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The Green Bus

Started by MW, May 29, 2012, 09:25:09 PM

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John. It's registered on VOSA as a Timetable change only. You would think a week before the timetables change on both the 22 & 50 that TGB might actually bother to notify their customers of the change so they can see if will affect them in advance.

Russ Smith

Technically I suppose the 22 isn't a route change, but the timetable's certainly new. Hopefully with Diamond (I hear) pulling off the 50, TGB's will be a real contender for NX with the improved frequency from next Monday


Quote from: Russ Smith on June 29, 2014, 01:05:30 PM
Technically I suppose the 22 isn't a route change, but the timetable's certainly new. Hopefully with Diamond (I hear) pulling off the 50, TGB's will be a real contender for NX with the improved frequency from next Monday

And they are withdrawing the Wythall extension. Any idea what the improved frequency will be?


Quote from: Matt.N0056 on June 29, 2014, 05:38:15 PM
Quote from: Russ Smith on June 29, 2014, 01:05:30 PM
Technically I suppose the 22 isn't a route change, but the timetable's certainly new. Hopefully with Diamond (I hear) pulling off the 50, TGB's will be a real contender for NX with the improved frequency from next Monday

And they are withdrawing the Wythall extension. Any idea what the improved frequency will be?

From WCC Website:

6th July 2014

Service 50 (Green Bus) Wythall–Maypole-Birmingham
This commercial service will be withdrawn from Worcestershire and will only operate between
the Maypole and Birmingham City Centre. The only journeys in Worcestershire will operate
to/from Woodrush High School as Services 50X and 50Y
or a journey on Service 50 until the 18thJuly 2014.Services X50 and 150, operated by Johnsons, will be unchanged


22 is operating hourly from 7th July


Quote from: gac_uk on June 29, 2014, 05:52:33 PM
22 is operating hourly from 7th July

Thanks Geoff, that will put end to all the guessing. Can't see it being even less popular as an hourly service.

No doubt the buses made redundant are being re-deployed on the 50.


Quote from: gac_uk on June 29, 2014, 05:52:33 PM
22 is operating hourly from 7th July

Indeed...puts an end to the stupid guesswork!!

Beginning of the end for that route I'd guess...

Presumably with the info yet to be released by them that leaves regular customers or those with passes 7 days or so to make other travel plans...


Perhaps they should re route it through saltwells now to cover the 297 section being cut.

Russ Smith

50 is to be every 6 minutes with slightly longer operating hours, to Maypole only. 22's peak-only as a commuter service, between Halesowen and Birmingham only, four journeys daily (can't remember, but I think some of these four are Bartley Green part routes anyway). Terminus is still Town Hall.


Quote from: Russ Smith on June 29, 2014, 06:51:56 PM
50 is to be every 6 minutes with slightly longer operating hours, to Maypole only. 22's peak-only as a commuter service, between Halesowen and Birmingham only, four journeys daily (can't remember, but I think some of these four are Bartley Green part routes anyway). Terminus is still Town Hall.

I would think that NX may well respond to that frequency increase

Russ Smith

When/if Diamond leave the 50 (I've heard they well, no idea when or even if they already have, nobody would notice) it'd still be the same number of buses per hour between Maypole and city, just in the form of stronger competition. I doubt it'd make sense economically for NX to increase their frequency long-term, so I'd imagine new buses or promotional tickets would be the only way for them to retain the large upper hand.


Quote from: Russ Smith on June 29, 2014, 08:09:03 PM
When/if Diamond leave the 50 (I've heard they well, no idea when or even if they already have, nobody would notice) it'd still be the same number of buses per hour between Maypole and city, just in the form of stronger competition. I doubt it'd make sense economically for NX to increase their frequency long-term, so I'd imagine new buses or promotional tickets would be the only way for them to retain the large upper hand.

No cancellations from Diamond have been submitted to VOSA as yet, so they will be around for at least another two months (56 days) even if one was to go in Monday. If NX did increase their frequency, it would only be for long enough until TGB reduced theirs or moved off the 50.

I suspect the 50 will now become priority for new double deckers, possibly even E400 MMC's & upgraded to a 'Gold Corridor'. I agree it is also likely that NX will also introduce promotional singles/return cash fares etc


Quote from: Russ Smith on June 29, 2014, 08:09:03 PM
When/if Diamond leave the 50 (I've heard they well, no idea when or even if they already have, nobody would notice) it'd still be the same number of buses per hour between Maypole and city, just in the form of stronger competition. I doubt it'd make sense economically for NX to increase their frequency long-term, so I'd imagine new buses or promotional tickets would be the only way for them to retain the large upper hand.

Come on, they would notice. Diamond do have some loyal customers on the 50 with season tickets and I don't think you can predict cancellations like that until they have appeared on VOSA. I doubt the 50 will be cancelled by Diamond somehow-Greenbus may be increasing their frequency but will their loadings increase by the same amount? They seem patchy at times as it is!

If they were to up the frequency to every 6 mins, NX would try to see them off one of their most important routes with returns/weeklies/monthlies just for the 50, as they did on the 37/59 and even 9.


Quote from: DiamondDart on June 29, 2014, 08:25:37 PM
Diamond do have some loyal customers on the 50.
Diamond 50 is the only 50 I use unless im filming a rare olympian so Id notice!  Hopefully Diamond are slowly pulling back some passengers with the 2 journies for £2 offer. Imagine how boring the 50 would be for us enthusiasts if it was just enviros and knackered ex london rubbish on it! I do think it's only a matter of time before nxwm respond. One other thing I would say is have green bus given a thought to stops MS1 and MS2 in town, it is bad enough watching buses now trying to get a space let alone once the frequency has gone up!


I would personally have done one of two things.

  • Scrap the 22 and stop wasting money!
  • Copy the 002, route number and frequency.

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