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Started by JoNi, October 09, 2014, 09:52:06 PM

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Trident 4194

Quote from: Tony on March 09, 2017, 09:40:23 PM
It's for coaches, some journies are up to 10 hours long. The X1 and X2 is just an add on to the coach system as a trial. There's a world outside Halesowen.

Oh yeah I agree about coaches but buses seems a waste of money and ridivulous

Stuharris 6360

Quote from: Tony on March 09, 2017, 09:40:23 PM
It's for coaches, some journies are up to 10 hours long. The X1 and X2 is just an add on to the coach system as a trial. There's a world outside Halesowen.

So how about an "add on " to the fare to?
Pensnett is my local garage. Favourite bus of all time is Fleetline 6360 (KON 360P).


Quote from: Tony on March 09, 2017, 09:40:23 PM
It's for coaches, some journies are up to 10 hours long. The X1 and X2 is just an add on to the coach system as a trial. There's a world outside Halesowen.

If this trial proves to work well, will it be rolled out to other Platinum routes?


I can see the logic to an extent as some bus journeys can be long so whilst attempting to combat the ever lasting issue of traffic, you could also make the journeys more tolerable. Having said that, I don't think a movie being shown on the bus is a good idea as unless someone is doing a lap of the Outer Circle, most bus journeys are considerably shorter. Something along the lines of the news is probably better suited.
Please check out my Bus Photos @


Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on March 09, 2017, 09:45:19 PM
So how about an "add on " to the fare to?

It's to attract passengers.  It works. There's been a lot of positive comments about it. Much better than the old system of a driver putting  a video on where  everyone had to put up with it. If you don't like it you ignore it,  I really don't see your problem other than trying to find something wrong with everything

The Real 4778

Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on March 09, 2017, 09:46:36 PM
I can see the logic to an extent as some bus journeys can be long so whilst attempting to combat the ever lasting issue of traffic, you could also make the journeys more tolerable. Having said that, I don't think a movie being shown on the bus is a good idea as unless someone is doing a lap of the Outer Circle, most bus journeys are considerably shorter. Something along the lines of the news is probably better suited.

Hmmmm.... Or not.  Remember the irritating news broadcasts that used to be cycling on the TV screens fitted to the Class 323 fleet.  It received very negative passenger reaction, and was removed within a couple of years.  Different if the pax can opt out of the broadcast, of course - or has to opt in, maybe I should say.

I'm not sure that in this era of personal infotainment devices, there's much of a market for mall-style broadcsating, subsidized by advert breaks; but then I'm one of the grumpy old blokes who likes to enjoy any public transport journey untroubled even by audio announcements!
Don't you start.


Quote from: The Real 4778 on March 10, 2017, 11:52:35 AM
Hmmmm.... Or not.  Remember the irritating news broadcasts that used to be cycling on the TV screens fitted to the Class 323 fleet.  It received very negative passenger reaction, and was removed within a couple of years.  Different if the pax can opt out of the broadcast, of course - or has to opt in, maybe I should say.

I'm not sure that in this era of personal infotainment devices, there's much of a market for mall-style broadcsating, subsidized by advert breaks; but then I'm one of the grumpy old blokes who likes to enjoy any public transport journey untroubled even by audio announcements!

You watch this through your personal information device. It is not on a screen

Trident 4194

Quote from: Tony on March 10, 2017, 12:02:59 PM
You watch this through your personal information device. It is not on a screen

Does that not increase the chance of theft? Doubt people would watch movies on phone perhaps more bigger items??


Quote from: Trident 4194 on March 10, 2017, 12:05:59 PM

Does that not increase the chance of theft? Doubt people would watch movies on phone perhaps more bigger items??

What theft?


Quote from: Dom on March 10, 2017, 12:16:55 PM
What theft?

Would you be brave enough to sit on the top deck of an X61 watching an movie / show on an expensive Ipad or Smart Phone whilst passing through Frankley?


Quote from: Winston on March 10, 2017, 12:20:20 PM
Would you be brave enough to sit on the top deck of an X61 watching an movie / show on an expensive Ipad or Smart Phone whilst passing through Frankley?

I sit on the 529 through Willenhall on my phone. I don't see an issue if you keep yourself to yourself

The Real 4778

Quote from: Tony on March 10, 2017, 12:02:59 PM
You watch this through your personal information device. It is not on a screen

Ah okay, thanks for the clarification.
Don't you start.


Quote from: Winston on March 10, 2017, 12:20:20 PM
Would you be brave enough to sit on the top deck of an X61 watching an movie / show on an expensive Ipad or Smart Phone whilst passing through Frankley?

As a matter of fact, yes, I have done, at night
Now in exile in Oxfordshire....

B.C Driver

Quote from: Winston on March 10, 2017, 12:20:20 PM
Would you be brave enough to sit on the top deck of an X61 watching an movie / show on an expensive Ipad or Smart Phone whilst passing through Frankley?

It would have to be a short movie, from City to Frankley is only 31 mins at night!
The X61 isnt a bad route, since the X61 has been introduced smoking is almost non existant, and of course when they do smoke the driver can now use the microphone to tell them to stop which is really good. I havnt heard of any robbery or theft on the X61 or even the 61 prior to that. And any would be thief knows the cctv is crystal clear too.
4444 -The Star Wars Bus

- May the 4s be with you!


Quote from: B.C Driver on March 10, 2017, 01:37:44 PM
It would have to be a short movie, from City to Frankley is only 31 mins at night!
The X61 isnt a bad route, since the X61 has been introduced smoking is almost non existant, and of course when they do smoke the driver can now use the microphone to tell them to stop which is really good. I havnt heard of any robbery or theft on the X61 or even the 61 prior to that. And any would be thief knows the cctv is crystal clear too.

Fair play, wouldn't have expected that kind of improvement.

Do they take any notice of the driver over the mircophone?

Although the CCTV on board is high quality, it doesn't stop anyone being followed & mugged after alighting, having advertized what they have on their possesion whilst viewing on board.

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