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Avin a larf

Started by windy miller, April 27, 2012, 11:59:56 AM

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windy miller

Back in my pre college days I took an interest in Human anatomy 
   When I posed a question to the bio dept at Bhm uni I had the following reply....
   Dear Mr Miller.   Further to your inquiry as to the anatomical weight of  
   of the human genitalia...we can confirm that the weight of the average male penis would be 0.77oz....However we are unable to determine the weight of a C**t....
   if you would be kind enough to pop yourself on the scales at your earliest convenience
   and get back to us i'm sure we can assist you...
                        Regards   I.M Alam  (BA )
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

windy miller

       Shortly before my father passed away his care home held a physic evening
   hosted by the well known medium Derek Akorra . during his popular Q & A
   session my father asked the medium if there were any football teams in heaven?
   after a short consultation with his spirit guide the medium replied  ..Yes... With your professional experience I have good news and bad news... " Whats the good news?
  My father asked....My spirit guide tells me you have been registered 
   with heavens gate united!... whats the bad news? my father asked.... I'm afraid
   you are on the team sheet for next Saturday.....
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

windy miller

    Things only a woman would say  No 28 ... My Mrs reckons God must be a man
     ...if God was a woman she would have made semen taste of chocolate...... 
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

windy miller

  Things only a woman would say  No 29.. " are you getting close?? 
           ........  My arms getting tired.......
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

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