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West Midlands Combined Authorty

Started by richardjones210368, January 23, 2020, 11:41:03 PM

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Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 24, 2020, 02:38:26 PM
A Metro Mayor who has been as successful as Andy Street will know doubt being enjoying many triumphs between now & May 2020
Especially when any potential "bad news" will no doubt be deferred for a decision post May


Quote from: metrocity on January 24, 2020, 05:10:33 PM
Especially when any potential "bad news" will no doubt be deferred for a decision post May
Well one mans bad news is another mans triumph thats life thats politics as Mike Read always said on Saturday Superstore well I think it was Mike Read.................


Andy Street, The Mayor has been praised by  Andrew Marr on his BBC ONE programme this morning you can enjoy the moment on the BBCi Player about HS2, this is of course not subject to a high court gagging order so loved by Mr Marr


1. The future structure of bus services were agreed today.
The West Midands Bus Allliance board led by Cllr Kath Hartley and other stakeholders will oversee  West Midlands Bus Services
2. The bus operators will form a West Midlands Bus Operators Board and will report directly to the WMBA
3. Further Sub Groups will be formed to oversee:
Safer Partnership Group
Passengers Satisfaction Group
Sub Bus Operators Group
Connections Group
Community & Accessible Group
All the above will report to the WMBA Board
4. The role of the Bus Champions will be changed to work in all the other groups above
5. The Next West Midlands Bus Service run by the WMCA will be the old 410 the 40  CORRECTION with both NXWM & Diamond signing an Enhanced Partnership.

I am sure you will all agree a new decade and a new start for
West Midlands Bus


Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 28, 2020, 04:44:39 PM
1. The future structure of bus services were agreed today.
The West Midands Bus Allliance board led by Cllr Kath Hartley and other stakeholders will oversee  West Midlands Bus Services
2. The bus operators will form a West Midlands Bus Operators Board and will report directly to the WMBA
3. Further Sub Groups will be formed to oversee:
Safer Partnership Group
Passengers Satisfaction Group
Sub Bus Operators Group
Connections Group
Community & Accessible Group
All the above will report to the WMBA Board
4. The role of the Bus Champions will be changed to work in all the other groups above
5. The Next West Midlands Bus Service run by the WMCA will be the old 410 the 41 with both NXWM & Diamond signing an Enhanced Partnership.

I am sure you will all agree a new decade and a new start for
West Midlands Bus

40, not 41


Quote from: Tony on January 28, 2020, 05:14:48 PM
40, not 41
Yes @Tony sorry on your excellent X8 and pressed my 1 instead of 0 on my smartphone the  old 410 the 40 apologies.


A socialist from somewhere in Stourbridge who is apparently 5 foot 5inches and worried that Andy Street has spent £1m on consultants is in the running for The Mayor. For clarification Mr Street has not just spent £1m on one single consultant but has many and there is no truth whatsoever of my yacht moored next to Bernie Ecclestones in the harbour in Monaco. How Mr Lowe can describe himself as a man of the people when he is from the ultra posh leafy Wollascote where Mr Street has to walk the means streets well lanes of Lapworth is anyones guess I will leave others to decide. If elected a Wolves supporter would be in charge of the WMCA. I am sure everyone joins me in wishing Aston Villa congratulations on reaching Wembley.


Is Lapworth even in the West Midlands? Next we'll be hearing Stratford on Avon is!! At least Wollaston is.

I liked Andy Street's remark that he couldn't see his own party scrapping HS2 when so much hangs on it and has already been generated by it in Birmingham and the West Midlands. I hope he's right but history might suggest differently in some cases!! - armchair bus chasing at its best - armchair bus spotting and news at its best.

Current 'special passenger validation' permit held.


Quote from: don on January 29, 2020, 10:45:05 AM
Is Lapworth even in the West Midlands? Next we'll be hearing Stratford on Avon is!! At least Wollaston is.

I liked Andy Street's remark that he couldn't see his own party scrapping HS2 when so much hangs on it and has already been generated by it in Birmingham and the West Midlands. I hope he's right but history might suggest differently in some cases!!
A decision will be made to greenlight HS2 tomorrow I believe to the delight of The Mayor  When Mr Street uses his binoculars he can see the land border between the West Midlands and Warwickshire and the former customs checkpoints pluss you can now walk seamlessly across the border walking up the cut from The Boot to The Black Boy it's a tough area to survive in but he copes admirably compered to the champagne socialist candidates life in what is The Good Life of The Black Country as the philosophers of zen The Pet Shops Boys would put it "Let's take a ride run with the night in Suburbia" Mr Street also has the laudable ability for which praise is due to walk to the bus stop of the Landflight service his WMCA partly supports.

the trainbasher

Well, I hope Andy Street does lose his role as mayor. His obsession with trams and sprint (and wanting all buses red - London thinking there) is not what is needed!

I will be voting Pete Lowe because the Midlands does not need more Tory mismanagement.

All opinions and onions mentioned on here are mine and not those of any employer, current, past, present or future, or presented as fact, unless I prove it otherwise.


Quote from: the trainbasher on January 29, 2020, 12:28:30 PM
Well, I hope Andy Street does lose his role as mayor. His obsession with trams and sprint (and wanting all buses red - London thinking there) is not what is needed!

I will be voting Pete Lowe because the Midlands does not need more Tory mismanagement.
Sprint is now fully approved and the Sprint team appointed by TfWM and the project has gone live whoever is Mayor after May. I personally think of the colour of West Midlands Bus as a nod to the great Midland Red well that's what I told The Mayor anyway as it wasn't exactly his own idea to be fair.


Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 29, 2020, 11:08:58 AM
A decision will be made to greenlight HS2 tomorrow

What the whole project? You're very optimistic I must say!

No I'm afraid Lapworth is only famous for water troughs as far as I'm concerned (GWR ones 😁) although I suspect a decent amount of gin of various 'craft' varieties is swilled there these days!

It would be useful if the WMCA monitored and calculated the full cost to the economy of the delays created to the travelling public during these roadworks to implement major projects - I wonder whether they've been properly and accurately considered in the scheme business cases. Unfortunately without the requisite public transport priority schemes to complement the tram and sprint (anathema to conservatives), it's unlikely the full benefits of an integrated transport network can ever be realised in the West Midlands.

I am guessing Mr Street had noticed the vast majority of buses are red (except the blue ones in Coventry) so had already decided by common sense those would be the cheapest colours to adopt as standard. Perhaps he didn't notice the grey ones (and the very occassional darker blue one)!!! - armchair bus chasing at its best - armchair bus spotting and news at its best.

Current 'special passenger validation' permit held.


Quote from: don on January 29, 2020, 09:37:12 PM
What the whole project? You're very optimistic I must say!

No I'm afraid Lapworth is only famous for water troughs as far as I'm concerned (GWR ones 😁)

It would be useful if the WMCA monitored and calculated the full cost to the economy of the delays created to the travelling public during these roadworks to implement major projects - I wonder whether they've been properly and accurately considered in the scheme business cases. Unfortunately without the requisite public transport priority schemes to complement the tram and sprint (anathema to conservatives), it's unlikely the full benefits of an integrated transport network can ever be realised in the West Midlands.

I am guessing Mr Street had noticed the vast majority of buses are red (except the blue ones in Coventry) so had already decided by common sense those would be the cheapest colours to adopt as standard. Perhaps he didn't notice the grey ones (and the very occassional blue one)!!!
Believe it or not there is a monitoring unit that reports to a sub committee at the WMCA about the impact on works to the economy I have nothing to do with it so cant comment but there are impact reports and they may be on the WMCA website but I am not 100% sure.

As I posted earlier the West Midands Bus livery is a homage to Midland Red and is a result of a suggestion someone gave to Mr Street I will let you work that out!

A major announcent on integrated multi modal travel is due shortly way beyond my remit and knowledge I am just bus.

Grant Shapps I understand will sign off a revised HS2 project tomorrow.


@Trident 4194 I cannot ever remember the subject of the 11A/11C ever coming up at meetings as we never receive any complaints about the service from the other Bus Champions & Route Monitors or its operators.


Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 29, 2020, 09:48:10 PM
Grant Shapps I understand will sign off a revised HS2 project tomorrow.

Well you were wrong there - delayed for at least a month (to wait and see whether Brexit really does 'shock' (although some people might use a word beginning with f 😂) the economy and result in the £30 billion contingency fund having to be used.... - armchair bus chasing at its best - armchair bus spotting and news at its best.

Current 'special passenger validation' permit held.

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