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Blackheath Bus Services

Started by Pat, November 30, 2019, 06:32:01 PM

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Quote from: Stu on January 20, 2020, 06:58:01 AM
With all your knowledge and experience, I think you'd be very successful if you were to start your own bus company up.

The "Blackheath Bus Company" would no doubt serve the people of Blackheath very well; you could compete against the 'not fit for purpose' NX Bus, as everyone would be eager to use your services that are always on time and never delayed.

Come on please, make it happen in 2020, then maybe you can give your ranting against 'West Midlands Travel' a rest for a while...
Blackheath has excellent reliable service from Rotala and needs no competition from me and my days of working at a bus company are long over mind you Midland Red West were a very successful bus company at the enjoyable time I had there so been there done that got the t shirt funny enough I still have the t shirt with good old Wyvern on it think he is now doing Christmas Ads for John Lewis but remember a poster; not me; on here last night proved yet again what an complete bunch of idiots they are at West Midlands Travel PN with 2 X8's observed together on a Sunday Evening at The Stag if proved correct its proof of an utterly pathetic performance from a bus company not fit for purpose West Midlands Travel Limited should ashamed of the disgracefull bus service it operates in Blackheath if the observation is proved wrong then Blackheath was benefiting from an unusually good level of level of service from the company.



I have updated this thread with the up to date details of former Midland Red West employee and dragon Wyverns current employment after he left the company in March 1999. In the above post he is playing the role of Edgar for John Lewis.


Just on one of Geoffs Versas on the 4H they really are nippy buses cannot fault NXWM 4H & 19 to the QE This Afternoon and back to Halesowen excellent service even I can't find in any fault in today's service...............


Wyvern was great to work with at Midland Red West we were very much the same person in spirit he really was how he appears in the advert with his fire breathing we had a fire with a Midland Red Coaches Leyland Tiger officially it was an electrical fire however my own thoughts were as Wyvern was wondering around Padmore Street yard that night that...........


Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 20, 2020, 07:22:00 AM
...but remember a poster; not me; on here last night proved yet again what an complete bunch of idiots they are at West Midlands Travel PN with 2 X8's observed together on a Sunday Evening at The Stag if proved correct its proof of an utterly pathetic performance from a bus company not fit for purpose West Midlands Travel Limited should ashamed of the disgracefull bus service it operates in Blackheath if the observation is proved wrong then Blackheath was benefiting from an unusually good level of level of service from the company.

@richardjones210368 Yes, it was someone else who observed that two X8 buses were following each other yesterday evening, but it was also pointed out by another poster that there had been an event at Arena Birmingham (or the NIA for those who still refer to it as that!) that evening. With all the roadworks and diversions in place at the moment, this causes huge strain on the surrounding roads as people in cars drive to and from the car parks at the Arena, and this is why bus services normally get diverted (from their diversion).

I don't know exactly what happened in this situation and there could be any number of permutations - driver missing a call to go on diversion, disruptive passengers, traffic incident etc - it could be the case that NX Bus were at fault somehow, or there could have been circumstances beyond their control which caused that journey to be delayed.

I'm pretty sure that on Sunday there were hundreds of bus journeys that ran on time or within acceptable standards, so to claim that one observed late running journey demonstrates "utterly pathetic performance" from a "not fit for purpose" bus operator providing a "disgraceful service" is a bit much really.

Your postings in this forum are getting on a lot of peoples' nerves, and we have had numerous complaints. I myself am fairly tolerant of people, and I am passionate about freedom of speech and freedom of expression, so I am not one to go start banning people just because I don't agree with their opinion.

You are of course entitled to your opinion, and are free to express it. But I am asking you politely to stop your incessant ranting and rambling, which is proving really annoying to other members and is disrupting the general atmosphere of this forum, and if you really do feel that NX West Midlands is providing an "utterly pathetic performance", please start documenting your observations and present your evidence in a more constructive manner.

I will of course also take the opportunity to remind ALL members of the Forum Rules which have been updated as of yesterday.

My locals:
2 - Birmingham to Maypole | 3 - Birmingham to Yardley Wood
11A/C - Birmingham Outer Circle | 27 - Yardley Wood to Frankley
76 - Solihull to Northfield | 169 - Solihull to Kings Heath

West Midlands Bus Users: Website | Facebook | Twitter


Quote from: Stu on January 20, 2020, 06:57:59 PM
@richardjones210368 Yes, it was someone else who observed that two X8 buses were following each other yesterday evening, but it was also pointed out by another poster that there had been an event at Arena Birmingham (or the NIA for those who still refer to it as that!) that evening. With all the roadworks and diversions in place at the moment, this causes huge strain on the surrounding roads as people in cars drive to and from the car parks at the Arena, and this is why bus services normally get diverted (from their diversion).

I don't know exactly what happened in this situation and there could be any number of permutations - driver missing a call to go on diversion, disruptive passengers, traffic incident etc - it could be the case that NX Bus were at fault somehow, or there could have been circumstances beyond their control which caused that journey to be delayed.

I'm pretty sure that on Sunday there were hundreds of bus journeys that ran on time or within acceptable standards, so to claim that one observed late running journey demonstrates "utterly pathetic performance" from a "not fit for purpose" bus operator providing a "disgraceful service" is a bit much really.

Your postings in this forum are getting on a lot of peoples' nerves, and we have had numerous complaints. I myself am fairly tolerant of people, and I am passionate about freedom of speech and freedom of expression, so I am not one to go start banning people just because I don't agree with their opinion.

You are of course entitled to your opinion, and are free to express it. But I am asking you politely to stop your incessant ranting and rambling, which is proving really annoying to other members and is disrupting the general atmosphere of this forum, and if you really do feel that NX West Midlands is providing an "utterly pathetic performance", please start documenting your observations and present your evidence in a more constructive manner.

I will of course also take the opportunity to remind ALL members of the Forum Rules which have been updated as of yesterday.
That is utter rubbish @Stu beside using the 140 late at night from the office when events were on at the NIA I find your comments highly insulting and personally so stupid they are laughable using the NIA and redevelopments is no excuse at all I have worked in Brum 22 years and there is always some disruption going on for some building works on Broad Street it shows how you belittle my intelligence with comments such as that that is just you trying to make excuse to other posters who do not like to hear the truth about the X8 I have no complaints at all about the NXWM 13A @Stu additionally I have been to see numerous concerts with my mates to see A/ha , Pet Shop Boys, Human League, Simply Red, Culture Club,  ABC etc the Premiership Darts etc at the NIA most weeks on the 140 and never was the service ever disrupted so I will not accept that as an excuse for any delay on the X8 it is simply the incompetent operations of West Midlands Travel Limited at PN and if you want to ban me for telling the truth about me using a bus I normally use 7 days a week usually that's fine I am not going to change my comments about a rotten bus service. I am not using it daily at moment because I am having my latest cancer treatment that's fine if others don't like the truth tough but I will not stop my comments about the X8 while the service is the incompetent shambles I have today praised West Midlands Travel Limited for the excellent service I have used on the 4H and 19 to and from the QE I have no complaints and posted praise so if you want to ban me ban me it's the forums loss on my insider's knowledge on the mayor. Fighting my latest cancer battle I really have other priorities than the feelings of posters who never use the X8 don't have any idea what they replaced the 140 with and look from afar so ban me @Stu ! By the way do you remember Wyvern The Dragon at Midland Red West he was very popular in his day and we had Yellow Wyvern T Shirts, Little cuddley Wyvern toys, keyrings and Wyvern himself used to join passengers  at Bus Stations, Worcs Xmas Markers, Hospices , Malvern Steam Fairs etc it was so sad when he was sacked from what become First Midland Red but great to see him back on the John Lewis Christmas Advert anyway if you want to ban me ban me simply for telling the truth about X8 very democratic I am sure. My lane swimming keeps me fit to fight my cancer I use the bus for that as I do 7 days a week 364 days a year other than when i am too ill to use it and I depend on my 85 year dad or partner so if people don't like me for my opinions ban me I have harder battles to fight that the armchair bus users who jump in their cars on your excellent forum. I am not going to change how I post I am a political veteran used to the rough and tumble of debate and take great offense of you asking me to be more constructive when I am giving my views from the heart I am not going to change ask anyone who knows me what you see is what you get so its up to you @Stu


Quote from: Stu on January 20, 2020, 06:57:59 PM
@richardjones210368 Yes, it was someone else who observed that two X8 buses were following each other yesterday evening, but it was also pointed out by another poster that there had been an event at Arena Birmingham (or the NIA for those who still refer to it as that!) that evening. With all the roadworks and diversions in place at the moment, this causes huge strain on the surrounding roads as people in cars drive to and from the car parks at the Arena, and this is why bus services normally get diverted (from their diversion).

I don't know exactly what happened in this situation and there could be any number of permutations - driver missing a call to go on diversion, disruptive passengers, traffic incident etc - it could be the case that NX Bus were at fault somehow, or there could have been circumstances beyond their control which caused that journey to be delayed.

I'm pretty sure that on Sunday there were hundreds of bus journeys that ran on time or within acceptable standards, so to claim that one observed late running journey demonstrates "utterly pathetic performance" from a "not fit for purpose" bus operator providing a "disgraceful service" is a bit much really.

Your postings in this forum are getting on a lot of peoples' nerves, and we have had numerous complaints. I myself am fairly tolerant of people, and I am passionate about freedom of speech and freedom of expression, so I am not one to go start banning people just because I don't agree with their opinion.

You are of course entitled to your opinion, and are free to express it. But I am asking you politely to stop your incessant ranting and rambling, which is proving really annoying to other members and is disrupting the general atmosphere of this forum, and if you really do feel that NX West Midlands is providing an "utterly pathetic performance", please start documenting your observations and present your evidence in a more constructive manner.

I will of course also take the opportunity to remind ALL members of the Forum Rules which have been updated as of yesterday.

Or, @Stu , the original posting could have been complete rubbish. (possibly to wind Mr Jones up)
The X8 is only hourly at that time of night.
The 21:49 journey from Quinton Stag to Wolverhampton was 8 minutes late at 21:57 (bus 6780)
The 22:49 journey from Quinton Stag to Wolverhampton was exactly on time (bus 6762)


Quote from: Tony on January 20, 2020, 07:43:00 PM
Or, @Stu , the original posting could have been complete rubbish. (possibly to wind Mr Jones up)
The X8 is only hourly at that time of night.
The 21:49 journey from Quinton Stag to Wolverhampton was 8 minutes late at 21:57 (bus 6780)
The 22:49 journey from Quinton Stag to Wolverhampton was exactly on time (bus 6762)
I did say in my post I would withdraw the comment and apologise if the observation was proved to be inaccurate which I am quite happy to do.


Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 20, 2020, 07:25:13 PM
The NIA is no excuse @Stu I have been to see numerous concerts with my mates to see A/ha , Pet Shop Boys, Human League on the 140 and never was the service ever disrupted so I will not accept that as an excuse for any delay on the X8 it is simply the incompetent operations of West Midlands Travel Limited

But you're talkiing about a time before Broad Street was closed off and before Paradise Circus was demolished. Buses never had to travel round by the NIA, and now all vehicles attempting to access the NIA have to use the same roads.

You may find this hard to believe but it is not just the X8 that struggles at time for reliability, but all other Hagley Road bus services, and it probably has something to do with having to use what are essentially back streets between Five Ways and Paradise Circus.

And the reason for all of this... is Andy Street and the WMCA for wanting their Metro tram extended to Edgbaston.

Quote... if you want to ban me ban me it's the forums loss on my insider's knowledge on the mayor.

What insider knowledge? You hide behind 'confidentiality agreements' and 'politically exposed person' and haven't really exposed anything, or presented any insider knowledge to the best of my knowledge.

QuoteFighting my latest cancer battle I really have other priorities than the feelings of posters who never use the X8 dont have any idea what they replaced the 140 with and look from afar!

Well I'm sorry to hear about your cancer battle and I hope it all goes well for you.

QuoteBy the way do you remember Wyvern The Dragon at Midland Red West he was very popular in his day and we had Yellow Wyvern T Shirts, Litlle cuddles Wyvern toys, keyrings and Wyvern himself used to join passengers  at Bus Stations, Worcs Xmas Markers, Hospices , Malvern Steam Fairs etc it was so sad when he was sacked from what become First Midland Red but great to see him back on the John Lewis Christmas Advert

To be frankly honest, no I don't remember Wyvern The Dragon, and I don't really care about John Lewis' Christmas adverts.

Quoteanyway if you want to ban me ban me simply for telling the truth about X8 very democratic I am sure.

I have no intention of banning you, not unless you break any of our Forum Rules. If you want to tell the 'truth' about the X8, then please present your evidence constructively and in a professional manner, as I can tell you are a professional person, but the way you are going about things at present is upsetting and annoying other long-standing members of this forum
My locals:
2 - Birmingham to Maypole | 3 - Birmingham to Yardley Wood
11A/C - Birmingham Outer Circle | 27 - Yardley Wood to Frankley
76 - Solihull to Northfield | 169 - Solihull to Kings Heath

West Midlands Bus Users: Website | Facebook | Twitter


West Midlands travel pn don't run the X8
Wokverhampton garagec run it


Quote from: Stu on January 20, 2020, 07:58:44 PM
But you're talkiing about a time before Broad Street was closed off and before Paradise Circus was demolished. Buses never had to travel round by the NIA, and now all vehicles attempting to access the NIA have to use the same roads.

You may find this hard to believe but it is not just the X8 that struggles at time for reliability, but all other Hagley Road bus services, and it probably has something to do with having to use what are essentially back streets between Five Ways and Paradise Circus.

And the reason for all of this... is Andy Street and the WMCA for wanting their Metro tram extended to Edgbaston.

What insider knowledge? You hide behind 'confidentiality agreements' and 'politically exposed person' and haven't really exposed anything, or presented any insider knowledge to the best of my knowledge.

Well I'm sorry to hear about your cancer battle and I hope it all goes well for you.

To be frankly honest, no I don't remember Wyvern The Dragon, and I don't really care about John Lewis' Christmas adverts.

I have no intention of banning you, not unless you break any of our Forum Rules. If you want to tell the 'truth' about the X8, then please present your evidence constructively and in a professional manner, as I can tell you are a professional person, but the way you are going about things at present is upsetting and annoying other long-standing members of this forum
First of all leave Andy out of this he is one of the most kindest loyalist people you could ever meet and has been of great support to me over my my battles with ill  health over the years and this is nothing to do with him frankly @Stu your reply about construction in Broad Street is simply laughable around five years ago the 140 was being diverted by St Paul's square and Lionel Richie was in concert and the 140 was smack on time I take great offense from you about the my comments not being constructive as I rpide myself of being the ultimate professional how can you be more constructive can you be when the X8 is a rubbish bus service operated by a company that doesn't listen to its passengers and your comment about other Hagley Rd services is just pathetic the 13A is on time most of the time and offers an excellent service to Blackheath so where does that leave your opinion on Hagley Rd services when I am perfectly happy with the quality of service on the 13A? I bet you never use the X8 before you make your comments well I did 5 days a week like I did before my latest treatment plan and perhaps you have not bothered to read some of my posts as some of the information I have shared on this forum I have had cleared by the WMCA before it has been announced as some other posters have privately email me on the forum. Frankly I don't need your false sympathy for my cancer battle I have been fighting it since 2003 and I will fight as long as I can and value the support of those who those who do care including many of my colleagues and frankly can I make it any clearer  to you my posts are not going to change in any way what so ever no one will ever tell me what to do just ask any of my colleagues so either put with my comments or ban me because I am not going to change and frankly to be honest I don't care what your opinion is or anyone else's is and what sort of bus enthusiast are you if you have  never heard of Midlands Red Wests Wyvern The Dragon it was the companies symbol from 1985 to 1999 so that just shows how much more I know about buses than you do before you start criticizing me therefore either ban me or stop criticising me my posts about the X8 they are not going to change whatever you might want so the choice is yours oh and if you don't ban me I will take that as an acceptance  for me to keep attacking West Midlands Travel Limited and its operation of the X8 in the same way I have done since I joined the forum until I get an acceptable improvement on the route so the choice is yours@Stu


Quote from: karl724223 on January 20, 2020, 08:10:07 PM
West Midlands travel pn don't run the X8
Wokverhampton garagec run it
Yes sorry that's right my mistake apologies PN run the 14 & WN run the X8 sorry I got it wrong


Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 20, 2020, 08:25:36 PM
...your reply about construction in Broad Street is simply laughable around five years ago the 140 was being diverted by St Paul's square and Lionel Richie was in concert and the 140 was smack on time...  and your comment about other Hagley Rd services is just pathetic the 13A is on time most of the time and offers an excellent service to Blackheath so where does that leave your opinion on Hagley Rd services

Granted, I don't use the X8 myself, but I do on occasion on a Sunday use the 12 service when I go and visit my parents, and even on a Sunday, this service sometimes fails to operate on time, but I at least see for myself travelling on it from the city centre to appreciate where it is being held up and why it is happening. And from my own experience, it has been down to delays caused by queuing traffic on Hagley Road towards Five Ways, if the service is late entering the city then it is usually late leaving it. If it is late arriving in Bearwood, then it usually has little chance of making up time then is late arriving in Dudley.

I get around this issue by using the NX Bus app, so at least when I'm ready to leave my parents house on Sunday, I have an idea of when the 12 is going to come, regardless of whether it is late or not.

The truth, whether you choose to accept it or not, is that the Broad Street / Five Ways Metro extension works are causing disruption to all Hagley Road services not just the X8, and in my opinion National Express West Midlands are doing the best they can. My regular local services 2 and 3 run very well and I have very few complaints about them, and you don't see me complaining regularly about the 12 here either.

There's more to life than Blackheath and the X8 you know.
My locals:
2 - Birmingham to Maypole | 3 - Birmingham to Yardley Wood
11A/C - Birmingham Outer Circle | 27 - Yardley Wood to Frankley
76 - Solihull to Northfield | 169 - Solihull to Kings Heath

West Midlands Bus Users: Website | Facebook | Twitter


Quote from: Stu on January 20, 2020, 08:59:17 PM
Granted, I don't use the X8 myself, but I do on occasion on a Sunday use the 12 service when I go and visit my parents, and even on a Sunday, this service sometimes fails to operate on time, but I at least see for myself travelling on it from the city centre to appreciate where it is being held up and why it is happening. And from my own experience, it has been down to delays caused by queuing traffic on Hagley Road towards Five Ways, if the service is late entering the city then it is usually late leaving it. If it is late arriving in Bearwood, then it usually has little chance of making up time then is late arriving in Dudley.

I get around this issue by using the NX Bus app, so at least when I'm ready to leave my parents house on Sunday, I have an idea of when the 12 is going to come, regardless of whether it is late or not.

The truth, whether you choose to accept it or not, is that the Broad Street / Five Ways Metro extension works are causing disruption to all Hagley Road services not just the X8, and in my opinion National Express West Midlands are doing the best they can. My regular local services 2 and 3 run very well and I have very few complaints about them, and you don't see me complaining regularly about the 12 here either.

There's more to life than Blackheath and the X8 you know.
I  use the 2 to Yardley Wood Bus Garage regularly and find it a great little service from Town but prefer the Tridents to the Scannias and have no complaints about YW. I never use the 12(0) so cannot comment on that service I do use the 13A and find it an excellent service and usually on time so why isn't the X8 therefore I cannot accept your comments about Hagley rd/Broad St as being valid as they do not hold up from my personal usage of the routes. It is you @Stu not telling the truth about Hagley Rd and your ideas about the the Metro Works you and many others on this forum blame everything and everyone except West Midlands Travel so answer me this if the Metro works are causing so much problem and frankly they are not and remember my office is right in front of them and unless you are calling me a liar and if so either prove it or shut up moaning at my comments how does the 13A keep to time you have no answer to that do you you would rather just ramble on about Metro works and simply resort to playground levels and attack my comments instead. Since 1908 the 140/X8 has been the main trunk route through Blackheath so I am not sure what your comment are about the 140, from the City it is Blackheaths main bus service even as the X8 so no as ever in your sad attacks there isnt more to Blackheath than the 140 unless as an expert on Blackheath you can come up with more answers on that one I doubt it though if your other comments are anything to go by. I stand by my comments in my previous post I am not going to accept advice from you or anyone else in my private or professional life to be honest that is just me I am just a little fighter and I will never change my "  incessant ranting and ramblings" whatever you or any other poster say if you do not accept my opinions on West Midlands Travel Limited and the X8 on the forum then either ban me or put up with my comments they are not going to change in any form what so ever for you or anybody else @Stu the choice is yours?

Oh & this was Wyvern The Dragon:


Well with all this complaining about NXWM's short E200s, I actually travelled on the same type of bus today for about 15 mins - not an NXWM one. Now I didn't used to like these but this one was about 4 yrs old and apart from some rattles when it went over poor surfaces, plus a squeaky seat (which stopped when the person sat on it got off the bus), it was a mighty fine vehicle and helped me avoid part of a disrupted train trip home (unfortunately not the other hour and a half disruption to service).

If I used Blackheath's buses I would welcome this type of bus - thankfully the regulator of the service I used doesn't permit the Mellor type vehicle - I'm not sure why - I'm guessing lower capacity can get away with less accessibility and the Regulator doesn't like that.

I can see the point of these Mellor/Mercedes etc vehicles for specialist patient transport and the like which requires low capacity but not for local bus services!! - armchair bus chasing at its best - armchair bus spotting and news at its best.

Current 'special passenger validation' permit held.

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