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TfWM corporate branding

Started by RW, June 25, 2018, 07:05:22 PM

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Just seen 4878 heading towards perry barr garage


Oh good grief when will it all end the ever changing livery merry go round , the current Crimson is quality certain vehicle types look great with it , the enviro 400 hybrids looked the business compared to the green on white livery.


Quote from: Nxwm on July 19, 2018, 02:30:16 PM
Just seen 4878 heading towards perry barr garage

Been to Summer Lane.


Eugh, honestly another stupid idea. All the 301/2 branded buses which have only been repainted will be getting another repaint and branding?!?! What a big waste of money repainting them all and repaint them again! I agree with what someone has previously said - TfL inspired. This new livery looks awful and just looks cheap as opposed to Crimson. Sounds like more money been wasted by TfWM... ::)


Will the crimson livery be stopped? @Tony
The Funny sounding Enviro 400

15 Wolverhampton to Merry Hill
15A Wolverhampton Merry Hill
16 Wolverhampton to Stourbridge

X10 Gornal Wood


Quote from: Jack on July 19, 2018, 03:29:35 PM
Eugh, honestly another stupid idea. All the 301/2 branded buses which have only been repainted will be getting another repaint and branding?!?! What a big waste of money repainting them all and repaint them again! I agree with what someone has previously said - TfL inspired. This new livery looks awful and just looks cheap as opposed to Crimson. Sounds like more money been wasted by TfWM... ::)
But it will benefit passengers.
With a co-ordinated frequency and the two operators working together rather than competing with each other.
At present one operator running right infront of the other is no overall benefit to the majority of passengers (eg 75, 4/H, etc) who could have just got the bus behind and the many with NX passes on routes where they are competing with NX (eg - 11, 94, 16 etc.).
It sounds like a good idea to me.
In my opinion it actually sounds like a pretty good idea and it will provide a better overall quality service.
Local Routes
94/95, 11A/11C, 28.

Adam 404

Quote from: 2206 on July 19, 2018, 03:38:59 PM
But it will benefit passengers.
With a co-ordinated frequency and the two operators working together rather than competing with each other.
At present one operator running right infront of the other is no use to the majority of passengers (eg 75, 4/H, etc) and the many with NX passes on routes where they are competing with NX (eg - 11, 94, 16 etc.).
It sounds like a good idea to me.
In my opinion it actually sounds like a pretty good idea and it will provide a better overall quality service.
Oxford seems to be managing this fine without all the buses being repainted. The integrated timetable provides a good service but allows marketing at Stagecoach and OBC to work their own magic, which in my opinion makes more sense than repainting routes that share operators into one base livery. If anything, it will only divide the core shared corridors from the routes without competition. I fear that the West Midlands Bus logo makes it seem like its a whole new entity rather than a brand that the routes are running on. I'm rather sceptical on that basis but I guess we'll have to see where it leads...


Quote from: Jack on July 19, 2018, 03:29:35 PM
Eugh, honestly another stupid idea. All the 301/2 branded buses which have only been repainted will be getting another repaint and branding?!?! What a big waste of money repainting them all and repaint them again! I agree with what someone has previously said - TfL inspired. This new livery looks awful and just looks cheap as opposed to Crimson. Sounds like more money been wasted by TfWM... ::)

How can you say it looks awful when you haven't seen it? How does it look cheap?

How can you say money has been wasted when you have no idea regarding the plans that are in place. Big plans are in place for the West Midlands bus operations over the next year or two. So why noy wsit and see becore judging with no evidence to back it up.

Mike K

Quote from: 2206 on July 19, 2018, 03:38:59 PM
But it will benefit passengers.
With a co-ordinated frequency and the two operators working together rather than competing with each other.
At present one operator running right infront of the other is no overall benefit to the majority of passengers (eg 75, 4/H, etc) who could have just got the bus behind and the many with NX passes on routes where they are competing with NX (eg - 11, 94, 16 etc.).
It sounds like a good idea to me.
In my opinion it actually sounds like a pretty good idea and it will provide a better overall quality service.

The idea is a very good one but I don't see the need for a common livery. They could just carry common branding like the Buses for Sheffield / One city, One service type branding. It's a similar concept to that by the sounds of it.


Have i missed something? Looks awful? Where are the photos? What are the colours?


Quote from: BigDaddyCool on July 19, 2018, 05:25:35 PM
Have i missed something? Looks awful? Where are the photos? What are the colours?
Reply 38 on the third page.

Trident 4194

Quote from: 2206 on July 19, 2018, 03:38:59 PM
But it will benefit passengers.
With a co-ordinated frequency and the two operators working together rather than competing with each other.
At present one operator running right infront of the other is no overall benefit to the majority of passengers (eg 75, 4/H, etc) who could have just got the bus behind and the many with NX passes on routes where they are competing with NX (eg - 11, 94, 16 etc.).
It sounds like a good idea to me.
In my opinion it actually sounds like a pretty good idea and it will provide a better overall quality service.

So those with nx travel cards will be able to travel on diamond buses? I'm confused about the whole thing.


Quote from: V89MOA on July 19, 2018, 05:29:58 PM
Reply 38 on the third page.

Thank you.

Maybe a bit slow here, but is that photo the finished article?

I think it looks so bland! Disappointed.


Surely all this will weaken NXWM's dominance in the West Midlands market?


Quote from: MW on July 19, 2018, 05:40:54 PM
Surely all this will weaken NXWM's dominance in the West Midlands market?

I would say it does. TfWM probably has made a deal with NXWM to maintain their market share or other way to ensure they're appropriately compensated due to loss of the market share.

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