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Blackheath Bus Services

Started by Pat, November 30, 2019, 06:32:01 PM

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Quote from: Mike K on January 04, 2020, 11:54:08 PM
I work in financial services and have to undertake anti-bribery and corruption training, so am familiar with the definition of Politically Exposed Persons. Examples include heads of government or heads of state, senior politicians and government officials, military or judicial officials, senior executives of state-owned organisations and high-up political party officials. You must have held some VERY senior position, but regardless, how does that protect you now and how is it relevant here? All that PEP status means is that due to the risks that person's position may present, they are subject to far greater compliance, due diligence and Know Your Client checks by businesses that may wish to do business with them.

And also, aren't the most successful accountants in Birmingham partners at major firms - the likes of Price Waterhouse Coopers, Deloitte, KPMG, EY etc?
Deloitte, KPMG, EY are mainly interested in audits and PLC's and Management Accounting and they are facing major reforms but you would be surprised how much work they outsource. Most of my work is preparing cases on tax law for 1st & 2nd tier tribunals bought by HMRC for other accountants. In twenty years I have never lost a case but I do also have my own client list. Your definition of PEP is quite correct and applied to me with the work I undertook at The Treasury which I cannot discuss on here as it was "Protected Marked". I now undertake voluntary work for an elected official outside of the Government however all the work I undertook for H M Government finally ended in November hence joining social media for the first time in my life. Technically my PEP status also ended then though that still has to be declared during any due diligence personally I use the Institutes Approved AML package for my due diligence of clients and yes I did hold a very senior Government position from 2011 to 2015 if you wish to know anything further please private message me and I am happy to explain as I have nothing to hide. I loved every minute it ended with a change of leadership of the political party involved though I am still very heavily involved with the party conferences when held in Birmingham the PEP status does though follows you about like a bad smell and some organisations really don't know how to deal with it my professional indemnity insurance is horrendous but luckily I am supervised for the money laundering regulations by the institute who renewed my practicing certificate on January 1st. To be fair I love my work like my buses its just I am weirdo and fully admit it.


Blackheath Bus & Train users continue to benefit from Swift as an alternative to the NXWM Travelcard although this operators own products are available on it. The Mayor announces 50 million journeys were made using the smartcard. Transport for West Midlands continues to lead the way Swift as alternative to the NXWM Travelcard for Blackheath Bus Users. Certain excellent value Diamond Bus products are also available on Swift.


Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 04, 2020, 01:47:25 PM
Are you for real? You obviously dont live in Blackheath to make such riddiculous comments I used the 140 for 51 years I rarely saw it empty it and the 241 were a cash cow for West Midlands Travel Ltd if the service was so not used why was the frequency retained from 1984 to 2018 if as you say it was always empty which frankly is a laughable comment. National Express PLC saw the frequency reduction as way to boost its margins on the route for the benefit of its shareholders not the customers in Blackheath and I may be the worst accountant in Birmingham but a route that has 7 buses per hour such as the 4H is classed as High Frequency by TfWM.

Yes, yes I am "for real". May not live in Blackheath or for that matter anywhere along the route that isn't the centre of the universe you believe it to be. But that doesn't mean I haven't used the route, it does go to other places you know...
Of the two routes the 140 was the one that had more passengers, ergo that was the one that was increased to a 20 minute frequency. The slight loss of capacity on the northern stretch is more than adequately covered by other routes (what was the 14, now the 14/14A/24). I'd potentially agree that the X8 shouldn't go all the way to Wolves, but I'm in no position really to know whether or not that is useful for people.

For the record I was taking just the 4H Diamond frequency, as I thought you'd be of the view that the NXWM and Diamond services are separate, what with your evident disdain of one of them, but my bad you do count it. Either way, I'm sure the accountant in you would realise the use of full size single decks on a route that a minibus could cope with isn't really financially sensible
Now in exile in Oxfordshire....


Quote from: Gareth on January 04, 2020, 05:11:09 PM
Can we just not feed the troll. Because that's exactly what this has become. Trolling for trolling's sake.

I don't use buses in many different areas, but I like to read various threads to try and keep up to date with various goings on. But the forum is filling up with dross. I'm incredibly laid back and very tolerant and drama free and I agree with freedom of speech but it's really getting to the enough is enough stage. Or is there a function on the forum such as a block facility?

If you don't open the subject, then when you have read the other click 'mark all as read' it will delete the subject from the unread ones


Quote from: Kevin on January 05, 2020, 10:40:37 AM
Yes, yes I am "for real". May not live in Blackheath or for that matter anywhere along the route that isn't the centre of the universe you believe it to be. But that doesn't mean I haven't used the route, it does go to other places you know...
Of the two routes the 140 was the one that had more passengers, ergo that was the one that was increased to a 20 minute frequency. The slight loss of capacity on the northern stretch is more than adequately covered by other routes (what was the 14, now the 14/14A/24). I'd potentially agree that the X8 shouldn't go all the way to Wolves, but I'm in no position really to know whether or not that is useful for people.

For the record I was taking just the 4H Diamond frequency, as I thought you'd be of the view that the NXWM and Diamond services are separate, what with your evident disdain of one of them, but my bad you do count it. Either way, I'm sure the accountant in you would realise the use of full size single decks on a route that a minibus could cope with isn't really financially sensible
Oh  @Kevin  I think Blackheath is almost at the centre of the universe we have the legendry market, for those that use it a direct train service to London, a large number of curry houses & real pubs and nearby a historic park linked to The Gunpowder Plot next to a Lesiure Center great for lane swimming & a few miles away we have 2 Premiership Teams & 2 Championship Teams with direct Green Buses, a world class cricket ground and a ladies world class tennis tournament via the 140 & Number 1 and thanks to SWBHA & QEHB some of the best hospitals in the world refered to from our GPs oh and a Poundland what more could you want in life!  So where do you live @Kevin .The 4H is a long service the Friar Park section is the busiest but that section of route is also served by the 4, 4M & 45 so capacity would not be an issue, the Gorsty Hill end is quieter but B7s are the norm because its is busy in the peaks but if and when required the Mellors can cope because the route is high frequency. The 241 despite you occasional ride on it was very well used in fact after the cuts it continued half hourly as the 14 however NXWM have killed this route by diverting via the 205 route to Dudley showing how out of touch they are with route planning  and have now reduced it to hourly. The 14A & 24 are currently operated under contact to Transport for West Midlands and were previously operated by Diamond Bus these services should not be included in any comparison as they operated previously as the 208 & 224. The idea of a Limited Stop service from Blackheath to Birmingham is ludicrous running every twenty minutes no uses the X8 only thugs and hooligans I know plenty who now drive because the bus sails past the stop they previously used and its too much hassle to get off a Quinton to get a 9. The idea of the X8 was obviously done by someone who never used the 140 and 241 and was frankly brain dead thinking it was a good idea. The X8 should be scrapped or rerouted to replace the 126 and a half hourly 9A serving all stops with normal standard buses instead of the idiotic Platinum hulks is the only answer with the 14A & 24 going commercial on a fitted 15 minute frequency restoring the old pattern NXWM took an excellent service and just mucked  it up and a 9A lets face it, it would shut me up for a start.


The 4, 4H, 4M and 45 don't serve Friar Park and from as far back as can remember they never have. They do stop literally outside but that's Stone Cross/Tame Bridge. The 40 goes directly through Friar Park. The 45 goes through Charlemont Farm...


Quote from: Jack on January 05, 2020, 01:52:13 PM
The 4, 4H, 4M and 45 don't serve Friar Park and from as far back as can remember they never have. They do stop literally outside but that's Stone Cross/Tame Bridge. The 40 goes directly through Friar Park. The 45 goes through Charlemont Farm...
Yes that's what I meant the stop by by Tame Bridge Railway Station I call it Friar Park because I have a number of clients on the estate and get off the 4H there no one this end knows what Tame Bridge Station is & classes Stone Cross as where the Wollies was. Does the Diamond 66 still use Friar Park Rd thats the only one that comes off the main road and runs right through the estate isn't it at one stage it was the 616 I never seem to see it now?


Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 05, 2020, 02:05:30 PM
Yes that's what I meant the stop by by Tame Bridge Railway Station I call it Friar Park because I have a number of clients on the estate and get off the 4H there no one this end knows what Tame Bridge Station is & classes Stone Cross as where the Wollies was. Does the Diamond 66 still use Friar Park Rd thats the only one that comes off the main road and runs right through the estate isn't it at one stage it was the 616 I never seem to see it now?
The 66 doesn't serve it; no. The 41 serves a small section but then turns off to go and serve the residential streets.


Quote from: Jack on January 05, 2020, 07:51:16 PM
The 66 doesn't serve it; no. The 41 serves a small section but then turns off to go and serve the residential streets.
Thanks @Jack Cheers


I just happened to be looking at an ABC Midland Red from 1964 earlier, and the 140 route is listed in it. However that was 55 yrs ago - the enthusiast in me laments the loss of longstanding services  but surely travel patterns must have changed since then not least from residential development, massive changes in industry and also shopping patterns. So I'm not surprised NXWM change things around to try and improve performance and match changing demand.

I see myself as having been mentally scarred by travel in Torbay in around 1990 by an operator who thought high frequency Mellor minibuses was the way to provide a public transport service - the usual pattern was to wait until half a dozen full ones passed, and you'd eventually get on, having got soaked in the rain waiting, to join the elderly ladies attempting to stand whilst stopping their shopping rolling around the bus. Anyone who thinks that is the way to run a bus service is sadly demented - so I view any operator taking the same view in 2019 with great suspicion. Good for costs and profit but an abysmal standard of service - I'm presuming Rotala has to answer to shareholders in the same way as NXWM.

It's interesting that the incumbent in Torbay runs full size double deckers with apparent healthy passenger usage on high frequencies where once someone thought minibuses were the way forward.

The incumbent operator in the area I live has reintroduced one or two of those dreadful Mellor contraptions also - and the comments from users at stops saying they hope a proper bus turns up rather than those stupid minibuses.

It would be interesting to see such operator's satisfaction surveys. Credit to NXWM they haven't gone down this bargain basement approach. - armchair bus chasing at its best - armchair bus spotting and news at its best.

Current 'special passenger validation' permit held.


Quote from: don on January 05, 2020, 10:38:09 PM
I just happened to be looking at an ABC Midland Red from 1964 earlier, and the 140 route is listed in it. However that was 55 yrs ago - the enthusiast in me laments the loss of longstanding services  but surely travel patterns must have changed since then not least from residential development, massive changes in industry and also shopping patterns. So I'm not surprised NXWM change things around to try and improve performance and match changing demand.

I see myself as having been mentally scarred by travel in Torbay in around 1990 by an operator who thought high frequency Mellor minibuses was the way to provide a public transport service - the usual pattern was to wait until half a dozen full ones passed, and you'd eventually get on, having got soaked in the rain waiting, to join the elderly ladies attempting to stand whilst stopping their shopping rolling around the bus. Anyone who thinks that is the way to run a bus service is sadly demented - so I view any operator taking the same view in 2019 with great suspicion. Good for costs and profit but an abysmal standard of service - I'm presuming Rotala has to answer to shareholders in the same way as NXWM.

It's interesting that the incumbent in Torbay runs full size double deckers with apparent healthy passenger usage on high frequencies where once someone thought minibuses were the way forward.

The incumbent operator in the area I live has reintroduced one or two of those dreadful Mellor contraptions also - and the comments from users at stops saying they hope a proper bus turns up rather than those stupid minibuses.

It would be interesting to see such operator's satisfaction surveys. Credit to NXWM they haven't gone down this bargain basement approach.
Well @don  thank you so much for your comments but you will never believe it in March 2001 my mum and dad retired to Torquay I stayed in the but my mum and dad retired to Malborough Avenue a road opposite St Mathias Church by the Kents Pub I know Wellswoods bus services so well the 32, 85, 120, 12A,12B,.32T and the Open Top 12D/200 and later 11 & 22 pluss Firsts X80 which ran to Babacoombe and the brilliant 64/66 which went via Hesketh Cresecent I knew all the First drivers now wirh Torbay Buses if you see a lovley lady driver with blonde hair on the Torbay Buses 64 ask her if she remembers Brummie Rich & his mum & dad I  am sure she will to be honest I dont want the 140 back it was a bus of its day I want a half hourly service regardless of service number I can depend me to & from work and frankly.whatever its public persona is West Midlands Travel Ltd is an utter disgrace to the West Midlands a PLC that cares all for it shareholders not its passengers unlike ROTALA PLC who are a local company based in Sandwell who actualy care abour thier passengers  and have CUT thier  fares for local users  while  NXWM have increased some of thier fares by 4.4% double RPI an utter disgrace for the level of pathetic service they deliver give me Stagecoach South West anyday I lived on thier Megabus from Exeter to Brum. Via X46 @don think Countrybus then Think Diamond Bus dont believe the hype West Midlands Travel are the worst bus company in the UK & the sooner the WMCA bring in regulations under The Buses Act the better to clip these cowboys wings the better & how is Nick Bye I doubt he will ever forget me & I love a Mellor on.the Diamond 231 they are mainly for tendered routes contracted to Transport for West Midlands they creep onto commercial routes only when necessary these are the preserve of brand new Streetlites but nothing better than a Mellor when its belting out Depeche Mode & I Just Cant Get Enough!


A very nicely presented green wolves trident was on the X8 today ran by the award winning bus company national express West Midlands
Did you see it billy?


Quote from: karl724223 on January 06, 2020, 07:56:36 PM
A very nicely presented green wolves trident was on the X8 today ran by the award winning bus company national express West Midlands
Did you see it billy?
Its Rich actually. I return to work on the 06.48 X8 Tomorrow and so have had no need to use West Midlands Travel Limited in any form today thank goodness I have as always used the ever excellent and Sandwell's own Diamond Buses Limited today as Tina Turner would agree with me "Simply The Best & Better Than All The Rest".


Excellent News the 13A was waitng with its doors open outside Sainsburys as I was walking down Halesowen Stréet so heading to Brum on a dependable reliabile bus sèrvice and it saved waiting in The Market Place  for a useless unreliable bus service that most likley failed to turn up anyway!


Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 07, 2020, 07:00:31 AM
Excellent News the 13A was waitng with its doors open outside Sainsburys as I was walking down Halesowen Stréet so heading to Brum on a dependable reliabile bus sèrvice and it saved waiting in The Market Place  for a useless unreliable bus service that most likley failed to turn up anyway!

I took the liberty of 'monitoring' the X8 from the Market Place stop on Long Lane using YourStop:

The 'scheduled' 06:48 journey showed 'predicted 06:48', so as far as I can see it arrived and departed on time.
My locals:
2 - Birmingham to Maypole | 3 - Birmingham to Yardley Wood
11A/C - Birmingham Outer Circle | 27 - Yardley Wood to Frankley
76 - Solihull to Northfield | 169 - Solihull to Kings Heath

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