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Started by Bus Man K2, October 30, 2019, 05:58:10 PM

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Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 31, 2021, 05:25:18 PM
Well they still class me as the 'general public' so that's what I am.. As I am not paid by them.. Yess @Stu  I can see were you're coming  form but if TfWM what help and they have said I can share this with the wider public I don't lexpect to get abuse of the owner of the site.. Yes I know I'm asking for help but if I don't agree with something why can't I have my say without getting abuse thrown back at me.

I don't like confrontatiion and in other terms I wouldn't throw words out ghat could be hurtful.. Yes I know it's @Tony site so he may be able to get away with it for a bit but when it's somthing as close to  my heart as this is then I don't expect to get abused. I know it may seem that I don't listern but  most of the time I do...and if my opinion isn't coreect but I stick to wat I think it should be then I again don't expect any abuse...especially from the site owner... Now my rant is over I do appreciate the help even if I don't always agree woth somethings and some people!! 😁

For starters, no-one is 'abusing' you, you were referred to as an 'idiot' because that's what you're presenting yourself as.

You're asking for help, and then arguing with people who are pointing out where you are wrong.

As Tony has previously pointed out, facts are crucial when it comes to determining accuracy, and opinions are not the same as facts.

My locals:
2 - Birmingham to Maypole | 3 - Birmingham to Yardley Wood
11A/C - Birmingham Outer Circle | 27 - Yardley Wood to Frankley
76 - Solihull to Northfield | 169 - Solihull to Kings Heath

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Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 31, 2021, 05:32:34 PM
Hi @2206

I think the green line should follow the grey lines to where thre 30 and 66 terminate then come down the Walsall Road towards West Bromwich. If you catch my drift!! 😁

Have you thought that the 33 & 66 terminal point star is in the wrong place?

I was parked in that lay-bye on Friday

There is no road where the 30/66 star is. You can see the lay-bye carries on to zig-zags of the crossing of the dual carriageway past the slip road the 40 uses. What isn't shown is that the 30 uses the same road as the 40 to go back. (The 66 doesn't use that bit of road)

Bus Man K2

Quote from: Stu on January 31, 2021, 05:35:43 PM
For starters, no-one is 'abusing' you, you were referred to as an 'idiot' because that's what you're presenting yourself as.

You're asking for help, and then arguing with people who are pointing out where you are wrong.

As Tony has previously pointed out, facts are crucial when it comes to determining accuracy, and opinions are not the same as facts.

I see where you're coming from but as that word is hurtful I certainly wouldn't use it to describe someone who may not know something but as I've said numerous times I don't mean to start the arguments but I am still the 'general public' and that's TfWM' words and not mine... so I still yhink it loos incorrect although the map that you posted shows it as correct... but on the map that is broduce it doesn't look right... because it looks like its going straight through the Pub and flats. eventhough it clearly doesnt shows it on the google map one... 😁 I'm sorry for the assumption/arguments I dont mean to start them it's just my OCD and some knowledge of the network.. obviously not in great detail, like @Tony can giv or anyone else on here.. I'm darn sure though if I had said something hurtful and agressive I'd have something done on here... again not saying tony should as he is the owner.. all I can say may be is that before anybody posts anything that could come across hurtflu think of the person who's going to receive it and think if that was me then what woyld I feel..

Bus Man K2

Quote from: Tony on January 31, 2021, 05:42:12 PM
Have you thought that the 33 & 66 terminal point star is in the wrong place?

I was parked in that lay-bye on Friday

There is no road where the 30/66 star is. You can see the lay-bye carries on to zig-zags of the crossing of the dual carriageway past the slip road the 40 uses. What isn't shown is that the 30 uses the same road as the 40 to go back. (The 66 doesn't use that bit of road)

Thanks @Tony I don't meant to start arguments or disagree with anything but if I think it's right or wrong I have to stick with what I 🤔!! 😁

So does the terminal point need to be moved backwards?

Bus Man K2

Can we now move past this and get back on track? I know that it was me that started the 'argumemts'!!! Let's move past it now and agree to disagree but hay ho onwards abd upwards!! 😁


Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 31, 2021, 05:53:55 PM
Thanks @Tony I don't meant to start arguments or disagree with anything but if I think it's right or wrong I have to stick with what I 🤔!! 😁
So It is a waste of time me trying to help, because as you have just said you will stick with your own opinion anyway whether you are right or wrong

Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 31, 2021, 05:53:55 PM

So does the terminal point need to be moved backwards?

Well as I have just said the 30 goes down the road which is shown before the terminal point

Bus Man K2

Quote from: Tony on January 31, 2021, 06:01:22 PM
So It is a waste of time me trying to help, because as you have just said you will stick with your own opinion anyway whether you are right or wrong

Well as I have just said the 30 goes down the road which is shown before the terminal point

Not all the time though!! 😁. This time I'm leaving it alone..

But doesn't the 30 and 66 terminate at that stop where you were parked?


Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 31, 2021, 06:06:18 PM
Not all the time though!! 😁. This time I'm leaving it alone..

But doesn't the 30 and 66 terminate at that stop where you were parked?

It is a long lay-bye. The first two bays, where I was parked are 'bus stands' not stops, the two stops, for the 4, 30, 45 & 66 are at the beginning of the lay-bye, although there is no problem with the 66 taking time in the front one as it carries straight on

Bus Man K2

Quote from: Tony on January 31, 2021, 06:15:06 PM
It is a long lay-bye. The first two bays, where I was parked are 'bus stands' not stops, the two stops, for the 4, 30, 45 & 66 are at the beginning of the lay-bye, although there is no problem with the 66 taking time in the front one as it carries straight on

Thanks @Tony.

I do really appreciate the help. Eventhough sometimes I may come across arsey and argumentative!! 😁


I am getting fed up of this thread and all the problems it is causing by mr Wollaston
Now he keeps ramming his OCD down our throats
Other members are also trying to help and are now getting fed up of him
Please admin lock this thread

Bus Man K2

Quote from: karl724223 on January 31, 2021, 08:27:50 PM
I am getting fed up of this thread and all the problems it is causing by mr Wollaston
Now he keeps ramming his OCD down our throats
Other members are also trying to help and are now getting fed up of him
Please admin lock this thread

Sorry @karl724223  I don't mean to offend anybody, however I also have to have asay.. yes I know that other people are helping, but am I 'not' allowed my opinion/suggestion? I know some people don't like my p
options/suggestions but surely I should get a say in the same matter?

Please Admin do not lock it.... I will try and rain my OCD and arguments down to a minimum now!!! 😁

Plust I am Not 'Mr Wollaston'. I don't like the name calling either.. I can take it from @Tony  once in a while but when it's coming for someone else who is 'just' a member I expect more professionalisum!! 😁 I also know that sometimes I can come across a bit argumentative and I am sorry for that... 😁


You won't get no professionalism from me I am fed up of you and the crap you keep posting
And the constant your right everybody else is wrong

Bus Man K2

Quote from: karl724223 on January 31, 2021, 09:02:35 PM
You won't get no professionalism from me I am fed up of you and the crap you keep posting
And the constant your right everybody else is wrong

I have never said anybody is wrong and I'm always right...I am only suggeting what I think is correct and may be as I'm  the 'general public' I'd expect to have a say... yes it may be thst you and others are sick of me posing what you would say is 'crap'... Which in your eyes it probably is but in mine it's not..... also although I am a volunteer TfWM aer still implying I am unxer 'general public' although I am also an enthusiast as well now I'm still the 'general public' in my eyes!! 😁 Now anyway can we just get back onto topic now as I am sick and tired of posing tge same sort of reply to everyone who posts the same as you or Tony... Yes I understand I can get om peoples nerves but I don't mean too!! 😁
I'm sorry you feel like that.... I don't want to come across as if I'm arguing all the time but if I think I'm right I got to stand by what I say... 😁 Like you do and probably would do in other instances!! 😁


Quote from: Bus Man K2 on January 31, 2021, 09:17:05 PM
I have never said anybody is wrong and I'm always right...I am only suggeting what I think is correct and may be as I'm  the 'general public' I'd expect to have a say... yes it may be thst you and others are sick of me posing what you would say is 'crap'... Which in your eyes it probably is but in mine it's not..... also although I am a volunteer TfWM aer still implying I am unxer 'general public' although I am also an enthusiast as well now I'm still the 'general public' in my eyes!! 😁 Now anyway can we just get back onto topic now as I am sick and tired of posing tge same sort of reply to everyone who posts the same as you or Tony... Yes I understand I can get om peoples nerves but I don't mean too!! 😁
I'm sorry you feel like that.... I don't want to come across as if I'm arguing all the time but if I think I'm right I got to stand by what I say... 😁 Like you do and probably would do in other instances!! 😁
Now you get how we feel having to post the same reply to you time and time again because you won't listen.
Agree with Karl, this thread is getting ridiculous now.  Should have been locked a long time ago.

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