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Vehicles in service in TWM Livery

Started by Tony, May 15, 2014, 02:59:53 PM

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4404 broke down last night and was towed in, not out today and hasn't moved.


Saw a repanelled ALX400 on WB ring way just, would this have been 4133 heading to WA?


Total 5 -   (4 to be painted, 1 to be withdrawn)

For the first time ever there are no double decks in service in full TWM livery today, 1668 being the sole representative!
4264 is now at Walsall for repaint/retrim with 4297 back at WB finished
4379 is still having a replacement engine fitted
4404 was due to move to Walsall earlier in the week, but broke down the night before so still hasn't left, but is also not being used
4329 hasn't been out of the garage today either
4432 is in service, but with the almost allover Morrisons advert.

Also 4398 is now finished and back at Coventry
4133 is repanelled and back at Walsall for painting
4241 & 4362 have been finished at Trailways and both are at Walsall for painting
4331 has gone to Trailways
4472 has gone to West Bromwich

Quote from: Tony on September 02, 2014, 02:54:40 PM

In service in old livery to be painted
BC - 4432; (1)   + 4177 in experimental livery (both carrying Morrisons adverts, 4177 with a red front, 4432 old livery front)
WA - 4329; (1)
YW - 4379; (1) (currently carrying an offside advert)
CV - 4404; (1)

Vehicle that will be withdrawn in old livery
PE 1668 (1)

Vehicles currently being repainted
AG 4517(WA)
BC 4472 (WA); 4613(Carlyle);
PB 4241 (WA)
WA 4133 (WA); 4307 (Trailways); 4331 (Trailways)
WB 4264(WA); 4273 (WA)
WN 4594(WA); 4596(WA)
YW 1918 (WA) 4362 (WA); 4389(WA)


Total 4 -   (3 to be painted, 1 to be withdrawn)

I have taken 4404 off the list as although it might not have got to Walsall yet, it shouldn't run in Travel Coventry colours again.

4517 is now back at AG finished and out on the 11C today. 4675 & 4676 are both at Walsall for repaint/retrim

Quote from: Tony on September 02, 2014, 02:54:40 PM

In service in old livery to be painted
BC - 4432; (1)   + 4177 in experimental livery (both carrying Morrisons adverts, 4177 with a red front, 4432 old livery front)
WA - 4329; (1)
YW - 4379; (1) (currently carrying an offside advert)

Vehicle that will be withdrawn in old livery
PE 1668 (1)

Vehicles currently being repainted
AG 4675(WA); 4676 (WA)
BC 4472 (WA); 4613(Carlyle);
CV 4404
PB 4241 (WA)
WA 4133 (WA); 4307 (Trailways); 4331 (Trailways)
WB 4264(WA); 4273 (WA)
WN 4594(WA); 4596(WA)
YW 1918 (WA) 4362 (WA); 4389(WA)


Barely any left now! Had 4517 on the 11C this morning - looked great externally and internally. Some people were commenting actually how it had the new bus smell -credit to WA there.


Quote from: Tony on December 12, 2014, 09:02:00 AM
Total 4 -   (3 to be painted, 1 to be withdrawn)

4241 now back at Perry Barr finished, not sure if anything has gone to Walsall in exchange yet

Quote from: Tony on September 02, 2014, 02:54:40 PM

In service in old livery to be painted
BC - 4432; (1)   + 4177 in experimental livery (both carrying Morrisons adverts, 4177 with a red front, 4432 old livery front)
WA - 4329; (1)
YW - 4379; (1) (currently carrying an offside advert)

Vehicle that will be withdrawn in old livery
PE 1668 (1)

Vehicles currently being repainted
AG 4675(WA); 4676 (WA)
BC 4472 (WA); 4613(Carlyle);
CV 4404
WA 4133 (WA); 4307 (Trailways); 4331 (Trailways)
WB 4264(WA); 4273 (WA)
WN 4594(WA); 4596(WA)
YW 1918 (WA) 4362 (WA); 4389(WA)


Total 4 -   (3 to be painted, 1 to be withdrawn)

Perry Barr have sent 1844 to Walsall for repaint

Quote from: Tony on September 02, 2014, 02:54:40 PM

In service in old livery to be painted
BC - 4432; (1)   + 4177 in experimental livery (both carrying Morrisons adverts, 4177 with a red front, 4432 old livery front)
WA - 4329; (1)
YW - 4379; (1) (currently carrying an offside advert)

Vehicle that will be withdrawn in old livery
PE 1668 (1)

Vehicles currently being repainted
AG 4675(WA); 4676 (WA)
BC 4472 (WA); 4613(Carlyle);
CV 4404 (CV)
PB 1844 (WA)
WA 4133 (WA); 4307 (Trailways); 4331 (Trailways)
WB 4264(WA); 4273 (WA)
WN 4594(WA); 4596(WA)
YW 1918 (WA) 4362 (WA); 4389(WA)


Quote from: Tony on December 16, 2014, 09:37:25 AM

Total 4 -   (3 to be painted, 1 to be withdrawn)

Perry Barr have sent 1844 to Walsall for repaint

Quote from: Tony on September 02, 2014, 02:54:40 PM

In service in old livery to be painted
BC - 4432; (1)   + 4177 in experimental livery (both carrying Morrisons adverts, 4177 with a red front, 4432 old livery front)
WA - 4329; (1)
YW - 4379; (1) (currently carrying an offside advert)

Vehicle that will be withdrawn in old livery
PE 1668 (1)

Vehicles currently being repainted
AG 4675(WA); 4676 (WA)
BC 4472 (WA); 4613(Carlyle);
CV 4404 (CV)
PB 1844 (WA)
WA 4133 (WA); 4307 (Trailways); 4331 (Trailways)
WB 4264(WA); 4273 (WA)
WN 4594(WA); 4596(WA)
YW 1918 (WA) 4362 (WA); 4389(WA)
Is 4404 still still cv


Total 5 -   (4 to be painted, 1 to be withdrawn)

Coventry have put 4404 back in service this afternoon, after telling me it was going to Walsall when repaired

Quote from: Tony on September 02, 2014, 02:54:40 PM

In service in old livery to be painted
BC - 4432; (1)   + 4177 in experimental livery (both carrying Morrisons adverts, 4177 with a red front, 4432 old livery front)
CV - 4404
WA - 4329; (1)
YW - 4379; (1) (currently carrying an offside advert)

Vehicle that will be withdrawn in old livery
PE 1668 (1)

Vehicles currently being repainted
AG 4675(WA); 4676 (WA)
BC 4472 (WA); 4613(Carlyle);
PB 1844 (WA)
WA 4133 (WA); 4307 (Trailways); 4331 (Trailways)
WB 4264(WA); 4273 (WA)
WN 4594(WA); 4596(WA)
YW 1918 (WA) 4362 (WA); 4389(WA)


Total 4 -   (3 to be painted, 1 to be withdrawn)

4379 now at Walsall for repaint, with 4362 back at YW and already in service on a morning peak 50

Quote from: Tony on September 02, 2014, 02:54:40 PM

In service in old livery to be painted
BC - 4432   + 4177 in experimental livery (both carrying Morrisons adverts, 4177 with a red front, 4432 old livery front)
CV - 4404
WA - 4329

Vehicle that will be withdrawn in old livery
PE 1668 (1)

Vehicles currently being repainted
AG 4675(WA); 4676 (WA)
BC 4472 (WA); 4613(Carlyle);
PB 1844 (WA)
WA 4133 (WA); 4307 (Trailways); 4331 (Trailways)
WB 4264(WA); 4273 (WA)
WN 4594(WA); 4596(WA)
YW 1918 (WA) 4379 (WA); 4389(WA)


Total 4 -   (3 to be painted, 1 to be withdrawn)

4133 has now been finished, so I suspect 4329 will be taken off the road this week, so is it starting to look like Pensnett will be the last garage with a bus in full old livery! Bit of a surprise considering it was one of the first garage not to have a TWM liveried bus there!

4432 should go in for paint early January.

All four remaining buses are in service as at 18:20 today
1668 on the 53
4329 on the 77
4404 on the 6
4432 on the 97

Quote from: Tony on September 02, 2014, 02:54:40 PM

In service in old livery to be painted
BC - 4432   + 4177 in experimental livery (both carrying Morrisons adverts, 4177 with a red front, 4432 old livery front)
CV - 4404
WA - 4329

Vehicle that will be withdrawn in old livery
PE 1668 (1)

Vehicles currently being repainted
AG 4675(WA); 4676 (WA)
BC 4472 (WA); 4613(Carlyle);
PB 1844 (WA)
WA 4307 (Trailways); 4331 (Trailways)
WB 4264(WA); 4273 (WA)
WN 4594(WA); 4596(WA)
YW 1918 (WA) 4379 (WA); 4389(WA)

Stuharris 6360

Quote from: Tony on December 17, 2014, 06:21:43 PM
Total 4 -   (3 to be painted, 1 to be withdrawn)

4133 has now been finished, so I suspect 4329 will be taken off the road this week, so is it starting to look like Pensnett will be the last garage with a bus in full old livery! Bit of a surprise considering it was one of the first garage not to have a TWM liveried bus there!

4432 should go in for paint early January.

All four remaining buses are in service as at 18:20 today
1668 on the 53
4329 on the 77
4404 on the 6
4432 on the 97

Quote from: Tony on September 02, 2014, 02:54:40 PM

In service in old livery to be painted
BC - 4432   + 4177 in experimental livery (both carrying Morrisons adverts, 4177 with a red front, 4432 old livery front)
CV - 4404
WA - 4329

Vehicle that will be withdrawn in old livery
PE 1668 (1)

Vehicles currently being repainted
AG 4675(WA); 4676 (WA)
BC 4472 (WA); 4613(Carlyle);
PB 1844 (WA)
WA 4307 (Trailways); 4331 (Trailways)
WB 4264(WA); 4273 (WA)
WN 4594(WA); 4596(WA)
YW 1918 (WA) 4379 (WA); 4389(WA)

When is 1668s tax/mot due, surely that will see it off!
Pensnett is my local garage. Favourite bus of all time is Fleetline 6360 (KON 360P).


1668 very nice bus to drive 
Tax might be end of the month
All depends on what it looks like underneath


Total 3 -   (2 to be painted, 1 to be withdrawn)

Travel Coventry livery has definitely finished now, 4404 has made its way to Walsall
(It was on the 12 this morning if anyone claims to have seen it in service today)

4329 is still holding on in service though out on the 7A at the moment

Quote from: Tony on September 02, 2014, 02:54:40 PM

In service in old livery to be painted
BC - 4432   + 4177 in experimental livery (both carrying Morrisons adverts, 4177 with a red front, 4432 old livery front)
WA - 4329

Vehicle that will be withdrawn in old livery
PE 1668 (1)

Vehicles currently being repainted
AG 4675(WA); 4676 (WA)
BC 4472 (WA); 4613(Carlyle);
CV 4404 (WA)
PB 1844 (WA)
WA 4307 (Trailways); 4331 (Trailways)
WB 4264(WA); 4273 (WA)
WN 4594(WA); 4596(WA)
YW 1918 (WA) 4379 (WA); 4389(WA)


So once all the repaints are completed, what is the next priority for repaint?

Tidying up earlier tatty repaints?

Will this also involve moving the fleetname to over the driver's window  / the door, as per recent deliveries?

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