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April 28th Changes

Started by Roy, March 06, 2013, 12:11:55 PM

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Stuharris 6360

Quote from: notepanel on May 03, 2013, 09:16:43 PM
Quote from: Lukeee on May 03, 2013, 08:20:11 PM
Quote from: Kevin on May 03, 2013, 06:35:05 AM
Quote from: Kevin on April 30, 2013, 08:00:21 AM
Quote from: lynx1103 on April 24, 2013, 09:26:19 AM
X51 re-routed is just a test to see if this is route is quicker than moor street queens way I think it will still serve Aston University.

Haven't told all the drivers then, one I was on this morning went round the old way, and the one immediately behind went the new way. Kinda annoying because the new unload only stop on Newton st is actually quite useful for me

In fact, it's been the same all week, do all the drivers know of the new route? Every morning so far two x51s have turned up to Tower Hill about 7:40, I get on the first one (a Trident) and it goes round Masshouse in the city centre, the second one (Gemini) overtakes withhardly anyone on it and goes uo Newton st to the new stop in city centre, then when I get off the first one and walk up Priory Queensway the second one is just passing me on it's way down the hill.

Slim change but maybe the first one is running early and the second one is late so the first one goes the long way to let the second one get to the bus stop to collect the pax first.

It may perhaps be because the drivers are off different rotas. Whilst this is no excuse, certain drivers may only operate the route 5 times in 40+ weeks and a minor change like this can easily pass them by/be forgotten.

The 0710 off Walsall, arriving in Birmingham at 0748 is operated by a driver off the 'City rota', who normally drives the 51 & 935 routes.

The 0720 off Walsall, due in Birmingham at 0758 is nearly always Trident operated, as it needs to be a tacho vehicle (so should usually be 4127 or 4128). This bus then runs empty to Perry Barr, operates the 997E to ASDA Queslett and then operates the Walsall College Service. This trip is worked by a driver on a special rota (I'd imagine usually the same one).

The 0730 off Walsall, due in Birmingham at 0811 is operated by an Express rota driver, so should in theory always follow the correct route.

Probably a daft question, but why does the 07:20 off Walsall need to be a tacho fitted vehicle?
Pensnett is my local garage. Favourite bus of all time is Fleetline 6360 (KON 360P).


Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on May 04, 2013, 03:36:19 PM
Quote from: notepanel on May 03, 2013, 09:16:43 PM
Quote from: Lukeee on May 03, 2013, 08:20:11 PM
Quote from: Kevin on May 03, 2013, 06:35:05 AM
Quote from: Kevin on April 30, 2013, 08:00:21 AM
Quote from: lynx1103 on April 24, 2013, 09:26:19 AM
X51 re-routed is just a test to see if this is route is quicker than moor street queens way I think it will still serve Aston University.

Haven't told all the drivers then, one I was on this morning went round the old way, and the one immediately behind went the new way. Kinda annoying because the new unload only stop on Newton st is actually quite useful for me

In fact, it's been the same all week, do all the drivers know of the new route? Every morning so far two x51s have turned up to Tower Hill about 7:40, I get on the first one (a Trident) and it goes round Masshouse in the city centre, the second one (Gemini) overtakes withhardly anyone on it and goes uo Newton st to the new stop in city centre, then when I get off the first one and walk up Priory Queensway the second one is just passing me on it's way down the hill.

Slim change but maybe the first one is running early and the second one is late so the first one goes the long way to let the second one get to the bus stop to collect the pax first.

It may perhaps be because the drivers are off different rotas. Whilst this is no excuse, certain drivers may only operate the route 5 times in 40+ weeks and a minor change like this can easily pass them by/be forgotten.

The 0710 off Walsall, arriving in Birmingham at 0748 is operated by a driver off the 'City rota', who normally drives the 51 & 935 routes.

The 0720 off Walsall, due in Birmingham at 0758 is nearly always Trident operated, as it needs to be a tacho vehicle (so should usually be 4127 or 4128). This bus then runs empty to Perry Barr, operates the 997E to ASDA Queslett and then operates the Walsall College Service. This trip is worked by a driver on a special rota (I'd imagine usually the same one).

The 0730 off Walsall, due in Birmingham at 0811 is operated by an Express rota driver, so should in theory always follow the correct route.

Probably a daft question, but why does the 07:20 off Walsall need to be a tacho fitted vehicle?

It is the college part it does after that the tacho is required for. I believe it may be because it is classed as 'private hire', but stand to be corrected.


Right, so the same situation this morning, two X51s turn up, get on the first one, same two buses, same driver, and he appears to have got the message to go via Newton Street. Any chance someone can now tell him he also needs to stop at the new "unload only stop"?

Now in exile in Oxfordshire....


Going back to the 0720 service, and the fact you notice there is always two buses operating it. Having checked the current timetable, I notice their is a scheduled dupe on this service. So one bus is an all-day X51 bus, whilst the other on the journey is the college bus.


Sorry if it's already been said but I'm not that familiar with the area and have never seen the 46 (WB) in action. Is it now split off into Londonderry to Scott Arms and West Brom to Pheasey as thought, or is it a complete Londonderry to Pheasey trip?


Quote from: JB93 on May 20, 2013, 01:09:57 PM
Sorry if it's already been said but I'm not that familiar with the area and have never seen the 46 (WB) in action. Is it now split off into Londonderry to Scott Arms and West Brom to Pheasey as thought, or is it a complete Londonderry to Pheasey trip?

I believe there are two trips a day which operate the full length between Londonderry - Pheasey. All others operate Londonderry - Scott Arms or West Brom - Pheasey as you state.

the trainbasher

It runs as Scott Arms to Londonderry and West Bromwich to Queslett

All opinions and onions mentioned on here are mine and not those of any employer, current, past, present or future, or presented as fact, unless I prove it otherwise.


Ok thanks for the help :)


I still find it quite bizarre that we have a bus service that does not directly travel its full length!
My locals:
2 - Birmingham to Maypole | 3 - Birmingham to Yardley Wood
11A/C - Birmingham Outer Circle | 27 - Yardley Wood to Frankley
76 - Solihull to Northfield | 169 - Solihull to Kings Heath

West Midlands Bus Users: Website | Facebook | Twitter


Quote from: Kevin on May 16, 2013, 11:09:53 PM
Right, so the same situation this morning, two X51s turn up, get on the first one, same two buses, same driver, and he appears to have got the message to go via Newton Street. Any chance someone can now tell him he also needs to stop at the new "unload only stop"?


....and this morning, the same driver asked me if he had to stop there
had to chuckle to meself, think he may have worked out it was me who emailed nx about it
Now in exile in Oxfordshire....


Quote from: Stu on May 20, 2013, 06:57:12 PM
I still find it quite bizarre that we have a bus service that does not directly travel its full length!

Several London routes have done it for years operating overlapping sections without buses travelling the full length


What is the proper route for the X51, the one I was on today went around Lancaster Circus, down James Watt Queensway, Albert Street, & Moor Street Queensway completely missing out Lancaster circus flyover & Newton Street.

Rob H

Quote from: woody38 on May 21, 2013, 08:53:49 PM
What is the proper route for the X51, the one I was on today went around Lancaster Circus, down James Watt Queensway, Albert Street, & Moor Street Queensway completely missing out Lancaster circus flyover & Newton Street.

I was on 4330 on the X51 today and instead of turning right off James Watt Queensway to go past the law courts then along Corporation St then down Priory Queensway it completely missed out all these and continued down James Watt Queensway like it used to do before
60 Birmingham - Cranes Park
72/72A Solihull Station - Chelmsley Wood
73 Solihull - Heartlands Hospital
X1 Birmingham - Coventry
X2 Birmingham - Solihull Station
A10 Solihull - Cranes Park / Chelmsley Wood


This morning the X51 did it again, driver seemed surprised when I told him... They haven't really done all that well in telling the drivers have they?
Now in exile in Oxfordshire....


Quote from: Kevin on June 14, 2013, 11:28:44 AM
This morning the X51 did it again, driver seemed surprised when I told him... They haven't really done all that well in telling the drivers have they?

I don't know how far in advance the drivers were told - but from the way it was communicated to passengers it seemed to have only been decided a couple of days before introduction.

I appreciate the stop on Newton Street/Priory Queensway maybe an advantage, but is there really that big a need for it to follow a different route to all the other services?

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