, 06:11:15 AM
6. No we acquire buses, were we think we need to. In terms of Wessex, we have contracts which are annually committed to, and some which are longer term. The annual committed contracts requirements are not yet 100% clear. Therefore I cannot answer your question.
11. We have a couple of vehicles under repair at Long Acre, which are from Wessex. Therefore we could certainly dispose of a few vehicles without replacement. Whether we could dispose of all the vehicles very much depends upon what happens with the annually committed contracts, and other contract wins which may release other suitable replacements.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the reply, It just sounded from your previous reply, that Rotala didn't currently have any plans to buy any new vehicles this year for either fleet replacement/specific route upgrades or have any contracts which required new investment. I had thought that Rotala may have taken advantage of Euro 5 vehicles still being available this year / the Volvo B7RLE/Wright dealer stock currently available to reduce new vehicle requirements/ investment required during 2015 when Euro 6 is compulsory / allow Rotala to trial demonstrators / seed vehicles etc
Do you have any idea when the Bristol Park & Ride contracts will be available again for you to tender for?
I notice Rotala have added to the 'For Sale' list in the latest RouteOne, is the 05 MPD the Long Acre one 21009 or one of the Wessex ones i.e. 20001 or 20023? I would have thought the MPD was a Rotala standard bus and ideal for Tividale or Kidderminster.
Is the 03 Solo for sale Wessex 20008?
Do Rotala not have any contingency plans should any of the larger newer batches of buses sell i.e. E200's / Signature Citaro's / VDL's / Plaxton Centro's?
1. We need to see what develops over the next fews months, with new business, disposals of buses etc. Ideally we would like to sell some of our older shorter buses and replace with more modern longer kit.
2. I believe they expire 31st March 2015.
3. KP54BYU. We have the vehicle at LAC, as it is now surplus to requirements at Wessex
4. 20008 is the Solo for sale.
5. In terms of short buses E200/Optare Solo length vehicles, we have at least 7 too many within Wessex. Should they sell there is no need for replacement. Signature/VDL Centro's/ until 1st October due to School/University Holidays we have slack. Should they sell, we would assess it witihin that period.
Quote from: StourportSam on June 11, 2014, 12:10:37 PM
Hi Simon,
Thank you very much to you and your colleagues for the very detailed response previously. I completely understand the reasons and was expecting such an answer.
My next question is about Kidderminster Bus Station. Is there a particular reason as to why First and now Diamond seemingly boycott the bus station in favour of having services terminate/depart from Exchange Street/Town Hall? Congestion seems even worse on this short stretch since the additional buses for services 1 and X3 have been waiting time there. The road quite often blocks completely for a few minutes as one bus which is unable to get into the stands loads in the middle of the road. Personally I think having all services using the bus station would make for a more integrated network, particularly between different operators. The only reasons I can think of are either capacity or safety due to the poor design?
There are 2 reasons.
1. Safety as you mention.
2. It is our view that the Town Hall is the more efficient terminus.
My understanding is that the Town Hall stops are in the process of being re-designed, which should resolve the congestion issue.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 12, 2014, 02:04:19 PM
1. We need to see what develops over the next few months, with new business, disposals of buses etc. Ideally we would like to sell some of our older shorter buses and replace with more modern longer kit.
2. I believe they expire 31st March 2015.
3. KP54BYU. We have the vehicle at LAC, as it is now surplus to requirements at Wessex
4. 20008 is the Solo for sale.
5. In terms of short buses E200/Optare Solo length vehicles, we have at least 7 too many within Wessex. Should they sell there is no need for replacement. Signature/VDL Centro's/ until 1st October due to School/University Holidays we have slack. Should they sell, we would assess it witihin that period.
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your previous responses, I've got a few more queries I would like to add if I may, as follows:
1. Re: your comment
Ideally we would like to sell some of our older shorter buses and replace with more modern longer kit. obviously I'm not aware how Rotala's accounts are setup internally and how it works when moving assets between the various group subsidiaries / book values etc. However, from recent fleet movement observations over the past 6-9 months) and the Rotala vehicles that are currently for sale, it appears that Rotala are redeploying older 13/14 year old Darts surplus from Wessex to Diamond i.e. Y263KNB, W361ABD, W366ABD, W571JVV & W572JVV, V652/4/6/8HEC's and also reactivating older withdrawn Long Darts such as V382/3/8SVV's W902 & 904JNF, whilst ideally wishing to dispose of far more modern buses or buses that are considered non-standard within Rotala. Could the 07 plate VDL's, the 09 plate E200's & the 09/60/10 plate Citaro's not be retained and the oldest group buses be withdrawn in their place instead through cascading to bring down the average fleet age even further/upgrade the vehicle age profiles at individual depots? Would Rotala still then be in a position to buy the longer more modern buses without the cost of buying brand new & the higher depreciation?
For example:
- KP54BYU is very much a standard Rotala Group (Diamond) bus, why couldn't this be redeployed to Diamond to replace an S or T-reg MPD still in Red Diamond livery?
- As you don't expect to sell the VDL/Centro's or would have to let them go at a knocked down price, why couldn't these have just have gone to Tividale originally? They already operate both VDL SB120 chassis & Plaxton Centro's (just not together) and this could of then released longer Darts to Kidderminster to save to reactivate/repairing the W---JNF's with are already 14 years old.
- I can understand the desire to sell the 3 x Citaro's at Long Acre due to them being non-standard, but then why just leave one in the group at Preston? Why not sell them all or use the 3 from Long Acre to modernize Preston's single deck fleet?
- Re: the 8 x E200's at Wessex for sale, the E200 seems the obvious choice successor to the group standard MPD/Solo within Rotala. Why couldn't these be redeployed to Diamond to replace old MPD's & sell those instead? I sure some of those at Kidderminster would significantly improve Kidderminster's age profile, which ironically other than the 1 x 54 plate MPD (20032) the former First Darts are still the newest with the majority of the fleet dating between 2000-2002 (12-14+ years old). As a side note, I understand First will be making an appearance on the Halesowen-Bromsgrove corridor from Sept in the shape of an extended 144A, no doubt with E300's, I'm still not convinced that the Darts on the 202 are the best choice of vehicle after the passengers have be used to the Royale's for such a long time.
2. Are Rotala / Wessex still interested in submitting a bid when the Park & Ride routes become available for re-tender, that is assuming they haven't got to be operated by artics?
Ps Sorry about the essay!
1. Most assets are owned without any form of debt. So they are simply transferred into the operating subsidiary.
Why we try not to do, is make unsustainable investment. Hence why we choose to operate certain vehicles at certain depots.
2. The average fleet age of Rotala is around 7.5 years.
3. With the exception of Kidderminster, most of the older buses are additional spares that shouldn't really be needed.
4. KP54BYU - Do we really need any more shorter buses? Ideally we could do with a lot smaller number of short buses.
5. VDL Centros - If we don't sell them, I think they will stay in Redditch.
6. If Preston have the three citaro's, then they will have too many long buses. Preston have expressed that they would like the Citaro's and have been told if they dispose of 3 x Scania's then I will allow this to happen
7. E200's - We have too many small buses.
8. 202 - The Royale's should never have been operating this route. The operational team should never have allowed this to happen. The route is not sustainable with the relevant vehicle costs.
9. Park & Rides - We will always provide prices for contracts within the areas in which we operate.
Simon, What should have been allocated the the 202 if the Royale Cetro's shouldn't have been on there?
Quote from: Nathan on June 13, 2014, 10:38:39 PM
Simon, What should have been allocated the the 202 if the Royale Cetro's shouldn't have been on there?
Personally I think the 30xxx Darts or 302xx DAFs should have been on there but Simon may disagree.
About having too many small vehicles-I completely agree with you. I was thinking re the Primos you operate out of LAC and Heathrow. Are the Heathrow ones leased as didn't one return to Dawson Rentals? Are the rest of them also leased and could disposing of them be a potential option, as I know they are non-standard and you sensibly want to reduce the number of vehicle types operated? Do you see more demand for e200's than the primos in the secondhand market?
Thanks very much
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 13, 2014, 10:35:53 PM
1. Most assets are owned without any form of debt. So they are simply transferred into the operating subsidiary.
Why we try not to do, is make unsustainable investment. Hence why we choose to operate certain vehicles at certain depots.
2. The average fleet age of Rotala is around 7.5 years.
3. With the exception of Kidderminster, most of the older buses are additional spares that shouldn't really be needed.
4. KP54BYU - Do we really need any more shorter buses? Ideally we could do with a lot smaller number of short buses.
5. VDL Centros - If we don't sell them, I think they will stay in Redditch.
6. If Preston have the three citaro's, then they will have too many long buses. Preston have expressed that they would like the Citaro's and have been told if they dispose of 3 x Scania's then I will allow this to happen
7. E200's - We have too many small buses.
8. 202 - The Royale's should never have been operating this route. The operational team should never have allowed this to happen. The route is not sustainable with the relevant vehicle costs.
9. Park & Rides - We will always provide prices for contracts within the areas in which we operate.
Thanks for your replies as always.
1 & 3. It is fair to say at present that Kidderminster routes don't generate the revenue/profit you would need to be able to daft in much newer buses to even it's more frequent routes such as the 3? I'm obviously not aware what Rotala would need back in returns for any new/nearly new investment to justify it.
2. I'm aware of Rotala's average fleet age, but if you analyze Diamond's newest vehicles purchased brand new, there was a large investment by Rotala around 2008 when you first acquired the Go West Midlands business, 8 x Royale's followed in 2009 but then Diamond lost an equal number of 58 plate B7RLE/Centro to Wessex on their arrival. There were the 23 x MAN/MCV's 10/60 plates in 2010 which significantly improved the number of new buses operated, those were then sold without replacement around the time Diamond lost a big chunk of Centro contracts. There were the handful of Signature Citaro's & Solo SR's also in 2010, the 8 x Hybrid Versa' in 2012, 3 x B7RLE/Wright & 5 x Streetlites in 2013, so there is quite a big jump in places between new fleet investment, particularly larger buses, with no used larger buses to fill the gaps etc.
4. I think you've missed my point, I wasn't suggesting adding, I suggested using it to remove an older MPD as at 10 years old it has a fair few more years left. Possibly KR could benefit and get rid of a V-reg MPD?
5. Re: Preston, I'm pretty sure I've previously suggested using the 3 x Citaro's to replace 3 x Scania/East Lancs (which you have said you're not a fan of) after you confirmed that Preston would be keeping their sole example & the reason for sale was down to them being non standard at Diamond. Couldn't the 3 x Scania be traded in against the longer more modern buses Rotala are interested in?
7. I agree there are too many small buses, I wasn't suggesting adding to the proportion, I was suggesting using the newer one's to allow older one's to be withdrawn
8. I understand your points re: the 202 & the Royale's, I was looking at it from a quality point of view, whether they shouldn't of been on there or not, they have been & for a good number of years. The Darts will be a bit of come down compared to what passengers have been used to and this could have a negative effect of loadings.
9. Would Rotala ever consider any bolt-on acquisitions for Wessex such as Abus or Somerbus? Rather than starting any new commercial routes against First
10. I think there are instances where the allocation of the larger buses that you do have could be improved as follows:
On the 12th June:Volvo/Wright on the 226 (which I don't believe is warranted) for the loadings I see
Then on the same day, look what appears on the 002 (which I believe is a core Diamond route) & also faces competition from The Green Bus 22's
It's the likes of the above which KP54BYU could be used to replace. Really, this shouldn't now occur on the 002, as Tividale has 3 extra B7RLE's now the 202 is at KR & since gaining 30952.
After this batch I've leave you in peace....... whilst I'm on my jollies ;)
Quote from: Winston on June 13, 2014, 11:45:08 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 13, 2014, 10:35:53 PM
Then on the same day, look what appears on the 002 (which I believe is a core Diamond route) & also faces competition from The Green Bus 22's
It's the likes of the above which KP54BYU could be used to replace. Really, this shouldn't now occur on the 002, as Tividale has 3 extra B7RLE's now the 202 is at KR & since gaining 30952.
After this batch I've leave you in peace....... whilst I'm on my jollies ;)
I would seriously doubt the MPD was allocated to the 002 by choice,it's more likely due to a breakdown and at the end of the day if I was waiting at a bus stop it would be preferable to no bus at all.....
@Winston with all due respect to Diamond, i think the DAFs/Urbans should be on the 226 more as personally I don't think the darts are up to the job on there. Half of them struggle in places like Bells Lane, Hawbush and Auckland Road.the only obstacle for the longer buses is High Oak MH Bound but there again that problem is one the Council made by putting that sacking great bollard in.
Quote from: 4747 on June 14, 2014, 09:52:01 AM
Quote from: Winston on June 13, 2014, 11:45:08 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 13, 2014, 10:35:53 PM
Then on the same day, look what appears on the 002 (which I believe is a core Diamond route) & also faces competition from The Green Bus 22's
It's the likes of the above which KP54BYU could be used to replace. Really, this shouldn't now occur on the 002, as Tividale has 3 extra B7RLE's now the 202 is at KR & since gaining 30952.
After this batch I've leave you in peace....... whilst I'm on my jollies ;)
I would seriously doubt the MPD was allocated to the 002 by choice,it's more likely due to a breakdown and at the end of the day if I was waiting at a bus stop it would be preferable to no bus at all.....
There was 2 on there that day, the one I got a pic of, and a Black Diamond MPD
Quote from: the trainbasher on June 14, 2014, 01:25:12 PMthe only obstacle for the longer buses is High Oak MH Bound but there again that problem is one the Council made by putting that sacking great bollard in.
It's easier than you might think getting the longer buses around the bollard at High Oak due to the much better steering lock on the longer buses.
Quote from: John on June 14, 2014, 01:54:31 PM
Quote from: 4747 on June 14, 2014, 09:52:01 AM
Quote from: Winston on June 13, 2014, 11:45:08 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 13, 2014, 10:35:53 PM
Then on the same day, look what appears on the 002 (which I believe is a core Diamond route) & also faces competition from The Green Bus 22's
It's the likes of the above which KP54BYU could be used to replace. Really, this shouldn't now occur on the 002, as Tividale has 3 extra B7RLE's now the 202 is at KR & since gaining 30952.
After this batch I've leave you in peace....... whilst I'm on my jollies ;)
I would seriously doubt the MPD was allocated to the 002 by choice,it's more likely due to a breakdown and at the end of the day if I was waiting at a bus stop it would be preferable to no bus at all.....
There was 2 on there that day, the one I got a pic of, and a Black Diamond MPD
Thanks John, even worse then with two MPD's on there. Even if an MPD was the only available spare following a breakdown, on the 002 it should still really be swapped for something more suitable at the earliest available opportunity
Quote from: Nathan on June 13, 2014, 10:38:39 PM
Simon, What should have been allocated the the 202 if the Royale Cetro's shouldn't have been on there?
There should be a couple of modern smaller vehicles
Quote from: DiamondDart on June 13, 2014, 10:48:03 PM
About having too many small vehicles-I completely agree with you. I was thinking re the Primos you operate out of LAC and Heathrow. Are the Heathrow ones leased as didn't one return to Dawson Rentals? Are the rest of them also leased and could disposing of them be a potential option, as I know they are non-standard and you sensibly want to reduce the number of vehicle types operated? Do you see more demand for e200's than the primos in the secondhand market?
Thanks very much
Dear Sir,
They are not a bad bus. All our of Primo's were reworked by ADL/Plaxtons and although I would like to dispose of them because as you say they are not standard they do not cause us problems and there is very little second hand market for them
Quote from: DiamondDart on June 13, 2014, 10:48:03 PM
About having too many small vehicles-I completely agree with you. I was thinking re the Primos you operate out of LAC and Heathrow. Are the Heathrow ones leased as didn't one return to Dawson Rentals? Are the rest of them also leased and could disposing of them be a potential option, as I know they are non-standard and you sensibly want to reduce the number of vehicle types operated? Do you see more demand for e200's than the primos in the secondhand market?
Thanks very much
Dear Sir,
Sorry one last thing.
We have only one vehicle on operating lease with Dawson Rentals in our entire fleet, and it isnt a Primo
Hi Simon,
Just a few quick questions I wondered whether you could tell me when the remaining JNF's are entering service in Kidderminster or have plans now changed as it would be good to see more of those vehicles in KR
also do you have any plans to introduce any Plaxton Centro's in Kidder? and finally has (30930; VX54 MUC, Dart SLF) had it's gearbox fault rectified? if so will it be re-sprayed and when will it re-enter service?
Quote from: Winston on June 13, 2014, 11:45:08 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 13, 2014, 10:35:53 PM
1. Most assets are owned without any form of debt. So they are simply transferred into the operating subsidiary.
Why we try not to do, is make unsustainable investment. Hence why we choose to operate certain vehicles at certain depots.
2. The average fleet age of Rotala is around 7.5 years.
3. With the exception of Kidderminster, most of the older buses are additional spares that shouldn't really be needed.
4. KP54BYU - Do we really need any more shorter buses? Ideally we could do with a lot smaller number of short buses.
5. VDL Centros - If we don't sell them, I think they will stay in Redditch.
6. If Preston have the three citaro's, then they will have too many long buses. Preston have expressed that they would like the Citaro's and have been told if they dispose of 3 x Scania's then I will allow this to happen
7. E200's - We have too many small buses.
8. 202 - The Royale's should never have been operating this route. The operational team should never have allowed this to happen. The route is not sustainable with the relevant vehicle costs.
9. Park & Rides - We will always provide prices for contracts within the areas in which we operate.
Thanks for your replies as always.
1 & 3. It is fair to say at present that Kidderminster routes don't generate the revenue/profit you would need to be able to daft in much newer buses to even it's more frequent routes such as the 3? I'm obviously not aware what Rotala would need back in returns for any new/nearly new investment to justify it.
2. I'm aware of Rotala's average fleet age, but if you analyze Diamond's newest vehicles purchased brand new, there was a large investment by Rotala around 2008 when you first acquired the Go West Midlands business, 8 x Royale's followed in 2009 but then Diamond lost an equal number of 58 plate B7RLE/Centro to Wessex on their arrival. There were the 23 x MAN/MCV's 10/60 plates in 2010 which significantly improved the number of new buses operated, those were then sold without replacement around the time Diamond lost a big chunk of Centro contracts. There were the handful of Signature Citaro's & Solo SR's also in 2010, the 8 x Hybrid Versa' in 2012, 3 x B7RLE/Wright & 5 x Streetlites in 2013, so there is quite a big jump in places between new fleet investment, particularly larger buses, with no used larger buses to fill the gaps etc.
4. I think you've missed my point, I wasn't suggesting adding, I suggested using it to remove an older MPD as at 10 years old it has a fair few more years left. Possibly KR could benefit and get rid of a V-reg MPD?
5. Re: Preston, I'm pretty sure I've previously suggested using the 3 x Citaro's to replace 3 x Scania/East Lancs (which you have said you're not a fan of) after you confirmed that Preston would be keeping their sole example & the reason for sale was down to them being non standard at Diamond. Couldn't the 3 x Scania be traded in against the longer more modern buses Rotala are interested in?
7. I agree there are too many small buses, I wasn't suggesting adding to the proportion, I was suggesting using the newer one's to allow older one's to be withdrawn
8. I understand your points re: the 202 & the Royale's, I was looking at it from a quality point of view, whether they shouldn't of been on there or not, they have been & for a good number of years. The Darts will be a bit of come down compared to what passengers have been used to and this could have a negative effect of loadings.
9. Would Rotala ever consider any bolt-on acquisitions for Wessex such as Abus or Somerbus? Rather than starting any new commercial routes against First
10. I think there are instances where the allocation of the larger buses that you do have could be improved as follows:
On the 12th June:
Volvo/Wright on the 226 (which I don't believe is warranted) for the loadings I see
Then on the same day, look what appears on the 002 (which I believe is a core Diamond route) & also faces competition from The Green Bus 22's
It's the likes of the above which KP54BYU could be used to replace. Really, this shouldn't now occur on the 002, as Tividale has 3 extra B7RLE's now the 202 is at KR & since gaining 30952.
After this batch I've leave you in peace....... whilst I'm on my jollies ;)
I am not sure I understand all the questions you are asking so I will answer the specific questions you have raised.
4. I think Kidderminster needs bigger buses, not more smaller buses there is very little point putting another MPD/Sort vehicle into service which is not really what the work requires
5. Perhaps, our desire at present is to explore Sale options
8. I understand and it is a concern. However, with the buses that current operate the route the service is not a viable service
9. We have desire, facility and capability to make acquisitions. Every opportunity we are presented with we evaluate
10. I agree. Unless something happened on the day, what happened here shouldnt be happening
Quote from: Will on June 17, 2014, 12:00:13 PM
Hi Simon,
Just a few quick questions I wondered whether you could tell me when the remaining JNF's are entering service in Kidderminster or have plans now changed as it would be good to see more of those vehicles in KR :)
also do you have any plans to introduce any Plaxton Centro's in Kidder? and finally has (30930; VX54 MUC, Dart SLF) had it's gearbox fault rectified? if so will it be re-sprayed and when will it re-enter service?
1. We have a number of vehicles on the go at the minute, and that has delayed the completion of the JNF's. They are expected to go to Kidderminster though
2. There are no plans to introduce Centros at present.
3. VX54MUC - The delay is around a difference of opinion on the warranty on the gearbox.
Hi Simon,
I notice from the latest Routeone today that Rotala have now tagged 6 x 2001 DAF/Cadets on to their for sale list (I assume those will be 30202-7 & 30216). Obviously that's not going to removed the type & will still potentially leave an even smaller Cadet fleet at Diamond.
What's the reason behind all the Cadets not being advertised for sale? Doesn't that go against previous Rotala policy of wishing to standardize the fleet/reducing the number of vehicle types?
When do you anticipate knowing how Diamond have fared in the WCC tenders for Sept?
Hi Simon
Just a quick one. There have been lots of rumours/discussion on this forum and others as to exactly what DDA compliance entails.
In terms of single decks, are the W...JNF darts compliant for aisle width?
Also, vehicles like 30428/30439 etc have ramps and "ironing board" wheelchair rests but the aisle width is less than that of 20849, as the footrest for the front two front seats overhangs the aisle.
Is it your understanding that the aisle width of the earlier pointers like (30428/30439) is sufficient, provided they have ramps and the relevant "ironing board" for wheelchairs?
Many Thanks
Quote from: Winston on June 25, 2014, 01:48:13 PM
Hi Simon,
I notice from the latest Routeone today that Rotala have now tagged 6 x 2001 DAF/Cadets on to their for sale list (I assume those will be 30202-7 & 30216). Obviously that's not going to removed the type & will still potentially leave an even smaller Cadet fleet at Diamond.
What's the reason behind all the Cadets not being advertised for sale? Doesn't that go against previous Rotala policy of wishing to standardize the fleet/reducing the number of vehicle types?
When do you anticipate knowing how Diamond have fared in the WCC tenders for Sept?
1. We are testing the water with the Cadets,
2. WCC tenders - I understand their is an eauction today.
Quote from: DiamondDart on June 25, 2014, 02:57:40 PM
Hi Simon
Just a quick one. There have been lots of rumours/discussion on this forum and others as to exactly what DDA compliance entails.
In terms of single decks, are the W...JNF darts compliant for aisle width?
Also, vehicles like 30428/30439 etc have ramps and "ironing board" wheelchair rests but the aisle width is less than that of 20849, as the footrest for the front two front seats overhangs the aisle.
Is it your understanding that the aisle width of the earlier pointers like (30428/30439) is sufficient, provided they have ramps and the relevant "ironing board" for wheelchairs?
Many Thanks
The darts will need some work to make the compliant
Hi Simon,
A very quick one from me I just wondered if you have any plans to transfer (30384, V384 SVV - as you are aware we already have 30382/83 & 88 in Kidderminster so this as an addition would be a bonus)
(20274, Y274 FJN); (20132, Y32 YVV); (20114, Y2 JPT) and (20537, Y37 YVV) would also make good additions to Kiddy if transferred over..
Quote from: Will on June 27, 2014, 08:09:09 PM
Hi Simon,
A very quick one from me I just wondered if you have any plans to transfer (30384, V384 SVV - as you are aware we already have 30382/83 & 88 in Kidderminster so this as an addition would be a bonus)
(20274, Y274 FJN); (20132, Y32 YVV); (20114, Y2 JPT) and (20537, Y37 YVV) would also make good additions to Kiddy if transferred over..
Don't forget we also have V391 SVV.
Quote from: StourportSam on June 29, 2014, 02:32:44 AM
Quote from: Will on June 27, 2014, 08:09:09 PM
Hi Simon,
A very quick one from me I just wondered if you have any plans to transfer (30384, V384 SVV - as you are aware we already have 30382/83 & 88 in Kidderminster so this as an addition would be a bonus)
(20274, Y274 FJN); (20132, Y32 YVV); (20114, Y2 JPT) and (20537, Y37 YVV) would also make good additions to Kiddy if transferred over..
Don't forget we also have V391 SVV.
Yes Sam, I know I was referring to the the other SVV vehicles
Hi Simon
Was wondering if Diaamond have any plans to start running the 4M again, seen numerous NE ones lately and the loadings are very heavy?
Hi Simon,
Just a couple of quick questions:
1. When do Diamond expect the results of the Wyre Forest area WCC tenders?
2. How long are these new WCC contracts typically for?
3. With Diamond winning virtually all of the Droitwich area services, would there be sufficient work to warrant Diamond looking at acquiring/leasing a yard and setting it up as an outstation of either RH or KR? Thus removing all the dead mileage if they were operated out of Kidderminster.
Quote from: Winston on July 03, 2014, 03:42:37 PM
3. With Diamond winning virtually all of the Droitwich area services, would there be sufficient work to warrant Diamond looking at acquiring/leasing a yard and setting it up as an outstation of either RH or KR? Thus removing all the dead mileage if they were operated out of Kidderminster.
And just to add would you consider the Short base E200s from Wessex to run these extra services?
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on July 01, 2014, 09:15:12 PM
Hi Simon
Was wondering if Diaamond have any plans to start running the 4M again, seen numerous NE ones lately and the loadings are very heavy?
Dear Sir
There are no plans at present
Quote from: Winston on July 03, 2014, 03:42:37 PM
Hi Simon,
Just a couple of quick questions:
1. When do Diamond expect the results of the Wyre Forest area WCC tenders?
2. How long are these new WCC contracts typically for?
3. With Diamond winning virtually all of the Droitwich area services, would there be sufficient work to warrant Diamond looking at acquiring/leasing a yard and setting it up as an outstation of either RH or KR? Thus removing all the dead mileage if they were operated out of Kidderminster.
1. We are in a cooling off period. We should have a better understanding early next week
2. Typically 3 years, some shorter.
3. We cannnot confirm award of anything as yet
Quote from: tank90 on July 03, 2014, 04:48:45 PM
Quote from: Winston on July 03, 2014, 03:42:37 PM
3. With Diamond winning virtually all of the Droitwich area services, would there be sufficient work to warrant Diamond looking at acquiring/leasing a yard and setting it up as an outstation of either RH or KR? Thus removing all the dead mileage if they were operated out of Kidderminster.
And just to add would you consider the Short base E200s from Wessex to run these extra services?
We have not been awarded anything as yet as we are still in the cooling off period.
Therefore we have not considered what vehicles we are going to operate. Should we require additional vehicles, we have sufficient spares internally to redeploy something.
When we know our confirmed position, we will look at the specification
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 03, 2014, 04:57:22 PM
Quote from: tank90 on July 03, 2014, 04:48:45 PM
Quote from: Winston on July 03, 2014, 03:42:37 PM
3. With Diamond winning virtually all of the Droitwich area services, would there be sufficient work to warrant Diamond looking at acquiring/leasing a yard and setting it up as an outstation of either RH or KR? Thus removing all the dead mileage if they were operated out of Kidderminster.
And just to add would you consider the Short base E200s from Wessex to run these extra services?
We have not been awarded anything as yet as we are still in the cooling off period.
Therefore we have not considered what vehicles we are going to operate. Should we require additional vehicles, we have sufficient spares internally to redeploy something.
When we know our confirmed position, we will look at the specification
That seems fair, hopefully fingers crossed it all goes to plan.
Hi Simon
Just a couple of quick questions from me.
1) I see 30384 is currently withdrawn-are there plans to return this to service at Kidderminster?
2) I see 30302 is still withdrawn-is it still intended that this will return to service at Redditch or have plans changed?
3) You may know that some NX Halesowen to Merry Hill services are set to change slightly, potentially benefiting the 217 service. Is it worth looking at potentially, in the next round of contracts, running it as a 002A service, enhancing your services on this busy corridor and meaning more passengers can make use of your great value range of tickets/passes?
4) Do you feel there is any scope to promote the value fares on the 142/401e as the promotion is excellent on the vehicles on the 4/4H/40/42/43/301 due to the branding and posters. The MPDs/solos don't display these posters and special offers meaning customers who only use these services may not be aware of them.
Many Thanks :)
Quote from: DiamondDart on July 04, 2014, 01:14:38 PM
Hi Simon
Just a couple of quick questions from me.
1) I see 30384 is currently withdrawn-are there plans to return this to service at Kidderminster?
2) I see 30302 is still withdrawn-is it still intended that this will return to service at Redditch or have plans changed?
3) You may know that some NX Halesowen to Merry Hill services are set to change slightly, potentially benefiting the 217 service. Is it worth looking at potentially, in the next round of contracts, running it as a 002A service, enhancing your services on this busy corridor and meaning more passengers can make use of your great value range of tickets/passes?
4) Do you feel there is any scope to promote the value fares on the 142/401e as the promotion is excellent on the vehicles on the 4/4H/40/42/43/301 due to the branding and posters. The MPDs/solos don't display these posters and special offers meaning customers who only use these services may not be aware of them.
Many Thanks :)
Dear Sir,
In response to your points
1. The vehicle is currently under going panel changes, and will then be repainted blue for Kidderminster
2. We are going to swap the vehicle with a Heathrow MAN Centro, and then return one of the Heathrow buses into service in the West Midlands.
3. I have sent your comments to our Commercial team.
4. I don't believe so.
Hi Simon,
1. Are Diamond any closer to finalizing the WCC tenders that have been secured? As I notice that 'The Green Bus' are now going to operate the 62 in Redditch which was down as Diamond win on the list Tony posted.
2. Have the Kidderminster area WCC routes also now been bid for?
3. I also notice that the are quite a few services changes at Wessex from end of August/1st Sept. Notably the X27 is being withdrawn, the UWE 15/15A are withdrawn but there is one new route the 622 & timetable/route changes for remaining UWE services.
Do you anticipate the above changes to have much effect of the number of buses required at Wessex?
4. Will any new buses be required for the UWE services this year?
Quote from: Winston on July 11, 2014, 09:35:27 AM
Hi Simon,
1. Are Diamond any closer to finalizing the WCC tenders that have been secured? As I notice that 'The Green Bus' are now going to operate the 62 in Redditch which was down as Diamond win on the list Tony posted.
2. Have the Kidderminster area WCC routes also now been bid for?
3. I also notice that the are quite a few services changes at Wessex from end of August/1st Sept. Notably the X27 is being withdrawn, the UWE 15/15A are withdrawn but there is one new route the 622 & timetable/route changes for remaining UWE services.
Do you anticipate the above changes to have much effect of the number of buses required at Wessex?
4. Will any new buses be required for the UWE services this year?
1. We are stil in the cool off period. So we are unable to confirm. What I would say is that we havent deregistered the 62
2. Same as 1.
3. There is a slight reduction in PVR, but mostly its about redistribution of our fleet within the area and a new service starting under contract to Bristol City Council.
4. No.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 11, 2014, 10:04:31 AM
Quote from: Winston on July 11, 2014, 09:35:27 AM
Hi Simon,
1. Are Diamond any closer to finalizing the WCC tenders that have been secured? As I notice that 'The Green Bus' are now going to operate the 62 in Redditch which was down as Diamond win on the list Tony posted.
2. Have the Kidderminster area WCC routes also now been bid for?
3. I also notice that the are quite a few services changes at Wessex from end of August/1st Sept. Notably the X27 is being withdrawn, the UWE 15/15A are withdrawn but there is one new route the 622 & timetable/route changes for remaining UWE services.
Do you anticipate the above changes to have much effect of the number of buses required at Wessex?
4. Will any new buses be required for the UWE services this year?
1. We are stil in the cool off period. So we are unable to confirm. What I would say is that we havent deregistered the 62
2. Same as 1.
3. There is a slight reduction in PVR, but mostly its about redistribution of our fleet within the area and a new service starting under contract to Bristol City Council.
4. No.
Thanks Simon, much appreciated as always!
1. Interesting Re: 62 in RH ;D
3. Do you anticipate the pvr reduction will free up any further B7RLE for transfer up to Diamond?
Quote from: Winston on July 11, 2014, 10:17:38 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 11, 2014, 10:04:31 AM
Quote from: Winston on July 11, 2014, 09:35:27 AM
Hi Simon,
1. Are Diamond any closer to finalizing the WCC tenders that have been secured? As I notice that 'The Green Bus' are now going to operate the 62 in Redditch which was down as Diamond win on the list Tony posted.
2. Have the Kidderminster area WCC routes also now been bid for?
3. I also notice that the are quite a few services changes at Wessex from end of August/1st Sept. Notably the X27 is being withdrawn, the UWE 15/15A are withdrawn but there is one new route the 622 & timetable/route changes for remaining UWE services.
Do you anticipate the above changes to have much effect of the number of buses required at Wessex?
4. Will any new buses be required for the UWE services this year?
1. We are stil in the cool off period. So we are unable to confirm. What I would say is that we havent deregistered the 62
2. Same as 1.
3. There is a slight reduction in PVR, but mostly its about redistribution of our fleet within the area and a new service starting under contract to Bristol City Council.
4. No.
Thanks Simon, much appreciated as always!
1. Interesting Re: 62 in RH ;D
3. Do you anticipate the pvr reduction will free up any further B7RLE for transfer up to Diamond?
We have already transferrred FJ57CYW, and the 5 x VDL Centro's
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 11, 2014, 12:35:32 PM
Quote from: Winston on July 11, 2014, 10:17:38 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 11, 2014, 10:04:31 AM
Quote from: Winston on July 11, 2014, 09:35:27 AM
Hi Simon,
1. Are Diamond any closer to finalizing the WCC tenders that have been secured? As I notice that 'The Green Bus' are now going to operate the 62 in Redditch which was down as Diamond win on the list Tony posted.
2. Have the Kidderminster area WCC routes also now been bid for?
3. I also notice that the are quite a few services changes at Wessex from end of August/1st Sept. Notably the X27 is being withdrawn, the UWE 15/15A are withdrawn but there is one new route the 622 & timetable/route changes for remaining UWE services.
Do you anticipate the above changes to have much effect of the number of buses required at Wessex?
4. Will any new buses be required for the UWE services this year?
1. We are stil in the cool off period. So we are unable to confirm. What I would say is that we havent deregistered the 62
2. Same as 1.
3. There is a slight reduction in PVR, but mostly its about redistribution of our fleet within the area and a new service starting under contract to Bristol City Council.
4. No.
Thanks Simon, much appreciated as always!
1. Interesting Re: 62 in RH ;D
3. Do you anticipate the pvr reduction will free up any further B7RLE for transfer up to Diamond?
We have already transferrred FJ57CYW, and the 5 x VDL Centro's
Where's FJ57CYW being allocated then? The last I saw anything posted, it had not long arrived at Long Acre.
The VDL's are only transferred temporarily until hopefully sold.
Have you had more interest in the various buses for sale or indeed Long Acre?
We havent yet decided where FJ57CYW will go. More than likely Tividale.
If we keep the VDL's they will stay in Redditch, with some possible larger buses transferred out once the repainting finishes.
We have had a number of enquries for vehicles. We thought we had disposed of 3 of the VDL Centro's, we will see what happens
Have you considered transferring/swapping the last remaining MAN/Centro's in the West Midlands i.e. 30704/30804 (at Long Acre) & 30806 (at Tividale) to concentrate the type at Redditch garage?
Also possibly swapping the 03 plate Solo's at Tividale with MPD's from Long Acre.
The above moves could reduce the number of vehicle types at Tividale by two.
We havent done it before now due to Branding, but I think you have a point on the MAN's
With regards the Optares, we plan to transfer some of the more modern Optares into Tividale to operate some of the higher mileage routes.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 11, 2014, 01:06:43 PM
We havent done it before now due to Branding, but I think you have a point on the MAN's
With regards the Optares, we plan to transfer some of the more modern Optares into Tividale to operate some of the higher mileage routes.
That's what I thought with the MAN's, but as the 'Nifty 50' has gone & the double 002 branding appears to be going, nothing at all to stop them all being operated by just one depot. RH seems the most logical. Keep Long Acre & Tividale predominantly standardized on Volvo's.
One last thing that I'd considered (before leaving you in peace) with 'The Green Bus' thought to be increasing the frequency of their 50 soon, could or would Rotala consider upgrading the quality of their buses used on the 50 to raise the quality of the service rather the frequency, and offer something different on the Moseley Road?
i.e. Could some of the Royale's be used to upgrade Diamond's 50 to premium single decker route against NXWM & TGB double deckers?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 11, 2014, 07:26:46 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on July 04, 2014, 01:14:38 PM
3) You may know that some NX Halesowen to Merry Hill services are set to change slightly, potentially benefiting the 217 service. Is it worth looking at potentially, in the next round of contracts, running it as a 002A service, enhancing your services on this busy corridor and meaning more passengers can make use of your great value range of tickets/passes?
Dear Sir,
In response to your points
3. I have sent your comments to our Commercial team.
Hi Simon, please pass on my support for this about improving connections to Halesowen area from the Saltwells area which has now been almost neglected now apart from the hourly 217 which really isnt sufficient in my opinion. A lot will be left very surprised and annoyed by these upcoming changes. In fact the changes have barely been announced at all so many are going to lose out in this area.
Kind regards.
Hi Simon
A few questions from me if I may
1) Just wondering, are Rotala aware of the planned changes to Exchange Street in Kidderminster and will Diamond have to relocate services which start/terminate at the existing Town Hall stops if this goes ahead? The plans I have seen only show 1 or two new stops on Oxford Street, certainly not adequate for the services using the existing stops.
2) Do you see 30445 T418 MNH being repainted into standard livery or will it remain as is until withdrawal?
3) Was there a reason for taking Enviro 300s off the Redditch-operated Sunday 3/X3 service in Kidderminster and replacing them with Streetlites?
4) Finally, your latest fleet list shows 20608 KU52 YJY as withdrawn, is there a reason for this please? It seemed a good bus.
Quote from: StourportSam on July 13, 2014, 06:36:47 PM
Hi Simon
A few questions from me if I may
1) Just wondering, are Rotala aware of the planned changes to Exchange Street in Kidderminster and will Diamond have to relocate services which start/terminate at the existing Town Hall stops if this goes ahead? The plans I have seen only show 1 or two new stops on Oxford Street, certainly not adequate for the services using the existing stops.
2) Do you see 30445 T418 MNH being repainted into standard livery or will it remain as is until withdrawal?
3) Was there a reason for taking Enviro 300s off the Redditch-operated Sunday 3/X3 service in Kidderminster and replacing them with Streetlites?
4) Finally, your latest fleet list shows 20608 KU52 YJY as withdrawn, is there a reason for this please? It seemed a good bus.
I can answer 2 of your questions I hope you don't mind Simon and please correct me if I am wrong.
20608 has been withdrawn due to accident damage (a taxi crashed into it) and
30445 has been put up for sale so this is the reason why Diamond haven't bothered re-spraying it.
I was told by the mechanic at Kiddy when I was working there so this is how I know.
are you able to tell me what is happing with your routes in Worcestershire from 1/9/14 when the When the subside cuts take affect.
I am particularly interest in the kidderminsters routes (my local area) thank you
Quote from: Winston on July 11, 2014, 01:58:25 PM
One last thing that I'd considered (before leaving you in peace) with 'The Green Bus' thought to be increasing the frequency of their 50 soon, could or would Rotala consider upgrading the quality of their buses used on the 50 to raise the quality of the service rather the frequency, and offer something different on the Moseley Road?
i.e. Could some of the Royale's be used to upgrade Diamond's 50 to premium single decker route against NXWM & TGB double deckers?
There are no plans to change anything at present
Quote from: s94 on July 11, 2014, 09:29:50 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 11, 2014, 07:26:46 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on July 04, 2014, 01:14:38 PM
3) You may know that some NX Halesowen to Merry Hill services are set to change slightly, potentially benefiting the 217 service. Is it worth looking at potentially, in the next round of contracts, running it as a 002A service, enhancing your services on this busy corridor and meaning more passengers can make use of your great value range of tickets/passes?
Dear Sir,
In response to your points
3. I have sent your comments to our Commercial team.
Hi Simon, please pass on my support for this about improving connections to Halesowen area from the Saltwells area which has now been almost neglected now apart from the hourly 217 which really isnt sufficient in my opinion. A lot will be left very surprised and annoyed by these upcoming changes. In fact the changes have barely been announced at all so many are going to lose out in this area.
Kind regards.
I have passed on your comments to our commercial team
Quote from: StourportSam on July 13, 2014, 06:36:47 PM
Hi Simon
A few questions from me if I may
1) Just wondering, are Rotala aware of the planned changes to Exchange Street in Kidderminster and will Diamond have to relocate services which start/terminate at the existing Town Hall stops if this goes ahead? The plans I have seen only show 1 or two new stops on Oxford Street, certainly not adequate for the services using the existing stops.
2) Do you see 30445 T418 MNH being repainted into standard livery or will it remain as is until withdrawal?
3) Was there a reason for taking Enviro 300s off the Redditch-operated Sunday 3/X3 service in Kidderminster and replacing them with Streetlites?
4) Finally, your latest fleet list shows 20608 KU52 YJY as withdrawn, is there a reason for this please? It seemed a good bus.
1. I have spoken to our Commercial team, I understand there are three bus stops allowed and we are happy this is sufficient
2. Wills comments in respect of this are accurate.
3. There is no reason.
4. Again. Wills comments in respect of this are accurate
Quote from: bowler on July 16, 2014, 11:11:18 PM
are you able to tell me what is happing with your routes in Worcestershire from 1/9/14 when the When the subside cuts take affect.
I am particularly interest in the kidderminsters routes (my local area) thank you
Dear Sir,
Sorry this is still not finalised
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 22, 2014, 08:02:00 AM
Quote from: StourportSam on July 13, 2014, 06:36:47 PM
Hi Simon
A few questions from me if I may
1. I have spoken to our Commercial team, I understand there are three bus stops allowed and we are happy this is sufficient
2. Wills comments in respect of this are accurate.
3. There is no reason.
4. Again. Wills comments in respect of this are accurate
Thank you Simon for your reply as always.
Hi Simon,
I see Wessex have won a new Park & Ride route 901 in Bristol, will this require any new buses or used fleet additions? Will it require many buses to operate?
Registration Accepted by SN
Starting Point: Portway Park & Ride
Finish Point: Portway Park & Ride
Via: Clifton Village
Service Number: 901
Service Type: Limited Stop
Effective Date: 31-AUG-2014
Other Details: Monday to Saturday.
I also see that from Sept First are substantially increasing the number of its services that serve UWE in Bristol i.e. 70, 71, 72, 73 & X74. There are suggestions on another forum the First's Pvr for these services will increase from 22 to 31, will these services be competing with existing Wessex Red UWE services?
whats happened to the two levantes which were based at long acre?
One at least i.e. 13116 moved from Long Acre to Heathrow back in May, Winston
Quote from: Winston on July 25, 2014, 12:28:25 PM
Hi Simon,
I see Wessex have won a new Park & Ride route 901 in Bristol, will this require any new buses or used fleet additions? Will it require many buses to operate?
Registration Accepted by SN
Starting Point: Portway Park & Ride
Finish Point: Portway Park & Ride
Via: Clifton Village
Service Number: 901
Service Type: Limited Stop
Effective Date: 31-AUG-2014
Other Details: Monday to Saturday.
I also see that from Sept First are substantially increasing the number of its services that serve UWE in Bristol i.e. 70, 71, 72, 73 & X74. There are suggestions on another forum the First's Pvr for these services will increase from 22 to 31, will these services be competing with existing Wessex Red UWE services?
1. 901
It will be covered by existing E200's or Solo's
2. First
I am not exactly sure what they are doing, I understand that one of the srevices replace the 15, which we de-registered
Hi Simon,
During the Quarry Bank High St closure this week and next Monday, are your services diverting via your advertised route on the website (Quarry Road/Coppice Lane) or using Bower Lane/Park Road? Not seen the 002 use the advertised route today as far as I'm aware?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 28, 2014, 06:00:52 PM
Quote from: Winston on July 25, 2014, 12:28:25 PM
Hi Simon,
I see Wessex have won a new Park & Ride route 901 in Bristol, will this require any new buses or used fleet additions? Will it require many buses to operate?
Registration Accepted by SN
Starting Point: Portway Park & Ride
Finish Point: Portway Park & Ride
Via: Clifton Village
Service Number: 901
Service Type: Limited Stop
Effective Date: 31-AUG-2014
Other Details: Monday to Saturday.
I also see that from Sept First are substantially increasing the number of its services that serve UWE in Bristol i.e. 70, 71, 72, 73 & X74. There are suggestions on another forum the First's Pvr for these services will increase from 22 to 31, will these services be competing with existing Wessex Red UWE services?
1. 901
It will be covered by existing E200's or Solo's
2. First
I am not exactly sure what they are doing, I understand that one of the srevices replace the 15, which we de-registered
Thanks Simon,
To the 'layman' it looks as though First Bristol are trying to increase their presence at UWE and potentially intensify competition with Wessex services, are Rotala's UWE services commercial in partnership with UWE? I.e. could First register on those in the future or would they be blocked by UWE for access to the UWE campuses etc?
Is there any movement on vehicle sales, sale/lease of Long Acre or acquiring any new depot space for Tividale.
With little over of month until the changes come in to effect, are you not now far away from confirming which services Diamond will be operating within Worcestershire?
Quote from: Winston on July 30, 2014, 12:41:44 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 28, 2014, 06:00:52 PM
Quote from: Winston on July 25, 2014, 12:28:25 PM
Hi Simon,
I see Wessex have won a new Park & Ride route 901 in Bristol, will this require any new buses or used fleet additions? Will it require many buses to operate?
Registration Accepted by SN
Starting Point: Portway Park & Ride
Finish Point: Portway Park & Ride
Via: Clifton Village
Service Number: 901
Service Type: Limited Stop
Effective Date: 31-AUG-2014
Other Details: Monday to Saturday.
I also see that from Sept First are substantially increasing the number of its services that serve UWE in Bristol i.e. 70, 71, 72, 73 & X74. There are suggestions on another forum the First's Pvr for these services will increase from 22 to 31, will these services be competing with existing Wessex Red UWE services?
1. 901
It will be covered by existing E200's or Solo's
2. First
I am not exactly sure what they are doing, I understand that one of the srevices replace the 15, which we de-registered
Thanks Simon,
To the 'layman' it looks as though First Bristol are trying to increase their presence at UWE and potentially intensify competition with Wessex services, are Rotala's UWE services commercial in partnership with UWE? I.e. could First register on those in the future or would they be blocked by UWE for access to the UWE campuses etc?
Is there any movement on vehicle sales, sale/lease of Long Acre or acquiring any new depot space for Tividale.
With little over of month until the changes come in to effect, are you not now far away from confirming which services Diamond will be operating within Worcestershire?
By the fact they are operating more services into UWE there is more competition. The services we provide there is a combination of UWE/South Gloucestershire Council funding and Commercial risk.
There is a physical capacity to the bus station, and some of what they have registered I believe replaces the 15 (which we deregistered) and the 13 from UWE to Bradley Stoke (which we tried to re-work an achievable timetable with all the stakeholders)
We have sold S405JUA yesterday.
There are now only 2 properties in our region of our size available. I am told property is being snapped up, and HS2 is taking out an industrial estate which we anticipate will make property in Birmingham even more scarce. We believe it is only a matter of time.
With regards to Tividale. Around the perimeter of the property there is a large amount of land currently unused which we own. Which is very roughly equal to 200 cars and 30-40 bus parking spaces. We have engaged advisors to look at the possibility of developing this area.
The late delay of awards, the re-scheduling of our bus workings and the review of what in between our core business we can operate has meant all this in running far too late. I believe with our revised bus workings some of the currently lost contracts work off peak with current bus scheduldes, so we are assessing this.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 31, 2014, 08:42:01 AM
Quote from: Winston on July 30, 2014, 12:41:44 PM
Thanks Simon,
To the 'layman' it looks as though First Bristol are trying to increase their presence at UWE and potentially intensify competition with Wessex services, are Rotala's UWE services commercial in partnership with UWE? I.e. could First register on those in the future or would they be blocked by UWE for access to the UWE campuses etc?
Is there any movement on vehicle sales, sale/lease of Long Acre or acquiring any new depot space for Tividale.
With little over of month until the changes come in to effect, are you not now far away from confirming which services Diamond will be operating within Worcestershire?
By the fact they are operating more services into UWE there is more competition. The services we provide there is a combination of UWE/South Gloucestershire Council funding and Commercial risk.
There is a physical capacity to the bus station, and some of what they have registered I believe replaces the 15 (which we deregistered) and the 13 from UWE to Bradley Stoke (which we tried to re-work an achievable timetable with all the stakeholders)
We have sold S405JUA yesterday.
There are now only 2 properties in our region of our size available. I am told property is being snapped up, and HS2 is taking out an industrial estate which we anticipate will make property in Birmingham even more scarce. We believe it is only a matter of time.
With regards to Tividale. Around the perimeter of the property there is a large amount of land currently unused which we own. Which is very roughly equal to 200 cars and 30-40 bus parking spaces. We have engaged advisors to look at the possibility of developing this area.
The late delay of awards, the re-scheduling of our bus workings and the review of what in between our core business we can operate has meant all this in running far too late. I believe with our revised bus workings some of the currently lost contracts work off peak with current bus scheduldes, so we are assessing this.
Thanks for the detailed response, just a couple more queries, then I'll leave you in peace!
1. Do the Wessex UWE changes have much affect on the total number of buses required for those services. As it seems First are currently intent on increasing competition with Rotala in Bristol, would there be any benefit to Wessex if Rotala were to look at strengthening their position in Bristol by making bolt-on acquisitions of independents with established commercial routes?
2. Is there no further movement / interest in the VDL's, Cadets or Citaro's?
3. Sounds as though HS2 has put you in a strong position to get the price you want for Long Acre.
4. Is the un-used land at Tividale the woods that back on the canal?
1. We have come off the 15, which is 5 buses. However, we have increased frequency accross the 13 and I believe this has increased by 3. The 16 has also increased by 2. So overall I believe we are flat.
2. There has been interest, but nothing agreed.
3. In our view, we are 6 to 12 months away from exiting the site. In preperation for that we need to develop Tividale.
4. There are 2 areas, the woods as you refer to them and the front of the property which we would look to develop into a Car Park.
Quote from: Winston on July 31, 2014, 09:25:42 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 31, 2014, 08:42:01 AM
Quote from: Winston on July 30, 2014, 12:41:44 PM
Thanks Simon,
To the 'layman' it looks as though First Bristol are trying to increase their presence at UWE and potentially intensify competition with Wessex services, are Rotala's UWE services commercial in partnership with UWE? I.e. could First register on those in the future or would they be blocked by UWE for access to the UWE campuses etc?
Is there any movement on vehicle sales, sale/lease of Long Acre or acquiring any new depot space for Tividale.
With little over of month until the changes come in to effect, are you not now far away from confirming which services Diamond will be operating within Worcestershire?
By the fact they are operating more services into UWE there is more competition. The services we provide there is a combination of UWE/South Gloucestershire Council funding and Commercial risk.
There is a physical capacity to the bus station, and some of what they have registered I believe replaces the 15 (which we deregistered) and the 13 from UWE to Bradley Stoke (which we tried to re-work an achievable timetable with all the stakeholders)
We have sold S405JUA yesterday.
There are now only 2 properties in our region of our size available. I am told property is being snapped up, and HS2 is taking out an industrial estate which we anticipate will make property in Birmingham even more scarce. We believe it is only a matter of time.
With regards to Tividale. Around the perimeter of the property there is a large amount of land currently unused which we own. Which is very roughly equal to 200 cars and 30-40 bus parking spaces. We have engaged advisors to look at the possibility of developing this area.
The late delay of awards, the re-scheduling of our bus workings and the review of what in between our core business we can operate has meant all this in running far too late. I believe with our revised bus workings some of the currently lost contracts work off peak with current bus scheduldes, so we are assessing this.
Thanks for the detailed response, just a couple more queries, then I'll leave you in peace!
1. Do the Wessex UWE changes have much affect on the total number of buses required for those services. As it seems First are currently intent on increasing competition with Rotala in Bristol, would there be any benefit to Wessex if Rotala were to look at strengthening their position in Bristol by making bolt-on acquisitions of independents with established commercial routes?
2. Is there no further movement / interest in the VDL's, Cadets or Citaro's?
3. Sounds as though HS2 has put you in a strong position to get the price you want for Long Acre.
4. Is the un-used land at Tividale the woods that back on the canal?
Sorry I failed to answer one point.
We have a large amount of unused banking facility for acquisitions and we are continually looking at opportunities.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 31, 2014, 09:34:27 AM
Quote from: Winston on July 31, 2014, 09:25:42 AM
Thanks for the detailed response, just a couple more queries, then I'll leave you in peace!
1. Do the Wessex UWE changes have much affect on the total number of buses required for those services. As it seems First are currently intent on increasing competition with Rotala in Bristol, would there be any benefit to Wessex if Rotala were to look at strengthening their position in Bristol by making bolt-on acquisitions of independents with established commercial routes?
2. Is there no further movement / interest in the VDL's, Cadets or Citaro's?
3. Sounds as though HS2 has put you in a strong position to get the price you want for Long Acre.
4. Is the un-used land at Tividale the woods that back on the canal?
Sorry I failed to answer one point.
We have a large amount of unused banking facility for acquisitions and we are continually looking at opportunities.
No Problem Simon, thanks for your replies, much appreciated! ;D
Quote from: s94 on July 28, 2014, 11:23:26 PM
Hi Simon,
During the Quarry Bank High St closure this week and next Monday, are your services diverting via your advertised route on the website (Quarry Road/Coppice Lane) or using Bower Lane/Park Road? Not seen the 002 use the advertised route today as far as I'm aware?
I am told the bus is now using Bower Lane/Park Road as it is better for reliability
Hi Simon,
I've just read a reply that you gave to a question Winston asked whereby you told him that you had sold S405 JUA would you mind if I asked who to?
(Please don't say PVS...)
I understand if you won't or can't disclose any info.
Quote from: Will on July 31, 2014, 12:17:02 PM
Hi Simon,
I've just read a reply that you gave to a question Winston asked whereby you told him that you had sold S405 JUA would you mind if I asked who to?
(Please don't say PVS...)
I understand if you won't or can't disclose any info.
I believe it is Alpha Coaches
Hi Simon,
Saw this in latest Bus & Coach buyer, may/may not be of interest? The price seems good compared to the 2 x 57 (£60k) /08 (£63k) plate E300's that were for sale at Nigel McCree for a while
2007 57 ENVIRO 300
Euro 4 6 cyl Cummins engine with
Allison auto box, 42 seats with 3 point
belts plus standing. Very little use hence
low mileage of 153,000. In excellent
condition with 12 months MoT.
First to see will buy
£45,350 plus VAT OVNO
Tel : 01978 824666 / 0756 540 5060
I also came across these 07 plate Scania N230/East Lancs ex Reading Buses, may be suitable for Preston?
Quote from: Winston on July 31, 2014, 09:24:58 PM
Hi Simon,
Saw this in latest Bus & Coach buyer, may/may not be of interest? The price seems good compared to the 2 x 57 (£60k) /08 (£63k) plate E300's that were for sale at Nigel McCree for a while
2007 57 ENVIRO 300
Euro 4 6 cyl Cummins engine with
Allison auto box, 42 seats with 3 point
belts plus standing. Very little use hence
low mileage of 153,000. In excellent
condition with 12 months MoT.
First to see will buy
£45,350 plus VAT OVNO
Tel : 01978 824666 / 0756 540 5060
I also came across these 07 plate Scania N230/East Lancs ex Reading Buses, may be suitable for Preston?
I am looking to dispose of some vehicles before we look to acquire anything
when will the new timetables for Worcestershire services be on the site or available to pick up please I am traveling on the 1/9/14
Hi Simon,
1. I appreciate that you would prefer to sell some vehicles first before acquiring others, but what happens if/when you eventually do sell some of the advertised vehicles and then there are little or no suitable full size replacement vehicles available? I don't believe there is currently the option to acquire any dealer stock B7RLE/Wright, as they have all gone on lease to Malta. It appears until the end of 2015 at least; used full size single deckers are at a premium (especially B7RLE/Wright) and are being snapped up fairly quickly with operators looking to meet DDA that can't afford/don't want to buy new Euro 6 buses. With Rotala Plc's reliance primarily on used acquisitions, would it not be a better policy to snap up suitable E300's & B7RLE Wright/Plaxton combo's as they come on the used market? There have been numerous 2004-2008 E300's come on the used market in recent months which could have been acquired to build the E300 fleet at Redditch & allow B7RLE's to be cascaded out to Tividale / Long Acre or other areas or as an alternative option RH's 54/55 plate E300's (ex Hanson's) & similar aged used E300's could have also have been cascaded to KR for upgrading the X3 or 292. Worst case scenario, if you can't sell the vehicles yourselves, can Rotala not trade them in against new acquisitions with dealers?
Obviously there were other reasons for the decision to dispose of the Citaro's, VDL's & Wessex E200's that didn't just centre around the need to raise capital for more full size group stand replacements
2. Now the extent of Diamond's WCC wins/losses & timetable variations have been confirmed on WCC's website, will the above changes have much effect on the depot Pvr's at both Redditch & Kidderminster?
3. Where is withdrawn B7RLE 30002 destined to move to?
4. Is the White 'British Airways shuttle' livered Plaxton Centro pictured in the workshops at Long Acre 30302?
Further to Rotala's recent half year results announcement, I just wanted to pick up on some of the comments in the Chairman's statement:
5. 'In the short to medium term we see a low requirement for replacement vehicles'
From the above it sounds as though Rotala Plc are only intending to buy very few new/used buses for the foreseeable unless new contracts dictate otherwise. If you analyze the Rotala fleet make-up, although the average fleet age is up there amongst other groups, despite the average age there are actually only 111 (buses & coaches) which are 10 plate or newer (4 years old or younger) which is approx 21% of the fleet based on group fleet strength of 530 buses. In addition there are high concentrations of buses that were bought new for Wessex & Diamond during 2007-2008 & Preston purchased new been 2006-2008 which are now at/approaching midlife. With the above in mind, wouldn't it be a more prudent policy for Rotala to buy smaller regular batches of new buses annually in addition to acquiring modern used acquisitions a couple of years old (approx 40 additions in total annually) to prevent large-scale capital expenditure being required in future years for fleet replacement?
6. 'the fleet is in good condition, well matched to the demands being placed upon it'
As you have openly said on the forum, you consider the Diamond fleet especially to have too many small buses, there are still frequent reports of packed MPD's appearing on busy routes all day at KR, RH & TE depots. The MPD's are ok, but they don't offer the ride quality of bigger buses and many have the Urban 90 seats with minimum seat cushions. Using KR as an example whose routes can't support newer full size single deckers, could Rotala not consider buying the ex Pennine full length Darts for sale at Ensign (some of which are sister vehicles to KR 's current fleet) and part exchange them with the V65*HEC MPD's ? KR then gets a higher proportion of full size Darts and a slightly more modern fleet.
7. 'We have a strong and experienced management team and remain on the lookout for suitable acquisitions'
Based on the proposals for using improved cash flows below, it doesn't sound very hopeful that Rotala will be making any acquisitions in short to medium term. With First increasing competition in Bristol, I'd personally like to see Rotala strengthen the Wessex business with bolt-on acquisitions of independents with established commercial routes in/around the Bristol/Bath areas. The same applies to Diamond both in the West Midlands & Worcestershire or even consider adjacent areas such as Warwickshire
8. 'We will also look to using our existing permissions to buy back ordinary shares for cancellation or treasury should market conditions and cash flows permit'
I was always under the impression that share buys programmes were only embarked upon by PLC's when they were cash rich, suitable acquisitions could not be found and they had little or no debt? Wouldn't Rotala be better to use any excess cash generated to reduce debt levels? Thus reducing finance charges, increasing pre-tax profits & earnings per share and it would still allow Rotala to pursue the increased dividend policy? Nett assets would also increase, which could also have a positive impact on the shareprice / market valuation of the group. Surely with lower levels of debt, it would give Rotala greater flexibility / financial fire power / borrowing ability should a suitable large acquisition become available in the future.
Apologies for the essay, I just wanted to get some of my points across in greater detail, I look forward to your response,
Quote from: Winston on August 09, 2014, 12:18:57 PM
Hi Simon,
1. I appreciate that you would prefer to sell some vehicles first before acquiring others, but what happens if/when you eventually do sell some of the advertised vehicles and then there are little or no suitable full size replacement vehicles available? I don't believe there is currently the option to acquire any dealer stock B7RLE/Wright, as they have all gone on lease to Malta. It appears until the end of 2015 at least; used full size single deckers are at a premium (especially B7RLE/Wright) and are being snapped up fairly quickly with operators looking to meet DDA that can't afford/don't want to buy new Euro 6 buses. With Rotala Plc's reliance primarily on used acquisitions, would it not be a better policy to snap up suitable E300's & B7RLE Wright/Plaxton combo's as they come on the used market? There have been numerous 2004-2008 E300's come on the used market in recent months which could have been acquired to build the E300 fleet at Redditch & allow B7RLE's to be cascaded out to Tividale / Long Acre or other areas or as an alternative option RH's 54/55 plate E300's (ex Hanson's) & similar aged used E300's could have also have been cascaded to KR for upgrading the X3 or 292. Worst case scenario, if you can't sell the vehicles yourselves, can Rotala not trade them in against new acquisitions with dealers?
Obviously there were other reasons for the decision to dispose of the Citaro's, VDL's & Wessex E200's that didn't just centre around the need to raise capital for more full size group stand replacements
2. Now the extent of Diamond's WCC wins/losses & timetable variations have been confirmed on WCC's website, will the above changes have much effect on the depot Pvr's at both Redditch & Kidderminster?
3. Where is withdrawn B7RLE 30002 destined to move to?
4. Is the White 'British Airways shuttle' livered Plaxton Centro pictured in the workshops at Long Acre 30302?
Further to Rotala's recent half year results announcement, I just wanted to pick up on some of the comments in the Chairman's statement:
5. 'In the short to medium term we see a low requirement for replacement vehicles'
From the above it sounds as though Rotala Plc are only intending to buy very few new/used buses for the foreseeable unless new contracts dictate otherwise. If you analyze the Rotala fleet make-up, although the average fleet age is up there amongst other groups, despite the average age there are actually only 111 (buses & coaches) which are 10 plate or newer (4 years old or younger) which is approx 21% of the fleet based on group fleet strength of 530 buses. In addition there are high concentrations of buses that were bought new for Wessex & Diamond during 2007-2008 & Preston purchased new been 2006-2008 which are now at/approaching midlife. With the above in mind, wouldn't it be a more prudent policy for Rotala to buy smaller regular batches of new buses annually in addition to acquiring modern used acquisitions a couple of years old (approx 40 additions in total annually) to prevent large-scale capital expenditure being required in future years for fleet replacement?
6. 'the fleet is in good condition, well matched to the demands being placed upon it'
As you have openly said on the forum, you consider the Diamond fleet especially to have too many small buses, there are still frequent reports of packed MPD's appearing on busy routes all day at KR, RH & TE depots. The MPD's are ok, but they don't offer the ride quality of bigger buses and many have the Urban 90 seats with minimum seat cushions. Using KR as an example whose routes can't support newer full size single deckers, could Rotala not consider buying the ex Pennine full length Darts for sale at Ensign (some of which are sister vehicles to KR 's current fleet) and part exchange them with the V65*HEC MPD's ? KR then gets a higher proportion of full size Darts and a slightly more modern fleet.
7. 'We have a strong and experienced management team and remain on the lookout for suitable acquisitions'
Based on the proposals for using improved cash flows below, it doesn't sound very hopeful that Rotala will be making any acquisitions in short to medium term. With First increasing competition in Bristol, I'd personally like to see Rotala strengthen the Wessex business with bolt-on acquisitions of independents with established commercial routes in/around the Bristol/Bath areas. The same applies to Diamond both in the West Midlands & Worcestershire or even consider adjacent areas such as Warwickshire
8. 'We will also look to using our existing permissions to buy back ordinary shares for cancellation or treasury should market conditions and cash flows permit'
I was always under the impression that share buys programmes were only embarked upon by PLC's when they were cash rich, suitable acquisitions could not be found and they had little or no debt? Wouldn't Rotala be better to use any excess cash generated to reduce debt levels? Thus reducing finance charges, increasing pre-tax profits & earnings per share and it would still allow Rotala to pursue the increased dividend policy? Nett assets would also increase, which could also have a positive impact on the shareprice / market valuation of the group. Surely with lower levels of debt, it would give Rotala greater flexibility / financial fire power / borrowing ability should a suitable large acquisition become available in the future.
Apologies for the essay, I just wanted to get some of my points across in greater detail, I look forward to your response,
In response to your points
1. I have a grasp of stock for new vehicles, and I am not concerned about second hand vehicles being snapped up.
2. Overall I understand that Redditch and Kidderminster PVR are static. Kidderminster is up by 2/3 and Reddtich is down by 2/3
3. 30002 will be used in the West Midlands upon return to service, so will be FJ57CYW, and YJ07JRU
4. 30302 is the white vehicle at Long Acre.
5. As you say the words used in the announcement is "low requirement for replacement vehicles", this doesnt mean we are not intending to do nothing.
6. I do believe the fleet is in good condition, like any fleet there is some revolving requirements, and we are working to resolve them.
7. I too would like to make acquisitions. We have the ability to do so, and continue to look at opportunities. Clearly businesses were we can reduce depot overhead always make more sense were available.
8. Like any PLC shareholders expect improve Earnings per share. As we deliver excess cash, and if we are not making acquistions one use of the cash would be reduce the number of shares.
Hi Simon,
I've noticed on the fleet change from July that 30904 (W904 JNF) has been withdrawn from Kidderminster just wondering why this is as it is a sound vehicle I'm assuming it's because it's not DDA compliant or is there other reasons?
Also I have noticed 30516 (W906 JNF) has been withdrawn from Redditch well could Kidderminster not have this vehicle as a replacement for 30904 otherwise this is going to leave KR a vehicle short just an idea I've had
Quote from: Will on August 11, 2014, 09:57:23 AM
Hi Simon,
I've noticed on the fleet change from July that 30904 (W904 JNF) has been withdrawn from Kidderminster just wondering why this is as it is a sound vehicle I'm assuming it's because it's not DDA compliant or is there other reasons?
Also I have noticed 30516 (W906 JNF) has been withdrawn from Redditch well could Kidderminster not have this vehicle as a replacement for 30904 otherwise this is going to leave KR a vehicle short just an idea I've had
W904JNF has an engine fault, which we need to resolve with the repairer.
W906JNF has a mechanical defect, we intend to repaint, etc and return
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 11, 2014, 10:23:42 AM
Quote from: Will on August 11, 2014, 09:57:23 AM
Hi Simon,
I've noticed on the fleet change from July that 30904 (W904 JNF) has been withdrawn from Kidderminster just wondering why this is as it is a sound vehicle I'm assuming it's because it's not DDA compliant or is there other reasons?
Also I have noticed 30516 (W906 JNF) has been withdrawn from Redditch well could Kidderminster not have this vehicle as a replacement for 30904 otherwise this is going to leave KR a vehicle short just an idea I've had
W904JNF has an engine fault, which we need to resolve with the repairer.
W906JNF has a mechanical defect, we intend to repaint, etc and return
Many thanks for you responce Simon as always just thinking while W904 JNF is away could a temporary vehicle be allocated to KR for the time being?
Quote from: Will on August 11, 2014, 10:27:15 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 11, 2014, 10:23:42 AM
Quote from: Will on August 11, 2014, 09:57:23 AM
Hi Simon,
I've noticed on the fleet change from July that 30904 (W904 JNF) has been withdrawn from Kidderminster just wondering why this is as it is a sound vehicle I'm assuming it's because it's not DDA compliant or is there other reasons?
Also I have noticed 30516 (W906 JNF) has been withdrawn from Redditch well could Kidderminster not have this vehicle as a replacement for 30904 otherwise this is going to leave KR a vehicle short just an idea I've had
W904JNF has an engine fault, which we need to resolve with the repairer.
W906JNF has a mechanical defect, we intend to repaint, etc and return
Many thanks for you responce Simon as always just thinking while W904 JNF is away could a temporary vehicle be allocated to KR for the time being?
As you know, the Engineering for Kidderminster is controlled by the same person as Tividale. If he thinks it appropriate or a problem occurs he will act
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 11, 2014, 09:04:11 AM
In response to your points
1. I have a grasp of stock for new vehicles, and I am not concerned about second hand vehicles being snapped up.
2. Overall I understand that Redditch and Kidderminster PVR are static. Kidderminster is up by 2/3 and Reddtich is down by 2/3
3. 30002 will be used in the West Midlands upon return to service, so will be FJ57CYW, and YJ07JRU
4. 30302 is the white vehicle at Long Acre.
5. As you say the words used in the announcement is "low requirement for replacement vehicles", this doesnt mean we are not intending to do nothing.
6. I do believe the fleet is in good condition, like any fleet there is some revolving requirements, and we are working to resolve them.
7. I too would like to make acquisitions. We have the ability to do so, and continue to look at opportunities. Clearly businesses were we can reduce depot overhead always make more sense were available.
8. Like any PLC shareholders expect improve Earnings per share. As we deliver excess cash, and if we are not making acquistions one use of the cash would be reduce the number of shares.
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your responses to my points, to a couple more to add,
2. I take it the increase in KR Pvr will be the result of the Droitwich town services being operated out of there
6. I would personally like to see the last of the 'Go West Midlands liveried' Darts be withdrawn and possibly something done with the ex Swift 226 red Darts. I'd also quite like to see maybe one possibly two higher profile Diamond routes re-launched each year with new/nearly new buses i.e. 002 (the branded B7RLE/Centro's appear to becoming more & more unreliable and seem to spend quite a bit of time parked up in Tividale), maybe one the Sandwell 'Value' branded routes to coincide with NXWM's investment within Sandwell? Also, is there any possibility of the 57/58 being upgraded with new /nearly new buses in Redditch?
7. Is differences in valuations / price normally the main stumbling block on concluding a deal?
Clearly businesses where we can reduce depot overhead always make more sense were available. From this comment are you referring to businesses that could be absorbed it to existing Rotala depots as happened with Ludlows etc?
8. Doesn't reducing debt levels also improve earning per share through larger retained profits due to falling finance cost, increases in dividends, the stock market may re-value the groups shares due to falling debt levels/increases in nett asset values. Admittedly the earnings per share wouldn't increase as quickly as reducing the number of shares, but surely shareholders & the Group would benefit from reduced debt levels. Would it not also give Rotala scope for future bigger acquisitions if the right one came along? Or is it a case that debt finance costs are that low due to the current rate of interest that you would loose more on the extra corporation tax being paid on increased profits/against the savings you'd make of finance costs if debt was reduced by say £1 million etc?
Quote from: Winston on August 11, 2014, 03:48:42 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 11, 2014, 09:04:11 AM
In response to your points
1. I have a grasp of stock for new vehicles, and I am not concerned about second hand vehicles being snapped up.
2. Overall I understand that Redditch and Kidderminster PVR are static. Kidderminster is up by 2/3 and Reddtich is down by 2/3
3. 30002 will be used in the West Midlands upon return to service, so will be FJ57CYW, and YJ07JRU
4. 30302 is the white vehicle at Long Acre.
5. As you say the words used in the announcement is "low requirement for replacement vehicles", this doesnt mean we are not intending to do nothing.
6. I do believe the fleet is in good condition, like any fleet there is some revolving requirements, and we are working to resolve them.
7. I too would like to make acquisitions. We have the ability to do so, and continue to look at opportunities. Clearly businesses were we can reduce depot overhead always make more sense were available.
8. Like any PLC shareholders expect improve Earnings per share. As we deliver excess cash, and if we are not making acquistions one use of the cash would be reduce the number of shares.
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your responses to my points, to a couple more to add,
2. I take it the increase in KR Pvr will be the result of the Droitwich town services being operated out of there
6. I would personally like to see the last of the 'Go West Midlands liveried' Darts be withdrawn and possibly something done with the ex Swift 226 red Darts. I'd also quite like to see maybe one possibly two higher profile Diamond routes re-launched each year with new/nearly new buses i.e. 002 (the branded B7RLE/Centro's appear to becoming more & more unreliable and seem to spend quite a bit of time parked up in Tividale), maybe one the Sandwell 'Value' branded routes to coincide with NXWM's investment within Sandwell? Also, is there any possibility of the 57/58 being upgraded with new /nearly new buses in Redditch?
7. Is differences in valuations / price normally the main stumbling block on concluding a deal? Clearly businesses where we can reduce depot overhead always make more sense were available. From this comment are you referring to businesses that could be absorbed it to existing Rotala depots as happened with Ludlows etc?
8. Doesn't reducing debt levels also improve earning per share through larger retained profits due to falling finance cost, increases in dividends, the stock market may re-value the groups shares due to falling debt levels/increases in nett asset values. Admittedly the earnings per share wouldn't increase as quickly as reducing the number of shares, but surely shareholders & the Group would benefit from reduced debt levels. Would it not also give Rotala scope for future bigger acquisitions if the right one came along? Or is it a case that debt finance costs are that low due to the current rate of interest that you would loose more on the extra corporation tax being paid on increased profits/against the savings you'd make of finance costs if debt was reduced by say £1 million etc?
2. This is the main difference.
6. Over the last year we have modernise both the fleets in Redditch and Tividale, and we aim to continue to do so.
7. The main stumbling block is normally price, and yes Ludlows would be an example of a business which could be absorbed into existing Rotala depots.
8. Our current level of debt is at an acceptable level, and if you follow our underlying debt cost over the years from the PLC accounts it has continued to reduce. Yes, less debt will grow earnings but not materially.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 11, 2014, 05:13:52 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 11, 2014, 03:48:42 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 11, 2014, 09:04:11 AM
In response to your points
1. I have a grasp of stock for new vehicles, and I am not concerned about second hand vehicles being snapped up.
2. Overall I understand that Redditch and Kidderminster PVR are static. Kidderminster is up by 2/3 and Reddtich is down by 2/3
3. 30002 will be used in the West Midlands upon return to service, so will be FJ57CYW, and YJ07JRU
4. 30302 is the white vehicle at Long Acre.
5. As you say the words used in the announcement is "low requirement for replacement vehicles", this doesnt mean we are not intending to do nothing.
6. I do believe the fleet is in good condition, like any fleet there is some revolving requirements, and we are working to resolve them.
7. I too would like to make acquisitions. We have the ability to do so, and continue to look at opportunities. Clearly businesses were we can reduce depot overhead always make more sense were available.
8. Like any PLC shareholders expect improve Earnings per share. As we deliver excess cash, and if we are not making acquistions one use of the cash would be reduce the number of shares.
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your responses to my points, to a couple more to add,
2. I take it the increase in KR Pvr will be the result of the Droitwich town services being operated out of there
6. I would personally like to see the last of the 'Go West Midlands liveried' Darts be withdrawn and possibly something done with the ex Swift 226 red Darts. I'd also quite like to see maybe one possibly two higher profile Diamond routes re-launched each year with new/nearly new buses i.e. 002 (the branded B7RLE/Centro's appear to becoming more & more unreliable and seem to spend quite a bit of time parked up in Tividale), maybe one the Sandwell 'Value' branded routes to coincide with NXWM's investment within Sandwell? Also, is there any possibility of the 57/58 being upgraded with new /nearly new buses in Redditch?
7. Is differences in valuations / price normally the main stumbling block on concluding a deal? Clearly businesses where we can reduce depot overhead always make more sense were available. From this comment are you referring to businesses that could be absorbed it to existing Rotala depots as happened with Ludlows etc?
8. Doesn't reducing debt levels also improve earning per share through larger retained profits due to falling finance cost, increases in dividends, the stock market may re-value the groups shares due to falling debt levels/increases in nett asset values. Admittedly the earnings per share wouldn't increase as quickly as reducing the number of shares, but surely shareholders & the Group would benefit from reduced debt levels. Would it not also give Rotala scope for future bigger acquisitions if the right one came along? Or is it a case that debt finance costs are that low due to the current rate of interest that you would loose more on the extra corporation tax being paid on increased profits/against the savings you'd make of finance costs if debt was reduced by say £1 million etc?
2. This is the main difference.
6. Over the last year we have modernise both the fleets in Redditch and Tividale, and we aim to continue to do so.
7. The main stumbling block is normally price, and yes Ludlows would be an example of a business which could be absorbed into existing Rotala depots.
8. Our current level of debt is at an acceptable level, and if you follow our underlying debt cost over the years from the PLC accounts it has continued to reduce. Yes, less debt will grow earnings but not materially.
Thanks Simon,
6. I'm not disputing Rotala haven't modernized Redditch & Tividale fleets, but with both Redditch & Tividale other than the 5 x 63 plate DF Streelights & 4 x 13 plate B7RLE/Wright respectively, then ther's quite a big gap between those and next newest, i.e. the remainder of the front-line full size singles deckers are all of similar age i.e 07 / 57 / 08 / 58 & 09 (the earliest of which are getting close to midlife). Is it really not viable for Rotala to buy smaller quantities of new vehicles for Diamond on an annual basis, even if it was say just 10 each & every year and put the stock on to the highest earning routes/routes with most potential to grow patronage? Surely with all the new vehicle investment NX are putting on the roads of the West Midland by the end of 2015, Rotala may need to consider investing more as well?
7. Obviously if you could tempt any of he likes of Claribels / Hansons / Johnsons (bus only side) / Whittle's (bus side only) to join the Rotala fold, they would fit the desired criteria in the West Midlands, DeCourcey could provide the base that you have been searching for in Long Acre's Coventry / Solihull Signature work. I assume even Birmingham International Coaches would compliment the Flights Hallmark business. With Abus & Faresaver fitting the same criteria for Wessex region.
What's the matter with Wessex WF Streetlite MX60BWP?
Quote from: Winston
7. Obviously if you could tempt any of he likes of Claribels / Hansons / Johnsons (bus only side) / Whittle's (bus side only) to join the Rotala fold, they would fit the desired criteria in the West Midlands, DeCourcey could provide the base that you have been searching for in Long Acre's Coventry / Solihull Signature work. I assume even Birmingham International Coaches would compliment the Flights Hallmark business. With Abus & Faresaver fitting the same criteria for Wessex region.
I am HIGHLY in favour of Rotala purchasing Whittle's @Winston but it occurs to me that Rotala are either
a) digging they're heels in or
b) just aren't interested
Either one I don't have a clue but at least if they did I could finally get a job back with Diamond/Rotala
Quote from: Will on August 12, 2014, 03:15:04 PM
Quote from: Winston
7. Obviously if you could tempt any of he likes of Claribels / Hansons / Johnsons (bus only side) / Whittle's (bus side only) to join the Rotala fold, they would fit the desired criteria in the West Midlands, DeCourcey could provide the base that you have been searching for in Long Acre's Coventry / Solihull Signature work. I assume even Birmingham International Coaches would compliment the Flights Hallmark business. With Abus & Faresaver fitting the same criteria for Wessex region.
I am HIGHLY in favour of Rotala purchasing Whittle's @Winston but it occurs to me that Rotala are either
a) digging they're heels in or
b) just aren't interested
Either one I don't have a clue but at least if they did I could finally get a job back with Diamond/Rotala
You missed:
c) EYMS don't want to sell out
d) Competition issues may prevent Rotala from ever acquiring the Whittle's bus business if it became for sale
I thought you left your job @ Diamond KR?
Quote from: Winston on August 12, 2014, 04:26:49 PM
Quote from: Will on August 12, 2014, 03:15:04 PM
Quote from: Winston
7. Obviously if you could tempt any of he likes of Claribels / Hansons / Johnsons (bus only side) / Whittle's (bus side only) to join the Rotala fold, they would fit the desired criteria in the West Midlands, DeCourcey could provide the base that you have been searching for in Long Acre's Coventry / Solihull Signature work. I assume even Birmingham International Coaches would compliment the Flights Hallmark business. With Abus & Faresaver fitting the same criteria for Wessex region.
I am HIGHLY in favour of Rotala purchasing Whittle's @Winston but it occurs to me that Rotala are either
a) digging they're heels in or
b) just aren't interested
Either one I don't have a clue but at least if they did I could finally get a job back with Diamond/Rotala
You missed:
c) EYMS don't want to sell out
d) Competition issues may prevent Rotala from ever acquiring the Whittle's bus business if it became for sale
I thought you left your job @ Diamond KR?
Yes I did leave and now regretting it...
Quote from: Will on August 12, 2014, 04:31:16 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 12, 2014, 04:26:49 PM
Quote from: Will on August 12, 2014, 03:15:04 PM
Quote from: Winston
7. Obviously if you could tempt any of he likes of Claribels / Hansons / Johnsons (bus only side) / Whittle's (bus side only) to join the Rotala fold, they would fit the desired criteria in the West Midlands, DeCourcey could provide the base that you have been searching for in Long Acre's Coventry / Solihull Signature work. I assume even Birmingham International Coaches would compliment the Flights Hallmark business. With Abus & Faresaver fitting the same criteria for Wessex region.
I am HIGHLY in favour of Rotala purchasing Whittle's @Winston but it occurs to me that Rotala are either
a) digging they're heels in or
b) just aren't interested
Either one I don't have a clue but at least if they did I could finally get a job back with Diamond/Rotala
You missed:
c) EYMS don't want to sell out
d) Competition issues may prevent Rotala from ever acquiring the Whittle's bus business if it became for sale
I thought you left your job @ Diamond KR?
Yes I did leave and now regretting it...
Why? Weren't the hours long enough for you...........
Quote from: Liverpool Street on August 12, 2014, 06:46:59 PM
Quote from: Will on August 12, 2014, 04:31:16 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 12, 2014, 04:26:49 PM
Quote from: Will on August 12, 2014, 03:15:04 PM
Quote from: Winston
7. Obviously if you could tempt any of he likes of Claribels / Hansons / Johnsons (bus only side) / Whittle's (bus side only) to join the Rotala fold, they would fit the desired criteria in the West Midlands, DeCourcey could provide the base that you have been searching for in Long Acre's Coventry / Solihull Signature work. I assume even Birmingham International Coaches would compliment the Flights Hallmark business. With Abus & Faresaver fitting the same criteria for Wessex region.
I am HIGHLY in favour of Rotala purchasing Whittle's @Winston but it occurs to me that Rotala are either
a) digging they're heels in or
b) just aren't interested
Either one I don't have a clue but at least if they did I could finally get a job back with Diamond/Rotala
You missed:
c) EYMS don't want to sell out
d) Competition issues may prevent Rotala from ever acquiring the Whittle's bus business if it became for sale
I thought you left your job @ Diamond KR?
Yes I did leave and now regretting it...
Why? Weren't the hours long enough for you...........
No wasn't that the hours were perfect but I wasn't fast enough
Quote from: Will on August 12, 2014, 06:51:10 PM
Quote from: Liverpool Street on August 12, 2014, 06:46:59 PM
Quote from: Will on August 12, 2014, 04:31:16 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 12, 2014, 04:26:49 PM
Quote from: Will on August 12, 2014, 03:15:04 PM
Quote from: Winston
7. Obviously if you could tempt any of he likes of Claribels / Hansons / Johnsons (bus only side) / Whittle's (bus side only) to join the Rotala fold, they would fit the desired criteria in the West Midlands, DeCourcey could provide the base that you have been searching for in Long Acre's Coventry / Solihull Signature work. I assume even Birmingham International Coaches would compliment the Flights Hallmark business. With Abus & Faresaver fitting the same criteria for Wessex region.
I am HIGHLY in favour of Rotala purchasing Whittle's @Winston but it occurs to me that Rotala are either
a) digging they're heels in or
b) just aren't interested
Either one I don't have a clue but at least if they did I could finally get a job back with Diamond/Rotala
You missed:
c) EYMS don't want to sell out
d) Competition issues may prevent Rotala from ever acquiring the Whittle's bus business if it became for sale
I thought you left your job @ Diamond KR?
Yes I did leave and now regretting it...
Why? Weren't the hours long enough for you...........
No wasn't that the hours were perfect but I wasn't fast enough
Running time too tight I presume. Now why doesn't that surprise me! Screw these companies who care more about profits then safety and their workforce.
Quote from: Liverpool Street on August 12, 2014, 06:55:04 PM
Quote from: Will on August 12, 2014, 06:51:10 PM
Quote from: Liverpool Street on August 12, 2014, 06:46:59 PM
Quote from: Will on August 12, 2014, 04:31:16 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 12, 2014, 04:26:49 PM
Quote from: Will on August 12, 2014, 03:15:04 PM
Quote from: Winston
7. Obviously if you could tempt any of he likes of Claribels / Hansons / Johnsons (bus only side) / Whittle's (bus side only) to join the Rotala fold, they would fit the desired criteria in the West Midlands, DeCourcey could provide the base that you have been searching for in Long Acre's Coventry / Solihull Signature work. I assume even Birmingham International Coaches would compliment the Flights Hallmark business. With Abus & Faresaver fitting the same criteria for Wessex region.
I am HIGHLY in favour of Rotala purchasing Whittle's @Winston but it occurs to me that Rotala are either
a) digging they're heels in or
b) just aren't interested
Either one I don't have a clue but at least if they did I could finally get a job back with Diamond/Rotala
You missed:
c) EYMS don't want to sell out
d) Competition issues may prevent Rotala from ever acquiring the Whittle's bus business if it became for sale
I thought you left your job @ Diamond KR?
Yes I did leave and now regretting it...
Why? Weren't the hours long enough for you...........
No wasn't that the hours were perfect but I wasn't fast enough
Running time too tight I presume. Now why doesn't that surprise me! Screw these companies who care more about profits then safety and their workforce.
Oh I wasn't a driver I was fueller & shunter and I'm trying desprately to go back but Bob Baker has said no :(
Hi Simon,
I've replied to your earlier replies on pg 68, just in case it's gets lost in between Will & LS's hijacking your thread ::)
(This message will self destruct......)
Quote from: Winston on August 12, 2014, 09:13:53 PM
Hi Simon,
I've replied to your earlier replies on pg 68, just in case it's gets lost in between Will & LS's hijacking your thread ::)
(This message will self destruct......)
Meh. My point still stands. ;) Topic Derailment Continues...
Quote from: Winston on August 12, 2014, 02:59:51 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 11, 2014, 05:13:52 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 11, 2014, 03:48:42 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 11, 2014, 09:04:11 AM
In response to your points
1. I have a grasp of stock for new vehicles, and I am not concerned about second hand vehicles being snapped up.
2. Overall I understand that Redditch and Kidderminster PVR are static. Kidderminster is up by 2/3 and Reddtich is down by 2/3
3. 30002 will be used in the West Midlands upon return to service, so will be FJ57CYW, and YJ07JRU
4. 30302 is the white vehicle at Long Acre.
5. As you say the words used in the announcement is "low requirement for replacement vehicles", this doesnt mean we are not intending to do nothing.
6. I do believe the fleet is in good condition, like any fleet there is some revolving requirements, and we are working to resolve them.
7. I too would like to make acquisitions. We have the ability to do so, and continue to look at opportunities. Clearly businesses were we can reduce depot overhead always make more sense were available.
8. Like any PLC shareholders expect improve Earnings per share. As we deliver excess cash, and if we are not making acquistions one use of the cash would be reduce the number of shares.
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your responses to my points, to a couple more to add,
2. I take it the increase in KR Pvr will be the result of the Droitwich town services being operated out of there
6. I would personally like to see the last of the 'Go West Midlands liveried' Darts be withdrawn and possibly something done with the ex Swift 226 red Darts. I'd also quite like to see maybe one possibly two higher profile Diamond routes re-launched each year with new/nearly new buses i.e. 002 (the branded B7RLE/Centro's appear to becoming more & more unreliable and seem to spend quite a bit of time parked up in Tividale), maybe one the Sandwell 'Value' branded routes to coincide with NXWM's investment within Sandwell? Also, is there any possibility of the 57/58 being upgraded with new /nearly new buses in Redditch?
7. Is differences in valuations / price normally the main stumbling block on concluding a deal? Clearly businesses where we can reduce depot overhead always make more sense were available. From this comment are you referring to businesses that could be absorbed it to existing Rotala depots as happened with Ludlows etc?
8. Doesn't reducing debt levels also improve earning per share through larger retained profits due to falling finance cost, increases in dividends, the stock market may re-value the groups shares due to falling debt levels/increases in nett asset values. Admittedly the earnings per share wouldn't increase as quickly as reducing the number of shares, but surely shareholders & the Group would benefit from reduced debt levels. Would it not also give Rotala scope for future bigger acquisitions if the right one came along? Or is it a case that debt finance costs are that low due to the current rate of interest that you would loose more on the extra corporation tax being paid on increased profits/against the savings you'd make of finance costs if debt was reduced by say £1 million etc?
2. This is the main difference.
6. Over the last year we have modernise both the fleets in Redditch and Tividale, and we aim to continue to do so.
7. The main stumbling block is normally price, and yes Ludlows would be an example of a business which could be absorbed into existing Rotala depots.
8. Our current level of debt is at an acceptable level, and if you follow our underlying debt cost over the years from the PLC accounts it has continued to reduce. Yes, less debt will grow earnings but not materially.
Thanks Simon,
6. I'm not disputing Rotala haven't modernized Redditch & Tividale fleets, but with both Redditch & Tividale other than the 5 x 63 plate DF Streelights & 4 x 13 plate B7RLE/Wright respectively, then ther's quite a big gap between those and next newest, i.e. the remainder of the front-line full size singles deckers are all of similar age i.e 07 / 57 / 08 / 58 & 09 (the earliest of which are getting close to midlife). Is it really not viable for Rotala to buy smaller quantities of new vehicles for Diamond on an annual basis, even if it was say just 10 each & every year and put the stock on to the highest earning routes/routes with most potential to grow patronage? Surely with all the new vehicle investment NX are putting on the roads of the West Midland by the end of 2015, Rotala may need to consider investing more as well?
7. Obviously if you could tempt any of he likes of Claribels / Hansons / Johnsons (bus only side) / Whittle's (bus side only) to join the Rotala fold, they would fit the desired criteria in the West Midlands, DeCourcey could provide the base that you have been searching for in Long Acre's Coventry / Solihull Signature work. I assume even Birmingham International Coaches would compliment the Flights Hallmark business. With Abus & Faresaver fitting the same criteria for Wessex region.
What's the matter with Wessex WF Streetlite MX60BWP?
I agree we need to have a look at on going renewal were appropriate. Obviously a chunk of our West Midlands Business is for supported contracts. In these circumstances it is difficult to commit to long term investment
With regards other operators it would be wrong for me to comment any further
Why does one of your drivers regularly wear the green bus uniform on 142
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 13, 2014, 07:31:35 AM
Quote from: Winston on August 12, 2014, 02:59:51 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 11, 2014, 05:13:52 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 11, 2014, 03:48:42 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 11, 2014, 09:04:11 AM
In response to your points
1. I have a grasp of stock for new vehicles, and I am not concerned about second hand vehicles being snapped up.
2. Overall I understand that Redditch and Kidderminster PVR are static. Kidderminster is up by 2/3 and Reddtich is down by 2/3
3. 30002 will be used in the West Midlands upon return to service, so will be FJ57CYW, and YJ07JRU
4. 30302 is the white vehicle at Long Acre.
5. As you say the words used in the announcement is "low requirement for replacement vehicles", this doesnt mean we are not intending to do nothing.
6. I do believe the fleet is in good condition, like any fleet there is some revolving requirements, and we are working to resolve them.
7. I too would like to make acquisitions. We have the ability to do so, and continue to look at opportunities. Clearly businesses were we can reduce depot overhead always make more sense were available.
8. Like any PLC shareholders expect improve Earnings per share. As we deliver excess cash, and if we are not making acquistions one use of the cash would be reduce the number of shares.
Hi Simon,
Many thanks for your responses to my points, to a couple more to add,
2. I take it the increase in KR Pvr will be the result of the Droitwich town services being operated out of there
6. I would personally like to see the last of the 'Go West Midlands liveried' Darts be withdrawn and possibly something done with the ex Swift 226 red Darts. I'd also quite like to see maybe one possibly two higher profile Diamond routes re-launched each year with new/nearly new buses i.e. 002 (the branded B7RLE/Centro's appear to becoming more & more unreliable and seem to spend quite a bit of time parked up in Tividale), maybe one the Sandwell 'Value' branded routes to coincide with NXWM's investment within Sandwell? Also, is there any possibility of the 57/58 being upgraded with new /nearly new buses in Redditch?
7. Is differences in valuations / price normally the main stumbling block on concluding a deal? Clearly businesses where we can reduce depot overhead always make more sense were available. From this comment are you referring to businesses that could be absorbed it to existing Rotala depots as happened with Ludlows etc?
8. Doesn't reducing debt levels also improve earning per share through larger retained profits due to falling finance cost, increases in dividends, the stock market may re-value the groups shares due to falling debt levels/increases in nett asset values. Admittedly the earnings per share wouldn't increase as quickly as reducing the number of shares, but surely shareholders & the Group would benefit from reduced debt levels. Would it not also give Rotala scope for future bigger acquisitions if the right one came along? Or is it a case that debt finance costs are that low due to the current rate of interest that you would loose more on the extra corporation tax being paid on increased profits/against the savings you'd make of finance costs if debt was reduced by say £1 million etc?
2. This is the main difference.
6. Over the last year we have modernise both the fleets in Redditch and Tividale, and we aim to continue to do so.
7. The main stumbling block is normally price, and yes Ludlows would be an example of a business which could be absorbed into existing Rotala depots.
8. Our current level of debt is at an acceptable level, and if you follow our underlying debt cost over the years from the PLC accounts it has continued to reduce. Yes, less debt will grow earnings but not materially.
Thanks Simon,
6. I'm not disputing Rotala haven't modernized Redditch & Tividale fleets, but with both Redditch & Tividale other than the 5 x 63 plate DF Streelights & 4 x 13 plate B7RLE/Wright respectively, then ther's quite a big gap between those and next newest, i.e. the remainder of the front-line full size singles deckers are all of similar age i.e 07 / 57 / 08 / 58 & 09 (the earliest of which are getting close to midlife). Is it really not viable for Rotala to buy smaller quantities of new vehicles for Diamond on an annual basis, even if it was say just 10 each & every year and put the stock on to the highest earning routes/routes with most potential to grow patronage? Surely with all the new vehicle investment NX are putting on the roads of the West Midland by the end of 2015, Rotala may need to consider investing more as well?
7. Obviously if you could tempt any of he likes of Claribels / Hansons / Johnsons (bus only side) / Whittle's (bus side only) to join the Rotala fold, they would fit the desired criteria in the West Midlands, DeCourcey could provide the base that you have been searching for in Long Acre's Coventry / Solihull Signature work. I assume even Birmingham International Coaches would compliment the Flights Hallmark business. With Abus & Faresaver fitting the same criteria for Wessex region.
What's the matter with Wessex WF Streetlite MX60BWP?
I agree we need to have a look at on going renewal were appropriate. Obviously a chunk of our West Midlands Business is for supported contracts. In these circumstances it is difficult to commit to long term investment
With regards other operators it would be wrong for me to comment any further
Obviously Tividale once had the 10/60 plate MAN/MCV's & the 12 plate Versa Hybrids which would have bridged the gap between the 13 plate B7RLE/Wight & the 09 plate Royales, but those were either sold/transferred without like for like replacements. I appreciate that tendered work doesn't support new vehicles, I was thinking more along the lines of core/higher frequency Diamond commercial routes such as the 002, 4, 42A/C, 56, 57/58, 301, Solihull Signature Work etc, that I assume could support new / newer vehicles.
Personally, I think both Diamond & Preston Bus would benefit from regular annual new vehicle investment, even if it was just one route being re-launch per year with new vehicles, this should help spread out capital expenditure out over the longer term / supplemented by used vehicle acquisitions. Wessex & Heathrow new vehicle requirements appear to be more dictated by contractual requirements.
I didn't expect you to be able comment on my acquisition suggestions, that was just me thinking out loud. I'm sure you are well aware of all possibilities.
Thanks for all your replies. I'll leave you in peace now!
Probably not of interest, Hatts Coaches auction of Bus & Coach assets
Hi Simon,
Re: The Worcestershire area service changes, could you please clarify the following:
Extract from Diamond website 2L - Kidderminster to Ludlow. Replaces the former 292 with increased half hourly service. That suggests that the 2L is being increased in frequency to half hourly, where the timetable on the WCC website from 1st Sept suggests that the 2L is being reduced in frequency to approx every 1 hr 30mins - Could you please clarify.
141/145 - These services were cancelled by Diamond via VOSA during July, however they are missing off this list of cancellations/to be operated by another operator or have Diamonds plans since changed?
149 - Could you please confirm the line of route that the 149 will take i.e. via Main Roads at per First 144A or via Stoke Heath as current 141?
Extract from Diamond website 247 - Redditch to Evesham. New timetable changes and now some shorter journeys to Alcester.* Are these shorter journeys 'additional' or are some existing journeys cut short to Alcester?
Quote from: Winston on August 20, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
Hi Simon,
Re: The Worcestershire area service changes, could you please clarify the following:
Extract from Diamond website 2L - Kidderminster to Ludlow. Replaces the former 292 with increased half hourly service. That suggests that the 2L is being increased in frequency to half hourly, where the timetable on the WCC website from 1st Sept suggests that the 2L is being reduced in frequency to approx every 1 hr 30mins - Could you please clarify.
141/145 - These services were cancelled by Diamond via VOSA during July, however they are missing off this list of cancellations/to be operated by another operator or have Diamonds plans since changed?
149 - Could you please confirm the line of route that the 149 will take i.e. via Main Roads at per First 144A or via Stoke Heath as current 141?
Extract from Diamond website 247 - Redditch to Evesham. New timetable changes and now some shorter journeys to Alcester.* Are these shorter journeys 'additional' or are some existing journeys cut short to Alcester?
diamond site now show the 2l as being every 90 mins
Quote from: bowler on August 20, 2014, 07:19:56 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 20, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
Hi Simon,
Re: The Worcestershire area service changes, could you please clarify the following:
Extract from Diamond website 2L - Kidderminster to Ludlow. Replaces the former 292 with increased half hourly service. That suggests that the 2L is being increased in frequency to half hourly, where the timetable on the WCC website from 1st Sept suggests that the 2L is being reduced in frequency to approx every 1 hr 30mins - Could you please clarify.
141/145 - These services were cancelled by Diamond via VOSA during July, however they are missing off this list of cancellations/to be operated by another operator or have Diamonds plans since changed?
149 - Could you please confirm the line of route that the 149 will take i.e. via Main Roads at per First 144A or via Stoke Heath as current 141?
Extract from Diamond website 247 - Redditch to Evesham. New timetable changes and now some shorter journeys to Alcester.* Are these shorter journeys 'additional' or are some existing journeys cut short to Alcester?
diamond site now show the 2l as being every 90 mins
Thanks Bowler, I noticed it has been updated since I posted the above
Hi Simon, in this week's notices and proceedings there is both an alteration and a cancellation for service 226. Can you confirm what is to be happening to it?
Hi Simon,
Have diamond thought about introducing a cheaper ticket on market days on the 16 to win passengers?
Hi Simon,
Some further questions from me:
1. What is happening regarding the new Droitwich town services that were cancelled via VOSA from 4th Sept. Are they still being operated / or is it an admin error etc?
2. Can you confirm the changes being made to the 226 timetable (as there are the two conflicting registrations entered on VOSA), additionally will the route be reverting back to MPD's rather than the newer Solo's?
3. Will W904JNF be re-instated once repaired? seeing it has only recently returned to service rebuilt
4. What plans do Rotala have for the 2 ex Stagecoach Dart/ALX200's given that they don't appear to be DDA compliant but have been given fleetnumbers?
5. As suggested on the forum, would it be a viable option for Diamond to consider taking on the 326 commercially following the loss of the Centro contract? Given that it is operated at a half hourly frequency rather than hourly as most other tendered routes
6. Have there been any further developments regarding vehicle sales or any possibility of any additional larger vehicles being acquired to replace the Cadets at Tividale & anything else which has been sold?
7. Have Diamond considered the possibility of replacing Whittle's 125 hourly journey's that have been cut between Kidderminster & Stourbridge to link in with Diamond WM services? I may as provide a means of getting 142 buses back from Stourbidge to KR depot in service. With Xmas fast approaching a service between Kidderminster & Merry Hill via Stourbridge may also be worth consideration.
8. Are there any plans to change the balance of contracted work at Wessex in favour of more commercial work? At present First Bristol appear to be intent on pushing Wessex off certain tendered routes by taking them on commercially, the 178/179 being the latest examples from early Nov. In additional, First have substantially increased their presence serving UWE campuses and will no doubt bid aggressively for any future Park & Ride routes & possibly the UWE contract as/when they come up for tender.
9. Were the recent Heathrow Airport elements of TGM recently sold by Arriva of interest to Rotala?
Thanks in advance and I look forward to your replies,
Quote from: Winston on September 12, 2014, 10:44:49 AM
Hi Simon,
Some further questions from me:
1. What is happening regarding the new Droitwich town services that were cancelled via VOSA from 4th Sept. Are they still being operated / or is it an admin error etc?
2. Can you confirm the changes being made to the 226 timetable (as there are the two conflicting registrations entered on VOSA), additionally will the route be reverting back to MPD's rather than the newer Solo's?
3. Will W904JNF be re-instated once repaired? seeing it has only recently returned to service rebuilt
4. What plans do Rotala have for the 2 ex Stagecoach Dart/ALX200's given that they don't appear to be DDA compliant but have been given fleetnumbers?
5. As suggested on the forum, would it be a viable option for Diamond to consider taking on the 326 commercially following the loss of the Centro contract? Given that it is operated at a half hourly frequency rather than hourly as most other tendered routes
6. Have there been any further developments regarding vehicle sales or any possibility of any additional larger vehicles being acquired to replace the Cadets at Tividale & anything else which has been sold?
7. Have Diamond considered the possibility of replacing Whittle's 125 hourly journey's that have been cut between Kidderminster & Stourbridge to link in with Diamond WM services? I may as provide a means of getting 142 buses back from Stourbidge to KR depot in service. With Xmas fast approaching a service between Kidderminster & Merry Hill via Stourbridge may also be worth consideration.
8. Are there any plans to change the balance of contracted work at Wessex in favour of more commercial work? At present First Bristol appear to be intent on pushing Wessex off certain tendered routes by taking them on commercially, the 178/179 being the latest examples from early Nov. In additional, First have substantially increased their presence serving UWE campuses and will no doubt bid aggressively for any future Park & Ride routes & possibly the UWE contract as/when they come up for tender.
9. Were the recent Heathrow Airport elements of TGM recently sold by Arriva of interest to Rotala?
Thanks in advance and I look forward to your replies,
Winston think it was a addmin error as diamond are still on the today 133
Quote from: Winston on September 12, 2014, 10:44:49 AM
Hi Simon,
Some further questions from me:
1. What is happening regarding the new Droitwich town services that were cancelled via VOSA from 4th Sept. Are they still being operated / or is it an admin error etc?
2. Can you confirm the changes being made to the 226 timetable (as there are the two conflicting registrations entered on VOSA), additionally will the route be reverting back to MPD's rather than the newer Solo's?
3. Will W904JNF be re-instated once repaired? seeing it has only recently returned to service rebuilt
4. What plans do Rotala have for the 2 ex Stagecoach Dart/ALX200's given that they don't appear to be DDA compliant but have been given fleetnumbers?
5. As suggested on the forum, would it be a viable option for Diamond to consider taking on the 326 commercially following the loss of the Centro contract? Given that it is operated at a half hourly frequency rather than hourly as most other tendered routes
6. Have there been any further developments regarding vehicle sales or any possibility of any additional larger vehicles being acquired to replace the Cadets at Tividale & anything else which has been sold?
7. Have Diamond considered the possibility of replacing Whittle's 125 hourly journey's that have been cut between Kidderminster & Stourbridge to link in with Diamond WM services? I may as provide a means of getting 142 buses back from Stourbidge to KR depot in service. With Xmas fast approaching a service between Kidderminster & Merry Hill via Stourbridge may also be worth consideration.
8. Are there any plans to change the balance of contracted work at Wessex in favour of more commercial work? At present First Bristol appear to be intent on pushing Wessex off certain tendered routes by taking them on commercially, the 178/179 being the latest examples from early Nov. In additional, First have substantially increased their presence serving UWE campuses and will no doubt bid aggressively for any future Park & Ride routes & possibly the UWE contract as/when they come up for tender.
9. Were the recent Heathrow Airport elements of TGM recently sold by Arriva of interest to Rotala?
Thanks in advance and I look forward to your replies,
I think I may be able to answer question (3); (Simon, I hope you don't mind and please do correct me if I am wrong)
From what source(s) have told me 30904 won't be returning to service at KD (or elsewhere) for the time being.
Quote from: Winston on September 12, 2014, 10:44:49 AM
Hi Simon,
Some further questions from me:
1. What is happening regarding the new Droitwich town services that were cancelled via VOSA from 4th Sept. Are they still being operated / or is it an admin error etc?
2. Can you confirm the changes being made to the 226 timetable (as there are the two conflicting registrations entered on VOSA), additionally will the route be reverting back to MPD's rather than the newer Solo's?
3. Will W904JNF be re-instated once repaired? seeing it has only recently returned to service rebuilt
4. What plans do Rotala have for the 2 ex Stagecoach Dart/ALX200's given that they don't appear to be DDA compliant but have been given fleetnumbers?
5. As suggested on the forum, would it be a viable option for Diamond to consider taking on the 326 commercially following the loss of the Centro contract? Given that it is operated at a half hourly frequency rather than hourly as most other tendered routes
6. Have there been any further developments regarding vehicle sales or any possibility of any additional larger vehicles being acquired to replace the Cadets at Tividale & anything else which has been sold?
7. Have Diamond considered the possibility of replacing Whittle's 125 hourly journey's that have been cut between Kidderminster & Stourbridge to link in with Diamond WM services? I may as provide a means of getting 142 buses back from Stourbidge to KR depot in service. With Xmas fast approaching a service between Kidderminster & Merry Hill via Stourbridge may also be worth consideration.
8. Are there any plans to change the balance of contracted work at Wessex in favour of more commercial work? At present First Bristol appear to be intent on pushing Wessex off certain tendered routes by taking them on commercially, the 178/179 being the latest examples from early Nov. In additional, First have substantially increased their presence serving UWE campuses and will no doubt bid aggressively for any future Park & Ride routes & possibly the UWE contract as/when they come up for tender.
9. Were the recent Heathrow Airport elements of TGM recently sold by Arriva of interest to Rotala?
Thanks in advance and I look forward to your replies,
Sorry for the delay in response.
1. I understand this is a VOSA error and should be corrected now.
2. We are trialling different vehicles on the 226, to see what performs the best. In respect of the registration it is the removal of the subsidised journeys
3. Will is correct
4. They will be DDA compliant
5. No.
6. There has been no more actual sales
7. No we haven't
8. By default, the balance is changing. I would rather not say anything else at this point.
9. We would have been interested if it was offered to us.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 19, 2014, 09:55:49 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 12, 2014, 10:44:49 AM
Hi Simon,
Some further questions from me:
1. What is happening regarding the new Droitwich town services that were cancelled via VOSA from 4th Sept. Are they still being operated / or is it an admin error etc?
2. Can you confirm the changes being made to the 226 timetable (as there are the two conflicting registrations entered on VOSA), additionally will the route be reverting back to MPD's rather than the newer Solo's?
3. Will W904JNF be re-instated once repaired? seeing it has only recently returned to service rebuilt
4. What plans do Rotala have for the 2 ex Stagecoach Dart/ALX200's given that they don't appear to be DDA compliant but have been given fleetnumbers?
5. As suggested on the forum, would it be a viable option for Diamond to consider taking on the 326 commercially following the loss of the Centro contract? Given that it is operated at a half hourly frequency rather than hourly as most other tendered routes
6. Have there been any further developments regarding vehicle sales or any possibility of any additional larger vehicles being acquired to replace the Cadets at Tividale & anything else which has been sold?
7. Have Diamond considered the possibility of replacing Whittle's 125 hourly journey's that have been cut between Kidderminster & Stourbridge to link in with Diamond WM services? I may as provide a means of getting 142 buses back from Stourbidge to KR depot in service. With Xmas fast approaching a service between Kidderminster & Merry Hill via Stourbridge may also be worth consideration.
8. Are there any plans to change the balance of contracted work at Wessex in favour of more commercial work? At present First Bristol appear to be intent on pushing Wessex off certain tendered routes by taking them on commercially, the 178/179 being the latest examples from early Nov. In additional, First have substantially increased their presence serving UWE campuses and will no doubt bid aggressively for any future Park & Ride routes & possibly the UWE contract as/when they come up for tender.
9. Were the recent Heathrow Airport elements of TGM recently sold by Arriva of interest to Rotala?
Thanks in advance and I look forward to your replies,
Sorry for the delay in response.
1. I understand this is a VOSA error and should be corrected now.
2. We are trialling different vehicles on the 226, to see what performs the best. In respect of the registration it is the removal of the subsidised journeys
3. Will is correct
4. They will be DDA compliant
5. No.
6. There has been no more actual sales
7. No we haven't
8. By default, the balance is changing. I would rather not say anything else at this point.
9. We would have been interested if it was offered to us.
Simon, no problem, thanks for your replies as always!
8. Here's a First Bristol route that may be worth considering targeting with a new commercial service?
Quote from: Winston on September 19, 2014, 10:29:07 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 19, 2014, 09:55:49 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 12, 2014, 10:44:49 AM
Hi Simon,
Some further questions from me:
1. What is happening regarding the new Droitwich town services that were cancelled via VOSA from 4th Sept. Are they still being operated / or is it an admin error etc?
2. Can you confirm the changes being made to the 226 timetable (as there are the two conflicting registrations entered on VOSA), additionally will the route be reverting back to MPD's rather than the newer Solo's?
3. Will W904JNF be re-instated once repaired? seeing it has only recently returned to service rebuilt
4. What plans do Rotala have for the 2 ex Stagecoach Dart/ALX200's given that they don't appear to be DDA compliant but have been given fleetnumbers?
5. As suggested on the forum, would it be a viable option for Diamond to consider taking on the 326 commercially following the loss of the Centro contract? Given that it is operated at a half hourly frequency rather than hourly as most other tendered routes
6. Have there been any further developments regarding vehicle sales or any possibility of any additional larger vehicles being acquired to replace the Cadets at Tividale & anything else which has been sold?
7. Have Diamond considered the possibility of replacing Whittle's 125 hourly journey's that have been cut between Kidderminster & Stourbridge to link in with Diamond WM services? I may as provide a means of getting 142 buses back from Stourbidge to KR depot in service. With Xmas fast approaching a service between Kidderminster & Merry Hill via Stourbridge may also be worth consideration.
8. Are there any plans to change the balance of contracted work at Wessex in favour of more commercial work? At present First Bristol appear to be intent on pushing Wessex off certain tendered routes by taking them on commercially, the 178/179 being the latest examples from early Nov. In additional, First have substantially increased their presence serving UWE campuses and will no doubt bid aggressively for any future Park & Ride routes & possibly the UWE contract as/when they come up for tender.
9. Were the recent Heathrow Airport elements of TGM recently sold by Arriva of interest to Rotala?
Thanks in advance and I look forward to your replies,
Sorry for the delay in response.
1. I understand this is a VOSA error and should be corrected now.
2. We are trialling different vehicles on the 226, to see what performs the best. In respect of the registration it is the removal of the subsidised journeys
3. Will is correct
4. They will be DDA compliant
5. No.
6. There has been no more actual sales
7. No we haven't
8. By default, the balance is changing. I would rather not say anything else at this point.
9. We would have been interested if it was offered to us.
Simon, no problem, thanks for your replies as always!
8. Here's a First Bristol route that may be worth considering targeting with a new commercial service?
Up to 2010, the 18 was part of the 517/8 service which was a subsidised contract provided by Bristol City Council. Up until the tender round, we operated the route. Post tender, South Gloucestershire County Council tendered the 18, and Bristol tendered the 501/502, which was 2 halfs of the route. The route ran from one side of Bristol to the other, and was really unreliable.
None of these services are commercially viable.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 19, 2014, 10:36:17 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 19, 2014, 10:29:07 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 19, 2014, 09:55:49 AM
Quote from: Winston on September 12, 2014, 10:44:49 AM
Hi Simon,
Some further questions from me:
1. What is happening regarding the new Droitwich town services that were cancelled via VOSA from 4th Sept. Are they still being operated / or is it an admin error etc?
2. Can you confirm the changes being made to the 226 timetable (as there are the two conflicting registrations entered on VOSA), additionally will the route be reverting back to MPD's rather than the newer Solo's?
3. Will W904JNF be re-instated once repaired? seeing it has only recently returned to service rebuilt
4. What plans do Rotala have for the 2 ex Stagecoach Dart/ALX200's given that they don't appear to be DDA compliant but have been given fleetnumbers?
5. As suggested on the forum, would it be a viable option for Diamond to consider taking on the 326 commercially following the loss of the Centro contract? Given that it is operated at a half hourly frequency rather than hourly as most other tendered routes
6. Have there been any further developments regarding vehicle sales or any possibility of any additional larger vehicles being acquired to replace the Cadets at Tividale & anything else which has been sold?
7. Have Diamond considered the possibility of replacing Whittle's 125 hourly journey's that have been cut between Kidderminster & Stourbridge to link in with Diamond WM services? I may as provide a means of getting 142 buses back from Stourbidge to KR depot in service. With Xmas fast approaching a service between Kidderminster & Merry Hill via Stourbridge may also be worth consideration.
8. Are there any plans to change the balance of contracted work at Wessex in favour of more commercial work? At present First Bristol appear to be intent on pushing Wessex off certain tendered routes by taking them on commercially, the 178/179 being the latest examples from early Nov. In additional, First have substantially increased their presence serving UWE campuses and will no doubt bid aggressively for any future Park & Ride routes & possibly the UWE contract as/when they come up for tender.
9. Were the recent Heathrow Airport elements of TGM recently sold by Arriva of interest to Rotala?
Thanks in advance and I look forward to your replies,
Sorry for the delay in response.
1. I understand this is a VOSA error and should be corrected now.
2. We are trialling different vehicles on the 226, to see what performs the best. In respect of the registration it is the removal of the subsidised journeys
3. Will is correct
4. They will be DDA compliant
5. No.
6. There has been no more actual sales
7. No we haven't
8. By default, the balance is changing. I would rather not say anything else at this point.
9. We would have been interested if it was offered to us.
Simon, no problem, thanks for your replies as always!
8. Here's a First Bristol route that may be worth considering targeting with a new commercial service?
Up to 2010, the 18 was part of the 517/8 service which was a subsidised contract provided by Bristol City Council. Up until the tender round, we operated the route. Post tender, South Gloucestershire County Council tendered the 18, and Bristol tendered the 501/502, which was 2 halfs of the route. The route ran from one side of Bristol to the other, and was really unreliable.
None of these services are commercially viable.
Fair enough, I'm not that familiar with First Bristol services but though it was worth a mention
Hi Simon,
Few questions from me
1) Do you have any intentions to reinstate (30378, S378 TMB); (31495, S405 TMB) into service at Kidderminster?
2) When do you intend to withdraw all the MPD's from Kidderminster and then once that's been completed where will they all go to?
3) Will you be transferring any Centro's; Volvo's or Cadets to Kidderminster?
4) I was told by a source that some more routes are being moved over to Kidderminster from Tividale in around October can you confirm what these are to be?
5) Are W901/W903 JNF still being reinstated at Kidderminster if so when? Also will that include the transfer of 30902 (W902 JNF) from Redditch to Kidderminster?
6) What is happening with 20503 (T71 JBA) is that going to be reinstated anywhere (i.e. Tividale; Long Acre; Redditch) at any point or is it indefinitely withdrawn? I assume if it's the latter I gather it will be scrapped/sold?
As always I look foward to your replies.
Do you know what is wrong at Kidderminster buses on several routes have not turned up at different times.
I know two services that this has happened on that is the 1 and the 2/2L . is there a shortage of vechicles or
drivers .
Quote from: Will on September 19, 2014, 10:59:20 AM
2) Where has 30388 (V388 SVV) gone? As I haven't seen it in service in KD for 2/3 weeks
7) What is happening with 20503 (T71 JBA) is that going to be reinstated anywhere (i.e. Tividale; Long Acre; Redditch) at any point or is it indefinitely withdrawn?
V388 SVV has been in service this week.
I think Simon has previously said T71 JBA was withdrawn for eventual sale.
Quote from: Will on September 19, 2014, 10:59:20 AM
Hi Simon,
Few questions from me
1) Do you have any intentions to reinstate (30378, S378 TMB); (31495, S405 TMB) into service at Kidderminster?
2) When do you intend to withdraw all the MPD's from Kidderminster and then once that's been completed where will they all go to?
3) Will you be transferring any Centro's; Volvo's or Cadets to Kidderminster?
4) I was told by a source that some more routes are being moved over to Kidderminster from Tividale in around October can you confirm what these are to be?
5) Are W901/W903 JNF still being reinstated at Kidderminster if so when? Also will that include the transfer of 30902 (W902 JNF) from Redditch to Kidderminster?
6) What is happening with 20503 (T71 JBA) is that going to be reinstated anywhere (i.e. Tividale; Long Acre; Redditch) at any point or is it indefinitely withdrawn? I assume if it's the latter I gather it will be scrapped/sold?
As always I look foward to your replies.
1. No we don't.
2. We are actively trying to sell them. We will withdraw some when the 2 x ExStagecoach buses are done
3. There is no intention to at present.
4. No.
5. We have not planned to do so.
6. It is currently for sale
Quote from: Ced on September 21, 2014, 12:44:39 PM
Do you know what is wrong at Kidderminster buses on several routes have not turned up at different times.
I know two services that this has happened on that is the 1 and the 2/2L . is there a shortage of vechicles or
drivers .
From the information I receive, I am not aware of any problems.
Do you have any specific dates/times/routes?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 22, 2014, 06:52:29 AM
Quote from: Ced on September 21, 2014, 12:44:39 PM
Do you know what is wrong at Kidderminster buses on several routes have not turned up at different times.
I know two services that this has happened on that is the 1 and the 2/2L . is there a shortage of vechicles or
drivers .
From the information I receive, I am not aware of any problems.
Do you have any specific dates/times/routes?
Friday on the 1 1.20pm and Friday and Saturday on the 1 the 6 pm ,and Saturday on the 2 the 17.10 pm
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 22, 2014, 06:51:07 AM
Quote from: Will on September 19, 2014, 10:59:20 AM
Hi Simon,
Few questions from me
1) Do you have any intentions to reinstate (30378, S378 TMB); (31495, S405 TMB) into service at Kidderminster?
2) When do you intend to withdraw all the MPD's from Kidderminster and then once that's been completed where will they all go to?
3) Will you be transferring any Centro's; Volvo's or Cadets to Kidderminster?
4) I was told by a source that some more routes are being moved over to Kidderminster from Tividale in around October can you confirm what these are to be?
5) Are W901/W903 JNF still being reinstated at Kidderminster if so when? Also will that include the transfer of 30902 (W902 JNF) from Redditch to Kidderminster?
6) What is happening with 20503 (T71 JBA) is that going to be reinstated anywhere (i.e. Tividale; Long Acre; Redditch) at any point or is it indefinitely withdrawn? I assume if it's the latter I gather it will be scrapped/sold?
As always I look foward to your replies.
1. No we don't.
2. We are actively trying to sell them. We will withdraw some when the 2 x ExStagecoach buses are done
3. There is no intention to at present.
4. No.
5. We have not planned to do so.
6. It is currently for sale
2. Aren't V-reg Darts @ 15 years old already a bit old to be converting to DDA compliant for further service? Are Rotala intending to buy more of these or are these two a one off?
2. Aren't V-reg Darts @ 15 years old already a bit old to be converting to DDA compliant for further service? Are Rotala intending to buy more of these or are these two a one off?
I couldn't agree with you more they are old & they'll probably only be in use at Kidderminster for probably 12 months and then they will be withdrawn....
Hi Simon
Just a couple of quick questions from me:
1) Do you intend to sell the 02 plate VDL SB120/Wright Cadets? Do you also plan to sell the X and 55 plate ones?
2) You mention MPDs from KR being for sale-is the intention to try to sell some of the newer MPDs ie 54 plate?
3) Do you also plan to sell the ones in Black Diamond livery in preference to those repainted blue?
4) Do you foresee a need to acquire more new/secondhand vehicles after the cadets and other sales are considered?
5) What do you foresee moving into KR to replace MPDs as for eg Droitwich town services-isn't their capacity about right?
Many Thanks again :)
Hi Simon,
Probably not of interest, but could be a way to releasing further B7RLE to Tividale or older E300's to KR. As MPD's seem to be increasingly appearing on the 002 and KR could obviously do with more bigger buses.
I believe there are currently 3 x 57 plate standard E300's for sale, as follows:
2007 57 Enviro 300 Euro 4 6 cyl Cummins engine with Allison auto box, 42 seats with 3 point belts plus standing. Very little use hence low mileage of 153,000. In excellent condition with 12 months MoT. First to see will buy. £45,350 plus VAT OVNO
Tel : 01978 824666 / 0756 540 5060
Mistral also have 2 x standard E300's for sale:
11.8m Enviro 300, Cummins E4, 44 seats Registered October 2007, 2 available Price £52,495
Quote from: Winston on September 28, 2014, 12:05:50 AM
Mistral also have 2 x standard E300's for sale:
11.8m Enviro 300, Cummins E4, 44 seats Registered October 2007, 2 available Price £52,495
Simon, did mentioned long time ago that he won't be buying any more buses from Mistral due to the poor condition of Streetlites they got it from them.
Quote from: Winston on September 22, 2014, 10:06:12 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 22, 2014, 06:51:07 AM
Quote from: Will on September 19, 2014, 10:59:20 AM
Hi Simon,
Few questions from me
1) Do you have any intentions to reinstate (30378, S378 TMB); (31495, S405 TMB) into service at Kidderminster?
2) When do you intend to withdraw all the MPD's from Kidderminster and then once that's been completed where will they all go to?
3) Will you be transferring any Centro's; Volvo's or Cadets to Kidderminster?
4) I was told by a source that some more routes are being moved over to Kidderminster from Tividale in around October can you confirm what these are to be?
5) Are W901/W903 JNF still being reinstated at Kidderminster if so when? Also will that include the transfer of 30902 (W902 JNF) from Redditch to Kidderminster?
6) What is happening with 20503 (T71 JBA) is that going to be reinstated anywhere (i.e. Tividale; Long Acre; Redditch) at any point or is it indefinitely withdrawn? I assume if it's the latter I gather it will be scrapped/sold?
As always I look foward to your replies.
1. No we don't.
2. We are actively trying to sell them. We will withdraw some when the 2 x ExStagecoach buses are done
3. There is no intention to at present.
4. No.
5. We have not planned to do so.
6. It is currently for sale
2. Aren't V-reg Darts @ 15 years old already a bit old to be converting to DDA compliant for further service? Are Rotala intending to buy more of these or are these two a one off?
It will cost a minimal amount of money to convert them and they have been exchanged for similiar age vehicles. So therefore, there is limited cost
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 22, 2014, 10:17:47 PM
Hi Simon
Just a couple of quick questions from me:
1) Do you intend to sell the 02 plate VDL SB120/Wright Cadets? Do you also plan to sell the X and 55 plate ones?
2) You mention MPDs from KR being for sale-is the intention to try to sell some of the newer MPDs ie 54 plate?
3) Do you also plan to sell the ones in Black Diamond livery in preference to those repainted blue?
4) Do you foresee a need to acquire more new/secondhand vehicles after the cadets and other sales are considered?
5) What do you foresee moving into KR to replace MPDs as for eg Droitwich town services-isn't their capacity about right?
Many Thanks again :)
Dear Sir,
1. If we had a suitable offer we would consider selling them
2. The intention is to remove the older MPD's.
3. Again, the preference is to sell the older short buses
4. If we dispose of the cadets we will need to acquire some more modern longer vehicles.
Quote from: Winston on September 28, 2014, 12:05:50 AM
Hi Simon,
Probably not of interest, but could be a way to releasing further B7RLE to Tividale or older E300's to KR. As MPD's seem to be increasingly appearing on the 002 and KR could obviously do with more bigger buses.
I believe there are currently 3 x 57 plate standard E300's for sale, as follows:
2007 57 Enviro 300 Euro 4 6 cyl Cummins engine with Allison auto box, 42 seats with 3 point belts plus standing. Very little use hence low mileage of 153,000. In excellent condition with 12 months MoT. First to see will buy. £45,350 plus VAT OVNO
Tel : 01978 824666 / 0756 540 5060
Mistral also have 2 x standard E300's for sale:
11.8m Enviro 300, Cummins E4, 44 seats Registered October 2007, 2 available Price £52,495
All vehicles which we would consider. However, I have no desire to deal with Mistral following previous problems
Hi Simon, could you tell me why (30516, W906 JNF) hasn't yet entered service in Kidderminster yet and also do you intend to respray the Black Diamond buses that are at KD or are they staying as Black?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 29, 2014, 02:31:49 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 22, 2014, 10:06:12 AM
2. Aren't V-reg Darts @ 15 years old already a bit old to be converting to DDA compliant for further service? Are Rotala intending to buy more of these or are these two a one off?
It will cost a minimal amount of money to convert them and they have been exchanged for similiar age vehicles. So therefore, there is limited cost
Can you confirm the identities of the exchanged vehicles? i.e. will they from the operational fleet or reserve/withdrawn fleet
Quote from: Winston on September 29, 2014, 02:59:48 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 29, 2014, 02:31:49 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 22, 2014, 10:06:12 AM
2. Aren't V-reg Darts @ 15 years old already a bit old to be converting to DDA compliant for further service? Are Rotala intending to buy more of these or are these two a one off?
It will cost a minimal amount of money to convert them and they have been exchanged for similiar age vehicles. So therefore, there is limited cost
Can you confirm the identities of the exchanged vehicles? i.e. will they from the operational fleet or reserve/withdrawn fleet
Quote from: Will on September 29, 2014, 02:42:44 PM
Hi Simon, could you tell me why (30516, W906 JNF) hasn't yet entered service in Kidderminster yet and also do you intend to respray the Black Diamond buses that are at KD or are they staying as Black?
It is at Kidderminster having a number of panels changed, etc before it goes to paint.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 29, 2014, 02:36:48 PM
All vehicles which we would consider. However, I have no desire to deal with Mistral following previous problems
It's not even worth considering using your past bad experiences to screw a better deal out of Mistral?
Do you have any idea when Rotala's plans for Wessex will become public?
Quote from: Winston on September 29, 2014, 03:13:00 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 29, 2014, 02:36:48 PM
All vehicles which we would consider. However, I have no desire to deal with Mistral following previous problems
It's not even worth considering using your past bad experiences to screw a better deal out of Mistral?
Do you have any idea when Rotala's plans for Wessex will become public?
I doubt it.
With regards Wessex around Xmas
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 29, 2014, 03:15:28 PM
Quote from: Winston on September 29, 2014, 03:13:00 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 29, 2014, 02:36:48 PM
All vehicles which we would consider. However, I have no desire to deal with Mistral following previous problems
It's not even worth considering using your past bad experiences to screw a better deal out of Mistral?
Do you have any idea when Rotala's plans for Wessex will become public?
I doubt it.
With regards Wessex around Xmas
Thanks for your replies,
I look forward to seeing your plans for Wessex released
Hi Simon
Many thanks for your replies-as ever
Just a couple more things I was interested about.
1) Are you actively trying to sell the remaining cadets?
2) Which MPDs are you trying to sell?
3) Which type of vehicle do you feel is most suitable for operating in Kidderminster as I understand a StreetLite was over there recently?
4) Do you feel there is scope to part exchange further darts that are withdrawn, perhaps even acquiring more euro3 darts in the process?
5) What are the plans for the following vehicles-ie remaining darts within Diamond that aren't blue.
6) Have the changes to the 2 been well-received?
7) Until recently, Diamond produced a Kidderminster network guide. Would it be a viable idea producing this again, as many of the services have recently changed, as you know? How about for Redditch?
Many Thanks again and I look forward to your reply
Quote from: DiamondDart on September 29, 2014, 04:52:31 PM
Hi Simon
Many thanks for your replies-as ever
Just a couple more things I was interested about.
1) Are you actively trying to sell the remaining cadets?
2) Which MPDs are you trying to sell?
3) Which type of vehicle do you feel is most suitable for operating in Kidderminster as I understand a StreetLite was over there recently?
4) Do you feel there is scope to part exchange further darts that are withdrawn, perhaps even acquiring more euro3 darts in the process?
5) What are the plans for the following vehicles-ie remaining darts within Diamond that aren't blue.
6) Have the changes to the 2 been well-received?
7) Until recently, Diamond produced a Kidderminster network guide. Would it be a viable idea producing this again, as many of the services have recently changed, as you know? How about for Redditch?
Many Thanks again and I look forward to your reply
Dear Sir,
1. No.
2. We are happy to dispose of any MPD. Although, our primary focus is on the older ones.
3. The Streetlite shouldnt have ended up at Kidderminster. This is not something, I have given any thought to at present.
4. There is always potential, but it is limited
5. We will dispose of any of these vehicles should someone want one of their type and size. Until such time as they are sold, we will continue to operate them and they will be painted blue.
6. Yes
7. These two guides will be updated in due course
Any plans to jointly promote the 301 & 302 when the latter starts, hopefully with a joint leaflet, as you're not included on the current Network West Midlands leaflet?
Hi Simon,
1. The Wessex Star changes at UWE appear to be well received based on the comments below from another forum:
I saw three 14s loading together at Market Gate this morning (2x deckers and 1x Centro) all full standing loads with swarms waiting.
Could Rotala not take some of the Euro 5 Volvo B9TL/Wright Gemini's from Volvo dealer stock that are currently available/fit well within the existing Wessex double deck fleet? They could then either fully convert one or both of Wessex Star routes 13 & 14 to full double decker operation.
Older B7RLE/Centro or Wright Eclipse could then be cascaded to Diamond to boost the number of full size single deckers here & allow older MPD's to leave by moving more bigger Darts in to KR.
2. What type of buses do Diamond plan to use on the new commercial service 302?
Quote from: Winston on September 30, 2014, 02:00:59 PM
Hi Simon,
1. The Wessex Star changes at UWE appear to be well received based on the comments below from another forum:
I saw three 14s loading together at Market Gate this morning (2x deckers and 1x Centro) all full standing loads with swarms waiting.
Could Rotala not take some of the Euro 5 Volvo B9TL/Wright Gemini's from Volvo dealer stock that are currently available/fit well within the existing Wessex double deck fleet? They could then either fully convert one or both of Wessex Star routes 13 & 14 to full double decker operation.
Older B7RLE/Centro or Wright Eclipse could then be cascaded to Diamond to boost the number of full size single deckers here & allow older MPD's to leave by moving more bigger Darts in to KR.
2. What type of buses do Diamond plan to use on the new commercial service 302?
1. Wessex
At the start of term travelling patterns are erractic, after a few weeks in they will settle and we can then properly assess what is required.
2. 302
We need to look at how we currently allocate the current fleet with the pending changes.
3. 16 changes
Before you ask, the 16 changes are to deal with timeliness issues, it in essence increases the PVR at peak
Hi Simon,
Wondered whether I could clear something up I overheard a chap in Kidderminster say the other day that the land where the Kiddy depot sits does not belong to Diamond but it allegedly belongs to Wyre Forest District Council and I also overheard him say that Diamond may need to re-locate to new premises.
Is there's any truth in what he said?
Quote from: Will on October 07, 2014, 04:31:38 PM
Hi Simon,
Wondered whether I could clear something up I overheard a chap in Kidderminster say the other day that the land where the Kiddy depot sits does not belong to Rotala & from what I can gather eventually you may need to find new premises for KD I just wondered if there's any truth in what this chap said truth be known I don't believe it myself either.
Over a period of time we have moved the ownership of nearly all our properties into a wholely owned subsidiary of Rotala Plc called Hallbridge Way Properties Ltd this includes both the premises at Redditch and Kidderminster.
I can confirm that we have recieved no offer for the sale of the Kidderminster site. What I would say though, if we recieved an exceptional offer for any of our properties we would consider it.
Quote from: Westy on September 30, 2014, 01:23:14 PM
Any plans to jointly promote the 301 & 302 when the latter starts, hopefully with a joint leaflet, as you're not included on the current Network West Midlands leaflet?
In case you missed it!
Quote from: Westy on October 07, 2014, 05:03:49 PM
Quote from: Westy on September 30, 2014, 01:23:14 PM
Any plans to jointly promote the 301 & 302 when the latter starts, hopefully with a joint leaflet, as you're not included on the current Network West Midlands leaflet?
In case you missed it!
Sorry, yes we will be
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 07, 2014, 05:06:26 PM
Quote from: Westy on October 07, 2014, 05:03:49 PM
Quote from: Westy on September 30, 2014, 01:23:14 PM
Any plans to jointly promote the 301 & 302 when the latter starts, hopefully with a joint leaflet, as you're not included on the current Network West Midlands leaflet?
In case you missed it!
Sorry, yes we will be
Would you mind sticking some leaflets in the Walsall Travel Shop please?
Quote from: Will on October 07, 2014, 04:31:38 PM
Hi Simon,
Wondered whether I could clear something up I overheard a chap in Kidderminster say the other day that the land where the Kiddy depot sits does not belong to Diamond but it allegedly belongs to Wyre Forest District Council and I also overheard him say that Diamond may need to re-locate to new premises.
Is there's any truth in what he said?
will the bus stops by the town are due to be relocated to oxford street due to redevolpement by the town hall turning exchange street in exchange place. keep looking in the shuttle or their website for details as they come up. and one point about the depot site WFDC never owned the site it was the CMC carpet factory car park. till factory shut and then many years out of use other than motorcyclists training school.
Quote from: Westy on October 07, 2014, 07:10:29 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 07, 2014, 05:06:26 PM
Quote from: Westy on October 07, 2014, 05:03:49 PM
Quote from: Westy on September 30, 2014, 01:23:14 PM
Any plans to jointly promote the 301 & 302 when the latter starts, hopefully with a joint leaflet, as you're not included on the current Network West Midlands leaflet?
In case you missed it!
Sorry, yes we will be
Would you mind sticking some leaflets in the Walsall Travel Shop please?
We will try.
Hi Simon, quick question I know you intend to transfer more buses over to Kiddy shortly but could you tell me which vehicles (i.e. fleet numbers) these are to be?
Will :)
Quote from: Will on October 09, 2014, 01:02:59 PM
Hi Simon, quick question I know you intend to transfer more buses over to Kiddy shortly but could you tell me which vehicles (i.e. fleet numbers) these are to be?
Will :)
30202 V463TVV
30203 V464TVV
We are also looking at some second hand fleet replacements.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 10, 2014, 02:05:43 PM
Quote from: Will on October 09, 2014, 01:02:59 PM
Hi Simon, quick question I know you intend to transfer more buses over to Kiddy shortly but could you tell me which vehicles (i.e. fleet numbers) these are to be?
Will :)
30202 V463TVV
30203 V464TVV
We are also looking at some second hand fleet replacements.
Cool and also apart from some of the MPDs that are going does this include any of the long Darts for e.g. 30637 etc?
Hi . Next time you update the electronic displays, any chance you could spell Mossley correctly?
Just saw 2 301's displaying Mossely !
Quote from: Westy on October 11, 2014, 12:14:47 PM
Hi . Next time you update the electronic displays, any chance you could spell Mossley correctly?
Just saw 2 301's displaying Mossely !
I second that! On some of the vehicles in Kidderminster on the 10 it displays
" 10 Kidderminster via Offmore, Spennels "
Now the "Spennels" bit is incorrect as it's actually spelt "Spennells"
Simon hope the recruitment day went well for you today and you got the extra staff you need,
any new on the second hand fleet replacements. you spoke. about. may I say the other week
I had cause to complain about a bus I went to catch not turning up and I contacted your
customer care dept who looked in to it for me and within 2 weeks I go a reply why the bus
never came. which I understand why,
Quote from: Westy on October 11, 2014, 12:14:47 PM
Hi . Next time you update the electronic displays, any chance you could spell Mossley correctly?
Just saw 2 301's displaying Mossely !
I am told this has now been rectified
Quote from: Will on October 11, 2014, 12:32:29 PM
Quote from: Westy on October 11, 2014, 12:14:47 PM
Hi . Next time you update the electronic displays, any chance you could spell Mossley correctly?
Just saw 2 301's displaying Mossely !
I second that! On some of the vehicles in Kidderminster on the 10 it displays
" 10 Kidderminster via Offmore, Spennels "
Now the "Spennels" bit is incorrect as it's actually spelt "Spennells"
I am told this has now been rectified
Quote from: Ced on October 12, 2014, 09:26:42 PM
Simon hope the recruitment day went well for you today and you got the extra staff you need,
any new on the second hand fleet replacements. you spoke. about. may I say the other week
I had cause to complain about a bus I went to catch not turning up and I contacted your
customer care dept who looked in to it for me and within 2 weeks I go a reply why the bus
never came. which I understand why,
good luck for sunday hope you get the staff you require, are you likely to be changed routes again if whittles close if no one buys them
Quote from: Ced on October 17, 2014, 03:23:31 PM
Quote from: Ced on October 12, 2014, 09:26:42 PM
Simon hope the recruitment day went well for you today and you got the extra staff you need,
any new on the second hand fleet replacements. you spoke. about. may I say the other week
I had cause to complain about a bus I went to catch not turning up and I contacted your
customer care dept who looked in to it for me and within 2 weeks I go a reply why the bus
never came. which I understand why,
good luck for sunday hope you get the staff you require, are you likely to be changed routes again if whittles close if no one buys them
It is difficult to know what exactly to say.
My understanding is most of the Whittles work is subsidised bus work, coach work or for National Express. The last thing, I would want to do is comment about their situation or our position and give someone the wrong impression so it seems easy to say nothing.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 17, 2014, 03:40:08 PM
Quote from: Ced on October 17, 2014, 03:23:31 PM
Quote from: Ced on October 12, 2014, 09:26:42 PM
Simon hope the recruitment day went well for you today and you got the extra staff you need,
any new on the second hand fleet replacements. you spoke. about. may I say the other week
I had cause to complain about a bus I went to catch not turning up and I contacted your
customer care dept who looked in to it for me and within 2 weeks I go a reply why the bus
never came. which I understand why,
good luck for sunday hope you get the staff you require, are you likely to be changed routes again if whittles close if no one buys them
It is difficult to know what exactly to say.
My understanding is most of the Whittles work is subsidised bus work, coach work or for National Express. The last thing, I would want to do is comment about their situation or our position and give someone the wrong impression so it seems easy to say nothing.
that's ok simon thought you would not be able to tell me understand why
Walsall changes now on the website!
Hi Simon,
Has Rotala ever thought about introducing RTI in the fleet so passengers can use an app (e.g. The NWM app for example) to check how long their bus is (similar to NXWM/Arriva)?
Or even go one step better and introduce tracking so passengers could use the Diamond app to find out where their bus currently is (similar to the parcel companies)
Quote from: the trainbasher on October 19, 2014, 02:53:03 PM
Hi Simon,
Has Rotala ever thought about introducing RTI in the fleet so passengers can use an app (e.g. The NWM app for example) to check how long their bus is (similar to NXWM/Arriva)?
Or even go one step better and introduce tracking so passengers could use the Diamond app to find out where their bus currently is (similar to the parcel companies)
For two years we have been working with a company called Cloud Amber. this was was suppossed to provide the information you outline.
Unfortunately, the data has not become accurate enough to make the data available for passengers and as a result we have not rolled it out.
If this doesnt improve, we will look for an alternative provider.
Hi Simon
1) Do you think articulated buses would be a viable solution on university services operated by Wessex to cater for the large numbers of students travelling who do not mind standing? Especially seeing as ex London artics are going for what seems like good value for money prices
2) Do you foresee the Olympians at Preston remaining in service until they can run no longer ie 2017 or are there plans to replace them?
3) I guess related to the last question but do you see any more of the 2 remaining Wessex tridents going up to Preston as, I may be wrong, but one is VOR with accident damage? Do you think it will return to service and if so, where?
4) You mentioned the ex Stagecoach darts being converted to DDA spec and repainted etc. Will they also get the rather drab Stagecoach grey moquette replaced at the same time?
5) Do you see Rotala acquiring more of these?
6) Why is it that similar age vehicles were withdrawn several years ago from the Diamond fleet and yet more are being bought a couple of years on?
7) Are Preston having 2 StreetLites delivered/on order?
8) You mentioned that Rotala had looked at some used vehicles fairly recently. Did anything come of this and were they further darts or something else?
9) As the Wessex Star services are now entirely commercial, does this mean there is less of a need to acquire new buses for that fleet?
10) There still seem to be several complaints about the Diamond Redditch services ie lack of capacity, bunching. Would a bus station supervisor dispatching the high frequency routes and walking around/dealing with enquiries/monitoring queues etc help to improve things? How about some new/newer buses on the 57/8 to ensure that the long single decks currently on there can increase capacity on the 55/6 now those routes are operating on a reduced frequency.
Many Thanks as ever and I'll leave you in peace!
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 20, 2014, 06:48:18 PM
Hi Simon
1) Do you think articulated buses would be a viable solution on university services operated by Wessex to cater for the large numbers of students travelling who do not mind standing? Especially seeing as ex London artics are going for what seems like good value for money prices
2) Do you foresee the Olympians at Preston remaining in service until they can run no longer ie 2017 or are there plans to replace them?
3) I guess related to the last question but do you see any more of the 2 remaining Wessex tridents going up to Preston as, I may be wrong, but one is VOR with accident damage? Do you think it will return to service and if so, where?
4) You mentioned the ex Stagecoach darts being converted to DDA spec and repainted etc. Will they also get the rather drab Stagecoach grey moquette replaced at the same time?
5) Do you see Rotala acquiring more of these?
6) Why is it that similar age vehicles were withdrawn several years ago from the Diamond fleet and yet more are being bought a couple of years on?
7) Are Preston having 2 StreetLites delivered/on order?
8) You mentioned that Rotala had looked at some used vehicles fairly recently. Did anything come of this and were they further darts or something else?
9) As the Wessex Star services are now entirely commercial, does this mean there is less of a need to acquire new buses for that fleet?
10) There still seem to be several complaints about the Diamond Redditch services ie lack of capacity, bunching. Would a bus station supervisor dispatching the high frequency routes and walking around/dealing with enquiries/monitoring queues etc help to improve things? How about some new/newer buses on the 57/8 to ensure that the long single decks currently on there can increase capacity on the 55/6 now those routes are operating on a reduced frequency.
Many Thanks as ever and I'll leave you in peace!
Dear Sir,
Responses below
1. We do not see this as a way forward. I believe the operational costs, and complications outweigh any benefit.
2. Preston love their Olympians, and what they are used on are not available for the general public anyway
3. No. I don't think so.
4. We are upgrading the interior on 2 of the vehicles.
5. If we do, it will will only be one or two in exchange of some smaller buses.
6. Which similiar vehicles are you referring to?
7. We have ordered nothing as yet
8. We are still looking and agreed nothing as yet
9. We have no contractual requirements accross the whole fleet for capital expenditure.
10. We have a full time bus station Inspector. In addition, the Supevisory team once run out has been completed move to the office in the Bus Station.
Hi Simon in your response to 10 above, could I say yes you have but most if not all of the staff can be found at somepoint a bus driving around town. Would it be wise to employ someone into that team who can't drive a bus so they are grounded to the bus station so they can't go off driving a bus?
Regards Daniel.
Quote from: tank90 on October 22, 2014, 02:30:32 PM
Hi Simon in your response to 10 above, could I say yes you have but most if not all of the staff can be found at somepoint a bus driving around town. Would it be wise to employ someone into that team who can't drive a bus so they are grounded to the bus station so they can't go off driving a bus?
Regards Daniel.
Although some of the support staff drive at Peak Time, there is stll sufficient resource for this to happen.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 22, 2014, 07:24:10 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 20, 2014, 06:48:18 PM
Hi Simon
1) Do you think articulated buses would be a viable solution on university services operated by Wessex to cater for the large numbers of students travelling who do not mind standing? Especially seeing as ex London artics are going for what seems like good value for money prices
2) Do you foresee the Olympians at Preston remaining in service until they can run no longer ie 2017 or are there plans to replace them?
3) I guess related to the last question but do you see any more of the 2 remaining Wessex tridents going up to Preston as, I may be wrong, but one is VOR with accident damage? Do you think it will return to service and if so, where?
4) You mentioned the ex Stagecoach darts being converted to DDA spec and repainted etc. Will they also get the rather drab Stagecoach grey moquette replaced at the same time?
5) Do you see Rotala acquiring more of these?
6) Why is it that similar age vehicles were withdrawn several years ago from the Diamond fleet and yet more are being bought a couple of years on?
7) Are Preston having 2 StreetLites delivered/on order?
8) You mentioned that Rotala had looked at some used vehicles fairly recently. Did anything come of this and were they further darts or something else?
9) As the Wessex Star services are now entirely commercial, does this mean there is less of a need to acquire new buses for that fleet?
10) There still seem to be several complaints about the Diamond Redditch services ie lack of capacity, bunching. Would a bus station supervisor dispatching the high frequency routes and walking around/dealing with enquiries/monitoring queues etc help to improve things? How about some new/newer buses on the 57/8 to ensure that the long single decks currently on there can increase capacity on the 55/6 now those routes are operating on a reduced frequency.
Many Thanks as ever and I'll leave you in peace!
Dear Sir,
Responses below
1. We do not see this as a way forward. I believe the operational costs, and complications outweigh any benefit.
2. Preston love their Olympians, and what they are used on are not available for the general public anyway
3. No. I don't think so.
4. We are upgrading the interior on 2 of the vehicles.
5. If we do, it will will only be one or two in exchange of some smaller buses.
6. Which similiar vehicles are you referring to?
7. We have ordered nothing as yet
8. We are still looking and agreed nothing as yet
9. We have no contractual requirements accross the whole fleet for capital expenditure.
10. We have a full time bus station Inspector. In addition, the Supevisory team once run out has been completed move to the office in the Bus Station.
Hi Simon
Thanks, as ever, for your replies. In response to a couple of the points you mentioned:
6) I was referring to Y3NBB, W448DOP, Y354FJN, V387SVV, X634/8/9AKW and other ex Central Connect darts as well which were all withdrawn/sold previously and older vehicles of the same/similar type are being acquired months/years later ie the Stagecoach ALX200 darts: I was just interested as to why this was.
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 22, 2014, 08:04:51 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 22, 2014, 07:24:10 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 20, 2014, 06:48:18 PM
Hi Simon
1) Do you think articulated buses would be a viable solution on university services operated by Wessex to cater for the large numbers of students travelling who do not mind standing? Especially seeing as ex London artics are going for what seems like good value for money prices
2) Do you foresee the Olympians at Preston remaining in service until they can run no longer ie 2017 or are there plans to replace them?
3) I guess related to the last question but do you see any more of the 2 remaining Wessex tridents going up to Preston as, I may be wrong, but one is VOR with accident damage? Do you think it will return to service and if so, where?
4) You mentioned the ex Stagecoach darts being converted to DDA spec and repainted etc. Will they also get the rather drab Stagecoach grey moquette replaced at the same time?
5) Do you see Rotala acquiring more of these?
6) Why is it that similar age vehicles were withdrawn several years ago from the Diamond fleet and yet more are being bought a couple of years on?
7) Are Preston having 2 StreetLites delivered/on order?
8) You mentioned that Rotala had looked at some used vehicles fairly recently. Did anything come of this and were they further darts or something else?
9) As the Wessex Star services are now entirely commercial, does this mean there is less of a need to acquire new buses for that fleet?
10) There still seem to be several complaints about the Diamond Redditch services ie lack of capacity, bunching. Would a bus station supervisor dispatching the high frequency routes and walking around/dealing with enquiries/monitoring queues etc help to improve things? How about some new/newer buses on the 57/8 to ensure that the long single decks currently on there can increase capacity on the 55/6 now those routes are operating on a reduced frequency.
Many Thanks as ever and I'll leave you in peace!
Dear Sir,
Responses below
1. We do not see this as a way forward. I believe the operational costs, and complications outweigh any benefit.
2. Preston love their Olympians, and what they are used on are not available for the general public anyway
3. No. I don't think so.
4. We are upgrading the interior on 2 of the vehicles.
5. If we do, it will will only be one or two in exchange of some smaller buses.
6. Which similiar vehicles are you referring to?
7. We have ordered nothing as yet
8. We are still looking and agreed nothing as yet
9. We have no contractual requirements accross the whole fleet for capital expenditure.
10. We have a full time bus station Inspector. In addition, the Supevisory team once run out has been completed move to the office in the Bus Station.
Hi Simon
Thanks, as ever, for your replies. In response to a couple of the points you mentioned:
6) I was referring to Y3NBB, W448DOP, Y354FJN, V387SVV, X634/8/9AKW and other ex Central Connect darts as well which were all withdrawn/sold previously and older vehicles of the same/similar type are being acquired months/years later ie the Stagecoach ALX200 darts: I was just interested as to why this was.
Dear Sir,
I take on board your point.
We only acquired the Ex-SCG vehicles are they were swapped for other current fleet vehicles. We would not look to acquire vehicles of that age outright.
Thanks again for your reply :)
1) In terms of future acquisitions, I see Ensignbus have had some 2003/4 Enviro300's come in. Would these be worth looking at, depending on the price, for Redditch-as there still seem capacity issues over there-or even increasing capacity over at Kidderminster?
2) In addition, I see the ex Woosh Citaro's are up for auction with BCA on the 29/10/14. There are 8 of them-worth considering for Preston or Long Acre? Potentially they could replace the Scania/Esteem's at Preston or give LAC a bigger fleet of them to upgrade the 16/50 and ensure they are more standard.
3) There's also:
2009, MAN, Plaxton Centro, 38 seating + 8 standees or 1 wheelchair with 35 seated and 8 standees, 12.240, DDA, new MOT. Contact Neil Bailey £25,000 ono, email:
Located at: Edinburgh Coach Lines Ltd
Distance: Please enter your postcode
Price: £ 25000
This could fit quite nicely at Redditch and although I don't claim to know much about vehicle pricing, doesn't seem overpriced.
4) Do you think the new B8RLE will be something Rotala would evaluate/consider to add to vehicle investment from 2015 to start to upgrade some more core routes?
The average age across the group is, as has been said before, good but isn't much of this down to midibus category of vehicles as opposed to in the large single deck category where there has been less purchase of more recent/new vehicles?
Many Thanks and I'll actually leave you in peace now!!
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 23, 2014, 07:30:37 PM
Thanks again for your reply :)
1) In terms of future acquisitions, I see Ensignbus have had some 2003/4 Enviro300's come in. Would these be worth looking at, depending on the price, for Redditch-as there still seem capacity issues over there-or even increasing capacity over at Kidderminster?
2) In addition, I see the ex Woosh Citaro's are up for auction with BCA on the 29/10/14. There are 8 of them-worth considering for Preston or Long Acre? Potentially they could replace the Scania/Esteem's at Preston or give LAC a bigger fleet of them to upgrade the 16/50 and ensure they are more standard.
3) There's also:
2009, MAN, Plaxton Centro, 38 seating + 8 standees or 1 wheelchair with 35 seated and 8 standees, 12.240, DDA, new MOT. Contact Neil Bailey £25,000 ono, email:
Located at: Edinburgh Coach Lines Ltd
Distance: Please enter your postcode
Price: £ 25000
This could fit quite nicely at Redditch and although I don't claim to know much about vehicle pricing, doesn't seem overpriced.
4) Do you think the new B8RLE will be something Rotala would evaluate/consider to add to vehicle investment from 2015 to start to upgrade some more core routes?
The average age across the group is, as has been said before, good but isn't much of this down to midibus category of vehicles as opposed to in the large single deck category where there has been less purchase of more recent/new vehicles?
Many Thanks and I'll actually leave you in peace now!!
Dear Sir,
In response.
1. I saw the vehicles for sale last night. At which point, they had already been sold
2. This is something we will look at.
3. This is not of interest
4. In due course we will review the new range.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 17, 2014, 03:12:52 PM
Quote from: Will on October 11, 2014, 12:32:29 PM
Quote from: Westy on October 11, 2014, 12:14:47 PM
Hi . Next time you update the electronic displays, any chance you could spell Mossley correctly?
Just saw 2 301's displaying Mossely !
I second that! On some of the vehicles in Kidderminster on the 10 it displays
" 10 Kidderminster via Offmore, Spennels "
Now the "Spennels" bit is incorrect as it's actually spelt "Spennells"
I am told this has now been rectified
Spotted another 'Mossely' in Leamore earlier!
Dear Simon
On Saturday 25th October in Kidderminster the 4A to Franche 2:35 Dep from the Town hall never arrived why? I gave up after waiting for 30 Minutes and caught the Whittles 2A service as did many other people who wanted the 4A Service.
Hi Simon
Thanks for your previous replies
1) Are MAN/Centro's no longer considered appropriate/good buses for the fleet? I know you said a while back that you thought they were an acceptable product?
2) How many more vehicles are transferring over to Kidderminster and could you confirm if W936JNF and perhaps other vehicles have also been acquired? Is this bus and others not quite old for being acquired/returned to service when there are other MPDs within the group withdrawn?
3) Are these for service enhancements/spare vehicles in the depot depending on what happens in the future?
4) I see the 002 has 2 timetable changes listed for December: are these to tackle reliability/bunching issues on the route?
5) Finally, did you have any luck acquiring the ex WCC Woosh Citaros at auction?
Many thanks :)
Lm 172 your question would be answer either on the website customer care section either by filling form in or ringing no on there
or on diamonds twitter account rather than asking Simon and you would get a answer quicker , as simon is a busy man ,
Quote from: DiamondDart on October 30, 2014, 12:26:18 AM
Hi Simon
Thanks for your previous replies
1) Are MAN/Centro's no longer considered appropriate/good buses for the fleet? I know you said a while back that you thought they were an acceptable product?
2) How many more vehicles are transferring over to Kidderminster and could you confirm if W936JNF and perhaps other vehicles have also been acquired? Is this bus and others not quite old for being acquired/returned to service when there are other MPDs within the group withdrawn?
3) Are these for service enhancements/spare vehicles in the depot depending on what happens in the future?
4) I see the 002 has 2 timetable changes listed for December: are these to tackle reliability/bunching issues on the route?
5) Finally, did you have any luck acquiring the ex WCC Woosh Citaros at auction?
Many thanks :)
Dear Sir,
1. We are not looking to acquire any more.
2. We swapped this vehicle, for one which wasnt in as good condition
3. We have increased the number of usable spare vehicles, in case of future opportunities
4. 002 timetable changes are aimed at increasing hours of operation in the run up to Christmas
5. No
Hi Simon,
Could you confirm if 30516 (W906 JNF) will be returning to Kidderminster once resprayed/repaired and also do you have any intentions of transferring over 20114 (Y2 JPT); 20132 (Y32 YVV)?
Also how many more vehicles are coming over as I've heard a few people say there's around 10 more coming over but is this correct?
As always I look froward to your responce
Quote from: Will on November 03, 2014, 02:56:05 PM
Hi Simon,
Could you confirm if 30516 (W906 JNF) will be returning to Kidderminster once resprayed/repaired and also do you have any intentions of transferring over 20114 (Y2 JPT); 20132 (Y32 YVV)?
Also how many more vehicles are coming over as I've heard a few people say there's around 10 more coming over but is this correct?
As always I look froward to your responce
We have lost a little mileage lately due to a lack of spare buses. Our plan is to increase the spare buses.
It would be inappropriate to increase the fleet by 10 vehicles, without an increase in work and there is no intention in doing so.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 03, 2014, 03:00:02 PM
Quote from: Will on November 03, 2014, 02:56:05 PM
Hi Simon,
Could you confirm if 30516 (W906 JNF) will be returning to Kidderminster once resprayed/repaired and also do you have any intentions of transferring over 20114 (Y2 JPT); 20132 (Y32 YVV)?
Also how many more vehicles are coming over as I've heard a few people say there's around 10 more coming over but is this correct?
As always I look froward to your responce
We have lost a little mileage lately due to a lack of spare buses. Our plan is to increase the spare buses.
It would be inappropriate to increase the fleet by 10 vehicles, without an increase in work and there is no intention in doing so.
I see well if that is the case couldn't 20503 (T71 JBA); 31495 (S405 TMB); 30378 (S378 TMB) be put back into service as additional buses rather than spend money buying more fleet so they could be used if and when needed?
Quote from: Will on November 03, 2014, 03:06:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 03, 2014, 03:00:02 PM
Quote from: Will on November 03, 2014, 02:56:05 PM
Hi Simon,
Could you confirm if 30516 (W906 JNF) will be returning to Kidderminster once resprayed/repaired and also do you have any intentions of transferring over 20114 (Y2 JPT); 20132 (Y32 YVV)?
Also how many more vehicles are coming over as I've heard a few people say there's around 10 more coming over but is this correct?
As always I look froward to your responce
We have lost a little mileage lately due to a lack of spare buses. Our plan is to increase the spare buses.
It would be inappropriate to increase the fleet by 10 vehicles, without an increase in work and there is no intention in doing so.
I see well if that is the case couldn't 20503 (T71 JBA); 31495 (S405 TMB); 30378 (S378 TMB) be put back into service as additional buses rather than spend money buying more fleet so they could be used if and when needed?
I am awaiting cleared funds but we believe the 2 x S registrations have been sold
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 03, 2014, 03:09:44 PM
Quote from: Will on November 03, 2014, 03:06:17 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 03, 2014, 03:00:02 PM
Quote from: Will on November 03, 2014, 02:56:05 PM
Hi Simon,
Could you confirm if 30516 (W906 JNF) will be returning to Kidderminster once resprayed/repaired and also do you have any intentions of transferring over 20114 (Y2 JPT); 20132 (Y32 YVV)?
Also how many more vehicles are coming over as I've heard a few people say there's around 10 more coming over but is this correct?
As always I look froward to your responce
We have lost a little mileage lately due to a lack of spare buses. Our plan is to increase the spare buses.
It would be inappropriate to increase the fleet by 10 vehicles, without an increase in work and there is no intention in doing so.
I see well if that is the case couldn't 20503 (T71 JBA); 31495 (S405 TMB); 30378 (S378 TMB) be put back into service as additional buses rather than spend money buying more fleet so they could be used if and when needed?
I am awaiting cleared funds but we believe the 2 x S registrations have been sold
Oh that's good news could T71 JBA be kept as a Kidderminster reserve vehicle I would actually like to see that re-enter service good little bus she was tbh
Thanks for your previous replies Simon
Just a couple more:
1) Did you consider the citaros/bid on them?
2) I see in the fleet changes another RH b7rle has moved over to Tividale-are there plans to move over more?
3) Does RH not need at least a couple more higher capacity buses to replace them? The centros moved in have far less buggy space which from my observations seems very important over in RH?
4) Have there been any updates on the sale of LAC/expansion of Tividale?
5) What is the significance of the two VOSA changes on the 002 for different days in December? Is this when Christmas timetables with later journeys start/end?
6) Do you plan to run journeys co-inciding with Merry Hill's extra late opening in the run up to Christmas ie up till midnight or earlier?
Thanks again
Hi Simon,
1 - re: New Banking Facilities
I see Rotala have agreed new banking facilities of up to £18 Million allowing headroom of £10 Million available to fund potential acquisitions & share buy backs. Reading the RNS it suggests that the share backs will be funded by additional debt, is that the case? Are Rotala Plc not concerned that the groups current market cap @ 56p/share i.e. £19.8 Million is only £2.8 Million above the £17 Million debt that Rotala will have at the year end?
2 - re: Share Buybacks
I see Rotala have acquired 200,000 of their own shares today. Why are Rotala insistent on proceeding with share buybacks? I know that you've previously said that by reducing the number of shares in issue will boost the earning per share ratio, but that's artificially stimulating those figures, fundamentally the profit & debt levels of group will remain un-changed.
If Rotala has the means to buy back shares, in the absence of an earnings enhancing acquisition, would it not be more prudent to grow & expand Rotala's existing businesses through targeted investment i.e. expanding route networks/places served, increasing frequencies where possible to support continued growth and re-launching select routes that offer the greatest potential for growth & returns with new/nearly new buses & branding?
All other bus groups are investing heavily and experiencing growth and increased returns across their businesses.
3 - re: Group vehicle replacement policy
How long do Rotala currently anticipate having a low requirement for replacement vehicles for? Surely, the longer the level of vehicle replacements is kept low, the harder it will be to maintain the groups current average age of less than 8 years and it will cost more in subsequent years to keep it at that level.
The above policy doesn't meet the extract below from Rotala's Enviromental policy:
Rotala recognises its responsibility to limit the impact of its vehicles on the environment.
Exhaust fumes comprising (but not limited to) Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen (N) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are the major contributors to pollution from our vehicles.
Rotala aims to decrease its impact by constantly updating its fleet to newer, more fuel efficient and exhaust restricted vehicles.
4 - Wessex Expansion
I see from reports on a SW forum that Wessex are currently advertising for drivers on its buses due to expansion and all 12 Bristol services are being revised, can you advise when you anticipate registrations may be submitted or give any further details of Rotala's plans etc at this stage?
5 - Diamond
It's pleasing to see the effort Diamond have gone to re-launch the 301 & new 302 services with solid B7RLE. Obviously Tividale has gained some extra B7RLE's over the past few months i.e. 30002, 30813, 30855 & 30860 along with extra Solo's, but during the same it has lost the 6 Cadets + more recently two more of its biggest Darts to KR i.e. 30426 & 30512.
Looking at the remaining fleet make-up, Tividale now has 32 full size buses i.e. 31 x B7RLE, 1 x MAN, these are now the mainstay for the 002, 4/4H, 56, 301 & 302 which I assume spares are now few & far between. With only 7 x Cadets + 4 full size Darts remaining (i.e. 30432, 30437 & 30454/5) Tividale must be under to pressure to put large enough buses out on some of the above routes + other Sandwell Value services & in the event of B7RLE breakdown.
I know you've previously acknowledged Diamond has too many small buses, but the issue seems to be getting worse for Tividale at least. Could Rotala not look to acquire some additional/newer full length Darts either ex London (converted to single door) or ex Rental similar to the 52 plate Hanson's examples to boost availability of larger vehicle & capacity?
5 - VDL / Plaxton Centro's
I know they are not your vehicle of choice, but would the batch of 12M 58 plate VDL/Plaxton Centro's currently for sale at Arriva Bus & Coach not be of interest to Rotala to add to the 5 being retained at Redditch? I'm sure not being so popular, Rotala may be able to pick them up cheaper,000%20-%20500,000%20Miles/seats:30%20-%2060/age:2%20-%2015%20Years/toilet:on
Thanks in advance & I look forward to your replies,
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 05, 2014, 06:24:21 PM
Thanks for your previous replies Simon
Just a couple more:
1) Did you consider the citaros/bid on them?
2) I see in the fleet changes another RH b7rle has moved over to Tividale-are there plans to move over more?
3) Does RH not need at least a couple more higher capacity buses to replace them? The centros moved in have far less buggy space which from my observations seems very important over in RH?
4) Have there been any updates on the sale of LAC/expansion of Tividale?
5) What is the significance of the two VOSA changes on the 002 for different days in December? Is this when Christmas timetables with later journeys start/end?
6) Do you plan to run journeys co-inciding with Merry Hill's extra late opening in the run up to Christmas ie up till midnight or earlier?
Thanks again
Dear Sir,
1. No we didnt
2. When the fleet stablises we will review.
3. The RH fleet is about right. We need to reduce the numbers of spares, which will be the shorter buses.
4. Long Acre
We have continued interest, but we yet we have turned down any offers made.
We have are undertaking some ground testing, with a view to establishing what can be done. This should be completed within a few weeks.
5. Yes, it is for Xmas Shopping.
6. Our 002 service timetable will be available shortly
Hi Simon,
Any updates on the reinstatement of 20503 yet?
Quote from: Winston on November 07, 2014, 02:15:22 PM
Hi Simon,
1 - re: New Banking Facilities
I see Rotala have agreed new banking facilities of up to £18 Million allowing headroom of £10 Million available to fund potential acquisitions & share buy backs. Reading the RNS it suggests that the share backs will be funded by additional debt, is that the case? Are Rotala Plc not concerned that the groups current market cap @ 56p/share i.e. £19.8 Million is only £2.8 Million above the £17 Million debt that Rotala will have at the year end?
2 - re: Share Buybacks
I see Rotala have acquired 200,000 of their own shares today. Why are Rotala insistent on proceeding with share buybacks? I know that you've previously said that by reducing the number of shares in issue will boost the earning per share ratio, but that's artificially stimulating those figures, fundamentally the profit & debt levels of group will remain un-changed.
If Rotala has the means to buy back shares, in the absence of an earnings enhancing acquisition, would it not be more prudent to grow & expand Rotala's existing businesses through targeted investment i.e. expanding route networks/places served, increasing frequencies where possible to support continued growth and re-launching select routes that offer the greatest potential for growth & returns with new/nearly new buses & branding?
All other bus groups are investing heavily and experiencing growth and increased returns across their businesses.
3 - re: Group vehicle replacement policy
How long do Rotala currently anticipate having a low requirement for replacement vehicles for? Surely, the longer the level of vehicle replacements is kept low, the harder it will be to maintain the groups current average age of less than 8 years and it will cost more in subsequent years to keep it at that level.
The above policy doesn't meet the extract below from Rotala's Enviromental policy:
Rotala recognises its responsibility to limit the impact of its vehicles on the environment.
Exhaust fumes comprising (but not limited to) Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen (N) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are the major contributors to pollution from our vehicles.
Rotala aims to decrease its impact by constantly updating its fleet to newer, more fuel efficient and exhaust restricted vehicles.
4 - Wessex Expansion
I see from reports on a SW forum that Wessex are currently advertising for drivers on its buses due to expansion and all 12 Bristol services are being revised, can you advise when you anticipate registrations may be submitted or give any further details of Rotala's plans etc at this stage?
5 - Diamond
It's pleasing to see the effort Diamond have gone to re-launch the 301 & new 302 services with solid B7RLE. Obviously Tividale has gained some extra B7RLE's over the past few months i.e. 30002, 30813, 30855 & 30860 along with extra Solo's, but during the same it has lost the 6 Cadets + more recently two more of its biggest Darts to KR i.e. 30426 & 30512.
Looking at the remaining fleet make-up, Tividale now has 32 full size buses i.e. 31 x B7RLE, 1 x MAN, these are now the mainstay for the 002, 4/4H, 56, 301 & 302 which I assume spares are now few & far between. With only 7 x Cadets + 4 full size Darts remaining (i.e. 30432, 30437 & 30454/5) Tividale must be under to pressure to put large enough buses out on some of the above routes + other Sandwell Value services & in the event of B7RLE breakdown.
I know you've previously acknowledged Diamond has too many small buses, but the issue seems to be getting worse for Tividale at least. Could Rotala not look to acquire some additional/newer full length Darts either ex London (converted to single door) or ex Rental similar to the 52 plate Hanson's examples to boost availability of larger vehicle & capacity?
5 - VDL / Plaxton Centro's
I know they are not your vehicle of choice, but would the batch of 12M 58 plate VDL/Plaxton Centro's currently for sale at Arriva Bus & Coach not be of interest to Rotala to add to the 5 being retained at Redditch? I'm sure not being so popular, Rotala may be able to pick them up cheaper,000%20-%20500,000%20Miles/seats:30%20-%2060/age:2%20-%2015%20Years/toilet:on
Thanks in advance & I look forward to your replies,
1. There is no relevance of debt and market capitalisations. Typically people consider the relationship between EBITDA/Debt. I am not allowed under market rules to outline our leverage levels, but I will say that we consider our business to be conservatively leveraged.
2. If we can foresee an opportunity to increase earnings by investment, then we will proceed. Rotala has considerable ability to both undertake buy backs, invest and make acquisitions.
3. We do intend to constantly update our fleet, and we have shown that over the years so we are consistent with this statement. In terms of what, when, and how much. Time is on our side.
4. We are evolving our structure, and from mid January 2015 we have created a new post and appointed a Managing Director responsible for this business unit.
5. We have made an offer to acquire 6 x B7RLE's and 2 x E300's, which would be for DBCL.
6. It is not a vehicle which we want to invest in.
Quote from: Will on November 07, 2014, 02:28:53 PM
Hi Simon,
Any updates on the reinstatement of 20503 yet?
Not yet
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 07, 2014, 02:33:33 PM
Quote from: Winston on November 07, 2014, 02:15:22 PM
Hi Simon,
1 - re: New Banking Facilities
I see Rotala have agreed new banking facilities of up to £18 Million allowing headroom of £10 Million available to fund potential acquisitions & share buy backs. Reading the RNS it suggests that the share backs will be funded by additional debt, is that the case? Are Rotala Plc not concerned that the groups current market cap @ 56p/share i.e. £19.8 Million is only £2.8 Million above the £17 Million debt that Rotala will have at the year end?
2 - re: Share Buybacks
I see Rotala have acquired 200,000 of their own shares today. Why are Rotala insistent on proceeding with share buybacks? I know that you've previously said that by reducing the number of shares in issue will boost the earning per share ratio, but that's artificially stimulating those figures, fundamentally the profit & debt levels of group will remain un-changed.
If Rotala has the means to buy back shares, in the absence of an earnings enhancing acquisition, would it not be more prudent to grow & expand Rotala's existing businesses through targeted investment i.e. expanding route networks/places served, increasing frequencies where possible to support continued growth and re-launching select routes that offer the greatest potential for growth & returns with new/nearly new buses & branding?
All other bus groups are investing heavily and experiencing growth and increased returns across their businesses.
3 - re: Group vehicle replacement policy
How long do Rotala currently anticipate having a low requirement for replacement vehicles for? Surely, the longer the level of vehicle replacements is kept low, the harder it will be to maintain the groups current average age of less than 8 years and it will cost more in subsequent years to keep it at that level.
The above policy doesn't meet the extract below from Rotala's Enviromental policy:
Rotala recognises its responsibility to limit the impact of its vehicles on the environment.
Exhaust fumes comprising (but not limited to) Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen (N) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are the major contributors to pollution from our vehicles.
Rotala aims to decrease its impact by constantly updating its fleet to newer, more fuel efficient and exhaust restricted vehicles.
4 - Wessex Expansion
I see from reports on a SW forum that Wessex are currently advertising for drivers on its buses due to expansion and all 12 Bristol services are being revised, can you advise when you anticipate registrations may be submitted or give any further details of Rotala's plans etc at this stage?
5 - Diamond
It's pleasing to see the effort Diamond have gone to re-launch the 301 & new 302 services with solid B7RLE. Obviously Tividale has gained some extra B7RLE's over the past few months i.e. 30002, 30813, 30855 & 30860 along with extra Solo's, but during the same it has lost the 6 Cadets + more recently two more of its biggest Darts to KR i.e. 30426 & 30512.
Looking at the remaining fleet make-up, Tividale now has 32 full size buses i.e. 31 x B7RLE, 1 x MAN, these are now the mainstay for the 002, 4/4H, 56, 301 & 302 which I assume spares are now few & far between. With only 7 x Cadets + 4 full size Darts remaining (i.e. 30432, 30437 & 30454/5) Tividale must be under to pressure to put large enough buses out on some of the above routes + other Sandwell Value services & in the event of B7RLE breakdown.
I know you've previously acknowledged Diamond has too many small buses, but the issue seems to be getting worse for Tividale at least. Could Rotala not look to acquire some additional/newer full length Darts either ex London (converted to single door) or ex Rental similar to the 52 plate Hanson's examples to boost availability of larger vehicle & capacity?
5 - VDL / Plaxton Centro's
I know they are not your vehicle of choice, but would the batch of 12M 58 plate VDL/Plaxton Centro's currently for sale at Arriva Bus & Coach not be of interest to Rotala to add to the 5 being retained at Redditch? I'm sure not being so popular, Rotala may be able to pick them up cheaper,000%20-%20500,000%20Miles/seats:30%20-%2060/age:2%20-%2015%20Years/toilet:on
Thanks in advance & I look forward to your replies,
1. There is no relevance of debt and market capitalisations. Typically people consider the relationship between EBITDA/Debt. I am not allowed under market rules to outline our leverage levels, but I will say that we consider our business to be conservatively leveraged.
2. If we can foresee an opportunity to increase earnings by investment, then we will proceed. Rotala has considerable ability to both undertake buy backs, invest and make acquisitions.
3. We do intend to constantly update our fleet, and we have shown that over the years so we are consistent with this statement. In terms of what, when, and how much. Time is on our side.
4. We are evolving our structure, and from mid January 2015 we have created a new post and appointed a Managing Director responsible for this business unit.
5. We have made an offer to acquire 6 x B7RLE's and 2 x E300's, which would be for DBCL.
6. It is not a vehicle which we want to invest in.
Before the end of November, we will start and re-structure/rename a number of our legal entities and move operrating depots into other legal entities.
This change is focused on regionalising our business into a London, Midlands, South West and North West region.
So you will see, operating licence changes to reflect this.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 07, 2014, 02:40:21 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 07, 2014, 02:33:33 PM
Quote from: Winston on November 07, 2014, 02:15:22 PM
Hi Simon,
1 - re: New Banking Facilities
I see Rotala have agreed new banking facilities of up to £18 Million allowing headroom of £10 Million available to fund potential acquisitions & share buy backs. Reading the RNS it suggests that the share backs will be funded by additional debt, is that the case? Are Rotala Plc not concerned that the groups current market cap @ 56p/share i.e. £19.8 Million is only £2.8 Million above the £17 Million debt that Rotala will have at the year end?
2 - re: Share Buybacks
I see Rotala have acquired 200,000 of their own shares today. Why are Rotala insistent on proceeding with share buybacks? I know that you've previously said that by reducing the number of shares in issue will boost the earning per share ratio, but that's artificially stimulating those figures, fundamentally the profit & debt levels of group will remain un-changed.
If Rotala has the means to buy back shares, in the absence of an earnings enhancing acquisition, would it not be more prudent to grow & expand Rotala's existing businesses through targeted investment i.e. expanding route networks/places served, increasing frequencies where possible to support continued growth and re-launching select routes that offer the greatest potential for growth & returns with new/nearly new buses & branding?
All other bus groups are investing heavily and experiencing growth and increased returns across their businesses.
3 - re: Group vehicle replacement policy
How long do Rotala currently anticipate having a low requirement for replacement vehicles for? Surely, the longer the level of vehicle replacements is kept low, the harder it will be to maintain the groups current average age of less than 8 years and it will cost more in subsequent years to keep it at that level.
The above policy doesn't meet the extract below from Rotala's Enviromental policy:
Rotala recognises its responsibility to limit the impact of its vehicles on the environment.
Exhaust fumes comprising (but not limited to) Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen (N) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are the major contributors to pollution from our vehicles.
Rotala aims to decrease its impact by constantly updating its fleet to newer, more fuel efficient and exhaust restricted vehicles.
4 - Wessex Expansion
I see from reports on a SW forum that Wessex are currently advertising for drivers on its buses due to expansion and all 12 Bristol services are being revised, can you advise when you anticipate registrations may be submitted or give any further details of Rotala's plans etc at this stage?
5 - Diamond
It's pleasing to see the effort Diamond have gone to re-launch the 301 & new 302 services with solid B7RLE. Obviously Tividale has gained some extra B7RLE's over the past few months i.e. 30002, 30813, 30855 & 30860 along with extra Solo's, but during the same it has lost the 6 Cadets + more recently two more of its biggest Darts to KR i.e. 30426 & 30512.
Looking at the remaining fleet make-up, Tividale now has 32 full size buses i.e. 31 x B7RLE, 1 x MAN, these are now the mainstay for the 002, 4/4H, 56, 301 & 302 which I assume spares are now few & far between. With only 7 x Cadets + 4 full size Darts remaining (i.e. 30432, 30437 & 30454/5) Tividale must be under to pressure to put large enough buses out on some of the above routes + other Sandwell Value services & in the event of B7RLE breakdown.
I know you've previously acknowledged Diamond has too many small buses, but the issue seems to be getting worse for Tividale at least. Could Rotala not look to acquire some additional/newer full length Darts either ex London (converted to single door) or ex Rental similar to the 52 plate Hanson's examples to boost availability of larger vehicle & capacity?
5 - VDL / Plaxton Centro's
I know they are not your vehicle of choice, but would the batch of 12M 58 plate VDL/Plaxton Centro's currently for sale at Arriva Bus & Coach not be of interest to Rotala to add to the 5 being retained at Redditch? I'm sure not being so popular, Rotala may be able to pick them up cheaper,000%20-%20500,000%20Miles/seats:30%20-%2060/age:2%20-%2015%20Years/toilet:on
Thanks in advance & I look forward to your replies,
1. There is no relevance of debt and market capitalisations. Typically people consider the relationship between EBITDA/Debt. I am not allowed under market rules to outline our leverage levels, but I will say that we consider our business to be conservatively leveraged.
2. If we can foresee an opportunity to increase earnings by investment, then we will proceed. Rotala has considerable ability to both undertake buy backs, invest and make acquisitions.
3. We do intend to constantly update our fleet, and we have shown that over the years so we are consistent with this statement. In terms of what, when, and how much. Time is on our side.
4. We are evolving our structure, and from mid January 2015 we have created a new post and appointed a Managing Director responsible for this business unit.
5. We have made an offer to acquire 6 x B7RLE's and 2 x E300's, which would be for DBCL.
6. It is not a vehicle which we want to invest in.
Before the end of November, we will start and re-structure/rename a number of our legal entities and move operrating depots into other legal entities.
This change is focused on regionalising our business into a London, Midlands, South West and North West region.
So you will see, operating licence changes to reflect this.
1. I'm aware of the EBITA/debt ratio measurement, but obviously Nett Asset Value is reduced the more debt you have/take on as is the retained profit due to higher interest charges.
2. Are Rotala primarily looking to make acquisitions to add to their existing business or would you consider buying operators within new area? Is the Heathrow operation big enough to warrant it's own region or is it a region you're looking to expand upon?
4. Yes I saw the new MD post advertized
5. The only source I can think of with 6 x B7RLE's for sale & potentially 2 x E300's is Yourbus, is the offer expected to conclude a deal? As 8 extra full size full size buses at Diamond would improve the balance. Could the Red Diamond MPD's at Tividale not be the first ones facing the axe.
7. Are the structural changes taking place designed to reduce the amount of admin & associated costs?
Thanks for your replies,
1. More debt, does not directly affect the Market Cap. Net Asset Value is different to this, and during this last few months from the various stock market announcements that have been made, we have had somewhere in the region of £1.6/£1.7 million worth of convertlible loan notes transfer into equity
2. We have an open mind. However, clearly development of current areas is normally more value enhancing.
7. We want to change the way we manage the business units. The legal entities reflect that, the branding, and the management units.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 07, 2014, 03:51:36 PM
1. More debt, does not directly affect the Market Cap. Net Asset Value is different to this, and during this last few months from the various stock market announcements that have been made, we have had somewhere in the region of £1.6/£1.7 million worth of convertlible loan notes transfer into equity
2. We have an open mind. However, clearly development of current areas is normally more value enhancing.
7. We want to change the way we manage the business units. The legal entities reflect that, the branding, and the management units.
1. Yes, I saw those which dated back to the 2008 acquisitions
Thanks for all the various replies
One last thing, Do Rotala plan to re-start the re-painting of the remaining Royale / 002 branded B7RLE's once Red Diamond livery is removed from Redditch. Obviously Kidderminster now has GWM, Black Diamond & current Diamond Blue liveries due to more recent additional services & buses being moved in.
Quote from: Winston on November 07, 2014, 04:08:37 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 07, 2014, 03:51:36 PM
1. More debt, does not directly affect the Market Cap. Net Asset Value is different to this, and during this last few months from the various stock market announcements that have been made, we have had somewhere in the region of £1.6/£1.7 million worth of convertlible loan notes transfer into equity
2. We have an open mind. However, clearly development of current areas is normally more value enhancing.
7. We want to change the way we manage the business units. The legal entities reflect that, the branding, and the management units.
1. Yes, I saw those which dated back to the 2008 acquisitions
Thanks for all the various replies
One last thing, Do Rotala plan to re-start the re-painting of the remaining Royale / 002 branded B7RLE's once Red Diamond livery is removed from Redditch. Obviously Kidderminster now has GWM, Black Diamond & current Diamond Blue liveries due to more recent additional services & buses being moved in.
It should never have stopped.
At present we have a high numbers of VOR's, which we need to reduce.
is there a possiblety that diamond will take up the routes whittles are droping or altering some diamond routes to cover missing
routes such as rerouting the 2 through the Queensway in wribbenhall to cover that bit of the 2a/2c. and re route the x3 at Kidderminster
hospital to run through to bewdley turning around the church and then on to stourport to cover that bit. it used to do that on a sunday as the 334 from Redditch to Kidderminster and then as the 300 from Kidderminster to Worcester hospital. It was a through service even though the number changed in Kidderminster. it maybe just a touch longer than the x3 turning at the hospital on to the main Kidderminster stourport road
with the traffic hold ups on there it would more than likely be quicker. cedric
Quote from: Ced on November 14, 2014, 11:37:42 AM
is there a possiblety that diamond will take up the routes whittles are droping or altering some diamond routes to cover missing
routes such as rerouting the 2 through the Queensway in wribbenhall to cover that bit of the 2a/2c. and re route the x3 at Kidderminster
hospital to run through to bewdley turning around the church and then on to stourport to cover that bit. it used to do that on a sunday as the 334 from Redditch to Kidderminster and then as the 300 from Kidderminster to Worcester hospital. It was a through service even though the number changed in Kidderminster. it maybe just a touch longer than the x3 turning at the hospital on to the main Kidderminster stourport road
with the traffic hold ups on there it would more than likely be quicker. cedric
Dear Sir,
We would like to grow our Kidderminster bus business.
We are currently reviewing following the recent changes our network and what if anything we should be doing
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 14, 2014, 11:56:07 AM
Quote from: Ced on November 14, 2014, 11:37:42 AM
is there a possiblety that diamond will take up the routes whittles are droping or altering some diamond routes to cover missing
routes such as rerouting the 2 through the Queensway in wribbenhall to cover that bit of the 2a/2c. and re route the x3 at Kidderminster
hospital to run through to bewdley turning around the church and then on to stourport to cover that bit. it used to do that on a sunday as the 334 from Redditch to Kidderminster and then as the 300 from Kidderminster to Worcester hospital. It was a through service even though the number changed in Kidderminster. it maybe just a touch longer than the x3 turning at the hospital on to the main Kidderminster stourport road
with the traffic hold ups on there it would more than likely be quicker. cedric
Dear Sir,
We would like to grow our Kidderminster bus business.
We are currently reviewing following the recent changes our network and what if anything we should be doing
there are several things I can think of Simon but rather than sending little bits when I can think of them all I will post in one go
Hi Simon
Has Diamond thought about "filling in the gap" so to speak between Stourbridge operating area and Kidderminster area (I.e. Running a similar service to Whittles along the 125 route?)
Also, have diamond thought about trying the Stourbridge-Merry Hill corridor, especially as NXs reliability on their X96/276 is negotiable at the best of times (last time diamond tried it was when the 300 was in operation, but that mainly suffered because of the length of the route imo)
And finally, is there any plans to deal with the bunching and lateness on the 002/lateness on the 226 services. Some days I've seen 2 or 3 002s arriving in merry hill during the daytime within a matter of seconds of each other and some 226s up to 10-15 miniutes late arriving too.
Quote from: the trainbasher on November 14, 2014, 12:58:34 PM
Hi Simon
Has Diamond thought about "filling in the gap" so to speak between Stourbridge operating area and Kidderminster area (I.e. Running a similar service to Whittles along the 125 route?)
Also, have diamond thought about trying the Stourbridge-Merry Hill corridor, especially as NXs reliability on their X96/276 is negotiable at the best of times (last time diamond tried it was when the 300 was in operation, but that mainly suffered because of the length of the route imo)
And finally, is there any plans to deal with the bunching and lateness on the 002/lateness on the 226 services. Some days I've seen 2 or 3 002s arriving in merry hill during the daytime within a matter of seconds of each other and some 226s up to 10-15 miniutes late arriving too.
The 125 is a part funded service by Shropshire County Council, and as such this would suggest that the service you are providing is not commercially viable.
We are continuing to look for opportunities to expand our Kidderminster depot, and we have considered numerous opprotunities.
In terms of the 002.
We are looking to change the timetable to re-time parts of the service.
In terms of 226
We are not aware of a problem. Our service monitorings have suggested that the service is operating in the window of tolerance.
I will request that this is monitored shortly.
Hi Simon,
Any movements/updates regarding 20503?
Quote from: Will on November 14, 2014, 01:31:28 PM
Hi Simon,
Any movements/updates regarding 20503?
From our point of view, there are a lot more things which are more important at the minute.
re my last post here are my sugestions for the Kidderminster network
service 1 needs no change
service 2 reroute it back along the main road going up bewdley hill and a right turn a catchems end to go through the queensway
service 2L reroute it back along the main road going up bewdley hill and not round the estates in bewdley because as it is a long distance route
to Ludlow this would make it better able to keep to time .
service3 no change
service X3 as I said before make it Redditch-Kidderminster-bewdley(town centre)-stouport -Astley cross . this would enable people from bewdley to get to Redditch and reddicth hospital easier
service 4a Go back to how it was as there as been a cut in service here have in it as the following
service 4 habberley-ferndale-franche back down the main franche road to Kidderminster maybe 4a going the other way round
service 5 puxton drive- Fairfield- wolverly this would partly replace whittles 7
service 6 greenhill -sionhill-cookley this would replace the rest of the whittles 7 and the bit to cookley is also covered by the 9 which is a subsidisd service as well as the 7 so combinded the who save the council money and give the cookley people better service as the 9 is only run by ford transit type none dda
service10 as it is now except for when the vehicle leaves spennells instead of going back up comberton road turn the other way and go up chester road south back to Kidderminster it would be a little quicker and only misses 2 stops out which are cover by the x3 and nobody hardly gets on at them.
service 15 do not realy know much about it
service 125 is subsidised a bit by SCC to help operators to cover the villages along the route it is well used in the summer by tourist and most of the time other times a year as it is the only way to get to Kidderminster or bridgnorth if you have no car as it is the only bus service that is the bridgnorth to Kidderminster section buses leaving kiddeminster to go to Stourbridge I have seen seam fairly well loaded as it does not go the main road it goes through Norton in to Stourbridge and till you get to the out skirts of Stourbridge it is the only bus
service 192 the only thing I can think of if all 192 turned right just past stourport school it would give a better service to that part of stourport.
maybe the 125 and 192 could be linked up with some of your black country and Birmingham area services . to provide better transport links for Kidderminster to other areas . and maybe even some sunday services in the area . I have not mention the following services as I do not know enough about them they are the 133,294,295, 303. Simon know some of these are not diamond services , you will have a idea why I have listed them regards cedric
Hi Simon,
That's good news on securing the 8 extra full size buses from Yourbus, I'm assuming that the 3 x Signature Merc Citaro's haven't been taken in part exchange?
I was thinking whether the additional buses/resulting withdrawals & cascades could work as follows to benefit TE, RH & KR garages:
In - SV04DVH/ DVK/ DVL/ DVM - B7RLE/Wright
BK10 MFX/MFY - B7RLE / Plaxton Centro
Out - MPD's 20501, 20502, 20505 (Red Diamond liveried), 20507 (GWM Liveried) & 20535/36 (allover Red ex Swift 226) cascaded to KR via repaint.
Only 3 buses remain not in either current allover blue or Black Diamond livery i.e. Darts 30454/5 (allover Red ex Swift 226) & 30487 (GWM) livery
In - SN10 CDF/CDK - Enviro 300's
Out - Darts 20850 & 30902 to KR, excess spares to leave namely MPD's - 20372 (Red Diamond liveried) goes first.
In - Large Darts 20850 & 30902 & MPD's 20535/6
Out - V-reg MPD's 20652/54/57 & 658
Direct swaps to standardize fleet:
TE - MAN 30806 (after repaint) - swapped with an RH B7RLE
LAC - MAN 30704 & 30804 swapped with Longs Darts 30636 & 30701 at RH
- All MAN's concentrated at RH
- Majority of Darts removed from RH
Future - Additional E300's acquired for RH as/when become available to cascade B7RLE to Tividale
Any good?
Quote from: Ced on November 14, 2014, 03:10:39 PM
re my last post here are my sugestions for the Kidderminster network
service 1 needs no change
service 2 reroute it back along the main road going up bewdley hill and a right turn a catchems end to go through the queensway
service 2L reroute it back along the main road going up bewdley hill and not round the estates in bewdley because as it is a long distance route
to Ludlow this would make it better able to keep to time .
service3 no change
service X3 as I said before make it Redditch-Kidderminster-bewdley(town centre)-stouport -Astley cross . this would enable people from bewdley to get to Redditch and reddicth hospital easier
service 4a Go back to how it was as there as been a cut in service here have in it as the following
service 4 habberley-ferndale-franche back down the main franche road to Kidderminster maybe 4a going the other way round
service 5 puxton drive- Fairfield- wolverly this would partly replace whittles 7
service 6 greenhill -sionhill-cookley this would replace the rest of the whittles 7 and the bit to cookley is also covered by the 9 which is a subsidisd service as well as the 7 so combinded the who save the council money and give the cookley people better service as the 9 is only run by ford transit type none dda
service10 as it is now except for when the vehicle leaves spennells instead of going back up comberton road turn the other way and go up chester road south back to Kidderminster it would be a little quicker and only misses 2 stops out which are cover by the x3 and nobody hardly gets on at them.
service 15 do not realy know much about it
service 125 is subsidised a bit by SCC to help operators to cover the villages along the route it is well used in the summer by tourist and most of the time other times a year as it is the only way to get to Kidderminster or bridgnorth if you have no car as it is the only bus service that is the bridgnorth to Kidderminster section buses leaving kiddeminster to go to Stourbridge I have seen seam fairly well loaded as it does not go the main road it goes through Norton in to Stourbridge and till you get to the out skirts of Stourbridge it is the only bus
service 192 the only thing I can think of if all 192 turned right just past stourport school it would give a better service to that part of stourport.
maybe the 125 and 192 could be linked up with some of your black country and Birmingham area services . to provide better transport links for Kidderminster to other areas . and maybe even some sunday services in the area . I have not mention the following services as I do not know enough about them they are the 133,294,295, 303. Simon know some of these are not diamond services , you will have a idea why I have listed them regards cedric
Dear Sir,
I have forwarded your comments to our commercial team.
Thank you
Quote from: Winston on November 15, 2014, 01:32:16 PM
Hi Simon,
That's good news on securing the 8 extra full size buses from Yourbus, I'm assuming that the 3 x Signature Merc Citaro's haven't been taken in part exchange?
I was thinking whether the additional buses/resulting withdrawals & cascades could work as follows to benefit TE, RH & KR garages:
In - SV04DVH/ DVK/ DVL/ DVM - B7RLE/Wright
BK10 MFX/MFY - B7RLE / Plaxton Centro
Out - MPD's 20501, 20502, 20505 (Red Diamond liveried), 20507 (GWM Liveried) & 20535/36 (allover Red ex Swift 226) cascaded to KR via repaint.
Only 3 buses remain not in either current allover blue or Black Diamond livery i.e. Darts 30454/5 (allover Red ex Swift 226) & 30487 (GWM) livery
In - SN10 CDF/CDK - Enviro 300's
Out - Darts 20850 & 30902 to KR, excess spares to leave namely MPD's - 20372 (Red Diamond liveried) goes first.
In - Large Darts 20850 & 30902 & MPD's 20535/6
Out - V-reg MPD's 20652/54/57 & 658
Direct swaps to standardize fleet:
TE - MAN 30806 (after repaint) - swapped with an RH B7RLE
LAC - MAN 30704 & 30804 swapped with Longs Darts 30636 & 30701 at RH
- All MAN's concentrated at RH
- Majority of Darts removed from RH
Future - Additional E300's acquired for RH as/when become available to cascade B7RLE to Tividale
Any good?
We have not sold the Signature buses.
The buses we have acquired will come in stages over the next 4/5 weeks, and two of the 04 plate Volvos will be out of test.
When they enter service, we will try to standardise the vehicles at Garage more. We havent exactly decided what yet.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 17, 2014, 07:32:19 AM
Quote from: Ced on November 14, 2014, 03:10:39 PM
re my last post here are my sugestions for the Kidderminster network
service 1 needs no change
service 2 reroute it back along the main road going up bewdley hill and a right turn a catchems end to go through the queensway
service 2L reroute it back along the main road going up bewdley hill and not round the estates in bewdley because as it is a long distance route
to Ludlow this would make it better able to keep to time .
service3 no change
service X3 as I said before make it Redditch-Kidderminster-bewdley(town centre)-stouport -Astley cross . this would enable people from bewdley to get to Redditch and reddicth hospital easier
service 4a Go back to how it was as there as been a cut in service here have in it as the following
service 4 habberley-ferndale-franche back down the main franche road to Kidderminster maybe 4a going the other way round
service 5 puxton drive- Fairfield- wolverly this would partly replace whittles 7
service 6 greenhill -sionhill-cookley this would replace the rest of the whittles 7 and the bit to cookley is also covered by the 9 which is a subsidisd service as well as the 7 so combinded the who save the council money and give the cookley people better service as the 9 is only run by ford transit type none dda
service10 as it is now except for when the vehicle leaves spennells instead of going back up comberton road turn the other way and go up chester road south back to Kidderminster it would be a little quicker and only misses 2 stops out which are cover by the x3 and nobody hardly gets on at them.
service 15 do not realy know much about it
service 125 is subsidised a bit by SCC to help operators to cover the villages along the route it is well used in the summer by tourist and most of the time other times a year as it is the only way to get to Kidderminster or bridgnorth if you have no car as it is the only bus service that is the bridgnorth to Kidderminster section buses leaving kiddeminster to go to Stourbridge I have seen seam fairly well loaded as it does not go the main road it goes through Norton in to Stourbridge and till you get to the out skirts of Stourbridge it is the only bus
service 192 the only thing I can think of if all 192 turned right just past stourport school it would give a better service to that part of stourport.
maybe the 125 and 192 could be linked up with some of your black country and Birmingham area services . to provide better transport links for Kidderminster to other areas . and maybe even some sunday services in the area . I have not mention the following services as I do not know enough about them they are the 133,294,295, 303. Simon know some of these are not diamond services , you will have a idea why I have listed them regards cedric
Dear Sir,
I have forwarded your comments to our commercial team.
Thank you
Re my suggestion about service 10 there would only be one stop missed out realy not 2 because at the one people mostly cross the road and get the bus before it goes around spennells to make sure of get on . and the one that who be missed out is covered by the x3 and it is very rare a buses picks anyone up there cedric
Hi Simon
Thanks for previous replies!
1) I see the ex WCC citaro(s) (looks as if at least one) is for auction again:
Could be ideal for building up a greater fleet of them at Long Acre or Preston.
2) Presumably Yourbus still have three B9TL deckers for sale they don't appear to be using, as they are surplus to requirement. Did you explore acquiring these as part of your recent deal with Yourbus? Would they be ideal for increasing capacity on UWE services, potentially cascading B7rle's to Diamond?
3) I see the frequency of the 2 is being cut back to every 40 mins from 15th December. This seems a busy and well-used corridor-just wondered why this is the plan, especially given Whittle's are withdrawing from the 2A/C to Bewdley.
4) I see WCC themselves are taking over part of the 15 left without a service when the 2A/C gets withdrawn. Was this something Rotala considered running commercially/or bidding to gain the contract for it?
Many Thanks
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 17, 2014, 03:29:34 PM
Hi Simon
Thanks for previous replies!
1) I see the ex WCC citaro(s) (looks as if at least one) is for auction again:
Could be ideal for building up a greater fleet of them at Long Acre or Preston.
2) Presumably Yourbus still have three B9TL deckers for sale they don't appear to be using, as they are surplus to requirement. Did you explore acquiring these as part of your recent deal with Yourbus? Would they be ideal for increasing capacity on UWE services, potentially cascading B7rle's to Diamond?
3) I see the frequency of the 2 is being cut back to every 40 mins from 15th December. This seems a busy and well-used corridor-just wondered why this is the plan, especially given Whittle's are withdrawing from the 2A/C to Bewdley.
4) I see WCC themselves are taking over part of the 15 left without a service when the 2A/C gets withdrawn. Was this something Rotala considered running commercially/or bidding to gain the contract for it?
Many Thanks
Regarding the old 2a/2c diamond are rerouting the 2 to cover the Queensway bit of the 2a/2c so that means all the Kidderminster to bewdley
is covered and diamond already cover the stourport to Kidderminster section so it just the bewdley to stourport section wWCC are taking over as the 15. but whittles still have there 15 going as well
Quote from: Ced on November 17, 2014, 05:00:33 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 17, 2014, 03:29:34 PM
Hi Simon
Thanks for previous replies!
1) I see the ex WCC citaro(s) (looks as if at least one) is for auction again:
Could be ideal for building up a greater fleet of them at Long Acre or Preston.
2) Presumably Yourbus still have three B9TL deckers for sale they don't appear to be using, as they are surplus to requirement. Did you explore acquiring these as part of your recent deal with Yourbus? Would they be ideal for increasing capacity on UWE services, potentially cascading B7rle's to Diamond?
3) I see the frequency of the 2 is being cut back to every 40 mins from 15th December. This seems a busy and well-used corridor-just wondered why this is the plan, especially given Whittle's are withdrawing from the 2A/C to Bewdley.
4) I see WCC themselves are taking over part of the 15 left without a service when the 2A/C gets withdrawn. Was this something Rotala considered running commercially/or bidding to gain the contract for it?
Many Thanks
Regarding the old 2a/2c diamond are rerouting the 2 to cover the Queensway bit of the 2a/2c so that means all the Kidderminster to bewdley
is covered and diamond already cover the stourport to Kidderminster section so it just the bewdley to stourport section wWCC are taking over as the 15. but whittles still have there 15 going as well
I know the service will be covered-what I was interested to hear was why in WCC's service change listings, the 2 is down as being reduced to every 40 minutes.
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 17, 2014, 05:03:33 PM
Quote from: Ced on November 17, 2014, 05:00:33 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 17, 2014, 03:29:34 PM
Hi Simon
Thanks for previous replies!
1) I see the ex WCC citaro(s) (looks as if at least one) is for auction again:
Could be ideal for building up a greater fleet of them at Long Acre or Preston.
2) Presumably Yourbus still have three B9TL deckers for sale they don't appear to be using, as they are surplus to requirement. Did you explore acquiring these as part of your recent deal with Yourbus? Would they be ideal for increasing capacity on UWE services, potentially cascading B7rle's to Diamond?
3) I see the frequency of the 2 is being cut back to every 40 mins from 15th December. This seems a busy and well-used corridor-just wondered why this is the plan, especially given Whittle's are withdrawing from the 2A/C to Bewdley.
4) I see WCC themselves are taking over part of the 15 left without a service when the 2A/C gets withdrawn. Was this something Rotala considered running commercially/or bidding to gain the contract for it?
Many Thanks
Regarding the old 2a/2c diamond are rerouting the 2 to cover the Queensway bit of the 2a/2c so that means all the Kidderminster to bewdley
is covered and diamond already cover the stourport to Kidderminster section so it just the bewdley to stourport section wWCC are taking over as the 15. but whittles still have there 15 going as well
I know the service will be covered-what I was interested to hear drug was why in WCC's service change listings, the 2 is down as being reduced to every 40 minutes.
Sorry miss read questions it might just be that WCC
Have made a some errors as they did with the last
Changes on the 2L they had it as running hourly through
To Ludlow when it should every 90 mins can not see
Diamond cutting down the 2 to what would be 3 buses
every 2 Hours
Quote from: Ced on November 17, 2014, 09:40:36 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 17, 2014, 05:03:33 PM
Quote from: Ced on November 17, 2014, 05:00:33 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 17, 2014, 03:29:34 PM
Hi Simon
Thanks for previous replies!
1) I see the ex WCC citaro(s) (looks as if at least one) is for auction again:
Could be ideal for building up a greater fleet of them at Long Acre or Preston.
2) Presumably Yourbus still have three B9TL deckers for sale they don't appear to be using, as they are surplus to requirement. Did you explore acquiring these as part of your recent deal with Yourbus? Would they be ideal for increasing capacity on UWE services, potentially cascading B7rle's to Diamond?
3) I see the frequency of the 2 is being cut back to every 40 mins from 15th December. This seems a busy and well-used corridor-just wondered why this is the plan, especially given Whittle's are withdrawing from the 2A/C to Bewdley.
4) I see WCC themselves are taking over part of the 15 left without a service when the 2A/C gets withdrawn. Was this something Rotala considered running commercially/or bidding to gain the contract for it?
Many Thanks
Regarding the old 2a/2c diamond are rerouting the 2 to cover the Queensway bit of the 2a/2c so that means all the Kidderminster to bewdley
is covered and diamond already cover the stourport to Kidderminster section so it just the bewdley to stourport section wWCC are taking over as the 15. but whittles still have there 15 going as well
I know the service will be covered-what I was interested to hear drug was why in WCC's service change listings, the 2 is down as being reduced to every 40 minutes.
Sorry miss read questions it might just be that WCC
Have made a some errors as they did with the last
Changes on the 2L they had it as running hourly through
To Ludlow when it should every 90 mins can not see
Diamond cutting down the 2 to what would be 3 buses
every 2 Hours
I agree with you there that it's probably a mistake! :)
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 17, 2014, 03:29:34 PM
Hi Simon
Thanks for previous replies!
1) I see the ex WCC citaro(s) (looks as if at least one) is for auction again:
Could be ideal for building up a greater fleet of them at Long Acre or Preston.
2) Presumably Yourbus still have three B9TL deckers for sale they don't appear to be using, as they are surplus to requirement. Did you explore acquiring these as part of your recent deal with Yourbus? Would they be ideal for increasing capacity on UWE services, potentially cascading B7rle's to Diamond?
3) I see the frequency of the 2 is being cut back to every 40 mins from 15th December. This seems a busy and well-used corridor-just wondered why this is the plan, especially given Whittle's are withdrawing from the 2A/C to Bewdley.
4) I see WCC themselves are taking over part of the 15 left without a service when the 2A/C gets withdrawn. Was this something Rotala considered running commercially/or bidding to gain the contract for it?
Many Thanks
Dear Sir,
1. As a rule, I am not going chasing buses around auctions. So I doubt we will be buying any
2. We have registered nothing as yet. Therefore this shouldnt be on the WCC website.
3. We did look at it, but didnt consider it would be commercially viable.
How is the 302 doing so far?
Apart from the branded buses, havent seen any real promotion for it!
(Noticed youve got the £2.50 day return on it!)
I have promoted it via a locally based Facebook group seeing the guy that ran it was highly critical of Nx's reliability in the past!
Quote from: Westy on November 18, 2014, 01:09:30 PM
How is the 302 doing so far?
Apart from the branded buses, havent seen any real promotion for it!
(Noticed youve got the £2.50 day return on it!)
I have promoted it via a locally based Facebook group seeing the guy that ran it was highly critical of Nx's reliability in the past!
Dear Sir,
It is too early to assess its performance.
Thank you for your assistance with promotion
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 18, 2014, 06:28:22 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 17, 2014, 03:29:34 PM
Hi Simon
Thanks for previous replies!
1) I see the ex WCC citaro(s) (looks as if at least one) is for auction again:
Could be ideal for building up a greater fleet of them at Long Acre or Preston.
2) Presumably Yourbus still have three B9TL deckers for sale they don't appear to be using, as they are surplus to requirement. Did you explore acquiring these as part of your recent deal with Yourbus? Would they be ideal for increasing capacity on UWE services, potentially cascading B7rle's to Diamond?
3) I see the frequency of the 2 is being cut back to every 40 mins from 15th December. This seems a busy and well-used corridor-just wondered why this is the plan, especially given Whittle's are withdrawing from the 2A/C to Bewdley.
4) I see WCC themselves are taking over part of the 15 left without a service when the 2A/C gets withdrawn. Was this something Rotala considered running commercially/or bidding to gain the contract for it?
Many Thanks
Dear Sir,
1. As a rule, I am not going chasing buses around auctions. So I doubt we will be buying any
2. We have registered nothing as yet. Therefore this shouldnt be on the WCC website.
3. We did look at it, but didnt consider it would be commercially viable.
I agree with what you said about the bewdley to stouport route 15 (or2A/2C ) as the few times I have been on , or seen bus on that section apart part from the the school am/ pm runs even a solo or mpd would not get any where near full, the best thing for that section would be like I said in a earlier post to divert the x3 along there
Hi Simon,
With the impending closure of Whittle's bus business, I was wondering if it might be worth Rotala approaching EYMS Group about the possibility of acquiring some of it's larger Darts which will become surplus i.e.
154 YX03MWG
155 YX03MWJ
156 YX03MWK
164 GK03NFT
170 YX04JVW
Of the few older Darts that may need replacing in the EYMS fleet, I suspect the E200's returning to Hull might cover those.
Quote from: Winston on November 20, 2014, 08:25:15 AM
Hi Simon,
With the impending closure of Whittle's bus business, I was wondering if it might be worth Rotala approaching EYMS Group about the possibility of acquiring some of it's larger Darts which will become surplus i.e.
154 YX03MWG
155 YX03MWJ
156 YX03MWK
164 GK03NFT
170 YX04JVW
Of the few older Darts that may need replacing in the EYMS fleet, I suspect the E200's returning to Hull might cover those.
We are always looking for good value opportunities to improve our fleet.
Last year I spent several months, and several hundreds of thousands of pounds dealing with an OFT enquiry, and until EYMS have concluded any transaction the last thing I would want to do would be to get involved with some potential conspiracy theory over why we had acquired some buses.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 20, 2014, 08:38:24 AM
Quote from: Winston on November 20, 2014, 08:25:15 AM
Hi Simon,
With the impending closure of Whittle's bus business, I was wondering if it might be worth Rotala approaching EYMS Group about the possibility of acquiring some of it's larger Darts which will become surplus i.e.
154 YX03MWG
155 YX03MWJ
156 YX03MWK
164 GK03NFT
170 YX04JVW
Of the few older Darts that may need replacing in the EYMS fleet, I suspect the E200's returning to Hull might cover those.
We are always looking for good value opportunities to improve our fleet.
Last year I spent several months, and several hundreds of thousands of pounds dealing with an OFT enquiry, and until EYMS have concluded any transaction the last thing I would want to do would be to get involved with some potential conspiracy theory over why we had acquired some buses.
Fair point, I just thought it might have been a mutually beneficial transaction that benefits both parties. Maybe best to wait until after 5th Jan then.
Based of your previous Oft experience, I assume Diamond not be registering any additional services covering any former Whittle's routes until approached by WCC or other parties, as that would surely attract more conspiracy theories then buying a few surplus buses & using them on your existing services?
Quote from: Winston on November 20, 2014, 09:02:11 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 20, 2014, 08:38:24 AM
Quote from: Winston on November 20, 2014, 08:25:15 AM
Hi Simon,
With the impending closure of Whittle's bus business, I was wondering if it might be worth Rotala approaching EYMS Group about the possibility of acquiring some of it's larger Darts which will become surplus i.e.
154 YX03MWG
155 YX03MWJ
156 YX03MWK
164 GK03NFT
170 YX04JVW
Of the few older Darts that may need replacing in the EYMS fleet, I suspect the E200's returning to Hull might cover those.
We are always looking for good value opportunities to improve our fleet.
Last year I spent several months, and several hundreds of thousands of pounds dealing with an OFT enquiry, and until EYMS have concluded any transaction the last thing I would want to do would be to get involved with some potential conspiracy theory over why we had acquired some buses.
Fair point, I just thought it might have been a mutually beneficial transaction that benefits both parties. Maybe best to wait until after 5th Jan then.
Based of your previous Oft experience, I assume Diamond not be registering any additional services covering any former Whittle's routes until approached by WCC or other parties, as that would surely attract more conspiracy theories then buying a few surplus buses & using them on your existing services?
We will do what we consider to be in our best interests.
Within Rotala I work with a Director who I have done so for over 15 years, who will assess what we should do and I believe that will result in an increased presence
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 20, 2014, 09:05:50 AM
Quote from: Winston on November 20, 2014, 09:02:11 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 20, 2014, 08:38:24 AM
Quote from: Winston on November 20, 2014, 08:25:15 AM
Hi Simon,
With the impending closure of Whittle's bus business, I was wondering if it might be worth Rotala approaching EYMS Group about the possibility of acquiring some of it's larger Darts which will become surplus i.e.
154 YX03MWG
155 YX03MWJ
156 YX03MWK
164 GK03NFT
170 YX04JVW
Of the few older Darts that may need replacing in the EYMS fleet, I suspect the E200's returning to Hull might cover those.
We are always looking for good value opportunities to improve our fleet.
Last year I spent several months, and several hundreds of thousands of pounds dealing with an OFT enquiry, and until EYMS have concluded any transaction the last thing I would want to do would be to get involved with some potential conspiracy theory over why we had acquired some buses.
Fair point, I just thought it might have been a mutually beneficial transaction that benefits both parties. Maybe best to wait until after 5th Jan then.
Based of your previous Oft experience, I assume Diamond not be registering any additional services covering any former Whittle's routes until approached by WCC or other parties, as that would surely attract more conspiracy theories then buying a few surplus buses & using them on your existing services?
We will do what we consider to be in our best interests.
Within Rotala I work with a Director who I have done so for over 15 years, who will assess what we should do and I believe that will result in an increased presence
I know you've said already, but couldn't you just say to EYMS that you are interested in some of there Whittle Fleet if a buyer is not found and they choose to close Whittle?
I would have thought after Whittle has closed you'd be dealing with EYMS in Yorkshire not with Whittle or doesn't the OFT work like that.
But I was only thinking if stated interest with them that the early bird gets the worm and all that.
Quote from: tank90 on November 20, 2014, 04:32:25 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 20, 2014, 09:05:50 AM
Quote from: Winston on November 20, 2014, 09:02:11 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 20, 2014, 08:38:24 AM
Quote from: Winston on November 20, 2014, 08:25:15 AM
Hi Simon,
With the impending closure of Whittle's bus business, I was wondering if it might be worth Rotala approaching EYMS Group about the possibility of acquiring some of it's larger Darts which will become surplus i.e.
154 YX03MWG
155 YX03MWJ
156 YX03MWK
164 GK03NFT
170 YX04JVW
Of the few older Darts that may need replacing in the EYMS fleet, I suspect the E200's returning to Hull might cover those.
We are always looking for good value opportunities to improve our fleet.
Last year I spent several months, and several hundreds of thousands of pounds dealing with an OFT enquiry, and until EYMS have concluded any transaction the last thing I would want to do would be to get involved with some potential conspiracy theory over why we had acquired some buses.
Fair point, I just thought it might have been a mutually beneficial transaction that benefits both parties. Maybe best to wait until after 5th Jan then.
Based of your previous Oft experience, I assume Diamond not be registering any additional services covering any former Whittle's routes until approached by WCC or other parties, as that would surely attract more conspiracy theories then buying a few surplus buses & using them on your existing services?
We will do what we consider to be in our best interests.
Within Rotala I work with a Director who I have done so for over 15 years, who will assess what we should do and I believe that will result in an increased presence
I know you've said already, but couldn't you just say to EYMS that you are interested in some of there Whittle Fleet if a buyer is not found and they choose to close Whittle?
I would have thought after Whittle has closed you'd be dealing with EYMS in Yorkshire not with Whittle or doesn't the OFT work like that.
But I was only thinking if stated interest with them that the early bird gets the worm and all that.
If we truly wanted 10 x 2003-2005 darts Dawsons Rentals have loads.
Our interest will be driven by the price.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 20, 2014, 04:34:44 PM
Quote from: tank90 on November 20, 2014, 04:32:25 PM
I know you've said already, but couldn't you just say to EYMS that you are interested in some of there Whittle Fleet if a buyer is not found and they choose to close Whittle?
I would have thought after Whittle has closed you'd be dealing with EYMS in Yorkshire not with Whittle or doesn't the OFT work like that.
But I was only thinking if stated interest with them that the early bird gets the worm and all that.
If we truly wanted 10 x 2003-2005 darts Dawsons Rentals have loads.
Our interest will be driven by the price.
That seems a fair point, but then again ask now you have time to get the price you want later, if they do end up Closing Whittle.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 20, 2014, 04:34:44 PM
Quote from: tank90 on November 20, 2014, 04:32:25 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 20, 2014, 09:05:50 AM
Quote from: Winston on November 20, 2014, 09:02:11 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 20, 2014, 08:38:24 AM
Quote from: Winston on November 20, 2014, 08:25:15 AM
Hi Simon,
With the impending closure of Whittle's bus business, I was wondering if it might be worth Rotala approaching EYMS Group about the possibility of acquiring some of it's larger Darts which will become surplus i.e.
154 YX03MWG
155 YX03MWJ
156 YX03MWK
164 GK03NFT
170 YX04JVW
Of the few older Darts that may need replacing in the EYMS fleet, I suspect the E200's returning to Hull might cover those.
We are always looking for good value opportunities to improve our fleet.
Last year I spent several months, and several hundreds of thousands of pounds dealing with an OFT enquiry, and until EYMS have concluded any transaction the last thing I would want to do would be to get involved with some potential conspiracy theory over why we had acquired some buses.
Fair point, I just thought it might have been a mutually beneficial transaction that benefits both parties. Maybe best to wait until after 5th Jan then.
Based of your previous Oft experience, I assume Diamond not be registering any additional services covering any former Whittle's routes until approached by WCC or other parties, as that would surely attract more conspiracy theories then buying a few surplus buses & using them on your existing services?
We will do what we consider to be in our best interests.
Within Rotala I work with a Director who I have done so for over 15 years, who will assess what we should do and I believe that will result in an increased presence
I know you've said already, but couldn't you just say to EYMS that you are interested in some of there Whittle Fleet if a buyer is not found and they choose to close Whittle?
I would have thought after Whittle has closed you'd be dealing with EYMS in Yorkshire not with Whittle or doesn't the OFT work like that.
But I was only thinking if stated interest with them that the early bird gets the worm and all that.
If we truly wanted 10 x 2003-2005 darts Dawsons Rentals have loads.
Our interest will be driven by the price.
Would such vehicles not be ideal for getting rid of the remaining cadets and red and white diamond darts where routes cannot support b7rle's/e300's?
Quote from: DiamondDart on November 20, 2014, 05:32:29 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 20, 2014, 04:34:44 PM
If we truly wanted 10 x 2003-2005 darts Dawsons Rentals have loads.
Our interest will be driven by the price.
Would such vehicles not be ideal for getting rid of the remaining cadets and red and white diamond darts where routes cannot support b7rle's/e300's?
As Simon said to me IF they TRULY wanted them then Dawsons wouldn't have them. Granted there wasn't harm in sugguesting but really we'd be better off not pointing out things like that.....
I think we should credit Diamond and Simon in the fact they know what they want and at what price. It is easy for me you and others to say you should do this and that to do x y and z. But at the end of the day Simon and his team know what they have to spend and what needs to happen. We can only highlight promblems we come across and if we see buses that might help diamond tell him. Not force him, but trust he'll look into if it is right.
anymore news of what's likely to be happing in Kidderminster in the new year with the closure of whittles on the 4/1/15
I know there are things that you can not disclose on here . just wondered if there was any thing you could let us know
please I am interested I live in Kidderminster and also travel to bewdley a lot just wondering if your frequenise
to bewdley on the 2 are being cut to every 40mins as I know asked this a couple of weeks ago , people in the area
are now saying this so just wonder if thing had changed or if someone had seen it on the WCC website before it was taken
of it due to the error you mention before.
Quote from: Ced on December 01, 2014, 09:12:26 PM
anymore news of what's likely to be happing in Kidderminster in the new year with the closure of whittles on the 4/1/15
I know there are things that you can not disclose on here . just wondered if there was any thing you could let us know
please I am interested I live in Kidderminster and also travel to bewdley a lot just wondering if your frequenise
to bewdley on the 2 are being cut to every 40mins as I know asked this a couple of weeks ago , people in the area
are now saying this so just wonder if thing had changed or if someone had seen it on the WCC website before it was taken
of it due to the error you mention before.
Over the next couple of days we will put in place our intended service revisions.
Starting some time in January (supposed to be according to WFDC) , there is major redevelopment of the town centre
in the area of the town hall , and it will affected everything . the taxi rank is being moved , and they say the bus
stops are as well. just wondered if you know any thing about where they would be for the the terminus .
Quote from: Ced on December 05, 2014, 03:33:20 PM
Starting some time in January (supposed to be according to WFDC) , there is major redevelopment of the town centre
in the area of the town hall , and it will affected everything . the taxi rank is being moved , and they say the bus
stops are as well. just wondered if you know any thing about where they would be for the the terminus .
Yes we are aware. We have attended meetings about the proposed changes, but we are told at present they are on hold
Hi Simon. Do you know if there is any plans to offer the Value Returns on swift PAYG?
Quote from: the trainbasher on December 05, 2014, 04:13:56 PM
Hi Simon. Do you know if there is any plans to offer the Value Returns on swift PAYG?
Dear Sir,
The development of the swift PAYE is down to Centro.
We would like a lot more of our product range on swift. However, we are in Centro's hands.
Hi simon
How could I get tivadale garage tour
To request a depot tour of any Diamond garage you would need to contact Dave Russell on the following email address:
Hi Simon,
1. Has there been any developments with the potential expansion of Tividale following the ground tests? Any more interest in Long Acre?
2. Are there still some new registrations to come for Wessex re: new commercial services, as I noticed Wessex were advertising for more drivers for expansion, but other than all the UWE services being changed which appears to be term operating times rather than increased frequencies, I haven't seen anything else to date. Or will any expansion/changes now wait until after your new former First MD starts?
3. We do you hope to take delivery of the first of former ex Yourbus buses acquired? I assume there's nothing else due to cascade to Diamond or any further used or new acquisitions now you know what happening with Whittle's etc?
4. Why is it thedouble-02 branding was used in the recent web adverts for the extending 002 Xmas operating hours, when the branding had started to be phased out sometime ago on the buses? And was 'Red Diamond' MPD 20505 being used on late night Xmas 002's whilst a 13 plate B7RLE was a Centro tendered 243 the same night? hardly a good advert for the service....
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2014, 12:08:25 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Good news on the Whittle's coach business purchase, I must admit I didn't think it would have been of interest to Rotala. I guess with your RH & KR bus businesses, it gives you'll the ability to advertise Whittle's day trips / private hire on all the buses & capture a wider audience FOC. Are Rotala buying a scaled down coach business than at present? or are you intending to move some existing Rotala coaches across to make the coach fleet back up to 11?
2. Has there been any developments with the potential expansion of Tividale following the ground tests? Any more interest in Long Acre?
3. Are there still some new registrations to come for Wessex re: new commercial services, as I noticed Wessex were advertising for more drivers for expansion, but other than all the UWE services being changed which appears to be term operating times rather than increased frequencies, I haven't seen anything else to date. Or will any expansion/changes now wait until after your new former First MD starts?
4. We do you hope to take delivery of the first of former ex Yourbus buses acquired? I assume there's nothing else due to cascade to Diamond or any further used or new acquisitions now you know what happening with Whittle's etc?
5. Why is it thedouble-02 branding was used in the recent web adverts for the extending 002 Xmas operating hours, when the branding had started to be phased out sometime ago on the buses?
for the day trips and holidays whittles do pick up at Stourbridge for holidays and day trips and theatre trips with a inter change for holidays at least , not sure about the day trips think they do also . at Worcester croft road car park, by the race coruse , think they do something similar at Wolverhampton for stuff going north think they picked up there as well , if you want some idea of the pick up points go to the whittles site and click on the day trip link.
Simon could you please tell me why there is a 42 minute gap in the mornings on the new 10 time table it's at a time when there are quite a few people travel most days , and with the new timetable of the 2 replacing part of whittles 2A/2C service why has it been cut from every 30Min's to every 40 Min's I did send fill in the customer care thing on the site but the answer I got I was not impress with, and I asked about the 2 as well and that was not answered cedric
Hi Simon, do you have any plans on standardising interior?
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2014, 12:08:25 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Has there been any developments with the potential expansion of Tividale following the ground tests? Any more interest in Long Acre?
2. Are there still some new registrations to come for Wessex re: new commercial services, as I noticed Wessex were advertising for more drivers for expansion, but other than all the UWE services being changed which appears to be term operating times rather than increased frequencies, I haven't seen anything else to date. Or will any expansion/changes now wait until after your new former First MD starts?
3. We do you hope to take delivery of the first of former ex Yourbus buses acquired? I assume there's nothing else due to cascade to Diamond or any further used or new acquisitions now you know what happening with Whittle's etc?
4. Why is it thedouble-02 branding was used in the recent web adverts for the extending 002 Xmas operating hours, when the branding had started to be phased out sometime ago on the buses? And was 'Red Diamond' MPD 20505 being used on late night Xmas 002's whilst a 13 plate B7RLE was a Centro tendered 243 the same night? hardly a good advert for the service....
1. We expect to apply for planning this week. Over the last 2 weeks to have had 2 offers from different parties for Long Acre.
2. Any service expansions will wait until Simon Cursio starts on 15th January 2015.
3. 3 of the Ex-YourBuses should be in service today.
4. I am not sure of the exact reasons why. Some of it will be about what they operated on in the day time and what they came off.
Quote from: Ced on December 12, 2014, 02:11:45 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2014, 12:08:25 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Good news on the Whittle's coach business purchase, I must admit I didn't think it would have been of interest to Rotala. I guess with your RH & KR bus businesses, it gives you'll the ability to advertise Whittle's day trips / private hire on all the buses & capture a wider audience FOC. Are Rotala buying a scaled down coach business than at present? or are you intending to move some existing Rotala coaches across to make the coach fleet back up to 11?
2. Has there been any developments with the potential expansion of Tividale following the ground tests? Any more interest in Long Acre?
3. Are there still some new registrations to come for Wessex re: new commercial services, as I noticed Wessex were advertising for more drivers for expansion, but other than all the UWE services being changed which appears to be term operating times rather than increased frequencies, I haven't seen anything else to date. Or will any expansion/changes now wait until after your new former First MD starts?
4. We do you hope to take delivery of the first of former ex Yourbus buses acquired? I assume there's nothing else due to cascade to Diamond or any further used or new acquisitions now you know what happening with Whittle's etc?
5. Why is it thedouble-02 branding was used in the recent web adverts for the extending 002 Xmas operating hours, when the branding had started to be phased out sometime ago on the buses?
for the day trips and holidays whittles do pick up at Stourbridge for holidays and day trips and theatre trips with a inter change for holidays at least , not sure about the day trips think they do also . at Worcester croft road car park, by the race coruse , think they do something similar at Wolverhampton for stuff going north think they picked up there as well , if you want some idea of the pick up points go to the whittles site and click on the day trip link.
Simon could you please tell me why there is a 42 minute gap in the mornings on the new 10 time table it's at a time when there are quite a few people travel most days , and with the new timetable of the 2 replacing part of whittles 2A/2C service why has it been cut from every 30Min's to every 40 Min's I did send fill in the customer care thing on the site but the answer I got I was not impress with, and I asked about the 2 as well and that was not answered cedric
I am told that the 2 service is poorly used, and with Whittles exit we do not expect that change will increase loadings above its current level.
As yet there is one more service we expect to register, which I am told will compliment this.
From January the Kidderminster business will have a designated General Manager, at which point his early focus will be on passenger loadings, and the effect of service changes
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 12, 2014, 06:36:31 PM
Hi Simon, do you have any plans on standardising interior?
Dear Sir,
All re-trims are done in our standard interior.
Any new vehicles we spec, depending upon what they are being used for.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 07:29:00 AM
Quote from: Ced on December 12, 2014, 02:11:45 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2014, 12:08:25 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Good news on the Whittle's coach business purchase, I must admit I didn't think it would have been of interest to Rotala. I guess with your RH & KR bus businesses, it gives you'll the ability to advertise Whittle's day trips / private hire on all the buses & capture a wider audience FOC. Are Rotala buying a scaled down coach business than at present? or are you intending to move some existing Rotala coaches across to make the coach fleet back up to 11?
2. Has there been any developments with the potential expansion of Tividale following the ground tests? Any more interest in Long Acre?
3. Are there still some new registrations to come for Wessex re: new commercial services, as I noticed Wessex were advertising for more drivers for expansion, but other than all the UWE services being changed which appears to be term operating times rather than increased frequencies, I haven't seen anything else to date. Or will any expansion/changes now wait until after your new former First MD starts?
4. We do you hope to take delivery of the first of former ex Yourbus buses acquired? I assume there's nothing else due to cascade to Diamond or any further used or new acquisitions now you know what happening with Whittle's etc?
5. Why is it thedouble-02 branding was used in the recent web adverts for the extending 002 Xmas operating hours, when the branding had started to be phased out sometime ago on the buses?
for the day trips and holidays whittles do pick up at Stourbridge for holidays and day trips and theatre trips with a inter change for holidays at least , not sure about the day trips think they do also . at Worcester croft road car park, by the race coruse , think they do something similar at Wolverhampton for stuff going north think they picked up there as well , if you want some idea of the pick up points go to the whittles site and click on the day trip link.
Simon could you please tell me why there is a 42 minute gap in the mornings on the new 10 time table it's at a time when there are quite a few people travel most days , and with the new timetable of the 2 replacing part of whittles 2A/2C service why has it been cut from every 30Min's to every 40 Min's I did send fill in the customer care thing on the site but the answer I got I was not impress with, and I asked about the 2 as well and that was not answered cedric
I am told that the 2 service is poorly used, and with Whittles exit we do not expect that change will increase loadings above its current level.
As yet there is one more service we expect to register, which I am told will compliment this.
From January the Kidderminster business will have a designated General Manager, at which point his early focus will be on passenger loadings, and the effect of service changes
From someone that uses the 2 very frequently the 2 is well used and will be
used a lot more now whittles have finished it will be used more , why your
loadings went down was the fact whittles fares where cheaper . and they
called at a couple of place you did not. cedric
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 07:26:26 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2014, 12:08:25 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Has there been any developments with the potential expansion of Tividale following the ground tests? Any more interest in Long Acre?
2. Are there still some new registrations to come for Wessex re: new commercial services, as I noticed Wessex were advertising for more drivers for expansion, but other than all the UWE services being changed which appears to be term operating times rather than increased frequencies, I haven't seen anything else to date. Or will any expansion/changes now wait until after your new former First MD starts?
3. We do you hope to take delivery of the first of former ex Yourbus buses acquired? I assume there's nothing else due to cascade to Diamond or any further used or new acquisitions now you know what happening with Whittle's etc?
4. Why is it thedouble-02 branding was used in the recent web adverts for the extending 002 Xmas operating hours, when the branding had started to be phased out sometime ago on the buses? And was 'Red Diamond' MPD 20505 being used on late night Xmas 002's whilst a 13 plate B7RLE was a Centro tendered 243 the same night? hardly a good advert for the service....
1. We expect to apply for planning this week. Over the last 2 weeks to have had 2 offers from different parties for Long Acre.
2. Any service expansions will wait until Simon Cursio starts on 15th January 2015.
3. 3 of the Ex-YourBuses should be in service today.
4. I am not sure of the exact reasons why. Some of it will be about what they operated on in the day time and what they came off.
Thanks Simon,
1A. Are you able to reveal what you're hoping to do with the Tividale site? I.e. is it still the intention to to expand the width up to the edge of the canal?
1B. Do the 2 offers value the Long Acre site similar to Rotala's / can you see a deal potentially concluded?
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 09:41:16 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 07:26:26 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2014, 12:08:25 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Has there been any developments with the potential expansion of Tividale following the ground tests? Any more interest in Long Acre?
2. Are there still some new registrations to come for Wessex re: new commercial services, as I noticed Wessex were advertising for more drivers for expansion, but other than all the UWE services being changed which appears to be term operating times rather than increased frequencies, I haven't seen anything else to date. Or will any expansion/changes now wait until after your new former First MD starts?
3. We do you hope to take delivery of the first of former ex Yourbus buses acquired? I assume there's nothing else due to cascade to Diamond or any further used or new acquisitions now you know what happening with Whittle's etc?
4. Why is it thedouble-02 branding was used in the recent web adverts for the extending 002 Xmas operating hours, when the branding had started to be phased out sometime ago on the buses? And was 'Red Diamond' MPD 20505 being used on late night Xmas 002's whilst a 13 plate B7RLE was a Centro tendered 243 the same night? hardly a good advert for the service....
1. We expect to apply for planning this week. Over the last 2 weeks to have had 2 offers from different parties for Long Acre.
2. Any service expansions will wait until Simon Cursio starts on 15th January 2015.
3. 3 of the Ex-YourBuses should be in service today.
4. I am not sure of the exact reasons why. Some of it will be about what they operated on in the day time and what they came off.
Thanks Simon,
1A. Are you able to reveal what you're hoping to do with the Tividale site? I.e. is it still the intention to to expand the width up to the edge of the canal?
1B. Do the 2 offers value the Long Acre site similar to Rotala's / can you see a deal potentially concluded?
1A - Widen the site to create an additional parking area 11 metres deep into the bank, and around 150 metres long. Creating around 50 additional parking spaces
1B - With the ecocnomic recovery underway Long Acre is the only site on the market of its type in the area. So we expect the site, to sell early next year.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 09:44:14 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 09:41:16 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 07:26:26 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2014, 12:08:25 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Has there been any developments with the potential expansion of Tividale following the ground tests? Any more interest in Long Acre?
2. Are there still some new registrations to come for Wessex re: new commercial services, as I noticed Wessex were advertising for more drivers for expansion, but other than all the UWE services being changed which appears to be term operating times rather than increased frequencies, I haven't seen anything else to date. Or will any expansion/changes now wait until after your new former First MD starts?
3. We do you hope to take delivery of the first of former ex Yourbus buses acquired? I assume there's nothing else due to cascade to Diamond or any further used or new acquisitions now you know what happening with Whittle's etc?
4. Why is it thedouble-02 branding was used in the recent web adverts for the extending 002 Xmas operating hours, when the branding had started to be phased out sometime ago on the buses? And was 'Red Diamond' MPD 20505 being used on late night Xmas 002's whilst a 13 plate B7RLE was a Centro tendered 243 the same night? hardly a good advert for the service....
1. We expect to apply for planning this week. Over the last 2 weeks to have had 2 offers from different parties for Long Acre.
2. Any service expansions will wait until Simon Cursio starts on 15th January 2015.
3. 3 of the Ex-YourBuses should be in service today.
4. I am not sure of the exact reasons why. Some of it will be about what they operated on in the day time and what they came off.
Thanks Simon,
1A. Are you able to reveal what you're hoping to do with the Tividale site? I.e. is it still the intention to to expand the width up to the edge of the canal?
1B. Do the 2 offers value the Long Acre site similar to Rotala's / can you see a deal potentially concluded?
1A - Widen the site to create an additional parking area 11 metres deep into the bank, and around 150 metres long. Creating around 50 additional parking spaces
1B - With the ecocnomic recovery underway Long Acre is the only site on the market of its type in the area. So we expect the site, to sell early next year.
Thanks for your response,
1A. Blimey, I didn't think it would increase the allocation as much as that, are the 50 parking spaces based on midi's or full size buses? Would you have to add any additional bays to the engineering block to add capacity there?
1B. If Long Acre is indeed vacated, would it still be the intention to source a small depot over Solihull/Coventry way as previous?
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 09:49:39 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 09:44:14 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 09:41:16 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 07:26:26 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2014, 12:08:25 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Has there been any developments with the potential expansion of Tividale following the ground tests? Any more interest in Long Acre?
2. Are there still some new registrations to come for Wessex re: new commercial services, as I noticed Wessex were advertising for more drivers for expansion, but other than all the UWE services being changed which appears to be term operating times rather than increased frequencies, I haven't seen anything else to date. Or will any expansion/changes now wait until after your new former First MD starts?
3. We do you hope to take delivery of the first of former ex Yourbus buses acquired? I assume there's nothing else due to cascade to Diamond or any further used or new acquisitions now you know what happening with Whittle's etc?
4. Why is it thedouble-02 branding was used in the recent web adverts for the extending 002 Xmas operating hours, when the branding had started to be phased out sometime ago on the buses? And was 'Red Diamond' MPD 20505 being used on late night Xmas 002's whilst a 13 plate B7RLE was a Centro tendered 243 the same night? hardly a good advert for the service....
1. We expect to apply for planning this week. Over the last 2 weeks to have had 2 offers from different parties for Long Acre.
2. Any service expansions will wait until Simon Cursio starts on 15th January 2015.
3. 3 of the Ex-YourBuses should be in service today.
4. I am not sure of the exact reasons why. Some of it will be about what they operated on in the day time and what they came off.
Thanks Simon,
1A. Are you able to reveal what you're hoping to do with the Tividale site? I.e. is it still the intention to to expand the width up to the edge of the canal?
1B. Do the 2 offers value the Long Acre site similar to Rotala's / can you see a deal potentially concluded?
1A - Widen the site to create an additional parking area 11 metres deep into the bank, and around 150 metres long. Creating around 50 additional parking spaces
1B - With the ecocnomic recovery underway Long Acre is the only site on the market of its type in the area. So we expect the site, to sell early next year.
Thanks for your response,
1A. Blimey, I didn't think it would increase the allocation as much as that, are the 50 parking spaces based on midi's or full size buses? Would you have to add any additional bays to the engineering block to add capacity there?
1B. If Long Acre is indeed vacated, would it still be the intention to source a small depot over Solihull/Coventry way as previous?
1A - I missed out that we are looking to change the internal configuration of the building to increase the Engineering bays by 2, and to build a third level on the office block.
1B - We will look at options.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 09:53:59 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 09:49:39 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 09:44:14 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 09:41:16 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 07:26:26 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2014, 12:08:25 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Has there been any developments with the potential expansion of Tividale following the ground tests? Any more interest in Long Acre?
2. Are there still some new registrations to come for Wessex re: new commercial services, as I noticed Wessex were advertising for more drivers for expansion, but other than all the UWE services being changed which appears to be term operating times rather than increased frequencies, I haven't seen anything else to date. Or will any expansion/changes now wait until after your new former First MD starts?
3. We do you hope to take delivery of the first of former ex Yourbus buses acquired? I assume there's nothing else due to cascade to Diamond or any further used or new acquisitions now you know what happening with Whittle's etc?
4. Why is it thedouble-02 branding was used in the recent web adverts for the extending 002 Xmas operating hours, when the branding had started to be phased out sometime ago on the buses? And was 'Red Diamond' MPD 20505 being used on late night Xmas 002's whilst a 13 plate B7RLE was a Centro tendered 243 the same night? hardly a good advert for the service....
1. We expect to apply for planning this week. Over the last 2 weeks to have had 2 offers from different parties for Long Acre.
2. Any service expansions will wait until Simon Cursio starts on 15th January 2015.
3. 3 of the Ex-YourBuses should be in service today.
4. I am not sure of the exact reasons why. Some of it will be about what they operated on in the day time and what they came off.
Thanks Simon,
1A. Are you able to reveal what you're hoping to do with the Tividale site? I.e. is it still the intention to to expand the width up to the edge of the canal?
1B. Do the 2 offers value the Long Acre site similar to Rotala's / can you see a deal potentially concluded?
1A - Widen the site to create an additional parking area 11 metres deep into the bank, and around 150 metres long. Creating around 50 additional parking spaces
1B - With the ecocnomic recovery underway Long Acre is the only site on the market of its type in the area. So we expect the site, to sell early next year.
Thanks for your response,
1A. Blimey, I didn't think it would increase the allocation as much as that, are the 50 parking spaces based on midi's or full size buses? Would you have to add any additional bays to the engineering block to add capacity there?
1B. If Long Acre is indeed vacated, would it still be the intention to source a small depot over Solihull/Coventry way as previous?
1A - I missed out that we are looking to change the internal configuration of the building to increase the Engineering bays by 2, and to build a third level on the office block.
1B - We will look at options.
Thanks Simon,
That level of re-development would take some time to design & build, I assume although Long Acre could sell earlier next year, Rotala would stay put until the Tividale expansion was completed?
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 10:04:55 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 09:53:59 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 09:49:39 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 09:44:14 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 09:41:16 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 07:26:26 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 12, 2014, 12:08:25 PM
Hi Simon,
1. Has there been any developments with the potential expansion of Tividale following the ground tests? Any more interest in Long Acre?
2. Are there still some new registrations to come for Wessex re: new commercial services, as I noticed Wessex were advertising for more drivers for expansion, but other than all the UWE services being changed which appears to be term operating times rather than increased frequencies, I haven't seen anything else to date. Or will any expansion/changes now wait until after your new former First MD starts?
3. We do you hope to take delivery of the first of former ex Yourbus buses acquired? I assume there's nothing else due to cascade to Diamond or any further used or new acquisitions now you know what happening with Whittle's etc?
4. Why is it thedouble-02 branding was used in the recent web adverts for the extending 002 Xmas operating hours, when the branding had started to be phased out sometime ago on the buses? And was 'Red Diamond' MPD 20505 being used on late night Xmas 002's whilst a 13 plate B7RLE was a Centro tendered 243 the same night? hardly a good advert for the service....
1. We expect to apply for planning this week. Over the last 2 weeks to have had 2 offers from different parties for Long Acre.
2. Any service expansions will wait until Simon Cursio starts on 15th January 2015.
3. 3 of the Ex-YourBuses should be in service today.
4. I am not sure of the exact reasons why. Some of it will be about what they operated on in the day time and what they came off.
Thanks Simon,
1A. Are you able to reveal what you're hoping to do with the Tividale site? I.e. is it still the intention to to expand the width up to the edge of the canal?
1B. Do the 2 offers value the Long Acre site similar to Rotala's / can you see a deal potentially concluded?
1A - Widen the site to create an additional parking area 11 metres deep into the bank, and around 150 metres long. Creating around 50 additional parking spaces
1B - With the ecocnomic recovery underway Long Acre is the only site on the market of its type in the area. So we expect the site, to sell early next year.
Thanks for your response,
1A. Blimey, I didn't think it would increase the allocation as much as that, are the 50 parking spaces based on midi's or full size buses? Would you have to add any additional bays to the engineering block to add capacity there?
1B. If Long Acre is indeed vacated, would it still be the intention to source a small depot over Solihull/Coventry way as previous?
1A - I missed out that we are looking to change the internal configuration of the building to increase the Engineering bays by 2, and to build a third level on the office block.
1B - We will look at options.
Thanks Simon,
That level of re-development would take some time to design & build, I assume although Long Acre could sell earlier next year, Rotala would stay put until the Tividale expansion was completed?
We don't think it will take long. Around several months
Hi Simon
In response to a couple of your points:
1) As yet there is one more service we expect to register, which I am told will compliment this.
Would this compliment the Kidderminster-Bewdley corridor services?
2) Would keeping the clockface timetable on the 2 be a good way of attracting passenger growth by keeping things simpler for passengers?
3) Which of the ex Yourbus vehicles were in service today and where? Presumably the e300's were at RH?
4) Is 30862 into TE a permanent transfer or just a loan?
Many thanks!
Hi Simon,
Have Rotala made any offers to EYMS to buy any of the 03 or the 04 plate Darts that Whittle's currently operate and also the Enviros they operate it would be great to see the Darts stay in Kidderminster as they could replace some of the older fleet currently there and the Enviros could potentially be moved over to Redditch for example.
Will - Simon has answered this a few days ago just a bit further up in this thread
Tony - Oh sorry mate I didn't notice
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 16, 2014, 08:34:48 PM
Hi Simon
In response to a couple of your points:
1) As yet there is one more service we expect to register, which I am told will compliment this.
Would this compliment the Kidderminster-Bewdley corridor services?
2) Would keeping the clockface timetable on the 2 be a good way of attracting passenger growth by keeping things simpler for passengers?
3) Which of the ex Yourbus vehicles were in service today and where? Presumably the e300's were at RH?
4) Is 30862 into TE a permanent transfer or just a loan?
Many thanks!
Dear Sir,
1. I would rather not say
2. We have been out this week, monitoring journeys on the 2 and to be honest we are not noticing heavy loads.
3. Both E300's and SJ04DVL
4. Yes
Quote from: Will on December 17, 2014, 02:26:51 PM
Hi Simon,
Have Rotala made any offers to EYMS to buy any of the 03 or the 04 plate Darts that Whittle's currently operate and also the Enviros they operate it would be great to see the Darts stay in Kidderminster as they could replace some of the older fleet currently there and the Enviros could potentially be moved over to Redditch for example.
Will - Simon has answered this a few days ago just a bit further up in this thread
Tony - Oh sorry mate I didn't notice
Since I was last asked that conversation, we did ask Whittles if they wanted to sell any of the buses. Their preference seemed to transfer the vehicles into EYMS at that point
might I suggest you try monitoring the 2 on Thursdays and Saturdays which are market day in Kidderminster
and can I just say I made a complaint Monday via phone and after a couple hours when no one had replied
I sent a tweet as yet no answer from that either cedric
Simon I had to ring complaints again same bus was missed since the timetable changes on the 10 is
total unreliable
Quote from: Ced on December 18, 2014, 08:33:47 AM
might I suggest you try monitoring the 2 on Thursdays and Saturdays which are market day in Kidderminster
and can I just say I made a complaint Monday via phone and after a couple hours when no one had replied
I sent a tweet as yet no answer from that either cedric
May I suggest you email Nigel Gorman - Operations Director at Kidderminster he'll deal with your complaint I will PM you his email address
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 18, 2014, 05:54:52 AM
Quote from: Will on December 17, 2014, 02:26:51 PM
Hi Simon,
Have Rotala made any offers to EYMS to buy any of the 03 or the 04 plate Darts that Whittle's currently operate and also the Enviros they operate it would be great to see the Darts stay in Kidderminster as they could replace some of the older fleet currently there and the Enviros could potentially be moved over to Redditch for example.
Will - Simon has answered this a few days ago just a bit further up in this thread
Tony - Oh sorry mate I didn't notice
Since I was last asked that conversation, we did ask Whittles if they wanted to sell any of the buses. Their preference seemed to transfer the vehicles into EYMS at that point
Wonder if EYMS would transfer them to Hull, as the telly programme showed Hull struggling at one point?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 18, 2014, 05:52:53 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 16, 2014, 08:34:48 PM
Hi Simon
In response to a couple of your points:
1) As yet there is one more service we expect to register, which I am told will compliment this.
Would this compliment the Kidderminster-Bewdley corridor services?
2) Would keeping the clockface timetable on the 2 be a good way of attracting passenger growth by keeping things simpler for passengers?
3) Which of the ex Yourbus vehicles were in service today and where? Presumably the e300's were at RH?
4) Is 30862 into TE a permanent transfer or just a loan?
Many thanks!
Dear Sir,
1. I would rather not say
2. We have been out this week, monitoring journeys on the 2 and to be honest we are not noticing heavy loads.
3. Both E300's and SJ04DVL
4. Yes
Thanks for your replies Simon!
Just picking up on one of your replies:
Where are you putting the 04 plate eclipses into service?
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 18, 2014, 10:05:14 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 18, 2014, 05:52:53 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 16, 2014, 08:34:48 PM
Hi Simon
In response to a couple of your points:
1) As yet there is one more service we expect to register, which I am told will compliment this.
Would this compliment the Kidderminster-Bewdley corridor services?
2) Would keeping the clockface timetable on the 2 be a good way of attracting passenger growth by keeping things simpler for passengers?
3) Which of the ex Yourbus vehicles were in service today and where? Presumably the e300's were at RH?
4) Is 30862 into TE a permanent transfer or just a loan?
Many thanks!
Dear Sir,
1. I would rather not say
2. We have been out this week, monitoring journeys on the 2 and to be honest we are not noticing heavy loads.
3. Both E300's and SJ04DVL
4. Yes
Thanks for your replies Simon!
Just picking up on one of your replies:
Where are you putting the 04 plate eclipses into service?
We will initially put them into Redditch.
Quote from: Will on December 18, 2014, 11:43:05 AM
Quote from: Ced on December 18, 2014, 08:33:47 AM
might I suggest you try monitoring the 2 on Thursdays and Saturdays which are market day in Kidderminster
and can I just say I made a complaint Monday via phone and after a couple hours when no one had replied
I sent a tweet as yet no answer from that either cedric
May I suggest you email Nigel Gorman - Operations Director at Kidderminster he'll deal with your complaint I will PM you his email address
Nigel is Operations Manager
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 09:44:14 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 09:41:16 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 07:26:26 AM
1. We expect to apply for planning this week. Over the last 2 weeks to have had 2 offers from different parties for Long Acre.
2. Any service expansions will wait until Simon Cursio starts on 15th January 2015.
3. 3 of the Ex-YourBuses should be in service today.
4. I am not sure of the exact reasons why. Some of it will be about what they operated on in the day time and what they came off.
Thanks Simon,
1A. Are you able to reveal what you're hoping to do with the Tividale site? I.e. is it still the intention to to expand the width up to the edge of the canal?
1B. Do the 2 offers value the Long Acre site similar to Rotala's / can you see a deal potentially concluded?
1A - Widen the site to create an additional parking area 11 metres deep into the bank, and around 150 metres long. Creating around 50 additional parking spaces
1B - With the economic recovery underway Long Acre is the only site on the market of its type in the area. So we expect the site, to sell early next year.
Hi Simon,
Just one query, does the 11M x 150M long depot extension span up to the current entrance gates? Or does Rotala own the access road as well and will the 150M will take you beyond/outside of the gates are part way down the access road?
Quote from: Winston on December 19, 2014, 12:47:31 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 09:44:14 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 09:41:16 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 07:26:26 AM
1. We expect to apply for planning this week. Over the last 2 weeks to have had 2 offers from different parties for Long Acre.
2. Any service expansions will wait until Simon Cursio starts on 15th January 2015.
3. 3 of the Ex-YourBuses should be in service today.
4. I am not sure of the exact reasons why. Some of it will be about what they operated on in the day time and what they came off.
Thanks Simon,
1A. Are you able to reveal what you're hoping to do with the Tividale site? I.e. is it still the intention to to expand the width up to the edge of the canal?
1B. Do the 2 offers value the Long Acre site similar to Rotala's / can you see a deal potentially concluded?
1A - Widen the site to create an additional parking area 11 metres deep into the bank, and around 150 metres long. Creating around 50 additional parking spaces
1B - With the economic recovery underway Long Acre is the only site on the market of its type in the area. So we expect the site, to sell early next year.
Hi Simon,
Just one query, does the 11M x 150M long depot extension span up to the current entrance gates? Or does Rotala own the access road as well and will the 150M will take you beyond/outside of the gates are part way down the access road?
Its from the gates to the end of the property.
We have applied for planning and at some point soon it will be on Sandwell Boroughs website
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 19, 2014, 12:54:27 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 19, 2014, 12:47:31 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 09:44:14 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 09:41:16 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 07:26:26 AM
1. We expect to apply for planning this week. Over the last 2 weeks to have had 2 offers from different parties for Long Acre.
2. Any service expansions will wait until Simon Cursio starts on 15th January 2015.
3. 3 of the Ex-YourBuses should be in service today.
4. I am not sure of the exact reasons why. Some of it will be about what they operated on in the day time and what they came off.
Thanks Simon,
1A. Are you able to reveal what you're hoping to do with the Tividale site? I.e. is it still the intention to to expand the width up to the edge of the canal?
1B. Do the 2 offers value the Long Acre site similar to Rotala's / can you see a deal potentially concluded?
1A - Widen the site to create an additional parking area 11 metres deep into the bank, and around 150 metres long. Creating around 50 additional parking spaces
1B - With the economic recovery underway Long Acre is the only site on the market of its type in the area. So we expect the site, to sell early next year.
Hi Simon,
Just one query, does the 11M x 150M long depot extension span up to the current entrance gates? Or does Rotala own the access road as well and will the 150M will take you beyond/outside of the gates are part way down the access road?
Its from the gates to the end of the property.
We have applied for planning and at some point soon it will be on Sandwell Boroughs website
Thanks Simon,
I've recently had a look on the council online planning portal as I'm interested to see the drawings for what Rotala would like to do with the site (not on there as yet)
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 19, 2014, 12:54:27 PM
Quote from: Winston on December 19, 2014, 12:47:31 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 09:44:14 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 16, 2014, 09:41:16 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 16, 2014, 07:26:26 AM
1. We expect to apply for planning this week. Over the last 2 weeks to have had 2 offers from different parties for Long Acre.
2. Any service expansions will wait until Simon Cursio starts on 15th January 2015.
3. 3 of the Ex-YourBuses should be in service today.
4. I am not sure of the exact reasons why. Some of it will be about what they operated on in the day time and what they came off.
Thanks Simon,
1A. Are you able to reveal what you're hoping to do with the Tividale site? I.e. is it still the intention to to expand the width up to the edge of the canal?
1B. Do the 2 offers value the Long Acre site similar to Rotala's / can you see a deal potentially concluded?
1A - Widen the site to create an additional parking area 11 metres deep into the bank, and around 150 metres long. Creating around 50 additional parking spaces
1B - With the economic recovery underway Long Acre is the only site on the market of its type in the area. So we expect the site, to sell early next year.
Hi Simon,
Just one query, does the 11M x 150M long depot extension span up to the current entrance gates? Or does Rotala own the access road as well and will the 150M will take you beyond/outside of the gates are part way down the access road?
Its from the gates to the end of the property.
We have applied for planning and at some point soon it will be on Sandwell Boroughs website
If you want to send me your email address, I will email it to you
Hi Simon,
I'm glad to see rotala have won the 192 service, do you have any plans to extend the service back into birmingham, as it was always full, and a lot quicker than nxwm 9 ?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 24, 2014, 06:30:11 PM
Hi Simon,
I'm glad to see rotala have won the 192 service, do you have any plans to extend the service back into birmingham, as it was always full, and a lot quicker than nxwm 9 ?
Do you really think it would have been withdrawn in the first place if it was 'always full'
Quote from: Tony on December 24, 2014, 06:33:30 PM
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 24, 2014, 06:30:11 PM
Hi Simon,
I'm glad to see rotala have won the 192 service, do you have any plans to extend the service back into birmingham, as it was always full, and a lot quicker than nxwm 9 ?
Do you really think it would have been withdrawn in the first place if it was 'always full'
The only thing wrong with it is was how tight the timetable was, so very unreliable especially with the high amount of customers keep getting on and off
Quote from: Matt on December 24, 2014, 07:57:39 PM
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 24, 2014, 07:45:05 PM
Quote from: Tony on December 24, 2014, 06:33:30 PM
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 24, 2014, 06:30:11 PM
Hi Simon,
I'm glad to see rotala have won the 192 service, do you have any plans to extend the service back into birmingham, as it was always full, and a lot quicker than nxwm 9 ?
Do you really think it would have been withdrawn in the first place if it was 'always full'
The only thing wrong with it is was how tight the timetable was, so very unreliable especially with the high amount of customers keep getting on and off
When did Diamond come off the 192?
Middle of 2011 I think mate **Correction by the looks of things it was around 2010.
Quote from: Will on December 24, 2014, 08:01:49 PM
Quote from: Matt on December 24, 2014, 07:57:39 PM
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 24, 2014, 07:45:05 PM
Quote from: Tony on December 24, 2014, 06:33:30 PM
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 24, 2014, 06:30:11 PM
Hi Simon,
I'm glad to see rotala have won the 192 service, do you have any plans to extend the service back into birmingham, as it was always full, and a lot quicker than nxwm 9 ?
Do you really think it would have been withdrawn in the first place if it was 'always full'
The only thing wrong with it is was how tight the timetable was, so very unreliable especially with the high amount of customers keep getting on and off
When did Diamond come off the 192?
Middle of 2011 I think mate
**Correction by the looks of things it was around 2010.
it was way before then
Quote from: Ced on December 24, 2014, 09:39:47 PM
Quote from: Will on December 24, 2014, 08:01:49 PM
Quote from: Matt on December 24, 2014, 07:57:39 PM
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 24, 2014, 07:45:05 PM
Quote from: Tony on December 24, 2014, 06:33:30 PM
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 24, 2014, 06:30:11 PM
Hi Simon,
I'm glad to see rotala have won the 192 service, do you have any plans to extend the service back into birmingham, as it was always full, and a lot quicker than nxwm 9 ?
Do you really think it would have been withdrawn in the first place if it was 'always full'
The only thing wrong with it is was how tight the timetable was, so very unreliable especially with the high amount of customers keep getting on and off
When did Diamond come off the 192?
Middle of 2011 I think mate
**Correction by the looks of things it was around 2010.
it was way before then
Diamond or Central Connect?
Diamond as in BCC/GWM under Go Ahead lost the contract to Central Connect in 2008.
This continued until September 2011 and the first round of WCC funding cuts which saw it curtailed to Halesowen and operated by Whittle's.
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 24, 2014, 09:48:56 PM
Quote from: Ced on December 24, 2014, 09:39:47 PM
Quote from: Will on December 24, 2014, 08:01:49 PM
Quote from: Matt on December 24, 2014, 07:57:39 PM
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 24, 2014, 07:45:05 PM
Quote from: Tony on December 24, 2014, 06:33:30 PM
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 24, 2014, 06:30:11 PM
Hi Simon,
I'm glad to see rotala have won the 192 service, do you have any plans to extend the service back into Birmingham, as it was always full, and a lot quicker than nxwm 9 ?
Do you really think it would have been withdrawn in the first place if it was 'always full'
The only thing wrong with it is was how tight the timetable was, so very unreliable especially with the high amount of customers keep getting on and off
When did Diamond come off the 192?
Middle of 2011 I think mate
**Correction by the looks of things it was around 2010.
it was way before then
Diamond or Central Connect?
Diamond as in BCC/GWM under Go Ahead lost the contract to Central Connect in 2008.
This continued until September 2011 and the first round of WCC funding cuts which saw it curtailed to Halesowen and operated by Whittle's.
it was about then when the central connect sunday tendered 192/292 Birmingham Ludlow finished
the weekday one finished a year earlier I think
Hi Simon,
Just a quick question, do you know if the following vehicles are planned to return to service with Rotala please?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 24, 2014, 06:30:11 PM
Hi Simon,
I'm glad to see rotala have won the 192 service, do you have any plans to extend the service back into birmingham, as it was always full, and a lot quicker than nxwm 9 ?
Dear Sir
No. We used to operate the 192 when it operated into Birmingham and we reviewed this at the time and it didn't work
Any idea what vehicles you will use on the 192?
To be honest, I am not sure
We have increased the number of vehicles in Kidderminster and what is there will be used short term
Sometime after the end of February we will replace a number of the fleet with MAN Centros from Heathrow
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 28, 2014, 07:25:31 PM
To be honest, I am not sure
We have increased the number of vehicles in Kidderminster and what is there will be used short term
Sometime after the end of February we will replace a number of the fleet with MAN Centros from Heathrow
Will these be replacing all garages or just kr?
Just Kidderminster
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 28, 2014, 07:43:14 PM
Just Kidderminster
Do you think that in addition to the 3 at Heathrow, MANs from Long Acre or Redditch would move over to standardise or not?
Hi Simon
1. With all the recent timetable changes and additional services from the 5 Jan in the Kidderminster area. Do know if you will be publishing a new Kidderminster Bus Services Guide/Booklet similar to the one published in March 2013 and was available on the buses?
2. The 3 Plaxton Centro's coming from Heathrow to Kidderminster at the end of Feb how old are they?
3. The extra buses that are coming to Kidderminster temporarily for the new services are these extra buses coming from Tividale or Redditch? Does this also mean that the buses can change on a weekly basis or not?
Thanks for you time Reece
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 28, 2014, 07:25:31 PM
To be honest, I am not sure
We have increased the number of vehicles in Kidderminster and what is there will be used short term
Sometime after the end of February we will replace a number of the fleet with MAN Centros from Heathrow
Hi Simon,
Good news that KR will see some newer/larger buses towards the spring next year.
Have the MAN/Centro's been freed up at Heathrow due to a loss of work or new/newer vehicles being required?
Is the allocation of MAN/Centro's at KR likely to include 30302 SN09FUW which hasn't turned a wheel in revenue earning service since being acquired some 12 months ago?
Quote from: Winston on December 29, 2014, 12:19:48 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 28, 2014, 07:25:31 PM
To be honest, I am not sure
We have increased the number of vehicles in Kidderminster and what is there will be used short term
Sometime after the end of February we will replace a number of the fleet with MAN Centros from Heathrow
Hi Simon,
Good news that KR will see some newer/larger buses towards the spring next year.
Have the MAN/Centro's been freed up at Heathrow due to a loss of work or new/newer vehicles being required?
Is the allocation of MAN/Centro's at KR likely to include 30302 SN09FUW which hasn't turned a wheel in revenue earning service since being acquired some 12 months ago?
We stop operating the BA contract at the end of February 2015.
SN09FUW will also go to Kidderminster.
Quote from: LM 172 on December 28, 2014, 11:06:52 PM
Hi Simon
1. With all the recent timetable changes and additional services from the 5 Jan in the Kidderminster area. Do know if you will be publishing a new Kidderminster Bus Services Guide/Booklet similar to the one published in March 2013 and was available on the buses?
2. The 3 Plaxton Centro's coming from Heathrow to Kidderminster at the end of Feb how old are they?
3. The extra buses that are coming to Kidderminster temporarily for the new services are these extra buses coming from Tividale or Redditch? Does this also mean that the buses can change on a weekly basis or not?
Thanks for you time Reece
Dear Sir,
1. Yes we will. I will update when I have a timeline.
2. 57 plate and newer.
3. The extra buses are already in Kidderminster and have been for a while.
Quote from: StourportSam on December 28, 2014, 02:48:23 PM
Hi Simon,
Just a quick question, do you know if the following vehicles are planned to return to service with Rotala please?
Quote from: Will on December 29, 2014, 08:52:57 AM
Quote from: StourportSam on December 28, 2014, 02:48:23 PM
Hi Simon,
Just a quick question, do you know if the following vehicles are planned to return to service with Rotala please?
This vehicle was involved in a bad accident. The third party was to blame and we are awaiting for the assessors to quantify and agree the level of damage
There is no plan to return this vehicle to service, in the immediate future
This was involved in a bad accident. We are awaiting for the third party assessors to inspect and agree the extent of the loss
There is no plan to return this vehicle to service
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 29, 2014, 08:44:32 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 29, 2014, 12:19:48 AM
Hi Simon,
Good news that KR will see some newer/larger buses towards the spring next year.
Have the MAN/Centro's been freed up at Heathrow due to a loss of work or new/newer vehicles being required?
Is the allocation of MAN/Centro's at KR likely to include 30302 SN09FUW which hasn't turned a wheel in revenue earning service since being acquired some 12 months ago?
We stop operating the BA contract at the end of February 2015.
SN09FUW will also go to Kidderminster.
Does the BA contract employ quite a few buses at Heathrow including the Solo EEV & Dart SLF/MCV's? Will these also be cascaded within Rotala or the Darts sold to New Zealand as previous?
Can you confirm who will be taking over the BA contract after Rotala finish?
Quote from: Winston on December 29, 2014, 03:52:57 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 29, 2014, 08:44:32 AM
Quote from: Winston on December 29, 2014, 12:19:48 AM
Hi Simon,
Good news that KR will see some newer/larger buses towards the spring next year.
Have the MAN/Centro's been freed up at Heathrow due to a loss of work or new/newer vehicles being required?
Is the allocation of MAN/Centro's at KR likely to include 30302 SN09FUW which hasn't turned a wheel in revenue earning service since being acquired some 12 months ago?
We stop operating the BA contract at the end of February 2015.
SN09FUW will also go to Kidderminster.
Does the BA contract employ quite a few buses at Heathrow including the Solo EEV & Dart SLF/MCV's? Will these also be cascaded within Rotala or the Darts sold to New Zealand as previous?
Can you confirm who will be taking over the BA contract after Rotala finish?
The ADL MCV buses are all on operating leases so will return to the lease company.
The Solo EEV, we have an offer to sell it - We haven't made a decision yet.
I understand either Kings Ferry or National Express have won the tender, either way its a National Express company.
Isn't there a StreetLite also used on BA work-is this most likely to transfer into Wessex?
Are the Primos also on leases? If not, do you think they will be sold if no longer needed?
Are they used on BA work or the other-think it's Thomson-contract you have there?
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 29, 2014, 04:08:33 PM
Isn't there a StreetLite also used on BA work-is this most likely to transfer into Wessex?
Are the Primos also on leases? If not, do you think they will be sold if no longer needed?
Are they used on BA work or the other-think it's Thomson-contract you have there?
Dear Sir,
The Streetlite and an 11 plate Solo will most likely transfer to Preston.
The primos are used Airside, I am not sure where they will end up.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 29, 2014, 04:09:57 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 29, 2014, 04:08:33 PM
Isn't there a StreetLite also used on BA work-is this most likely to transfer into Wessex?
Are the Primos also on leases? If not, do you think they will be sold if no longer needed?
Are they used on BA work or the other-think it's Thomson-contract you have there?
Dear Sir,
The Streetlite and an 11 plate Solo will most likely transfer to Preston.
The primos are used Airside, I am not sure where they will end up.
I take it airside work is different to the BA contract?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 29, 2014, 04:09:57 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 29, 2014, 04:08:33 PM
Isn't there a StreetLite also used on BA work-is this most likely to transfer into Wessex?
Are the Primos also on leases? If not, do you think they will be sold if no longer needed?
Are they used on BA work or the other-think it's Thomson-contract you have there?
Dear Sir,
The Streetlite and an 11 plate Solo will most likely transfer to Preston.
The primos are used Airside, I am not sure where they will end up.
Thanks for your previous replies, one last one. How many buses worth of work was the BA contract? Will the remaining work be sufficient to maintain a base at Heathrow?
Quote from: Winston on December 29, 2014, 04:12:49 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 29, 2014, 04:09:57 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 29, 2014, 04:08:33 PM
Isn't there a StreetLite also used on BA work-is this most likely to transfer into Wessex?
Are the Primos also on leases? If not, do you think they will be sold if no longer needed?
Are they used on BA work or the other-think it's Thomson-contract you have there?
Dear Sir,
The Streetlite and an 11 plate Solo will most likely transfer to Preston.
The primos are used Airside, I am not sure where they will end up.
Thanks for your previous replies, one last one. How many buses worth of work was the BA contract? Will the remaining work be sufficient to maintain a base at Heathrow?
We have about 20 vehicles left.
Yes it is sufficient
Changing the subject slightly, following The Green Bus' withdrawal from the 50 service, do you anticipate any future increase in service level on this route? Or do you feel there is adequate provision with your own service as well as NXWM's?
I don't know how well used TGBs buses were used on this route, the few I used to see on Bradford Street when I worked there never seemed particularly full, I was just curious as to whether passengers who previously used TGB would choose to use Diamond Buses instead, or would just get on the first bus that turns up... do you still do your special day return tickets on the 50, and if not would you consider reintroducing them to attract patronage?
Are 20850 (KU52 RYK); 30701 (MW52 PZP) and 30426 (S397 HVV) transferring over to Kidderminster now that Redditch has been allocated those x2 2010 Enviro's and those SJ04 D** Volvo's I'm aware that 30636 has already been transferred to Kidder already.
Quote from: Matt on December 29, 2014, 07:34:22 PM
Quote from: Stu on December 29, 2014, 07:01:52 PM
Changing the subject slightly, following The Green Bus' withdrawal from the 50 service, do you anticipate any future increase in service level on this route? Or do you feel there is adequate provision with your own service as well as NXWM's?
I don't know how well used TGBs buses were used on this route, the few I used to see on Bradford Street when I worked there never seemed particularly full, I was just curious as to whether passengers who previously used TGB would choose to use Diamond Buses instead, or would just get on the first bus that turns up... do you still do your special day return tickets on the 50, and if not would you consider reintroducing them to attract patronage?
I've done a lot of work on the 50 in the past at Green Bus, it's actually a really interesting route to study.
Passengers on the 50 can be split into two main groups - those with NX travelcards who would let Diamond/TGB pass and wait for a NX, and fare paying passengers or those with Centro tickets who will get the first bus that comes. Customers who would have used TGB (who of course all fall into the second category) will still get the first bus that comes, which is more likely to be NX, but could be Diamond. So Diamond should expect a slight increase in passenger numbers as a result of TGB's withdrawal. Passengers who actively waited for a Green Bus over Diamond & NX were few and far between, though.
Going off on a bit of a tangent here, but even the weather can have an impact on passenger behaviour - in heavy rain and windy or cold/unpleasant weather passengers with NX travelcards (of which there are a lot of) were far more likely to pay the 50p supplement to board a TGB 50 rather than waiting for a NX 50. I don't know if Diamond offer a 50p supplement fare with NX travelcards but I would certainly recommend it.
Doesn't it lower the average fare concessionary reimbursement is based on though so has a negative effect?
Dear Sir
Yes it does
Not many people pick up on that
Quote from: Matt on December 29, 2014, 07:48:57 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 29, 2014, 07:37:55 PM
Quote from: Matt on December 29, 2014, 07:34:22 PM
Quote from: Stu on December 29, 2014, 07:01:52 PM
Changing the subject slightly, following The Green Bus' withdrawal from the 50 service, do you anticipate any future increase in service level on this route? Or do you feel there is adequate provision with your own service as well as NXWM's?
I don't know how well used TGBs buses were used on this route, the few I used to see on Bradford Street when I worked there never seemed particularly full, I was just curious as to whether passengers who previously used TGB would choose to use Diamond Buses instead, or would just get on the first bus that turns up... do you still do your special day return tickets on the 50, and if not would you consider reintroducing them to attract patronage?
I've done a lot of work on the 50 in the past at Green Bus, it's actually a really interesting route to study.
Passengers on the 50 can be split into two main groups - those with NX travelcards who would let Diamond/TGB pass and wait for a NX, and fare paying passengers or those with Centro tickets who will get the first bus that comes. Customers who would have used TGB (who of course all fall into the second category) will still get the first bus that comes, which is more likely to be NX, but could be Diamond. So Diamond should expect a slight increase in passenger numbers as a result of TGB's withdrawal. Passengers who actively waited for a Green Bus over Diamond & NX were few and far between, though.
Going off on a bit of a tangent here, but even the weather can have an impact on passenger behaviour - in heavy rain and windy or cold/unpleasant weather passengers with NX travelcards (of which there are a lot of) were far more likely to pay the 50p supplement to board a TGB 50 rather than waiting for a NX 50. I don't know if Diamond offer a 50p supplement fare with NX travelcards but I would certainly recommend it.
Doesn't it lower the average fare concessionary reimbursement is based on though so has a negative effect?
That is a very good point DD, I was not aware of that. However on a route with such a high volume of customers with NX travelcards, it could be argued that the increased revenue would exceed the decrease in reimbursement making it worthwhile
I disagree-the number of OAPs carried will far exceed the number of any potential NX customers prepared to pay extra to switch to Diamond.
The best solution is to accept and encourage use of an operator's own range of tickets and passes whilst also accepting and encouraging nBus passes for those who want greater flexibility.
Quote from: Matt on December 29, 2014, 08:05:39 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 29, 2014, 07:53:01 PM
Quote from: Matt on December 29, 2014, 07:48:57 PM
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 29, 2014, 07:37:55 PM
Quote from: Matt on December 29, 2014, 07:34:22 PM
Quote from: Stu on December 29, 2014, 07:01:52 PM
Changing the subject slightly, following The Green Bus' withdrawal from the 50 service, do you anticipate any future increase in service level on this route? Or do you feel there is adequate provision with your own service as well as NXWM's?
I don't know how well used TGBs buses were used on this route, the few I used to see on Bradford Street when I worked there never seemed particularly full, I was just curious as to whether passengers who previously used TGB would choose to use Diamond Buses instead, or would just get on the first bus that turns up... do you still do your special day return tickets on the 50, and if not would you consider reintroducing them to attract patronage?
I've done a lot of work on the 50 in the past at Green Bus, it's actually a really interesting route to study.
Passengers on the 50 can be split into two main groups - those with NX travelcards who would let Diamond/TGB pass and wait for a NX, and fare paying passengers or those with Centro tickets who will get the first bus that comes. Customers who would have used TGB (who of course all fall into the second category) will still get the first bus that comes, which is more likely to be NX, but could be Diamond. So Diamond should expect a slight increase in passenger numbers as a result of TGB's withdrawal. Passengers who actively waited for a Green Bus over Diamond & NX were few and far between, though.
Going off on a bit of a tangent here, but even the weather can have an impact on passenger behaviour - in heavy rain and windy or cold/unpleasant weather passengers with NX travelcards (of which there are a lot of) were far more likely to pay the 50p supplement to board a TGB 50 rather than waiting for a NX 50. I don't know if Diamond offer a 50p supplement fare with NX travelcards but I would certainly recommend it.
Doesn't it lower the average fare concessionary reimbursement is based on though so has a negative effect?
That is a very good point DD, I was not aware of that. However on a route with such a high volume of customers with NX travelcards, it could be argued that the increased revenue would exceed the decrease in reimbursement making it worthwhile
I disagree-the number of OAPs carried will far exceed the number of any potential NX customers prepared to pay extra to switch to Diamond.
The best solution is to accept and encourage use of an operator's own range of tickets and passes whilst also accepting and encouraging nBus passes for those who want greater flexibility.
It depends entirely on the figures though, and how big an effect the sale of 50p supplement fares has on concessionary reimbursement, so it may or may not be a good decision to offer it
One alternative would be to increase the cost of the supplement fare (e.g. to £1) to reduce the amount by which the average fare is reduced, of course some passengers may say No to £1 who would say Yes to 50p but it all depends on number-crunching
However great the reduction, it still reduces reimbursement and that's the visible cost.
The invisible cost is the number of people who, thanks to the supplement, keep buying NXWM passes instead of an operator's own pass or nBus. That cost is hard to calculate and potentially quite damaging.
How many buses will be required for the 192? I was thinking 1 but that would mean hardly any layover time
Quote from: Matt on December 31, 2014, 01:57:50 PM
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 31, 2014, 01:56:55 PM
How many buses will be required for the 192? I was thinking 1 but that would mean hardly any layover time
They'll probably interwork with something else in Kidderminster
Yes I've heard that its going to be put on the Halsowen (142/202) rota
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 31, 2014, 01:56:55 PM
How many buses will be required for the 192? I was thinking 1 but that would mean hardly any layover time
I would say 2 myself but I could be 1 and a way of changing buses and drivers from Kidderminster that work on routes out of Halesowen or stoubridge
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 31, 2014, 01:56:55 PM
How many buses will be required for the 192? I was thinking 1 but that would mean hardly any layover time
Looking at the timetable on the Diamond website I think there is a good chance it will interwork with the 7
Quote from: Matt on December 31, 2014, 01:57:50 PM
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 31, 2014, 01:56:55 PM
How many buses will be required for the 192? I was thinking 1 but that would mean hardly any layover time
They'll probably interwork with something else in Kidderminster
The 192, interworks with the 7 and 831. The 192, 7 and 831 is a 2 vehicle PVR
Where can I find the timetable?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 31, 2014, 02:33:26 PM
Where can I find the timetable?
With the 831/3 school services being operated, can you see larger vehicles being needed on these school runs to cope with loadings? Wasn't up to 1 b7rle operated from KR for school runs prior to 1/9/14 changes?
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 31, 2014, 02:38:43 PM
With the 831/3 school services being operated, can you see larger vehicles being needed on these school runs to cope with loadings? Wasn't up to 1 b7rle operated from KR for school runs prior to 1/9/14 changes?
Dear Sir,
We have increased the number of large vehicles in Kidderminster.
There wasnt a B7RLE in Kidderminster intentionally.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 31, 2014, 02:27:19 PM
Quote from: Matt on December 31, 2014, 01:57:50 PM
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 31, 2014, 01:56:55 PM
How many buses will be required for the 192? I was thinking 1 but that would mean hardly any layover time
They'll probably interwork with something else in Kidderminster
The 192, interworks with the 7 and 831. The 192, 7 and 831 is a 2 vehicle PVR
thanks Simon saw 20574 this morning in a new shinny blue livery last time I saw it was black
Hi Simon,
Do you know if it is intended for 30704 to stay at Kidderminster depot please?
Yes it is
Hi Simon
A big Thank You Simon for your Christmas present to Kidderminster In the form of 30704 Plaxton Centro. :)
Quote from: StourportSam on January 13, 2015, 08:43:27 AM
Hi Simon,
Do you know if it is intended for 30704 to stay at Kidderminster depot please?
Simon are there any more like this due ?
Quote from: Ced on January 13, 2015, 09:54:17 AM
Quote from: StourportSam on January 13, 2015, 08:43:27 AM
Hi Simon,
Do you know if it is intended for 30704 to stay at Kidderminster depot please?
Simon are there any more like this due ?
If you look back in this thread or the Kidderminster thread you'll find the answer to be yes. When the BA contract at Heathrow finishes the Mans from there will go to Kidderminster along with the one that never made it down there (an 09 plate FUY I think).
Hope that helps.
Quote from: tank90 on January 13, 2015, 11:44:34 AM
Quote from: Ced on January 13, 2015, 09:54:17 AM
Quote from: StourportSam on January 13, 2015, 08:43:27 AM
Hi Simon,
Do you know if it is intended for 30704 to stay at Kidderminster depot please?
Simon are there any more like this due ?
If you look back in this thread or the Kidderminster thread you'll find the answer to be yes. When the BA contract at Heathrow finishes the Mans from there will go to Kidderminster along with the one that never made it down there (an 09 plate FUY I think).
Hope that helps.
Dan you are quite correct I'm led to believe Kidderminster is having Redditch-based SN09 FUY
Quote from: Will on January 13, 2015, 11:49:11 AM
Quote from: tank90 on January 13, 2015, 11:44:34 AM
Quote from: Ced on January 13, 2015, 09:54:17 AM
Quote from: StourportSam on January 13, 2015, 08:43:27 AM
Hi Simon,
Do you know if it is intended for 30704 to stay at Kidderminster depot please?
Simon are there any more like this due ?
If you look back in this thread or the Kidderminster thread you'll find the answer to be yes. When the BA contract at Heathrow finishes the Mans from there will go to Kidderminster along with the one that never made it down there (an 09 plate FUY I think).
Hope that helps.
Dan you are quite correct I'm led to believe Kidderminster is having Redditch-based SN09 FUY
No it's SN09 FUW which is 30302, SN09 FUY 30303 is staying at Redditch for the foreseeable future. 302 was due to go the Heathrow but it never it, so it's being prepared for service in Kidderminster.
Hope that futher clears things up.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2015, 08:46:22 AM
Yes it is
Thanks as always for your very prompt reply Simon. That's good news for Kidderminster passengers and I look forward to seeing more like it from Heathrow.
With the latest buses now here from Bristol & your bus when will 30488 & 30855 be put in service as the others are at depots thanks
I assume you mean 30885 SJ04DVM, not 30855, Winston
Quote from: Solo1 on January 26, 2015, 01:40:07 PM
With the latest buses now here from Bristol & your bus when will 30488 & 30855 be put in service as the others are at depots thanks
I assume you mean 30885 SJ04DVM, not 30855, Winston
Dear Sir
30488 is in service
30855 - around 1 week
which depot has 30880 & where will 30885 based thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on January 26, 2015, 03:41:31 PM
which depot has 30880 & where will 30885 based thanks
30880 - is Tividale
30885 - Will be Redditch
sorry it should be 30488 thanks
Hi Simon,
1) You're probably aware already but the other 4 Esteem bodied B7rle's you didn't acquire back in December 2013 are now for sale:
I imagine they're not Rotala's preferred choice compared to a Centro or Eclipse but they might fit well with the existing example and come a bit cheaper?
Also, in the trading update you mention the loss of the BA contract.
2) Are such contracts not highly lucrative in terms of margin, based on the level of resources they occupy eg the new(ish) vehicles you've got allocated there?
3) Do you still see the solos/streetlite heading to Preston and the MANs to Redditch?
4) I assume the Evolutions are still planned to return off-lease?
5) Did the late 002 services prove a success, given the introduction of additional journeys on the 002?
6) Would you say there was a scarcity of opportunities to expand (at the right price) in other markets at the moment, based on the fact that it is nearly 2 years since Rotala have acquired any operations?
You also mention additional contracts for the group:
7) Does this largely equate to additional work post the WCC September review? Or are there further contract opportunities potentially in the pipeline for other existing operations?
Quote from: DiamondDart on January 27, 2015, 11:02:19 PM
Hi Simon,
1) You're probably aware already but the other 4 Esteem bodied B7rle's you didn't acquire back in December 2013 are now for sale:
I imagine they're not Rotala's preferred choice compared to a Centro or Eclipse but they might fit well with the existing example and come a bit cheaper?
Also, in the trading update you mention the loss of the BA contract.
2) Are such contracts not highly lucrative in terms of margin, based on the level of resources they occupy eg the new(ish) vehicles you've got allocated there?
3) Do you still see the solos/streetlite heading to Preston and the MANs to Redditch?
4) I assume the Evolutions are still planned to return off-lease?
5) Did the late 002 services prove a success, given the introduction of additional journeys on the 002?
6) Would you say there was a scarcity of opportunities to expand (at the right price) in other markets at the moment, based on the fact that it is nearly 2 years since Rotala have acquired any operations?
You also mention additional contracts for the group:
7) Does this largely equate to additional work post the WCC September review? Or are there further contract opportunities potentially in the pipeline for other existing operations?
Dear Sir,
1. They are not worth the money they are advertised for, and I didnt pay that much a year ago!
2. As we are a AIM listed company and there are rules around segmental reporting I am unable to comment
3. The MAN's are destined for Kidderminster
4. The vehicles are on an operating lease, and it depends upon their residual value but at the moment I think so.
5. The 002 was done in partnership with Merry Hill, so yes.
6. Over that period of time we have looked at many large opportunities, for a lot of different reasons they have not come off and as a result we have chosen not to look at others. Maybe we chose the wrong opportunities to focus on. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
7. Accross all depots except Tividale and Redditch we have picked up additional contract opportunties.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 28, 2015, 06:49:32 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on January 27, 2015, 11:02:19 PM
Hi Simon,
1) You're probably aware already but the other 4 Esteem bodied B7rle's you didn't acquire back in December 2013 are now for sale:
I imagine they're not Rotala's preferred choice compared to a Centro or Eclipse but they might fit well with the existing example and come a bit cheaper?
Also, in the trading update you mention the loss of the BA contract.
2) Are such contracts not highly lucrative in terms of margin, based on the level of resources they occupy eg the new(ish) vehicles you've got allocated there?
3) Do you still see the solos/streetlite heading to Preston and the MANs to Redditch?
4) I assume the Evolutions are still planned to return off-lease?
5) Did the late 002 services prove a success, given the introduction of additional journeys on the 002?
6) Would you say there was a scarcity of opportunities to expand (at the right price) in other markets at the moment, based on the fact that it is nearly 2 years since Rotala have acquired any operations?
You also mention additional contracts for the group:
7) Does this largely equate to additional work post the WCC September review? Or are there further contract opportunities potentially in the pipeline for other existing operations?
Dear Sir,
1. They are not worth the money they are advertised for, and I didnt pay that much a year ago!
2. As we are a AIM listed company and there are rules around segmental reporting I am unable to comment
3. The MAN's are destined for Kidderminster
4. The vehicles are on an operating lease, and it depends upon their residual value but at the moment I think so.
5. The 002 was done in partnership with Merry Hill, so yes.
6. Over that period of time we have looked at many large opportunities, for a lot of different reasons they have not come off and as a result we have chosen not to look at others. Maybe we chose the wrong opportunities to focus on. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
7. Accross all depots except Tividale and Redditch we have picked up additional contract opportunties.
Hi Simon,
Looking at the ad on coach and bus market it does say a deal on bulk buy can be done, would it be worth trying to see how much could be got for them to help replace Darts at Tividale?
Also, I know you (Rotala) have had a disagreement with Minstral over the Streetlites @ RH, but the do have an 07 plate E300 which could be used at RH or LAC, that in mind couldn't you try and get a better price for it? I know it might not be worth it but no harm in trying unless it wouldn't be of course.
I do know us pointing out buses we think you might be interested in can look as if we have a one track mind to get Rotala to spend money but it is all done with Rotala in mind as younger buses do go far with the traveling public.
Hi Simon,
1. I notice on VOSA that a large chunk/if not all of the Long Acre routes currently registered on Central Connect Ltd license are moving on to Diamond Bus Ltd from 28th March, is this part of the re-organization that you previously mentioned i.e. with Long Acre now becoming an OC of Diamond Bus Ltd, rather than Long Acre being vacated/sold etc?
2. Would I be right in saying that some/all of the Bristol Park & Ride contracts are to be re-tendered this year?
3. Can we expect any expansion / significant changes at Wessex over the next few months or is it still too early for your new MD to be fully acquainted with the business?
4. Following your response to Diamond Dart re: acquisitions - are Rotala still currently targeting acquisition opportunities at present?
Many thanks in advance,
Any plans to expand competition on the City- Castle Brom corridors?
Quote from: monkeyjoe on January 30, 2015, 09:06:01 PM
Any plans to expand competition on the City- Castle Brom corridors?
I think there may well be less competition between Birmingham and North Solihull soon, not more (not referring to Diamond here though)
Quote from: tank90 on January 28, 2015, 04:04:16 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 28, 2015, 06:49:32 AM
Quote from: DiamondDart on January 27, 2015, 11:02:19 PM
Hi Simon,
1) You're probably aware already but the other 4 Esteem bodied B7rle's you didn't acquire back in December 2013 are now for sale:
I imagine they're not Rotala's preferred choice compared to a Centro or Eclipse but they might fit well with the existing example and come a bit cheaper?
Also, in the trading update you mention the loss of the BA contract.
2) Are such contracts not highly lucrative in terms of margin, based on the level of resources they occupy eg the new(ish) vehicles you've got allocated there?
3) Do you still see the solos/streetlite heading to Preston and the MANs to Redditch?
4) I assume the Evolutions are still planned to return off-lease?
5) Did the late 002 services prove a success, given the introduction of additional journeys on the 002?
6) Would you say there was a scarcity of opportunities to expand (at the right price) in other markets at the moment, based on the fact that it is nearly 2 years since Rotala have acquired any operations?
You also mention additional contracts for the group:
7) Does this largely equate to additional work post the WCC September review? Or are there further contract opportunities potentially in the pipeline for other existing operations?
Dear Sir,
1. They are not worth the money they are advertised for, and I didnt pay that much a year ago!
2. As we are a AIM listed company and there are rules around segmental reporting I am unable to comment
3. The MAN's are destined for Kidderminster
4. The vehicles are on an operating lease, and it depends upon their residual value but at the moment I think so.
5. The 002 was done in partnership with Merry Hill, so yes.
6. Over that period of time we have looked at many large opportunities, for a lot of different reasons they have not come off and as a result we have chosen not to look at others. Maybe we chose the wrong opportunities to focus on. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
7. Accross all depots except Tividale and Redditch we have picked up additional contract opportunties.
Hi Simon,
Looking at the ad on coach and bus market it does say a deal on bulk buy can be done, would it be worth trying to see how much could be got for them to help replace Darts at Tividale?
Also, I know you (Rotala) have had a disagreement with Minstral over the Streetlites @ RH, but the do have an 07 plate E300 which could be used at RH or LAC, that in mind couldn't you try and get a better price for it? I know it might not be worth it but no harm in trying unless it wouldn't be of course.
I do know us pointing out buses we think you might be interested in can look as if we have a one track mind to get Rotala to spend money but it is all done with Rotala in mind as younger buses do go far with the traveling public.
The value they are advertising for each of these examples is in no way a reflection of market value
Quote from: Winston on January 30, 2015, 04:21:04 PM
Hi Simon,
1. I notice on VOSA that a large chunk/if not all of the Long Acre routes currently registered on Central Connect Ltd license are moving on to Diamond Bus Ltd from 28th March, is this part of the re-organization that you previously mentioned i.e. with Long Acre now becoming an OC of Diamond Bus Ltd, rather than Long Acre being vacated/sold etc?
2. Would I be right in saying that some/all of the Bristol Park & Ride contracts are to be re-tendered this year?
3. Can we expect any expansion / significant changes at Wessex over the next few months or is it still too early for your new MD to be fully acquainted with the business?
4. Following your response to Diamond Dart re: acquisitions - are Rotala still currently targeting acquisition opportunities at present?
Many thanks in advance,
1. From 29th March all registrations from what was Central Connect Ltd will be in Diamond Bus Ltd. This is just part of our reorganisation. Long Acre is not sold at present
2. I believe it is 2016
3. It is too early to expect any changes.
4. Yes
Quote from: monkeyjoe on January 30, 2015, 09:06:01 PM
Any plans to expand competition on the City- Castle Brom corridors?
Not particularly. Am I missing something?
Quote from: Tony on January 30, 2015, 10:08:10 PM
Quote from: monkeyjoe on January 30, 2015, 09:06:01 PM
Any plans to expand competition on the City- Castle Brom corridors?
I think there may well be less competition between Birmingham and North Solihull soon, not more (not referring to Diamond here though)
Whatever you are referring to, you clearly know more than I do.
It would be interesting to know what you know.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 31, 2015, 06:32:36 PM
1. From 29th March all registrations from what was Central Connect Ltd will be in Diamond Bus Ltd. This is just part of our reorganisation. Long Acre is not sold at present
2. I believe it is 2016
3. It is too early to expect any changes.
4. Yes
Thanks Simon,
Sorry, meant to tag on to ask whether you had received acceptance on your planning application for the expansion of Tividale/if it was going ahead etc?
I also understand that there may be an 2004 E300 for sale via Dawson Rentals (Ventura Sales) from CBW
when will 30211 be out in service the one that's been painted into diamond blue livery
What was the reasoning behind withdrawing the 4M, as NX loadings seem to be very healthy, and they only run every 30 minutes,
Hi Simon,
Few questions from me
1) will the BA Staff Shuttle branded Optare Solo (20818, YJ08 PKO) that is currently parked up in the VOR line up at Kidderminster going to re-enter service or is it permanently disused?
2) will 30384 (V384 SVV) be going back into service after it was involved in a RTC?
3) the Black Diamond liveried Darts that are currently at Kidderminster i.e. 20849 (KU52 RYH); 20855 (LG02 FFH); 30438 (V391 SVV); 30439 (W567 JVV) are these likely to be resprayed at any point?
4) what is happening with 30512 (S377 TMB) will that be resprayed etc or is this due to be withdrawn?
5) have you managed to obtain a new engine for 30500 (MW52 PZR)?
As always I look foward to your response.
Quote from: Winston on January 31, 2015, 06:43:12 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 31, 2015, 06:32:36 PM
1. From 29th March all registrations from what was Central Connect Ltd will be in Diamond Bus Ltd. This is just part of our reorganisation. Long Acre is not sold at present
2. I believe it is 2016
3. It is too early to expect any changes.
4. Yes
Thanks Simon,
Sorry, meant to tag on to ask whether you had received acceptance on your planning application for the expansion of Tividale/if it was going ahead etc?
I also understand that there may be an 2004 E300 for sale via Dawson Rentals (Ventura Sales) from CBW
1. We have heard nothing, yet but the architect and specialists suggest there shouldn't be a problem.
2. Thank you
Quote from: Trident 4194 on February 01, 2015, 08:59:22 AM
What was the reasoning behind withdrawing the 4M, as NX loadings seem to be very healthy, and they only run every 30 minutes,
Dear Sir,
We did not obtain sufficient patronage to make the route financially viable
Quote from: Solo1 on January 31, 2015, 07:47:42 PM
when will 30211 be out in service the one that's been painted into diamond blue livery
The vehicle was badly damaged and prior to returning the vehicle to service we have noticed an intermitent electrical fault.
We are not sure of timescales, as at present we cannot find the cause of the fault.
Quote from: Will on February 01, 2015, 01:22:19 PM
Hi Simon,
Few questions from me
1) will the BA Staff Shuttle branded Optare Solo (20818, YJ08 PKO) that is currently parked up in the VOR line up at Kidderminster going to re-enter service or is it permanently disused?
2) will 30384 (V384 SVV) be going back into service after it was involved in a RTC?
3) the Black Diamond liveried Darts that are currently at Kidderminster i.e. 20849 (KU52 RYH); 20855 (LG02 FFH); 30438 (V391 SVV); 30439 (W567 JVV) are these likely to be resprayed at any point?
4) what is happening with 30512 (S377 TMB) will that be resprayed etc or is this due to be withdrawn?
5) have you managed to obtain a new engine for 30500 (MW52 PZR)?
As always I look foward to your response.
1. It will re-enter service at some point. At present though our focus is on repainting all the still red/green/black B7's.
2. We are not sure, we are awaiting the results of the third party assessor.
3. We will at some point paint the DDA darts. The none DDA darts will depend upon how we see the fleet once we have moved all the MAN's into fleet at Kidderminster.
4. My understanding is that it is currently in Kidderminster.
5. I believe this is now back in service.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 02, 2015, 08:25:01 AM
Quote from: Will on February 01, 2015, 01:22:19 PM
Hi Simon,
Few questions from me
1) will the BA Staff Shuttle branded Optare Solo (20818, YJ08 PKO) that is currently parked up in the VOR line up at Kidderminster going to re-enter service or is it permanently disused?
2) will 30384 (V384 SVV) be going back into service after it was involved in a RTC?
3) the Black Diamond liveried Darts that are currently at Kidderminster i.e. 20849 (KU52 RYH); 20855 (LG02 FFH); 30438 (V391 SVV); 30439 (W567 JVV) are these likely to be resprayed at any point?
4) what is happening with 30512 (S377 TMB) will that be resprayed etc or is this due to be withdrawn?
5) have you managed to obtain a new engine for 30500 (MW52 PZR)?
As always I look foward to your response.
1. It will re-enter service at some point. At present though our focus is on repainting all the still red/green/black B7's.
2. We are not sure, we are awaiting the results of the third party assessor.
3. We will at some point paint the DDA darts. The none DDA darts will depend upon how we see the fleet once we have moved all the MAN's into fleet at Kidderminster.
4. My understanding is that it is currently in Kidderminster.
5. I believe this is now back in service.
as always many thanks for your response
Going back to question 5
Will S377 TMB be staying in Kidderminster indefinitely?
Quote from: Will on February 02, 2015, 02:09:36 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 02, 2015, 08:25:01 AM
Quote from: Will on February 01, 2015, 01:22:19 PM
Hi Simon,
Few questions from me
1) will the BA Staff Shuttle branded Optare Solo (20818, YJ08 PKO) that is currently parked up in the VOR line up at Kidderminster going to re-enter service or is it permanently disused?
2) will 30384 (V384 SVV) be going back into service after it was involved in a RTC?
3) the Black Diamond liveried Darts that are currently at Kidderminster i.e. 20849 (KU52 RYH); 20855 (LG02 FFH); 30438 (V391 SVV); 30439 (W567 JVV) are these likely to be resprayed at any point?
4) what is happening with 30512 (S377 TMB) will that be resprayed etc or is this due to be withdrawn?
5) have you managed to obtain a new engine for 30500 (MW52 PZR)?
As always I look foward to your response.
1. It will re-enter service at some point. At present though our focus is on repainting all the still red/green/black B7's.
2. We are not sure, we are awaiting the results of the third party assessor.
3. We will at some point paint the DDA darts. The none DDA darts will depend upon how we see the fleet once we have moved all the MAN's into fleet at Kidderminster.
4. My understanding is that it is currently in Kidderminster.
5. I believe this is now back in service.
as always many thanks for your response
Going back to question 5
Will S377 TMB be staying in Kidderminster indefinitely?
I would imagine so.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 02, 2015, 02:32:44 PM
Quote from: Will on February 02, 2015, 02:09:36 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 02, 2015, 08:25:01 AM
Quote from: Will on February 01, 2015, 01:22:19 PM
Hi Simon,
Few questions from me
1) will the BA Staff Shuttle branded Optare Solo (20818, YJ08 PKO) that is currently parked up in the VOR line up at Kidderminster going to re-enter service or is it permanently disused?
2) will 30384 (V384 SVV) be going back into service after it was involved in a RTC?
3) the Black Diamond liveried Darts that are currently at Kidderminster i.e. 20849 (KU52 RYH); 20855 (LG02 FFH); 30438 (V391 SVV); 30439 (W567 JVV) are these likely to be resprayed at any point?
4) what is happening with 30512 (S377 TMB) will that be resprayed etc or is this due to be withdrawn?
5) have you managed to obtain a new engine for 30500 (MW52 PZR)?
As always I look foward to your response.
1. It will re-enter service at some point. At present though our focus is on repainting all the still red/green/black B7's.
2. We are not sure, we are awaiting the results of the third party assessor.
3. We will at some point paint the DDA darts. The none DDA darts will depend upon how we see the fleet once we have moved all the MAN's into fleet at Kidderminster.
4. My understanding is that it is currently in Kidderminster.
5. I believe this is now back in service.
as always many thanks for your response
Going back to question 5
Will S377 TMB be staying in Kidderminster indefinitely?
I would imagine so.
Simon, that's good news even though it's not DDA compliant it goes very well for its age I'm currently on board it now
Quote from: Will on February 02, 2015, 02:44:00 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 02, 2015, 02:32:44 PM
Quote from: Will on February 02, 2015, 02:09:36 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 02, 2015, 08:25:01 AM
Quote from: Will on February 01, 2015, 01:22:19 PM
Hi Simon,
Few questions from me
1) will the BA Staff Shuttle branded Optare Solo (20818, YJ08 PKO) that is currently parked up in the VOR line up at Kidderminster going to re-enter service or is it permanently disused?
2) will 30384 (V384 SVV) be going back into service after it was involved in a RTC?
3) the Black Diamond liveried Darts that are currently at Kidderminster i.e. 20849 (KU52 RYH); 20855 (LG02 FFH); 30438 (V391 SVV); 30439 (W567 JVV) are these likely to be resprayed at any point?
4) what is happening with 30512 (S377 TMB) will that be resprayed etc or is this due to be withdrawn?
5) have you managed to obtain a new engine for 30500 (MW52 PZR)?
As always I look foward to your response.
1. It will re-enter service at some point. At present though our focus is on repainting all the still red/green/black B7's.
2. We are not sure, we are awaiting the results of the third party assessor.
3. We will at some point paint the DDA darts. The none DDA darts will depend upon how we see the fleet once we have moved all the MAN's into fleet at Kidderminster.
4. My understanding is that it is currently in Kidderminster.
5. I believe this is now back in service.
as always many thanks for your response
Going back to question 5
Will S377 TMB be staying in Kidderminster indefinitely?
I would imagine so.
Simon, that's good news even though it's not DDA compliant it goes very well for its age I'm currently on board it now
30384 V384 SVV is back into service it was on the 3s this morning
An observation from this morning while I was out in Bloxwich.
A Red Diamond livered B7 single decker followed by a National Express B7.
As the bodywork & destination displays are similar, I had to look twice before I saw the NX vehicle behind.
If there is not enough new blue vehicles to put on the route, couldnt the substitute vehicle be a Black Diamond vehicle, to differeniate between the various operators, plus black is closer to blue at first glance?
Quote from: Westy on February 11, 2015, 01:18:53 PM
An observation from this morning while I was out in Bloxwich.
A Red Diamond livered B7 single decker followed by a National Express B7.
As the bodywork & destination displays are similar, I had to look twice before I saw the NX vehicle behind.
If there is not enough new blue vehicles to put on the route, couldnt the substitute vehicle be a Black Diamond vehicle, to differeniate between the various operators, plus black is closer to blue at first glance?
We currently have 5 x B7's in paint in an aim to complete them all.
Dear Simon,
What was the reason for changing the 142 timetables?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on February 24, 2015, 05:50:40 PM
Dear Simon,
What was the reason for changing the 142 timetables?
We are trying to improve the reliability of the 002, so the time change has enabled the 002 to have the 142 slows in Halesowen Bus Station. To enbale this to happen both services have needed timetable changes
Do diamond have any intention to sort out the continual problems with the 226 service as reliability has dropped massively. 50% of the time its a case of any time either side of the Hansons bus! I thought it was meant to be a 15 minute service, not a 5 then 25 minute one!
And please, get rid of the solos. Not everyone enjoys the cramp!
Quote from: the trainbasher on February 25, 2015, 08:41:09 AM
Do diamond have any intention to sort out the continual problems with the 226 service as reliability has dropped massively. 50% of the time its a case of any time either side of the Hansons bus! I thought it was meant to be a 15 minute service, not a 5 then 25 minute one!
And please, get rid of the solos. Not everyone enjoys the cramp!
Dear Sir,
We continually monitor this service and it is our intention to continue to do so. Our overall findings are adherence to the timetable or with the practice direction produced by the Office of the Traffic Commissioner.
With regards vehicles, we believe based upon loadings the Solo is the suitable vehicle to use
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 25, 2015, 10:03:41 AM
Quote from: the trainbasher on February 25, 2015, 08:41:09 AM
Do diamond have any intention to sort out the continual problems with the 226 service as reliability has dropped massively. 50% of the time its a case of any time either side of the Hansons bus! I thought it was meant to be a 15 minute service, not a 5 then 25 minute one!
And please, get rid of the solos. Not everyone enjoys the cramp!
Dear Sir,
We continually monitor this service and it is our intention to continue to do so. Our overall findings are adherence to the timetable or with the practice direction produced by the Office of the Traffic Commissioner.
With regards vehicles, we believe based upon loadings the Solo is the suitable vehicle to use
With all due respect Simon I am sure you'll find that the 226 service is severely lacking. Countless times I've had to wait over 15-20 minutes for one to turn up, and that's if they haven't decided not to bother by running not in service, or even skipped part of the route out. And your "customer care department" make some local councils look reliable! (and working in a department that has dealings with customers myself I know the language used)
Have you ever used the 226 Simon? If not then I suggest you do try both your offerings and Hansons offerings as you'll be enlightened how by putting a decent sized bus on can make all the difference. I mean the seating in your KS03 solos make Urban 90s look comfortable!
Quote from: the trainbasher on February 25, 2015, 02:43:31 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 25, 2015, 10:03:41 AM
Quote from: the trainbasher on February 25, 2015, 08:41:09 AM
Do diamond have any intention to sort out the continual problems with the 226 service as reliability has dropped massively. 50% of the time its a case of any time either side of the Hansons bus! I thought it was meant to be a 15 minute service, not a 5 then 25 minute one!
And please, get rid of the solos. Not everyone enjoys the cramp!
Dear Sir,
We continually monitor this service and it is our intention to continue to do so. Our overall findings are adherence to the timetable or with the practice direction produced by the Office of the Traffic Commissioner.
With regards vehicles, we believe based upon loadings the Solo is the suitable vehicle to use
With all due respect Simon I am sure you'll find that the 226 service is severely lacking. Countless times I've had to wait over 15-20 minutes for one to turn up, and that's if they haven't decided not to bother by running not in service, or even skipped part of the route out. And your "customer care department" make some local councils look reliable! (and working in a department that has dealings with customers myself I know the language used)
Have you ever used the 226 Simon? If not then I suggest you do try both your offerings and Hansons offerings as you'll be enlightened how by putting a decent sized bus on can make all the difference. I mean the seating in your KS03 solos make Urban 90s look comfortable!
I am not wanting to have an argument. However, we have historical VOSA monitoring for this service, which shows the service operating within the window of tolernace.
I am not saying that every journey operates like this, and on occasion we don't have bad days. However, we undertake regular monitoring and there does not seem to be any on going issues.
Our complaints KPI's are continually reducing, which I do review and look through every complaint every week accross the Midlands.
I am sure what we do can be better, and I will take your comments on board.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 25, 2015, 03:13:42 PM
Quote from: the trainbasher on February 25, 2015, 02:43:31 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 25, 2015, 10:03:41 AM
Quote from: the trainbasher on February 25, 2015, 08:41:09 AM
Do diamond have any intention to sort out the continual problems with the 226 service as reliability has dropped massively. 50% of the time its a case of any time either side of the Hansons bus! I thought it was meant to be a 15 minute service, not a 5 then 25 minute one!
And please, get rid of the solos. Not everyone enjoys the cramp!
Dear Sir,
We continually monitor this service and it is our intention to continue to do so. Our overall findings are adherence to the timetable or with the practice direction produced by the Office of the Traffic Commissioner.
With regards vehicles, we believe based upon loadings the Solo is the suitable vehicle to use
With all due respect Simon I am sure you'll find that the 226 service is severely lacking. Countless times I've had to wait over 15-20 minutes for one to turn up, and that's if they haven't decided not to bother by running not in service, or even skipped part of the route out. And your "customer care department" make some local councils look reliable! (and working in a department that has dealings with customers myself I know the language used)
Have you ever used the 226 Simon? If not then I suggest you do try both your offerings and Hansons offerings as you'll be enlightened how by putting a decent sized bus on can make all the difference. I mean the seating in your KS03 solos make Urban 90s look comfortable!
I am not wanting to have an argument. However, we have historical VOSA monitoring for this service, which shows the service operating within the window of tolernace.
I am not saying that every journey operates like this, and on occasion we don't have bad days. However, we undertake regular monitoring and there does not seem to be any on going issues.
Our complaints KPI's are continually reducing, which I do review and look through every complaint every week accross the Midlands.
I am sure what we do can be better, and I will take your comments on board.
I'm not after an argument either Simon, I'm just pointing out facts insofar as to the reliability (or lack thereof) by way of a full and frank discussion which will allow both viewpoints. Notwithstanding the fact however that your comments could conceivably encompass certain concomitant benefits of a marginal and peripheral relevance, there is a countervailing consideration of infinitely superior magnitude involving your personal complicity and corroborative malfeasance, with a consequence that the taint and stigma could irredeemably and irretrievably invalidate your position and culminate in public revelations and recriminations of a profoundly embarrassing and ultimately indefensible character that Rotala maintain on that service.
Saturday 20852 was allocated to the duty that does 226 then 81. Smokey as anything (that thick I thought initially it was fog!) It also smelt of burning rubber! I will bet anything that fleet maintenance would say it was fit for service!
There again it is not for a humble mortal such as I to speculate on the complex and elevated deliberations of the mighty.
Hi Simon
1) When are Diamond Bus putting timetables on board their buses in Kidderminster and Redditch areas?
2) Also I can not get a FREE timetable from Kidderminster Town Hall, Kidderminster Library or Reddich Library. They all say to me I have to pay 5p per page for a black and white print out/copy of whatever Diamond Bus timetable it is. It does not present your company very we'll?
Quote from: Reece on February 25, 2015, 03:57:14 PM
Hi Simon
1) When are Diamond Bus putting timetables on board their buses in Kidderminster and Redditch areas?
2) Also I can not get a FREE timetable from Kidderminster Town Hall, Kidderminster Library or Reddich Library. They all say to me I have to pay 5p per page for a black and white print out/copy of whatever Diamond Bus timetable it is. It does not present your company very we'll?
Quote from: Reece on February 25, 2015, 03:57:14 PM
with regard to the timetables to being free from the library , Is the councils that charge . I go on the diamond site to print of a timetable. and as for timetables on board buses that is something that may come in the futher
When will all the Centro's be in service that are coming from Heathrow at Kidderminster & when will B20BTS be moving to Kidderminster as I would like to get a photo while it here in brum will it b out Saturday on 16 thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on March 16, 2015, 01:36:19 PM
When will all the Centro's be in service that are coming from Heathrow at Kidderminster & when will B20BTS be moving to Kidderminster as I would like to get a photo while it here in brum will it b out Saturday on 16 thanks
Following the acquisition of Green Triangle, we are moving around a number of vehicles. Short term B20WTS has found itself put into service immediately at Long Acre to facilitate this but it will eventually end up at Kidderminster.
I am not exactly sure when this happen.
Hi Simon,
1) Do you know why the 1815 2L service from Kidderminster Town Hall to Cleobury Mortimer failed to run on Saturday 28/03/15 please? Did it have anything to do with 30500 being sat in Kidderminster bus station for over an hour with no driver and displaying not in service?
2) Do Diamond plan to stop using MPDs on the early morning service 3 soon? I often have to catch buses at various times circa. 0800 (typically the 0752/0809/0819/0833 from Areley Kings and most of the time apart from the X3 the bus is a full and standing MPD that has to turn down passengers by the time it gets out of Stourport - especially going through the Birchen Coppice estate.
Hi Simon,
Are you planning on returning darts back onto the 202, or are the b7rles on there for keeps now?
Quote from: StourportSam on March 29, 2015, 07:09:45 PM
Hi Simon,
1) Do you know why the 1815 2L service from Kidderminster Town Hall to Cleobury Mortimer failed to run on Saturday 28/03/15 please? Did it have anything to do with 30500 being sat in Kidderminster bus station for over an hour with no driver and displaying not in service?
2) Do Diamond plan to stop using MPDs on the early morning service 3 soon? I often have to catch buses at various times circa. 0800 (typically the 0752/0809/0819/0833 from Areley Kings and most of the time apart from the X3 the bus is a full and standing MPD that has to turn down passengers by the time it gets out of Stourport - especially going through the Birchen Coppice estate.
Dear Sir
Sorry for the delay in response
1. The 1815 hrs service on 28/3/15 did operate, the service was 25 minutes due to a fuel system fault which was rectified by Engineering
2. Capacity on 3 and X3.
As from Monday 27th April, larger vehicles will be allocated to the peak time services.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 10, 2015, 08:23:38 AM
Hi Simon,
Are you planning on returning darts back onto the 202, or are the b7rles on there for keeps now?
We are planning to operate MPD's on the services
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 21, 2015, 04:15:36 PM
We are planning to operate MPD's on the services
That's a bit of a downgrade. This can be very busy at times
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 21, 2015, 04:16:49 PM
That's a bit of a downgrade. This can be very busy at times
We have been using this type of vehicle on the service for months.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 21, 2015, 04:18:00 PM
We have been using this type of vehicle on the service for months.
Mpds are mini darts right? You've been using long darts on the 202?
Quote from: Matt on April 10, 2015, 04:03:27 PM
Why was the 4H service running as late as 9pm last night in Halesowen when the timetable states the last journey to Hayley Green is at 19:41?
Dear Sir,
I am informed that the bus experienced a breakdown. The service operated but it was extremely late as a result
the 10 has improved in reliability just lately not many buses missed and not many arriving late .
before anyone else might say I am wrong I am going on when I travel and the ones I happen to see
go past my window. believe there are futher timetable changes to some routes in the Kidderminster area
coming at the end of may . have the few mans the arrived here gone some where else
Hi Simon,
With your company taking over service on the 36 (Heartlands Hospital-Sparkhill) from next Monday, will you consider revising the timetable it currently runs?
On the Network West Midlands website, your new timetable looks exactly the same as Silverline's current one. I have raised a concern with my local councillor, who regularly attends Centro meetings, and my concern is with bus congestion during the daytime in Acocks Green village, caused by buses sitting at stands to layover, which can block other buses from gaining access to load/unload, which then has a knock-on effect of causing traffic to snarl up, when they can't pass buses stopped in the middle of the road.
The main concern is with stand AL, which is shared at present by services 1, 30, 31, 36, 96 and 99. Your service 30 already uses this stop to layover (when it's not running late of course!), as well as your current 96 and 99 services (which will pass to WMSNT next week admittedly so you'll have no control over those I accept). The 36 timetable seems to allow for a few minutes of waiting at both stops in Acocks Green village (five minutes to get from Westley Road, Bus Depot to Shirley Road seems a bit long!), so to help matters I hope you might consider looking at the timetable so the 36 buses can just 'pick-up-and-go' from the stops in the village instead of waiting to make up time.
Thanks in advance for your attention!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 21, 2015, 04:15:13 PM
Dear Sir
Sorry for the delay in response
1. The 1815 hrs service on 28/3/15 did operate, the service was 25 minutes due to a fuel system fault which was rectified by Engineering
2. Capacity on 3 and X3.
As from Monday 27th April, larger vehicles will be allocated to the peak time services.
Many thanks for your reply Simon.
1) To be honest I was waiting for a number 3 when the 2L failed to turn up on time and I just remembered seeing most of the passengers catch a taxi after about 20 mins. My bus came at that time, so it must have turned up shortly after I left Kidderminster.
2) As a very regular user of services 3 and X3 this is very welcome news.
Quote from: Cedric on April 21, 2015, 07:57:30 PM
the 10 has improved in reliability just lately not many buses missed and not many arriving late .
before anyone else might say I am wrong I am going on when I travel and the ones I happen to see
go past my window. believe there are futher timetable changes to some routes in the Kidderminster area
coming at the end of may . have the few mans the arrived here gone some where else
spoke to soon the 11.30 am 10 from Kidderminster it came in and was just left at the stop. a inspector think he was came past and look inside to see why it was still there . after a while he took it back to the depot or parked it up in the bus station
Quote from: Cedric on April 22, 2015, 03:38:05 PM
spoke to soon the 11.30 am 10 from Kidderminster it came in and was just left at the stop. a inspector think he was came past and look inside to see why it was still there . after a while he took it back to the depot or parked it up in the bus station
Can you please confirm the date this happened
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 26, 2015, 02:39:41 PM
Can you please confirm the date this happened
this last Wednesday the 22nd of april
hi simon i thought the 50 service was going to druids heath now but all the buses ive seen are still saying maypole ???
Quote from: Jaysnerz007 on April 28, 2015, 05:55:32 PM
hi simon i thought the 50 service was going to druids heath now but all the buses ive seen are still saying maypole ???
Dear Sir,
The Sunday service extends to Druids Heath. Monday to Saturday only goes to the Maypole
Hi Simon
Thank you for finally putting Diamond Bus timetables on the Kidderminster Buses :)
Quote from: Cedric on April 26, 2015, 07:14:59 PM
this last Wednesday the 22nd of april
We have responded to you offline
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 29, 2015, 08:44:25 PM
We have responded to you offline
thanks for the reply offline my apologies should have contacted offline
Quote from: Cedric on April 29, 2015, 10:47:46 PM
thanks for the reply offline my apologies should have contacted offline
This isn't a problem either way.
Dear Simon,
Can we expect to see more e300s entering into tividale then? Also has the e300 got a designated route or will it just appear on random routes? Where Is the Volvo b8rle going? And is the e300 staying?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on May 03, 2015, 09:00:08 AM
Dear Simon,
Can we expect to see more e300s entering into tividale then? Also has the e300 got a designated route or will it just appear on random routes? Where Is the Volvo b8rle going? And is the e300 staying?
Dear Sir,
1. E300's - only if there are internal movements.
2. B8RLE - Long Acre
3. E300 - Yes.
Which route can we expect to see the enviro 300 operate from tividale?
Which route can we expect to see the Volvo b8rle operate? I would assume the 16 or 50 but don't want to make assumptions
Thankyou trident 4194
Quote from: Trident 4194 on May 05, 2015, 03:56:10 PM
Which route can we expect to see the enviro 300 operate from tividale?
Which route can we expect to see the Volvo b8rle operate? I would assume the 16 or 50 but don't want to make assumptions
Thankyou trident 4194
The E300 is not allocated to a specific route.
The B8RLE, is currently in paint. However, when it enters service it will be used on the 16 and 50.
Have you ever considered putting bigger buses onto the 108 journeys Long Acre operate. All the ones I see have a full seated load, and some with people standing, and upgrading it from the mix of Darts, Solos and Primos
will the county links buses be used in Stratford that are used at the moment by Johnson's for the new services
Quote from: John on May 06, 2015, 07:41:21 PM
Have you ever considered putting bigger buses onto the 108 journeys Long Acre operate. All the ones I see have a full seated load, and some with people standing, and upgrading it from the mix of Darts, Solos and Primos
We are trying to address the bus sizes on routes. The acquisition of Atherton has allowed us to cascade a number of our Solos out and in replacement we have been increasing the number of long buses.
Quote from: Solo1 on May 07, 2015, 04:00:34 PM
will the county links buses be used in Stratford that are used at the moment by Johnson's for the new services
The contractual term requires us to provide the buses
Do you know what you will be using on
The new services in Stratford thanks
Why was 30834 on the 142 on Thursday?
Why has the 4H regained the awful value branded buses?
Quote from: Solo1 on May 08, 2015, 09:45:00 PM
Do you know what you will be using on
The new services in Stratford thanks
We are contracted to provide 3 vehicles. 1 has to have a minimum seating capacity of 40 and the other 2 are 33. At present we have agreed to acquire a new Streetlite (10.8 DF version).
We have yet to agree to acquire the other 2 vehicles.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on May 10, 2015, 02:31:07 PM
Why was 30834 on the 142 on Thursday?
Why has the 4H regained the awful value branded buses?
30834 was a replacement bus.
The 4H is a value service, and hence why the bus was on it
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 11, 2015, 08:36:34 AM
We are contracted to provide 3 vehicles. 1 has to have a minimum seating capacity of 40 and the other 2 are 33. At present we have agreed to acquire a new Streetlite (10.8 DF version).
We have yet to agree to acquire the other 2 vehicles.
Hi Simon,
Will the two 33 seat vehicles have to be new or not?
Many Thanks
Quote from: DiamondDart on May 11, 2015, 09:53:54 AM
Hi Simon,
Will the two 33 seat vehicles have to be new or not?
Many Thanks
June 2010 or newer
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 11, 2015, 11:57:21 AM
June 2010 or newer
Thanks for the info Simon. What do you foresee happening with the remaining ex SLT MPDs as 3 of them are a bit newer.
Many Thanks
Any news on 30210 returning to service the one that's in the blue livery thanks
Quote from: DiamondDart on May 11, 2015, 12:09:39 PM
Thanks for the info Simon. What do you foresee happening with the remaining ex SLT MPDs as 3 of them are a bit newer.
Many Thanks
when will you be painting to slt buses Into diamond livery namely the scania's & tempos
Quote from: DiamondDart on May 11, 2015, 12:09:39 PM
Thanks for the info Simon. What do you foresee happening with the remaining ex SLT MPDs as 3 of them are a bit newer.
Many Thanks
Dear Sir,
We intend to sell all the remaining SLT darts, the 3 newer MPD's short term are being used to give capacity to repaint the rest
Quote from: Solo1 on May 11, 2015, 12:59:59 PM
Any news on 30210 returning to service the one that's in the blue livery thanks
We are struggling to find the source of the intermittent fault. At present the West Midlands business has undertaken work on a number of additional buses into fleet and all the replacement buses for Atherton. So this, has been left for now.
Quote from: Solo1 on May 11, 2015, 01:02:51 PM
when will you be painting to slt buses Into diamond livery namely the scania's & tempos
Dear Sir,
We have painted 2 of the acquired SLT fleet and 8 that we have acquire for Atherton.
why is the latest bus you have from Arriva the b8 brle in white rather than in blue fleet no 30166 thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on May 15, 2015, 03:56:37 PM
why is the latest bus you have from Arriva the b8 brle in white rather than in blue fleet no 30166 thanks
The Bus is owned by Volvo and is a demonstrator. Hence why it is white
look forward to the timetable improvements coming to services in Kidderminster . will there be any more buses coming here to cover extra runs on services.
and hope your two recruitment days go well at the depot
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 15, 2015, 04:42:45 PM
The Bus is owned by Volvo and is a demonstrator. Hence why it is white
how come it came from arriva in arriva livery
Quote from: Solo1 on May 15, 2015, 05:49:46 PM
how come it came from arriva in arriva livery
Because it was being demonstrated to Arriva before Rotala, not difficult to work out.
Has Long Acre or Tividale depot got the B8?
Quote from: nxwmbusfan1999 on May 15, 2015, 11:02:46 PM
Has Long Acre or Tividale depot got the B8?
Another point that has already been stated on the forum...... Its at Long Acre
Quote from: nxwmbusfan1999 on May 15, 2015, 11:02:46 PM
Has Long Acre or Tividale depot got the B8?
It's Long Acre as said, then once Rotala have all they data they want it will go back to Volvo.
Quote from: Cedric on May 15, 2015, 04:49:05 PM
look forward to the timetable improvements coming to services in Kidderminster . will there be any more buses coming here to cover extra runs on services.
and hope your two recruitment days go well at the depot
By that time, all the MAN's should be in service.
Quote from: tank90 on May 16, 2015, 02:13:45 PM
It's Long Acre as said, then once Rotala have all they data they want it will go back to Volvo.
For clarity, this vehicle is a demonstrator owned by Volvo which was previously loaned out to Arriva. We now have the vehicle for a few months during which time it will be based at Long Acre.
I am planning a trip to Preston next week and after looking on the PrestonBus website, i can't seem to locate an up to date map, i was wondering if you could link me to one at all?
Thank You
Quote from: jc on May 20, 2015, 10:46:06 PM
I am planning a trip to Preston next week and after looking on the PrestonBus website, i can't seem to locate an up to date map, i was wondering if you could link me to one at all?
Thank You
Link to download/view map below:
I was hoping for one that was a bit more up to date than June 2010 ...
Cheers though!
Quote from: jc on May 22, 2015, 04:14:10 PM
I was hoping for one that was a bit more up to date than June 2010 ...
Cheers though!
No problem. Don't think there has been significant network change since by PB other than a few new supported routes that go out further in evenings etc but I could be wrong!
Quote from: DiamondDart on May 22, 2015, 04:26:00 PM
No problem. Don't think there has been significant network change since by PB other than a few new supported routes that go out further in evenings etc but I could be wrong!
There isn't a more up to date map at present.
It is something we are working on
Hi Simon,
A few questions from me:
1 - Have Rotala now received planning permission to expand Tividale depot parking area as well as the office buildings & workshop?
2 - Has there been any movement on the sale of Long Acre?
3 - How many 57 plate B7RLE/Wright Eclipse are expected to move up to Long Acre from Wessex? Why is it Wessex can spare them? With 30508/9 moving up thus far.
Quote from: Winston on May 26, 2015, 12:48:42 PM
Hi Simon,
A few questions from me:
1 - Have Rotala now received planning permission to expand Tividale depot parking area as well as the office buildings & workshop?
2 - Has there been any movement on the sale of Long Acre?
3 - How many 57 plate B7RLE/Wright Eclipse are expected to move up to Long Acre from Wessex? Why is it Wessex can spare them? With 30508/9 moving up thus far.
1. Yes
2. Not yet
3. We have acquired 3 x Omnidecks. 3 will move to Atherton.
Any news on what buses are going to be used on the new services in Stratford
Quote from: Solo1 on May 27, 2015, 07:32:04 AM
Any news on what buses are going to be used on the new services in Stratford
We have agreed to acquire 1 x NEW 10.8 m DF Streetlite and 1 x 2014 ex Regent Coaches 10.8m DF Streetlite.
The service will I suspect start with the current Streetlites and then switchover at some point next week
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 27, 2015, 06:37:26 AM
1. Yes
2. Not yet
3. We have acquired 3 x Omnidecks. 3 will move to Atherton.
Thanks for your reply.
1. When do you hope that the expanded Tividale depot will be complete?
3. Are the Omnidecks Omnicity Double Deckers or East Lancs Omnidekka's?
4. With the evaluation of 30166 are we likely to see Rotala buy new buses in quantity for group as you did back in 2008-2010?
Quote from: Winston on May 27, 2015, 09:34:48 AM
Thanks for your reply.
1. When do you hope that the expanded Tividale depot will be complete?
3. Are the Omnidecks Omnicity Double Deckers or East Lancs Omnidekka's?
4. With the evaluation of 30166 are we likely to see Rotala buy new buses in quantity for group as you did back in 2008-2010?
1. This calendar year.
3. OmniCity
4. You can never say never, but I consider the MCV body to be a cheaper product and the Volvo price for this product at present does not reflect that
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 28, 2015, 07:28:26 PM
1. This calendar year.
3. OmniCity
4. You can never say never, but I consider the MCV body to be a cheaper product and the Volvo price for this product at present does not reflect that
Thanks for your replies
Is a B8RLE with Wright bodywork not of interest to Rotala?
Will you be trying any other demo's in the near future?
Quote from: Winston on May 28, 2015, 07:32:21 PM
Thanks for your replies
Is a B8RLE with Wright bodywork not of interest to Rotala?
Will you be trying any other demo's in the near future?
At present we have a Hybrid Versa at Atherton, but apart from that we have nothing else in the pipeline
In terms of Wrights, there is no vehicles in build this year.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 28, 2015, 08:53:05 PM
At present we have a Hybrid Versa at Atherton, but apart from that we have nothing else in the pipeline
In terms of Wrights, there is no vehicles in build this year.
Hi Simon,
Do you plan to acquire OP07ARE to add to fleet?
I believe Ensign also have some ex London Tempo Hybrids at £9k each?
I think they may also still have more euro3 darts ex Stagecoach Manchester which are a Rotala standard?
Are you selling the withdrawn Merc Sprinters as one was sighted in a scrapyard?
In terms of b8rles I may well be wrong but Metrobus are said to be expecting two Wright bodied examples soon
Also are the OmniCitys acquired ex Stagecoach London?
Many Thanks
Quote from: DiamondDart on May 28, 2015, 08:58:16 PM
Hi Simon,
Do you plan to acquire OP07ARE to add to fleet?
I believe Ensign also have some ex London Tempo Hybrids at £9k each?
I think they may also still have more euro3 darts ex Stagecoach Manchester which are a Rotala standard?
Are you selling the withdrawn Merc Sprinters as one was sighted in a scrapyard?
In terms of b8rles I may well be wrong but Metrobus are said to be expecting two Wright bodied examples soon
Also are the OmniCitys acquired ex Stagecoach London?
Many Thanks
Dear Sir
1. I don't plan to acquire OP07ARE
2. I am aware of the Hybrids
3. I am also aware of the Ex SCG darts
4. We have a number of Merc Sprinters for Sale
5. Currently there are no Volvo Wrights in build, which are not committed to orders
6. I am not sure the OmniCitys previous home. I don't have the registration numbers to hand. I will forward Tony a fleet list on Monday.
When do plan to have the 202 allocated back to darts?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 30, 2015, 07:05:52 AM
Dear Sir
5. Currently there are no Volvo Wrights in build, which are not committed to orders
Is it not possible for Rotala to place an order for B8RLE/Wright in the absence of any dealer stock being in build?
Quote from: Winston on May 30, 2015, 10:55:52 AM
Is it not possible for Rotala to place an order for B8RLE/Wright in the absence of any dealer stock being in build?
I think the prices at present are inflated - there is a rush for new vehicles, when that dies down we will see prices in my opinion return to an acceptable level.
I will not pay over the odds for vehicles, we have authorised Capital Expenditure for fleet improvement specifically for new vehicles but until we find the right deal for the right equipment we will not buy anything
Hi Simon
1. Why are the MAN engined Plaxton Centro's currently at Kidderminster so unreliable and is this why they are mainly contained to the 3 route?
2. Are 30302 SN09FUW and 30922 B20WTS (MX59KUF) any closer coming to Kidderminster anytime soon?
3. Why is 30383 back in service after last weeks fire in Bewdley that was caused by the buses over heated breaks while operating a 2L service from Ludlow?
4. Following on from the last question. Why is there not a Volvo engined vehicle for the 2L route like a exRoyale Plaxton Centro which would have over heating breaks on the descent of Clee Hill and Angle Bank on a hot day and will get up both Angle Bank and Clee Hill without a massive tail back of cars behind it?
I look forward to your response
Quote from: Reece on June 03, 2015, 02:45:56 PM
Hi Simon
1. Why are the MAN engined Plaxton Centro's currently at Kidderminster so unreliable and is this why they are mainly contained to the 3 route?
2. Are 30302 SN09FUW and 30922 B20WTS (MX59KUF) any closer coming to Kidderminster anytime soon?
3. Why is 30383 back in service after last weeks fire in Bewdley that was caused by the buses over heated breaks while operating a 2L service from Ludlow?
4. Following on from the last question. Why is there not a Volvo engined vehicle for the 2L route like a exRoyale Plaxton Centro which would have over heating breaks on the descent of Clee Hill and Angle Bank on a hot day and will get up both Angle Bank and Clee Hill without a massive tail back of cars behind it?
I look forward to your response
1. I have spoken to the Engineering Supervisor, and they are having reliability issues with only one of the MAN's which they are trying to resolve
2. Yes. Following the acquisition of Atherton our Midlands garages had to support them for a period of time, and that has put back work on these 2 buses. They shouldn't be long now.
3. The bus didn't catch fire. The vehicle did breakdown, and we have since replaced all the parts involved and repaired the fault.
4. I would like to operate a fleet of brand new heavy duty buses on all our rotes - which I am sure every operator would. However, the financial viability does not allow this. The fleet we acquired in Kidderminster was made up of Lances/Step Entrance darts. Since then we have continued to modernise the fleet at a progressive rate.
Hi Simon,
Could your engineers look at 20913, it threw out lots of black smoke when pulling away from my stop, leaving me amongst fumes.
In addition, the posters by the door of the bus stated a £5 family ticket offer valid until the 31st May, is this still valid?
Quote from: bususer12 on June 05, 2015, 06:49:07 PM
Hi Simon,
Could your engineers look at 20913, it threw out lots of black smoke when pulling away from my stop, leaving me amongst fumes.
In addition, the posters by the door of the bus stated a £5 family ticket offer valid until the 31st May, is this still valid?
Thank you.
We are arranging for the vehicle to be smoke tested.
The family £5 ticket was for half term only
Hi Simon
Have rotala thought about bringing a Signature style brand to other routes it runs (like for example the Brownhills 56).
I know the ex Royale buses are allocated to it but surely it'd be worth it, especially as I believe NXWM are running their Platinum service on a similar corridor Soon
Also, have diamond thought about running a Stourbridge to Merry Hill to Dudley route (competing against NXWM perhaps?)
Hey Simon,
With the 26 contract i understand you accept the stagecoach tickets, how does this work with the Stagecoach Smart ticket (Loaded onto a Smartcard) i assume this won't read on the Diamond machines?
Thank you
Quote from: the trainbasher on June 08, 2015, 09:17:04 AM
Hi Simon
Have rotala thought about bringing a Signature style brand to other routes it runs (like for example the Brownhills 56).
I know the ex Royale buses are allocated to it but surely it'd be worth it, especially as I believe NXWM are running their Platinum service on a similar corridor Soon
Also, have diamond thought about running a Stourbridge to Merry Hill to Dudley route (competing against NXWM perhaps?)
When we look to place an order for new buses, this is something we may consider.
We have not considered operating a Stourbridge to Merry Hill Service
Quote from: jc on June 10, 2015, 07:10:57 AM
Hey Simon,
With the 26 contract i understand you accept the stagecoach tickets, how does this work with the Stagecoach Smart ticket (Loaded onto a Smartcard) i assume this won't read on the Diamond machines?
Thank you
Dear JC,
This is a condition of contract through Warwickshire County Council - we cannot read the smart tickets, there is some form of manual reconciliation that is undertaken
Thank you Simon!
I pick up a timetable on a bus for the no 10 in Kidderminster from a stock that was on the bus, and it was the timetable for the service before the changes to the service on the 31st of may
and the bus sheleters along the route on comberton offmore and spenells which have these timetables stuck on still . but the WCC timetables have been changed showing new times.
Saw a black solo on Bromley lane today about 1445/1500 going towards merry hill the black smoke out the back of it was blacker than the bus sorry didn't get the reg
Quote from: karl724223 on June 24, 2015, 10:07:57 PM
Saw a black solo on Bromley lane today about 1445/1500 going towards merry hill the black smoke out the back of it was blacker than the bus sorry didn't get the reg
20913 MX57 UPS no doubt, the smoke test went well.... I saw it today, the reg ,fleetnumber, advert and route number at the back were all "blackened"
Hi Simon thanks for your previous reply
Can you please tell me why the 18:15 2L to Cleobury Mortimer from Kidderminster Town Hall on Saturday 27th June did not server Kidderminster Town Hall or Kidderminster, Oxford Street?
I was standing on Oxford Steet in Kidderminster awaiting the last 2L to Cleobury Mortimer at the time when I saw it come down The Ringway in Kidderminster having clearly come from the depot. Rather than the driver taking a left turn down Green Street so the bus could server the Town Hall where it starts from! It carried on up the Ringway to Kidderminster, Swan Centre where I could not get to in time before the bus did so I missed it and then had to walk home instead!
Hi Simon,
Could you please let me know why the 0819 number 3 service ex Areley Kings failed to run on Wednesday 24th June? Or, if it did run, why did I not see it between 0815 and 0840 when the 0833 turned up?
Many Thanks
Quote from: Reece on June 28, 2015, 06:05:41 PM
Hi Simon thanks for your previous reply
Can you please tell me why the 18:15 2L to Cleobury Mortimer from Kidderminster Town Hall on Saturday 27th June did not server Kidderminster Town Hall or Kidderminster, Oxford Street?
I was standing on Oxford Steet in Kidderminster awaiting the last 2L to Cleobury Mortimer at the time when I saw it come down The Ringway in Kidderminster having clearly come from the depot. Rather than the driver taking a left turn down Green Street so the bus could server the Town Hall where it starts from! It carried on up the Ringway to Kidderminster, Swan Centre where I could not get to in time before the bus did so I missed it and then had to walk home instead!
Recce if a bus was coming in to Kidderminster from the depot to take up any service they go along new road , which is quicker than going along the ring road
Quote from: Cedric on June 28, 2015, 09:55:24 PM
Recce if a bus was coming in to Kidderminster from the depot to take up any service they go along new road , which is quicker than going along the ring road
@Cedric The driver just missed out the town hall and Oxford Street to save 5 mins because he was running 10 mins late and I am not happy!
Quote from: Cedric on June 22, 2015, 05:49:14 PM
I pick up a timetable on a bus for the no 10 in Kidderminster from a stock that was on the bus, and it was the timetable for the service before the changes to the service on the 31st of may
and the bus sheleters along the route on comberton offmore and spenells which have these timetables stuck on still . but the WCC timetables have been changed showing new times.
I am sorry about this. The up to date leaflets should now be on the buses.
re: the timetable cases. I know the ones at the Town Hall have been covered up as they have been unable to unlock them to get into them to change the timetables. I am not aware that we own any in comberton, offmore & spenells, so we¹ll have to check those along the route.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 30, 2015, 08:40:25 AM
I am sorry about this. The up to date leaflets should now be on the buses.
re: the timetable cases. I know the ones at the Town Hall have been covered up as they have been unable to unlock them to get into them to change the timetables. I am not aware that we own any in comberton, offmore & spenells, so we¹ll have to check those along the route.
thanks for the information re the ones on comberton offmore and spennells they are just ones like we get of the bus and have been stuck on with tape cedric
Would diamond be interested in buying First Hereford rather than let the services finish &be run by others
Quote from: Solo1 on June 30, 2015, 11:04:23 AM
Would diamond be interested in buying First Hereford rather than let the services finish &be run by others
If I have readed the press release by first right first are just closing Hereford down not trying to sell it like they did with Kidderminster and Redditch.
and also if diamond or any company where thinking of purchasing Hereford or just moving in they are not going to disclose anything on here.
mind you it would be a ideal time for diamond or any one to start service against first in Worcester as it will be on it's own in the midlands .
out on a limb
Quote from: Solo1 on June 30, 2015, 11:04:23 AM
Would diamond be interested in buying First Hereford rather than let the services finish &be run by others
Dear Sir,
This business was never offered to us. Therefore, it would be difficult to offer an opinion.
It would almost certainly attract and pass the competition tests for a CMA discussion. This in itself would create an inability for us to do anything quick. So it would be difficult to say and costly in terms of legal DD.
Quote from: Cedric on June 30, 2015, 11:39:22 AM
If I have readed the press release by first right first are just closing Hereford down not trying to sell it like they did with Kidderminster and Redditch.
and also if diamond or any company where thinking of purchasing Hereford or just moving in they are not going to disclose anything on here.
mind you it would be a ideal time for diamond or any one to start service against first in Worcester as it will be on it's own in the midlands .
out on a limb
I think I have answered this in response to the previous posting.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 30, 2015, 08:51:55 PM
I think I have answered this in response to the previous posting.
in my last post I was trying to explain various to the pervious poster that the situation at Hereford is completely different..
and when I did metion diamond . I did say or any other company. I was just talking in general in answer to the other posters post.
putting my view in general, as I gathered that things you have stated in your reply to other poster would affect any company
sorry for previous post confusing you simon
Quote from: Cedric on June 30, 2015, 09:21:29 PM
in my last post I was trying to explain various to the pervious poster that the situation at Hereford is completely different..
and when I did metion diamond . I did say or any other company. I was just talking in general in answer to the other posters post.
putting my view in general, as I gathered that things you have stated in your reply to other poster would affect any company
sorry for previous post confusing you simon
Thank you
Quote from: Reece on June 28, 2015, 06:05:41 PM
Hi Simon thanks for your previous reply
Can you please tell me why the 18:15 2L to Cleobury Mortimer from Kidderminster Town Hall on Saturday 27th June did not server Kidderminster Town Hall or Kidderminster, Oxford Street?
I was standing on Oxford Steet in Kidderminster awaiting the last 2L to Cleobury Mortimer at the time when I saw it come down The Ringway in Kidderminster having clearly come from the depot. Rather than the driver taking a left turn down Green Street so the bus could server the Town Hall where it starts from! It carried on up the Ringway to Kidderminster, Swan Centre where I could not get to in time before the bus did so I missed it and then had to walk home instead!
The driver has been interviewed and states that he has served the stop.
A note of this incident will be put on his file and should a similar incident occur, then this will be taken into consideration
Hi Simon thanks for your last reply
Just a quick question is the 2 service between Kidderminster Town Hall and Bark Hill due to be withdraw from the 31st August and if so what is the service being replaced with?
Quote from: Reece on July 12, 2015, 12:55:53 PM
Hi Simon thanks for your last reply
Just a quick question is the 2 service between Kidderminster Town Hall and Bark Hill due to be withdraw from the 31st August and if so what is the service being replaced with?
No - the 2 and 2l registrations are being merged
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 14, 2015, 02:34:36 PM
No - the 2 and 2l registrations are being merged
Exactly what I thought Simon. Simon see the 10 timetable is being changed again and rerouted whats the reroute going to be ? Cedric
Quote from: Cedric on July 14, 2015, 02:54:16 PM
Exactly what I thought Simon. Simon see the 10 timetable is being changed again and rerouted whats the reroute going to be ? Cedric
Sorry, both the 10 and 2/2L are having their starting point changed from Town hall to the Bus Station
Hi Simon , just to let you know, 20502 is still displaying the family £5 ticket offer that expired on 31 may
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 15, 2015, 06:10:09 AM
Sorry, both the 10 and 2/2L are having their starting point changed from Town hall to the Bus Station
that's great as I shop in the supermarket by the bus station and been find harder to carry shopping to town hall (now I am getting older) also when it cold and wet you are under cover in the shelters, will the remaining services following time? as the development around the town hall area I presume there will still be stops some where by town hall where the buses stop to pick up if flaged down cedric
Quote from: bususer12 on July 15, 2015, 01:22:44 PM
Hi Simon , just to let you know, 20502 is still displaying the family £5 ticket offer that expired on 31 may
Thank you
Quote from: Cedric on July 15, 2015, 08:05:55 PM
that's great as I shop in the supermarket by the bus station and been find harder to carry shopping to town hall (now I am getting older) also when it cold and wet you are under cover in the shelters, will the remaining services following time? as the development around the town hall area I presume there will still be stops some where by town hall where the buses stop to pick up if flaged down cedric
At the present moment in time there are on going discussions with WCC. Nothing is agreed with the other services at present
Can I buy a family network daytripper on diamond services?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on July 21, 2015, 07:00:44 PM
Can I buy a family network daytripper on diamond services?
@Trident 4194 A quick google search can find the answer to that, no it can only be brought at staffed rail stations in the NWM area
Quote from: Dom on July 21, 2015, 07:03:34 PM
@Trident 4194
A quick google search can find the answer to that, no it can only be brought at staffed rail stations in the NWM area
you really shouldn't believe everything that centro tell you ;)
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on July 21, 2015, 07:55:09 PM
you really shouldn't believe everything that centro tell you ;)
That was off NWM
Quote from: Dom on July 21, 2015, 08:13:56 PM
That was off NWM
... which is © Centro....
It also alleges that the Adult Daytripper is only available from stations. I'd take exception to that as well, considering the number that I've bought on a bus, both for 'business' & pleasure.
@Simon Dunn Thanks for your last reply
1) When are more MAN Plaxton Centro's going to be transferred to Kidderminster? Because the V and X reg SLF Darts have a horrible burning smell especially when they are operating the 2L or X3 for some reason?
2) Why is a MPD Dart allocated to the 4A in Kidderminster? Because the service always leaves full and standing. Also I don't think it is right for a 70+ year old woman to stand all the way to Fairfield all the time.
3) What is the plan for 30704 KX57 OVS and 30805 KX08 HMY are they ever going to go back into service?
4) What improvements will there be to the 2L in September as I have heard you have won the contract to run the service again? Will there be some better buses on the 2L route from September like some MAN or Volvo engined Plaxton Centro's?
Quote from: Reece on July 26, 2015, 07:16:44 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn
Thanks for your last reply
1) When are more MAN Plaxton Centro's going to be transferred to Kidderminster? Because the V and X reg SLF Darts have a horrible burning smell especially when they are operating the 2L or X3 for some reason?
2) Why is a MPD Dart allocated to the 4A in Kidderminster? Because the service always leaves full and standing. Also I don't think it is right for a 70+ year old woman to stand all the way to Fairfield all the time.
3) What is the plan for 30704 KX57 OVS and 30805 KX08 HMY are they ever going to go back into service?
4) What improvements will there be to the 2L in September as I have heard you have won the contract to run the service again? Will there be some better buses on the 2L route from September like some MAN or Volvo engined Plaxton Centro's?
What you have said about the V And X reg dart I have been on a few of these 0n the 2L and X3 and never have come across what you have described.
Quote from: Cedric on July 26, 2015, 08:35:52 PM
What you have said about the V And X reg dart I have been on a few of these 0n the 2L and X3 and never have come across what you have described.
@Cedric Well you have clearly not been on one on a very hot day then!
Quote from: Reece on July 26, 2015, 10:12:54 PM
@Cedric Well you have clearly not been on one on a very hot day then!
sorry Reece I have been on the on a very hot day I use the 2l a lot .
I catch the last 2L most Saturday . and in your post about the 4A
to save the 70+ old lady standing why not stand (if you
that I mean if you have something wrong with you health wise
that you are unable to do so) and give her your seat.
Quote from: Cedric on July 26, 2015, 10:30:45 PM
sorry Reece I have been on the on a very hot day I use the 2l a lot .
@Cedric Well I usually catch the last 2L of the day at 18:15 from Kidderminster Town Hall so by that point these V and X reg Darts are starting to overheat because they have been working the 2L all day and when the bus is empty you notice the burning smell more especially on 30383 and 30637!!
Hi Simon
A bit of chat regarding the 88 service between Solihull & Balsall Common (taking into account I am NOT a user of this service)......
Has there been any adverse effect on the usage of service 88 since Johnsons extended their 87 service from Balsall Common to Solihull on April 26th last?
Has Diamond or Centro put the 88 service under review because of this?
Here is a few route suggestions for the 88 for the purpose of offering useful (or onward) destinations in both directions....
1) Towards Balsall Common run as current to Holly Lane then left turn Balsall St right turn Station Rd continuing straight through to the roundabout by Berkswell Station. The reverse of that for the return journey.
2) Something more radical, avoid Balsall Common altogether and divert to Kenilworth Town instead, as current route to Table Oak Lane then continue to Meer End hamlet, left turn Meer End Rd (A4177), right turn onto (A452) Kenilworth Road continue on Birmingham Rd and Clinton Lane to Kenilworth town centre. Granted this will add about 5 miles / 12 minutes to a return journey but splitting from the 82 rota and recasting a less frequent timetable as a offset might work.
That's all for now
Quote from: Reece on July 26, 2015, 07:16:44 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn
Thanks for your last reply
1) When are more MAN Plaxton Centro's going to be transferred to Kidderminster? Because the V and X reg SLF Darts have a horrible burning smell especially when they are operating the 2L or X3 for some reason?
2) Why is a MPD Dart allocated to the 4A in Kidderminster? Because the service always leaves full and standing. Also I don't think it is right for a 70+ year old woman to stand all the way to Fairfield all the time.
3) What is the plan for 30704 KX57 OVS and 30805 KX08 HMY are they ever going to go back into service?
4) What improvements will there be to the 2L in September as I have heard you have won the contract to run the service again? Will there be some better buses on the 2L route from September like some MAN or Volvo engined Plaxton Centro's?
1. This is work in progress, as you will have seen more MAN's have been entering service
2. We have reviewed the ticket machine date, and there is no journey that has ever carried even half that number. The average loads is in single digits, which is why we use a MPD
3. They should be near completion
4. The service will start from the Bus Station, and there is a regular service between Kidderminster and the estates.
Quote from: JPC on July 27, 2015, 01:39:54 AM
Hi Simon
A bit of chat regarding the 88 service between Solihull & Balsall Common (taking into account I am NOT a user of this service)......
Has there been any adverse effect on the usage of service 88 since Johnsons extended their 87 service from Balsall Common to Solihull on April 26th last?
Has Diamond or Centro put the 88 service under review because of this?
Here is a few route suggestions for the 88 for the purpose of offering useful (or onward) destinations in both directions....
1) Towards Balsall Common run as current to Holly Lane then left turn Balsall St right turn Station Rd continuing straight through to the roundabout by Berkswell Station. The reverse of that for the return journey.
2) Something more radical, avoid Balsall Common altogether and divert to Kenilworth Town instead, as current route to Table Oak Lane then continue to Meer End hamlet, left turn Meer End Rd (A4177), right turn onto (A452) Kenilworth Road continue on Birmingham Rd and Clinton Lane to Kenilworth town centre. Granted this will add about 5 miles / 12 minutes to a return journey but splitting from the 82 rota and recasting a less frequent timetable as a offset might work.
That's all for now
This service is a Centro tender, Kenilworth is over the border and I doubt Centro would be keen on not serving Balsall Common either.
The 88 cycles with the 82 as there is not enough time for the 82 to cycle on its own. To add yet more time will = a PVR increase.
So will there be sufficient passengers travelling to/from Kenilworth to justify adding a commercial variation to a tendered service that costs a PVR?
Quote from: Cedric on July 26, 2015, 10:30:45 PM
sorry Reece I have been on the on a very hot day I use the 2l a lot .
I catch the last 2L most Saturday . and in your post about the 4A
to save the 70+ old lady standing why not stand (if you
that I mean if you have something wrong with you health wise
that you are unable to do so) and give her your seat.
@Cedric I was standing as well thank you very much!!!!
Have diamond got anywhere with installing Real Time on their fleet so people can get live data instead of having to guesstimate how long their bus would be (would be useful especially for those who rely on the bus to commute like myself)
May I ask what the buses for evening 81's come off of please.
Cheers Dom
Quote from: the trainbasher on July 28, 2015, 04:55:26 PM
Have diamond got anywhere with installing Real Time on their fleet so people can get live data instead of having to guesstimate how long their bus would be (would be useful especially for those who rely on the bus to commute like myself)
I think Simon has said in the past this software is installed on buses and used by Diamond but not yet reliable enough to roll out for the public to use.
@Dom the 2015, 2215 ex wolverhampton on evenings comes off the 226
Quote from: the trainbasher on July 28, 2015, 06:12:49 PM
@Dom the 2015, 2215 ex wolverhampton on evenings comes off the 226
the other journeys come off the 25a/c I believe
Why did the driver of 30861 not stop in Halesowen bus station at the correct stand, he unloaded at the 002 stand briefly then continued to Hayley green
Hi Simon,
Are you able to say if the following vehicles are likely to re-enter service please?
Also would like to say what a welcome addition the various Centros are to the Kidderminster fleet. Using them on the 3 service has really helped to upgrade it. The fact they are considerably newer than some of your vehicles has I think improved some people's opinion of Diamond locally.
Many Thanks
Quote from: Trident 4194 on July 29, 2015, 04:29:18 PM
Why did the driver of 30861 not stop in Halesowen bus station at the correct stand, he unloaded at the 002 stand briefly then continued to Hayley green
Dear Sir,
Can you let me know the date and time of the incident
Quote from: StourportSam on August 05, 2015, 04:54:56 PM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to say if the following vehicles are likely to re-enter service please?
Also would like to say what a welcome addition the various Centros are to the Kidderminster fleet. Using them on the 3 service has really helped to upgrade it. The fact they are considerably newer than some of your vehicles has I think improved some people's opinion of Diamond locally.
Many Thanks
30901 - No
30382 - Yes
20652 - Yes until January
20572 - Yes until January
Dear Simon
How are Diamond doing in the Kidderminster Area?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 05, 2015, 04:58:03 PM
Dear Sir,
Can you let me know the date and time of the incident
It was last Wednesday the 29th, was about 11:50 am
Quote from: Chris on August 05, 2015, 05:11:06 PM
Dear Simon
How are Diamond doing in the Kidderminster Area?
@Chris Well Kidderminster makes more money than Redditch apparently so that says it all for me.
Quote from: Chris on August 05, 2015, 05:11:06 PM
Dear Simon
How are Diamond doing in the Kidderminster Area?
When we acquired the business - as LSE/OFT documents at the time show. Redditch and Kidderminster were both heavily loss making. Before imminent cuts to BSOG (nearly 9 pence per litre), WCC contracts, and Concessionary reimbursement rates.
We acquired Kidderminster because they were sold as a package. We expected that it would continually perform badly. In all honesty Kidderminster has performed better than we expected
Hello Simon
Will Rotala have new coaches for Flights Hallmark or keep same ones at Long Acre?
Whats happing in Kidderminster with no 10 caught the 11.30 from Kidderminster . did not get home till 12.30. by the time we reahed the ring road island the driver realised he was on the wrong bus so he took it back to the town hall. and left a bus with about 20 people there 3 other drivers+ a inspector got on and looked a the running a deiced it was not there bus. one even prepeared to drive off and then found out it was not his bus and when a driver did turn up he looked very similar to one that had already been on . an d what made it worse was the no show of the 12 miday leaving a lot of people waiting to get on a already nearly full bus.
the vehicle in question I was on was20361 w 361 abd if that makes it easier to trace what was going on
Have you ever considered any of the following.
1) Extend the 192 to Birmingham City Centre to provide new links from Kidderminster.
2) Compete with NXWM and Social Travel on the 11, or try the 55/94
3) Compete with NXWM on the 45/47 in adition to your 146
4) With NXWM soon upgrading the 934/5/6 do Diamond have any plan to upgrade the 56
5) Would diamond ever consider providing new buses on the 16 the. Crimson E400s witch NXWM youse look brilliant in comparison to your Optare solos
Quote from: 2206 on August 11, 2015, 05:48:29 PM
Have you ever considered any of the following.
1) Extend the 192 to Birmingham City Centre to provide new links from Kidderminster.
2) Compete with NXWM and Social Travel on the 11
3) Compete with NXWM on the 45/47 in adition to your 146
4) With NXWM soon upgrading the 934/5/6 do Diamond have any plan to upgrade the 56
5) Would diamond ever consider providing new buses on the 16, or run a Washwood Heath Road service.
re 1 that has been asked before , can not remember simons answer . but as it was cut back in first days. I doubt it will be extend again , as there used to be a sunday Birmingham to Ludlow central connect services but due to council/centro cuts it was stopped , that was the same reason why the 192/292 Hereford to Birmingham was cut to the 292 Ludlow- Kidderminster and the 192 Kidderminster - Halesowen
Quote from: Cedric on August 11, 2015, 09:22:44 PM
re 1 that has been asked before , can not remember simons answer . but as it was cut back in first days. I doubt it will be extend again , as there used to be a sunday Birmingham to Ludlow central connect services but due to council/centro cuts it was stopped , that was the same reason why the 192/292 Hereford to Birmingham was cut to the 292 Ludlow- Kidderminster and the 192 Kidderminster - Halesowen
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 28, 2014, 06:56:07 PM
Dear Sir
No. We used to operate the 192 when it operated into Birmingham and we reviewed this at the time and it didn't work
Hi Simon,
How is the 36 service (Sparkhill to Heartlands Hospital via Acocks Green) working out for you?
I know it is a tendered service, but do you think there is any scope to increase the frequency to a more 'clock-face' one, as it currently (weirdly) runs every 45 minutes?
I was enquiring on the Acocks Green Village Facebook page about NX's changes to the 1 service, and have picked up a couple of comments from locals about the 36 which I thought I'd share with you:
"Agree was not much use where it (NX service 1) stopped on Stratford Rd but can we not have it back along Olton Boulevard East from Fox Hollies to Acocks Green village? We only get service 36 every 3/4 hour that ends early evening and doesn't run at all on Sunday!"
"I agree we need the bus back along olton boulevard east from fox hollies to green. If we miss the 36 theres a long wait for next one. Im disabled and ive seen lots of people struggling walkin as they have missed 36"
Personally, during certain times of the day I've seen some healthy looking loads as this service passes through Acocks Green (as well as some empty buses!) whereas it is usually empty whenever I see one in the Sparkhill end of the route.
Just curious to know your thoughts on this!
@Simon Dunn 1) Can you please provide a link to the new 2/2L timetable from September because for some reason one hasn't been provided on the website? (
2) Is the last 2L 18:15 from Kidderminster being withdrawn from September?
3) Why is the link not working for the new Redditch Network map?
4) Why has the 2L frequency been reduced to every 2 hours from September?
5) Why has the stop at the Kidderminster, Town Hall been removed from the 2L route from September?
Quote from: Reece on August 16, 2015, 08:35:13 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn
1) Can you please provide a link to the new 2/2L timetable from September because for some reason one hasn't been provided on the website? (
2) Is the last 2L 18:15 from Kidderminster being withdrawn from September?
3) Why is the link not working for the new Redditch Network map?
4) Why has the 2L frequency been reduced to every 2 hours from September?
Reeece check this link out it will answer your question 2 I think enter 2L in top box
diamond buses in next one Kidderminster in last one and then hit submit and it brings up the timetable
Quote from: Reece on August 16, 2015, 08:35:13 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn
1) Can you please provide a link to the new 2/2L timetable from September because for some reason one hasn't been provided on the website? (
2) Is the last 2L 18:15 from Kidderminster being withdrawn from September?
3) Why is the link not working for the new Redditch Network map?
4) Why has the 2L frequency been reduced to every 2 hours from September?
5) Why has the stop at the Kidderminster, Town Hall been removed from the 2L route from September?
1. We will complete this today.
2. No
3. We are looking at it now
4. This is a contracted service operated on behalf of Worcestershire County Council. It is there decision to reduce
5. To reduce congestion at the Town Hall
Quote from: nxwmbusfan1999 on August 09, 2015, 03:36:55 PM
Hello Simon
Will Rotala have new coaches for Flights Hallmark or keep same ones at Long Acre?
We are going to reduce the coaching fleet. We will retain around 3 for Private Hire work
Hello Simon.
Quick question what are the loadings like on the evening and sunday journeys on the 81? (Tividale)
Why are there London single and double deckers at the Long Acre Garage?
Quote from: OH25 on August 20, 2015, 02:16:05 PM
Why are there London single and double deckers at the Long Acre Garage?
The deckers are 5 acquired DAF DB250/Geminis acquired, not seen anything about single deckers
40541 and 40542 appear to be making a return north to Preston, 40541 in for paint this week
Quote from: DiamondDart on August 20, 2015, 04:25:00 PM
The deckers are 5 acquired DAF DB250/Geminis acquired, not seen anything about single deckers
Will those ex Arriva London DA Daf run on the 29 Walsall - Bloxwich?
Quote from: jc on August 21, 2015, 08:09:16 AM
40541 and 40542 appear to be making a return north to Preston, 40541 in for paint this week
wonder if the deckers at long acre are going to replace the deckers at reditch or going to wessex
@Simon Dunn Is long acre depot planning to shutdown?
Because there's quite a lot of VOR buses and few on main parking by used buses
Quote from: OH25 on August 20, 2015, 02:16:05 PM
Why are there London single and double deckers at the Long Acre Garage?
The 2 x Ex Redditch deckers are returning to Preston. The 5 x VDL deckers are for Avonmouth
Quote from: nxwmbusfan1999 on August 22, 2015, 08:24:38 AM
@Simon Dunn
Is long acre depot planning to shutdown?
Because there's quite a lot of VOR buses and few on main parking by used buses
We have a plan in place to reduce the operation between now and November to nothing
Most of the VOR buses are there for body repairs. Some are there for sale
Have you ever considered adding an extra dart on the 142, so that they have more layover time, and decrease the frequency of the 4H to Hayley green have every other one terminate at Halesowen?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on August 22, 2015, 09:10:23 AM
Have you ever considered adding an extra dart on the 142, so that they have more layover time, and decrease the frequency of the 4H to Hayley green have every other one terminate at Halesowen?
I will forward your comments to our commercial team
Where can I find 20976/20977/30165/30167
@Simon Dunn ?
Think the best best is Stratford for most, there are 3 booked duties of Stratford at 18:15ish, should be two big and a short Streetlite, other than that, wait around Redditch?
Quote from: jc on August 23, 2015, 05:00:46 PM
Think the best best is Stratford for most, there are 3 booked duties of Stratford at 18:15ish, should be two big and a short Streetlite, other than that, wait around Redditch?
They should be on routes in Stratford Upon Avon all day.
I have been left a bit confused did signature busses transfer to Redditch on Saturday night after reading about the following sevices transferring to Redditch Signatures,X30/1, 30, 36 & possibly 38 to Redditch I today saw a signature bus on the 50.
Are you able to say yet whether they transfered to Redditch. Please
Quote from: 2206 on August 24, 2015, 11:59:35 PM
I have been left a bit confused did signature busses transfer to Redditch on Saturday night after reading about the following sevices transferring to Redditch Signatures,X30/1, 30, 36 & possibly 38 to Redditch I today saw a signature bus on the 50.
Are you able to say yet whether they transfered to Redditch. Please
At the present moment in time the signature services have transferred to Redditch only
The 16 is now operated from Tividale.
We have another change date during late September when we will review what is happening next
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 26, 2015, 07:10:41 AM
At the present moment in time the signature services have transferred to Redditch only
The 16 is now operated from Tividale.
We have another change date during late September when we will review what is happening next
What was the signature bus doing on the 50 on Monday then?
Quote from: 2206 on August 26, 2015, 10:57:48 AM
What was the signature bus doing on the 50 on Monday then?
@2206 May be a simple explanation like one hasn't moved yet?
Quote from: Nathan on August 26, 2015, 11:24:14 AM
That's odd as i sighted Long Acre vehicles on there yesterda. 30942 (i think) was yesterday and a Cadet the day before, the rest appeared to be Long Acre's?
7 buses have moved from Long Acre to Tividale including the E300s according to various folks I have spoke to
Quote from: the trainbasher on August 26, 2015, 11:29:44 AM
7 buses have moved from Long Acre to Tividale including the E300s according to various folks I have spoke to
30952 is now at Trivadle
@the trainbasher
Can we please keep Simon's thread free for questions & answers to Simon only, use the 'Diamond Bus - Discussion' thread to discuss amongst yourselves , Winston
So we have a chance of e300s on 4Hs/002 again? What buses have been transferred where?
sorry You have decided to axe the 56 Brownhills-Birmingham Simon, is there going to be a replacement or is this the end, always wondered if the service could have run Birmingham-Aldridge-Brownhills direct(missing out the back roads- then Cannock along the A5 instead of newtown to Cannock. People in this area have been asking for years for a fast link to Brum.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on August 30, 2015, 03:26:27 PM
So we have a chance of e300s on 4Hs/002 again? What buses have been transferred where?
There shouldn't be, and I believe Tony has now uploaded the movements
Quote from: woody38 on September 08, 2015, 12:04:53 AM
sorry You have decided to axe the 56 Brownhills-Birmingham Simon, is there going to be a replacement or is this the end, always wondered if the service could have run Birmingham-Aldridge-Brownhills direct(missing out the back roads- then Cannock along the A5 instead of newtown to Cannock. People in this area have been asking for years for a fast link to Brum.
There will be no replacement.
We are going to focus our efforts elsewhere
What are the changes to some of the services in October
What route are you trying to allocate the hybrid bus 30134? Any idea which route it's most efficient on?
Any plans to re-route the 16 in Brum to follow NX's change?
@Kevin centro say October til Diamond do their route change to the 16
Quote from: Kevin on September 26, 2015, 12:14:27 PM
Any plans to re-route the 16 in Brum to follow NX's change?
@Kevin from October 25th
Hi Simon
I see the 142 is soon to be extended to quinton world's end. I was wondering what the thinking was behind this? Is it to cover services that are soon to be withdrawn?
Quote from: Pete175 on September 30, 2015, 01:30:52 AM
Hi Simon
I see the 142 is soon to be extended to quinton world's end. I was wondering what the thinking was behind this? Is it to cover services that are soon to be withdrawn?
We have decided to link the 142 with the 54.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 07, 2015, 02:05:42 PM
We have decided to link the 142 with the 54.
Stourbridge to Worlds End? Sounds like it's going to be successful.........
Hi Simon,
This morning in Acocks Green village about 8:15am, traffic was held up on Shirley Road while one of your drivers of the 36 service decided to layover in the middle of the road. As well as causing traffic to tail back along Shirley Road, because of where he had stopped, he was preventing one of NX's 37 buses from making the turn to get back towards the island (to head towards Birmingham). The stand AL was already occupied by a NX 1E and a Diamond 30 service, both of which were also laying-over. The driver of the 37 was tooting his horn to get the 36 bus to move out the way, but it appeared this driver was reluctant to do so. It seemed only after other motorists started sounding their horns in displeasure that the driver of your 36 bus moved their bus forward slightly to allow the 37 to complete the turn, but was still parked in the middle of the road alongside the buses already waiting at the stand.
I will also be reporting this to Centro/Network West Midlands, as the situation with the number of buses using and laying over at this particular stop during busy peak times is getting ridiculous; while some NX drivers on the 1E do wait at the quieter stop opposite (for the 36/40 services) and it didn't help this morning that this 1E driver decided to layover at the AL stop, maybe you could ask your 30 drivers to do the same if they arrive early, or you could work with Centro to revise the 36 timetable so this service doesn't have to wait in the village to make up time during the peak period?
Thanks for your attention in this matter!
Quote from: Kevin on September 26, 2015, 12:14:27 PM
Any plans to re-route the 16 in Brum to follow NX's change?
Quote from: 2206 on September 26, 2015, 03:11:56 PM
Yes @Kevin from October 25th
@Simon Dunn Diamond 16s are meant to follow the NX route through town now. Fancy telling your drivers this much? Because the one I caught this morning was very insistent that he was going the right way down the side of Moor Street station
Quote from: Kevin on October 26, 2015, 07:14:27 AM
@Simon Dunn Diamond 16s are meant to follow the NX route through town now. Fancy telling your drivers this much? Because the one I caught this morning was very insistent that he was going the right way down the side of Moor Street station
Update 1 week later...
Diamond route training 101....
- Wait on Moor Street Queensway until an NX 16 overtakes
- Follow it
Hi Simon,
Is the number 3 service in Kidderminster supported by WCC in any way, or is it fully commercial?
Are we to assume this section has fallen out of use?
Quote from: StourportSam on November 24, 2015, 08:07:55 PM
Are we to assume this section has fallen out of use?
Simon appears to have not logged in since the 13th of November - Just under 2 weeks ago.
Quote from: Adam 404 on November 25, 2015, 04:01:45 PM
Simon appears to have not logged in since the 13th of November - Just under 2 weeks ago.
he might be on holiday & that's why he not been on here
Quote from: Solo1 on November 25, 2015, 04:09:34 PM
he might be on holiday & that's why he not been on here
Last reply to a question was September. With being a busy CEO and with Diamonds ongoing problems I can understand why responding to questions on here may have taken a back seat.
Quote from: StourportSam on November 03, 2015, 03:33:48 PM
Hi Simon,
Is the number 3 service in Kidderminster supported by WCC in any way, or is it fully commercial?
No this route is fully commercial.
Quote from: StourportSam on November 25, 2015, 09:03:25 PM
Last reply to a question was September. With being a busy CEO and with Diamonds ongoing problems I can understand why responding to questions on here may have taken a back seat.
Sorry - I do not believe there are any outstanding questions. If there are, please let me know
How's the 142 doing? Is it making sufficient profit?
Are the services in Kidderminster area being changed on the 6th of December. as
there was someone on a bus I was on the other week telling people that the services
where changing, 4 things they said where all the buses where going to be using the
bus station , and the x3 was being shortened to Kidderminster Redditch only and
there was going to be a 3a to stourport. and Kidderminster depot is having a fleet
of brand new vehicles. they where not in any uniform or had any wcc id badge,
on , just thought I would let you know cedric
Hi Simon,
I have been noticing since the Citaro fire last week, that the X30 / X31 have been operated by Streetlites. Is Diamond planning on replenishing the Signature vehicles or is Diamond downgrading the X30 / X31?
Kind Regards.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 30, 2015, 02:23:06 PM
Sorry - I do not believe there are any outstanding questions. If there are, please let me know
Hi Simon, I have asked a couple of questions with no reply previously, please refer to:
I cannot update you as to if the situation has improved as I have been catching earlier services in the morning in order to try to get to work on time (not Diamond services so I appreciate there's not much you can do about that!)
Thanks in advance!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 30, 2015, 02:21:50 PM
No this route is fully commercial.
Thank you Simon for confirming what I thought was the case.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 30, 2015, 02:23:06 PM
Sorry - I do not believe there are any outstanding questions. If there are, please let me know
My sincere apologies Simon, I thought I had seen some unanswered questions but maybe they were just comments. Please do not think my comment above was a complaint - far from it - I think its great that you answer questions on this forum.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on November 30, 2015, 02:35:23 PM
How's the 142 doing? Is it making sufficient profit?
I would rather not comment on the commercial viability of any individual route.
Quote from: Adam 404 on November 30, 2015, 05:43:02 PM
Hi Simon,
I have been noticing since the Citaro fire last week, that the X30 / X31 have been operated by Streetlites. Is Diamond planning on replenishing the Signature vehicles or is Diamond downgrading the X30 / X31?
Kind Regards.
The X30 should be operated by the 2 none Hybrid Versa's which we have. At present a number of the Hybrids have had warranty work undertaken which has meant that we have put some streetlites on the X30 short term
Quote from: Stu on November 30, 2015, 07:42:38 PM
Hi Simon, I have asked a couple of questions with no reply previously, please refer to:
I cannot update you as to if the situation has improved as I have been catching earlier services in the morning in order to try to get to work on time (not Diamond services so I appreciate there's not much you can do about that!)
Thanks in advance!
Following the closure of our Long Acre depot, we have had some short term issues. This has effected the service delivery on the 36. These problems have been highlighted to us by Centro, and on an on going basis we have been undertaking route monitoring of the 36.
We believe the earlier problems have been corrected.
Quote from: Cedric on November 30, 2015, 02:41:27 PM
Are the services in Kidderminster area being changed on the 6th of December. as
there was someone on a bus I was on the other week telling people that the services
where changing, 4 things they said where all the buses where going to be using the
bus station , and the x3 was being shortened to Kidderminster Redditch only and
there was going to be a 3a to stourport. and Kidderminster depot is having a fleet
of brand new vehicles. they where not in any uniform or had any wcc id badge,
on , just thought I would let you know cedric
There is planned town road works from 4th January 2016. At that point, I am told either all or some of the services needs to be relocated.
At present there are no variations in for the 6th December.
In respect of new vehicles.
In line with DDA regulation we will need to replace a number of vehicles in Kidderminster. Overall we have a plan of how we will be DDA compliant. We have not defined which vehicles will be at Kidderminster.
However, between now and the middle of January we will have only 2 new vehicles come - these are for Atherton and for the commencement of a new service.
That's what I knew about road works and thought about vehicles myself.
I just thought I would inform you about what I had heard in case diamond
had people phoning up about it , and maybe moaning as well. Sorry Tony
thinking about my post should have really maybe pm Simon rather than
posting on the forum cedric
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 01, 2015, 06:58:26 AM
The X30 should be operated by the 2 none Hybrid Versa's which we have. At present a number of the Hybrids have had warranty work undertaken which has meant that we have put some streetlites on the X30 short term
Thanks Simon
Hi Simon,
I note that within the combined Rotala fleet there are several DDA-compliant vehicles out of service and would imagine these are of increased value given that there are still non-DDA compliant vehicles in service, with the 2016 deadline looming. What are your plans for the following:
20716 ME52 BLU Dart
20717 MG53 BLU Dart
20718 MH53 BLU Dart
20807 BX56 BVE Primo
20817 YJ57 YCK Solo
20820 SF57 FZK Solo
20826 SF54 HWG Solo
20856 NX55 FFO Solo
22003 T5 EEV Solo
30402 A9 UOB Volvo
Dear Sir,
We are working towards returning the following vehicles to service before 01/01/16
20716 ME52 BLU Dart
20717 MG53 BLU Dart
20718 MH53 BLU Dart
20820 SF57 FZK Solo
20856 NX55 FFO Solo
30402 A9 UOB Volvo
The following vehicles will not be returned to service for then
20807 BX56 BVE Primo
20817 YJ57 YCK Solo
20826 SF54 HWG Solo
We are still trying to find a practical use for the following
22003 T5 EEV Solo
Hi Simon,
Are you able to confirm which non-DDA compliant buses will need replacing at Kidderminster please? i.e. do larger buses such as 30383 and 30905 need to be withdrawn?
Thank you
Hi Simon,
Saw a pic on Flickr of YJ08JFS/EFW at Long Acre depot. Are these two going to operate in West Midlands or are they going to Wessex/Preston/North West?
Quote from: StourportSam on December 11, 2015, 12:51:09 AM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to confirm which non-DDA compliant buses will need replacing at Kidderminster please? i.e. do larger buses such as 30383 and 30905 need to be withdrawn?
Thank you
We intend to withdraw any Y registration or older bus.
Quote from: Dylanbusboy45 on December 12, 2015, 07:40:05 PM
Hi Simon,
Saw a pic on Flickr of YJ08JFS/EFW at Long Acre depot. Are these two going to operate in West Midlands or are they going to Wessex/Preston/North West?
Dear Sir,
We intend to paint them for use in the West Midlands
Hi Simon,
With BP60XCW now in service from Redditch, are there anymore second hand streetlites on the way?
Thank You
Thanks for your help Simon
Quote from: jc on December 14, 2015, 07:35:34 AM
Hi Simon,
With BP60XCW now in service from Redditch, are there anymore second hand streetlites on the way?
Thank You
BP60XCW? Can't find any photos of that reg existing on a StreetLite?
***Correction, I assume you mean 20974 MX60BWU, if so, I didn't know that had moved up so useful observation!***
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 14, 2015, 07:33:21 AM
We intend to withdraw any Y registration or older bus.
Thank you Simon
Quote from: DiamondDart on December 14, 2015, 10:40:50 AM
BP60XCW? Can't find any photos of that reg existing on a StreetLite?
***Correction, I assume you mean 20974 MX60BWU, if so, I didn't know that had moved up so useful observation!***
BP60XCW is an ex IOM one I think, possibly KMN123H, can't remember off the top of my head. And I don't think it's numbered 20974, possibly 20982.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 01, 2015, 09:08:26 AM
There is planned town road works from 4th January 2016. At that point, I am told either all or some of the services needs to be relocated.
At present there are no variations in for the 6th December.
In respect of new vehicles.
In line with DDA regulation we will need to replace a number of vehicles in Kidderminster. Overall we have a plan of how we will be DDA compliant. We have not defined which vehicles will be at Kidderminster.
However, between now and the middle of January we will have only 2 new vehicles come - these are for Atherton and for the commencement of a new service.
have you anymore news please ? as the council have put some thing on there web site , but it is not very clear it states that 2 roads closed and buses are bening rerouted and collecting point will be bus station, , will diamond have something on there website soon. and can I make a suggestion it would pay diamond to put some information it local paper. to stop people moaning that the did not see anything as they do not have a pc or tablet. and it would be good publicity for diamond. Full details of what council have said in Kidderminster thread reply 1228
A question for Simon
Firstly may I say that it is really pleasing that he takes the time to answer the many queries posted on this forum, thank you.
My question relates to what fleet is being takeover from OFJ Connections, and any fleet numbering if possible?
Thanking you in anticipation.
Quote from: Cedric on December 18, 2015, 12:15:27 PM
have you anymore news please ? as the council have put some thing on there web site , but it is not very clear it states that 2 roads closed and buses are bening rerouted and collecting point will be bus station, , will diamond have something on there website soon. and can I make a suggestion it would pay diamond to put some information it local paper. to stop people moaning that the did not see anything as they do not have a pc or tablet. and it would be good publicity for diamond. Full details of what council have said in Kidderminster thread reply 1228
We are awaiting for Worcestershire County Council to confirm that all services will be moving from that date.
Quote from: kernow dave on December 18, 2015, 12:57:28 PM
A question for Simon
Firstly may I say that it is really pleasing that he takes the time to answer the many queries posted on this forum, thank you.
My question relates to what fleet is being takeover from OFJ Connections, and any fleet numbering if possible?
Thanking you in anticipation.
Dear Sir,
The acquired fleet may change, when it becomes final I will update
Simon many thanks for prompt reply
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 21, 2015, 07:33:00 AM
We are awaiting for Worcestershire County Council to confirm that all services will be moving from that date.
Changes will happen 6th January
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 21, 2015, 08:27:26 PM
Changes will happen 6th January
Thanks for your replies , tipical council they first of all put the 4th on the web site then the 5th . many thanks cedric all the best for Christmas and new year hope 2016 is a great year for diamond and the rest of the rotala group
Hi Simon,
Are you able to confirm if any of the following buses are DDA compliant please?
If they are not compliant, is there a deadline they need to be withdrawn by?
Many Thanks
Sam the dda deadline for single deckers has already passed 1st January
Quote from: Steveminor on January 24, 2016, 11:05:19 AM
Sam the dda deadline for single deckers has already passed 1st January
Yes I know, but many of the buses mentioned above have been in use after that date, I was just wondering if some of them actually are DDA compliant, hence my question.
Quote from: StourportSam on January 17, 2016, 06:12:56 PM
Hi Simon,
Are you able to confirm if any of the following buses are DDA compliant please?
If they are not compliant, is there a deadline they need to be withdrawn by?
Many Thanks
Sorry for the delay in response. In all honesty I am not sure if any are DDA compliant. We have assumed they aren't and we do not have a Certificate of Conformity.
A number of the vehicles could easily be made compliant.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 27, 2016, 08:31:33 AM
Sorry for the delay in response. In all honesty I am not sure if any are DDA compliant. We have assumed they aren't and we do not have a Certificate of Conformity.
A number of the vehicles could easily be made compliant.
Simon, thank you very much for your response as always. Its very pleasing as a passenger to see the vehicles mentioned above have now largely been replaced with considerably newer vehicles.
Hi Simon
Are you able to provide any details of what the planned changes to the 3/X3 services are in Kidderminster from 10th April please?
Many Thanks
wonder if it is anything to do with road closures around the area. is that not about the time the town hall area in Kidderminster is due to finish.
What is the reasoning in reducing 142 frequency? The times are impossible to memorise, and going to cause confusion.
Quote from: StourportSam on February 18, 2016, 06:58:35 PM
Hi Simon
Are you able to provide any details of what the planned changes to the 3/X3 services are in Kidderminster from 10th April please?
Many Thanks
This is a Commercial Bus Route. However, ironically by Centro we have been asked not to disclose the intended service changes yet. The objective from our changes is to improve service reliability and simplify the route.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on February 18, 2016, 07:25:59 PM
What is the reasoning in reducing 142 frequency? The times are impossible to memorise, and going to cause confusion.
Dear Trident,
We have some reliability issues with the service, the timetabling changes have been done to improve reliability
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 19, 2016, 06:00:12 AM
This is a Commercial Bus Route. However, ironically by Centro we have been asked not to disclose the intended service changes yet. The objective from our changes is to improve service reliability and simplify the route.
What has Centro got do with a Kiddy route ?
Quote from: Westy on February 19, 2016, 06:24:10 AM
What has Centro got do with a Kiddy route ?
Service changes from 10th April 2016
There will be changes to services 3, 143 and X3 from this date.
Service 3 (Kidderminster – Stourport – Areley)
The service will be revised to run at an even 15 min headway Monday – Saturday daytime.
During the weekday morning peak period it will run every 12 mins and Sundays every hour. The
duties/vehicles will also be scheduled to increase layover during peak periods.
Service 42 (Redditch – Bromsgrove – Kidderminster)
This is a new service substantially replacing the present service X3. From Redditch via the
existing service 143 route to Bromsgrove Rail Station, then via New Road to Bromsgrove Bus
Station and then existing service X3 route to Kidderminster Bus Station. Then the route will
perform a clockwise loop via Stourport Road, Kidderminster Hospital, Bewdley Road and Swan
Centre back to the Bus Station before returning to Redditch. The service will run every hour
Monday to Saturday daytime and three trips on Sundays.
Service 43 (Redditch – Bromsgrove)
This is a new service substantially replacing the present service 143. From Redditch via the
existing service 143 route to Stoke Road then direct to Charford and existing service 143 route
to Bromsgrove. Morrisons will no longer be served. From Bromsgrove the service will continue
to Sidemoor before returning back to Bromsgrove and Redditch. The service will run every hour
Monday to Saturday daytime.
Both services 42 and 43 will serve the new Bromsgrove Rail Station Bus Interchange when that
becomes available.
Service 143 (Redditch – Bromsgrove)
Service 149 (Bromsgrove - Wychbold)
Service X3 (Redditch – Bromsgrove – Kidderminster – Stourport – Areley Kings)
These services will no longer operate. See services 42 and 43 for replacements.
Further details will be posted in the coming weeks.
Hi Simon,
Do Diamond have any plans to partially replace First's 147 service especially between Halesowen - Romsley or on to Bromsgrove?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 19, 2016, 04:49:45 PM
Service changes from 10th April 2016
There will be changes to services 3, 143 and X3 from this date.
Service 3 (Kidderminster – Stourport – Areley)
The service will be revised to run at an even 15 min headway Monday – Saturday daytime.
During the weekday morning peak period it will run every 12 mins and Sundays every hour. The
duties/vehicles will also be scheduled to increase layover during peak periods.
Service 42 (Redditch – Bromsgrove – Kidderminster)
This is a new service substantially replacing the present service X3. From Redditch via the
existing service 143 route to Bromsgrove Rail Station, then via New Road to Bromsgrove Bus
Station and then existing service X3 route to Kidderminster Bus Station. Then the route will
perform a clockwise loop via Stourport Road, Kidderminster Hospital, Bewdley Road and Swan
Centre back to the Bus Station before returning to Redditch. The service will run every hour
Monday to Saturday daytime and three trips on Sundays.
Service 43 (Redditch – Bromsgrove)
This is a new service substantially replacing the present service 143. From Redditch via the
existing service 143 route to Stoke Road then direct to Charford and existing service 143 route
to Bromsgrove. Morrisons will no longer be served. From Bromsgrove the service will continue
to Sidemoor before returning back to Bromsgrove and Redditch. The service will run every hour
Monday to Saturday daytime.
Both services 42 and 43 will serve the new Bromsgrove Rail Station Bus Interchange when that
becomes available.
Service 143 (Redditch – Bromsgrove)
Service 149 (Bromsgrove - Wychbold)
Service X3 (Redditch – Bromsgrove – Kidderminster – Stourport – Areley Kings)
These services will no longer operate. See services 42 and 43 for replacements.
Further details will be posted in the coming weeks.
You didnt answer my question though.
What has Centro go to do with Kidderminster services as its a different local authority?
Quote from: Winston on February 19, 2016, 05:04:56 PM
Hi Simon,
Do Diamond have any plans to partially replace First's 147 service especially between Halesowen - Romsley or on to Bromsgrove?
Quote from: Westy on February 19, 2016, 06:40:06 PM
You didnt answer my question though.
What has Centro go to do with Kidderminster services as its a different local authority?
Centro control the Bromsgrove Rail Station.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 20, 2016, 06:04:10 AM
Centro control the Bromsgrove Rail Station.
Right. Didnt know that.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 20, 2016, 06:04:10 AM
Centro control the Bromsgrove Rail Station.
I thought it was a joint partnership with Worcestershire County Council as Bromsgrove is in Worcestershire, and both have funded the improvements works.
Quote from: tank90 on February 20, 2016, 03:38:43 PM
I thought it was a joint partnership with Worcestershire County Council as Bromsgrove is in Worcestershire, and both have funded the improvements works.
You maybe right. Our Commercial Manager told me the request had come from Centro
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 21, 2016, 01:30:31 AM
You maybe right. Our Commercial Manager told me the request had come from Centro
Centro can sponsor rail service improvements up to 20 miles outside their area
Quote from: Tony on February 21, 2016, 11:56:35 AM
Centro can sponsor rail service improvements up to 20 miles outside their area
But surely they don't have that much influence on bus services in Bromsgrove?
Quote from: Westy on February 21, 2016, 02:57:02 PM
But surely they don't have that much influence on bus services in Bromsgrove?
If it was being done with support of Worcestershire County Council then yes.
Simon, that's fine I just thought it was weird when I read what you had put which is why I questioned to make sure Rotala had got the best info possible.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 19, 2016, 06:00:12 AM
This is a Commercial Bus Route. However, ironically by Centro we have been asked not to disclose the intended service changes yet. The objective from our changes is to improve service reliability and simplify the route.
Thank you Simon for the information on the changes.
One further question from me please,
Have Diamond had much feedback from drivers and passengers about all services using Kidderminster bus station, and would this be considered on a permanent basis?
Quote from: StourportSam on February 22, 2016, 07:04:17 PM
Thank you Simon for the information on the changes.
One further question from me please,
Have Diamond had much feedback from drivers and passengers about all services using Kidderminster bus station, and would this be considered on a permanent basis?
I personally wasn't aware of any feedback from drivers on the use of the Bus Station, and we have received no written, email or text messages from passengers about the use of the Bus Station
I have since spoken to the Operations Manager. He feels it is easier for passengers, and the operation runs smoother
from conversations we have had on here , think you will know I am a Kidderminster passanger
I find it a lot easier with the buses using the bus station as the terminus. , and it will not
cause traffic blockages , when road is reopen, still have stop around the town hall area for
just picking up. when I meet CB I did suggests this and also cutting the x3 to Redditch
Kidderminster to improve realiblity . and other things which are already in place .
Your new 142 timetable is ridiculous. Drivers are constantly late, and they are entering and leaving the bus station even though they are meant to have 8 minute layover. Personally I think you should have kept the 30 min frequency
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 24, 2016, 08:38:45 AM
Reece [Sam],
I personally wasn't aware of any feedback from drivers on the use of the Bus Station, and we have received no written, email or text messages from passengers about the use of the Bus Station
I have since spoken to the Operations Manager. He feels it is easier for passengers, and the operation runs smoother
Thanks Simon. Hopefully that means it is being considered for all services to use the bus station permanently, even once the town centre roadworks are complete. It really does make things a lot simpler for passengers such as myself.
Hi Simon,
Please can you advise why the;
20:45 - 58 - Redditch
21:00 - 57 - Redditch
21:15 - 58 - Redditch
Have not operated tonight? Around 100 people waiting for the buses between the bus station and Studley Island who will no doubt either end up walking or getting taxi like i had too.
Any insight on this would be appreciated.
Thank You
General question..
But why is there a huge lack of Citaros on the 82 (Coventry to Solihull) nowadays?
Quote from: jc on March 01, 2016, 09:52:27 PM
Hi Simon,
Please can you advise why the;
20:45 - 58 - Redditch
21:00 - 57 - Redditch
21:15 - 58 - Redditch
Have not operated tonight? Around 100 people waiting for the buses between the bus station and Studley Island who will no doubt either end up walking or getting taxi like i had too.
Any insight on this would be appreciated.
Thank You
We are currently investigating and will be back in due course
Quote from: bensweeney14 on March 02, 2016, 08:49:49 PM
General question..
But why is there a huge lack of Citaros on the 82 (Coventry to Solihull) nowadays?
We have problems with 2 of the Citaro's.
One has Fire Damage.
One has intermittent issues which we are trying to resolve.
We are not contracted for Citaro's and in the short term the preferred replacement vehicle is the none Hybrid Versa's
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 03, 2016, 02:04:22 PM
We have problems with 2 of the Citaro's.
One has Fire Damage.
One has intermittent issues which we are trying to resolve.
We are not contracted for Citaro's and in the short term the preferred replacement vehicle is the none Hybrid Versa's
Oh right, fair enough. I take it the one with issues is BV10ZJU and the fire damaged (But being re-built) is obviously BN09FWS.
Them Versa's are utter sheds of buses and are (In my eyes) not suitable for the 82 whatsoever. The 82 should be either Citaros or Volvo B7RLE!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 03, 2016, 02:00:11 PM
We are currently investigating and will be back in due course
Our investigation has concluded. I am advised that 2 out of the 3 journeys did operate and there was significant ticket machine data to support this. The employee responsible for the missing journey has been referred for disciplinary action.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 07, 2016, 10:14:58 AM
Our investigation has concluded. I am advised that 2 out of the 3 journeys did operate and there was significant ticket machine data to support this. The employee responsible for the missing journey has been referred for disciplinary action.
Thank you for the update Simon
Dear Simon,
Have you ever thought of installing trackers on your vehicles to give passengers an actual time of arrival? I know this is expensive however passengers would greatly appreciate it I'm sure. Even if only on main corridors eg 4,4H,002,16. I know this may not be possible but would intrigued into your answer.
A few years ago, we tried linking up our ticket machines to Cloud Amber software. We spent two years trying to get this work and eventually realised it never would. It was a small business, who ending up winning a large traffic management contract which required most of their attention
After that, we tried to work with Centro/TfWM
What you really need is a solution which takes the schedules/timetables maps this to provide real time information. You can have tracking equipment which we have already in coaches, and some buses which we are trialling CCTV/Driver Telematics on. However, there needs to be a tie into.
In my opinion the best way to achieve this is through the Ticketing Equipment, and although the Parkeon TGX200 was the best available in 2011. It now is outdated and it is something that we are now looking at options on, for a variety of reasons which includes real time information.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 17, 2016, 08:28:41 PM
A few years ago, we tried linking up our ticket machines to Cloud Amber software. We spent two years trying to get this work and eventually realised it never would. It was a small business, who ending up winning a large traffic management contract which required most of their attention
After that, we tried to work with Centro/TfWM
What you really need is a solution which takes the schedules/timetables maps this to provide real time information. You can have tracking equipment which we have already in coaches, and some buses which we are trialling CCTV/Driver Telematics on. However, there needs to be a tie into.
In my opinion the best way to achieve this is through the Ticketing Equipment, and although the Parkeon TGX200 was the best available in 2011. It now is outdated and it is something that we are now looking at options on, for a variety of reasons which includes real time information.
Thankyou for your speedy reply, Would really think it was worth the money.
I know some timetables are changing on 26th of nextmonth in the Kidderminster area are the routes of the services changing as well, can I just say it might pay you to put something out in the local news paper or on line as there are allsorts of wild rumors going around . regards cedric
We intended to communicate the changes closer to the live date.
This may now be delayed as we have had some communication from WCC.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 19, 2017, 12:14:33 PM
We intended to communicate the changes closer to the live date.
This may now be delayed as we have had some communication from WCC.
thanks simon
Seems strange to think Diamond will be back on the 310 (albeit only Wednesbury - Willenhall). It'd be great to have the OLD 310 back... Walsall - Merry Hill. What's the chances?
Quote from: HTA844N on March 21, 2017, 08:56:08 AM
Seems strange to think Diamond will be back on the 310 (albeit only Wednesbury - Willenhall). It'd be great to have the OLD 310 back... Walsall - Merry Hill. What's the chances?
The deal we have agreed with Arriva is now in the open. Our website lists the routes that we will be operated from 23/4/17
Have diamond thought about extending the 25 to Merry Hill via the former 300 route from Stourbridge. It would provide a useful link which people could then use from Kidderminster and the Norton Road, plus provide a little bit of competition for the X96.
Also, I know it's a centro tendered route, but would it be viable for diamond to move the 226 to leave Merry Hill 5 minutes later so they leave Merry Hill at 1920 (instead of 1915 and so on) as when the 226 was at its previous stop in merry Hill bus station, it was clashing with the 81 which departed at the same stop. (It would also allow those who are coming off buses from Stourbridge to connect easier instead of a 58 minute wait in Merry Hell...)
how about extending the 25 to bridgnorth the same as the 125 . as just lately diamond seam to have more passangers on the 25 than the 125.
Quote from: Cedric on March 29, 2017, 10:53:27 AM
how about extending the 25 to bridgnorth the same as the 125 . as just lately diamond seam to have more passangers on the 25 than the 125.
That's probably due to the fact diamond run it 10 mins earlier.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on March 29, 2017, 11:27:14 AM
That's probably due to the fact diamond run it 10 mins earlier.
So they do exactly what you slate NX for doing...
Quote from: Trident 4194 on March 29, 2017, 11:27:14 AM
That's probably due to the fact diamond run it 10 mins earlier.
could be that , but just recently some of the central 125 drivers have come over to diamond . and pasangers have followed them
Quote from: Trident 4194 on November 17, 2016, 08:11:17 PM
Dear Simon,
Have you ever thought of installing trackers on your vehicles to give passengers an actual time of arrival? I know this is expensive however passengers would greatly appreciate it I'm sure. Even if only on main corridors eg 4,4H,002,16. I know this may not be possible but would intrigued into your answer.
We will have the capability of delivering this across all the fleet from 23/4/17 together with contactless payment.
This will not be available at this point, as we aim to work on reliability data before we allow the general public to see it
Quote from: the trainbasher on March 29, 2017, 07:53:32 AM
Have diamond thought about extending the 25 to Merry Hill via the former 300 route from Stourbridge. It would provide a useful link which people could then use from Kidderminster and the Norton Road, plus provide a little bit of competition for the X96.
Also, I know it's a centro tendered route, but would it be viable for diamond to move the 226 to leave Merry Hill 5 minutes later so they leave Merry Hill at 1920 (instead of 1915 and so on) as when the 226 was at its previous stop in merry Hill bus station, it was clashing with the 81 which departed at the same stop. (It would also allow those who are coming off buses from Stourbridge to connect easier instead of a 58 minute wait in Merry Hell...)
What we provide now works with 1 bus working. The route is easy and reliable and works. In the past when we have tried to complicate services like this, we have destroyed reliability and profitability so there is a nervousness about changing something that works.
Any chance of you signing up to an agreement with TfWm about including more of your timetables on Nwm leaflets, bearing in mind you've increased your Walsall area services slightly?
You are only on the 19 leaflet as the Sunday service is tendered, but you should be included on the leaflets for the 29, 301 & 302 as well!
Are you concerned about not getting passengers through not having hard copies of your timetables available?
@Simon Dunn May I please ask why you have given up on the 142, you seem to have spent an awful amount of time and presumably money into trying to get it to work as route which included the recent extension to the QE.
Is it that the route just won't work?
Quote from: Westy on April 18, 2017, 09:48:03 PM
Any chance of you signing up to an agreement with TfWm about including more of your timetables on Nwm leaflets, bearing in mind you've increased your Walsall area services slightly?
You are only on the 19 leaflet as the Sunday service is tendered, but you should be included on the leaflets for the 29, 301 & 302 as well!
Are you concerned about not getting passengers through not having hard copies of your timetables available?
Do we have an agreement with TfWM to cover this.
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on April 22, 2017, 03:09:39 PM
@Simon Dunn May I please ask why you have given up on the 142, you seem to have spent an awful amount of time and presumably money into trying to get it to work as route which included the recent extension to the QE.
Is it that the route just won't work?
Dear Sir,
The service is way off the mark in terms of numbers, and although there are services being removed by NXTWM we would need to get over 3,000 passengers more per work just to cover the direct costs of the service.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 22, 2017, 04:35:10 PM
Do we have an agreement with TfWM to cover this.
You tell me.
It's just daft that you don't appear on NWM timetables, which are supposed to be all operator related, unless it's subsidy related & the only way you can get the info is by going online!
I'm just wondering how the heck you get passengers with little visible hard copy timetable evidence?
The only actual timetable leaflet for a West Midlands area service I've seen of yours is one for the 16w, which I actually saw on a 301, so I nabbed a few & gave them to my one sister, who worked at Sandwell General until recently, to leave on their reception!
Oh & I saw a S3 leaflet in Walsall Bus Station TS as well.
Quote from: Westy on April 22, 2017, 06:08:19 PM
You tell me.
It's just daft that you don't appear on NWM timetables, which are supposed to be all operator related, unless it's subsidy related & the only way you can get the info is by going online!
I'm just wondering how the heck you get passengers with little visible hard copy timetable evidence?
The only actual timetable leaflet for a West Midlands area service I've seen of yours is one for the 16w, which I actually saw on a 301, so I nabbed a few & gave them to my one sister, who worked at Sandwell General until recently, to leave on their reception!
Oh & I saw a S3 leaflet in Walsall Bus Station TS as well.
Sorry - I mean to say we do have a timetable agreement with TfWM
I will arrange to get some 301/2 timetables on bus.
I can understand u withdrawing the 142 if it's not making any money for u, but surely the 108 does better, when ever I see one in Brum there is always a good load on them.
Quote from: woody38 on April 23, 2017, 01:18:22 PM
I can understand u withdrawing the 142 if it's not making any money for u, but surely the 108 does better, when ever I see one in Brum there is always a good load on them.
The 142 carries good loads as well. The Solo were often full through Harborne on Tuesday, or carrying nearly full loads.
Quote from: 2206 on April 23, 2017, 01:33:17 PM
The 142 carries good loads as well. The Solo were often full through Harborne on Tuesday, or carrying nearly full loads.
Simon's told you above it doesn't.
Quote from: woody38 on April 23, 2017, 01:18:22 PM
I can understand u withdrawing the 142 if it's not making any money for u, but surely the 108 does better, when ever I see one in Brum there is always a good load on them.
Dear Sir
Overtime with the declining traffic conditions into/out of Birmingham. The 108 service journeys do not interwork the same anymore. This means we are effectively operating in the main a lot of single journeys before off peak services, when normally you would operator a number of round trip journeys.
I am sure there are some journeys which make sense. The overall proposition doesn't. We shared usage data with TfWM with the authority to share with other operators and I believe on the back of that one operator has registered some of the journeys.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 24, 2017, 02:59:23 PM
Dear Sir
Overtime with the declining traffic conditions into/out of Birmingham. The 108 service journeys do not interwork the same anymore. This means we are effectively operating in the main a lot of single journeys before off peak services, when normally you would operator a number of round trip journeys.
I am sure there are some journeys which make sense. The overall proposition doesn't. We shared usage data with TfWM with the authority to share with other operators and I believe on the back of that one operator has registered some of the journeys.
2 trip on 108 by central buses
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 22, 2017, 06:40:47 PM
Sorry - I mean to say we do have a timetable agreement with TfWM
I will arrange to get some 301/2 timetables on bus.
You really need them in the Travel Shop. Have you tried asking Walsall Council to see if you can stick timetables in the libraries?
For example, in Bloxwich library, you need to put leaflets for the 19, 23,29 ,301,302 & 326 & maybe the 70.
I believe we do this.
However, I have asked one of our Inspectors to visit them in the next week and make sure they have a stock of timetables, should they want them
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 24, 2017, 02:59:23 PM
Dear Sir
Overtime with the declining traffic conditions into/out of Birmingham. The 108 service journeys do not interwork the same anymore. This means we are effectively operating in the main a lot of single journeys before off peak services, when normally you would operator a number of round trip journeys.
I am sure there are some journeys which make sense. The overall proposition doesn't. We shared usage data with TfWM with the authority to share with other operators and I believe on the back of that one operator has registered some of the journeys.
Cheers Simon for the reply
Dear Simon
The allocation to the 226 is a mixed bag, often the full size single deckers can not cope with the tight corners around brierley hill and Wordsley often curbing the pavement. I often feel sometimes due to the nature and competition for the 226 between yourselves and Hanson's often brings harsh accelerating and breaking around the route makes the ride a bit uncomfortable experience.
Would Diamond use shorter buses to make the drive and accessibility route better than the longer buses and narrow roads?
Many Thanks
Quote from: Chris on April 28, 2017, 01:18:02 PM
Dear Simon
The allocation to the 226 is a mixed bag, often the full size single deckers can not cope with the tight corners around brierley hill and Wordsley often curbing the pavement. I often feel sometimes due to the nature and competition for the 226 between yourselves and Hanson's often brings harsh accelerating and breaking around the route makes the ride a bit uncomfortable experience.
Would Diamond use shorter buses to make the drive and accessibility route better than the longer buses and narrow roads?
Many Thanks
The usual buses should be short buses. I will talk to the depot about what they are using.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 29, 2017, 06:01:46 AM
The usual buses should be short buses. I will talk to the depot about what they are using.
might be a good idea to make sure that short buses are used with the imminent year long road works due to start at high oak pensnett
Dear Mr.Dunn,
- (Here's an odd one for you !!) -
Bearing in mind how difficult it is currently, to run a profitable bus company, -
IF First were to put their Worcester operation up for sale (at an attractive price),
- how likely do you think it is that the ROTALA group would buy it ??
- That's also bearing in-mind Worcester's frequent traffic jams - with masses of new housing planned, but with inadequate roads !
Thanks !
I think Simon has already said many a time that Rotala would consider any purchase if the price and opportunity was right
Given that First have spent money on new buses in relatively recent times I'd be very surprised if they were to divest their operations in Worcester.
Can we please keep this thread clear for Q&A's to Simon only, Winston
Quote from: DD12 on May 02, 2017, 03:50:07 PM
Dear Mr.Dunn,
- (Here's an odd one for you !!) -
Bearing in mind how difficult it is currently, to run a profitable bus company, -
IF First were to put their Worcester operation up for sale (at an attractive price),
- how likely do you think it is that the ROTALA group would buy it ??
- That's also bearing in-mind Worcester's frequent traffic jams - with masses of new housing planned, but with inadequate roads !
Thanks !
Dear DD12,
Sorry I have not responded before - I am not noticed the message.
If a Business of this size, location and type was for sale if we were invited to look at the business we would. I am aware according to the statutory accounts filed at Companies House the performance has declined considerably over the last few years.
With regards whether we would acquire it? We believe we have the means today to make a competitive offer for a Business of this size.
My one concern around this business, would be the need to be comfortable with the CMA response to any acquisition.
Hi Simon what is happening to Wessex bus in Bristol, just lately a lot of services are being withdrawn, when You first entered Bristol you where real competition to First but now there seems just cuts & more cuts, even route one is getting the chop.
Quote from: woody38 on May 18, 2017, 11:10:43 PM
Hi Simon what is happening to Wessex bus in Bristol, just lately a lot of services are being withdrawn, when You first entered Bristol you where real competition to First but now there seems just cuts & more cuts, even route one is getting the chop.
Our Wessex Business was built up on contract income, over a period of time the contract funding in Bristol, from a variety of sources has substantially reduced. Therefore as the dominant operator of this types of services our business will naturally reduce
We have tried various commercial bus services, some work some are work in progress and some haven't worked.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 18, 2017, 08:37:56 PM
Dear DD12,
Sorry I have not responded before - I am not noticed the message.
If a Business of this size, location and type was for sale if we were invited to look at the business we would. I am aware according to the statutory accounts filed at Companies House the performance has declined considerably over the last few years.
With regards whether we would acquire it? We believe we have the means today to make a competitive offer for a Business of this size.
My one concern around this business, would be the need to be comfortable with the CMA response to any acquisition.
Thanks very much Simon.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 19, 2017, 06:49:27 AM
Our Wessex Business was built up on contract income, over a period of time the contract funding in Bristol, from a variety of sources has substantially reduced. Therefore as the dominant operator of this types of services our business will naturally reduce
We have tried various commercial bus services, some work some are work in progress and some haven't worked.
Cheers Simon for the reply
Is there any plans to reintroduce the 142 or provide a partial replacement for some of the route? E.g. Halesowen-QE only?
Dear Simon,
Just wondered, with Diamond introducing contactless payment, whether you were planning to go cashless at anytime in the future.
Kind regards
No there isn't any plan to re-introduce the service
As things stand, there is a large proportion of the population that can't get contactless cards. So no, there isn't any plan to take cash completely off bus
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 04, 2017, 09:48:40 AM
As things stand, there is a large proportion of the population that can't get contactless cards. So no, there isn't any plan to take cash completely off bus
That's good to hear, as there's a large proportion of the population that doesn't WANT contactless cards.
Quote from: dave47549 (no longer NEL111P) on June 07, 2017, 11:23:53 AM
That's good to hear, as there's a large proportion of the population that doesn't WANT contactless cards.
....myself among them. They're a financial time bomb just waiting for somebody with a match in their hand.....
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 04, 2017, 09:48:40 AM
As things stand, there is a large proportion of the population that can't get contactless cards. So no, there isn't any plan to take cash completely off bus
Thank you Simon, hope NX take notice of it!
Hi Simon - with the welcome investment in new ticket machines (, do you happen to know when Diamond services will start to appear in real-time on TfWM boards and app?
It's frustrating not being able to track the progress of your services, especially when buses are late.
I do hope real-time will be available soon.
Quote from: wulfrun on June 26, 2017, 01:15:09 AM
It's frustrating not being able to track the progress of your services, especially when buses are late.
Not saying that Diamond are regularly late but when you can't rely on the first bus of the day (Perry Barr/Aston 68) to run at all let alone on time then something like real time info becomes essential
@Kevin - Can we keep this thread free for Q&A's to Simon only, Winston
Quote from: wulfrun on June 26, 2017, 01:15:09 AM
Hi Simon - with the welcome investment in new ticket machines (, do you happen to know when Diamond services will start to appear in real-time on TfWM boards and app?
It's frustrating not being able to track the progress of your services, especially when buses are late.
I do hope real-time will be available soon.
The real time information on TfWM boards - we are working with them but we are very much in their hands.
In around 10 weeks it will also be available on our website, and an app
Quote from: Kevin on June 26, 2017, 12:40:52 PM
Not saying that Diamond are regularly late but when you can't rely on the first bus of the day (Perry Barr/Aston 68) to run at all let alone on time then something like real time info becomes essential
@Kevin - Can we keep this thread free for Q&A's to Simon only, Winston
If you can provide details of the date; I will get this investigated
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 30, 2017, 06:12:11 AM
If you can provide details of the date; I will get this investigated
Feb 2nd and March 14th are two I've reported on the Late Running Diamond's thread on here, but it's definitely happened more before and since, this last week it happened Monday (or Wednesday I can't remember) as well
The worrying one about the March one was when the driver eventually turned up for the next journey he tried to say he was there for the previous journey
Quote from: Kevin on June 30, 2017, 09:45:42 AM
Feb 2nd and March 14th are two I've reported on the Late Running Diamond's thread on here, but it's definitely happened more before and since, this last week it happened Monday (or Wednesday I can't remember) as well
The worrying one about the March one was when the driver eventually turned up for the next journey he tried to say he was there for the previous journey
From 23rd April we have tracking data which allows us to easily track, replay and follow journeys.
If you have had anything post this date, let me know
Any truth in the rumour that Diamond are after some arriva midlands garages?
Quote from: Bob on July 02, 2017, 06:01:54 PM
Any truth in the rumour that Diamond are after some arriva midlands garages?
If the depots were for sale we would be interested. I can confirm, that as at today I am not aware that any of the Midlands depots are for sale.
Cheers Simon.
@Simon Dunn is there any plans to introduce double deckers on any route in the West Midlands. Maybe for the 002 or 16?
No - there isn't
Has it been decided which central buses are going to which depot yet
Sorry if this question has already been asked/answered, but would Rotala consider "bidding for" any future Transport for London franchises when they become available, -- and if NOT, why not ?
Quote from: Solo1 on February 06, 2018, 09:08:01 AM
Has it been decided which central buses are going to which depot yet
No we haven't.
Approximately PVR movement to each depot will be
1. Tividale 9
2. Redditch 5
3. Kidderminster 4
4. Tamworth 11
Quote from: DD12 on February 06, 2018, 06:46:46 PM
Sorry if this question has already been asked/answered, but would Rotala consider "bidding for" any future Transport for London franchises when they become available, -- and if NOT, why not ?
TfL is a specialist market.
You need scale to be competitive, and you need market expertise and a structure focused around their requirements. Therefore, if we were to ever enter the market we would need to acquire an entry point.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 07, 2018, 07:48:08 AM
TfL is a specialist market.
You need scale to be competitive, and you need market expertise and a structure focused around their requirements. Therefore, if we were to ever enter the market we would need to acquire an entry point.
Thanks very much Simon ! -- I wish all my questions on bus forums could be answered to that high standard !
@Simon Dunn - Any chance when your people do the social media traffic updates to remember there are duplicate service numbers in some areas?
For example, there was one mentioning the 302 service earlier, but which 302?
(They said Kiddy, after I asked them, but it could easily have been Walsall!)
Quote from: Westy on February 13, 2018, 06:52:40 PM
@Simon Dunn - Any chance when your people do the social media traffic updates to remember there are duplicate service numbers in some areas?
For example, there was one mentioning the 302 service earlier, but which 302?
(They said Kiddy, after I asked them, but it could easily have been Walsall!)
I will ask Customer services to be include this in future
Will you be increasing your operations in the Tamworth area?
Quote from: SG on February 14, 2018, 07:46:39 PM
Will you be increasing your operations in the Tamworth area?
Any chance of the 35 to be extended from Lichfield to Tamworth?
You'll have a bit of dead mileage surely?
Quote from: SG on February 14, 2018, 07:46:39 PM
Will you be increasing your operations in the Tamworth area?
Our PVR from 26/02 will be 11 at Tamworth.
We need to really have more vehicles at this location to afford a proper depot, so we will be looking at what opportunities there are to grow this
Quote from: Westy on February 14, 2018, 09:51:32 PM
Any chance of the 35 to be extended from Lichfield to Tamworth?
You'll have a bit of dead mileage surely?
The 35 is a subsidised bus contract, operated on behalf of Staffordshire County Council. I would therefore doubt it
Hi Simon.
Is there any plans for Diamond to amend the #25 service following the acquisition of Central Buses, either by withdrawing the service or putting it on the opposite half hour to the 125 between Stourbridge and Kidderminster?
Do you plan to repaint the ex hansons buses into fleet livery ?
Will anymore Tividale ran routes be branded?
Debrand the 301/2 brandeds? They look awful.
Quote from: the trainbasher on February 15, 2018, 08:51:11 AM
Hi Simon.
Is there any plans for Diamond to amend the #25 service following the acquisition of Central Buses, either by withdrawing the service or putting it on the opposite half hour to the 125 between Stourbridge and Kidderminster?
We have no desire to reduce the resource, and we will look at if it can be used better. At present, we have exactly decided what this means.
Quote from: karl724223 on February 15, 2018, 09:20:04 PM
Do you plan to repaint the ex hansons buses into fleet livery ?
Anything that is 2007 or newer then yes.
We would accept/consider offers on anything older than that.
Quote from: Jack on February 15, 2018, 10:39:32 PM
Will anymore Tividale ran routes be branded?
Debrand the 301/2 brandeds? They look awful.
There is no plans to do anything further at present
Is 30201 and 30211 still in service? I haven't seen 30201 out for a while now, not seen 30211 for a long time. Shame if they've been withdrawn.
Quote from: Jack on February 16, 2018, 08:23:12 PM
Is 30201 and 30211 still in service? I haven't seen 30201 out for a while now, not seen 30211 for a long time. Shame if they've been withdrawn.
30201 - At present this is VOR. It should return to service shortly
30211 - This is out in Service. Today it is operating on the 42/43's out of Tividale
Hi simon,
Do you plan on withdrawing older buses soon? Also will you be prepared for the solihull emissions in September I believe it is?
Many thanks
Will 20522 (57 plate Solo) be repainted at some stage or is it too old to warrant a repaint? Redditch's Black Diamond Solo which is very tatty now.
Would you ever think of working the Walsall to Dudley corridor?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on February 21, 2018, 10:09:30 PM
Hi simon,
Do you plan on withdrawing older buses soon? Also will you be prepared for the solihull emissions in September I believe it is?
Many thanks
On an ongoing basis, we continue to remove our older vehicles.
Quote from: Jack on February 24, 2018, 05:03:44 PM
Will 20522 (57 plate Solo) be repainted at some stage or is it too old to warrant a repaint? Redditch's Black Diamond Solo which is very tatty now.
Would you ever think of working the Walsall to Dudley corridor?
We will repaint.
You didn't answer his other question though.
At the present moment in time we are not considering on any new Commercial corridors
1. Do you have any plans to sell Cadet 30211, the last '02' plate Cadet in service?
2. Would you ever think of reinstating 30215?
Quote from: Jack on February 25, 2018, 06:33:28 PM
1. Do you have any plans to sell Cadet 30211, the last '02' plate Cadet in service?
2. Would you ever think of reinstating 30215?
1. The vehicles aren't saleable. There is no second hand market.
2. I can't see it.
Would you consider buying IGO or is the fact it's a not for profit organisation mean you wouldn't want to take them on?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on February 25, 2018, 07:54:12 PM
Would you consider buying IGO or is the fact it's a not for profit organisation mean you wouldn't want to take them on?
We will always consider anything, which is in a geographical area in which we operate.
However, considering we tender against Igo for TfWM contracts and they are pricing contracts at a price we can't afford to operate it is difficult to see it happening.
I understand they are not for profit. However, we wouldn't cover our costs.
Will the 2 versa from central buses at Redditch will be painted in the signature livery or diamond
Are there any plans to re-introduce any branding similar to the old 002, Swift 226, Nifty 50 or the Black Country Connection liveries? I thought they looked really smart and premium, and surely stood out to customers more than a regular dark blue / black bus?
1. Is there any plans to make the 29 a more profitable route? In terms of making it a more frequent route to try and compete more with NX. Most of time I use it or see it, it has no more than five people on it, the PVR of three is quite poor, considering NX are more frequent and carry way more.
2. Would you ever consider buying Banga Buses?
3. Would the 50 ever be fully operated by Redditch?
4. Are 30019 and 30030 going be reinstated soon?
If any other Arriva Midlands operations became available, would you consider?
Dont know how much detail you can go into on a forum like this, but could Diamond do anything with the Cannock operations or in your opinion, Arriva are doing the best they can, in the current climate?
Quote from: Solo1 on February 25, 2018, 09:02:04 PM
Will the 2 versa from central buses at Redditch will be painted in the signature livery or diamond
Diamond livery
Quote from: DJ98 on February 25, 2018, 09:07:06 PM
Are there any plans to re-introduce any branding similar to the old 002, Swift 226, Nifty 50 or the Black Country Connection liveries? I thought they looked really smart and premium, and surely stood out to customers more than a regular dark blue / black bus?
There are no plans to do anything like we did previously. We will brand the 226, but like we have done so on the 4/4H
Quote from: Jack on February 25, 2018, 10:04:37 PM
1. Is there any plans to make the 29 a more profitable route? In terms of making it a more frequent route to try and compete more with NX. Most of time I use it or see it, it has no more than five people on it, the PVR of three is quite poor, considering NX are more frequent and carry way more.
2. Would you ever consider buying Banga Buses?
3. Would the 50 ever be fully operated by Redditch?
4. Are 30019 and 30030 going be reinstated soon?
1. There are no plans to increase frequency
2. We will look at any opportunity presented to us.
3. I am not sure. If we had capacity then yes
4. Yes
Quote from: Westy on February 25, 2018, 10:36:53 PM
If any other Arriva Midlands operations became available, would you consider?
Dont know how much detail you can go into on a forum like this, but could Diamond do anything with the Cannock operations or in your opinion, Arriva are doing the best they can, in the current climate?
We will look at any Business that is for Sale.
I do not understand enough about the Cannock operation, the opportunities, the performances of the current routes, etc to have a view.
There is a reason operators keep exiting, and it isn't because they want to retire.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 26, 2018, 04:49:27 AM
There are no plans to do anything like we did previously. We will brand the 226, but like we have done so on the 4/4H
Aww, I used to love seeing all the different liveries, but I completely understand why, since it's not as bad if say one of the current 4/4H branded buses gets onto another route, as it would've been with one of the bright green 002 branded ones. You should 100% put 'The Swift 226' somewhere on there though! ;)
Hi there, Would you ever consider extending the 002 to serve Northfield?
Is 30883 still in service? Haven't seen it for a while now.
@Jack - Kevin2017 posted a Rotala Group fleetlist 3 days ago, if you refer to that you can answer your own question:
With crossvile in Weston super mare finishing April will wessex
Be taking over the services there
Quote from: V89MOA on February 26, 2018, 08:58:04 AM
Hi there, Would you ever consider extending the 002 to serve Northfield?
There are no plans to do so at this current time
Quote from: Solo1 on February 28, 2018, 10:19:02 PM
With crossvile in Weston super mare finishing April will wessex
Be taking over the services there
No - Wessex won't be
Hi Simon,
Do you know if there is any plans for Diamond to start adding the real time information to the Network West Midlands app/on stops where there is real time info such as at bus stations?
Secondly, would you be able to arrange for your Kidderminster #25 drivers to have training on the diamond day tickets within the TfWM area. Three times I have brought a WM diamond day on bus, only after having to show the driver on both the diamond app and their ticket machines that there is a diamond West Midlands ticket, and that the Kidderminster local one is not valid on the ex Hanson's services. (I even asked specifically for the Wm £3.90 day ticket and they don't think it exists!).
Also, will the ex Central Buses routes be added to the diamond app soon as sometimes if I finish work early, I enjoy the opportunity to get the 125 instead of the 276/25 and being able to time it right out of the office.
Quote from: the trainbasher on March 01, 2018, 05:13:13 PM
Hi Simon,
Do you know if there is any plans for Diamond to start adding the real time information to the Network West Midlands app/on stops where there is real time info such as at bus stations?
Secondly, would you be able to arrange for your Kidderminster #25 drivers to have training on the diamond day tickets within the TfWM area. Three times I have brought a WM diamond day on bus, only after having to show the driver on both the diamond app and their ticket machines that there is a diamond West Midlands ticket, and that the Kidderminster local one is not valid on the ex Hanson's services. (I even asked specifically for the Wm £3.90 day ticket and they don't think it exists!).
Also, will the ex Central Buses routes be added to the diamond app soon as sometimes if I finish work early, I enjoy the opportunity to get the 125 instead of the 276/25 and being able to time it right out of the office.
I will try to answer your question, based upon what I have been told. My understanding is the following
1. TfWM have a collection of Real time stop displays from VIX and an organisation that used to be called 21st Century.
2. They are moving all RTI feeds and Bus Stop fees to ITO World
3. At present operators provide data feeds to both ITO world and VIX.
4. Eventually all bus stop information will come from ITO world.
5. The ITO world platform will provide a RTI feed to Travelline.
6. We provide a link to TfWM, we have done for some time and they are trying to integrate it.
With regards your other points
1. I have asked the Manager at Kidderminster to re-train the drivers on the rota. It is a small rota and this shouldnt take long.
2. The routes will be added shortly. I am told 3 days.
3. I believe you previously asked about the 25/125 service. From 9th April, we have varied the 125 timetable to include short journeys which mirror the journeys which the 25 operates outside the 125 timetable. As the other journeys are extremely close, we have degistered the rest of the timetable.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 02, 2018, 09:02:57 AM
I will try to answer your question, based upon what I have been told. My understanding is the following
1. TfWM have a collection of Real time stop displays from VIX and an organisation that used to be called 21st Century.
2. They are moving all RTI feeds and Bus Stop fees to ITO World
3. At present operators provide data feeds to both ITO world and VIX.
4. Eventually all bus stop information will come from ITO world.
5. The ITO world platform will provide a RTI feed to Travelline.
6. We provide a link to TfWM, we have done for some time and they are trying to integrate it.
With regards your other points
1. I have asked the Manager at Kidderminster to re-train the drivers on the rota. It is a small rota and this shouldnt take long.
2. The routes will be added shortly. I am told 3 days.
3. I believe you previously asked about the 25/125 service. From 9th April, we have varied the 125 timetable to include short journeys which mirror the journeys which the 25 operates outside the 125 timetable. As the other journeys are extremely close, we have degistered the rest of the timetable.
Hi Simon,
Cheers for that
Will all the Ex Central Buses be repainted?
Quote from: Jack on March 03, 2018, 02:27:14 PM
Will all the Ex Central Buses be repainted?
Yes - unless we sell the older one first
When will the Hanson's buses be painted
Quote from: Solo1 on March 03, 2018, 04:58:25 PM
When will the Hanson's buses be painted
We are going to start repainting the newer buses shortly. We have actually sold quite a few of the older buses
I'm a little confused. Earlier I was told that it was £1.70 on the 25/125 from Mary Stevens Park to Stourbridge, yet it is £1.50 on the 251 between the same two points. Can you advise why this fare anomaly exists when both routes are run by the same depot, both inside the Centro boundary, yet the "shorter" route is more expensive?
Also, can you have a look at the fares on the 226? £1.90 between Hawbush Road & Merry Hill, yet the 251 is £1.50 looking on the ticket machines. The 251 takes a longer route between those two points, yet is cheaper again. I appreciate that the 226 fares are still a hangover from the competition between Diamond and Hanson's, but for short hops, surely the fares should match?
Finally, is there any scope of adding an extra merry hill - Stourbridge journey on the 251 (I.e. extending the 1715 ex Stourbridge short journey round the loop) as I'm sure many of the passengers who use that service would find it useful.
Many thanks
Hi Simon,
Please can you make your engineer team look at the centro bodied B7RLES especially the 002 branded ones. They are obviously not up to a reasonable standard, and maybe there's a correlation between them constantly running late and being unable to travel up hills at any pace.
Are you aware of the issues regarding these buses?
What about competing on the 'other' Walsall to Bloxwich route, the 70, seeing you compete on the main route & the 29 as far as Blakenall?
Is there any plans on withdrawing 30211 anytime soon?
Also is 30509 OTR?
Quote from: the trainbasher on March 14, 2018, 02:16:26 PM
I'm a little confused. Earlier I was told that it was £1.70 on the 25/125 from Mary Stevens Park to Stourbridge, yet it is £1.50 on the 251 between the same two points. Can you advise why this fare anomaly exists when both routes are run by the same depot, both inside the Centro boundary, yet the "shorter" route is more expensive?
Also, can you have a look at the fares on the 226? £1.90 between Hawbush Road & Merry Hill, yet the 251 is £1.50 looking on the ticket machines. The 251 takes a longer route between those two points, yet is cheaper again. I appreciate that the 226 fares are still a hangover from the competition between Diamond and Hanson's, but for short hops, surely the fares should match?
Finally, is there any scope of adding an extra merry hill - Stourbridge journey on the 251 (I.e. extending the 1715 ex Stourbridge short journey round the loop) as I'm sure many of the passengers who use that service would find it useful.
Many thanks
I will look at this and come back to you
Quote from: Trident 4194 on March 15, 2018, 07:26:19 PM
Hi Simon,
Please can you make your engineer team look at the centro bodied B7RLES especially the 002 branded ones. They are obviously not up to a reasonable standard, and maybe there's a correlation between them constantly running late and being unable to travel up hills at any pace.
Are you aware of the issues regarding these buses?
I am not aware of any specific issue.
Is there a particular vehicle that you believe has a problem?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 17, 2018, 10:11:32 AM
I am not aware of any specific issue.
Is there a particular vehicle that you believe has a problem?
I believe 30810,30811 are the worst
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 17, 2018, 10:10:27 AM
I will look at this and come back to you
We will change the fares today, and communicate via Social Media.
In essence it will mean
1. Single Kidderminster to Stourbridge will be £2.70, whether it is the 25 or 125
2. Mary Stevens Park to Stourbridge. Price will be £.150, whether it is the 25, 125, 250 or 251
3. 226, 250, 251 - are all already set to £1.50.
Quote from: Jack on March 16, 2018, 06:11:33 PM
Is there any plans on withdrawing 30211 anytime soon?
Also is 30509 OTR?
In the next few weeks, we have a number of service reductions 25, 294/5, 2L, 36, etc. So we will reduce the number of vehicles we are operating.
We have yet to decide what we will remove.
30509 is under repair for front end body damage
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 20, 2018, 12:05:55 PM
We will change the fares today, and communicate via Social Media.
In essence it will mean
1. Single Kidderminster to Stourbridge will be £2.70, whether it is the 25 or 125
2. Mary Stevens Park to Stourbridge. Price will be £.150, whether it is the 25, 125, 250 or 251
3. 226, 250, 251 - are all already set to £1.50.
Cheers Simon for that update.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 20, 2018, 12:22:43 PM
In the next few weeks, we have a number of service reductions 25, 294/5, 2L, 36, etc. So we will reduce the number of vehicles we are operating.
We have yet to decide what we will remove.
30509 is under repair for front end body damage
Simon how long is it before the kidderminster services end are the 2l journeys that go round the housing eastates in bewdley being replace with extra 2 as it would make time funny if not it would me 1 hour they would get 2 buses and the next hour they would only get one
Quote from: Cedric on March 21, 2018, 10:30:25 AM
Simon how long is it before the kidderminster services end are the 2l journeys that go round the housing eastates in bewdley being replace with extra 2 as it would make time funny if not it would me 1 hour they would get 2 buses and the next hour they would only get one
The 2L timetable changes on 16th April 2018
There is no reduction in frequency on the 2, it just doesnt operate to Ludlow.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 21, 2018, 03:27:29 PM
The 2L timetable changes on 16th April 2018
There is no reduction in frequency on the 2, it just doesnt operate to Ludlow.
Simon many thanks for the info cedric
Are you going to be returning 30824 (long time OTR) back to service?
Quote from: Jack on April 08, 2018, 11:38:42 AM
Are you going to be returning 30121, 30303 and 30824 (long time OTR) back to service?
I can answer this one see below
30121 - Scrapped
30303 - Scrapped
30824 - Unfortunately I'm not sure about that one
Quote from: Jack on April 08, 2018, 11:38:42 AM
Are you going to be returning 30824 (long time OTR) back to service?
We are suppossed to and we have spent a fortune to get it to the stage it is.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 08, 2018, 05:15:44 PM
We are suppossed to and we have spent a fortune to get it to the stage it is.
What was wrong with it if you don't mind me asking?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 08, 2018, 06:48:58 PM
What was wrong with it if you don't mind me asking?
Electrical issue I think and it is in terrible state when I looked at flickr year ago
Quote from: Sayeed on April 08, 2018, 07:02:32 PM
Electrical issue I think and it is in terrible state when I looked at flickr year ago
Its deemed the same fate as any long term VOR in any business, probably heavily stripped of parts by now sat still for that long. As Simon says, it then costs a fortune to put it right again.
The vehicle has a collection of Electrical faults.
30824 back before it's electrical fire was a nice bus to drive, I actually had it on the 255 route the night before the fire. Couldn't believe it when I heard it had suffered the electrical fire the following morning, it was faultless the night before and was considered one of the better ones by the drivers at that time in the B7/Plaxton fleet.
I'm impressed your putting it back on the road though, last time I was there it had been heavily cannibalised.
Not my picture, but will give you some idea of the amount of work that'll be needed to put 30824 back on the road!
( ( Bus (30824, BX09 SJV) (withdrawn) ( by Will Howes (, on Flickr
1. Do you plan to bring 30883/4 back to service?
2. Would you ever let anybody buy 30215 to be restored and to be preserved?
3. Is 30502 going to be a permanent fixture to Tividale or is it just on loan for a few months?
4. Do you have an expected date for 30211's withdrawal?
Regards, Jack.
With the changes to services & running less buses will you be then painting the ex Arriva Central buses & Hanson's buses in to diamond livery
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. 30502 - is staying at Tividale
4. No
Dear Solo,
Yes we plan to remove some of the older buses and use the additional capacity to step up re-paints
Do you plan on buying new buses for the retendering of the Solihull network in October if you win them?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 10, 2018, 05:00:02 PM
Do you plan on buying new buses for the retendering of the Solihull network in October if you win them?
You cannot know that.
How it works is tender documents are issued, operators put bids in, then TfWM award a winner with the vehicle spec in
Quote from: Tony on April 10, 2018, 06:11:15 PM
You cannot know that.
How it works is tender documents are issued, operators put bids in, then TfWM award a winner with the vehicle spec in
Plus we've only just finished collecting the data that goes into these documents.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 10, 2018, 05:00:02 PM
Do you plan on buying new buses for the retendering of the Solihull network in October if you win them?
Dear Trident
You have obviosuly already recieved a few responses and I do not disagree with their comments.
What I would also add, is that it has been a while since I have read the Solihull SQPS. However, I thought within the SQPS there was a requirement for all buses to be Euro 6 by April 2019. If not then, it is certainly at some point during the contract life.
This would mean that the current fleet would need to be retrofitted or we would need to replace them.
We will be a benefictiary of some DfT money for Euro 6 retrofits. None of the Signature fleet were included in this bid, and only 4 of the current fleet are Euro 6.
1. Will you be repainting the Ex Central Deckers?
2. Will any more buses be branded for Signature? There isn't enough, hence the other Streetlites keep turning up.
Quote from: Jack on April 12, 2018, 07:32:39 AM
1. Will you be repainting the Ex Central Deckers?
2. Will any more buses be branded for Signature? There isn't enough, hence the other Streetlites keep turning up.
1. We are going to step up repaints from Monday, I think the deckers will be the back of a long que
2. There isnt a plan to paint anymore.
Would you consider swapping 30502 with 30938 now the 25 has gone? Would standardise the fleet a bit more
What's happening with 30401? Will it be scrapped or will it be repaired?
Are you rebranding all of the ex Central vehicles to Diamond?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 14, 2018, 09:58:56 AM
Would you consider swapping 30502 with 30938 now the 25 has gone? Would standardise the fleet a bit more
We are not looking to swap anything around. The Wrights Volvo is newer and the last thing, I want to do is take newer vehicles out of Kidderminster
Quote from: Jack on April 14, 2018, 07:32:06 PM
What's happening with 30401? Will it be scrapped or will it be repaired?
The plan is to repair the vehicle
Quote from: Westy on April 15, 2018, 12:46:43 AM
Are you rebranding all of the ex Central vehicles to Diamond?
We will start with the newer vehicles and unless we sell the older vehicles before they are done - yes
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 15, 2018, 09:32:25 AM
We will start with the newer vehicles and unless we sell the older vehicles before they are done - yes
The reason I ask is you were quick sticking Diamond labels on the ex Arrivas, but not as quick on the ex Centrals & the odd Hansons.
My elderly parents live in part of Smethwick relying heavily on service 21 to access shops in Bearwood and Oldbury as well as their doctor's surgery, dentist and optician in Bearwood and council offices and library in Oldbury.
Sadly, they complain frequently about its unreliability and have informed me of three journeys this week alone which failed to operate, leaving them waiting an hour or having to take a two-bus alternative detour.
They note that the variety of mainly elderly vehicles changes daily, including random ex-Central and ex-Hansons buses among others.
They have in previous weeks telephoned Diamond to be given various explanations involving breakdowns and non-availability of vehicles.
After the latest let-downs this week I have advised them that they need to make a detailed note of failures and delays on this service and that their next step will be to submit this log regularly to TfWM, which I understand pays for the service to operate. Sadly, the organisation needs to know that it is not getting what it is paying taxpayers' money for.
Have you any plans on rebranding the 401E, aka the Yew Tree Connection route?
Also where is 30886? Somebody told me it's been waiting for a new engine?
Also will you be repainting the two Ex Hansons '55' plate big Darts at Tividale? (30893/4) They slightly look jaded.
Quote from: Westy on April 15, 2018, 10:44:49 AM
The reason I ask is you were quick sticking Diamond labels on the ex Arrivas, but not as quick on the ex Centrals & the odd Hansons.
Totally different - they acquired the 'brand' for Central and Hanson's along with their entire bus operations. This was not the case with Arriva
Quote from: Smethwickian on April 15, 2018, 01:53:50 PM
My elderly parents live in part of Smethwick relying heavily on service 21 to access shops in Bearwood and Oldbury as well as their doctor's surgery, dentist and optician in Bearwood and council offices and library in Oldbury.
Sadly, they complain frequently about its unreliability and have informed me of three journeys this week alone which failed to operate, leaving them waiting an hour or having to take a two-bus alternative detour.
They note that the variety of mainly elderly vehicles changes daily, including random ex-Central and ex-Hansons buses among others.
They have in previous weeks telephoned Diamond to be given various explanations involving breakdowns and non-availability of vehicles.
After the latest let-downs this week I have advised them that they need to make a detailed note of failures and delays on this service and that their next step will be to submit this log regularly to TfWM, which I understand pays for the service to operate. Sadly, the organisation needs to know that it is not getting what it is paying taxpayers' money for.
TFWM will already be aware of compliance levels for all operators on tendered services. ETM data is fed back to them using EP Morris software
Quote from: Westy on April 15, 2018, 10:44:49 AM
The reason I ask is you were quick sticking Diamond labels on the ex Arrivas, but not as quick on the ex Centrals & the odd Hansons.
We have removed a number of exHansons vehicles from service, we plan to increase this from tomorrow
Quote from: Smethwickian on April 15, 2018, 01:53:50 PM
My elderly parents live in part of Smethwick relying heavily on service 21 to access shops in Bearwood and Oldbury as well as their doctor's surgery, dentist and optician in Bearwood and council offices and library in Oldbury.
Sadly, they complain frequently about its unreliability and have informed me of three journeys this week alone which failed to operate, leaving them waiting an hour or having to take a two-bus alternative detour.
They note that the variety of mainly elderly vehicles changes daily, including random ex-Central and ex-Hansons buses among others.
They have in previous weeks telephoned Diamond to be given various explanations involving breakdowns and non-availability of vehicles.
After the latest let-downs this week I have advised them that they need to make a detailed note of failures and delays on this service and that their next step will be to submit this log regularly to TfWM, which I understand pays for the service to operate. Sadly, the organisation needs to know that it is not getting what it is paying taxpayers' money for.
I am surprised by your comments.
I am aware of historical performance issues, before our acquisition. I was informed this had improved. If there are specific dates and problems, please message me and I will have them looked into ASAP
Quote from: Jack on April 15, 2018, 02:31:50 PM
Have you any plans on rebranding the 401E, aka the Yew Tree Connection route?
Also where is 30886? Somebody told me it's been waiting for a new engine?
Also will you be repainting the two Ex Hansons '55' plate big Darts at Tividale? (30893/4) They slightly look jaded.
There is no plan to brand the 401E buses.
We plan to paint all buses. We will paint the newer buses first.
Why is the 401E still the 401E after all this time?
It was a 'short working' of former WMT service 401, which hasn't existed for several years.
Surely after at least a couple of renumbering schemes in that area, it should have been renumbered into a more 'logical' number by now?
Where is 30886? I've been told it's OTR awaiting a new engine, could you confirm this please.
Quote from: metrocity on April 15, 2018, 06:26:43 PM
ETM data is fed back to them using EP Morris software
And in English that means....?
Quote from: Smethwickian on April 16, 2018, 08:26:17 AM
And in English that means....?
ETM = Electronic Ticket Machine.
In layman's terms - TFWM will already have all the compliance data for Diamond and all other operators of tendered services. If your log of alleged failures that you are going to submit is indeed accurate then it wont be 'news' to them
Can this thread please be kept free for Q & A's to/from Simon only as per forum rules, Winston
Quote from: Westy on April 15, 2018, 10:11:32 PM
Why is the 401E still the 401E after all this time?
It was a 'short working' of former WMT service 401, which hasn't existed for several years.
Surely after at least a couple of renumbering schemes in that area, it should have been renumbered into a more 'logical' number by now?
Normally route re-numbering happens as part of a Network review. This has never come up and we have never felt the need to change it,
Quote from: Jack on April 15, 2018, 10:25:41 PM
Where is 30886? I've been told it's OTR awaiting a new engine, could you confirm this please.
Yes - that is correct
1. Have both 30201 and 30509 returned to service?
2. Will the 68A/C be having any improvements soont? The route is in shambles and broke. Very unreliable.
3. Will 30704 be returning to service?
Quote from: Jack on April 17, 2018, 07:35:34 PM
1. Have both 30201 and 30509 returned to service?
2. Will the 68A/C be having any improvements soont? The route is in shambles and broke. Very unreliable.
3. Will 30704 be returning to service?
1. 30509
Is awaiting parts
2. 30201
Is still VOR
3. 68 A/C
We are not aware of any problems, and I am told we have not recieved a complaint about for a while. Is there anything specific I can look into
4. 30704
Are 30201 and 30509 any closer to coming back?
Quote from: Jack on May 06, 2018, 06:39:55 PM
Are 30201 and 30509 any closer to coming back?
This subject isn't for you to keep asking about the same vehicles every two weeks
When will the metro city buses & versa going for paint as they will look good in diamond livery
Quote from: Jack on May 06, 2018, 06:39:55 PM
Are 30201 and 30509 any closer to coming back?
No they arent
Quote from: Solo1 on May 07, 2018, 11:02:44 AM
When will the metro city buses & versa going for paint as they will look good in diamond livery
We are working our way through the Kidderminster fleet. So, I would imagine soon.
So Kidderminster will be done first then then the Tamworth fleet followed by Redditch & tividale
How many vehicles are sent from a garage to repaint? E.g. Kidderminster have had 30001 done, is it one vehicle at a time?
Are any new buses on order ??
Quote from: Solo1 on May 08, 2018, 09:53:05 AM
So Kidderminster will be done first then then the Tamworth fleet followed by Redditch & tividale
Kidderminster has a lot of capacity following some service revisions, so it has been easier to release vehicles there.
Quote from: Jack on May 08, 2018, 04:42:54 PM
How many vehicles are sent from a garage to repaint? E.g. Kidderminster have had 30001 done, is it one vehicle at a time?
I am aware that EU06KPA has been painted and I am told three more will go into paint today, which includes one of YJ66APO or YJ66APU
Quote from: Jack6101 on May 08, 2018, 06:59:19 PM
Are any new buses on order ??
Not as yet. The Euro 6 Streetlites have suffered from Electrical problems, which until the Engine interface is changed will not correct. We have not been impressed with the E200's or the Optares we have taken on from the Central acquisition, and in my opinion they are not a robust enough product for some of the markets in which we operate.
I don't like the Volvo MCV combination and they have only built 30 Wrights versions this year, so I am concerned about aftermarket support.
I think the Citaro product is a good product, how fuel efficency is poor and the Aftermarket support from Evobus in my opinion is the worst of any manufacturer.
Acquiring new buses increases costs in the business, these costs are normally offset by reduction in other costs areas. At present, with the poor product reliability and choice it is making it difficult to justify new bus investment. We do however, need to continue to invest and inparticular in Euro 6 emmission standard buses.
None of this doesnt mean we wont acquire new buses.
Thank you Simon
What buses are JY66APO/APU Please thank you as that not listed
@Solo1 - They are registered YJ66APO/APU (due to be branded for the 226 before anyone asks) - do a Google search all will become clear, they are very recent acquisitions, Winston
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 09, 2018, 08:57:39 AM
Not as yet. The Euro 6 Streetlites have suffered from Electrical problems, which until the Engine interface is changed will not correct. We have not been impressed with the E200's or the Optares we have taken on from the Central acquisition, and in my opinion they are not a robust enough product for some of the markets in which we operate.
I don't like the Volvo MCV combination and they have only built 30 Wrights versions this year, so I am concerned about aftermarket support.
I think the Citaro product is a good product, how fuel efficency is poor and the Aftermarket support from Evobus in my opinion is the worst of any manufacturer.
Acquiring new buses increases costs in the business, these costs are normally offset by reduction in other costs areas. At present, with the poor product reliability and choice it is making it difficult to justify new bus investment. We do however, need to continue to invest and inparticular in Euro 6 emmission standard buses.
None of this doesnt mean we wont acquire new buses.
You have your own E200's already dont you?
Whats the difference between yours & the ex Centrals, especially if you have an issue with theirs?
Quote from: Westy on May 09, 2018, 04:38:25 PM
You have your own E200's already dont you?
Whats the difference between yours & the ex Centrals, especially if you have an issue with theirs?
We have from memory a number of 2007,8,9 E200's. We have had them for years, and have never acquired any since. With the acquisition of Central we inherited some newer E200's. They were no better.
I wasn't saying the Central ones were worse.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 09, 2018, 04:50:52 PM
We have from memory a number of 2007,8,9 E200's. We have had them for years, and have never acquired any since. With the acquisition of Central we inherited some newer E200's. They were no better.
I wasn't saying the Central ones were worse.
Presume Hanson's e200s are as bad?? Quite a range of regs you acquired from Hanson's?
That's the trouble with buses in that size range now unfortunately. Solo streetlite citaro & e200 probably the e200 is the best of a bad bunch. The vdl citea has good reports but no-one is marketing them in this country & vdl will only export to uk in batches of no less than 50, so unless arriva get back on board with vdl no real prospect of seeing them in the near future.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 09, 2018, 08:57:39 AM
Not as yet. The Euro 6 Streetlites have suffered from Electrical problems, which until the Engine interface is changed will not correct. We have not been impressed with the E200's or the Optares we have taken on from the Central acquisition, and in my opinion they are not a robust enough product for some of the markets in which we operate.
I don't like the Volvo MCV combination and they have only built 30 Wrights versions this year, so I am concerned about aftermarket support.
I think the Citaro product is a good product, how fuel efficency is poor and the Aftermarket support from Evobus in my opinion is the worst of any manufacturer.
Acquiring new buses increases costs in the business, these costs are normally offset by reduction in other costs areas. At present, with the poor product reliability and choice it is making it difficult to justify new bus investment. We do however, need to continue to invest and inparticular in Euro 6 emmission standard buses.
None of this doesnt mean we wont acquire new buses.
This is a fascinating insight into what must be a key issue facing bus company owners and managers - thank you Simon.
I've often thought that, with all the wonderful advances in technology, it should be possible to buy a toaster that produces evenly brown toast - but I've yet to find one. And on a more significant note, what a disgrace that in 2018 no manufacturer can produce a reliable or well-supported bus (reading between Simon's lines the Volvo/Wright seems to be best worse option). A reliable bus would presumably be able to cope with poor road surfaces and potholes, careless drivers, rough passengers and incompetent engineers.
The general impression I have of Diamond buses in Redditch is that they are quite badly maintained. Could this be a factor, Simon, in the poor reliability you mention? Do you know if other companies in the West Midlands spend more on maintenance in order to keep imperfect vehicles running and looking good?
Also Simon, you mention "markets in which we operate". What are the special characteristics of these markets?
Citaro has surely got to be the quality product. Having rode on numerous examples in a few places, they seem the smoothest and best built but that comes at a high cost in fuel. However the E200MMC seems a big improvement over the E200 in rattles etc. Maybe you could have a few demonstrators for evaluation
Quote from: Trident 4194 on May 09, 2018, 05:03:35 PM
Presume Hanson's e200s are as bad?? Quite a range of regs you acquired from Hanson's?
In my opinion, the ride quality of E200's. The engine, and all round durability is poor. Yes, we have a lot. All recent additions have come through acquisition.
Quote from: DMCL on May 10, 2018, 12:06:42 PM
This is a fascinating insight into what must be a key issue facing bus company owners and managers - thank you Simon.
I've often thought that, with all the wonderful advances in technology, it should be possible to buy a toaster that produces evenly brown toast - but I've yet to find one. And on a more significant note, what a disgrace that in 2018 no manufacturer can produce a reliable or well-supported bus (reading between Simon's lines the Volvo/Wright seems to be best worse option). A reliable bus would presumably be able to cope with poor road surfaces and potholes, careless drivers, rough passengers and incompetent engineers.
The general impression I have of Diamond buses in Redditch is that they are quite badly maintained. Could this be a factor, Simon, in the poor reliability you mention? Do you know if other companies in the West Midlands spend more on maintenance in order to keep imperfect vehicles running and looking good?
Also Simon, you mention "markets in which we operate". What are the special characteristics of these markets?
DVSA are extremely active and undertake regular spot checks on regulartory compliance. Despite, whatever your perception may be our Prohibition rate is way below the National average.
I have no experience of what other operators spend on Maintenance. We do not share this information, so I cannot comment whether we spend more or less.
We have had a lot of change in our West Midlands bus business, and I accept the critiscm around presentation. We recognise this is an area in which we need to improve, and we have an immediate focus on repainting all long term vehicles.
Will anymore routes be branded? Speaking mainly on routes with competition, 16/W, 40, 50 etc.
Quote from: Jack on May 12, 2018, 10:17:50 PM
Will anymore routes be branded? Speaking mainly on routes with competition, 16/W, 40, 50 etc.
There will be other routes branded
Any reason why one Diamond 301 arrived in Walsall around 515pm tonight, driver gets off & disappears for about 5 mins, gets back on & drives off without his passengers!
(In the meantime, another Diamond 301 drives past, as he's unable to access the stand anyway!)
Everyone had to pile on an NX E200 instead, which was rammed until Leamore!
Will anymore Optare Solo SR's be arriving for the 226, or is just YJ66 APU and YJ66 APO?
How do you find the Optare metrociy you acquired of central?
If your not impressed with the versas will you be getting rid off them or keeping them
Hi Simon, I hope you're doing well. Are there any plans for an open day in the future at the Tividale depot? Thanks.
Quote from: Westy on May 17, 2018, 07:37:30 PM
Any reason why one Diamond 301 arrived in Walsall around 515pm tonight, driver gets off & disappears for about 5 mins, gets back on & drives off without his passengers!
(In the meantime, another Diamond 301 drives past, as he's unable to access the stand anyway!)
Everyone had to pile on an NX E200 instead, which was rammed until Leamore!
I am sorry about this. The driver shouldn't have done this. We have identified who this was, and he has been dealt with
Quote from: Jack on May 18, 2018, 09:37:35 PM
Will anymore Optare Solo SR's be arriving for the 226, or is just YJ66 APU and YJ66 APO?
We are planning to replace all the 226 buses. We are just looking at options
Quote from: Solo1 on May 18, 2018, 10:40:11 PM
If your not impressed with the versas will you be getting rid off them or keeping them
We will keep them for the time being
Quote from: StourValley98 on May 20, 2018, 09:59:35 PM
Hi Simon, I hope you're doing well. Are there any plans for an open day in the future at the Tividale depot? Thanks.
Dear Sir,
This summer we need to start our building/demolishing work which is going to take some time. It doesnt make sense until this is concluded to have too many visitors on site
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 23, 2018, 03:43:02 PM
Dear Sir,
This summer we need to start our building/demolishing work which is going to take some time. It doesnt make sense until this is concluded to have too many visitors on site
Understandable, thanks for the answer and have a great day. :)
1. Will 32308 ever get its Signature branding applied?
2. If you get rid of the Ex-Central Versa's in the near future, wouldn't it also make sense to get rid of 30404/5 both branded for Signature?
I've heard new vehicles may be on order - can you confirm? If so can you share any further details?
Quote from: Jack on May 23, 2018, 08:50:27 PM
1. Will 32308 ever get its Signature branding applied?
2. If you get rid of the Ex-Central Versa's in the near future, wouldn't it also make sense to get rid of 30404/5 both branded for Signature?
1. No
2. There is no intention to sell any of them
Quote from: metrocity on June 18, 2018, 07:37:33 PM
I've heard new vehicles may be on order - can you confirm? If so can you share any further details?
We have agreed to acquire
5 x Mellor Mercedes Sprinter 21 seaters for Preston.
An additional 24 x Wrights Streetlites on Euro 6 Daimlar engines. 8 will go to Heathrow. 7 will go to Redditch. The Balance is undecided at present.
Are the 7 street lites for Redditch for the signature service in solihull.
Quote from: Solo1 on June 19, 2018, 07:41:38 AM
Are the 7 street lites for Redditch for the signature service in solihull.
The 7 vehicles are to replace all the "63" plate Streetlites whose operating leases expire
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 19, 2018, 02:19:43 PM
The 7 vehicles are to replace all the "63" plate Streetlites whose operating leases expire
Would that mean they are going to be used on a mixture of different routes like the 63 plates are currently, for example 30163 seems to be a regular on the 28A at the minute, or would they be used on 1 specific route?
Quote from: 2206 on June 19, 2018, 03:14:28 PM
Would that mean they are going to be used on a mixture of different routes like the 63 plates are currently, for example 30163 seems to be a regular on the 28A at the minute, or would they be used on 1 specific route?
Potentially - although there main use should be the Redditch local services.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 19, 2018, 05:48:54 PM
Potentially - although there main use should be the Redditch local services.
I understand revenue is not ideal in Kidderminster, but I see a business case for the balance to join the fleet there and minimise the number of vehicle types?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 19, 2018, 02:19:43 PM
The 7 vehicles are to replace all the "63" plate Streetlites whose operating leases expire
I would of thought the 10 reg solo sr's would of gone rather than the leased streetlites
Quote from: BN on June 19, 2018, 07:21:42 PM
I understand revenue is not ideal in Kidderminster, but I see a business case for the balance to join the fleet there and minimise the number of vehicle types?
The routes that generate enough income, have modern vehicles operating on them in Kidderminster
A number of the routes in Kidderminster do not and have not for some time covered their direct costs of operation (fuel, wages, etc)
We are going to do so some service changes. If this doesnt improve, then we will remove them.
The Streetlites are a light weight vehicle. A lot of the routes in Kidderminster require heavy weight vehicles.
So based upon both these facts it doesnt make sense replacing the buses we currently operate.
Quote from: Solo1 on June 19, 2018, 08:42:36 PM
I would of thought the 10 reg solo sr's would of gone rather than the leased streetlites
The 10 plate Solo's are owned outright. The 63 plate Streetlites and rented/leased from a Finance company. Therefore, this gives the opportunity to replace without having to sell
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 20, 2018, 05:11:11 AM
The routes that generate enough income, have modern vehicles operating on them in Kidderminster
A number of the routes in Kidderminster do not and have not for some time covered their direct costs of operation (fuel, wages, etc)
We are going to do so some service changes. If this doesnt improve, then we will remove them.
The Streetlites are a light weight vehicle. A lot of the routes in Kidderminster require heavy weight vehicles.
So based upon both these facts it doesnt make sense replacing the buses we currently operate.
Many thanks for the comments Simon.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 20, 2018, 05:11:11 AM
The Streetlites are a light weight vehicle. A lot of the routes in Kidderminster require heavy weight vehicles.
Simon - I always find your comments interesting and helpful. When you say "a lot of the routes in Kidderminster require heavy weight vehicles" could you please explain what it is about the routes that mean this is a requirement. Please forgive me if this is a basic question that I ought to know the answer to!
Quote from: DMCL on June 20, 2018, 11:02:10 AM
Simon - I always find your comments interesting and helpful. When you say "a lot of the routes in Kidderminster require heavy weight vehicles" could you please explain what it is about the routes that mean this is a requirement. Please forgive me if this is a basic question that I ought to know the answer to!
We have found that Cummins, MAN, engine vehicles do not stand up to operating on the terrain.
It is why we have moved more Volvo engine vehicles into the fleet, and placed them on the routes which perform better with these vehicles on.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 20, 2018, 08:39:50 PM
We have found that Cummins, MAN, engine vehicles do not stand up to operating on the terrain.
It is why we have moved more Volvo engine vehicles into the fleet, and placed them on the routes which perform better with these vehicles on.
How come you didn't transfer more Volvos to Kidderminster?? Swapping 08/09 reg mans for 08/58 plate volvos(3085*). Most tividale routes don't get above 30, shortish routes??
You considered debranding the 228 branded e200s to use on other routes or indeed allowing the Optare metrocity? To venture onto other routes??
Many thanks
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 20, 2018, 05:11:11 AM
The routes that generate enough income, have modern vehicles operating on them in Kidderminster
A number of the routes in Kidderminster do not and have not for some time covered their direct costs of operation (fuel, wages, etc)
We are going to do so some service changes. If this doesnt improve, then we will remove them.
The Streetlites are a light weight vehicle. A lot of the routes in Kidderminster require heavy weight vehicles.
So based upon both these facts it doesnt make sense replacing the buses we currently operate.
Kidderminster has been a poison chalice for any operator years now, I was involved with MRW right back in 1992 - 1995 and half of it was loss making even back then! Badgerline as it was at the time made a huge mistake closing the Birmingham operation and keeping Kidderminster, Birmingham/Black Country was at the time still profitable but there were other problems on the horizon (impending closure of the Bull Ring Bus Station and the impending loss of fuel/maintenance facilities at the old Digbeth coach station).
Are more 56 plate Primo's due to be withdrawn?
Will the 25 be getting any amendments to run on time? It often runs very late.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on June 20, 2018, 09:16:06 PM
How come you didn't transfer more Volvos to Kidderminster?? Swapping 08/09 reg mans for 08/58 plate volvos(3085*). Most tividale routes don't get above 30, shortish routes??
You considered debranding the 228 branded e200s to use on other routes or indeed allowing the Optare metrocity? To venture onto other routes??
Many thanks
I think the Volvo B7RLE's are some of the best buses we have. Would you put some of the best buses on some of the worst financially performing routes you have?
The Optare's operate on the 125.
We are painting a lot of buses all the time, as they are painted our view may change
Quote from: Jack on June 20, 2018, 10:05:03 PM
Are more 56 plate Primo's due to be withdrawn?
Will the 25 be getting any amendments to run on time? It often runs very late.
Our primary focus is to remove the oldest vehicles, so unless one gives a problem they are not our immediate focus.
Which 25?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 21, 2018, 05:58:43 AM
Our primary focus is to remove the oldest vehicles, so unless one gives a problem they are not our immediate focus.
Which 25?
Tividale 25. (Ward End - Erdington).
Which buses are now in for paint please
Quote from: Jack on June 21, 2018, 07:33:32 AM
Tividale 25. (Ward End - Erdington).
I have just looked at a reliability report for this week and there isn't a problem.
I presume by your message, you have had problems. When was this?
Quote from: Solo1 on June 21, 2018, 08:44:25 AM
Which buses are now in for paint please
Current vehicles in paint
20974 - painted white to return off lease
Simon do you plan to brand the rest of the value and 13 plate buses for the 4H? Are these more reliable than the 58 plates?? Must do a lot of mileage on the 4H every day.
Many thanks
Quote from: Trident 4194 on June 22, 2018, 07:41:22 PM
Simon do you plan to brand the rest of the value and 13 plate buses for the 4H? Are these more reliable than the 58 plates?? Must do a lot of mileage on the 4H every day.
Many thanks
All the Volvo's have been/are a reliable bus. We are going to do a lot of changes to the 42/43, 301/2 from 19th August. These are value routes and the branding will change.
With the influx of Volvo's from Heathrow we will assess once we have what we use on the 4.
At the present moment in time, I can't say what these changes are but we are only a few weeks away from when these need to be registered
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 23, 2018, 05:17:31 PM
All the Volvo's have been/are a reliable bus. We are going to do a lot of changes to the 42/43, 301/2 from 19th August. These are value routes and the branding will change.
With the influx of Volvo's from Heathrow we will assess once we have what we use on the 4.
At the present moment in time, I can't say what these changes are but we are only a few weeks away from when these need to be registered
Are you referring to the 42/43 from West Bromwich to Tipton and Bilston?
If you are, do you plan on changing the 43 route to match the NXWM service that goes past Morrisons in Bilston, rather than past Loxdale?
Are you increasing the 301 / 302 timetable?
Cant see why you have to slavishly copy Nx & not innovate your own bits.
For example, you could link the 301 & 302 & run them both through the Turnberry Estate, interworking on the way!
(You use Somerfield Road in Leamore/Bloxwich for out of service journeys, along with Leabrook Road in Wednesbury, but these roads are not important for a proper/improved service!)
@Westy - Simon's already clearly said he can't say what the changes are until they're registered
At the present moment in time, I can't say what these changes are but we are only a few weeks away from when these need to be registered
No need to get on your high horse Winston!
Quote from: Westy on June 24, 2018, 10:03:27 AM
No need to get on your high horse Winston!
All should be clear in a few weeks
You might want to look at your displays again, as I've seen at least 2 buses in Walsall displaying 29 Blakenhall, when it should be Blakenall.
If its going to take time to repaint vehicles, fair enough, but why cant you put a Diamond sticker over the accquired operators liveries until you can do so?
I caught that ex Central double decker on the Bloxwich service earlier & the driver at least once had to tell intending passengers he was a Diamond vehicle, not Central.
Also noted was an E200 in full Central livery & fleetnames & that ex Wessex vehicle.
Unless you know who operates what, how are passengers supposed which vehicles are Diamonds?
(I also noted an ex Hansons full livered Dart on the 401e the other day as well!)
You managed to put Diamond stickers on the ex Arrivas quick enough, so what is the issue with the ex Hanson & Central vehicles?
Why the sudden increase in unfamiliar drivers on routes? Have some left? Or had changes to rotas? Please ensure they know what stand to stop at.
The Warwicshire County Council timetables at the bus stops in Coleshill and Water Orton still say the 75 service is operated by Central Buses.
Will these be changed to show the service is operated by Diamond?
Quote from: Westy on June 29, 2018, 08:17:03 PM
You might want to look at your displays again, as I've seen at least 2 buses in Walsall displaying 29 Blakenhall, when it should be Blakenall.
We are aware and rectifying - thank you
Quote from: Westy on July 03, 2018, 10:37:16 PM
If its going to take time to repaint vehicles, fair enough, but why cant you put a Diamond sticker over the accquired operators liveries until you can do so?
I caught that ex Central double decker on the Bloxwich service earlier & the driver at least once had to tell intending passengers he was a Diamond vehicle, not Central.
Also noted was an E200 in full Central livery & fleetnames & that ex Wessex vehicle.
Unless you know who operates what, how are passengers supposed which vehicles are Diamonds?
(I also noted an ex Hansons full livered Dart on the 401e the other day as well!)
You managed to put Diamond stickers on the ex Arrivas quick enough, so what is the issue with the ex Hanson & Central vehicles?
I have became aware of one vehicle we have missed and that will be rectified in the next few days.
What vehicles do you think, don't have the fleet name on?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on July 04, 2018, 08:21:27 AM
Why the sudden increase in unfamiliar drivers on routes? Have some left? Or had changes to rotas? Please ensure they know what stand to stop at.
There is always a general churn of staff in any bus business. Is there any route/ any driver in particular you are referring to?
Quote from: 2206 on July 04, 2018, 09:52:32 AM
The Warwicshire County Council timetables at the bus stops in Coleshill and Water Orton still say the 75 service is operated by Central Buses.
Will these be changed to show the service is operated by Diamond?
I will raise the point with Warwickshire. Thank you for the observation
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 04, 2018, 08:46:40 PM
There is always a general churn of staff in any bus business. Is there any route/ any driver in particular you are referring to?
I just wondered you can tell there new by the way they drive the buses. Also what is your stance on drivers using other operators uniform? A de coursey driver was driving a diamond bus on Tuesday. I am familiar with most of the drivers on my local route however it seems some of the guys who have been on here for ages are disappearing and being replaced. Part of what makes diamond good is the rapor drivers have with customers and is arguably one of the biggest advantages over nx. Just hope they haven't left or been moved.
Many thanks
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 04, 2018, 08:45:41 PM
I have became aware of one vehicle we have missed and that will be rectified in the next few days.
What vehicles do you think, don't have the fleet name on?
I dont have the numbers, but it was the double decker & ex Wessex vehicles on the 301 & I think a E200 on the 302.
The double decker & E200 were in full Central including fleetname, livery.
Surely you should be able to id the vehicles concerned from your daily allocation lists?
Quote from: Westy on July 04, 2018, 09:14:31 PM
I dont have the numbers, but it was the double decker & ex Wessex vehicles on the 301 & I think a E200 on the 302.
The double decker & E200 were in full Central including fleetname, livery.
Surely you should be able to id the vehicles concerned from your daily allocation lists?
I believe the e200 is 30963 or 30964. Seen on 002 Monday I recall
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 04, 2018, 08:45:41 PM
I have became aware of one vehicle we have missed and that will be rectified in the next few days.
What vehicles do you think, don't have the fleet name on?
2 ex wessex vehicles without any fleetnames (at Redditch) are 30528 and 30529.
Yesterday I arrived at the stop in Stourbridge road Halesowen at 1705 for a 4H bus due at 1709 my phone said due in 8 minutes, I checked 10 minutes later no mention of any bus. At 1730 a diamond bus appeared put my hand out and it sailed passed with not in service displayed a 4H eventually arrived at 1750. 45 minutes stood in the blazing sunshine with no shade no joke next time I will walk to the bus station and use Nat Ex.
Quote from: midlandred2003 on July 05, 2018, 08:56:31 AM
Yesterday I arrived at the stop in Stourbridge road Halesowen at 1705 for a 4H bus due at 1709 my phone said due in 8 minutes, I checked 10 minutes later no mention of any bus. At 1730 a diamond bus appeared put my hand out and it sailed passed with not in service displayed a 4H eventually arrived at 1750. 45 minutes stood in the blazing sunshine with no shade no joke next time I will walk to the bus station and use Nat Ex.
The one at 17:09 was 15 minutes late and decided he was going to run along the expressway from Hayley green therefore missing out the entire of the Hayley green- blackheath section I imagine. Not sure on the rest but it's quite common at that time of the night. It's a decision between diamonds run constantly late and go fast to make up time, or nx where they give so much running time to counter any delays. I find nx running time a bit excessive in peaks and can result in passengers waiting on buses for ages. Whereas diamonds there's no time at all and then they have to run short or just run 25 mins late+
Quote from: Trident 4194 on July 04, 2018, 09:22:19 PM
I believe the e200 is 30963 or 30964. Seen on 002 Monday I recall
I believe the vinyls have now been changed
Quote from: midlandred2003 on July 05, 2018, 08:56:31 AM
Yesterday I arrived at the stop in Stourbridge road Halesowen at 1705 for a 4H bus due at 1709 my phone said due in 8 minutes, I checked 10 minutes later no mention of any bus. At 1730 a diamond bus appeared put my hand out and it sailed passed with not in service displayed a 4H eventually arrived at 1750. 45 minutes stood in the blazing sunshine with no shade no joke next time I will walk to the bus station and use Nat Ex.
I have yet to review the data myself. However, I am told that the bus did serve the stop. If you want to send me your email address, I will send a copy of the data.
You say the B7RLES are the best vehicles in the tividale fleet correct? Then why do the ex Redditch ones seem to be overheating so badly, causing buses to miss out trips whilst they cool down? I understand this weather is an extreme of what we are used too, but some countries have to deal with this heat consistently. Is it really that difficult to maintain a bus to a satisfactory standard?
Hi Simon thank you for your reply, how ever I presume the data shows that the vehicle followed the line of route which would be the bus that came passed showing not in service. The timeline on my phone can confirm I was at the Slims Gate stop 17;05-17:50 if the bus that passed empty was the 17;07 x Halesowen what happened to the 17:22 & 17;37 buses?
I had a diamond day ticket so was reliant on that service, I don't use buses very often but will buy two singles next time and use which ever operator turns up first until I get my OAP pass in a couple of months time.
Hi Simon not really a Diamond bus issue but what is the future for Wessex bus, as somebody who used to use your buses in Bristol there doesn't seem a lot left, another service in Bath finishes in Septembr. On another forum people are saying Rotala are closing it down, with the app finishing is there any truth in these rumours.
With a base now in Tamworth, would Diamond have any aspirations to expand on that? Any tendered work in that part of the world or even build up some genuine new routes (say into Sutton via Mere Green instead of just copying the 110)?
Hi Simon, can you provide any information on the new registration for the routes 42A and 42C at all, as well as if this includes any changes to the 43? Thanks.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on July 08, 2018, 10:44:22 AM
You say the B7RLES are the best vehicles in the tividale fleet correct? Then why do the ex Redditch ones seem to be overheating so badly, causing buses to miss out trips whilst they cool down? I understand this weather is an extreme of what we are used too, but some countries have to deal with this heat consistently. Is it really that difficult to maintain a bus to a satisfactory standard?
The heat we are experiencing this year is extreme and is affecting reliability. Yes other countries have more severe weather than the UK, but the vehicle is designed differently to cope with this.
Quote from: woody38 on July 08, 2018, 05:33:08 PM
Hi Simon not really a Diamond bus issue but what is the future for Wessex bus, as somebody who used to use your buses in Bristol there doesn't seem a lot left, another service in Bath finishes in Septembr. On another forum people are saying Rotala are closing it down, with the app finishing is there any truth in these rumours.
We have closed down the App as we have changed ticket machine supplier from Parkeon to Ticketer.
Quote from: Kevin on July 10, 2018, 04:50:48 PM
With a base now in Tamworth, would Diamond have any aspirations to expand on that? Any tendered work in that part of the world or even build up some genuine new routes (say into Sutton via Mere Green instead of just copying the 110)?
As we have a Tamworth base, we will look for opportunities in the area.
Quote from: StourValley98 on July 13, 2018, 12:49:42 AM
Hi Simon, can you provide any information on the new registration for the routes 42A and 42C at all, as well as if this includes any changes to the 43? Thanks.
The changes in essence reduce the daytime service, put in place an evening service and Sunday service.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 13, 2018, 04:34:48 PM
The changes in essence reduce the daytime service, put in place an evening service and Sunday service.
Thanks for the response, it's much appreciated. It'll be nice for the elderly residents that live near the 42/43 routes to have a better Sunday service, and I can understand reducing the daytime frequency as having a combined frequency of around every 10 mins between West Bromwich and the top of St Marks Rd, Tipton did seem a bit much at times. The only thing left to do is to bring back the 'royale' buses that were originally on the routes. ;)
Quote from: StourValley98 on July 13, 2018, 06:19:35 PM
Thanks for the response, it's much appreciated. It'll be nice for the elderly residents that live near the 42/43 routes to have a better Sunday service, and I can understand reducing the daytime frequency as having a combined frequency of around every 10 mins between West Bromwich and the top of St Marks Rd, Tipton did seem a bit much at times. The only thing left to do is to bring back the 'royale' buses that were originally on the routes. ;)
Just to add to this the royales are bost and so are most of tividale buses. It's awful that you think it's adequate to give the drivers such piles of rubbish
Quote from: Trident 4194 on July 13, 2018, 07:20:32 PM
Just to add to this the royales are bost and so are most of tividale buses. It's awful that you think it's adequate to give the drivers such piles of rubbish
We have a difference of opinion.
We intend to continually invest in our fleet.
Have you ever considered extending either extending the 301 onto Lower Farm or the 302 onto Mossley, filling in the 'gap' on the Turnberry Estate, otherwise served by Arriva as a TfWm contract?
You could interwork them both!
Surprised its never been tried by yourselves or NX!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 14, 2018, 12:15:40 AM
We have a difference of opinion.
We intend to continually invest in our fleet.
I agree with trident4194
Hi Simon,
I've been asked on my WMBU Facebook page about changes to the 287 (Stourbridge to Merry Hill) service, can you advise if there are going to be any timetable changes from August?
Thanks in advance!
Quote from: Stu on July 17, 2018, 06:06:42 PM
Hi Simon,
I've been asked on my WMBU Facebook page about changes to the 287 (Stourbridge to Merry Hill) service, can you advise if there are going to be any timetable changes from August?
Thanks in advance!
Our 287 contract terminates during October, in line with the TfWM tender round.
There are no changes until then. I suspect at this point, the service will change.
What is the changes to 301/302 now it's registered thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on July 27, 2018, 04:33:47 AM
What is the changes to 301/302 now it's registered thanks
The service numbers are changing to 31/32. The Day time frequency will reduce. The evening frequency will increase, and we will introduce a Sunday service. I am sure at some point soon there will be an announcement from TfWM about it
Apart from the repaints for 42/43 & 31/32 are any more in for repaint
Like the ex central buses fleet thanks
What, if any, are the implications of the TfWM 'one network' initiative for Diamond? Sorry if this has been asked elsewhere and responded to.
Quote from: Solo1 on July 27, 2018, 07:25:46 AM
Apart from the repaints for 42/43 & 31/32 are any more in for repaint
Like the ex central buses fleet thanks
A number of vehicles are being transferred in from Wessex, and Heathrow (at least 5 Volvo's and 5 Scania's). These vehicles will be repainted. At the same time, we have some PVR reductions.
Whatever is the balance of fleet, we will repaint. We expect to be able to remove around 20 of the older vehicles, these will be removed and not painted.
Quote from: RW on July 27, 2018, 12:33:48 PM
What, if any, are the implications of the TfWM 'one network' initiative for Diamond? Sorry if this has been asked elsewhere and responded to.
TfWM have asked that we paint all our new vehicles into this livery - I can't see it happening.
We operate vehicles in/out of Birmingham from Redditch, and by default some of our Redditch fleet operates in Solihull or could be used in Birmingham. I do not like the thought and I can't imagine the people of Redditch would want a bus with West Midlands combined authority on it. So at this point, we see no reason to do it.
If we have joint parntership routes, we will consider it at the time.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 27, 2018, 06:32:03 AM
The service numbers are changing to 31/32. The Day time frequency will reduce. The evening frequency will increase, and we will introduce a Sunday service. I am sure at some point soon there will be an announcement from TfWM about it
Is that Sunday service on the 32 as well as the 31?
Any chance of you being included on the Nwm leaflet this time?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 27, 2018, 01:15:05 PM
TfWM have asked that we paint all our new vehicles into this livery - I can't see it happening.
We operate vehicles in/out of Birmingham from Redditch, and by default some of our Redditch fleet operates in Solihull or could be used in Birmingham. I do not like the thought and I can't imagine the people of Redditch would want a bus with West Midlands combined authority on it. So at this point, we see no reason to do it.
If we have joint parntership routes, we will consider it at the time.
Thanks for an honest answer. Legally, I guess there's no way that TfWM/WMCA can 'force' operators to adopt this new livery? As they don't own the vehicles, or 'hire' them to operators.
What I guess they could do is where tendered route contracts come up for renewal, they could require suitably liveried vehicles as part of the tender specifications? This would then mean that operators would need 'dedicated' vehicles for those services?
It would be nice to hear the thoughts of other West Midlands operators on this subject. It seems to me that our Mayor wants a London-style integrated transport network, without the taxpayer burden.
Good on you, at the end of the day Simon you are a commercial Business and I do not know who TfWM think they are dictating the odds as to which livery your vehicles wear... Do you have any plans to resist the combined ticketing system they want to force on you too?
Quote from: Westy on July 27, 2018, 01:51:27 PM
Is that Sunday service on the 32 as well as the 31?
Any chance of you being included on the Nwm leaflet this time?
Yes the 32 has a Sunday service on it. NWM may include it. It isn't our choice
Quote from: V89MOA on July 27, 2018, 01:58:14 PM
Good on you, at the end of the day Simon you are a commercial Business and I do not know who TfWM think they are dictating the odds as to which livery your vehicles wear... Do you have any plans to resist the combined ticketing system they want to force on you too?
There is talk of all sorts of Ticketing schemes. We already have the Multi-Operator products. What combined ticketing are you referring to?
Do you have any plans to purchase any of the Yourbus Citaros when they are replaced by new vehicles for your Preston and North West operations like you have done previously ?
Are you able to state what types of vehicles will be repainted into the TfWM livery to be used on the 42/43, and will there be any changes to these routes to match the NXWM operated versions at all?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 27, 2018, 02:16:43 PM
There is talk of all sorts of Ticketing schemes. We already have the Multi-Operator products. What combined ticketing are you referring to?
Supposedly the plans include cross operator ticketing on these combined flagship routes (42/43 etc.) whereby each operator would have to accept and issue other operators own tickets like Daysaver or the Value day ticket etc. Something which sounds impractical anyway given the two different ticket issuing systems in use and throws up even more complications with Swift.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 27, 2018, 01:08:40 PM
A number of vehicles are being transferred in from Wessex, and Heathrow (at least 5 Volvo's and 5 Scania's). These vehicles will be repainted. At the same time, we have some PVR reductions.
Whatever is the balance of fleet, we will repaint. We expect to be able to remove around 20 of the older vehicles, these will be removed and not painted.
Would this be the time to look at fleet variations and maybe look at the Scania's bypassing Midlands and joining the rest in the North, thus releasing back B7's to join the majority in the Midlands? Certainly an idea from an engineering perspective to try and minimise fleet makes/models which in turn eases familiarisation on skillset, stock holding etc.
Quote from: Dylanbusboy45 on July 27, 2018, 02:25:13 PM
Do you have any plans to purchase any of the Yourbus Citaros when they are replaced by new vehicles for your Preston and North West operations like you have done previously ?
No. Our oldest vehicles in Preston are the Double Deck fleet. We have transfers in from Wessex which should resolve this. The rest of the double deck fleet operate school contracts, and the older buses are well within contract compliance and suitable to continue.
In Manchester we have earmarked 5 x Solos, 3 x 61 plates, 2 x 60 plates to replace the older Solo's in Eccles.
Quote from: StourValley98 on July 27, 2018, 02:36:40 PM
Are you able to state what types of vehicles will be repainted into the TfWM livery to be used on the 42/43, and will there be any changes to these routes to match the NXWM operated versions at all?
There will be 5 x 62/13 plate Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse vehicles which are repainted. 1 is in paint now, 1 in service for a few days, and 1 is being prepped. There are a few to be released from Heathrow, which the Streetlites have been acquired to do this.
Quote from: V89MOA on July 27, 2018, 02:40:08 PM
Supposedly the plans include cross operator ticketing on these combined flagship routes (42/43 etc.) whereby each operator would have to accept and issue other operators own tickets like Daysaver or the Value day ticket etc. Something which sounds impractical anyway given the two different ticket issuing systems in use and throws up even more complications with Swift.
I am not sure what is confidential at this point, and the last thing I want to do is breach confidentiality.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 27, 2018, 05:46:45 PM
No. Our oldest vehicles in Preston are the Double Deck fleet. We have transfers in from Wessex which should resolve this. The rest of the double deck fleet operate school contracts, and the older buses are well within contract compliance and suitable to continue.
In Manchester we have earmarked 5 x Solos, 3 x 61 plates, 2 x 60 plates to replace the older Solo's in Eccles.
Thanks for the reply Simon :)
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 27, 2018, 05:46:45 PM
No. Our oldest vehicles in Preston are the Double Deck fleet. We have transfers in from Wessex which should resolve this. The rest of the double deck fleet operate school contracts, and the older buses are well within contract compliance and suitable to continue.
In Manchester we have earmarked 5 x Solos, 3 x 61 plates, 2 x 60 plates to replace the older Solo's in Eccles.
With the following school routes now withdrawn:
Will the deckers remain at Tividale?
Quote from: 2206 on July 27, 2018, 05:59:26 PM
With the following school routes now withdrawn:
Will the deckers remain at Tividale?
No - they will all transfer to Preston over the next few weeks.
Quote from: BN on July 27, 2018, 05:30:21 PM
Would this be the time to look at fleet variations and maybe look at the Scania's bypassing Midlands and joining the rest in the North, thus releasing back B7's to join the majority in the Midlands? Certainly an idea from an engineering perspective to try and minimise fleet makes/models which in turn eases familiarisation on skillset, stock holding etc.
You have a good point. However, we are going to struggle to minimise fleet variation. In addition the only vehicles I could swap the Scania's for would be the 13 plate Volvo's at Atherton. It would be demotivating for them.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 28, 2018, 07:35:26 AM
You have a good point. However, we are going to struggle to minimise fleet variation. In addition the only vehicles I could swap the Scania's for would be the 13 plate Volvo's at Atherton. It would be demotivating for them.
Yes very true, I know how it feels. It is always a difficult call to make.
Thanks for the reply.
what newer buses are Kidderminster having thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on July 29, 2018, 06:52:07 PM
what newer buses are Kidderminster having thanks
The Kidderminster PVR will drop as a result of the 318 loss, and the 2/10 revision. I believe this and transferring in the 5 x 61 plate Scania's from Heathrow will allow us to remove all pre-2004 Dennis Darts
When will the scanias be in service at Kidderminster & when service are they for thank you
How long after Wessex closes will the buses enter service at depots they are going to & take it they will be in fleet livery is there a breakdown of what going where thank you
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 28, 2018, 07:33:14 AM
No - they will all transfer to Preston over the next few weeks.
Thanks for the reply.
Quote from: Solo1 on July 30, 2018, 07:24:17 AM
When will the scanias be in service at Kidderminster & when service are they for thank you
I would expect sometime during September.
Quote from: Solo1 on July 30, 2018, 07:28:11 AM
How long after Wessex closes will the buses enter service at depots they are going to & take it they will be in fleet livery is there a breakdown of what going where thank you
We will move the vehicles on the Sunday around 2nd September. I would imagine, after repaints we will start to see some after 9th.
Ok thanks what service will they be going on
Quote from: Solo1 on July 30, 2018, 09:22:54 AM
Ok thanks what service will they be going on
We have not decided every vehicle yet. However, I intend to take enough Solo SR's to finish the 226.
How long you intend to keep the minibus, and what routes will it be allocated to?
Many thanks
Quote from: Trident 4194 on August 03, 2018, 03:50:30 PM
How long you intend to keep the minibus, and what routes will it be allocated to?
Many thanks
I presume you mean the Mercedes Mellor demonstrator. If so, we have the vehicle for 2 weeks. During that time, we are planning to use it on a cross section of the hardest working subsidised bus contract workings. Our Traffic office have a list of the 10 hardest bus working boards, which leave the depot between 0600hrs to 0900 hrs and then return from 2330 hrs to 0045 hrs.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 04, 2018, 07:05:11 AM
I presume you mean the Mercedes Mellor demonstrator. If so, we have the vehicle for 2 weeks. During that time, we are planning to use it on a cross section of the hardest working subsidised bus contract workings. Our Traffic office have a list of the 10 hardest bus working boards, which leave the depot between 0600hrs to 0900 hrs and then return from 2330 hrs to 0045 hrs.
Does it have a fleet number or are you are able to give what 10 routes they could be on? Thanks
Hi Simon
Will the new 31/32 be doing a all night service the national express West Midlands so it would be every 15 minutes with diamond instead of every 30 minutes with national express West Midlands on its own
Quote from: Trident 4194 on August 04, 2018, 03:53:31 PM
Does it have a fleet number or are you are able to give what 10 routes they could be on? Thanks
It will show as 11111 on the tracker
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on August 06, 2018, 11:09:19 AM
Hi Simon
Will the new 31/32 be doing a all night service the national express West Midlands so it would be every 15 minutes with diamond instead of every 30 minutes with national express West Midlands on its own
Our new service from September runs until Midnight and starts again around 0500 hrs in the morning.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 06, 2018, 04:30:56 PM
Our new service from September runs until Midnight and starts again around 0500 hrs in the morning.
Very good!
Simon, I'm very impressed with merc 11111 it's a very fine bus indeed, plenty of acceleration, good manoeuvrability, finished with lovely laminated flooring. Fellow passengers were also stating how nice the bus was.
Would you buy any or how are they performing regarding fuel consumption?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on August 15, 2018, 05:09:44 PM
Simon, I'm very impressed with merc 11111 it's a very fine bus indeed, plenty of acceleration, good manoeuvrability, finished with lovely laminated flooring. Fellow passengers were also stating how nice the bus was.
Would you buy any or how are they performing regarding fuel consumption?
So far this year, we have acquired 6 for Preston. I met with the Manufacturer yesterday, and we are looking at an option to acquire a number for the West Midlands. The fuel economy is around 15 mpg, although there is a concern that the heaters will significantly affect that when in operation. In addition, how long will the bus last? The cost is not substantially less than an E200 or Wrights Streetlite, but the vehicle won't last the same length of time. We are waiting on a final price, which will influence on what we do next as we need to assess the whole life cost.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 16, 2018, 07:40:09 AM
So far this year, we have acquired 6 for Preston. I met with the Manufacturer yesterday, and we are looking at an option to acquire a number for the West Midlands. The fuel economy is around 15 mpg, although there is a concern that the heaters will significantly affect that when in operation. In addition, how long will the bus last? The cost is not substantially less than an E200 or Wrights Streetlite, but the vehicle won't last the same length of time. We are waiting on a final price, which will influence on what we do next as we need to assess the whole life cost.
Does the vehicle capacity meet a typical TFWM contract specification?
Quote from: metrocity on August 16, 2018, 10:15:12 AM
Does the vehicle capacity meet a typical TFWM contract specification?
We have been allowed to operate the vehicle on a trial basis. However, all contracts that we currently operate are awarded on a Minimum 25 seat basis - so historically no.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 16, 2018, 07:40:09 AM
So far this year, we have acquired 6 for Preston. I met with the Manufacturer yesterday, and we are looking at an option to acquire a number for the West Midlands. The fuel economy is around 15 mpg, although there is a concern that the heaters will significantly affect that when in operation. In addition, how long will the bus last? The cost is not substantially less than an E200 or Wrights Streetlite, but the vehicle won't last the same length of time. We are waiting on a final price, which will influence on what we do next as we need to assess the whole life cost.
Thankyou for that useful insight. If you wouldn't mind keeping us up to date.
What a going to be used on the new 31/32 service in walsall
Quote from: Solo1 on August 17, 2018, 09:12:25 AM
What a going to be used on the new 31/32 service in walsall
We will use the balance of the 62/13 plate Volvo's from Heathrow, plus the 4 x 13 plate Volvo's which currently operate on the 4.
Will the ex central buses /Hanson's now start to be painted as they will be buses spare from the 42/43 service
Quote from: Solo1 on August 18, 2018, 09:20:10 AM
Will the ex central buses /Hanson's now start to be painted as they will be buses spare from the 42/43 service
Priority is to paint the buses for the 31/32 service. With the Scania's transferring in from Heathrow, the already transferred in Volvo's, the service reductions (2 PVR 42/43, 3 PVR 31/32, 2 PVR 318, plus Wessex transfers, and October contract losses) a lot of the older Hansons vehicles won't need to be painted.
At present we don't know all the answers to the questions, but we are continuing to park older vehicles up.
@Simon Dunn what routes are up for tender this October?
Quote from: SL 16 YPN on August 19, 2018, 11:22:48 AM
@Simon Dunn what routes are up for tender this October?
This may not be everything. However, I believe from memory the following
There are some other operators tenders, which I don't have to hand
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 19, 2018, 12:51:05 PM
This may not be everything. However, I believe from memory the following
There are some other operators tenders, which I don't have to hand
@Simon Dunn Arriva's 3A is also one going out to tender. Apparently NXWM have won the evening/Sunday tender on the 3A, and the Sunday 19 tender. Both will be operated by Walsall Garage with the 3A being renumbered the 3 (like the daytime Arriva service), and cut back to The Parade in Brownhills.
@Simon Dunn It is a great thing that you are looking at updating your fleet but are there any plans to update some of the more tired buses that are on high frequency routes like the 002 for example?,
The reason I ask is that most days there are trips missed due to breakdowns and a lot of the busses on there really struggle to go uphill on many occasions
Quote from: persuer on August 21, 2018, 08:57:27 PM
@Simon Dunn It is a great thing that you are looking at updating your fleet but are there any plans to update some of the more tired buses that are on high frequency routes like the 002 for example?,
The reason I ask is that most days there are trips missed due to breakdowns and a lot of the busses on there really struggle to go uphill on many occasions
We are looking at options to change a number of buses
@Simon Dunn more of a rant than a question. Every time you stick a royals on the 4H it ends up A) breaking down or B) returning to garage. This bus is then not replaced for a long time causing a number of trips to be missed, similar to the 002 actually. If these buses can't cope with these routes why put them on there in the first place. There's clearly an issue with a number of centros, which don't seem to be repaired. I like this company but my god the maintenance is atrocious.
30825 is one to return to garage today.
Hi Simon, are there any days, presumably a Sunday, where some of the newly liveried B7RLE's for the 42/43/43A aren't in use? If so, would it be possible to arrange a visit to the depot at all on one of these days, as I'd love to get some good reference images of one, so that I could recreate it for the Omsi Bus Simulator?
Many thanks,
Quote from: Trident 4194 on August 22, 2018, 12:58:24 PM
@Simon Dunn more of a rant than a question. Every time you stick a royals on the 4H it ends up A) breaking down or B) returning to garage. This bus is then not replaced for a long time causing a number of trips to be missed, similar to the 002 actually. If these buses can't cope with these routes why put them on there in the first place. There's clearly an issue with a number of centros, which don't seem to be repaired. I like this company but my god the maintenance is atrocious.
30825 is one to return to garage today.
I am currently on annual leave, so I am sorry about the delay.
30825 - you are correct it broke down today. The vehicles alternator seized and the vehicle was swapped over. We are currently using a lot of the spare capacity we have to repaint vehicles for another route, so there was an element of lost mileage.
I apologise for this. I am told this vehicle has now been fixed and returned to service
Quote from: StourValley98 on August 22, 2018, 07:36:43 PM
Hi Simon, are there any days, presumably a Sunday, where some of the newly liveried B7RLE's for the 42/43/43A aren't in use? If so, would it be possible to arrange a visit to the depot at all on one of these days, as I'd love to get some good reference images of one, so that I could recreate it for the Omsi Bus Simulator?
Many thanks,
We have 5 vehicles in the 42/43 livery. On a Sunday only 1 is in service.
You are more than welcome to take pictures on a Sunday. If you want to arrange this, please email me the dates to, so I can arrange for someone to be at the depot
Reason for 30413 returning to garage today? Lots of these buses seem to go back garage in middle of the day?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on August 30, 2018, 08:12:55 PM
Reason for 30413 returning to garage today? Lots of these buses seem to go back garage in middle of the day?
I am told the vehicle experienced a defect, the defect wasnt safety related. However, it was decided that as it would only take a few minutes to rectify the vehicle returned to depot to do this
So 30413 been replaced by 20543 which smells of bleach- clearly just been put in service as a replacement
19:22 to Oldbury from Halesowen is a no show
Quote from: Trident 4194 on September 03, 2018, 07:44:26 PM
So 30413 been replaced by 20543 which smells of bleach- clearly just been put in service as a replacement
19:22 to Oldbury from Halesowen is a no show
Does this relate to yesterday 3rd September?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 04, 2018, 08:30:21 AM
Does this relate to yesterday 3rd September?
I am told the Bleach was the cleaning material we use. It had apparently just been cleaned before it went out.
I am told the 1915 Hayley Green service - the vehicle cut out just before this trip.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 02, 2018, 09:02:57 AM
1. TfWM have a collection of Real time stop displays from VIX and an organisation that used to be called 21st Century.
2. They are moving all RTI feeds and Bus Stop fees to ITO World
3. At present operators provide data feeds to both ITO world and VIX.
4. Eventually all bus stop information will come from ITO world.
5. The ITO world platform will provide a RTI feed to Travelline.
6. We provide a link to TfWM, we have done for some time and they are trying to integrate it.
Simon I am curious to know if there are any updates on this yet? Tfwm's own staff don't seem to have a clue whats going on so I was wondering if you had heard anything your end? Given the roll out of West Midlands Bus on four (technically five) routes, I am amazed they have not sorted this by now.
Thanks in advance.
Quote from: V89MOA on September 06, 2018, 05:34:10 PM
Simon I am curious to know if there are any updates on this yet? Tfwm's own staff don't seem to have a clue whats going on so I was wondering if you had heard anything your end? Given the roll out of West Midlands Bus on four (technically five) routes, I am amazed they have not sorted this by now.
Thanks in advance.
Since our last communication not much has advanced. The DfT has a consultation in process around Open access data. It is expected that this will change the requirement and mandate the provision of this
Hi Simon
When will you finish painting vechielsfor th 31/32 or how many are left to do
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on September 06, 2018, 09:23:24 PM
Hi Simon
When will you finish painting vechielsfor th 31/32 or how many are left to do
We are aiming to have them all done by the end of next week
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 07, 2018, 08:22:40 AM
We are aiming to have them all done by the end of next week
Thanks Simon looking forward to it
Did you know at least one of your Tividale vehicles cannot display the 31 & 32 correctly, displaying 301 & 302 instead?
Didnt get the number but it was in service today.
Hi Simon.
Boarded one of your 251 services this morning with a Sandwell and Dudley nBus at Merry Hill to be told by the driver it wasn't valid, despite it saying nBus on the ticket.
Now I know, and I'm sure you know, that any ticket stating nBus is valid on Diamond, and that Merry Hill through to Stourbridge is in the Dudley and Sandwell nbus area, so why do some of your Kidderminster drivers seem to think that it's a NX product.
It took 2 NX drivers, a phone call by your driver and the Network West Midlands website to confirm that it is valid and that he should accept it, something which could have been simpler if there was a driver notice at the depot or on the drivers running board with which tickets would be accepted and which ones are not on each service.
The problem was compounded due to the fact that according to your driver, and my own quick look myself, that the product in question, which is a Transport for West Midlands product, wasn't even on the ticket machine for drivers to issue!
I dread to think how many of these valid tickets your drivers have failed to accept, and how many people Diamond have overcharged by not having this product available when it is meant to valid.
Can you arrange for your drivers to be reminded of valid products and what they look like on different ticket stock so this incident isn't repeated as it is not right that valid tickets are being rejected and the product to be put on ticket machines/advertised on bus.
I've attached a copy of the ticket in question below.
Quote from: Westy on September 09, 2018, 07:12:31 PM
Did you know at least one of your Tividale vehicles cannot display the 31 & 32 correctly, displaying 301 & 302 instead?
Didnt get the number but it was in service today.
I have picked up the comments from elsewhere. All the buses have the 31/32 on, we are going to remove 301 & 302 off all the blinds this weekend to stop this happening
Would you consider extended the X16 to serve Tamworth town centre both ways
Quote from: the trainbasher on September 14, 2018, 12:32:42 PM
Hi Simon.
Boarded one of your 251 services this morning with a Sandwell and Dudley nBus at Merry Hill to be told by the driver it wasn't valid, despite it saying nBus on the ticket.
Now I know, and I'm sure you know, that any ticket stating nBus is valid on Diamond, and that Merry Hill through to Stourbridge is in the Dudley and Sandwell nbus area, so why do some of your Kidderminster drivers seem to think that it's a NX product.
It took 2 NX drivers, a phone call by your driver and the Network West Midlands website to confirm that it is valid and that he should accept it, something which could have been simpler if there was a driver notice at the depot or on the drivers running board with which tickets would be accepted and which ones are not on each service.
The problem was compounded due to the fact that according to your driver, and my own quick look myself, that the product in question, which is a Transport for West Midlands product, wasn't even on the ticket machine for drivers to issue!
I dread to think how many of these valid tickets your drivers have failed to accept, and how many people Diamond have overcharged by not having this product available when it is meant to valid.
Can you arrange for your drivers to be reminded of valid products and what they look like on different ticket stock so this incident isn't repeated as it is not right that valid tickets are being rejected and the product to be put on ticket machines/advertised on bus.
I've attached a copy of the ticket in question below.
Your are correct, this was a fault on our Ticket Machine set up and has been corrected
Quote from: Solo1 on September 18, 2018, 09:16:33 AM
Would you consider extended the X16 to serve Tamworth town centre both ways
If there was sufficient demand
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 21, 2018, 05:06:45 AM
If there was sufficient demand
you could trial it not sure how far from terminus to Tamworth town centre is but worth a try
Would there be any potential mileage in changing the 226 during the daytime (say for example, during the times the current 250/251 run) back to every 15, but alternating journeys so 2 an hour run the current route through Swan Lane and Hawbush Road, with the other 2 an hour running Brierley Hill Road and Brockmoor, especially if NXWM remove the new tendered 23 service from Leys Road.
I know it'd mean 2 extra buses being required, but it'd certainly improve the level of service that passengers in Brockmoor would get (especially some of the more elderly who live on the Leys)
Quote from: the trainbasher on September 21, 2018, 09:54:51 AM
Would there be any potential mileage in changing the 226 during the daytime (say for example, during the times the current 250/251 run) back to every 15, but alternating journeys so 2 an hour run the current route through Swan Lane and Hawbush Road, with the other 2 an hour running Brierley Hill Road and Brockmoor, especially if NXWM remove the new tendered 23 service from Leys Road.
I know it'd mean 2 extra buses being required, but it'd certainly improve the level of service that passengers in Brockmoor would get (especially some of the more elderly who live on the Leys)
The 226 route is already too long - so I wouldnt want to change this.
We have registered most of the journeys on the 250/251 commercially.
What's happened to 30201 and 30211?
Many thanks
Quote from: Trident 4194 on September 23, 2018, 08:55:05 AM
What's happened to 30201 and 30211?
Many thanks
30211 is withdrawn, and has been for a while as it was being stripped for spares when i went to the depot a few weeks back.
30201 is VOR.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on September 23, 2018, 08:55:05 AM
What's happened to 30201 and 30211?
Many thanks
Alex is correct
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 19, 2018, 02:19:43 PM
The 7 vehicles are to replace all the "63" plate Streetlites whose operating leases expire
any news on the 7 new street lites thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on October 01, 2018, 07:56:53 AM
any news on the 7 new street lites thanks
The Streetlites planned for Redditch will go to Tividale.
With the focus on Air quality in the West Midlands, we will put 27 new buses into Tividale between October and the end of January - if they are delivered to time.
This 27 is made up of 10 Mellor Strata and 17 Streetlites. We are going to change the livery slightly, this has delayed the Streetlites, we do not expect the first Streetlites to b ready until late December/early January.
What service will.they be going on & What 're they replacing thank you
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 01, 2018, 08:18:02 AM
The Streetlites planned for Redditch will go to Tividale.
With the focus on Air quality in the West Midlands, we will put 27 new buses into Tividale between October and the end of January - if they are delivered to time.
This 27 is made up of 10 Mellor Strata and 17 Streetlites. We are going to change the livery slightly, this has delayed the Streetlites, we do not expect the first Streetlites to b ready until late December/early January.
This presumably make most if not all darts at tividale to be withdrawn?
Quote from: Solo1 on October 01, 2018, 08:31:38 AM
What service will.they be going on & What 're they replacing thank you
We will try to use them as hard as possible on Subsidised services both Monday to Saturday and Sundays.
They will definitely be showing up on
Quote from: Trident 4194 on October 01, 2018, 09:21:08 AM
This presumably make most if not all darts at tividale to be withdrawn?
That is the intention
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 01, 2018, 07:02:20 PM
We will try to use them as hard as possible on Subsidised services both Monday to Saturday and Sundays.
They will definitely be showing up on
The Brownhills 23 or the Bilston 23?
Quote from: Jack on October 01, 2018, 07:03:33 PM
The Brownhills 23 or the Bilston 23?
23 Wednesbury to Portobello
When you say a delay
@Simon Dunn does this mean they will be in WM Bus livery?
Quote from: SL 16 YPN on October 01, 2018, 09:09:33 PM
When you say a delay @Simon Dunn does this mean they will be in WM Bus livery?
No, a revised Diamond Bus Livery.
Simon please look at 30850 before sending it out on such a demanding service. 2mph up hills sounded like something underneath was wrong too. Ideally if I was you I would not have the ex Redditch B7RLES on the 4H they overheat and are not mechanically sound. 30834 also is not good and missed out a trip today
Hi Simon, are you aware that there is a Twitter account impersonating Diamond Bus? It might be one for your legal team to look at?
Hi Simon could you tell me please if Tividale Kidderminster or Redditch are having anymore buses from Wessex I believe the latest one was fleet number 30949 to Tividale thank you
Quote from: StourValley98 on October 03, 2018, 08:31:15 PM
Hi Simon, are you aware that there is a Twitter account impersonating Diamond Bus? It might be one for your legal team to look at?
Thank you, I will ask someone to deal with this
Quote from: Trident 4194 on October 02, 2018, 08:21:22 PM
Simon please look at 30850 before sending it out on such a demanding service. 2mph up hills sounded like something underneath was wrong too. Ideally if I was you I would not have the ex Redditch B7RLES on the 4H they overheat and are not mechanically sound. 30834 also is not good and missed out a trip today
I will look into this.
Quote from: mark114 on October 03, 2018, 10:15:27 PM
Hi Simon could you tell me please if Tividale Kidderminster or Redditch are having anymore buses from Wessex I believe the latest one was fleet number 30949 to Tividale thank you
All the buses that are going to be moved have been moved. So if you are going by the latest fleet list that Tony has then the answer is no.
We were originally going to move more, and break up the new bus order. However, with Air quality focus in the West Midlands we decided to send most of the Wessex vehicles to Manchester and focus the new bus order on the West Midlands
Hi Simon,
I Just wondered what Diamonds current position is on fitting cash vaults to buses?
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on October 09, 2018, 12:29:42 AM
Hi Simon,
I Just wondered what Diamonds current position is on fitting cash vaults to buses?
We have no desire to fit cash faults to buses
Hi Simon
Don't really like to "grass" on drivers but thought you may be interested in something that happened this evening (25/10/18).
I was on the 16:52 from Stourbridge 298 service. I got on at Wynall Lane with my swift card wishing to travel to Oldswinford. As soon as I got on the bus the driver asked where I was going to and I said Oldswinford. He said Oh but then said that will be ok, then he said it's ok because this journey doesn't go to Stourbridge. I thought to myself thats odd because its shown on the timetable as going to Stourbridge. Anyway got off just before Oldswinford Cross and then watched the bus which when it got to the traffic lights turned left instead of carrying straight on.
I know it's only a small portion of the route that is missed but thaats not the point, if it's shown in the timetable to go to Stourbridge it should go there. What if an someone had been waiting at one of the stops on the Hagley Road that the bus missed?
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on October 25, 2018, 11:41:46 PM
Hi Simon
Don't really like to "grass" on drivers but thought you may be interested in something that happened this evening (25/10/18).
I was on the 16:52 from Stourbridge 298 service. I got on at Wynall Lane with my swift card wishing to travel to Oldswinford. As soon as I got on the bus the driver asked where I was going to and I said Oldswinford. He said Oh but then said that will be ok, then he said it's ok because this journey doesn't go to Stourbridge. I thought to myself thats odd because its shown on the timetable as going to Stourbridge. Anyway got off just before Oldswinford Cross and then watched the bus which when it got to the traffic lights turned left instead of carrying straight on.
I know it's only a small portion of the route that is missed but thaats not the point, if it's shown in the timetable to go to Stourbridge it should go there. What if an someone had been waiting at one of the stops on the Hagley Road that the bus missed?
Thank you for the message.
We have reviewed the tracking data this morning, and the driver will be interviewed today.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention
Quote from: Westy on September 09, 2018, 07:12:31 PM
Did you know at least one of your Tividale vehicles cannot display the 31 & 32 correctly, displaying 301 & 302 instead?
Didnt get the number but it was in service today.
another one still displaying 302 lower farm think it might have been a replacement bus as one did break down near hospital street but still as i got on the bus cant remember fleet number i think it was 308** a woman said have they changed the numbers back to 301/302 and driver said no this is causing confusion
@Simon Dunn can you sort this out please
EDIT: it wasn't broken down front window got smashed
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on October 29, 2018, 04:51:39 PM
another one still displaying 302 lower farm think it might have been a replacement bus as one did break down near hospital street but still as i got on the bus cant remember fleet number i think it was 308** a woman said have they changed the numbers back to 301/302 and driver said no this is causing confusion @Simon Dunn can you sort this out please
EDIT: it wasn't broken down front window got smashed
I will get it checked - thank you
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on October 29, 2018, 04:51:39 PM
another one still displaying 302 lower farm think it might have been a replacement bus as one did break down near hospital street but still as i got on the bus cant remember fleet number i think it was 308** a woman said have they changed the numbers back to 301/302 and driver said no this is causing confusion @Simon Dunn can you sort this out please
EDIT: it wasn't broken down front window got smashed
once again another one of your vechiels displaying 301 today aswell think it was 3088*
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on November 01, 2018, 04:50:36 PM
once again another one of your vechiels displaying 301 today aswell think it was 3088*
I will get this rectified.
Thank you
30970 displaying 301 and 302 as its on until midnight a lot of people didn't get on it at 19:30 from Walsall as they thought it was a shuttle service
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on November 03, 2018, 10:31:44 PM
30970 displaying 301 and 302 as its on until midnight a lot of people didn't get on it at 19:30 from Walsall as they thought it was a shuttle service
Thank you. These have now been corrected
Thank you Simon saw 30966 displaying 31 today as normal
Hi Simon
Is there any reason why the 16:55, 30 from West Bromwich to Stone Cross today decided to only go as far as Great Bridge? I thought this was a tenderd service? I think the bus number was 21214.
Quote from: HTA844N on November 13, 2018, 05:51:22 PM
Hi Simon
Is there any reason why the 16:55, 30 from West Bromwich to Stone Cross today decided to only go as far as Great Bridge? I thought this was a tenderd service? I think the bus number was 21214.
Thank you. I will get this investigated
Hi simon,
Can you please tell me why the 18:19 journey from Walsall (30409) didn't pull onto stand in Halesowen bus station ( arrived at Halesowen 19:35- 13 minutes late). The driver then continued to go towards Hayley green despite not stopping at the stand. The 19:37 arrived at 19:48 so it was not like there was enough bus directly behind
Quote from: Trident 4194 on November 15, 2018, 08:27:36 PM
Hi simon,
Can you please tell me why the 18:19 journey from Walsall (30409) didn't pull onto stand in Halesowen bus station ( arrived at Halesowen 19:35- 13 minutes late). The driver then continued to go towards Hayley green despite not stopping at the stand. The 19:37 arrived at 19:48 so it was not like there was enough bus directly behind
The driver has been interviewed tonight on his return to depot. He offered in response that there was a police car blocking the stand which seems strange. Was you there? Did you see a police car blocking the stand? He claims he couldn't see any passengers waiting on the stand either.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 16, 2018, 05:04:12 AM
The driver has been interviewed tonight on his return to depot. He offered in response that there was a police car blocking the stand which seems strange. Was you there? Did you see a police car blocking the stand? He claims he couldn't see any passengers waiting on the stand either.
I was there at the time there was definitely no police car on stand. Thanks for chasing it up. Let's hope now he won't do it again!! At that time of night with only one departure after it, it's especially annoying- the one behind may have broken down, then I would have billed you a taxi
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 16, 2018, 05:04:12 AM
.... He claims he couldn't see any passengers waiting on the stand either.
Hold on, this is a bus station, surely buses have to stop at the stand regardless?
Hi Simon
Did you find out what happened to the last journey on the 30 the other night between Great Bridge & Stone Cross?
And while we're at it, have your drivers on the joint routes been re-educated on accepting Nx tickets as per my post elsewhere?
Quote from: HTA844N on November 16, 2018, 01:04:31 PM
Hi Simon
Did you find out what happened to the last journey on the 30 the other night between Great Bridge & Stone Cross?
Ticketer shows the trip as operating
Quote from: Westy on November 16, 2018, 08:35:57 PM
And while we're at it, have your drivers on the joint routes been re-educated on accepting Nx tickets as per my post elsewhere?
All our drivers which are given specific training for the 31, 32, 42, 43, and 43a.
If you have come across a driver who hasn't, please let me know where and when and I will ask to see the training.
Do you have a radio for drivers so they can be adjusted or do the drivers take it upon themselves to turn around if there a few minutes late. It seems to me drivers are just turning around at the first opportunity. In fact they will miss part of a route out so they can have a fag break and then can resume on time. It's totally unnaccepable in my opinion and is happening far too much. Do you have any control over your drivers??
So the drivers are ordered to turn short then if they run a few minutes late?
@Trident 4194 - They don't need radio's, drivers can be & are contacted directly or globally with messages via their buses Ticketer machines, both from the traffic office or management. Drivers can also report issues the other way.
I noticed today, that the Stuarts Road and Richmond Road stops in Stechford now says "Out Of Use", are you aware why was this stop removed from the route, it was previously served by the 53 (Stechford) route?
I personally found it strange as the 53 goes around those back roads, whether or not it actually calls at that stop, as it still has to serve the station, and the Mellor Strata minibus on there the other week were still serving those back roads and heading up Victoria Rd, in Stechford?
Quote from: 2206 on December 25, 2018, 10:37:10 PM
I noticed today, that the Stuarts Road and Richmond Road stops in Stechford now says "Out Of Use", are you aware why was this stop removed from the route, it was previously served by the 53 (Stechford) route?
I personally found it strange as the 53 goes around those back roads, whether or not it actually calls at that stop, as it still has to serve the station, and the Mellor Strata minibus on there the other week were still serving those back roads and heading up Victoria Rd, in Stechford?
When we won the 53 tender in October, the route changed to improve reliability. These stops aren't supposed to being served. I will have a look tomorrow and see if I can identify if someone is operating the incorrect route
Hi Simon,
Hope you had a good Christmas.
I have a question regarding working for Diamond. My husband is a Sandwell Private Hire driver and picked up a member of your staff last week. While they were talking in the car, your staff member mentioned that Diamond were looking to recruit drivers. He obviously holds a full driving licence with no points on it and has a current CRB. He would be interested in working from your Tividale depot as we live in Smethwick.
Does he get in touch with you via your website or send a CV and covering letter as he is interested in obtaining his PSV.
Any details you can give would be gratefully appreciated.
Many thanks, and hope you have a Happy New Year.
Was having a 'mini' bash today & ended up in Stourbridge Bus Station.
Picked up one of your leaflet booklets for the Kiddy services(I guess it was there for the 125 service mainly!).
Until the services in Walsall were revised(some withdrawn in other words!) recently, this was the type of information we wanted from your company for those Walsall services, that were not included in NWM leaflets, so how did Stourbridge qualify for the leaflet, but Walsall didn't at the time?
I'm all for catching other operators, but, as before, without the physical info in the travelshops, how do people know about your services, if they can't go online?
Quote from: PinkBus on December 27, 2018, 05:17:52 PM
Hi Simon,
Hope you had a good Christmas.
I have a question regarding working for Diamond. My husband is a Sandwell Private Hire driver and picked up a member of your staff last week. While they were talking in the car, your staff member mentioned that Diamond were looking to recruit drivers. He obviously holds a full driving licence with no points on it and has a current CRB. He would be interested in working from your Tividale depot as we live in Smethwick.
Does he get in touch with you via your website or send a CV and covering letter as he is interested in obtaining his PSV.
Any details you can give would be gratefully appreciated.
Many thanks, and hope you have a Happy New Year.
Dear Madam
If you can email me on, I will put your husband onto the right person
Quote from: Westy on December 27, 2018, 05:45:32 PM
Was having a 'mini' bash today & ended up in Stourbridge Bus Station.
Picked up one of your leaflet booklets for the Kiddy services(I guess it was there for the 125 service mainly!).
Until the services in Walsall were revised(some withdrawn in other words!) recently, this was the type of information we wanted from your company for those Walsall services, that were not included in NWM leaflets, so how did Stourbridge qualify for the leaflet, but Walsall didn't at the time?
I'm all for catching other operators, but, as before, without the physical info in the travelshops, how do people know about your services, if they can't go online?
In the TfWM area, TfWM like to produce all timetables.
We have respected this, and we work with them on timetables. I accept your comments and we should have done more.
On the combined routes both operators produce the timetable information together.
In Worcestershire/Shropshire area(s) neither Local authority express a desire to produce anything, so we get on and do our own thing.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 28, 2018, 02:55:36 PM
In the TfWM area, TfWM like to produce all timetables.
We have respected this, and we work with them on timetables. I accept your comments and we should have done more.
On the combined routes both operators produce the timetable information together.
In Worcestershire/Shropshire area(s) neither Local authority express a desire to produce anything, so we get on and do our own thing.
Understand this, but there's at least 2 routes in Walsall you withdrew recently, & I never saw timetable leaflets for them!
If these were withdrawn due to lack of patronage, it's hardly surprising, if no one knew the times!
(I noticed in Walsall WM Travelshop, there was one of your branded leaflets for a service in Solihull!)
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 28, 2018, 02:52:29 PM
Dear Madam
If you can email me on, I will put your husband onto the right person
Hi Simon
Many thanks for your reply, I'm sorry I haven't answered sooner but have been busy with family over New Year.
I'll email you for the details, as he is very interested in working for Diamond.
Hope you have a Happy and successful 2019.
Any news on the new streetlites thanks
Hi Simon, I contacted your customer support number a while ago about a driver on the 42 using his phone at the wheel, this would've been the first service from Tipton to West Bromwich on the 13th January. I haven't heard anything back since and when I called up they had no record of any call.
I also just had the 1745 42 at Burnt Tree Tesco towards Tipton fly past without stopping. Coupled with the fact a 42 crashed into a barrier at Tipton station in front of me, this service is becoming a joke.
Would you be able to look into these issues please as I have no confidence in your staff to do so anymore.
Quote from: Solo1 on January 24, 2019, 08:35:10 AM
Any news on the new streetlites thanks
The vehicles were due in December, then January. We have delivery dates on the first 6, which span between today and 06/02. Apparently they have a supplier issue with their seating provider
Quote from: StourValley98 on January 24, 2019, 05:57:44 PM
Hi Simon, I contacted your customer support number a while ago about a driver on the 42 using his phone at the wheel, this would've been the first service from Tipton to West Bromwich on the 13th January. I haven't heard anything back since and when I called up they had no record of any call.
I also just had the 1745 42 at Burnt Tree Tesco towards Tipton fly past without stopping. Coupled with the fact a 42 crashed into a barrier at Tipton station in front of me, this service is becoming a joke.
Would you be able to look into these issues please as I have no confidence in your staff to do so anymore.
All the partnership routes, have live feed CCTV camera's, which means we can view through a web browser real time or anytime.
The driver concerned is in the process of being put through the companes discplinary procedure.
If you can give me the specific date on the 1745 42 journey - again we will review the camera's
Thank you
Thanks Simon what service will the street lites going on & will they be out 1 as a time or all 6 together thank you
ive just seen the express and star from last night about the fire hope no serviceable buses were destroyed very sad to hear of this hope everyone is ok such a shame the youth of today have nothing better to do.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 25, 2019, 08:20:59 AMIf you can give me the specific date on the 1745 42 journey - again we will review the camera's
Hi Simon, this was yesterday, the 24th January. Thanks.
Quote from: Solo1 on January 25, 2019, 08:44:54 AM
Thanks Simon what service will the street lites going on & will they be out 1 as a time or all 6 together thank you
We will use them as they are put into livery
As you are getting new buses will you be painting the excentral buses /Hanson's as you will have spare buses thank you
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 26, 2019, 08:25:19 AM
We will use them as they are put into livery
ok thank you what's the earlier the first one will be out on the road thank you
Quote from: cris 99 on January 25, 2019, 09:39:58 AM
ive just seen the express and star from last night about the fire hope no serviceable buses were destroyed very sad to hear of this hope everyone is ok such a shame the youth of today have nothing better to do.
Yes, we had 12 vehicles damaged in total. 6 vehicles are fire damaged, for those interested they were
Fleet Number Registration No.
20011 BU08ACX
20007 BU08ADZ
30935 VX54MTE
20003 KP02PUX
30489 KW02DRZ
20540 KS03EXL
Quote from: Solo1 on January 26, 2019, 09:13:20 AM
As you are getting new buses will you be painting the excentral buses /Hanson's as you will have spare buses thank you
We have painted an odd Central Bus into livery and we expect to paint the vast majority of the ex-central fleet. Most of the Ex-Hansons fleet is part of the older fleet we operate and we will only paint the more modern vehicles.
THANKYOU for the reply simon much appreciated i presume the other 6 damaged ones were just windows etc
Quote from: cris 99 on January 27, 2019, 04:09:11 PM
THANKYOU for the reply simon much appreciated i presume the other 6 damaged ones were just windows etc
The loss adjuster attended yesterday and found that there was actually 7 damaged from the fire. KP02PVA is the last vehicle, the remaining vehicles just had smashed windows
glad to hear the culprit has been found now lets hope some action is taken . i did hear it was all withdrawn vehicles in the fire but i didnt realise 30489 was withdrawn
Simon, have you considered changing your timetable on the 4H in the evening?
What routes are the streetlites for?
Drivers taking the mick again this morning not turning up!
Will the new two-tone livery be rolled out or repainted to the existing fleet?
Any news on April tenders?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on January 30, 2019, 07:21:38 PM
Simon, have you considered changing your timetable on the 4H in the evening?
What routes are the streetlites for?
Drivers taking the mick again this morning not turning up!
1. Change in what way?
2. 125, we are going to trial on the 50, and 002.
3. What do you think drivers are doing wrong?
Quote from: Jack on February 02, 2019, 05:59:27 PM
Will the new two-tone livery be rolled out or repainted to the existing fleet?
That is the intention
Quote from: metrocity on February 02, 2019, 06:12:49 PM
Any news on April tenders?
We have an indication, but nothing is confirmed. At present we expect our PVR to reduce by around 6
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 03, 2019, 06:06:53 AM
1. Change in what way?
2. 125, we are going to trial on the 50, and 002.
3. What do you think drivers are doing wrong?
1) allow extra time so that buses complete the whole route all the time. The amount that don't drive the full route is unbelievable.
3) linked with not enough running times so drivers who are late don't bother to continue driving the whole route
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 03, 2019, 06:08:30 AM
We have an indication, but nothing is confirmed. At present we expect our PVR to reduce by around 6
Which of your routes are up for tender please
@Simon Dunn?
Quote from: 2206 on February 03, 2019, 08:34:44 AM
Which of your routes are up for tender please @Simon Dunn?
68 A/C
61 which one Wolverhampton or Perry Barr one thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on February 04, 2019, 07:53:07 AM
61 which one Wolverhampton or Perry Barr one thanks
When are the Walsall area routes up for retender?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 04, 2019, 07:40:31 AM
68 A/C
Thanks for the info.
1) Are 20055 and 20842 ever going to be painted and used in service?
2) Is 30201 still destined to come back?
Has there been any thought of introducing a "low fare zone" ticket for Sandwell and Dudley similar to the comparable areas nbus ticket?
Quote from: the trainbasher on February 05, 2019, 06:11:05 PM
Has there been any thought of introducing a "low fare zone" ticket for Sandwell and Dudley similar to the comparable areas nbus ticket?
Our fares are already lower - so no
Any news on the new mellor minibuses for the feb changes thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on February 07, 2019, 09:28:34 AM
Any news on the new mellor minibuses for the feb changes thanks
Any news in what respect?
When the mellor mini buses are due as I thought mellor mini buses are going on 42 in Coventry & on the S1 with the Feb changes + the others I take it will be April tenders thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on February 07, 2019, 12:40:24 PM
When the mellor mini buses are due as I thought mellor mini buses are going on 42 in Coventry & on the S1 with the Feb changes + the others I take it will be April tenders thanks
There are 5 due next week and 5 more in April. 3 will go to Redditch, 2 to Kidderminster and 5 to Tividale.
According to a post by winston about plain white streetlites appearing in heysham docks, are any of these bound for the West Midlands
which depot are having the first 5 thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on February 07, 2019, 03:21:28 PM
which depot are having the first 5 thanks
Redditch 3. Tividale 2
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 07, 2019, 03:49:58 PM
Redditch 3. Tividale 2
thank you I take it they will be on 42 in Coventry & 1 in Solihull what service will they be on for tividale
thank you
Simon as a matter of significant importance. Can you tell me why the 19:07 and 19:22 4H's haven't departed from Halesowen to terminus. The 19:07 arrived at 18:57 in Halesowen which in itself is running early. The 19:22 arrived Halesowen 19:15. Both should have continued to the loop. Just been to ask them and they say there both finished for the day. No vehicles are due to finish their board in Halesowen bus station. They most certainly should not have been. Absolute disgrace again. Your drivers shouldn't have the job if they think it's acceptable to not drive the route which they are being paid too drive.
30823 was one of the buses involved. If you could investigate this and Get back to me would be greatly appreciated
Quote from: Solo1 on February 07, 2019, 04:06:49 PM
thank you I take it they will be on 42 in Coventry & 1 in Solihull what service will they be on for tividale
thank you
They will be 2 of the 5 Euro 6 vehicles required for recently re-awarded tenders
What service with the 2 mellor be on prior to the April contractsyhank you
Simon did you investigate my previous complaint?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on February 10, 2019, 08:33:49 PM
Simon did you investigate my previous complaint?
Sorry for the delay in response.
The Tividale Operations Manager has investigated your comments and responded as follows
1. The 1907 journey arrived in Halesiowen at 1911 hrs and then continued to Hayley Green.
2. The 1922 journey arrived in Halesowen at 1923 hrs and then terminated. The driver involved is now in the process of being put through the companies disciplinary procedure.
I am sorry for your inconvenience. The driver involved will be dealt with immediately
Thanks for carrying out the investigation. Don't know how the 19:07 journey operated, because I had been there since 7:00. Perhaps didn't come on stand who knows. Anyway if this happens again I will inform you.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on February 13, 2019, 10:09:40 PM
Thanks for carrying out the investigation. Don't know how the 19:07 journey operated, because I had been there since 7:00. Perhaps didn't come on stand who knows. Anyway if this happens again I will inform you.
I believe I have previously been asked were the new Streetlites will feature. In total we now have 10 x 10.8m. There will be 17.
Of the 17 they are allocated to
3 - 125 Kidderminster Depot
7 - 002 Tividale Depot
7 - 50 Tividale Depot until 24/02/19 (route transfer to Redditch)
So when the 50 gets transferred to Redditch will most buses be running dead from Maypole back to garage ??
Quote from: Jaysnerz007 on February 14, 2019, 04:52:20 PM
So when the 50 gets transferred to Redditch will most buses be running dead from Maypole back to garage ??
All 50 buses will run from Redditch after 23/2/19. We will look at whether we prune some of the runnings in view of the depot then operating
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 14, 2019, 08:43:55 AM
I believe I have previously been asked were the new Streetlites will feature. In total we now have 10 x 10.8m. There will be 17.
Of the 17 they are allocated to
3 - 125 Kidderminster Depot
7 - 002 Tividale Depot
7 - 50 Tividale Depot until 24/02/19 (route transfer to Redditch)
Appologies if it has already been asked or answered, elsewhere. But are there more new vehicles due ontop of those or is that it?
I recall reading somewhere you are getting some new Mellor Strata minibuses for the S1 in Solihull - soon to be A1?
@2206 Look on the page before in this thread,
Quote from: 2206 on February 14, 2019, 08:49:49 PM
Appologies if it has already been asked or answered, elsewhere. But are there more new vehicles due ontop of those or is that it?
I recall reading somewhere you are getting some new Mellor Strata minibuses for the S1 in Solihull - soon to be A1?
@2206 Look on the page before in this thread,
There were 5 x Mellor Due 2 weeks ago. We are waiting on an update.
3 will go to Redditch for C42, and A1, plus spare
2 will stay at Tividale for April Euro 6 contract awards.
5 more are due in April. 2 for Kidderminster and 3 for Tividale (again Euro 6 contract awards)
5 more due June - not yet decided destination
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 14, 2019, 08:43:55 AM
I believe I have previously been asked were the new Streetlites will feature. In total we now have 10 x 10.8m. There will be 17.
Of the 17 they are allocated to
3 - 125 Kidderminster Depot
7 - 002 Tividale Depot
7 - 50 Tividale Depot until 24/02/19 (route transfer to Redditch)
Will these then be branded for their respective routes?
Not quite a question but... whose idea was the extension on Coventry service 42 to Browns Lane, I'm not saying the extension isn't a bad idea but the routing hasn't been properly considered.
I don't care whether yourselves or TfWM are to blame but the routing (as seen on TravelineWM website) will make the service half useless for residents on what was the Coundon loop, for example if elderly persons wants to board at Overslade Crescent for travel to the City Centre they will need to take the outbound journey and travel to Brownshill Green and stay on board for the return journey making their journey about 14 minutes longer and I suppose driver might ask them to scan their pass again at the terminus. It is also not possible to do this on the first journey towards City.
Expect to see a number of complaints from users about this, however this could be easily and quickly resolved if the inbound route gets amended to take exactly the reverse of the outbound route.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 14, 2019, 09:24:13 PM
There were 5 x Mellor Due 2 weeks ago. We are waiting on an update.
3 will go to Redditch for C42, and A1, plus spare
2 will stay at Tividale for April Euro 6 contract awards.
5 more are due in April. 2 for Kidderminster and 3 for Tividale (again Euro 6 contract awards)
5 more due June - not yet decided destination
Thanks for the info.
What do you intend on doing with the current Signature Solihull buses after next Saturday with most of the Solihull work having been lost?
Will they be repainted and placed on other Redditch Depot routes? Or will they move to another depot?
Quote from: 2206 on February 17, 2019, 09:08:46 PM
Thanks for the info.
What do you intend on doing with the current Signature Solihull buses after next Saturday with most of the Solihull work having been lost?
Will they be repainted and placed on other Redditch Depot routes? Or will they move to another depot?
At present there are areas of new business which they may be used for. So we are not 100% sure.
What streetlite fleet numbers are Redditch due please thanks
Are you aware of the issues with the tracking app recently?
@Simon Dunn 30926 can't lower the floor for when buggies or when a man on the mobility scooter came on also the warning light came on and struggled to get up lower farms hills on the 32
Quote from: JPC on February 15, 2019, 06:25:57 PM
Not quite a question but... whose idea was the extension on Coventry service 42 to Browns Lane, I'm not saying the extension isn't a bad idea but the routing hasn't been properly considered.
I don't care whether yourselves or TfWM are to blame but the routing (as seen on TravelineWM website) will make the service half useless for residents on what was the Coundon loop, for example if elderly persons wants to board at Overslade Crescent for travel to the City Centre they will need to take the outbound journey and travel to Brownshill Green and stay on board for the return journey making their journey about 14 minutes longer and I suppose driver might ask them to scan their pass again at the terminus. It is also not possible to do this on the first journey towards City.
Expect to see a number of complaints from users about this, however this could be easily and quickly resolved if the inbound route gets amended to take exactly the reverse of the outbound route.
The route has been designed and tendered by TfWM
Quote from: 2206 on February 17, 2019, 09:08:46 PM
Thanks for the info.
What do you intend on doing with the current Signature Solihull buses after next Saturday with most of the Solihull work having been lost?
Will they be repainted and placed on other Redditch Depot routes? Or will they move to another depot?
We haven't decided as yet
Quote from: Trident 4194 on February 22, 2019, 04:51:43 PM
Are you aware of the issues with the tracking app recently?
No - I have checked today and I am told it is working. Do you have a specific concern I can get IT to look at
@Simon Dunn - May not be the same issue I experienced, but using the website tracking data rather than phone app), all vehicles locations were showing up globally, but when you clicked on an individual route, individual vehicle locations were either painfully slow to load, didn't load at all or on a couple of occassions a few vehicles from adjacent routes would show up with only the blue route map for that specific route I'd selected. Not checked since.
Does anyone know if the 35B is being withdrawn or not
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 25, 2019, 10:23:29 AM
No - I have checked today and I am told it is working. Do you have a specific concern I can get IT to look at
@Simon Dunn - May not be the same issue I experienced, but using the website tracking data rather than phone app), all vehicles locations were showing up globally, but when you clicked on an individual route, individual vehicle locations were either painfully slow to load, didn't load at all or on a couple of occassions a few vehicles from adjacent routes would show up with only the blue route map for that specific route I'd selected. Not checked since.
We will look into this.
Quote from: BusMan Greg on February 28, 2019, 07:32:58 PM
Does anyone know if the 35B is being withdrawn or not
We were asked by Staffordshire if they could retender the 35B early. (was April wanted to move to October). The service financially washed its face - so we agreed.
Staffordshire retendered a 36 service which we haven't been awarded. (not the same as 35B)
Seeing as when I complain about punctuality on your website I get no reply, Ill try on here this time.
See below screenshot of where the 09.35 657 from Kingswinford is. First journey failing to operate i assume?
Quote from: bususer12 on March 01, 2019, 09:45:07 AM
Seeing as when I complain about punctuality on your website I get no reply, Ill try on here this time.
See below screenshot of where the 09.35 657 from Kingswinford is. First journey failing to operate i assume?
Why cant you start new threads on the Facebook page?
Quote from: bususer12 on March 01, 2019, 09:45:07 AM
Seeing as when I complain about punctuality on your website I get no reply, Ill try on here this time.
See below screenshot of where the 09.35 657 from Kingswinford is. First journey failing to operate i assume?
Dear Sir,
I have investigated your issue. The driver concerned fell over in the depot before departure. He cut his hand, and had to be cleaned up. He was fine to do so, but the delay meant that he lost the first 25 minutes in service.
I am sorry for your inconvenience
Hi Simon,
Will Diamond be taking any action regarding the E300s in the fleet, following the information given in this article?
Quote from: StourValley98 on March 06, 2019, 12:36:30 PM
Hi Simon,
Will Diamond be taking any action regarding the E300s in the fleet, following the information given in this article?
Thank you for your message.
The fault is common knowledge on the Enviro series. It is an item that we stock as a result. The article has already been shared with our Engineering Managers.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 06, 2019, 01:22:18 PM
Thank you for your message.
The fault is common knowledge on the Enviro series. It is an item that we stock as a result. The article has already been shared with our Engineering Managers.
Thanks for the response, glad to see that you've taken note of it.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 14, 2019, 08:44:47 PM
All 50 buses will run from Redditch after 23/2/19. We will look at whether we prune some of the runnings in view of the depot then operating
A bit late to the party, don't come on the forum much these days...
But now running from Redditch would you consider through services? Like with the 16W to/from West Brom for driver change as well as potential revenue
Quote from: Kevin on March 21, 2019, 08:03:56 AM
A bit late to the party, don't come on the forum much these days...
But now running from Redditch would you consider through services? Like with the 16W to/from West Brom for driver change as well as potential revenue
Running from/to Redditch would increase resource and cost. Ultimately it would depend upon whether we felt it would make the service more commercially viable.
At present this is not something we are considering
Hi simon,
Sorry to be a nuisance again but the 17:49 from Walsall 30823 hasn't done his full route and has therefore not gone to mendip road - the terminus. This is a common occurence for this one it seems, I don't know whether the drivers are aware they have to do the full route or not.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on March 21, 2019, 06:57:46 PM
Hi simon,
Sorry to be a nuisance again but the 17:49 from Walsall 30823 hasn't done his full route and has therefore not gone to mendip road - the terminus. This is a common occurence for this one it seems, I don't know whether the drivers are aware they have to do the full route or not.
Dear Sir,
I have asked our Customer services to reviewed the tracking from 18th March to 21st March for this journey.
Every day apart from the 21st this journey operated correctly. I can confirm on the 21/03 the driver terminated the service at Halesowen and did not complete the trip to Hayley Green.
I am sorry for the inconvience. The reasons behind the incident will be investigated today, and if appropraite action will be taken.
Thank you
With the rumours expected at Kiddy of the new Mellor buses, if they are getting any, will there be any plans to allocate any of these to the 250/1 (as personally I think these routes would be ideal for them, especially with some of the tight turns in the Swan Lane estate/Brockmoor area?)
Quote from: the trainbasher on March 22, 2019, 04:35:00 PM
With the rumours expected at Kiddy of the new Mellor buses, if they are getting any, will there be any plans to allocate any of these to the 250/1 (as personally I think these routes would be ideal for them, especially with some of the tight turns in the Swan Lane estate/Brockmoor area?)
Kidderminster will get Mellors for the contract re-awards from April. The 250/1 route carries too many people to be operated by Mellors
Whats going to be used on the 57 80 + 326 service thank you
Quote from: Solo1 on March 22, 2019, 10:50:41 PM
Whats going to be used on the 57 80 + 326 service thank you
We are contracted to provide Euro 3 buses on 80 and euro 5 buses on 57 and 326 up to the October tender change date.
Solo sr on 57&326 then & solo on 80
Quote from: Solo1 on March 23, 2019, 06:38:32 AM
Solo sr on 57&326 then & solo on 80
We got a normal size single decker on the 326 tonight by the way.
@Simon Dunn Any chance of a Mellor?
Hi, do you know what happened to the 1712 and 1727 42 services from Watt Road towards Tipton/Dudley? Neither have turned up.
One turned up about 20 to 6, when I got off there was another right behind.
Quote from: Westy on March 25, 2019, 05:17:22 PM
We got a normal size single decker on the 326 tonight by the way.
@Simon Dunn Any chance of a Mellor?
We don't have spare Mellor capacity
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 26, 2019, 11:39:16 AM
We don't have spare Mellor capacity
@Simon Dunn Well currently u have a mellor on the 23 (bloxwich-brownhills) I thought that was allacted to solos
Evertime I've saw the 23 last week (Monday to Friday it's been a mellor and the same for the this week so far
@Simon Dunn are you aware of the issues regarding 30411. It regularly needs replacing, so wondered do you know what's wrong with it?
Will any of the Ex-Wessex Plaxton Centro's be repainted anytime soon? The majority are looking considerably battered now...
Quote from: StourValley98 on March 25, 2019, 05:33:40 PM
Hi, do you know what happened to the 1712 and 1727 42 services from Watt Road towards Tipton/Dudley? Neither have turned up.
One turned up about 20 to 6, when I got off there was another right behind.
I have asked our Customer services team to look at this and come back to me.
We suffered some extreme delays, both journeys did operate but extremely late.
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on March 26, 2019, 03:35:55 PM
@Simon Dunn
Well currently u have a mellor on the 23 (bloxwich-brownhills) I thought that was allacted to solos
Evertime I've saw the 23 last week (Monday to Friday it's been a mellor and the same for the this week so far
The Mellors are all dedicated to routes.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on March 26, 2019, 08:14:34 PM
@Simon Dunn are you aware of the issues regarding 30411. It regularly needs replacing, so wondered do you know what's wrong with it?
I will investigate
Quote from: Jack on March 26, 2019, 08:47:11 PM
Will any of the Ex-Wessex Plaxton Centro's be repainted anytime soon? The majority are looking considerably battered now...
I agree they are not presented very well and it is something we are not happy with.
There are a number that need doing so it is going to take time, but we are working our way through the fleet.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on March 26, 2019, 08:14:34 PM
@Simon Dunn are you aware of the issues regarding 30411. It regularly needs replacing, so wondered do you know what's wrong with it?
Our Tividale Engineering Manager advises me that
1. We paid for a replacement engine for the vehicle.
2. After being replaced the vehicle started to have injector sleeves leaking, so the provider came and repaired the engine under warranty
3. The vehicle then operated without fault for 2-3 weeks.
4. We have since had some other errors, the vehicle is now parked up awaiting a discussion with the engine provider
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 27, 2019, 08:43:07 AM
Our Tividale Engineering Manager advises me that
1. We paid for a replacement engine for the vehicle.
2. After being replaced the vehicle started to have injector sleeves leaking, so the provider came and repaired the engine under warranty
3. The vehicle then operated without fault for 2-3 weeks.
4. We have since had some other errors, the vehicle is now parked up awaiting a discussion with the engine provider
Good to hear it's being attended to rather than put out in service to breakdown
Thanks for your reply
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 27, 2019, 05:06:02 AM
The Mellors are all dedicated to routes.
@Simon Dunn Can u confirm if the 23 is mellor allocated now thanks
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on March 27, 2019, 03:19:39 PM
@Simon Dunn
Can u confirm if the 23 is mellor allocated now thanks
The 23 has been allocated Mellors on a discretionary basis. If there is an availability issue, then it won't be
Hello again Simon,
The 19:07 has departed from Halesowen without stopping on stand. Front destination displays 4H Halesowen. He's gone speeding up the hill towards Hayley green at 19:10. He arrive at the bottom of bus station at 19:04.
Happening far too often wouldn't you agree?
Fleet number 30880
Shit service
Hi Simon,
Out of interest, what are the old e300 allocated to at tividale such as 30933.
Hi Simon could you tell me please if you have got any more streetlights which are due to be delivered I believe the last one so far is 20167 thank you
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 02, 2019, 07:13:22 PM
Hello again Simon,
The 19:07 has departed from Halesowen without stopping on stand. Front destination displays 4H Halesowen. He's gone speeding up the hill towards Hayley green at 19:10. He arrive at the bottom of bus station at 19:04.
Happening far too often wouldn't you agree?
Fleet number 30880
Shit service
So that I am clear.
Are you saying the service wasn't on stand in Halesowen, whilst it sat and waited from 1904 to 1907 hrs?
Quote from: Midland_Buses on April 03, 2019, 08:13:01 AM
Hi Simon,
Out of interest, what are the old e300 allocated to at tividale such as 30933.
This is used on the 40's
Quote from: mark114 on April 03, 2019, 11:25:53 AM
Hi Simon could you tell me please if you have got any more streetlights which are due to be delivered I believe the last one so far is 20167 thank you
20167 is the last of the Order for Streetlites.
We have some more Mellors due
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 04, 2019, 08:14:45 AM
So that I am clear.
Are you saying the service wasn't on stand in Halesowen, whilst it sat and waited from 1904 to 1907 hrs?
Yes it waited in the layover bit down the bottom of the bus station presumably for a cigarette, leaving without going to stand C (where it's supposed to stop to pick up passengers)
Thank you so much Simon for answering my question it's greatly appreciated
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 04, 2019, 08:15:41 AM
This is used on the 40's
Thankyou very much is Simon .
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 04, 2019, 08:51:40 AM
Yes it waited in the layover bit down the bottom of the bus station presumably for a cigarette, leaving without going to stand C (where it's supposed to stop to pick up passengers)
The driver will be interviewed.
Hi Simon
Would you be so kind to investigate why the first 229 (Bilston - Dudley) this morning did not serve Victoria Park, Tipton Owen St etc but instead took a short cut missing out this part of the route. I'm aware this service was running late, but even so, this time of day the service is irregular & the chances are if this bus is running late due to traffic, so will others etc. You could be waiting hours potentially if they all decide to miss out parts of the route.
Thank you!
There's a fully 458 branded Omnilink on the Kidderminster 10 today.
Would have thought it could have at least have had the branding removed before you use it in service?
NX wouldn't be using Dundee branded buses in Birmingham for months.
Loads of vehicles in full Wessex livery with fleetnames as well. Surely some Dianond fleetnames could have been applied?
Have diamond put the fares up on the Short Hop WM? Or is it just a top up to fund the new Streetlites? Boarded a 125 at Stourbridge to head to work at top of Norton and was charged £1.60 instead of what should have been £1.50.
Can you look into this please?
Quote from: HTA844N on April 09, 2019, 07:59:32 AM
Hi Simon
Would you be so kind to investigate why the first 229 (Bilston - Dudley) this morning did not serve Victoria Park, Tipton Owen St etc but instead took a short cut missing out this part of the route. I'm aware this service was running late, but even so, this time of day the service is irregular & the chances are if this bus is running late due to traffic, so will others etc. You could be waiting hours potentially if they all decide to miss out parts of the route.
Thank you!
The driver cut the route short.
He has been interviewed and put through the companies disciplinary procedure
I am sorry about this.
Quote from: 2206 on April 13, 2019, 01:40:26 PM
There's a fully 458 branded Omnilink on the Kidderminster 10 today.
Would have thought it could have at least have had the branding removed before you use it in service?
NX wouldn't be using Dundee branded buses in Birmingham for months.
Loads of vehicles in full Wessex livery with fleetnames as well. Surely some Dianond fleetnames could have been applied?
I am assured that the vinyl has been stripped off the last remaining Omni today.
We have a lot of vehicles to paint and it will take time to work through them
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 15, 2019, 03:11:21 PM
I am assured that the vinyl has been stripped off the last remaining Omni today.
We have a lot of vehicles to paint and it will take time to work through them
There are vehicles in 10 different liveries operating from Redditch garage:
New multi-tone Blue
Signature - older silver version
Signature - newer blue version
Central Buses
Black (20522)
White (20884)
Silver with all-over Monopoly advert (30857)
Quite a hotchpot!!
Are the last of the 002 branded Centro's going to be debranded from the 002 anytime soon?
Quote from: the trainbasher on April 15, 2019, 12:24:35 PM
Have diamond put the fares up on the Short Hop WM? Or is it just a top up to fund the new Streetlites? Boarded a 125 at Stourbridge to head to work at top of Norton and was charged £1.60 instead of what should have been £1.50.
Can you look into this please?
This has been the price since 02/01/19
Quote from: Jack on April 16, 2019, 03:38:36 PM
Are the last of the 002 branded Centro's going to be debranded from the 002 anytime soon?
@Simon Dunn just letting you know that 30942 rear display is stuck on not in service the front and side displays are working fine thanks
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on April 22, 2019, 03:16:50 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn just letting you know that 30942 rear display is stuck on not in service the front and side displays are working fine thanks
Thank you
Is it now required to have a diamond account to be able to track the location of buses?
Would I be correct in thinking all Tividale vehicles should be able to display the ex Igo routes?
Any idea why the ex Arriva Dart in Diamond colours but still having Arriva seating inside operating the 326 to Bloxwich that arrives in Willenhall around 425 / 430 pm today can only display 'Diamond Bus'?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 24, 2019, 02:53:24 PM
Is it now required to have a diamond account to be able to track the location of buses?
No - nothing has changed
Quote from: Westy on April 24, 2019, 04:37:21 PM
Would I be correct in thinking all Tividale vehicles should be able to display the ex Igo routes?
Any idea why the ex Arriva Dart in Diamond colours but still having Arriva seating inside operating the 326 to Bloxwich that arrives in Willenhall around 425 / 430 pm today can only display 'Diamond Bus'?
Yes - they should be. We will look into this
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 28, 2019, 06:46:33 AM
Yes - they should be. We will look into this
Same vehicle on tonight same journey.
Now has 326 scrawled on a piece of paper in the windscreen.
Better than nothing I suppose.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 15, 2019, 03:10:29 PM
The driver cut the route short.
He has been interviewed and put through the companies disciplinary procedure
I am sorry about this.
Thanks for your reply Simon, helpful as always.
Solo 20745 (on 326 duties today!) seems to have an issue with its doors.
Driver is resorting to poking it with a stick to open!
Quote from: Westy on May 08, 2019, 04:31:23 PM
Solo 20745 (on 326 duties today!) seems to have an issue with its doors.
Driver is resorting to poking it with a stick to open!
I have reviewed the drivers defect card. This is not noted by any of the drivers driving the vehicle.
Both are going to be interviewed
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 10, 2019, 12:03:50 PM
I have reviewed the drivers defect card. This is not noted by any of the drivers driving the vehicle.
Both are going to be interviewed
Did you physically look at the vehicle yourself?
I also had to press the red button (as did some other people!) myself to get off.
Quote from: Westy on May 10, 2019, 04:36:02 PM
Did you physically look at the vehicle yourself?
I also had to press the red button (as did some other people!) myself to get off.
No. I have been away from Tividale 3 days this week, so I asked to see a copy of the Defect card.
I've been hearing rumours from a couple of people who I know that are saying that some diamond drivers are telling passengers that diamond are cutting some of the remaining stourbridge routes (I.e. 228, 250/1 and the stourbridge section of the 125).
Obviously with the investment of streetlites on the 125 I don't think that's getting the chop but is the 228/250/251 staying or are they going to be withdrawn?
Have all Ex-Signature Solo SR's and Versa's (20014-20016, 20027 and 30404/5) been repainted into the new two-tone livery?
Quote from: the trainbasher on May 13, 2019, 01:33:06 PM
I've been hearing rumours from a couple of people who I know that are saying that some diamond drivers are telling passengers that diamond are cutting some of the remaining stourbridge routes (I.e. 228, 250/1 and the stourbridge section of the 125).
Obviously with the investment of streetlites on the 125 I don't think that's getting the chop but is the 228/250/251 staying or are they going to be withdrawn?
There is no plan to change any of these routes at present
Any more thoughts on running the x16 peak service to,/from Tamworth town centre
Is the 68A/C now booked Mellor's?
@Simon Dunn 30969 was on the 31/32 today and was displaying 301/3
2 as it just operated the 23:00 journey from Walsall display 302 surely they should have programmed In the 31 and 32 by now
Quote from: Jack on May 13, 2019, 05:27:53 PM
Have all Ex-Signature Solo SR's and Versa's (20014-20016, 20027 and 30404/5) been repainted into the new two-tone livery?
We have been working our way through repainting them
Quote from: Solo1 on May 14, 2019, 08:38:02 AM
Any more thoughts on running the x16 peak service to,/from Tamworth town centre
Not at this time
Quote from: Jack on May 18, 2019, 08:11:03 PM
Is the 68A/C now booked Mellor's?
Yes - it should be operated with Mellors
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on May 18, 2019, 11:33:42 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn 30969 was on the 31/32 today and was displaying 301/3
2 as it just operated the 23:00 journey from Walsall display 302 surely they should have programmed In the 31 and 32 by now
The blinds are programmed - both sets of destinations are on the blind. We will pick up it with the driver concerned
@Simon Dunn Hi Simon! Has the 10A Walsall-Lichfield impacted the 35? The 35 is a much shorter journey and runs later than the 10A. You should advertise it to compete using the fact it's more direct as a USP. If the 10A has been late ive told people in the queue the 35 will arrive shortly and they had no idea it existed. Could you brand some buses with the route info like the 31|32? Fab service.
Quote from: l.murphy123 on May 30, 2019, 02:45:32 PM
@Simon Dunn Hi Simon! Has the 10A Walsall-Lichfield impacted the 35? The 35 is a much shorter journey and runs later than the 10A. You should advertise it to compete using the fact it's more direct as a USP. If the 10A has been late ive told people in the queue the 35 will arrive shortly and they had no idea it existed. Could you brand some buses with the route info like the 31|32? Fab service.
We have not seen a noticeable difference to the 35.
Since April, we have leaflet dropped the whole of the route with the situation of Councillor Worrall, so we have been trying to market the route.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 31, 2019, 04:32:55 AM
We have not seen a noticeable difference to the 35.
Since April, we have leaflet dropped the whole of the route with the situation of Councillor Worrall, so we have been trying to market the route.
Oh that's brill then. Is there any reason you don't put timetables along the route in the Staffordshire section? Also there are still Central Bus branded posters at Lichfield bus station if you weren't aware. Cheers.
Quote from: l.murphy123 on May 31, 2019, 12:16:44 PM
Oh that's brill then. Is there any reason you don't put timetables along the route in the Staffordshire section? Also there are still Central Bus branded posters at Lichfield bus station if you weren't aware. Cheers.
We paid for timetables to be dropped the whole route. I will get someone to look at Lichfield Bus Station
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 02, 2019, 07:16:05 AM
We paid for timetables to be dropped the whole route. I will get someone to look at Lichfield Bus Station
Sorry I meant timetables at bus stops.
Are these timetables available at local libaries on route, eg Rushall?
Any chance of identifying the 3 streetlites that came down the M6 today heading for hallmark?
Quote from: Westy on June 03, 2019, 12:46:25 PM
Are these timetables available at local libaries on route, eg Rushall?
Thats a good point... and Lichfield and Walsall?
Quote from: l.murphy123 on May 31, 2019, 12:16:44 PM
Oh that's brill then. Is there any reason you don't put timetables along the route in the Staffordshire section? Also there are still Central Bus branded posters at Lichfield bus station if you weren't aware. Cheers.
We have sent someone out today - they cannot find any Central posters. Any chance you can send me a picture of what is there to
VOSA is showing a 175 vehicle allowance at Heanor on the Diamond Bus North West licence - a clerical error?
Quote from: mikestone on June 06, 2019, 05:44:53 PM
VOSA is showing a 175 vehicle allowance at Heanor on the Diamond Bus North West licence - a clerical error?
There's several operators where the total of all OCs is shown against them all instead of split
Quote from: mikestone on June 06, 2019, 05:44:53 PM
VOSA is showing a 175 vehicle allowance at Heanor on the Diamond Bus North West licence - a clerical error?
We applied for a 200 vehicle operators licence increase in the North West Traffic Area, which was granted to take our total licence to 290 vehicles.
To apply, you need to demonstrate physical capacity. We provided this across multiple depots.
Has 20541 been withdrawn?
Hi Simon, are you aware that 21225's front display is currently faulty? The route number is cut off on the 229, as it's only showing a 2 on there, and the via points are cut off too. I've also noticed a couple others with similar issues, so I think it may be down to the wrong set of blinds being programmed, since the Stratas have smaller ones?
The Walsall 25 currently operated by Arriva.
According to the Arriva thread, you're taking it over soon.
That right?
Quote from: StourValley98 on June 09, 2019, 02:12:44 PM
Hi Simon, are you aware that 21225's front display is currently faulty? The route number is cut off on the 229, as it's only showing a 2 on there, and the via points are cut off too. I've also noticed a couple others with similar issues, so I think it may be down to the wrong set of blinds being programmed, since the Stratas have smaller ones?
Thank you - I am having the vehicle checked tonight
Quote from: Westy on June 11, 2019, 08:28:28 PM
The Walsall 25 currently operated by Arriva.
According to the Arriva thread, you're taking it over soon.
That right?
Yes - we start operating on Monday on the 25 and 69 (from Redditch, operating around 50 peak time journeys)
Will it be mellors on 25 like some one posted or solos + solo on 69 service thank you
Quote from: Solo1 on June 12, 2019, 07:47:20 PM
Will it be mellors on 25 like some one posted or solos + solo on 69 service thank you
We are contracted for Euro 5 on the 25. We have spare Mellors, so we may put them on the service.
The 69 is contracted for Euro 6 Mellors, how due to the interworking with the 50 we are looking to put Solo's short term and then 6 months later 9.6m Streetlites (we have 6 months to put Euro 6 vehicles on).
Which services are now booked Mellor
Quote from: Solo1 on June 13, 2019, 05:44:19 AM
Which services are now booked Mellor
At present
68 A/C
The 74 may need to move to big bus
Thank you
I know people say Kiddy isn't making enough money to warrant new vehicles but do you have any plans to introduce a newer fleet or add any more newer vehicles? Have to say the smaller vehicles seem to suit the roads of Kiddy rather than the longer Volvos. However I would also like to comment that the bus service reliability in the local area has got a lot better over the last couple of months.
Quote from: busgeneral on June 13, 2019, 10:21:58 PM
I know people say Kiddy isn't making enough money to warrant new vehicles but do you have any plans to introduce a newer fleet or add any more newer vehicles? Have to say the smaller vehicles seem to suit the roads of Kiddy rather than the longer Volvos. However I would also like to comment that the bus service reliability in the local area has got a lot better over the last couple of months.
DVSA monitored our overall reliability in Diamond Bus at 92%, with our Kidderminster reliability at 88%. It is difficult to deliver more than this, with the number of emergency roadworks that pop up.
As a result we have made services more direct, and increased the journey lengths to further improve reliability. These actions increase the cost, and reduce the income both of which do not help the commercial viability of bus services.
When we consider new bus investment, it is difficult to justify with marginal services especially when we have major cities like Birmingham and Manchester looking to mandate Euro 6 vehicles by 2021.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 12, 2019, 05:08:46 PM
No it is still in daily use
On the 4H today. You realise how bad the value branded B7RLES are when this vehicle can handle inclines better than them. Any plans on withdrawing this vehicle soon?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on June 18, 2019, 10:05:07 PM
On the 4H today. You realise how bad the value branded B7RLES are when this vehicle can handle inclines better than them. Any plans on withdrawing this vehicle soon?
Which vehicle?
Do you try and put out as many mellors as you can on sundays? Only every Sunday I travel on the 13, and I would say 80% of a time it is a solo. Some of these solos usually have annoying beeping sounds inside, and are no where near as luxurious as a mellor. For example the 13 today broke down after its first trip and had to be replaced by 20920.
Many thanks
Quote from: Trident 4194 on June 23, 2019, 07:01:56 PM
Do you try and put out as many mellors as you can on sundays? Only every Sunday I travel on the 13, and I would say 80% of a time it is a solo. Some of these solos usually have annoying beeping sounds inside, and are no where near as luxurious as a mellor. For example the 13 today broke down after its first trip and had to be replaced by 20920.
Many thanks
Yes we try to use all the Mellors on Sunday operation
In Dudley today I saw SN68 AJZ fleet number 20166 running with fleet number 20159.I hope your maintainance record don't go by fleet number as this could cause a problem.
Can you please explain why your 16W that passed Old Snow Hill towards Birmingham Markets at around 1804 refused to let me board? Apparently it's only towards West Bromwich which is interesting as it's a timetabled service.......
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 17, 2019, 11:55:39 AM
DVSA monitored our overall reliability in Diamond Bus at 92%, with our Kidderminster reliability at 88%. It is difficult to deliver more than this, with the number of emergency roadworks that pop up.
As a result we have made services more direct, and increased the journey lengths to further improve reliability. These actions increase the cost, and reduce the income both of which do not help the commercial viability of bus services.
When we consider new bus investment, it is difficult to justify with marginal services especially when we have major cities like Birmingham and Manchester looking to mandate Euro 6 vehicles by 2021.
Did not know such data existed. Is this data publicity available?
Quote from: broma1k on June 27, 2019, 08:15:35 PM
In Dudley today I saw SN68 AJZ fleet number 20166 running with fleet number 20159.I hope your maintainance record don't go by fleet number as this could cause a problem.
Vehicles are maintained based upon registration numbers
Quote from: :D on July 06, 2019, 11:47:43 AM
Did not know such data existed. Is this data publicity available?
There are some quoted statistics in TfWM meeting notes on their website. You can find TfL reliability statistics on their website. Our reliability at the last PI can be found in the judgement made at that time.
Quote from: Brick60000 on July 04, 2019, 06:07:58 PM
Can you please explain why your 16W that passed Old Snow Hill towards Birmingham Markets at around 1804 refused to let me board? Apparently it's only towards West Bromwich which is interesting as it's a timetabled service.......
Can you provide the registration number, so I can have it investigated
Hi Simon, one of your ex-Central Darts, EU06 JVW, was on the 31/32 in Walsall yesterday, however it was displaying 301 (and presumably 302) on the blind. Could you look into this please, as it seems like it hasn't had it's blinds updated?
There was also a 42/43 branded B7RLE on there, and likewise a 31/32 branded one on the 42/43.
An unusual occurrence tonight. 30407 on the last 4H to Oldbury from Hayley green running 16 minutes early ahead of the one that terminates at Hayley green at 7:30
Quote from: StourValley98 on July 07, 2019, 10:44:44 AM
Hi Simon, one of your ex-Central Darts, EU06 JVW, was on the 31/32 in Walsall yesterday, however it was displaying 301 (and presumably 302) on the blind. Could you look into this please, as it seems like it hasn't had it's blinds updated?
There was also a 42/43 branded B7RLE on there, and likewise a 31/32 branded one on the 42/43.
Thank you - I will look into
Hi, I have brought one of your monthly tickets, and placed it into the wallets provided. However only 6 days in and the ticket is already very faded. Is there a way you can look into this as it now doesn't scan and there's quite a few tickets that are the same.
@Simon Dunn Would you (with or without NX) consider extending the 31 at night and Sundays from Mossley through Turnberry Estate then a loop round Landywood, Great Wyrley and Cheslyn Hay (and possibly Cannock)? It would be about 10-12 minutes to Cheslyn Hay and back to Mossley Tintern Crescent.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on July 27, 2019, 07:01:06 PM
Hi, I have brought one of your monthly tickets, and placed it into the wallets provided. However only 6 days in and the ticket is already very faded. Is there a way you can look into this as it now doesn't scan and there's quite a few tickets that are the same.
Can you photograph the ticket and send to me at
Quote from: l.murphy123 on July 28, 2019, 06:00:23 PM
@Simon Dunn Would you (with or without NX) consider extending the 31 at night and Sundays from Mossley through Turnberry Estate then a loop round Landywood, Great Wyrley and Cheslyn Hay (and possibly Cannock)? It would be about 10-12 minutes to Cheslyn Hay and back to Mossley Tintern Crescent.
The 31 route is tight for time, what currently operates works and we would be concerned about changing this.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 30, 2019, 07:46:24 AM
The 31 route is tight for time, what currently operates works and we would be concerned about changing this.
When setting up the route with Nx, TfWm etc, was a loop involving Mossley, Turnberry & Lower Farm with some inter working considered?
Quote from: Westy on July 30, 2019, 12:12:20 PM
When setting up the route with Nx, TfWm etc, was a loop involving Mossley, Turnberry & Lower Farm with some inter working considered?
Not at the time - it has been discussed since the initial set up
30926 on way back to depot after having the nearside window smashed!
(Pic on Nwm''s Facebook if you're interested!)
Quote from: Westy on August 16, 2019, 05:08:47 PM
30926 on way back to depot after having the nearside window smashed!
(Pic on Nwm''s Facebook if you're interested!)
How many buses usually go into paint at a time?
And it being a year since the first combined services started (42/43) is there any plans for any other routes to do the same? 40 etc
Quote from: Jack on August 18, 2019, 01:26:31 PM
How many buses usually go into paint at a time?
And it being a year since the first combined services started (42/43) is there any plans for any other routes to do the same? 40 etc
Within the West Midlands, it depends upon what spare capacity we have to release fleet. Around 2/3 it can be more and less.
With regards partnership routes. We commit to None disclosure so it is not something I am able to discuss
Dear Simon,
How long does it take to repaint a bus into the new Diamond livery?
Secondly, why is it taking so long for Rotala to repaint buses into the right company livery. You are still running round with Hanson Bus, Central Bus, Wessex and some buses in the North West are running Preston Bus livery on Diamond routes. Would it not be better to have all buses repainted as quickly as possible into corporate livery. Especially the newer vehicles which I take it you intend on keeping.
Thirdly, have you thought about buying more Metrocities, As a passenger, they are fantastic buses and I have never heard any complaints about them. I know you have a few already but does Rotala not like Optare enough to place orders and prefer to stick to Wright?
Finally, why don't we see Diamond start up more commercial routes? Diamond was previously quite good at starting new routes and filling gaps but now things seem to have slowed down and more focussing on expansions via buying companies or winning tendered routes. I believe there are a lot of viable routes which Rotala companies could jump on but like I say, you seem to have slowed down on new commercial routes.
Hi Simon - why are your buses consistently parking on pavements, on School zig zags, obstructing a park entrance and private driveways in the same place in Wednesfield? All this with passengers on board with the driver not in the cab and with the engine running?!
Appreciate that schools are closed currently, but the markings should still be observed.
Quote from: IMarkeh on August 27, 2019, 11:24:08 PM
Dear Simon,
How long does it take to repaint a bus into the new Diamond livery?
Secondly, why is it taking so long for Rotala to repaint buses into the right company livery. You are still running round with Hanson Bus, Central Bus, Wessex and some buses in the North West are running Preston Bus livery on Diamond routes. Would it not be better to have all buses repainted as quickly as possible into corporate livery. Especially the newer vehicles which I take it you intend on keeping.
Thirdly, have you thought about buying more Metrocities, As a passenger, they are fantastic buses and I have never heard any complaints about them. I know you have a few already but does Rotala not like Optare enough to place orders and prefer to stick to Wright?
Finally, why don't we see Diamond start up more commercial routes? Diamond was previously quite good at starting new routes and filling gaps but now things seem to have slowed down and more focussing on expansions via buying companies or winning tendered routes. I believe there are a lot of viable routes which Rotala companies could jump on but like I say, you seem to have slowed down on new commercial routes.
We had a large number of vehicles to repaint which we have been working through. It takes time. A large number of vehicles we have simply withdrawn as tenders have been renewed and have required higher Emission standards. We will again remove some vehicles after October changes.
I am not sure there are many newer vehicles in the wrong livery. Which ones are you referring to?
The Optare Metrocities we operate have been problematic. They were all Euro 5, which is less complicated than Euro 6. When we made the switch to Euro 6 we felt that Wrights had the best offer. We have been reasonably happy with the Euro 6 Wrights, and we have bought more vehicles on the back of that.
We look at all opportunities.
Quote from: Wumpty on August 28, 2019, 10:51:45 AM
Hi Simon - why are your buses consistently parking on pavements, on School zig zags, obstructing a park entrance and private driveways in the same place in Wednesfield? All this with passengers on board with the driver not in the cab and with the engine running?!
Appreciate that schools are closed currently, but the markings should still be observed.
If you can provide me with a location, time, date, a picture of the vehicle then we will investigate the matter immediately. My email address is
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2019, 04:01:51 PM
If you can provide me with a location, time, date, a picture of the vehicle then we will investigate the matter immediately. My email address is
Hi Simon - email has been sent to you but bounces back as "Envelop Blocked 550".
Does your email accept all providers or do you have a number you could private message me? Thanks.
Quote from: Wumpty on August 29, 2019, 01:02:27 PM
Hi Simon - email has been sent to you but bounces back as "Envelop Blocked 550".
Does your email accept all providers or do you have a number you could private message me? Thanks.
What is your email address?
There was a Dart still in Hanson's livery including fleetnames on the 401e today!
Admittedly it also had a Diamond sticker on the front under the window but surely the Hanson's names should have been removed by now?
What's happening with the 53, is it being withdrawn completely, or is it being retendered?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2019, 04:01:01 PM
We had a large number of vehicles to repaint which we have been working through. It takes time. A large number of vehicles we have simply withdrawn as tenders have been renewed and have required higher Emission standards. We will again remove some vehicles after October changes.
I am not sure there are many newer vehicles in the wrong livery. Which ones are you referring to?
The Optare Metrocities we operate have been problematic. They were all Euro 5, which is less complicated than Euro 6. When we made the switch to Euro 6 we felt that Wrights had the best offer. We have been reasonably happy with the Euro 6 Wrights, and we have bought more vehicles on the back of that.
We look at all opportunities.
I mean newer vehicles like the 2016 Streetlites at Reddish, shouldn't they have been repainted rather quickly into the new two-tone corporate given you will be keeping these for a while.
Are there any plans for Diamond liveried Vehicles in Preston depot to cover the none Preston routes. It's a bit odd having Preston Bus vehicles running around Skelmersdale and Blackburn.
Also are there any plans to put PrestonBus on like all other Rotala companies?
Quote from: Westy on August 29, 2019, 05:48:46 PM
There was a Dart still in Hanson's livery including fleetnames on the 401e today!
Admittedly it also had a Diamond sticker on the front under the window but surely the Hanson's names should have been removed by now?
Which vehicle was this?
Quote from: 2206 on August 29, 2019, 08:34:19 PM
What's happening with the 53, is it being withdrawn completely, or is it being retendered?
The service was due for retender and we haven't won it
Quote from: IMarkeh on August 30, 2019, 01:11:06 AM
I mean newer vehicles like the 2016 Streetlites at Reddish, shouldn't they have been repainted rather quickly into the new two-tone corporate given you will be keeping these for a while.
Are there any plans for Diamond liveried Vehicles in Preston depot to cover the none Preston routes. It's a bit odd having Preston Bus vehicles running around Skelmersdale and Blackburn.
Also are there any plans to put PrestonBus on like all other Rotala companies?
I cannot think of a 2016 Streetlite in Redditch that isn't in livery. Which one are you referring to?
In the North West - the link I believe comes from the website. We are looking at options.
Vehicles in Preston - Most of the Solo's in Preston are towards the end of life and have therefore been low in terms of priority to repaint
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 30, 2019, 05:54:43 AM
I cannot think of a 2016 Streetlite in Redditch that isn't in livery. Which one are you referring to?
There are 30167, 32307,9,10 which are in signature livery. (I think this is what he is referring too)
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 30, 2019, 05:49:48 AM
The service was due for retender and we haven't won it
do you know who has won the 53 if you can say
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 30, 2019, 05:54:43 AM
I cannot think of a 2016 Streetlite in Redditch that isn't in livery. Which one are you referring to?
In the North West - the link I believe comes from the website. We are looking at options.
Vehicles in Preston - Most of the Solo's in Preston are towards the end of life and have therefore been low in terms of priority to repaint
They are in the older Diamond livery and not the two-tone new livery. They are the 65 plates but officially 2016 in service (32212 - 32219). As you will be keeping these for a while (presumably), would it not be better to put these into the new livery quickly to phase out the older branding quicker.
As for Preston vehicles, I didn't just mean the existing vehicles but overall, are there plans for the none Preston routes to be under the Diamond brand instead of PrestonBus?
Quote from: IMarkeh on August 30, 2019, 06:18:18 PM
They are in the older Diamond livery and not the two-tone new livery. They are the 65 plates but officially 2016 in service (32212 - 32219). As you will be keeping these for a while (presumably), would it not be better to put these into the new livery quickly to phase out the older branding quicker.
As for Preston vehicles, I didn't just mean the existing vehicles but overall, are there plans for the none Preston routes to be under the Diamond brand instead of PrestonBus?
Our priority is to repaint the vehicles neither livery first. There is no plan to move Preston under the Diamond branding
Dear Simon Dunn; -- Are you aware that First Worcester is threatening to withdraw their 37 service, along the Ombersley Road where you run the 303 ?
I thought I'd draw your attention to that, just in case Diamond is thinking of reducing the frequency of the 303 -- -- there will be more passengers for it IF the 37 is withdrawn !
Also, could you consider running some 37s to give a combined 30 minute service along the Ombersley Road at certain times ?
(I notice you have 2 single-deckers at the sixth form college c.08.30 - 08.45 -- the 302 + 303).
Also, there is new housing at the top of the Ombersley Road, and you MIGHT be able to prise a small subsidy out of Worcestershire county council for a combined 37/303 (perhaps) ??
Thanks Simon.
I am not aware of what is happening with the 37.
Where have you seen this?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 23, 2019, 06:44:20 AM
I am not aware of what is happening with the 37.
Where have you seen this?
From the first bus websiteRoute 37: Worcester – Bevere
The Saturday service on this route is withdrawn.
We are continuing to operate the Monday-Friday service on a trial basis – there are insufficient customer numbers to guarantee the future of this service. We will be reviewing the performance of this service later in the year and encourage local residents to 'use it or lose it'. (
I agree the 37 route overlaps the 303, and as you say we have a 302 bus in Kidderminster peak, which could if they drop this operate some off peak journeys
Following the speculation on a couple of Facebook groups (and confirmation on VOSA) of the Preston Bus licence registering a depot of a certain Derbyshire bus operator, will Rotala be announcing the launch of new services in Lancashire (or purchase of another bus operator near where Preston Bus is running) soon?
(Obviously there is commercial confidences in play either way, but if there is anything that can be said that doesn't affect them would be appreciated)
I am sorry - but I am unable to comment at this point.
Quote from: the trainbasher on September 23, 2019, 10:19:32 AM
Following the speculation on a couple of Facebook groups (and confirmation on VOSA) of the Preston Bus licence registering a depot of a certain Derbyshire bus operator, will Rotala be announcing the launch of new services in Lancashire (or purchase of another bus operator near where Preston Bus is running) soon?
(Obviously there is commercial confidences in play either way, but if there is anything that can be said that doesn't affect them would be appreciated)
Yourbus depot was used previously on the Diamond licence. It seems to keep popping up but little is ever said. I don't think they have intentions on new services, I think that in part it is to try and increase the discs. They used it to get discs ready for Bolton for the quicker takeover (they had the discs so didn't have to wait around, just change the locations). Something odd is going on though as Preston has had it's discs decreased.
Mr Dunn is upto something haha.
Is there any chance Diamond could possibly do evening and sunday services on the 70 between Cannock & Wolverhampton.
Hi Simon,
Please don't take this the wrong way, and it's not intended to be rude, but I think it needs saying.
Services at Bolton have been appalling, a disgrace infact. 100 drivers short, buses short and boards being pulled on a daily basis. I understand you weren't necessarily expecting so many drivers to leave, and that you are having a recruitment drive, but how long can it go on for. This could take over a year to resume some sort of normality. It has now become normal to wait 40 minutes every day for a 10 minute service because you don't have enough drivers; yet you are still competing on routes that already have operators on them (ie 575, 571/2 in Bolton, just to name a few). I honestly think the decent thing to do would be to hang these up, and focus and try and improve the rest of the network, otherwise you'll see patronage down, and it just then plays into Andy Burnhams franchising argument.
Many thanks,
A regular user.
Quote from: BusMan Greg on September 28, 2019, 07:59:50 PM
Is there any chance Diamond could possibly do evening and sunday services on the 70 between Cannock & Wolverhampton.
It is always best when the operator or operators who operate the day time services also pick up the evenings.
If there was subsidy available we would consider it, but I doubt there is.
Any company taking over the 53?
Hi Simon, have you thought about interworking the 4 and 4H just at an evening, as the reliability of the 4H is awful no doubt due to the lack of running time given. Tonight there were delays of up to an hour and the last 2 4Hs didn't run to Oldbury due to late running.
Many thanks
Quote from: BD12TCJ on September 29, 2019, 08:26:56 PM
Hi Simon,
Please don't take this the wrong way, and it's not intended to be rude, but I think it needs saying.
Services at Bolton have been appalling, a disgrace infact. 100 drivers short, buses short and boards being pulled on a daily basis. I understand you weren't necessarily expecting so many drivers to leave, and that you are having a recruitment drive, but how long can it go on for. This could take over a year to resume some sort of normality. It has now become normal to wait 40 minutes every day for a 10 minute service because you don't have enough drivers; yet you are still competing on routes that already have operators on them (ie 575, 571/2 in Bolton, just to name a few). I honestly think the decent thing to do would be to hang these up, and focus and try and improve the rest of the network, otherwise you'll see patronage down, and it just then plays into Andy Burnhams franchising argument.
Many thanks,
A regular user.
I agree - that we have had more reliability issues than we like. Some of these reliability issues are related to roadworks, and we inherited a position were First were short of drivers. The introduction of Our Pass has also played a part.
From day one our lost mileage % has been substantially lower than First was, and we have never been 100 drivers short - so I am not sure where that number comes from.
We have more than enough drivers now to deliver service daily - we would like more and we will continue to recruit. From 27th October we lose some tendered services, on contact retendering and we have removed the 13 service.
So I apologise if you have had issues. We showed our intent with the acquisition of 25 Euro 6 vehicles, and they were brought in to improve reliability.
We think we are in a much better place now, and you will start to see that daily.
Quote from: Jack D on September 30, 2019, 06:29:25 PM
Any company taking over the 53?
I believe a trading name of Thandi is picking the service up, although the route is different
Quote from: Trident 4194 on September 30, 2019, 09:25:24 PM
Hi Simon, have you thought about interworking the 4 and 4H just at an evening, as the reliability of the 4H is awful no doubt due to the lack of running time given. Tonight there were delays of up to an hour and the last 2 4Hs didn't run to Oldbury due to late running.
Many thanks
I have not looked at the 4H last night.
However, the flooding created all sorts of problems with reliability yesterday.
Is there a particular journey you would like me to look at?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 01, 2019, 03:45:24 AM
I agree - that we have had more reliability issues than we like. Some of these reliability issues are related to roadworks, and we inherited a position were First were short of drivers. The introduction of Our Pass has also played a part.
From day one our lost mileage % has been substantially lower than First was, and we have never been 100 drivers short - so I am not sure where that number comes from.
We have more than enough drivers now to deliver service daily - we would like more and we will continue to recruit. From 27th October we lose some tendered services, on contact retendering and we have removed the 13 service.
So I apologise if you have had issues. We showed our intent with the acquisition of 25 Euro 6 vehicles, and they were brought in to improve reliability.
We think we are in a much better place now, and you will start to see that daily.
Again, without being rude, this isn't what I've been experiencing and it's what a lot of your drivers are saying. Just yesterday there where many buses dumped on stand at Bolton Interchange with no driver, with TFGM then having to run around trying to find someone to shift it off stand. And it's not unusual to have 1, 2 or even 3 consecutive boards not running on some of the busiest services ie 471 &5 582 leading to overcrowding etc. The 100 driver figure came from just before you took over in August, and had come from people who's information is normally very reliable.
I think the new buses being brought in is fantastic, and well needed in the areas Bolton now cover.
@Simon Dunn Hi Simon - have you considered running an X35 between Walsall and Lichfield? The short route you do on a Saturday evening (missing Aldridge) is really good and half the time of the 10A. I think Arriva used to do a similar route when they had the 35?
Also the old central bus vehicles have USB sockets but theres no mention you should put a decal on the side advertising this!
Quote from: l.murphy123 on October 13, 2019, 01:54:00 PM
@Simon Dunn Hi Simon - have you considered running an X35 between Walsall and Lichfield? The short route you do on a Saturday evening (missing Aldridge) is really good and half the time of the 10A. I think Arriva used to do a similar route when they had the 35?
Also the old central bus vehicles have USB sockets but theres no mention you should put a decal on the side advertising this!
Our new bus order this year has specified all new buses with USB sockets. When we launch these vehicles, we will start to advertise this feature more.
The 35 is part subsidised and being so, there are parts of the route the service needs to operate via which means it cannot operate direct.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 13, 2019, 06:09:58 PM
Our new bus order this year has specified all new buses with USB sockets. When we launch these vehicles, we will start to advertise this feature more.
The 35 is part subsidised and being so, there are parts of the route the service needs to operate via which means it cannot operate direct.
Are there any orders with other manufacturers or is it just the huge order with Wright Bus for the Bolton Streetdecks?
Quote from: IMarkeh on October 14, 2019, 05:52:10 AM
Are there any orders with other manufacturers or is it just the huge order with Wright Bus for the Bolton Streetdecks?
We have 7 x Mellor vehicles turning up this week/next few weeks for the West Midlands. Although the Wrights order does include StreetDecks for Bolton, there are also Streetlites for the West Midlands/ Heathrow for Hoppa.
The original order was due to start delivery from 1st November. I have been advised that delays the effect of the recent problems means we wont see anything until April. I am not sure how that works, and we are waiting on a properly delivery plan and we are now looking at how that affects the commitments we have
What service are the streetlites & Mellors for in the west midlands thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on October 23, 2019, 06:45:07 AM
What service are the streetlites & Mellors for in the west midlands thanks
The Mellors are for
57 2
66 1
80 1
224 1
41/41A 2
1. 40 service
2. Replace 13 plate Volvo B7RLE's - which return off lease
3. We have 2 x 9.6m on order for 50/69. We need to assess with delivery delays how we deal with this
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 23, 2019, 08:06:14 PM
The Mellors are for
57 2
66 1
80 1
224 1
41/41A 2
1. 40 service
2. Replace 13 plate Volvo B7RLE's - which return off lease
3. We have 2 x 9.6m on order for 50/69. We need to assess with delivery delays how we deal with this
2. If the 13 plate Volvo's are due to be retuned off lease, how does that affect the WMCA jointly operated 31/32 routes? As 30938/940-2 are in that livery & branded.
Then you have 30943 / 30949 at Diamond Bus WM, plus 30936/7/9 & 30948 at Bolton (575 branded) if the lot are included.
Surprised you're not considering buying the 13 plate Eclipse 2's off the leasing company. Are the 62 plates B7RLE/Eclipse also leased?
Are the vast majority of the newer buses leased not owned?
Quote from: Winston on October 24, 2019, 07:58:11 PM
2. If the 13 plate Volvo's are due to be retuned off lease, how does that affect the WMCA jointly operated 31/32 routes? As 30938/940-2 are in that livery & branded.
Then you have 30943 / 30949 at Diamond Bus WM, plus 30936/7/9 & 30948 at Bolton (575 branded) if the lot are included.
Surprised you're not considering buying the 13 plate Eclipse 2's off the leasing company. Are the 62 plates B7RLE/Eclipse also leased?
The replacements for the 13 plate Volvo's are part of the Wrights order and will come in the correct livery.
The 62 plate Volvo's are owned.
If you consider every major city is moving to Euro 6 at some point during 2021 - then we either need to retrofit them or discard them within 2 years. We are nervous about retrofit and hence why we have ordered newer vehicles, although not heavy weight they are to a higher specification, with substantially better fuel economy and LCEB entitlements.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 25, 2019, 07:30:14 AM
The replacements for the 13 plate Volvo's are part of the Wrights order and will come in the correct livery.
The 62 plate Volvo's are owned.
If you consider every major city is moving to Euro 6 at some point during 2021 - then we either need to retrofit them or discard them within 2 years. We are nervous about retrofit and hence why we have ordered newer vehicles, although not heavy weight they are to a higher specification, with substantially better fuel economy and LCEB entitlements.
Hi Simon
On that basis, Will the 16/W be accounted for with new buses considering the Birmingham ULEZ/AQPS is set to come into force next July? (was originally January).
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 25, 2019, 07:30:14 AM
The replacements for the 13 plate Volvo's are part of the Wrights order and will come in the correct livery.
The 62 plate Volvo's are owned.
If you consider every major city is moving to Euro 6 at some point during 2021 - then we either need to retrofit them or discard them within 2 years. We are nervous about retrofit and hence why we have ordered newer vehicles, although not heavy weight they are to a higher specification, with substantially better fuel economy and LCEB entitlements.
How will that work as regards the 31/32? As some of the branded buses are 62 plate, some are 13 plates, will those routes have a mix of new Streetlites & 62 plate Volvo's?
I understand re: Euro6, I was thinking more along the lines of the likes of Kidderminster for upgrading to Euro 5 Volvo's (Route 3) which has lost it's newer Scania's since Bolton was acquired, or the longer distance 42/43 @ KR or potentially even Redditch. Those areas aren't going to go Euro 6 anytime soon.
Then as Nathan points out above where does the 16/16w fit in?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 23, 2019, 08:06:14 PM
The Mellors are for
57 2
66 1
80 1
224 1
41/41A 2
1. 40 service
2. Replace 13 plate Volvo B7RLE's - which return off lease
3. We have 2 x 9.6m on order for 50/69. We need to assess with delivery delays how we deal with this
Hi Simon is this for the 40 service between West Brom and wednesbury?
And would you consider any E400mmc's or are the street decks a better value
Quote from: Nathan on October 25, 2019, 09:01:08 AM
Hi Simon
On that basis, Will the 16/W be accounted for with new buses considering the Birmingham ULEZ/AQPS is set to come into force next July? (was originally January).
There is the capacity to do this
Quote from: Winston on October 25, 2019, 11:33:45 AM
How will that work as regards the 31/32? As some of the branded buses are 62 plate, some are 13 plates, will those routes have a mix of new Streetlites & 62 plate Volvo's?
I understand re: Euro6, I was thinking more along the lines of the likes of Kidderminster for upgrading to Euro 5 Volvo's (Route 3) which has lost it's newer Scania's since Bolton was acquired, or the longer distance 42/43 @ KR or potentially even Redditch. Those areas aren't going to go Euro 6 anytime soon.
Then as Nathan points out above where does the 16/16w fit in?
We have enough vehicles - we have not yet considered how we organise them.
Any buses in paint or recently been painted for tividale/Kidderminster/Redditch thanks
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 23, 2019, 05:57:16 AM
We have 7 x Mellor vehicles turning up this week/next few weeks for the West Midlands. Although the Wrights order does include StreetDecks for Bolton, there are also Streetlites for the West Midlands/ Heathrow for Hoppa.
The original order was due to start delivery from 1st November. I have been advised that delays the effect of the recent problems means we wont see anything until April. I am not sure how that works, and we are waiting on a properly delivery plan and we are now looking at how that affects the commitments we have
More on order than I thought... Shame about the Wright Bus situation as I thoroughly enjoyed my journeys on the Streetdecks in Bolton.
Can I ask when Bolton Depot will be starting to allocate the right buses to routes. Today you can see a Solo on the 471 but an Enviro 400 on the 695. I know allocating so many buses is a hard task but some of the allocations are laughable.
Secondly, are Rotala working with Go North West regarding the 162/163 & X63 ticketing issue. A lot of people who use the X63 have complained that if they get a Diamond ticket, they lose access to the X63 but if they get a GNW ticket, they can't get home midday and if the X63 doesn't turn up, they end up on a Diamond bus. The solution of a System One pass has got a lot of people upset. The Rochdale Road Corridor will also be with 3 operators fighting for the revenue which means that the specific operator tickets will get more confusing and consequently help Mayor Burnhams case for franchising.
A solution for the 162/163/X63 and Rochdale Road issues need sorting asap or both you and GNW will lose passengers because of the confusion which is going to be caused (though no fault of your own, it's just how First sold the depots).
Many thanks,
Quote from: Jack6101 on October 25, 2019, 11:51:52 PM
Hi Simon is this for the 40 service between West Brom and wednesbury?
And would you consider any E400mmc's or are the street decks a better value
Yes - 40 is the West Brom to Wednesbury service. E400MMC - I am not a fan.
Quote from: Solo1 on October 26, 2019, 10:29:58 AM
Any buses in paint or recently been painted for tividale/Kidderminster/Redditch thanks
The West Midlands has been short of capacity in the last few weeks, so we have been supporting the North West with repaints.
Quote from: IMarkeh on October 26, 2019, 12:53:05 PM
More on order than I thought... Shame about the Wright Bus situation as I thoroughly enjoyed my journeys on the Streetdecks in Bolton.
Can I ask when Bolton Depot will be starting to allocate the right buses to routes. Today you can see a Solo on the 471 but an Enviro 400 on the 695. I know allocating so many buses is a hard task but some of the allocations are laughable.
Secondly, are Rotala working with Go North West regarding the 162/163 & X63 ticketing issue. A lot of people who use the X63 have complained that if they get a Diamond ticket, they lose access to the X63 but if they get a GNW ticket, they can't get home midday and if the X63 doesn't turn up, they end up on a Diamond bus. The solution of a System One pass has got a lot of people upset. The Rochdale Road Corridor will also be with 3 operators fighting for the revenue which means that the specific operator tickets will get more confusing and consequently help Mayor Burnhams case for franchising.
A solution for the 162/163/X63 and Rochdale Road issues need sorting asap or both you and GNW will lose passengers because of the confusion which is going to be caused (though no fault of your own, it's just how First sold the depots).
Many thanks,
We have a lot of reliability problems with the fleet. We are trying to work through these, but as a result we have put in a lot more vehicles to support service delivery. I am sorry about the allocations and it is something we are looking to improve.
The Manchester North Ticket in its current form doesn't work at all. Passengers haven't switched their purchasing options, so something needed to happen to realign this. I am sure you can appreciate that we sign up to confidentiality agreements - what I will say though is that we weren't against a reduced scheme to deal with what you have set out.
20982 doesn't have any fleetnames
@Simon Dunn. I saw it earlier today on the 28A.
I don't think 20982 has had any fleetnames for some time.
Do you plan on repainting the ex central vehicles, as they cause great confusion as people interpret them as nx buses.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on October 28, 2019, 03:28:59 PM
Do you plan on repainting the ex central vehicles, as they cause great confusion as people interpret them as nx buses.
Now that the PVR has dropped - we are focused on repainting the West Midlands vehicles
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 28, 2019, 04:20:50 PM
Now that the PVR has dropped - we are focused on repainting the West Midlands vehicles
Does that include the ex Hanson's vehicle I saw on the 401e earlier?
Simon, firstly thanks for your replies to previous posts. Always good to get the answers to questions from those that know.
in regards the Bolton fleet, is the paint shop in operation there since you took over? I know it's quite a large facility and I've noticed repaints, especially of the ex yourbus fleet is progressing so was wondering if they are all being done there?
Couple of the most recent ones have been fully branded up, 30405 looking very smart, but I was wondering if the others have been painted elsewhere hence the lack of full branding. 30858 has been minus branding for a good while now.
Last one, is there a standard fleet number font size that is used as I've noticed at least one Streetlite and Citaro with ex first fleet number transfers added on and in my view look way too big?
Quote from: Westy on October 28, 2019, 05:04:55 PM
Does that include the ex Hanson's vehicle I saw on the 401e earlier?
I am not sure it depends which one.
A lot of the Hanson fleet are on Operating lease agreements.
Quote from: WWH44L on October 30, 2019, 12:39:19 PM
Simon, firstly thanks for your replies to previous posts. Always good to get the answers to questions from those that know.
in regards the Bolton fleet, is the paint shop in operation there since you took over? I know it's quite a large facility and I've noticed repaints, especially of the ex yourbus fleet is progressing so was wondering if they are all being done there?
Couple of the most recent ones have been fully branded up, 30405 looking very smart, but I was wondering if the others have been painted elsewhere hence the lack of full branding. 30858 has been minus branding for a good while now.
Last one, is there a standard fleet number font size that is used as I've noticed at least one Streetlite and Citaro with ex first fleet number transfers added on and in my view look way too big?
The Bolton depot does have a large body/paint facility. We took on all the depot staff, and they are engaged in undertaking body repairs and fleet repaints. They have painted a lot of vehicles in Bolton. At the same time a number have been done in the West Midlands.
30405/30858 - was painted in Bolton. The ones without full branding have been generally done in Bolton. They are being educated this week on how to apply.
There are standard sizes - all the new kits have been supplied by the West Midlands suppliers
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 30, 2019, 06:46:42 PM
The Bolton depot does have a large body/paint facility. We took on all the depot staff, and they are engaged in undertaking body repairs and fleet repaints. They have painted a lot of vehicles in Bolton. At the same time a number have been done in the West Midlands.
30405/30858 - was painted in Bolton. The ones without full branding have been generally done in Bolton. They are being educated this week on how to apply.
There are standard sizes - all the new kits have been supplied by the West Midlands suppliers
When buses get repainted on the outside, why don't you look to replace the inside stickers? A fair few buses are still running around with Yourbus adverts inside for Genie or driver vacancies. Would it not make sense to replace these while the bus is in for repaint?
Further to my previous comment, can I also ask why so many buses are running around from Bolton without the destination blinds working. With it being so easy to update destinations, I am a bit shocked to see so many paper destinations.
Quote from: IMarkeh on October 31, 2019, 04:44:07 PM
Further to my previous comment, can I also ask why so many buses are running around from Bolton without the destination blinds working. With it being so easy to update destinations, I am a bit shocked to see so many paper destinations.
I am told that the main problem we have had is to do with E400's which have been leaking water in through the front, and damaging the blind controllers.
We have been undertaking repairs to rectify this.
Will Diamond ever expand their Tamworth network?
Quote from: BusMan Greg on November 02, 2019, 09:19:49 PM
Will Diamond ever expand their Tamworth network?
I am not sure. At the minute we don't have plans to
Quote from: BusMan Greg on November 02, 2019, 09:19:49 PM
Will Diamond ever expand their Tamworth network?
They are struggling for buses. They need to repaint a few hundred buses into the new Diamond livery while maintaining their current services and trying to return buses to First as per the lease agreement in Manchester. It's a huge undertaking. PrestonBus has a few buses in the proposed new livery so potentially repainting that fleet. Not sure if it's decided on or in progress, perhaps Simon can advise on that matter.
Might be a time for re-education of both passengers & staff, but it appears either a passenger is asking for the wrong ticket or the driver is misunderstanding the original request.
Case this morning.
Passenger on Nx bus shows to the driver what they think is an all operator ticket but appears to be the Diamond only network ticket instead.
@Tony can check this out with control, as the Nx driver did radio in around 720 to ask the question.
The answer was no obviously, but I was wondering whether somewhere on the website or at least the driver's should have a image of what a certain ticket should look like when issued?
I know on Nx , it has the word of the day & a reference to Nbus when applicable !
Quote from: IMarkeh on November 03, 2019, 10:29:25 PM
They are struggling for buses. They need to repaint a few hundred buses into the new Diamond livery while maintaining their current services and trying to return buses to First as per the lease agreement in Manchester. It's a huge undertaking. PrestonBus has a few buses in the proposed new livery so potentially repainting that fleet. Not sure if it's decided on or in progress, perhaps Simon can advise on that matter.
We have enough buses. As you say we need to repaint a large number of vehicles. I am not sure what is the other question you are asking. Can you confirm
Quote from: Westy on November 08, 2019, 08:00:53 AM
Might be a time for re-education of both passengers & staff, but it appears either a passenger is asking for the wrong ticket or the driver is misunderstanding the original request.
Case this morning.
Passenger on Nx bus shows to the driver what they think is an all operator ticket but appears to be the Diamond only network ticket instead.
Now @Tony can check this out with control, as the Nx driver did radio in around 720 to ask the question.
The answer was no obviously, but I was wondering whether somewhere on the website or at least the driver's should have a image of what a certain ticket should look like when issued?
I know on Nx , it has the word of the day & a reference to Nbus when applicable !
We train our drivers on all the different ticket types and I cannot remember the last time I saw a complaint (and I see every emailed West Midlands complaint) over a driver selling the wrong ticket type.
We do get tickets about our none acceptance of NX tickets, but we clearly explain that they are not accepted on anything but the partnership routes.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 09, 2019, 03:55:01 PM
We have enough buses. As you say we need to repaint a large number of vehicles. I am not sure what is the other question you are asking. Can you confirm
The other question was if the livery shown on YT61 FEM & YT61 FEP the brand new Preston Bus livery or is it just being applied to these few buses? If it's for the whole fleet, what are the next few buses due to be repainted into this new livery?
Question for @SimonDunn @Diamond is it possible to send any timetable that Diamond produce to Travelshops in the West Midlands or allow to send them to TFWM to distribute them? As may people do not have access to the Internet and/or they do but the may prefer the printed glossy paper edition. Thank you
Bus Man K2
Quote from: IMarkeh on November 11, 2019, 07:21:30 PM
The other question was if the livery shown on YT61 FEM & YT61 FEP the brand new Preston Bus livery or is it just being applied to these few buses? If it's for the whole fleet, what are the next few buses due to be repainted into this new livery?
We will repaint any new buses or transferred buses into fleet.
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on November 11, 2019, 08:55:18 PM
Question for @SimonDunn @Diamond is it possible to send any timetable that Diamond produce to Travelshops in the West Midlands or allow to send them to TFWM to distribute them? As may people do not have access to the Internet and/or they do but the may prefer the printed glossy paper edition. Thank you
Bus Man K2
Most material is now jointly produced with TfWM. Is there any shop or any timetable in particular you have in mind?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 12, 2019, 06:23:09 AM
Most material is now jointly produced with TfWM. Is there any shop or any timetable in particular you have in mind?
Hi Simon
Thanks for the response.
I was thinking about the 125 and 146 timetables. I can't remember if the 146 is still produced by TFWM or not?
Woth Regards to the 125 timetable it seems to appear for a couple of months at Stourbridge then dissappear for what feels like a lot longer. As the timetable that replases it is the Black and white edition. Is there any chance that Stourbridge could get a load of the 125 timetables delivered? Also if the 146 isn't produced by TFWM anymore could you please send your edition to the New Street Station Network travelshop?
Thank you
Kind regards
Bus Man K2
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on November 12, 2019, 07:03:21 AM
Hi Simon
Thanks for the response.
I was thinking about the 125 and 146 timetables. I can't remember if the 146 is still produced by TFWM or not?
Woth Regards to the 125 timetable it seems to appear for a couple of months at Stourbridge then dissappear for what feels like a lot longer. As the timetable that replases it is the Black and white edition. Is there any chance that Stourbridge could get a load of the 125 timetables delivered? Also if the 146 isn't produced by TFWM anymore could you please send your edition to the New Street Station Network travelshop?
Thank you
Kind regards
Bus Man K2
This is a fair point. We will get some produced
Hi Simon looking at the West Midlands area map on your website and I've picked up a couple of mistakes.
227 needs to be taken off as it's now been replaced by the 228.
At Bilston the services need to be put into numerical order currently it reads like this 224, 223, 229, 22, 42, 43/43A. It should read 22, 43/43A, 23, 224 & 229. the 42 doesn't serve Bilston.
At Dudley you could do with doing what you have done at Bilston an d list the services that serve Dudley. 17, 42, 74A, 226.
You could also mention on the 35 that NX operate some journeys on this route. the same goes with the 50 Birmingham, 117 Stourbridge & the 71.
Bus Man K2
Lastly Do you produce the 145/A timetable?
Bus Man K2
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on November 12, 2019, 12:41:11 PM
Lastly Do you produce the 145/A timetable?
Bus Man K2
No - we are operating this service on an emergency contract.
Currently on the 4H towards Walsall 1507 (from Halesowen) departure and an incident between a passenger and driver has occured. Is there email I can send the details?
Is there a reason why your value branded B7RLES constantly leak when its raining? It's not exactly nice for people to be dripped on. 30409 is an example.
Quote from: SL 16 YPN on November 13, 2019, 03:29:47 PM
Currently on the 4H towards Walsall 1507 (from Halesowen) departure and an incident between a passenger and driver has occured. Is there email I can send the details?
Please send to
Quote from: Trident 4194 on November 14, 2019, 08:25:36 PM
Is there a reason why your value branded B7RLES constantly leak when its raining? It's not exactly nice for people to be dripped on. 30409 is an example.
We did not have any leak reported yesterday on this vehicle. The workshop are going to recall the vehicle, for further investigation. In the past when we have had issues, the vehicles have had roof pods that have required resealing
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 12, 2019, 09:05:04 AM
This is a fair point. We will get some produced
Hi Simon
Don't know how many 125 (Oct 19) timetables were sent to Stourbridge, but there was nothing left after I had picked the last 2 up from the stand today.
Bus Man K2
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on November 15, 2019, 12:05:01 PM
Hi Simon
Don't know how many 125 (Oct 19) timetables were sent to Stourbridge, but there was nothing left after I had picked the last 2 up from the stand today.
Bus Man K2
We sent 1,000. We will send some more
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 15, 2019, 03:21:38 PM
We sent 1,000. We will send some more
Thanks for that info Simon.
I don't suspect that they've used all of that delivery yet. However I may be wrong! Just out of interest when was that delivery sent?
Bus Man K2
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on November 15, 2019, 03:43:19 PM
Thanks for that info Simon.
I don't suspect that they've used all of that delivery yet. However I may be wrong! Just out of interest when was that delivery sent?
Bus Man K2
I believe we are in the process of giving them more
Hi Simon,
Just a quick question are there any plans to have buses in Preston tracked via the app?
Quote from: Stevoj3026 on November 22, 2019, 01:18:20 AM
Hi Simon,
Just a quick question are there any plans to have buses in Preston tracked via the app?
Our Diamond Bus platform is due for upgrade. We are waiting to see how that performs before upgrading the Preston Bus platform
Any more mellor minis due this year for tividale Kidderminster Redditch thanks
What is the Long Acre depot now? Do Diamond still own it?
Quote from: Solo1 on November 25, 2019, 07:07:57 AM
Any more mellor minis due this year for tividale Kidderminster Redditch thanks
We are due 7 Mellors all for Tividale. 5 have arrived, so there is 2 left
Quote from: Busboy105 on November 25, 2019, 08:45:15 AM
What is the Long Acre depot now? Do Diamond still own it?
We sold the depot to Western Power a few years back. So no.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 25, 2019, 10:51:21 AM
We sold the depot to Western Power a few years back. So no.
Do you plan to open a new garage in Birmingham in the near future?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 25, 2019, 10:50:50 AM
We are due 7 Mellors all for Tividale. 5 have arrived, so there is 2 left
I've got 3 of the 5 when wil the other 2 ofvthe 5 be out please thanks
Quote from: Busboy105 on November 25, 2019, 12:05:40 PM
Do you plan to open a new garage in Birmingham in the near future?
Quote from: Solo1 on November 25, 2019, 07:02:11 PM
I've got 3 of the 5 when wil the other 2 ofvthe 5 be out please thanks
The 6th vehicle turned up yesterday. The others should be out in service today
@Simon Dunn I was wondering why you have produced individual timetables for the 125 and not any other timetables that are in the Oct edition of the booklet timetable?
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on November 27, 2019, 11:59:37 AM
Hi @Simon Dunn I was wondering why you have produced individual timetables for the 125 and not any other timetables that are in the Oct edition of the booklet timetable?
The 125 timetable is in both the Kidderminster network guide and has been printed individually. We have distributed individually where we think there is no value in promoting the Kidderminster services
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 27, 2019, 01:08:24 PM
The 125 timetable is in both the Kidderminster network guide and has been printed individually. We have distributed individually where we think there is no value in promoting the Kidderminster services
Surely it would make sense to keep Kiddminsters book in Kiddy and surrounding area ie Bewdley and send the separate editions to other areas i.e Stourbridge?
Hi Simon,
The situation at Bolton just hasn't improved since my last comment, in fact, it seems to have gotten worse. Today, the 571 just didn't run, the 575 had a half hourly service and practically every other route suffered. Yesterday 3 consecutive boards on the 471 didn't run leading to delays of over 40 minutes etc etc.. If you dont have the drivers to operate routes, then the wise and honorable thing to do is to stop competing on routes which are already operated by other companies...
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on November 27, 2019, 01:28:19 PM
Surely it would make sense to keep Kiddminsters book in Kiddy and surrounding area ie Bewdley and send the separate editions to other areas i.e Stourbridge?
That is my understanding of what has happened
Quote from: BD12TCJ on November 27, 2019, 08:00:05 PM
Hi Simon,
The situation at Bolton just hasn't improved since my last comment, in fact, it seems to have gotten worse. Today, the 571 just didn't run, the 575 had a half hourly service and practically every other route suffered. Yesterday 3 consecutive boards on the 471 didn't run leading to delays of over 40 minutes etc etc.. If you dont have the drivers to operate routes, then the wise and honorable thing to do is to stop competing on routes which are already operated by other companies...
I have spoken to the Director in charge. On the day in question, we had a collection of problems which occurred at the same time. The 571 did run, but there was a bus missing for a period of time, and we did rectify the problems as quickly as possible.
Hi Simon,
Enquiring on behalf of someone who has asked the question on my West Midlands Bus Users Facebook page, they would like to know why Diamond are not operating their 71 service (Chelmsley Wood to Sutton Coldfield) on Boxing Day?
As National Express have also stated they are not operating it, this service will not be running at all on that day? Or is another operator running it?
My best guess is that as I presume the Sunday service is operated under tendered contract to TfWM, the tender specification doesn't include Boxing Day?
Quote from: Stu on December 05, 2019, 06:51:29 PM
Hi Simon,
Enquiring on behalf of someone who has asked the question on my West Midlands Bus Users Facebook page, they would like to know why Diamond are not operating their 71 service (Chelmsley Wood to Sutton Coldfield) on Boxing Day?
As National Express have also stated they are not operating it, this service will not be running at all on that day? Or is another operator running it?
My best guess is that as I presume the Sunday service is operated under tendered contract to TfWM, the tender specification doesn't include Boxing Day?
TfWM decide to contract for Boxing day services separately.
Every year they review what they want to provide and the 71 is a service that have decided not to subsidise. Since your message we have checked. I do not believe a service was operated either in 2017 or 2018
The 11:17 from West Bromwich decided that he was only going to Halesowen despite running on time. Sat in Halesowen eating his lunch instead. Continued back on the 12:07 to Walsall.
Also are tividale struggling for buses as I've seen solos and darts on the 4H recently?
Hi Simon,
Just a quick question but the 78 services four bus stops that fall under Staffs, and these stops look so abandoned that it's like no bus calls at them. They lack timetables (not your fault) but I know you've had to something with giving the 35 timetables so I was hoping you could have a look and see what could be done?
Thanks, Jack
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 06, 2019, 03:18:03 PM
The 11:17 from West Bromwich decided that he was only going to Halesowen despite running on time. Sat in Halesowen eating his lunch instead. Continued back on the 12:07 to Walsall.
Also are tividale struggling for buses as I've seen solos and darts on the 4H recently?
There isn't a problem for vehicles. I will get the points investigated and come back to you
An open letter in the Bolton news reiterates my point, staff shortages are causing so many trips to be dropped in Bolton and Wigan. Is it not time to drop routes which you're competing on if you cant provide services across the borough. For the sake of bus passengers..
Hi Simon, can I ask roughly how many drivers are in the process of training at Bolton?
Secondly, how long, based on the current data you have, will it take for Bolton to have enough staff to cover all trips on all routes?
Finally, are you working with places like the Job Centre to try and get people into the industry?
Obviously there is a driver shortage at the moment which is leading to some cancellations. I appreciate you and your staff are doing their best at this difficult time but I think for passengers, it's getting a little bit too much now with it going on for 4 months. It's important that you are not just advertising on your website and are doing your best to recruit drivers. I say that as I see Diamond Bus is not advertising on the government find a job site.
Quote from: IMarkeh on December 09, 2019, 03:29:19 AM
Hi Simon, can I ask roughly how many drivers are in the process of training at Bolton?
Secondly, how long, based on the current data you have, will it take for Bolton to have enough staff to cover all trips on all routes?
Finally, are you working with places like the Job Centre to try and get people into the industry?
Obviously there is a driver shortage at the moment which is leading to some cancellations. I appreciate you and your staff are doing their best at this difficult time but I think for passengers, it's getting a little bit too much now with it going on for 4 months. It's important that you are not just advertising on your website and are doing your best to recruit drivers. I say that as I see Diamond Bus is not advertising on the government find a job site.
When we acquired the business, we were 60 short. This assumes full establishment and none working any overtime and equates to around 12% of the requirement.
Since then we have trained around 30, recruited drivers with licences and at the same time experienced some natural wastage. We have dropped route 13, and some tenders at the back end of October. The driver issue is at a manageable level. I accept that service delivery isn't where it needs to be. However, it is not as bad as stated. I look at journey by journey statistics and we aren't far away. The real problem, we have ongoing issues with the rental fleet, from windscreens falling out because of poor design, constant leaking around the front end, which then creates all kinds of electrical issues.
We were not aware of these issues pre-acquisition and we independently had the fleet inspected. Our plan was always though to replace the vast majority of the fleet, we acquired 10 Euro 6 Citaro's, 14 Wrights Streetdecks, and part of the reason we acquired the 19 ex YourBus buses was to get on top of this issue.
At the same time, we were due 15 Streetdecks in December, which due to their issues have been put back. We are trying to agree a deal with TfGM which would involved replacing 130 buses in Bolton this year.
So - we are getting there. We have internally changed our Engineering structure and the people we have in place all understand the importance of service delivery.
With all due respect, that reply is arrogant. "The driver issue is at a manageable level". This is not what your drivers, nor TFGM are telling customers. Average of 13 boards a day being cut, 45 minute waits. Mini solos going on the busiest routes in GM. And regarding the drivers issue, no wonder you are short when drivers are saying they've not been paid for their holidays and are not being paid in full in general...
To quote Bob Dunns message from Bolton Depot "Firstly we want to be recognised as number one bus operator in Greater Manchester".. you've got a long while to go before that happens..
Rant over..
Hi Simon, in June (Reply #2060) it was mentioned that the Redditch 69 had to be run with Euro 6 buses in 6 months time, and as the Streetlites will now not be arriving in time and we are nearly at the 6 month mark, are there any plans to temporarily move any newer buses from anywhere else for this route anytime soon, or switch allocations around in the short term, as the route seems pretty much a half Mellor half Optare operation currently?
Thanks in Advance.
Quote from: BD12TCJ on December 09, 2019, 05:38:30 PM
With all due respect, that reply is arrogant. "The driver issue is at a manageable level". This is not what your drivers, nor TFGM are telling customers. Average of 13 boards a day being cut, 45 minute waits. Mini solos going on the busiest routes in GM. And regarding the drivers issue, no wonder you are short when drivers are saying they've not been paid for their holidays and are not being paid in full in general...
To quote Bob Dunns message from Bolton Depot "Firstly we want to be recognised as number one bus operator in Greater Manchester".. you've got a long while to go before that happens..
Rant over..
I have told you the current position. Your information is incorrect
Quote from: V89MOA on December 09, 2019, 11:13:46 PM
Hi Simon, in June (Reply #2060) it was mentioned that the Redditch 69 had to be run with Euro 6 buses in 6 months time, and as the Streetlites will now not be arriving in time and we are nearly at the 6 month mark, are there any plans to temporarily move any newer buses from anywhere else for this route anytime soon, or switch allocations around in the short term, as the route seems pretty much a half Mellor half Optare operation currently?
Thanks in Advance.
We have discussed the issue already with TfWM. They were aware of our plan and have given us until the end of March as an extension
Simon 69 Redditch comes under Worcestershire not Tfwm
Quote from: Steveminor on December 18, 2019, 09:11:05 AM
Simon 69 Redditch comes under Worcestershire not Tfwm
Service 69 IS a TfWM contract and comes under the agreement of the tender award. The service is operated from Redditch Garage but is NOT a Worcestershire service of Diamond Bus but an West Midlands one and listed as such on the Diamond Bus website.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on December 18, 2019, 09:28:24 AM
Service 69 IS a TfWM contract and comes under the agreement of the tender award. The service is operated from Redditch Garage but is NOT a Worcestershire service of Diamond Bus but an West Midlands one and listed as such on the Diamond Bus website.
Steve, Richard is correct the 69 is under contract to TfWM
@Simon Dunn I am currently on service 4H (30943) from Oldbury to West Brom and there is a massive sign on the window saying free WiFi. However when I put my WiFi on it doesn't bring Diamond Bus WiFi up. Could you please explain why there is a massive sign that says free WiFi on this bus but you can't actually get it when you try to connect?
Thanks in advance
(There's no need for that attitude, every operator suffers things going wrong occasionally and you don't take a bus out of service and lose mileage because the modem is defective - Tony)
Tony I didn't meant for it to come over aggressive if it did sorry. But you can see where I'm coming from can't you? I didn't mean for it to come over aggressive though. Sorry for that. Plus it's not just once it's happened to me.
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on December 20, 2019, 11:19:22 AM
Hi @Simon Dunn I am currently on service 4H (30943) from Oldbury to West Brom and there is a massive sign on the window saying free WiFi. However when I put my WiFi on it doesn't bring Diamond Bus WiFi up. Could you please explain why there is a massive sign that says free WiFi on this bus but you can't actually get it when you try to connect?
Thanks in advance
(There's no need for that attitude, every operator suffers things going wrong occasionally and you don't take a bus out of service and lose mileage because the modem is defective - Tony)
Tony I didn't meant for it to come over aggressive if it did sorry. But you can see where I'm coming from can't you? I didn't mean for it to come over aggressive though. Sorry for that. Plus it's not just once it's happened to me.
There is no reason why it shouldn't work. I have our Engineering looking at this
Just wondering if you could give some clarification regarding the ultra low emission bus funding for the 582. I had been advised by someone senior at First that the funding would be passed onto yourselves upon the purchase of Bolton. Is there an anticipated time scale on when these electrics will enter service and what spec are they?
Quote from: BD12TCJ on December 22, 2019, 12:32:17 AM
Just wondering if you could give some clarification regarding the ultra low emission bus funding for the 582. I had been advised by someone senior at First that the funding would be passed onto yourselves upon the purchase of Bolton. Is there an anticipated time scale on when these electrics will enter service and what spec are they?
We have the funding available. The consultation with the potential refranchising of the market makes it difficult until resolved. Although we were/are willing to progress an acquisition of electric buses, without a guaranteed buyout in the event of franchising it makes the decision difficult
Hi Simon
Will the tendered service 17 (Dudley to Stourbridge) be changed or withdrawn as a result of the West Dudley Bus Review? I notice that the NXWM service 16 times on evenings and Sundays will change from 26 January with evening times moved from xx.20 to xx.50.
Quote from: Roy on December 22, 2019, 04:52:11 PM
Hi Simon
Will the tendered service 17 (Dudley to Stourbridge) be changed or withdrawn as a result of the West Dudley Bus Review? I notice that the NXWM service 16 times on evenings and Sundays will change from 26 January with evening times moved from xx.20 to xx.50.
There is dialogue which commenced on Friday to change the timetable
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 22, 2019, 04:56:45 PM
There is dialogue which commenced on Friday to change the timetable
Hi Simon
Thanks for the update.
The mayor has said that all buses in the West Midlands have to be in the WMbus livery by 2022, will the buses that are already in the new Diamond livery be repainted in the new WM bus livery or will they stay in the new livery and you will only paint buses in the WM bus livery closer to 2022?
Lots of swapping of routes today. Are buses having issues regularly? 30879 got swapped boards on a 4H with a mellor appearing. Then 30966 started on 4H and am led to believe got replaced by 30411 with 30966 going onto 42/43
Quote from: Busboy105 on December 23, 2019, 01:08:25 PM
The mayor has said that all buses in the West Midlands have to be in the WMbus livery by 2022, will the buses that are already in the new Diamond livery be repainted in the new WM bus livery or will they stay in the new livery and you will only paint buses in the WM bus livery closer to 2022?
I have not heard this. It would be interesting under what powers he proposes to do this.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 23, 2019, 09:15:01 PM
Lots of swapping of routes today. Are buses having issues regularly? 30879 got swapped boards on a 4H with a mellor appearing. Then 30966 started on 4H and am led to believe got replaced by 30411 with 30966 going onto 42/43
Not that I am aware of
Hi simon I'd like to complain about one of your drivers made my mom late for work yesterday 30924 on 42 service to West Bromwich she got on at 8:36 23/12/19 stop past Tesco burnt tree , he missed the left turning at sedgley road east , and carried stright on tried turning around at Dudley port bus station but was unable to , then carried on to great bridge , then turned all the way back up towards sedgley road east , with no apology or anything , and wasn't really consented on the road , could you please have a word with this driver please , I'd be much appreciated
@Simon Dunn In future can complaints be made direct to Diamond or Simon please. There is no need to make them public which could identify the member of staff to everyone
Quote from: Jack6101 on December 24, 2019, 07:44:33 AM
Hi simon I'd like to complain about one of your drivers made my mom late for work yesterday 30924 on 42 service to West Bromwich she got on at 8:36 23/12/19 stop past Tesco burnt tree , he missed the left turning at sedgley road east , and carried stright on tried turning around at Dudley port bus station but was unable to , then carried on to great bridge , then turned all the way back up towards sedgley road east , with no apology or anything , and wasn't really consented on the road , could you please have a word with this driver please , I'd be much appreciated
@Simon Dunn
In future can complaints be made direct to Diamond or Simon please. There is no need to make them public which could identify the member of staff to everyone
Thank you. We will deal with ASAP
Hi Simon
Took a ride on 21104 (228 livery) on the 142 today.
The suspension on it sounds awful with bangs and rattles coming from the back of the bus.
Thought I would let you know.
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on December 28, 2019, 04:53:56 PM
Hi Simon
Took a ride on 21104 (228 livery) on the 142 today.
The suspension on it sounds awful with bangs and rattles coming from the back of the bus.
Thought I would let you know.
Thank you. I will pick this up
Hi Simon, Why are there no daytime journeys on the 26A between Wolverhampton and Stowlawn. It seems the only bus link between these 2 places runs only at night and on Sundays, Why is this?
I have notice on the timetable that is on the website for the newly won tender 292 it is showning just Monday to Friday no Saturday times is this a error or is it going to be run just Monday to Fridays
Quote from: Cedric on January 01, 2020, 08:55:00 AM
I have notice on the timetable that is on the website for the newly won tender 292 it is showning just Monday to Friday no Saturday times is this a error or is it going to be run just Monday to Fridays
It is an error. It runs Monday to Saturday
Quote from: BusMan Greg on December 31, 2019, 08:26:55 PM
Hi Simon, Why are there no daytime journeys on the 26A between Wolverhampton and Stowlawn. It seems the only bus link between these 2 places runs only at night and on Sundays, Why is this?
I am not sure. We operate a tendered timetable dictated by TfWM
Quote from: Cedric on January 01, 2020, 08:55:00 AM
I have notice on the timetable that is on the website for the newly won tender 292 it is showning just Monday to Friday no Saturday times is this a error or is it going to be run just Monday to Fridays
thanks simon happy new year to you and all at diamond
@Simon Dunn firstly happy new year to you. I was just wondering with the services that you operate to/from Coventry Rail Station will they be effected by the closure from 5 Jan of the Interchange? Although there will be two new stops situated right outside the station building. If your service are affected will they be serving the two new stop?
Thanks in advance.
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 01, 2020, 11:45:33 AM
Hi @Simon Dunn firstly happy new year to you. I was just wondering with the services that you operate to/from Coventry Rail Station will they be effected by the closure from 5 Jan of the Interchange? Although there will be two new stops situated right outside the station building. If your service are affected will they be serving the two new stop?
Thanks in advance.
We will be serving one of the two stops outside the station
Question for Simon relating to DNW. Why are the buses on the 126 and 132 so small? Given these are the only routes to the Trafford Centre from Leigh and Wigan, the little Streetlites are very inadequate for these services, particularly during weekends and school holidays. Take the 126 - it can often be full by the time it has reached Astley, to the point people are left behind. Given the shift times at the Trafford Centre, this isn't good for shift workers. Back in SLT days, the 126 was run using a 100 capacity decker!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2020, 03:50:24 PM
We will be serving one of the two stops outside the station
@Simon Dunn thanks for the response. Just out of interest which stop will you be serving?
Another question how long is this going to be for?
Thanks again
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 02, 2020, 05:14:07 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn thanks for the response. Just out of interest which stop will you be serving?
Another question how long is this going to be for?
Thanks again
My understanding is that this is a long term change - no operator has allocated stops so far as I am aware
Quote from: njlawley on January 02, 2020, 04:51:47 PM
Question for Simon relating to DNW. Why are the buses on the 126 and 132 so small? Given these are the only routes to the Trafford Centre from Leigh and Wigan, the little Streetlites are very inadequate for these services, particularly during weekends and school holidays. Take the 126 - it can often be full by the time it has reached Astley, to the point people are left behind. Given the shift times at the Trafford Centre, this isn't good for shift workers. Back in SLT days, the 126 was run using a 100 capacity decker!
As you are probably aware we never acquired any deckers from SLT, so when we acquired it they weren't using 100 seater deckers.
I have just quickly scanned some journey data from early December, and I don't see a level of usage that supports an increase in the vehicle size. Before acquiring the vehicles we looked at a years worth of data, and they were clearly the right vehicle. However, if I am missing something, can you let me know which journey you think requires larger vehicles and I will look at that journey specifically for a month.
What is more interesting is that despite using 33 seater buses, to achieve a lower vehicle cost and higher fuel efficiency the service is just covering its operating costs
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2020, 06:50:44 PM
My understanding is that this is a long term change - no operator has allocated stops so far as I am aware
@Simon Dunn I think NXC have had their new allocatons for the Rail Station agreed, as they have announced it on their website.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2020, 07:00:42 PM
As you are probably aware we never acquired any deckers from SLT, so when we acquired it they weren't using 100 seater deckers.
I have just quickly scanned some journey data from early December, and I don't see a level of usage that supports an increase in the vehicle size. Before acquiring the vehicles we looked at a years worth of data, and they were clearly the right vehicle. However, if I am missing something, can you let me know which journey you think requires larger vehicles and I will look at that journey specifically for a month.
What is more interesting is that despite using 33 seater buses, to achieve a lower vehicle cost and higher fuel efficiency the service is just covering its operating costs
Wow, only covering its costs!?!?! I will admit, bus usage across the area east of Wigan seems to be hemorrhaging just like retail footfall - look at the lack of buses between Wigan and Atherton/Tyldesley. That area has gone from 5 per hour (132 + First's 32/33) to 1 per hour (First curtailed the 33, then Stagecoach cut then axed the 32). Even the Leigh <-> Astley flow has gone from a peak of something like 16 per hour down to 5.
But yes, I do remember no deckers transferring over, as D&G got rid of them all - the 126 Olympus now being at Midland Classic.
Back to the original question - and I will admit, I've moved out of the area so only use buses when I'm visiting family (which is several times a year). I don't know the time, but one day I do know of was 11 October... on this occasion it was my mum who was waiting to board in Astley and wasn't allowed on because it was so full. The result was she didn't bother going to the Trafford Centre, instead she caught the Stagecoach 34 and ended up in the Manchester Arndale during the terrorist incident! (luckily she wasn't affected). Other people who I know use the service have said similar. I hate to say, but my mum's opinion of Diamond isn't good.
I've noticed, it's when the rugby is on at home, the service from Wigan can be standing room only, which isn't ideal for being on the motorway.
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 02, 2020, 07:59:48 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn I think NXC have had their new allocatons for the Rail Station agreed, as they have announced it on their website.
@Simon Dunn I was just wondering have you now had conformation of which stop you will be serving for the Rail Station (forecout)?
Also will there be a new timetable for that service to show the new stand?
Lastly nothing to do with Cov Rail Station. Will there also be a new timetable for the 17 Dudley? As the current one is headed as service 17B and not 17. It is only headed as 17B on the actuall timetable page, it is not headed on the list of services as 17B.
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 06, 2020, 11:25:41 AM
Hi @Simon Dunn I was just wondering have you now had conformation of which stop you will be serving for the Rail Station (forecout)?
Also will there be a new timetable for that service to show the new stand?
Lastly nothing to do with Cov Rail Station. Will there also be a new timetable for the 17 Dudley? As the current one is headed as service 17B and not 17. It is only headed as 17B on the actuall timetable page, it is not headed on the list of services as 17B.
We have not been allocated a stop in Coventry
The 17 will change - timetable currently in the process of being agreed
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 06, 2020, 11:30:49 AM
We have not been allocated a stop in Coventry
The 17 will change - timetable currently in the process of being agreed
Thanks for the quick response.
I assumed that the 17 timetable had already been agreed as on another website that timetable had been updated. With no change to your service as far as I can see, unless you can elaborate more on this? No worries if not as I know some companies like to keep a changes to timetable quiet until a couple of week before it changes.
Simon - interesting to see an advert for Lichfield 'up to 3 buses an hour' in the red West Midlands (Network) Bus branding. This was at Walsall bus station on the digital screens. Is this something Diamond and NX are involved with? Im aware Staffs have a gateway to Lichfield project too.
Is SO65LRJ having the vinyls advertising the housing estate in Leigh removed in the future? Or at least some new vinyls on the windows as they're noticabley peeling.
Quote from: l.murphy123 on January 07, 2020, 11:46:00 PM
Simon - interesting to see an advert for Lichfield 'up to 3 buses an hour' in the red West Midlands (Network) Bus branding. This was at Walsall bus station on the digital screens. Is this something Diamond and NX are involved with? Im aware Staffs have a gateway to Lichfield project too.
This isn't something we are involved with
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 12, 2020, 01:51:43 PM
This isn't something we are involved with
May be you need to think about getting involved.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 12, 2020, 01:51:43 PM
This isn't something we are involved with
Free marketing for you then! Have you considered bringing back the X35 Arriva used to run?
Just a quick question Simon, how many new Streetdecks are due at Bolton and will these cover the remaining 103 leased First vehicles or are you obtaining others from elsewhere?
Quote from: l.murphy123 on January 13, 2020, 11:00:09 AM
Free marketing for you then! Have you considered bringing back the X35 Arriva used to run?
This is not something which is under consideration
Quote from: WWH44L on January 14, 2020, 11:00:51 AM
Just a quick question Simon, how many new Streetdecks are due at Bolton and will these cover the remaining 103 leased First vehicles or are you obtaining others from elsewhere?
I am not in the habit or misleading people or not telling the truth. Therefore, I would rather not say at this point.
@Simon Dunn I was just wondering if theWest Midlands area map would be updated to show the 17 as serbice 17A? Also on the separate page for the 17 the currect website timetable is headed as 17B on the actual page. Will this be superseeded by the number 17A?
Why have vehicles started being replaced so often again especially on the 4H. 20743 appeared on there the other day. 30813 was took out of service after literally starting the route early yesterday morning . Today 30888 has been replaced, and 30413 has been replaced. I thought you had sorted these maintenance issues out, and were really making progress, fixing the likes of 30412.
I look forward to your reply
Quote from: Trident 4194 on January 18, 2020, 01:35:54 PM
Why have vehicles started being replaced so often again especially on the 4H. 20743 appeared on there the other day. 30813 was took out of service after literally starting the route early yesterday morning . Today 30888 has been replaced, and 30413 has been replaced. I thought you had sorted these maintenance issues out, and were really making progress, fixing the likes of 30412.
I look forward to your reply
I have checked
30813 yesterday Turbo failed in service so had to be withdrawn and returned to the depot
30888 had a ticket machine issue lost all power to base plate.
Unfortunately these issues can occur
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 17, 2020, 07:35:24 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn I was just wondering if theWest Midlands area map would be updated to show the 17 as serbice 17A? Also on the separate page for the 17 the currect website timetable is headed as 17B on the actual page. Will this be superseeded by the number 17A?
The website maps, service number and TT for the 17 will be updated on 26th. Currently there is a service update note and a PDF link to the revised TT
Hi Simon, what is the reason for withdrawing the 002 from the £30 value monthly ticket . Seems very odd to me, when that is one of the main reasons why customers may buy this. Unless your aware of this and are simply trying to up your margins so you can fund more mellors. Certainly lost one customer through this. Won't be paying £30 to simply travel on the 4H for a month.
Look forward to your reply
Quote from: Trident 4194 on January 24, 2020, 08:39:12 AM
Hi Simon, what is the reason for withdrawing the 002 from the £30 value monthly ticket . Seems very odd to me, when that is one of the main reasons why customers may buy this. Unless your aware of this and are simply trying to up your margins so you can fund more mellors. Certainly lost one customer through this. Won't be paying £30 to simply travel on the 4H for a month.
Look forward to your reply
As I am sure you can appreciate the introduction of the low fare zones, and then the subsequent set up of NBus products to match those has meant we have had to change our fares structure to reflect the zonal approach.
Do you travel within the Low Fare zone only?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 24, 2020, 04:37:57 PM
As I am sure you can appreciate the introduction of the low fare zones, and then the subsequent set up of NBus products to match those has meant we have had to change our fares structure to reflect the zonal approach.
Do you travel within the Low Fare zone only?
I don't know whether merry hill, hayley green and blackheath qualify in the low fare zone
@Simon Dunn I have just driven pased one of your buses. On the blind it stated it was a 17, surely the blind should've been updated to say 17A by now? If the blinds have been updated why wasn't it showing 17A? Sorry I didn't get the fleet no of this bus. It was heading to stourbridge and it was at the bottom of Vicarage Road Amblecote at 21:18ish.
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 28, 2020, 09:23:54 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn I have just driven pased one of your buses. On the blind it stated it was a 17, surely the blind should've been updated to say 17A by now? If the blinds have been updated why wasn't it showing 17A? Sorry I didn't get the fleet no of this bus. It was heading to stourbridge and it was at the bottom of Vicarage Road Amblecote at 21:18ish.
The blinds have been updated, we have both variations on the blind.
I will look at what bus was on last night and have it checked
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 29, 2020, 04:29:07 AM
The blinds have been updated, we have both variations on the blind.
I will look at what bus was on last night and have it checked
@Simon Dunn thanks for that. Did you find out which bus it was?
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 29, 2020, 03:20:41 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn thanks for that. Did you find out which bus it was?
The vast majority of the evening services are now run by Mellors. I asked for them all to be re-programmed
Hi Simon, do you have any further updates on the Bolton Streedecks? I know previously you did say April but I am just wondering if this has been brought forward or pushed back?
Quote from: IMarkeh on January 30, 2020, 02:24:35 PM
Hi Simon, do you have any further updates on the Bolton Streedecks? I know previously you did say April but I am just wondering if this has been brought forward or pushed back?
We still expect deliveries to commence April.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 12, 2020, 01:51:43 PM
This isn't something we are involved with
Cheers. There are West Midlands Bus branded timetable flyers for the 35/35B that is marketed around Lichfield. No mention of the 10A. Still unsure why Lichfield is being pushed so much but good to see the 35 being names anyway as it is faster than the 10A.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 21, 2019, 06:32:59 AM
There is no reason why it shouldn't work. I have our Engineering looking at this
@Simon Dunn I was wondering did you/have you found out why the Wifi isn't working on some of your vehicles?
What are the routes that run from tividale depot
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on February 07, 2020, 09:44:27 AM
Hi @Simon Dunn I was wondering did you/have you found out why the Wifi isn't working on some of your vehicles?
We are working through the vehicles now
Quote from: BH2004 on February 07, 2020, 03:57:59 PM
What are the routes that run from tividale depot
There are a lot. Is there anything specific you are interested in
In your £38 ticket are the 13/17,231 all valid In this ticket. I can't help but think your website regarding tickets is extremely vague for customers, and a bit of clarity would be appreciated
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 07, 2020, 08:57:17 PM
There are a lot. Is there anything specific you are interested in
16/16W, 50 and 226
How long left until the remaining darts and optares are withdrawn from service
Quote from: BH2004 on February 07, 2020, 09:48:50 PM
16/16W, 50 and 226
16/16W operate from Tividale
50 operates from Redditch
226 operates from Tividale
Quote from: Jakemat10 on February 10, 2020, 04:19:36 PM
How long left until the remaining darts and optares are withdrawn from service
There is no time limit - and considering some Optares are 66 plate, they will be in the fleet for a while.
will 30639/30882/30925 return to service not seen them for some time now but they're still taxed
Quote from: Jakemat10 on February 17, 2020, 06:48:30 PM
will 30639/30882/30925 return to service not seen them for some time now but they're still taxed
I'm sorry for the delay in response
1. 30639 - Off Road, awaiting engine
2. 30882 - Off Road awaiting Engine repair
3. 30925 - This went back into service last week
What happened to 639/882 engine if you don't mind me asking
Quote from: Jakemat10 on February 19, 2020, 08:37:14 PM
What happened to 639/882 engine if you don't mind me asking
They are just worn out
Hi Simon
What rotas are at Tividale and what routes are on them?
Quote from: NXWMFAN1105 on February 21, 2020, 11:11:45 AM
Hi Simon
What rotas are at Tividale and what routes are on them?
We have a number of rota's which are either route specific or changeover point focused. For example
002 rota
4/4H Rota
31/32 Rota
226 rota
16 early
16 lates
Bilton Rota
West Brom tenders (TfWM tenders which terminate at West Brom)
West Brom Partnership rota
Wednesbury Rota
I am sure there are more, this is off the top of my head
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 21, 2020, 09:42:44 PM
We have a number of rota's which are either route specific or changeover point focused. For example
002 rota
4/4H Rota
31/32 Rota
226 rota
16 early
16 lates
Bilton Rota
West Brom tenders (TfWM tenders which terminate at West Brom)
West Brom Partnership rota
Wednesbury Rota
I am sure there are more, this is off the top of my head
Are the 530's & 26A's on the Bilston rota or Wolverhampton rota as buses that were on the 23's & 25's during the day appear on the Wolves night contracts later on?
Are the 61 and 68A/C on the same rota as I see the same drivers on both
Quote from: BusMan Greg on February 21, 2020, 10:09:55 PM
Are the 530's & 26A's on the Bilston rota or Wolverhampton rota as buses that were on the 23's & 25's during the day appear on the Wolves night contracts later on?
Sorry - there is a late rota and they are on this. The lates has a lot of different routes on it
Quote from: Lukeee on February 21, 2020, 11:35:38 PM
Are the 61 and 68A/C on the same rota as I see the same drivers on both
Yes, they both interchange at One Stop, so there is a limited rota for this
Regarding an earlier comment about capacity on the 126, I was on a long solo earlier, which I think have a higher seating capacity than the Streetlites, and it had a standing load practically after setting off. The driver had to put not in service up as it would be unsafe to run with so many standees on the motorway. This is common on a weekend. Can the capacity issues be addressed?
Quote from: BD12TCJ on February 22, 2020, 02:51:31 PM
Regarding an earlier comment about capacity on the 126, I was on a long solo earlier, which I think have a higher seating capacity than the Streetlites, and it had a standing load practically after setting off. The driver had to put not in service up as it would be unsafe to run with so many standees on the motorway. This is common on a weekend. Can the capacity issues be addressed?
I presume this was today. If so what journey?
How come the 25 which runs along Coleshill Road and Ventor Avenue, doesn't serve the stop served by the 28, 55 and 94 on Coleshill Road outside Tesco at Ward End. Its always seemed strange it doesn't stop there, when it drives straight past the stop.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 22, 2020, 05:19:25 PM
I presume this was today. If so what journey?
11:40 from Leigh.
Hi Simon, how come there has been an ex Central E200 allocated to the 229 for the past few weeks? Just wondering as it is normally all Solo operated.
Quote from: BD12TCJ on February 22, 2020, 07:33:53 PM
11:40 from Leigh.
I have checked the Ticket machine data, the bus had plenty of capacity against its authorised capacity. On the whole journey around 30 in total. Depending upon what stop there was more.
On the back of this, I have had the driver spoken to. I accept that he turned passengers away, as he deemed the bus was full. I guess this is sometimes the problem between actual and perceived capacity.
Quote from: NXWMFAN1105 on February 26, 2020, 07:41:19 PM
Hi Simon, how come there has been an ex Central E200 allocated to the 229 for the past few weeks? Just wondering as it is normally all Solo operated.
No specific reason. The route is one of a limited number of routes which has no Euro limitations.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 26, 2020, 07:58:43 PM
On the back of this, I have had the driver spoken to. I accept that he turned passengers away, as he deemed the bus was full. I guess this is sometimes the problem between actual and perceived capacity.
Aye, thanks. The driver was great, no problems with him, quite cheery too.. I could understand where he was coming from though when refusing anymore. A solo is a bit snug when it has some standees :D
@Simon Dunn I was just wondering why the new partnership timetable hasn't been updated like when the 31 & 32 had changed from the 301 & 302? Also with the West Midlands route map will the 17A be added in place of the 17? When will this happen?
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on March 08, 2020, 05:54:00 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn I was just wondering why the new partnership timetable hasn't been updated like when the 31 & 32 had changed from the 301 & 302? Also with the West Midlands route map will the 17A be added in place of the 17? When will this happen?
New timetable will go live this week
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 09, 2020, 02:33:33 PM
New timetable will go live this week
Is that the partnership timetable?
Also what about the WM area map, will that be updated with the 17A route?
Lastley I noticed that the Bus blinds on the 17A route have been updated to say 17A now.
are diamond taking over any of the ex coniston route around kidderminster.
c edric
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on March 09, 2020, 03:57:29 PM
Is that the partnership timetable?
Also what about the WM area map, will that be updated with the 17A route?
Lastley I noticed that the Bus blinds on the 17A route have been updated to say 17A now.
40 - this week
17A - working on this
Quote from: Cedric on March 11, 2020, 09:19:55 PM
are diamond taking over any of the ex coniston route around kidderminster.
c edric
The tender awards summary sets out that Astons have won both services
I'm guessing the driver of 20840 on the 13:22 4H out of Halesowen has no concept of time seeing as though he is up at lutley lane at 13:22?
yesterday i was on 21109 and the stopping sign was on all the time both times i was on
and there was i bus passed me with people on not showing anything displayed on front,side or rear display#
did not get vehicle number, but it was the one with a big dent in the near side and advert on rear
Will 20541 21109 20733 30807 30808 come back to Tividale anytime soon
hi ive just a pic of former central buses 30976 YY16YJH at Hallmark in plain white have any others left?
@cris 99 - 30975 & 30976 have both gone, swapped for 40 branded Streetlites 30169 & 30170 which came the other way, Winston.
so when are Diamond and other cash in hand operators going to opt in for card transactions and passes only in lieu of the current situation?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on March 12, 2020, 02:30:25 PM
I'm guessing the driver of 20840 on the 13:22 4H out of Halesowen has no concept of time seeing as though he is up at lutley lane at 13:22?
I'm sorry for the late reply. I haven't been on here this last week, I will get this investigated
Quote from: Jakemat10 on March 13, 2020, 12:39:31 PM
Will 20541 21109 20733 30807 30808 come back to Tividale anytime soon
I am not sure - with everything that is happening. I suspect what is now happening with have medium term effects on bus usage. We need to review where the assets are needed as the events infold
Quote from: cris 99 on March 15, 2020, 12:28:11 PM
hi ive just a pic of former central buses 30976 YY16YJH at Hallmark in plain white have any others left?
@cris 99 - 30975 & 30976 have both gone, swapped for 40 branded Streetlites 30169 & 30170 which came the other way, Winston.
Winston is correct. We have changed our fleet list
Quote from: OH25 on March 18, 2020, 06:14:42 PM
so when are Diamond and other cash in hand operators going to opt in for card transactions and passes only in lieu of the current situation?
During this time, we have been promoting prepayment, and contactless.
At the same time, we have were requested issued disposable gloves to drivers and allowed them to not issue change.
None of what is happening is ideal and we are adapting to deal with the challenges with which we have been dealt.
Hello Simon,
What are the 8 new streetlites destined to be used on or are they currently sorn until the pandemic ends?
Quote from: SL 16 YPN on March 31, 2020, 08:14:09 PM
Hello Simon,
What are the 8 new streetlites destined to be used on or are they currently sorn until the pandemic ends?
The intention is to have the capacity to replace all our City Centre route buses.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 01, 2020, 07:32:21 PM
The intention is to have the capacity to replace all our City Centre route buses.
Presumably Solihull and Wolverhampton as well with the AQPS in January?
20001/20023/21018/30888 all sorned is this because of them not being needed atm or are they now withdrawn from service
Quote from: Tony on April 01, 2020, 07:35:12 PM
Presumably Solihull and Wolverhampton as well with the AQPS in January?
You are correct that 2 x Streetlites are for the 69. However, I believe the vehicles we use are already compliant
Quote from: Jakemat10 on April 02, 2020, 04:43:25 AM
20001/20023/21018/30888 all sorned is this because of them not being needed atm or are they now withdrawn from service
I can't see us using these again
Oh thats a shame is there any others that might not see service again
With the knowledge that Covid 19 is affecting bus operators countrywide extensively to the extent services are reduced significantly because of vastly reduced demand - is Rotala having similar issues and what is its response - presumably many vehicles parked up and staff Furloughed. Are you able to share any info?
Quote from: Jakemat10 on April 02, 2020, 02:38:19 PM
Oh thats a shame is there any others that might not see service again
Maybe - I don't have a list at this time
Quote from: don on April 03, 2020, 08:24:13 PM
With the knowledge that Covid 19 is affecting bus operators countrywide extensively to the extent services are reduced significantly because of vastly reduced demand - is Rotala having similar issues and what is its response - presumably many vehicles parked up and staff Furloughed. Are you able to share any info?
Our PVR is around 45%, We are carrying around 20% of the passengers we were before.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 04, 2020, 08:34:41 AM
Our PVR is around 45%, We are carrying around 20% of the passengers we were before.
Thanks for that. Is there much regional variation (eg Bolton v Redditch) given the difference in demographics and operations?
Quote from: don on April 04, 2020, 12:54:04 PM
Thanks for that. Is there much regional variation (eg Bolton v Redditch) given the difference in demographics and operations?
Our Heathrow depots are very focused on the Airport (we have closed one depot). Our Commercial bus operations especially high frequency services have been massively reduced.
We have in essence reduced frequency, and are operating the vast majority of the tendered services as we are under contract. That doesn't mean we don't have a cash risk, but they are slightly reduced but in % terms not decreased anywhere near the same level.
Thanks for the response - a very difficult time for all operators.
Hi Simon,
I was wondering if you could confirm Hallmark's current service levels, or get them to do so, as the 'News' page and Twitter both contradict the 'Service Updates' page.
Hallmark News & Twitter
458 - hourly Mon-Sat, no mention of Sunday
461 - no mention
555 - two-hourly Mon-Sat, no mention of Sunday
557 - two-hourly Mon-Fri, no mention of Saturday
Hallmark Service Updates
458 - hourly Mon-Sat, no mention of Sunday
461 - no mention
555 - two-hourly Mon-Sat, no mention of Sunday
557 - no mention
Surrey County Council
458 - hourly all week
461 - normal
555 - two-hourly Mon-Sat, hourly Sun
557 - normal
As you can see one page of Hallmark's site says two-hourly 557 and no Saturday service, another page of Hallmark's site makes no mention, and the council say normal service (which would seem to back up the lack of mention of changes on the Service Updates page, but contradicts the Hallmark news page's two-hourly special timetable and lack of Saturday timetable).
Also with Hallmark not mentioning Sunday services at all, but the council showing an hourly Sunday 555 timetable linked to from 'two-hourly every day' wording, it's all a bit mixed-message! If Hallmark could get this clarified on their website then that'd be great.
Kind regards,
Quote from: Damo on April 08, 2020, 06:24:52 PM
Hi Simon,
I was wondering if you could confirm Hallmark's current service levels, or get them to do so, as the 'News' page and Twitter both contradict the 'Service Updates' page.
Hallmark News & Twitter
458 - hourly Mon-Sat, no mention of Sunday
461 - no mention
555 - two-hourly Mon-Sat, no mention of Sunday
557 - two-hourly Mon-Fri, no mention of Saturday
Hallmark Service Updates
458 - hourly Mon-Sat, no mention of Sunday
461 - no mention
555 - two-hourly Mon-Sat, no mention of Sunday
557 - no mention
Surrey County Council
458 - hourly all week
461 - normal
555 - two-hourly Mon-Sat, hourly Sun
557 - normal
As you can see one page of Hallmark's site says two-hourly 557 and no Saturday service, another page of Hallmark's site makes no mention, and the council say normal service (which would seem to back up the lack of mention of changes on the Service Updates page, but contradicts the Hallmark news page's two-hourly special timetable and lack of Saturday timetable).
Also with Hallmark not mentioning Sunday services at all, but the council showing an hourly Sunday 555 timetable linked to from 'two-hourly every day' wording, it's all a bit mixed-message! If Hallmark could get this clarified on their website then that'd be great.
Kind regards,
Sorry about this. We agreed changes with local stakeholders, for then a rethink to happen on the day it came into question.
The website has been updated this morning. If it is unclear, let me know
Thanks Simon - that clears up the 461 and 557! Only thing I'd ask is what's the 555 Sunday level - hourly as normal as not mentioned (despite Mon-Sat dropping to two-hourly), or two-hourly as per new Mon-Sat service and Surrey County Council website?
Thanks again,
Hi Simon, with the current reduced timetables are drivers now driving many different routes in one day?
Would you be able to advice what running boards there are now?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 11, 2020, 07:57:53 PM
Hi Simon, with the current reduced timetables are drivers now driving many different routes in one day?
Would you be able to advice what running boards there are now?
All Rota's are the same, and the content in the rota's are the same. Where there was more duties there are more Spare Days and we have a lot of drivers self isolated and some Furlough
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 11, 2020, 09:59:02 PM
All Rota's are the same, and the content in the rota's are the same. Where there was more duties there are more Spare Days and we have a lot of drivers self isolated and some Furlough
Thanks for your reply. Are you able to disclose what routes are on what running board at tividale?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 12, 2020, 10:36:17 AM
Thanks for your reply. Are you able to disclose what routes are on what running board at tividale?
Same as before, just with a 9 pre-fix.
Hi Simon,
The TfWM "Subsidised Bus Statutory Information" document for April 2020 shows that Diamond have 'won' the tender for the 530 Wolverhampton to Rocket Pool service from 26th April.
I could have sworn the other day that this service did not come up in search results the other day when I looked on the Diamond website. (But it does now!)
Could you just clarify for me that this tender win is for the current evening service that you already seem to operate?
As Network West Midlands are not updating their own website, or making any timetable information available, its proving a little challenging for me to provide accurate service change update information on my West Midlands Bus Users website!
Thanks in advance!
This thread is for one purpose only!
To ask Simon questions - please stop filling it with opinions and general chat.
Quote from: Stu on April 21, 2020, 08:47:11 PM
Hi Simon,
The TfWM "Subsidised Bus Statutory Information" document for April 2020 shows that Diamond have 'won' the tender for the 530 Wolverhampton to Rocket Pool service from 26th April.
I could have sworn the other day that this service did not come up in search results the other day when I looked on the Diamond website. (But it does now!)
Could you just clarify for me that this tender win is for the current evening service that you already seem to operate?
As Network West Midlands are not updating their own website, or making any timetable information available, its proving a little challenging for me to provide accurate service change update information on my West Midlands Bus Users website!
Thanks in advance!
Across all operators there were a lot of tenders due out in April.
TfWM asked individual operators to extend contracts. We agreed a deal to extend most, some were retendered including the 108, 530, 23.
We in the end re-won the 530, and hence the changes in position
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 22, 2020, 08:52:41 PM
Across all operators there were a lot of tenders due out in April.
TfWM asked individual operators to extend contracts. We agreed a deal to extend most, some were retendered including the 108, 530, 23.
We in the end re-won the 530, and hence the changes in position
Thanks for your reply, so just to confirm, Diamond are continuing to operate the 530 evening service, with Banga Buses operating during the daytime?
Quote from: Stu on April 22, 2020, 09:04:00 PM
Thanks for your reply, so just to confirm, Diamond are continuing to operate the 530 evening service, with Banga Buses operating during the daytime?
Yes we are continuing to operate the evening service
@Simon Dunn I was just wondering when the map on the West Midlands Diamond page will be updated? This is as the 17 is still mentioned, but this service was re-numbered to 17A also the 23, 28A & 108 need to be taken off.
Plus on the website would it not make sense to group the services together that would inter-work or that would be on the same TfWM produced timetable document reather than seperate them? So this would mean the 42/43/43A would be together on one box. I'm not trying to single out operators, I will also suggest this for other operators.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on April 29, 2020, 12:32:21 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn I was just wondering when the map on the West Midlands Diamond page will be updated? This is as the 17 is still mentioned, but this service was re-numbered to 17A also the 23, 28A & 108 need to be taken off.
Plus on the website would it not make sense to group the services together that would inter-work or that would be on the same TfWM produced timetable document reather than seperate them? So this would mean the 42/43/43A would be together on one box. I'm not trying to single out operators, I will also suggest this for other operators.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Work is underway this week to update the map
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 29, 2020, 01:31:23 PM
Work is underway this week to update the map
@Simon Dunn thanks for the quick response.
What about my observation about grouping services together?
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on April 29, 2020, 01:42:28 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn thanks for the quick response.
What about my observation about grouping services together?
Our website works on having singular sites per service. I am not an IT expert, but I am told it is not achieveable
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 29, 2020, 01:46:27 PM
Our website works on having singular sites per service. I am not an IT expert, but I am told it is not achieveable
@Simon Dunn I can tell you it is achieveable. Just look an NXWM Platinum website lists. Apart from the X1 and X2 all the other services that are on the same printed TfWM timetable are together.
30120 showing to be on 4H this morning is it a ticket machine swap or is the bus actually on the route as I know this bus hasn't been on the road for a few months now
Quote from: Jakemat10 on May 01, 2020, 07:14:37 AM
30120 showing to be on 4H this morning is it a ticket machine swap or is the bus actually on the route as I know this bus hasn't been on the road for a few months now
The vehicle is not in service and this will be corrected
What happened to the 89 route (Erdington to Kingstanding one)?
It says on the website it is running, but I didn't see one at all tracking or on the road
Quote from: OH25 on May 01, 2020, 06:07:24 PM
What happened to the 89 route (Erdington to Kingstanding one)?
It says on the website it is running, but I didn't see one at all tracking or on the road
We are running a reduced timetable at this time
Any idea of which buses will not return to the road once lock downs over
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on April 29, 2020, 01:42:28 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn thanks for the quick response.
What about my observation about grouping services together?
@Simon Dunn I know you've got better things to do with your time. I have just been on your website and noticed that the West Midlands map has been amendex to what I said. Thank you for doing that, though I have just noticed that the Coventry 1 is now still mentiond on it. This service is now run be NX. So it will need taking off this map.
Sorry for being a pain!!
Quote from: Jakemat10 on May 03, 2020, 05:02:18 PM
Any idea of which buses will not return to the road once lock downs over
At present we don't know. It depends upon PVR at each depot, social distancing requirements, other opportunities and the requirements of every depot
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on May 04, 2020, 06:33:47 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn I know you've got better things to do with your time. I have just been on your website and noticed that the West Midlands map has been amendex to what I said. Thank you for doing that, though I have just noticed that the Coventry 1 is now still mentiond on it. This service is now run be NX. So it will need taking off this map.
Sorry for being a pain!!
Thank you. I have requested that it is updated
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 04, 2020, 07:03:56 PM
Thank you. I have requested that it is updated
Another one to add to the list -
30 Solihull - Acocks Green also needs removing!
Speaking of maps, will any be done for Bolton and Eccles depots?
Also, is there any plans to put PrestonBus onto the BusHub website system? Their current website is quite dated and it would allow passengers to track their bus which currently they can't do and it will provide greater consistency through the Rotala group.
Are 32311 & 32315 available for service at tividale?
Quote from: IMarkeh on May 08, 2020, 01:06:59 PM
Speaking of maps, will any be done for Bolton and Eccles depots?
Also, is there any plans to put PrestonBus onto the BusHub website system? Their current website is quite dated and it would allow passengers to track their bus which currently they can't do and it will provide greater consistency through the Rotala group.
All our commercial arrangements for all our websites expire in December 2020. We have been reviewing our options. Nothing will change until we come to conclusion on this.
I've seen a post saying 30805 has been transferred to tividale and is it for service or the scrap yard If true
Is 30211 ever making a comeback?
30211 is an 02 plate DAF/Cadet that has been scrapped
Hi simon can you tell me if there are any more new vehicles due since 32312-32318 hare arrived?
How come the Kingstanding 25 has been cancelled?
PD0001374/503 Cancelled (Short notice)
Route: Kingstanding Circle to Bloxwich, Park Road via Pheasey, Gt Barr, Pelsall
Service number: 025
Service type: Normal Stopping
Effective date: 13 Jun 2020
Has the tender for that service been lost to another operator?
Quote from: Jakemat10 on May 14, 2020, 01:01:12 AM
I've seen a post saying 30805 has been transferred to tividale and is it for service or the scrap yard If true
We have at present around 30 - too many buses spare for the West Midlands and in total around 60 across the business. This fits into this category, What happens, will depend upon whether there are additional requirements created as a result of social distancing.
We simply don't know at present what this means, and we are waiting to see what happens
Quote from: cris 99 on May 17, 2020, 12:54:13 PM
Hi simon can you tell me if there are any more new vehicles due since 32312-32318 hare arrived?
We have the order with Wrights, which has a delivery schedule which was original planned to deliver all during 2020. With factory shut downs, and the impact of Corona Virus this will not now happen.
We expect deliveries to commence again, in early July within the next batch there are vehicles for Manchester, Preston and Birmingham. we will see what happens
Quote from: 2206 on May 19, 2020, 02:26:01 PM
How come the Kingstanding 25 has been cancelled?
PD0001374/503 Cancelled (Short notice)
Route: Kingstanding Circle to Bloxwich, Park Road via Pheasey, Gt Barr, Pelsall
Service number: 025
Service type: Normal Stopping
Effective date: 13 Jun 2020
Has the tender for that service been lost to another operator?
We lost the tender to I believe to Walsall Community Transport.
Hi Simon,
The latest announcements can be read as meaning the 146 and 303 have been permanently withdrawn, -- is that correct ??
Quote from: DD12 on May 20, 2020, 11:09:58 AM
Hi Simon,
The latest announcements can be read as meaning the 146 and 303 have been permanently withdrawn, -- is that correct ??
The 146 is mainly used by Pensioners post 0930. The service has been lost making for a while, and with this fact and current government guidance to pensioners it seems commercial suicide to re-introduce.
The 303 was a successful service, until the train guards were removed from Kidderminster train station. The effect of which means that people now effectively travel for free by train and the service has been poor ever since.
We have discussed this with WCC, and they are unable to influence control. We discussed this and the 302 with WCC this week and we have a further conversation planned. We are looking at options, but ultimately we need to know for all our benefit how we are going to create a viable service.
In regards to the new 44, the Diamond site says this will serve Northfield. Which I don't think the 202 used to.
Which route will this service take between Quinton and Northfield? Will it still go through Bartley Green?
"Will be replaced with NEW 44 route, which will operate hourly Monday to Saturday from Halesowen to Bromsgrove via Quinton, Northfield, Rubery, Lydiate Ash and Princess of Wales Hospital, Bromsgrove."
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 20, 2020, 06:48:23 AM
We lost the tender to I believe to Walsall Community Transport.
@Simon Dunn just to say yes you are correct to say that you have lost the contract for the 25 Kingstanding route to Walsall Community Transport.
Hi Simon
With Social Distancing being the key phrase, have Rotala thought about reintroducing deckers to the Diamond WM fleet (I know they had them on Diamond branded routes prior to Rotala taking over back in '08 and on central connect routes until they merged with diamond)
I mean, surely they would be useful especially on routes such as the 16/4/50 and WMB routes, especially with a decker being able to help social distancing better
Quote from: 2206 on May 20, 2020, 12:14:53 PM
In regards to the new 44, the Diamond site says this will serve Northfield. Which I don't think the 202 used to.
Which route will this service take between Quinton and Northfield? Will it still go through Bartley Green?
"Will be replaced with NEW 44 route, which will operate hourly Monday to Saturday from Halesowen to Bromsgrove via Quinton, Northfield, Rubery, Lydiate Ash and Princess of Wales Hospital, Bromsgrove."
@Simon Dunn with regards to what
@2206 said, which route will it take? Also with regards to printed information (timetable publication) will there be a timetable available for customers/bus enthusiasts to pick up?
Bus Man K2
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 20, 2020, 11:56:29 AM
The 146 is mainly used by Pensioners post 0930. The service has been lost making for a while, and with this fact and current government guidance to pensioners it seems commercial suicide to re-introduce.
The 303 was a successful service, until the train guards were removed from Kidderminster train station. The effect of which means that people now effectively travel for free by train and the service has been poor ever since.
We have discussed this with WCC, and they are unable to influence control. We discussed this and the 302 with WCC this week and we have a further conversation planned. We are looking at options, but ultimately we need to know for all our benefit how we are going to create a viable service.
Thanks very much Simon for that detailed reply.
Good Health to everyone at Diamond !
Quote from: DD12 on May 20, 2020, 11:09:58 AM
Hi Simon,
The latest announcements can be read as meaning the 146 and 303 have been permanently withdrawn, -- is that correct ??
Simon while a can see your point about the financial costs of running services . a couple of points the 303 does not go by railway station now . so i can not see people going up there to get a free ride on the train and risk getting caught at Worcester. and there is only one station along the route and it is quite a walk from the village and only a couple of trains stop there and station build are now used for other things so after that village which is the first one out of kidderminster. along the rest of the route people have no access to any public transport.
Quote from: 2206 on May 20, 2020, 12:14:53 PM
In regards to the new 44, the Diamond site says this will serve Northfield. Which I don't think the 202 used to.
Which route will this service take between Quinton and Northfield? Will it still go through Bartley Green?
"Will be replaced with NEW 44 route, which will operate hourly Monday to Saturday from Halesowen to Bromsgrove via Quinton, Northfield, Rubery, Lydiate Ash and Princess of Wales Hospital, Bromsgrove."
We have changed the route - with a view to improving the commercial viability
Quote from: the trainbasher on May 20, 2020, 12:59:44 PM
Hi Simon
With Social Distancing being the key phrase, have Rotala thought about reintroducing deckers to the Diamond WM fleet (I know they had them on Diamond branded routes prior to Rotala taking over back in '08 and on central connect routes until they merged with diamond)
I mean, surely they would be useful especially on routes such as the 16/4/50 and WMB routes, especially with a decker being able to help social distancing better
It is a possibility - at present we do not have any capacity to do thing. However, we do have 128 (from memory) in build.
Quote from: Cedric on May 20, 2020, 02:10:46 PM
Simon while a can see your point about the financial costs of running services . a couple of points the 303 does not go by railway station now . so i can not see people going up there to get a free ride on the train and risk getting caught at Worcester. and there is only one station along the route and it is quite a walk from the village and only a couple of trains stop there and station build are now used for other things so after that village which is the first one out of kidderminster. along the rest of the route people have no access to any public transport.
We took our the railway station connection for this very point.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 20, 2020, 02:45:49 PM
We took our the railway station connection for this very point.
i was under the impression that the mainline railway stopped you going in there.
Hi Simon, I have noticed you have taken down the 4H changes from the 31st May which initially said that the frequency would be every 10 minutes? Has that plan been abandoned now as it doesn't show on the website.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on May 24, 2020, 09:08:40 AM
Hi Simon, I have noticed you have taken down the 4H changes from the 31st May which initially said that the frequency would be every 10 minutes? Has that plan been abandoned now as it doesn't show on the website.
Hi Simon, just to add to this question, the Diamond West Midlands website service changes page did originally state that all West Midlands services would return to normal timetables from 31st May, but this appears to have been changed since:
I presume there has been a change of plan then?
Quote from: Stu on May 24, 2020, 07:59:18 PM
Hi Simon, just to add to this question, the Diamond West Midlands website service changes page did originally state that all West Midlands services would return to normal timetables from 31st May, but this appears to have been changed since:
I presume there has been a change of plan then?
We expected the full scheme of the CBSSG to be published. At present there is a lot of detail missing.
Bus tracker isn't showing buses on the map
Are all the buses that have recently moved to Bolton on loan or are they permanent transfers?
Quote from: BD12TCJ on May 26, 2020, 03:48:46 PM
Are all the buses that have recently moved to Bolton on loan or are they permanent transfers?
I am not sure what you mean by all the buses.
The Volvo decker - for the foreseeable future then yes. The 4 x E200's - again I think so.
hi simon what 4 E200s have gone to Bolton
have anymore vehicles gone been going into repaint or still on hold?
Hi Simon,
Sorry that you won't be running the 202 any longer. Do you know if there's any other operator who may pick up parts of the route which will no longer be served (I'm thinking of Rubery - Rednal - Lickey areas in particular)?
Quote from: cris 99 on May 27, 2020, 09:58:23 AM
hi simon what 4 E200s have gone to Bolton
4 ex Central E200's. 2 from Heathrow and 2 from West Midlands
Quote from: Jack on May 27, 2020, 01:13:29 PM
have anymore vehicles gone been going into repaint or still on hold?
Buses have been painted during the last few weeks
Quote from: SO6597 on May 28, 2020, 07:45:24 PM
Hi Simon,
Sorry that you won't be running the 202 any longer. Do you know if there's any other operator who may pick up parts of the route which will no longer be served (I'm thinking of Rubery - Rednal - Lickey areas in particular)?
We have provided data to WCC. I am unsure what they have done with.
We have modified the route, with a view to improving commercial viability. We had been in discussion with WCC for a while over a few routes
I notice 4H drivers are still using Stourbridge road from Halesowen rather than pool road as per new timetable. Don't know why they are driving longer distances than needed
Quote from: Trident 4194 on May 30, 2020, 09:11:04 AM
I notice 4H drivers are still using Stourbridge road from Halesowen rather than pool road as per new timetable. Don't know why they are driving longer distances than needed
Have you got any specific journey details so I can get them investigated?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 30, 2020, 09:33:27 PM
Have you got any specific journey details so I can get them investigated?
Every single 4H journey used the old route of Stourbridge road rather than pool road. Maybe drivers are unaware
Hi Simon, now that certain restrictions are now easing slightly, are you able to share the revised timetable for the new deliveries from Wrightbus? Especially the ones that were due at Bolton in April and June?
Hi Simon
Are drivers issued with correct company uniform when they join the company? I've seen some drivers wearing other operators uniform whilst driving your services. Also, do you have any guidelines on the wearing of uniform? I've seen drivers wearing hoodies and unsuitable footwear, such as bright green trainers.
Which ones have been done Tividale/Kidderminster/Redditch depots. Thanks
Quote from: WWH44L on June 09, 2020, 10:22:26 AM
Hi Simon, now that certain restrictions are now easing slightly, are you able to share the revised timetable for the new deliveries from Wrightbus? Especially the ones that were due at Bolton in April and June?
The next vehicles due are for Preston, which I am advised are a few weeks away. The whole programme due to Social distancing have rescheduled the whole order which was originally all due to be delivered by December 2020 to now re-phase to May 2021
Quote from: Pat on June 11, 2020, 12:12:54 PM
Hi Simon
Are drivers issued with correct company uniform when they join the company? I've seen some drivers wearing other operators uniform whilst driving your services. Also, do you have any guidelines on the wearing of uniform? I've seen drivers wearing hoodies and unsuitable footwear, such as bright green trainers.
Nobody should be wearing a hoodie or trainers. Since 17th March, we have continued to recruit drivers, and I am aware that due to shutdowns new drivers have asked to wear Dark trousers/white shirt.
If you can give me the specific dates/times of the drivers in breach or even route I will pick this up with the depot
Quote from: Solo1 on June 11, 2020, 02:09:06 PM
Which ones have been done Tividale/Kidderminster/Redditch depots. Thanks
I don't understand the question
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 12, 2020, 01:17:50 PM
I don't understand the question
should of been what buses have recently been repainted at tividale Kidderminster Redditch depots thanks
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 12, 2020, 01:17:15 PM
Nobody should be wearing a hoodie or trainers. Since 17th March, we have continued to recruit drivers, and I am aware that due to shutdowns new drivers have asked to wear Dark trousers/white shirt.
If you can give me the specific dates/times of the drivers in breach or even route I will pick this up with the depot
Hi Simon
It was a few months ago, before the lockdown, when I saw this and can't remember the exact date and time. It was drivers on Tividale routes wearing non company uniform, such as hoodies and jackets. Some have been wearing other operator uniform.
Hi Simon,
Out of interest, what guidance has Rotala had from the Government regarding the compulsory wearing of face coverings from next Monday, and how does Rotala plan to enforce the requirements (I.e. will it be ensuring the driver phones the police, or is it going to be a case of just telling the drivers to leave it be)
The reason I ask is because it is well known that some members of society do in fact suffer from what is known from "hidden disabilities", such as Autism and Asperger's Syndrome, and whilst those two can show themselves so different ways, some people who suffer from those conditions can struggle to cope with things around their face, and so could potentially find it worrying to find somebody shouting at them or demanding that they wear a covering.
Quote from: the trainbasher on June 12, 2020, 02:38:09 PM
Hi Simon,
Out of interest, what guidance has Rotala had from the Government regarding the compulsory wearing of face coverings from next Monday, and how does Rotala plan to enforce the requirements (I.e. will it be ensuring the driver phones the police, or is it going to be a case of just telling the drivers to leave it be)
The reason I ask is because it is well known that some members of society do in fact suffer from what is known from "hidden disabilities", such as Autism and Asperger's Syndrome, and whilst those two can show themselves so different ways, some people who suffer from those conditions can struggle to cope with things around their face, and so could potentially find it worrying to find somebody shouting at them or demanding that they wear a covering.
Government guidance has come through industry trade bodies. The guidance has been moving around a little. We have put out a statement on social media and our website, which tries to mirror the guidance provided.
In essence, the government is trying to create an expectation on people, and there is an acceptance that there will be people who cannot comply due to a variety of reasons
Simon would you be interested in any Staffordshire routes that were subsidised by SCC?
Quote from: l.murphy123 on June 17, 2020, 02:32:57 PM
Simon would you be interested in any Staffordshire routes that were subsidised by SCC?
Assuming we can operate from our current depot(s) and provide a proper level of service, then we will consider any opportunity
The 74A has become quite packed just lately wasn't able to social distance on it today would you consider adding another bus and putting the timetable to every 30 minutes
30985 tracking on the 401E is this a ticket machine change Over fault it has it returned to service
Quote from: Jakemat10 on July 03, 2020, 12:25:45 AM
The 74A has become quite packed just lately wasn't able to social distance on it today would you consider adding another bus and putting the timetable to every 30 minutes
We submit data daily to TfWM for tendered services. The 74A has had some capacity issues, but not enough to warrant TfWM funding additional resource.
What buses have recently been repainted into the new livery thank you
Quote from: Jakemat10 on July 08, 2020, 09:31:10 AM
30985 tracking on the 401E is this a ticket machine change Over fault it has it returned to service
What is 30985?
Quote from: Solo1 on July 09, 2020, 06:05:34 AM
What buses have recently been repainted into the new livery thank you
There has been loads painted.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 09, 2020, 04:25:30 PM
There has been loads painted.
do you know which ones at Kidderminster Redditch & tividale have been painted into the new livery. I make it 17 buses! In new livery
30885 Sorry and I assume the other buses off the road 30638/639 etc will return soon ?
Quote from: Jakemat10 on July 09, 2020, 10:14:54 PM
30885 Sorry and I assume the other buses off the road 30638/639 etc will return soon ?
On the 19th July we see a circa 15% service increase. At this point a number of vehicles will re-enter service
Why are diamond suspending the 228 service?
You do realise that people rely on that vital service to get from Kinver to Stourbridge and Merry Hill. How are they supposed to access vital health care services at Corbetts and Russells Hall?
It is effectively stranding people who live in Kinver and the surrounding villages by withdrawing their bus service.
Have you even thought to consult with local councillors who represent residents who live on that route before removing their bus service?
Quote from: the trainbasher on July 14, 2020, 03:13:34 PM
Why are diamond suspending the 228 service?
You do realise that people rely on that vital service to get from Kinver to Stourbridge and Merry Hill. How are they supposed to access vital health care services at Corbetts and Russells Hall?
It is effectively stranding people who live in Kinver and the surrounding villages by withdrawing their bus service.
Have you even thought to consult with local councillors who represent residents who live on that route before removing their bus service?
As an industry we are fortunate that the DfT and Central government policy is helping to support bus. They have set out that operators should be no worse off as a result of COVID and have introduced a number of policies for guidance. This guidance is being interpreted differently by different local authorities. TfWM have taken a different approach to every other local authority.
This different approach has effectively reduced the income to Diamond by £1 million and we simply need to balance our books and the 228 has no chance of getting anywhere near being viable. We are not a charity and services which aren't holding their own will be removed. Although we have at this point increased other services, this is were the demand supports this. I expect there will be other service reductions if demand does not increase substantially over the next few weeks, and these changes because of this £1 million deficit will need to happen at speed.
TfWM and Staffordshire are aware - the changes were thrown onto us less than 2 weeks ago, we immediately highlighted the impact of this. We have given time for them to respond but unfortunately as a result of no change in policy we have no choice to react quickly. You should check with Steve Minor, why Claribels have removed their commercial mileage.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 15, 2020, 04:28:22 AM
As an industry we are fortunate that the DfT and Central government policy is helping to support bus. They have set out that operators should be no worse off as a result of COVID and have introduced a number of policies for guidance. This guidance is being interpreted differently by different local authorities. TfWM have taken a different approach to every other local authority.
This different approach has effectively reduced the income to Diamond by £1 million and we simply need to balance our books and the 228 has no chance of getting anywhere near being viable. We are not a charity and services which aren't holding their own will be removed. Although we have at this point increased other services, this is were the demand supports this. I expect there will be other service reductions if demand does not increase substantially over the next few weeks, and these changes because of this £1 million deficit will need to happen at speed.
TfWM and Staffordshire are aware - the changes were thrown onto us less than 2 weeks ago, we immediately highlighted the impact of this. We have given time for them to respond but unfortunately as a result of no change in policy we have no choice to react quickly. You should check with Steve Minor, why Claribels have removed their commercial mileage.
How can TFWm get away with this?
How can Diamond finish this service at such short notice, don't you need to give the 56 days notice?
Quote from: fleetline6477 on July 15, 2020, 11:15:10 PM
How can Diamond finish this service at such short notice, don't you need to give the 56 days notice?
COVID allows short term de-registration - we have applied under this. This item has been under discussion with Staffordshire/TfWM for months.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 16, 2020, 05:11:22 AM
COVID allows short term de-registration - we have applied under this. This item has been under discussion with Staffordshire/TfWM for months.
Staffordshire are absolutely useless from a passenger/tax payer perspective. How much do you get now on average for a concessionary pass holder? Is it still around the 90p-£1 mark?
Quote from: l.murphy123 on July 16, 2020, 11:43:54 AM
Staffordshire are absolutely useless from a passenger/tax payer perspective. How much do you get now on average for a concessionary pass holder? Is it still around the 90p-£1 mark?
The same as everywhere else in the UK it is based on a percentage of the normal fare
Quote from: Tony on July 16, 2020, 02:19:59 PM
The same as everywhere else in the UK it is based on a percentage of the normal fare
I would say that is over simplifying it.
Most, not all schemes refer to the DfT guidance. The DfT provide a model and written guidance which is used to calculate the reimbursement rate. This rate takes into consideration change in fare/ inflation/ elasticity and additional costs which wouldn't exist in the absence of the scheme.
The whole principle though, is that operators should be no worse or not better off in the absence of it.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 17, 2020, 07:24:04 AM
I would say that is over simplifying it.
Most, not all schemes refer to the DfT guidance. The DfT provide a model and written guidance which is used to calculate the reimbursement rate. This rate takes into consideration change in fare/ inflation/ elasticity and additional costs which wouldn't exist in the absence of the scheme.
The whole principle though, is that operators should be no worse or not better off in the absence of it.
Thanks thats really useful. On a route entirely tendered, does the operator keep all the revenue from tickets or does some go back to the authority funding the route?
Quote from: l.murphy123 on July 18, 2020, 12:10:41 PM
Thanks thats really useful. On a route entirely tendered, does the operator keep all the revenue from tickets or does some go back to the authority funding the route?
It depends upon local authority. In TfWM land, I am not aware of any tender were the operator doesn't take the risk on usage (through concessions, and on bus receipts). Worcestershire County Council take this approach, but also have tenders were they take the risks around usage.
On final point - on tendered services you are not eligible for marginal capacity costs for concessionary fares. This also affects the concessionary fares rate of reimbursement.
Could you please update me on the whereabouts of 20541 if it will return to service or if it's withdrawn
Ie 40705 going to be repaired?
Quote from: Jakemat10 on July 20, 2020, 11:01:19 AM
Could you please update me on the whereabouts of 20541 if it will return to service or if it's withdrawn
I don't think it will return to service
Quote from: BD12TCJ on July 20, 2020, 09:48:16 PM
Ie 40705 going to be repaired?
The vehicle is at the factory now being repaired
Ok thanks is it still at redditch depot then
Would you consider bringing 30897 down to tividale along with 21109
Quote from: Jakemat10 on July 23, 2020, 11:46:24 PM
Would you consider bringing 30897 down to tividale along with 21109
At the present moment in time, it makes sense to keep the vehicles were they are
Simon when will remaining services in wyre forest area be back on normal timetables please. the 1/2/3/10/42/302/303
Quote from: Cedric on July 25, 2020, 02:53:30 PM
Simon when will remaining services in wyre forest area be back on normal timetables please. the 1/2/3/10/42/302/303
1, 3, 10, 42, 43
We are waiting to see what happens with demand
We are looking at re-instating from 10th August
Is a School day service.
Is operating full timetable, and has been for a while
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 25, 2020, 10:04:18 PM
1, 3, 10, 42, 43
We are waiting to see what happens with demand
We are looking at re-instating from 10th August
Is a School day service.
Is operating full timetable, and has been for a while
thanks for that simon
This is a long shot but are any darts going in for repaint
Quote from: Jakemat10 on July 27, 2020, 09:52:17 PM
This is a long shot but are any darts going in for repaint
I wouldn't have thought so
Can you do something about the 715am 326 from Bloxwich, as it's always late, or in this case , not arrived at all.
Your social media is told every time there is a problem, but nothing seems to be done.
Hi Simon,
Now that The Green Bus have introduced a new service 242 operating between Kinver and Merry Hill Centre (albeit for the next 5 weeks only), would you be able to confirm for me that Diamond have now withdrawn their 228 service?
Given your concerns about the viability of this service, it would seem incomprehensible to me if TGB were operating this 242 alongside your 228. Or perhaps the 228 service has been curtailed?
There's no further information on this on the Diamond Bus website.
Thanks in advance!
Quote from: Stu on July 29, 2020, 07:35:40 PM
Hi Simon,
Now that The Green Bus have introduced a new service 242 operating between Kinver and Merry Hill Centre (albeit for the next 5 weeks only), would you be able to confirm for me that Diamond have now withdrawn their 228 service?
Given your concerns about the viability of this service, it would seem incomprehensible to me if TGB were operating this 242 alongside your 228. Or perhaps the 228 service has been curtailed?
There's no further information on this on the Diamond Bus website.
Thanks in advance!
We were unable to use the short term deregistration mechanism put in by the DfT as a result of COVID. We are therefore serving the requirement notice.
Quote from: Westy on July 29, 2020, 07:55:32 AM
Can you do something about the 715am 326 from Bloxwich, as it's always late, or in this case , not arrived at all.
Your social media is told every time there is a problem, but nothing seems to be done.
When did you have this problem? I will then look at the day in question
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 01, 2020, 09:02:28 AM
When did you have this problem? I will then look at the day in question
29/7/2020 - Wednesday just gone, but generally always seems to be 5 to 10 mins late as a rule anyway.
On a previous occasion( don't have the date to hand!), it was 20 mins late, & when it arrived, the lady driver said she had been told to start further along the route, to catch up, but she had told her boss she'd catch up.
Also yesterday, despite arriving at the Bloxwich stop in plenty of time, your new driver to the route hadn't been made aware of a problem at the Sneyd Lane junction, due to roadworks.
It appears while your 31 (& Nx's journeys on the 31, plus 60 & 70) didn't have a problem with access, the 326 is unable to turn left out of of Dudleys Fields Estate onto Sneyd Lane (& consquently cannot turn right from Sneyd Lane onto Dudleys Fields either!), so your driver had a problem until I sent him back to the Robert Peel traffic lights, by turning right instead & sending him up Broad Lane & Mossley & turning right (where the 31's turn left!) back onto Sneyd Lane onto proper route.
When I came home, driver on that journey presumbly correctly with the diversion went straight along Sneyd Lane. missing out Dudleys Fields, as he couldn't turn right.
What should be the official diversion in this case?
@Simon Dunn I was just wondering is there any news on the 228 front yet? Only as the website doesn't say anything else other than what was put up on the 15/07.
Bus Man K2
At the present moment in time we are serving the 70 days notice period. The end date is sometime during September 20
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 02, 2020, 06:47:27 PM
At the present moment in time we are serving the 70 days notice period. The end date is sometime during September 20
Ok Thanks.
Is there any plans to integrate this service with another one? Something like the 228/250 may be? So that might help with patronage as I know the 250 is quite a popular route. So you could run it as Kinver to Stourbridge 228 link it up with the 250, or even link it up with the 142 as someone did say in a separate post.
Quote from: Westy on August 01, 2020, 12:00:11 PM
29/7/2020 - Wednesday just gone, but generally always seems to be 5 to 10 mins late as a rule anyway.
On a previous occasion( don't have the date to hand!), it was 20 mins late, & when it arrived, the lady driver said she had been told to start further along the route, to catch up, but she had told her boss she'd catch up.
Also yesterday, despite arriving at the Bloxwich stop in plenty of time, your new driver to the route hadn't been made aware of a problem at the Sneyd Lane junction, due to roadworks.
It appears while your 31 (& Nx's journeys on the 31, plus 60 & 70) didn't have a problem with access, the 326 is unable to turn left out of of Dudleys Fields Estate onto Sneyd Lane (& consquently cannot turn right from Sneyd Lane onto Dudleys Fields either!), so your driver had a problem until I sent him back to the Robert Peel traffic lights, by turning right instead & sending him up Broad Lane & Mossley & turning right (where the 31's turn left!) back onto Sneyd Lane onto proper route.
When I came home, driver on that journey presumbly correctly with the diversion went straight along Sneyd Lane. missing out Dudleys Fields, as he couldn't turn right.
What should be the official diversion in this case?
Update this morning, different driver not aware of diversion either.
Not told by manager.
I told him to go through Mossley as well!
When will 30639 return I've seen it on staff duties few times last month but haven't seen it for A while now
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on August 02, 2020, 06:54:51 PM
Ok Thanks.
Is there any plans to integrate this service with another one? Something like the 228/250 may be? So that might help with patronage as I know the 250 is quite a popular route. So you could run it as Kinver to Stourbridge 228 link it up with the 250, or even link it up with the 142 as someone did say in a separate post.
We need to review in the next few weeks.
Quote from: Westy on August 03, 2020, 08:04:08 AM
Update this morning, different driver not aware of diversion either.
Not told by manager.
I told him to go through Mossley as well!
I have had someone review the timeliness performance, on the 29th we were over 5 minutes late at one fare stage all day. The rest operated within the window of tolerance.
On 3rd August - performance was more erractic. We are going to keep the service delivery under review and watch what happens with service delivery over the next 2 weeks
Quote from: Jakemat10 on August 04, 2020, 12:15:36 PM
When will 30639 return I've seen it on staff duties few times last month but haven't seen it for A while now
The vehicle was stolen and damaged - we believe the vehicle is uneconomical to repair
I wasn't expecting to hear that... will it not return now then
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 04, 2020, 04:31:31 PM
I have had someone review the timeliness performance, on the 29th we were over 5 minutes late at one fare stage all day. The rest operated within the window of tolerance.
On 3rd August - performance was more erractic. We are going to keep the service delivery under review and watch what happens with service delivery over the next 2 weeks
Thank you.
"Window of tolerance" ?
Quote from: Westy on August 04, 2020, 07:05:22 PM
Thank you.
"Window of tolerance" ?
DVSA regards up to one minute early (due to differences in clocks) and 4min 59sec late as the window of tolerance
What's the story behind open top 40100, ie the name Julia and how the open top came about? Thanks.
Will Julia be making an appearance in the midlands at any point
How has the 44 been doing since it's introduction?
Any better than the 202? Or too early to tell?
Quote from: BD12TCJ on August 07, 2020, 10:30:59 AM
What's the story behind open top 40100, ie the name Julia and how the open top came about? Thanks.
Julia was the name on the bus when we acquired it. The depot decided to retain it
Quote from: Jakemat10 on August 07, 2020, 01:18:49 PM
Will Julia be making an appearance in the midlands at any point
I originally exchanged the bus against a debt. It was originally planned for the Midlands and was sent to paint. Bolton have since asked if they could keep it, and considering we are most in need of vehicles there in the short term, it is staying there for now
Quote from: MasterPlan on August 09, 2020, 09:06:48 PM
How has the 44 been doing since it's introduction?
Any better than the 202? Or too early to tell?
Passenger numbers across everything are still 30-50% of what they were. So, nothing is an indication of any level of normality
Where was the decker going to be used in the midlands thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on August 13, 2020, 07:35:01 AM
Where was the decker going to be used in the midlands thanks
We hadn't decided
What is Rotalas position on bus franchising? Is the company in favour of it or are they against it?
Quote from: BD12TCJ on August 13, 2020, 08:46:25 PM
What is Rotalas position on bus franchising? Is the company in favour of it or are they against it?
Franchising would create Business opportunities and risks. Overall, the opportunities outweigh the risks and therefore looking at it purely from a business perspective it would be positive for Rotala.
That being said, I am against Franchising, and therefore so are Rotala. Why? I consider that in the long term Market interests the best results are delivered in Partnership. There are a lot of issues with the market, the CC/OfT intervention a few years back didn't put this right and I see no inclination now to address these. However, introducing more political interference, or control isn't the answer.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 14, 2020, 07:06:08 AM
Franchising would create Business opportunities and risks. Overall, the opportunities outweigh the risks and therefore looking at it purely from a business perspective it would be positive for Rotala.
That being said, I am against Franchising, and therefore so are Rotala. Why? I consider that in the long term Market interests the best results are delivered in Partnership. There are a lot of issues with the market, the CC/OfT intervention a few years back didn't put this right and I see no inclination now to address these. However, introducing more political interference, or control isn't the answer.
Interesting answer, thanks for the reply.
@Simon Dunn I was just wondering will there ever be a new edition of the 401E timetable. This is as since the timetable hasbeen taken off the 4/4H & 4M edition there has not been a new edition.
Bus Man K2
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on August 15, 2020, 12:54:47 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn I was just wondering will there ever be a new edition of the 401E timetable. This is as since the timetable hasbeen taken off the 4/4H & 4M edition there has not been a new edition.
Bus Man K2
We will look at it.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 15, 2020, 02:47:20 PM
We will look at it.
Thanks for the response.
Will this be available at travelshops if you do produce one, or will they just be available bia the net and on the buses?
Also Will the following ones be produced as Diamond editions.
89 Solihull
145 & 145A Droitwich
Bus Man K2
I have just seen a picture of 30947 with smoke blowing all out the engine the bus has had problems since last year wouldn't it be worth an engine change
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on August 15, 2020, 03:37:09 PM
Thanks for the response.
Will this be available at travelshops if you do produce one, or will they just be available bia the net and on the buses?
Also Will the following ones be produced as Diamond editions.
89 Solihull
145 & 145A Droitwich
Bus Man K2
The 146 no longer operates. I believe the 89 is produced by TfWM. I believe the 192 features in our Kidderminster guide.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 17, 2020, 07:00:06 AM
The 146 no longer operates. I believe the 89 is produced by TfWM. I believe the 192 features in our Kidderminster guide.
I have yet to see a TfWM timetable for the 89.
I thought the 146 had been withdrawn and obviously is, but it's still shown as operating on your website.
A polite reminder for ALL members
This topic is strictly for asking questions about Diamond Buses for Simon Dunn to respond to.
It is not for general discussion amongst members, if anyone wants to discuss such things raised in this topic, then please start a new topic.
This is why posts are being removed from this topic, in case anyone is wondering.
Quote from: Stu on August 17, 2020, 06:07:29 PM
A polite reminder for ALL members
This topic is strictly for asking questions about Diamond Buses for Simon Dunn to respond to.
It is not for general discussion amongst members, if anyone wants to discuss such things raised in this topic, then please start a new topic.
This is why posts are being removed from this topic, in case anyone is wondering.
I have also removed a post asking for information about an NX service!
any chance of the 1\3/10 having the timetables back to normal any time soon . the last two weeks i when i have been on a 10 people have been left at the bus station .or the first stop in oxford street. the last time it was a vehicle only able to carry 13 maybe on a thursday you could put on one that seats 20. and any news of the change to the 4 and 7 being rerouted and combined .i know it will proberly not for a while . that you can do anything about .as i know times are difficult for diamond an the rest of the public transport industry 1 thing have noticed durning this time the 1 and 10 look as they are being interworked and it seams to be working well for time keeping. and with slight change to route due to road woks seams to help time keeping also. i know you will have a better view on that than me.cedric
Hi Simon, with the new Streetdecks being delivered into Bolton and the release of the B7RLES back to First, do you know what other vehicles from the current fleet will be leaving? I'm presuming the sole MAN and the two Versas will be on the list.
Many thanks
Quote from: WWH44L on August 18, 2020, 03:00:00 PM
Hi Simon, with the new Streetdecks being delivered into Bolton and the release of the B7RLES back to First, do you know what other vehicles from the current fleet will be leaving? I'm presuming the sole MAN and the two Versas will be on the list.
Many thanks
There are a lot of unknowns at present. October tenders, there will be additional requirements from September for Department for Education. How long will this last? So at the minute, we don't know.
Is there likely to be any changes to the 326 soon?
If not, it appears from the 30/8, the NX 60 which shares the stop in Bloxwich will retime to 0718, which will possibly clash with the 0715 326, if it runs late within the 'window of tolarance' previously mentioned.
Can you inform the depot to keep an eye out for intending passengers, if the NX bus is at the stop already, because we won't be happy if the driver drives past, thinking there's no passengers.
If the weather's ok, I'll stand away from the stop & try & attract your driver's attention, but if the weather's crap, I'm going in the shelter!
Has 20732 gone to Kidderminster as it's been tracking on the 145 for 2 days now
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 18, 2020, 09:21:32 PM
There are a lot of unknowns at present. October tenders, there will be additional requirements from September for Department for Education. How long will this last? So at the minute, we don't know.
Cheers Simon, appreciate your reply.
Quote from: Westy on August 20, 2020, 10:52:56 PM
Is there likely to be any changes to the 326 soon?
If not, it appears from the 30/8, the NX 60 which shares the stop in Bloxwich will retime to 0718, which will possibly clash with the 0715 326, if it runs late within the 'window of tolarance' previously mentioned.
Can you inform the depot to keep an eye out for intending passengers, if the NX bus is at the stop already, because we won't be happy if the driver drives past, thinking there's no passengers.
If the weather's ok, I'll stand away from the stop & try & attract your driver's attention, but if the weather's crap, I'm going in the shelter!
There isnt any intended changes. We will communicate this to our drivers
Hello Simon,
Surrey County Council have made mention that there is to be a revised service on the Hallmark 555 from next week. This may just be extending a journey to Whiteley Park to replace the withdrawn Falcon 564, but is it possible Hallmark could make an announcement so we can plan journeys an know for certain if there will be changes to other routes also (such as the 458 returning to full frequency or not, and the situation with weekend frequencies)?
Many thanks,
Strange question, but are all ex Central Solo's programmed with the correct displays for Tividale routes?
Don't know if it's the same vehicle, but at least one, the drivers cannot set the 326.
The one morning, the vehicle had to display 'Not In Service', as the driver said something about a list that was incorrect.
When I saw the vehicle later the same day, the display had changed to 'Diamond'.
This morning, the vehicle that arrived again showed 'Diamond'!
Quote from: Westy on August 26, 2020, 10:44:43 PM
Strange question, but are all ex Central Solo's programmed with the correct displays for Tividale routes?
Don't know if it's the same vehicle, but at least one, the drivers cannot set the 326.
The one morning, the vehicle had to display 'Not In Service', as the driver said something about a list that was incorrect.
When I saw the vehicle later the same day, the display had changed to 'Diamond'.
This morning, the vehicle that arrived again showed 'Diamond'!
Bus with similar problem this morning.
Quote from: Westy on August 26, 2020, 10:44:43 PM
Strange question, but are all ex Central Solo's programmed with the correct displays for Tividale routes?
Don't know if it's the same vehicle, but at least one, the drivers cannot set the 326.
The one morning, the vehicle had to display 'Not In Service', as the driver said something about a list that was incorrect.
When I saw the vehicle later the same day, the display had changed to 'Diamond'.
This morning, the vehicle that arrived again showed 'Diamond'!
They should be all set. Some vehicles still have the Centrad blinds in, which we are struggling to programme. Which vehicle was it?
Quote from: Cedric on August 18, 2020, 12:02:37 AM
any chance of the 1\3/10 having the timetables back to normal any time soon . the last two weeks i when i have been on a 10 people have been left at the bus station .or the first stop in oxford street. the last time it was a vehicle only able to carry 13 maybe on a thursday you could put on one that seats 20. and any news of the change to the 4 and 7 being rerouted and combined .i know it will proberly not for a while . that you can do anything about .as i know times are difficult for diamond an the rest of the public transport industry 1 thing have noticed durning this time the 1 and 10 look as they are being interworked and it seams to be working well for time keeping. and with slight change to route due to road woks seams to help time keeping also. i know you will have a better view on that than me.cedric
I know nothing about the 4 and 7 being re-routed.
In terms of the 1 and 10. We plan to increase these in a few weeks.
Quote from: WWH44L on August 18, 2020, 03:00:00 PM
Hi Simon, with the new Streetdecks being delivered into Bolton and the release of the B7RLES back to First, do you know what other vehicles from the current fleet will be leaving? I'm presuming the sole MAN and the two Versas will be on the list.
Many thanks
We haven't decided. Although eventually we will potentially end up with too many vehicles. This isn't going to happen until 2021
Quote from: Jakemat10 on August 21, 2020, 10:54:56 AM
Has 20732 gone to Kidderminster as it's been tracking on the 145 for 2 days now
There will be a lot of fleet movements due to Additional requirements for schools going back
Quote from: Westy on August 20, 2020, 10:52:56 PM
Is there likely to be any changes to the 326 soon?
If not, it appears from the 30/8, the NX 60 which shares the stop in Bloxwich will retime to 0718, which will possibly clash with the 0715 326, if it runs late within the 'window of tolarance' previously mentioned.
Can you inform the depot to keep an eye out for intending passengers, if the NX bus is at the stop already, because we won't be happy if the driver drives past, thinking there's no passengers.
If the weather's ok, I'll stand away from the stop & try & attract your driver's attention, but if the weather's crap, I'm going in the shelter!
There are no route intended route changes. One of the buses will be a Euro 4 Longer vehicle from next week, to support Social distancing guidance
Quote from: Damon on August 26, 2020, 11:47:19 AM
Hello Simon,
Surrey County Council have made mention that there is to be a revised service on the Hallmark 555 from next week. This may just be extending a journey to Whiteley Park to replace the withdrawn Falcon 564, but is it possible Hallmark could make an announcement so we can plan journeys an know for certain if there will be changes to other routes also (such as the 458 returning to full frequency or not, and the situation with weekend frequencies)?
Many thanks,
We will be back to full service from 31st August 2020. This includes the extension from Hersham green 07:34 to Whiteley Park at Whitely village 07:41
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2020, 07:29:56 AM
I know nothing about the 4 and 7 being re-routed.
In terms of the 1 and 10. We plan to increase these in a few weeks.
thanks simon
Hi Simon
Do you kniw if any of the new vehicles coming into the Rotala fleet will be coming to Diamond WM or is it DBNW/Preston that will be getting more vehicles.
Secondly, with regards to the duplicates that the 226, 002 and 401E are having, how will they work at bus stations like Bradford Place, Halesowen and MH and the requirement for "slots" for the stands?
Finally, do you know what will be happening with the 228 as Staffs are saying on their site that it won't be running past 28th Sept but its gone quiet on the Diamond website.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 28, 2020, 07:27:59 AM
They should be all set. Some vehicles still have the Centrad blinds in, which we are struggling to programme. Which vehicle was it?
20887, as mentioned above your reply.
Quote from: the trainbasher on August 28, 2020, 02:46:38 PM
Hi Simon
Do you kniw if any of the new vehicles coming into the Rotala fleet will be coming to Diamond WM or is it DBNW/Preston that will be getting more vehicles.
Secondly, with regards to the duplicates that the 226, 002 and 401E are having, how will they work at bus stations like Bradford Place, Halesowen and MH and the requirement for "slots" for the stands?
Finally, do you know what will be happening with the 228 as Staffs are saying on their site that it won't be running past 28th Sept but its gone quiet on the Diamond website.
The Dupes are being run at the request of TfWM - so they are fully aware and I am sure they will have thought about the capacity when we had that discussion
We have been open that the service is loosing money and our desire is to terminate. At the present, we have to have authority to terminate any service. Staffordshire have agreed we can terminate on 28/09, and I believe they have another operator who will pick it up at that point.
Quote from: the trainbasher on August 28, 2020, 02:46:38 PM
Hi Simon
Do you kniw if any of the new vehicles coming into the Rotala fleet will be coming to Diamond WM or is it DBNW/Preston that will be getting more vehicles.
Secondly, with regards to the duplicates that the 226, 002 and 401E are having, how will they work at bus stations like Bradford Place, Halesowen and MH and the requirement for "slots" for the stands?
Finally, do you know what will be happening with the 228 as Staffs are saying on their site that it won't be running past 28th Sept but its gone quiet on the Diamond website.
Sorry Tividale is due some more Single decks.
What will the buses do after running the dupe services on 002 226 401e
Quote from: Solo1 on August 29, 2020, 05:33:13 AM
What will the buses do after running the dupe services on 002 226 401e
A number are purely operating AM & PM peak services
Hi Simon, please can I ask when will 21200 and 21201 be repainted? Currently 21200 is in Ribble Valley livery and 21201 is just in light blue with a grey side panel. Repainting these would bring them in line with the other Mellors in the fleet and make it look a lot more presentable on the 217 and given it runs in an area with potential growth for the company, it would help passengers identify your buses and improve the public's perception of Diamond.
Also, any plans to repaint some of Hallmarks buses to create more of a uniform fleet down there. The buses in Oxford don't have the red top and front.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 29, 2020, 09:54:48 AM
A number are purely operating AM & PM peak services
ok thank you
Nice of Diamond management to let their drivers know that the 4H stand in WB has changed from Stand C to Stand A so as usual their blocking the stand for the 3/3A
Quote from: IMarkeh on August 30, 2020, 06:03:31 PM
Hi Simon, please can I ask when will 21200 and 21201 be repainted? Currently 21200 is in Ribble Valley livery and 21201 is just in light blue with a grey side panel. Repainting these would bring them in line with the other Mellors in the fleet and make it look a lot more presentable on the 217 and given it runs in an area with potential growth for the company, it would help passengers identify your buses and improve the public's perception of Diamond.
Also, any plans to repaint some of Hallmarks buses to create more of a uniform fleet down there. The buses in Oxford don't have the red top and front.
We have had a large PVR increase from this week and next. We will continue to paint vehicles, but the vehicles in the worst condition take priority.
In terms of Hallmark. The vehicles operating in Oxford are "Hoppa" buses. we are redeploying them in the short term.
Quote from: WB Driver on September 01, 2020, 10:04:58 AM
Nice of Diamond management to let their drivers know that the 4H stand in WB has changed from Stand C to Stand A so as usual their blocking the stand for the 3/3A
Thank you
326 is behaving itself so far, so thank you for whatever you said to Tividale.
Will keep notes, but is there anything else you need besides the fleet number?
are the 3 new streetlites now in kidderninster permanent or loans ? are there any more due ? Cedric
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 02, 2020, 07:45:10 AM
We have had a large PVR increase from this week and next. We will continue to paint vehicles, but the vehicles in the worst condition take priority.
In terms of Hallmark. The vehicles operating in Oxford are "Hoppa" buses. we are redeploying them in the short term.
Thank you for getting back to me. I look forward to seeing buses as they get repainted.
Also, great news on your new buses. Can I ask why you didn't get them re registered as 70 plate given they never went into service until yesterday when the 70 plate started.
Quote from: Cedric on September 02, 2020, 12:43:14 PM
are the 3 new streetlites now in kidderninster permanent or loans ? are there any more due ? Cedric
article in local paper has answer my question , will they be stopping in white livery ? nice picture of one of them as he was standing in the doors is local mp becoming a diamond driver (ha ha)
Quote from: Westy on September 02, 2020, 10:00:58 AM
326 is behaving itself so far, so thank you for whatever you said to Tividale.
Will keep notes, but is there anything else you need besides the fleet number?
If you have a problem we need to be able to identify which driver it is. Therefore ideally fleet numbers, and detail around what you consider the issue is.
Quote from: IMarkeh on September 02, 2020, 09:36:01 PM
Thank you for getting back to me. I look forward to seeing buses as they get repainted.
Also, great news on your new buses. Can I ask why you didn't get them re registered as 70 plate given they never went into service until yesterday when the 70 plate started.
I have just been asking the same question of Wrights!
Quote from: Cedric on September 02, 2020, 12:43:14 PM
are the 3 new streetlites now in kidderninster permanent or loans ? are there any more due ? Cedric
The vehicles were originally acquired for Hoppa Services. Since the Pandemic the usage on these services and the requirements for vehicles have dropped off a cliff. We have left the racking in for now increase demand increases. We are using this opportunity as a trial to see if we have newer vehicles, will passenger numbers increase in the area.
So although it is likely they will go back to Heathrow, if the numbers stack will we will replace with like for like replacements.
Hi simon just I'm just wondering if you know which depot 20541 is as far as i know it's at redditch
Hi Simon,
Just a couple of questions about the 44 route.
Is there any reason that it carries on across the traffic lights in Northfield towards Halesowen instead of turning left towards Bell Hill? Because carrying on and then turning left appears to be a lot more difficult, I've seen a few 44s struggle to navigate it past the oncoming traffic. NX services have always used the left turn onto Bell Lane, and just wondered why this isn't used instead.
Also, would it be possible going forward for stops to be implicated either side on Shenley Lane adj Marston Road? As currently there's no stop between Shenley Academy and the Bingo Hall on Barnes Hill. Just thinking it may benefit passengers.
Quote from: Jakemat10 on September 08, 2020, 11:31:00 PM
Hi simon just I'm just wondering if you know which depot 20541 is as far as i know it's at redditch
Its at Redditch
Ok thanks is it staying there
Can you get Tividale to check the Solos please, as the ones I see on the 326, do not seem to have their 'tape' blocking off the seats nearest the driver?
Should the 'tape' still be on the vehicle, as there is also a school girl sitting regularly in that front seat as well?
Also 30927, & similar vehicles, what should be the carrying/seating limit, as said vehicle was nearly full?
I'm referring to Covid arrangements if not clear!
Edit - Hopefully clear now!
Tried a new diamond streetlite this morning on the 229 and it was amazing , just a quick question is the 229 booked a solo and a streetlite ,
The investment in new buses in the last 2 years is good to see the last few years diamond has improved so much so good work Simon to you and your team
Quote from: Jack6101 on September 30, 2020, 07:46:11 PM
Tried a new diamond streetlite this morning on the 229 and it was amazing , just a quick question is the 229 booked a solo and a streetlite ,
The investment in new buses in the last 2 years is good to see the last few years diamond has improved so much so good work Simon to you and your team
The 229 is contracted for Euro 4 vehicles.
Thank you for your kind comments. Although the West Midlands business is run by Bob Baker. Although, I work with Bob very closely. Bob and the team we have in place, are the ones who deliver service every day without fail
Quote from: Westy on September 14, 2020, 06:03:38 PM
Simon - in case it was missed due to your 'absence '!
Can you get Tividale to check the Solos please, as the ones I see on the 326, do not seem to have their 'tape' blocking off the seats nearest the driver?
Should the 'tape' still be on the vehicle, as there is also a school girl sitting regularly in that front seat as well?
Also 30927, & similar vehicles, what should be the carrying/seating limit, as said vehicle was nearly full?
I'm referring to Covid arrangements if not clear!
Edit - Hopefully clear now!
Quote from: Westy on October 02, 2020, 03:53:32 PM
Sorry for the delay in response.
Vehicles have specific vehicle capacity limits subject to distances between the seats, and whether or not the vehicle has a headrest, however generally they are all Solo's. All the Solos have been checked and the correct signage is in place for social distancing. However, when checked not all had the tape in place to ensure no-one sat near to the driver. This has been recitified
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 05, 2020, 12:31:19 PM
Sorry for the delay in response.
Vehicles have specific vehicle capacity limits subject to distances between the seats, and whether or not the vehicle has a headrest, however generally they are all Solo's. All the Solos have been checked and the correct signage is in place for social distancing. However, when checked not all had the tape in place to ensure no-one sat near to the driver. This has been recitified
I'll report back from Monday, as I'm off this week, in case some of your regular drivers, who seem to know me by sight, were wondering where I was!
I've noticed 20734 is now sorn and mot ran out is this bus withdrawn now?
Quote from: Jakemat10 on October 09, 2020, 10:27:45 PM
I've noticed 20734 is now sorn and mot ran out is this bus withdrawn now?
No - the vehicle is in the process of being painted
Thanks for reply also just come across 30932 is parked in the yard at tividale is this being prepped for the scrap yard or mot work
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 11, 2020, 03:16:13 PM
No - the vehicle is in the process of being painted
New livery? I'm glad it's not being scrapped, it's one powerful vehicle if driven properly.
Morning Simon
715am 326 from Bloxwich didn't arrive this morning.
But your app suggests it's in service, on route!
So where was it at Bloxwich then?
Hope the 745am is coming!
Quote from: Jakemat10 on October 11, 2020, 04:27:14 PM
Thanks for reply also just come across 30932 is parked in the yard at tividale is this being prepped for the scrap yard or mot work
We are trying to get parts for the vehicle. It has been parked across the road for space
The tracker shows 30938 on 16 but I thought that had gone thanks
Quote from: Westy on October 12, 2020, 07:41:14 AM
Morning Simon
715am 326 from Bloxwich didn't arrive this morning.
But your app suggests it's in service, on route!
So where was it at Bloxwich then?
Hope the 745am is coming!
Tuesday morning, 10 mins late.
Ticket machine could not read my Swift card, but driver did ring the depot to tell them.
Quote from: Solo1 on October 12, 2020, 09:08:36 AM
The tracker shows 30938 on 16 but I thought that had gone thanks
The vehicle has returned off lease. The fleet number will be removed from the tracker
Quote from: Westy on October 13, 2020, 07:34:20 AM
Tuesday morning, 10 mins late.
Ticket machine could not read my Swift card, but driver did ring the depot to tell them.
I agree the bus operated late and we are investigating. The driver did accept other swift products during the day. However, we will pick this up
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 14, 2020, 01:35:05 PM
I agree the bus operated late and we are investigating. The driver did accept other swift products during the day. However, we will pick this up
What about Monday?
Obviously right now things are difficult, but does Rotala ever see itself expanding overseas as opportunities arise in the future?
Quote from: Westy on October 14, 2020, 07:20:40 PM
What about Monday?
Are you saying the bus was late Monday?
Quote from: BD12TCJ on October 14, 2020, 10:28:53 PM
Obviously right now things are difficult, but does Rotala ever see itself expanding overseas as opportunities arise in the future?
You can never rule anything out. However, it is not something we are considering at present
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 15, 2020, 08:55:14 AM
Are you saying the bus was late Monday?
It never arrived at Bloxwich on Monday!
(See earlier message!)
Had to wait for the 745am instead.
Your app suggested it was in service.
I'm thinking if it was late out of the depot, the driver was told to pick up route at a convenient point, because one of your drivers told me once they had been told to do that!
Quote from: Westy on October 15, 2020, 09:52:05 AM
It never arrived at Bloxwich on Monday!
(See earlier message!)
Had to wait for the 745am instead.
Your app suggested it was in service.
I'm thinking if it was late out of the depot, the driver was told to pick up route at a convenient point, because one of your drivers told me once they had been told to do that!
I am advised by the Operations Manager that the tracking shows that the vehicle operated 3 minutes late
So he's saying that the vehicle showed up at Bloxwich, because he is incorrect!
I'm normally there at least 10 mins before!
Quote from: Westy on October 15, 2020, 04:27:25 PM
So he's saying that the vehicle showed up at Bloxwich, because he is incorrect!
I'm normally there at least 10 mins before!
The tracking for the bus on Monday morning suggests it started at/came on to the route at Croxdene Ave/Central Drive near Bloxwich rail station - so indeed did miss out the few stops before that point.
Quote from: JPC on October 15, 2020, 06:13:44 PM
The tracking for the bus on Monday morning suggests it started at/came on to the route at Croxdene Ave/Central Drive near Bloxwich rail station - so indeed did miss out the few stops before that point.
It did what !!!!
Quote from: Westy on October 15, 2020, 07:13:32 PM
It did what !!!!
We have relooked at the tracking. This incident will be followed up, the driver did fail to serve the first 3 stops
30639 is tracking on the 4H is the bus back on the road or ticket machine error
Hi Simon,
Do you know what the problem is with the destination displays at Bolton again? It doesn't seem to be one type as I've seen at least one of each type of vehicle with paper displays in the front. It's been going on for around a month I'd say now. Doesn't look at all professional.
Hi Simon, bus pulled up (not at a stand) at bilston bus station with 4M Merry Hill on the side?? Rather confusing
Quote from: Jakemat10 on October 17, 2020, 03:29:53 PM
30639 is tracking on the 4H is the bus back on the road or ticket machine error
This is an error
Quote from: WWH44L on October 19, 2020, 10:23:48 PM
Hi Simon,
Do you know what the problem is with the destination displays at Bolton again? It doesn't seem to be one type as I've seen at least one of each type of vehicle with paper displays in the front. It's been going on for around a month I'd say now. Doesn't look at all professional.
I am not aware of any problems. New Buses have continued to arrive. Do you know what bus, date, etc?
Quote from: l.murphy123 on October 21, 2020, 05:24:46 PM
Hi Simon, bus pulled up (not at a stand) at bilston bus station with 4M Merry Hill on the side?? Rather confusing
As you probably know we don't operate the 4M. We do, have it on our blinds. Do you know which vehicle? Date? Time?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 22, 2020, 06:37:31 AM
I am not aware of any problems. New Buses have continued to arrive. Do you know what bus, date, etc?
I must say, I've notice similar. The new buses seem fine, it's the others.
On another note, some of the destinations have been reprogrammed with either the destination number on the left (slightly unusual way round) or on the right but is quite small, for example the 501 or the 575 destination blinds. Maybe that will change this week when the service changes happen.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 22, 2020, 06:38:13 AM
As you probably know we don't operate the 4M. We do, have it on our blinds. Do you know which vehicle? Date? Time?
It was yesterday evening didn't get any further details as it wasn't at a stand so assumed the driver would change it.
Just came across that 30007 30120 30922 haven't been in service for quite a while now will they be returning any time soon
@Simon Dunn 20888 on the 25 to Ward End today has a faulty front display. It was displaying "25252525..." squashed in on the front dsiplay earlier. No destination displayed like they normally would.
Quote from: BD12TCJ on October 22, 2020, 05:25:07 PM
I must say, I've notice similar. The new buses seem fine, it's the others.
On another note, some of the destinations have been reprogrammed with either the destination number on the left (slightly unusual way round) or on the right but is quite small, for example the 501 or the 575 destination blinds. Maybe that will change this week when the service changes happen.
They are working through the problems. The New buses are all Mobitech blinds and are uploaded remotely.
We are working through any buses with blind issues
Quote from: 2206 on October 27, 2020, 01:53:53 PM
@Simon Dunn 20888 on the 25 to Ward End today has a faulty front display. It was displaying "25252525..." squashed in on the front dsiplay earlier. No destination displayed like they normally would.
I will get our Engineers to look at it
Thank you
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 29, 2020, 07:11:58 AM
They are working through the problems. The New buses are all Mobitech blinds and are uploaded remotely.
We are working through any buses with blind issues
Do you as an operator prefer Hanover or Mobitec? Is there a massive price difference?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 22, 2020, 06:37:31 AM
I am not aware of any problems. New Buses have continued to arrive. Do you know what bus, date, etc?
Apologies for the delayed reply but not been out as much. However I spotted 32211 on a 507 today around 16:15. Paper destination on the front and 575 on the rear.
Some vehicles have been reprogrammed by the looks of it where the number at the front is on the offside however the font seems to be a lot smaller than previously. Just a bit of inconsistency across the fleet.
On another point, really like the positive branding on the 163 Streetdecks and the publicity around it. However the an advert has been stuff over the rear imagery of 40779 which defeats the objective. Is this a mistake or will they even get side adverts too?
Quote from: MW on October 29, 2020, 09:02:19 AM
Do you as an operator prefer Hanover or Mobitec? Is there a massive price difference?
If you ask most operators this question. I believe they will say Hanover is best.
We actually specify Mobitech. I couldn't tell you why the perception that Hanover is better. We use mobitech, because of price no real difference in quality and we see their NextStop solution/ combined with Destination integration with Ticketer as a move forward.
Quote from: WWH44L on November 03, 2020, 04:56:44 PM
Apologies for the delayed reply but not been out as much. However I spotted 32211 on a 507 today around 16:15. Paper destination on the front and 575 on the rear.
Some vehicles have been reprogrammed by the looks of it where the number at the front is on the offside however the font seems to be a lot smaller than previously. Just a bit of inconsistency across the fleet.
On another point, really like the positive branding on the 163 Streetdecks and the publicity around it. However the an advert has been stuff over the rear imagery of 40779 which defeats the objective. Is this a mistake or will they even get side adverts too?
I am not are of what you are referring to on 40779. I have asked to see a picture of it
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 16, 2020, 07:18:05 AM
We have relooked at the tracking. This incident will be followed up, the driver did fail to serve the first 3 stops
Looks like it's done it again!
At approx 720am, I'm at Bloxwich. (Since 708am!)
Your apps says it's on Dudleys Fields!
Now a mad dash to catch a Walsall bus then onto Willenhall.
What is your drivers problem?
Is 20734 still having new mot and repaint thought it would've been back on the road by now
Quote from: Westy on November 06, 2020, 07:29:26 AM
Looks like it's done it again!
At approx 720am, I'm at Bloxwich. (Since 708am!)
Your apps says it's on Dudleys Fields!
Now a mad dash to catch a Walsall bus then onto Willenhall.
What is your drivers problem?
You are correct. Our driver failed to operate the route in full, he cut the start of the first trip.
This action is obviously against company policy and falls within realms for gross misconduct. The facts of why this happened, will be investigated and disciplinary action will be taken.
Quote from: Jakemat10 on November 06, 2020, 03:43:04 PM
Is 20734 still having new mot and repaint thought it would've been back on the road by now
The vehicle has been repainted and is just waiting for MOT now
Thanks for the reply. I've just been told 30946 is now parked over the back yard has no mot And is sorn. Is this now a parts donor or awaiting parts
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 07, 2020, 10:15:03 AM
You are correct. Our driver failed to operate the route in full, he cut the start of the first trip.
This action is obviously against company policy and falls within realms for gross misconduct. The facts of why this happened, will be investigated and disciplinary action will be taken.
Cheers again
Not asking for names obviously, but it's not the same driver is it?
Would've thought, as I'm a regular on that journey, & it's mainly the same drivers on the service, they should be aware there is a regular pick up at that particular stop on that particular journey!
(Also annoying, is that the service has been 10 minutes late in the past & still turned up at Bloxwich!)
(In fact, on Friday's journey, it affected 2 people, not just 1!)
By the way, obviously the majority of your vehicles do not possess the vandal screens like NX's, which double as the Covid protection.
I might be missing something blindingly obvious here, but if I'm wearing a mask & the driver is also wearing a mask, then why would he still need to hold up a piece of plastic, as additional protection, when he technically does not need to, as we're both wearing masks?
Quote from: Westy on November 07, 2020, 07:39:50 PM
Cheers again
Not asking for names obviously, but it's not the same driver is it?
Would've thought, as I'm a regular on that journey, & it's mainly the same drivers on the service, they should be aware there is a regular pick up at that particular stop on that particular journey!
(Also annoying, is that the service has been 10 minutes late in the past & still turned up at Bloxwich!)
(In fact, on Friday's journey, it affected 2 people, not just 1!)
By the way, obviously the majority of your vehicles do not possess the vandal screens like NX's, which double as the Covid protection.
I might be missing something blindingly obvious here, but if I'm wearing a mask & the driver is also wearing a mask, then why would he still need to hold up a piece of plastic, as additional protection, when he technically does not need to, as we're both wearing masks?
Interesting to note this mornings bus was 10 minutes late arriving, infact looking at the app tracker, it was in the Bentley area around 715am/720am, & actually goes past my house out of service 5 minutes late!
Hi Simon,
A family member today got rejected on the 002 for using the £2.85 Sandwell and Dudley diamond ticket from Halesowen to merry hill. Please explain to me why it was turned down as it's clearly accepted on the Website.
Turns out there are 2 £2.85 tickets, one is value the other one Sandwell and Dudley zone. Had been sold the wrong one on the 4H which meant it was refused on the 002. Maybe you could consider changing the prices as you have to admit that is confusing for passengers and drivers alike.
Rejected twice now.
Sort it out please.
Had to pay extra now, to get to a place that the ticket is valid on
Hi Simon
I was just wondering when is the 202 being reintroduced? As I have read a news artical thatstates the 202 will be reintroduced but I didn't see a date of reintroduction.
Bus Man K2
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on November 09, 2020, 03:18:35 PM
Hi Simon
I was just wondering when is the 202 being reintroduced? As I have read a news artical thatstates the 202 will be reintroduced but I didn't see a date of reintroduction.
Bus Man K2
There has been some dialogue with Worcestershire but nothing has been concluded yet
Quote from: Jakemat10 on November 07, 2020, 11:06:19 AM
Thanks for the reply. I've just been told 30946 is now parked over the back yard has no mot And is sorn. Is this now a parts donor or awaiting parts
The bus won't be repaired
Hi Simon, I posted an idea in another thread, but I thought I'd share it here. Would there be any scope to extend say the 002 to Northfield, even if it was one an hour, to replace the Northfield - Halesowen link that the 44 provides, since it'll be reverting to the 202 in the future? I know others have mentioned on this forum that they find that link useful, but obviously we can't see the passenger figures or anything like that.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on November 09, 2020, 02:44:16 PM
Hi Simon,
A family member today got rejected on the 002 for using the £2.85 Sandwell and Dudley diamond ticket from Halesowen to merry hill. Please explain to me why it was turned down as it's clearly accepted on the Website.
Turns out there are 2 £2.85 tickets, one is value the other one Sandwell and Dudley zone. Had been sold the wrong one on the 4H which meant it was refused on the 002. Maybe you could consider changing the prices as you have to admit that is confusing for passengers and drivers alike.
Rejected twice now.
Sort it out please.
Had to pay extra now, to get to a place that the ticket is valid on
The introduction of Low Fares zones in the West Midlands increased the number of tickets and the complication of tickets in the West Midlands.
The initial effect to our business was to see an increase in Multi Operator tickets, which through the reimbursement mechanism the value we receive is extremely poor. Therefore, we have had to adjust what we provide.
Under the current government guidance there are limitations on what we can do to fares. We will review the example you have given and see if we can make this simpler.
Quote from: DJ on November 10, 2020, 09:51:00 PM
Hi Simon, I posted an idea in another thread, but I thought I'd share it here. Would there be any scope to extend say the 002 to Northfield, even if it was one an hour, to replace the Northfield - Halesowen link that the 44 provides, since it'll be reverting to the 202 in the future? I know others have mentioned on this forum that they find that link useful, but obviously we can't see the passenger figures or anything like that.
We are nervous around touching the 002, as it can suffer from reliability issues. We will look at your suggestion though
32221 is shown on the tracker today as being on the 10 and the 125. think it could be 32321 on the 10 as there are no 125 markings on it when it goes past my place. can you answer a question for me please how many white streetlites are in kidderminster cedric
Quote from: Cedric on November 11, 2020, 03:05:04 PM
32221 is shown on the tracker today as being on the 10 and the 125. think it could be 32321 on the 10 as there are no 125 markings on it when it goes past my place. can you answer a question for me please how many white streetlites are in kidderminster cedric
We have
I think what Tony was given for the fleet list had 20186 in the wrong location
I thought 20182 was at Redditch or is on loan from Kidderminster
20185 also at redditch
Quote from: Solo1 on November 13, 2020, 09:59:11 AM
I thought 20182 was at Redditch or is on loan from Kidderminster
It is at Redditch
Notice you are now putting the screens between the driver & the public.
Good, but it's a bit tight to get your hand in, to scan your pass though.
(The same issue happened on Arriva Cannock Streetlites as well, so it's a common problem for any operator who didn't specify the separate scanner like what NX did!)
Quote from: Westy on November 24, 2020, 04:37:15 PM
Notice you are now putting the screens between the driver & the public.
Good, but it's a bit tight to get your hand in, to scan your pass though.
(The same issue happened on Arriva Cannock Streetlites as well, so it's a common problem for any operator who didn't specify the separate scanner like what NX did!)
We are working through this. We need to address any issues that come out of screen fitment
20174 BD20 OCL Wright StreetLite from Redditch garage going towards City on the 50 arriving at 1555. There was 21 people (including me) was on this bus, The drivers cab door says capacity of 13. When I got off I questioned the driver he said "Oh, that's all changed". Surely that's not right !
Capacity notices seem to be missing off various vehicles seen on the 326, so I haven't got a clue whether vehicles are under or over limit.
(I think last Wednesday or Thursday, a Solo was stuck on the journey I normally use coming home(Think it's around 1610 from Bilston, but arrives in Willenhall around 1630!).
I didn't do an actual count, without making it obvious, but I felt it was busier than normal, certainly at one point, one passenger ended up sitting next to another & it wasn't obvious they knew each other.
You mentioned on a previous post, when I last brought it up, that a larger capacity vehicle would be used at times.
Is that still the plan, as it's not very often I see said larger vehicle on service, as it tends to be Solo's of varying sizes, including the ex Central ones, plus a Mellor in the morning, which seems to disappear by the afternoon?(Does that vehicle go onto another route during the day?)
Quote from: Steve3229vp on December 02, 2020, 05:50:54 PM
20174 BD20 OCL Wright StreetLite from Redditch garage going towards City on the 50 arriving at 1555. There was 21 people (including me) was on this bus, The drivers cab door says capacity of 13. When I got off I questioned the driver he said "Oh, that's all changed". Surely that's not right !
Since we initially produced our capacity guidance. The CPT/ TfWM have provided guidance which we have updated our approach in line with. This revised approach has moved the capacity from 13 to a minimum of 18 and up to 26 if passengers are in a social bubble.
I have had the vehicle checked overnight and the new poster wasn't in place. This has been updated overnight.
Quote from: Westy on December 02, 2020, 10:35:41 PM
Capacity notices seem to be missing off various vehicles seen on the 326, so I haven't got a clue whether vehicles are under or over limit.
(I think last Wednesday or Thursday, a Solo was stuck on the journey I normally use coming home(Think it's around 1610 from Bilston, but arrives in Willenhall around 1630!).
I didn't do an actual count, without making it obvious, but I felt it was busier than normal, certainly at one point, one passenger ended up sitting next to another & it wasn't obvious they knew each other.
You mentioned on a previous post, when I last brought it up, that a larger capacity vehicle would be used at times.
Is that still the plan, as it's not very often I see said larger vehicle on service, as it tends to be Solo's of varying sizes, including the ex Central ones, plus a Mellor in the morning, which seems to disappear by the afternoon?(Does that vehicle go onto another route during the day?)
I will ask the Operational team to check all the vehicles and make sure any Capacity levels are replaced if missing.
When we undertook our exercise on usage, once journey required a long single deck. The 326 requires 3 buses, so it depends which bus working this bus is on.
Hi Simon,
Could you tell me the status of 33027, as well as First loanees 69157, 69175 and 69186, please? Thanks in advance.
How long do the B10 trainers have left in service at Bolton? And when their time comes to go into retirement, will you be accepting any offers for preservation or are will they go to scrap?
Thanks in advance.
Quote from: CX06 BJF on December 04, 2020, 09:14:57 PM
Hi Simon,
Could you tell me the status of 33027, as well as First loanees 69157, 69175 and 69186, please? Thanks in advance.
I don't know the current status of every vehicle. However, 33027 is part of our operational fleet. We have agreed to acquire a number of vehicles from First. I believe 69157, 69175 and 69186 is within that list
Quote from: BD12TCJ on December 05, 2020, 03:02:50 PM
How long do the B10 trainers have left in service at Bolton? And when their time comes to go into retirement, will you be accepting any offers for preservation or are will they go to scrap?
Thanks in advance.
The training vehicles really need ABS. The B10's don't have this. We havent made a decision yet. However, we have acquired a number of the B7's left in the fleet and as the rest of the Street Decks arrive during 2021 we may redeploy some of the B7's as replacement training vehicles.
How come you painted some buses that are now up for sale in North West tthanks
When will the ex central buses versa be painted thank you
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 05, 2020, 08:32:27 PM
The training vehicles really need ABS. The B10's don't have this. We havent made a decision yet. However, we have acquired a number of the B7's left in the fleet and as the rest of the Street Decks arrive during 2021 we may redeploy some of the B7's as replacement training vehicles.
For you information Simon, NX have now managed to get the secondary instructor brake on a B7RLE working fully in partnership with the main brake pedal including the ABS and EBS. Hartshornes are going to sell kits of parts for the conversion
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 05, 2020, 08:30:37 PM
I don't know the current status of every vehicle. However, 33027 is part of our operational fleet. We have agreed to acquire a number of vehicles from First. I believe 69157, 69175 and 69186 is within that list
Thanks for your reply, Simon.
Hopefully I can catch up with 33027 soon, as it's the only Citaro which I haven't seen yet.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 05, 2020, 08:30:37 PM
I don't know the current status of every vehicle. However, 33027 is part of our operational fleet. We have agreed to acquire a number of vehicles from First. I believe 69157, 69175 and 69186 is within that list
Thanks for this update Simon. Are you able to say how many B7s you've acquired from First and which ones?
@WWH44L 28 ex First leased B7RLE/Wright have now been acquired to provide short-term cover for a delay in delivery of the final 39 x Streetdecks, now due April/May/June 2021.
They are as folows:
Quote from: Solo1 on December 05, 2020, 08:45:16 PM
When will the ex central buses versa be painted thank you
To add to that, how is general repainting anyway?
Is there any ex Ludlows still to be painted or are they all sorted now?
Regarding destination displays, was the problem I flagged ages ago with at least one ex Central vehicle, where it couldn't display certain routes, including the 326, ever resolved, or did you just swop that particular unit with one from a withdrawn vehicle?
Quote from: Tony on December 05, 2020, 08:50:06 PM
For you information Simon, NX have now managed to get the secondary instructor brake on a B7RLE working fully in partnership with the main brake pedal including the ABS and EBS. Hartshornes are going to sell kits of parts for the conversion
Thank you
Quote from: Westy on December 05, 2020, 11:14:42 PM
To add to that, how is general repainting anyway?
Is there any ex Ludlows still to be painted or are they all sorted now?
Regarding destination displays, was the problem I flagged ages ago with at least one ex Central vehicle, where it couldn't display certain routes, including the 326, ever resolved, or did you just swop that particular unit with one from a withdrawn vehicle?
I cannot remember a Ludlows not being in livery for some time. Do you mean Hansons?
If so, we are still working through the ex Central and Hansons buses
Yeah, Hanson's.
I was thinking of what I used to see in Bradford Place when I commuted from there on a regular basis.
(Haven't been in there since June, due to job change!)
The likes of Oldham and Rochdale have no links to the Trafford Centre. Going forward into next year, and with the hopeful recovery in bus patronage, would Diamond consider these locations for their expansion of the Eccles depot network?
Quote from: BD12TCJ on December 06, 2020, 10:17:20 AM
The likes of Oldham and Rochdale have no links to the Trafford Centre. Going forward into next year, and with the hopeful recovery in bus patronage, would Diamond consider these locations for their expansion of the Eccles depot network?
As I am sure you know that GMCA has committed to consult the public on the future Control of Bus Transportation in Manchester. Diamond as well as all the other operators in Manchester committed to increase the number of vehicles operating by 30, which would include starting new routes. It is a fact that the Franchising proposal will increase cost to the tax payer. Should this go ahead, which seems likely there is no motivation to start new services (which always lose money in the short term).
So our position will be heavily influenced by the Franchising decision of their Mayor.
Quote from: WWH44L on December 05, 2020, 11:09:09 PM
Thanks for this update Simon. Are you able to say how many B7s you've acquired from First and which ones?
28 ex First leased B7RLE/Wright have now been acquired to provide short-term cover for a delay in delivery of the final 39 x Streetdecks, now due April/May/June 2021.
They are as folows:
Great update, appreciate it Simon
Hoping you can put my mind to rest Simon.
This morning's 326, don't know what happened, but the driver initially charged me for a £1.20 ticket ('Twirly') on my contactless, instead of a £3.20 Walsall Nbus. (He blamed the plastic screen!)
He did give me the correct ticket eventually & when I asked him about the incorrect ticket, he said it would be sorted & kept that ticket.
I can wait for my statement to come & check it was done correctly, but is there anything that can be done in the meantime?
(If NX Walsall Travelshop had been open last Saturday, this wouldn't have arisen in the first place. I do hope whatever problem caused the temporary closure has been rectified, for this Saturday?)
Quote from: Westy on December 09, 2020, 09:42:08 PM
Hoping you can put my mind to rest Simon.
This morning's 326, don't know what happened, but the driver initially charged me for a £1.20 ticket ('Twirly') on my contactless, instead of a £3.20 Walsall Nbus. (He blamed the plastic screen!)
He did give me the correct ticket eventually & when I asked him about the incorrect ticket, he said it would be sorted & kept that ticket.
I can wait for my statement to come & check it was done correctly, but is there anything that can be done in the meantime?
(If NX Walsall Travelshop had been open last Saturday, this wouldn't have arisen in the first place. I do hope whatever problem caused the temporary closure has been rectified, for this Saturday?)
Dear Sir,
I have sent your message onto the Operations Manager, in the mean time can you send me an email to as I will need some further details.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 10, 2020, 01:52:59 PM
Dear Sir,
I have sent your message onto the Operations Manager, in the mean time can you send me an email to as I will need some further details.
Dear Sir,
I have now seen an Audit trail which shows the ticket was cancelled and there shouldn't be any charge to your account. No need to contact me by email now.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 11, 2020, 05:15:16 AM
Dear Sir,
I have now seen an Audit trail which shows the ticket was cancelled and there shouldn't be any charge to your account. No need to contact me by email now.
Thanks Simon.
Would've emailed you last night, but I was recovering from being nearly squashed by a fork lift truck yesterday!
Good start for the 715am 326 from Bloxwich this morning.
Only 15 mins late, but he was parked around the corner by the fountain a good 5 minutes I would say!
Quote from: Westy on December 14, 2020, 07:35:14 AM
Good start for the 715am 326 from Bloxwich this morning.
Only 15 mins late, but he was parked around the corner by the fountain a good 5 minutes I would say!
Thank you. We will interview the driver concerned
Hi Simon, just driven past Bolton depot and noticed 69157 one of the acquired first B7s freshly painted in Preston Bus livery. Do you know how many are off to Preston and if so which ones?
Looked really smart btw!
Quote from: WWH44L on December 15, 2020, 12:09:40 PM
Hi Simon, just driven past Bolton depot and noticed 69157 one of the acquired first B7s freshly painted in Preston Bus livery. Do you know how many are off to Preston and if so which ones?
Looked really smart btw!
We expect around 10 of them. It will take some time as they will be painted and released as the balance of the new buses arrive
I have just removed a post with a complaint about a driver where someone could easily go out now and identify that driver. The forum is not a place for that. Please make complaints like that direct to the company
Quote from: Tony on December 23, 2020, 04:22:49 PM
I have just removed a post with a complaint about a driver where someone could easily go out now and identify that driver. The forum is not a place for that. Please make complaints like that direct to the company
If you want to send this to my email I will look at it
Quote from: l.murphy123 on December 23, 2020, 05:46:08 PM
Asian male is hardly a specific description. Shall email Simon.
A fleetnumber and route does though!
Hi Simon,
I am surprised that nobody have asked this question, regarding the recently acquired ex First Volvo B7RLE's.
Are they to be numbered in the Rotala fleet numbering series or are they to retain their first fleet numbers?
Thanks in advance
Lancashire Lad
Simon what routes will you be trialing next stop announcements on?
Quote from: LancashireLad on December 31, 2020, 11:25:10 AM
Hi Simon,
I am surprised that nobody have asked this question, regarding the recently acquired ex First Volvo B7RLE's.
Are they to be numbered in the Rotala fleet numbering series or are they to retain their first fleet numbers?
Thanks in advance
Lancashire Lad
There isnt a plan to renumber them
Quote from: l.murphy123 on December 31, 2020, 07:02:37 PM
Simon what routes will you be trialing next stop announcements on?
We have Next Stop equipment installed in at least one route in every area. In the West Midlands we are focused on getting the 16 to work
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 01, 2021, 03:33:51 PM
We have Next Stop equipment installed in at least one route in every area. In the West Midlands we are focused on getting the 16 to work
What will the route(s) be in and around Walsall?
Quote from: l.murphy123 on January 01, 2021, 06:10:49 PM
What will the route(s) be in and around Walsall?
When I said one in each area. I meant one in Preston, West Midlands, Manchester, etc. In the West Midlands we are focused on getting the 16 working
Hi Simon,
I've just been having a look at the timetable for the 42/43/43A and I've noticed a real disparity with the Saturday timetable. It looks like it alternates between the 42 and 43/A running leaving massive 90 min gaps between services. e.g. there is a 42 to Tipton from WB at 12:22 and the next one is at 13:52 yet the route then runs at a consistent 15 min frequency for 90 mins before reverting again. Is there a particular reason for this and are the two operators looking at resolving it?
Kind Regards
Bususer 28
Quote from: bususer28 on January 02, 2021, 02:24:37 PM
Hi Simon,
I've just been having a look at the timetable for the 42/43/43A and I've noticed a real disparity with the Saturday timetable. It looks like it alternates between the 42 and 43/A running leaving massive 90 min gaps between services. e.g. there is a 42 to Tipton from WB at 12:22 and the next one is at 13:52 yet the route then runs at a consistent 15 min frequency for 90 mins before reverting again. Is there a particular reason for this and are the two operators looking at resolving it?
Kind Regards
Bususer 28
They are joint routes with NXWM under the West Midlands Bus brand you have to look at the combined timetables
Hate to moan again but the 57 just flew past 4 minutes early, shouldn't it be no more than 2 minutes early at a non-timing point?
Have 20189 and 20190 been allocated yet please?
Quote from: l.murphy123 on January 05, 2021, 03:40:33 PM
Hate to moan again but the 57 just flew past 4 minutes early, shouldn't it be no more than 2 minutes early at a non-timing point?
Can you confirm, time, location you were waiting and direction
Quote from: CX06 BJF on January 05, 2021, 05:23:53 PM
Have 20189 and 20190 been allocated yet please?
20189 is BX70GHK which is in Manchester.
20190 is BX70GHN which hasnt arrived yet
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 07, 2021, 05:37:08 PM
20189 is BX70GHK which is in Manchester.
20190 is BX70GHN which hasnt arrived yet
Thanks Simon, much appreciated.
Hi Simon,
Hope you had a safe Christmas and New Year.
I was having a look on the bus open data and I noticed some routes are missing stops in the xml files, meaning that they are not showing up on sites/apps that use the data on the BODS.
This seems to have been affecting routes like the Dudley 13, 4H, 298, 002, 251 and 299.
Is this something that is done at the Diamond end or is it a Ticketer/BODS error?
Not seen 30120 30882 30922 since February 2020 what has happened to them
Quote from: Jakemat10 on January 27, 2021, 11:11:14 AM
Not seen 30120 30882 30922 since February 2020 what has happened to them
See the fleet changes Simon kindly provides for the main site for 30120 & 30922
@Simon DunnI, was just wondering have you got any plans to reintroduced the 250 along Stourbridge High Street, Market Street, Bell Street and New Road any time soon? I know the change was due to Covid... however is there any chance of it reverting back?
Thanks in advance.
Bus Man K2
Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 27, 2021, 05:11:24 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn
I, was just wondering have you got any plans to reintroduced the 250 along Stourbridge High Street, Market Street, Bell Street and New Road any time soon? I know the change was due to Covid... however is there any chance of it reverting back?
Thanks in advance.
Bus Man K2
The service was changed by the council due to high streets needing to widen the paths to allow social distancing and currently Stourbridge high street is for deliveries only.
The 250 is still servicing the end of the high street by doing the same loop as the 251 serving lower high street where there is a stop at the end of the main high street.
Once we are allowed to service the high street othe route will be changed back to its old route.
Quote from: the trainbasher on January 09, 2021, 07:31:39 PM
Hi Simon,
Hope you had a safe Christmas and New Year.
I was having a look on the bus open data and I noticed some routes are missing stops in the xml files, meaning that they are not showing up on sites/apps that use the data on the BODS.
This seems to have been affecting routes like the Dudley 13, 4H, 298, 002, 251 and 299.
Is this something that is done at the Diamond end or is it a Ticketer/BODS error?
I believe this has now been corrected.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 28, 2021, 06:21:53 AM
The service was changed by the council due to high streets needing to widen the paths to allow social distancing and currently Stourbridge high street is for deliveries only.
The 250 is still servicing the end of the high street by doing the same loop as the 251 serving lower high street where there is a stop at the end of the main high street.
Once we are allowed to service the high street othe route will be changed back to its old route.
@Simon Dunn Thanks for the response.. I though it was down to the operator that the service changed. I know that the council had something to do with it as well though!!!
Bus Man K2
According to bus times the 22 route wednesbury to Tipton has been serving the train station on 2 trips today has the route been extended to the train station?
@Simon Dunn,
Notice in this periods transfer a large number of withdrawn sales to Peter Reddish, big clear out by the looks of it. Any particular reason?
Quote from: BN on February 01, 2021, 07:03:41 PM
Hi @Simon Dunn,
Notice in this periods transfer a large number of withdrawn sales to Peter Reddish, big clear out by the looks of it. Any particular reason?
We have now extracted all the value out of the vehicles. So we are looking to remove a number of them
Quote from: Jakemat10 on February 01, 2021, 12:39:45 PM
According to bus times the 22 route wednesbury to Tipton has been serving the train station on 2 trips today has the route been extended to the train station?
After checking with someone at Diamond, I'm told there's been a road closure on the route around Locarno Road/Central Avenue, so it was diverted, and that would've been the easiest place to turn around. The 42 was also diverted today.
Quote from: DJ on February 01, 2021, 09:09:03 PM
After checking with someone at Diamond, I'm told there's been a road closure on the route around Locarno Road/Central Avenue, so it was diverted, and that would've been the easiest place to turn around. The 42 was also diverted today.
It is salter road that is closed central avenue and locarno road are not the 42 and 22 both go up salter road 42 is diverted up and down upper church lane and then up Locarno road doesn't explain what the 22 was doing at the train station
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 01, 2021, 08:05:15 PM
We have now extracted all the value out of the vehicles. So we are looking to remove a number of them
Which buses are going to Peter Reddish?
Quote from: fleetline6477 on February 02, 2021, 07:47:08 PM
Which buses are going to Peter Reddish?
Listed on the main site updates
Why is 30413 withdrawn?
Quote from: Tony on February 02, 2021, 07:55:03 PM
Listed on the main site updates
Thank you Tony, sorry should have thought of looking there.
Hi simon
I've heard 30120 30922 have gone for Euro 6 conversion
And 30882 has received a new engine is this true
Quote from: Jakemat10 on February 07, 2021, 04:40:39 PM
Hi simon
I've heard 30120 30922 have gone for Euro 6 conversion
And 30882 has received a new engine is this true
30120 and 30922 are being converted via Magtec into all electric vehicles.
30882 has not received a new engine
Can I thank publicly again the driver of 32238 (and the passenger who handed it in!) for rescuing my bag, when I accidentally left it on the 31 earlier!
Had to wait for the bus to come back from Mossley, to ask him.
If the driver does know the person who handed it in, can he pass on my thanks again, it was much appreciated.
Hi Simon, couple of questions from me. What's the status of these at Bolton? Most haven't tracked for months so wondered if they are off the road for a specific reason?
30019 (still in Signature livery)
30030 (painted in Preston Bus livery)
32305 (don't think it's been out since repaint)
Also, some of the ticket machines in the Solos at Eccles don't seem to be tracking correctly. At least 20726 and 20795 are in service but tracking as others. Just think they all need checking.
Are 20185, 20918/21 permanent transfers to Preston?
Noticed at least 5 ex First B7Rles have now been painted into Preston livery and are being used in service at Bolton, do you know which others will be painted and when they'll transfer over?
Thanks in advance as always 😊
Quote from: Westy on February 09, 2021, 05:31:38 PM
Can I thank publicly again the driver of 32238 (and the passenger who handed it in!) for rescuing my bag, when I accidentally left it on the 31 earlier!
Had to wait for the bus to come back from Mossley, to ask him.
If the driver does know the person who handed it in, can he pass on my thanks again, it was much appreciated.
Thank you. I have passed onto the Operations Manager to thank the driver
Quote from: WWH44L on February 09, 2021, 08:42:22 PM
Hi Simon, couple of questions from me. What's the status of these at Bolton? Most haven't tracked for months so wondered if they are off the road for a specific reason?
30019 (still in Signature livery)
30030 (painted in Preston Bus livery)
32305 (don't think it's been out since repaint)
Also, some of the ticket machines in the Solos at Eccles don't seem to be tracking correctly. At least 20726 and 20795 are in service but tracking as others. Just think they all need checking.
Are 20185, 20918/21 permanent transfers to Preston?
Noticed at least 5 ex First B7Rles have now been painted into Preston livery and are being used in service at Bolton, do you know which others will be painted and when they'll transfer over?
Thanks in advance as always 😊
1. I have asked the Head of Engineering for the North West to come back to me on the Bolton vehicles. When I have a response, I will come back to you
2. The "28/9" seaters have been moved due to age restrictions on Lancashire County Council contracts. At present, we are in the process of moving out of Heathrow all of the Euro 5 vehicles ahead of the 1st March deadline. This Friday most of these will move to Preston via Bolton for repaint. I would imagine after these are done, the vehicles will move back to Bolton
3. We do plan to move a number of the older B7's to Preston. We haven't decided which ones.
Hi Simon,
Are there any plans to support Diamond tickets on the new Swift Go, rather than just the nBus products? It'd be great if it could cap to the Diamond Value fare if I was to just get the 42 and 4H, for example.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 10, 2021, 07:12:26 AM
1. The various VOR vehicles are work in progress. Some need manufacturer support, some have multiple issues. 40713 is in Ballymena following an RTA
2. The "28/9" seaters have been moved due to age restrictions on Lancashire County Council contracts. At present, we are in the process of moving out of Heathrow all of the Euro 5 vehicles ahead of the 1st March deadline. This Friday most of these will move to Preston via Bolton for repaint. I would imagine after these are done, the vehicles will move back to Bolton
3. We do plan to move a number of the older B7's to Preston. We haven't decided which ones.
Quote from: DJ on February 10, 2021, 08:28:10 AM
Hi Simon,
Are there any plans to support Diamond tickets on the new Swift Go, rather than just the nBus products? It'd be great if it could cap to the Diamond Value fare if I was to just get the 42 and 4H, for example.
We have been asked recently to join. There is dialogue between ourselves and TfWM over some of the scheme rules and requirements and we are waiting on feedback.
We are not against joining the scheme, we just need to work through the various details
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 10, 2021, 08:43:48 AM
We have been asked recently to join. There is dialogue between ourselves and TfWM over some of the scheme rules and requirements and we are waiting on feedback.
We are not against joining the scheme, we just need to work through the various details
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the response.
Does the Swift Go card even work on Diamond right now then? I'd have thought it'd be valid, and charge you for an nBus, but if not, I guess I'll have to stick to NX.
@Simon DunnI am currently looking at the 20/21 routing on the Sandwell and Dudley map. Can you tell me which road the 20 serves on the way to Bearwood in the Bearwood area, pkease.
As the timetable map that TfWM have produced shown it serving Milcote Road to the bus station and St Mary's Road towards Oldbury but the area map shows it operating both direction along St Mary's Road.
Could you please reply in the topic New NWM area guides please?
Bus Man K2
I Should've also said I did track it on the website map but it froze and then reloaded and jumped from Abbey Road to Adkins Road!! 😁
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 10, 2021, 08:42:45 AM
Cheers Simon for the update. Much appreciated. Do you know which vehicles are moving up from Heathrow and are these to replace older solos at Preston?
Quote from: WWH44L on February 10, 2021, 10:22:20 PM
Cheers Simon for the update. Much appreciated. Do you know which vehicles are moving up from Heathrow and are these to replace older solos at Preston?
All the Euro5 buses. The Solo's will replace older Solo's in Preston
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 11, 2021, 08:53:48 AM
All the Euro5 buses. The Solo's will replace older Solo's in Preston
What will be replacing them at Heathrow, more Streetlites or is it just reduced workload?
Is the kidderminster 32321 streetlite at Heathrow a loan or tranfer thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on February 11, 2021, 11:11:21 PM
Is the kidderminster 32321 streetlite at Heathrow a loan or tranfer thanks
Its a transfer
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 12, 2021, 08:02:21 AM
Its a transfer
Simon does that mean 20176 to 20180 and the others 218- forgot last number and 32311 will be going that way as well. if so what are they going to be replaced with.
Quote from: Cedric on February 12, 2021, 10:58:12 AM
Simon does that mean 20176 to 20180 and the others 218- forgot last number and 32311 will be going that way as well. if so what are they going to be replaced with.
There is no plan at this time to move anymore vehicles.
3 of the white street lites from the 5 that was due to go to Heathrow which are at tividale Redditch Kidderminster are in London will they becoming back or staying there pics on Facebook they are on rail replacement services
Quote from: Solo1 on February 15, 2021, 07:35:15 AM
3 of the white street lites from the 5 that was due to go to Heathrow which are at tividale Redditch Kidderminster are in London will they becoming back or staying there pics on Facebook they are on rail replacement services
They are staying at Heathrow
Thank you will the others be joining them
Will any of the Hanson's buses be painted & I take it the central buses ones will all get done at some point
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 15, 2021, 07:54:48 AM
They are staying at Heathrow
Will 32311 be coming back up north
@Simon Dunn? As I've seen a recent photo of it and it appears to have been repainted back into the Brighter Diamond livery from the white Hallmark livery it was wearing previously.
Quote from: Michael Bevan on February 15, 2021, 08:08:58 AM
Will 32311 be coming back up north @Simon Dunn? As I've seen a recent photo of it and it appears to have been repainted back into the Brighter Diamond livery from the white Hallmark livery it was wearing previously.
No it will stay there. All the Hallmark fleet is being rebranded Diamond
Will preston bus be rebranded as diamond north west
Quote from: Solo1 on February 16, 2021, 11:32:25 AM
Will preston bus be rebranded as diamond north west
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 16, 2021, 01:23:55 PM
ok thank you how come hallmark been rebranded ¬ Preston bus as well
Quote from: Solo1 on February 16, 2021, 03:32:11 PM
ok thank you how come hallmark been rebranded ¬ Preston bus as well
Their is value in the Preston brand. The Hallmark Buses only operate tendered services.
Would you ever consider the posibility of a more frequent Tamworth - Kingsbury - Birmingham service at some point? I understand Central buses trialled an hourly X16 back in 2016 after Arriva cut the 116, but the service failed to bring sufficient revenue! Nevertheless, this could still be a possibility next year when the clean air zone comes into place (meaning less people will want to drive to Birmingham)
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 17, 2021, 05:13:02 PM
Their is value in the Preston brand. The Hallmark Buses only operate tendered services.
ok thanks
i would just liked to say. that the 45minute timetable that came in october on the 10 in kidderminster is working out better for the drivers and passengers it means the drivers can keep to time easier . and it also with more people on one bus it makes it better for you . cedric
Quote from: Cedric on February 23, 2021, 12:00:39 AM
i would just liked to say. that the 45minute timetable that came in october on the 10 in kidderminster is working out better for the drivers and passengers it means the drivers can keep to time easier . and it also with more people on one bus it makes it better for you . cedric
Thank you for the feedback. Lets see what happens when life returns to "normal"
Just seen a pic of 30960 on the 16 didn't think darts were allowed on the 16 due to it requiring euro 6
Quote from: Jakemat10 on February 23, 2021, 03:11:24 PM
Just seen a pic of 30960 on the 16 didn't think darts were allowed on the 16 due to it requiring euro 6
The LEZ hasn't started yet, and even when it does it doesn't ban Euro 6, just they will be charged for entering the city
Just like to say Simon that the fleet is really smartening up, I can't keep up with the amount of repaints you are doing at the moment. Much better livery too, its really building a good image of the brand in the area.
Quote from: BN on March 11, 2021, 06:57:45 PM
Just like to say Simon that the fleet is really smartening up, I can't keep up with the amount of repaints you are doing at the moment. Much better livery too, its really building a good image of the brand in the area.
quick question just wondering why ever since 30806 has been in service at tividale it seems to be really limp and struggles on hills is it stuck in limp mode?
Quote from: Jakemat10 on March 19, 2021, 03:29:10 PM
quick question just wondering why ever since 30806 has been in service at tividale it seems to be really limp and struggles on hills is it stuck in limp mode?
I have spoken to the Engineering Manager at the depot. The vehicle experienced a burst hose yesterday. The EM has undertaken to watch the vehicles performance this next week and come back to me if we pick up on any power issues
Thanks for that when will 30120/30922 be back in service following there conversion
Quote from: Jakemat10 on March 20, 2021, 02:38:50 PM
Thanks for that when will 30120/30922 be back in service following there conversion
We are waiting on an update.
Hi Simon, just noticed that Scania 30920 at Bolton has been reinstated and repainted. Is this and the others at Bolton and Preston now not up for sale?
Quote from: WWH44L on March 24, 2021, 06:25:21 PM
Hi Simon, just noticed that Scania 30920 at Bolton has been reinstated and repainted. Is this and the others at Bolton and Preston now not up for sale?
Over the overall fleet we have too many vehicles and excess capacity. This year we have 39 new vehicles due to arrive. So although we may still be using the Scania's. We have far too many vehicles and we need to dispose of some of the older vehicles.
The new buses for manchester i take it
Quote from: Solo1 on March 25, 2021, 06:11:03 AM
The new buses for manchester i take it
Overall we have too many vehicles, as time passes our fleet requirements change and as a result we need to sell some.
Simon - Might want to flag up to Tividale again about roping off the nearest seats to the driver!
30927's driver didn't inform the 2 passengers sitting by him, that they shouldn't be doing so, this morning!
Hi Simon,
Please can I ask will you be reviewing the Surrey fare system to scrap the very unfair point to point weekly tickets. I believe this is due to Abellio doing it many years ago but now it's under Rotala, I think it's a shame to see such a system still going. It's clearly not a very good system as Surrey is about the only place in the UK to have this style of ticketing. It's very passenger unfriendly and doesn't help when it comes to journeys which are off the normal routine. Zonal fares or something like that is fine but the specific point to point weekly tickets are needlessly confusing and extremely expensive (when compared to other fares charged by other divisions)
Secondly, can I ask are Rotala willing to work with Ticketer and TFL so that within the Greater London area (and areas outside of London where TFL buses run like Staines), you can accept Oyster. Whatever peoples opinion on the system, Oyster is one of the main payment methods in London and by accepting that as a payment method, it may help to improve some passenger loadings since passengers who use Oyster won't be forced to wait for a TFL bus, they can use your service (though I can't see it working towards the bus cap, it's helpful for an integrated public transport network).
Quote from: IMarkeh on April 02, 2021, 05:24:20 AM
Hi Simon,
Please can I ask will you be reviewing the Surrey fare system to scrap the very unfair point to point weekly tickets. I believe this is due to Abellio doing it many years ago but now it's under Rotala, I think it's a shame to see such a system still going. It's clearly not a very good system as Surrey is about the only place in the UK to have this style of ticketing. It's very passenger unfriendly and doesn't help when it comes to journeys which are off the normal routine. Zonal fares or something like that is fine but the specific point to point weekly tickets are needlessly confusing and extremely expensive (when compared to other fares charged by other divisions)
Secondly, can I ask are Rotala willing to work with Ticketer and TFL so that within the Greater London area (and areas outside of London where TFL buses run like Staines), you can accept Oyster. Whatever peoples opinion on the system, Oyster is one of the main payment methods in London and by accepting that as a payment method, it may help to improve some passenger loadings since passengers who use Oyster won't be forced to wait for a TFL bus, they can use your service (though I can't see it working towards the bus cap, it's helpful for an integrated public transport network).
It will take some time, but I will get someone to look at what you are suggesting in terms of tickets. Clearly we need to understand how this will work from the businesses perspective.
In terms of Tickerer - our machines are Ticketer so we already work with them. In terms of some form of TfL integration. I am not sure this is possible. it has never come up before. Except TfL operators, are you aware of any other operator having such an arragement?
Speaking of fares.
I have a 12 trip ticket on the Oxford 250, and was curious if there's a plan in the future to put this on the app? I've found it to be a very useful thing for the odd occasion I've caught it, and the Stagecoach & Oxford Bus Company one's I've got on their apps work quite well
Also, would such a thing be possible in the West Midlands? Or even just add singles as a thing to buy on the app?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 02, 2021, 11:50:05 AMIn terms of some form of TfL integration. I am not sure this is possible. it has never come up before. Except TfL operators, are you aware of any other operator having such an arragement?
I've certainly never heard of a non-TfL route accepting an Oyster Card in Surrey, or elsewhere. Closest I'm aware of is 'Oyster Save' which Abellio introduced as 'Oyster Match' and matched the £1.50 single fare upon presentation of an Oyster Card to the driver, but became 'Oyster Save' when Abellio changed this to £1.60 (for comparison, the Oyster single fare is now £1.55). But according to your fare tables, you still offer that between Kingston and Esher/Hampton Court (458/461), and between Heathrow and Sunbury (555). The only difference is Oyster caps at £4.65 per day, where as doing more than a return journey with Hallmark would take you over that (but I'd imagine not a common occurrence given the limited length of time that Diamond routes spend in Zone 6).
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 02, 2021, 11:50:05 AM
It will take some time, but I will get someone to look at what you are suggesting in terms of tickets. Clearly we need to understand how this will work from the businesses perspective.
In terms of Tickerer - our machines are Ticketer so we already work with them. In terms of some form of TfL integration. I am not sure this is possible. it has never come up before. Except TfL operators, are you aware of any other operator having such an arragement?
Thank you for your reply.
As for accepting Oyster, I mentioned it to TFL and this was their reply.
'We're happy to facilitate them working with Cubic, but they would be expected to cover the costs. It's worth noting that a different operator's fare would not contribute to a TfL cap as they are different fares system.'
Not sure how big the costs are but it may encourage some people to use your services vice TFL ones where mutual corridors exist. All the £1.50s add up and for those making not hitting the fare caps, it would open up their options since they won't be contained to TFL buses for using the Oyster card if they don't use contactless or cash payment methods.
Hi Simon, are there any fleet movements in the North West this weekend. I heard that route 20 was moving to Eccles from Bolton so wondered if anything was going with it. Any moves of the B7s to Preston too as I noticed they'd put 69186 into service last week (with a paper destination board btw)
Seen a pic yesterday of a MAN centro in Kidderminster depot in a withdrawn state could you confirm the fleet number of the bus please seems to be a lot of guesses for which bus it is
Quote from: Jakemat10 on April 11, 2021, 11:23:12 PM
Seen a pic yesterday of a MAN centro in Kidderminster depot in a withdrawn state could you confirm the fleet number of the bus please seems to be a lot of guesses for which bus it is
I know this thread is for Simon, but its not a MAN its Volvo 30807, been past this morning. Hope it helps.
The MAN is Parked round the back of the depot 30807 I believe is at the front
Quote from: WWH44L on April 10, 2021, 02:05:23 PM
Hi Simon, are there any fleet movements in the North West this weekend. I heard that route 20 was moving to Eccles from Bolton so wondered if anything was going with it. Any moves of the B7s to Preston too as I noticed they'd put 69186 into service last week (with a paper destination board btw)
Yes, there has been a few.
31401 SN10 CDE
31408 YX17 NJK
31411 YX67 VGZ
31414 YY67 USJ
31415 YY67 USL
30975 YY16 YJH
20675 YJ56 APK
20727 K18 SLT
20798 MX55 WDL
20810 BX56 BKA
20811 BX56 BJZ
20829 TJ56 AUC
20830 YJ56 AUH
20831 YJ06 YPP
Quote from: Jakemat10 on April 11, 2021, 11:23:12 PM
Seen a pic yesterday of a MAN centro in Kidderminster depot in a withdrawn state could you confirm the fleet number of the bus please seems to be a lot of guesses for which bus it is
Most of the MAN's are being electrified. It depends upon which vehicle you saw
Quote from: BN on April 12, 2021, 02:56:06 PM
I know this thread is for Simon, but its not a MAN its Volvo 30807, been past this morning. Hope it helps.
30807 will be repaired
I meant the MAN around the back of the depot
Quote from: Jakemat10 on April 13, 2021, 03:10:35 PM
I meant the MAN around the back of the depot
I believe this is one of the 5 which are going for electrification
Will the rest of the ex central buses ,& Hansons be painted 4 Hanson's at Kidderminster & metrocity at redditch thanks
Quote from: Solo1 on April 14, 2021, 08:59:24 AM
Will the rest of the ex central buses ,& Hansons be painted 4 Hanson's at Kidderminster & metrocity at redditch thanks
That is the intention
The MAN parked at the rear is 30804
Quote from: andyh on April 14, 2021, 05:03:58 PM
The MAN parked at the rear is 30804
30804 is on the list of vehicles which should be converted to electric.
Thanks Simon,
would the five be the following then 30120,30804,30922 and possibly 30802,30805.All still in blue livery which would get repainted into the new two tone livery when converted ?
When they are completed - we are considering what livery they should be in.
Hi Simon,
Do you have an allocation list for the all Solos at Bolton & Eccles including all those in reserve? My list is not up to date and you can't always rely on Bustimes or other unauthorised lists.
Quote from: WWH44L on April 16, 2021, 11:18:22 AM
Hi Simon,
Do you have an allocation list for the all Solos at Bolton & Eccles including all those in reserve? My list is not up to date and you can't always rely on Bustimes or other unauthorised lists.
I believe the below reflects the fleet
20188 BX70GHJ
20187 BX70GHH
20185 BX70GHG
20173 MX20HVF
21222 LN19UBD
21221 LN19UBB
20166 SN68AJS
20160 SN68AKA
20158 SN68AJW
20157 SN68AJT
21203 LM18UWY
21202 LM18UWX
21201 LM18UWW
21200 LM18UWV
31415 YY67USL
31414 YY67USJ
31411 YX67VGZ
31408 YX17NJK
31407 YX17NJJ
30975 YY16YJH
20989 BL16FZV
20921 YJ62FHV
20918 YJ62FGF
30142 YJ61JFX
30141 YJ61JFV
20873 KX11EES
20872 KX11EER
20054 YJ60KBX
20405 YJ60KCF
20404 YJ60KCE
20871 YJ60KFR
31401 SN10CDE
30102 YJ10MBV
20874 YJ59NNM
20677 YJ59GGE
20841 MX09HJG
20844 MX58KZG
20720 MX58ACF
20815 YJ08PKK
20819 YJ57YCH
20780 PN57NFG
20724 YJ57XWO
20797 PN07NTV
20795 PN07NTT
20793 PN07NTM
20792 PN07NTJ
20778 PN07NTL
20777 PN07NTK
20676 FN07DHE
20726 PK07YRE
20856 NX55FFO
Hi Simon,
I see many photos of the vehicles at the withdrawn parking area, what normally determines a withdrawn vehicle for you? The Streetlites are understandable with major RTA damage but some other look half decent, I.e. 30000 tidy looking Volvo, certain E200's, coaches, etc. Not normally classed as end of life vehicles at those ages.
You might want to take a look at 30805. Big black smoke bellowing out the rear yesterday and struggling a lot up hills
Quote from: BN on April 17, 2021, 07:20:48 AM
Hi Simon,
I see many photos of the vehicles at the withdrawn parking area, what normally determines a withdrawn vehicle for you? The Streetlites are understandable with major RTA damage but some other look half decent, I.e. 30000 tidy looking Volvo, certain E200's, coaches, etc. Not normally classed as end of life vehicles at those ages.
The vehicles withdrawn, have generally either been withdrawn due to age/ and therefore ongoing ability to use, major RTA damage or the cost of repair being in excess of its book value.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 17, 2021, 07:54:57 PM
You might want to take a look at 30805. Big black smoke bellowing out the rear yesterday and struggling a lot up hills
I have asked the Engineering Manager to inspect the vehicle
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 18, 2021, 01:36:50 PM
The vehicles withdrawn, have generally either been withdrawn due to age/ and therefore ongoing ability to use, major RTA damage or the cost of repair being in excess of its book value.
Thanks Simon.
Hi Simon,
Can I please ask are any emails sent via the website 'send us a message' form ever read? Whenever I have sent a message through there, I never see an acknowledgement nor a reply.
Quote from: IMarkeh on April 19, 2021, 07:45:18 PM
Hi Simon,
Can I please ask are any emails sent via the website 'send us a message' form ever read? Whenever I have sent a message through there, I never see an acknowledgement nor a reply.
Dear Sir,
I see every comments from our Diamond Bus website. I also see a responses. I do not personally tie up that every message is responded to. However, if you can provide me with details of the email you sent. i.e. Date/Time and who from. I will investigate
Iv noticed 30885 is now sorn is it off for repairs or withdrawn
Quote from: Jakemat10 on April 23, 2021, 11:35:25 AM
Iv noticed 30885 is now sorn is it off for repairs or withdrawn
The vehicle has an engine fault, which we are trying to resolve
Hi Simon
Just a suggestion really for routes like the 250/1 where a button on the ticketers could exist so say for example someone boarded at Stourbridge Crem and wanted to go to Brierley Hill could buy a £2.40 through ticket to do that trip instead of having to wait to pay at Stourbridge (where the ticketer has it as an end point).
That way it could also make passenger figures a tad more accurate for those intermediate points
Quote from: the trainbasher on April 23, 2021, 02:16:14 PM
Hi Simon
Just a suggestion really for routes like the 250/1 where a button on the ticketers could exist so say for example someone boarded at Stourbridge Crem and wanted to go to Brierley Hill could buy a £2.40 through ticket to do that trip instead of having to wait to pay at Stourbridge (where the ticketer has it as an end point).
That way it could also make passenger figures a tad more accurate for those intermediate points
We are looking at moving towards Tap on/Tap off technology. I believe this will be a better way to achieve the outcome you are looking for
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 20, 2021, 08:17:23 AM
Dear Sir,
I see every comments from our Diamond Bus website. I also see a responses. I do not personally tie up that every message is responded to. However, if you can provide me with details of the email you sent. i.e. Date/Time and who from. I will investigate
I emailed in about a month or so ago with regards there being a lot of missing (or old dated) information in the tickets area of the Diamond website. Even worse now that the South East division has merged over, the ticketing information in some of the categories hasn't been updated.
Quote from: IMarkeh on April 25, 2021, 07:49:16 PM
I emailed in about a month or so ago with regards there being a lot of missing (or old dated) information in the tickets area of the Diamond website. Even worse now that the South East division has merged over, the ticketing information in some of the categories hasn't been updated.
Dear Sir,
Can you either send your complaints to my email or provide the email address you sent them from.
Thank you
Hi Simon,
I was just wondering if there was a specific reason for the MAN/Plaxton Centros being chosen for electric conversion? Also, are there any plans for similar conversions to be carried out in the future?
Quote from: CX06 BJF on May 12, 2021, 08:44:42 PM
Hi Simon,
I was just wondering if there was a specific reason for the MAN/Plaxton Centros being chosen for electric conversion? Also, are there any plans for similar conversions to be carried out in the future?
We have a few variants on Engine running on Centro bodies. However, the MAN engine is/ was the worst performing of everything we operate and hence the decision
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 16, 2021, 07:42:04 PM
We have a few variants on Engine running on Centro bodies. However, the MAN engine is/ was the worst performing of everything we operate and hence the decision
Thanks Simon, much appreciated!
Quote from: CX06 BJF on May 19, 2021, 05:59:06 PM
Thanks Simon, much appreciated!
Have any of them been completed yet Simon?
Quote from: BN on May 19, 2021, 06:45:04 PM
Have any of them been completed yet Simon?
No. None of them have been completed as yet
Hi Simon,
On your tracking app/ website how come you have removed the fleet number info that was displayed alongside journey?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on May 22, 2021, 08:23:38 PM
Hi Simon,
On your tracking app/ website how come you have removed the fleet number info that was displayed alongside journey?
In the last rounds of updates, the fleet number has been ommitted
Hi Simon,
Hope you are well.
Any news on Diamond taking part in the SwiftGo scheme?
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on May 24, 2021, 03:50:05 PM
Hi Simon,
Hope you are well.
Any news on Diamond taking part in the SwiftGo scheme?
We have now signed a contract to adopt this.
Work is underway to agree the capping arrangements and it will be launched in due course
Hi Simon
I'm assuming a TfWm 'cock up' on this, but are the very early journeys on Walsall 31 on Sundays still operated by yourselves?
The current roadside timetable posters dated 18th April have them missing, but they are still showing online on both your website & (one for
@Tony here!) on Nx's website as well!
Quote from: Westy on May 25, 2021, 06:07:08 PM
Hi Simon
I'm assuming a TfWm 'cock up' on this, but are the very early journeys on Walsall 31 on Sundays still operated by yourselves?
The current roadside timetable posters dated 18th April have them missing, but they are still showing online on both your website & (one for @Tony here!) on Nx's website as well!
We will pick this up with TfWM
Flying effort on the repaints, fleet looks smart. Many more left to do? Also what new deliveries are still left to come please?
Quote from: BN on May 25, 2021, 08:03:18 PM
Flying effort on the repaints, fleet looks smart. Many more left to do? Also what new deliveries are still left to come please?
We have around 4 left to paint. We still have around 30 new double decks to come for Bolton
Hi Simon,
With Deutsche-Bahn confirming a couple of days ago, that it is still trying to sell Arriva UK Bus operations, are there any plans for Rotala, to make any offers for parts of Arriva?
Lancashire Lad
We have a desire to continue to grow and strengthen our business should suitable opportunities arise
Hi Simon,
Do you know how many of the ex First B7s are going over to Preston? I know 13 have been painted but is there a specific number and do you know the full list?
Quote from: WWH44L on May 27, 2021, 03:09:09 PM
Hi Simon,
Do you know how many of the ex First B7s are going over to Preston? I know 13 have been painted but is there a specific number and do you know the full list?
I am advised that 5 vehicles have been moved to Preston in the last few days
Hi Simon
Hope you had a good Bank Holiday.
You might want to have whoever manages your BODS datasets for Diamond WM to have a look at them as several services are still showing missing data in BODS
002 is missing BODS timetable data for Merry Hill and Halesowen bus stations
K3 is missing BODS timetable data for Kidderminster bus station (the Kidderminster depot run journeys)
4H is missing BODS timetable data for Halesowen, West Brom and Walsall bus stations.
13 is missing BODS timetable data for Merry Hill bus station
H40 Is missing BODS timetable data for both West Brom and Wednesbury bus stations.
229 is missing BODS timetable data for stops in Coseley village centre/Roseville
251 is missing BODS timetable data for the following stops: Leys Crescent, Canal Bridge ( (both on Leys Road, Buckpool), Nagersfield Road (on Moor Street, Buckpool) and Tesco (on Crown Lane, Stourbridge). These are all stops that have been served on the route since Hansons started on it after their 2009 revision to the route.
298 is showing on BODS as serving Mary Stevens Park on all trips when it only calls there for 1 journey on school term only.
Those are just a few of the ones I've found trawling through both bustimes and the XML files on BODS
Quote from: the trainbasher on June 01, 2021, 12:17:44 PM
Hi Simon
Hope you had a good Bank Holiday.
You might want to have whoever manages your BODS datasets for Diamond WM to have a look at them as several services are still showing missing data in BODS
002 is missing BODS timetable data for Merry Hill and Halesowen bus stations
K3 is missing BODS timetable data for Kidderminster bus station (the Kidderminster depot run journeys)
4H is missing BODS timetable data for Halesowen, West Brom and Walsall bus stations.
13 is missing BODS timetable data for Merry Hill bus station
H40 Is missing BODS timetable data for both West Brom and Wednesbury bus stations.
229 is missing BODS timetable data for stops in Coseley village centre/Roseville
251 is missing BODS timetable data for the following stops: Leys Crescent, Canal Bridge ( (both on Leys Road, Buckpool), Nagersfield Road (on Moor Street, Buckpool) and Tesco (on Crown Lane, Stourbridge). These are all stops that have been served on the route since Hansons started on it after their 2009 revision to the route.
298 is showing on BODS as serving Mary Stevens Park on all trips when it only calls there for 1 journey on school term only.
Those are just a few of the ones I've found trawling through both bustimes and the XML files on BODS
Thank you
Hi Simon
Have all of your drivers been briefed that Multi Operator Tickets are available to buy from the NX Ticket App. I have been questioned twice so far regarding the use of this ticket on your services, and had to read out the text of ALL operators to the driver.
Hi Simon, you couldn't get someone at Bolton to check the ticket machines on the new 8 branded Steetdecks as they are tacking with machines from withdrawn vehicles (one being 20811) on Bus times? Also 32220 was tracking with a spare machine last week with its machine in a streetdeck, pretty sure 32301 is tracking as 30921, 40797 is tracking as 30404. It just stops the keyboard warriors messing with the online fleetlists that are around as they tend to add back withdrawn buses to the lists when in fact they've been sold!
By the way, think the green 8 branding looks great. Best one so far! Is the 501 or 582 services going to get a branded fleet too?
Quote from: bususer12 on June 07, 2021, 09:27:56 AM
Hi Simon
Have all of your drivers been briefed that Multi Operator Tickets are available to buy from the NX Ticket App. I have been questioned twice so far regarding the use of this ticket on your services, and had to read out the text of ALL operators to the driver.
The drivers have been briefed. We have put out a second communication to all drivers this afternoon.
Quote from: WWH44L on June 07, 2021, 04:39:46 PM
Hi Simon, you couldn't get someone at Bolton to check the ticket machines on the new 8 branded Steetdecks as they are tacking with machines from withdrawn vehicles (one being 20811) on Bus times? Also 32220 was tracking with a spare machine last week with its machine in a streetdeck, pretty sure 32301 is tracking as 30921, 40797 is tracking as 30404. It just stops the keyboard warriors messing with the online fleetlists that are around as they tend to add back withdrawn buses to the lists when in fact they've been sold!
By the way, think the green 8 branding looks great. Best one so far! Is the 501 or 582 services going to get a branded fleet too?
I have sent a message to the depot around the buses. In terms of branding, I am not sure at present.
Hi Simon,
I've seen a few photos of Prestonbus depot being emptied, redevelopment or relocation?
Quote from: BN on June 08, 2021, 06:27:57 PM
Hi Simon,
I've seen a few photos of Prestonbus depot being emptied, redevelopment or relocation?
Quote from: ellspurs on June 08, 2021, 07:45:23 PM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 07, 2021, 08:15:55 PM
I have sent a message to the depot around the buses. In terms of branding, I am not sure at present.
Thanks Simon, your email seems to have done the trick with 40812/13/14/15/17/21 now tracking. 40810 is out too but it's either on the spare machine or tracking as 20831. Hopefully all the others will get sorted now as well.
Thankyou. I have asked the same person to look at this one
Thanks Simon, most are tracking now, just need 40810, 40811 looking at now. 40819/20/22 I don't think have made it out into service yet.
Also, I did notice 32220 was tracking yesterday as the Bolton spare machine too.
I will discuss with our Bolton depot
Thanks Simon, one other I spotted (goes past my house) is 30501 tracking as withdrawn 20830. 👍
Quote from: WWH44L on June 14, 2021, 09:04:44 AM
Thanks Simon, one other I spotted (goes past my house) is 30501 tracking as withdrawn 20830. 👍
I will add that to the list
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 25, 2021, 06:53:20 PM
We will pick this up with TfWM
Hi - You might want to re-pick this up with TfWm, as they've started to reprint the posters, to account for the return of Chaserider to Walsall, but those early journeys are still missing!
Edit - Other journeys might be missing as well, but without cross checking the poster against the actual timetable itself, I can't be sure!
Quote from: Westy on June 15, 2021, 07:16:52 AM
Hi - You might want to re-pick this up with TfWm, as they've started to reprint the posters, to account for the return of Chaserider to Walsall, but those early journeys are still missing!
Edit - Other journeys might be missing as well, but without cross checking the poster against the actual timetable itself, I can't be sure!
Thank you. Hopefully this will be picked up in service revisions in August
Hi simon hope you are well
Just Wondering if theres a reason why your no longer operating on the 32 from 29th August
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on June 24, 2021, 04:47:04 PM
Hi simon hope you are well
Just Wondering if theres a reason why your no longer operating on the 32 from 29th August
Also, can you look at changing your policy regarding supplying your own timetable leaflets to the Travelshops, if you won't appear on any new TfWm leaflets in future as well please?
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on June 24, 2021, 04:47:04 PM
Hi simon hope you are well
Just Wondering if theres a reason why your no longer operating on the 32 from 29th August
The timetables we have designed are aimed at fulfilling the needs of the passengers we have been carrying. We have done limited number of 32 trips under partnership and therefore we have chosen to provide a higher frequency on the corridor(s) we have
Quote from: Westy on June 24, 2021, 06:29:26 PM
Also, can you look at changing your policy regarding supplying your own timetable leaflets to the Travelshops, if you won't appear on any new TfWm leaflets in future as well please?
We have always been happy to provide timetables to whoever requires them.
Hi Simon, there are a couple more at Bolton that are tracking as other vehicles:
30404 is tracking as 32211
20824 is tracking as 40100 (Julia)
40829 I think is tracking as the Bolton spare
Not sure what newbies 40838 & 40839 are tracking as
There was a machine called 'Bury' too but this hasn't tracked recently.
Also, a couple of Preston ones have been tracking here too: 30114 at Eccles and 33002 at Bolton. Think these are both long term out of service so not sure what their machines have been used in.
Quote from: WWH44L on July 07, 2021, 08:57:05 PM
Hi Simon, there are a couple more at Bolton that are tracking as other vehicles:
30404 is tracking as 32211
20824 is tracking as 40100 (Julia)
40829 I think is tracking as the Bolton spare
Not sure what newbies 40838 & 40839 are tracking as
There was a machine called 'Bury' too but this hasn't tracked recently.
Also, a couple of Preston ones have been tracking here too: 30114 at Eccles and 33002 at Bolton. Think these are both long term out of service so not sure what their machines have been used in.
I have sent to Bolton and Preston to review
Thank you
Simon - What are those new little boxes on the rail by the bus doors?
Quote from: Westy on July 10, 2021, 11:59:32 AM
Simon - What are those new little boxes on the rail by the bus doors?
Not Simon, but I'm happy to answer. They're for the Ticketer ticketing system used by Diamond, enabling the use of Swift Go and contactless capping. Basically, you'll tap onto the bus on the regular ticket machine, using a Swift Go enabled smart card or a contactless bank card, and then tap off as you get off, so that it knows where you have travelled to and from, allowing the systems to charge you the correct fare.
You will still be able to use Swift/Contactless to pay for individual tickets, as is the case currently, but this allows Diamond to start accepting Swift Go in addition to this. The system should cap you to the cheapest daily/weekly fare, if all goes well.
I have attached an image of one of the readers, for those that haven't seen one yet.
Quote from: DJ on July 10, 2021, 06:27:07 PM
Not Simon, but I'm happy to answer. They're for the Ticketer ticketing system used by Diamond, enabling the use of Swift Go and contactless capping. Basically, you'll tap onto the bus on the regular ticket machine, using a Swift Go enabled smart card or a contactless bank card, and then tap off as you get off, so that it knows where you have travelled to and from, allowing the systems to charge you the correct fare.
You will still be able to use Swift/Contactless to pay for individual tickets, as is the case currently, but this allows Diamond to start accepting Swift Go in addition to this. The system should cap you to the cheapest daily/weekly fare, if all goes well.
I have attached an image of one of the readers, for those that haven't seen one yet.
This explanation is correct
Given that Preston Bus has changes coming up on the Monday (26th July), can I please ask why there is no mention of this anywhere on their website?
For a company which has 'been awarded the Best Community Travel Company - North West', this isn't very good for the communities which you serve, not knowing when or if their buses will be running next week.
This is then further not helped by the Bus Open Data entries not showing the updated information as well.
I am normally quite a big Rotala fan but this is extremely poor.
Adding to the poor Diamond North West similarly hasn't got anything for the registered timetable variations to 2 routes and the brand new 470 still has no information anywhere on the prices or details for the combined train and bus fare (everything links to the railway website but that has no reference to and 470 bus).
Standards seem to be slipping back to how things were in 2018.
Quote from: IMarkeh on July 21, 2021, 12:33:29 AM
Given that Preston Bus has changes coming up on the Monday (26th July), can I please ask why there is no mention of this anywhere on their website?
For a company which has 'been awarded the Best Community Travel Company - North West', this isn't very good for the communities which you serve, not knowing when or if their buses will be running next week.
This is then further not helped by the Bus Open Data entries not showing the updated information as well.
I am normally quite a big Rotala fan but this is extremely poor.
Adding to the poor Diamond North West similarly hasn't got anything for the registered timetable variations to 2 routes and the brand new 470 still has no information anywhere on the prices or details for the combined train and bus fare (everything links to the railway website but that has no reference to and 470 bus).
Standards seem to be slipping back to how things were in 2018.
Upon receipt of your message this morning, I have spoken to our North West team. I am advised that everything has now been updated. I am sorry this has not happened before now.
I am not sure I understand your Bus Open Data comment. I know we are working through system integration issues known by the DfT, an we are hopeful they will be resolved soon.
If there is anything still missing, please let me know.
Hi Simon, still no official notice on the Preston Bus site about the changes nor any updated timetables for the routes which have registered changes (6, 8, 23, 35), no notice of the 19A being withdrawn.
Every route, on the 'tickets' page makes reference to the 75. 112 and 114 which you no longer run and it still says about the exact fare policy.
The actual tickets page still shows all of the LCC tickets with references to routes which you no longer operate and tickets which you no longer accept due to you not running the routes.
Adding to that but unrelated to Preston Bus, all of the things which I emailed through to you a few months ago with the Diamond website, nothing has been updated there.
It's such a shame to see as Rotala was on the up but it seems that someone within the North West business has given up a bit and isn't updating the website which passengers rely upon to get information. It's your online presence, how can people get the right fare or plan a journey when the websites are showing old information. I really hope Rotala returns to just 2 years ago when everything was on the up rather than letting things slip back to 2018.
Quote from: IMarkeh on July 21, 2021, 11:38:05 PM
Hi Simon, still no official notice on the Preston Bus site about the changes nor any updated timetables for the routes which have registered changes (6, 8, 23, 35), no notice of the 19A being withdrawn.
Every route, on the 'tickets' page makes reference to the 75. 112 and 114 which you no longer run and it still says about the exact fare policy.
The actual tickets page still shows all of the LCC tickets with references to routes which you no longer operate and tickets which you no longer accept due to you not running the routes.
Adding to that but unrelated to Preston Bus, all of the things which I emailed through to you a few months ago with the Diamond website, nothing has been updated there.
It's such a shame to see as Rotala was on the up but it seems that someone within the North West business has given up a bit and isn't updating the website which passengers rely upon to get information. It's your online presence, how can people get the right fare or plan a journey when the websites are showing old information. I really hope Rotala returns to just 2 years ago when everything was on the up rather than letting things slip back to 2018.
Some further changes have been updated today. After these changes please confirm exactly what you believe is incorrect
Hi Simon, couple of questions plus a couple of vehicles tracking as others at Bolton:
- 33023 is tracking as 33027. Just seen it go past my house.
- 40829 & 40838 not tracking although in service. Not sure what they are tracking as though.
- Bolton Spare is also tracking again from today.
Do you know which B7RLEs are being converted into trainers, think one is 66906 that I've seen from a photo on Twitter? Looks really smart.
Finally are all the other ex First B7s that are not being converted into trainers going up to Preston Bus?
Cheers Simon,
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 22, 2021, 11:58:56 AM
Some further changes have been updated today. After these changes please confirm exactly what you believe is incorrect
I can see that most of the stuff is now done for service changes and the 470 fares. That's all really good to see. The only issues remaining are all of the issues regarding fares on the Diamond website which I emailed to you a while back. Old references to the First/GNW ticket agreement. Most of the South East division stuff is missing in the more general categories (concessionary passes, multi operator fares). Basically, you can go through every tab on the 'tickets' area of the Diamond website and you will find something wrong whether it be outdated references or things missing or it's difficult to navigate.
Quote from: WWH44L on July 22, 2021, 09:38:05 PM
Do you know which B7RLEs are being converted into trainers, think one is 66906 that I've seen from a photo on Twitter? Looks really smart.
Finally are all the other ex First B7s that are not being converted into trainers going up to Preston Bus?
Cheers Simon,
Agreed Jason, I saw one the other day in the new training livery. But unfortunately, I was too far way to be to able to identify it.
Quote from: WWH44L on July 22, 2021, 09:38:05 PM
Hi Simon, couple of questions plus a couple of vehicles tracking as others at Bolton:
- 33023 is tracking as 33027. Just seen it go past my house.
- 40829 & 40838 not tracking although in service. Not sure what they are tracking as though.
- Bolton Spare is also tracking again from today.
Do you know which B7RLEs are being converted into trainers, think one is 66906 that I've seen from a photo on Twitter? Looks really smart.
Finally are all the other ex First B7s that are not being converted into trainers going up to Preston Bus?
Cheers Simon,
There is only one training bus that has been converted so far. We need to convert a few more. Most if not all of the balance having done these conversions will end in Preston.
Quote from: LancashireLad on July 25, 2021, 08:54:19 PM
Agreed Jason, I saw one the other day in the new training livery. But unfortunately, I was too far way to be to able to identify it.
Things can change but the vehicles ear marked for transfer to training are 66895, 66899, 66906
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 26, 2021, 10:01:36 AM
Things can change but the vehicles ear marked for transfer to training are 66895, 66899, 66906
Hi Simon
Do you know Hartshornes can do full secondry brake conversions on B7RLEs?
Only place we found than can put a fully working second brake pedal in.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 26, 2021, 10:01:36 AM
Things can change but the vehicles ear marked for transfer to training are 66895, 66899, 66906
Thanks Simon, just seen a photo of 66895 outside Bolton depot in full training livery. 👍
Quote from: Tony on July 26, 2021, 10:05:37 AM
Hi Simon
Do you know Hartshornes can do full secondry brake conversions on B7RLEs?
Only place we found than can put a fully working second brake pedal in.
Thank you
Simon - How come Diamond isn't matching Nx's diversion on the 31 / 32 between Walsall & Leamore?
You're serving less stops than Nx!
Hi Simon,
125 liveried bus 32221 has had no working front destination display for a while now, was causing a bit of confusion when I rode it today. If they are having problems repairing it, couldn't they put the route number in the front window?
Quote from: Westy on July 28, 2021, 08:05:55 PM
Simon - How come Diamond isn't matching Nx's diversion on the 31 / 32 between Walsall & Leamore?
You're serving less stops than Nx!
Sorry I believe we corrected this after your message.
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on August 04, 2021, 08:14:48 PM
Hi Simon,
125 liveried bus 32221 has had no working front destination display for a while now, was causing a bit of confusion when I rode it today. If they are having problems repairing it, couldn't they put the route number in the front window?
I will investigate
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 06, 2021, 04:42:52 AM
Sorry I believe we corrected this after your message.
Hi. Yes they did, but everytime there is an issue on Bloxwich Road, your drivers all seem initially to divert via Green Lane, for example the sink hole issue from a couple of years ago, Nx diverted via Marlow Street while Diamond diverted via Green Lane, until I told your social media, then they matched Nx.
Is it down to a lack of local knowledge, seeing the local Nx garage is in the area, so they'd know, unlike your garage being over Tividale?
Hi Simon is 30413 permanently withdrawn or will it be repaired.
many thanks
Hi Simon,
Just seen photos of 66895, that is a brilliant variant of the livery, very striking, very impressive.
Quote from: I love Walsall buses on August 06, 2021, 07:25:25 PM
Hi Simon is 30413 permanently withdrawn or will it be repaired.
many thanks
We have yet to decide
Quote from: BN on August 07, 2021, 04:34:44 PM
Hi Simon,
Just seen photos of 66895, that is a brilliant variant of the livery, very striking, very impressive.
Yes I like what they have done as well.
Hi Simon, I trust you're well.
Would/have Rotala considered repainting any of the fleet into local heritage colours? Perhaps a Tividale Bus into Birmingham Coach Company livery and similar at the other group companies? I appreciate that Rotala and the Diamond brands have evolved radically since the BCC days, though perhaps a polite nod to local transport history that many would still remember?
One of the remaining Plaxton Darts in Pete's yellow would look great, putting Central or Hansons logos back on one of the last few vehicles in their liveries would be good too.
What has happened to 32307 i noticed its disappeared of bustimes now too
Hi Simon, couple of things from Bolton:
32211 is tracking as 30404.
40838 is still not tracking
Bolton Spare is still being used and I think it might be 32211 as above.
Also, have all the Streetdecks been delivered now? As deliveries up to 40842 are out then 40846 is the next. I thought they were only due up to 40843 so is 40846 numbered incorrectly?
Quote from: Wumpty on August 11, 2021, 12:55:37 PM
Hi Simon, I trust you're well.
Would/have Rotala considered repainting any of the fleet into local heritage colours? Perhaps a Tividale Bus into Birmingham Coach Company livery and similar at the other group companies? I appreciate that Rotala and the Diamond brands have evolved radically since the BCC days, though perhaps a polite nod to local transport history that many would still remember?
At this moment in time this isn't something we are inclined to do
Quote from: fleetline6477 on August 11, 2021, 09:18:36 PM
One of the remaining Plaxton Darts in Pete's yellow would look great, putting Central or Hansons logos back on one of the last few vehicles in their liveries would be good too.
Again - at this time, this isn't something we intend to do
Quote from: cris 99 on August 12, 2021, 10:25:29 AM
What has happened to 32307 i noticed its disappeared of bustimes now too
I will check
Quote from: WWH44L on August 13, 2021, 05:05:29 PM
Hi Simon, couple of things from Bolton:
32211 is tracking as 30404.
40838 is still not tracking
Bolton Spare is still being used and I think it might be 32211 as above.
Also, have all the Streetdecks been delivered now? As deliveries up to 40842 are out then 40846 is the next. I thought they were only due up to 40843 so is 40846 numbered incorrectly?
Thank you. All the StreetDecks have been delivered. I have spoken to the depot about these points and they will action
Thank you once again
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 14, 2021, 05:59:47 PM
I will check
The vehicle has had a replacement engine fitted and it now undergoing repaint
What routes will the B7RLES and streetlites go onto that were previously on the 31/32 and 42/43 when you stop running these services?
@Trident 4194 - Diamond aren't stopping running the above routes, they are just returning to being commercially operated under Diamond brand in lieu of West Midlands Bus, Winston
Quote from: Trident 4194 on August 14, 2021, 06:47:53 PM
What routes will the B7RLES and streetlites go onto that were previously on the 31/32 and 42/43 when you stop running these services?
@Trident 4194 - Diamond aren't stopping running the above routes, they are just returning to being commercially operated under Diamond brand in lieu of West Midlands Bus, Winston
I agree
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 14, 2021, 06:00:33 PM
Thank you. All the StreetDecks have been delivered. I have spoken to the depot about these points and they will action
Thank you once again
Cheers Simon, so should 40846 actually be numbered 40843? So seems odd that there is a gap from the main batch.
Thanks again.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 14, 2021, 05:57:29 PM
At this moment in time this isn't something we are inclined to do
Thanks for the reply and taking the time to interact Simon - hope you are well.
Hi Simon
Re the 250/251.
Is the 250 diversion via Lower High Street/Crown Lane a permanent thing as the BODS entry is still showing Stourbrisge Town Centre and Town Hall as stops, yet on site the flags for those are showing as Not In Use? If it is permanent, then will a variation be put in and BODS updated to show it stopping at Crown Lane, Tesco?
The 251 - still showing on BODS as not calling at Crown Lane Tesco (Stourbridge) and not calling at "Leys Crescent", "Canal Bridge" and "Nagersfield Road" even though it does in reality. Is this section along Leys Road and Moor Street meant to be Hail and Ride then or is it meant to be fixed bus stops?
Hi Simon.
Any news on when the new 31 timetable will be available, seeing Nx have put theirs up(finally) online?
Quote from: Westy on August 19, 2021, 02:59:06 PM
Hi Simon.
Any news on when the new 31 timetable will be available, seeing Nx have put theirs up(finally) online?
It will be on line this week
With the rebrand of Hallmark, will you be getting this updated on the Traveline NOC database? All journey planners and everything online still refers to services as Hallmark buses and links to the Hallmark site.
Secondly, I ask, why aren't the upcoming South East changes not being publicised on the Diamond website?
I finally ask, is the customer services post vacant because since the transition over to Diamond from Hallmark, there seems to be no updates or any replies to tweets anymore (Probably the same reason as the upcoming service changes aren't posted).
PS, I can see that the changes got made to the north west parts of the tickets area on the website. These look much better. Hopefully the South East ticket information will be inputted in the future (again, would this be down to the seemingly non existing customer service person at Hallmark/south east).
Hi Simon,
As a regular on your 4H route I must question the journey times permitted especially on Saturdays. Today there was a good 30 minute gap in service due to late running. Whilst I know reduced journey times reduces PVR, I would much prefer an every 15 minute frequency on a Saturday with buses running to the timetable
Quote from: IMarkeh on August 25, 2021, 05:46:16 PM
With the rebrand of Hallmark, will you be getting this updated on the Traveline NOC database? All journey planners and everything online still refers to services as Hallmark buses and links to the Hallmark site.
Secondly, I ask, why aren't the upcoming South East changes not being publicised on the Diamond website?
I finally ask, is the customer services post vacant because since the transition over to Diamond from Hallmark, there seems to be no updates or any replies to tweets anymore (Probably the same reason as the upcoming service changes aren't posted).
PS, I can see that the changes got made to the north west parts of the tickets area on the website. These look much better. Hopefully the South East ticket information will be inputted in the future (again, would this be down to the seemingly non existing customer service person at Hallmark/south east).
I am looking into your comments
Quote from: Trident 4194 on August 28, 2021, 07:59:22 PM
Hi Simon,
As a regular on your 4H route I must question the journey times permitted especially on Saturdays. Today there was a good 30 minute gap in service due to late running. Whilst I know reduced journey times reduces PVR, I would much prefer an every 15 minute frequency on a Saturday with buses running to the timetable
Can you provide some specific information around location and time on Saturday please, so I can investigate why there was a gap
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 30, 2021, 05:13:03 PM
Can you provide some specific information around location and time on Saturday please, so I can investigate why there was a gap
Saturday just gone and it would have been around 2:30 in Hayley green area waiting for a bus. Tracker showed lot of late running services on the 4H
Don't know what vehicle number it was, but one of the dark blue B7Lre(I think?) put onto the 31/31e can only display 301 Mossley/301e Bloxwich.
Thought that little problem had been sorted out a couple of years ago?
Quote from: Westy on September 10, 2021, 05:45:06 PM
Don't know what vehicle number it was, but one of the dark blue B7Lre(I think?) put onto the 31/31e can only display 301 Mossley/301e Bloxwich.
Thought that little problem had been sorted out a couple of years ago?
I will investigate. I am not aware there is a problem
Hi Simon, it looks like 30509 at Bolton is tracking at 30859 which is now at Preston Bus. Looking at the tracking it looks like 30859 is on two routes at the same time.
I have asked the depot to correct
Good afternoon Simon. Thank you for your continued input to this forum . Could you check when the front destination screen on Worcestershire based 30967 will be reset to show more than Diamond or Rotala please . I think this week is the fourth week running that only the two displays have been shown. Also , as this bus is frequently used on the new 52/52a services , it does not give passengers any clues to the new services. Also , these services have received minimal publicity locally. I guess Worcestershire County Council should also be promoting these services. I have contacted them about this matter. Thanks again. Andrew.
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on September 28, 2021, 02:34:17 PM
Good afternoon Simon. Thank you for your continued input to this forum . Could you check when the front destination screen on Worcestershire based 30967 will be reset to show more than Diamond or Rotala please . I think this week is the fourth week running that only the two displays have been shown. Also , as this bus is frequently used on the new 52/52a services , it does not give passengers any clues to the new services. Also , these services have received minimal publicity locally. I guess Worcestershire County Council should also be promoting these services. I have contacted them about this matter. Thanks again. Andrew.
Sorry for the delay. I have messaged the depot now to action the blind. We have done mail drops the line of the route. I will speak to our marketing team and see how they felt that went.
Thank you once again
Good Afternoon Simon.
Just a quick line to say the Worcestershire C.C , have informed me that bus stop timetables county wide are due to be updated , hopefully completed by the end of October. Andrew.
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on October 01, 2021, 04:51:14 PM
Good Afternoon Simon.
Just a quick line to say the Worcestershire C.C , have informed me that bus stop timetables county wide are due to be updated , hopefully completed by the end of October. Andrew.
WCC Bus Service Improvement plans are ambitious. Hopefully they will receive the DfT Support they need and we can all work together to reverse the decline in the area
Hi Simon, looks like there is another double tracker today. 21200 from Eccles is tracking as on a 217 (Eccles route) and also on a 562 which is a Bolton route. Pretty certain something else at Bolton has the wrong fleet number programmed in again.
Also something is tracking as the Bolton spare machine again and another as a TOR TEST. Not sure what that is though.
Quote from: WWH44L on October 05, 2021, 09:16:11 AM
Hi Simon, looks like there is another double tracker today. 21200 from Eccles is tracking as on a 217 (Eccles route) and also on a 562 which is a Bolton route. Pretty certain something else at Bolton has the wrong fleet number programmed in again.
Also something is tracking as the Bolton spare machine again and another as a TOR TEST. Not sure what that is though.
Thank you. I have sent it to the depot to resolve
Hi Simon, something else is tracking as 20843 at Bolton. The actual bus is on the 635 today but something else is tracking as it's on the 22. Not sure is it's one of the streetdecks that have returned from loan at Preston.
Quote from: WWH44L on October 23, 2021, 10:00:59 AM
Hi Simon, something else is tracking as 20843 at Bolton. The actual bus is on the 635 today but something else is tracking as it's on the 22. Not sure is it's one of the streetdecks that have returned from loan at Preston.
Thank you - I have notified the OM
Hi Simon has 32238 transferred from Tividale to Redditch
Hi Simon,
I read with interest about your first electric conversion bus going into service recently.
Obviously I wouldn't expect you to reveal details of the costings involved, and its also early days for this vehicle having had a new lease of life.
But do you think it is worthwhile to be investing such sums of money (I don't imagine it is cheap!) on converting a 13 year old vehicle to electric operation?
If so, it would certainly make the used bus market a bit more interesting, as otherwise while bus manufacturers race to acquire big orders from operators for brand new vehicles, the second hand value of used buses I would imagine is likely to take a hit, as supply otherwise outstrips demand.
But then again, if there was a viable and affordable electric (or even hydrogen?) conversion system available, older vehicles that are otherwise mechanically and internally in good nick could be candidates to be snapped up for upgrading.
Would love to hear your thoughts and insights on this!
Quote from: Stu on November 02, 2021, 07:20:44 PM
Hi Simon,
I read with interest about your first electric conversion bus going into service recently.
Obviously I wouldn't expect you to reveal details of the costings involved, and its also early days for this vehicle having had a new lease of life.
But do you think it is worthwhile to be investing such sums of money (I don't imagine it is cheap!) on converting a 13 year old vehicle to electric operation?
If so, it would certainly make the used bus market a bit more interesting, as otherwise while bus manufacturers race to acquire big orders from operators for brand new vehicles, the second hand value of used buses I would imagine is likely to take a hit, as supply otherwise outstrips demand.
But then again, if there was a viable and affordable electric (or even hydrogen?) conversion system available, older vehicles that are otherwise mechanically and internally in good nick could be candidates to be snapped up for upgrading.
Would love to hear your thoughts and insights on this!
A new electric bus depending upon single or double deck, size of batteries the cost is estimated to be around £350k to £500K. The cost increase depending up on what you consider is a like for like comparison is circa £200k+. I have seen, spoken to various manufacturers and industry leaders and the life span of such vehicles is estimated to be anything from 8 to 30 years (I really cannot believe these will last any longer than 10-15 and on batteries will need new batteries at mid point).
A retrofits can be done for approximately half, and could extend the life of current fleet We believe this warrants investigation and hence our investment.
Hi Simon,
I notice a number of Citaros moving from Preston to Bolton, keeping a large batch together, also the withdrawal of East Lancs bodied vehicles. Is this the starting point of consolidating vehicle types at depots?
I'm sure you'd agree it's a mass advantage from an engineering perspective, skillset of staff/parts stockholding etc.
Quote from: BN on November 03, 2021, 06:49:10 PM
Hi Simon,
I notice a number of Citaros moving from Preston to Bolton, keeping a large batch together, also the withdrawal of East Lancs bodied vehicles. Is this the starting point of consolidating vehicle types at depots?
I'm sure you'd agree it's a mass advantage from an engineering perspective, skillset of staff/parts stockholding etc.
Where possible we try to do so. That being said, it isn't always possible due to the requirements of the work/ market.
Hi Simon, I noticed the following Citaros at Bolton haven't tracked in a good few months:
33011/15/16/19/24/29/30, do you know of any issues with these, is it the availability of parts?
Also a few StreetDecks haven't tracked since September/October, 40737/89/94/811/21/29, are there any particular issues with these ones?
Many thanks
40794 was on the 471 on 23 October, when I visited my father-in-law grave at Heywood.
Quote from: WWH44L on November 06, 2021, 04:53:02 PM
Hi Simon, I noticed the following Citaros at Bolton haven't tracked in a good few months:
33011/15/16/19/24/29/30, do you know of any issues with these, is it the availability of parts?
Also a few StreetDecks haven't tracked since September/October, 40737/89/94/811/21/29, are there any particular issues with these ones?
Many thanks
We are in the process of putting a lot of the Citaros through EvoBus to clear up any issues.
I am aware there are 5 StreetDecks waiting Engine under warranty - I would imagine this is the main cause of these VOR's
Cheers Simon, thought that would be the case.
Hi Simon, just a couple of questions regarding NW ops:
Versas 30404/5 are both tracking again at Bolton. Are these off the for sale list now?
20836 & 30910 have been tracking too at Bolton but these have long been sold, presume whatever the ticket machines are in haven't been updated to the correct fleet number
Something is tracking again as Bolton spare, not sure what though.
Can you tell us why 30850 plus one other have moved to the Midlands? Anything replacing then at Bolton?
Are all the remaining Streerlites at Bolton and Eccles moving to Preston?
Finally, can you tell us which Preston Citaros are now running out of Bolton? Seems to be confusion especially around 33009.
Thanks again 👍
Quote from: WWH44L on November 24, 2021, 03:36:45 PM
Hi Simon, just a couple of questions regarding NW ops:
Versas 30404/5 are both tracking again at Bolton. Are these off the for sale list now?
20836 & 30910 have been tracking too at Bolton but these have long been sold, presume whatever the ticket machines are in haven't been updated to the correct fleet number
Something is tracking again as Bolton spare, not sure what though.
Can you tell us why 30850 plus one other have moved to the Midlands? Anything replacing then at Bolton?
Are all the remaining Streerlites at Bolton and Eccles moving to Preston?
Finally, can you tell us which Preston Citaros are now running out of Bolton? Seems to be confusion especially around 33009.
Thanks again 👍
1. 30404/5
If we receive a fair offer we will sell. If we don't we will keep
2. 20836 & 309
I have just asked Bolton to look at this
3. 30850
We have moved some of the fleet around to spread the spare capacity we have. PVR is around 492. We have around 618 vehicles. We see opportunities to take out the slack across the business and hence why we have moved vehicles
4. Streetlites
There are a collection of contractual and Air Quality requirements. We are moving the fleet to maximize the number of vehicles we can use. Some of the shorter 68 plates will move to Preston, not the longer versions.
5. Fleet List
Our fleet list is accurate which Tony receives monthly. Some of the Citaro movement is again, around making sure we maximize the available fleet. It is worth in progress and there are a lot of moving parts.
As they move our fleet list is updated and I am sure he will update his page
Thank you
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 24, 2021, 07:13:58 PM
5. Fleet List
Our fleet list is accurate which Tony receives monthly. Some of the Citaro movement is again, around making sure we maximize the available fleet. It is worth in progress and there are a lot of moving parts.
As they move our fleet list is updated and I am sure he will update his page
Thank you
Yes, Simon sends me a list at the beginning of every month and I compare it to the previous one to find changes, post them on the changes page and update the fleet list. Occasionally I do miss a move or make a mistake, but I think the fleetlist is currently accurate as of 1/11/21 as I did a full comparison to the company one in October
Thanks Simon for your quick and comprehensive reply. Much appreciated
Simon - Can you ask Tividale to either update or remove the bus posters regarding the changes to the partnership routes dated August please, seeing the arrangement has changed again?
I know the posters are on the Solos used on the 326, but stands a good chance of being on all Tividale vehicles.
(Also I know one of the Streetlites displayed on it's internal screen as well!)
Quote from: Westy on December 06, 2021, 04:01:53 PM
Simon - Can you ask Tividale to either update or remove the bus posters regarding the changes to the partnership routes dated August please, seeing the arrangement has changed again?
I know the posters are on the Solos used on the 326, but stands a good chance of being on all Tividale vehicles.
(Also I know one of the Streetlites displayed on it's internal screen as well!)
Thank you - I have asked for these to be updated
Have the mellors had their radios disabled or are drivers instructed not to use them anymore?
Hi Simon, hope you're well.
Couple of ticket machine errors at Bolton I've spotted:
Long term VOR 33030 is back out but tracking as Preston's 69146 today.
Preston's 33002 is tracking at Bolton but this still VOR at Preston. Not sure if it's actually 33001 which is at Bolton but not tracked since it moved even though it's been in service.
The spare ticket machine is tracking again but not sure what it physically is.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 14, 2021, 05:12:45 PM
Have the mellors had their radios disabled or are drivers instructed not to use them anymore?
I am not aware that anything has been done. I will check with our Engineering team
Quote from: WWH44L on December 27, 2021, 02:39:19 PM
Hi Simon, hope you're well.
Couple of ticket machine errors at Bolton I've spotted:
Long term VOR 33030 is back out but tracking as Preston's 69146 today.
Preston's 33002 is tracking at Bolton but this still VOR at Preston. Not sure if it's actually 33001 which is at Bolton but not tracked since it moved even though it's been in service.
The spare ticket machine is tracking again but not sure what it physically is.
Thank you.
I have forwarded to the OM to resolve
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 14, 2021, 05:12:45 PM
Have the mellors had their radios disabled or are drivers instructed not to use them anymore?
The radio's were disabled following numerous passenger complaints. The final straw being complaints from a local councillor.
Simon - Was there a reason the Mellors were specified with the radios in the first place, as, to be honest, it's something you don't tend to see on service buses anyway, plus if anyone who wants to listen to a radio should really put headphones in?
(Mind you, considering the rubbish you can be subjected to, by the 'music by the mobile phone' brigade, the choices of Smooth & Ghr, that I've heard, were an improvement in my opinion!)
Or were the Mellors ready to be purchased quickly & the radio was a happy addition?
Radios came as standard when we acquired the vehicles
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 28, 2021, 07:47:14 AM
Thank you.
I have forwarded to the OM to resolve
Thanks Simon, also do you know how long the 4 Streetdecks from
Bolton are going to be on loan at Preston? Are there any plans to buy in more deckers at Preston in the near future?
Quote from: WWH44L on December 29, 2021, 08:24:58 AM
Thanks Simon, also do you know how long the 4 Streetdecks from
Bolton are going to be on loan at Preston? Are there any plans to buy in more deckers at Preston in the near future?
Which four StreetDecks are you referring to?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 29, 2021, 12:47:16 PM
Which four StreetDecks are you referring to?
They are 40725/35/59/842. They've been there over a month now so was wondering if they are covering for VORs or until something else comes in. Pretty sure I read somewhere that secondhand deckers were being considered as replacement for some of Preston's older ones.
They are short term hires and will return as we get on top of long term VOR's
30413 looks smart, anymore of the fleet been identified for paint Simon?
Also is there a new vehicle order this year?
Quote from: BN on January 08, 2022, 10:20:18 AM
30413 looks smart, anymore of the fleet been identified for paint Simon?
Also is there a new vehicle order this year?
We will continue to paint the vehicles which look the worst or have some sort of damage which means they need a substantial repair. This was the case with 30413
In terms of new vehicles. The majority of our vehicles operate in areas in which their is a desire to move to Zero Emissions by 2030. This means for "normal" bus operation it is become difficult for our business to acquire Diesel versions.
Therefore our focus is very much on looking at Electric vehicles. We see no reason to entertain gas for our current type of operation. To make this work from a financial perspective we need DfT support, and we need to wait and see what happens with the National Bus Strategy. We have expressed an interest to work with Lancashire and Worcestershire on the plans and we need to see what happens in the next few months as the DfT set out their agenda around the National Bus Strategy and ZEBRA.
The easy answer to your question is that we have no orders and no commitments to buy vehicles at present. What I have said explains the reasons why.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 08, 2022, 03:21:02 PM
We will continue to paint the vehicles which look the worst or have some sort of damage which means they need a substantial repair. This was the case with 30413
In terms of new vehicles. The majority of our vehicles operate in areas in which their is a desire to move to Zero Emissions by 2030. This means for "normal" bus operation it is become difficult for our business to acquire Diesel versions.
Therefore our focus is very much on looking at Electric vehicles. We see no reason to entertain gas for our current type of operation. To make this work from a financial perspective we need DfT support, and we need to wait and see what happens with the National Bus Strategy. We have expressed an interest to work with Lancashire and Worcestershire on the plans and we need to see what happens in the next few months as the DfT set out their agenda around the National Bus Strategy and ZEBRA.
The easy answer to your question is that we have no orders and no commitments to buy vehicles at present. What I have said explains the reasons why.
Thanks Simon.
Is 20744 going to return to service, don't think it's been out since 2020?
Also will the ex Bolton B7RLE's back at Tividale have their green logos changed for red ones?
Quote from: Jack on January 09, 2022, 11:42:35 PM
Is 20744 going to return to service, don't think it's been out since 2020?
Also will the ex Bolton B7RLE's back at Tividale have their green logos changed for red ones?
20744 will go back into service.
We will get the B7's changed
Hi Simon, I just want to bring to your attention the fact that the Diamond South East Bus Open Data is up the wall with almost all routes having errors including, but not limited to, missing stops, times missing for certain en route stops (only stops with times are the timing points, other missing out timing points but times for all other stops. It's a bit of a mess.
Secondly, I ask when will Diamond be updating their National Operator Code to reflect the change? It's still under Hallmark Connections.
Thirdly, I think it would be worth you uploading open data for the HotelHoppa buses. I say this because the Hotel Hoppa services are wrong on journey planners and the data on the Traveline database is also wrong. While I know it is not a requirement for you to do this, it will help you since passengers will have correct information rather than whatever random stuff is being sent out by Traveline and TFL and whatever.
Hope this helps.
Quote from: IMarkeh on January 28, 2022, 06:39:15 PM
Hi Simon, I just want to bring to your attention the fact that the Diamond South East Bus Open Data is up the wall with almost all routes having errors including, but not limited to, missing stops, times missing for certain en route stops (only stops with times are the timing points, other missing out timing points but times for all other stops. It's a bit of a mess.
Secondly, I ask when will Diamond be updating their National Operator Code to reflect the change? It's still under Hallmark Connections.
Thirdly, I think it would be worth you uploading open data for the HotelHoppa buses. I say this because the Hotel Hoppa services are wrong on journey planners and the data on the Traveline database is also wrong. While I know it is not a requirement for you to do this, it will help you since passengers will have correct information rather than whatever random stuff is being sent out by Traveline and TFL and whatever.
Hope this helps.
Several WM routes are in the same state too.
Hi Simon, looks like streetlite 32305 at Bolton is tracking as Citaro 33022. Just spotted it on 533 near me.
Quote from: IMarkeh on January 28, 2022, 06:39:15 PM
Hi Simon, I just want to bring to your attention the fact that the Diamond South East Bus Open Data is up the wall with almost all routes having errors including, but not limited to, missing stops, times missing for certain en route stops (only stops with times are the timing points, other missing out timing points but times for all other stops. It's a bit of a mess.
Secondly, I ask when will Diamond be updating their National Operator Code to reflect the change? It's still under Hallmark Connections.
Thirdly, I think it would be worth you uploading open data for the HotelHoppa buses. I say this because the Hotel Hoppa services are wrong on journey planners and the data on the Traveline database is also wrong. While I know it is not a requirement for you to do this, it will help you since passengers will have correct information rather than whatever random stuff is being sent out by Traveline and TFL and whatever.
Hope this helps.
The BODS platform has gone through recent system changes which has affected the reliability of all bus operators data. We are working to correct.. At present I am told our compliancy is 88%
Quote from: WWH44L on January 29, 2022, 04:06:50 PM
Hi Simon, looks like streetlite 32305 at Bolton is tracking as Citaro 33022. Just spotted it on 533 near me.
I have asked Bolton to correct
Thank you
Hi Simon, compliance may be at 88% on the bods system however that is only taking into account the 'critical' issues. There are 86 advisory issues on the system and they seem to correlate with the same issues that I am seeing on 3rd party journey planners.
For example, the 557 only calls at timing points, no other stops?
On Sundays the 458 doesn't serve Kingston Cromwell Road?
There are plenty more. These errors mean that passengers using 3rd party journey planners are being given false information and likely being told to walk further to access the services. The more walking, the less people use the bus and consequently, you will be losing passengers as a result of this poor data.
Quote from: IMarkeh on January 31, 2022, 08:07:11 PM
Hi Simon, compliance may be at 88% on the bods system however that is only taking into account the 'critical' issues. There are 86 advisory issues on the system and they seem to correlate with the same issues that I am seeing on 3rd party journey planners.
For example, the 557 only calls at timing points, no other stops?
On Sundays the 458 doesn't serve Kingston Cromwell Road?
There are plenty more. These errors mean that passengers using 3rd party journey planners are being given false information and likely being told to walk further to access the services. The more walking, the less people use the bus and consequently, you will be losing passengers as a result of this poor data.
This is being worked on across all the depots
Hi Simon
Service 22 had a request from TfWM to serve Wednesbury Parkway tram stop. I've been using this service a while now and it has never been into the tram stop.
It's a regular driver, he knew nothing about it. Could you check and inform drivers according.
Thank you :)
Quote from: HTA844N on February 03, 2022, 02:37:01 PM
Hi Simon
Service 22 had a request from TfWM to serve Wednesbury Parkway tram stop. I've been using this service a while now and it has never been into the tram stop.
It's a regular driver, he knew nothing about it. Could you check and inform drivers according.
Thank you :)
The service is timetabled to service the Parkway. I have reviewed todays operation and the service has served Wednesbury parkway. CAn you give me more specific information, when it didn't, date and time and we will investigate further
Today I travelled on the 14:15 journey from Tipton Rail Station to Wednesbury. Parkway tram stop was not served.
Quote from: HTA844N on February 03, 2022, 04:04:10 PM
Today I travelled on the 14:15 journey from Tipton Rail Station to Wednesbury. Parkway tram stop was not served.
You are correct. I apologise. We will take corrective action, so this doesn't happen again
Hi Simon, 32305 is still tracking as 33022 at Bolton. Also, not sure what's tracking as 30030 as well. This is a Citaro that I'm led to believe left the fleet long ago but has been tracking again today on the 507 then the X22.
Also can you confirm if some of the streetdecks have been 'unbranded' as I'm pretty sure one 40812 was out on 507 unbranded from the 36/37.
Quote from: WWH44L on February 05, 2022, 09:56:45 PM
Hi Simon, 32305 is still tracking as 33022 at Bolton. Also, not sure what's tracking as 30030 as well. This is a Citaro that I'm led to believe left the fleet long ago but has been tracking again today on the 507 then the X22.
Also can you confirm if some of the streetdecks have been 'unbranded' as I'm pretty sure one 40812 was out on 507 unbranded from the 36/37.
I have spoken to our Bolton depot and they will resolve the Ticket Machine issue. In terms of the branding, I am advised by the Commercial Manager that 40812 has never been branded for the 36/7 and no vehicles have been unbranded
Hi Simon, couple of ticket machine tracking issues again today at Bolton. 32220 and 33019 have both tracked today as 40749 on service 533 for some reason. The Streetdeck has been tracking as itself at the same time.
The spare machine has also been tracking too on service 582 and then 575 but not sure which vehicle it is.
Quote from: WWH44L on February 21, 2022, 09:05:12 PM
Hi Simon, couple of ticket machine tracking issues again today at Bolton. 32220 and 33019 have both tracked today as 40749 on service 533 for some reason. The Streetdeck has been tracking as itself at the same time.
The spare machine has also been tracking too on service 582 and then 575 but not sure which vehicle it is.
Thank you. I believe this has now been actioned
Evening Simon.
Any idea what happened to the vehicle, that should've done the 1536 326 from Bilston to Bloxwich today?
Normally, at that point, according to, there should be 3 vehicles on the service.
Today, there was only 2 tracking.
Was there a breakdown or a different reason?
Quote from: Westy on March 10, 2022, 07:16:41 PM
Evening Simon.
Any idea what happened to the vehicle, that should've done the 1536 326 from Bilston to Bloxwich today?
Normally, at that point, according to, there should be 3 vehicles on the service.
Today, there was only 2 tracking.
Was there a breakdown or a different reason?
I am advised that our Tracking systems shows that 20057 left Bilston Bus Station 4 minutes late.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 12, 2022, 06:52:01 PM
I am advised that our Tracking systems shows that 20057 left Bilston Bus Station 4 minutes late.
I was in Willenhall until 1610 approx & never saw it.
So would it have shown up on Diamond's own bus tracking app, as the other 2 buses on the route were showing up on Bustimes.Org?
Hi Simon,
Looks like there are a couple of vehicles tacking as two buses at Bolton:
Something is tracking as Eccles based 20054 and 32304 is double tracking. I suspect they are 33003 and 40737 which are both in service but not tracking at the moment.
Also, what's the status of Citaros 33011/15/24 as they've not tracked for months and 33013/17 which last tracked in January?
Any update on the electric buses please thanks
Quote from: WWH44L on March 17, 2022, 10:07:56 AM
Hi Simon,
Looks like there are a couple of vehicles tacking as two buses at Bolton:
Something is tracking as Eccles based 20054 and 32304 is double tracking. I suspect they are 33003 and 40737 which are both in service but not tracking at the moment.
Also, what's the status of Citaros 33011/15/24 as they've not tracked for months and 33013/17 which last tracked in January?
I have spoken to the Operations Team and they will resolve the tracking issue.
The Citaro's are currently VOR
Quote from: Solo1 on March 17, 2022, 11:26:36 AM
Any update on the electric buses please thanks
We are still waiting on NPC to finish the sub station on site.
Thanks Simon
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 17, 2022, 12:17:42 PM
I have spoken to the Operations Team and they will resolve the tracking issue.
The Citaro's are currently VOR
Thanks Simon
33003 is tracking as 40727 today. Had to double check as it's on the 533 which goes under a low bridge.😜
Quote from: WWH44L on March 19, 2022, 01:54:54 PM
Thanks Simon
33003 is tracking as 40727 today. Had to double check as it's on the 533 which goes under a low bridge.😜
I have asked our Bolton team to update
Thank you
Hi Simon,
With the purchase of the bus side of claribels, will diamond be looking into getting a second depot to cut down on dead mileage? Or will those services be ran from Tamworth?
Quote from: BK63 YWP on March 28, 2022, 02:39:14 PM
Hi Simon,
With the purchase of the bus side of claribels, will diamond be looking into getting a second depot to cut down on dead mileage? Or will those services be ran from Tamworth?
We are the preferred bidder on the 600 service only. The intention is to operate this from Tamworth
How many buses can Tamworth out station fit
Quote from: Solo1 on March 30, 2022, 11:46:19 AM
How many buses can Tamworth out station fit
it really depends upon the size of vehicle.
Our PVR will be 11. The 600 will be operated by a Mellor
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 30, 2022, 11:58:14 AM
it really depends upon the size of vehicle.
Our PVR will be 11. The 600 will be operated by a Mellor
What will the 94 be operated with?
Will it run from Tividale like the 93?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 30, 2022, 11:58:14 AM
it really depends upon the size of vehicle.
Our PVR will be 11. The 600 will be operated by a Mellor
ok thanks if u had small darts /enviros would it hold more I know PVR is 11 thank you as looks a big yard
Quote from: Solo1 on March 30, 2022, 03:05:10 PM
ok thanks if u had small darts /enviros would it hold more I know PVR is 11 thank you as looks a big yard
Yes if the buses were smaller then we could park more in it
Quote from: 2206 on March 30, 2022, 12:07:44 PMWhat will the 94 be operated with?
Will it run from Tividale like the 93?
what will 94 be operated by
We haven't decided yet.
Could potentially combine 25 and 94? Erdington - City VIA Fort bromford fox and goose saltley? Could diamond be commercial and run 94&95 I know I would use diamond 95
At this moment in time we didn't consider the 55 a viable proposition
With you running 93,94,96 having your mark on the 95 too would be a good investment.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 03, 2022, 08:19:09 AMWe haven't decided yet.
streetlites would prefer something new on these services as NX 94 sees E400s and Platinums mostly
Hi Simon,
Since diamond have lost the 17A evening and Sundays, do you do know who has picked it up as tfwm doesn't mention the service in the 24th April changes
I have asked TfWM on the 17A
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 06, 2022, 08:18:29 PMI have asked TfWM on the 17A
I understand National Express have been awarded the tender
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 07, 2022, 06:15:24 PMI understand National Express have been awarded the tender
Thank you for finding out Simon. With the addition of the claribels buses coming into the fleet, has it been decided where they are destined? I understand if it can not be disclosed
Quote from: BK63 YWP on April 07, 2022, 06:26:31 PMThank you for finding out Simon. With the addition of the claribels buses coming into the fleet, has it been decided where they are destined? I understand if it can not be disclosed
From 24th April, we lose 17, 34, 63/4/5, 2 PVR reduction on 223
We start operating 94, 424, 600 and with a service revision to the 6 and renamed to the 65, an increase of 1
Overall this nets out to a West Midlands fleet increase of 1.
The plan at present is to repaint/ install tap on / tap off readers and install our other equipment on bus before they enter service. However, things have a habit of changing quickly.
So we will see.
Hi Simon,
Are you able to confirm the April tender changes at DBNW, gains and losses and if there are any planned vehicle moves as a result?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 09, 2022, 03:39:47 PMFrom 24th April, we lose 17, 34, 63/4/5, 2 PVR reduction on 223
We start operating 94, 424, 600 and with a service revision to the 6 and renamed to the 65, an increase of 1
Overall this nets out to a West Midlands fleet increase of 1.
The plan at present is to repaint/ install tap on / tap off readers and install our other equipment on bus before they enter service. However, things have a habit of changing quickly.
So we will see.
Will the 424 operate it's current route it does now (Queslett Asda - Perry Barr) or will it return to it's previous route from Asda into Birmingham City Centre like it did when Claribels operated it?
Quote from: hlliwmai on April 12, 2022, 01:08:39 PMWill the 424 operate it's current route it does now (Queslett Asda - Perry Barr) or will it return to it's previous route from Asda into Birmingham City Centre like it did when Claribels operated it?
There has been a few versions of the 424. We are contracted to operate 1 bus (I think Claribels operated 2) from 0900 Hrs at ASDA Queslett to 1447 hrs. The service is Asda to Perry Barr Bus Interchange
The route is as follows
Asda Queslett, Old Horns Crescent, Aldridge Road, Hassop Road, Thornbridge Avenue, Beeches Road, Foden Road, Perry Wood Road, Calshot Road, Mildenhall Road, Hamble Road, Queslett Road, Birmingham Road, Sundial Lane, Beacon Close, Holly Wood, Whitecrest, Birmingham Road, Wilderness Lane, Longleat, Monksfield Avenue, Newton Road, Jayshaw Avenue, Gorse Farm Road, Appleton Avenue, Spouthouse Lane, Hamstead Road, Old Walsall Road, Kingsdown Avenue, Tower Hill, Rocky Lane, Walsall Road, Aldridge Road, Birchfield Road, Perry Barr Bus Interchange internal roads.
Quote from: WWH44L on April 12, 2022, 10:03:42 AMHi Simon,
Are you able to confirm the April tender changes at DBNW, gains and losses and if there are any planned vehicle moves as a result?
Wins 254 785 x 1 bus, Increases on 516 575 by 2 buses.
Losses 18 x 4 buses, 217 x 2 buses, reduction on 516 583 583 by 2 buses, 171 172 5 buses
Start a 78 service on 29th May 2022.
Buses being removed. We may look to sell shortly.
30851 and 30858 moved from Bolton to Preston.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 12, 2022, 06:56:38 PMThere has been a few versions of the 424. We are contracted to operate 1 bus (I think Claribels operated 2) from 0900 Hrs at ASDA Queslett to 1447 hrs. The service is Asda to Perry Barr Bus Interchange
The route is as follows
Asda Queslett, Old Horns Crescent, Aldridge Road, Hassop Road, Thornbridge Avenue, Beeches Road, Foden Road, Perry Wood Road, Calshot Road, Mildenhall Road, Hamble Road, Queslett Road, Birmingham Road, Sundial Lane, Beacon Close, Holly Wood, Whitecrest, Birmingham Road, Wilderness Lane, Longleat, Monksfield Avenue, Newton Road, Jayshaw Avenue, Gorse Farm Road, Appleton Avenue, Spouthouse Lane, Hamstead Road, Old Walsall Road, Kingsdown Avenue, Tower Hill, Rocky Lane, Walsall Road, Aldridge Road, Birchfield Road, Perry Barr Bus Interchange internal roads.
Many thanks for that Simon, I assume the route will either be Solo or Mellor operated I don't believe a Volvo would fit round.
Quote from: hlliwmai on April 12, 2022, 07:24:24 PMMany thanks for that Simon, I assume the route will either be Solo or Mellor operated I don't believe a Volvo would fit round.
The service is let on a Mellor. A Euro 6 20 seater bus. That being said, we believe we will interwork with the 889, which means we will potentially use a 29 Solo with an exhaust modification to achieve Euro 6
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 12, 2022, 08:01:52 PMThe service is let on a Mellor. A Euro 6 20 seater bus. That being said, we believe we will interwork with the 889, which means we will potentially use a 29 Solo with an exhaust modification to achieve Euro 6
I believe 20732 (FX04 WFU) is a Euro 6 Solo so that is a bus that could potentially be used on the route.
Quote from: hlliwmai on April 12, 2022, 08:11:55 PMI believe 20732 (FX04 WFU) is a Euro 6 Solo so that is a bus that could potentially be used on the route.
Couldn't one of the white Streetlites be used?
Quote from: hlliwmai on April 12, 2022, 08:11:55 PMI believe 20732 (FX04 WFU) is a Euro 6 Solo so that is a bus that could potentially be used on the route.
these are not Euro 6
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 13, 2022, 07:51:13 AMthese are not Euro 6
In the short term. However, they are only short term loan vehicles until the Hoppa services recover.
I wanted to know what is the future for Preston Bus? Is there any future movements to the Preston depot?
Some routes like the 12 to Longton seems to have reduced its overall service. Is Preston looking to take more routes on or replace existing fleet like the Solo SRs?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 13, 2022, 07:51:13 AMthese are not Euro 6
When you type the Registration Number into the ULEZ website it suggests that the vehicle is "exempt from charges in all Clean Air Zones" which therefore would suggest it is Euro 6. (
Quote from: AJC223 on April 13, 2022, 07:57:16 AMHi,
I wanted to know what is the future for Preston Bus? Is there any future movements to the Preston depot?
Some routes like the 12 to Longton seems to have reduced its overall service. Is Preston looking to take more routes on or replace existing fleet like the Solo SRs?
We see Preston as a long term key part of our business.
We have looked at various options for moving the site since we acquired it in 2011. We have come to the conclusion that the best location is where it is currently situated.
Therefore, we have demolished parts of the old building and we want to develop a new facility on our current site. Unfortunately designing exactly what we want, planning timescales and requirements takes time and at the same time we want to future proof our depot for the requirements of future vehicle types.
We see Preston as an ideal business to benefit and invest in electric vehicles. The numbers only work on these vehicles with Capital funding from the DfT and we are trying to work with the Lancashire to work up such a proposal. We are not against investing in new vehicles, but with the majority of our fleet in areas who have 2030 targets on Zero Emissions investing in Diesel isn't really an option.
We do continue to review our service levels, we have recently finished on a number of school contracts, as they were loss making. We have won the 78 service which will commence in June and we do expect there will be positive service developments on the back of the LCC BSIP award.
Quote from: hlliwmai on April 13, 2022, 11:16:30 AMWhen you type the Registration Number into the ULEZ website it suggests that the vehicle is "exempt from charges in all Clean Air Zones" which therefore would suggest it is Euro 6. (
This is not uncommon. However, it isn't Euro 6
Hi Simon,
Is there plans at this time to convert any other types of the fleet to electric following the MANs being converted to electric?
Also, is there any plans to introduce new vehicles or cascade vehicles to the Midlands once the Hoppa streetlites eventually leave the Midlands? Or does Diamond WM have enough vehicles to replace them as and when.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 12, 2022, 08:01:52 PMThe service is let on a Mellor. A Euro 6 20 seater bus. That being said, we believe we will interwork with the 889, which means we will potentially use a 29 Solo with an exhaust modification to achieve Euro 6
what busses will the 94 see
Quote from: the trainbasher on April 13, 2022, 04:48:14 PMHi Simon,
Is there plans at this time to convert any other types of the fleet to electric following the MANs being converted to electric?
Also, is there any plans to introduce new vehicles or cascade vehicles to the Midlands once the Hoppa streetlites eventually leave the Midlands? Or does Diamond WM have enough vehicles to replace them as and when.
There is funding to bid for retrofits and we are exploring options at present. Nothing is confirmed or committed.
As before we want fleet replacement to be focused around Zero Emission vehicles, and we need to see what happens with DfT funding to support that
With the Claribels fleet incoming are there any withdrawals if so which vehicles?, I am led to believe 30963 (MX56 HYA) has been withdrawn can you confirm if that is correct I wouldn't of thought so with it being a 56 reg and what has happened to 30806 (WX58 FRV) has this been withdrawn as it hasn't been in service since mid January.
Diamond 96 with destination old Oscott this morning, is that a short journey?
Quote from: Jack D on April 14, 2022, 02:21:20 PMDiamond 96 with destination old Oscott this morning, is that a short journey?
The destination is correct. The journey during off peak operate an Old Oscott loop
Quote from: hlliwmai on April 14, 2022, 10:13:36 AMWith the Claribels fleet incoming are there any withdrawals if so which vehicles?, I am led to believe 30963 (MX56 HYA) has been withdrawn can you confirm if that is correct I wouldn't of thought so with it being a 56 reg and what has happened to 30806 (WX58 FRV) has this been withdrawn as it hasn't been in service since mid January.
30963 has been off the road for a fuel issue. It was repaired yesterday and it now back in service
30806 is VOR for a gearbox issue. We expect to repair over the weekend, and return to service next week
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 15, 2022, 06:15:46 AM30963 has been off the road for a fuel issue. It was repaired yesterday and it now back in service
30806 is VOR for a gearbox issue. We expect to repair over the weekend, and return to service next week
Thanks for that Simon, will there be any withdrawals when the Claribels fleet arrive? What is happening with 30003 will it enter service at Tividale? and will the white Enviro coming from Claribels be going to Kidderminster depot?
Quote from: hlliwmai on April 15, 2022, 10:48:30 AMThanks for that Simon, will there be any withdrawals when the Claribels fleet arrive? What is happening with 30003 will it enter service at Tividale? and will the white Enviro coming from Claribels be going to Kidderminster depot?
The Enviro200s at Claribels won't be passing to Diamond. Unlike the Pulsars/Versas, the E200s were leased, and thus have returned back to the leasing company. The only one still in service with Claribels is MX61 BAV.
Quote from: DJ on April 15, 2022, 02:54:13 PMThe Enviro200s at Claribels won't be passing to Diamond. Unlike the Pulsars/Versas, the E200s were leased, and thus have returned back to the leasing company. The only one still in service with Claribels is MX61 BAV.
Yes that is the one I was referring to
Will anymore buses at Tividale be repainted? Some of the B7RLE's in the old livery are looking a right mess, especially the 304**.
Also saw 32307 yesterday on the 16 with a non functional front display and no paper numbers.
What's happened to 20744?
Will there be any withdrawals or transfers when the Claribels fleet arrive? If so which vehicles will these be? What is happening with 30003 will it enter service at Tividale or is it going back to Kidderminster also will the white 61 plate Enviro coming from Claribels be going to Kidderminster depot to join the ones already at Kidderminster depot?
Quote from: hlliwmai on April 15, 2022, 10:48:30 AMThanks for that Simon, will there be any withdrawals when the Claribels fleet arrive? What is happening with 30003 will it enter service at Tividale? and will the white Enviro coming from Claribels be going to Kidderminster depot?
30003 is under repair.
Their is only one white Enviro being acquired
Quote from: hlliwmai on April 18, 2022, 08:00:42 PMWill there be any withdrawals or transfers when the Claribels fleet arrive? If so which vehicles will these be? What is happening with 30003 will it enter service at Tividale or is it going back to Kidderminster also will the white 61 plate Enviro coming from Claribels be going to Kidderminster depot to join the ones already at Kidderminster depot?
There is nothing planned as yet.
Quote from: Jack on April 15, 2022, 03:58:24 PMWill anymore buses at Tividale be repainted? Some of the B7RLE's in the old livery are looking a right mess, especially the 304**.
Also saw 32307 yesterday on the 16 with a non functional front display and no paper numbers.
What's happened to 20744?
1. 32307 - I will pick up with the EM
2. We will continue to paint vehicles, although with the introduction of the Claribels vehicles they are higher priority
3. 20744 - repair is in progress
Hi Simon,
I was wondering since Claribels have a lot of ex Fishwick pulsars which is local and has history in Leyland and Preston i think it would be a nice idea to reintroduce them into Preston in exchange for some existing Preston fleet. Thats if they are included in the Claribels deal.
Here are all the list of Ex Fishwick Pulsars in accordance to claribels list
I understand that Diamond Bus had some ex Fishwick example pulsars on top of this. Would love to know your thoughts and opinions on this.
Kind Regards,
Quote from: AJC223 on April 24, 2022, 03:07:16 PMHi Simon,
I was wondering since Claribels have a lot of ex Fishwick pulsars which is local and has history in Leyland and Preston i think it would be a nice idea to reintroduce them into Preston in exchange for some existing Preston fleet. Thats if they are included in the Claribels deal.
Here are all the list of Ex Fishwick Pulsars in accordance to claribels list
I understand that Diamond Bus had some ex Fishwick example pulsars on top of this. Would love to know your thoughts and opinions on this.
Kind Regards,
We are about to reduce the number of vehicles in Preston. There are far too many spares.
All but one of the Claribels fleet is Euro 6. We intend to use them in the West Midlands eventually.
Hi Simon, does the 94 have a current special fare?
Quote from: Jack on April 27, 2022, 11:51:44 AMHi Simon, does the 94 have a current special fare?
Yes, we have started with an introductory fare
Noticed the solo on the 25 today 20888 was operating with just "Diamond Bus" on the destination.
Same when I saw this same bus was on the 94 yesterday.
Is the destination display not working on it?
Quote from: 2206 on May 04, 2022, 06:16:22 PMNoticed the solo on the 25 today 20888 was operating with just "Diamond Bus" on the destination.
Same when I saw this same bus was on the 94 yesterday.
Is the destination display not working on it?
The destination should be replaced today.
Hi Simon,
I have 2 questions for you regarding the aquisition of Johnsons.
Firstly, with Johnsons running buses into Oxfordshire, will you be moving the 'outcast' 250 from the South East into the Worcestershire division?
Secondly, with regards to the 150, is the cut back a temporary cut? If so, no problem but if not, could the 150 and 50 not work together so that the 50 extends every so often to Redditch? It's a shame to see another direct link from Worcestershire into Birmingham cut.
Thirdly, I am interested in the fact that you have stated that only Diamond tickets will be accepted on the new tickets and that there is no transition period for passengers with Johnsons tickets (Except Schoolars) or any information on your website on how anyone with tickets should go about getting a refund for tickets which are valid at the time of the change of operator.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Quote from: IMarkeh on May 05, 2022, 08:54:32 PMHi Simon,
I have 2 questions for you regarding the aquisition of Johnsons.
Firstly, with Johnsons running buses into Oxfordshire, will you be moving the 'outcast' 250 from the South East into the Worcestershire division?
Secondly, with regards to the 150, is the cut back a temporary cut? If so, no problem but if not, could the 150 and 50 not work together so that the 50 extends every so often to Redditch? It's a shame to see another direct link from Worcestershire into Birmingham cut.
Thirdly, I am interested in the fact that you have stated that only Diamond tickets will be accepted on the new tickets and that there is no transition period for passengers with Johnsons tickets (Except Schoolars) or any information on your website on how anyone with tickets should go about getting a refund for tickets which are valid at the time of the change of operator.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
We see the 250 continuing to operate as it is.
In terms of the 150, we have registered the "contractual" element due to speed. Both ourselves and Johnsons want services to continue to operate and why we have taken over a few services early. Given time we need to look at how the 50/150 could work better.
All the rest of the services are due to be taken over on 29th May. The only period passes sold not administered by an LTA relates to the scholars we are honoring.
Congratulations on the latest acquisition.
Where routes being taken over are explained under the news section on the website On the Redditch 64 link the route planner is of the West Bromwich service 64, all other info seems to relate to the Redditch service.
We take on the Redditch Services, X20, 887/88, University of Birmingham and the Services operated in Stratford upon Avon
@Simon Dunn still Claribel 94/94A timetable up at Foley Road. Are TFWM going to put the new Diamond timetable up at some point?
Towards Chelmsley direction.
Quote from: 2206 on May 10, 2022, 11:00:24 AM@Simon Dunn still Claribel 94/94A timetable up at Foley Road. Are TFWM going to put the new Diamond timetable up at some point?
Towards Chelmsley direction.
TfWM update these in sequence. I am sure they will pick this up in due course
Hi Simon,
I don't believe there is any truth to it but can you confirm yes or no if the 4H is being extended and becoming a partnership route at some point to Stourbridge and Bloxwich as a post on Facebook last night would suggest that this is the case? I'm guessing there is no truth to this post on Facebook?
Quote from: hlliwmai on May 11, 2022, 02:14:56 PMHi Simon,
I don't believe there is any truth to it but can you confirm yes or no if the 4H is being extended and becoming a partnership route at some point to Stourbridge and Bloxwich as a post on Facebook last night would suggest that this is the case? I'm guessing there is no truth to this post on Facebook?
As part of the West Midlands BSIP the intention is that the whole network is to be reviewed. That being said, we cannot see any logic in making changes you suggest to the 4H, nor has there been any conversation along these lines
Hi Simon,
With the 226 receiving refreshed branding I'm just wondering whether anything else will receive new/refreshed branding as well? For example the 16 as most of the 16 branded Streetlites I've been seeing recently has half of the branding missing and it looks really untidy, also I have noticed that the 125 branded Streetlites from Kidderminster need new branding as well as the same has happened to them as like the 16 branding i.e. missing branding, also will the 002 or 4H receive new branding as I know both routes used to have branding previously.
Quote from: hlliwmai on May 15, 2022, 04:40:46 PMHi Simon,
With the 226 receiving refreshed branding I'm just wondering whether anything else will receive new/refreshed branding as well? For example the 16 as most of the 16 branded Streetlites I've been seeing recently has half of the branding missing and it looks really untidy, also I have noticed that the 125 branded Streetlites from Kidderminster need new branding as well as the same has happened to them as like the 16 branding i.e. missing branding, also will the 002 or 4H receive new branding as I know both routes used to have branding previously.
Ditto the 31 / 32 vehicles as well, with missing bits of West Midlands Bus branding, if that is still a thing now.
On the subject of those vehicles, are those vehicles really desparate for adverts on the back, as it ruins the rear branding?
Quote from: hlliwmai on May 15, 2022, 04:40:46 PMHi Simon,
With the 226 receiving refreshed branding I'm just wondering whether anything else will receive new/refreshed branding as well? For example the 16 as most of the 16 branded Streetlites I've been seeing recently has half of the branding missing and it looks really untidy, also I have noticed that the 125 branded Streetlites from Kidderminster need new branding as well as the same has happened to them as like the 16 branding i.e. missing branding, also will the 002 or 4H receive new branding as I know both routes used to have branding previously.
With the acquisition of Johnsons, we need to look at how we are going to use the fleet. The 50 buses will remain in Redditch to operate the Stratford/ Solihull work but the 50 will move to Tividale.
Either way - we need to put right what we have and I have asked our Marketing people to look at this.
Quote from: Westy on May 15, 2022, 05:44:05 PMDitto the 31 / 32 vehicles as well, with missing bits of West Midlands Bus branding, if that is still a thing now.
On the subject of those vehicles, are those vehicles really desparate for adverts on the back, as it ruins the rear branding?
Thank you - we will pick up the 31/32 branding at the same time.
In terms of advertising - do you have a specific vehicle?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 15, 2022, 06:32:58 PMThank you - we will pick up the 31/32 branding at the same time.
In terms of advertising - do you have a specific vehicle?
Think just the B7Lre's I've seen.
When is the 50 moving back to Tividale? Also will any Streetlites be moving?
Could the 94 recieve Branding?
Quote from: Jack on May 16, 2022, 05:26:21 PMWhen is the 50 moving back to Tividale? Also will any Streetlites be moving?
29th May
Quote from: Jack D on May 16, 2022, 07:45:58 PMCould the 94 recieve Branding?
TfWM have desires to move towards West Midlands Bus branding. As the full details of the BSIP unravel we need agree what future branding looks like.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 17, 2022, 01:37:27 PMTfWM have desires to move towards West Midlands Bus branding. As the full details of the BSIP unravel we need agree what future branding looks like.
So potentially the 4H could end up going into West Midlands Bus partnership? In which case this would mean Diamond would start operating the 4M again which I think would work well, also do you see any scope in the 16 going into West Midlands Bus partnership at some point?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 17, 2022, 01:37:27 PMTfWM have desires to move towards West Midlands Bus branding. As the full details of the BSIP unravel we need agree what future branding looks like.
so what will that mean for diamond as nx 94 interwork with 95 and are double deck operated
None of the ex Claribels vehicles has fleetnumbers on them, will they be applied soon?
Hi Simon
@Westy's comment 30927 and 30923 are two examples where the adverts look bad on the back of the branding. They would look better if the branding script fitted in the frame so it was completely hidden if an advertisement was fitted. 30927 is one where the side logos need replacement ( not a critism of diamond I know NX have several similar)
Quote from: Tony on May 18, 2022, 03:40:52 PMHi Simon
Regarding @Westy's comment 30927 and 30923 are two examples where the adverts look bad on the back of the branding. They would look better if the branding script fitted in the frame so it was completely hidden if an advertisement was fitted. 30927 is one where the side logos need replacement ( not a critism of diamond I know NX have several similar)
@Simon Dunn like this on 30923. The advert frame covers part of the branding on the rear, which makes it looks quite untidy. Personally I think it would look better if the branding was perhaps redesigned to be like the NX style on the rear window so you can have an advert frame too.
Can anyone confirm weather or not 32131 YJ12CKO actually came to Diamond. it was previously said that it wasnt part of the deal and it was swapped with 20533. When checking Bustimes it was on the 94 a few days ago.
Quote from: hlliwmai on May 17, 2022, 11:23:04 PMSo potentially the 4H could end up going into West Midlands Bus partnership? In which case this would mean Diamond would start operating the 4M again which I think would work well, also do you see any scope in the 16 going into West Midlands Bus partnership at some point?
There is a long road before anything is decided.
Quote from: SK68MEV on May 18, 2022, 12:42:17 AMso what will that mean for diamond as nx 94 interwork with 95 and are double deck operated
We need to wait and see what happens.
However, part of the desired outcome from the West Midlands BSIP is to remove overlaps. We need to see were that conversation goes
Quote from: Jack on May 18, 2022, 02:16:07 PMNone of the ex Claribels vehicles has fleetnumbers on them, will they be applied soon?
We are trying to paint them quickly.
Quote from: Tony on May 18, 2022, 03:40:52 PMHi Simon
Regarding @Westy's comment 30927 and 30923 are two examples where the adverts look bad on the back of the branding. They would look better if the branding script fitted in the frame so it was completely hidden if an advertisement was fitted. 30927 is one where the side logos need replacement ( not a critism of diamond I know NX have several similar)
Thank you - we are auditing every vehicle
Quote from: cris 99 on May 18, 2022, 10:03:47 PMCan anyone confirm weather or not 32131 YJ12CKO actually came to Diamond. it was previously said that it wasnt part of the deal and it was swapped with 20533. When checking Bustimes it was on the 94 a few days ago.
The vehicle was originally part of the deal. However, the vehicle was damaged before repair completion and Claribels kept the vehicle
I believe it has now been sent for scrapas the damage was too severe for the vehicle to be saved
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 19, 2022, 05:19:45 AMWe are trying to paint them quickly.
Repainted 32136 doesn't have any fleetnumbers.
Also they have Claribels information inside still, will this also be sorted?
Hi Simon, is there any chance Diamond maybe increasing there presence on the Stratford Rd with Redditch gaining the X50 on a Sunday. Could this be trialed in the week as well or maybe even a Birmingham to Stratford upon Avon route again?
Also can you confirm or deny if the 52A is moving from Redditch to Kidderminster depot?
Hi Simon,
What buses are going to be on the new 76/78 service in Preston?
Any new fleet?
In terms of DBNW streetdecks will we be seeing any more of them heading to diamond bus in depots such as tividale?
Quote from: 4369Beast on May 19, 2022, 06:02:11 PMHi Simon, is there any chance Diamond maybe increasing there presence on the Stratford Rd with Redditch gaining the X50 on a Sunday. Could this be trialed in the week as well or maybe even a Birmingham to Stratford upon Avon route again?
Our immediate focus is on consolidating the acquisitions we have made and making sure we provide a good level of service.
Quote from: 4369Beast on May 19, 2022, 06:02:51 PMAlso can you confirm or deny if the 52A is moving from Redditch to Kidderminster depot?
We have considered all sorts of scenarios with the upcoming changes with Johnsons. This is not planned to happen
Quote from: AJC223 on May 20, 2022, 09:34:13 PMHi Simon,
What buses are going to be on the new 76/78 service in Preston?
Any new fleet?
In terms of DBNW streetdecks will we be seeing any more of them heading to diamond bus in depots such as tividale?
The 76/78 has been awarded on the basis of using our Mellors. Two vehicles were moved from Tividale to Preston to provide the required number of vehicles. This swapped as the deckers have gone to Redditch.
There isn't at this moment in time any plans to transfer anymore
Hi Simon.
Don't know if you/West Midlands operation have been made aware that Lichfield Bower(carnival) is not taking place on the June Bank Holiday Monday as usual, but, as posted by our friends at Chaserider on Facebook, it's taking place on the Saturday 2 days before instead.
Bearing in mind Chaserider & yourselves don't normally operate into Lichfield on a Bank Holiday, is it worth giving a bit of extra promotion to Service 35 at least, as it's a once in a lifetime opportunity for yourselves?
@Tony - Is Nx doing anything similar for the 8 & X3, especially the X3?
Quote from: Westy on May 24, 2022, 12:14:44 PMHi Simon.
Don't know if you/West Midlands operation have been made aware that Lichfield Bower(carnival) is not taking place on the June Bank Holiday Monday as usual, but, as posted by our friends at Chaserider on Facebook, it's taking place on the Saturday 2 days before instead.
Bearing in mind Chaserider & yourselves don't normally operate into Lichfield on a Bank Holiday, is it worth giving a bit of extra promotion to Service 35 at least, as it's a once in a lifetime opportunity for yourselves?
@Tony - Is Nx doing anything similar for the 8 & X3, especially the X3?
I will discuss with our marketing team
Hi Simon,
Has it ever been considered moving the Metrocity's from Kidderminster to Tividale as they are Euro 6 vehicles and as Kidderminster doesn't operate many Euro 6 routes that need big buses would they not be more beneficial at Tividale especially with the 50 moving back they could be used on there or if push came to shove they could be used on the 94 this also applies for Streetlites 32221/22/23 (currently 125 branded although most of the branding is missing on these), most of the time 32312/13/14 are now permanently in use on the 125 and I've noticed the 125 branded Steetlites 32221/22/23 are being used on other routes so with that in mind those could potentially return to Tividale as extra Euro 6 vehicles
@Simon Dunn I noticed that YJ62JZH had all 3 destination blinds blank at Ward End while heading towards City Centre at 7.50. No sign of what route it was operating other than carrying passengers.
Then I realised I think the £1 offer ends today? I assume its destination display needs updating?
Quote from: hlliwmai on May 24, 2022, 05:43:13 PMHi Simon,
Has it ever been considered moving the Metrocity's from Kidderminster to Tividale as they are Euro 6 vehicles and as Kidderminster doesn't operate many Euro 6 routes that need big buses would they not be more beneficial at Tividale especially with the 50 moving back they could be used on there or if push came to shove they could be used on the 94 this also applies for Streetlites 32221/22/23 (currently 125 branded although most of the branding is missing on these), most of the time 32312/13/14 are now permanently in use on the 125 and I've noticed the 125 branded Steetlites 32221/22/23 are being used on other routes so with that in mind those could potentially return to Tividale as extra Euro 6 vehicles
We have not considered this
Quote from: 2206 on May 25, 2022, 10:25:48 AM@Simon Dunn I noticed that YJ62JZH had all 3 destination blinds blank at Ward End while heading towards City Centre at 7.50. No sign of what route it was operating other than carrying passengers.
Then I realised I think the £1 offer ends today? I assume its destination display needs updating?
Steve Minor has checked the vehicle in service. The blinds are now working. We believe it was a driver issue
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 25, 2022, 02:06:52 PMSteve Minor has checked the vehicle in service. The blinds are now working. We believe it was a driver issue
Any chance that SM could pop over to Redditch ? At least three vehicles with either blank blinds or just showing Diamond/Rotala seen in service yesterday. :wink: [Including 30967 - again -.]. Many thanks. :smiley:
Do you have the fleet numbers please
Quote from: Steveminor on May 26, 2022, 06:53:57 AMDo you have the fleet numbers please
Sorry , not off the top of my head ,in addition to the long running problems with 30967 [only ever shows Diamond or Rotala ] , if I recall correctly there were also two Solo's. If I get out and about today or tomorrow and notice any vehicles with faulty/missing destination displays I let you know. Thanks for responding. :smiley:
Thank you Andrew
This should be rectified soon
How much waiting time do you allow the WN57 service in Wednesfield before entering service at 0725hrs, as drivers are using the disabled bays in the High Street to layover?
Although the Mellors are small buses, the buses are parking and overlapping two disabled bays. There's much better parking in Well Lane with on-street parking, or on Kenmare Way at Bentley Bridge Retail Park with two bus laybays opposite each other suitable for this.
Quote from: Steveminor on May 26, 2022, 06:53:57 AMDo you have the fleet numbers please
20869 and 30406 , both in Bromsgrove earlier.
32126 (YJ59 BCU) isn't tracking. In fact I don't think all of the ex Claribels vehicles are actually tracking?
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on May 26, 2022, 05:04:52 PM20869 and 30406 , both in Bromsgrove earlier.
I have asked the depot to look at these now
Quote from: Jack on May 26, 2022, 10:52:02 PM32126 (YJ59 BCU) isn't tracking. In fact I don't think all of the ex Claribels vehicles are actually tracking?
We have checked and I am advised the vehicles that are in service are tracking
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on May 26, 2022, 05:04:52 PM20869 and 30406 , both in Bromsgrove earlier.
30406 is on 57 destination is on & working 20869 will be rectified shortly
Simon recently transferred 20987 and 20988 seeing there only 14 seaters what services are they going to be used on Please the only routes in the area i can think of for such small vehicles are 2 diamond do not run at are the moment 7a and 12 they are run by WFDAR are you taking those routes over or are you starting a on demand service like you have at Bromsgrove
Quote from: bewdley5 on May 29, 2022, 10:57:37 PMSimon recently transferred 20987 and 20988 seeing there only 14 seaters what services are they going to be used on Please the only routes in the area i can think of for such small vehicles are 2 diamond do not run at are the moment 7a and 12 they are run by WFDAR are you taking those routes over or are you starting a on demand service like you have at Bromsgrove
With the acquisition of Johnsons we moved some work out of Redditch, this included the DRT service around Bromsgrove to Kidderminster
Hi Simon,
Couple of odd trackings at Bolton and Eccles.
20189 is tracking although this is now in the south east.
20885 I think is tracking as 20404 which has is now back with TfGM
33003 is tracking as a spare as I've seen it out in service
33043 is another tracking as a spare.
Spares tracking include:
Bolton 1
Could you confirm if 33007 is in service as I've never seen it (not tracked) since it moved from Preston.
Quote from: WWH44L on May 30, 2022, 11:08:42 AMHi Simon,
Couple of odd trackings at Bolton and Eccles.
20189 is tracking although this is now in the south east.
20885 I think is tracking as 20404 which has is now back with TfGM
33003 is tracking as a spare as I've seen it out in service
33043 is another tracking as a spare.
Spares tracking include:
Bolton 1
Could you confirm if 33007 is in service as I've never seen it (not tracked) since it moved from Preston.
Thank you. I have spoken to the OM. He is aware of the issues and they will resolve them
Is 30802 going to be seeing service again, don't think it's been in service for sometime? Or possible conversion to electric?
Quote from: Jack on May 30, 2022, 03:31:10 PMIs 30802 going to be seeing service again, don't think it's been in service for sometime? Or possible conversion to electric?
The Buses is waiting to be painted.
Hi Simon,
Please can I ask for you to review the data which Ticketer is sending out to BODS A number of routes are listed under what I would class as their 'internal' numbers (H40, S1, K15) which means that for passengers trying to plan journeys, they can't find their normal route (in this case, 40, 1 and 15) so may think it no longer runs. Alternatively, people may see the route number and be looking for that route.
In addition, to save confusion for passengers, I think it would be good if you could work with Ticketer to mark 'contract' routes (N1/N2 and Birm Uni) as 'not for public use' as this could confuse passengers who plan their journey using these routes and of course they are unable to do so.
Quote from: IMarkeh on June 01, 2022, 02:24:04 AMHi Simon,
Please can I ask for you to review the data which Ticketer is sending out to BODS A number of routes are listed under what I would class as their 'internal' numbers (H40, S1, K15) which means that for passengers trying to plan journeys, they can't find their normal route (in this case, 40, 1 and 15) so may think it no longer runs. Alternatively, people may see the route number and be looking for that route.
In addition, to save confusion for passengers, I think it would be good if you could work with Ticketer to mark 'contract' routes (N1/N2 and Birm Uni) as 'not for public use' as this could confuse passengers who plan their journey using these routes and of course they are unable to do so.
We will pick up on your points in due course
Afternoon Simon.
One on behalf of my nephew!
He was trying to catch 30927 around 1325 today on Walsall 31, using his Paygo Swift Card.
It appears the card machine was having a problem, as it refused the Swift Card, despite my nephew saying it had £20 on it!
I gather from nephew, driver's attitude left a lot to be desired.
He got off & he got one of your 32's instead & the card worked perfectly!
I suppose the machine problem is one of those things, & on a high frequency corridor such as the 31/32, another one will pop up shortly, but what is supposed to be the procedure, if there is money on the card(Obviously I have no reason to doubt my nephew!) & it's a lower frequency service, say for example the 326.
What does he do then?
Quick note from me - yes the scanner wasn't working when I travelled on it and tried to scan my nNetwork card, but the driver when I travelled (Sikh gentleman) was polite with everyone who tried to use it - Tony
Hi Simon,
Is 20741 Euro 6? Just asking as it's been appearing on the peak 94 (bus comes off 25) near enough daily, if it isn't would it make sense to allocate a Euro 6 smaller vehicle to this board to save breaching the CAZ? 20533 or 20161 could be ideal for this particular board.
Quote from: Westy on June 01, 2022, 05:16:14 PMAfternoon Simon.
One on behalf of my nephew!
He was trying to catch 30927 around 1325 today on Walsall 31, using his Paygo Swift Card.
It appears the card machine was having a problem, as it refused the Swift Card, despite my nephew saying it had £20 on it!
I gather from nephew, driver's attitude left a lot to be desired.
He got off & he got one of your 32's instead & the card worked perfectly!
I suppose the machine problem is one of those things, & on a high frequency corridor such as the 31/32, another one will pop up shortly, but what is supposed to be the procedure, if there is money on the card(Obviously I have no reason to doubt my nephew!) & it's a lower frequency service, say for example the 326.
What does he do then?
Quick note from me - yes the scanner wasn't working when I travelled on it and tried to scan my nNetwork card, but the driver when I travelled (Sikh gentleman) was polite with everyone who tried to use it - Tony
We have a lot of fraudulent transactions. We do get machine issues, and depending upon whether the passenger is a vulnerable individual or not depends upon how the driver should handle it.
QuoteHi Simon,
Is 20741 Euro 6? Just asking as it's been appearing on the peak 94 (bus comes off 25) near enough daily, if it isn't would it make sense to allocate a Euro 6 smaller vehicle to this board to save breaching the CAZ? 20533 or 20161 could be ideal for this particular board.
Yes the vehicle has had an exhaust modification so that is emits emissions to a Euro 6 standard
As an additional comment to save any similar questions, vehicles can be checked here - TonyEnter the vehicle registration (number plate) ( (
Hi Simon, just seen 30806 on the 43 which appears to be not tracking on the tracker or bustimes.
Quote from: Jack on June 06, 2022, 03:35:08 PMHi Simon, just seen 30806 on the 43 which appears to be not tracking on the tracker or bustimes.
We have checked and can see the buses tracking
Hi Simon, who can I speak to regarding an injury I got off one of your buses?if
Sorry I didn't notice the number or reg, but I caught one of the ex Claribels Pulsars today (think it was around 1pm from City Centre) that was still displaying £1 single fare.
Thought you might want to get that changed.
I don't suppose anyone know what was the fleetnumber of the 88 arriving at Solihull Station (around 1512)? As bus times is saying it was a double decker - when it was a ex-Johnsons e200?
Both 30810 and 30897 seen earlier with just Diamond in the display. Just wondered if blinds auto set to "Diamond" when the bus is not in service ??
Quote from: 4369Beast on June 07, 2022, 04:10:47 PMHi Simon, who can I speak to regarding an injury I got off one of your buses?if
If you email our people will respond with contact details
Quote from: Gareth on June 07, 2022, 04:41:03 PMSorry I didn't notice the number or reg, but I caught one of the ex Claribels Pulsars today (think it was around 1pm from City Centre) that was still displaying £1 single fare.
Thought you might want to get that changed.
I will ask our cleaners to check this tonight
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on June 07, 2022, 06:14:59 PMBoth 30810 and 30897 seen earlier with just Diamond in the display. Just wondered if blinds auto set to "Diamond" when the bus is not in service ??
Yes that is correct
Is there cctv on 30966, operating on the 326 today, as the driver didn't seem to be aware someone had been sick, until a passenger pointed it out to him?
It would be a camera pointing down the bus, and the offender would have been sitting on the drivers side past the 2 side seats(the buggy area?).
The bus was the 1536 from Bilston, which was a few mins late anyway, plus, according to, went out of service anyway, failing the return 1630 journey from Bloxwich.
At least one group of passengers refused to get on, while I sat at the back, along with a few others!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 07, 2022, 08:09:08 PMYes that is correct
Thanks for the clarification. So if a bus is completing a "running rota" and is about to park up , it could be that the driver has cleared the destination display as the bus approaches it's destination and the bus could display "Diamond" and still have passengers on ? If that is the case , some of my reports may have been erroneous. If that is so - my apologies. Andrew.
That is not what I said. Every blind has Diamond on it, and if they are running dead they can use it. They are not supposed to use this when they are still in service
Streetlite 32237 on the 94 is advertising the £1 single still today as well on its destination display.
I caught it at Ward End at about 14:40.
Good afternoon, Simon.
This afternoon, my mother attempted to catch a 94 service in Birmingham City Centre, using her concessionary bus pass. The driver stated to her that Diamond didn't accept those passes, so she had to get off and catch a NXWM 94 home instead. The Diamond website has a nice recent article ( stating that Diamond accept them. Is this not the case? She now feels that she has to wait for an NX bus to ensure she can travel, when she used to prefer using Claribels services that she had been using since the mid 90s.
Any chance of a clarification please?
Quote from: ellspurs on June 10, 2022, 05:08:22 PMGood afternoon, Simon.
This afternoon, my mother attempted to catch a 94 service in Birmingham City Centre, using her concessionary bus pass. The driver stated to her that Diamond didn't accept those passes, so she had to get off and catch a NXWM 94 home instead. The Diamond website has a nice recent article ( stating that Diamond accept them. Is this not the case? She now feels that she has to wait for an NX bus to ensure she can travel, when she used to prefer using Claribels services that she had been using since the mid 90s.
Any chance of a clarification please?
A concessionary pass should be accepted on all locally registered bus services. Do you have any specific details on when they tried to board, and registration number?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 12, 2022, 10:23:30 AMA concessionary pass should be accepted on all locally registered bus services. Do you have any specific details on when they tried to board, and registration number?
From what I've been told, she tried to catch it about 12:45 from The Priory Queensway. Bustimes would suggest that it was 32235 that departed at 12:49.
Hi Simon
Just seen ex Claribel YJ62 JZH displaying the single for £1 on the 94 on the destination display.
Quote from: ellspurs on June 12, 2022, 01:28:07 PMFrom what I've been told, she tried to catch it about 12:45 from The Priory Queensway. Bustimes would suggest that it was 32235 that departed at 12:49.
We have interviewed the driver and he claims that he has never done this. We will see if any further reports surface
Quote from: BK63 YWP on June 15, 2022, 01:19:14 PMHi Simon
Just seen ex Claribel YJ62 JZH displaying the single for £1 on the 94 on the destination display.
The vehicle will be checked tonight
QuoteThe vehicle will be checked tonight
- 32134/YJ12CHG was displaying the same on Tuesday.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 15, 2022, 04:59:25 PMWe have interviewed the driver and he claims that he has never done this. We will see if any further reports surface
Thank you for the reply, Simon. I've relayed the message that it should be accepted and I'll see what happens.
Thanks again.
Hi Simon, some very odd tracking again at Bolton including some long sold vehicles and some double tracking.
No longer in the NW but tracking:
Double tracking:
20885 (at Eccles but also tracking at Bolton)
33027 as two vehicles at Bolton
Still not tracking but in service:
Spares being used:
Bolton 1
Are drivers or maintenance supposed to input the correct fleet number when machines are swapped?
If a ticket machine was unabale to print tickets would passengers paying cash be allowed to board without actually paying? (Possibly to avoid the driver being accused of pocketing the cash)
The reason I ask is yesterday I boarded a 94 for my trip into town. (13.40ish Saltley Gate to City) I use a swift card and the scanner works fine. However at various stops passengers were getting on with cash fares, asking driver for a single, or the price etc and were just told to sit down. A couple got on showing NXWM tickets on mobiles who were also accepted.
I thought maybe a printer issue could be the only explanation in the cash fare instance.
I want the 94 service to succeed, but if it's carrying passengers for free then it won't.
Quote from: WWH44L on June 29, 2022, 03:35:36 PMHi Simon, some very odd tracking again at Bolton including some long sold vehicles and some double tracking.
No longer in the NW but tracking:
Double tracking:
20885 (at Eccles but also tracking at Bolton)
33027 as two vehicles at Bolton
Still not tracking but in service:
Spares being used:
Bolton 1
Are drivers or maintenance supposed to input the correct fleet number when machines are swapped?
I have spoken to Bolton and they will resolve
Quote from: Gareth on June 29, 2022, 03:51:41 PMIf a ticket machine was unabale to print tickets would passengers paying cash be allowed to board without actually paying? (Possibly to avoid the driver being accused of pocketing the cash)
The reason I ask is yesterday I boarded a 94 for my trip into town. (13.40ish Saltley Gate to City) I use a swift card and the scanner works fine. However at various stops passengers were getting on with cash fares, asking driver for a single, or the price etc and were just told to sit down. A couple got on showing NXWM tickets on mobiles who were also accepted.
I thought maybe a printer issue could be the only explanation in the cash fare instance.
I want the 94 service to succeed, but if it's carrying passengers for free then it won't.
I agree if we are carrying passengers that aren't paying it won't succeed.
I will investigate your points. Ticket Machine can fail and do at anytime. That being said they should be swapped out for the next trip.
Hi Simon,
With it being announced that Stagecoach have been awarded the contract by Warks CC to operate the X20 between Solihull and Stratford-upon-Avon, does Diamond intend to renumber the retained TfWM contract from Solihull to Coventry back to the 82?
This would seem far more logical to me than having two different X20 services departing from Solihull.
How come 20735 was withdrawn? Isn't that Euro 6?
YJ14CCF on the 94 today still displaying £1 single fare on display.
32124/YJ58FDV is in service today just displaying "Diamond Bus" while its on the 94.
No clear display of what route it is on
@Simon Dunn.
30809 has the same display today. Bustimes suggest it is working the 52a.
Waiting for the 93 at a bus stop with 93 on the flag, bus approached I flagged it down, the driver slowed down to look and then carried on without stopping,. No wonder there was nobody on the bus when it went past. Was the last journey of the day to Small Heath today.
Quote from: Stu on July 03, 2022, 06:43:16 PMHi Simon,
With it being announced that Stagecoach have been awarded the contract by Warks CC to operate the X20 between Solihull and Stratford-upon-Avon, does Diamond intend to renumber the retained TfWM contract from Solihull to Coventry back to the 82?
This would seem far more logical to me than having two different X20 services departing from Solihull.
We suggested this, but TfWM who subsidise the service want to keep the service number as the X20
Quote from: Jack on July 04, 2022, 02:10:21 PMHow come 20735 was withdrawn? Isn't that Euro 6?
No it isn't
Quote from: Gareth on July 04, 2022, 03:17:14 PMYJ14CCF on the 94 today still displaying £1 single fare on display.
There are some issues with Destination controllers which means to load the size of the programe on a number of vehicles they need to be replaced. We have order a number from Hanover and when they come, the controllers with issues will be swapped out
Quote from: 2206 on July 07, 2022, 02:12:17 PM32124/YJ58FDV is in service today just displaying "Diamond Bus" while its on the 94.
No clear display of what route it is on @Simon Dunn.
This is connected to the Hanover destination controller. We are waiting for replacement controllers for a number of vehicles
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on July 08, 2022, 02:49:36 PM30809 has the same display today. Bustimes suggest it is working the 52a.
This is connected to the Destination controller issue we have on Hanover blinds
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 14, 2022, 04:17:22 AMThis is connected to the Destination controller issue we have on Hanover blinds
Thank you for the updates. :smiley:
Hi Simon,
Is there any chance that the Diamond website could be updated with a bit more specifics on what the frequency changes to the 226 are proposed, as at the moment it just says "Timetable change, frequency reduction", yet the 002 has at least got a specific detail of what it's planned frequency is to be.
Also, my brother had problems with the Tap On Tap Off where (he thinks) the driver had logged off the journey prior to him being able to tap off (as he was getting off at Merry Hill and his GPay was not being accepted on the Tap Off section), meaning that he could not take advantage of the Diamond Sandwell & Dudley cap on the 251 later in the day - it was 20165 on the 226, 11:40 from Dudley - Merry Hill. Is there any way you could look into this please?
Quote from: the trainbasher on July 14, 2022, 10:04:50 AMHi Simon,
Is there any chance that the Diamond website could be updated with a bit more specifics on what the frequency changes to the 226 are proposed, as at the moment it just says "Timetable change, frequency reduction", yet the 002 has at least got a specific detail of what it's planned frequency is to be.
Also, my brother had problems with the Tap On Tap Off where (he thinks) the driver had logged off the journey prior to him being able to tap off (as he was getting off at Merry Hill and his GPay was not being accepted on the Tap Off section), meaning that he could not take advantage of the Diamond Sandwell & Dudley cap on the 251 later in the day - it was 20165 on the 226, 11:40 from Dudley - Merry Hill. Is there any way you could look into this please?
In response
1. I will ask for the website to be updated.
2. If you can provide the specific details to my email address, I will ask someone to look into it immediately email address
With the service changes will the all ex Johnsons buses get painted or sold on
Quote from: Solo1 on July 18, 2022, 08:24:03 AMWith the service changes will the all ex Johnsons buses get painted or sold on
We will paint the vehicles we intend to sell and aim to sell the ones we don't
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 15, 2022, 05:05:00 AMIn response
1. I will ask for the website to be updated.
2. If you can provide the specific details to my email address, I will ask someone to look into it immediately email address
Can the 94 be made more specific as well. It just says "timetable changes".
What timetable changes are being proposed?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 18, 2022, 05:53:02 PMWe will paint the vehicles we intend to sell and aim to sell the ones we don't
Do you know which ones you will be keeping
Hi Simon,
How are you finding the amalgamation of the 2 new batches of vehicles entering the fleet, have you decided where they will all be placed yet?
Also, have you had any interest in the vehicles for sale? Interesting to see the Scanias up, thought they may be placed with the others in Preston?
Haven't seen any of the Tempos out, have they been sold?
Good work on the repaints, really brightening the image up in the Midlands base, looking smart.
Hi Simon, are there any plans to repair fire damaged Citaro 33012 at Bolton or is it now off fleet?
Hi Simon
Following the Judicial Review regarding the Mayor of GM and the franchising plans (for those who heard about it, a statement by the Mayor is here ( in Greater Manchester, will Rotala be reviewing their options for the future of Diamond Bus North West?
Also, I've notice that the BODS timetable data for the 251 is missing stops on Leys Road (Buckpool Canal Bridge, 43000834201, nwmwdwjw) and Moor Street (Buckpool Nagersfield Road, 43008122801, nwmwdwjp) as well as Lower High Street (Stourbridge Tesco, 43008682501, nwmpwpgw). Is there any chance these stops can be added to the Ticketer/BODS timetable data please?
Quote from: 2206 on July 18, 2022, 06:26:42 PMCan the 94 be made more specific as well. It just says "timetable changes".
What timetable changes are being proposed?
Where does it say this comment?
Quote from: Solo1 on July 18, 2022, 11:18:26 PMDo you know which ones you will be keeping
We are working through the vehicles - we do not have a full list
Quote from: BN on July 23, 2022, 08:36:02 AMHi Simon,
How are you finding the amalgamation of the 2 new batches of vehicles entering the fleet, have you decided where they will all be placed yet?
Also, have you had any interest in the vehicles for sale? Interesting to see the Scanias up, thought they may be placed with the others in Preston?
Haven't seen any of the Tempos out, have they been sold?
Good work on the repaints, really brightening the image up in the Midlands base, looking smart.
We have sold some vehicles, we have interest in the Scanias. It isn't a vehicle we operate in big numbers. I believe all the Tempos will be sold
Quote from: WWH44L on July 25, 2022, 11:17:51 AMHi Simon, are there any plans to repair fire damaged Citaro 33012 at Bolton or is it now off fleet?
It is now off fleet
Quote from: the trainbasher on July 25, 2022, 03:38:08 PMHi Simon
Following the Judicial Review regarding the Mayor of GM and the franchising plans (for those who heard about it, a statement by the Mayor is here ( in Greater Manchester, will Rotala be reviewing their options for the future of Diamond Bus North West?
Quote from: the trainbasher on July 25, 2022, 03:38:08 PMHi Simon
Following the Judicial Review regarding the Mayor of GM and the franchising plans (for those who heard about it, a statement by the Mayor is here ( in Greater Manchester, will Rotala be reviewing their options for the future of Diamond Bus North West?
Also, I've notice that the BODS timetable data for the 251 is missing stops on Leys Road (Buckpool Canal Bridge, 43000834201, nwmwdwjw) and Moor Street (Buckpool Nagersfield Road, 43008122801, nwmwdwjp) as well as Lower High Street (Stourbridge Tesco, 43008682501, nwmpwpgw). Is there any chance these stops can be added to the Ticketer/BODS timetable data please?
I am sure you understand that Franchising allows the GMCA/ TfGM to take control over the market and let the whole of the market as a series of bus contracts.
Our London Stock Exchange announcements set out that GMCA/TfGM have identified our depot in Bolton as one of 10 key depots they want to control and that their is a process should we wish to include our fleet in their procurement exercise.
Our LSE announcements confirm should this happen Rotala (and between now and then we make no material acquisitions) that we will largely end up as a smaller business (if we don't win any Franchises) but overall we will end up from a Net Debt perspective as a cash free/ debt free business.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 26, 2022, 08:01:41 AMWhere does it say this comment?
Under 94 proposals for changes in August.
Quote from: 2206 on July 26, 2022, 12:32:41 PMUnder 94 proposals for changes in August.
Nothing has been decided
U.i.d., ex-Johnsons E200 in service in Bromsgrove earlier with "West Midlands Bus" displayed in the blinds . :wink:
Hi Simon,
Is there any chance you could arrange for the 226, 250 and 251 pages to be updated with information on the diversion/stopping arrangements for those services as Hawbush Road (Brierley Hill) is closed next week and there is no information on the website.
Following on from this, will 226 services still be serving Swan Lane (albeit as a loop) as when part of Swan Lane was closed last year, buses were avoiding Hawbush road and the open section of Swan Lane and running direct, arriving in Wordsley/Brierley Hill early. And will the 251 be serving the (albeit unmarked/unflagged) stop on Brierley Hill Road/Cooper Avenue in lieu of the (unmarked/unflagged) Moor Street/Nagersfield Road stop as it won't be able to access Hawbush Road
Also, the 251 page is showing a diversion for the 8th August which is, in fact, the normal line of route for that service (running Leys Road, Moor Street, Hawbush Road.). The diversion for the 250 is however correct.
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on July 27, 2022, 04:38:24 PMU.i.d., ex-Johnsons E200 in service in Bromsgrove earlier with "West Midlands Bus" displayed in the blinds . :wink:
We should be able to correct this now. I have asked this to be rectified tonight
Quote from: the trainbasher on July 27, 2022, 06:31:54 PMHi Simon,
Is there any chance you could arrange for the 226, 250 and 251 pages to be updated with information on the diversion/stopping arrangements for those services as Hawbush Road (Brierley Hill) is closed next week and there is no information on the website.
Following on from this, will 226 services still be serving Swan Lane (albeit as a loop) as when part of Swan Lane was closed last year, buses were avoiding Hawbush road and the open section of Swan Lane and running direct, arriving in Wordsley/Brierley Hill early. And will the 251 be serving the (albeit unmarked/unflagged) stop on Brierley Hill Road/Cooper Avenue in lieu of the (unmarked/unflagged) Moor Street/Nagersfield Road stop as it won't be able to access Hawbush Road
Also, the 251 page is showing a diversion for the 8th August which is, in fact, the normal line of route for that service (running Leys Road, Moor Street, Hawbush Road.). The diversion for the 250 is however correct.
I have asked our Marketing people to pick this up and rectify.
Thank you
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 27, 2022, 08:22:59 PMWe should be able to correct this now. I have asked this to be rectified tonight
Thank you for the update.
Can someone have a look at 30169 please?
It seems to have a near continual alarm activated, which I initially thought might have been when the doors were opened, but it didn't shut off when closed.
(I would say it's on a par with the continual ding ding that the Nx b6's used to have!)
Quote from: Westy on August 02, 2022, 07:12:13 AMMorning.
Can someone have a look at 30169 please?
It seems to have a near continual alarm activated, which I initially thought might have been when the doors were opened, but it didn't shut off when closed.
(I would say it's on a par with the continual ding ding that the Nx b6's used to have!)
Yes I will get this looked at.
Hi Simon,
I have just noticed today on the Midlands Review page on your website, that it now says that Diamond will no longer be operating the X20 service between Solihull and Coventry from 14th August.
Also it has now been added that the 87/A and 88/A services will no longer be operated by Diamond from 28th August.
The TfWM website shows a timetable for the X20 operated by Diamond from 14th August to 28th August.
Are you able to clarify what is happening with these services please?
I was just about to pen an article on my website to highlight the forthcoming changes for your West Midlands services, and would just like to clarify the facts, as I've already written about the X20 changes, which now appear to be wrong!
Thanks in advance!
Hello Simon,
I have just boarded the X20 at Hampton in Arden station to go to Coventry with a Daytripper issued at the station. Driver of 40844 has flatly refused the ticket saying because it doesn't have 'n' at the start it's not valid. I've used rail issued Daytrippers on many occasions on Diamond Bus and this is the first time it has been refused. I had to pay the £2.40 single to Coventry which I was not happy about but he was having absolutely none of it
Not sure there is much that can be done but I think the drivers need to be aware that rail issued Daytrippers are valid etc.
Thanks, Rowley
Quote from: Cheese on August 06, 2022, 11:41:21 AMHello Simon,
I have just boarded the X20 at Hampton in Arden station to go to Coventry with a Daytripper issued at the station. Driver of 40844 has flatly refused the ticket saying because it doesn't have 'n' at the start it's not valid. I've used rail issued Daytrippers on many occasions on Diamond Bus and this is the first time it has been refused. I had to pay the £2.40 single to Coventry which I was not happy about but he was having absolutely none of it
Not sure there is much that can be done but I think the drivers need to be aware that rail issued Daytrippers are valid etc.
Thanks, Rowley
I will investigate & speak to the driver concerned
Quote from: Stu on August 05, 2022, 06:17:51 PMHi Simon,
I have just noticed today on the Midlands Review page on your website, that it now says that Diamond will no longer be operating the X20 service between Solihull and Coventry from 14th August.
Also it has now been added that the 87/A and 88/A services will no longer be operated by Diamond from 28th August.
The TfWM website shows a timetable for the X20 operated by Diamond from 14th August to 28th August.
Are you able to clarify what is happening with these services please?
I was just about to pen an article on my website to highlight the forthcoming changes for your West Midlands services, and would just like to clarify the facts, as I've already written about the X20 changes, which now appear to be wrong!
Thanks in advance!
I agree the post is incomplete and therefore incorrect.
The X20 historically was part commercial, part tendered by Warwickshire and part Tendered by TfWM. The Warwickshire element has been lost on tender, and the timetable change is to revert to what was originally called the 82.
The TfWM tender expires on 28th August - we have also lost that together with the 87/88
Who has the tender for Solihull 87/88
Quote from: Solo1 on August 07, 2022, 07:57:19 AMWho has the tender for Solihull 87/88
We do not know at this time
Hello Simon,
The 226s rerouting to wall heath, is there a route this will take or a simple loop like the 17 does?
Morning Simon,
33003 at Bolton is still tacking as a Bolton spare. Don't think it's tracked as itself since moving to Bolton.
Quote from: BK63 YWP on August 08, 2022, 05:44:50 PMHello Simon,
The 226s rerouting to wall heath, is there a route this will take or a simple loop like the 17 does?
The changes will not go ahead. The route will stay as it is until 01/01/23.
Quote from: WWH44L on August 09, 2022, 09:58:53 AMMorning Simon,
33003 at Bolton is still tacking as a Bolton spare. Don't think it's tracked as itself since moving to Bolton.
I have asked the Bolton OM to pick this up
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 09, 2022, 09:07:51 PMChris
The changes will not go ahead. The route will stay as it is until 01/01/23.
So does that mean the every 20 minute frequency will stay or is the 226 still going to go to every 30 mins?
Either way the website would need updating to say what is happening?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 09, 2022, 09:07:51 PMChris
The changes will not go ahead. The route will stay as it is until 01/01/23.
The website currently says that it's being reduced to every 30 minute and extending to Wall Heath as a
Hello Simon. I understand that Diamond SE's evening and Sunday 461 service was recently retendered by Surrey County Council, with the daytime operator seemingly having since made a variation to their route registration from the end of this month. Are you able to say if this means Diamond has lost the contracted evening/Sunday element to the 461's daytime operator, or just them potentially amending their existing timetable to coincide with the new academic term and not actually related? Thanks in advance!
Does the 96 no longer do the Old Oscott loop?
Also Nbus now valid on the whole of the 35?
Quote from: Damo on August 10, 2022, 01:29:23 AMHello Simon. I understand that Diamond SE's evening and Sunday 461 service was recently retendered by Surrey County Council, with the daytime operator seemingly having since made a variation to their route registration from the end of this month. Are you able to say if this means Diamond has lost the contracted evening/Sunday element to the 461's daytime operator, or just them potentially amending their existing timetable to coincide with the new academic term and not actually related? Thanks in advance!
The service was retendered and we lost the tender at that point
Quote from: Jack on August 10, 2022, 04:59:43 AMDoes the 96 no longer do the Old Oscott loop?
Also Nbus now valid on the whole of the 35?
I am not aware that the 96 route has changed and the NBus is only accepted to the Boundary on the 35.
Hi Simon.
The 302 was on your list of doomed services, -- are you now going to continue with it, or has it gone to another operator, - or is it completely dead, please ??
Quote from: DD12 on August 12, 2022, 03:08:54 PMHi Simon.
The 302 was on your list of doomed services, -- are you now going to continue with it, or has it gone to another operator, - or is it completely dead, please ??
I presume you mean 302 at Kidderminster. If so, we are not sure. We are waiting on Worcestershire County Councils position on funding
Thanks Simon.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 11, 2022, 08:48:28 PMThe service was retendered and we lost the tender at that point
Thanks Simon, sorry to hear that. There's still a couple of services that were retendered at the same time that appear to have been deregistered by existing operators but as yet the new operator not yet announced. Namely a couple to Collingwood College (83/87), and possibly one to Esher High School (663) to where I believe you already run 2/3 vehicles on the 814? Are you at liberty to give a hint if Diamond had any success among these last few, or am I just being a bit too nosy now?
Quote from: Damo on August 13, 2022, 01:20:13 PMThanks Simon, sorry to hear that. There's still a couple of services that were retendered at the same time that appear to have been deregistered by existing operators but as yet the new operator not yet announced. Namely a couple to Collingwood College (83/87), and possibly one to Esher High School (663) to where I believe you already run 2/3 vehicles on the 814? Are you at liberty to give a hint if Diamond had any success among these last few, or am I just being a bit too nosy now?
We have been awarded the 83, 87 and 663
hi Simon, with regards to the 4 streetlites transferring to Preston will they be painted into preston bus colours, and are they replacing any of the existing fleet.
also with the purchase of johnsons and midland classic, will any of their fleet be joining preston, e.g the scania omnicities and omnilinks.
kind regards
Quote from: callum03 on August 18, 2022, 01:07:17 PMhi Simon, with regards to the 4 streetlites transferring to Preston will they be painted into preston bus colours, and are they replacing any of the existing fleet.
also with the purchase of johnsons and midland classic, will any of their fleet be joining preston, e.g the scania omnicities and omnilinks.
kind regards
Overall Preston has too many vehicles. There are no more planned transfers, and we overall need to reduce the number of vehicles.
The Streetlites were originally acquired for Heathrow. We do not expect them to be ever used in Heathrow now and they are being transferred with the intention that they will stay in Preston, so yes they will be painted
31422 on the 52a with no front destination display. :smiley:
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on August 20, 2022, 02:20:37 PM31422 on the 52a with no front destination display. :smiley:
Engineers will check thank you
@Simon Dunn 30169 was in Ward End the 94 today with 96 Chelmsley Wood via Erdington on the destination display.
Saw heading towards the City Centre and back out towards Chelmsley displaying the same thing.
Quote from: 2206 on August 24, 2022, 12:44:58 PM@Simon Dunn 30169 was in Ward End the 94 today with 96 Chelmsley Wood via Erdington on the destination display.
Saw heading towards the City Centre and back out towards Chelmsley displaying the same thing.
That bus is not CAZ compliant either so unless the charge has already been paid (which I very much doubt) Diamond will be having a lovely fine coming there way...
Quote from: hlliwmai on August 24, 2022, 01:02:08 PMThat bus is not CAZ compliant either so unless the charge has already been paid (which I very much doubt) Diamond will be having a lovely fine coming there way...
I will deal with both points. Thank you
Hi Simon, more open data issues for the West Midlands. West Brom 41A doesn't show.
West Brom 30 and 74A missing West Brom bus station as first stop.
Dudley 229 doesn't show finishing at Dudley Bus Stn
Walsall 31/32 don't show the bus station.
Walsall 36 missing all intermediate stops Mon-Fri and says it terminates at Pleck
These are just ones I found while trying to journey plan, there will be plenty more.
This is a common thing on the West Midlands open data and no sooner does it get fixed, it breaks again. Can I ask for you to see if there is a longer term solution to this as of course it's not very useful to passengers.
North West and Preston don't seem to have this issue from my experience, just WM.
Many thanks
Quote from: IMarkeh on August 26, 2022, 03:39:24 PMHi Simon, more open data issues for the West Midlands. West Brom 41A doesn't show.
West Brom 30 and 74A missing West Brom bus station as first stop.
Dudley 229 doesn't show finishing at Dudley Bus Stn
Walsall 31/32 don't show the bus station.
Walsall 36 missing all intermediate stops Mon-Fri and says it terminates at Pleck
These are just ones I found while trying to journey plan, there will be plenty more.
This is a common thing on the West Midlands open data and no sooner does it get fixed, it breaks again. Can I ask for you to see if there is a longer term solution to this as of course it's not very useful to passengers.
North West and Preston don't seem to have this issue from my experience, just WM.
Many thanks
Further to this I've found a few more over the psst few weeks
Kidderminster 3 is missing the Bus Station
4H is missing Blackheath Sainsburys (Hayley Green bound)
13 is missing Merry Hill bus station (Halesowen bound)
16 is missing Stop MS8A Birmingham Moor St (WB bound)
25 is missing Erdington Six Ways (Ward End bound)
26A missing Bilston BS
251 is missing 2 stops in the Brockmoor/Buckpool area and 1 in Stourbridge
250 is missing 2 stops in Stourbridge Town centre
x19 is still showing despite it no longer running
298, 299 missing Stourbridge Bus station (final stop)
298 also showing as having all journeys run via Norton Road and Worcester Street (whereas it's only 1 trip on school days)
292 missing terminal stop in Ludlow
82 missing Bilston BS
65 missing Darlaston ASDA start stop
Quote from: the trainbasher on August 26, 2022, 11:31:26 PMFurther to this I've found a few more over the psst few weeks
Kidderminster 3 is missing the Bus Station
4H is missing Blackheath Sainsburys (Hayley Green bound)
13 is missing Merry Hill bus station (Halesowen bound)
16 is missing Stop MS8A Birmingham Moor St (WB bound)
25 is missing Erdington Six Ways (Ward End bound)
26A missing Bilston BS
251 is missing 2 stops in the Brockmoor/Buckpool area and 1 in Stourbridge
250 is missing 2 stops in Stourbridge Town centre
x19 is still showing despite it no longer running
298, 299 missing Stourbridge Bus station (final stop)
298 also showing as having all journeys run via Norton Road and Worcester Street (whereas it's only 1 trip on school days)
292 missing terminal stop in Ludlow
82 missing Bilston BS
65 missing Darlaston ASDA start stop
I will pick this up internally, to try and understand why
Hi Simon, noticed that 33019 from Bolton is listed as withdrawn on this months fleet changes. Do you know what the reason is for withdrawal especially with it being a youthful member of the Citaro fleet?
Also, is there any reason why most of the ex Preston Citaros are not in service at the moment. Know 33006 is currently being prepped for service but the others except 33003/43 have not tracked for a few months now.
Many thanks
Quote from: WWH44L on August 30, 2022, 07:06:19 PMHi Simon, noticed that 33019 from Bolton is listed as withdrawn on this months fleet changes. Do you know what the reason is for withdrawal especially with it being a youthful member of the Citaro fleet?
Also, is there any reason why most of the ex Preston Citaros are not in service at the moment. Know 33006 is currently being prepped for service but the others except 33003/43 have not tracked for a few months now.
Many thanks
1. 33019
The vehicle had an electrical fire. We expect the vehicle to return to service, but it will take a while.
2. Citaro's
We struggle with engineering experience to maintain/ repair the Citaro's. We are working through their defects, we have an increase in service from the end of October and will need most in service at that point.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 31, 2022, 06:42:49 AM1. 33019
The vehicle had an electrical fire. We expect the vehicle to return to service, but it will take a while.
2. Citaro's
We struggle with engineering experience to maintain/ repair the Citaro's. We are working through their defects, we have an increase in service from the end of October and will need most in service at that point.
Many thanks for the update. Appreciate it.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 31, 2022, 06:42:49 AM1. 33019
The vehicle had an electrical fire. We expect the vehicle to return to service, but it will take a while.
2. Citaro's
We struggle with engineering experience to maintain/ repair the Citaro's. We are working through their defects, we have an increase in service from the end of October and will need most in service at that point.
Hi Simon, in terms of the service increase from October, are you able share details of the gains?
Quote from: WWH44L on September 01, 2022, 07:36:09 AMHi Simon, in terms of the service increase from October, are you able share details of the gains?
We are not able to advise at present.
Simon - Will Diamond be keeping the current Midland Classic social media team, as they are very informative, compared to the rest of Diamond Midlands.
I never see much from Diamond Midlands on social media otherwise.
Quote from: Westy on September 01, 2022, 05:56:33 PMSimon - Will Diamond be keeping the current Midland Classic social media team, as they are very informative, compared to the rest of Diamond Midlands.
I never see much from Diamond Midlands on social media otherwise.
There is no one person who undertakes this at Midland Classic. This person is staying.
With Preston Bus having Streetlites (20180, 20181, 20184 & 20186) from the West Midlands will the remaining White Streetlites that remain at Tividale (20177 & 20179) and 20178 at Kidderminster will these now be painted into Brighter Diamond livery going forward? Also I assume 20178 will join the fleet at Tividale once it is painted or will that remain at Kidderminster?
Quote from: hlliwmai on September 05, 2022, 11:39:07 PMWith Preston Bus having Streetlites (20180, 20181, 20184 & 20186) from the West Midlands will the remaining White Streetlites that remain at Tividale (20177 & 20179) and 20178 at Kidderminster will these now be painted into Brighter Diamond livery going forward? Also I assume 20178 will join the fleet at Tividale once it is painted or will that remain at Kidderminster?
Pre-COVID all these vehicles were acquired for our Heathrow depot. During COVID the network of hotels that are open/ likely to re-open mean that we now serve and are likely to serve less going forward. Therefore we do not need all these vehicles in Heathrow. We have therefore decided to send 6 of the vehicles to Preston. 4 have gone, 2 more need to transfer and at some point during November we expect the last 2 vehicles to go to Heathrow
Hi Simon. 33011 at Bolton is tracking as 40772 today on the 533 service. 40772 is tracking as itself though.
Quote from: WWH44L on September 06, 2022, 10:08:07 AMHi Simon. 33011 at Bolton is tracking as 40772 today on the 533 service. 40772 is tracking as itself though.
I have contacted the depot and asked them to resolve
Hi Simon
Do you know when the BODS AVL feed for Diamond WM will be returning as its currently showing as inactive?
Quote from: the trainbasher on September 13, 2022, 02:38:22 PMHi Simon
Do you know when the BODS AVL feed for Diamond WM will be returning as its currently showing as inactive?
I am advised the feed is working
Good evening, Simon.
At the time of this post, it states it is inactive, validation terminated.
It was last automatically updated on September 6 @ 21:36.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2022, 07:14:58 PMTom
I am advised the feed is working
Hi Simon
I've attached a screenshot is what is showing on the BODS Location Data for Diamond Bus West Midlands on the bus open data site
The bus tracker on the Diamond website is working, so it could be the feed is not being accepted by the BODS portal, or has took itself offline there maybe? (To be fair, the Bus Open Data AVL feeds are quite useful I've found, especially with how websites like bustimes and LVF have used them)
Quote from: the trainbasher on September 13, 2022, 07:34:10 PMHi Simon
I've attached a screenshot is what is showing on the BODS Location Data for Diamond Bus West Midlands on the bus open data site
The bus tracker on the Diamond website is working, so it could be the feed is not being accepted by the BODS portal, or has took itself offline there maybe? (To be fair, the Bus Open Data AVL feeds are quite useful I've found, especially with how websites like bustimes and LVF have used them)
I believe this is now working
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 15, 2022, 06:11:44 AMI believe this is now working
30411 is in Bradford Place area at time of posting, according to
Edit - Mind you, I only saw Nx 31 / 32's tracking at the same time, and there's normally at least one Diamond at that time !
20868 has only a small section of its front destination display working. :smiley:
Kidderminster engineering will check the vehicle
20887 is displaying on the destination display Diamond Bus rather than 94 every single day.
32307 is displaying on the internal screen that it is 22:50 on the 26th March aslo says its working route 0 Chelmsley Wood via Ward End rather than 94.
Also Diamond 94 seems to be running in 2's and 3's today.
Quote from: 2206 on September 29, 2022, 05:39:19 PM20887 is displaying on the destination display Diamond Bus rather than 94 every single day.
32307 is displaying on the internal screen that it is 22:50 on the 26th March aslo says its working route 0 Chelmsley Wood via Ward End rather than 94.
Also Diamond 94 seems to be running in 2's and 3's today.
I have sent your comments to the depots Operations Manager. We will review your comments today
I see that Midland Classic/Diamond have won the contract for the 70/V3 from Derby to Barrow on Trent. The DCC website says the timetable is staying the same but the one on the Midland Classic website does not show the existing 1630 V3 from Derby to Willington. Is this correct?
Also of note is that a timetable case in Hatton (Railway Station) shows the departures for Uttoxeter on the Burton side of the road.
Quote from: twbc99 on September 30, 2022, 06:56:20 PMHi,
I see that Midland Classic/Diamond have won the contract for the 70/V3 from Derby to Barrow on Trent. The DCC website says the timetable is staying the same but the one on the Midland Classic website does not show the existing 1630 V3 from Derby to Willington. Is this correct?
Also of note is that a timetable case in Hatton (Railway Station) shows the departures for Uttoxeter on the Burton side of the road.
I have just checked our contract. I am not sure what was operated previously but I can confirm that our timetable does not include the 1630 V3 journey.
H Simon,
Are the newly acquired Streetlites for Preston all going to get repainted at Bolton before entering service or are they getting done elsewhere due to the amount to get through?
Any update when they'll arrive at Preston?
Cheers :smiley:
Quote from: WWH44L on October 03, 2022, 11:03:04 AMH Simon,
Are the newly acquired Streetlites for Preston all going to get repainted at Bolton before entering service or are they getting done elsewhere due to the amount to get through?
Any update when they'll arrive at Preston?
Cheers :smiley:
There are around 3 at Bolton at present. We are looking at other painting options at present - nothing has been agreed
Not a question, however I think management should be aware of what I personally think is unacceptable.
32237 (I think that was the number) pulled into the bus stand at Priory Queensway displaying 94 Chelmsley Wood. Probably around 16.10/16.15ish. Badly parked, I may add. Driver gets out, abandons bus. 15 minutes at least. With NX 94 and 95 buses bunching around this time of day, the queue of 4 of them, not to mention other services trying to drive up Priory Queensway it was absolute havoc.
By the time I finally got on a bus and passed going out of town, it was still there. The destination display had actually gone off by then, but still parked there with its tail end sticking out, totally driverless.
Quote from: Gareth on October 03, 2022, 07:25:05 PMNot a question, however I think management should be aware of what I personally think is unacceptable.
32237 (I think that was the number) pulled into the bus stand at Priory Queensway displaying 94 Chelmsley Wood. Probably around 16.10/16.15ish. Badly parked, I may add. Driver gets out, abandons bus. 15 minutes at least. With NX 94 and 95 buses bunching around this time of day, the queue of 4 of them, not to mention other services trying to drive up Priory Queensway it was absolute havoc.
By the time I finally got on a bus and passed going out of town, it was still there. The destination display had actually gone off by then, but still parked there with its tail end sticking out, totally driverless.
Thank you - we will investigate
Hi Simon. 33007 at Bolton is tracking today as 33001. The spare machine was tracking yesterday too which I'm thinking is 33001 but can't confirm.
Quote from: WWH44L on October 05, 2022, 09:38:06 AMHi Simon. 33007 at Bolton is tracking today as 33001. The spare machine was tracking yesterday too which I'm thinking is 33001 but can't confirm.
I have contacted the depot and asked them to correct this.
Hi Simon just to let you know 30823 has been on the 303 today and yesterday and the destination blinds are not working due to the controller coming loose and almost hanging out.
Many Thanks.
Thanks for the information Kidderminster depot will check this bus & rectify
Hi Simon, just wanted to let you know that the issues which are normally on Diamond WM BODS feed seem to have made their way over to Midland Classics/DBEMs BODs feed.
A number of routes are missing Lichfield Street bus stops or Sainsburys stop in Burton
Route 4 is missing stops in Burton Town Centre and the 15:10 and 16:55 trips are missing some stops at the tail end of the route.
Route 6 has a missing stop on Union Street and also Horninglow Road stops are the wrong way around inbound.
Route 8 has the same 2 stops the wrong way around on Horninglow Road as the 6.
Route 9 has random information around the Burton loop. towards Burton it shows terminating at Harper Ave then running direct to the hospital and then also random bus stops around Westfield Road with some wrong stops and some missing.
At the Airport, there are 3 Saturday trips (18:47 off Burton onwards) which show as going via the industrial estate but they of course all go the same way. Finally Sundays show as stopping at 'Long stay Car Park 5', all other days don't (very odd)
New Derbyshire 9/9A show Mon-Fri and Saturdays under different XML files.
12 & 12E missing A513 'Fox Lane' bus stops.
18 missing a number of stops
19 08:15 missing stops in Donnisthope and all trips show a strange stopping pattern in Oakthorpe
20 missing plenty of stops along the route
21E missing Linton set down only
New tender 73 shows sering Derby Station stop S2 outbound and Elvaston Castle Gates stop is missing towards Weston but in twice to Derby
125 has various missing stops
401/402/402A/403 are all missing plenty of stops and the 07:10 402 off Uttoxeter shows it going via Tesco.
406 has a few missing stops
X11 missing stops in Roman Heights development.
New tender V3 shows the Burton number 2 details, nothing to do with the V3.
Diamond West Midlands also has a number of errors too which either haven't been resolved, the issue has reappeared, it's a poor fix or it's a new issue. We'd be here all week to list all the errors.
Diamond South East the 557 only shows timing points, 458 the daytime Kingston trips are all timing points only. 250 Weekdays the 19:15 from Bicester shows all stops except timing points and weekends are timing points only.
You need to get someone down from the North West offices as they seem to have things all sorted pretty well.
Quote from: IMarkeh on October 08, 2022, 09:42:46 AMHi Simon, just wanted to let you know that the issues which are normally on Diamond WM BODS feed seem to have made their way over to Midland Classics/DBEMs BODs feed.
A number of routes are missing Lichfield Street bus stops or Sainsburys stop in Burton
Route 4 is missing stops in Burton Town Centre and the 15:10 and 16:55 trips are missing some stops at the tail end of the route.
Route 6 has a missing stop on Union Street and also Horninglow Road stops are the wrong way around inbound.
Route 8 has the same 2 stops the wrong way around on Horninglow Road as the 6.
Route 9 has random information around the Burton loop. towards Burton it shows terminating at Harper Ave then running direct to the hospital and then also random bus stops around Westfield Road with some wrong stops and some missing.
At the Airport, there are 3 Saturday trips (18:47 off Burton onwards) which show as going via the industrial estate but they of course all go the same way. Finally Sundays show as stopping at 'Long stay Car Park 5', all other days don't (very odd)
New Derbyshire 9/9A show Mon-Fri and Saturdays under different XML files.
12 & 12E missing A513 'Fox Lane' bus stops.
18 missing a number of stops
19 08:15 missing stops in Donnisthope and all trips show a strange stopping pattern in Oakthorpe
20 missing plenty of stops along the route
21E missing Linton set down only
New tender 73 shows sering Derby Station stop S2 outbound and Elvaston Castle Gates stop is missing towards Weston but in twice to Derby
125 has various missing stops
401/402/402A/403 are all missing plenty of stops and the 07:10 402 off Uttoxeter shows it going via Tesco.
406 has a few missing stops
X11 missing stops in Roman Heights development.
New tender V3 shows the Burton number 2 details, nothing to do with the V3.
Diamond West Midlands also has a number of errors too which either haven't been resolved, the issue has reappeared, it's a poor fix or it's a new issue. We'd be here all week to list all the errors.
Diamond South East the 557 only shows timing points, 458 the daytime Kingston trips are all timing points only. 250 Weekdays the 19:15 from Bicester shows all stops except timing points and weekends are timing points only.
You need to get someone down from the North West offices as they seem to have things all sorted pretty well.
We are growing our Midlands Commercial team. I will get them to pick this up
Hi Simon, spotted en ex Powell's E200 at Bolton. Has this been purchased or just passing through? If purchased are there anymore and which depot are they for?
Hi Simon, just noticed that the Bolton spare ticket machine is tracking as two vehicles today, one being 40839 which is on my local route.
Quote from: WWH44L on October 14, 2022, 07:45:59 AMHi Simon, spotted en ex Powell's E200 at Bolton. Has this been purchased or just passing through? If purchased are there anymore and which depot are they for?
We purchased 2 - they are for Bolton/ Eccles for new Business
Quote from: WWH44L on October 14, 2022, 02:33:43 PMHi Simon, just noticed that the Bolton spare ticket machine is tracking as two vehicles today, one being 40839 which is on my local route.
I have contacted the OM and asked him to resolve
Hi Simon, not sure if you know but the E200s and Metrocities that Diamond have sent over to Midland Classic do not track properly.
In addition, I would ask what is the short term fleet plan for Midland Classic? I note there are no repaints yet and it seems that Midland Classic is still very much external to the rest of the group currently with its own website still etc.
Quote from: IMarkeh on October 19, 2022, 09:27:48 PMHi Simon, not sure if you know but the E200s and Metrocities that Diamond have sent over to Midland Classic do not track properly.
In addition, I would ask what is the short term fleet plan for Midland Classic? I note there are no repaints yet and it seems that Midland Classic is still very much external to the rest of the group currently with its own website still etc.
The vehicles should be tracking now. You will notice that vehicles are being repainted.
Hi Simon, looks there has been a bit of a swap at Bolton and Eccles with some E200s and Citaros.
31407/8/11/14/15 are tracking on Bolton routes.
30030/33021-3/5-7/9 tracking on Eccles routes.
Are these swaps due to the weekend changes and are any more moves planned?
Also, Bolton spare is tracking on the 36 today. Not sure which vehicle it is though.
Quote from: WWH44L on October 28, 2022, 08:26:24 AMHi Simon, looks there has been a bit of a swap at Bolton and Eccles with some E200s and Citaros.
31407/8/11/14/15 are tracking on Bolton routes.
30030/33021-3/5-7/9 tracking on Eccles routes.
Are these swaps due to the weekend changes and are any more moves planned?
Also, Bolton spare is tracking on the 36 today. Not sure which vehicle it is though.
The fleet is moving around ahead of this weekends service increases
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 29, 2022, 06:57:55 AMThe fleet is moving around ahead of this weekends service increases
Cheers Simon, are you able to say which vehicles are moving around?
Quote from: WWH44L on October 29, 2022, 02:29:05 PMCheers Simon, are you able to say which vehicles are moving around?
There is a lot. It is best to pick it up from Tony list
QuoteThere is a lot. It is best to pick it up from Tony list
[font="Segoe UI Historic", "Segoe UI", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][font="Segoe UI Historic", "Segoe UI", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]All October fleet moves listed here. One query I am waiting for an answer on is 30019 Bolton to Eccles. This vehicle has never run in the North West, after a fire at Solihull. Just waiting confirmation of its status[/font][/font]
[font="Segoe UI Historic", "Segoe UI", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][font="Segoe UI Historic", "Segoe UI", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][color=var(--blue-link)][/font][/font][/size][/color]
Quote from: Tony on November 02, 2022, 08:42:27 PMAll October fleet moves listed here. One query I am waiting for an answer on is 30019 Bolton to Eccles. This vehicle has never run in the North West, after a fire at Solihull. Just waiting confirmation of its status
30963 is noted as withdrawn? What's happened with it
Quote from: Tony on November 02, 2022, 08:42:27 PMAll October fleet moves listed here. One query I am waiting for an answer on is 30019 Bolton to Eccles. This vehicle has never run in the North West, after a fire at Solihull. Just waiting confirmation of its status
Vehicle will re-enter service in the next few weeks
Quote from: hlliwmai on November 02, 2022, 09:38:19 PM30963 is noted as withdrawn? What's happened with it
The vehicle has unit failure, with the increasing emissions standards it makes sense to remove the vehicle
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 03, 2022, 02:24:29 PMThe vehicle has unit failure, with the increasing emissions standards it makes sense to remove the vehicle
I assume this means the remaining Darts are also being withdrawn then 21108, 30887, 30888 & 30960? And if so when
Quote from: hlliwmai on November 03, 2022, 02:39:21 PMI assume this means the remaining Darts are also being withdrawn then 21108, 30887, 30888 & 30960? And if so when
Nothing has been removed yet. However, as service specifications are upgraded and vehicles have unit failures they will be removed
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 03, 2022, 08:33:17 PMNothing has been removed yet. However, as service specifications are upgraded and vehicles have unit failures they will be removed
I think 30929 would maybe worth refurbing/painting and possibly if there is scope converting it to Euro 6
Hi simon , the ex johnsons E200s and metrocities at midland classic /diamond East midlands are still not tracking properly
Quote from: samuel derrington on November 06, 2022, 02:06:43 AMHi simon , the ex johnsons E200s and metrocities at midland classic /diamond East midlands are still not tracking properly
I will discuss with the depot
Has 30929 (KX07 OOW) been withdrawn? It hasn't tracked for around 2 weeks I know this bus is unreliable these days so I wouldn't be surprised if it has been withdrawn.
What's happened to 20177 (BD20 ODU) it hasn't tracked since October 23rd has this now left the West Midlands?
Quote from: hlliwmai on November 08, 2022, 12:28:51 PMHas 30929 (KX07 OOW) been withdrawn? It hasn't tracked for around 2 weeks I know this bus is unreliable these days so I wouldn't be surprised if it has been withdrawn.
Has been on loan to Redditch
Quote from: hlliwmai on November 09, 2022, 10:33:41 PMWhat's happened to 20177 (BD20 ODU) it hasn't tracked since October 23rd has this now left the West Midlands?
20177 has been off for various warranty repairs awaiting WrightBus
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 11, 2022, 08:12:18 PMHas been on loan to Redditch
Should transfer there permanent
Simon your driver off 30527 on the 7:05 ex Dudley on your 42 service is a credit of your company very friendly and a good driver
Quote from: Jack6101 on November 12, 2022, 12:30:00 PMSimon your driver off 30527 on the 7:05 ex Dudley on your 42 service is a credit of your company very friendly and a good driver
Thank you
Thank you for your kind words I have passed this on to his depot manager.
Any idea when 32256/57/58/59 will start tracking?
Quote from: cris 99 on November 20, 2022, 05:25:25 PMAny idea when 32256/57/58/59 will start tracking?
Sorry 32257/8 should be tracking now. I will get this resolved
the 2 Scania's (30122, YN63 BYO); (30123, YT13 HKY) on the yard at Tividale are these being kept by Diamond and if so are they being painted or are they leaving to go Ensign Bus with the others?
30507 on the 52a this evening - front destination not illuminated although the rear one was. Cheers.
Quote from: hlliwmai on November 24, 2022, 12:48:01 PMthe 2 Scania's (30122, YN63 BYO); (30123, YT13 HKY) on the yard at Tividale are these being kept by Diamond and if so are they being painted or are they leaving to go Ensign Bus with the others?
The vehicles are in the process of being MOT'd for departure to Ensign
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on November 24, 2022, 08:42:32 PM30507 on the 52a this evening - front destination not illuminated although the rear one was. Cheers.
Thank you.
I will pick this up with Engineering
Myself and another passenger were waiting for the 94 towards Chelmsley Wood this evening at Foley Road. Especially as it was dark, I made sure to clearly flag the bus down, so it would stop. The driver clearly saw us and pulled into the layby/bus stop. But then instead of opening the doors, he drove off very fast.
We got the National Express bus about 10 minutes later.
This was the timetabled 17:06 service at that stop.
Following 20732, 20839 & 30963 now withdrawn from Tividale are there anymore withdrawals due?
30887 & 30888 can't be far off being withdrawn surely due to their age (currently 17) this also applies to 21108 and 30960 (currently 16) as well
Note the web pages refering to the Xmas service levels, but previous years, offered the chance to download the flyer that you stick on the buses.
This was useful for our warehouse noticeboard.
Will this happen again this year?
@Tony - Any chance of Nx doing the same? Have asked in the past on Facebook, but no one seems to take it on board!
the diamond BODS feed seems to have the issue where most of the birmingham routes have dissapeared again so stops and entire routes have dissapeared off of bustimes so only vehicles are tracking
Awful shame to see the 4H being withdrawn start of January. I can't say I'm surprised however given the slip in standards of the service provided sadly - drivers using wrong displays, wasting time up Walsall to leave 30 minutes late, drivers not stopping at bus stops.
Few years back there was the 13 plate B7RLES which had branding specifically for the 4H as well as the 07 plates. Now it's given practically anything that the depot can find.
The 4H has a long history, dating back to ludlows days where they ran the 417.
Now the plan is to only run the 4 West Bromwich - Walsall which I hear will be in partnership with NXWM
Quote from: hlliwmai on December 02, 2022, 09:28:23 PMFollowing 20732, 20839 & 30963 now withdrawn from Tividale are there anymore withdrawals due?
30887 & 30888 can't be far off being withdrawn surely due to their age (currently 17) this also applies to 21108 and 30960 (currently 16) as well
We are starting to remove None Euro 6 vehicles. There will be more removed in the new year
Quote from: Westy on December 02, 2022, 10:07:28 PMEvening.
Note the web pages refering to the Xmas service levels, but previous years, offered the chance to download the flyer that you stick on the buses.
This was useful for our warehouse noticeboard.
Will this happen again this year?
@Tony - Any chance of Nx doing the same? Have asked in the past on Facebook, but no one seems to take it on board!
Yes- I will organise
Quote from: EK40 on December 03, 2022, 04:09:44 PMthe diamond BODS feed seems to have the issue where most of the birmingham routes have dissapeared again so stops and entire routes have dissapeared off of bustimes so only vehicles are tracking
I think everything is there
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 03, 2022, 06:44:58 PMAwful shame to see the 4H being withdrawn start of January. I can't say I'm surprised however given the slip in standards of the service provided sadly - drivers using wrong displays, wasting time up Walsall to leave 30 minutes late, drivers not stopping at bus stops.
Few years back there was the 13 plate B7RLES which had branding specifically for the 4H as well as the 07 plates. Now it's given practically anything that the depot can find.
The 4H has a long history, dating back to ludlows days where they ran the 417.
Now the plan is to only run the 4 West Bromwich - Walsall which I hear will be in partnership with NXWM
We are working towards providing a network of services in partnership with TfWM. There will be a lot of service revisions across all operators from 01/01/23
Looking back would you say the acquisitions of Johnson's was a mistake considering that you lost the Stratford work?
What's the plans for the Scania irizas in burton?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 09, 2022, 08:00:56 AMLooking back would you say the acquisitions of Johnson's was a mistake considering that you lost the Stratford work?
What's the plans for the Scania irizas in burton?
We have grown our profitable work as a result of the Johnsons acquisition, and the buses that we acquired which we don't need we have deployed or sold. So - why wouldn't we be happy?
In terms of the Scania's. We will continue to use what we have.
how many buses will you lose with the changes
Quote from: Solo1 on December 09, 2022, 09:09:11 AMhow many buses will you lose with the changes
For clarity are you talking about January 2023 changes?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 09, 2022, 11:10:16 AMFor clarity are you talking about January 2023 changes?
Yes sorry should of put
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 09, 2022, 08:55:37 AMWe have grown our profitable work as a result of the Johnsons acquisition, and the buses that we acquired which we don't need we have deployed or sold. So - why wouldn't we be happy?
In terms of the Scania's. We will continue to use what we have.
I'm terms of you losing all of Johnson's previous work bar the 149 you can probably see why I'd question the success of the acquisition. Yes you've kept some ex Johnson's vehicles but couldn't you have just brought second hand buses of the market?
Hi Simon
Quick question or two. When will the Diamond WM pages have the Jan 2023 service changes that are at least confirmed uploaded to the website?
Also, will the changes that had been postponed from August to the 226 still be going ahead (I.e. running via Wall Heath and reduced to half hourly). If so, is there any plans to update the route branding on the buses or will this route branding be removed?
Hi Simon, couple of tracking anomalies at NW
33003 at Bolton is tracking as 30506
33001 at Bolton is out but not tracking at all
30861 is at Bolton is tracking at 30862
Bolton spare is also tracking but not sure which vehicle it is.
Quote from: WWH44L on December 10, 2022, 03:30:12 PMHi Simon, couple of tracking anomalies at NW
33003 at Bolton is tracking as 30506
33001 at Bolton is out but not tracking at all
30861 is at Bolton is tracking at 30862
Bolton spare is also tracking but not sure which vehicle it is.
I have asked Bolton to resolve
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 09, 2022, 08:05:42 PMI'm terms of you losing all of Johnson's previous work bar the 149 you can probably see why I'd question the success of the acquisition. Yes you've kept some ex Johnson's vehicles but couldn't you have just brought second hand buses of the market?
We have retained 7 PVR of profitable work. The buses have all been put to use immediately.
Quote from: the trainbasher on December 09, 2022, 08:43:21 PMHi Simon
Quick question or two. When will the Diamond WM pages have the Jan 2023 service changes that are at least confirmed uploaded to the website?
Also, will the changes that had been postponed from August to the 226 still be going ahead (I.e. running via Wall Heath and reduced to half hourly). If so, is there any plans to update the route branding on the buses or will this route branding be removed?
We have been asked not to disclose by TfWM. When we have clearance we will update
Quote from: IMarkeh on October 08, 2022, 09:42:46 AMHi Simon, just wanted to let you know that the issues which are normally on Diamond WM BODS feed seem to have made their way over to Midland Classics/DBEMs BODs feed.
A number of routes are missing Lichfield Street bus stops or Sainsburys stop in Burton
Route 4 is missing stops in Burton Town Centre and the 15:10 and 16:55 trips are missing some stops at the tail end of the route.
Route 6 has a missing stop on Union Street and also Horninglow Road stops are the wrong way around inbound.
Route 8 has the same 2 stops the wrong way around on Horninglow Road as the 6.
Route 9 has random information around the Burton loop. towards Burton it shows terminating at Harper Ave then running direct to the hospital and then also random bus stops around Westfield Road with some wrong stops and some missing.
At the Airport, there are 3 Saturday trips (18:47 off Burton onwards) which show as going via the industrial estate but they of course all go the same way. Finally Sundays show as stopping at 'Long stay Car Park 5', all other days don't (very odd)
New Derbyshire 9/9A show Mon-Fri and Saturdays under different XML files.
12 & 12E missing A513 'Fox Lane' bus stops.
18 missing a number of stops
19 08:15 missing stops in Donnisthope and all trips show a strange stopping pattern in Oakthorpe
20 missing plenty of stops along the route
21E missing Linton set down only
New tender 73 shows sering Derby Station stop S2 outbound and Elvaston Castle Gates stop is missing towards Weston but in twice to Derby
125 has various missing stops
401/402/402A/403 are all missing plenty of stops and the 07:10 402 off Uttoxeter shows it going via Tesco.
406 has a few missing stops
X12 missing stops in Roman Heights development.
New tender V3 shows the Burton number 2 details, nothing to do with the V3.
Diamond West Midlands also has a number of errors too which either haven't been resolved, the issue has reappeared, it's a poor fix or it's a new issue. We'd be here all week to list all the errors.
Diamond South East the 557 only shows timing points, 458 the daytime Kingston trips are all timing points only. 250 Weekdays the 19:15 from Bicester shows all stops except timing points and weekends are timing points only.
You need to get someone down from the North West offices as they seem to have things all sorted pretty well.
I will get someone to look at this ASAP
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 10, 2022, 06:37:32 PMI have asked Bolton to resolve
Hi Simon. The vehicle tracking as the Bolton spare is actually 33007. Don't think this has ever tracked as itself since moving from Preston.
is 30003 (BX07 KPO) being re-instated I have been told that it was being towed from the car park to the main yard this morning or has it been sold?
Quote from: WWH44L on December 13, 2022, 08:33:27 AMHi Simon. The vehicle tracking as the Bolton spare is actually 33007. Don't think this has ever tracked as itself since moving from Preston.
I have asked Bolton to resolve
Quote from: hlliwmai on December 13, 2022, 12:18:32 PMis 30003 (BX07 KPO) being re-instated I have been told that it was being towed from the car park to the main yard this morning or has it been sold?
The vehicle has been sold
Are the B7RLE royales planned to be withdrawn any time soon?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 13, 2022, 10:04:16 PMAre the B7RLE royales planned to be withdrawn any time soon?
As things stand with the introduction of the the West Midlands all being Euro 6 (there are odd exceptions). We expect to remove all of them before 01/05/23
Hi Simon
With TfWM announcing that Diamond will be running the new 25 Stourbridge - Merry Hill route with an improved frequency, will this new service be following the existing 250 route between Merry Hill and Hawbush (via Norwood Road), or will some journeys be running via the existing 251 (Leys Road) routing?
Reason I ask is that people who live on the 251 (Leys Road) routing do find that service useful, especially since the routing was introduced by Hansons in 2007.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 14, 2022, 04:03:01 AMAs things stand with the introduction of the the West Midlands all being Euro 6 (there are odd exceptions). We expect to remove all of them before 01/05/23
Does this also include the ex-Transdev Volvo's as well?
Could you 100% clarify if Diamond are scrapping the 4H in the New Year and Diamond will only be running the 4 between West Bromwich and Walsall as I have read several posts to suggest that this is the case I and I'm sure along with many others want clarification of this.
Quote from: hlliwmai on December 14, 2022, 02:35:07 PMSimon,
Could you 100% clarify if Diamond are scrapping the 4H in the New Year and Diamond will only be running the 4 between West Bromwich and Walsall as I have read several posts to suggest that this is the case I and I'm sure along with many others want clarification of this.
At this point there is no change to service. We expected to agree a joint timetable with NX. However, we have ran out of time and at this time there is no guarantee this will change in the future
Whilst I will miss the 89, it was only to be expected with a) a total lack of marketing & timetable provision from TfWM (at Meriden anyway), & b) timetable adherence. 26 minutes early at Hampton in Arden today, seriously??
Can someone have another look at 32240 please?
That door alarm is stuck again.
How the driver sticks it for all his shift, I dunno, as it drove me soft after 10 minutes!
Quote from: Isle of Stroma on December 14, 2022, 07:36:15 PMWhilst I will miss the 89, it was only to be expected with a) a total lack of marketing & timetable provision from TfWM (at Meriden anyway), & b) timetable adherence. 26 minutes early at Hampton in Arden today, seriously??
We have been told on numerous occasions that the service will be removed/ replaced by DRT. It is difficult to promote a service whilst ever you keep being told it will end, only to be extended at the last minute by 30/60 days.
I have asked the OM to look at the early operation now.
When are new timetables being released?
Why is there only 2 vehicles on the 94 today?
Before Simon replies, do you know there is only 2 on there or just looking at a tracker?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 15, 2022, 11:35:38 AMWhy is there only 2 vehicles on the 94 today?
Before Simon replies, do you know there is only 2 on there or just looking at a tracker?
Every morning of everyday of the year, I am advised of the service delivery situation.
Like every other day, every bus went out into service. There are issues which affect service delivery, and there can be gaps in service for wide range of issues.
I have looked on our tracking and all the buses look to be there. I am aware that yesterday, there were issues in Birmingham City Centre which could have created delays.
If you have anymore specific information, we can look at the time/ journey/ etc
When are new timetables being released?
Quote from: Steve3229vp on December 17, 2022, 05:50:36 AMWhen are new timetables being released?
We are working on getting everything updated now.
We are waiting on TfWM over what is happening with the 600. There are conversations around changing this.
Looks like interworking with the 25, the new route is not very clear is it missing out the fox and goose then?
Please note this topic is to Ask Simon questions, not express your opinion, there's plenty of other topics that can be done on. I have deleted several responses so Simon can see the questions.
30823 still hasn't had it's destination blinds/controller fixed as I've seen it today on the 3 from Kidderminster in York Street this afternoon heading towards areley kings.
Quote from: monkeyjoe on December 20, 2022, 04:40:30 PMLooks like interworking with the 25, the new route is not very clear is it missing out the fox and goose then?
Please note this topic is to Ask Simon questions, not express your opinion, there's plenty of other topics that can be done on. I have deleted several responses so Simon can see the questions.
We were not originally awarded the 25 or 600. My understanding is that the plan was to award Green Bus the 25, and some reason that hasn't happened. As a result TfWM have awarded us 1 bus working interworking what they see as the essential service on the 25/600
Can you explain the 326 on TfWm 's site, being referred to as a 'new' service for Diamond?
Had you just retained the contract, surely it should have said 'Service retained '?
TfWm cock up maybe?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 21, 2022, 06:00:52 AMWe were not originally awarded the 25 or 600. My understanding is that the plan was to award Green Bus the 25, and some reason that hasn't happened. As a result TfWM have awarded us 1 bus working interworking what they see as the essential service on the 25/600
Ok cheers so is it still serving the fox and goose shopping centre ? Cheers
Quote from: Martin on December 20, 2022, 08:51:01 PM30823 still hasn't had it's destination blinds/controller fixed as I've seen it today on the 3 from Kidderminster in York Street this afternoon heading towards areley kings.
I have passed this onto the engineers to look at thanks
Quote from: Westy on December 21, 2022, 07:09:35 AMCan you explain the 326 on TfWm 's site, being referred to as a 'new' service for Diamond?
Had you just retained the contract, surely it should have said 'Service retained '?
TfWm cock up maybe?
We have been awarded a new contract. The "new" contract is exactly the same as the old in terms of timetable. So should it say new or retained? I will leave that up to you to decide
Quote from: monkeyjoe on December 21, 2022, 07:18:24 AMOk cheers so is it still serving the fox and goose shopping centre ? Cheers
Sorry - it will not serve the fox and goose shopping centre
Quote from: Steveminor on December 21, 2022, 08:46:19 AMI have passed this onto the engineers to look at thanks
I have had them pull the vehicle.
is 40518 back on the road or is something else using the ticket machine, I'm surprised it hasn't been sent to Preston with the other 2?
Quote from: callum03 on January 01, 2023, 11:42:36 PMis 40518 back on the road or is something else using the ticket machine, I'm surprised it hasn't been sent to Preston with the other 2?
The bus is back in service at Heathrow. We have contractual commitments for the vehicle at Heathrow
Drivers on the West Brom 61 have been missing out part of the route all day. Instead of using Spon Lane, Kelvin Way, Dartmouth Road and Halfords Lane they are running direct via High Street and Birmingham Road.
Quote from: Rachvince53 on January 03, 2023, 04:17:59 PMDrivers on the West Brom 61 have been missing out part of the route all day. Instead of using Spon Lane, Kelvin Way, Dartmouth Road and Halfords Lane they are running direct via High Street and Birmingham Road.
Still happening today for a third day in a row with only one of the two buses following the correct route.
Quote from: Rachvince53 on January 05, 2023, 11:45:12 AMStill happening today for a third day in a row with only one of the two buses following the correct route.
Sorry for the delay. I am sorry about this. I am led to believe we have now corrected this
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 05, 2023, 02:48:12 PMSorry for the delay. I am sorry about this. I am led to believe we have now corrected this
Checking I can see this service is now following the correct route. Thanks for your attention in this matter.
Hi Simon, is there a shortage of vehicles at Bolton & Eccles at the moment?
Noticed that 66900 & 69157 have moved from Preston and surprisingly 66900 was spotted in service in central Manchester today!
Checking on Bustimes, there are a lot of vehicles that haven't tracked for some time.
Quote from: WWH44L on January 16, 2023, 06:10:44 PMHi Simon, is there a shortage of vehicles at Bolton & Eccles at the moment?
Noticed that 66900 & 69157 have moved from Preston and surprisingly 66900 was spotted in service in central Manchester today!
Checking on Bustimes, there are a lot of vehicles that haven't tracked for some time.
We are making sure we can deploy as much as the fleet as possible. We expect to redeploy some of the Manchester fleet to the West Midlands later this year and hence the reason why more of the fleet are being used
text removed as confusing
Quote from: Cedric on January 18, 2023, 12:03:48 PMhi Simon
seeing zone b tickets can be used on chaserider and select are the part of midland classic (diamond east midlands)
Is there a question?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 18, 2023, 01:41:56 PMCedric
Is there a question?
@Simon Dunn I read it as, "As you can use Zone B tickets on Select and Chaserider, can they be used on Midland Classic and are they part of Diamond East Midlands?"
Hope my translation is correct!
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 18, 2023, 01:41:56 PMCedric
Is there a question?
Sorry Simon my i worded my post wrong
I was asking is in the east midlands area midland classic (diamond east midlands} it says zone b tickets
can be used on select and chaserider services i was just wondering if it is just a arrangement between operators
or are they part of midland classic (diamond east midlands)
Hi Simon, is the allocation of branded Streetdecks in Bolton been abandoned? At least 38 vehicles are on other routes today and this has been happening for a good few weeks now.
Out of the nine on route 8 today, 6 vehicles are for other branded routes.
Quote from: Cedric on January 18, 2023, 04:49:15 PMSorry Simon my i worded my post wrong
I was asking is in the east midlands area midland classic (diamond east midlands} it says zone b tickets
can be used on select and chaserider services i was just wondering if it is just a arrangement between operators
or are they part of midland classic (diamond east midlands)
This is an arrangement between operators
Quote from: WWH44L on January 19, 2023, 01:35:55 PMHi Simon, is the allocation of branded Streetdecks in Bolton been abandoned? At least 38 vehicles are on other routes today and this has been happening for a good few weeks now.
Out of the nine on route 8 today, 6 vehicles are for other branded routes.
Post Christmas and factory reopening we have a number of bus issues which is causing this.
Note to members:
This thread is specifically for asking questions which Simon Dunn will answer.
Members should use other threads if they want to discuss anything mentioned here.
Thank you all.
@Simon Dunn are you reviewing the performance of the 002? It's a joke at the minute. I know it reduces your PVR and number of drivers needed but users are suffering the consequences.
So I've done the 96 (airport side) twice this week, with drivers going different ways. Just wondering is there a reason why it doesn't share the X12 stop at the airport, as they go similar directions so it would make more sense.
Anyway, hopefully it gets a re-timetable as you can easily remove 5-10 minutes on the route between Airport and Chelmsley Wood.
It does share the stand with X12
Quote from: Trident 4194 on January 24, 2023, 09:37:23 AM@Simon Dunn are you reviewing the performance of the 002? It's a joke at the minute. I know it reduces your PVR and number of drivers needed but users are suffering the consequences.
We are reviewing the reliability. We agree it isn't great and we are trying to establish why. At present this doesn't work for the passengers or us.
The changes were done to realign the demand with usage. However, it needs to be reliable
Quote from: GoldenSquid on January 24, 2023, 08:19:57 PMSo I've done the 96 (airport side) twice this week, with drivers going different ways. Just wondering is there a reason why it doesn't share the X12 stop at the airport, as they go similar directions so it would make more sense.
Anyway, hopefully it gets a re-timetable as you can easily remove 5-10 minutes on the route between Airport and Chelmsley Wood.
When have you caught the service? I will look at what route each driver operated if you can advise
Quote from: Lukeee on January 24, 2023, 11:59:38 PMIt does share the stand with X12
On the Monday the driver stopped at the X12 stop, although on Tuesday I got told by the driver its the same stand as the X1 (as he showed me his timetable.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 25, 2023, 07:59:50 AMWhen have you caught the service? I will look at what route each driver operated if you can advise
It was this service on Monday - 32317 - BD20 OCO – Diamond Bus – (
and then this service on Tuesday - 32230 - SN68 AHW – Diamond Bus – (
I'm not sure how the TfWM contracts work but the Tuesday journey could of had 8 minutes removed from the service as it waited at two stops for around 4 minutes.
Simon - You couldn't ask the driver of 21227 why he chose to miss out Dudleys Fields on the 1536 326 Bilston to Bloxwich tonight, especially as the bus served Dudleys Fields on other journeys, according to
There was a lady who normally gets off at Central Drive, at the back of the railway station, & the driver decided to continue along Sneyd Lane instead, stopping instead at Broad Lane, to pick someone else up, at which point I told the lady to get off & walk down Parker Street instead!
(To be honest, I could've done with getting off at the station as well, as it's a short cut to the shopping precinct, rather than waiting at the Bell Lane lights, but I stayed on to Bloxwich instead!)
He was actually on time at that point as well, so the only reason I could see for him missing out Dudleys Fields, was a longer wait time to turn right onto the estate from Broad Lane!
This also happened on the same journey on Friday(I think?) as well, but can't remember if it was the same driver or not & the lady stayed on the bus until Bloxwich that time.
Quote from: GoldenSquid on January 25, 2023, 03:36:30 PMOn the Monday the driver stopped at the X12 stop, although on Tuesday I got told by the driver its the same stand as the X1 (as he showed me his timetable.
It was this service on Monday - 32317 - BD20 OCO – Diamond Bus – (
and then this service on Tuesday - 32230 - SN68 AHW – Diamond Bus – (
I'm not sure how the TfWM contracts work but the Tuesday journey could of had 8 minutes removed from the service as it waited at two stops for around 4 minutes.
There is some conflicting information being given to our operational team and therefore our staff from TfWM. We have picked this up with TfWM and are awaiting a response
Quote from: Westy on January 26, 2023, 04:58:02 PMSimon - You couldn't ask the driver of 21227 why he chose to miss out Dudleys Fields on the 1536 326 Bilston to Bloxwich tonight, especially as the bus served Dudleys Fields on other journeys, according to
There was a lady who normally gets off at Central Drive, at the back of the railway station, & the driver decided to continue along Sneyd Lane instead, stopping instead at Broad Lane, to pick someone else up, at which point I told the lady to get off & walk down Parker Street instead!
(To be honest, I could've done with getting off at the station as well, as it's a short cut to the shopping precinct, rather than waiting at the Bell Lane lights, but I stayed on to Bloxwich instead!)
He was actually on time at that point as well, so the only reason I could see for him missing out Dudleys Fields, was a longer wait time to turn right onto the estate from Broad Lane!
This also happened on the same journey on Friday(I think?) as well, but can't remember if it was the same driver or not & the lady stayed on the bus until Bloxwich that time.
We have reviewed the Ticket Machine tracking and we agree the driver missed part of the route. The driver is a regular driver of the service. He will be processed through our disciplinary process
Simon, are you aware that TfWM have 'helpfully' updated the service 96 timetables in bus shelters to remove the daytime journeys and only list the evening/Sunday journeys to the Airport?
I've just caught the service from the Fort to Burtons Way, and both stops were only showing the evening/Sunday timetable in them. It hasn't helped that there seems to be at least 1 maybe more buses not on route.
Quote from: ellspurs on January 28, 2023, 02:25:41 PMSimon, are you aware that TfWM have 'helpfully' updated the service 96 timetables in bus shelters to remove the daytime journeys and only list the evening/Sunday journeys to the Airport?
I've just caught the service from the Fort to Burtons Way, and both stops were only showing the evening/Sunday timetable in them. It hasn't helped that there seems to be at least 1 maybe more buses not on route.
I caught the 96 at 13:46 yesterday from Erdington to Kingstanding on 32125. The driver had said to me that he and the bus infront (32326) had both broken down in Kingstanding. 32125 had restarted service in Erdington at 13:46 towards Kingstanding after engineers had attended it.
On an additional note for
@Simon Dunn the driver of 32125 yesterday on that 96 was brilliant! He was great with passengers, waiting for customers to sit down and making sure they were good before moving off and he was really helpful and informative to a family who were asking questions about the service. Even informing them of the missing bus due to the breakdown. He gave absolute brilliant customer service and is a credit to Diamond.
Not sure which bus it is but only one bus currently on WN service 27 is tracking (this being 20159) currently on the 1220 to Wolverhampton. The 1220 from Wolverhampton isn't tracking.
Quote from: ellspurs on January 28, 2023, 02:25:41 PMSimon, are you aware that TfWM have 'helpfully' updated the service 96 timetables in bus shelters to remove the daytime journeys and only list the evening/Sunday journeys to the Airport?
I've just caught the service from the Fort to Burtons Way, and both stops were only showing the evening/Sunday timetable in them. It hasn't helped that there seems to be at least 1 maybe more buses not on route.
Apart from odd journeys due to vehicle failure - all the journeys are operating. If you have a specific date and time, I can look into it. In terms of Timetables, these are updated by TfWM. I know they have a mammoth job to do, and they have a plan to deal with this, although it will take time
Quote from: Michael Bevan on January 29, 2023, 02:42:12 AMI caught the 96 at 13:46 yesterday from Erdington to Kingstanding on 32125. The driver had said to me that he and the bus infront (32326) had both broken down in Kingstanding. 32125 had restarted service in Erdington at 13:46 towards Kingstanding after engineers had attended it.
On an additional note for @Simon Dunn the driver of 32125 yesterday on that 96 was brilliant! He was great with passengers, waiting for customers to sit down and making sure they were good before moving off and he was really helpful and informative to a family who were asking questions about the service. Even informing them of the missing bus due to the breakdown. He gave absolute brilliant customer service and is a credit to Diamond.
Thank you
Quote from: Rachvince53 on January 29, 2023, 12:43:35 PMNot sure which bus it is but only one bus currently on WN service 27 is tracking (this being 20159) currently on the 1220 to Wolverhampton. The 1220 from Wolverhampton isn't tracking.
I can see the trip on the tracking. The service did start 4 minutes late.
30826 is on the Dudley 17 with no working blind at the front. In addition the 17 timetables put up by TfWM only show the evening and Sunday service (timetable on bus stops dated 3rd January 2023).
32136 hasnt been tracking on the 96 today, took a different bus this morning thinking it had broken down since it tracked earlier in the morning only for it to pass me on that bus lol
Quote from: Rachvince53 on January 30, 2023, 11:36:07 AM30826 is on the Dudley 17 with no working blind at the front. In addition the 17 timetables put up by TfWM only show the evening and Sunday service (timetable on bus stops dated 3rd January 2023).
Thank you.
I am investigating the blinds fault. I have reported the timetable issues to TfWM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 30, 2023, 05:50:15 AMApart from odd journeys due to vehicle failure - all the journeys are operating. If you have a specific date and time, I can look into it. In terms of Timetables, these are updated by TfWM. I know they have a mammoth job to do, and they have a plan to deal with this, although it will take time
Michael Bevan confirmed the missing buses in his message, so there's no need for you to look into it.
Is there any reason by your No.5 that left Kingswinford at 10am didn't serve Russell's hall hospital? Watched it pass the island, didn't realize it was a request stop now 😕
Hi Simon,
I saw 32316 on the 18 this morning displaying 27 Dudley via Gornal Wood on the front, but the correct number on the rear and correct destination and number on the side, ie: 18 Dudley Bus Station.
Quote from: bususer12 on February 04, 2023, 10:18:32 AMIs there any reason by your No.5 that left Kingswinford at 10am didn't serve Russell's hall hospital? Watched it pass the island, didn't realize it was a request stop now 😕
We agree that the driver failed to operate the correct route. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will investigate and if appropriate take action
Seems that all your routes have been wiped off of bustimes again making it a lot harder to connect buses today lol
Also the 7:18 96 from kingstanding (and therefore the 16:18 one from chelmsley since they are the same duty i found) hasn't run today been noticing this specific duty has had a lot of missed journey's in recent months. And that even after nearly 7 hours no bus was put on to fill out those remaining duties
Hello Simon
I noticed yesterday that the 226 branded streetlites are still advertising a 20 min frequency and no changes to the branding about the 226A. The rear destination display of the streetlite 20162 couldn't display the whole route number of the 226A.
Also I noticed (more TfWM doing) that the flags around swan lane stated the 25 and 226 with no mention of the 226A
Is there any plans to renumber the 226 to the 26/A as there aren't many 2** numbers around apart from the 223, 224, 229?
i was in the bus station and there where several buses had no front display,
or the display letters where broken up or very small. yet the side displays
working fine
Quote from: EK40 on February 06, 2023, 04:09:28 PMSeems that all your routes have been wiped off of bustimes again making it a lot harder to connect buses today lol
Also the 7:18 96 from kingstanding (and therefore the 16:18 one from chelmsley since they are the same duty i found) hasn't run today been noticing this specific duty has had a lot of missed journey's in recent months. And that even after nearly 7 hours no bus was put on to fill out those remaining duties
I am just catching up. I believe all the services are on bus times. I will investigate the 96 observation
Quote from: BK63 YWP on February 09, 2023, 11:24:42 AMHello Simon
I noticed yesterday that the 226 branded streetlites are still advertising a 20 min frequency and no changes to the branding about the 226A. The rear destination display of the streetlite 20162 couldn't display the whole route number of the 226A.
Also I noticed (more TfWM doing) that the flags around swan lane stated the 25 and 226 with no mention of the 226A
Is there any plans to renumber the 226 to the 26/A as there aren't many 2** numbers around apart from the 223, 224, 229?
I have reported the destination issue to be rectified. I am sure it will be a blind setting. In terms of service numbers we have announced today that we are removing the 226. What happens next will be down to whether or not TfWM have the budget and desire to subsidise a replacement service
Quote from: Cedric on February 09, 2023, 04:38:43 PMSimon
i was in the bus station and there where several buses had no front display,
or the display letters where broken up or very small. yet the side displays
working fine
I am not aware of a problem. I will pick this up with the depot. Thank you for letting me know.
Hi Simon
Do you know what is happening to streetdeck 40747 at Bolton! It's not tracked since 28th July last year.
Quote from: WWH44L on February 14, 2023, 07:26:39 AMHi Simon
Do you know what is happening to streetdeck 40747 at Bolton! It's not tracked since 28th July last year.
I am advised the vehicle should be back in service this week. It has been VOR since November
Hi Simon, I caught the 61 the other day and noticed the following things:
- All stops on Halfords Lane all show out of use and have no timetables
- Walsall Road has had 424 removed off flags and timetables but nothing about the 61.
- Rocky Lane still has 424 on the flags.
- Old Walsall Road flags still have 46 on and nothing about the 61 serving it.
- Scott Arms terminus doesn't have a timetable or 61 on the flag.
Quote from: Jack on February 25, 2023, 05:25:49 PMHi Simon, I caught the 61 the other day and noticed the following things:
- All stops on Halfords Lane all show out of use and have no timetables
- Walsall Road has had 424 removed off flags and timetables but nothing about the 61.
- Rocky Lane still has 424 on the flags.
- Old Walsall Road flags still have 46 on and nothing about the 61 serving it.
- Scott Arms terminus doesn't have a timetable or 61 on the flag.
TfWM manage and control the bus stop information. They are aware there are a large number of changes which need to be updated.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 14, 2023, 10:45:13 AMJason
I am advised the vehicle should be back in service this week. It has been VOR since November
Hi Simon,
Just noticed that someone has placed 40747 as withdrawn on Bus times. Not sure if this is true based on your last reply but thought I'd double check with yourself as you can never trust bus times changes!
Hi Simon
I've noticed today a new (second hand) bus on the 17 Bu16 UYC how many of these are you getting and will they be a spare West Midlands buses bus ? Am I right in thinking it's a Volvo B8RLE
Also any plans to amend the 42 branding still says Dudley on the side
Thank you
The 25 (bromford circular) still doesn't have timetables on some stops and flags are not correct.
Quote from: Jack D on March 01, 2023, 04:31:43 PMThe 25 (bromford circular) still doesn't have timetables on some stops and flags are not correct.
Please see Simon's earlier reply:
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 28, 2023, 04:24:39 AMTfWM manage and control the bus stop information. They are aware there are a large number of changes which need to be updated.
Quote from: Jack6101 on March 01, 2023, 03:35:49 PMHi Simon
I've noticed today a new (second hand) bus on the 17 Bu16 UYC how many of these are you getting and will they be a spare West Midlands buses bus ? Am I right in thinking it's a Volvo B8RLE
Also any plans to amend the 42 branding still says Dudley on the side
Thank you
We have been waiting for dialogue with TfWM/ NX on the agreed future branding on the Partnership routes.
The Volvo is a B8 and it is the only one we have acquired
Hi Simon,
Today i witnessed a Preston bus Driver acting unprofessionally whilst behind the wheel of a company branded bus.
The driver driving 40516 - LX59 CSF at approximately 2:12/13pm at the Aqueduct street junction. On the 13:20 23 Bus Service.
He did a rude gesture to an oncoming driver which was causing no danger or risk to his or his passengers safety.
Quote from: AJC223 on March 06, 2023, 08:54:00 PMHi Simon,
Today i witnessed a Preston bus Driver acting unprofessionally whilst behind the wheel of a company branded bus.
The driver driving 40516 - LX59 CSF at approximately 2:12/13pm at the Aqueduct street junction. On the 13:20 23 Bus Service.
He did a rude gesture to an oncoming driver which was causing no danger or risk to his or his passengers safety.
Thank you. I will see what has been captured on CCTV
Hi Simon. There is talk that the South East school routes won at Surrey County Council tendering last year (83/87 to Collingwood College) are being terminated after the Easter holidays, and currently out for emergency retendering. Are you able/willing to confirm if there's any truth in this? Thanks in advance.
Quote from: Damo on March 11, 2023, 04:27:27 PMHi Simon. There is talk that the South East school routes won at Surrey County Council tendering last year (83/87 to Collingwood College) are being terminated after the Easter holidays, and currently out for emergency retendering. Are you able/willing to confirm if there's any truth in this? Thanks in advance.
My understanding is that the indicated on bus takings bare no resemblance to reality, so we have taken the decision to terminate the services
Good evening if you could answer the question would be appreciated today my partner caught the 002 in Cromwell lane, wasn't supposed to leave weoloy castle till 1422 it arrived at Cromwell lane at 1422?? It then proceed to to miss two stops out on genners lane instead of turning left at the triangle on Cromwell lane and genners lane it went straight across were there was 7 people waiting to get on , then it missed the next stop were 2 people were waiting , and the driver kept overshooting bus stops making people to get on and off not at the stops , and to say you was going to stop running the 002 is it any wonder the route is at a loss when missing stops and that was just 9 people so across the route it could work out till who knows , so maybe speak to your driver's then may not run at aloss .
Hey simon,
Today noticed that on the 96 there was no buses from kingstanding heading towards Chelmsley From 5-7pm (17:00,17:35,18:10 departures never departed) can confirm this in person as i visually saw both 32325 and 32226 go through kingstanding but run not in service with one heading to the depot from the library rest spot and 32226 heading down towards chester road (seemingly to restart from the airport looking at bustimes).
Quote from: EK40 on March 13, 2023, 09:04:15 PMHey simon,
Today noticed that on the 96 there was no buses from kingstanding heading towards Chelmsley From 5-7pm (17:00,17:35,18:10 departures never departed) can confirm this in person as i visually saw both 32325 and 32226 go through kingstanding but run not in service with one heading to the depot from the library rest spot and 32226 heading down towards chester road (seemingly to restart from the airport looking at bustimes).
I have had the tracking reports sent to me the 1700 operated on time (32126), the 1735 suffered a breakdown and the 1810 operated (32236).
Quote from: Bus127us on March 13, 2023, 07:16:16 PMGood evening if you could answer the question would be appreciated today my partner caught the 002 in Cromwell lane, wasn't supposed to leave weoloy castle till 1422 it arrived at Cromwell lane at 1422?? It then proceed to to miss two stops out on genners lane instead of turning left at the triangle on Cromwell lane and genners lane it went straight across were there was 7 people waiting to get on , then it missed the next stop were 2 people were waiting , and the driver kept overshooting bus stops making people to get on and off not at the stops , and to say you was going to stop running the 002 is it any wonder the route is at a loss when missing stops and that was just 9 people so across the route it could work out till who knows , so maybe speak to your driver's then may not run at aloss .
I have reviewed the tracking and it shows the bus operating the correct line of route, but it did operate 10 minutes late
Hi Simon. Are you able to give an indication of the fleet moves in the North West due to the April changes and possibly looking ahead to September? What's staying and what's moving? Loads of hypothetical suggestions flying around at the moment.
Quote from: WWH44L on March 16, 2023, 09:32:05 AMHi Simon. Are you able to give an indication of the fleet moves in the North West due to the April changes and possibly looking ahead to September? What's staying and what's moving? Loads of hypothetical suggestions flying around at the moment.
The vehicle position is still not clear. When we have a clear position I will share with Admin/ so they can share across the platform
Your 17 Service (Dudley to Kingswinford) operated early tonight. It was due at 21 02 from Gornal Wood Bus station, it instead left at 20.59 as I was walking to the stop. Could you remind the drivers there is a timetable to follow, as TFWM pay you to operate the service reliably no excuse for early running
Is there going to be an attempt to put some double deckers on the 50, I'm on the 0724 from City and it has a standing load, if the rest of the day is like it you'll be leaving passengers behind
Quote from: Steve3229vp on March 20, 2023, 07:33:26 AMIs there going to be an attempt to put some double deckers on the 50, I'm on the 0724 from City and it has a standing load, if the rest of the day is like it you'll be leaving passengers behind
We currently have 2 deckers on 50 and will look see what else can be moves around either for later today or probably tomorrow
30051 on the 52 today , front blind not working - side and rear fine. :smiley:
Quote from: bususer12 on March 19, 2023, 09:08:35 PMYour 17 Service (Dudley to Kingswinford) operated early tonight. It was due at 21 02 from Gornal Wood Bus station, it instead left at 20.59 as I was walking to the stop. Could you remind the drivers there is a timetable to follow, as TFWM pay you to operate the service reliably no excuse for early running
I agree the service was operated early and there are no excuses for early operation.
We will pick this up with the driver
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on March 21, 2023, 02:25:21 PM30051 on the 52 today , front blind not working - side and rear fine. :smiley:
I have spoken to the depot. The destination blind will be looked at tonight on return to depot
20887 running around with no destination displays or paper numbers on the 4/4H.
We are in the process of changing the bus to look at the fault
Thanks for taking a look, you may also want to have a look at Driver 13851, I received a recycled ticket issued 15 mins before I boarded and another passenger paid cash and didn't get a ticket at all. So if your cash fares for the 17 from Dudley 14.20 is low that may explain it as nether went through your ticket machine
Quote from: bususer12 on March 22, 2023, 03:03:09 PMThanks for taking a look, you may also want to have a look at Driver 13851, I received a recycled ticket issued 15 mins before I boarded and another passenger paid cash and didn't get a ticket at all. So if your cash fares for the 17 from Dudley 14.20 is low that may explain it as nether went through your ticket machine
Thank you . We will pull the CCTV
Hi Simon, Given your and Rotalas strong views against franchising, including going to court in a bid to stop it, I have to ask why is Diamond always supporting Andy Burnhams photoshoots? Now having a Diamond bus in the 'Bee Network' livery and doing promotion on your social medias for franchising.
I agree with you trying to stop the franchising and support the efforts that you went to to try and put a stop to it but now it seems that your views can be easily swayed with a little bit of money rather than sticking to your guns.
Our view on Franchising hasn't changed. I do not think it is the correct route for the bus market. That doesn't mean there aren't strengths and weaknesses of Franchising. Our position through the JR was that the the proposition wasn't fully costed, post the decision the economic reports were not of a quality to rely upon and did not meet the required standard, and we did not believe the partnership approach was properly evaluated. There were technical arguments around process, but as I am sure you know the judge rejected and ruled against our position.
Now that decision has been taken. It is time to move on. We either want an ongoing business or we don't. We chose to embrace and participate in what is coming next.
Hi Simon,
Thank you for continuing the offer on the zone B day ticket with Chaserider and Select which I took advantage of recently. Couple of things that got me wondering on the trip out:
On 31422 there is a second ticketer machine next to the doors. What is this for?
What's happening in regards to the rebranding of vehicles in Burton? I haven't noticed any more repainted vehicles after 31428 returned.
Quote from: twbc99 on April 01, 2023, 07:56:17 PMHi Simon,
Thank you for continuing the offer on the zone B day ticket with Chaserider and Select which I took advantage of recently. Couple of things that got me wondering on the trip out:
On 31422 there is a second ticketer machine next to the doors. What is this for?
What's happening in regards to the rebranding of vehicles in Burton? I haven't noticed any more repainted vehicles after 31428 returned.
I presume by the Second ticket machine you are referring to the tap on/ tap off reader. When the fleet stabilises we will complete the outstanding vehicles so all the Burton fleet has these readers, at which point we will introduce this across the services.
In terms of rebranding
* Immediate focus is on Euro 6 compliance from 01/05/23 across the West Midlands
* This will displace a number of vehicles out of the Diamond Bus fleet, we will assess which we want to deploy into Burton
* Of the 6 x 15 plate Volvo deckers, a numbers will be deployed to Burton, so we will remove the older ones and either sell or scrap.
Once this is stable and we understand the long term fleet we will then have capacity to repaint other vehicles.
Morning Simon
Looks like your buses with the display screens in(certainly the ones used on the 31/ 32 in Walsall!) are still on Gmt rather than Bst!
In other words, it's 6am when it should be 7am!
Just a quick question what's happening with the Midland Classic livery will it be the same as Diamond West Midlands livery or will there be a change in the colour of the Diamond like North West being green could East Midlands be green.
Quote from: Dutsey on April 03, 2023, 07:50:36 PMJust a quick question what's happening with the Midland Classic livery will it be the same as Diamond West Midlands livery or will there be a change in the colour of the Diamond like North West being green could East Midlands be green.
The colour will be the same as the West Midlands
Quote from: Westy on April 03, 2023, 07:05:57 AMMorning Simon
Looks like your buses with the display screens in(certainly the ones used on the 31/ 32 in Walsall!) are still on Gmt rather than Bst!
In other words, it's 6am when it should be 7am!
Still the same.
Is this being looked at?
Hi Simon, as there are two streetdecks in the new Bee Network livery, is the plan to repaint more on a weekly basis between now and September? If so, are any other type of vehicle to be repainted ?
Quote from: Westy on April 05, 2023, 06:58:45 AMStill the same.
Is this being looked at?
You will see this start to correct over the next 24 hours
Quote from: WWH44L on April 05, 2023, 10:35:40 AMHi Simon, as there are two streetdecks in the new Bee Network livery, is the plan to repaint more on a weekly basis between now and September? If so, are any other type of vehicle to be repainted ?
We have been agreed to paint most of the vehicles being sold as part of Franchising Tranche 1. So potentially yes.
good morning,
noticed that all of diamond east midlands hasnt been tracking since atleast last tuesday,made it slightly harder to travel into burton on thursday lol
Quote from: EK40 on April 09, 2023, 02:23:22 PMgood morning,
noticed that all of diamond east midlands hasnt been tracking since atleast last tuesday,made it slightly harder to travel into burton on thursday lol
I will get someone to look at why
Hi Simon could you possibly get someone at Kidderminster garage to look at the destination blinds on 30050 as I was on 30050 from Redditch at 15:31 and when we arrived into Bromsgrove there were people waiting to go to Redditch and thought that 30050 was going to Redditch but was going to Kidderminster and the driver said 4 times that he was going to Kidderminster and no one was listening and started to get abusive language from them even though he said the blinds were not working correctly.
Many Thanks.
Does anyone know what happened to the 18:20 from Maypole? It never turned up, although there was 2 diamond buses parked up on the other side of the road with NIS on the blinds.
Hi Simon the driver of 40831 on the 16A was due out at 8:32 but didn't come around till 8:45 , The driver was very rude when I asked for a ticket was shouting at me because I was trying to pay for 2 daysavers with a £10 saying no change , I did say don't worry about the change , he was still very rude making it seem an inconvenience I wanted a ticket ,driver I'd on ticket is 13305 , this man needs some customer service training and a talking aswell
But your other 16A drivers have got good customers service
Quote from: Jack6101 on April 29, 2023, 08:02:06 PMHi Simon the driver of 40831 on the 16A was due out at 8:32 but didn't come around till 8:45 , The driver was very rude when I asked for a ticket was shouting at me because I was trying to pay for 2 daysavers with a £10 saying no change , I did say don't worry about the change , he was still very rude making it seem an inconvenience I wanted a ticket ,driver I'd on ticket is 13305 , this man needs some customer service training and a talking aswell
But your other 16A drivers have got good customers service
Sorry for what you say you have experienced I have passed this through to his ops manager who will look into this.
I hope it doesn't put you off travelling with us in the future
Quote from: Martin on April 29, 2023, 04:04:54 PMHi Simon could you possibly get someone at Kidderminster garage to look at the destination blinds on 30050 as I was on 30050 from Redditch at 15:31 and when we arrived into Bromsgrove there were people waiting to go to Redditch and thought that 30050 was going to Redditch but was going to Kidderminster and the driver said 4 times that he was going to Kidderminster and no one was listening and started to get abusive language from them even though he said the blinds were not working correctly.
Many Thanks.
Thank you for this.
I have passed this onto the engineering manager to look at
Bus in Lichfield today had paper displays was an ex central solo 2088*
Saw 40829 on the 50 several times today no blinds programmed running around with diamond on the blind
Hi Simon.
Looks like the 226 is missing data on the BODS feed (only the 0710 trips and the TfWM tendered trips on a M-F are showing for the Monday to Friday times) and the BODS feed is also still showing the 226A.
Also, what stand does the 226 go from at Merry Hill as it is showing on your site and on the BODS data as stand C, but apparently it is going off stand H according to the stands at Merry Hill.
Having seen the vehicle concerned a couple of times this week, plus I don't know whether there is any official protocol regarding this either, but was there any thought of updating the vehicle painted in the purple & white Queen Elizabeth II livery, to read about King Charles III instead?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 29, 2023, 10:07:46 PMBus in Lichfield today had paper displays was an ex central solo 2088*
Thank you - I will get this looked into and resolved
Quote from: cris 99 on April 29, 2023, 11:29:02 PMSaw 40829 on the 50 several times today no blinds programmed running around with diamond on the blind
I have contacted the depot, for an explanation and asked for them to resolve today
Quote from: the trainbasher on April 29, 2023, 11:31:53 PMHi Simon.
Looks like the 226 is missing data on the BODS feed (only the 0710 trips and the TfWM tendered trips on a M-F are showing for the Monday to Friday times) and the BODS feed is also still showing the 226A.
Also, what stand does the 226 go from at Merry Hill as it is showing on your site and on the BODS data as stand C, but apparently it is going off stand H according to the stands at Merry Hill.
I have contacted our team who deal with this. They will update ASAP
Quote from: Westy on April 29, 2023, 11:51:51 PMHaving seen the vehicle concerned a couple of times this week, plus I don't know whether there is any official protocol regarding this either, but was there any thought of updating the vehicle painted in the purple & white Queen Elizabeth II livery, to read about King Charles III instead?
Not just yet. The livery was supposed to reflect a celebration of the Queens life. At present we should have an ex Johnsons decker and the Johnsons E200 being painted
How come tividale got 13 more buses yet only3 have gone are they short of buses there
Quote from: Solo1 on May 01, 2023, 08:46:47 AMHow come tividale got 13 more buses yet only3 have gone are they short of buses there
No. The movements are around Euro 6 requirements in TfWM area. We have yet to decide what else to redeploy and were to.
Ok thanks do you think some will move to Burton
The blinds on 32227 aren't working. Just displaying diamond buses. Presume as it was recently transferred into tividale
Have 3 more streetdecks come down ? 40819 /27 and another ?
@Jack6101 - check the Rotala Fleetchanges on the Main Page before posting questions like above:
A reminder, this thread is for Rotala Management Q&A's only, i.e only Simon Dunn or Steve Minor to respond to any questions, all other members can reply / discuss elsewhere within other Rotala threads using mentions.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 30, 2023, 06:11:20 AMI have contacted our team who deal with this. They will update ASAP
God help us if it's the same team who were meant to be dealing with the Midland Classic issues in post #3097 as that was reported in October and the majority of those issues still exist.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on May 02, 2023, 07:44:37 AMThe blinds on 32227 aren't working. Just displaying diamond buses. Presume as it was recently transferred into tividale
I believe this has now been corrected
Quote from: Jack6101 on May 02, 2023, 01:01:55 PMHave 3 more streetdecks come down ? 40819 /27 and another ?
@Jack6101 - check the Rotala Fleetchanges on the Main Page before posting questions like above:
Yes. The Mellors that were in the North West short term have also come back
Quote from: IMarkeh on May 06, 2023, 03:50:44 AMGod help us if it's the same team who were meant to be dealing with the Midland Classic issues in post #3097 as that was reported in October and the majority of those issues still exist.
These issues were fixed.
If you check now the issues are resolved. I am told an import for the bank holiday at the time failed which resulted in all the information falling out.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 06, 2023, 06:43:12 AMThese issues were fixed.
If you check now the issues are resolved. I am told an import for the bank holiday at the time failed which resulted in all the information falling out.
Most of the errors in post #3097 are not resolved in the dataset that Ticketer is sending out here: last updated 5th May 2023.
Simon can you get the following buses washed they are filthy looks like they havnt seen the wash in months
Quote from: IMarkeh on May 10, 2023, 11:59:40 AMMost of the errors in post #3097 are not resolved in the dataset that Ticketer is sending out here: last updated 5th May 2023.
I believe this is working. If it isn't please come back to me
Quote from: karl724223 on May 12, 2023, 06:32:25 PMSimon can you get the following buses washed they are filthy looks like they havnt seen the wash in months
I have contacted out Kidderminster depot for explanation
Thank you
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 13, 2023, 06:50:39 AMI believe this is working. If it isn't please come back to me
Data coming through that link is the timetables that are being inputted into the Ticketer portal. Given these issues seem to only ever effect Diamond WM and Midland Classic, it is reasonable to assume that this is a DiamondWM/Midland Classic issue with information that the team are putting into Ticketer.
If you log into the Midland Classic ticketer portal, you should see many of the issues that I have highlighted earlier. Including but not limited to the entries for the V3 simply being a carbon copy of the Burton route 2 but with the route number changed.
Hi Simon can you contact the Tividale Engineering team about 30926 tones of white smoke pouring out the exhaust just saw it on the 32
Quote from: WalsallBuses2007 on May 14, 2023, 02:50:57 PMHi Simon can you contact the Tividale Engineering team about 30926 tones of white smoke pouring out the exhaust just saw it on the 32
I have asked them to look at the vehicle. Thank you
Quote from: karl724223 on May 12, 2023, 06:32:25 PMSimon can you get the following buses washed they are filthy looks like they havnt seen the wash in months
'BLN' still rather dirty . . . . . not having a moan , just an observation.
Should probably check on sn68 aja sounded horrible this morning,axles were so loud they sounded closer to a 1960s EMU and had a horrible knock on idle even the passengers sounded worried getting off the thing lmao
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on May 20, 2023, 09:46:40 PM'BLN' still rather dirty . . . . . not having a moan , just an observation.
We are having to replace the wash - I am assured the vehicle was washed when I said.
Quote from: EK40 on May 22, 2023, 07:45:56 AMShould probably check on sn68 aja sounded horrible this morning,axles were so loud they sounded closer to a 1960s EMU and had a horrible knock on idle even the passengers sounded worried getting off the thing lmao
Thank you
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 26, 2023, 05:57:44 AMWe are having to replace the wash - I am assured the vehicle was washed when I said.
Thanks for your updates. :smiley:
Hi Simon,
It's nice to see working next stop announcements on 23 Preston - Fulwood Asda appearing on B9TL/Streetdecks however I find the audio announcements are a tad quiet whilst the bus is moving so if possible it would be nice to have the audio fine tuned so it can be heard above the engine for those hard of hearing.
Also it's great to see the driver shortage is finally sorted with less cancelled trips now, huge thumbs up!
Kind Regards
Quote from: Stevoj3026 on May 28, 2023, 03:33:52 PMHi Simon,
It's nice to see working next stop announcements on 23 Preston - Fulwood Asda appearing on B9TL/Streetdecks however I find the audio announcements are a tad quiet whilst the bus is moving so if possible it would be nice to have the audio fine tuned so it can be heard above the engine for those hard of hearing.
Also it's great to see the driver shortage is finally sorted with less cancelled trips now, huge thumbs up!
Kind Regards
I will pass on your comments
Destination blinds not working on 20530. At least it has a "paper" route number. :cool:
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on June 02, 2023, 04:58:07 PMDestination blinds not working on 20530. At least it has a "paper" route number. :cool:
Thank you - I will pick this up with the depot
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on June 02, 2023, 04:58:07 PMDestination blinds not working on 20530. At least it has a "paper" route number. :cool:
20531's turn today.
Hi Simon, 33019 at Bolton isn't tracking again. It's out on the 533 again today and did the same last week but you know it's this bus as you can hear it a mile off, sounds like it's stuck in a high gear and hoovers along. Definitely need headphones when it goes past 😋
Quote from: WWH44L on June 07, 2023, 08:16:29 AMHi Simon, 33019 at Bolton isn't tracking again. It's out on the 533 again today and did the same last week but you know it's this bus as you can hear it a mile off, sounds like it's stuck in a high gear and hoovers along. Definitely need headphones when it goes past 😋
I have reported the vehicle to the depot and asked them to look at immediately
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on June 06, 2023, 11:28:29 AM20531's turn today.
Thank you - I have asked the depot to resolve immediately
This morning 40818 went under the railbridge at Sandwell and Dudley trains station (I know they fit) but with the current signage Aren't allowed this was around 6ish as I was getting to the station
Quote from: Jack6101 on June 08, 2023, 09:43:38 AMThis morning 40818 went under the railbridge at Sandwell and Dudley trains station (I know they fit) but with the current signage Aren't allowed this was around 6ish as I was getting to the station
It is allowed. The Road Traffic order excludes buses, so there's no legal reason why it shouldn't
Quote from: Jack6101 on June 08, 2023, 09:43:38 AMThis morning 40818 went under the railbridge at Sandwell and Dudley trains station (I know they fit) but with the current signage Aren't allowed this was around 6ish as I was getting to the station
Thank you.
This has been passed to his depot manager
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 07, 2023, 01:48:27 PMI have reported the vehicle to the depot and asked them to look at immediately
Morning Simon, 33019 still isn't tracking, it's on the 533 again today.
Sounds a little better than it did but still pretty loud.
Evening Simon.
Any chance of Tividale taking a look at 20888 when they have five please?
Came back on it, awful whining, it felt like something was grinding against the axle.
It was so loud, the driver didn't hear the ding for one stop & ended up passing it!
(Still , as I said to the driver, 'Could be worse. Could be one of Chaseriders!')
Quote from: WWH44L on June 15, 2023, 08:20:15 AMMorning Simon, 33019 still isn't tracking, it's on the 533 again today.
Sounds a little better than it did but still pretty loud.
I have reported it to the OM
Quote from: Westy on June 16, 2023, 05:00:10 PMEvening Simon.
Any chance of Tividale taking a look at 20888 when they have five please?
Came back on it, awful whining, it felt like something was grinding against the axle.
It was so loud, the driver didn't hear the ding for one stop & ended up passing it!
(Still , as I said to the driver, 'Could be worse. Could be one of Chaseriders!')
Thank you for the message. I have asked our EM to look at it ASAP
I understand that fares on Diamond Bus in the West Midlands are rising from 3rd July 2023. Will these be similar to the new fares NX are planning to introduce?
Quote from: Rachvince53 on June 22, 2023, 03:37:12 PMI understand that fares on Diamond Bus in the West Midlands are rising from 3rd July 2023. Will these be similar to the new fares NX are planning to introduce?
On Tuesday there is an Enhanced Partnership vote. It is expected that this vote will pass. This will then mean that the West Midlands bus tickets from a Day Ticket to an Annual Ticket will be multi operator (unless they are cross boundary).
We therefore expect that all tickets prices will be the same from 3rd July 2023.
At present we have put out a holding statement - because until this vote is passed - nothing is 100% certain.
You haven't asked this question - but the escalation in operating costs means that the fare increases need to go through. There is not enough income in the market to sustain the current service provision. TfWM have Bus Service Improvement Plan money which spans until March 2025 - this repurposed money/ BSOG plus and the fare increases proposed should create a more stable provision. Fares will need to be reviewed again, on a periodic basis.
14:31 54 from Hamstead Village has failed to operate. Any idea why?
Quote from: Jack on June 26, 2023, 02:38:22 PM14:31 54 from Hamstead Village has failed to operate. Any idea why?
I am advised we needed to change the vehicle
Hi Simon,
It's being reported by unofficial sources that Diamond South East have lost the 458, 557, 616, 663 and 814 to other operators following Surrey County Council retendering (no mention of 555). I was just wondering if you were able/prepared to confirm is this is or isn't accurate?
Thanks in advance,
Quote from: Damo on June 27, 2023, 08:12:59 PMHi Simon,
It's being reported by unofficial sources that Diamond South East have lost the 458, 557, 616, 663 and 814 to other operators following Surrey County Council retendering (no mention of 555). I was just wondering if you were able/prepared to confirm is this is or isn't accurate?
Thanks in advance,
Yes, on retender we have lost these services.
Not surprised profits not as high when you got the driver of 32233 on the 20:30 31 letting passengers on for free just waving them forward nothing wrong with the ticket machine as people could scan just waved past people with money hope this driver can have a little bit of a talking to
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 17, 2023, 05:24:14 AMI have reported it to the OM
Morning Simon, 33019 at Bolton is still not tracking. Last tracked on 22nd May but it's out again today on the 533 service. Not sure what the issue with it is though.
Quote from: WalsallBuses2007 on July 03, 2023, 08:36:20 PMNot surprised profits not as high when you got the driver of 32233 on the 20:30 31 letting passengers on for free just waving them forward nothing wrong with the ticket machine as people could scan just waved past people with money hope this driver can have a little bit of a talking to
we will review CCTV
Quote from: WWH44L on July 05, 2023, 08:25:53 AMMorning Simon, 33019 at Bolton is still not tracking. Last tracked on 22nd May but it's out again today on the 533 service. Not sure what the issue with it is though.
We have been awaiting parts. I am advised it should be back in service tomorrow
What is happening with 30833 & 30834 will these be reinstated at Kidderminster or Redditch or will some vehicles be going to Preston Bus
Quote from: hlliwmai on July 10, 2023, 05:42:27 PMWhat is happening with 30833 & 30834 will these be reinstated at Kidderminster or Redditch or will some vehicles be going to Preston Bus
There is no intention at this time to reinstate these vehicles
Any reason why a bus due at xx:10 pulls onto a layover at 08 past and sits there talking to drivers, and decides to pull into the stand 8 minutes late? 226 13:10 from Dudley if you want to check.
This sort of driver behaviour does nothing for the sustainability of the route.
How come 30813 on the 302 was running out of Kidderminster towards Bewdley with nothing on the destination display at all.
Seems to be a common thing with Kidderminster vehicles not to have working destination displays.
Can I congratulate the driver of 20051, in avoiding what could have been a nasty collision at the Sneyd Lane / Cresswell Crescent in Bloxwich earlier.
Approaching the junction, some silly driver decided to pull out in-between him & a parked up Nx vehicle at the stop, taking up his stopping/braking room, so emergency stop time!
(By the way, same vehicle's front display wasn't working though!)
Quote from: bususer12 on July 12, 2023, 01:21:42 PMAny reason why a bus due at xx:10 pulls onto a layover at 08 past and sits there talking to drivers, and decides to pull into the stand 8 minutes late? 226 13:10 from Dudley if you want to check.
This sort of driver behaviour does nothing for the sustainability of the route.
I have shared your comments - we will investigate this. Thank you
Quote from: 2206 on July 12, 2023, 08:36:02 PMHow come 30813 on the 302 was running out of Kidderminster towards Bewdley with nothing on the destination display at all.
Seems to be a common thing with Kidderminster vehicles not to have working destination displays.
I have shared your comments with the Operations and Engineering Manager. I have asked them to come back to me on this.
Thank you
Quote from: Westy on July 12, 2023, 08:49:24 PMCan I congratulate the driver of 20051, in avoiding what could have been a nasty collision at the Sneyd Lane / Cresswell Crescent in Bloxwich earlier.
Approaching the junction, some silly driver decided to pull out in-between him & a parked up Nx vehicle at the stop, taking up his stopping/braking room, so emergency stop time!
(By the way, same vehicle's front display wasn't working though!)
Thank you. I will pick up the destination comment on with our Engineering team at Tividale.
What is happening to 40630? It has been off the road since feb
Can you confirm which way service 57 and 17 and 17A will run when Moss Grove Kingswinford is closed from Monday 24th July to 1st September?
Quote from: Ryan Hack on July 19, 2023, 04:10:21 PMWhat is happening to 40630? It has been off the road since feb
The vehicle is undergoing repair
Hi Simon,
Looks like Burton's 31432 does not have a working destination while working the 1205 Derby-Derby 70 today.
Quote from: Rachvince53 on July 20, 2023, 11:10:17 AMCan you confirm which way service 57 and 17 and 17A will run when Moss Grove Kingswinford is closed from Monday 24th July to 1st September?
Below is the diversion communication by Dudley Borough Council.
DUDLEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCILROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT, 1984 SECTION 14 (1)(AS AMENDED BY THE ROAD TRAFFIC(TEMPORARY RESTRICTIONS) ACT, 1991) TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE OF MOSS GROVE, KINGSWINFORD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Moss Grove, Kingswinford will be closed to vehicular traffic. the duration of this restriction is anticipated to from 9:30am on Monday 24th July 2023 until 8pm on Friday 1st September 2023 The extent of the restriction will be from: The junction Summer Hill to the junction of Waterford Road All vehicular traffic will be diverted via: Diversion Route: Summer Hill, Swindon Road, Kidderminster Road, High Street, Holbeach Road, Wolverhampton Road, and vice versa The restriction is required to safely replace a gas main
Quote from: twbc99 on July 26, 2023, 06:26:27 PMHi Simon,
Looks like Burton's 31432 does not have a working destination while working the 1205 Derby-Derby 70 today.
Thank you - I have picked this up with the depot
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 27, 2023, 06:25:52 AMBelow is the diversion communication by Dudley Borough Council.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Moss Grove, Kingswinford will be closed to vehicular traffic. the duration of this restriction is anticipated to from 9:30am on Monday 24th July 2023 until 8pm on Friday 1st September 2023
The extent of the restriction will be from: The junction Summer Hill to the junction of Waterford Road
All vehicular traffic will be diverted via: Diversion Route: Summer Hill, Swindon Road, Kidderminster Road, High Street, Holbeach Road, Wolverhampton Road, and vice versa
The restriction is required to safely replace a gas main
No front destination display on 20530 - paper route number on display though. [202]. Not able to check side and rear displays as the bus pulled up behind me whilst I was driving. :smiley:
Hi Simon,
Can you confirm that all your West Midlands vehicles should have had all their Ticketer systems updated to accept direct debit passes issued by NX Bus?
I had a comment left on my website today from someone who has an NX Bus+metro direct debit pass, but it apparently wasn't validated on either your 4 or 16A services they tried to travel on.
I personally have an NX Regional Travelcard DD pass on a Swift card, and while I haven't had an opportunity to use it on any Diamond service yet, I did use it on Stagecoach's 169 service on Monday and it was accepted with no issues.
If you need any further details I can try and request them for you.
Thanks in advance!
Quote from: Stu on July 27, 2023, 07:05:51 PMHi Simon,
Can you confirm that all your West Midlands vehicles should have had all their Ticketer systems updated to accept direct debit passes issued by NX Bus?
I had a comment left on my website today from someone who has an NX Bus+metro direct debit pass, but it apparently wasn't validated on either your 4 or 16A services they tried to travel on.
I personally have an NX Regional Travelcard DD pass on a Swift card, and while I haven't had an opportunity to use it on any Diamond service yet, I did use it on Stagecoach's 169 service on Monday and it was accepted with no issues.
If you need any further details I can try and request them for you.
Thanks in advance!
To answer your question, John Hurst says that the NBus product is being phased out. This is incorrect. The NBus product will be the only day/ week/ month/ annual product - which will be accepted across all operators in the West Midlands.
That being said NX like ourselves have services which operate cross boundary. I understand that NX will sell a product which is cross boundary/ and potentially this may not be accepted (it will be more money) - there is a lot of confusion about what can/ can't be done. TfWM have a marketing campaign which is due to start to help educate people accordingly.
So if a passenger has a NX DD TfWM area pass - then our machines have been set up to accept the passes these refer to.
Hi Simon,
The Diamond South East upcoming changes page references new Heathrow services H21, N30, 459 and 710 along with the wording "All service information, maps, fares and times can be found in the timetable page here (link to (", however upon clicking that link it only seems to show the current services. Am I missing something, or has there been a bit of a premature posting/delayed adding on the website?
Thanks in advance,
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 27, 2023, 08:17:09 PMTo answer your question, John Hurst says that the NBus product is being phased out. This is incorrect. The NBus product will be the only day/ week/ month/ annual product - which will be accepted across all operators in the West Midlands.
So if a passenger has a NX DD TfWM area pass - then our machines have been set up to accept the passes these refer to.
Thanks for the clarification, I do think they meant 'NX Bus' rather than 'nBus' in their comment, either that or someone is giving them 'duff information'.
I can confirm that I did travel on your 50 service today from Kings Heath to Maypole, and my NX DD Regional Travelcard was accepted with no issue.
I will take the opportunity to point out that while I did enjoy my journey on your Optare Metrodecker 40845, the upper deck front left seat had its seat base removed and was on the floor. Not sure if that was the reason why this bus was seemingly later taken out of service.
Also, it might be too early to say, but would you say that passenger loadings have increased on the 50 since the ticketing changes at the start of this month?
Quote from: Stu on July 29, 2023, 07:28:06 PMThanks for the clarification, I do think they meant 'NX Bus' rather than 'nBus' in their comment, either that or someone is giving them 'duff information'.
I can confirm that I did travel on your 50 service today from Kings Heath to Maypole, and my NX DD Regional Travelcard was accepted with no issue.
I will take the opportunity to point out that while I did enjoy my journey on your Optare Metrodecker 40845, the upper deck front left seat had its seat base removed and was on the floor. Not sure if that was the reason why this bus was seemingly later taken out of service.
Also, it might be too early to say, but would you say that passenger loadings have increased on the 50 since the ticketing changes at the start of this month?
Thank you for the message.
Since the ticketing changes happened, we have moved into the quieter time of the year, so it isn't easy to see what is happening
Hi Simon
I use your 96 service from erdington daily the last few weeks been using the earlier services and just wanted to raise an incident that happened on monday 24th.
I was trying to catch the 4:48 service which i could see parked up well i assumed it was that one after realising it wasnt going to pull round to us i started to walk over to realise the driver was fast asleep in the drivers seat i did manage to get the number 32229
At this the 5:18 bus came round which was on time and driver which i have caught his bus quite alot is fantastic so made up alittle bit for being late.
I dont know if the bus had issues so thats why it didnt run put im guessing the driverbeing asleep isnt good optics. I caught the same service again later int the week with that driver and he looked half asleep so dont know if its a driver issue.
I did try calling customers service and the was going to post on twitter put thought it was more appropriate to post on here for you.
Quote from: Damo on July 28, 2023, 05:12:30 PMHi Simon,
The Diamond South East upcoming changes page references new Heathrow services H21, N30, 459 and 710 along with the wording "All service information, maps, fares and times can be found in the timetable page here (link to (", however upon clicking that link it only seems to show the current services. Am I missing something, or has there been a bit of a premature posting/delayed adding on the website?
Thanks in advance,
This will be updated tomorrow.
Quote from: Hayes on July 30, 2023, 12:13:14 AMHi Simon
I use your 96 service from erdington daily the last few weeks been using the earlier services and just wanted to raise an incident that happened on monday 24th.
I was trying to catch the 4:48 service which i could see parked up well i assumed it was that one after realising it wasnt going to pull round to us i started to walk over to realise the driver was fast asleep in the drivers seat i did manage to get the number 32229
At this the 5:18 bus came round which was on time and driver which i have caught his bus quite alot is fantastic so made up alittle bit for being late.
I dont know if the bus had issues so thats why it didnt run put im guessing the driverbeing asleep isnt good optics. I caught the same service again later int the week with that driver and he looked half asleep so dont know if its a driver issue.
I did try calling customers service and the was going to post on twitter put thought it was more appropriate to post on here for you.
We are aware of this incident. The driver involved is the subject of our disciplinary process.
When is the works on the Preston Bus depot due to start last I read online they was approved by the council?
Quote from: Ryan Hack on July 31, 2023, 01:54:03 PMWhen is the works on the Preston Bus depot due to start last I read online they was approved by the council?
Like with most things in life - nothing is straight forward. It has taken time to clear up section 106 requirements, there is a parcel of land owned by the City Council - which we have had to come to an agreement on and we have various searches/ land investigations going on to enable the creation of accurate prices and project plan.
We expect base case to start January 2024
Has Rotala received payment for the vehicles sold to De-Luxe Coaches
* 30638
* 30929
* 30878
* 30879
* 30970
* 40518
Quote from: hlliwmai on July 31, 2023, 07:36:04 PMHas Rotala received payment for the vehicles sold to De-Luxe Coaches
* 30638
* 30929
* 30878
* 30879
* 30970
* 40518
I don't think that is the business of anyone on here
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 31, 2023, 07:16:00 PMRyan
Like with most things in life - nothing is straight forward. It has taken time to clear up section 106 requirements, there is a parcel of land owned by the City Council - which we have had to come to an agreement on and we have various searches/ land investigations going on to enable the creation of accurate prices and project plan.
We expect base case to start January 2024
Thank You
Would be nice to see some sort of event for once its all done to show it all off to the Public
21211 seems only able to display the first digit of a service number, eg 3 - Bloxwich via Willenhall, instead of 326 Bloxwich via Willenhall!
40819 not tracking since it left Manchester in April.
Quote from: midlandred2003 on August 03, 2023, 04:57:02 PM40819 not tracking since it left Manchester in April.
This is now corrected
@Simon Dunn I would like to bring to your attention to the fact I was waiting in Halesowen Bus Station earlier this afternoon (04/08) for the 14:37 4H to Walsall I was watching the bus on bustimes (30706; 14:28 journey ex Hayley Green) the bus DID NOT serve the bus station as you will see on the tracking data; the bus came to the roundabout at the bottom of Hagley Road (by Lidl) and turned right back towards Shenstone Island, it wasn't just me waiting. There was quite a crowd in the bus station and I had to wait a further 30 mins for another Diamond 4H to Walsall to arrive, I did not get the NX 4H for the fact that most of the passengers that were waiting for (30706) ended up getting on that one thus meaning it got full quite quick. Upon further investigation it appears that 30706 returned to depot. I was wondering whether you could look into this as it was quite frustrating having to delay my journey.
Quote from: hlliwmai on August 04, 2023, 11:38:46 PM@Simon Dunn
I would like to bring to your attention to the fact I was waiting in Halesowen Bus Station earlier this afternoon (04/08) for the 14:37 4H to Walsall I was watching the bus on bustimes (30706; 14:28 journey ex Hayley Green) the bus DID NOT serve the bus station as you will see on the tracking data; the bus came to the roundabout at the bottom of Hagley Road (by Lidl) and turned right back towards Shenstone Island, it wasn't just me waiting. There was quite a crowd in the bus station and I had to wait a further 30 mins for another Diamond 4H to Walsall to arrive, I did not get the NX 4H for the fact that most of the passengers that were waiting for (30706) ended up getting on that one thus meaning it got full quite quick. Upon further investigation it appears that 30706 returned to depot. I was wondering whether you could look into this as it was quite frustrating having to delay my journey.
I will refer this to the OM for immediate action.
Thank you
I was on 20912 earlier on the 202, which is running round with 30823 ticket machine and is showing as 30823 on bustimes and the diamond website tracker, just thought to make somewhere aware to update the details
Thanks :smiley:
Quote from: LiamsTransport1 on August 09, 2023, 01:16:46 PMHello,
I was on 20912 earlier on the 202, which is running round with 30823 ticket machine and is showing as 30823 on bustimes and the diamond website tracker, just thought to make somewhere aware to update the details
Thanks :smiley:
I will ask the depot to update this.
Hi Simon,
Please can you speak to Traveline NOC team to update the NOC Database for Midland Classic. Your NOC code MDCL is still showing contact details for Midland Classic (including website and twitter etc).
Quote from: IMarkeh on August 09, 2023, 08:23:38 PMHi Simon,
Please can you speak to Traveline NOC team to update the NOC Database for Midland Classic. Your NOC code MDCL is still showing contact details for Midland Classic (including website and twitter etc).
We have asked Traveline to update
Hi Simon according to bus times there appears to be 2 buses running the 20:25 Airport to kingstanding trip, the Mellor I've seen at the airport but there's also a streetlite tracking from chelmsley wood running just behind the Mellor. I don't regularly use bustimes so not sure if it's fake tracking or not but found it odd.
20051 on the 326 - No front destination display.
(By the way, was the Mellor I reported on the other week fixed, as Ive seen no reply yet?)
Quote from: Lukeee on August 11, 2023, 09:44:26 PMHi Simon according to bus times there appears to be 2 buses running the 20:25 Airport to kingstanding trip, the Mellor I've seen at the airport but there's also a streetlite tracking from chelmsley wood running just behind the Mellor. I don't regularly use bustimes so not sure if it's fake tracking or not but found it odd.
I cannot see two tracking on our systems at this point.
Quote from: Westy on August 14, 2023, 04:00:56 PM20051 on the 326 - No front destination display.
(By the way, was the Mellor I reported on the other week fixed, as Ive seen no reply yet?)
I have asked our engineers to check the vehicle tonight.
Over the last few days - we have been undertaking updates to deal with some Mellor blind issues. They should all be okay now.
Hi Simon,
I have heard rumours that in October Diamond are loosing the following routes;
74 Walsall - Gillity Village
326 Bilston - Bloxwich
Would you be able to confirm if this correct? I understand of course if you're unable to disclose as yet.
Quote from: hlliwmai on August 14, 2023, 09:37:32 PMHi Simon,
I have heard rumours that in October Diamond are loosing the following routes;
74 Walsall - Gillity Village
326 Bilston - Bloxwich
Would you be able to confirm if this correct? I understand of course if you're unable to disclose as yet.
We have lost the following from October
96 - Day time.
002 Sundays
530 Evenings and Sundays
We have not lost the 326.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 15, 2023, 06:47:41 AMWe have lost the following from October
96 - Day time.
002 Sundays
530 Evenings and Sundays
We have not lost the 326.
Thanks for that
@Simon Dunn, I don't suppose you know who is going to operate these routes once Diamond come off them?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 15, 2023, 06:47:41 AMWe have lost the following from October
96 - Day time.
I was not expecting that, do you know which operator has gotten the 96 (daytime)?
Quote from: GoldenSquid on August 15, 2023, 12:51:31 PMI was not expecting that, do you know which operator has gotten the 96 (daytime)?
I am sorry - until the information is released by TfWM I am unable to comment further.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 16, 2023, 07:01:15 AMI am sorry - until the information is released by TfWM I am unable to comment further.
That's all good, is there any chance the evenings will have a timetable change as it is very over-timed from Chelmsley Wood to Birmingham Airport, as I have seen some drivers sitting at stops for 10 minutes or even leaving 10 minutes late from the Airport so they don't have to wait.
Quote from: GoldenSquid on August 16, 2023, 07:10:06 PMThat's all good, is there any chance the evenings will have a timetable change as it is very over-timed from Chelmsley Wood to Birmingham Airport, as I have seen some drivers sitting at stops for 10 minutes or even leaving 10 minutes late from the Airport so they don't have to wait.
We agree. We have been discussing this with TfWM - we have put forward a timetable revision and are awaiting feedback to action this.
How long do the oldest Volvos at Preston (69146/9/59/64/86) have left?
Quote from: Ryan Hack on August 18, 2023, 11:14:26 AMHow long do the oldest Volvos at Preston (69146/9/59/64/86) have left?
The PVR in Preston is 73, and we have 91 vehicles in fleet. We don't need this number of spares. You would like to think we should be able to remove all 5 vehicles.
Across the business we are pooling vehicles for the Manchester changes coming on 24/09/23.
The interim fleet requirements will pull vehicles from across the vehicles. Post this requirement, i expect we will review the use of older like the Volvo's.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 18, 2023, 12:58:48 PMThe PVR in Preston is 73, and we have 91 vehicles in fleet. We don't need this number of spares. You would like to think we should be able to remove all 5 vehicles.
Across the business we are pooling vehicles for the Manchester changes coming on 24/09/23.
The interim fleet requirements will pull vehicles from across the vehicles. Post this requirement, i expect we will review the use of older like the Volvo's.
Could any of those Volvo's come to any of the West Midlands depots?
Not really. The emission requirements means we already have more than enough none Euro 6 vehicles.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 18, 2023, 12:58:48 PMThe PVR in Preston is 73, and we have 91 vehicles in fleet. We don't need this number of spares. You would like to think we should be able to remove all 5 vehicles.
Across the business we are pooling vehicles for the Manchester changes coming on 24/09/23.
The interim fleet requirements will pull vehicles from across the vehicles. Post this requirement, i expect we will review the use of older like the Volvo's.
Ok. thank you i hope there will be as little cut backs and cancellations as possible before buses get withdrawn,
For example the 19 at 16:00- 16:30 heading to Preston bus station while Preston College is open can and dose get full or near full so if a run between those times gets cancelled it would mean that there would be a higher chance of a bus getting full meaning that some people need to wait for the next bus
Quote from: Ryan Hack on August 20, 2023, 10:57:41 PMOk. thank you i hope there will be as little cut backs and cancellations as possible before buses get withdrawn,
For example the 19 at 16:00- 16:30 heading to Preston bus station while Preston College is open can and dose get full or near full so if a run between those times gets cancelled it would mean that there would be a higher chance of a bus getting full meaning that some people need to wait for the next bus
We have more than enough vehicles to run full service across all the depots.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 16, 2023, 07:01:15 AMI am sorry - until the information is released by TfWM I am unable to comment further.
Can we have the new 96 timetable for September please ?
1. How come the last number 8 to Bewdley from Parry Road today scheduled 18:58 cut the route short not serving this stop. Surely the last service should always operate on all routes in order to not leave passengers stranded? I was waiting for this and found out it wasn't coming on bus times.
2. The 13:28 service earlier in the day was also skipped out.
3. Stop conditions in the area seem in generally poor condition. The Jubilee Drive stop doesn't even have a proper bus stop, the Parry Road stop has the old service 1 number on it and says something like "First improving travel" on it. With no timetable information available at either stop.
4. Personally I wondered would merging the Rifle Range service with a Stourport service work either as a 3A or sending the 15 via there?
Quote from: Steve3229vp on August 21, 2023, 12:12:46 PMCan we have the new 96 timetable for September please ?
I believe the Timetable is now on our website.
Quote from: 2206 on August 21, 2023, 09:38:36 PM1. How come the last number 8 to Bewdley from Parry Road today scheduled 18:58 cut the route short not serving this stop. Surely the last service should always operate on all routes in order to not leave passengers stranded? I was waiting for this and found out it wasn't coming on bus times.
2. The 13:28 service earlier in the day was also skipped out.
3. Stop conditions in the area seem in generally poor condition. The Jubilee Drive stop doesn't even have a proper bus stop, the Parry Road stop has the old service 1 number on it and says something like "First improving travel" on it. With no timetable information available at either stop.
4. Personally I wondered would merging the Rifle Range service with a Stourport service work either as a 3A or sending the 15 via there?
As a result of the bridge works in Bewdley we are experiencing substantial traffic delays. The impact, and the direction of works has not yet been decided. We have put in place an initial three week plan which is communicated on our website and going on our buses in the next few days.
In terms of Bus Stops - we have asked on numerous occasions to be able to take control of the stops. We have the equipment to manage the stops like we do in Burton. However, the ownership of the stops is unclear, we have asked for permission to remove/ hand back and replace.
WCC prefer to roll out technology on stops - and we are working with them to deliver on their strategy.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 22, 2023, 08:10:42 PMI believe the Timetable is now on our website.
I've look on the 4th September service changes page, there's a new timetable for the A15 but not for the 96.
Quote from: hlliwmai on August 15, 2023, 11:10:55 AMThanks for that @Simon Dunn, I don't suppose you know who is going to operate these routes once Diamond come off them?
Simon, do you have any idea when the sk63 plate streetlites will be entering service and what garages they will be going to?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 22, 2023, 08:17:02 PMAs a result of the bridge works in Bewdley we are experiencing substantial traffic delays. The impact, and the direction of works has not yet been decided. We have put in place an initial three week plan which is communicated on our website and going on our buses in the next few days.
In terms of Bus Stops - we have asked on numerous occasions to be able to take control of the stops. We have the equipment to manage the stops like we do in Burton. However, the ownership of the stops is unclear, we have asked for permission to remove/ hand back and replace.
WCC prefer to roll out technology on stops - and we are working with them to deliver on their strategy.
Having used the Rifle Range 8 on a number of occasions recently I notice there seem to be a number of stops missed of the stop list/route map on the Diamond Website. These being located on Stretton Road, Greatfield Road and Sutton Road. On each occasion I have used it the bus has stopped at these stops.
There seem to be a few elderly people who travel round the whole rifle range circle to get to these stops. Operating in both directions rather than as a loop would probably be beneficial I think.
Quote from: MX05WHR-Enjoyer on August 24, 2023, 08:45:48 PMSimon, do you have any idea when the sk63 plate streetlites will be entering service and what garages they will be going to?
2 are for Eccles, and I think 9 will go to Kidderminster.
What happened to the funding passed to Rotala for the 582 which was initially awarded to First in 2019. I'm aware you were trialing electric vehicles for the route and then all went quiet. I imagine this had something to do with the franchising pot of funding?
Quote from: 2206 on August 26, 2023, 09:21:12 PMThankyou.
Having used the Rifle Range 8 on a number of occasions recently I notice there seem to be a number of stops missed of the stop list/route map on the Diamond Website. These being located on Stretton Road, Greatfield Road and Sutton Road. On each occasion I have used it the bus has stopped at these stops.
There seem to be a few elderly people who travel round the whole rifle range circle to get to these stops. Operating in both directions rather than as a loop would probably be beneficial I think.
The rifle range, isn't very well used for the resource that is currently deployed. It would therefore be difficult to increase frequency.
Quote from: AlexW480 on August 28, 2023, 11:08:32 PMSimon,
What happened to the funding passed to Rotala for the 582 which was initially awarded to First in 2019. I'm aware you were trialing electric vehicles for the route and then all went quiet. I imagine this had something to do with the franchising pot of funding?
We looked at the funding. The position with Franchising, the unknown nature at the time on how vehicles in a RV pool would be treated, made it difficult to consider investment in Electric vehicles.
I do wonder about some of the drivers currently employed and how much lost mileage you are incurring as a result. Take 30715 for example today. Parked in Halesowen for over 2 hours NIS was on the 4H. No issues from what I could see. This seems to be a regular occurrence with buses only doing part route too. Are you still short staffed?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on September 02, 2023, 07:46:26 PMI do wonder about some of the drivers currently employed and how much lost mileage you are incurring as a result. Take 30715 for example today. Parked in Halesowen for over 2 hours NIS was on the 4H. No issues from what I could see. This seems to be a regular occurrence with buses only doing part route too. Are you still short staffed?
The driver churn is extremely high, this started during COVID and the escalation in wage rates has also played a part.
Overall we have sufficient numbers of drivers. We train a substantial number from car license to PCV, and although we lose drivers to other operators like NX we trade more or less the same number. The churn though is massive.
In this churn we spend time training, monitoring performance, and we daily look through data on operated journeys, early operation, and excessive later operation.
There are routes which have been badly affected by roadworks, and there has been a large number of unnotified occurrences of this. The impact of these roadworks is inconsistent.
With regards to what you have identified - although we review all this data - the truth is there is a mammoth amount to look at, and we rely upon feedback to help pin point potential problems.
Now I have your message, I will get one of our Assistant Operations Managers to review.
Thank you
just seen a video online of a diamond bus in a workshop that has slipped off the mobile jacks, i hope every one involved is ok ,its very sobering to watch, having a back ground in the motor trade i have seen cars fall off ramps with serious fatal out comes.
Quote from: 2900 on September 08, 2023, 11:33:09 AMjust seen a video online of a diamond bus in a workshop that has slipped off the mobile jacks, i hope every one involved is ok ,its very sobering to watch, having a back ground in the motor trade i have seen cars fall off ramps with serious fatal out comes.
This was many months ago
Can I ask where I stand legally on this please?
My Swiftcard today was accepted on a Diamond 31, an Nx 529 this morning & a Nx 31 this afternoon, but not the Diamond 326.
I say your machine on the 326 vehicle wasnt working correctly, but the driver said he'd had no problems.
For the record, despite the Swiftcard being dual branded for Nx & Swift, the pass has never had any Nx only products loaded on it, only Nbus products.
I stood my ground, helped by a fellow passenger shouting 'Let him on driver!', & he let me sit down, but I even showed him the receipt from the Swiftcard machine & he was still debating to let me on or not, but I don't see why I had to have this conversation.
It's not my fault your machine is not accepting my pass.
I've paid & kept my receipt, which should prove my right to travel!
I was even prepared to show him on the Swift collector app, that the card was working.
(The pass was even renewed on Wednesday for the next month, starting on Monday, so I know it was working!)
have the 2 versa's at tamworth been withdrawn as not tracked from early august & 37000 when will that entrer service as last tracked may thank you
Quote from: Tony on September 08, 2023, 11:51:18 AMThis was many months ago
I cannot remember when, but I believe this incident happened over a year ago. Maybe 2-3.
Quote from: Westy on September 08, 2023, 05:18:42 PMCan I ask where I stand legally on this please?
My Swiftcard today was accepted on a Diamond 31, an Nx 529 this morning & a Nx 31 this afternoon, but not the Diamond 326.
I say your machine on the 326 vehicle wasnt working correctly, but the driver said he'd had no problems.
For the record, despite the Swiftcard being dual branded for Nx & Swift, the pass has never had any Nx only products loaded on it, only Nbus products.
I stood my ground, helped by a fellow passenger shouting 'Let him on driver!', & he let me sit down, but I even showed him the receipt from the Swiftcard machine & he was still debating to let me on or not, but I don't see why I had to have this conversation.
It's not my fault your machine is not accepting my pass.
I've paid & kept my receipt, which should prove my right to travel!
I was even prepared to show him on the Swift collector app, that the card was working.
(The pass was even renewed on Wednesday for the next month, starting on Monday, so I know it was working!)
Can you email a copy of your card, specific journey details, and vehicle registration number/ fleet number if you have it for the trip which didn't accept your card.
From this, I will be able to trace the card being accepted/ and which vehicle that didn't accept.
Once I have this, I can look at the facts. If I am honest, I see every complaint and this is not something I have seen complained about before. Historically such occurrences have been highlighted as passenger not acquiring the correct pass. It would be difficult to believe this is the case, in this circumstance.
Quote from: Solo1 on September 09, 2023, 07:47:59 AMhave the 2 versa's at tamworth been withdrawn as not tracked from early august & 37000 when will that entrer service as last tracked may thank you
30969 is still in service
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 12, 2023, 07:05:39 AMJust 30969
Oh so that's the only left then apart from 30967 at Burton
Dear Simon,
I ask when is the Rotala group going to take bus open data seriously? Numerous failings have been highlighted in this thread and yet for some unbeknown reason, they are rarely fixed and more and more issues keep coming up. As a group, you must surely see the benefits of giving passengers the correct information so that they can make their journeys. More passengers means more revenue and higher profits, is that not your goal? Given the potential punishment for not complying with bus open data and giving correct information can lead to action taken against your operators licence, it seems that even the risk of losing ops discs is not enough for you to properly comply.
Quote from: IMarkeh on September 12, 2023, 01:35:55 PMDear Simon,
I ask when is the Rotala group going to take bus open data seriously? Numerous failings have been highlighted in this thread and yet for some unbeknown reason, they are rarely fixed and more and more issues keep coming up. As a group, you must surely see the benefits of giving passengers the correct information so that they can make their journeys. More passengers means more revenue and higher profits, is that not your goal? Given the potential punishment for not complying with bus open data and giving correct information can lead to action taken against your operators licence, it seems that even the risk of losing ops discs is not enough for you to properly comply.
I note your comments and agree accurate data is important. We have ongoing issues and engagement with Ticketer/ BODS,. Most these problems require developer engagement which we are working with.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2023, 09:07:37 AMI note your comments and agree accurate data is important. We have ongoing issues and engagement with Ticketer/ BODS,. Most these problems require developer engagement which we are working with.
Given the specific problems that are being experienced are pretty exclusive to Diamond Midlands and South East and given the issues only seem to exist on some routes, it seems strange that the issues need more engagement from developers.
I hope that the issues get resolved quickly as these data issues have gone on for far too long and I know that I, as well as many others, can't plan journeys as the data is too much of a mess and Bushubs website platform is absolutely awful.
What are the plans for long term replacement of the Solos, as I know to at least 2 breakdowns recently when waiting for a 326, in fact the one vehicle I spotted today was parked up on Straight Road between New Invention & Lane Head.
(This obviously creates a knock on effect with 2 lots of passengers on one vehicle!)
Is the plan to acquire more Mellors in the long run, or is there another vehicle type being considered instead?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 15, 2023, 06:47:41 AMWe have lost the following from October
530 Evenings and Sundays
Hi Simon,
In light of the above, could you confirm if what TfWM has published today on their website is an error?
Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 17-47-08 Upcoming Bus Service Changes.png
I would assume they meant that Diamond would no longer be operating this service after 5:30pm Monday to Saturday, with Banga continuing to provide the daytime service, and NX West Midlands taking over Sunday journeys.
Quote from: Westy on September 27, 2023, 11:00:23 PMWhat are the plans for long term replacement of the Solos, as I know to at least 2 breakdowns recently when waiting for a 326, in fact the one vehicle I spotted today was parked up on Straight Road between New Invention & Lane Head.
(This obviously creates a knock on effect with 2 lots of passengers on one vehicle!)
Is the plan to acquire more Mellors in the long run, or is there another vehicle type being considered instead?
We have been buying some Mercedes Sprinter - not Mellor conversations elsewhere. We will look to continue to do that. From October our PVR will drop with the loss of the 96 (day time)/ 20/21, 74. we have a number of Mellors which expire leases at this time, so we will remove the equivalent number.
Quote from: Stu on September 28, 2023, 05:52:17 PMHi Simon,
In light of the above, could you confirm if what TfWM has published today on their website is an error?
Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 17-47-08 Upcoming Bus Service Changes.png
I would assume they meant that Diamond would no longer be operating this service after 5:30pm Monday to Saturday, with Banga continuing to provide the daytime service, and NX West Midlands taking over Sunday journeys.
I cannot comment on what is happening with the 530, other than we no longer have a contract to operate it.
Are there any plans to update bus open data to include the new 292 timetable? Also are there any updates on the issues which you were having with the many other services as it is leading to regular confusion with passengers who are relying on journey planners which use your open data?
Quote from: IMarkeh on October 06, 2023, 12:27:28 PMAre there any plans to update bus open data to include the new 292 timetable? Also are there any updates on the issues which you were having with the many other services as it is leading to regular confusion with passengers who are relying on journey planners which use your open data?
We have published the service in its normal manner, for some reason it has not updated. We are going to republish now.
Which route is the 292 supposed to take leaving Kidderminster. The Diamond website and Bus Times show its supposed to stop at Oxford Street, then take the ring road round to Coventry Street.
30050 didn't serve this stop this afternoon on leaving Kidderminster turning left onto Marlborough Street just before.
30050 - YJ66 APU – Diamond Bus – (
No idea if you can rely on route maps on the Diamond Website though, the 8 route map still shows it to serve the full length of Poplar Road. When it actually stops on Stretton Road and Greatfield Road.
Quote from: 2206 on October 11, 2023, 08:48:51 PMWhich route is the 292 supposed to take leaving Kidderminster. The Diamond website and Bus Times show its supposed to stop at Oxford Street, then take the ring road round to Coventry Street.
30050 didn't serve this stop this afternoon on leaving Kidderminster turning left onto Marlborough Street just before.
30050 - YJ66 APU – Diamond Bus – (
No idea if you can rely on route maps on the Diamond Website though, the 8 route map still shows it to serve the full length of Poplar Road. When it actually stops on Stretton Road and Greatfield Road.
I believe this has been updated now.
The blinds may need updating on this one as its advertising old fares (
Hi Simon,
You have probably been asked before but I'm just wondering if 20029 (the last remaining vehicle in Johnsons livery) will be painted? This maybe a daft question I know because of the age as I'm assuming this won't have long left in service but could you clarify please.
Thank you
Quote from: bususer12 on October 18, 2023, 06:52:23 PMThe blinds may need updating on this one as its advertising old fares (
Thank you
Quote from: hlliwmai on October 18, 2023, 07:14:54 PMHi Simon,
You have probably been asked before but I'm just wondering if 20029 (the last remaining vehicle in Johnsons livery) will be painted? This maybe a daft question I know because of the age as I'm assuming this won't have long left in service but could you clarify please.
Thank you
We will eventually remove the bus from service.
Hey, i was on mx57 upw the other day on the 62, (saturday on the 11:02 service i believe) and as we got to morrisons (i think that was the store) there was quite a noticeable amount of smoke coming out the rear row of seats and the wheel arch. The driver who was driving called up support and was told to drive on. Surely this cant be good for the bus, and is not a very good procedure. Obviously i dont run a bus company so i cant comment but these just my thoughts.
Hi Simon
I noticed earlier that 31432 (Burton depot) still has the Derby 73 in the displays, despite the 73 having been replaced by the 70.
I know it had 70 on there as it came into Derby showing that. Is there any plans to remove obsolete routes from the displays as it may confuse passengers who are unaware otherwise?
30050 was only showing the first letter of Norton or Stourbridge on the 88 yesterday.
Quote from: the trainbasher on October 24, 2023, 01:18:18 AMHi Simon
I noticed earlier that 31432 (Burton depot) still has the Derby 73 in the displays, despite the 73 having been replaced by the 70.
I know it had 70 on there as it came into Derby showing that. Is there any plans to remove obsolete routes from the displays as it may confuse passengers who are unaware otherwise?
This has now been corrected.
Quote from: MX05WHR-Enjoyer on October 23, 2023, 09:43:24 PMHey, i was on mx57 upw the other day on the 62, (saturday on the 11:02 service i believe) and as we got to morrisons (i think that was the store) there was quite a noticeable amount of smoke coming out the rear row of seats and the wheel arch. The driver who was driving called up support and was told to drive on. Surely this cant be good for the bus, and is not a very good procedure. Obviously i dont run a bus company so i cant comment but these just my thoughts.
There is no reported defect on the vehicle. I have spoken to our EM and they pulled the vehicle last night and they will check it over.
Quote from: Rachvince53 on October 24, 2023, 09:39:22 AM30050 was only showing the first letter of Norton or Stourbridge on the 88 yesterday.
The blinds have been updated today.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 27, 2023, 04:28:38 AMThis has now been corrected.
Hi Simon,
31432 was still showing 73 to Weston on Trent today on the 1205 70A. Believe 30991 was showing the same yesterday as well.
Quote from: twbc99 on October 31, 2023, 06:53:44 PMHi Simon,
31432 was still showing 73 to Weston on Trent today on the 1205 70A. Believe 30991 was showing the same yesterday as well.
I am advised the driver is using 73 as there was a blind failure on the 70A option. The OM confirms this will be resolved tonight.
Hi Simon,
I just wanted to check where you are upto on resolving the issues with your West Midlands open data?
Since previously, I have noticed issues with your South East division datasets as Hoppa services do not have the correct pick up/set down restrictions for Raddison and also for any 'set down only' trips, these aren't being shown.
Route 459 links to Heathrow T5 train station
Route 555 has the wrong stops in both directions at Hatton Cross. Wrong stop at T4 for heading towards Heathrow Central. Since the commencement of the new timetable, no longer shows as arriving at Heathrow Central (last stop Sipson Nene Road)
556 has wrong stops in both directions at Hatton Cross and wrong stop at T4 towards Heathrow Central.
H30 has wrong stops at T4 and T5.
N30 has some strange goings on in T5. Wrong stops at Hatton Cross and T4
RHU now shows as not for public use
Bedfont Lakes services no longer show on open data (intentional?)
Service 42
9th Nov Service due to leave West Brom bus station at 2210. Driver decides to leave at 2207
Last night the same driver on the same route decided to leave at 2206. I wonder if this driver has difficulty telling the time.
Quote from: Jay71 on November 11, 2023, 10:53:51 AMService 42
9th Nov Service due to leave West Brom bus station at 2210. Driver decides to leave at 2207
Last night the same driver on the same route decided to leave at 2206. I wonder if this driver has difficulty telling the time.
We have reviewed your observations and we agree. The employee will be put through our formal process starting today.
Quote from: IMarkeh on November 10, 2023, 09:54:40 AMHi Simon,
I just wanted to check where you are upto on resolving the issues with your West Midlands open data?
Since previously, I have noticed issues with your South East division datasets as Hoppa services do not have the correct pick up/set down restrictions for Raddison and also for any 'set down only' trips, these aren't being shown.
Route 459 links to Heathrow T5 train station
Route 555 has the wrong stops in both directions at Hatton Cross. Wrong stop at T4 for heading towards Heathrow Central. Since the commencement of the new timetable, no longer shows as arriving at Heathrow Central (last stop Sipson Nene Road)
556 has wrong stops in both directions at Hatton Cross and wrong stop at T4 towards Heathrow Central.
H30 has wrong stops at T4 and T5.
N30 has some strange goings on in T5. Wrong stops at Hatton Cross and T4
RHU now shows as not for public use
Bedfont Lakes services no longer show on open data (intentional?)
I have spoken to the South East Head of Commercial. We accept this needs some work and we will to look to resolve this quickly.
Does anyone know why i saw BU14 SZF at bidford on avon high street this morning. I cant think of a route it would have been on as 247 and 247s both had double decker gemini's. It wasnt tracking on bustimes or any bus tracker either.
Quote from: MX05WHR-Enjoyer on November 14, 2023, 05:25:18 PMDoes anyone know why i saw BU14 SZF at bidford on avon high street this morning. I cant think of a route it would have been on as 247 and 247s both had double decker gemini's. It wasnt tracking on bustimes or any bus tracker either.
They were undertaking some out of service route learning.
Had another half driver on the 50 this morning at about 1115. Arrived at stop. Bus was on the stand with the words Not In Service. No driver on bus. She gets on at 1118. Drives away with NIS on the front. By the time she has reached the next stop she's changed the destination to Maypole. Shouldn't this have been changed before leaving the first stop? Fleet no 40837
Next Diamond service arrived two mins later. Unloaded & drove away without bothering to pick anybody up
Quote from: Jay71 on November 23, 2023, 11:57:16 AMHad another half driver on the 50 this morning at about 1115. Arrived at stop. Bus was on the stand with the words Not In Service. No driver on bus. She gets on at 1118. Drives away with NIS on the front. By the time she has reached the next stop she's changed the destination to Maypole. Shouldn't this have been changed before leaving the first stop? Fleet no 40837
Next Diamond service arrived two mins later. Unloaded & drove away without bothering to pick anybody up
Thank you for your message.
I have spoken to the Operations Manager this morning. He believes he is aware of which two drivers you are referring to. The incident will be investigated.
The stop bell seemed to be ringing by itself for the whole journey. No numbers displayed on the back of the bus. Front of the bus displayed 42e Great Bridge. Driver said that he couldn't get it to change
Quote from: Jay71 on November 28, 2023, 08:48:02 PM28/12/23
The stop bell seemed to be ringing by itself for the whole journey. No numbers displayed on the back of the bus. Front of the bus displayed 42e Great Bridge. Driver said that he couldn't get it to change
Thank you. I will get this actioned.
Hi Simon, could you please tell me why 40841 on the 50 service to Mayole did not serve the Selfridges stop or the stop after it. He drove past the first stop, I ran to the second stop opposite the Bull Ring and he drove past that one as well and pointed to the NX bus at the stop, totally unacceptable. He wasn't even late !
30713 is a very cold bus when I was on it this morning I could physically see my breath on it, all windows was closed was not nice.
32326 the lights inside the saloon flicker really bad, this is dangerous incase a epileptic person is on the bus it could potentially send them into a seizure.
Quote from: Steve3229vp on November 30, 2023, 07:58:13 AMHi Simon, could you please tell me why 40841 on the 50 service to Mayole did not serve the Selfridges stop or the stop after it. He drove past the first stop, I ran to the second stop opposite the Bull Ring and he drove past that one as well and pointed to the NX bus at the stop, totally unacceptable. He wasn't even late !
Thank you. We will pull the CCTV and review the incident.
Quote from: Wba_lad on November 30, 2023, 10:36:47 PM30713 is a very cold bus when I was on it this morning I could physically see my breath on it, all windows was closed was not nice.
32326 the lights inside the saloon flicker really bad, this is dangerous incase a epileptic person is on the bus it could potentially send them into a seizure.
Thank you. I have forwarded your comments to our Tividale Engineering Manager. I await his comments, but either way I will make sure these are acted upon.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 13, 2023, 08:56:16 PMI have spoken to the South East Head of Commercial. We accept this needs some work and we will to look to resolve this quickly.
Hi Simon, how quickly will the South East Head of Commercial look into this? We are now nearly 3 weeks in and data has not had an update.
I am really starting to believe that Rotala does not take its legal responsibilities seriously and as such continues to be in contravention of the law regarding BODS in a number of the operations. Despite constant reassurances from yourself that something will be done, the issues are rarely resolved.
This morning the 0812 16a from WB/BCC failed to appear. Any idea why?
30525 has got some red plastic missing from the left hand lights
Quote from: Jay71 on December 02, 2023, 01:30:03 PMThis morning the 0812 16a from WB/BCC failed to appear. Any idea why?
We had problem with air systems freezing up on buses overnight, this caused this journey to operate late from the depot.
Quote from: Jay71 on December 05, 2023, 02:36:25 PM30525 has got some red plastic missing from the left hand lights
I have referred to our Engineering Manager and asked him to make sure this is resolved tonight.
Quote from: IMarkeh on December 01, 2023, 09:50:05 PMHi Simon, how quickly will the South East Head of Commercial look into this? We are now nearly 3 weeks in and data has not had an update.
I am really starting to believe that Rotala does not take its legal responsibilities seriously and as such continues to be in contravention of the law regarding BODS in a number of the operations. Despite constant reassurances from yourself that something will be done, the issues are rarely resolved.
I always try to respectful to everyone. Please provide a link to what legal obligations you feel we are failing.
Today ..arrived at WB @0957. 40835 was the 1002 16a to. One bus left at 1006 with NIS on the front. Was this 40835?
Quote from: Jay71 on December 07, 2023, 10:28:21 AMToday ..arrived at WB @0957. 40835 was the 1002 16a to. One bus left at 1006 with NIS on the front. Was this 40835?
40835 was 1002. I have asked our Operations Manager to interview the driver before he departs the depot again.
When diamond north west receives their delivery off E200 MMCs for the bee network what will happen to the buses will any come down to the West Midlands, also will 32260 and 32261 come back to tividale.
091223- the 2030 & 2100 16a services from BCC- WB failed to show up.
Quote from: Wba_lad on December 09, 2023, 08:43:46 PMWhen diamond north west receives their delivery off E200 MMCs for the bee network what will happen to the buses will any come down to the West Midlands, also will 32260 and 32261 come back to tividale.
The E200's should start and arrive next week.
All the "Hoppa" Buses spread across the fleet will go to Heathrow.
The ex Manchester 16 plate Streetlites will go to Preston. I expect 32260/61 will go back to the West Midlands together with a number of other vehicles.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 12, 2023, 08:21:43 AMThe E200's should start and arrive next week.
All the "Hoppa" Buses spread across the fleet will go to Heathrow.
The ex Manchester 16 plate Streetlites will go to Preston. I expect 32260/61 will go back to the West Midlands together with a number of other vehicles.
Hi Simon, Do you know what is happening with the 4 "BX70" Batch that are at bolton?
Tonight. Service 26a was due to leave stand B @2051. For some reason the driver left from stand A @2050
Hi Simon,
Would it not be possible to use something other than vehicle 20178 on the Stourbridge 88 route, understanding the constraints with vehicle length and prescribed number of seats. It is very sad seeing many of the elderly passengers having to struggle up to the raised section of the vehicle due to the extremely low number of level access seats as a result of having all of the luggage racking present within the vehicle. As I'm sure you know, this route has an extremely high proportion of elderly and vulnerable passengers and I believe it is only a matter of time before somebody has a fall through having to climb up to the raised section of the vehicle to get a seat.
Hope you can help - cheers.
Hi Simon
Why does your timetable for service 26A (Wolverhampton to Stowlawn) state it departs from Stand L in Wolverhampton? Service 26A has departed from Stand A for at least five years.
Quote from: Cody.Lewis1 on December 13, 2023, 10:34:06 AMHi Simon, Do you know what is happening with the 4 "BX70" Batch that are at bolton?
When the new buses arrive into Bolton they will go to Heathrow.
Quote from: Jay71 on December 13, 2023, 08:53:20 PMTonight. Service 26a was due to leave stand B @2051. For some reason the driver left from stand A @2050
We have checked the Ticket Machine data.
There was a pass recorded in the bus station boarding the vehicle at 2051 hrs.
Quote from: Rachvince53 on December 14, 2023, 11:45:25 AMHi Simon
Why does your timetable for service 26A (Wolverhampton to Stowlawn) state it departs from Stand L in Wolverhampton? Service 26A has departed from Stand A for at least five years.
We are going to correct.
Thank you
Quote from: Davismt2000 on December 14, 2023, 08:50:53 AMHi Simon,
Would it not be possible to use something other than vehicle 20178 on the Stourbridge 88 route, understanding the constraints with vehicle length and prescribed number of seats. It is very sad seeing many of the elderly passengers having to struggle up to the raised section of the vehicle due to the extremely low number of level access seats as a result of having all of the luggage racking present within the vehicle. As I'm sure you know, this route has an extremely high proportion of elderly and vulnerable passengers and I believe it is only a matter of time before somebody has a fall through having to climb up to the raised section of the vehicle to get a seat.
Hope you can help - cheers.
I have exchanged emails with our Kidderminster Operations Manager. His comments are as follows;
With the service going down Stourbridge High Street and serving very tight road around Love Lane area longer E6 buses we have can make it tight and puts a higher risk of accidents.
The two regular drivers on there also comment on how the parking can be around Beach Road with builders and work men working on a house.
Based upon this it is difficult to wrong longer vehicles, and the features you talk about are a reflection on short Optare Solo's
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 15, 2023, 07:40:19 AMWe have checked the Ticket Machine data.
There was a pass recorded in the bus station boarding the vehicle at 2051 hrs.
But it still left from the incorrect stand
Quote from: Jay71 on December 15, 2023, 09:15:31 AMBut it still left from the incorrect stand
We will pick this up with the driver.
32318 on the 4H, 19:48 (16/12/2023), towards Walsall, driver in the cab vaping, cab window was not open not like it makes a difference as shouldn't be vaping on the bus anyway.
Three pushchairs on one bus. I thought the limit was two. Check the cameras on 30925
Wheelchair user got told told to wait for next service. I thought wheelchair users got priority over pushchairs
Quote from: Wba_lad on December 16, 2023, 07:52:41 PM32318 on the 4H, 19:48 (16/12/2023), towards Walsall, driver in the cab vaping, cab window was not open not like it makes a difference as shouldn't be vaping on the bus anyway.
We will review the CCTV ASAP
Quote from: Jay71 on December 18, 2023, 10:54:12 AMThree pushchairs on one bus. I thought the limit was two. Check the cameras on 30925
Wheelchair user got told told to wait for next service. I thought wheelchair users got priority over pushchairs
Do you have time of and date to check?
The requirement is for the driver to ask the wheelchair users to give priority to disabled users.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 20, 2023, 05:18:31 AMDo you have time of and date to check?
The requirement is for the driver to ask the wheelchair users to give priority to disabled users.
Pushchair users to give priority to disabled users, I think you meant to say. (It's early!)
(Be surprised if they take notice of the driver though. It's bad enough seeing a double buggy regulary on a Solo!)
Quote from: Westy on December 20, 2023, 07:00:04 AMPushchair users to give priority to disabled users, I think you meant to say. (It's early!)
(Be surprised if they take notice of the driver though. It's bad enough seeing a double buggy regulary on a Solo!)
It is early and yes you are right.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 20, 2023, 05:18:31 AMDo you have time of and date to check?
The requirement is for the driver to ask the wheelchair users to give priority to disabled users.
18th Dec. Service 42. 0930ish.
Quote from: Jay71 on December 20, 2023, 08:07:17 AM18th Dec. Service 42. 0930ish.
Going in WB direction
Just noticed a double decker on the 16a which has a blank front destination screen. The sides & back are working fine
Quote from: Jay71 on December 20, 2023, 01:30:36 PMJust noticed a double decker on the 16a which has a blank front destination screen. The sides & back are working fine
40818 was on there yesterday with no front working display.
32227, was parked on a stand in West Bromwich bus station, unloading after 45 service and front lights was flashing (flickering). This could be dangerous if somone thinks the driver is flashing them out of a junction. It's gone back out in service too.
32325 has a missing front headlight cover, door side.
Will there be a diversion on the 326 tomorrow due to Lower Lichfield Street being closed due to an Unsafe building
More wonderful service on the 42 tonight. 2110 left at 2121. .Got to my destination at 2140 instead of 2124. I don't know why this driver struggles to stay on time
Quote from: Jay71 on December 21, 2023, 10:57:43 PMMore wonderful service on the 42 tonight. 2110 left at 2121. .Got to my destination at 2140 instead of 2124. I don't know why this driver struggles to stay on time
More shambolic service on the 42 tonight. Had the same driver as last night. The 2010 left at 2021.
Arrived at my destination at 2042 instead of 2024.
I wonder why this driver finds it hard to stay on time. Previous drivers on the route have managed to keep to time
32238 dosent appear to be tracking anymore, has it been sent back to WM? Also, a mancunian friend wants to know when/if 32260 and 32261 are expected to head back. :)
Think you might need to speak to the driver of 32225 about what a timetable is for. Left walsall 30 minutes late despite arriving into walsall ontime. 18:54 journey to Hayley green should have been. Also was running 30 late from West Bromwich on the previous trip.
Simon, unsure if you will be able to answer this publicly, but is there much of a price difference in the spec of the new buses for the bee network given the tfgm spec appears to be of a lower quality than the recent Rotala spec purchases?
Quote from: Jack on December 20, 2023, 08:18:29 PM40818 was on there yesterday with no front working display.
I will get this bus checked.
Quote from: Wba_lad on December 21, 2023, 11:22:45 AM32227, was parked on a stand in West Bromwich bus station, unloading after 45 service and front lights was flashing (flickering). This could be dangerous if somone thinks the driver is flashing them out of a junction. It's gone back out in service too.
32325 has a missing front headlight cover, door side.
I will asked our EM to look at and come back to me.
Quote from: Jay71 on December 21, 2023, 10:57:43 PMMore wonderful service on the 42 tonight. 2110 left at 2121. .Got to my destination at 2140 instead of 2124. I don't know why this driver struggles to stay on time
I have referred to our operational team.
Quote from: B7RLE on December 23, 2023, 02:48:37 PM32238 dosent appear to be tracking anymore, has it been sent back to WM? Also, a mancunian friend wants to know when/if 32260 and 32261 are expected to head back. :)
32260/32261 will return to the West Midlands eventually.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 23, 2023, 09:06:16 PMThink you might need to speak to the driver of 32225 about what a timetable is for. Left walsall 30 minutes late despite arriving into walsall ontime. 18:54 journey to Hayley green should have been. Also was running 30 late from West Bromwich on the previous trip.
Thank you. I have our operational team looking at this.
Quote from: AlexW480 on December 24, 2023, 02:40:07 PMSimon, unsure if you will be able to answer this publicly, but is there much of a price difference in the spec of the new buses for the bee network given the tfgm spec appears to be of a lower quality than the recent Rotala spec purchases?
I find the price escalation of new Diesel buses frightening.
During covid we paid 65% of the price of the new E200's for the then new MicroHybrid Streetlites.
We acquired the diesel buses for Franchising - we struggle to see how we can keep buying anything which isn't zero emission and expect to achieve a life of around 15 years out of the asset.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 27, 2023, 11:46:34 AMI will get this bus checked.
I am told this vehicle is now working. I asked Engineers to also check the vehicle tonight.
Any ideas what's wrong with 20027, never out on the road.
Quote from: Wba_lad on December 21, 2023, 11:22:45 AM32227, was parked on a stand in West Bromwich bus station, unloading after 45 service and front lights was flashing (flickering). This could be dangerous if somone thinks the driver is flashing them out of a junction. It's gone back out in service too.
32325 has a missing front headlight cover, door side.
Thank you. I have checked and I am advised both these defects were repaired on return the depot.
Hi Simon, could you confirm if new E200 YX73PLN at Bolton is in fact numbered 20625 which it's tracking as. I would have thought it would be 20604 if the registrations are going to be chronological which they seem to be. Seems odd that a vehicle from the end of the batch has been delivered with the first.
Many thanks
Hi Simon,
Please could you advise what vehicles are due for withdrawal soon?
How long do the 09 plate royals have left?
Hi Simon
Do you know if Preston Bus will be getting any new vehicles in 2024? Thanks
Hi Simon,
Id like to make you aware of an account on social media, Tiktok to be specific, Who has items of uniform, stands at the front of the bus, which is HIGHLY dangerous and not allowed.
The username is "ceo_ofoptaremetrocity" if you would like to take a look yourself.
Quote from: WWH44L on December 29, 2023, 04:49:53 PMHi Simon, could you confirm if new E200 YX73PLN at Bolton is in fact numbered 20625 which it's tracking as. I would have thought it would be 20604 if the registrations are going to be chronological which they seem to be. Seems odd that a vehicle from the end of the batch has been delivered with the first.
Many thanks
This vehicle is 20625. 20604 was previously used by another vehicle.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on December 29, 2023, 07:34:20 PMHi Simon,
Please could you advise what vehicles are due for withdrawal soon?
How long do the 09 plate royals have left?
we will assess this, as fleet exit from Manchester. We are going to remove 40631/2/3. I expect in the West Midlands we will withdraw some of the older Volvo's and the fleet we acquired for temporary operation from Goodwins.
Quote from: Cody.Lewis1 on December 31, 2023, 01:11:30 AMHi Simon,
Id like to make you aware of an account on social media, Tiktok to be specific, Who has items of uniform, stands at the front of the bus, which is HIGHLY dangerous and not allowed.
The username is "ceo_ofoptaremetrocity" if you would like to take a look yourself.
I am struggling to find the video you are referring to. Which one is it?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2024, 07:08:01 AMThis vehicle is 20625. 20604 was previously used by another vehicle.
Thanks Simon, I thought the midi batch were going to be numbered 20600-24. Has another been added to the order now?
Quote from: WWH44L on January 02, 2024, 09:54:52 AMThanks Simon, I thought the midi batch were going to be numbered 20600-24. Has another been added to the order now?
No - we couldn't have 20604 because of clashes.
Hi Simon,
Would you be able to clarify at all, if there are any plans for Rotala to be purchasing Chaserider and Select Bus Services, as there are rumours floating around that this is the case.
I totally understand if you cannot confirm anything due to commercially sensitive information.
I believe it would be an interesting acquisition if Rotala did purchase these companies, as in my opinion Rotala would have a bigger presence in Staffordshire than it does currently.
Quote from: hlliwmai on January 02, 2024, 11:50:25 PMHi Simon,
Would you be able to clarify at all, if there are any plans for Rotala to be purchasing Chaserider and Select Bus Services, as there are rumours floating around that this is the case.
I totally understand if you cannot confirm anything due to commercially sensitive information.
I believe it would be an interesting acquisition if Rotala did purchase these companies, as in my opinion Rotala would have a bigger presence in Staffordshire than it does currently.
Rotala Plc has a shareholder vote on 04/01/24. This shareholder vote will determine the next steps for the whole business. In advance of that vote a circular was written, and the future prospects are described in that circular. If you want to read this circular a copy is available on the PLC website.
You will not see any mention within that document of any discussions on business acquisitions or any material new business.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 03, 2024, 06:50:51 AMRotala Plc has a shareholder vote on 04/01/24. This shareholder vote will determine the next steps for the whole business. In advance of that vote a circular was written, and the future prospects are described in that circular. If you want to read this circular a copy is available on the PLC website.
You will not see any mention within that document of any discussions on business acquisitions or any material new business.
So, I assume this means nothing is ruled out, obviously as I said above I understand you can't comment on whether conversations have taken place with each company, but I am really intrigued to know, I guess it is a case of "wait & see"
@hlliwmai - No, that statement means that there are no discussions on business acquisitions taking place, the only acquisition is The Dunn's & Rotala's Chairman taking the Group private. Once private, Rotala then cannot acquire any new businesses for a period of 12 months that wasn't disclosed to shareholders in the Circular. Winston
More dire service tonight on route 42. Fleet no 30527 was due to leave Robert Rd at 2042, ended up leaving at 2100
Quote from: hlliwmai on January 03, 2024, 12:42:49 PMSo, I assume this means nothing is ruled out, obviously as I said above I understand you can't comment on whether conversations have taken place with each company, but I am really intrigued to know, I guess it is a case of "wait & see"
@hlliwmai - No, that statement means that there are no discussions on business acquisitions taking place, the only acquisition is The Dunn's & Rotala's Chairman taking the Group private. Once private, Rotala then cannot acquire any new businesses for a period of 12 months that wasn't disclosed to shareholders in the Circular. Winston
Winston - Correct
Hi Simon,
Burton's 31432 was on the 70/70a with no destination today but at least it did have a paper number.
There is also rumor that the Scania Solar's are to be replaced at Burton possibly with vehicles freed up by the E200 MMC's at Bolton. Are you able to confirm?
Quote from: twbc99 on January 05, 2024, 08:51:35 PMHi Simon,
Burton's 31432 was on the 70/70a with no destination today but at least it did have a paper number.
There is also rumor that the Scania Solar's are to be replaced at Burton possibly with vehicles freed up by the E200 MMC's at Bolton. Are you able to confirm?
This shouldn't be happening, I will take it up with the depot now.
In terms of movement of fleet. There are going to be a lot of vehicles come out of Manchester. We have not yet decided where they will go.
I have removed a post as it clearly makes the driver identifiable with accusations against him which may not be true.
Please make complaints against individuals direct to the company or Simon via personal message
30925 tv screen on bus seems to think its lunchtime on the 16th April!
(Sure Ive flagged something similar on one of the other Rotala threads?
Is Simon the only member of staff that looks at this site? Poor show if it is.)
Quote from: Westy on January 10, 2024, 06:50:14 AM30925 tv screen on bus seems to think its lunchtime on the 16th April!
(Sure Ive flagged something similar on one of the other Rotala threads?
Is Simon the only member of staff that looks at this site? Poor show if it is.)
Thank you - I will get someone to look at the screen.
Quote from: Westy on January 10, 2024, 06:50:14 AM30925 tv screen on bus seems to think its lunchtime on the 16th April!
(Sure Ive flagged something similar on one of the other Rotala threads?
Is Simon the only member of staff that looks at this site? Poor show if it is.)
Why is it a poor show. You're lucky Simon does. It's no one's responsibility at any company to look at a forum like this
30709 still has no vinals applied, will it not receive any due to possibly being withdrawn soon, being a ex godwins vehicle, also 20737 I believe still don't have vinals applied.
Quote from: Wba_lad on January 11, 2024, 09:32:09 AM30709 still has no vinals applied, will it not receive any due to possibly being withdrawn soon, being a ex godwins vehicle, also 20737 I believe still don't have vinals applied.
I have checked and I am advised that both vehicles will be completed this week.
@Simon Dunn - I'm pretty sure 32285 at Kiddi is also missing its livery being completed.
32123, front blinds not working not sure about the side and rear blinds, but was in Walsall on the 31 or 32.
@Wba_lad - 32123 was withdrawn a while back being non Euro 6, I assume you meant 32132.
Yeah sorry I do mean 32132 sorry got last 2 numbers wrong way around, thankyou for correction and I apologise for incorrect information
30700 I think it is, according to bus times it is as it only ex godwins and little gem bus tracking on the 31 and 32 has no reverse lights, seen it in Walsall.
30927.. This was due to leave WB @ 2210. Can you explain why this service left almost thirty mins late?
Quote from: Wba_lad on January 11, 2024, 02:26:45 PM32123, front blinds not working not sure about the side and rear blinds, but was in Walsall on the 31 or 32.
@Wba_lad - 32123 was withdrawn a while back being non Euro 6, I assume you meant 32132.
Yeah sorry I do mean 32132 sorry got last 2 numbers wrong way around, thankyou for correction and I apologise for incorrect information
I have reported to our engineering. Thank you
Quote from: Wba_lad on January 11, 2024, 04:45:27 PM30700 I think it is, according to bus times it is as it only ex godwins and little gem bus tracking on the 31 and 32 has no reverse lights, seen it in Walsall.
Thank you - I will pick this up and make sure it was repaired.
Quote from: Jay71 on January 11, 2024, 10:42:40 PM30927.. This was due to leave WB @ 2210. Can you explain why this service left almost thirty mins late?
Which service was this for?
Hi Simon.
You might want get Tividale's mechanics to look at 20886, currently on the 326 1506 from Bilston.
It's currently running late(as I managed to catch it!), as it's practically at a crawl, but not quite. A gear problem maybe.
It's certainly not as nippy as a normal Solo.
I reckon, according to Bustimes, about 15 to 20 mins late.
The driver did say they have reported it already, but thought I'd mention it here too.
It's only just managed Lane Head canal bridge between Willenhall & New Invention as well!
It actually got into Bloxwich not long before the 1536 journey wouldve done normally!
Quote from: Westy on January 12, 2024, 03:48:22 PMHi Simon.
You might want get Tividale's mechanics to look at 20886, currently on the 326 1506 from Bilston.
It's currently running late(as I managed to catch it!), as it's practically at a crawl, but not quite. A gear problem maybe.
It's certainly not as nippy as a normal Solo.
I reckon, according to Bustimes, about 15 to 20 mins late.
The driver did say they have reported it already, but thought I'd mention it here too.
It's only just managed Lane Head canal bridge between Willenhall & New Invention as well!
It actually got into Bloxwich not long before the 1536 journey wouldve done normally!
The driver has reported the vehicle today and the engineering team are going to review. Thank you
30526. Seems to have a hissing noise on the right hand side. Happens every few seconds. Air leak?
Is there a reason why the 16A has had a lot more single decker's. I've noticed that most of the time - streetlites have been leaving city full.
Quick question , could the minibuses used on the Bromsgrove DRT services have something more product related displayed in the destination blinds please ? They normal display 'Private Hire' or on occasions just Diamond Buses.
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on January 14, 2024, 11:25:58 AMQuick question , could the minibuses used on the Bromsgrove DRT services have something more product related displayed in the destination blinds please ? They normal display 'Private Hire' or on occasions just Diamond Buses.
I will discuss this with the depot.
Quote from: GoldenSquid on January 13, 2024, 08:54:42 PMIs there a reason why the 16A has had a lot more single decker's. I've noticed that most of the time - streetlites have been leaving city full.
There are a number of short term loan vehicles in Manchester. When they return - I expect we will operate more Double deckers on the 16A
Quote from: Jay71 on January 13, 2024, 07:42:41 AM30526. Seems to have a hissing noise on the right hand side. Happens every few seconds. Air leak?
Thank you - I have asked our engineering team to look at this.
Hi Simon,
Optare solos 30050 and 30051 seem to have an issue with displaying the Stourbridge 88 destination blinds, either displaying S 88 or N 88 depending on the direction. Possibly an issue with the font used. Perhaps you could have this looked into?
32227, the right indicator dose not show it's on on the dash if don't blink and I don't think it makes a noise but I could be wrong as was a busy bus.
Quote from: Davismt2000 on January 15, 2024, 10:34:20 AMHi Simon,
Optare solos 30050 and 30051 seem to have an issue with displaying the Stourbridge 88 destination blinds, either displaying S 88 or N 88 depending on the direction. Possibly an issue with the font used. Perhaps you could have this looked into?
We have updated the programming.
Quote from: Wba_lad on January 16, 2024, 08:48:00 AM32227, the right indicator dose not show it's on on the dash if don't blink and I don't think it makes a noise but I could be wrong as was a busy bus.
I will report it to our engineering team.
You need to update the "Operations Manager - Tividale" on the Rotala plc website; it still has Nigel Gorman listed as being the OM for Tividale, I know this is incorrect as he has left the company.
Quote from: hlliwmai on January 16, 2024, 08:35:22 PMSimon,
You need to update the "Operations Manager - Tividale" on the Rotala plc website; it still has Nigel Gorman listed as being the OM for Tividale, I know this is incorrect as he has left the company.
With the effect of the shareholder vote taking effect today. There will be a lot of changes to the website.
Good Afternoon Simon. Just to say that the 2 minibuses on the Bromsgrove on demand services today were both showing appropriate information in the destination displays. Thank you for this and your continuing input to the forum. Andrew.
21237 LL69PGK just went down Willenhall Street on the 15:20 310 to Wednesbury as opposed to St Lawrence Way unless there was a diversion but St Lawrence Way looked normal to me. St Lawrence Way was normal unless the driver was late and didn't fancy sitting in school traffic. The driver carried on the normal route for the rest of the journeys.
20741 unable to display a front destination display.
So when are the enviros coming off fleet and what does there future hold as I've heard they are euro 6 so can't see them being scrapped?
Also does anyone know where the buses De-Luxe purchased haven't heard of them being in service or sold on since De-Luxe
Think they were
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on January 17, 2024, 03:39:41 PMGood Afternoon Simon. Just to say that the 2 minibuses on the Bromsgrove on demand services today were both showing appropriate information in the destination displays. Thank you for this and your continuing input to the forum. Andrew.
Thank you
Quote from: BlackCountryBusSpotter on January 18, 2024, 03:35:45 PM21237 LL69PGK just went down Willenhall Street on the 15:20 310 to Wednesbury as opposed to St Lawrence Way unless there was a diversion but St Lawrence Way looked normal to me. St Lawrence Way was normal unless the driver was late and didn't fancy sitting in school traffic. The driver carried on the normal route for the rest of the journeys.
Thank you. I will get this looked into today.
Quote from: Westy on January 18, 2024, 03:57:52 PMHi
20741 unable to display a front destination display.
Thank you - I will get this looked into.
Quote from: Jakemat10 on January 18, 2024, 11:37:05 PMSo when are the enviros coming off fleet and what does there future hold as I've heard they are euro 6 so can't see them being scrapped?
Which Enviro's are you referring to?
Quote from: Jakemat10 on January 18, 2024, 11:39:46 PMAlso does anyone know where the buses De-Luxe purchased haven't heard of them being in service or sold on since De-Luxe
Think they were
I cannot comment. I sold the vehicles, I am not sure what has happened since.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 19, 2024, 06:28:07 AMWhich Enviro's are you referring to?
The Ex little gem ones.
Quote from: Jakemat10 on January 19, 2024, 07:43:34 AMThe Ex little gem ones.
As the new vehicles are delivered into Manchester we are removing buses and redeploying. Some have gone back to Preston, some have come to Tividale and some are going to Burton tomorrow.
As this happens, we will assess the remaining fleet in those depots. If we have major unit failures or issues with vehicles which are persistent most of the time - the cost of the repairs outweigh the value of the asset and hence we stop spending money and scrap the vehicles.
This isn't directly answering your question. So it depends really, if the vehicles are problematic they will be removed and scrapped - if they aren't they will continue to be used.
More dire service last night on service 42. 32225 was due to leave at 2010, ended up leaving at 2028. Arrived at my destination at 2051, twenty seven mins late. For some parts of last night the service was running almost one hour late.
I'd also like to thank your inspector for giving me misleading info. I was a week ago that this service would be having a change of driver. No sign of that yet
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 20, 2024, 09:42:29 AMAs the new vehicles are delivered into Manchester we are removing buses and redeploying. Some have gone back to Preston, some have come to Tividale and some are going to Burton tomorrow.
As this happens, we will assess the remaining fleet in those depots. If we have major unit failures or issues with vehicles which are persistent most of the time - the cost of the repairs outweigh the value of the asset and hence we stop spending money and scrap the vehicles.
This isn't directly answering your question. So it depends really, if the vehicles are problematic they will be removed and scrapped - if they aren't they will continue to be used.
could 30826 and 30827 be transferred to Kidderminster? As I know that 30821; 30823 and 30825 are already at Kidderminster depot; I do believe those Royale Volvo's have plenty of life left in them yet; have you never thought of having those Royales retrofitted to Euro 6 to keep them going they are good buses I do like travelling on them wherever I can
32234, on the 45 service this evening, bus kept beeping as to say a issue, driver did a reset had no luck, the driver then tried a full hard reset and bus still kept beeping not too sure what was wrong with it.
Quote from: Jay71 on January 20, 2024, 10:00:56 AMMore dire service last night on service 42. 32225 was due to leave at 2010, ended up leaving at 2028. Arrived at my destination at 2051, twenty seven mins late. For some parts of last night the service was running almost one hour late.
I'd also like to thank your inspector for giving me misleading info. I was a week ago that this service would be having a change of driver. No sign of that yet
I am aware, that a new license holder was placed on this service. I know that some work has been done to work with him, to try and improve his on time performance and I was advised to protect the service he would be deployed elsewhere until his skill had developed.
I will look into what has happened here. This could be connected to the roadworks in the area.
Quote from: hlliwmai on January 20, 2024, 03:04:19 PMcould 30826 and 30827 be transferred to Kidderminster? As I know that 30821; 30823 and 30825 are already at Kidderminster depot; I do believe those Royale Volvo's have plenty of life left in them yet; have you never thought of having those Royales retrofitted to Euro 6 to keep them going they are good buses I do like travelling on them wherever I can
The vehicles had a grant to retrofit to Euro 6. For the time being this has been caused by TfWM (as there is a wider issues) around the effectiveness of retrofits.
Quote from: Wba_lad on January 20, 2024, 09:01:32 PM32234, on the 45 service this evening, bus kept beeping as to say a issue, driver did a reset had no luck, the driver then tried a full hard reset and bus still kept beeping not too sure what was wrong with it.
Thank you. I will pick it up with engineering.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 21, 2024, 06:43:33 AMJay,
I am aware, that a new license holder was placed on this service. I know that some work has been done to work with him, to try and improve his on time performance and I was advised to protect the service he would be deployed elsewhere until his skill had developed.
I will look into what has happened here. This could be connected to the roadworks in the area.
Last night was a slight improvement. He decided to leave Robert Rd @ 2241 instead of 2244.
You mentioned roadworks. I assume that you're referring to the works by Toll End Rd.
Quote from: Jay71 on January 21, 2024, 09:48:04 AMLast night was a slight improvement. He decided to leave Robert Rd @ 2241 instead of 2244.
You mentioned roadworks. I assume that you're referring to the works by Toll End Rd.
Thank you.
Simon, what does a new licence holder was placed on this service mean?
Quote from: fleetline6477 on January 21, 2024, 03:47:05 PMSimon, what does a new licence holder was placed on this service mean?
New driver.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 21, 2024, 06:45:16 AMThe vehicles had a grant to retrofit to Euro 6. For the time being this has been caused by TfWM (as there is a wider issues) around the effectiveness of retrofits.
Well that's good news at least once they can be made Euro 6 they will be retained by Diamond and live on which I hope they do
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 10, 2024, 07:40:41 AMThank you - I will get someone to look at the screen.
Still showing incorrect information.
(On it at the moment!)
MX20 HVJ's upstairs screen shows midland classic. I dont even know how this is possible as the vehicle never ran for midland classic.
@Simon Dunn please can you advise why the 7:45 from walsall to Hayley green only went as far as Halesowen. The driver was then seen getting out the bus and I presume getting his breakfast lunch. I'm sure you will agree you don't pay your drivers to cut journeys short and i doubt he had permission to do so.
Quote from: Westy on January 24, 2024, 06:52:05 AMStill showing incorrect information.
(On it at the moment!)
We are working to resolve this.
Quote from: TheMidlandsTrident on January 24, 2024, 07:25:59 AMMX20 HVJ's upstairs screen shows midland classic. I dont even know how this is possible as the vehicle never ran for midland classic.
This is the same issue - we are working with the manufacturer to resolve.
32226, 18:40 departure off Walsall, bus did not serve woodruff way, has the route gone back to going straight down greenside way?
Was drivers informed about the diversion today and tomorrow night for the 4,4H and 45, looks like 45 went on diversion as had no choice but 32318 has gone stuck and gone into the road closure
Quote from: Trident 4194 on January 27, 2024, 09:01:18 AM@Simon Dunn please can you advise why the 7:45 from walsall to Hayley green only went as far as Halesowen. The driver was then seen getting out the bus and I presume getting his breakfast lunch. I'm sure you will agree you don't pay your drivers to cut journeys short and i doubt he had permission to do so.
we have identified the driver involved and he is going through our internal process.
Quote from: Wba_lad on January 30, 2024, 07:12:29 PMWas drivers informed about the diversion today and tomorrow night for the 4,4H and 45, looks like 45 went on diversion as had no choice but 32318 has gone stuck and gone into the road closure
Can you please explain what you are referring to. Please email me on
Simon can you comment on whether 20885 will enter service at redditch, as on the latest fleetlist it shows as a transfer from tividale, but also has not mot for over a month?
Hi @Simon, can you confirm what has happened with 30051? I've read it had a "thermal incident" could you confirm what happened and where?
@hlliwmai - 30051 had a minor electrial fire confined to the engine bay before leaving Kidderminster Depot to take up service, it was dealt with by depot staff. Surprised it's been withdrawn tbh.
Quote from: TheMidlandsTrident on February 02, 2024, 07:48:34 PMSimon can you comment on whether 20885 will enter service at redditch, as on the latest fleetlist it shows as a transfer from tividale, but also has not mot for over a month?
The vehicle is in Redditch and is being prepared for MOT
Quote from: hlliwmai on February 02, 2024, 11:22:11 PMHi @Simon, can you confirm what has happened with 30051? I've read it had a "thermal incident" could you confirm what happened and where?
@hlliwmai - 30051 had a minor electrial fire confined to the engine bay before leaving Kidderminster Depot to take up service, it was dealt with by depot staff. Surprised it's been withdrawn tbh.
I agree with your comments. We are always nervous to repair any thermal incident - following previous experiences.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 03, 2024, 09:16:21 AMI agree with your comments. We are always nervous to repair any thermal incident - following previous experiences.
I understand where you are coming from
@Simon Dunn but it seems an incredible waste of a Euro 6 vehicle if the damage wasn't that severe then surely it could be repaired? and if necessary a new or refurbished Euro 6 Cummins engine fitted
You cannot just put a euro 6 engine into a vehicle that was not built as euro 6. If some visible wiring has caught fire, you don't always know what wiring you cannot see was also damaged, still working but another possible fire risk. Any vehicle can be repaired, but Rotala's view is by far the safest.- Tony@Tony 30051 is a 2016 66 registered so it would of been manufactured as Euro 6
Quote from: hlliwmai on February 03, 2024, 12:20:38 PMI understand where you are coming from @Simon Dunn but it seems an incredible waste of a Euro 6 vehicle if the damage wasn't that severe then surely it could be repaired? and if necessary a new or refurbished Euro 6 Cummins engine fitted
You cannot just put a euro 6 engine into a vehicle that was not built as euro 6. If some visible wiring has caught fire, you don't always know what wiring you cannot see was also damaged, still working but another possible fire risk. Any vehicle can be repaired, but Rotala's view is by far the safest.- Tony
@Tony 30051 is a 2016 66 registered so it would of been manufactured as Euro 6
We are reviewing our options - but I suspect we won't repair it.
32124 should have left WB at 1417. Bus arrived . Driver put NIS on destination screen. Any idea why this service failed to operate?
Quote from: Jay71 on February 05, 2024, 02:49:43 PM32124 should have left WB at 1417. Bus arrived . Driver put NIS on destination screen. Any idea why this service failed to operate?
Unfortunately the vehicle could not continue.
30170 MX62 GOA running round redditch on the 57 with displays on Diamond Midlands and 32219 SO65 LRY running round on 11 and 12 with no front display and 30503 BX58 AOY also running round the 57 with Diamond Midlands on the display.
At one point 30170 and 30503 were running 1 behind the other, so back to back vehicles on the 57 had no displays.
Quote from: TheMidlandsTrident on February 11, 2024, 06:02:23 PM30170 MX62 GOA running round redditch on the 57 with displays on Diamond Midlands and 32219 SO65 LRY running round on 11 and 12 with no front display and 30503 BX58 AOY also running round the 57 with Diamond Midlands on the display.
At one point 30170 and 30503 were running 1 behind the other, so back to back vehicles on the 57 had no displays.
Just so I understand. Was this yesterday? was 32219 on the 11 and 12? as we don't operate a 12 on a Sunday.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 29, 2024, 08:47:31 AMWe are working to resolve this.
30527 - Probably a similar issue.
Displaying Service 31 Walsall via Bloxwich, but next stop info on the same screen refering to 'Jervoise Road' !
Taking a guess 002 information?
QuoteJust so I understand. Was this yesterday? was 32219 on the 11 and 12? as we don't operate a 12 on a Sunday.
Sorry i should have pointed out, this was 10/02/2024 (Saturday).
Quote from: TheMidlandsTrident on February 13, 2024, 07:49:18 PMSorry i should have pointed out, this was 10/02/2024 (Saturday).
We have checked the vehicles and the blinds are all working. We will identify the individual drivers concerned and discuss this with them.
32133. Today this bus should have left Upper Dean St at 1500. For some reason he chose to leave at 1456.
Then 40832 left fourteen mins late. For some reason the driver decided to have a break before he left Upper Dean St
Quote from: Jay71 on February 19, 2024, 03:00:46 PM32133. Today this bus should have left Upper Dean St at 1500. For some reason he chose to leave at 1456.
Then 40832 left fourteen mins late. For some reason the driver decided to have a break before he left Upper Dean St
Maybe driver needed to stretch legs or just have a quick breather. Fourteen mins he will catch it up at some point. Maybe he just needed a little break for a bite to eat and a drink.
@Wba_lad - I'm pretty certain that you are not Rotala Management, this is a Rotala Q&A thread for Simon Dunn & Rotala staff only (again see forum rules), if you really feel the need to make daft comments, this should be done in appropriate thread mentioning the original poster, Winston.
Quote from: Westy on February 13, 2024, 06:51:54 AM30527 - Probably a similar issue.
Displaying Service 31 Walsall via Bloxwich, but next stop info on the same screen refering to 'Jervoise Road' !
Taking a guess 002 information?
We have checked the vehicle on multiple occasions since - we believe it was down to driver error. This is an area in which we need to improve the training we give our staff.
Quote from: Jay71 on February 19, 2024, 03:00:46 PM32133. Today this bus should have left Upper Dean St at 1500. For some reason he chose to leave at 1456.
Then 40832 left fourteen mins late. For some reason the driver decided to have a break before he left Upper Dean St
We have reviewed our tracking data. Both drivers are going to be put through our disciplinary process.
Normal dire service was resumed on the 42 last week. Oh well, it was nice to have a good reliable service for a fortnight
Hi Simon,
I took the 9 from East Mid's Airport the other Saturday. Was on time, clean and nice friendly driver. I also like the addition of the 'Airway9' branding on the destination. Whilst waiting I did notice the departure board at the terminal still showing the services to East Mid's Gateway when they don't stop there anymore.
Also, any updates on the repaints for Burton? It seem to get going but now stopped.
One of the Yj07s B7rle has a really bad door, sometimes it just stops closing/opening
Quote from: Dababa015 on February 25, 2024, 08:20:45 PMOne of the Yj07s B7rle has a really bad door, sometimes it just stops closing/opening
Which route was this bus on, on what date?
Quote from: twbc99 on February 23, 2024, 08:59:51 PMHi Simon,
I took the 9 from East Mid's Airport the other Saturday. Was on time, clean and nice friendly driver. I also like the addition of the 'Airway9' branding on the destination. Whilst waiting I did notice the departure board at the terminal still showing the services to East Mid's Gateway when they don't stop there anymore.
Also, any updates on the repaints for Burton? It seem to get going but now stopped.
I will take this up the depot.
This was a while ago on the 192 to Kidderminster, around December time, just wanted to bring it to your attention if it hasnt been sorted
Hi Simon,
Just wanted inform you that there's quite a few buses at Preston either not tracking at all or tracking as something else.
Kind Regards
Quote from: Jay71 on February 23, 2024, 09:06:19 AMNormal dire service was resumed on the 42 last week. Oh well, it was nice to have a good reliable service for a fortnight
Thank you for your comment - we are going to look at the performance for last week
Quote from: twbc99 on February 23, 2024, 08:59:51 PMHi Simon,
I took the 9 from East Mid's Airport the other Saturday. Was on time, clean and nice friendly driver. I also like the addition of the 'Airway9' branding on the destination. Whilst waiting I did notice the departure board at the terminal still showing the services to East Mid's Gateway when they don't stop there anymore.
Also, any updates on the repaints for Burton? It seem to get going but now stopped.
I will pick this up with our commercial team.
Quote from: Stevoj3026 on February 26, 2024, 11:29:44 AMHi Simon,
Just wanted inform you that there's quite a few buses at Preston either not tracking at all or tracking as something else.
Kind Regards
Thank you. We are going to fit Ticketers smart gateway, this will help control tracking.
Hi Simon,
I assume 30858 is a permanent transfer from Preston to Kidderminster?, I assume this is a replacement for 30051? Are there anymore vehicles transferring from other depots to the West Midlands at any point?
Quote from: hlliwmai on February 26, 2024, 12:39:57 PMHi Simon,
I assume 30858 is a permanent transfer from Preston to Kidderminster?, I assume this is a replacement for 30051? Are there anymore vehicles transferring from other depots to the West Midlands at any point?
Yes it is a permanent transfer. After 1st March we will register around 30 new buses in Manchester. This will mean a large number of vehicles will transfer out to Preston, Heathrow and the Midlands. Exactly what - we haven't exactly decided yet.
More poor service on 42 tonight. I'm sure you know who the driver is. I went to catch it from Robert Rd at 2230, the service turned up at 2252.
Had a different driver on Mon. On time all night. He also happened to be friendly.
Wish we could have him on this route more often
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 28, 2024, 07:49:56 AMYes it is a permanent transfer. After 1st March we will register around 30 new buses in Manchester. This will mean a large number of vehicles will transfer out to Preston, Heathrow and the Midlands. Exactly what - we haven't exactly decided yet.
Im assuming 32260 and 32261 will be coming back to west midlands, hopfully come back to tividale. 32322 and 32323 i assume they will come back to west midlands possibly back to tividale. will tividale revieve anymore streetdecks with this change happening? will tividale keep 20180 or will that go to kiddy to match 20181?
Quote from: Wba_lad on February 29, 2024, 04:37:20 PMIm assuming 32260 and 32261 will be coming back to west midlands, hopfully come back to tividale. 32322 and 32323 i assume they will come back to west midlands possibly back to tividale. will tividale revieve anymore streetdecks with this change happening? will tividale keep 20180 or will that go to kiddy to match 20181?
You must have missed this bit of Simon's reply:
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 28, 2024, 07:49:56 AMYes it is a permanent transfer. After 1st March we will register around 30 new buses in Manchester. This will mean a large number of vehicles will transfer out to Preston, Heathrow and the Midlands. Exactly what - we haven't exactly decided yet.
Quote from: Stu on February 29, 2024, 11:03:14 PMYou must have missed this bit of Simon's reply:
32260/61 will return to the Midlands.
All of the 2018* will end up at Heathrow.
The 16 plate Streetlites will eventually end up in Preston, together with all the SK18*** Streetlites.
Moderator note
A reminder to all members that this topic is for asking pertinent questions to Simon Dunn for him to answer.
Please use other threads for general comments and questions that other forum members can easily answer.
Today 40838 @ 1044 refused to stop at the first stop after Moor St. Deliberately went into the outside lane so that he/she didn't have to pull in at the bus stop. This is unacceptable
Quote from: Jay71 on March 07, 2024, 10:47:43 AMToday 40838 @ 1044 refused to stop at the first stop after Moor St. Deliberately went into the outside lane so that he/she didn't have to pull in at the bus stop. This is unacceptable
We have reviewed the CCTV. We have identified the driver and we will take appropriate action.
30926 on 42 left at 1426 from west brom came in 1412 when should of left 1417
Is 40714 coming to tividale
@Wba_lad - you don't need to check what I've posted on the forum with Simon, my info came from Simon in the first place, Winston.
Poor service on the 42 last night. Driver being deliberately late. Maybe you can ask him why he left WB @ 2117 instead of 2110. I won't name him, but we both know that this driver does this on a regular basis
Quote from: Jay71 on March 12, 2024, 10:02:17 AMPoor service on the 42 last night. Driver being deliberately late. Maybe you can ask him why he left WB @ 2117 instead of 2110. I won't name him, but we both know that this driver does this on a regular basis
We have had a number of complaints on this forum about this service. That feedback has led to the driver involved being trained/ retained/ and discussions around the importance of on time operation with the underlying objective of improving reliability.
This comment does not relate to that driver. The CCTV has been reviewed and we do not consider there is anything suspicious about the service. I am advised that the service arrived into West Brom 3 minutes late, the vehicle unloaded and reloaded and then left. On occasion this will happen.
Local papers and new outlets in Preston have reported that Preston Bus and Stagecoach Preston may be in the running for ZEBRA backed electric buses. Can you comment further on that. If you can how many do you aim for Preston Bus and what routes. here is one article about the EVs
@Ryan Hack - The info you require is all on Rotala's website, link below, Winston
Tonight. Can you explain why 20886 didn't leave Upper Dean St at 2030. I know that the bus arrived at Upper Dean St at about 2037.
Quote from: Ryan Hack on March 20, 2024, 07:39:05 PMLocal papers and new outlets in Preston have reported that Preston Bus and Stagecoach Preston may be in the running for ZEBRA backed electric buses. Can you comment further on that. If you can how many do you aim for Preston Bus and what routes. here is one article about the EVs
@Ryan Hack - The info you require is all on Rotala's website, link below, Winston
I presume Winston has answered this.
Quote from: Jay71 on April 03, 2024, 08:41:50 PMTonight. Can you explain why 20886 didn't leave Upper Dean St at 2030. I know that the bus arrived at Upper Dean St at about 2037.
Obviously if the bus arrives late - it won't leave on time.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 06, 2024, 09:54:20 AMObviously if the bus arrives late - it won't leave on time.
Why did you or one of your colleagues tell the driver to change the destination board to say 'Sorry, Not In Service'?
Quote from: Jay71 on April 06, 2024, 12:57:57 PMWhy did you or one of your colleagues tell the driver to change the destination board to say 'Sorry, Not In Service'?
Sorry - why do you think we did?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 06, 2024, 07:03:44 PMSorry - why do you think we did?
Why would he do it of his/her own accord?
Grey decker branded as pelican bus and coach on the 50 today, what's this about?
(presumably a demonstrator from pelican Bus - Tony)
Quote from: Jack D on April 17, 2024, 11:14:25 AMGrey decker branded as pelican bus and coach on the 50 today, what's this about?
(presumably a demonstrator from pelican Bus - Tony)
Correct - we have the vehicle on trial for a month.
Is this at Redditch or Tividale?
Is the demo bus on going to be used on the 50 service or will it go onto the 16A /002
Quote from: Jack6101 on April 19, 2024, 05:46:03 PMIs the demo bus on going to be used on the 50 service or will it go onto the 16A /002
It may go on other services. We have the bus for just under a month.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 17, 2024, 02:10:03 PMCorrect - we have the vehicle on trial for a month.
I tried to catch it this morning on the 0739 to Maypole but it went on the outside lane not serving the Selfridges stop with Not In Service on the front. According to bus times it started at Birchall Street at 0758, the bus might of had a minor fault
Quote from: Steve3229vp on April 22, 2024, 07:51:01 AMI tried to catch it this morning on the 0739 to Maypole but it went on the outside lane not serving the Selfridges stop with Not In Service on the front. According to bus times it started at Birchall Street at 0758, the bus might of had a minor fault
Unfortunately we do not have CCTV of the incident. The driver involved has been spoken to.
@Simon Dunn what's the current issue with the demo bus is it broken ?
Quote from: samuel derrington on April 26, 2024, 03:03:42 PM@Simon Dunn what's the current issue with the demo bus is it broken ?
The bus has a smashed window. We are waiting on a replacement.
Should drivers still be taping the seats at the front of the bus off?
20918..The stickers are still displaying the 01204937535 phone no
20740 apparently Is now withdrawn it's a euro 6 has it been in an accident or something?
Any current idea of when the yutong will be back out
Does anyone know when/if the demo is due back out?
Quote from: 900 on May 02, 2024, 06:08:58 PMDoes anyone know when/if the demo is due back out?
Yes it is out now
Quote from: Jakemat10 on May 01, 2024, 11:00:33 PM20740 apparently Is now withdrawn it's a euro 6 has it been in an accident or something?
We are reviewing the vehicle - the cost of mechanical repairs and whether they are more than the value of the vehicle.
Quote from: Jay71 on May 01, 2024, 06:04:23 PM20918..The stickers are still displaying the 01204937535 phone no
Quote from: Jay71 on May 01, 2024, 06:04:23 PM20918..The stickers are still displaying the 01204937535 phone no
I will ask our engineering team to update.
How long will the Yutong Demo be at Diamond for?
Quote from: GoldenSquid on May 09, 2024, 04:10:38 PMHow long will the Yutong Demo be at Diamond for?
We have the vehicle for 4 weeks. I believe there is about 10 days left. We collected the 1st Custom Denning vehicle from the docks this morning.
Are you able to update on whats going to happen at the depot (the work planned)
Quote from: Ryan Hack on May 09, 2024, 05:59:39 PM
Are you able to update on whats going to happen at the depot (the work planned)
As the article suggests the depot is very old, and planning takes time. There are several pieces of guidance and reports outstanding. However our approach has changed to effectively restructure and change what is left.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 09, 2024, 05:44:59 PMWe have the vehicle for 4 weeks. I believe there is about 10 days left. We collected the 1st Custom Denning vehicle from the docks this morning.
Will the Custom Denning bus be on West Midland services?
Quote from: GoldenSquid on May 09, 2024, 08:56:07 PMWill the Custom Denning bus be on West Midland services?
The first vehicle is a demonstrator and will be initially operated from Tividale. I expect it will turn up on the 45, 4H, etc.
Saw one on the 50 route, on Thursday.
Stickers on your buses say 'No food or drink allowed'. What's the point of these stickers. Nobody can stop people from eating or drinking on buses
Quote from: Jay71 on May 25, 2024, 11:57:23 AMStickers on your buses say 'No food or drink allowed'. What's the point of these stickers. Nobody can stop people from eating or drinking on buses
We are allowed to publish this and I am sure, should we wish to enforce there are a range of options to do so.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 25, 2024, 09:14:40 PMWe are allowed to publish this and I am sure, should we wish to enforce there are a range of options to do so.
Drivers won't challenging passengers. This won't happen. You know what happened to a female driver on the 16a who challenged a passenger. She got assaulted.
We both know that some drivers are happy to let lowlife ppl walk on the buses without tickets
Quote from: Jay71 on May 26, 2024, 02:09:59 PMDrivers won't challenging passengers. This won't happen. You know what happened to a female driver on the 16a who challenged a passenger. She got assaulted.
We both know that some drivers are happy to let lowlife ppl walk on the buses without tickets
I personally have done this on many occasions.
Either the front dest on 40842 is stuck or it hasn't been changed, seen at 13:40 doing a 50 or 150 (near Maypole) with 002 Weoley Castle on the front.
30821 is tracking but is apparently withdrawn?
Quote from: B7RLE on May 27, 2024, 01:43:46 PMEither the front dest on 40842 is stuck or it hasn't been changed, seen at 13:40 doing a 50 or 150 (near Maypole) with 002 Weoley Castle on the front.
The blind is working.
30925. Due at St Marks road at 1800. Arrived at stop at 1757. According to the service was running eight mins early. I'd love to know how a bus can run that much early
Quote from: Jay71 on May 29, 2024, 06:08:47 PM30925. Due at St Marks road at 1800. Arrived at stop at 1757. According to the service was running eight mins early. I'd love to know how a bus can run that much early
What day does this relate to?
The temporary lights on St Marks Rd/Upper Church Lane, Tipton are all stuck on red. Not sure if drivers are aware of this
Today. Service 16a Bus no 20164. Due to leave WB @1420. For some reason the driver decided to load at stand U. People ended missing this service.
Then the 1440 failed to show up
This morning I was in Great Bridge. I saw a Diamond double decker being towed away. Looked like a trident, I could be wrong. I also noted that the bus had no roof on on it. Any info plz
A reminder
@Jay71 @Lukeee @Mayfield - this is not a discussion thread, this thread is for Simon or Rotala Managament to reply only.
Quote from: Jay71 on May 31, 2024, 03:24:14 PMToday. Service 16a Bus no 20164. Due to leave WB @1420. For some reason the driver decided to load at stand U. People ended missing this service.
Then the 1440 failed to show up
I will pick this up.
Quote from: Jay71 on June 01, 2024, 06:19:25 AMThis morning I was in Great Bridge. I saw a Diamond double decker being towed away. Looked like a trident, I could be wrong. I also noted that the bus had no roof on on it. Any info plz
This is the open top decker.
We are retesting the vehicle.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 01, 2024, 06:57:53 PMThis is the open top decker.
We are retesting the vehicle.
Is this the vehicle I would've seen at Aston Manor last year or the year before?
Quote from: Westy on June 01, 2024, 11:58:59 PMIs this the vehicle I would've seen at Aston Manor last year or the year before?
We only have one open top double decker - so if it was an open topper then yes.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 02, 2024, 11:21:19 AMWe only have one open top double decker - so if it was an open topper then yes.
Will the open top stay at diamond or will it be sold on, also would diamond be allowed to use it on services or not?
Quote from: Wba_lad on June 02, 2024, 02:37:41 PMWill the open top stay at diamond or will it be sold on, also would diamond be allowed to use it on services or not?
I haven't decided what we are going to do with it.
Got some questions about your electric vehicles. Do these vehicles get charged every day? How long does it take to charge a vehicle from flat to fully charged? How long are these vehicles expected to last for?
Quote from: Jay71 on June 03, 2024, 09:38:19 AMGot some questions about your electric vehicles. Do these vehicles get charged every day? How long does it take to charge a vehicle from flat to fully charged? How long are these vehicles expected to last for?
The vehicles are charged every day. Our current chargers are mobile chargers and charge a maximum 50 kW. I understand fixed chargers can charge up to 300 kW. The chargers we have acquired for Heathrow charge 150 kW.
Depending upon how much they use/ distance/ how the vehicle is driven and how much is used for heating then depends upon how long it takes to charge. However, battery capacity is general circa 400 KW. So on a 50 kW charger it would take 8 hours if empty. I would say though - you are advised not to allow the batteries to empty.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 03, 2024, 01:21:15 PMThe vehicles are charged every day. Our current chargers are mobile chargers and charge a maximum 50 kW. I understand fixed chargers can charge up to 300 kW. The chargers we have acquired for Heathrow charge 150 kW.
Depending upon how much they use/ distance/ how the vehicle is driven and how much is used for heating then depends upon how long it takes to charge. However, battery capacity is general circa 400 KW. So on a 50 kW charger it would take 8 hours if empty. I would say though - you are advised not to allow the batteries to empty.
Hello Simon,
Well done for winning the contract for 540 Evesham - Tewkesbury. Can you give any idea as to what vehicles will be on this, and if any vehicles will be transferred / bought for this contract. Thank you.
Quote from: MX05WHR-Enjoyer on June 06, 2024, 10:05:52 PMHello Simon,
Well done for winning the contract for 540 Evesham - Tewkesbury. Can you give any idea as to what vehicles will be on this, and if any vehicles will be transferred / bought for this contract. Thank you.
Redditch depot doesn't have enough vehicles to operate the 3 additional PVR. We are currently looking to acquire a few. Most of the depot is now Streetlite, so I would imagine these will end up on the route at some point.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 07, 2024, 06:00:53 AMRedditch depot doesn't have enough vehicles to operate the 3 additional PVR. We are currently looking to acquire a few. Most of the depot is now Streetlite, so I would imagine these will end up on the route at some point.
Does this have to be euro 6 operated?
QuoteRedditch depot doesn't have enough vehicles to operate the 3 additional PVR. We are currently looking to acquire a few. Most of the depot is now Streetlite, so I would imagine these will end up on the route at some point.
Any clue when these vehicles will be in service?
Is there any quality control for Diamond Bus East Midlands?
- Travelled on a number of services in the past few weeks and vehicles are still in different liveries. Shed loads of Midland Classic branding around on bus stops and on bus stop timetables etc. You'd expect a professional operator to have removed the old companies names by now.
- Ticket machines are printing tickets with no logo so the firm looks like a dodgy independent rather than a 'professional operator'. (All tickets that I have from Diamond EM have this issue so it's not a single machine issue)
- Buses dumped here, there and everywhere in Burton meaning other buses were loading unsafely in the middle of the road. Buses refusing to move to pick up on the correct stand meaning other buses had their back end stuck out making it hard for everyone to get around the bus, including other buses.
- Many buses having tiny destinations on the front destination display. Why isn't the full display being used? Small text is harder for people to read.
- Bus open data still missing stops such as the 401 apparently doesn't ever go to Dove Valley Park! Many routes missing stops randomly.
Is this why Rotala came off the stock market? Investors started to realise what a low quality operation some areas are. I've seen more professionalism from Let's Go. When are you going to get to grips with Diamond East Midlands and raise their standards to even a basic level?
Things such as this poster (pic taken last Friday at Lichfield Bus Station) suggesting that The Knot ticket is valid on the X12, and 30912 seemingly devoid of legal lettering, doesn't exactly project the Company in the best light either.
QuoteThings such as this poster (pic taken last Friday at Lichfield Bus Station) suggesting that The Knot ticket is valid on the X12, and 30912 seemingly devoid of legal lettering, doesn't exactly project the Company in the best light either.
(pic failed to attach to the previous post)
Quote from: MX05WHR-Enjoyer on June 11, 2024, 04:00:54 PMAny clue when these vehicles will be in service?
In the next few days
Quote from: Isle of Stroma on June 11, 2024, 08:46:30 PM(pic failed to attach to the previous post)
Thank you. We will correct the signage
Quote from: IMarkeh on June 11, 2024, 04:55:04 PMIs there any quality control for Diamond Bus East Midlands?
- Travelled on a number of services in the past few weeks and vehicles are still in different liveries. Shed loads of Midland Classic branding around on bus stops and on bus stop timetables etc. You'd expect a professional operator to have removed the old companies names by now.
- Ticket machines are printing tickets with no logo so the firm looks like a dodgy independent rather than a 'professional operator'. (All tickets that I have from Diamond EM have this issue so it's not a single machine issue)
- Buses dumped here, there and everywhere in Burton meaning other buses were loading unsafely in the middle of the road. Buses refusing to move to pick up on the correct stand meaning other buses had their back end stuck out making it hard for everyone to get around the bus, including other buses.
- Many buses having tiny destinations on the front destination display. Why isn't the full display being used? Small text is harder for people to read.
- Bus open data still missing stops such as the 401 apparently doesn't ever go to Dove Valley Park! Many routes missing stops randomly.
Is this why Rotala came off the stock market? Investors started to realise what a low quality operation some areas are. I've seen more professionalism from Let's Go. When are you going to get to grips with Diamond East Midlands and raise their standards to even a basic level?
I disagree with your comments and to be honest I find the tone disappointing. I always try to act professionally and treat people with respect and I expect the same. I will look at what I consider to be constructive comments and we will aim to be better.
Any ideas as to why 20159 and 32240 haven't been in use for a while? How long till they return?
Quote from: Jack on June 13, 2024, 03:35:08 PMAny ideas as to why 20159 and 32240 haven't been in use for a while? How long till they return?
20159 - is VOR due to a third party fault accident. it is at Lawton Motor bodies at present and due back around 19th.
32240 - is undergoing a partial engine rebuild.
What will be used on the new routes you have gained the 63, 64 and 65 and the 303 if you are allowed to say
Quote from: BlackCountryBusSpotter on June 13, 2024, 10:03:21 PMWhat will be used on the new routes you have gained the 63, 64 and 65 and the 303 if you are allowed to say
I would imagine we will use either a Mellor or a Illesbus on 303.
I understand the 65 goes through a bridge, and this will need to be either a Solo or a Small Enviro.
63/64 there is no specific allocation.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 14, 2024, 05:55:29 AMI would imagine we will use either a Mellor or a Illesbus on 303.
I understand the 65 goes through a bridge, and this will need to be either a Solo or a Small Enviro.
63/64 there is no specific allocation.
Fair enough Thank you for the answer
When are the new routes taken over from Lets Go (eg 303) going to start tracking on the Diamond website?
Also new service 303 (County Bridge - Bilston) does not appear anywhere.
Quote from: Rachvince53 on June 17, 2024, 11:31:38 AMWhen are the new routes taken over from Lets Go (eg 303) going to start tracking on the Diamond website?
Also new service 303 (County Bridge - Bilston) does not appear anywhere.
This should be working later.
While the 303 is now tracking, the new 63/64/65 are not and there is no route or timetable info on the website for the latter services.
Quote from: Rachvince53 on June 19, 2024, 06:10:22 PMWhile the 303 is now tracking, the new 63/64/65 are not and there is no route or timetable info on the website for the latter services.
I believe these are now working.
The 63 and 64 maps are both wrong:
The stops in Victoria Street (Mander Centre) and Skinner Street no longer exist.
The services run down Lichfield Street NOT Stafford Street and Ring Road St Peters (except when Queen Square is closed).
They exit the bus station via Pipers Row, not the Ring Road.
Service 63 outbound runs down Darlington Street and along Ring Road St Marks. Inbound it no longer serves Peel Street but runs direct up Salop Street from the Ring Road.
There are new stops in Darlington Street (o/s post office just past Beatties) and School Street (Skinner Street).
Tonight. 30926. Time 2010.. Are buses allowed to have a wheelchair & an electric electric scooter on the bus at the same time?
Quote from: Jay71 on June 20, 2024, 11:32:14 PMTonight. 30926. Time 2010.. Are buses allowed to have a wheelchair & an electric electric scooter on the bus at the same time?
This very much depends upon the actual vehicle and what it is authorised to carry. I have reviewed the CCTV, and the driver shouldn't the two. This CCTV and the incident has been forwarded to the Operations Manager, as this needs to be followed up.
Thank you
Tonight. Service 42. Due to leave WB @2310. The lovely driver decided to leave at 2307. Fleet no 20738
Julia has been spotted in public service in Kidderminster apparently, and I see it back on the fleet list on bustimes... which routes (if) will Julia be on?
Quote from: Jay71 on June 26, 2024, 11:11:42 PMTonight. Service 42. Due to leave WB @2310. The lovely driver decided to leave at 2307. Fleet no 20738
I have forwarded your complaint to our Head Of Operations for investigation.
Quote from: B7RLE on June 27, 2024, 12:32:15 PMJulia has been spotted in public service in Kidderminster apparently, and I see it back on the fleet list on bustimes... which routes (if) will Julia be on?
The vehicle has been designated to our Kidderminster depot. They will allocate the vehicle as they see fit.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on June 27, 2024, 01:54:00 PMThe vehicle has been designated to our Kidderminster depot. They will allocate the vehicle as they see fit.
Does it fit in the garage Simon? Our Tridents never did as they were too high. Or will it be maintained at Plymouth road?
Quote from: BN on June 28, 2024, 07:40:42 AMDoes it fit in the garage Simon? Our Tridents never did as they were too high. Or will it be maintained at Plymouth road?
No. There are some outdoor ramps which we maintain the vehicle only.
20050 is currently tracking on the 1035 service on the 64 and the 1020 service on 65 in Wolvethampton. It was previously on both the 0950 63 and 64 at the same time.
Hi any idea is 15006 is staying at tividale as 15007 was at tividale last week but now on a redditch service
Quote from: Funnysnow18 on July 01, 2024, 05:08:51 PMHi any idea is 15006 is staying at tividale as 15007 was at tividale last week but now on a redditch service
I expect for the immediate future 15006 will stay at Tividale, but it may change as there are still a number to come. In the main they are designed to be replacements for the Mellors, we will replace as we remove Mellors.
So are all the Mellors leaving or is it just some off lease I think I heard.
Would there be any plans for any other types of Minibus to join Like Fiat/Peugeot Bluebird Orions or will it be primarily Mercs
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 01, 2024, 08:16:17 PMI expect for the immediate future 15006 will stay at Tividale, but it may change as there are still a number to come. In the main they are designed to be replacements for the Mellors, we will replace as we remove Mellors.
Okay thanks
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 10, 2024, 07:05:35 AMThe first vehicle is a demonstrator and will be initially operated from Tividale. I expect it will turn up on the 45, 4H, etc.
Is this still due to due to enter service
Hi Simon, Any possibility we can get plaxton centros from Redditch on the A15 or is it too much of a hassle, some of my favourite buses are plaxton centros but I do understand if there is a limit.
Quote from: Ingleboro261F on July 10, 2024, 12:56:29 PMHi Simon, Any possibility we can get plaxton centros from Redditch on the A15 or is it too much of a hassle, some of my favourite buses are plaxton centros but I do understand if there is a limit.
The A15 should be either Mellors or the New Illesbus. Using the Centro's doesnt make sense.
Quote from: Mayfield on July 10, 2024, 11:05:19 AMIs this still due to due to enter service
Yes. It is still going through certification.
Morning Simon
Is there any chance the map and route information for Wolverhampton service 64 could be corrected. It lists the route as serving stops outside the Mander Centre and in Skinner Street but these stops no longer exist. In addition the route map shows the service using Ring Road St Marks which it does not. After the Art Gallery, there is a stop in Darlington Street and in School Street near Skinner Street.
I have a question about the I citys, do they have radio built into them and if they do are bus drivers allowed to use the radio on pubic bus routes.
Moderator Note
Out of respect for Simon Dunn and his role at Rotala, we request that any members who wish to participate in this topic should politely ask reasonable and pertinent questions with as much detail as possible.
Comments that are just 'dumped' as blanket statements will be removed at the moderators' discretion.
Quote from: Rachvince53 on July 11, 2024, 09:35:56 AMMorning Simon
Is there any chance the map and route information for Wolverhampton service 64 could be corrected. It lists the route as serving stops outside the Mander Centre and in Skinner Street but these stops no longer exist. In addition the route map shows the service using Ring Road St Marks which it does not. After the Art Gallery, there is a stop in Darlington Street and in School Street near Skinner Street.
I have asked for this to be updated. Thank you
Quote from: Ingleboro261F on July 15, 2024, 02:41:59 PMI have a question about the I citys, do they have radio built into them and if they do are bus drivers allowed to use the radio on pubic bus routes.
They come with radio's built in. There is no legislation stopping the radio's being played. Historically we have removed/ disabled the radio's. We have yet to decide whether we will do this on these.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 17, 2024, 06:37:51 AMThey come with radio's built in. There is no legislation stopping the radio's being played. Historically we have removed/ disabled the radio's. We have yet to decide whether we will do this on these.
I find a lot of customers prefer radios being played. Kevs still enable radios on their vehicles.
I have seen the new electric bus in tividale depot. When will this be used in service?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on July 17, 2024, 04:45:42 PMI find a lot of customers prefer radios being played. Kevs still enable radios on their vehicles.
I have seen the new electric bus in tividale depot. When will this be used in service?
We have 4 in total. 1 is a 12 meter demo, this is in Nuneaton undergoing certification testing. It has been there for around 6 weeks, when it comes back this will enable us to register this 1 and the 4 x 10.5 meter versions parked at Tividale.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on July 17, 2024, 06:37:51 AMThey come with radio's built in. There is no legislation stopping the radio's being played. Historically we have removed/ disabled the radio's. We have yet to decide whether we will do this on these.
Would you not need a PPL/PRS licence though? Even playing local radio stations, you're 'performing' copyrighted music that is audible to the public, even if it is just 'background music'.
I believe the cost is around £175 per year per vehicle for buses and coaches. That's probably why the radios were removed or disabled before!
Quote from: Stu on July 17, 2024, 06:42:04 PMWould you not need a PPL/PRS licence though? Even playing local radio stations, you're 'performing' copyrighted music that is audible to the public, even if it is just 'background music'.
I believe the cost is around £175 per year per vehicle for buses and coaches. That's probably why the radios were removed or disabled before!
We have PPL/PRS licences. If we allowed the radios to be in use as all the vehicles rolled out, we would need to increase it.
As Preston Bus is planned to get EV buses when will they arrive?
Hi, me and my mate are looking to track it down however its never been tracking on - on Saturday, do you know if the open top in Kidderminster will be out?
Quote from: Ryan Hack on July 18, 2024, 02:27:10 PMAs Preston Bus is planned to get EV buses when will they arrive?
Unfortunately not. We did not get any ZEBRA funding for LCC.
Quote from: B7RLE on July 18, 2024, 05:48:01 PMHi, me and my mate are looking to track it down however its never been tracking on - on Saturday, do you know if the open top in Kidderminster will be out?
I am not sure. You are best speak to the depot.
Why are the heaters on 30952 on. On one of the hottest days of the year?
Quote from: 2206 on July 19, 2024, 05:58:26 PMWhy are the heaters on 30952 on. On one of the hottest days of the year?
I have asked our engineering team to investigate.
Quote from: Rachvince53 on July 11, 2024, 09:35:56 AMMorning Simon
Is there any chance the map and route information for Wolverhampton service 64 could be corrected. It lists the route as serving stops outside the Mander Centre and in Skinner Street but these stops no longer exist. In addition the route map shows the service using Ring Road St Marks which it does not. After the Art Gallery, there is a stop in Darlington Street and in School Street near Skinner Street.
This will be updated shortly.
Reminder to all!
Quote from: Stu on July 15, 2024, 08:15:17 PMModerator Note
Out of respect for Simon Dunn and his role at Rotala, we request that any members who wish to participate in this topic should politely ask reasonable and pertinent questions with as much detail as possible.
Comments that are just 'dumped' as blanket statements will be removed at the moderators' discretion.
Hello Simon,
Will Diamond West Midlands be receiving next stop announcements soon?
If they are, will they will be using the same voice as NX/Metro, Elinor Hamilton.
Why was 32295 withdrawn?
Quote from: LD713821 on August 09, 2024, 11:12:17 PMHello Simon,
Will Diamond West Midlands be receiving next stop announcements soon?
If they are, will they will be using the same voice as NX/Metro, Elinor Hamilton.
Our Buses are planned to have Nextstop installed in line with government deadlines. I am not sure what technology NX use. We will use the
Ticketer/ Omni/McKenna installation which is automatically generated from the schedules file.
I believe this is a same as TfGM and is more a computer generated voice.
Quote from: Jack on August 14, 2024, 08:25:05 PMWhy was 32295 withdrawn?
The vehicle was badly damaged. The cost of repair was more than the value of the bus. We therefore felt the most logical decision was to use the key parts and scrap the vehicle.
I'm very pleased to hear that Diamond will be taking over the Kinver 242 from September. Do you have any ideas on what vehicles will be used on the service?
Quote from: B7RLE on August 15, 2024, 01:47:42 PMI'm very pleased to hear that Diamond will be taking over the Kinver 242 from September. Do you have any ideas on what vehicles will be used on the service?
We are deploying two of the recently acquired "64" plate Streetlites into Kidderminster. There are a lot of similar vehicles in the depot. I would imagine they will be Streetlites.
Hi Simon,
I spotted the new minibus 15010 on the 70A in Derby earlier. I think the display needs a look at as the route number was off the end of the screen with only some of the '7' showing.
Also is the route change on the 9 (Burton) happening in September? It was originally showing on the changes page on the website but has since disappeared whilst Derbyshire CC forthcoming changes page is still having it listed.
Hi Simon,
I note with interest that Tap&Go is being withdrawn from 1st September.
Is there any particular reason why this is being removed from West Midlands and Worcestershire services only?
Quote from: Stu on August 23, 2024, 08:00:54 AMHi Simon,
I note with interest that Tap&Go is being withdrawn from 1st September.
Is there any particular reason why this is being removed from West Midlands and Worcestershire services only?
The technology isn't developed enough. Ticketer do not provide a way to check whether the units are working or not. There is no test on bus, which means we are left to wait for passengers to complain. This isn't an acceptable situation.
Dear Simon,
On Saturday (24th August) afternoon I attempted to carch a 57 as I sometimes do, on Aston Road, but this time the bus drove straight past me and 4 elderly ladies, meaning i had to walk and catch an NX bus to get to Wolverhampton. Once I got there I went over to the 57 stand and asked what was going on - the driver told me they'd been instructed by their office staff not to pick up or drop off anywhee other than bus stops, even though as far as I am aware, Aston Road and a few other parts of the 57 have been hail and ride for at least the last 5 years, possibly more, due to lack of bus stops along many roads.
If this is the case, it seems completely pointless for the bus to even go down some of these roads. When I am on the bus it appears that the majority of passengers get on in these Hail and Ride areas, especially disabled or elderly people who can't walk to the bus stops as they ae so spread out or even non-existent. These passengers may totally rely on this bus to get about, so this policy change will greatly affect their mobility, in my opinion you also stand to lose the majority of your custom on this route.
Is it possible for you to confirm if such a change in policy has officially been made?
Although your driver was very polite and professional and explained the situation to me, I still have my doubts.
Many thanks
Dexter Jones
Quote from: DeeJay on August 26, 2024, 10:57:19 AMDear Simon,
On Saturday (24th August) afternoon I attempted to carch a 57 as I sometimes do, on Aston Road, but this time the bus drove straight past me and 4 elderly ladies, meaning i had to walk and catch an NX bus to get to Wolverhampton. Once I got there I went over to the 57 stand and asked what was going on - the driver told me they'd been instructed by their office staff not to pick up or drop off anywhee other than bus stops, even though as far as I am aware, Aston Road and a few other parts of the 57 have been hail and ride for at least the last 5 years, possibly more, due to lack of bus stops along many roads.
If this is the case, it seems completely pointless for the bus to even go down some of these roads. When I am on the bus it appears that the majority of passengers get on in these Hail and Ride areas, especially disabled or elderly people who can't walk to the bus stops as they ae so spread out or even non-existent. These passengers may totally rely on this bus to get about, so this policy change will greatly affect their mobility, in my opinion you also stand to lose the majority of your custom on this route.
Is it possible for you to confirm if such a change in policy has officially been made?
Although your driver was very polite and professional and explained the situation to me, I still have my doubts.
Many thanks
Dexter Jones
The 57 route is bus stops only. The drivers should not stop and collect passengers from random places on the route.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 26, 2024, 05:18:38 PMDexter
The 57 route is bus stops only. The drivers should not stop and collect passengers from random places on the route.
Dear Simon,
Thanks for your reply.
I agree with what you say on safety grounds, however the issue then becomes that there are several places on this route where diamond's own data, Bustimes and google maps all say that a stop is present but there is nothing physically there on the street - no poles, flags, road markings etc - to reflect this, so no-one knows where to wait. Aston Road is a good example of this, but there are others such as Silverton Way and Valley road, all of which are popular with passengers.
Thanks again,
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 26, 2024, 05:18:38 PMDexter
The 57 route is bus stops only. The drivers should not stop and collect passengers from random places on the route.
Hi Simon
I agree that where there bus stops marked with stop flags drivers should only stop at those places (or as near as possible if obstructed) but there are a number of roads served by the 57 which have bus stops marked on your own company's map and on Google but not marked physically. These stopping places have been in established for many years. If your buses are not going to stop on those roads then why are you driving along them?
Quote from: Rachvince53 on August 26, 2024, 08:47:48 PMHi Simon
I agree that where there bus stops marked with stop flags drivers should only stop at those places (or as near as possible if obstructed) but there are a number of roads served by the 57 which have bus stops marked on your own company's map and on Google but not marked physically. These stopping places have been in established for many years. If your buses are not going to stop on those roads then why are you driving along them?
This contract is operated under contract to TfWM. We operate the route they tell us to. If you can identify which roads you are referring to, we will ask them the question.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 27, 2024, 08:46:04 AMThis contract is operated under contract to TfWM. We operate the route they tell us to. If you can identify which roads you are referring to, we will ask them the question.
I have been advised that a variation is going through to make part of the route into Hail & Ride. This has not taken effect as yet.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on August 27, 2024, 08:46:04 AMThis contract is operated under contract to TfWM. We operate the route they tell us to. If you can identify which roads you are referring to, we will ask them the question.
Hi Simon
The roads are: Longford Road, Valley Road, Shawbury Road (all Park Village, Wolverhampton), Silverton Way (Lyndale estate near Perry Hall, Wolverhampton) and Aston Road, Willenhall.
All of these have stops marked on your company's route map and on Google but without a physical stop flag.
Thank you. I will relay this information.
@Simon - There is one in Bloxwich you might want to check on too.
On the 326, it's the first stop from Bloxwich, marked up on both Bustimes & your online map, refered to as 'Bloxwich, before Central Drive' on Bus times, but there's no physical stop there! (There is a physical stop & timetable going the other way, as its also used for rail replacements, as its the nearest stop to the rail station!)
However, the supposed stop postition is on a dodgy bend in my opinion, so whether drivers are observing anyway I dont know.
I know, when Ive caught the bus from that area(My brother lives by where the stop should be!), Ive ended up going down to the next stop, Central Close by Pat Gormans Pies, to be sure of catching it.
Quote from: Westy on August 27, 2024, 02:35:47 PM@Simon - There is one in Bloxwich you might want to check on too.
On the 326, it's the first stop from Bloxwich, marked up on both Bustimes & your online map, refered to as 'Bloxwich, before Central Drive' on Bus times, but there's no physical stop there! (There is a physical stop & timetable going the other way, as its also used for rail replacements, as its the nearest stop to the rail station!)
However, the supposed stop postition is on a dodgy bend in my opinion, so whether drivers are observing anyway I dont know.
I know, when Ive caught the bus from that area(My brother lives by where the stop should be!), Ive ended up going down to the next stop, Central Close by Pat Gormans Pies, to be sure of catching it.
That one used to say 'and opposite' not sure if it still does, but that's standard for where a separate stop can't be installed
Another unmarked bus stop is in Hyperion Drive on your new 242 route.
Quote from: Tony on August 27, 2024, 04:14:04 PMThat one used to say 'and opposite' not sure if it still does, but that's standard for where a separate stop can't be installed
I'll check it next time I go past.
Hi Simon,
I've just rode the 18:40 Select 242, which will soon no longer exist as the last bus is being pushed back to 17:35 with the Diamond takeover (at least that's what the people were saying). Multiple passengers were voicing their frustration at this change and it means some will have to change their plans or not use the service, which is a shame given the increase in frequency. I understand it is a council contract, but is there any chance Diamond could negotiate with the council to get a later last bus from Stourbridge to Kinver? It would mean a lot to some of your new passengers.
Edit: The last bus in the new timetable is at 17:40, not 17:35. Doesn't make it any better for these passengers.
I know this might be a long shot asking about this but, why was the Enviro 200EV order cancelled for Diamond North West? As from the image below with the fleet numbers etc, it shows there's E200EVs on it.
@J4ZZA there never was an E200 EV order. Rotala originally ordered Volvo B8RLE/MCV's eVora's, when Volvo couldn't deliver as promised, that order was cancelled & instead diesel E200MMC's were ordered from ADL. Simon has already answered the exact same question on FB using the same incorrect fleetlist / same picture, I suspect you are the same person:
Hello Simon, I've read about the Hail and Ride stops being removed does this affect services like the 80 and 23 and 303 as a relative uses the 23 and 80 from Moxley to Portobello to visit there Mum if these stops are removed then I assume they will need to use the nearest bus stop
Saw a picture of a 74 reg ADL E200MMC on the 114 in preston are they due more if so how many
Two - see the update on the main site later tonight - Tony
Quote from: Ryan Hack on September 02, 2024, 06:28:43 PMSaw a picture of a 74 reg ADL E200MMC on the 114 in preston are they due more if so how many
Two - see the update on the main site later tonight - Tony
Shame it seems to rotala's others operations that seem to be gaining new...
Yet again Simon the solos on the 63/64/65 have broken down with 20057 being todays casualty and trips being missed especially last bus of the day (which is ment to run) or so it states
yes i know break downs happen and they can't be help but it seems to be coming a regular thing lately and on a routes that are every hour and some people's only route to get out it not really on and if the last bus doesn't run like today how are people ment to get home if they relie on that route running.
Quote from: Tony on August 27, 2024, 04:14:04 PMThat one used to say 'and opposite' not sure if it still does, but that's standard for where a separate stop can't be installed
I will pick this up with TfWM
Quote from: B7RLE on August 30, 2024, 07:07:38 PMHi Simon,
I've just rode the 18:40 Select 242, which will soon no longer exist as the last bus is being pushed back to 17:35 with the Diamond takeover (at least that's what the people were saying). Multiple passengers were voicing their frustration at this change and it means some will have to change their plans or not use the service, which is a shame given the increase in frequency. I understand it is a council contract, but is there any chance Diamond could negotiate with the council to get a later last bus from Stourbridge to Kinver? It would mean a lot to some of your new passengers.
Edit: The last bus in the new timetable is at 17:40, not 17:35. Doesn't make it any better for these passengers.
I have just asked the officers at Staffordshire County Council for their guidance.
Quote from: BlackCountryBusSpotter on August 31, 2024, 12:21:27 PMHello Simon, I've read about the Hail and Ride stops being removed does this affect services like the 80 and 23 and 303 as a relative uses the 23 and 80 from Moxley to Portobello to visit there Mum if these stops are removed then I assume they will need to use the nearest bus stop
I have asked our Commercial lead to pick this up with TfWM.
An issue becomes these services do not have loads of recovery time, and multiple pick up/ sets down can create problems with time keeping.
Quote from: Ryan Hack on September 02, 2024, 06:28:43 PMSaw a picture of a 74 reg ADL E200MMC on the 114 in preston are they due more if so how many
Two - see the update on the main site later tonight - Tony
There are two in total.
Quote from: 900 on September 02, 2024, 07:31:25 PMShame it seems to rotala's others operations that seem to be gaining new...
Yet again Simon the solos on the 63/64/65 have broken down with 20057 being todays casualty and trips being missed especially last bus of the day (which is ment to run) or so it states
yes i know break downs happen and they can't be help but it seems to be coming a regular thing lately and on a routes that are every hour and some people's only route to get out it not really on and if the last bus doesn't run like today how are people ment to get home if they relie on that route running.
I am sure you understand we have a long term business in Preston. There are no immediate pressures or noise over Air quality improvements. Therefore investing in a limited number of new buses becomes easier. Across most of the business, we have exposure to cities which have stated desires for Air quality improvements potentially as earlier as 2030. This makes investment in anything other than zero emission vehicles difficult. We bid for grants in the TfWM area and have had limited success with bids for grants for such vehicles. We have been investing in the 20 seater Illesbus and quite simply we only expect them to last 7 years - in line with the potential start of potential Emission standards. The other problem - is as I have seen mentioned on this forum. We have large tendering rounds on 05/01/28 and again - we could potentially lose a lot. Put all in the round, makes it difficult to take long term decisions with some many unknowns. If I am honest, we have got large PVR increases elsewhere on 05/01/28. If we lose all the work we have out for tender, then PVR across the business will be flat. On the back of your comment - I will review the last 4 weeks lost mileage on these services.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 02, 2024, 09:01:57 PMI am sure you understand we have a long term business in Preston. There are no immediate pressures or noise over Air quality improvements. Therefore investing in a limited number of new buses becomes easier. Across most of the business, we have exposure to cities which have stated desires for Air quality improvements potentially as earlier as 2030. This makes investment in anything other than zero emission vehicles difficult. We bid for grants in the TfWM area and have had limited success with bids for grants for such vehicles. We have been investing in the 20 seater Illesbus and quite simply we only expect them to last 7 years - in line with the potential start of potential Emission standards. The other problem - is as I have seen mentioned on this forum. We have large tendering rounds on 05/01/28 and again - we could potentially lose a lot. Put all in the round, makes it difficult to take long term decisions with some many unknowns. If I am honest, we have got large PVR increases elsewhere on 05/01/28. If we lose all the work we have out for tender, then PVR across the business will be flat. On the back of your comment - I will review the last 4 weeks lost mileage on these services.
Thanks for your reply simon and i fully understand it just gets annoying when said buses don't turn up and its an hour for the next one is all...
But thanks for the reply
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 02, 2024, 09:01:57 PMI am sure you understand we have a long term business in Preston. There are no immediate pressures or noise over Air quality improvements. Therefore investing in a limited number of new buses becomes easier. Across most of the business, we have exposure to cities which have stated desires for Air quality improvements potentially as earlier as 2030. This makes investment in anything other than zero emission vehicles difficult. We bid for grants in the TfWM area and have had limited success with bids for grants for such vehicles. We have been investing in the 20 seater Illesbus and quite simply we only expect them to last 7 years - in line with the potential start of potential Emission standards. The other problem - is as I have seen mentioned on this forum. We have large tendering rounds on 05/01/28 and again - we could potentially lose a lot. Put all in the round, makes it difficult to take long term decisions with some many unknowns. If I am honest, we have got large PVR increases elsewhere on 05/01/28. If we lose all the work we have out for tender, then PVR across the business will be flat. On the back of your comment - I will review the last 4 weeks lost mileage on these services.
I wish you luck in trying to make services more reliable then they currently are
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 02, 2024, 08:26:04 PMThere are two in total.
Ok, would be nice if we do end up getting more in the future but only time will tell.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 02, 2024, 08:22:52 PMI have just asked the officers at Staffordshire County Council for their guidance.
I have had dialogue with Staffordshire County Council and I am advised the following."The new tender was issued by Staffordshire County Council. In order to fill in the large gap in the afternoon that previously existed, and still remain within the legal driving hours, it was necessary to remove the final journey of the day. The previous operator confirmed that the passenger numbers on the final journey were minimal."Simon
I know the recent 'Hail & Ride' posts were technically off topic, but could they be restored to a separate thread please, for future reference?
Quote from: Westy on September 05, 2024, 10:57:19 PMI know the recent 'Hail & Ride' posts were technically off topic, but could they be restored to a separate thread please, for future reference?
Is this a question for me?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 06, 2024, 05:17:03 AMIs this a question for me?
@Simon Dunn - It was for the mods, but seemed the obvious place, unless there's a legal reason why they cant?
Good Afternoon, I was on the 183 service between Bromsgrove - Redditch this afternoon, For some reason the bus didn't serve Barnt Green stops at all and went straight through to Alvechurch. This seem to be a running theme of the two Barnt Green stop being missed out.
I'm just wondering is Barnt Green section still part of the route? Thanks
(I have attached the bustimes tracking below of todays journey)
Hello Simon just a question or issue that needs to be raised to TFWM on the 310 route the stop on Park Lane for Bebee Road is spelt wrong the street sign says it is Spelt Beebee Road but the bus stop, bus times and Google say Bebee Road.
Quote from: BlackCountryBusSpotter on September 11, 2024, 03:19:13 PMHello Simon just a question or issue that needs to be raised to TFWM on the 310 route the stop on Park Lane for Bebee Road is spelt wrong the street sign says it is Spelt Beebee Road but the bus stop, bus times and Google say Bebee Road.
Bus stop data and infrastructure in the West Midlands is managed by TfWM, not by any bus operators.
Any issues such as this should be reported to TfWM using their online service here:
You do not need to reply to this comment
Quote from: LiamsTransport1 on September 11, 2024, 02:41:10 PMGood Afternoon, I was on the 183 service between Bromsgrove - Redditch this afternoon, For some reason the bus didn't serve Barnt Green stops at all and went straight through to Alvechurch. This seem to be a running theme of the two Barnt Green stop being missed out.
I'm just wondering is Barnt Green section still part of the route? Thanks
(I have attached the bustimes tracking below of todays journey)
I am advised there is a bridge at Coopers Hill which is causing damage to the undercarriage of the bus.
We have discussed this with WCC and potentially this section of the route is going to be removed.
Quote from: BlackCountryBusSpotter on September 11, 2024, 03:19:13 PMHello Simon just a question or issue that needs to be raised to TFWM on the 310 route the stop on Park Lane for Bebee Road is spelt wrong the street sign says it is Spelt Beebee Road but the bus stop, bus times and Google say Bebee Road.
We have registered this error with TfWM.
Hi Simon,
Please can you get your commercial teams to review your bus open data entries again. I've been reporting these issues via BODS feedback and nothing has been done. In all divisions, the updates in Ticketer don't seem to be feeding into BODS. Last ticketer updates are often a lot more recent than the last updates to BODS. You may need to refresh the datasets or something.
Otherwise, issues exist on all datasets.
Preston Bus - 6, 16 and 23 are wrongly marked as not for public use. Route 287 and 289 are football buses and only run on football dates. These are in BODS as running daily (albeit different times on some days). Also data isn't refreshing in BODS.
Diamond North West - Route MC1, MC4 and MC10 are all football buses and only run Etihad Campus days. These are in Ticketer data as running daily. Data isn't refreshing in BODS. May be worth just republishing.
Diamond South East - Needs refreshing to properly remove the 555. N555 wrongly shows as not for public use. Stops for all routes in Heathrow need reviewing as the DFT has just done a big update of NAPTAN around Heathrow, therefore some of the stops codes that you currently use are incorrect. May be worth moving the Hotel Hoppa routes over to the Hotel Hoppa NOC code as well so that people can find the routes easier and once someone has found the routes, they can get more info easier as they would be linked to Hotel Hoppa. H5H is missing it's OTC registration number too.
Diamond West Midlands - Firstly the dataset hasn't caught up with Ticketer updates. Also though, based off the Ticketer update, School day/holiday dates aren't set up for the 2024/25 academic year. 242S is wrongly showing up as a 242 in the morning, afternoon trip missing. 229 Mon-Sat trips missing stop 43007287501 (stop shows on the Sunday timetable, but not other days). 142 on Sundays randomly missing Stourbridge Interchange. Route 96 Mon-Sat are missing details for all intermediate stops, only shows timing points. 25 missing Merry Hill Bus Station on random trips. 30, 32, 40, 41, 41A all have parts of the route missing, mostly missing starting or terminating at the bus stations.
Some routes randomly missing stops, sometimes applies to all trips, sometimes just some trips, I'd be here all day listing the issues on this dataset though.
Quote from: IMarkeh on September 13, 2024, 03:37:36 PMRoute 96 Mon-Sat are missing details for all intermediate stops, only shows timing points.
Also the 96 has the wrong stop in Chelmlsey Wood on bustimes, it serves CM towards Birmingham Airport.
On M-F it's down as CF and on SA/SU it's down as CL
Quote from: IMarkeh on September 13, 2024, 03:37:36 PMHi Simon,
Please can you get your commercial teams to review your bus open data entries again. I've been reporting these issues via BODS feedback and nothing has been done. In all divisions, the updates in Ticketer don't seem to be feeding into BODS. Last ticketer updates are often a lot more recent than the last updates to BODS. You may need to refresh the datasets or something.
Otherwise, issues exist on all datasets.
Preston Bus - 6, 16 and 23 are wrongly marked as not for public use. Route 287 and 289 are football buses and only run on football dates. These are in BODS as running daily (albeit different times on some days). Also data isn't refreshing in BODS.
Diamond North West - Route MC1, MC4 and MC10 are all football buses and only run Etihad Campus days. These are in Ticketer data as running daily. Data isn't refreshing in BODS. May be worth just republishing.
Diamond South East - Needs refreshing to properly remove the 555. N555 wrongly shows as not for public use. Stops for all routes in Heathrow need reviewing as the DFT has just done a big update of NAPTAN around Heathrow, therefore some of the stops codes that you currently use are incorrect. May be worth moving the Hotel Hoppa routes over to the Hotel Hoppa NOC code as well so that people can find the routes easier and once someone has found the routes, they can get more info easier as they would be linked to Hotel Hoppa. H5H is missing it's OTC registration number too.
Diamond West Midlands - Firstly the dataset hasn't caught up with Ticketer updates. Also though, based off the Ticketer update, School day/holiday dates aren't set up for the 2024/25 academic year. 242S is wrongly showing up as a 242 in the morning, afternoon trip missing. 229 Mon-Sat trips missing stop 43007287501 (stop shows on the Sunday timetable, but not other days). 142 on Sundays randomly missing Stourbridge Interchange. Route 96 Mon-Sat are missing details for all intermediate stops, only shows timing points. 25 missing Merry Hill Bus Station on random trips. 30, 32, 40, 41, 41A all have parts of the route missing, mostly missing starting or terminating at the bus stations.
Some routes randomly missing stops, sometimes applies to all trips, sometimes just some trips, I'd be here all day listing the issues on this dataset though.
Thank you. I will get this looked at.
Quote from: GoldenSquid on September 13, 2024, 05:44:17 PMAlso the 96 has the wrong stop in Chelmlsey Wood on bustimes, it serves CM towards Birmingham Airport.
On M-F it's down as CF and on SA/SU it's down as CL
Thank you. I will get this looked at.
Bit of a 'left field' question, but I'll give it a go anyway.
Is there any reason why the METRO baskets on your early morning journeys, as regards the Wa 31/32, never seem to be full, compared to Nx vehicles?
I normally take a few in for our warehouse staff & some mornings, there's hardly any, so out of fairness, Ive left them & got them off the 529, which the journey Im on, the vehicle has already been out for a bit, but still has a practically full basket.
I know Im not probably the only one that takes a few more, but you wouldve thought they'd still be a decent amount available at half 6 in the morning.
Do you get less delivered into Tividale, than the Nx depots?
Quote from: Westy on September 24, 2024, 07:08:09 AMBit of a 'left field' question, but I'll give it a go anyway.
Is there any reason why the METRO baskets on your early morning journeys, as regards the Wa 31/32, never seem to be full, compared to Nx vehicles?
I normally take a few in for our warehouse staff & some mornings, there's hardly any, so out of fairness, Ive left them & got them off the 529, which the journey Im on, the vehicle has already been out for a bit, but still has a practically full basket.
I know Im not probably the only one that takes a few more, but you wouldve thought they'd still be a decent amount available at half 6 in the morning.
Do you get less delivered into Tividale, than the Nx depots?
We receive a delivery of night/ morning. I cannot comment on how many NX get. We have a lot of buses run out before Half Six in the morning. I am not sure which bus working you refer to but some of our bus workings on the 31/32 will have left before 0630 hrs. You could potentially be on a bus which has been out in service since 0430 hrs.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 24, 2024, 08:10:14 AMWe receive a delivery of night/ morning. I cannot comment on how many NX get. We have a lot of buses run out before Half Six in the morning. I am not sure which bus working you refer to but some of our bus workings on the 31/32 will have left before 0630 hrs. You could potentially be on a bus which has been out in service since 0430 hrs.
The buses concerned operate Bloxwich / Leamore around 630am to 645am.
If it's just 'one of those things', fair enough.
@4747 does have a point.
I know the X51 that operates around the same time normally has plenty, because thats its first journey in service.
I did read recently in their letters page, that someone had a similar issue & the answer was along the lines of 'We're increasing the print run!', so METRO are aware of the extra copies being taken.
Quote from: Westy on September 24, 2024, 09:00:59 AMThe buses concerned operate Bloxwich / Leamore around 630am to 645am.
If it's just 'one of those things', fair enough.
@4747 does have a point.
I know the X51 that operates around the same time normally has plenty, because thats its first journey in service.
I did read recently in their letters page, that someone had a similar issue & the answer was along the lines of 'We're increasing the print run!', so METRO are aware of the extra copies being taken.
Thank you. Either way, I will talk to the depot to make sure the drivers are all taking them.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 17, 2024, 04:05:19 AMThank you. I will get this looked at.
There are still missing stops on the 8 (Kidderminster) timetable on Stretton Road, Greatfield Road, Sutton Road part of the route.
Both on bus times and Diamond website.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 17, 2024, 04:04:07 AMThank you. I will get this looked at.
Hi Simon, thank you for getting some of the issues resolved. Some issues still remain though as well as a number of new issues (The list of data issues are really long).
Diamond South East - N555 still listed as not for public use. N30, the Diamond website gives different information to what Heathrow says for stand numbers in terminals. Service A60, your website says this bus departs from stand 20 at Terminal 5, in which case the open data should be updated to reflect this (correct stop code
49001643012). BL2 your website says you serve stop B at Hatton Cross, open data shows stop C (Bus stop B stop code 490000103D). Service H21 serves bus stop 9 at Terminal 4, this stop code needs updating to 4900001049.All Heathrow Hoppa buses the stop updating at Terminal 3 in both directions. New stop code is 490008026W. H5H service missing it's OTC registration (PK1135862/36)Diamond West Midlands - Various school trips have now got no details at all on school dates, it's just been lazily set up as Monday-Friday so these trips show up even in the October Half Term.Redditch 11, towards Redditch, remove Webheath, Tynsall Avenue (2000G631010)Dudley 17 in the evening, missing intermediate stops and wrongly shows as serving stops to Amblecote rather than showing as terminating at KingswinfordWednesbury 23 missing Bilston Bus Station as a timing point. When heading towards Wednesbury, after Bilston Bus Station missing Bilston Tame St (43000717602)Stourbridge 25 missing Merry Hill Bus Station on most trips.Service 96, on Saturdays the 18:45 and 20:45 trips towards Birmingham Airport are missing times at intermediate stops (shows timing points only). Mon-Fri towards Kingstanding Circle missing times for all intermediate stops. Also still issues at Chelmsley Wood Interchange.142 towards Merry Hill, Mon-Sat has wrong stop at Oldswinford Junction Station (should be stop 43000821401). Also daily after Stourbridge Junction Road missing Vauxhall Road. Buses show as serving Stand E at Merry Hill Mon-Fri but on Sundays serve stop B?
142A towards Merry Hill after Stourbridge Junction Road missing Vauxhall Road.242S still wrongly shows up as a 242, when it should be a 242S.
Quote from: 2206 on September 25, 2024, 07:52:50 PMThere are still missing stops on the 8 (Kidderminster) timetable on Stretton Road, Greatfield Road, Sutton Road part of the route.
Both on bus times and Diamond website.
I believe this has now been resolved.
Quote from: IMarkeh on September 26, 2024, 05:57:22 PMHi Simon, thank you for getting some of the issues resolved. Some issues still remain though as well as a number of new issues (The list of data issues are really long).
Diamond South East - N555 still listed as not for public use. N30, the Diamond website gives different information to what Heathrow says for stand numbers in terminals. Service A60, your website says this bus departs from stand 20 at Terminal 5, in which case the open data should be updated to reflect this (correct stop code 49001643012). BL2 your website says you serve stop B at Hatton Cross, open data shows stop C (Bus stop B stop code 490000103D). Service H21 serves bus stop 9 at Terminal 4, this stop code needs updating to 4900001049.
All Heathrow Hoppa buses the stop updating at Terminal 3 in both directions. New stop code is 490008026W. H5H service missing it's OTC registration (PK1135862/36)
Diamond West Midlands -
Various school trips have now got no details at all on school dates, it's just been lazily set up as Monday-Friday so these trips show up even in the October Half Term.
Redditch 11, towards Redditch, remove Webheath, Tynsall Avenue (2000G631010)
Dudley 17 in the evening, missing intermediate stops and wrongly shows as serving stops to Amblecote rather than showing as terminating at Kingswinford
Wednesbury 23 missing Bilston Bus Station as a timing point. When heading towards Wednesbury, after Bilston Bus Station missing Bilston Tame St (43000717602)
Stourbridge 25 missing Merry Hill Bus Station on most trips.
Service 96, on Saturdays the 18:45 and 20:45 trips towards Birmingham Airport are missing times at intermediate stops (shows timing points only). Mon-Fri towards Kingstanding Circle missing times for all intermediate stops. Also still issues at Chelmsley Wood Interchange.
142 towards Merry Hill, Mon-Sat has wrong stop at Oldswinford Junction Station (should be stop 43000821401). Also daily after Stourbridge Junction Road missing Vauxhall Road. Buses show as serving Stand E at Merry Hill Mon-Fri but on Sundays serve stop B?
142A towards Merry Hill after Stourbridge Junction Road missing Vauxhall Road.
242S still wrongly shows up as a 242, when it should be a 242S.
II have our commercial team rectifying this.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 30, 2024, 08:17:36 PMII have our commercial team rectifying this.
Hi Simon,
Please can I ask for an update on these as I note the issues still exist.
Would it be easier if someone just came and sorted the data out on behalf of the commercial team because the amount of errors are mind boggling. What I have listed above is just some of the errors.
Quote from: IMarkeh on October 19, 2024, 04:44:32 AMHi Simon,
Please can I ask for an update on these as I note the issues still exist.
Would it be easier if someone just came and sorted the data out on behalf of the commercial team because the amount of errors are mind boggling. What I have listed above is just some of the errors.
I am advised this has been updated.
30880 was working the 3 with a non working front blind today.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 30, 2024, 08:17:17 PMI believe this has now been resolved.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on October 23, 2024, 08:50:08 PMI am advised this has been updated.
Sadly whoever is advising you that they have fixed issues, is misleading you. And has been doing so for a while.
The only issues that have been fixed are Redditch 11 (but now I have found a new issue), Heathrow Terminal 3 stop was updated in some cases (but there's since been another update to NAPTAN and the stop code has changed again). 142 stops at Merry Hill and Oldswinford Junction Station have been resolved and 242S now shows up as a 242S.
All other issues remain, plus many more that I keep finding.
30 and 41 for example missing West Bromwich Bus Station Monday-Saturday. 40 missing Wednesbury Bus Station Monday-Saturday. Redditch 11 Mon-Sat missing Sheltwood Close.
For some reason, Diamond suffers major issues with revision numbers for service groups being wildly different meaning open data and data users can't always use the data properly (route 145 for example is on revision number 34 but 145A linked to the same reg is revision number 23)
Quote from: 2206 on October 24, 2024, 07:52:24 PM30880 was working the 3 with a non working front blind today.
I will pick this up with the depot
Hi Simon
i was waiting for one of your 50s one day, and it went right past me and i could visually see it wasn't full.
With TFWM wanting a lot of the tendered routes to serve Bus stops only is there any chance maybe not a bus stop flag but something that makes it appear as a bus stop could be used on routes like the 23, 80 and 57. The 80 still Terminates at Charnwood Road In Moxley but there isn't a bus stop or any notice of it stopping there. I believe WCT when they ran the 30 through Burns Road in Moxley had a little Timetable on a lamppost on Hughes Road in between two driveways. Is there any similar plans so maybe some of the estates you can no longer serve can be brought back into use
Quote from: RH17LYE on October 28, 2024, 11:22:26 AMHi Simon
i was waiting for one of your 50s one day, and it went right past me and i could visually see it wasn't full.
Do you have any more specific information, so I can get it investigated.
Quote from: BlackCountryBusSpotter on October 28, 2024, 12:53:43 PMWith TFWM wanting a lot of the tendered routes to serve Bus stops only is there any chance maybe not a bus stop flag but something that makes it appear as a bus stop could be used on routes like the 23, 80 and 57. The 80 still Terminates at Charnwood Road In Moxley but there isn't a bus stop or any notice of it stopping there. I believe WCT when they ran the 30 through Burns Road in Moxley had a little Timetable on a lamppost on Hughes Road in between two driveways. Is there any similar plans so maybe some of the estates you can no longer serve can be brought back into use
We leave bus stop management down to TfWM. These are tendered routes, some are tight on time and if start to create more timing points there could be an impact on timeliness.
Hiya Simon,
30168 has been running round redditch for quite some time displaying only the number on the front dest rather then the destination as well. Could be a configuration issue.
Quote from: TheMidlandsTrident on October 31, 2024, 09:10:57 PMHiya Simon,
30168 has been running round redditch for quite some time displaying only the number on the front dest rather then the destination as well. Could be a configuration issue.
This is now fixed.
Hi Simon 21235 isn't displaying it's front Route Number so it just says Wednesbury Via Darlaston on the Front Destination Board
30926 the electric screen by the seats is stating that a Regional NBus is £4.50. I thought that they were £4.80
Hiya simon,
Sorry to keep asking you about destinations, but on multiple streetdecks they seem to not be able to have 247 dests on the front. Vehicles: 40725, 40842 and 40827 ive seen with this problem and it seems to only affect them with 247 dests. Causes confusion when you have 247S and 247 both stopping same place same time.
Hi Simon,
Apologies for being another one about destination blinds but Burton's 15014 was on the 70/70A today with no destination showing.
15009. The screen displays the destination then changes to another display just with the letter X
Hi Simon any sign of the Aussies entering service yet
Question for both
@Simon Dunn &
What are your companies respective stances on X / Twitter, considering there is an alleged mass exodus elsewhere to the likes of BlueSky, due to the ownership of X?
I know Nx has a Threads account, dont know about Diamond though.
Quote from: BlackCountryBusSpotter on November 05, 2024, 03:11:14 PMHi Simon 21235 isn't displaying it's front Route Number so it just says Wednesbury Via Darlaston on the Front Destination Board
Just picked this up. I will get the bus checked.
Quote from: Jay71 on November 07, 2024, 10:02:35 AM30926 the electric screen by the seats is stating that a Regional NBus is £4.50. I thought that they were £4.80
Sorry for the delay - I will get this checked.
Quote from: TheMidlandsTrident on November 07, 2024, 05:58:00 PMHiya simon,
Sorry to keep asking you about destinations, but on multiple streetdecks they seem to not be able to have 247 dests on the front. Vehicles: 40725, 40842 and 40827 ive seen with this problem and it seems to only affect them with 247 dests. Causes confusion when you have 247S and 247 both stopping same place same time.
Sorry - I will get this checked tonight
Quote from: twbc99 on November 08, 2024, 05:09:01 PMHi Simon,
Apologies for being another one about destination blinds but Burton's 15014 was on the 70/70A today with no destination showing.
I am advised this has been resolved.
Quote from: Jay71 on November 13, 2024, 11:44:49 AM15009. The screen displays the destination then changes to another display just with the letter X
We had some earlier problems which I understand have now been resolved.
Quote from: Mayfield on November 13, 2024, 10:16:59 PMHi Simon any sign of the Aussies entering service yet
As the buses are the first Built by Custom Denning they need to go through whole type approval. They passed this months ago. The next stage was for the DVLA to issue paperwork to allow them to be registered. We have waited months for this, and it came through this week.
They now need to be presented to a certifying officer. We have applied and are waiting a slot for all 4 vehicles.
Quote from: Westy on November 15, 2024, 05:21:33 PMQuestion for both @Simon Dunn & @Tony.
What are your companies respective stances on X / Twitter, considering there is an alleged mass exodus elsewhere to the likes of BlueSky, due to the ownership of X?
I know Nx has a Threads account, dont know about Diamond though.
We don't have a position. We have social media accounts, more for PR and updates.
Re 8 15A/C services.
Would it not make sense for Worcestershire Council to install proper bus stops in the Kidderminster area. A couple of locations where buses currently stop with no physical stop flag come to mind 8 Rifle Range terminus, 15A Silverwoods Way just after the Larchwood Pub and there's some new housing development at the bottom of the Chester Road South as well.
Where there are shelters in place in the Kidderminster area some of them loook more like shells or wrecks than bus stops. With out of date service numbers (First route 1) on the flags, or no service information at bus stops.
Also the 8 seems to have a reliability problem.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 15, 2024, 07:38:12 PMAs the buses are the first Built by Custom Denning they need to go through whole type approval. They passed this months ago. The next stage was for the DVLA to issue paperwork to allow them to be registered. We have waited months for this, and it came through this week.
They now need to be presented to a certifying officer. We have applied and are waiting a slot for all 4 vehicles.
Thanks for the reply Simon, nothing less than you would expect from multiple government departments
Quote from: 2206 on November 15, 2024, 08:20:40 PMRe 8 15A/C services.
Would it not make sense for Worcestershire Council to install proper bus stops in the Kidderminster area. A couple of locations where buses currently stop with no physical stop flag come to mind 8 Rifle Range terminus, 15A Silverwoods Way just after the Larchwood Pub and there's some new housing development at the bottom of the Chester Road South as well.
Where there are shelters in place in the Kidderminster area some of them loook more like shells or wrecks than bus stops. With out of date service numbers (First route 1) on the flags, or no service information at bus stops.
Also the 8 seems to have a reliability problem.
We have been discussing this point with WCC for a while. We have offered to take over the bus stop maintenance, but this offer has been declined. The ownership of the stops is unknown. Some are owned by WCC and some are owned by District Councils. Either way, it is frustrating.
In terms of the 8 - as you know the whole area and Bewdley is affected because of ongoing roadworks. We have put additional resource in and the depot monitor all the routes during the day and try to manage reliability. It is going to be a problem until these major works come to an end.
Hi Simon,
I am local to Preston and Deepdale Road currently hosts 40030 and 40515-517, as well as the older Omnidekkas 40406 and 40407.
I chanced upon some information regarding a recent purchase of two Scania N230UD OmniCity deckers from Belle Vue. This got me wondering where the future 40031 and 40032 might be allocated to, considering Preston are currently the only Rotala operation other than Burton to have a considerable number of Scanias on strength.
Many thanks
Quote from: PrestonOmnicity on November 17, 2024, 11:45:11 PMHi Simon,
I am local to Preston and Deepdale Road currently hosts 40030 and 40515-517, as well as the older Omnidekkas 40406 and 40407.
I chanced upon some information regarding a recent purchase of two Scania N230UD OmniCity deckers from Belle Vue. This got me wondering where the future 40031 and 40032 might be allocated to, considering Preston are currently the only Rotala operation other than Burton to have a considerable number of Scanias on strength.
Many thanks
Dear Preston OmniCity,
There are no planned changes with these vehicles at this time.
SN68AHB isn't tracking tonight on the 42
32336 is running about on the 40 with none of the displays working, can this be looked at when it returns to garage?
I caught 32260 on the 15C today and on Monday.
Both days the front blind wasn't working and was blank (the nearside one was working though).
The heating on 30023 hasn't worked for a while. Any chance of getting this rectified?
@Jay71 - No such vehicle, Winston
With the new tenders, r u up or down on the number of buses u need
Quote from: Jay71 on November 21, 2024, 08:31:53 PMThe heating on 30023 hasn't worked for a while. Any chance of getting this rectified?
@Jay71 - No such vehicle, Winston
Quote from: Jay71 on November 18, 2024, 09:08:06 PMSN68AHB isn't tracking tonight on the 42
We have swapped the Ticket Machine out - thank you
Quote from: Jack on November 19, 2024, 04:23:31 PM32336 is running about on the 40 with none of the displays working, can this be looked at when it returns to garage?
Thank you - I will get this looked at
Quote from: 2206 on November 20, 2024, 08:08:09 PMI caught 32260 on the 15C today and on Monday.
Both days the front blind wasn't working and was blank (the nearside one was working though).
I will pick this up with the depot
Quote from: woody38 on November 24, 2024, 10:28:08 AMWith the new tenders, r u up or down on the number of buses u need
There is a lot happening from on 05/01/25. There are revisions to lots of services. Overall, after all these changes over all 3 garages we will be +4.
Quote from: Jay71 on November 24, 2024, 03:38:27 PM30923
I will ask Engineering to pick this up. Thank you
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 24, 2024, 04:21:48 PMThere is a lot happening from on 05/01/25. There are revisions to lots of services. Overall, after all these changes over all 3 garages we will be +4.
Many thanks Simon for the reply
@Simon Dunn Hi Simon,
Do you have any news with the Scanias in the Burton fleet as to if these will be staying or going in the near future? Would love to see these stay in the fleet.
Quote from: lewism3 on November 25, 2024, 01:37:55 PM@Simon Dunn
Hi Simon,
Do you have any news with the Scanias in the Burton fleet as to if these will be staying or going in the near future? Would love to see these stay in the fleet.
We have yet to decide. When the electrics arrive and are able to go into service, we need to make a decision over which vehicles to move out.
20056 - front display randomly switches on and off.
Hi Simon 21218 KD68DVG Side Destination board either wasn't displayed or isn't working on the 310
Hi Simon,
Has the Royal Derby shuttle timetable changed this week? I note that for most of the day it seems that 2 vehicles are running but the online timetable shows the same timetable which generally had 1 vehicle running.
Quote from: Rachvince53 on November 29, 2024, 11:50:59 AM20056 - front display randomly switches on and off.
I have sent to Engineering and asked them to check the vehicle.
Quote from: BlackCountryBusSpotter on November 29, 2024, 11:51:56 AMHi Simon 21218 KD68DVG Side Destination board either wasn't displayed or isn't working on the 310
Thank you. Like wise, I have asked Engineering to check this
Quote from: twbc99 on November 29, 2024, 04:00:55 PMHi Simon,
Has the Royal Derby shuttle timetable changed this week? I note that for most of the day it seems that 2 vehicles are running but the online timetable shows the same timetable which generally had 1 vehicle running.
I will get the timetable checked. Last week at the request of the hospital a second vehicle has been introduced. The 2nd vehicle was introduced from memory around 0930 hrs , this is when the demand increases.
Will 40716 return to Preston
Some diamond drivers I don't understand. On a clear stretch of road with a 30 mph speed limit some drivers decide that 15mph is best to go even though they are 10 mins late. I can understand if it's bad weather/dark but most instances it's perfectly fine but still decide to drive sometimes 15 mph below the limit.
30826 The window frame on the left hand side just before the fold up seats is very very loose
I've also noticed that the bus makes a hell of a racket when it stops
20056 - front display flickers on and off
As the Bidford Bridge has reopened, do you have any idea when 247 will be back to normal?
Thank you
Quote from: Ingleboro261F on December 11, 2024, 05:06:27 PMSome diamond drivers I don't understand. On a clear stretch of road with a 30 mph speed limit some drivers decide that 15mph is best to go even though they are 10 mins late. I can understand if it's bad weather/dark but most instances it's perfectly fine but still decide to drive sometimes 15 mph below the limit.
without sufficient information this cannot be investigated.
Quote from: Jay71 on December 11, 2024, 07:44:02 PM30826 The window frame on the left hand side just before the fold up seats is very very loose
I've also noticed that the bus makes a hell of a racket when it stops
I will get Engineering to look at this. Thank you
Quote from: Rachvince53 on December 13, 2024, 09:17:10 AM20056 - front display flickers on and off
Thank you. I will get Engineering to look at this.
Quote from: TheMidlandsTrident on December 13, 2024, 04:28:20 PMAs the Bidford Bridge has reopened, do you have any idea when 247 will be back to normal?
Thank you
The plan is to return to the "normal" line of route from 2nd January 2025.
Hi Simon,
Recently aquired ex Ensign Streetdeck LX71 AOB has entered service in Preston which I believe was planned to be 40846 however the fleet number displayed on the vehicle is 40848. Out of curiosity which is correct?
Thanks in advance
From the recent order of ADLs are any Preston bound or all for midlands
Any idea why service 42 didn't go down Owen St tonight?
Quote from: Stevoj3026 on December 19, 2024, 05:00:39 PMHi Simon,
Recently aquired ex Ensign Streetdeck LX71 AOB has entered service in Preston which I believe was planned to be 40846 however the fleet number displayed on the vehicle is 40848. Out of curiosity which is correct?
Thanks in advance
Fleet number should be 40846. I will talk to the depot.
Quote from: Ryan Hack on December 19, 2024, 08:42:41 PMFrom the recent order of ADLs are any Preston bound or all for midlands
20644 and 20645 - I believe are in Bolton and being prepped before being delivery to Preston.
Quote from: Jay71 on December 19, 2024, 11:28:15 PMAny idea why service 42 didn't go down Owen St tonight?
We were not aware it had reopened.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on November 15, 2024, 07:38:12 PMAs the buses are the first Built by Custom Denning they need to go through whole type approval. They passed this months ago. The next stage was for the DVLA to issue paperwork to allow them to be registered. We have waited months for this, and it came through this week.
They now need to be presented to a certifying officer. We have applied and are waiting a slot for all 4 vehicles.
Simon,Is there any update on these vehicles, please? I think that at least one of them may have arrived at Bedfont as I am pretty certain I passed one the other evening but (a) it was dark and raining and (b) I was on the top deck of a 203 bus heading the other way so I only really got a fleeting glimpse. It was, however, clearly in Diamond's base two tone blue livery and wasn't a Streetlite or one of the Magtec repowered MAN/Plaxton Centros.ThanksMark
Quote from: Mark L on December 21, 2024, 09:31:21 AMSimon,
Is there any update on these vehicles, please? I think that at least one of them may have arrived at Bedfont as I am pretty certain I passed one the other evening but (a) it was dark and raining and (b) I was on the top deck of a 203 bus heading the other way so I only really got a fleeting glimpse. It was, however, clearly in Diamond's base two tone blue livery and wasn't a Streetlite or one of the Magtec repowered MAN/Plaxton Centros.
We sent two of the ex MAN to Heathrow to provide short term cover.
In terms of the New electrics.
I am not an expert in the process, so if what I am saying is incorrect I apologise but it is my understanding.
The all white longer version went for IVA testing on Thursday. I am advised it passed, we are waiting on some paperwork. IVA testing and ZUMO testing are different and we will need to send the vehicle for this in the new year. This should be a formality. (This vehicle is the same as the 6 for Burton)
Up until this point, the vehicle has had to go through certification testing at MIRA. The requirement is that the most extreme example of the vehicle needs to go through this and the rest can be passed once this one was done. MIRA have said, that in this case they don't think that should apply - I cannot understand the logic to this. This means we will need to put one of the smaller buses through the process - I think the inclination this time is to send the vehicle to Millbrook.
So we are getting there - its just very slow.
Sounds like an absolute shambles but only to be expected in this country with all our red tape written by people with no common sense and a mountain of useless qualifications.
32124. Keeps on cutting out every time it stops. Must have done this four times in thirteen mins
Quote from: Jay71 on December 24, 2024, 09:42:59 AM32124. Keeps on cutting out every time it stops. Must have done this four times in thirteen mins
I will pick this up with engineering.
20056 blind is flickering then turning off and on (affecting side and rear displays too)
Can someone, if not Simon, take a look at the 1455 from Bloxwich & the 1536 from Bilston 326 journeys, as they seem to be struggling to keep to time on a regular basis?
The 1536 can be anything from 5 mins to 20 mins late during normal traffic conditions, not holiday periods as current, as it seems alright at those points in the calendar.
Not sure about the Bilston end, but the pinch points seem to be through Lane Head & Bell Lane in Bloxwich.
If the driver has to take breaks as well, that doesn't help either.
You'll probably have to discuss with TFWM, as it's tendered, but I think a re-time might be needed?
Quote from: Rachvince53 on December 28, 2024, 03:07:48 PM20056 blind is flickering then turning off and on (affecting side and rear displays too)
I will get someone to look at this.
Quote from: Westy on December 28, 2024, 11:52:19 PMCan someone, if not Simon, take a look at the 1455 from Bloxwich & the 1536 from Bilston 326 journeys, as they seem to be struggling to keep to time on a regular basis?
The 1536 can be anything from 5 mins to 20 mins late during normal traffic conditions, not holiday periods as current, as it seems alright at those points in the calendar.
Not sure about the Bilston end, but the pinch points seem to be through Lane Head & Bell Lane in Bloxwich.
If the driver has to take breaks as well, that doesn't help either.
You'll probably have to discuss with TFWM, as it's tendered, but I think a re-time might be needed?
Thank you.
We will export recent data and have a look.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on December 29, 2024, 07:03:22 AMThank you.
We will export recent data and have a look.
I would look at the whole year if possible.
As I said, during holiday periods, the punctionality is a lot better, during normal times, it's worse!
20159 - front display not working (side and rear are fine)
Quote from: Rachvince53 on January 01, 2025, 03:19:15 PM20159 - front display not working (side and rear are fine)
I will get engineering to look at this.
The bus isn't tracking. The ticket machine wouldn't scan tickets that have been purchased on the Diamond app
Quote from: Jay71 on January 02, 2025, 01:06:38 PM20739
The bus isn't tracking. The ticket machine wouldn't scan tickets that have been purchased on the Diamond app
We can see the bus tracking, and scans through out the day. A few questions.
- What time did this occur?
- Where?
- What route?
- Which reader did you try and scan the App on?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2025, 01:45:48 PMJay
We can see the bus tracking, and scans through out the day. A few questions.
- What time did this occur?
- Where?
- What route?
- Which reader did you try and scan the App on?
23(Bilston bus station)
The scanner in by the drivers cab. Where passes are normally scanned
My ticket worked ok on services 42, 326, 229 & 16a
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 02, 2025, 01:45:48 PMJay
We can see the bus tracking, and scans through out the day. A few questions.
- What time did this occur?
- Where?
- What route?
- Which reader did you try and scan the App on?
Route 23
Time 1251
Location Bilston bus station
Used the scanner on the ticket machine
The female driver stated to me that the machine had been temperamental all day. Her words not mine
When I checked bus it was only listing buses going in Portobello direction
Hi Simon,
A couple of observations from my travels today in Burton:
31418 has no front destination
When traveling on 31000 all the notices behind the driver and on the next stop screen were out of date (some by 2 years). Not sure if this will be relevant to the rest of the fleet.
Whilst I appreciate there needs to be some padding between runs it seems that New Street can become a bit of a 'dumping ground' for vehicles in between runs. As such trentbarton's the villager missed calling at stand 3 at 1635 today as there was nowhere to pull in with a E400 on the 10 and a Scania out of service behind it. Although an engineering van did later turn up for the Scania, it is not the first time a empty bus has just been left there and the villager has struggled to get in to pick up.
Quote from: Jay71 on January 02, 2025, 04:16:56 PM020125
Route 23
Time 1251
Location Bilston bus station
Used the scanner on the ticket machine
The female driver stated to me that the machine had been temperamental all day. Her words not mine
When I checked bus it was only listing buses going in Portobello direction
Over the last few months, we have upgraded all the ticket machines across the group to have the technology to power the next stop equipment. For some reason, we believe this machine has failed. We have removed the machine and will make sure it is repaired.
Quote from: twbc99 on January 02, 2025, 07:20:53 PMHi Simon,
A couple of observations from my travels today in Burton:
31418 has no front destination
When traveling on 31000 all the notices behind the driver and on the next stop screen were out of date (some by 2 years). Not sure if this will be relevant to the rest of the fleet.
Whilst I appreciate there needs to be some padding between runs it seems that New Street can become a bit of a 'dumping ground' for vehicles in between runs. As such trentbarton's the villager missed calling at stand 3 at 1635 today as there was nowhere to pull in with a E400 on the 10 and a Scania out of service behind it. Although an engineering van did later turn up for the Scania, it is not the first time a empty bus has just been left there and the villager has struggled to get in to pick up.
I am advised.
31418 - has been fixed.
31000 - this vehicle did not feature in our new platform, this in the process of being corrected.
Buses in New Street. Do you have any fleet numbers?
Front blind on 20164 isn't working on the 8 at Kidderminster this evening.
It's been like that for over a week.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 03, 2025, 04:12:39 PMI am advised.
31418 - has been fixed.
31000 - this vehicle did not feature in our new platform, this in the process of being corrected.
Buses in New Street. Do you have any fleet numbers?
Thanks for getting back to me Simon,
40526 and I believe either 31001 or 30990 was the Scania on stand 3. The E400 was on the 1640 route 10 whilst the Scania behind had an engineer look at it after the E400 left before leaving not in service. Just before the 402 arrived (40527), 31419 arrived empty and parked up on the stand. Bus times shows this then worked the 1720 9 to Ashby from stand 9 on the other side of the road.
Quote from: twbc99 on January 03, 2025, 08:06:22 PMThanks for getting back to me Simon,
40526 and I believe either 31001 or 30990 was the Scania on stand 3. The E400 was on the 1640 route 10 whilst the Scania behind had an engineer look at it after the E400 left before leaving not in service. Just before the 402 arrived (40527), 31419 arrived empty and parked up on the stand. Bus times shows this then worked the 1720 9 to Ashby from stand 9 on the other side of the road.
We are trying to declutter the stands at Burton. At times, this is difficult and we do have 2 parking spaces which should be used, which isnt on the stands.
I will discuss this with the inspector - who is based in the Town.
Are the buses that have gone to Eccles from various rotala operations permanently there or temporarily there till new buses come in
Quote from: Ryan Hack on January 04, 2025, 12:44:27 PMAre the buses that have gone to Eccles from various rotala operations permanently there or temporarily there till new buses come in
The following vehicles are short term vehicles operating within the TfGM Franchised fleet.
We expect to acquire 21247, 21248, 21249, 21250 during April 2024. We are on the verge of ordering 2 to replace 20639, 20640.
In terms of school buses fleet. We have no planned changes as yet.
I've heard rumours of purchasing 2 Mellor Strata vehicles from Nexus Move, is this true?
Quote from: B7RLE on January 04, 2025, 06:31:34 PMI've heard rumours of purchasing 2 Mellor Strata vehicles from Nexus Move, is this true?
Not now. The original plan included 2 Mellor Strata vehicles from Nexus. TfGM nominated the vehicles to us, and then after inspection removed them from the pool This is why we have 2 White ADL E200s now there, which will be replaced when new vehicles have been acquired.
Why have you got 2 deckers for Redditch & sent one of the metrodeckers up to Manchester area when you could of sent 1 new decker up & got 1 at Redditch
Quote from: Solo1 on January 05, 2025, 08:38:42 AMWhy have you got 2 deckers for Redditch & sent one of the metrodeckers up to Manchester area when you could of sent 1 new decker up & got 1 at Redditch
Both Metrodeckers will be going to Manchester. The new deckers have gone to Redditch, as they will do more mileage in Redditch than in Manchester.
Metrodeckers gone up there for schools or mix of school & normal services
Quote from: Solo1 on January 05, 2025, 09:03:13 AMMetrodeckers gone up there for schools or mix of school & normal services
Schools, and other contract work.
Given the imminent expectation that the first tranche of Merseytravel franchise contract bidding is to open, is Rotala expected to pursue these opportunities?
Folk have mentioned Arriva will not be focusing their resources on the first tranche (St Helens) and to focus on the more lucrative contracts, giving a good opportunity for a new player.. Similarly would Rotala be considering the new school franchises in Merseyside, where a whole new set up maybe required?
Quote from: Buslad02 on January 05, 2025, 01:00:13 PMGiven the imminent expectation that the first tranche of Merseytravel franchise contract bidding is to open, is Rotala expected to pursue these opportunities?
Folk have mentioned Arriva will not be focusing their resources on the first tranche (St Helens) and to focus on the more lucrative contracts, giving a good opportunity for a new player.. Similarly would Rotala be considering the new school franchises in Merseyside, where a whole new set up maybe required?
We were close to and was looking at acquiring a smaller operator in the area. The Franchising change means there are no small Franchises.
It is therefore difficult to see how we could build enough critical mass to operate schools only. So we think the only avenue open is to bid for large franchises.
We are intending to look at the large franchises.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 05, 2025, 01:28:21 PMWe were close to and was looking at acquiring a smaller operator in the area. The Franchising change means there are no small Franchises.
It is therefore difficult to see how we could build enough critical mass to operate schools only. So we think the only avenue open is to bid for large franchises.
We are intending to look at the large franchises.
Many thanks for the reply and best of luck!
Hi Simon ,
I waited for the first 215 service this morning , at 6:10 , got to stop around 6:05 , by 6:40 bus never come , not a good start , hopefully better for tommrow
Has 30827 been withdrawn hasn't tracked since 29th nov according to bus times
Quote from: Jakemat10 on January 06, 2025, 12:06:50 PMHas 30827 been withdrawn hasn't tracked since 29th nov according to bus times
The bus is in service today.
Quote from: Jack6101 on January 06, 2025, 09:38:29 AMHi Simon ,
I waited for the first 215 service this morning , at 6:10 , got to stop around 6:05 , by 6:40 bus never come , not a good start , hopefully better for tommrow
I apologise for this. There was a loss of 45 minutes service this morning.
Is it known were 20639 and 20640 will go after the Diamond Bus North West time
I love service change weeks as it's always fun to see what mess the commercial team put into the Ticketer machines!
In this months version of Diamond Midlands commercial team can't do their job properly.....
Redditch 50 trips towards Maypole missing times at Moseley and Kings Heath timing points. Missing Digbeth Barford Street DS8 and King's Heath Institute Rd
Redditch 50A trips wrongly show up as a 50
West Bromwich 54 and Wolverhampton 61 has the wrong service number (on Ticketer external service number needs updating) and both need the publicuse box ticking.
Bilston 303 has stops in areas that the bus doesn't serve.
Kidderminster 580 towards Kinver wrongly shows as serving Kidderminster Horsefair (wocdmdga)
Evesham 540 doesn't have 2024/25 school dates set.
(Plus many, many more. I could write a book on Diamonds data errors!)
How many times do data issues need to keep being raised before you hold your commercial team accountable for their poor work? Bus open data is a legal requirement and Diamond Midlands constant errors is putting your operators licence at risk. It's unacceptable that you are being paid millions of pounds of taxpayers money on contracts, yet refuse to comply with open data laws (providing full and correct data. emphasis on correct). Diamond North West and Preston seem to do quite well and so credit to them, why then is it that Midlands team keeps making such a hash of it all? I've seen kids with spaghetti make less of a mess!
And let's be clear, it's not just passengers being screwed over here, your own punctuality stats (internally and through Analyse Bus Open Data) will be messed up because of stops being all over the place, drivers will be being misinformed too (as the data you're putting out on BODS comes from Ticketer so the same issues I am seeing, will be the same issues drivers will be having). It's just really not on and you need to sort it (as clearly your commercial team can't sort it else I would have had to report it so many times)
Quote from: Westy on December 29, 2024, 12:45:23 PMI would look at the whole year if possible.
As I said, during holiday periods, the punctionality is a lot better, during normal times, it's worse!
@Simon Dunn Scenario I described is happening today.
1536 326 is running 13 minutes late, according to Bustimes, and the 1455 left more or less on time & started to slip around Lane Head, which becomes the 1536!
What is the plans with A17 HLC and A19 HLC?
Quote from: Ryan Hack on January 06, 2025, 10:56:09 PMIs it known were 20639 and 20640 will go after the Diamond Bus North West time
We want to replace a number of West Midlands vehicles, at the same time, we are tendering for a lot of new work. So it depends upon when the vehicles are released and where they are needed at that point.
Quote from: Westy on January 07, 2025, 03:54:48 PM@Simon Dunn Scenario I described is happening today.
1536 326 is running 13 minutes late, according to Bustimes, and the 1455 left more or less on time & started to slip around Lane Head, which becomes the 1536!
Thank you - we are looking at this. It is not straight forward and it will take time.
Quote from: Ryan Hack on January 07, 2025, 04:51:27 PMWhat is the plans with A17 HLC and A19 HLC?
These vehicles were acquired to be part of the School Bus fleet for Manchester. They need painting and some interior modifications.
Quote from: IMarkeh on January 07, 2025, 04:22:33 AMI love service change weeks as it's always fun to see what mess the commercial team put into the Ticketer machines!
In this months version of Diamond Midlands commercial team can't do their job properly.....
Redditch 50 trips towards Maypole missing times at Moseley and Kings Heath timing points. Missing Digbeth Barford Street DS8 and King's Heath Institute Rd
Redditch 50A trips wrongly show up as a 50
West Bromwich 54 and Wolverhampton 61 has the wrong service number (on Ticketer external service number needs updating) and both need the publicuse box ticking.
Bilston 303 has stops in areas that the bus doesn't serve.
Kidderminster 580 towards Kinver wrongly shows as serving Kidderminster Horsefair (wocdmdga)
Evesham 540 doesn't have 2024/25 school dates set.
(Plus many, many more. I could write a book on Diamonds data errors!)
How many times do data issues need to keep being raised before you hold your commercial team accountable for their poor work? Bus open data is a legal requirement and Diamond Midlands constant errors is putting your operators licence at risk. It's unacceptable that you are being paid millions of pounds of taxpayers money on contracts, yet refuse to comply with open data laws (providing full and correct data. emphasis on correct). Diamond North West and Preston seem to do quite well and so credit to them, why then is it that Midlands team keeps making such a hash of it all? I've seen kids with spaghetti make less of a mess!
And let's be clear, it's not just passengers being screwed over here, your own punctuality stats (internally and through Analyse Bus Open Data) will be messed up because of stops being all over the place, drivers will be being misinformed too (as the data you're putting out on BODS comes from Ticketer so the same issues I am seeing, will be the same issues drivers will be having). It's just really not on and you need to sort it (as clearly your commercial team can't sort it else I would have had to report it so many times)
Thank you for your comments. We will act upon were appropriate.
Hi Simon,
Nice to see some investment in brand new double-deck Enviro400s, saw Tony's picture of 40850 on the main site.
Something I'm curious about though, when I look up the reg number YY74WRO on the VRM software we use at work (which gets data from DVLA), the vehicle shows as registered as an Enviro200 single-deck?
In the grand scheme of things, I don't think it is a major issue, and if it is indeed a registration error then it may have already been rectified, I know that the DVLA database can sometimes take a while to be updated.
Hello Simon,
The two Enviro 200 MMC ex Moffat and Williamson buses, are they going to be allocated to Tividale?
Quote from: 2206 on January 03, 2025, 04:42:08 PMFront blind on 20164 isn't working on the 8 at Kidderminster this evening.
It's been like that for over a week.
Still wasn't working today
@Simon Dunn
Quote from: Stu on January 08, 2025, 07:02:55 PMHi Simon,
Nice to see some investment in brand new double-deck Enviro400s, saw Tony's picture of 40850 on the main site.
Something I'm curious about though, when I look up the reg number YY74WRO on the VRM software we use at work (which gets data from DVLA), the vehicle shows as registered as an Enviro200 single-deck?
In the grand scheme of things, I don't think it is a major issue, and if it is indeed a registration error then it may have already been rectified, I know that the DVLA database can sometimes take a while to be updated.
ADL registered the vehicles. I have emailed them now and asked the question.
Quote from: BK63 YWP on January 08, 2025, 09:38:24 PMHello Simon,
The two Enviro 200 MMC ex Moffat and Williamson buses, are they going to be allocated to Tividale?
We only have one at present. They are part of the West Midlands fleet. I believe it will be a Tividale bus.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 09, 2025, 06:52:56 AMADL registered the vehicles. I have emailed them now and asked the question.
YY74WYO ON DVLA MOT website says it's an Enviro 400
Quote from: Mayfield on January 09, 2025, 08:59:46 AMYY74WYO ON DVLA MOT website says it's an Enviro 400
I have spoken to ADL - they say they have registered it as an E400 and paid the appropriate tax.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 04, 2025, 06:16:38 PMThe following vehicles are short term vehicles operating within the TfGM Franchised fleet.
We expect to acquire 21247, 21248, 21249, 21250 during April 2024. We are on the verge of ordering 2 to replace 20639, 20640.
In terms of school buses fleet. We have no planned changes as yet.
Any reason why
20746/871, 31435, 32305, 40628/9 some of witch are part of schools now on loan at Preston?
Quote from: Ryan Hack on January 10, 2025, 05:50:34 PMAny reason why 20746/871, 31435, 32305, 40628/9 some of witch are part of schools now on loan at Preston?
The weather is affecting bus availability in Preston. The Manchester fleet has a high number of spares and we have in the short term redeployed some to Preston to support.
32235- 4H this morning /11:20 from oldbury towards Blackheath ,
Front display displaying Not in service whist in service and side display displaying 4H ,
Also display kept turning off , saw this bus multiple times like this the last few weeks how can it be in service for weeks like this ,
Also the driver (women ) missed a bus stop out when I man pressed button didn't even say sorry and was rude to other passengers aswell who told her about the display
Hi Simon, I noted your vehicle 40836 in Kings Heath this afternoon had no working front destination display while on the 50.
Quote from: Jack6101 on January 11, 2025, 05:51:54 PM32235- 4H this morning /11:20 from oldbury towards Blackheath ,
Front display displaying Not in service whist in service and side display displaying 4H ,
Also display kept turning off , saw this bus multiple times like this the last few weeks how can it be in service for weeks like this ,
Also the driver (women ) missed a bus stop out when I man pressed button didn't even say sorry and was rude to other passengers aswell who told her about the display
Thank you - I will look into both points.
Quote from: Stu on January 11, 2025, 06:41:31 PMHi Simon, I noted your vehicle 40836 in Kings Heath this afternoon had no working front destination display while on the 50.
I have sent to the Redditch EM to have an engineer look at this.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 08, 2025, 06:36:20 AMThank you for your comments. We will act upon were appropriate.
Thank you for sorting these ones out.
More to add though sadly.
002 towards Merry Hill wrongly shows as serving Woodcock Hill Shenley Fields Centre. Towards Weoley Castle missing Quarry Bank Chapel Street and Netherend Blaenwern Drive and Monday-Friday trips missing Bartley Green St Peters Church
Kidderminster 3 Mon-Fri missing Kidderminster Oxford Street.
Dudley 17 towards Stourbridge missing Dibdale Blackthorne Rd (nwmjwpgd). Towards Dudley, stop at Gornal Wood Zoar Street needs moving to be after Bank Road.
Oldbury 20, towards Oldbury after Lion Farm Wolverley Crescent missing stop Lion Farm Martley Rd (nwmdmdjm) and after Rounds Green Alston Road missing Oldbury Little Eel St (nwmatadw)
Stourbridge 25, services which are in your Ticketer portal as 25T show as serving Dudley Bus Station and show as using different stops at Merry Hill compared to trips marked 25S. Both sets of 25 services, after Brockmoor William Street missing stop Brockmoor Belle Isle (nwmtwtpm)
Redditch 64 data doesn't match any of the regular tracking details between Hospital and Barlich Way timing point which suggests that either drivers are going massively the wrong way or the data is massively wrong.
Stourbridge 142A towards Halesowen, after Huntingtree Road missing Fallowfield Rd (nwmdjgwg)
Route 145 missing school/sch hol dates.
Route 145A Mon-Fri missing Bromsgrove Bus Station in both directions
Redditch 149 doesn't have school holidays set up properly. Also missing Worcester Cathederal and Lodge Park Barlich Way
Redditch 149S towards Worcester tracking suggests the 149S goes via Radford Flyford Flavell rather than via Kington (if correct, you have the wrong route here). Missing stops in Spetchley and after Kings School missing City Walls Road and McDonalds stops.
Kidderminster 192, towards Kidderminster, after Hurcott Hodge Hill Nurseries missing Greenhill Bruce Road (wocgmpgj)
Bromsgrove 202 missing loads of stops along the way. This post would be too long listing them all.
Bromsgrove 202S wrongly shows 'Rubery Callowbridge Road (wocdpmwg), stop doesn't exist
Stourbridge 242, missing stops on Hyperion Road Loop and on Jenks Ave in Kinver
Evesham 540 has plenty of trips with errors.
07:34 from Evesham, wrongly shows as serving Ashton Under Hill Main Road (wocdmaga) then has stops in the wrong order and missing stops. Should be Ashton Under Hill Cross, then adj Cottons Lane, then Academy, then Cornfield Way.
08:36, 10:11, 11:11, 12:11 and 13:11 from Tewkesbury missing Ashton Under Hill Wood Lane after Cornfield Way.
15:46, 16:46, 17:50 (M-F) & 1846 (Sat) from Tewkesbury missing Beckford Village Hall (wocgdtpm)
202S, 242s, 247s, 297s, 898, 899, S77 are all set up as Monday-Friday rather than set up properly as running school days only.
I hope this helps and these can be resolved just as swiftly.
PS Diamond South East is suffering too.
N30 towards Acton missing stops between Osterley and Acton. Towards Heathrow wrongly shows as serving Heathrow T5 stop 20 and 21 (route only serves stop 20)
N555 missing stops at Terminal 4.
A60 missing all intermediate stops (shows timing points only)
H2 services need updating to use the correct stops at Terminal 3 for departing (correct stop code 490008026WH)
H2C, H5A/B/C/H have extra trips showing which don't operate.
RHU missing the University Founders Building stop
H21 towards T4 missing Bedfont Library.
too add onto this:
16A still says it stops on Cars Lane, when it stops on Moor Street Queensway.
Quote from: IMarkeh on January 12, 2025, 11:12:23 PMThank you for sorting these ones out.
More to add though sadly.
002 towards Merry Hill wrongly shows as serving Woodcock Hill Shenley Fields Centre. Towards Weoley Castle missing Quarry Bank Chapel Street and Netherend Blaenwern Drive and Monday-Friday trips missing Bartley Green St Peters Church
Kidderminster 3 Mon-Fri missing Kidderminster Oxford Street.
Dudley 17 towards Stourbridge missing Dibdale Blackthorne Rd (nwmjwpgd). Towards Dudley, stop at Gornal Wood Zoar Street needs moving to be after Bank Road.
Oldbury 20, towards Oldbury after Lion Farm Wolverley Crescent missing stop Lion Farm Martley Rd (nwmdmdjm) and after Rounds Green Alston Road missing Oldbury Little Eel St (nwmatadw)
Stourbridge 25, services which are in your Ticketer portal as 25T show as serving Dudley Bus Station and show as using different stops at Merry Hill compared to trips marked 25S. Both sets of 25 services, after Brockmoor William Street missing stop Brockmoor Belle Isle (nwmtwtpm)
Redditch 64 data doesn't match any of the regular tracking details between Hospital and Barlich Way timing point which suggests that either drivers are going massively the wrong way or the data is massively wrong.
Stourbridge 142A towards Halesowen, after Huntingtree Road missing Fallowfield Rd (nwmdjgwg)
Route 145 missing school/sch hol dates.
Route 145A Mon-Fri missing Bromsgrove Bus Station in both directions
Redditch 149 doesn't have school holidays set up properly. Also missing Worcester Cathederal and Lodge Park Barlich Way
Redditch 149S towards Worcester tracking suggests the 149S goes via Radford Flyford Flavell rather than via Kington (if correct, you have the wrong route here). Missing stops in Spetchley and after Kings School missing City Walls Road and McDonalds stops.
Kidderminster 192, towards Kidderminster, after Hurcott Hodge Hill Nurseries missing Greenhill Bruce Road (wocgmpgj)
Bromsgrove 202 missing loads of stops along the way. This post would be too long listing them all.
Bromsgrove 202S wrongly shows 'Rubery Callowbridge Road (wocdpmwg), stop doesn't exist
Stourbridge 242, missing stops on Hyperion Road Loop and on Jenks Ave in Kinver
Evesham 540 has plenty of trips with errors.
07:34 from Evesham, wrongly shows as serving Ashton Under Hill Main Road (wocdmaga) then has stops in the wrong order and missing stops. Should be Ashton Under Hill Cross, then adj Cottons Lane, then Academy, then Cornfield Way.
08:36, 10:11, 11:11, 12:11 and 13:11 from Tewkesbury missing Ashton Under Hill Wood Lane after Cornfield Way.
15:46, 16:46, 17:50 (M-F) & 1846 (Sat) from Tewkesbury missing Beckford Village Hall (wocgdtpm)
202S, 242s, 247s, 297s, 898, 899, S77 are all set up as Monday-Friday rather than set up properly as running school days only.
I hope this helps and these can be resolved just as swiftly.
PS Diamond South East is suffering too.
N30 towards Acton missing stops between Osterley and Acton. Towards Heathrow wrongly shows as serving Heathrow T5 stop 20 and 21 (route only serves stop 20)
N555 missing stops at Terminal 4.
A60 missing all intermediate stops (shows timing points only)
H2 services need updating to use the correct stops at Terminal 3 for departing (correct stop code 490008026WH)
H2C, H5A/B/C/H have extra trips showing which don't operate.
RHU missing the University Founders Building stop
H21 towards T4 missing Bedfont Library.
Thank you. I will get them to look at this.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2025, 07:02:36 AMThank you. I will get them to look at this.
Who do you mean by them?
Who are the ones supposed to be dealing with this?
Quote from: OH25 on January 13, 2025, 10:20:45 AMWho do you mean by them?
Who are the ones supposed to be dealing with this?
Our internal people responsible for this.
20887 on the 57 is making a funny squeaking sound as it moves along!
(Just saw it in Willenhall before the 326(late again!) turned up!)
Quote from: Westy on January 15, 2025, 03:59:59 PM20887 on the 57 is making a funny squeaking sound as it moves along!
(Just saw it in Willenhall before the 326(late again!) turned up!)
I will report this to Engineering for review.
30923.. The numbers on the back of this keep flicking on & off
Quote from: Jay71 on January 16, 2025, 06:26:18 PM30923.. The numbers on the back of this keep flicking on & off
Thank you - I have reported it our engineering team.
What do you plan to do with the 2 Omnidekkas at Preston (40406 & 40407) as one has no MOT (on Gov website) and the other has its MOT due soon, just wondering as id like to ride one again before they go.
Quote from: Ryan Hack on January 16, 2025, 08:29:59 PMWhat do you plan to do with the 2 Omnidekkas at Preston (40406 & 40407) as one has no MOT (on Gov website) and the other has its MOT due soon, just wondering as id like to ride one again before they go.
They will return to service.
21107 on the 15:44 8 front, rear & nearside blinds all blank and not working.
Quote from: 2206 on January 17, 2025, 04:27:42 PM21107 on the 15:44 8 front, rear & nearside blinds all blank and not working.
I will report to Kidderminster engieenring now
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 13, 2025, 07:02:36 AMThank you. I will get them to look at this.
A good few of those got sorted. We seem to be on a roll. Please see below this weeks list.Original issues unresolved:Stourbridge 25, services which are in your Ticketer portal as 25T show as serving Dudley Bus Station and show as using different stops at Merry Hill compared to trips marked 25S. Both sets of 25 services, after Brockmoor William Street missing stop Brockmoor Belle Isle (nwmtwtpm)
Redditch 64 data doesn't match any of the regular tracking details between Hospital and Barlich Way timing point which suggests that either drivers are going massively the wrong way or the data is massively wrong.Redditch 149S towards Worcester tracking suggests the 149S goes via Radford Flyford Flavell rather than via Kington (if correct, you have the wrong route here). Missing stops in Spetchley and after Kings School missing City Walls Road and McDonalds stops.Bromsgrove 202S wrongly shows 'Rubery Callowbridge Road (wocdpmwg), stop doesn't existStourbridge 242, missing stops on Hyperion Road Loop and on Jenks Ave in Kinver 297s, 898, 899 are set up as Monday-Friday rather than set up properly as running school days only.Evesham 540 07:34 from Evesham after Ashton Under Hill Cross missing Cottons Lane (2000G073101) and Cornfield Way needs moving to after the academy.
08:36, 10:11, 11:11, 12:11 and 13:11 from Tewkesbury after Ashton under Hill Cornfield Way missing Ashton Under Hill Wood Lane (2000G671004)15:46, 16:46, 17:50 (M-F) & 1846 (Sat) from Tewkesbury missing Beckford Village Hall (wocgdtpm)Issues with updated data:Kidderminster 3 issues at Oxford Street. Mon-Fri shows using Stand A, Sat/Sun shows as using Stand B.Halesowen 202 towards Halesowen, stop Goodrest Avenue needs moving to be after Howley Grange SchoolA number of services now suffering the revision number issues as some routes were updated but other routes on the same registration, for some reason the revision number hasn't gone up.New issues:Halesowen 17H towards Merry Hill, after Wallwell Lane missing Alexandra Road (43008100104), swap Harden Vale stop to other side of the road (43000807001). Toward Halesowen swap Harden Vale stop to other side of the road (43000807002) Redditch 52 towards Kidderminster missing Bromsgrove Bus Station (Mon-Sat). After Fockbury Road missing Corbett Turn (2000G581593) and Winterfold Cottages (2000G581572)Redditch 52 towards Redditch, most trips missing Winterfold Cottages and Corbett Turn. School Holiday dates need setting.Redditch 52A Mon-Fri towards Bromsgrove missing Oakenshaw Tesco and estate and missing Bromsgrove Bus Station.Redditch 52A Mon-Fri towards Hospital missing stops around Oakenshaw estate and missing Bromsgrove Bus Station. School day/Hol dates need adding too for this school yearRedditch 52S needs external service number updating to 52S (currently external service number is set as 52) and school dates need setting on it.Stourbridge 88 towards Stourbridge remove Angel Passage. Towards Norton remove both Foster Street East stops (all of these stops are not in use)Redditch 149 towards Worcester after Camp Hill Road missing Fort Royal and Sidbury (2000G000935 & 2000G006629)Kidderminster 192 towards Kidderminster remove Kidderminster New RoadRoute 242S missing plenty of stops but the missing stops are marked as 'inactive' by Staffordshire Council on NAPTAN. Not sure if Ticketer can pick up inactive stops but if not, contact LA as they will be able to update NAPTAN for you.Redditch 247 towards Evesham after Grafton Close missing Langdon Close and Ombersley Close stops. After Ashdown Farm missing stop inside Evesham Morrisons (2000G079600). After Church Street missing Evesham Chapel Street (2000G500787)Redditch 247 towards Redditch after Four Pools Morrisons, missing stop inside Evesham Morrisons (2000G079600). After Alexandra Hospital missing Grafton Close (2000G023901). Then swap Langdon Close and Ombersley Close, then missing Tudor Grange Academy (2000G023999)Diamond South East:N555 missing stops at Terminal 4 in both directions.A60 needs stops removing between Horton Stanwell Road and Terminal 5 (as per your timetable bus runs none stop)H2 services you've gone from 1 extreme to the other. Heading towards the hotels is now sorted but the return trip from hotels to terminals now have the wrong stop codes (T3 stop code is wrong and some services T2 is missing)RHU missing the University Founders Building stop (4004401021A). Surely the most important stop on a Uni service is the stop at the Uni?Need to speak to TFL to get stops added on NAPTAN for some of the hotels.
Quote from: IMarkeh on January 18, 2025, 03:20:53 PMA good few of those got sorted. We seem to be on a roll. Please see below this weeks list.
Original issues unresolved:
Stourbridge 25, services which are in your Ticketer portal as 25T show as serving Dudley Bus Station and show as using different stops at Merry Hill compared to trips marked 25S. Both sets of 25 services, after Brockmoor William Street missing stop Brockmoor Belle Isle (nwmtwtpm)
Redditch 64 data doesn't match any of the regular tracking details between Hospital and Barlich Way timing point which suggests that either drivers are going massively the wrong way or the data is massively wrong.
Redditch 149S towards Worcester tracking suggests the 149S goes via Radford Flyford Flavell rather than via Kington (if correct, you have the wrong route here). Missing stops in Spetchley and after Kings School missing City Walls Road and McDonalds stops.
Bromsgrove 202S wrongly shows 'Rubery Callowbridge Road (wocdpmwg), stop doesn't exist
Stourbridge 242, missing stops on Hyperion Road Loop and on Jenks Ave in Kinver
297s, 898, 899 are set up as Monday-Friday rather than set up properly as running school days only.
Evesham 540 07:34 from Evesham after Ashton Under Hill Cross missing Cottons Lane (2000G073101) and Cornfield Way needs moving to after the academy.
08:36, 10:11, 11:11, 12:11 and 13:11 from Tewkesbury after Ashton under Hill Cornfield Way missing Ashton Under Hill Wood Lane (2000G671004)
15:46, 16:46, 17:50 (M-F) & 1846 (Sat) from Tewkesbury missing Beckford Village Hall (wocgdtpm)
Issues with updated data:
Kidderminster 3 issues at Oxford Street. Mon-Fri shows using Stand A, Sat/Sun shows as using Stand B.
Halesowen 202 towards Halesowen, stop Goodrest Avenue needs moving to be after Howley Grange School
A number of services now suffering the revision number issues as some routes were updated but other routes on the same registration, for some reason the revision number hasn't gone up.
New issues:
Halesowen 17H towards Merry Hill, after Wallwell Lane missing Alexandra Road (43008100104), swap Harden Vale stop to other side of the road (43000807001). Toward Halesowen swap Harden Vale stop to other side of the road (43000807002)
Redditch 52 towards Kidderminster missing Bromsgrove Bus Station (Mon-Sat). After Fockbury Road missing Corbett Turn (2000G581593) and Winterfold Cottages (2000G581572)
Redditch 52 towards Redditch, most trips missing Winterfold Cottages and Corbett Turn. School Holiday dates need setting.
Redditch 52A Mon-Fri towards Bromsgrove missing Oakenshaw Tesco and estate and missing Bromsgrove Bus Station.
Redditch 52A Mon-Fri towards Hospital missing stops around Oakenshaw estate and missing Bromsgrove Bus Station. School day/Hol dates need adding too for this school year
Redditch 52S needs external service number updating to 52S (currently external service number is set as 52) and school dates need setting on it.
Stourbridge 88 towards Stourbridge remove Angel Passage. Towards Norton remove both Foster Street East stops (all of these stops are not in use)
Redditch 149 towards Worcester after Camp Hill Road missing Fort Royal and Sidbury (2000G000935 & 2000G006629)
Kidderminster 192 towards Kidderminster remove Kidderminster New Road
Route 242S missing plenty of stops but the missing stops are marked as 'inactive' by Staffordshire Council on NAPTAN. Not sure if Ticketer can pick up inactive stops but if not, contact LA as they will be able to update NAPTAN for you.
Redditch 247 towards Evesham after Grafton Close missing Langdon Close and Ombersley Close stops. After Ashdown Farm missing stop inside Evesham Morrisons (2000G079600). After Church Street missing Evesham Chapel Street (2000G500787)
Redditch 247 towards Redditch after Four Pools Morrisons, missing stop inside Evesham Morrisons (2000G079600). After Alexandra Hospital missing Grafton Close (2000G023901). Then swap Langdon Close and Ombersley Close, then missing Tudor Grange Academy (2000G023999)
Diamond South East:
N555 missing stops at Terminal 4 in both directions.
A60 needs stops removing between Horton Stanwell Road and Terminal 5 (as per your timetable bus runs none stop)
H2 services you've gone from 1 extreme to the other. Heading towards the hotels is now sorted but the return trip from hotels to terminals now have the wrong stop codes (T3 stop code is wrong and some services T2 is missing)
RHU missing the University Founders Building stop (4004401021A). Surely the most important stop on a Uni service is the stop at the Uni?
Need to speak to TFL to get stops added on NAPTAN for some of the hotels.
I will get these reviewed.
Hi Mr Dunn.
I have seen in Dudley this week you now have BU16 UYD in the fleet, as 30531. It looks really good in Diamond blue I must say, I just wondered if there were any plans to paint UYC, 30530, into Blue too, as it rarely's on the 31/32/42 West Midlands Bus routes, nornally see it on 002.
Thank you.
Quote from: WrightStreetlite431 on January 19, 2025, 01:58:58 PMHi Mr Dunn.
I have seen in Dudley this week you now have BU16 UYD in the fleet, as 30531. It looks really good in Diamond blue I must say, I just wondered if there were any plans to paint UYC, 30530, into Blue too, as it rarely's on the 31/32/42 West Midlands Bus routes, nornally see it on 002.
Thank you.
No plans at present.
Hello Simon,
Please can you tell me why many drivers at Redditch used Incorrect or Not In Service destinations when in service.
Some examples are:
This morning at Bidford Co Op, 30822 destination shows as being on 58 Redditch Circular
This morning at Bidford Co Op, 40820 destination shows as not in service
Last night on the 50, a couple streetdecks either had no front dest or showed not in service
On the 6/01/25, driver on 20885 put Happy Halloween on the destination when he was on 12 astwood bank.
On the 4/01/25 Driver on 30508 when on 57 Redditch Circular left driver training on the destination
On the 4/01/25 Driver on 40626 when on 247 Evesham had driver training on the destination
and I would assume there are many more examples.
Thank you
40833 still has Manchester signage inside the bus
Quote from: Jay71 on January 20, 2025, 02:41:59 PM40833 still has Manchester signage inside the bus
We will get this resolved.
Quote from: TheMidlandsTrident on January 20, 2025, 08:40:58 AMHello Simon,
Please can you tell me why many drivers at Redditch used Incorrect or Not In Service destinations when in service.
Some examples are:
This morning at Bidford Co Op, 30822 destination shows as being on 58 Redditch Circular
This morning at Bidford Co Op, 40820 destination shows as not in service
Last night on the 50, a couple streetdecks either had no front dest or showed not in service
On the 6/01/25, driver on 20885 put Happy Halloween on the destination when he was on 12 astwood bank.
On the 4/01/25 Driver on 30508 when on 57 Redditch Circular left driver training on the destination
On the 4/01/25 Driver on 40626 when on 247 Evesham had driver training on the destination
and I would assume there are many more examples.
Thank you
Thank you. I will discuss this with the depot OM.
Might be a good idea to remind the Drivers who were involved in the changeover of the 18.20 14 Service FROM Dudley to pick up passengers who want to use their services
The driver who was being relieved let passengers off, moved to a different stand to change drivers, with the relief driver not deciding to pick up any passengers from the DY10 Dudley Bus station stop. Bit of a shambles
Hey Simon,
Sorry to keep complaining about destinations but it is becoming quite a problem on the 247 this morning as a lot of students thought that it was the 247S as both streetdecks (40839 and 40841) didn't have working front destinations.
Please if possible can you speak to the drivers and tell them to put a piece of paper in the window displaying what route they are on.
Thank you.
Quote from: bususer12 on January 22, 2025, 06:35:59 PMMight be a good idea to remind the Drivers who were involved in the changeover of the 18.20 14 Service FROM Dudley to pick up passengers who want to use their services
The driver who was being relieved let passengers off, moved to a different stand to change drivers, with the relief driver not deciding to pick up any passengers from the DY10 Dudley Bus station stop. Bit of a shambles
I have spoken to the OM and asked them to pick this up with the appropriate drivers.
The front destination display on 15005 when on Bromsgrove on demand services shows 'Bromsgrove' but underneath only shows the top half of 'on demand' - if that makes sense. There is a photo on which shows this .
Quote from: TheMidlandsTrident on January 23, 2025, 08:24:49 AMHey Simon,
Sorry to keep complaining about destinations but it is becoming quite a problem on the 247 this morning as a lot of students thought that it was the 247S as both streetdecks (40839 and 40841) didn't have working front destinations.
Please if possible can you speak to the drivers and tell them to put a piece of paper in the window displaying what route they are on.
Thank you.
Thank you for the message. One of the vehicles was repaired this morning - the other is being looked at tonight.
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on January 23, 2025, 11:25:45 AMThe front destination display on 15005 when on Bromsgrove on demand services shows 'Bromsgrove' but underneath only shows the top half of 'on demand' - if that makes sense. There is a photo on which shows this .
The destination blind is set up incorrectly. We are going to look at change the settings tonight.
Thank you
40632 Staying at Preston Bus or going to Diamond?
40714.. Only one of the doors is working. One seems to be stuck
Quote from: tbrookes on January 26, 2025, 11:24:15 AM40632 Staying at Preston Bus or going to Diamond?
The vehicle was acquired for Manchester
Quote from: Jay71 on January 26, 2025, 03:48:42 PM40714.. Only one of the doors is working. One seems to be stuck
The vehicle was defected yesterday whilst in service. The vehicle was removed and repaired.
What's happened to 30526?
Engine failure.
Just spotted the new 326 timetable.
That arrival time for the 'new' 1540 from Bilston at Willenhall 1602, I agree with, as if I'm slightly late in the morning into work, obviously I cant sneak out early.
What would've been even better, was if the 715am from Bloxwich was retimed earlier, to say 700am, then I wouldnt need to go via Walsall in the morning instead!
Thank you anyway
@Simon Dunn .
Quote from: Westy on January 28, 2025, 06:57:53 PMJust spotted the new 326 timetable.
That arrival time for the 'new' 1540 from Bilston at Willenhall 1602, I agree with, as if I'm slightly late in the morning into work, obviously I cant sneak out early.
What would've been even better, was if the 715am from Bloxwich was retimed earlier, to say 700am, then I wouldnt need to go via Walsall in the morning instead!
Thank you anyway @Simon Dunn .
No problem. Revised timetable was created in co-ordination with TfWM.
any plans to make changes with Preston fleet after the contract changes in area on March 31st
Quote from: Ryan Hack on January 29, 2025, 05:02:42 PMany plans to make changes with Preston fleet after the contract changes in area on March 31st
The contract losses on 31st March mean we will PVR drop by 12.
So - yes. I expect most of the Mellors will be removed as the contracts require that type of vehicle and they are on operating leases and the leases have expired.
30501 will probably be removed. The rest - we have yet to agree.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 29, 2025, 06:32:25 PMThe contract losses on 31st March mean we will PVR drop by 12.
So - yes. I expect most of the Mellors will be removed as the contracts require that type of vehicle and they are on operating leases and the leases have expired.
30501 will probably be removed. The rest - we have yet to agree.
And I'd assume 30118 will go whenever it's been sold if it's still up for sale
@Simon Dunn I've left a review on the forum, though feel this deserves recognition, in whatever way you can that highlights the fantastic all round customer journey (pun very much intended!).
A belated Diamond Bus review from Friday 17 January at 12.44hrs........Having dropped my Dad's car back to him in Walsall, gave me an opportunity to bus it back to the Field of Wednes and, having noted the competition on track routes 31/32, decided to catch 30531 (BU16UYD).Fantastic bus all round. Immediate impression was clean, bright and looks fantastic in the Diamond blue livery. Driver stopped dead against the Kassel kerb and even lowered the platform. Only nit pick I have is that the card reader is squirreled away behind the assault screen and, for a fat handed bloke like me, made it a bit tight to tap my phone against, though the driver did laugh and understood the predicament. He even offered me a paper ticket in case I needed it, which I politely declined.Interior was very bright and the highback seats in (faux) leather made for an almost aircraft feel. Only 2 other passengers on the bus, so I sat on the first row of O/S above the steps and felt very high up.Very smooth driver up to Bloxwich and the driver was very polite - only thing I noticed is that it was tracking as UYC instead.Hats of to Diamond for the overall experience - I'll definitely be buzzin' it to my Dad's when I pick his car up very soon!
Quote from: Ryan Hack on January 29, 2025, 11:23:54 PMAnd I'd assume 30118 will go whenever it's been sold if it's still up for sale
Potentially - its no on the list the depot would like to remove.
Quote from: Wumpty on January 30, 2025, 11:26:15 AM@Simon Dunn I've left a review on the forum, though feel this deserves recognition, in whatever way you can that highlights the fantastic all round customer journey (pun very much intended!).
A belated Diamond Bus review from Friday 17 January at 12.44hrs........
Having dropped my Dad's car back to him in Walsall, gave me an opportunity to bus it back to the Field of Wednes and, having noted the competition on track routes 31/32, decided to catch 30531 (BU16UYD).
Fantastic bus all round. Immediate impression was clean, bright and looks fantastic in the Diamond blue livery. Driver stopped dead against the Kassel kerb and even lowered the platform. Only nit pick I have is that the card reader is squirreled away behind the assault screen and, for a fat handed bloke like me, made it a bit tight to tap my phone against, though the driver did laugh and understood the predicament. He even offered me a paper ticket in case I needed it, which I politely declined.
Interior was very bright and the highback seats in (faux) leather made for an almost aircraft feel. Only 2 other passengers on the bus, so I sat on the first row of O/S above the steps and felt very high up.
Very smooth driver up to Bloxwich and the driver was very polite - only thing I noticed is that it was tracking as UYC instead.
Hats of to Diamond for the overall experience - I'll definitely be buzzin' it to my Dad's when I pick his car up very soon!
Thank you for your kind comments.
Hello Simon, I am on 32291 right now and am at the back of the bus only to find most of the seats either have graffiti, or they have tape covering them to hide holes and was just wondering if this is able to be fixed if possible?
Quote from: Ingleboro261F on February 01, 2025, 04:02:39 PMHello Simon, I am on 32291 right now and am at the back of the bus only to find most of the seats either have graffiti, or they have tape covering them to hide holes and was just wondering if this is able to be fixed if possible?
Thank you. I will pick this up with engineering.
32326. The second window on the right side closes by itself
The panel above the first window on the right hand side has screws that are about to fall out
Whilst the 292 is the service I am most interested in, I note on the Diamond website, the timetable page for BEWD is showing no service, either on the timetable page or the PDF of the timetable. Is that an error, the Service Changes pages reckons it is still operating. Checked on iPad and Windows laptop. I assume if BEWD isn't running, the 292 is following its standard route?
WW BEWD | Diamond Bus (
Diamond - Timetable (
Quote from: Jay71 on February 03, 2025, 12:57:04 PM32326. The second window on the right side closes by itself
The panel above the first window on the right hand side has screws that are about to fall out
Thank you - I will report this to engineering.
Quote from: Budgie on February 03, 2025, 03:45:19 PMWhilst the 292 is the service I am most interested in, I note on the Diamond website, the timetable page for BEWD is showing no service, either on the timetable page or the PDF of the timetable. Is that an error, the Service Changes pages reckons it is still operating. Checked on iPad and Windows laptop. I assume if BEWD isn't running, the 292 is following its standard route?
WW BEWD | Diamond Bus (
Diamond - Timetable (
I will get this updated.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on January 19, 2025, 10:22:18 AMI will get these reviewed
Hi Simon, sadly not as many issues fixed this time but some fixed nevertheless. Fixed issues removed from the below list.Original issues unresolved:Stourbridge 25, services which are in your Ticketer portal as 25T show as serving Dudley Bus Station and show as using different stops at Merry Hill compared to trips marked 25S. Both sets of 25 services, after Brockmoor William Street missing stop Brockmoor Belle Isle (nwmtwtpm)
Redditch 149S towards Worcester tracking suggests the 149S goes via Radford Flyford Flavell rather than via Kington (if correct, you have the wrong route here). Morning trip missing stops in Spetchley and after Kings School missing City Walls Road and McDonalds stops.Evesham 540 07:34 from Evesham after Ashton Under Hill Cross missing Cottons Lane (2000G073101) and Cornfield Way needs moving to after the academy08:36, 10:11, 11:11, 12:11 and 13:11 from Tewkesbury after Ashton under Hill Cornfield Way missing Ashton Under Hill Wood Lane (2000G671004)
15:46, 16:46, 17:50 (M-F) & 1846 (Sat) from Tewkesbury missing Beckford Village Hall (wocgdtpm)Halesowen 17H towards Merry Hill, after Wallwell Lane missing Alexandra Road (43008100104), swap Harden Vale stop to other side of the road (43000807001). Toward Halesowen swap Harden Vale stop to other side of the road (43000807002)Redditch 52 towards Kidderminster missing Bromsgrove Bus Station (Mon-Sat). After Fockbury Road missing Corbett Turn (2000G581593) and Winterfold Cottages (2000G581572)Redditch 52 towards Redditch, most trips missing Winterfold Cottages and Corbett Turn. School Holiday dates need setting.Redditch 52A Mon-Fri towards Bromsgrove missing Oakenshaw Tesco and estate and missing Bromsgrove Bus Station.Redditch 52A Mon-Fri towards Hospital missing stops around Oakenshaw estate and missing Bromsgrove Bus Station. School day/Hol dates need adding too for this school yearStourbridge 88 towards Stourbridge remove Angel Passage. Towards Norton remove both Foster Street East stops (all of these stops are not in use)Redditch 149 towards Worcester after Camp Hill Road missing Fort Royal and Sidbury (2000G000935 & 2000G006629)Kidderminster 192 towards Kidderminster remove Kidderminster New RoadRoute 242S missing plenty of stops but the missing stops are marked as 'inactive' by Staffordshire Council on NAPTAN. Not sure if Ticketer can pick up inactive stops but if not, contact LA as they will be able to update NAPTAN for you.Redditch 247 towards Evesham after Grafton Close missing Langdon Close and Ombersley Close stops. After Ashdown Farm missing stop inside Evesham Morrisons (2000G079600). After Church Street missing Evesham Chapel Street (2000G500787)Redditch 247 towards Redditch after Four Pools Morrisons, missing stop inside Evesham Morrisons (2000G079600). After Alexandra Hospital missing Grafton Close (2000G023901). Then swap Langdon Close and Ombersley Close, then missing Tudor Grange Academy (2000G023999)Issues with updated data:Stourbridge 242 towards Kinver. After Hyperion Rd add Frairs Gorse (3800C632001) & no. 56 (3800C631801) and remove stop 'New Wood Close'Diamond South East:N555 missing stops at Terminal 4 in both directions.A60 needs stops removing between Horton Stanwell Road and Terminal 5 (as per your timetable bus runs none stop)H2 services you've gone from 1 extreme to the other. Heading towards the hotels is now sorted but the return trip from hotels to terminals now have the wrong stop codes (T3 stop code is wrong and some services T2 is missing)RHU missing the University Founders Building stop (4004401021A). Surely the most important stop on a Uni service is the stop at the Uni?Need to speak to TFL to get stops added on NAPTAN for some of the hotels.New issues:Route 202S towards Halesowen after Rubery Lane South missing Reaside Junior School (43000392702). After Windsor Close missing Brightstone Road (43000393701). After Egghill Lane missing Church Hill (2000G093301) and missing stops in Hurst Green.Route 202S towards Bromsgrove after Lickey Church missing Parish Hall (2000G026501)
Quote from: IMarkeh on February 08, 2025, 07:20:17 PMHi Simon, sadly not as many issues fixed this time but some fixed nevertheless. Fixed issues removed from the below list.
Original issues unresolved:
Stourbridge 25, services which are in your Ticketer portal as 25T show as serving Dudley Bus Station and show as using different stops at Merry Hill compared to trips marked 25S. Both sets of 25 services, after Brockmoor William Street missing stop Brockmoor Belle Isle (nwmtwtpm)
Redditch 149S towards Worcester tracking suggests the 149S goes via Radford Flyford Flavell rather than via Kington (if correct, you have the wrong route here). Morning trip missing stops in Spetchley and after Kings School missing City Walls Road and McDonalds stops.
Evesham 540 07:34 from Evesham after Ashton Under Hill Cross missing Cottons Lane (2000G073101) and Cornfield Way needs moving to after the academy
08:36, 10:11, 11:11, 12:11 and 13:11 from Tewkesbury after Ashton under Hill Cornfield Way missing Ashton Under Hill Wood Lane (2000G671004)
15:46, 16:46, 17:50 (M-F) & 1846 (Sat) from Tewkesbury missing Beckford Village Hall (wocgdtpm)
Halesowen 17H towards Merry Hill, after Wallwell Lane missing Alexandra Road (43008100104), swap Harden Vale stop to other side of the road (43000807001). Toward Halesowen swap Harden Vale stop to other side of the road (43000807002)
Redditch 52 towards Kidderminster missing Bromsgrove Bus Station (Mon-Sat). After Fockbury Road missing Corbett Turn (2000G581593) and Winterfold Cottages (2000G581572)
Redditch 52 towards Redditch, most trips missing Winterfold Cottages and Corbett Turn. School Holiday dates need setting.
Redditch 52A Mon-Fri towards Bromsgrove missing Oakenshaw Tesco and estate and missing Bromsgrove Bus Station.
Redditch 52A Mon-Fri towards Hospital missing stops around Oakenshaw estate and missing Bromsgrove Bus Station. School day/Hol dates need adding too for this school year
Stourbridge 88 towards Stourbridge remove Angel Passage. Towards Norton remove both Foster Street East stops (all of these stops are not in use)
Redditch 149 towards Worcester after Camp Hill Road missing Fort Royal and Sidbury (2000G000935 & 2000G006629)
Kidderminster 192 towards Kidderminster remove Kidderminster New Road
Route 242S missing plenty of stops but the missing stops are marked as 'inactive' by Staffordshire Council on NAPTAN. Not sure if Ticketer can pick up inactive stops but if not, contact LA as they will be able to update NAPTAN for you.
Redditch 247 towards Evesham after Grafton Close missing Langdon Close and Ombersley Close stops. After Ashdown Farm missing stop inside Evesham Morrisons (2000G079600). After Church Street missing Evesham Chapel Street (2000G500787)
Redditch 247 towards Redditch after Four Pools Morrisons, missing stop inside Evesham Morrisons (2000G079600). After Alexandra Hospital missing Grafton Close (2000G023901). Then swap Langdon Close and Ombersley Close, then missing Tudor Grange Academy (2000G023999)
Issues with updated data:
Stourbridge 242 towards Kinver. After Hyperion Rd add Frairs Gorse (3800C632001) & no. 56 (3800C631801) and remove stop 'New Wood Close'
Diamond South East:
N555 missing stops at Terminal 4 in both directions.
A60 needs stops removing between Horton Stanwell Road and Terminal 5 (as per your timetable bus runs none stop)
H2 services you've gone from 1 extreme to the other. Heading towards the hotels is now sorted but the return trip from hotels to terminals now have the wrong stop codes (T3 stop code is wrong and some services T2 is missing)
RHU missing the University Founders Building stop (4004401021A). Surely the most important stop on a Uni service is the stop at the Uni?
Need to speak to TFL to get stops added on NAPTAN for some of the hotels.
New issues:
Route 202S towards Halesowen after Rubery Lane South missing Reaside Junior School (43000392702). After Windsor Close missing Brightstone Road (43000393701). After Egghill Lane missing Church Hill (2000G093301) and missing stops in Hurst Green.
Route 202S towards Bromsgrove after Lickey Church missing Parish Hall (2000G026501)
I will get them to look at this.
Hi Simon is Burton getting anymore buses?
Also what happened to Dart 30960 - EU06 WGM as the last I heard it got sold for Preservation.
Hello Simon
This page on the website ( says that nbus tickets are valid on the '150 between Kings Heath and Maypole only'.
It should say between Kings Heath and Wythall Inkford Brook as per the linked nbus Zone Boundary Map as well as (
Quote from: Mkinson2224 on February 09, 2025, 03:08:10 PMHi Simon is Burton getting anymore buses?
Also what happened to Dart 30960 - EU06 WGM as the last I heard it got sold for Preservation.
We have 6 electrics on order. 30960 was sold for scrap.
Quote from: Busmapper on February 09, 2025, 11:48:52 PMHello Simon
This page on the website ( says that nbus tickets are valid on the '150 between Kings Heath and Maypole only'.
It should say between Kings Heath and Wythall Inkford Brook as per the linked nbus Zone Boundary Map as well as (
You are correct. We will look to update.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 11, 2025, 09:16:38 AMYou are correct. We will look to update.
Hi Simon, probably worth adding the 50A to that list as well, valid between Birmingham city centre and Wythall island.
Quote from: Stu on February 11, 2025, 07:07:43 PMHi Simon, probably worth adding the 50A to that list as well, valid between Birmingham city centre and Wythall island.
New questions for you to answer please Simon
Will the new routes 552 & 553 be worked from Redditch Depot?
Presumably interworked with the Redditch to Evesham service?
Is the rumour that 540 is to be withdrawn true?
Quote from: Brian James on February 12, 2025, 12:37:16 PMNew questions for you to answer please Simon
Will the new routes 552 & 553 be worked from Redditch Depot?
Presumably interworked with the Redditch to Evesham service?
Is the rumour that 540 is to be withdrawn true?
The 540 service is currently contracted until 31/12/27. Most WCC contracts include a clause which allows them to cancel - I think on 90 days notice. We have had no dialogue about cancelling this service and they have asked for prices to re-route the service in a few years via a new housing development, so I think this is unlikely.
The 552 & 553 will run out of Redditch and the drivers will work the 540, 532, 553.
Hey Simon,
For starters just wanted to congratulate your work with the bus dests, touchwood they have all been working from what I've seen.
Anyways, will Redditch receive any new vehicles for the 552/553 or will they use existing vehicles?
Quote from: TheMidlandsTrident on February 12, 2025, 09:35:41 PMHey Simon,
For starters just wanted to congratulate your work with the bus dests, touchwood they have all been working from what I've seen.
Anyways, will Redditch receive any new vehicles for the 552/553 or will they use existing vehicles?
We thank you for your positive comments. We are looking to use a number of second hand 66 plate E200's we have acquired on the 552/553
Noted on the 125 Stourbridge to Bridgnorth today that the passenger numbers whilst not great for the present service there were passengers particularly on the sections Stourbridge to Kidderminster and Highley to Bridgnorth that were dependent on the bus,
rather than the proposed pulling of the service in its entirety, could it not be retained with a reduced frequency
there are 3 vehicles on this service, it ought to be possible to reduce that to 2 surely.
Stourbridge to Kidderminster hourly, Kidderminster to Bridgnorth 2 hourly and when that bus gets to Bridgnorth could it run back to and from Highley whilst sitting at Bridgnorth making Highley to Bridgnorth hourly?
Do Preston Bus plan to keep running the 311 and 312 in the Ormskirk area when the routes go up for tender again
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 13, 2025, 05:56:44 AMWe thank you for your positive comments. We are looking to use a number of second hand 66 plate E200's we have acquired on the 552/553
Are these the regular E200s or the E200MMCs?
@Ingleboro261F - I've already confirmed what that are in Redditch Depot thread, Winston:
Quote from: satters on February 13, 2025, 08:15:14 PMNoted on the 125 Stourbridge to Bridgnorth today that the passenger numbers whilst not great for the present service there were passengers particularly on the sections Stourbridge to Kidderminster and Highley to Bridgnorth that were dependent on the bus,
rather than the proposed pulling of the service in its entirety, could it not be retained with a reduced frequency
there are 3 vehicles on this service, it ought to be possible to reduce that to 2 surely.
Stourbridge to Kidderminster hourly, Kidderminster to Bridgnorth 2 hourly and when that bus gets to Bridgnorth could it run back to and from Highley whilst sitting at Bridgnorth making Highley to Bridgnorth hourly?
The loadings on the Bewdley to Bridgnorth and Stourbridge to Kidderminster are similar. We have looked at how many people who use these buses per hour and it is around 15-20 on average depending upon time of day/ time of year. A portion of these are children and concessions. If we assume a £2 yield across all ticket types we need to average around 25 people per hour. This is a significant difference. We remain in dialogue with the Transport Authorities and we await their final outcome.
Quote from: Ryan Hack on February 13, 2025, 11:35:13 PMDo Preston Bus plan to keep running the 311 and 312 in the Ormskirk area when the routes go up for tender again
We will bid for the routes, when they go out for tender.
Tonight....32227 should have left Upper Dean St at 2000. Any idea why the service never started from UDS?
Quote from: Jay71 on February 14, 2025, 08:45:11 PMTonight....32227 should have left Upper Dean St at 2000. Any idea why the service never started from UDS?
I am advised
There was a police incident in the City Centre last night with some road closures. The driver turned at Colmore Circus to avoid this. Driver was two drivers had the same problem and the second driver had to be adjusted to run from Colmore Circus.
A odd one but do you have any plans with 40715 (PRN 909) or will it just be a two tone blue with a private reg?
Quote from: Ryan Hack on February 17, 2025, 09:08:15 PMA odd one but do you have any plans with 40715 (PRN 909) or will it just be a two tone blue with a private reg?
I believe 40715 is already in Preston livery
Hello Simon, will the dual door Streetlite that you've acquired be converted into single door? If it will, will this be done externally or in house?
Quote from: B7RLE on February 19, 2025, 09:59:45 PMHello Simon, will the dual door Streetlite that you've acquired be converted into single door? If it will, will this be done externally or in house?
We will run the vehicle as it is
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 18, 2025, 09:03:39 AMI believe 40715 is already in Preston livery
I meant to say will it stay in its current Preston bus blue livery or go into something else
Tonight.. Are you aware of any roadworks by Tipton Baths?
I wonder why 30924 @ 2133 decided to terminate at Robert Rd
Quote from: Ryan Hack on February 20, 2025, 02:48:48 PMI meant to say will it stay in its current Preston bus blue livery or go into something else
There is no intention to change at this moment in time.
Hi, just wondered if there are any plans to resume repaints at Preston? There was a phase where vehicles seemed to be away most weeks for repainting into Preston Bus livery, but that seems to have slowed down. Currently around 10% of the fleet at Preston are in Diamond livery and there are some new vehicles which are either plain white or former operator colours. Would be good to see a more unified fleet.
Hi Simon, Thank you for sorting out almost all of the previous open data errors. Some more that I've found which I hope you are able to get looked at too (Are you able to say why Diamond has so many errors when compared to other operators of a similar or larger size?)
Dudley 5 towards Blaze Park, after Stafford Street missing stop Eve Hill Dock Lane (43000870502). Towards Dudley swap High Oak Surgery for St James' Church (43000849401)
Dudley 5A towards Dudley remove 'High Oak Surgery' (stop no longer exists)
Kidderminster 7 remove stops at Kidderminster Horsefair. Also after Broadwaters Drive missing Greenhill Hurcott Road Crossroads (2000G583516)
Kidderminster 10. After Borrington Road missing Mallard Avenue & Kittiwake Drive (wocgpwta & wocgtgdm). After Captain's Pool Road missing Chaffinch Drive (wocgpwpw)
Merry Hill 13, Stops ar Merry Hill need sorting as you show as Arriving at stop A but departures from stop B Mon-Sat and stop H on Sunday.
Dudley 14A towards Dudley, Sunday 08:58/09:58 trips missing all intermediate stops.
West Bromwich 16A towards West Bromwich, amend stop code for Birmingham Church Centre (correct stop is MS8 43000202111)
Tamworth 20, towards Tamworth after
Merry Hill 24H towards Merry Hill 16:00 Mon-Fri & 08:50 Saturday trips missing most/all intermediate stops.
Dudley 25, on trips which are internally coded '25T' towards Stourbridge & Merry Hill, after 'Engine Lane' missing stop Merry Hill Centre (43000836001)
Wolverhampton route 26A missing Bilston Bus Station stops in both directions
Wolverhampton 27, Monday-Saturday trips after 18:00 in both directions missing all intermediate stops. Also on trips towards Wolverhampton remove Sedgley All Saints Church and amend stop code at Market Hall (correct stop code 43000852505).
Wolverhampton 27A, On trips towards Wolverhampton, after Stickley Ellowes Rd missing stops Bird Street & Brookdale (nwmjwmgm & nwmjwmgt). Remove Sedgley All Saints Church and amend stop code at Market Hall (correct stop code 43000852505). Towards Dudley remove Dudley Flood Street and Dudley Churchill Centre.
Perry Bar 54. Towards Hamstead after Hamstead Austin Way missing Hamstead Railway Station (43000536101) & after Lavendon Road missing Walsall Road (43000531002). Towards Perry Barr after Spouthouse Lane missing Dyas Ave (43000541102).
Stourbridge 88 towards Stourbridge remove Angel Passage. Towards Norton remove both Foster Street East stops (all of these stops are not in use)
Route 202S towards Halesowen after Goodrest Avenue missing Victoria Ave (43000801202), Ridgeway Ave (43000801001) & Woodbury Rd (43000815504)
Dudley 226 towards Dudley remove 'High Oak Surgery' (stop no longer exists).
Dudley 226 towards Merry Hill. After Magistrates Court missing Junction Street (43008718003) and on Saturdays remove 'Vicar St'.
Dudley 226A towards Dudley remove 'High Oak Surgery' (stop no longer exists). Mon-Sat evening trips seem to be missing stops around Worsley Auckland Road too.
Dudley 226A towards Merry Hill remove the first stop named Kingswinford Kingsley Rd (43000842403). On Saturdays and Sundays towards Merry Hill remove 'Vicar St'
Route 242S missing plenty of stops but the missing stops are marked as 'inactive' by Staffordshire Council on NAPTAN. Not sure if Ticketer can pick up inactive stops but if not, contact LA as they will be able to update NAPTAN for you.
Route 247 in both directions swap the timing point so it's at the 'other' Evesham Morrisons stop (2000G079600 should be the timing point in both directions)
Kidderminster 292S for some reason now isn't listed as school days only anymore.
Evesham 552/553 have no data at all despite you starting these routes in less than a week.
Various WM routes you need to update the OTC registration number in the Ticketer portal so that it uses the new West Midlands registration number rather than the old OTC registration number.
Evesham 540 07:34 from Evesham after Ashton Under Hill Cross missing Cottons Lane (2000G073101) and Cornfield Way needs moving to after the academy
08:36, 10:11, 11:11, 12:11 and 13:11 from Tewkesbury after Ashton under Hill Cornfield Way missing Ashton Under Hill Wood Lane (2000G671004)
15:46, 16:46, 17:50 (M-F) & 1846 (Sat) from Tewkesbury missing Beckford Village Hall (wocgdtpm)
Diamond South East:
N555 towards Heathrow change Terminal 4 to Stop 10 (490000104E)
H2D, H2X missing Terminal 2 stop to terminate.
RHU towards Hox Park, after Royal Holloway College missing University Founders Building stop (40004401021A). Towards Egham after St Jude's Cemeterymissing University Founders Building stop (40004401021A).
Quote from: Jay71 on February 20, 2025, 10:06:42 PMTonight.. Are you aware of any roadworks by Tipton Baths?
I wonder why 30924 @ 2133 decided to terminate at Robert Rd
The driver was too ill to continue.
Quote from: Simonm on February 23, 2025, 11:02:22 PMHi, just wondered if there are any plans to resume repaints at Preston? There was a phase where vehicles seemed to be away most weeks for repainting into Preston Bus livery, but that seems to have slowed down. Currently around 10% of the fleet at Preston are in Diamond livery and there are some new vehicles which are either plain white or former operator colours. Would be good to see a more unified fleet.
We have a PVR drop of 12 vehicles from the end of March. This will affect the ongoing fleet.
we need to make a decision at this point and this will influence what we then need to paint.
Quote from: IMarkeh on February 24, 2025, 10:02:05 PMHi Simon, Thank you for sorting out almost all of the previous open data errors. Some more that I've found which I hope you are able to get looked at too (Are you able to say why Diamond has so many errors when compared to other operators of a similar or larger size?)
Dudley 5 towards Blaze Park, after Stafford Street missing stop Eve Hill Dock Lane (43000870502). Towards Dudley swap High Oak Surgery for St James' Church (43000849401)
Dudley 5A towards Dudley remove 'High Oak Surgery' (stop no longer exists)
Kidderminster 7 remove stops at Kidderminster Horsefair. Also after Broadwaters Drive missing Greenhill Hurcott Road Crossroads (2000G583516)
Kidderminster 10. After Borrington Road missing Mallard Avenue & Kittiwake Drive (wocgpwta & wocgtgdm). After Captain's Pool Road missing Chaffinch Drive (wocgpwpw)
Merry Hill 13, Stops ar Merry Hill need sorting as you show as Arriving at stop A but departures from stop B Mon-Sat and stop H on Sunday.
Dudley 14A towards Dudley, Sunday 08:58/09:58 trips missing all intermediate stops.
West Bromwich 16A towards West Bromwich, amend stop code for Birmingham Church Centre (correct stop is MS8 43000202111)
Tamworth 20, towards Tamworth after
Merry Hill 24H towards Merry Hill 16:00 Mon-Fri & 08:50 Saturday trips missing most/all intermediate stops.
Dudley 25, on trips which are internally coded '25T' towards Stourbridge & Merry Hill, after 'Engine Lane' missing stop Merry Hill Centre (43000836001)
Wolverhampton route 26A missing Bilston Bus Station stops in both directions
Wolverhampton 27, Monday-Saturday trips after 18:00 in both directions missing all intermediate stops. Also on trips towards Wolverhampton remove Sedgley All Saints Church and amend stop code at Market Hall (correct stop code 43000852505).
Wolverhampton 27A, On trips towards Wolverhampton, after Stickley Ellowes Rd missing stops Bird Street & Brookdale (nwmjwmgm & nwmjwmgt). Remove Sedgley All Saints Church and amend stop code at Market Hall (correct stop code 43000852505). Towards Dudley remove Dudley Flood Street and Dudley Churchill Centre.
Perry Bar 54. Towards Hamstead after Hamstead Austin Way missing Hamstead Railway Station (43000536101) & after Lavendon Road missing Walsall Road (43000531002). Towards Perry Barr after Spouthouse Lane missing Dyas Ave (43000541102).
Stourbridge 88 towards Stourbridge remove Angel Passage. Towards Norton remove both Foster Street East stops (all of these stops are not in use)
Route 202S towards Halesowen after Goodrest Avenue missing Victoria Ave (43000801202), Ridgeway Ave (43000801001) & Woodbury Rd (43000815504)
Dudley 226 towards Dudley remove 'High Oak Surgery' (stop no longer exists).
Dudley 226 towards Merry Hill. After Magistrates Court missing Junction Street (43008718003) and on Saturdays remove 'Vicar St'.
Dudley 226A towards Dudley remove 'High Oak Surgery' (stop no longer exists). Mon-Sat evening trips seem to be missing stops around Worsley Auckland Road too.
Dudley 226A towards Merry Hill remove the first stop named Kingswinford Kingsley Rd (43000842403). On Saturdays and Sundays towards Merry Hill remove 'Vicar St'
Route 242S missing plenty of stops but the missing stops are marked as 'inactive' by Staffordshire Council on NAPTAN. Not sure if Ticketer can pick up inactive stops but if not, contact LA as they will be able to update NAPTAN for you.
Route 247 in both directions swap the timing point so it's at the 'other' Evesham Morrisons stop (2000G079600 should be the timing point in both directions)
Kidderminster 292S for some reason now isn't listed as school days only anymore.
Evesham 552/553 have no data at all despite you starting these routes in less than a week.
Various WM routes you need to update the OTC registration number in the Ticketer portal so that it uses the new West Midlands registration number rather than the old OTC registration number.
Evesham 540 07:34 from Evesham after Ashton Under Hill Cross missing Cottons Lane (2000G073101) and Cornfield Way needs moving to after the academy
08:36, 10:11, 11:11, 12:11 and 13:11 from Tewkesbury after Ashton under Hill Cornfield Way missing Ashton Under Hill Wood Lane (2000G671004)
15:46, 16:46, 17:50 (M-F) & 1846 (Sat) from Tewkesbury missing Beckford Village Hall (wocgdtpm)
Diamond South East:
N555 towards Heathrow change Terminal 4 to Stop 10 (490000104E)
H2D, H2X missing Terminal 2 stop to terminate.
RHU towards Hox Park, after Royal Holloway College missing University Founders Building stop (40004401021A). Towards Egham after St Jude's Cemeterymissing University Founders Building stop (40004401021A).
I will get our commercial team to pick this up.
Physical timetables for service 64 in Penn still show the operator as 'Travel Express' rather than youselves. The only ones changed are those shared with NXWM services. (I would imagine its the same for services 63 & 65 in Wolverhampton.)
40718 with Preston bus as no back destination blind along with a pealing back sticker for logo
Morning Simon
I've noticed on BusTimes, with the Willenhall diversion, Nx have inserted an extra stop at Tyler Road on Bilston Lane, for the 529.
Is there a chance your 303 & 326 could do the same please, unless they do it already, but no one has said so?
(Anyone know if Carolean Coaches have done the same for their 23/23a?)
Quote from: Rachvince53 on February 25, 2025, 10:04:44 AMPhysical timetables for service 64 in Penn still show the operator as 'Travel Express' rather than youselves. The only ones changed are those shared with NXWM services. (I would imagine its the same for services 63 & 65 in Wolverhampton.)
I will ask our Commercial team to pick this up with TfWM - thank you.
Quote from: Ryan Hack on February 25, 2025, 03:26:12 PM40718 with Preston bus as no back destination blind along with a pealing back sticker for logo
I have picked this up with our Preston depot - thank you.
Quote from: Westy on February 26, 2025, 07:00:14 AMMorning Simon
I've noticed on BusTimes, with the Willenhall diversion, Nx have inserted an extra stop at Tyler Road on Bilston Lane, for the 529.
Is there a chance your 303 & 326 could do the same please, unless they do it already, but no one has said so?
(Anyone know if Carolean Coaches have done the same for their 23/23a?)
Bus Services can serve any stop on route. There is no need for a timing point to be entered.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on February 26, 2025, 10:19:56 AMBus Services can serve any stop on route. There is no need for a timing point to be entered.
So to be clear then, while the diversion on, both the 326 & 303 can stop there, even though its not a timing point?
Just thought Id check in case one of your drivers on the 326 says different.
(Some of your drivers do know me by sight anyway!)
Simon - Just to let you know, the driver of 30710, despite me signalling to him to stop, went past me at Tyler Road just, despite what you said so now Ive got to wait for a 529 now.
Tell the driver, thanks a bunch, when you speak to him!
Simon can you please sort out the Burton depot please and tell then to stop putting the Sprinters on service 22 as the passenger are unhappy with the size of the bus.
Whats going on with 33006?
Are the Aussies any nearer to entering service yet
Quote from: Westy on February 26, 2025, 10:41:54 AMSo to be clear then, while the diversion on, both the 326 & 303 can stop there, even though its not a timing point?
Just thought Id check in case one of your drivers on the 326 says different.
(Some of your drivers do know me by sight anyway!)
I understand what you are referring to is a bus stop - and therefore can stop there.
Quote from: Mkinson2224 on February 28, 2025, 08:37:41 AMSimon can you please sort out the Burton depot please and tell then to stop putting the Sprinters on service 22 as the passenger are unhappy with the size of the bus.
Dear Sir,
When did this happen? I can look at passenger loadings, however the service has no contractual capacity requirement and when I have looked the loadings are generally suitable for a Sprinter.
Quote from: Ryan Hack on February 28, 2025, 08:50:01 PMWhats going on with 33006?
I was given a VOR report for the North West last week. I am advised that repairs are expected to be completed by tomorrow.
Quote from: Mayfield on March 01, 2025, 03:54:27 PMAre the Aussies any nearer to entering service yet
39001 - We are waiting for DVLA to issue paperwork to allow us to register the vehicle.
39002/39003/39004 - We have IVA inspection slots on 06/03/25, and 13/03/25 at present.
I think a small 23 seat Solo like 20746 YJ16 DXK would be ideal for the 22 plus if you're got long leg like me you can't site on the seats properly and there know where to put your shopping all we are asking is you puy something bigger on the 22 please 🙏 and also the passenger number is low because the ticket machines on the 22 always seen to be broken.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 03, 2025, 10:19:33 AMI understand what you are referring to is a bus stop - and therefore can stop there.
Hi, can you look at message 3984 please & comment?
Quote from: Westy on February 27, 2025, 04:08:07 PMSimon - Just to let you know, the driver of 30710, despite me signalling to him to stop, went past me at Tyler Road just, despite what you said so now Ive got to wait for a 529 now.
Tell the driver, thanks a bunch, when you speak to him!
We have looked at the CCTV. Our Operations Manager thoughts are as follows.
"Driver does slow down but indication happens at the point the bus is passing.
Could the driver still have stopped, potentially yes, it appears that he still had the room.
I will make sure that he is seen upon return to depot today"
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 03, 2025, 03:50:42 PMWe have looked at the CCTV. Our Operations Manager thoughts are as follows.
"Driver does slow down but indication happens at the point the bus is passing.
Could the driver still have stopped, potentially yes, it appears that he still had the room.
I will make sure that he is seen upon return to depot today"
In front of your bus was a Blakemores lorry IIRC, so vision was slightly impeded, but at the speed the surrounding traffic was going, he could've stopped IMO.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 03, 2025, 11:13:13 AM39001 - We are waiting for DVLA to issue paperwork to allow us to register the vehicle.
39002/39003/39004 - We have IVA inspection slots on 06/03/25, and 13/03/25 at present.
Good luck with that then
32135 seems to have a problem with its wheelchair ramp, to the extent the user had to be left behind at the stop!
0634 Mossley to Walsall & this happened at the May Street stop in Leamore.
(Unfortunatly a 32 went pass at the same time, else the user could've used that instead!)
Quote from: Westy on March 04, 2025, 07:07:24 AM32135 seems to have a problem with its wheelchair ramp, to the extent the user had to be left behind at the stop!
0634 Mossley to Walsall & this happened at the May Street stop in Leamore.
(Unfortunatly a 32 went pass at the same time, else the user could've used that instead!)
Thank you - I will pick this up and see what went off.
Simon can you please reply to message #3992 please.
Quote from: Mkinson2224 on March 03, 2025, 11:59:37 AMI think a small 23 seat Solo like 20746 YJ16 DXK would be ideal for the 22 plus if you're got long leg like me you can't site on the seats properly and there know where to put your shopping all we are asking is you puy something bigger on the 22 please 🙏 and also the passenger number is low because the ticket machines on the 22 always seen to be broken.
The Illesbus is not the normal bus on the 22. We have a higher PVR for the Illesbus than we actually have. However, I am sure on occasion they may operate should circumstances arise.
We spent around £1,000,000 with Ticketer late 2024/ early 2025 to update our machines/ and install Gateways. So I am surprised about your reliability issue. Can you give me the date and journey when this last happened?
The last time the ticket machine was broken was last Friday I believe and it was on the 09:20 journey from Swadlincote to Burton.
And as for the Sprinters all we are asking is you put a bigger bus back on the 22.
Quote from: Mkinson2224 on March 04, 2025, 11:24:34 AMThe last time the ticket machine was broken was last Friday I believe and it was on the 09:20 journey from Swadlincote to Burton.
And as for the Sprinters all we are asking is you put a bigger bus back on the 22.
I have looked through the Ticketer system for last Friday. All the journeys seem to be there and I have looked on a singular trip and can see Contactless sales and Smart Concessionary passes being scanned. So it look like it is working.
With regards to capacity. Which trip do you believe it was close on capacity?
The 90:20 till 14:25 and some time the 16:24 can get busy
Hello 20872 has not working front and rear destination blinds
Quote from: Westy on March 03, 2025, 04:00:15 PMIn front of your bus was a Blakemores lorry IIRC, so vision was slightly impeded, but at the speed the surrounding traffic was going, he could've stopped IMO.
Same vehicle again today
Appeared to be the same driver.
I stuck out my hand in good time & he drove past.
I give in!
Does he need to goto Specsavers?
Either that or he has taken exception to me reporting him, which is tough, in my opinion.
Quote from: Wm2001 on March 04, 2025, 04:55:10 PMAs said at the very beginning of this thread all complaints should be made through the proper channels. Yet you always decide to do it on here. Not everyone wants to read about you complaining all the time. The whole point of this thread was to ask Simon questions and report faults with vehickes
Moderator noteThe whole point of this thread was for people to ask interesting and pertinent questions to Simon about Rotala/Diamond, as well as to provide suggestions and feedback. Which are to be answered by Simon, not other members.
While flagging of serious issues is acceptable here, general customer service queries and complaints should go through the official channels so they can be properly handled:
Defects and faults with vehicles should be noted in the following thread, which I'm sure Simon also monitors:
Vehicle Defects, Missing Livery / Logos, Odditites - Reports only No commenting! (
I'm also concerned about the 'tone' of some members' postings in this thread, and will now ask people to ask their questions of Simon in a more polite and constructive way, as well as showing a bit more respect, civility and decency.
As usual, any 'chit-chat' or off-topic replies will be removed at moderator and admin's discretion.
15005 and 20989 ,both on Bromsgrove DRT this afternoon with no information displayed in front destination blinds.
Ooops, just read previous post, sorry.
Hi Simon, I was scrolling through Local Facebook when someone had posted about the 65 Woods Estate to Darlaston Bus they had some complaints about the service such as a lack of rails, narrow aisle between the seats, High Step, Miserable Drivers and Them driving erratically and not following Speed Limits the group it is mentioned on is Wonderful Wednesbury, I don't know if it is worth taking a look and responding to the complaints, I myself whenever I have used the 65 or 310 very rarely have no complaints other the fact I must have been the youngest person on the 65 by about 40/50 years. I couldn't post a response maybe because I am not part of the group, Some have complained about the bus being late to. Apparently local councillors or reps know about the issue, but I thought I would bring it to your attention so you could maybe address the concerns they have about the service
Hi Simon
Can you say what's happening to the Stourbridge to kiddiminster route 125 ?
Quote from: Mkinson2224 on March 04, 2025, 02:50:57 PMThe 90:20 till 14:25 and some time the 16:24 can get busy
They are not at capacity.
Quote from: tbrookes on March 04, 2025, 02:55:58 PMHello 20872 has not working front and rear destination blinds
I will pick this up with the depot.
Quote from: Westy on March 04, 2025, 04:03:31 PMSame vehicle again today
Appeared to be the same driver.
I stuck out my hand in good time & he drove past.
I give in!
Does he need to goto Specsavers?
Either that or he has taken exception to me reporting him, which is tough, in my opinion.
I will pick this up the rota'd drivers.
Quote from: Stu on March 04, 2025, 07:28:01 PMModerator note
The whole point of this thread was for people to ask interesting and pertinent questions to Simon about Rotala/Diamond, as well as to provide suggestions and feedback. Which are to be answered by Simon, not other members.
While flagging of serious issues is acceptable here, general customer service queries and complaints should go through the official channels so they can be properly handled:
Defects and faults with vehicles should be noted in the following thread, which I'm sure Simon also monitors:
Vehicle Defects, Missing Livery / Logos, Odditites - Reports only No commenting! (
I'm also concerned about the 'tone' of some members' postings in this thread, and will now ask people to ask their questions of Simon in a more polite and constructive way, as well as showing a bit more respect, civility and decency.
As usual, any 'chit-chat' or off-topic replies will be removed at moderator and admin's discretion.
I do not mind being made aware of operational issues. It is one reason - why I contribute. The feedback provides a lot of information that in the absence of - we would not be as aware.
With regards tone - I will always address this with individuals.
Quote from: B61 ANDREW on March 04, 2025, 07:31:00 PM15005 and 20989 ,both on Bromsgrove DRT this afternoon with no information displayed in front destination blinds.
Ooops, just read previous post, sorry.
I have contacted our Redditch depot. I have asked them to action this immediately.
Quote from: BlackCountryBusSpotter on March 04, 2025, 09:02:08 PMHi Simon, I was scrolling through Local Facebook when someone had posted about the 65 Woods Estate to Darlaston Bus they had some complaints about the service such as a lack of rails, narrow aisle between the seats, High Step, Miserable Drivers and Them driving erratically and not following Speed Limits the group it is mentioned on is Wonderful Wednesbury, I don't know if it is worth taking a look and responding to the complaints, I myself whenever I have used the 65 or 310 very rarely have no complaints other the fact I must have been the youngest person on the 65 by about 40/50 years. I couldn't post a response maybe because I am not part of the group, Some have complained about the bus being late to. Apparently local councillors or reps know about the issue, but I thought I would bring it to your attention so you could maybe address the concerns they have about the service
Thank you for the information.
It is difficult to read, respond and be a member of every forum were our buses operate. I do see every complaint that comes into our I have not seen anything with regards the 65 and 310.
Thank you once again.
Quote from: karl724223 on March 05, 2025, 10:59:26 AMHi Simon
Can you say what's happening to the Stourbridge to kiddiminster route 125 ?
Let me check on what we are able to say - I will come back to you.
Hello Simon,
When you takeover the new services in Worcester, previously operated by LMS Travel. What depot will be running these services out of curiosity?
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 05, 2025, 05:20:30 PMThey are not at capacity.
They won't be as the ticket machine wasn't working again on the 09:20 to Burton. All I say is roll on August when Buslink can operate in Burton again far better company then Diamond buslink listen to there passengers complaints.
Quote from: J4ZZA on March 05, 2025, 05:46:59 PMHello Simon,
When you takeover the new services in Worcester, previously operated by LMS Travel. What depot will be running these services out of curiosity?
Quote from: Mkinson2224 on March 05, 2025, 05:58:20 PMThey won't be as the ticket machine wasn't working again on the 09:20 to Burton. All I say is roll on August when Buslink can operate in Burton again far better company then Diamond buslink listen to there passengers complaints.
Thank you.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 06, 2025, 05:50:01 AMThank you.
Can you at least tell then to put E200s 31430,31432,31433 on as the are short buses and 31430 was originally brought by the council for the 22.
Quote from: Mkinson2224 on March 06, 2025, 09:48:07 AMCan you at least tell then to put E200s 31430,31432,31433 on as the are short buses and 31430 was originally brought by the council for the 22.
I am sure I said in my original message that our intention is use the E200's. However, on occasion smaller buses will appear. For clarity - the council has never acquired a bus.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 05, 2025, 05:30:39 PMLet me check on what we are able to say - I will come back to you.
We think we will be in a position by Monday to set out an updated position.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 06, 2025, 10:42:09 AMI am sure I said in my original message that our intention is use the E200's. However, on occasion smaller buses will appear. For clarity - the council has never acquired a bus.
They did when it was midland Classic
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 05, 2025, 05:29:45 PMThank you for the information.
It is difficult to read, respond and be a member of every forum were our buses operate. I do see every complaint that comes into our I have not seen anything with regards the 65 and 310.
Thank you once again.
Maybe they raised it with ex Local councillor someone by the name of Elaine or current Councillor MP, they were given a phone number, They may have complained to TFWM instead, It is understandable that you can't respond to there complaints. I can sort of say whenever I have seen the 65 or 310 they have always been on Time, In fact sometimes I got fed up of waiting for the 79 which would be delayed by roadworks and jumped on the 310 or 65 if I've seen it.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 06, 2025, 05:35:18 AMKidderminster.
Evening Simon, which LMS service are being taken over and from which date. Couldn't see anything on the website. Thankyou
Quote from: fleetline6477 on March 06, 2025, 07:15:17 PMEvening Simon, which LMS service are being taken over and from which date. Couldn't see anything on the website. Thankyou
We take on the following services in Worcestershire 21, 240, 356 from the 31st March.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on March 07, 2025, 06:21:49 AMWe take on the following services in Worcestershire 21, 240, 356 from the 31st March.
Thanks Simon, I assume you mean 24 rather than 240?
Hi Simon, I just wanted to talk about 20167 at Tividale Depot, I took it at 16:20 on the 14 towards Blackheath and simply when the driver change took place in Dudley even the driver was complaining about the amount that it vibrates, it vibrates to the extent that some of the handle bars you can't even hold them due the amount that it vibrates. In addition, to this issue the front of the bus on the left side is missing a light cover and has not had one for the last couple of weeks. Finally, above the driver's cabin the panelling at the top looks like it is simply about to fall down as it has not been secured properly this is a risk as the display could fall down or even out of place at any time. I also wanted to talk about 20159 at Tividale Depot too, I took it at 12:00 on the 14 towards Dudley, when it had arrived there was a huge amount of blue smoke that was coming out, the driver was concerned but somehow managed to stop it, but this issue has worsened since I reported it in the oddities thread, this clearly shows that Diamond bus do not clearly look after their buses mechanically, the vibrations are absolutely horrible and its clear that the drivers do not report issues to the depot for it to be fixed, if I was to compare it to older buses that I have been on I prefer them to these Streetlites which are absolutely horrible due to the vibrations.
Simon Dunn good job it was an E200 on the 22 as it was very busy.
Do rotala plan on getting people to use Preston Bus again in Preston, in areas with both Preston Bus and stagecoach or both near people are using Stagecoach more as for the same trip it is £2 with stagecoach but £3 with Preston Bus.
Currently Preston bus is only useful for some locations within the city.
An example in Moor Nook in Preston Stagecoach and Preston bus both have routes to the city centre and they run around the same frequency so if someone from that area wants to go shopping in the city they would be more inclined to just use stagecoach and save a little money.
40714. Back display hasn't worked for ages
Quote from: fleetline6477 on March 07, 2025, 03:38:17 PMThanks Simon, I assume you mean 24 rather than 240?
Sorry yes.
Quote from: MSU2008 on March 07, 2025, 05:10:29 PMHi Simon, I just wanted to talk about 20167 at Tividale Depot, I took it at 16:20 on the 14 towards Blackheath and simply when the driver change took place in Dudley even the driver was complaining about the amount that it vibrates, it vibrates to the extent that some of the handle bars you can't even hold them due the amount that it vibrates. In addition, to this issue the front of the bus on the left side is missing a light cover and has not had one for the last couple of weeks. Finally, above the driver's cabin the panelling at the top looks like it is simply about to fall down as it has not been secured properly this is a risk as the display could fall down or even out of place at any time. I also wanted to talk about 20159 at Tividale Depot too, I took it at 12:00 on the 14 towards Dudley, when it had arrived there was a huge amount of blue smoke that was coming out, the driver was concerned but somehow managed to stop it, but this issue has worsened since I reported it in the oddities thread, this clearly shows that Diamond bus do not clearly look after their buses mechanically, the vibrations are absolutely horrible and its clear that the drivers do not report issues to the depot for it to be fixed, if I was to compare it to older buses that I have been on I prefer them to these Streetlites which are absolutely horrible due to the vibrations.
I will pick up your comments with our Tividale Engineering Manager.
Quote from: Ryan Hack on March 08, 2025, 02:55:48 PMDo rotala plan on getting people to use Preston Bus again in Preston, in areas with both Preston Bus and stagecoach or both near people are using Stagecoach more as for the same trip it is £2 with stagecoach but £3 with Preston Bus.
Currently Preston bus is only useful for some locations within the city.
An example in Moor Nook in Preston Stagecoach and Preston bus both have routes to the city centre and they run around the same frequency so if someone from that area wants to go shopping in the city they would be more inclined to just use stagecoach and save a little money.
Our pricing strategy is around having a viable and sustainable business. Our new fares structure provides for that.
Quote from: Jay71 on March 09, 2025, 10:34:20 PM40714. Back display hasn't worked for ages
Thank you. I will get someone to pick this up.
30826 also has the same problem as 40714
Quote from: Jay71 on March 10, 2025, 10:39:05 AM30826 also has the same problem as 40714
I have asked Engineering to pick this up.
Are you able to clarify what route the Kidderminster 1 will take?
Will it be the same as the current 8 route or are there any differences?