The Mayor has launched the considerate behaviour campaign on West Midlands Railways this is the first stage in his approach to un unsocialble behaviour across the TfWM network. The second stage will be a legally set of enforceable conditions of carriage which have been agreed by the all the bus operators, TfWM and the WMCA in order to set a benchmark for acceptable behaviour from both passengers and operators on the bus network. I will post the details when the official announcement is made by the WMCA shortly.
Another triumph for Andy Street, The Mayor.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 24, 2020, 02:01:53 PM
Another triumph for Andy Street, The Mayor.
Fantastic, even more disruption to look forward to within B'ham City Centre for bus passengers for a 1.7km extension.
I think Andy Street more interested in HS2 - been interviewed on national BBC news at Curzon Street today, in a feature on the review of HS2. Important as it is that people don't put their feet on the seats of trains, as a strategic organisation, it is good to see they're more interested in macro issues.
Quote from: Winston on January 24, 2020, 02:13:32 PM
Fantastic, even more disruption to look forward to within B'ham City Centre for bus passengers for a 1.7km extension.
I am sure a number more "triumphs" will be revealed in the next couple of weeks. Total coincidence there is a mayoral election coming up of course!
Quote from: Winston on January 24, 2020, 02:13:32 PM
Fantastic, even more disruption to look forward to within B'ham City Centre for bus passengers for a 1.7km extension.
@Winston its amazing how these triumphs for The Mayor have so much of an impact on so many people in the West Midlands the main benefit in the short term will be however be a good photo opportunity no doubt.
Quote from: don on January 24, 2020, 02:31:43 PM
I think Andy Street more interested in HS2 - been interviewed on national BBC news at Curzon Street today, in a feature on the review of HS2. Important as it is that people don't put their feet on the seats of trains, as a strategic organisation, it is good to see they're more interested in macro issues.
As I have just posted
"the main benefit in the short term will be however a good photo opportunity no doubt" knowing The Mayor was due to Westside This Morning in fighting mood that is what I was alluding too.
Quote from: metrocity on January 24, 2020, 02:31:52 PM
I am sure a number more "triumphs" will be revealed in the next couple of weeks. Total coincidence there is a mayoral election coming up of course!
A Metro Mayor who has been as successful as Andy Street will know doubt being enjoying many triumphs between now & May 2020
Quote from: metrocity on January 24, 2020, 02:31:52 PM
I am sure a number more "triumphs" will be revealed in the next couple of weeks. Total coincidence there is a mayoral election coming up of course!
I had no idea the elections were so soon..... looking forward to see what benefits Andy will be bringing to the streets of the West Midlands to improve wholescale bus service provisions & aid operators with significantly bus priorities measures across the entire region.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 24, 2020, 02:33:54 PM
Yes @Winston its amazing how these triumphs for The Mayor have so much of an impact on so many people in the West Midlands the main benefit in the short term will be however be a good photo opportunity no doubt.
Yes, I'm sure there's a massive demand for Metro passengers wishing to go to East Side, and from East Side wishing to go to West Bromwich & Wolverhampton.
Quote from: Winston on January 24, 2020, 02:41:13 PM
I had no idea the elections were so soon..... looking forward to see what benefits Andy will be bringing to the streets of the West Midlands to improve wholescale bus service provisions & aid operators with significantly bus priorities measures across the entire region.
I too
@Winston are looking forward to the improvements the The Mayor has planned for
West Midlands Bus if he is successfully elected one wonders what is the major failing The Mayor and his advisors see within the West Midlands Bus Network and what he feels is a priority that needs to be addressed we will have to await the result of the election and for now we can only speculate sadly.
Quote from: Winston on January 24, 2020, 02:41:13 PM
I had no idea the elections were so soon..... looking forward to see what benefits Andy will be bringing to the streets of the West Midlands to improve wholescale bus service provisions & aid operators with significantly bus priorities measures across the entire region.
Yes, I'm sure there's a massive demand for Metro passengers wishing to go to East Side, and from East Side wishing to go to West Bromwich & Wolverhampton.
I could not have out it any better myself
Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 24, 2020, 02:47:50 PM
I too @Winston are looking forward to the improvements the The Mayor has planned for West Midlands Bus if he is successfully elected one wonders what is the major failing The Mayor and his advisors see within the West Midlands Bus Network and what he feel is a priority that needs to be addressed we will have to see the result of the election and for now we can only speculate sadly.
Could you please point out to Andy how drab the red TfWM Bus Livery actually is. I understand that the shade of red applied to the front of buses, is one which is renowned for going pink over time.
Quote from: Winston on January 24, 2020, 02:57:20 PM
Could you please point out to Andy how drab the red TfWM Bus Livery actually is. I understand that the shade of red applied to the front of buses, is one which is renowned for going pink over time.
I think it is your right
@Winston I pass on your valued advice to the WMCA. Think this is one is for
@Tony as he is the expert in these matters I would have thought who would know if its the operator or TfWM supply the paint and vinyals and what the standards are.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 24, 2020, 03:12:47 PM
I think it is your right @Winston I pass on your valued advice to the WMCA. Think this is one is for @Tony as he is the expert in these matters I would have thought who would know if its the operator or TfWM supply the paint and vinyals and what the standards are.
The colour on the front half is the same shade as used by NX on the red & white livery and does fade badly however well it is applied.
Quote from: Tony on January 24, 2020, 03:18:17 PM
The colour on the front half is the same shade as used by NX on the red & white livery and does fade badly however well it is applied.
@Tony thanks for that its much appreciated.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 24, 2020, 02:38:26 PM
A Metro Mayor who has been as successful as Andy Street will know doubt being enjoying many triumphs between now & May 2020
Especially when any potential "bad news" will no doubt be deferred for a decision post May
Quote from: metrocity on January 24, 2020, 05:10:33 PM
Especially when any potential "bad news" will no doubt be deferred for a decision post May
Well one mans bad news is another mans triumph thats life thats politics as Mike Read always said on Saturday Superstore well I think it was Mike Read.................
Andy Street, The Mayor has been praised by Andrew Marr on his BBC ONE programme this morning you can enjoy the moment on the BBCi Player about HS2, this is of course not subject to a high court gagging order so loved by Mr Marr
1. The future structure of bus services were agreed today.
The West Midands Bus Allliance board led by Cllr Kath Hartley and other stakeholders will oversee West Midlands Bus Services
2. The bus operators will form a West Midlands Bus Operators Board and will report directly to the WMBA
3. Further Sub Groups will be formed to oversee:
Safer Partnership Group
Passengers Satisfaction Group
Sub Bus Operators Group
Connections Group
Community & Accessible Group
All the above will report to the WMBA Board
4. The role of the Bus Champions will be changed to work in all the other groups above
5. The Next West Midlands Bus Service run by the WMCA will be the old 410 the 40 CORRECTION with both NXWM & Diamond signing an Enhanced Partnership.
I am sure you will all agree a new decade and a new start for
West Midlands Bus
Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 28, 2020, 04:44:39 PM
1. The future structure of bus services were agreed today.
The West Midands Bus Allliance board led by Cllr Kath Hartley and other stakeholders will oversee West Midlands Bus Services
2. The bus operators will form a West Midlands Bus Operators Board and will report directly to the WMBA
3. Further Sub Groups will be formed to oversee:
Safer Partnership Group
Passengers Satisfaction Group
Sub Bus Operators Group
Connections Group
Community & Accessible Group
All the above will report to the WMBA Board
4. The role of the Bus Champions will be changed to work in all the other groups above
5. The Next West Midlands Bus Service run by the WMCA will be the old 410 the 41 with both NXWM & Diamond signing an Enhanced Partnership.
I am sure you will all agree a new decade and a new start for
West Midlands Bus
40, not 41
Quote from: Tony on January 28, 2020, 05:14:48 PM
40, not 41
@Tony sorry on your excellent X8 and pressed my 1 instead of 0 on my smartphone the old 410 the 40 apologies.
A socialist from somewhere in Stourbridge who is apparently 5 foot 5inches and worried that Andy Street has spent £1m on consultants is in the running for The Mayor. For clarification Mr Street has not just spent £1m on one single consultant but has many and there is no truth whatsoever of my yacht moored next to Bernie Ecclestones in the harbour in Monaco. How Mr Lowe can describe himself as a man of the people when he is from the ultra posh leafy Wollascote where Mr Street has to walk the means streets well lanes of Lapworth is anyones guess I will leave others to decide. If elected a Wolves supporter would be in charge of the WMCA. I am sure everyone joins me in wishing Aston Villa congratulations on reaching Wembley.
Is Lapworth even in the West Midlands? Next we'll be hearing Stratford on Avon is!! At least Wollaston is.
I liked Andy Street's remark that he couldn't see his own party scrapping HS2 when so much hangs on it and has already been generated by it in Birmingham and the West Midlands. I hope he's right but history might suggest differently in some cases!!
Quote from: don on January 29, 2020, 10:45:05 AM
Is Lapworth even in the West Midlands? Next we'll be hearing Stratford on Avon is!! At least Wollaston is.
I liked Andy Street's remark that he couldn't see his own party scrapping HS2 when so much hangs on it and has already been generated by it in Birmingham and the West Midlands. I hope he's right but history might suggest differently in some cases!!
A decision will be made to greenlight HS2
tomorrow I believe to the delight of The Mayor When Mr Street uses his binoculars he can see the land border between the West Midlands and Warwickshire and the former customs checkpoints pluss you can now walk seamlessly across the border walking up the cut from The Boot to The Black Boy it's a tough area to survive in but he copes admirably compered to the champagne socialist candidates life in what is The Good Life of The Black Country as the philosophers of zen The Pet Shops Boys would put it "Let's take a ride run with the night in Suburbia" Mr Street also has the laudable ability for which praise is due to walk to the bus stop of the Landflight service his WMCA partly supports.
Well, I hope Andy Street does lose his role as mayor. His obsession with trams and sprint (and wanting all buses red - London thinking there) is not what is needed!
I will be voting Pete Lowe because the Midlands does not need more Tory mismanagement.
Quote from: the trainbasher on January 29, 2020, 12:28:30 PM
Well, I hope Andy Street does lose his role as mayor. His obsession with trams and sprint (and wanting all buses red - London thinking there) is not what is needed!
I will be voting Pete Lowe because the Midlands does not need more Tory mismanagement.
Sprint is now fully approved and the Sprint team appointed by TfWM and the project has gone live whoever is Mayor after May. I personally think of the colour of West Midlands Bus as a nod to the great
Midland Red well that's what I told The Mayor anyway as it wasn't exactly his own idea to be fair.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 29, 2020, 11:08:58 AM
A decision will be made to greenlight HS2 tomorrow
What the whole project? You're very optimistic I must say!
No I'm afraid Lapworth is only famous for water troughs as far as I'm concerned (GWR ones 😁) although I suspect a decent amount of gin of various 'craft' varieties is swilled there these days!
It would be useful if the WMCA monitored and calculated the full cost to the economy of the delays created to the travelling public during these roadworks to implement major projects - I wonder whether they've been properly and accurately considered in the scheme business cases. Unfortunately without the requisite public transport priority schemes to complement the tram and sprint (anathema to conservatives), it's unlikely the full benefits of an integrated transport network can ever be realised in the West Midlands.
I am guessing Mr Street had noticed the vast majority of buses are red (except the blue ones in Coventry) so had already decided by common sense those would be the cheapest colours to adopt as standard. Perhaps he didn't notice the grey ones (and the very occassional darker blue one)!!!
Quote from: don on January 29, 2020, 09:37:12 PM
What the whole project? You're very optimistic I must say!
No I'm afraid Lapworth is only famous for water troughs as far as I'm concerned (GWR ones 😁)
It would be useful if the WMCA monitored and calculated the full cost to the economy of the delays created to the travelling public during these roadworks to implement major projects - I wonder whether they've been properly and accurately considered in the scheme business cases. Unfortunately without the requisite public transport priority schemes to complement the tram and sprint (anathema to conservatives), it's unlikely the full benefits of an integrated transport network can ever be realised in the West Midlands.
I am guessing Mr Street had noticed the vast majority of buses are red (except the blue ones in Coventry) so had already decided by common sense those would be the cheapest colours to adopt as standard. Perhaps he didn't notice the grey ones (and the very occassional blue one)!!!
Believe it or not there is a monitoring unit that reports to a sub committee at the WMCA about the impact on works to the economy I have nothing to do with it so cant comment but there are impact reports and they may be on the WMCA website but I am not 100% sure.
As I posted earlier the West Midands Bus livery is a homage to Midland Red and is a result of a suggestion someone gave to Mr Street I will let you work that out!
A major announcent on integrated multi modal travel is due shortly way beyond my remit and knowledge I am just bus.
Grant Shapps I understand will sign off a revised HS2 project tomorrow.
@Trident 4194 I cannot ever remember the subject of the 11A/11C ever coming up at meetings as we never receive any complaints about the service from the other Bus Champions & Route Monitors or its operators.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 29, 2020, 09:48:10 PM
Grant Shapps I understand will sign off a revised HS2 project tomorrow.
Well you were wrong there - delayed for at least a month (to wait and see whether Brexit really does 'shock' (although some people might use a word beginning with f 😂) the economy and result in the £30 billion contingency fund having to be used....
Quote from: don on January 31, 2020, 10:11:11 AM
Well you were wrong there - delayed for at least a month (to wait and see whether Brexit really does 'shock' (although some people might use a word beginning with f 😂) the economy and result in the £30 billion contingency fund having to be used....
HS2 was signed off and agreed by The Transport Secretary yesterday at 15.32 following consultations with The Prime Minister & The Chancellor . An anouncement will follow from The Dispatch Box in due course with primary legislation to follow as part of The Finance Act in March together with legislation to be placed before The House by DfT & Transport Secretary. Remember I am not for or against HS2 as someone who never uses trains and will never probably use HS2 as long as thier are Megabuses with or without Sid. The information I post is supplied by a fellow bus nut and lane swimmer who I worked with at No11 dumped to the DfT by an evil mad may of a woman and is now part of the HS2 Delivery Group what you believe is entirely your choice on this historic day for The Pet Shop Boys.
I'm not sure which cloud cuckoo land you are living in, but if it was agreed by those parties in private talks yesterday at Doening St (is that privilidged info) it's not public knowledge, and the only announcement has been by Grant Chaps that there will be an announcement in about a month. Remember there are phases 2a and 2b as well as the possibility of phase 1 being amended.
So your statement is somewhat strange to say the least. Are you sure you haven't been listening to the Mayoral Dominic Cummingsesque spin (or lies or platitudes/rhetoric) as the case may be?
Quote from: don on January 31, 2020, 11:50:45 AM
I'm not sure which cloud cuckoo land you are living in, but if it was agreed by those parties in private talks yesterday at Doening St (is that privilidged info) it's not public knowledge, and the only announcement has been by Grant Chaps that there will be an announcement in about a month. Remember there are phases 2a and 2b as well as the possibility of phase 1 being amended.
So your statement is somewhat strange to say the least. Are you sure you haven't been listening to the Mayoral Dominic Cummingsesque spin (or lies or platitudes/rhetoric) as the case may be?
Agreement on the projects future was made yesterday by the parties involved, an official announcement will be made in due course with legislation to follow. Yesterday's cabinet meeting was not subject to a
"D" notice therefore we can report it on lobby terms so frankly I do not follow your points?
So you're reporting minutes of cabinet meetings, which may be subject to change anyway.
There is nothing about this in any news channel.
Quote from: don on January 31, 2020, 12:23:08 PM
So you're reporting minutes of cabinet meetings, which may be subject to change anyway.
There is nothing about this in any news channel.
Why should there be anything on the news channels no official announcements have been made or are due to be made and there is far more important news today anyway with The Pet Shop Boys first No1 hit on the indie chat for 26 years, minuets are protected marked and cannot be reproduced in any form without permission there is nothing to stop reports being made by officials off the record on a lobby basis which I have shared with the forum.
You may actually have misread or misinterpreted them for political reasons - there's no doubt a good reason why arrangements/decisions will not be announced for a while, apart from the major opposition of some Tory MPs (I suspect Brexit and local election reasons rather than Pet Shop Boys linked).
Quote from: don on January 31, 2020, 12:55:41 PM
You may actually have misread or misinterpreted them for political reasons - there's no doubt a good reason why arrangements/decisions will not be announced for a while, apart from the major opposition of some Tory MPs (I suspect Brexit and local election reasons rather than Pet Shop Boys linked).
How you can wrongly interpret an official saying off the record that HS2 is agrred is beyond me but so be it In my opinion the big news story of the day is The Pet Shop Boys 1st Number One Indie Hit in 26 years personally I cannot see how any other news story comes close to this historic event today what else of any real importance is happening today?
Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 31, 2020, 01:17:41 PM
How you can wrongly interpret an official saying off the record that HS2 is agrred is beyond me but so be it In my opinion the big news story of the day is The Pet Shop Boys 1st Number One Album in 26 years personally I cannot see how any other news story comes close to this historic event today what else of any real importance is happening today?
Nothing is official until an official official officially records the official item in the official minutes. Officially they cannot officially release the official minutes unless the official minutes are officially signed off by the official official.
Quote from: the trainbasher on January 31, 2020, 05:36:26 PM
Nothing is official until an official official officially records the official item in the official minutes. Officially they cannot officially release the official minutes unless the official minutes are officially signed off by the official official.
Are you after my job I couldn't put it better myself excellent
@the trainbasher remember government in England has more leeks than Wales in tomorrows 5 Nations, everyone is finally coming round to way of thinking and posting this is great remember nothing ever is offical in public untill its recorded in Hansard now has everyone on the forum bought the record busting new No1 Pet Shop Boys album on the indie chart?
Quote from: richardjones210368 on January 31, 2020, 05:53:34 PM
now has everyone on the forum bought the record busting new No1 Pet Shop Boys album?
All this endless talk of Pet Shop Boys, and you've completely overlooked the new single release today by Bucks Fizz.
Quote from: the trainbasher on January 31, 2020, 05:36:26 PM
Nothing is official until an official official officially records the official item in the official minutes. Officially they cannot officially release the official minutes unless the official minutes are officially signed off by the official official.
This is true, but there again
@richardjones210368 may have fabricated or dreamt it, or the leaking unofficial official got it wrong. I wonder if they will be playing that Pet Shop Boys stuff at the Mayor's Brexit party later.
Quote from: don on January 31, 2020, 06:36:20 PM
This is true, but there again @richardjones210368 may have fabricated or dreamt it, or the leaking unofficial official got it wrong. I wonder if they will be playing that Pet Shop Boys stuff at the Mayor's Brexit party later.
I am not aware of being in the showers at the swimming baths with Bobby Ewing last night but you are quite right I am off on the X8 to a Brexit Party on this historic night for the country with Pet Shop Boys first No1 album on the indie chart for 26 years oh & keep your eye on the Dispatch Box in the Commons on Tuesday you may learn something
@don .............................
Quote from: don on January 31, 2020, 06:36:20 PM
I wonder if they will be playing that Pet Shop Boys stuff at the Mayor's Brexit party later.
Is that happening in the city centre? When I left work in Sparkbrook about 5:45pm, I could see some sort of light show going on in that direction (was quite spectacular, looked like spotlights lighting up the clouds, half expected to see a 'bat-signal'!).
Either that or the aliens are mass abducting people.
Quote from: Stu on January 31, 2020, 07:33:58 PM
Is that happening in the city centre? When I left work in Sparkbrook about 5:45pm, I could see some sort of light show going on in that direction (was quite spectacular, looked like spotlights lighting up the clouds, half expected to see a 'bat-signal'!).
Either that or the aliens are mass abducting people.
It is Stu just waiting for an on time X8 and yes Aliens are mass abducting people it's just some of us call them Tories not Aliens.....
Looks like being a total wash out with the weather? Let's hope no public funds were involved (I feel an FOI request coming on)!! 😏
The event tonight was entirely funded by local businesses such as myself as a celebration of the realisation of 52% of the populations political votes as confirmed in the recently general election. The majority of voters in the west midlands voted to leave the EU and tonight was a commutation of the realisation of thier democratic vote which some of us were happy to contribute too please feel free to waste tax payers money on a freedom of information request
@don as no tax payers money went towards tonight's event. Oh and for the record it was my personal desire to stay in The Customs Union and Single Market sadly I am old fashioned and believe in democracy and fully respect the vote of the majority in the 2016 referendum and the long lasting legends that are Neil Tennant & Chris Lowe.
I see the Guardian is carrying
@richardjones210368 story about the 'likelihood' of an announcement on HS2 next week, and multiple quoting the Mayor of the Weat Midlands.
Seems somewhat perverse to me, the Guardian apparently taking quotes from a Tory politician (albeit a local rather than national figure).
Quote from: don on February 01, 2020, 07:36:56 PM
I see the Guardian is carrying @richardjones210368 story about the 'likelihood' of an announcement on HS2 next week, and multiple quoting the Mayor of the Weat Midlands.
Seems somewhat perverse to me, the Guardian apparently taking quotes from a Tory politician (albeit a local rather than national figure).
Yes I have no idea at all who The Mayors sources could be mind you I have days like that too
@don when the whole world of politics is so perverse to be totally honest I think that is why I am the warped individual I am.
Deal or No Deal for WMR......
Cracking Dart on the 4H this morning to the baths out of the kindness of his heart the ever generous Andy Street - The Metro Mayor of the West Midlands is to allow Albello to retain West Midlands Railways although Mr Street says he will keep his beady little eye on it. Yet another great victory for The Mayor.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 09:29:17 AM
Cracking Dart on the 4H this morning to the baths out of the kindness of his heart the ever generous Andy Street - The Metro Mayor of the West Midlands is to allow Albello to retain West Midlands Railways although Mr Street says he will keep his beady little eye on it. Yet another great victory for The Mayor.
You mean that particular village idiot has no balls, he knows he wouldn't win that argument and with the elections due in May, he doesn't want to look a fool when the dft said no to him!!!
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 03, 2020, 01:21:48 PM
You mean that particular village idiot has no balls, he knows he wouldn't win that argument and with the elections due in May, he doesn't want to look a fool when the dft said no to him!!!
A curious description of the todays triumph for Mr Street
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 01:35:02 PM
A curious description of the todays triumph for Mr Street
Not really - even a half wit would realise that having a separate franchise just for West Midlands Trains is a daft and unworkable idea, and in any case it is likely many of the performance problems are caused by that organisation run by his fellow party members in the Government, Network Rail. So a more wanton grab of publicity while the going's good could not be imagined!!
Interesting he picked that major West Midlands publication, the Stratford On Avon Bugle, or whatever to perform his stunt!! 😂
Quote from: don on February 03, 2020, 02:40:08 PM
Not really - even a half wit would realise that having a separate franchise just for West Midlands Trains is a daft and unworkable idea, and in any case it is likely many of the performance problems are caused by that organisation run by his fellow party members in the Government, Network Rail. So a more wanton grab of publicity while the going's good could not be imagined!!
Interesting he picked that major West Midlands publication, the Stratford On Avon Bugle, or whatever to perform his stunt!! 😂
Although I never use a train and cannot understand why anyone in the right minds would want to use one, personally I cant see the point of them I think in principle that it is correct that West Midlands Railway mirrors the West Midlands Combined Authority and the other strategic partnership authoritiess to allow The Mayors aim of seamless coordination from TfWM in terms of perfect connections to switch between bus, rail and tram and ticketing to be used on all three modes of transport. I am sure the population of Stratford Upon Avon get the newspaper publications they deserve.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 09:29:17 AM
Cracking Dart on the 4H this morning to the baths out of the kindness of his heart the ever generous Andy Street - The Metro Mayor of the West Midlands is to allow Albello to retain West Midlands Railways although Mr Street says he will keep his beady little eye on it. Yet another great victory for The Mayor.
First of all, hardly out the kindness of his heart? Abellio (Who I shall refer to as the franchise of '
WMT' are doing everything they can to progress with this franchise, through large recruitment intakes, constant investment into new units. None of this can be done instantly and they are very much so doing the best with what they have. Surely if he believed the service ran by WMT is that unacceptable, he'd revoke the franchise.
Secondly, you believe it was a major win for the mayor. Surely if he, as many try to, believe that it is such a bad franchise and its running is unacceptable for the people of Birmingham, surely the major win would be to put it to an end and re-award the franchise? That, in the eyes of those who believe it is failing, would surely be the best result? Oh, wait... that's until the next TOC comes along and suffers the same problems.
He knows that if he tried to re-award the franchise the DfT would shut him down immediately. He would not stand a chance. A typical tory move to try and look the hero when really he has done f*ck all for the city of Birmingham or the West Midlands as a region, its funny that as the election rolls around he makes the empty threats to revoke the franchise with no other plan in place.
Finally, I'd love to know what a knackered old dart has to do with your post. Completely irrelevant.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 03:07:37 PM
Although I never use a train and cannot understand why anyone in the right minds would want to use one, personally I cant see the point of them I think in principle that it is correct that West Midlands Railway mirrors the West Midlands Combined Authority and the other strategic partnership authoritiess to allow The Mayors aim of seamless coordination from TfWM in terms of perfect connections to switch between bus, rail and tram and ticketing to be used on all three modes of transport. I am sure the population of Stratford Upon Avon get the newspaper publications they deserve.
First of all, you don't use the railway network, which in the thought process put into your X8 comments, means you have no right or reason to comment on West Midlands Railway or any other TOC for that matter.
Secondly, you fail to understand why people use trains? You really should remove the rose-tinted glasses you wear and open your eyes to the wider world. A train from Wolverhampton to Birmingham takes 23 minutes if calling at all stations, regardless of peak or off Peak. Your beloved X8, (which I live on the route and catch regularly before you try to say I can't comment) takes 1hr 38m in the peak times, that is providing it is on time the entire journey. That's 5x longer than a train. It also has a capacity that means it can carry a far higher volume, in a quicker time over a longer distance. Looking on a wider scale, Redditch to Lichfield. A journey in the middle of the day would take over 2 hours using buses only. Whereas it takes just over an hour using trains. Need I go on about why people would use a train over a bus?
You believe, from what I can deduce, the mayor has allowed Abellio to keep the franchise simply because of a ticket type that was available under London Midland and Network West Midlands. Okay mate, if you say so. The brands were united prior to the WMCA, the Network West Midlands logo was displayed on every bus, train and tram long before Andy Street. He is simply trying to maintain the consistent brand that was made for him long before he was mayor.
You talk utter shit to be quite frank. Your comments about TfWM are often extreme and the supposed 'meetings' you attend, I'd love to see some form of proof as I believe your another pisstaker as all your responses are quite formulaic. 'The Mayor wants it' or 'WMCA want it' or 'The people of Blackheath want it' or 'I saw it didn't turn up'. You consistently fail to provide proof of these rather unbelievable claims. You, like a typical tory, cannot accept when they are wrong despite it being proven too many times to count.
You talk shit and can guarantee this forum would be, as it was, a better place without you on it.
Without speaking out of turn, the lack of moderation on this member's post is a joke yet you're punishing long-standing members for pointing out to you what is directly in front of you. I, a member for 6 years, have never the forum in a worse state than it is now, due to the constant political propaganda and bullshit from Blackheath Billy.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 03:07:37 PM
Although I never use a train and cannot understand why anyone in the right minds would want to use one, personally I cant see the point of them I think in principle that it is correct that West Midlands Railway mirrors the West Midlands Combined Authority and the other strategic partnership authoritiess to allow The Mayors aim of seamless coordination from TfWM in terms of perfect connections to switch between bus, rail and tram and ticketing to be used on all three modes of transport. I am sure the population of Stratford Upon Avon get the newspaper publications they deserve.
I use trains everyday because I HAVE to. I have no other option as if I commuted by bus, it would take me twice as long and involve multiple changes, so therefore not a realistic and efficient way to travel.
Quote from: Dom on February 03, 2020, 05:53:08 PM
First of all, hardly out the kindness of his heart? Abellio (Who I shall refer to as the franchise of 'WMT' are doing everything they can to progress with this franchise, through large recruitment intakes, constant investment into new units. None of this can be done instantly and they are very much so doing the best with what they have. Surely if he believed the service ran by WMT is that unacceptable, he'd revoke the franchise.
Secondly, you believe it was a major win for the mayor. Surely if he, as many try to, believe that it is such a bad franchise and its running is unacceptable for the people of Birmingham, surely the major win would be to put it to an end and re-award the franchise? That, in the eyes of those who believe it is failing, would surely be the best result? Oh, wait... that's until the next TOC comes along and suffers the same problems.
He knows that if he tried to re-award the franchise the DfT would shut him down immediately. He would not stand a chance. A typical tory move to try and look the hero when really he has done f*ck all for the city of Birmingham or the West Midlands as a region, its funny that as the election rolls around he makes the empty threats to revoke the franchise with no other plan in place.
Finally, I'd love to know what a knackered old dart has to do with your post. Completely irrelevant.
First of all, you don't use the railway network, which in the thought process put into your X8 comments, means you have no right or reason to comment on West Midlands Railway or any other TOC for that matter.
Secondly, you fail to understand why people use trains? You really should remove the rose-tinted glasses you wear and open your eyes to the wider world. A train from Wolverhampton to Birmingham takes 23 minutes if calling at all stations, regardless of peak or off Peak. Your beloved X8, (which I live on the route and catch regularly before you try to say I can't comment) takes 1hr 38m in the peak times, that is providing it is on time the entire journey. That's 5x longer than a train. It also has a capacity that means it can carry a far higher volume, in a quicker time over a longer distance. Looking on a wider scale, Redditch to Lichfield. A journey in the middle of the day would take over 2 hours using buses only. Whereas it takes just over an hour using trains. Need I go on about why people would use a train over a bus?
You believe, from what I can deduce, the mayor has allowed Abellio to keep the franchise simply because of a ticket type that was available under London Midland and Network West Midlands. Okay mate, if you say so. The brands were united prior to the WMCA, the Network West Midlands logo was displayed on every bus, train and tram long before Andy Street. He is simply trying to maintain the consistent brand that was made for him long before he was mayor.
You talk utter shit to be quite frank. Your comments about TfWM are often extreme and the supposed 'meetings' you attend, I'd love to see some form of proof as I believe your another pisstaker as all your responses are quite formulaic. 'The Mayor wants it' or 'WMCA want it' or 'The people of Blackheath want it' or 'I saw it didn't turn up'. You consistently fail to provide proof of these rather unbelievable claims. You, like a typical tory, cannot accept when they are wrong despite it being proven too many times to count.
You talk shit and can guarantee this forum would be, as it was, a better place without you on it.
Without speaking out of turn, the lack of moderation on this member's post is a joke yet you're punishing long-standing members for pointing out to you what is directly in front of you. I, a member for 6 years, have never the forum in a worse state than it is now, due to the constant political propaganda and bullshit from Blackheath Billy.
I do love a Dart the perfect bus for it's a day a design classic . The Mayor announced his decision and I was delighted to share the news with everyone on the forum who I knew would be delighted that a future direction for West Midlands Railway had been decided after long hard consideration by Mr Street. I simply cannot see the point of trains they are overrated and over subsidised but those that use them will be harterned by Mr Streets announcement today yet another great victory for Andy Street what would the West Midlands do without him and will pass your comments and suggestions on to the WMCA in due course as I have no involvement with the trains frankly who would be I do know TfWM do not get the level of comments about the railways they receive about the bus network and so I am sure TfWM will welcome them and I am happy to share your comments with them, most valuable.
Quote from: NXWMFAN1105 on February 03, 2020, 06:18:18 PM
I use trains everyday because I HAVE to. I have no other option as if I commuted by bus, it would take me twice as long and involve multiple changes, so therefore not a realistic and efficient way to travel.
Interesting surely a gap there for
@Tony & West Midlands Travel Limited to offer a Plantnum Limited Stop service have you suggested it to the company as it saddens me you have no realistic alternative
@NXWMFAN1105 .
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 06:36:26 PM
I do love a Dart the perfect bus for it's a day a design classic . The Mayor announced his decision and I was delighted to share the news with everyone on the forum who I knew would be delighted that a future direction for West Midlands Railway had been decided after long hard consideration by Mr Street. I simply cannot see the point of trains they are overrated and over subsidised but those that use them will be harterned by Mr Streets announcement today yet another great victory for Andy Street what would the West Midlands do without him.
Without trains the West Midlands, and several other areas of the country would grind to a complete halt. That is the point of them.
The mayor has done absolutely nothing but talk to the managers of WMT.
He hasn't magiced up any more drivers or guards.
He hasn't made WMT lease any additional trains.
So I have no reason to believe the service would have been any different without him.
The 2019 problems were caused by
1) A shortage of staff and they still have the same number now.
2) Failure to recover from incidents causing delays mostly caused by Network Rail. This is the bit WMT could have done a lot better with, but in January we did not have any of these major problems, so we still don't know whether they will be any better at that or not.
I note in his statement he has released he said he has got them to use skipping stations as a last resort which is interesting as the LNWR 18:45 from Euston to Crewe on Saturday kicked everyone off at Rugby, including my daughter, so it could run non-stop to Crewe to make time up! - so no improvement there then.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 06:43:58 PM
Interesting surely a gap there for @Tony & West Midlands Travel Limited to offer a Plantnum Limited Stop service have you suggested it to the company as it saddens me you have no realistic alternative @NXWMFAN1105 .
I am also a season ticket holder on the railway because I live in Cannock, so in theory do have a new platinum alternative, but the walk to Hednesford Station is 18 minutes, to Cannock Bus Station is 30 minutes, and Hednesford to Birmingham on the train at 45 minutes is far superior in time to the X51 even when it is on time like it is most days at the time I would use it.
Quote from: Tony on February 03, 2020, 06:49:06 PM
Without trains the West Midlands, and several other areas of the country would grind to a complete halt. That is the point of them.
The mayor has done absolutely nothing but talk to the managers of WMT.
He hasn't magiced up any more drivers or guards.
He hasn't made WMT lease any additional trains.
So I have no reason to believe the service would have been any different without him.
The 2019 problems were caused by
1) A shortage of staff and they still have the same number now.
2) Failure to recover from incidents causing delays mostly caused by Network Rail. This is the bit WMT could have done a lot better with, but in January we did not have any of these major problems, so we still don't know whether they will be any better at that or not.
I note in his statement he has released he said he has got them to use skipping stations as a last resort which is interesting as the LNWR 18:45 from Euston to Crewe on Saturday kicked everyone off at Rugby, including my daughter, so it could run non-stop to Crewe to make time up! - so no improvement there then.
To be honest I have nothing at all to do with The Mayor and his trains and so I cannot conscructivly comment on your points
@Tony but as always I am sure you have a major grasp on the problems Mr Street has had with West Midlands Railways on a lighter note I am sure you like me are pleased the emphasis WMCA ;for which we must congratulate them for; have put on its website of the investment in new greener more efficient buses for the good of everyone in the West Midlands that Diamond Buses Limited have made in partnership with The Mayor
Do you have a question you would like to #AskAndy?
Join us on Thurs 13 Feb for the chance to and ask the Mayor about the issues that matter to you.
Register your interest here:
Quote from: Tony on February 03, 2020, 06:52:17 PM
I am also a season ticket holder on the railway because I live in Cannock, so in theory do have a new platinum alternative, but the walk to Hednesford Station is 18 minutes, to Cannock Bus Station is 30 minutes, and Hednesford to Birmingham on the train at 45 minutes is far superior in time to the X51 even when it is on time like it is most days at the time I would use it.
@Tony the WMCA , TfWM & The Mayor are big fans of multi modal transport using all options I too have a railway station in Rowley Regis however as you quite rightly say when it's on time I prefer the X8 Plantum to Birmingham............
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 07:13:03 PM
Do you have a question you would like to #AskAndy?
Join us on Thurs 13 Feb for the chance to and ask the Mayor about the issues that matter to you.
Register your interest here:
Oh I would like to ask a question:
The usefullness of Bus Champions and how they can be possibly be any use, because when asked to submit comments they don't share your opinion on the service and when pressed, they tell you, you don't know what you are talking about and are abusive towards you.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 07:13:03 PM
Do you have a question you would like to #AskAndy?
Join us on Thurs 13 Feb for the chance to and ask the Mayor about the issues that matter to you.
Register your interest here:
I'd be asking the same questions that I asked the other day of our resident Bus Champion which I did not get an answer to:
Who attends these (bus champion) meetings and are they open to the public? If they are, why are they not more widely publicised?
What mechanism is there in place for bus users to report any concerns or feedback they may have about issues with bus services? Which can then be raised at these meetings for discussion.
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 03, 2020, 07:32:44 PM
Oh I would like to ask a question:
The usefullness of Bus Champions and how they can be possibly be any use, because when asked to submit comments they don't share your opinion on the service and when pressed, they tell you, you don't know what you are talking about and are abusive towards you.
Oh you get used to that working as long as I have around the world of politics I am happy to share anyone concerns and comments at the meetings I attend that's no problem just email me and a number of posters on here submitted thier questions to me which I was happy to submit if your referring to the 11 what's the point in asking to raise points afterwards when the agenda is closed the day after a meeting I am more than happy to raise them next quarter in April.
Quote from: Stu on February 03, 2020, 07:37:54 PM
I'd be asking the same questions that I asked the other day of our resident Bus Champion which I did not get an answer to:
Who attends these (bus champion) meetings and are they open to the public? If they are, why are they not more widely publicised?
What mechanism is there in place for bus users to report any concerns or feedback they may have about issues with bus services? Which can then be raised at these meetings for discussion.
Full details of TfWM Bus Champions are avaliable on the Network West Midlands website to which I suggest you refer to
@Stu and I have posted details of a public meeting with The Mayor next week open to all on the forum so instead of keep banging on and on what exactly more do you want?
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 07:46:08 PM
Full details of TfWM Bus Champions are avaliable on the Network West Midlands website to which I suggest you refer to @Stu and I have posted details of a public meeting with The Mayor next week open to all on the forum so instead of keep banging on and on what exactly more do you want?
Opportunity for members of the public to complete bus audits on behalf of West Midlands Combined Authority. Quarterly forums take place to discuss results and provide feedback.
If you are interested in joining the group or want to know more, email
Is all the Website has to say
Quote from: Tony on February 03, 2020, 07:58:48 PM
Opportunity for members of the public to complete bus audits on behalf of West Midlands Combined Authority. Quarterly forums take place to discuss results and provide feedback.
If you are interested in joining the group or want to know more, email
Is all the Website has to say
Thank you
@Tony for that clarification, most appreciated.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 07:42:07 PM
Oh you get used to that working as long as I have around the world of politics I am happy to share anyone concerns and comments at the meetings I attend that's no problem just email me and a number of posters on here submitted thier questions to me which I was happy to submit if your referring to the 11 what's the point in asking to raise points afterwards when the agenda is closed the day after a meeting I am more than happy to raise them next quarter in April.
So if "Doris from Shard End" doesn't have your email address, what opportunity does she have to get a concern about her local bus services raised and discussed at one of these Bus Champion / TfWM meetings?
That's the point I am trying to make; who sets the agenda at these meetings, what is discussed, and how do the public get to have their say?
Quote from: Tony on February 03, 2020, 07:58:48 PM
Opportunity for members of the public to complete bus audits on behalf of West Midlands Combined Authority. Quarterly forums take place to discuss results and provide feedback.
If you are interested in joining the group or want to know more, email
Is all the Website has to say
So basically it's just ride on a few buses, and every 1/4 give your opinion of the journey's you made!
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 03, 2020, 08:07:09 PM
So basically it's just ride on a few buses, and every 1/4 give your opinion of the journey's you made!
Well as for the TfWM Bus Champion Meetings I attend isnt that what I have always said and isnt that what I have done with the X8 or am I missing something here?
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 08:12:08 PM
Well as for the TfWM Bus Champion Meetings I attend isnt that what I have always said?
So what effect, if any, do these meetings have on bus services, or is this, just as i suggested a few days ago, just a pen pushing job?
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 03, 2020, 08:14:42 PM
So what effect, if any, do these meetings have on bus services, or is this, just as i suggested a few days ago, just a pen pushing job?
I suggest you refer to the Network West Midlands website for details of the scheme as
@Tony has posted.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 07:42:07 PM
Oh you get used to that working as long as I have around the world of politics I am happy to share anyone concerns and comments at the meetings I attend that's no problem just email me and a number of posters on here submitted thier questions to me which I was happy to submit if your referring to the 11 what's the point in asking to raise points afterwards when the agenda is closed the day after a meeting I am more than happy to raise them next quarter in April.
I would greatly appreciate you expressing our opinions regarding the 11A/11C. However I hope you fight as passionately for us as you did for your beloved X8.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 08:22:58 PM
I suggest you refer to the Network West Midlands website for details of the scheme as @Tony has posted.
But Tony has correctly pointed out that the Network West Midlands website doesn't actually give any detailed information.
Quote from: Tony on February 03, 2020, 07:58:48 PM
Opportunity for members of the public to complete bus audits on behalf of West Midlands Combined Authority. Quarterly forums take place to discuss results and provide feedback.
If you are interested in joining the group or want to know more, email
Is all the Website has to say
It all seems to me very much a 'closed-shop', and decisions are being made on what a select few people have to say, while the wider general public are being mostly ignored.
And what do these 'bus audits' actually entail? If its simply a case of monitoring a service to make sure it is running to schedule, surely most operators have advanced GPS-based tracking systems that can report this kind of detail automatically?
Quote from: Stu on February 03, 2020, 08:04:07 PM
So if "Doris from Shard End" doesn't have your email address, what opportunity does she have to get a concern about her local bus services raised and discussed at one of these Bus Champion / TfWM meetings?
That's the point I am trying to make; who sets the agenda at these meetings, what is discussed, and how do the public get to have their say?
Doris concerns can be upscaled from visiting her local councillors or member of parlament surgerys that is the prescribed approach all are aware of who thier local TfWM Bus Champions are. That is the long accepted approach for any local authority while if Doris can use her free TfWM Bus Pass she is more than welcome to Meet The Mayor in Tysley and frankly
@Stu I have emailed you the personal contact details of the executive who runs the scheme at the WMCA isnt this points scoring just becoming a little bid childish?
Quote from: Stu on February 03, 2020, 08:27:16 PM
But Tony has correctly pointed out that the Network West Midlands website doesn't actually give any detailed information.
It all seems to me very much a 'closed-shop', and decisions are being made on what a select few people have to say, while the wider general public are being mostly ignored.
And what do these 'bus audits' actually entail? If its simply a case of monitoring a service to make sure it is running to schedule, surely most operators have advanced GPS-based tracking systems that can report this kind of detail automatically?
@Stu , what they are doing is all subjective. How can you possibly get any decent results when just one person is travelling on a route, it needs numerous people travelling on the same day starting at different points on a route and then you get a better view of a route. This was it's really just a pointless exercise!
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 03, 2020, 08:33:37 PM
Exactly @Stu , what they are doing is all subjective. How can you possibly get any decent results when just one person is travelling on a route, it needs numerous people travelling on the same day starting at different points on a route and then you get a better view of a route. This was it's really just a pointless exercise!
You forget that's where most of us who also work for HM Government collate the bus statistcs over a 7 day period for DfT, TfWM cherry pick the route data they require.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 08:36:54 PM
You forget that's where most of us who also work for HM Government collate the bus statistcs over a 7 day period for DfT, TfWM cherry pick the route data they require.
And then send you all out on the same route at the same time starting at different points on the route.
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 03, 2020, 08:39:42 PM
And then send you all out on the same route at the same time starting at different points on the route.
It costs the West Midlands council tax payers nothing to collect the data as its ONS funded for the DfT as part of the Government's responsibility to collate National statistics on buses legally under Transport Act 1986 it's a statutory requirement. I have posted a thread on the forum that carries all the stats that's how I have the proof everything I have said historically about the X8 on this forum is true and why it's being acted on based on the evidence we have provided. As WMCA are a statutory body the information we collect can be used for thier statistical data we attend and do additional work for WMCA entirely voluntary as we all like buses!
Excellent news for the legacy of The Mayor the overseer of our great West Midlands Bus Network I understand permission has been granted for a life size abstract collage sculpture of Andy Street to be erected in Centenary Square for the next two years around The Commenwelth Games. I understand the proposed effigy of Mr Street will be taken away and melted down and removed for ever in Late 2022 like an old communist leader, funny I thought that some posters on this forum were planning that anyway for Mr Street in May this year?
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 10:48:49 AM
Excellent news for the legacy of The Mayor the overseer of our great West Midlands Bus Network I understand permission has been granted for a life size abstract collage sculpture of Andy Street to be erected in Centenary Square for the next two years around The Commenwelth Games. I understand the proposed effigy of Mr Street will be taken away and melted down and removed for ever in Late 2022 like an old communist leader, funny I thought that some posters on this forum were planning that anyway for Mr Street in May this year?
The "great leader" of the Metro, the brownfields, the man who stands up for the people of Blackheath and the Railways too.
He seems to be ramping up for the election in May
Quote from: SL 16 YPN on February 04, 2020, 12:25:13 PM
The "great leader" of the Metro, the brownfields, the man who stands up for the people of Blackheath and the Railways too.
He seems to be ramping up for the election in May
Sandwell residents will be delighted to receive today a FREE copy of
Sandwell Champions tabloid newspaper delivered direct to their letterboxes which features 12 excellent photos of Andy Street engaging with the good people of Blackheath, Great Bridge, Friar Park, Oldbury, Tipton, Tividale, Warley, Wednesbury and West Bromwich. The newspaper outlines all Mr Streets stunning achievements for Sandwell residents and includes an excellent interview with The Prime Minister on what he plans for the residents of Blackheath. I am personally very proud of a whole page entitled
"Andy Street - getting to grips with the transport challenge" which outlines the stunning achievements Mr Street had made for bus use in Sandwell & includes an actual picture of him on a bus together with him inspecting brand new 82 & 87s. I am sure you join me in thanking Jay Singh Sohall for coordinating the free newspaper for the benefit of all Sandwell Residents & Sandwell Bus Users.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 12:38:44 PM
Sandwell residents will be delighted to receive today a FREE copy of Sandwell Champions tabloid newspaper delivered direct to their letterboxes which features 12 excellent photos of Andy Street engaging with the good people of Blackheath, Great Bridge, Friar Park, Oldbury, Tipton, Tividale, Warley, Wednesbury and West Bromwich. The newspaper outlines all Mr Streets stunning achievements for Sandwell residents and includes an excellent interview with The Prime Minister on what he plans for the residents of Blackheath. I am personally very proud of a whole page entitled "Andy Street - getting to grips with the transport challenge" which outlines the stunning achievements Mr Street had made for bus use in Sandwell & includes an actual picture of him on a bus together with him inspecting brand new 82 & 87s. I am sure you join me in thanking Jay Singh Sohall for coordinating the free newspaper for the benefit of all Sandwell Residents & Sandwell Bus Users.
Excuse me but this isn't the Andy Street appreciation society forum, it's about buses and transport themes.
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 04, 2020, 03:36:48 PM
Excuse me but this isn't the Andy Street appreciation society forum, it's about buses and transport themes.
The Sandwell Champions tabliod newspaper delivered FREE to Sandwell Residents is a play on the Bus, Rail & Metro Champions theme and is mainly about The Mayors involment with not only buses in Sandwell but also West Midlands Metro & West Midlands Railways as well as an excellent feature on Mr Street inspecting some 82 & 87s in Sandwell, a feature on the benefits to Sandwell Bus,Rail & Metro users over the last 5 years together with Mr Street actually using a bus in Sandwell how are the comments from the man who oversees Sandwells Buses not relevant to a bus forum?
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 03:51:20 PM
The Sandwell Champions tabliod newspaper delivered FREE to Sandwell Residents is a play on the Bus, Rail & Metro Champions theme and is mainly about The Mayors involment with not only buses in Sandwell but also West Midlands Metro & West Midlands Railways as well as an excellent feature on Mr Street inspecting some 82 & 87s in Sandwell, a feature on the benefits to Sandwell Bus,Rail & Metro users over the last 5 years together with Mr Street actually using a bus in Sandwell how are the comments from the man who oversees Sandwells Buses not relevant to a bus forum?
I think you forgot your "Paid and Promoted by Andy Street and the Conservative Party of..." disclaimer after that post
Quote from: the trainbasher on February 04, 2020, 04:07:35 PM
I think you forgot your "Paid and Promoted by Andy Street and the Conservative Party of..." disclaimer after that post
The newspaper has no public funding and was funded privately by those of us in the business community to promote local issues relevant to the residents in Blackheath and other Sandwell districts mainly with regard to transport and environment issues. Mr Sohal who coordinated it is a member of The Conservative Party which is acknowledged in the newspaper and it is promoted by Tony Lee on behalf of The West Midlands Conservatives both of 2 Manor Drive, Solihull B91 2BH of which Mr Street is a member & for the record I am not a member of The Conservative Party or any other political party.
What a load of old garbage (which is where most of the leaflets will end up)!!
I have concluded that
@richardjones210368 talks very unobjectively about transport matters, has serious potential conflicts of interest and in fact, I don't recall him posting an accurate statement on this forum. Basically a load of old twaddle.
The very idea that the Conservative party could be championed as the saviour and promoter of integrated transport is rather literally like the leopard changing his spots (but not really 😏 only for the spin doctors). What we need is a Socialist mayor to get proper public transport and environmental responsibility.
And how much of a burden on the environment has been placed by creating the leaflets, and the public disposing of them? Clearly the perpetrators have no idea of carbon footprint let alone the environment!!
I'm sure all these businessmen are well placed to identify public transport issues and environmental issues (not) - in my experience most of them are in it for themselves and not the greater good...
Where did you say Andy Street lives - oh yes Lapworth - nowhere near the problems of West Bromwich, Warley and Cradley Heath.
Quote from: don on February 04, 2020, 06:19:17 PM
What a load of old garbage (which is where most of the leaflets will end up)!!
I have concluded that @richardjones210368 talks very unobjectively about transport matters, has serious potential conflicts of interest and in fact, I don't recall him posting an accurate statement on this forum. Basically a load of old twaddle.
The very idea that the Conservative party could be championed as the saviour and promoter of integrated transport is rather literally like the leopard changing his spots (but not really 😏 only for the spin doctors). What we need is a Socialist mayor to get proper public transport and environmental responsibility.
And how much of a burden on the environment has been placed by creating the leaflets, and the public disposing of them? Clearly the perpetrators have no idea of carbon footprint let alone the environment!!
I'm sure all these businessmen are well placed to identify public transport issues and environmental issues (not) - in my experience most of them are in it for themselves and not the greater good...
Where did you say Andy Street lives - oh yes Lapworth - nowhere near the problems of West Bromwich, Warley and Cradley Heath.
I am not a member of The Conservative Party & have never championed any political party on this forum. I understand as a Sandwell resident the newspapers can be placed in the Blue Bin and recycled. I would be very curious as having resigned from all my jobs last November and only work for our family accountancy practice what my conflict of interest is as I undertake no paid work for The Mayor, WMCA or TfWM whilst I can assure you someone keeps The Mayor very updated on the needs of Blackheath residents. It is regrettable you do not support those who live, work and use the in Sandwell as I do, tell me
@don do you live elsewhere in the West Midands and are simply jealous of the benefits that Sandwell has had in the last 5 years?
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 12:38:44 PM
The newspaper outlines all Mr Streets stunning achievements for Sandwell residents and includes an excellent interview with The Prime Minister on what he plans for the residents of Blackheath. I am personally very proud of a whole page entitled "Andy Street - getting to grips with the transport challenge" which outlines the stunning achievements Mr Street had made for bus use in Sandwell & includes an actual picture of him on a bus together with him inspecting brand new 82 & 87s.
Fortunately for me I no longer live in Sandwell since moving from Bearwood in 2008, so I won't get to see this newspaper, as my mum will no doubt use it next time she does some painting to keep paint off her carpet, so would you care to please list what these 'stunning achievements' are that Mr Street has done?
Also, with regards to the 'brand new buses on the 82 and 87', it must be pointed out that Mr Street had nothing to do with this and that it was National Express West Midlands who invested stunning amounts of money in purchasing these stunning new buses, all Mr Street did was his usual credit-taking photo opportunity for the media.
Richard, you are clearly a big fan and cheerleader for Mr Street, but I'm willing to bet that there are far more people who disagree with your opinion of him.
But as has been pointed out here and elsewhere, this forum is for discussing buses and is not anyone's political propaganda platform.
What do people think, do we have faith in it happening discuss......?.
Quote from: Stu on February 04, 2020, 06:37:23 PM
Fortunately for me I no longer live in Sandwell since moving from Bearwood in 2008, so I won't get to see this newspaper, as my mum will no doubt use it next time she does some painting to keep paint off her carpet, so would you care to please list what these 'stunning achievements' are that Mr Street has done?
Also, with regards to the 'brand new buses on the 82 and 87', it must be pointed out that Mr Street had nothing to do with this and that it was National Express West Midlands who invested stunning amounts of money in purchasing these stunning new buses, all Mr Street did was his usual credit-taking photo opportunity for the media.
Richard, you are clearly a big fan and cheerleader for Mr Street, but I'm willing to bet that there are far more people who disagree with your opinion of him.
But as has been pointed out here and elsewhere, this forum is for discussing buses and is not anyone's political propaganda platform.
The achievements of Mr Streets four years of being the elected Mayor of the West Midlands are laid in the tabloid newspaper I outlined and I am happy to send you a link if you wish
@Stu. I do not stand on any political platform, I am not an member of any political party and as you are aware as a moderator I have sent you and the other moderators an email that as soon as mayoral election is underway and we go interregnum I will leave the forum and have my profile deleted in order to stop any form of a conflict of interest perhaps you do not read your messages? May I remind you for the moment The Mayor is the elected representative for the residents of the West Midlands boroughs as democratically voted for in an 2017 election and as such has a democratic right to explain in front of his electorate his views and policies that have an impact of those who are resident within the WMCA and use the bus. The Mayor is the democratically elected person in charge of all Bus, Metro and Railway matters within the West Midlands and as such are you proposing censorship against opinions you are not in agreement with? For the record I have known Mr Street for over 20 years since we met at Harvard whilst studying for our MBAs and am always happy to give him my opinion on any matter regarding West Midlands Bus but am not in any way a member of any political party but am sadly an PEP due to my previous work therefore I cannot see how explaining the current the current policies of the democratically elected leader of the West Midlands to the forum can be described as being on a political propaganda platform please explain? Since I ceased complaining about West Midlands Travel Limited and the X8 as an amicable solution has been agreed is this now thread to use an excuse to simply to continue to attack me when my goal is to get the best bus service for the residents of Blackheath & the rest of Sandwell?
It won't happen, it will disappear on Friday 8th May.
Just Street trying to make himself a name for the election, strangely up till about 6 months ago and hadn't really heard about him at all.
I'm all for investment and improvement for public transport. However we won't see this plan come to fruition in our lifetimes. I'd put money on it.
And by the time it does, the Elizabeth in Elizabeth Line will be long forgotten about.
Re election I see lol, the lot has done the rounds over the years to be fair lol. Might see investment in alum rock and wash wood Heath Rd bus corridors before it happens.
Quote from: monkeyjoe on February 04, 2020, 07:12:50 PM
Re election I see lol, the lot has done the rounds over the years to be fair lol. Might see investment in alum rock and wash wood Heath Rd bus corridors before it happens.
I'm still waiting for the Midland Metro to come down Washwood Heath Road! They were going to compulsory purchase my childhood home to knock down and build the tram line back in about 1985!
The thing is Street is HS2 mad, with the government spending all that money on the Birmingham end of that project, can you see them spending much money on anything else?
Quote from: Gareth on February 04, 2020, 07:08:42 PM
I'm all for investment and improvement for public transport. However we won't see this plan come to fruition in our lifetimes. I'd put money on it.
And by the time it does, the Elizabeth in Elizabeth Line will be long forgotten about.
Perhaps that was before i arrived on the forum to explain the workings and polices of The Mayor
@Stuharris 6360 and there is no such thing as an Andy Street plan it is plan of The West Midlands Combined Authority and as such such should be under that thread and not in an Andy Street Plan thread as there is no such thing. The forum rules clearly state a new thread should not be created when an exiting one is live. The newspaper report is incorrect the election campaign of Mr Street has not begun and as such this the current vision for the WMCA post May and as such this thread should be merged with the WMCA thread until we go interregnum and the election campaign begins
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 07:26:56 PM
Perhaps that was before i arrived on the forum to explain the workings and polices of The Mayor.
Do you actually believe that one person on this forum actually believes one word you say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: Gareth on February 04, 2020, 07:18:28 PM
I'm still waiting for the Midland Metro to come down Washwood Heath Road! They were going to compulsory purchase my childhood home to knock down and build the tram line back in about 1985!
I don't remember that. I remember talk of trams
for coleshill Rd Didn't realise there was talk of compulsory orders bla bla. People were to busy Moaning about Tesco etc
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 04, 2020, 07:18:58 PM
The thing is Street is HS2 mad, with the government spending all that money on the Birmingham end of that project, can you see them spending much money on anything else?
Yes that is plan for the WMCA post May
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 04, 2020, 07:29:45 PM
Do you actually believe that one person on this forum actually believes one word you say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no such thing as an Andy Street plan it is plan of The West Midlands Combined Authority and as such such should be under that thread and not in an Andy Street Plan thread as there is no such thing. The forum rules clearly state a new thread should not be created when an existing one is live don't they
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 07:01:27 PM
The achievements of Mr Streets four years of being the elected Mayor of the West Midlands are laid in the tabloid newspaper I outlined and I am happy to send you a link if you wish @Stu. I do not stand on any political platform, I am not an member of any political party and as you are aware as a moderator I have sent you and the other moderators an email that as soon as mayoral election is underway and we go interregnum I will leave the forum and have my profile deleted in order to stop any form of a conflict of interest perhaps you do not read your messages? May I remind you for the moment The Mayor is the elected representative for the residents of the West Midlands boroughs as democratically voted for in an 2017 election and as such has a democratic right to explain in front of his electorate his views and policies that have an impact of those who are resident within the WMCA and use the bus. The Mayor is the democratically elected person in charge of all Bus, Metro and Railway matters within the West Midlands and as such are you proposing censorship against opinions you are not in agreement with? For the record I have known Mr Street for over 20 years since we met at Harvard whilst studying for our MBAs at Harvard and am always happy to give him my opinion on any matter regarding West Midlands Bus but am not in any way a member of any political party but am sadly an PEP due to my previous work therefore I cannot see how explaining the current the current policies of the democratically elected leader of the West Midlands to the forum can be described as being on a political propaganda platform please explain?
Yes, we are all fully aware that Mr Street is the democratically elected Mayor of the West Midlands, and for the record I did actually vote for him, albeit as my second choice.
I am not in any way proposing censorship against opinions I am not in agreement with, I am very much in support of the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
You are entitled to your opinion of Mr Street, and I am entitled to my own, as does anyone else.
I have asked you to detail these 'stunning achievements' that Mr Street has boasted of in this local newpaper, can you please list them for me? Because it seems to me that much of what Mr Street takes credit for is what has been in the planning for years, and would have happened regardless of whether he or Sion Simon won the mayoral election - for example, the Midland Metro tram extensions, the Sprint buses, and the reopening of Camp Hill line rail stations.
If you don't like people disagreeing with your opinions, that's fine, but debate the opinion, not the person.
I obviously don't enjoy the same kind of relationship that you have with Mr Street, so you'll have to forgive me for not holding him in as high a regard as you do.
Generally I keep my political opinions away from this forum, as it is not the place to express them, this is after all the 'West Midlands Buses In Photographs' forum. That's all I'm saying.
Quote from: Stu on February 04, 2020, 07:37:55 PM
Yes, we are all fully aware that Mr Street is the democratically elected Mayor of the West Midlands, and for the record I did actually vote for him, albeit as my second choice.
I am not in any way proposing censorship against opinions I am not in agreement with, I am very much in support of the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
You are entitled to your opinion of Mr Street, and I am entitled to my own, as does anyone else.
I have asked you to detail these 'stunning achievements' that Mr Street has boasted of in this local newpaper, can you please list them for me? Because it seems to me that much of what Mr Street takes credit for is what has been in the planning for years, and would have happened regardless of whether he or Sion Simon won the mayoral election - for example, the Midland Metro tram extensions, the Sprint buses, and the reopening of Camp Hill line rail stations.
If you don't like people disagreeing with your opinions, that's fine, but debate the opinion, not the person.
I obviously don't enjoy the same kind of relationship that you have with Mr Street, so you'll have to forgive me for not holding him in as high a regard as you do.
Generally I keep my political opinions away from this forum, as it is not the place to express them, this is after all the 'West Midlands Buses In Photographs' forum. That's all I'm saying.
Then why is ok to for
@monkeyjoe to start a thread about Mr Street quoting a factually incorrect news article when it was actually an WMCA announcement therefore should be within this thread me thinks double standards about forum rules!
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 07:35:35 PM
There is no such thing as an Andy Street plan it is plan of The West Midlands Combined Authority and as such such should be under that thread and not in an Andy Street Plan thread as there is no such thing. The forum rules clearly state a new thread should not be created when an existing one is live don't they @Stu
Since when do you obey forum rules?
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 04, 2020, 07:42:38 PM
Since when do you obey forum rules?
There is no such thing as an Andy Street plan it is plan of The West Midlands Combined Authority and as such such should be under that thread and not in an Andy Street Plan thread as there is no such thing. The forum rules clearly state a new thread should not be created when an exiting one is live
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 07:49:22 PM
There is no such thing as an Andy Street plan it is plan of The West Midlands Combined Authority and as such such should be under that thread and not in an Andy Street Plan thread as there is no such thing. The forum rules clearly state a new thread should not be created when an exiting one is live
The rules also say: DO NOT:
Bombard the forum with 20+ posts within your first hours/day of joining
Post daft questions / rubbish or generally disrupt the workings of the forum & annoy existing members
Quote from: monkeyjoe on February 04, 2020, 07:32:12 PM
I don't remember that. I remember talk of trams
for coleshill Rd Didn't realise there was talk of compulsory orders bla bla. People were to busy Moaning about Tesco etc
Well that's what I assume would have happened. I was only very young, but I do recall conversations between parents and the neighbours about how they were going to be knocking our houses down because of the trams. I was worried where I was going to live!
Quote from: Gareth on February 04, 2020, 08:27:11 PM
Well that's what I assume would have happened. I was only very young, but I do recall conversations between parents and the neighbours about how they were going to be knocking our houses down because of the trams. I was worried where I was going to live!
The castle Bromwich line was going to be line 1. All of one side of Coleshill Road from the Fox & Goose to Hodge Hill Common was to be demolished in the original plan. After uproar from residents the easier to build Snow Hill-Wolverhampton line was moved to number one priority
Quote from: monkeyjoe on February 04, 2020, 06:49:53 PM
What do people think, do we have faith in it happening discuss......?.
Is there really a point in underground lines? Are we trying to be a discount London? It's not like we aren't with the Swift and the new WMBus livery
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 07:42:25 PM
Then why is ok to for @monkeyjoe to start a thread about Mr Street quoting a factually incorrect news article when it was actually an WMCA announcement therefore should be within this thread me thinks double standards about forum rules!
I have now seen that thread in question, what is factually incorrect about what is being stated? Are you insinuating that ITV is 'fake news'?
Quote from: Tony on February 04, 2020, 08:30:38 PM
The castle Bromwich line was going to be line 1. All of one side of Coleshill Road from the Fox & Goose to Hodge Hill Common was to be demolished in the original plan. After uproar from residents the easier to build Snow Hill-Wolverhampton line was moved to number one priority
Ah, so it was probably just idle gossip and speculation then. As we lived at the Saltley Gate end of Washwood Heath Road.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 07:35:35 PM
There is no such thing as an Andy Street plan it is plan of The West Midlands Combined Authority and as such such should be under that thread and not in an Andy Street Plan thread as there is no such thing. The forum rules clearly state a new thread should not be created when an existing one is live don't they @Stu
I agree, this is not Andy Street's plan, my belief is that if this is what is being decided then it makes no difference who the mayor will eventually be, its going to happen anyway.
But if Andy Street is using this announcement as part of his election strategy for the forthcoming mayoral elections, then your complaint is noted, but dismissed.
The problem with all this is it has to be a long term project, as i said erarlier with all the expenditure on HS2, where will money be found for projects like these.
Plus the added fact that people of my age will never really benefit from projects like these, but will more than likely get the inconvenience in the short term.
Quote from: Stu on February 04, 2020, 08:50:59 PM
I agree, this is not Andy Street's plan, my belief is that if this is what is being decided then it makes no difference who the mayor will eventually be, its going to happen anyway.
But if Andy Street is using this announcement as part of his election strategy for the forthcoming mayoral elections, then your complaint is noted, but dismissed.
Should be the West Midlands Combined Authority plan as Street will not be a mayor in 2040...
Look where I've been today!
The same building I started work at coming up to 42 years ago
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 03, 2020, 06:36:26 PM
I do love a Dart the perfect bus for it's a day a design classic . The Mayor announced his decision and I was delighted to share the news with everyone on the forum who I knew would be delighted that a future direction for West Midlands Railway had been decided after long hard consideration by Mr Street. I simply cannot see the point of trains they are overrated and over subsidised but those that use them will be harterned by Mr Streets announcement today yet another great victory for Andy Street what would the West Midlands do without him and will pass your comments and suggestions on to the WMCA in due course as I have no involvement with the trains frankly who would be I do know TfWM do not get the level of comments about the railways they receive about the bus network and so I am sure TfWM will welcome them and I am happy to share your comments with them, most valuable.
The fact you fail to argue any of my points shows that you must believe I am correct. Another formulaic response, "I'll pass these comments onto TfWM". Which comments exactly? I've not commented on the franchise but the mayors decision to keep abellio running WMT.
Again, you talk rubbish constantly and fail to add anything to the conversation/debate.
I've just seen the photos posted by AMRTM. A shame that the room is filled with people who look like they've been dragged there against their will. Not one smile or engaged look between them. Some I think are fast asleep.
I love the transport museum, but perhaps this wasn't the best venue from a WMCA PR point of view.
@Tony... Does it feel like that long since you started or like it was yesterday.
As the supposed second city our transport public or otherwise is seriously flawed we are eclipsed by most Cities in the country let alone London and Manchester.
We need a concise tram network
We need bus priority to elliviate the strain
We need snow hill lines upgraded, electrified and given the TPH other lines have at off peak times.
We need a clean air zone that prices you out of your car and a public transport solution to assist it.
We need an expansive park and ride network.
The second city hasn't got the second best transport solution.
I bet you can travel 5 miles across central London quicker, easier and with less stress than you can the same in Brum.
The plan is ambitious but its the right thing to do and as people and industry switch to reduce their impact on the environment then I feel this puts these plan even closer to realisation.
Who cares who's came is on the rubber stamp? Embrace change!
Following all this chatter about WMCA and the Mayor, for those who are interested in who and what the WMCA is and aren't aware, (it's far more than just the Lord Mayor), this link may help.
Notice their address is the same one as WMPTE, so Tony must have been there today! 1978 - first motor show at NEC (massive WMPTE operation), papal visit around that time, first Metrobuses, last conductors - a busy time for WMPTE I guess.
Well said Richie, can't argue with any of that ☝️☝️☝️
I would be far more impressed with radical action over the current tinkering i.e. small costly Metro extenstions, Sprint, bus lanes on odd corridors etc, etc
Is Birmingham actually the second city anymore? To me it seems to be lagging behind places like Manchester in so many ways.
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 04, 2020, 10:24:37 PM
Is Birmingham actually the second city anymore? To me it seems to be lagging behind places like Manchester in so many ways.
Nope, Birmingham has been left behind.
Quote from: Stu on February 04, 2020, 08:43:53 PM
I have now seen that thread in question, what is factually incorrect about what is being stated? Are you insinuating that ITV is 'fake news'?
Yes I have made a formal complaint about ITV Central to OfCOM as the statement is factually incorrect and is indeed fake news and nothing to do with the election campaign for the Metro Mayor campaign but the vision of the WMCAs aims post May therefore
@Stu why is there a thread about Andy Street that should be merged with the WMCA thread?
Quote from: Tony on February 04, 2020, 09:16:22 PM
Look where I've been today!
The same building I started work at coming up to 42 years ago
A very happy place to visit
@Tony I am sure you will agree wouldn't it have been funny if we were there on the same Tuesdays!
Quote from: Dom on February 04, 2020, 09:36:04 PM
The fact you fail to argue any of my points shows that you must believe I am correct. Another formulaic response, "I'll pass these comments onto TfWM". Which comments exactly? I've not commented on the franchise but the mayors decision to keep abellio running WMT.
Again, you talk rubbish constantly and fail to add anything to the conversation/debate.
Thank you for comments
@Dom which I have noted.
Quote from: Winston on February 04, 2020, 10:25:54 PM
Nope, Birmingham has been left behind.
@Winston as there is no such Andy Street Plan but it is actually a WMCA plan should this thread be not merged with the West Midlands Combined Authority as we have two different threads on speeches and statements from Andy Street when until the start of the election all statements and speeches given by Mr Street are from his role as Mayor and leader of the WMCA.There is no such Andy Street Plan do we need two threads on Andy Street & the WMCA?
Quote from: Stu on February 04, 2020, 08:50:59 PM
I agree, this is not Andy Street's plan, my belief is that if this is what is being decided then it makes no difference who the mayor will eventually be, its going to happen anyway.
But if Andy Street is using this announcement as part of his election strategy for the forthcoming mayoral elections, then your complaint is noted, but dismissed.
Andy Street is NOT using this as his election strategy as the election campaign does not begin until we go intergum under parliamentary therefore as the vision is the WMCA's and NOT Mr Streets personal electoral vision as he cannot give one yet then why is my complaint dismissed
@Stu even you you cannot argue that the Mayoral election campaign does not commence until the WMCA goes interregnum so I ask you again why is my complaint being dismissed?
So you are saying that this plan has nothing to do with AndY Street personally?
from Andy Street's Twitter account
"Today I unveiled my 20 year plan to transform our metro and rail networks into a world-class comprehensive tube-style system serving our entire region."
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 04, 2020, 10:48:28 PM
So you are saying that this plan has nothing to do with AndY Street personally?
from Andy Street's Twitter account
"Today I unveiled my 20 year plan to transform our metro and rail networks into a world-class comprehensive tube-style system serving our entire region."
My is as leader as the West Midlands Combined Authority which Mr Street was elected to lead in 2017 and continues to lead until 2020. the leaders of the Labour, Conservative and Liberal parties would use the same phrase and the twitter account is The Mayors of The West Midlands Combined Authority twitter account.
Quote from: SL 16 YPN on February 04, 2020, 09:06:35 PM
Should be the West Midlands Combined Authority plan as Street will not be a mayor in 2040...
Correct it is the vision for the West Midlands Combined Authority
@SL 16 YPN and as such this thread should be part of The West Midlands Combined Authority Thread
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 10:51:46 PM
My is as leader as the West Midlands Combined Authority which Mr Street was elected to lead in 2017 and continues to lead until 2020. the leaders of the Labour, Conservative and Liberal parties would use the same phrase and the twitter account is The Mayors of The West Midlands Combined Authority twitter account.
So why didn't it say in my capacity as leader of the WMCA, the Map that is on the same twitter post says it's "Andy Streets 2040 Plan For Metro And Rail In The West Midlands" and the roundel on the same page says Andy4WM.
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 04, 2020, 10:58:12 PM
So why didn't it say in my capacity as leader of the WMCA, the Map that is on the same twitter post says it's "Andy Streets 2040 Plan For Metro And Rail In The West Midlands" and the roundel on the same page says Andy4WM.
@andy4wm has been Mr Streets hashtag since becoming Mayor in 2017. It is Andy Street's Plan as he is the leader of the WMCA
Quote from: don on February 04, 2020, 10:00:56 PM
Following all this chatter about WMCA and the Mayor, for those who are interested in who and what the WMCA is and aren't aware, (it's far more than just the Lord Mayor), this link may help.
Notice their address is the same one as WMPTE, so Tony must have been there today! 1978 - first motor show at NEC (massive WMPTE operation), papal visit around that time, first Metrobuses, last conductors - a busy time for WMPTE I guess.
Thank you
@don for confirming Andy Street chairs the WMCA and therefore until the election commences to elect a new Mayor all statements from the Chair of the WMCA should be under the WMCA I am sure you agree
@Stu ?
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 11:02:56 PM
@andy4wm has been Mr Streets hashtag since becoming Mayor in 2017. It is Andy Street's Plan as he is the leader of the WMCA
Yes and the topic is called Andy Street's Plan and you have admitted it is his plan just, most media items are calling it Andy Streets Plan.
No where I can see has he given any credit to the WMCA and I doubt whether most people would realise that he is leader of the WMCA, so they will think its Andy's plan anyway.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 10:36:44 PM
@Winston as there is no such Andy Street Plan but it is actually a WMCA plan should this thread be not merged with the West Midlands Combined Authority as we have two different threads on speeches and statements from Andy Street when until the start of the election all statements and speeches given by Mr Street are from his role as Mayor and leader of the WMCA.There is no such Andy Street Plan do we need two threads on Andy Street & the WMCA?
@richardjones210368 - topics merged as suggested.
Tbh, I'm not fussed who says / promises what, I just want to see some radical action instead of just woffle & tinkering.
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 04, 2020, 11:09:24 PM
Yes and the topic is called Andy Street's Plan and you have admitted it is his plan just, most media items are calling it Andy Streets Plan.
No where I can see has he given any credit to the WMCA and I doubt whether most people would realise that he is leader of the WMCA, so they will think its Andy's plan anyway.
Why would he credit the WMCA when he chairs it
@Stuharris 6360 ? It is the Chair of the WMCAs plan and I fully agree it is Andy Streets as Chair of the WMCA visionary plan for the West Midlands
@Stuharris 6360 I am sure you will agree we are lucky to have such a man of vision that Chairs the WMCA
Quote from: Winston on February 04, 2020, 11:12:12 PM
@richardjones210368 - topics merged as suggested.
Tbh, I'm not fussed who says / promises what, I just want to see some radical action instead of just woffle & tinkering.
Yes I fully agree
Quote from: richie on February 04, 2020, 09:58:41 PM
As the supposed second city our transport public or otherwise is seriously flawed we are eclipsed by most Cities in the country let alone London and Manchester.
We need a concise tram network
We need bus priority to elliviate the strain
We need snow hill lines upgraded, electrified and given the TPH other lines have at off peak times.
We need a clean air zone that prices you out of your car and a public transport solution to assist it.
We need an expansive park and ride network.
The second city hasn't got the second best transport solution.
I bet you can travel 5 miles across central London quicker, easier and with less stress than you can the same in Brum.
The plan is ambitious but its the right thing to do and as people and industry switch to reduce their impact on the environment then I feel this puts these plan even closer to realisation.
Who cares who's came is on the rubber stamp? Embrace change!
Well argued
Quote from: Stu on February 04, 2020, 07:37:55 PM
Yes, we are all fully aware that Mr Street is the democratically elected Mayor of the West Midlands, and for the record I did actually vote for him, albeit as my second choice.
I am not in any way proposing censorship against opinions I am not in agreement with, I am very much in support of the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
You are entitled to your opinion of Mr Street, and I am entitled to my own, as does anyone else.
I have asked you to detail these 'stunning achievements' that Mr Street has boasted of in this local newpaper, can you please list them for me? Because it seems to me that much of what Mr Street takes credit for is what has been in the planning for years, and would have happened regardless of whether he or Sion Simon won the mayoral election - for example, the Midland Metro tram extensions, the Sprint buses, and the reopening of Camp Hill line rail stations.
If you don't like people disagreeing with your opinions, that's fine, but debate the opinion, not the person.
I obviously don't enjoy the same kind of relationship that you have with Mr Street, so you'll have to forgive me for not holding him in as high a regard as you do.
Generally I keep my political opinions away from this forum, as it is not the place to express them, this is after all the 'West Midlands Buses In Photographs' forum. That's all I'm saying.
"Generally I keep my political opinions away from this forum, as it is not the place to express them, this is after all the 'West Midlands Buses In Photographs' forum. That's all I'm saying".I have clearly stated on this forum
@Stu I am not a member of The Conservative Party or a member of any other political party or organisation I therefore am not expressing any political views but merely supporting someone I have known for over 20 years in his role of overseeing the West Midlands Bus Network.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 04, 2020, 12:38:44 PM
Sandwell residents will be delighted to receive today a FREE copy of Sandwell Champions tabloid newspaper delivered direct to their letterboxes which features 12 excellent photos of Andy Street engaging with the good people of Blackheath, Great Bridge, Friar Park, Oldbury, Tipton, Tividale, Warley, Wednesbury and West Bromwich. The newspaper outlines all Mr Streets stunning achievements for Sandwell residents and includes an excellent interview with The Prime Minister on what he plans for the residents of Blackheath. I am personally very proud of a whole page entitled "Andy Street - getting to grips with the transport challenge" which outlines the stunning achievements Mr Street had made for bus use in Sandwell & includes an actual picture of him on a bus together with him inspecting brand new 82 & 87s. I am sure you join me in thanking Jay Singh Sohall for coordinating the free newspaper for the benefit of all Sandwell Residents & Sandwell Bus Users.
I live in Sandwell and haven't received one through my door.
Perhaps Mr Street would consider coming to Smethwick which before you say anything is not Warley and asking us what we would like from our bus services.
The thing is
@richardjones210368 , most people realise that Andy Street is only the chair of the Authority - anyone who suggests that everything WMCA does is Andy Street is conflating things for political ends - in fact it's the sort of thing people with mental illness do, but in this instance it's a deliberate attempt to deceive - what else would you describe taking credit for new platinum buses on the 82 and 87 in publicity when he had absolutely nothing to do with it. I just thing it's wanton deception, scraping the barrel and how can you you trust such an individual?
For trainspotters old enough to remember, the WMCA reminds me of the Ian Allan 'Combined' Volume - a fatter and far more expensive version of pre-existing items. The problem with WMCA is it's funded by Council Tax payers - in fact they will be charging a precept in the Council Tax, which the Authority (or in
@richardjones210368 terminology, Andy Street as the rest don't exist) will have to justify to electors. Of course, the Mayor is no more WMCA than the Police Commissioner is the Police Authority, or the Chief Constable is the Police Force.
As my old nan would say, 'put that in your pipe and smoke it' 😁😂😂
I have asked you to detail these 'stunning achievements' that Mr Street has boasted of in this local newpaper, can you please list them for me? Because it seems to me that much of what Mr Street takes credit for is what has been in the planning for years, and would have happened regardless of whether he or Sion Simon won the mayoral election - for example, the Midland Metro tram extensions, the Sprint buses, and the reopening of Camp Hill line rail stations.In response
@Stu 1. Forced WMR to cancel thier season ticket increases
2. Has worked with WMT and Diamond Bus to freeze cash bus fares a third year in a row
3. Prorected Ring & Ride after the operator collapsed
4. Bought the Metro back under local operation.
5. Improve the 126 by remodeling Birchley Crossings
6. Introduced Integrated Swift Tickeing
7. Worked in partnership with Rotala for cleaner, smarter buses.
8. Worked with operators to extend Diamond Bus pre 09.30 £1 concessionary ticket to all operators.
9. Introduced intergrated timetables and ticketing to key West Midlands Bus routes.
10. Personally obtained funding as Chair of the LEP for the introduction of the Sprint network for the West Midands.
Quote from: don on February 04, 2020, 11:56:36 PM
The thing is @richardjones210368 , most people realise that Andy Street is only the chair of the Authority - anyone who suggests that everything WMCA does is Andy Street is conflating things for political ends - in fact it's the sort of thing people with mental illness do, but in this instance it's a deliberate attempt to deceive - what else would you describe taking credit for new platinum buses on the 82 and 87 in publicity when he had absolutely nothing to do with it. I just thing it's wanton deception, scraping the barrel and how can you you trust such an individual?
For trainspotters old enough to remember, the WMCA reminds me of the Ian Allan 'Combined' Volume - a fatter and far more expensive version of pre-existing items. The problem with WMCA is it's funded by Council Tax payers - in fact they will be charging a precept in the Council Tax, which the Authority (or in @richardjones210368 terminology, Andy Street as the rest don't exist) will have to justify to electors. Of course, the Mayor is no more WMCA than the Police Commissioner is the Police Authority, or the Chief Constable is the Police Force.
As my old nan would say, 'put that in your pipe and smoke it' 😁😂😂
As I posted earlier
@don I am not aware Mr Street was not taking credit for Platinum but was inspecting the 82 & 87 as Chair of the WMCA and a levy has been placed on council tax payers since the abolition of the WMCC in1986 without it there would be no funding for free train services to concessionarys, reduced peak time fares for young people, socially necessary services where operators are unable to provide commercial services and the support of Ring & Ride one of the functions of the WMCA is to continue these services in the most sustainable way possible to the best value to council tax payers or do you want these services provided over and above the local authorities legal obligations abolished?
Quote from: PinkBus on February 04, 2020, 11:48:27 PM
I live in Sandwell and haven't received one through my door.
Perhaps Mr Street would consider coming to Smethwick which before you say anything is not Warley and asking us what we would like from our bus services.
Sandwell Champions is being distributed by Royal Mail to support the local postal service and I have posted the time and date of the next Ask Andy event open to all.
Quote from: Tony on February 04, 2020, 09:16:22 PM
Look where I've been today!
The same building I started work at coming up to 42 years ago
Mind you
@Tony I was born in the Maternity Hospital which closed in 1969 that adjoined part of the site that now occupies the building you stated work in 42 years, 51 years ago isnt life full of coincidences.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 05, 2020, 12:11:55 AM
Sandwell Champions is being distributed by Royal Mail to support the local postal service and I have posted the time and date of the next Ask Andy event open to all.
That really doesn't answer my questions though.
You stated that Sandwell households received Sandwell Champions yesterday, I live in Smethwick which is part of Sandwell and we didn't receive one via our postman.
Also you have, I agree published the next Ask Andy meeting on the forum and I'm sure it will be a very interesting and informative meeting, why was it when Mr Street was out and about in Sandwell, he couldn't find the time to speak to residents of my town when he spent time in nearly all the other parts of the borough?
I know we have got the platinum 87 & 82 which has been great, but I'm sure a lot of my fellow bus using neighbours would have appreciated a chance to chat to the mayor about our transport links.
Quote from: richardjones210368
As I posted earlier @dona levy has been placed on council tax payers since the abolition of the WMCC in1986 without it there would be no funding for free train services to concessionarys, reduced peak time fares for young people, socially necessary services where operators are unable to provide commercial services and the support of Ring & Ride one of the functions of the WMCA is to continue these services in the most sustainable way possible to the best value to council tax payers or do you want these services provided over and above the local authorities legal obligations abolished?
Whether some of these are good value is a moot point but what is definitely incorrect is that West Midlands Council Taxpayers have had a precept to pay for the mayor and his office/entourage etc etc since 1986. He comes at a cost and whether that is providing value for money is again a moot point - i do not expect to be seeing any objective costings, although I wouldn't put it past him trying to claim the entire benefit for HS2 phase 1, despite the fact that was never going to be dropped anyway (already under construction and far too much money already spent 😉)
Quote from: don on February 05, 2020, 04:11:42 AM
Whether some of these are good value is a moot point but what is definitely incorrect is that West Midlands Council Taxpayers have had a precept to pay for the mayor and his office/entourage etc etc since 1986. He comes at a cost and whether that is providing value for money is again a moot point - i do not expect to be seeing any objective costings, although I wouldn't put it past him trying to claim the entire benefit for HS2 phase 1, despite the fact that was never going to be dropped anyway (already under construction and far too much money already spent 😉)
The cost of The Mayor and the WMCA is on a very similar scale to Centro however the level funding obtained by The Mayor for projects funded by H M Government is significantly higher in the West Midands than previously. Any higher costs in running the office of Mayor is more compensated by the net inflows to the region to the sum of £1.1b over the term of office in the form of the devolution grant. Mr Street declared expenses of £21000 for his first 16 months in office. Mr Street receives a wage of £79000 per year from WMCA in.his role as Mayor. £823000 is recieved from H M Government to run the Mayors Office with a further £265000 raised from each of the 7 local authorities via Council Tax for the WMCA. Transport for West Midlands is funded by a £121000 levy to each of the 7 local authorities.
Quote from: PinkBus on February 05, 2020, 02:10:21 AM
That really doesn't answer my questions though.
You stated that Sandwell households received Sandwell Champions yesterday, I live in Smethwick which is part of Sandwell and we didn't receive one via our postman.
Also you have, I agree published the next Ask Andy meeting on the forum and I'm sure it will be a very interesting and informative meeting, why was it when Mr Street was out and about in Sandwell, he couldn't find the time to speak to residents of my town when he spent time in nearly all the other parts of the borough?
I know we have got the platinum 87 & 82 which has been great, but I'm sure a lot of my fellow bus using neighbours would have appreciated a chance to chat to the mayor about our transport links.
The last Ask Andy event in Sandwell was the 10th October. The distribution of Sandwell Champions is by Royal Mail to householders who recieved a postal delivery in Sandwell.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 05, 2020, 05:13:45 AM
The cost of The Mayor and the WMCA is on a very similar scale to Centro however the level funding obtained by The Mayor for projects funded by H M Government is significantly higher in the West Midands than previously. Any higher costs in running the office of Mayor is more compensated by the net inflows to the region to the sum of £1.1b over the term of office in the form of the devolution grant. Mr Street declared expenses of £21000 for his first 16 months in office. Mr Street receives a wage of £79000 per year from WMCA in.his role as Mayor. £823000 is recieved from H M Government to run the Mayors Office with a further £265000 raised from each of the 7 local authorities via Council Tax for the WMCA. Transport for West Midlands is funded by a £121000 levy to each of the 7 local authorities.
So he has claimed £250 per week in attendance and travelling allowance - that's a vast number of meetings then!!
The sums you've shown are a significant burden on the public finances. I think I would have to take issue with you on him being directly responsible for that inward investment - it's more the system that has resulted in that.
Mr Street does not prepare the business cases for infrastructure investment - that is carried out by professional specialists. I suspect that if the mayor was of a political persuasion different from that in national Government the values received for infrastructure, no matter how good the business cases, may not be as successful for purely political reasons.
I wish to take issue with you over the Andy Street success stories as an example of spin with little substance - namely the roll out of pre 0930 concessionary travel for £1 from the example set up by Diamond Bus.
There is a known issue of overcrowding in some areas immediately after 0930 as free concessionary travel kicks in. This affects smaller companies with lower seating capacity vehicles and fewer vehicles, and can cause poor customer experience and feedback. The provision of cheap fares for such travel in the peak is not only not a proven need (maybe a perceived one for firms like Diamond who haven't got the required flexibility to meet varying demand), and it introduces a two tier system for those who can afford to or are willing to pay. This, like the private/public health care would appear to appeal to a certain voting demographic - however they're likely to be driving about in cars and causing congestion anyway. If they did choose to use the bus, then they will just add to peak period overcrowding. So I view this as a completely hollow 'win' provided whereas he should be pursuing operators to provide the right capacity in the first place. A perfect example of a PR sound bite with no real substance to it.
1. So he has claimed £250 per week in attendance and travelling allowance - that's a vast number of meetings then!!
2. The sums you've shown are a significant burden on the public finances. I think I would have to take issue with you on him being directly responsible for that inward investment - it's more the system that has resulted in that.
3. Mr Street does not prepare the business cases for infrastructure investment - that is carried out by professional specialists. I suspect that if the mayor was of a political persuasion different from that in national Government the values received for infrastructure, no matter how good the business cases, may not be as successful for purely political reasons.
4. I wish to take issue with you over the Andy Street success stories as an example of spin with little substance - namely the roll out of pre 0930 concessionary travel for £1 from the example set up by Diamond Bus.
5. There is a known issue of overcrowding in some areas immediately after 0930 as free concessionary travel kicks in. This affects smaller companies with lower seating capacity vehicles and fewer vehicles, and can cause poor customer experience and feedback. The provision of cheap fares for such travel in the peak is not only not a proven need (maybe a perceived one for firms like Diamond who haven't got the required flexibility to meet varying demand), and it introduces a two tier system for those who can afford to or are willing to pay. This, like the private/public health care would appear to appeal to a certain voting demographic - however they're likely to be driving about in cars and causing congestion anyway. If they did choose to use the bus, then they will just add to peak period overcrowding. So I view this as a completely hollow 'win' provided whereas he should be pursuing operators to provide the right capacity in the first place. A perfect example of a PR sound bite with no real substance to it.
In Response
@don :
1. The Expenses also include Commenwelth Games work expenses.
2. The £1.1b is the grant from H M Gov which would not have been realised without the creation of The Mayors office.
3. Mr Street leads the infastructure projects financed from his budget.
4. Mr Street leads Sprint & other ticketing coordination.
5. Mr Street leads West Midlands Bus for greater service integration making public transport more accessible to all.
It is therefore fitting that for the legacy of The Mayor and to celebrate the five successful years of Mr Street holding the office of Mayor I understand permission has been granted for a life size abstract collage sculpture to be erected in Centenary Square for the next two years around The Commenwelth Games. I understand the proposed sculpture will be taken away & removed in Late 2022
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 05, 2020, 09:21:01 AM
1. So he has claimed £250 per week in attendance and travelling allowance - that's a vast number of meetings then!!
2. The sums you've shown are a significant burden on the public finances. I think I would have to take issue with you on him being directly responsible for that inward investment - it's more the system that has resulted in that.
3. Mr Street does not prepare the business cases for infrastructure investment - that is carried out by professional specialists. I suspect that if the mayor was of a political persuasion different from that in national Government the values received for infrastructure, no matter how good the business cases, may not be as successful for purely political reasons.
4. I wish to take issue with you over the Andy Street success stories as an example of spin with little substance - namely the roll out of pre 0930 concessionary travel for £1 from the example set up by Diamond Bus.
5. There is a known issue of overcrowding in some areas immediately after 0930 as free concessionary travel kicks in. This affects smaller companies with lower seating capacity vehicles and fewer vehicles, and can cause poor customer experience and feedback. The provision of cheap fares for such travel in the peak is not only not a proven need (maybe a perceived one for firms like Diamond who haven't got the required flexibility to meet varying demand), and it introduces a two tier system for those who can afford to or are willing to pay. This, like the private/public health care would appear to appeal to a certain voting demographic - however they're likely to be driving about in cars and causing congestion anyway. If they did choose to use the bus, then they will just add to peak period overcrowding. So I view this as a completely hollow 'win' provided whereas he should be pursuing operators to provide the right capacity in the first place. A perfect example of a PR sound bite with no real substance to it.
In Response @don :
1. The Expenses also include Commenwelth Games work expenses.
2. The £1.1b is the grant from H M Gov which would not have been realised without the creation of The Mayors office.
3. Mr Street leads the infastructure projects financed from his budget.
4. Mr Street leads Sprint & other ticketing coordination.
5. Mr Street leads West Midlands Bus for greater service integration making public transport more accessible to all.
It is therefore fitting that for the legacy of The Mayor and to celebrate the five successful years of Mr Street holding the office of Mayor I understand permission has been granted for a life size abstract collage sculpture to be erected in Centenary Square for the next two years around The Commenwelth Games. I understand the proposed sculpture will be taken away & removed in Late 2022
Mr street has only held office for under 3 years, IF he wins the mayoral election in May then he will get to see in the commonwealth games.
Andy street only became mayor with passing the 50% required to win by 0.4% which is a thin margin so it's not going to be a landslide win as you think. It could easily be a labour win, it's just too hard to predict.
It's a bit of bad press saying Andys plan for WM when in fact it's a decision made by the WMCA as they will be implementing it. It should of said WCMA plan for new infrastructure in by implemented by 2040.
I think 20 years is a bit optimistic as the Brierley Extension is only coming to fruition now when it was proposed back in the 00s. The new east side extension which is now going ahead is only going as far as Digbeth which in my eyes should of been to Solihull instead but it's a start (I know money is a factor but the east side is due 2026?) Leaves 14 years for rest of that line and then he wants an underground line (hasn't that been spoken about before and is very expensive to implement) Stourbridge extension from brierley hill is more likely to happen as the rails are already there and possible involve a few bridge rebuilds unless they operate on battery power.
In conclusion I'm happy for this plan to happen but it's a lot of money and 20 years is too optimistic as Govenment has the possibility of changing 4 times 2024/9/34/9 and anything can happen.
Quote from: SL 16 YPN on February 05, 2020, 11:37:15 AM
Mr street has only held office for under 3 years, IF he wins the mayoral election in May then he will get to see in the commonwealth games.
Andy street only became mayor with passing the 50% required to win by 0.4% which is a thin margin so it's not going to be a landslide win as you think. It could easily be a labour win, it's just too hard to predict.
It's a bit of bad press saying Andys plan for WM when in fact it's a decision made by the WMCA as they will be implementing it. It should of said WCMA plan for new infrastructure in by implemented by 2040.
I think 20 years is a bit optimistic as the Brierley Extension is only coming to fruition now when it was proposed back in the 00s. The new east side extension which is now going ahead is only going as far as Digbeth which in my eyes should of been to Solihull instead but it's a start (I know money is a factor but the east side is due 2026?) Leaves 14 years for rest of that line and then he wants an underground line (hasn't that been spoken about before and is very expensive to implement) Stourbridge extension from brierley hill is more likely to happen as the rails are already there and possible involve a few bridge rebuilds unless they operate on battery power.
In conclusion I'm happy for this plan to happen but it's a lot of money and 20 years is too optimistic as Govenment has the possibility of changing 4 times 2024/9/34/9 and anything can happen.
On the contrary
@SL 16 YPN I certainly do not expect an landslide victory if any for Andy Street but will continue to support him personally to the end but not his political party. I fully agree with all your points and agree this is a roadmap for WMCA
Blimey, Andy Street really has gone all out with the crayons hasn't he?
Wake me up when shoves hit the ground.
Quote from: Dylan4579 on February 05, 2020, 04:48:03 PM
Blimey, Andy Street really has gone all out with the crayons hasn't he?
Wake me up when shoves hit the ground.
I personally think of him as king of the crayolas and do not even think of what he can achieve with play dough.......................
Still waiting for our Sandwell Champions to be delivered to my home which is a B67 postcode, therefore part of Sandwell. Hurry up please Royal Mail!
My neighbours got quite interested as well.
I do have a genuine question though, the last Sandwell Ask Andy meetings were held on 10/10/19. Were they publicised on the local buses or at bus stops or was it a online access only? I'm asking because I am quite interested in the travel infrastructure in the West Midlands generally and especially in my own little corner of Sandwell.
If it was online access only, may I suggest that it further meetings are to be held, that fliers are placed on local buses with dates and times and also local media.
Quote from: PinkBus on February 05, 2020, 06:07:44 PM
Still waiting for our Sandwell Champions to be delivered to my home which is a B67 postcode, therefore part of Sandwell. Hurry up please Royal Mail!
My neighbours got quite interested as well.
I do have a genuine question though, the last Sandwell Ask Andy meetings were held on 10/10/19. Were they publicised on the local buses or at bus stops or was it a online access only? I'm asking because I am quite interested in the travel infrastructure in the West Midlands generally and especially in my own little corner of Sandwell.
If it was online access only, may I suggest that it further meetings are to be held, that fliers are placed on local buses with dates and times and also local media.
As far as I am aware the details of the Ask Andy events are always listed in local free newspapers such as The Sandwell Cronchicle and the paid for Express & Star and Birmingham Mail as well as local libraries the only buses it can be carried Sandwell are the West Midlands Bus routes which sadly do not apply to Smethwick as yet.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 05, 2020, 06:19:41 PM
As far as I am aware the details of the Ask Andy events are always listed in local free newspapers such as The Sandwell Cronchicle and the paid for Express & Star and Birmingham Mail as well as local libraries the only buses it can be carried Sandwell are the West Midlands Bus routes which sadly do not apply to Smethwick as yet.
Thank you for that reply. I will keep my eyes open in the future and try and attend a meeting as it sounds quite interesting.
The following two candidates have announced thier declaration to intend to enter the election for Mayor of The West Midlands Combined Authority.
Quote from: SL 16 YPN on February 05, 2020, 11:37:15 AM
Mr street has only held office for under 3 years, IF he wins the mayoral election in May then he will get to see in the commonwealth games.
Andy street only became mayor with passing the 50% required to win by 0.4% which is a thin margin so it's not going to be a landslide win as you think. It could easily be a labour win, it's just too hard to predict.
It's a bit of bad press saying Andys plan for WM when in fact it's a decision made by the WMCA as they will be implementing it. It should of said WCMA plan for new infrastructure in by implemented by 2040.
I think 20 years is a bit optimistic as the Brierley Extension is only coming to fruition now when it was proposed back in the 00s. The new east side extension which is now going ahead is only going as far as Digbeth which in my eyes should of been to Solihull instead but it's a start (I know money is a factor but the east side is due 2026?) Leaves 14 years for rest of that line and then he wants an underground line (hasn't that been spoken about before and is very expensive to implement) Stourbridge extension from brierley hill is more likely to happen as the rails are already there and possible involve a few bridge rebuilds unless they operate on battery power.
In conclusion I'm happy for this plan to happen but it's a lot of money and 20 years is too optimistic as Govenment has the possibility of changing 4 times 2024/9/34/9 and anything can happen.
All these new tram lines really makes me think what would happen if the WMCA was made a decade earlier. We would've had a tram network which would rival the Metrolink in Manchester.
Quote from: Busboy105 on February 06, 2020, 10:42:28 AM
All these new tram lines really makes me think what would happen if the WMCA was made a decade earlier. We would've had a tram network which would rival the Metrolink in Manchester.
I think the main difference between Manchester & Birmingham is that Manchester has a fragmented bus network whilst Birmingham basically has one dominant operator therefore the Transport Authority of the day Centro were reluctant to pursue infrastructure projects which may have undermined the financial viability of a commercial company together with the Transport Authority of the day also having no cohesive leadership or direction GMPTE was always more rebellious than WMPTE.
GMPTE operation was split generally between two operators, Stagecoach to the south and First to the north. The tram network was developed early on and was helped by being able to take over existing rail routes which lent themselves to an LRT approach - however potential LRT in the West Midlands out along the Washwood Heath corridor towards Chelmsley Wood was scuppered in the early 80s by a vociferous campaign by Hodge Hill residents - which seems to have put the dampers on suburban LRT not on old rail routes. I had a quiet chuckle to myself yesterday when the Eastside tram scheme had Solihull and tram in the same sentence - I suspect it may be very unpopular out there!!
I've been meaning to mention this, but it should be said that local democracy involves elected members and professional officers. The political group (elected members) are responsible for approving some Policy (in some cases with sign off by DfT if the activity is not fully delegated), whereas the professional officers develop the strategies, plans and schemes, which are also submitted for political approval - in some cases the politicians ask for specific things to be developed or included. Additionally many decisions are delegated to officers (eg junction layouts etc).
Although the mayor is a figurehead, for instance in London, all day to day operation is with TfL (with districts responsible for instance for non strategic roads. The mayor may have pet schemes (like the rather silly or great, dependent on your viewpoint Borismaster) but much of what happens doesn't go near him - he wouldn't have time.
I suspect this is how it works in the WM area - let's hope so as I hope and suspect Andy Street isn't actually a dictator!!
Some politicians use knowledgable individuals as sounding boards but it is generally professionals who support them.
Other than the planned sculpture in Centenary Square I understand Mr Street isn't know for being a meglamaniac he has six full time professional political advisers on a salary who cover different aspects of the WMCA such as Transport, Housing, Business etc in addition there are around 20 unpaid sector advisers each of whom specifically advise on policy on buses, railways, metro, international commere, the homeless, affordable housing, policing, fire service etc. This allows Mr Street a broad church of advisors both professional and each knowledable in thier own field of expertise. He has a select inner circle of trusted advisers whose opinions he acts upon when having little knowledge of the matter in.hand.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 06, 2020, 03:06:30 PM
Other than the planned sculpture in Centenary Square I understand Mr Street isn't know for being a meglamaniac he has six full time professional political advisers on a salary who cover different aspects of the WMCA such as Transport, Housing, Business etc in addition there are around 20 unpaid sector advisers each of whom specifically advise on policy on buses, railways, metro, international commere, the homeless, affordable housing, policing, fire service etc. This allows Mr Street a broad church of advisors both professional and each knowledable in thier own field of expertise. He has a select inner circle of trusted advisers whose opinions he acts upon when having little knowledge of the matter in.hand.
I hope he's not but you do make him sound very autocratic - the mayor has done this, that and the other.
The whole point of my previous post was to try and split the political side of governance from the professional, do er side. Political advisers are completely different and should be funded by the political party, not from the public purse - I hope they are not - can you confirm that? I'm surprised he needs six for the reasonably narrow range of activities - the first few could be dealt with (as political adviser) by a transport specialist.
As a transport professional, I'm required to give impartial advice (this is how the whole civil service and local government officers work). I've come across political advisers in the past - quite interesting - howeber impartial professional advisers are what the civil service and local government officers are - if they were not impartial they would not be able to give impartial professional guidance. After all politicians are usually not versed in the subject areas they are required to look after the purse strings for. However I've come across politicians who ask for excellent and sometimes idiotic things to be done (even illegal)!
Since when was political advertising allowed on any public transport (your comment about Andy Street's clinic not permitted except on WM Bus routes)? Those of us old enough to remember the battle between Thatcher and Livingstone, which outlawed advertisement politically on public transport (especially buses) will recall this.
Quote from: don on February 06, 2020, 06:01:01 PM
I hope he's not but you do make him sound very autocratic - the mayor has done this, that and the other.
The whole point of my previous post was to try and split the political side of governance from the professional, do er side. Political advisers are completely different and should be funded by the political party, not from the public purse - I hope they are not - can you confirm that? I'm surprised he needs six for the reasonably narrow range of activities - the first few could be dealt with (as political adviser) by a transport specialist.
As a transport professional I've come across political advisers in the past - quite interesting - howeber impartial professional advisers are what the civil service and local government officers are - if they were not impartial they would not be able to give impartial professional guidance. After all politicians are usually not versed in the subject areas they are required to look after the purse strings for. However I've come across politicians who ask for excellent and sometimes idiotic things to be done (even illegal)!
Since when was political advertising allowed on any public transport (your comment about Andy Street's clinic not permitted except on WM Bus routes)? Those of us old enough to remember the battle between Thatcher and Livingstone, which outlawed advertisement politically on public transport (especially buses) will recall this.
The political advisers are professionals appointed by The Mayor and are paid from the block grant from Central Government to run the Mayoral Office in the same manner as Dominic Cummings is paid for his work at No10 no local council tax funding is applied. The Ask Andy events are nothing to do with The Conservative Party and are forum for the WMCA therefore can be publicly advertised on the WMCA/TfWM Bus Services.
The set up you describe sounds extraordinary!! I'd have thought the West Midlands Combined Authority would not be relying on so many unpaid advisers and full time salaried political advisers. The very epitome of an amateur set up then!!
Quote from: don on February 06, 2020, 06:18:21 PM
The set up you describe sounds extraordinary!! I'd have thought the West Midlands Combined Authority would not be relying on so many unpaid advisers and full time salaried political advisers. The very epitome of an amateur set up then!!
I am referring to The Office of Mayor and not the WMCA the advisers do not advise WMCA they advise The Mayor, the Office of Mayor functions in the same manner as 10 Downing Street there is nothing extraordinary its is the normal function of a political office.
So taxpayers pay for the political advisers then? Or is it Conservative party central office?
Btw as the mayor is a political figure, advertising his surgeries on buses is illegal.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 06, 2020, 06:19:48 PM
the Office of Mayor functions in the same manner as 10 Downing Street there is nothing extraordinary its is the normal function of a political office.
Except his cabinet is a group of political and local 'interested amateur' advisers (disparagingly, in local government sometimes referred to as local busybodies)? Which is a very different arrangement from 10 Downing St.
I think you may be mixing up Conservative Party Central Office and the governance workings of 10 Downing St.
Dominic Cummings is a political strategy officer (this a party official) - the PPSs are the Civil Service senior advisers.
Quote from: don on February 06, 2020, 06:30:17 PM
Except his cabinet is a group of political and local 'interested party' advisers (disparagingly, in local government sometimes referred to as local busybodies)? Which is a very different arrangement from 10 Downing St.
The cabinet is made up of the elected representatives of the WMCA completely separate from the work of the "Special" advisers to the Office of Mayor they have no role on cabinet affairs at the advisors when I worked at 11 Downing Street the "Special" advisors of which I was one were funded by H M Government I may be a stupid accountant but I am able to remember who paid my salary and it was not the political parties themselves and so we were and they are still today funded from the public purse then as Mr Cummings is today as a "Special" the same applies to The Mayors "Special" Advisors of which I am not.
So what we have concluded is the mayor's office is a political operation funded entirely from public funds, and for which it is entitled to raise a precept on the Council Tax - oh and commission public artwork, when really it is the WMCA which does all the work. And I thought we were in austerity - extraordinary!!
As I say, you are wrong regarding advertising 'mayoral surgeries' on WM Bus vehicles - in a similar way to advertising local councillor or MP ones in a similar way would! Very odd things are going on in the West Midlands, it seems.
Very revealing!!
Quote from: don on February 06, 2020, 06:49:47 PM
So what we have concluded is the mayor's office is a political operation funded entirely from public funds, and for which it is entitled to raise a precept on the Council Tax - oh and commission public artwork, when really it is the WMCA which does all the work. And I thought we were in austerity - extraordinary!!
As I say, you are wrong regarding advertising 'mayoral surgeries' on WM Bus vehicles - in a similar way to advertising local councillor or MP ones in a similar way would! Very odd things are going on in the West Midlands, it seems.
Very revealing!!
They are NOT Mayoral Surgeries and there is no such thing they a public meetings held to question a state holder of office about his duties and if raised the local bus network and as they are not either covered by the legislation covering MP & Councillor surgerys and therefore can be advertised as such. It is not unique to the West Midlands the Metro Mayors of Manchester, Liverpool and Tyneside follow the same principles.
Quote from: don on February 06, 2020, 06:30:17 PM
Except his cabinet is a group of political and local 'interested amateur' advisers (disparagingly, in local government sometimes referred to as local busybodies)? Which is a very different arrangement from 10 Downing St.
I think you may be mixing up Conservative Party Central Office and the governance workings of 10 Downing St.
Dominic Cummings is a political strategy officer (this a party official) - the PPSs are the Civil Service senior advisers.
I think you may be mixing up Conservative Party Central Office and the governance workings of 10 Downing St.
Dominic Cummings is a political strategy officer (this a party official) - the PPSs are the Civil Service senior advisers.when I worked at 11 Downing Street the "Special" advisors of which I was one were funded by H M Government I may be a stupid accountant but I am able to remember who paid my salary and it was not the political partiesMr Cummings is paid over £100000 from the public purse as are Lee Caine, Eddie Lister & Murima Merzza in all Mr Johnson has 108 Special Advisors paid from the public purse not the political parties.
I hope Mr Street will be doing what he can to maintain his 29,000+ majority in Solihull. Not seen him over here that much.
Quote from: ellspurs on February 06, 2020, 07:14:05 PM
I hope Mr Street will be doing what he can to maintain his 29,000+ majority in Solihull. Not seen him over here that much.
As I am mainly involved in activities in Sandwell sadly I cannot comment.
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 06, 2020, 06:59:32 PM
I think you may be mixing up Conservative Party Central Office and the governance workings of 10 Downing St.
Dominic Cummings is a political strategy officer (this a party official) - the PPSs are the Civil Service senior advisers.
when I worked at 11 Downing Street the "Special" advisors of which I was one were funded by H M Government I may be a stupid accountant but I am able to remember who paid my salary and it was not the political parties
Mr Cummings is paid over £100000 from the public purse as are Lee Caine, Eddie Lister & Murima Merzza in all Mr Johnson has 108 Special Advisors paid from the public purse not the political parties.
Firstly, you told us you worked in Whitehall (not Downing Street), and secondly you have revealed the Government and WM Mayor are paying large sums of public money on political advisers - forgive me but my old fashioned mind suggests that's a gross misuse of public funds. I suggest politicians should pay for their own 'political' advisers.
Quote from: don on February 06, 2020, 07:28:22 PM
Firstly, you told us you worked in Whitehall (not Downing Street), and secondly you have revealed the Government and WM Mayor are paying large sums of public money on political advisers - forgive me but my old fashioned mind suggests that's a gross misuse of public funds. I suggest politicians should pay for their own 'political' advisers.
I worked in Whitehall from 2011 to 2015 on attachment to The Treasury during the coalition and was head hunted to 11 from 2015 until 2016 after The General Election as a "Special" Advisor until my boss was sacked by a mad deranged woman who had moved in next door however she ultimately got her own comeuppance in the world of politics.
Quote from: ellspurs on February 06, 2020, 07:14:05 PM
I hope Mr Street will be doing what he can to maintain his 29,000+ majority in Solihull. Not seen him over here that much.
I wouldn't hold your breath - he's probably got a 'dead cert' majority in that area and will focus on areas where he may swing voters by his political spin - oh smacked hand sorry - the surgeries aren't political but are 'public information events' so can be advertised on buses (but only WM Bus ones)....
I received one of Andys newsletters today, I must say I am a bit underwhelmed as much of an interest I have in public transport it seems that the mayor is an all out bus and train nut. The majority of his leaflet was about public transport. Surely the mayor should be appealing to the many not just users or potential users of public transport. He needs to broaden his horizons! I voted for a mayor not a transport boss! There is a lot lot more to fix across the boroughs.
@richie its is very bus based the newspaper isn't it I am not sure why and with Labour's candidates declaring next week we are about to see the start of the campaign for the election of the next Mayor of The West Midlands Combined Authority and with that in mind this is my final post. I do not want a conflict of interest and this is not a political forum. Many thanks to everyone to listening to my opinions of the buses of the West Midlands. Thank you to everyone who replied to my posts and to the moderators who I have requested to delete my account and to all the posters when you see the X8 try and think of me...............
Quote from: richardjones210368 on February 06, 2020, 11:11:24 PM
Yes @richie its is very bus based the newspaper isn't it I am not sure why and with Labour's candidates declaring next week we are about to see the start of the campaign for the election of the next Mayor of The West Midlands Combined Authority and with that in mind this is my final post. I do not want a conflict of interest and this is not a political forum. Many thanks to everyone to listening to my opinions of the buses of the West Midlands. Thank you to everyone who replied to my posts and to the moderators who I have requested to delete my account and to all the posters when you see the X8 try and think of me...............
Maybe we can return to some normality now!
Well I guess he's gone then..
Quote from: PinkBus on February 05, 2020, 06:07:44 PM
Still waiting for our Sandwell Champions to be delivered to my home which is a B67 postcode, therefore part of Sandwell. Hurry up please Royal Mail!
For your information
@PinkBus , I just found my copy of 'Birmingham Champions' while I was sorting through some junk mail I had inadvertently left on my kitchen work top.
It was hidden inside a Farm Foods leaflet, which I regularly receive and usually put straight in the recycling box.
You may well have done the same! (Royal Mail do deliver this junk mail too!)
Having said that, after scanning briefly through the contents, 'Birmingham Champions' did swiftly end up in the recycling. At least it may enjoy a more useful purpose once it is recycled!
The "Solihull Champions" newsletter finally turned up this week. Mr Street apparently wishes to build a Gigafactory of some sort (for electric cars) on a brownfield site. Oh and he personally worked with NX to freeze fare prices for a third year in a row, and increased funding for Landflight-ran local services.
The usual tosh, I expect.
Quote from: ellspurs on February 15, 2020, 09:19:21 AM
The "Solihull Champions" newsletter finally turned up this week. Mr Street apparently wishes to build a Gigafactory of some sort (for electric cars) on a brownfield site. Oh and he personally worked with NX to freeze fare prices for a third year in a row, and increased funding for Landflight-ran local services.
The usual tosh, I expect.
and the 'Coventry Champions' version also turned up this week. Could it be re-election time soon? I guess he has more sponsorship money to spend than his rivals?
@Trident 4194 experience with National Express West Midlands or TfWM on the subject of refunds for TfWM tickets purchased. If any one else has or had a similar experience please Personal Message me with the details to take the subject off forum in order to seek a resolution to the matter. Untill yesterday I was not aware of the problems there appears to be with ticket refunds.
Please, we don't need every other thread about one persons bus pass.
Quote from: WyreForestShuttle on June 25, 2020, 08:34:08 AM
Following @Trident 4194 experience of the failure to get any satisfaction with National Express West Midlands on the subject of refunds for TfWM tickets purchased from them. If any one else has or had a similar experience please Personal Message me with the details to take the subject off forum in order to gather the evidence for submission to the WMCA. Untill yesterday TfWM were not aware of the failings of NXWM to its customers as well over 90% tickets issued by TfWM due a refund have been sucessfully refunded.
Just out of interest, what is your position within TfWM/WMCA and what can you do about this that others can't?
Quote from: Pat on June 25, 2020, 09:51:34 AM
Just out of interest, what is your position within TfWM/WMCA and what can you do about this that others can't?
I you would like to PM me with the question off forum I am happy to respond it is not a subject for discussion on a public forum.
Quote from: WyreForestShuttle on June 25, 2020, 08:34:08 AM
Following @Trident 4194 experience of the failure to get any satisfaction with National Express West Midlands on the subject of refunds for TfWM tickets purchased from them. If any one else has or had a similar experience please Personal Message me with the details to take the subject off forum in order to gather the evidence for submission to the WMCA. Untill yesterday TfWM were not aware of the failings of NXWM to its customers as well over 90% tickets issued by TfWM due a refund have been sucessfully refunded.
WMCA/TfWM must have had their heads in the sand then.
This is a nationwide issue for public transport operators (particularly who operate commercially) and Transport Focus has been dealing with the rail aspects. However their website indicates expect delays in receiving a refund owing to demand and the fact staff have been furloughed - 8 weeks appears to be normal. There is also not a consistent approach across all transport operators.
It is unfair to single out NXWM on this beyond Trident 4194's complaint, which frankly should be taken up in official channels not on a public forum. It's a national problem.
Quote from: WyreForestShuttle on June 25, 2020, 10:14:28 AM
I you would like to PM me with the question off forum I am happy to respond it is not a subject for discussion on a public forum.
How odd - but requesting complaints about NXWM is? Remember the forum's privately owned and provided for transport enthusiasts - and I'd be mightily pissed off if some anonymous busybody (even if it's the Mayor himself in disguise) was encouraging people to make complaints about my employer on it 😏
Quote from: don on June 25, 2020, 11:52:50 AM
How odd - but requesting complaints about NXWM is? Remember the forum's privately owned and provided for transport enthusiasts - and I'd be mightily pissed off if some anonymous busybody (even if it's the Mayor himself in disguise) was encouraging people to make complaints about my employer on it 😏
I am not asking for complaints about Mr Hunters employer in any way. I am asking for feedback about ticket refunds to NXWM & TfWM customers in response to a posters experience to try to find a solution to the problem which is why I asked for it to be undertaken offline .It is no way a reflection of the excellent operations National Express West Midlands provide across the West Midlands. We are very lucky to have an operator of such high quality providing such a comprehensive service. We are also very lucky to have Mr Hunters excellent forum where all matters of the local bus world can be discussed in a constructive manor . I thank Mr Hunter for all his hard work on the forum it is much appreciated. I am simply trying to ascertain if there is a wider problem at TfWM & NXWM which needs resolving.
Thank you all for prompting me to check if my refund from National Express had been processed for my September coach booking.
It has been processed, and it seemed to have taken 4 weeks or so to go through, done by filling out a Google Docs form on their website.
Tony/Stu - feel free to delete this message as I'm aware it is seriously off topic.
Please PM with any personal experience of ticket refunds as it is off topic
I am quite happy for anyone to contact the above, but that is the end of the subject on here. And as I have previously done personal complaints about any operator will get deleted
Quote from: Tony on June 25, 2020, 03:48:13 PM
I am quite happy for anyone to contact the above, but that is the end of the subject on here. And as I have previously done personal complaints about any operator will get deleted
I agree with Tony here, this forum isn't the place for such complaints.
If anyone here wants to discuss the issue of ticket refunds, this kind of discussion is what I am looking for on my own bus users Community Forum, but do note that any complaints raised there can't be addressed directly, they would still need to be taken up with the relevant operator or ticket issuing authority, the forum is just for seeking advice from other bus users.
@WyreForestShuttle you're more than welcome to join my forum if you can assist bus users with such matters in any way.
In the meantime I agree, lets keep this particular forum on-topic.
Quote from: Stu on June 25, 2020, 07:21:26 PM
I agree with Tony here, this forum isn't the place for such complaints.
If anyone here wants to discuss the issue of ticket refunds, this kind of discussion is what I am looking for on my own bus users Community Forum, but do note that any complaints raised there can't be addressed directly, they would still need to be taken up with the relevant operator or ticket issuing authority, the forum is just for seeking advice from other bus users.
@WyreForestShuttle you're more than welcome to join my forum if you can assist bus users with such matters in any way.
In the meantime I agree, lets keep this particular forum on-topic.
Thank you
@Stu I have signed up sucessfully for your forum. If questions are raised on your forum I am more than happy to raise any points to the WMCA. I did struggle with the Security Question luckily I could phone a friend who seemed to know who he was luckily. It was never my intention to criticise NXWM I simply wanted to collect data on pass refunds to see if we could improve procedures know we are emerging from lockdown with more staff in place and provide comprehensive data to the next West Midlands Bus Alliance meeting of which NXWM attends along with most other operators.
The WMCA Public Consultation on The Mayors Vision To Transform Bus Travel in The West Midlands County thru Enchanced Partnerships using legislation from The Buses Act 2017 is now live on the TfWM Website.
Your link does not work, the correct one is: (
WMCA Mayor Andy Street & WMBA Chair Cllr Kath Hartley have launched an revised bus consultation today about the A34 & A45 which can be viewed on the following working link:
Clampdown on passengers not wearing face coverings by The West Midlands Safer Travel Partnership
@l.murphy123 the remuneration from TfWM depends on the specification of the tender. If an operator has been accepted on a nil tender the operators keeps the remuneration. If as TfWM has been issuing block tenders following a business case submitted by an operator such as NXWM 54/10 the remuneration is part of business bid. On a straight single tender TfWM sets the fares and the timetable the operator usually keeps the remuneration if that is specified in the tender but not always. I hope this is correct its my interpretation of it with the WMCA.
@Tony @Simon Dunn &
@Steveminor please feel free to correct any of this as operators.