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Messages - MK

National Express West Midlands / Re: Buses To Find
November 08, 2023, 03:26:26 PM
Quote from: Tony on November 08, 2023, 03:14:51 PMSo, if I haven't put it on either it's in the garage
OK, thanks
National Express West Midlands / Re: Buses To Find
November 08, 2023, 02:56:30 PM
Hi, would any kind soul be able to shed any light on the whereabouts of E136?

It's most recent date on Bus Times was 12th October. It hasn't been reported on either of 'Vehicles Away From Home Garage' thread or 'Vehicles Seen in Service but Not Tracking on Bus Times' thread. Any ideas?

Many Thanks in advance.
Garage threads / Re: Birmingham Central Garage
January 13, 2023, 12:19:23 PM
Quote from: 2206 on January 13, 2023, 11:14:01 AM94/95 currently experiencing delays as a result of temporary traffic lights at Saltley and then another set at Washwood Heath. 4917 got to the fox & goose 23 minutes down.
4917 - BK63 YWC – National Express West Midlands –

Was the same yesterday afternoon on there.
I got stuck in this last night. Upon leaving the City Centre, it took 50 minutes to travel to the Fox & Goose. This is just not sustainable for me, or i suspect for Bus Companies trying to run a service. I gather that it's supposed to be the same for another week. One to avoid, i think.
Garage threads / Re: Birmingham Central Garage
August 20, 2022, 04:08:20 PM
Quote from: 2206 on August 16, 2022, 07:11:59 PMAlways people panicking on the 94/95 when it does the Saltley loop on the way out to Ward End/Chelmsley. They say it should have gone left at the lights and the driver is going back to town, going the wrong way, driver doesn't know what he is doing etc. Saw it again tonight.
Was talking to a driver on the 95 this morning who said that Saltley Viaduct is closed for another month. Given the usual increase in traffic volume from September onwards, that long-winded diversion is certainly 1 to avoid.
Quote from: Tony on April 30, 2021, 07:31:44 PM
Every homeless person has been offered some sort of accommodation during this pandemic, If they don't take it up or abuse it then is that the Mayors fault?

As i said, his ideas and initiatives haven't worked. The problem of homeless people in the City Centre remains. He's gone on record as saying that its been a more complex problem than he envisaged. Maybe we can add naivety to his attributes.
Quote from: Tony on April 30, 2021, 06:12:41 PM
What has he 'Failed badly' on?

Birmingham's ongoing problem with homelessness.

I'm in the City Centre 6 days a week and its no better now than it was 5 years ago. If anything, its now worse. Prior to his appointment, he stated that sorting this out would be his priority. His time should be based purely on results, and regardless of his initiatives, he has failed.

Our City Centre streets are rife with these people, day-in, day-out. It paints a very grim picture for any tourists or potential investors.

Well said, Roy.

I couldn't agree more. I think that Tony and the Administrators/Moderators have done/are doing an excellent job - and long may it continue.

Here's to the next 10 years.

Quote from: Tony on August 27, 2020, 02:16:43 PM
The plan is for the 55 to go double deck at BC, but BCC need to do some tree lopping first or there will be some broken upper saloon windows

Many thanks for confirming the plans. A good example of identifying an issue and doing something positive about it. Much appreciated.

Quote from: Busboy105 on August 27, 2020, 01:01:50 PM
They get ridiculously full at peaks.

Overcrowding on the 55 route is a subject that i've spoken about on many occasions over the last few years - both on here and also in person to NXWM staff.

With schools returning, we are all expecting an increase in passenger usage from next month. Something that the 55 will struggle with as things stand.

Granted, like most people that frequent this forum, we understand the reasons why its currently being run by single decks. But with Bordesley Depot closing & the 55 route heading for Central Garage, there is no reason why the capacity issues can't be resolved by using Double Deck buses.
I agree, but people will be prepared to queue to get into these shops.

Nobody expects a flick of a switch. I certainly don't. I'm simply talking about the attitude of government/transport providers regarding the message that they send out.

The word/words 'essential' or 'essential journies' simply cannot be used in any sensible conversation when non essential retail opens up.
I completely agree with you regarding the guidelines and the current situation.

Things will have to change from the 15th June though. The government is opening up non-essential retail and our Prime Minister has gone on record as encouraging people to go out and spend to help kick-start the economy. You cannot have a situation where Shopping Centres/Shopping areas in large City Centres are opening their doors, yet people are still discouraged from using public transport to get there. The idea would be absurd.
My teenage sister and all of her friends are counting down the days for the opportunity to come to Birmingham to visit Primark as the store has no online presence. They haven't been put off going out shopping & many young adults will feel the same. And with the amount of shopping these people buy, i can't see it all fitting on a pushbike.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on May 13, 2020, 07:21:17 PM
Has sadiq khan put ample increases in frequencies? Similarly why hasn't the West Midlands increased frequencies to meet the surge in demand of people making essential journies to work?
It looks to me as though NXWM have. Although i counted 25 people on an 11C that i saw this morning.
Quote from: Steveminor on May 13, 2020, 01:22:01 PM
I cant see where that quote is either.

My own personal opinion is that the same I would not get on a bus or train or tube that was overcrowded like the pictures weve seen in london. Doesn't mean I wouldn't use public transport it means I would be more mindful to avoid busy times to wait for a quieter service. But if I dont have to use public transport then I would use other means I.e walk or cycle as per government advice.

My commute into Birmingham City Centre is around 10 miles, so probably a bit too far to walk. in terms of cycling, our firm has no shower facilities. So the thought of either me or a colleague coming into the office smelling of an hour's cycle ride doesn't fill me with any joy at all.
Nobody is using these rush-hour services by choice. I'd gladly work 7am to 3pm if i could, but my boss says no. In the end, it comes down to the attitude and flexibility of the employer.

Quote from: don on April 27, 2020, 10:32:41 PM
Interesting - however with Network Rail travel usage running at less than 10% of normal, based on around 50%-60% of the service, I can't see usage increasing to match that very quickly - no one should expect a sudden increase in usage.
I also can't see bus operators wanting to increase frequencies of commercial routes if the demand isn't there.
We're still going to have to social distance for ages yet.

Which comes back to why i asked the question. The logical reason for the the government to request an increase in rail services from the 18th May would be that they consider them necessary to cope with demand (potential of people returning to work, opening of non-essential shops, services etc.)
Social distancing certainly wouldn't be possible on buses unless the frequencies were significantly increased from where we are at the moment
Morning All.

Although not mentioned in the mainstream media, the 'open secret' within the Railway industry is that plans are currently being worked on by many train operating companies for a significant increase in train services (75-80% of normal service mentioned by several operating companies) for the week commencing Monday 18th May. This is at the request of DfT/Network Rail.

With this date being only 3 weeks away, how much time would Bus Operators need to get things ready for the potential significant upturn in passenger numbers?
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