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If you had the chance to modify or add any service, what would you do?

Started by Alex, November 15, 2014, 06:30:12 PM

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Quote from: Bus Man K2 on May 04, 2020, 04:56:20 PM
To be honest Tony.

My experience of the NX website it is not always up to date. I have had to pull them up on some of the mistakes I've found. So you saying Why not use the NXWM or TfWM site for research, far more likely to be accurate for research for @NXWMFAN1105 could be missleading him. Yes I grant you 9 times out of 10 it may be correct but when I've checked it it's not always correct and I'm constantly cheching it for changes to bus service (not so much now).

TfWM is also not always correct but they are more likely to be correct.  Not try to start an augument.

But chances are if the NX or TfWM sites aren't u to date the information won't have got to Google etc, as it is TfWM that supply it.

Bus Man K2

Quote from: Tony on May 04, 2020, 05:14:33 PM
But chances are if the NX or TfWM sites aren't u to date the information won't have got to Google etc, as it is TfWM that supply it.

Well if that's the case then fine, but all the things I've brought to their attention is all common knolage i.e it's correct on Google or TfWM. where as it's wrong on the NX stie. So could you explain that, please?


Quote from: Tony on May 04, 2020, 05:14:33 PM
But chances are if the NX or TfWM sites aren't u to date the information won't have got to Google etc, as it is TfWM that supply it.
Quote from: Tony on May 04, 2020, 02:22:01 PM
Why not use the NXWM or TfWM site for research, far more likely to be accurate
So you say that NX and TfWM websites are likely to be more accurate, but if they supply the information to Google etc then the information on Google is just as accurate?


Quote from: NXWMFAN1105 on May 04, 2020, 05:30:54 PM
So you say that NX and TfWM websites are likely to be more accurate, but if they supply the information to Google etc then the information on Google is just as accurate?
Not neccessarily because it is another step for an error to occur in.

Have you heard of Chinese whispers? Same principle that the more steps the more chance of changes


Quote from: Bus Man K2 on May 03, 2020, 08:55:33 PM
They are looking at cutting the Birmingham map up. So perhaps the current 3 separate 25 routes will not be all on one map anymore.  Don't know when that will be though. Will let everyone know on here when I do!!

You'll have to cut a fine line between Kingstanding and Erdington to split two of them up.

It confused me seeing a 25 sat at Kingstanding when I knew it ran Erdington - Ward End, until I got back and looked it up on Diamond's website.

Bus Man K2

Quote from: Tony on May 04, 2020, 05:32:58 PM
Not neccessarily because it is another step for an error to occur in.

Have you heard of Chinese whispers? Same principle that the more steps the more chance of changes

And if it's not right in the first place then what do you expect other sites or Google to do about it?


Quote from: Bus Man K2 on May 04, 2020, 05:40:26 PM
And if it's not right in the first place then what do you expect other sites or Google to do about it?

which proves my point.

That they cannot be more accurate than the information provided by TfWM

Bus Man K2

Quote from: ellspurs on May 04, 2020, 05:39:17 PM
You'll have to cut a fine line between Kingstanding and Erdington to split two of them up.

It confused me seeing a 25 sat at Kingstanding when I knew it ran Erdington - Ward End, until I got back and looked it up on Diamond's website.

I think it is more likely that they will cut it into 3 so it won't be done into specific areas. So you might get part of Erdington may be in one map and the other will be in the other map, or something like that. It could be that they'll be sutton area map which will include Erdington. So Birmingham might only go as far as Erdington or just before.

Bus Man K2

Quote from: Tony on May 04, 2020, 05:49:09 PM
which proves my point.

That they cannot be more accurate than the information provided by TfWM

But it also works the other way then doesn't it? Because TfWM do also get things wrong.


Quote from: Tony on May 04, 2020, 05:49:09 PM
which proves my point.

That they cannot be more accurate than the information provided by TfWM
So the information that I researched about the X12 and the location of the first stop on Bromford Drive stop in Washwood Heath/Bromford Bridge that was on Google and Bus Checker came from NX and TfWM.  Google and Bus Checker say very clearly the stop is in Washwood Heath but NX and other members say it is in Bromford Bridge.  Which is right?  This is potentially very confusing and misleading for people who don't use the bus often and who don't know the area and want information.  I'm not trying to argue here, I'm just confused.


Quote from: Bus Man K2 on May 04, 2020, 05:52:11 PM
But it also works the other way then doesn't it? Because TfWM do also get things wrong.

Yes, but trying to not repeat myself, how would that make Google etc any better.


Quote from: NXWMFAN1105 on May 04, 2020, 05:57:52 PM
So the information that I researched about the X12 and the location of the stop in Washwood Heath/Bromford Bridge that was on Google and Bus Checker came from NX and TfWM.  Google and Bus Checker say very clearly the stop is in Washwood Heath but NX and other members say it is in Bromford Bridge.  Which is right?  This is potentially very confusing and misleading for people who don't use the bus often and who don't know the area and want information.  I'm not trying to argue here, I'm just confused.

See my comment about Chinese whispers!


Quote from: Tony on May 04, 2020, 05:58:38 PM
See my comment about Chinese whispers!
I understand that.  But I'm terms of general mapping, Google are possibly wrong with their mapping of where Washwood Heath actually is then?

Bus Man K2

Quote from: Tony on May 04, 2020, 05:58:04 PM
Yes, but trying to not repeat myself, how would that make Google etc any better.

I'm not saying it makes Google any better. However if the information is correct on google then  I would prefer to direct people to Google rather that any transport operator whether it's the biggest company in the West Midlands or the Combined Althority then I'd rather direct them to Google. I take your point abot Google not always being upto date either but it's more the case of haveing the information available. Which is why the bus comanies and also combined Althority need to work more on their websites.


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