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travel card renewals

Started by windy miller, December 16, 2021, 04:06:40 AM

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windy miller

My Local travelcard is due to expire in mid january  do I need to approach
WMT or some other advisory/local authority to get a renewal? Do I need to hand in my old card?/     thanks
Mind the Gap.....?:-)


What type of pass is it, as there's a few locals?

I have to renew my Walsall Nbus at a local newsagents now.


I find it easier with the NX bus app, I know it's only single, day, weekly or monthly.   

I hope NX can expand the options such as a yearly ticket on the app.


Is there a West Midlands Network version of the app, so you can have Nbus travel on all operators,  rather than being restricted to one operator like Nx?


Quote from: Westy on December 21, 2021, 11:04:13 PM
Is there a West Midlands Network version of the app, so you can have Nbus travel on all operators,  rather than being restricted to one operator like Nx?
The NX app offers nBus passes for 1 week and 4 week - even for local low fare zones
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windy miller

   My National (concessionary) bus pass was issued within 5 days of
   having applied for it before christmas. I didn't realise it was so easy to do.. 
    They don't appear to change the original photo
Mind the Gap.....?:-)


The 'replacement' renewal agent in Walsall(actually our 'friend' in Leicester Street from memory seems to have been doing bus passes since the year dot. He must be one of the longest running agents in the area, unless anyone knows different?) had a problem with his equipment the other week, so me & my sister went to have a look at the Swift box in the bus station, as I needed to renew my pass.

In conclusion, despite it being early evening, I still felt a bit exposed using it, but between the 2 of us, we worked it out. We also thought you'd have to be careful that you don't leave vital cards in the machine, which brings me onto the next part of the post.

I thought yesterday, on the way home, I'd try & put credit onto my 'backup' PAYGO card, so gets there, puts the card on the machine, asks for a receipt, then it asks for payment, which is where the problem started.

'Card declined', when I tapped the contacless bit.

Right, try again, same again.

Eventually I called the TfWM chap over & he has a try.

Same again.

He eventually discovers someone had left their Halifax card in the machine, preventing any further transactions taking place.

Card removed & now all is working well, transaction done, £20 on my card.

So if someone is missing a Halifax card, try Walsall Bus Station staff.

Another thing, I also use an NBus Walsall 4 week card.

It was only changed from what was a Black Country pass to a Walsall pass, because of the pandemic & because I changed jobs, & all my commuting was done within Walsall.

Is it easy to change the pass on the machine, if I needed / wanted to upgrade the pass to a larger area?

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