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Started by John, May 07, 2012, 11:05:13 AM

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Think I saw 4302 on the 94 yesterday looking immaculate


Quote from: Winston on July 22, 2012, 01:18:55 PM

Is 4619 also having a new Euro 4 engine?

Quote from: Tony on July 22, 2012, 09:22:33 AM
More currently bring done are
1653, 1753, 4026, 4238, 4203, 4444, 4619, 4633

I would presume so, I don't known
1653 is at WB being done
1753 is in Walsall Paintshop
4026s seats are at Miller Street, don't know where the bus is
4238 & 4444 are waiting outside Walsall paint
4203 is being done in Walsall garage
4619s seats are at Miller Street
4633 was at Central, possibly now inside the paint at Walsall


Thanks for the info. Can never help but think when they repaint Mercs now that is this going to be the last one to be done

Rob H

I think 4633 is now back in service cos I seen a 46*3 Trident in NXWM Livery on the 957 at Yardley Swan heading for Birmingham This Morning :)
60 Birmingham - Cranes Park
72/72A Solihull Station - Chelmsley Wood
73 Solihull - Heartlands Hospital
X1 Birmingham - Coventry
X2 Birmingham - Solihull Station
A10 Solihull - Cranes Park / Chelmsley Wood


Quote from: Rob H on July 23, 2012, 10:23:04 PM
I think 4633 is now back in service cos I seen a 46*3 Trident in NXWM Livery on the 957 at Yardley Swan heading for Birmingham This Morning :)

4633 was working the 957 all day today, and I think it was on Saturday as well.


Quote from: Michael on July 23, 2012, 10:25:42 PM
Quote from: Rob H on July 23, 2012, 10:23:04 PM
I think 4633 is now back in service cos I seen a 46*3 Trident in NXWM Livery on the 957 at Yardley Swan heading for Birmingham This Morning :)

4633 was working the 957 all day today, and I think it was on Saturday as well.

Yes, photo now added to main site


BC seem to have switched and are using the same technique as AG with the destinations. They have Solihull stretched on the display, then changing to Solihull Station via ???

I've seen YW do the same on the 6, as well as an Omnilink.


Is 1653 going to be the penultimate Merc refurb/repaint?


I would think the T and V reg mercs will be with NXWM for some time yet as there are alot of older single deckers to replace so i would think there will be more repaints and refurbs to happen, may be wrong tho.


Quote from: Ash on July 23, 2012, 11:53:04 PM
I would think the T and V reg mercs will be with NXWM for some time yet as there are alot of older single deckers to replace so i would think there will be more repaints and refurbs to happen, may be wrong tho.

1628-1707 would probably go on for a few years used on local Wolverhampton & Dudley routes. Obviously most of this batch is in decent nick so it would be fine. Logic would be to complete all of 1750-1843 and 4125-4736 first though, but then logic is something NX management are unaware of.


Quote from: Michael on July 24, 2012, 01:42:48 AM
but then logic is something NX management are unaware of.

They normally have a 'cunning plan' - which no one can totally second guess! - armchair bus chasing at its best - armchair bus spotting and news at its best.

Current 'special passenger validation' permit held.


Quote from: don on July 24, 2012, 02:42:04 AM
Quote from: Michael on July 24, 2012, 01:42:48 AM
but then logic is something NX management are unaware of.

They normally have a 'cunning plan' - which no one can totally second guess!

Like when they repainted a load of B10Bs and scrapped the lot lol, well we didn't second guess it then, but can now with the repaint of the Mercs.


Quote from: Michael on July 24, 2012, 04:11:25 AM
Quote from: don on July 24, 2012, 02:42:04 AM
Quote from: Michael on July 24, 2012, 01:42:48 AM
but then logic is something NX management are unaware of.

They normally have a 'cunning plan' - which no one can totally second guess!

Like when they repainted a load of B10Bs and scrapped the lot lol, well we didn't second guess it then, but can now with the repaint of the Mercs.

Michael I don't think any B10Bs went to the scrap yard without seeing a good deal of use - you only have to look at Flickr to see the very strange goings on in the 70s when large organisations like WMPTE sent repanelled buses to the scrap yard before the paint was applied or just after it was in some cases, London Transport scored a world record by storing a Fleetline when it was less than a year old and never using it again, and British Rail was busy sending newly repainted diesels to the scrap yard.

NXWM look positively logical against this backdrop. As I say, I'm sure they have it all planned out - but if you spend a few thousand pounds retrimming and repainting, and then the vehicle has a major mechanical failure, the decision to repair may indeed be marginal - remember a repaint costs about £1000 (Tony's figure, I think) - new mecanical units would be significantly more. I'm guessing refurbs are expected to have a decent life left to offset the expenditure against income and to allow for the cost of ongoing maintenance or mechanical unit renewal. - armchair bus chasing at its best - armchair bus spotting and news at its best.

Current 'special passenger validation' permit held.


I did see 4170 driving through town on Monday 23rd July not in service with engineer driving, all the old dot matrix destinations have been removed (I saw that the front and rear had been removed).

Maybe next refurb/repaint?

Rob H

Seen 4170 today by the Man on the Moon Pub with an engineer driving heading towards Birmingham while i was on 4615

Also 4428 is now back in service it was on the 97/97A today. Fantastic Job NXWM :)
60 Birmingham - Cranes Park
72/72A Solihull Station - Chelmsley Wood
73 Solihull - Heartlands Hospital
X1 Birmingham - Coventry
X2 Birmingham - Solihull Station
A10 Solihull - Cranes Park / Chelmsley Wood

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