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If you had the chance to modify or add any service, what would you do?

Started by Alex, November 15, 2014, 06:30:12 PM

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Quote from: Jack on December 23, 2019, 10:46:34 PM
What's the point in extending the 16 and 16A to Asda? They tried with the 46 when the 651 went and barely anyone used it. What was the whole point in that 651 anyway, you'd never see anyway using it and it carried fresh air. Perry Beeches already has a service to Asda, the 424: which people do use, no more than several normally but it is getting used. You could extend the 52 but it's not much point because the 997 stops no more than 8 mins anyway from the Hassop terminus.

If the 52 was to be extended then I'd re-route the 997 by letting the 52 serve Old Oscott and the 997 carrying on down Aldridge Road. Would save a good 7-11 minutes on the 997 than going through the back streets.

The 651 was funded by the developers of Nether Hall Park using section 106 funding i believe.


Quote from: richardjones210368 on December 23, 2019, 11:17:33 PM
Yes Jack i see your point about the 5 I use it about a once a month and Scott Arms is a nightmare mind you I am sure there was Centro contract run by Midland Red West with Centtro livery Talbot Pullmans that ran a 16 type service that went off route from Hampstead to Asda once I seem to remember bringing a relief Lance from DH to replace an ailling Pullman a long time ago before the Pullmans the route had ex Badgerline Transits in full Badgetline colours on it I am sure!
Ive have a funny feeling it was the 616 but its a long time ago.


Quote from: richardjones210368 on December 24, 2019, 12:14:32 AM
Ive have a funny feeling it was the 616 but its a long time ago.
It was in 2013 when they merged the 651 into the 46... the 616 is the current 61 route in Perry Barr.


16A all day, GRS  tried it & was a total failure he had much better "success" operating the normal 16 route.
Running upto Asda queslett, well it has added passengers to the 424 & is used but no where bear enough people to even contemplate it being a commercially good idea.


Quote from: Steveminor on December 24, 2019, 03:05:28 PM
16A all day, GRS  tried it & was a total failure he had much better "success" operating the normal 16 route.
Running upto Asda queslett, well it has added passengers to the 424 & is used but no where bear enough people to even contemplate it being a commercially good idea.
Of course mate you hold the TfWM contracts around Hampstead forgot that  and what an excellent job your company does operating them as we end a decade I was at Midland Red West three decades earlier at the start of the 90s the margins on more or less the same services were tight then working on the tenders then so utmost respect today to your company.


Quote from: Steveminor on December 24, 2019, 03:05:28 PM
16A all day, GRS  tried it & was a total failure he had much better "success" operating the normal 16 route.
Running upto Asda queslett, well it has added passengers to the 424 & is used but no where bear enough people to even contemplate it being a commercially good idea.
The drivers on the 424 drive like maniacs, speed up Hassop Road, try and get in front of the 28's even though no one will use them, they use to park under the bridge on Hassop blocking the road but now they just park anywhere on Thornbridge, not even paying attention to the fact they have the Haddon Road stop to layover at... not like the old Claribels at all. The regulars from the Whitecrest don't even know who the operator is and just call them the little white buses.
One thing I know is that the people there would like a pole bus stop placed on Whitecrest by Rokeby Road because they never know about the timetable and when they are due until they are seen coming up the hill.


Quote from: Jack on December 24, 2019, 05:06:58 PM
The drivers on the 424 drive like maniacs, speed up Hassop Road, try and get in front of the 28's even though no one will use them, they use to park under the bridge on Hassop blocking the road but now they just park anywhere on Thornbridge, not even paying attention to the fact they have the Haddon Road stop to layover at... not like the old Claribels at all. The regulars from the Whitecrest don't even know who the operator is and just call them the little white buses.
One thing I know is that the people there would like a pole bus stop placed on Whitecrest by Rokeby Road because they never know about the timetable and when they are due until they are seen coming up the hill.
And on that bombshell I am off to get a Diamond Bus 231 & see if can dangle a Daysaver 5 under my mates noses but to you @Jack @Winston @Stu and everyone on the forum MERRY CHRISTMAS and @Tony


@Jack I've looked through the trackers for the 424 vehicles over the past week they show a maximum speed (in service) of 28mph with an average speed of just 21.5 mph so they aren't breaking any speed limits, it may just look like it as nxwm 28s do tend to dawdle along around the beaches. Both routes go to different locations & are aimed at different sets of passengers so there is no competitive element to either service.
I would disagree that passengers dont know who we are as we have had quite a few people travel with us on some of our Birmingham International Tours.
As for bus stop poles etc the placing of those is upto Tfwm I have made enquiries on passengers behalf before but have met resistance due to poor patronage figures the route has been under threat of cancellation since before we took over the contract & it's only through hard work determination from the routes dedicated drivers & the office team that the route has survived for the past 3 years.


Quote from: Steveminor on December 24, 2019, 06:43:46 PM
@Jack I've looked through the trackers for the 424 vehicles over the past week they show a maximum speed (in service) of 28mph with an average speed of just 21.5 mph so they aren't breaking any speed limits, it may just look like it as nxwm 28s do tend to dawdle along around the beaches. Both routes go to different locations & are aimed at different sets of passengers so there is no competitive element to either service.
I would disagree that passengers dont know who we are as we have had quite a few people travel with us on some of our Birmingham International Tours.
As for bus stop poles etc the placing of those is upto Tfwm I have made enquiries on passengers behalf before but have met resistance due to poor patronage figures the route has been under threat of cancellation since before we took over the contract & it's only through hard work determination from the routes dedicated drivers & the office team that the route has survived for the past 3 years.
I've clearly seen 424's trying to beat a 28 to a bus stop towards the Scott Arms... some people here do actually do get  whatever comes first for Scott Arms. You can disagree as much as you want, I've family who use the 424 and they do claim it's the 'little white bus'. Most of the drivers are muppets, months ago one was driving while driver had phone to ear. Be nice if the drivers didn't decide to park wherever they please, when they have a dedicated bus stop before starting service in the morning.


When the Paradise Circus works end, I would like to see the AG1 go back to serving the City Centre again. I never really understood why it never went to Colmore Row like the Harborne and Hagley Road services but anyway let's get back to the topic at hand.
There's three ways that I would make the 1 return to town: the 1A won't be affected.
1. From Five Ways, it can follow the Harborne and Hagley Road services but at Snow Hill, it will turn left at the WM Police headquarters to terminate at the old Megabus bus stop at Colmore Circus ( the 23 and the 24 already go beyond Colmore Circus no need for another service).
2. A variation of the 1st change, it can turn right onto Suffolk Street Queensway and follow the old 126 diversion route by serving New Street Station to terminate at the Markets.
3. From Five Ways, it can follow the 80/A, X20/21/22 to the city centre where it can terminate at either the Markets or at the unused bus stop at Moor Street Queensway ( the one next to the old BY17 beginning stop don't know the stop number).
P.S just checked on Google Maps that the beginning of Broad Street by the Library of Birmingham and Suffolk Street Queensway will be reopening in the summer so I assume the 82/87 will go back to its old loop otherwise the 1 can go down that route as well and terminate at the unused bus stop next to the bus gate.


Not sure many would even benefit from that, the majority of the route must already have frequent services nearby to the City Centre. And its not difficult to change onto the 23/24 at Five Ways Morrisons otherwise.
Local Routes
94/95, 11A/11C, 28.


Quote from: Busboy105 on January 02, 2020, 09:44:52 PM
When the Paradise Circus works end, I would like to see the AG1 go back to serving the City Centre again. I never really understood why it never went to Colmore Row like the Harborne and Hagley Road services but anyway let's get back to the topic at hand.
There's three ways that I would make the 1 return to town: the 1A won't be affected.
1. From Five Ways, it can follow the Harborne and Hagley Road services but at Snow Hill, it will turn left at the WM Police headquarters to terminate at the old Megabus bus stop at Colmore Circus ( the 23 and the 24 already go beyond Colmore Circus no need for another service).
2. A variation of the 1st change, it can turn right onto Suffolk Street Queensway and follow the old 126 diversion route by serving New Street Station to terminate at the Markets.
3. From Five Ways, it can follow the 80/A, X20/21/22 to the city centre where it can terminate at either the Markets or at the unused bus stop at Moor Street Queensway ( the one next to the old BY17 beginning stop don't know the stop number).
P.S just checked on Google Maps that the beginning of Broad Street by the Library of Birmingham and Suffolk Street Queensway will be reopening in the summer so I assume the 82/87 will go back to its old loop otherwise the 1 can go down that route as well and terminate at the unused bus stop next to the bus gate.
As a regular on the one and only 1 its so Chesney Hawks I can see the real benefit of this for Priory Rd users after all it did used to terminate at the Town Hall my only.worry is would it be viable?


Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 02, 2020, 10:51:50 PM
As a regular on the one and only 1 its so Chesney Hawks I can see the real benefit of this for Priory Rd users after all it did used to terminate at the Town Hall my only.worry is would it be viable?
From the stops near the Bristol Road, on Priory Road you have the 61/63 or 45/47 to the City Centre, from the next stop at the other end of Priory Road near Edgbaston Old Church you have the X20/X21/X22, so not sure how that benefits anyone on Priory Road, when the exsisting services to the City Centre are very frequent.
Local Routes
94/95, 11A/11C, 28.


Quote from: 2206 on January 02, 2020, 10:56:31 PM
From the stops near the Bristol Road, on Priory Road you have the 61/63 or 45/47 to the City Centre, from the next stop near Edgbaston Old Church you have the X20/X21/X22, so not sure how that benefits anyone on Priory Road, when the exsisting services to the City Centre are very frequent.
Well as a regular at the tennis club  for meetings when I am in Priory Rd none of those options offererd by those services offer the diagram proposed I would use it to access clients at St Pauls Square, Sheepcote Street and St Chads much more easily offering more connections from my office in Edgbaston the 61, 63, 45, 47,  X20, X21, X22 are of no use to Edgbaston users such a me by The Plough & Harrow.


Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 02, 2020, 11:01:24 PM
I would use it to access clients at St Pauls Square, Sheepcote Street and St Chads much more easily offering more connections from my office in Edgbaston the 61, 63, 45, 47,  X20, X21, X22 are of no use to Edgbaston users such a me by The Plough & Harrow.
There are buses every few minutes from Plough and Harrow to St Pauls Square, Sheepcote Street and St Chads on the Hagley Road services. The Plough and Harrow is nowhere near the parts of Edgbaston that the 61/63, 45/47 and X20/X21/X22 serve, so of course they are of no use to you.
And the 1 already goes from Priory Road to Highfield Road (near the Plough And Harrow), if that's what you meant.
Local Routes
94/95, 11A/11C, 28.

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