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Started by 2900, July 13, 2014, 12:38:51 PM

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Quote from: Liberator9 on May 26, 2015, 09:01:24 PM

Sounds as good to drive as they are from a passenger perspective - had 4652 on the 37 today (quite a number out on it today which was good to see) and apart from the fact it will benefit greatly from its upcoming refurb, really good bus. Suspension was good, didn't really rattle, and smooth running. The Scanias have that click when you kickdown I believe - hopefully you'll get a chance to drive them with the shoddy E200MMCs being delayed. Hope the driving goes well and will be interesting to hear!

Yeah I had a Scania today as well. They are pretty quick. Was an ex Dundee one. I don't really like them personally. The one I had juddered a lot when braking and accelerating. It's the gear changes. The driving position isn't very good for me, due to the cab door restricting the view to the near side mirror, it's very awkward. The Presidents have impressed me the most, very nice to drive along with the Geminis.



Yeah I've never been struck on the ex Dundee ones either - 7023 I warn you is a shed. Favourite Scanias are the ones at YW (1909-1931) - really smooth running and well built. Like 1940 and 1941 at AG though - sounds a pain though regarding the cab door. Presidents are really good - the Volvo chassis on them have been really robust over the years - had 4095 on the 49 the other day and lightning fast still.


Quote from: MW on May 26, 2015, 08:56:02 PM
Took my first Gemini out today. Easily the best vehicle type at AG, yes I know there's only four types. At the bottom of the accelerator, if you push it harder it clicks and kicks down. 4668 was the one I drove. I can't remember the Presidents having that feature. I love how the engine just screams! It changed gear around 2500rpm so you can imagine it screaming. But yeah 4668 was bang on. If they're all like it or better, then I'll be a happy chap. I wonder if the 45** batch drive any different, or if the remaining 46** batch do for that matter!

I've drove a few ex 997 geminis and 4534 twice. To be honest they both seem the same to drive


Quote from: MW on May 26, 2015, 09:05:55 PM
Yeah I had a Scania today as well. They are pretty quick. Was an ex Dundee one. I don't really like them personally. The one I had juddered a lot when braking and accelerating. It's the gear changes. The driving position isn't very good for me, due to the cab door restricting the view to the near side mirror, it's very awkward. The Presidents have impressed me the most, very nice to drive along with the Geminis.
Quote from: Liberator9 on May 26, 2015, 09:11:39 PM

Yeah I've never been struck on the ex Dundee ones either - 7023 I warn you is a shed. Favourite Scanias are the ones at YW (1909-1931) - really smooth running and well built. Like 1940 and 1941 at AG though - sounds a pain though regarding the cab door. Presidents are really good - the Volvo chassis on them have been really robust over the years - had 4095 on the 49 the other day and lightning fast still.

7027 is a shed as well. But it was the first bus I drove in service



I think I remember you saying about the brakes on that one being too sharp - haven't been on many of the ex Dundee Scanias but like 7022 and 7030.


Quote from: Liberator9 on May 27, 2015, 08:00:30 AM

I think I remember you saying about the brakes on that one being too sharp - haven't been on many of the ex Dundee Scanias but like 7022 and 7030.


I find the brakes on 7027 sharp yes. You would press the pedal down a tiny bit and they would apply a lot more than the other OmniLinks, therefore jolting the bus to a stop trying to use the right amount of braking,  but they are good well built, solid buses and I enjoy driving them (I only really drive the OmniCitys regularly now). The best ones we have I think are 1837 and 7032 driving wise. The ex-Coventry ones are ok but are in desperate need of refurbs both inside and out

The OmniCitys are even better (apart from 4697), which is entirely different cab wise. It also feels different to drive too, it feels more sluggish than 4777-81



I really like the Scanias - yeah I've never been struck on the ex Cov ones either; very odd how when they transferred from CV how just the red was repainted and that was it. Always look far worse in comparison to the refurbished Scanias at BY/PB. I'm hoping the YW examples get into crimson soon as they need a refurb now - some good ones at YW - 1910, 1917 and 1927 are particular favourites.

Yet to go on an Omnicity - will have to over the next few weeks!


4229 ALX 400, good all rounder, very quick Volvo B7TL voith combo 7/10

4748 ADL ENVIRO 400 TRIDENT2, good all rounder , nice cruiser as well, 8/10

4761 ADL ENVIRO 400 TRIDENT2, good all rounder except for cab shield rattled badly seriously annoying after 4 hours 6/10
4113 gave me a shocking freight the other day coming down Dudley rd towards spring hill island the engine without warning cut out taking the power steering, gearbox and retarder with it, the brakes without retarder are shit, not far in front was an 82 I managed to stop about a foot away from its back window with passengers standing who were none the wiser cause I had space to come to a controlled stop, Just goes to show leaving a space cushion from the vehicle in front is important for situations like this. Walsalls training proved to be very effective here.


MW,  IMO the all the batches of gemni,s 44,45,46,47 have a different feel to the way they drive, to me any way the 4700 batch is the worst they rattle more, not as fast , suspension not to the same standard as earlier batches mind you could be just they need a overhaul, they were great band new but haven't aged as well the others.
4638 was a real belter while here at West Bromwich


Quote from: 2900 on May 28, 2015, 03:44:01 PM
MW,  IMO the all the batches of gemni,s 44,45,46,47 have a different feel to the way they drive, to me any way the 4700 batch is the worst they rattle more, not as fast , suspension not to the same standard as earlier batches mind you could be just they need a overhaul, they were great band new but haven't aged as well the others.
4638 was a real belter while here at West Bromwich

I'll hopefully get 4638 at some point then. I'm quite keen to drive the 45** batch, we've got quite a few BU53's now so hopefully soon! I'm on the 37s tomorrow, ideally I'll get a Gemini, if not an Eclipse2. Not a fan of the Scanias! I've only driven one I suppose, the original WM ones might not be as bad maybe.

I wonder if AG is getting the 47**s from WB at some point... That'd be interesting.


Quote from: Matt on May 28, 2015, 08:13:32 PM
Congratulations on making it into service Michael, best of luck!

Next week should be interesting, schools back on!


Quote from: MW on May 28, 2015, 08:12:19 PM
I'll hopefully get 4638 at some point then. I'm quite keen to drive the 45** batch, we've got quite a few BU53's now so hopefully soon! I'm on the 37s tomorrow, ideally I'll get a Gemini, if not an Eclipse2. Not a fan of the Scanias! I've only driven one I suppose, the original WM ones might not be as bad maybe.

I wonder if AG is getting the 47**s from WB at some point... That'd be interesting.
Good luck on your service michael.


Mw, between March till early September best time of year to be a bus driver not so mental so make the most of it,  come September to January it just goes nuts that's been my experience over the years.

Trident 4194

I hope mw enjoys bus racing, as he's going to find lots on the outer circle


Quote from: 2900 on May 29, 2015, 09:28:19 AM
Mw, between March till early September best time of year to be a bus driver not so mental so make the most of it,  come September to January it just goes nuts that's been my experience over the years.

oh great! I onl;y started march!

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