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Sunny Travel

Started by Tony, July 05, 2012, 07:05:40 PM

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Seen at Old Square today, this Sunny Travel driver who overtook the NXWM bus on the inside, using the wrong lane to turn right at high speed. Rather a dangerous manouvre. He was lucky there was no traffic waiting to come out of Priory Queensway, because he couldn't control the bus enough to stay the correct side of the give way line. See photo attached



do you think theres a "beat the nxwm" any which way you can driving school? shame your not in wn with ya camera tony. you could cop some beauties of the excellent driving standards of another 2 loonies reguarly driving in competition with nxwm.


The president isn't even on a competing service, so what was the motivation for this?


All of the little companies do it, maybe to a lesser extent than this. It isn't unusual to see an independant trying to overtake NXWM buses when there are genrous loadings regardless of when they are scheduled to run! Though i can understand this may be neccassary to make it pay, surely setting up a taxi business would be betetr if it is rthat difficult to play the bus game!?


Quote from: BU07 LGO on July 06, 2012, 12:27:45 AM
All of the little companies do it, maybe to a lesser extent than this. It isn't unusual to see an independant trying to overtake NXWM buses when there are genrous loadings regardless of when they are scheduled to run! Though i can understand this may be neccassary to make it pay, surely setting up a taxi business would be betetr if it is rthat difficult to play the bus game!?
agree with this probably because for example if NXWM 16 is running ahead of a Diamond/GRS Travel they would normally overtake at any oppurtunity to get the passengers :P


Quote from: 4006 on July 23, 2012, 10:18:02 PM
Same as Travel Express on the 11 they will do anything to get ahead and then 'Hog' the stand at the station! If a NX bus is on the 11 stand (even if its on time) and a TE comes in it will blast the horn straight away without even giving the driver a chance to move! The NX driver has to sit there waiting their time (or there may be a delay changing driver or a lengthy passenger problem/issue) while the TE will que right up its ass blocking the 32/33 stand or worse pull up beside and wait and block the whole bus station. Then when the NX driver leaves the TE will pull onto the stand and sit there for 5 sometimes 10 mins with the ENGINE RUNNING! then it will leave progress to Stafford Street and block that stand for 5-10 mins the reason for this obviously is that these two stops are the main pick-ups
PATHETIC! especially as NX drivers get booked for this (one got booked the other day for not stopping on the right stand even!!!!)
and worse Centro staff watch this happen day in day out yet still they are allowed to continue in their pig ignorant mannor!
P.S I do not put all the TE drivers in the same basket as I said before but some of them are complete idiots!

well 10 mins is on overstay on stand so would be booked by centro if there doing there job the engine is another ticket so thats some money out the drivers bonus (if they have one)


Im sure some bus drivers dont turn off the engine of the bus incase they cant get it started again, as i normally use NXWM or Diamond when the drivers have turned the engine off and back on a few minutes later they have always seem to get them going first time with no trouble


I have now put full vehicle histories on the current vehicles of Sunny Travel


Are sunny travel making a return to the 87? I saw one of their darts by summerfield park


Quote from: dgss1 on April 14, 2013, 08:46:05 PM
Are sunny travel making a return to the 87? I saw one of their darts by summerfield park

Not to my knowledge, if so, they'll only be able to operate to Town Hall, unless they use their low floor dart(s)
Class 153, 155 and 156. The Super Sprinters
"Around the corner" routes: 21, 89
Local routes: 12/A, 48/A
Semi-local routes: 54, 80, 87

Most used routes in bold


They fuel up by there at the garage it's a yellow
one not sure of the name off it then go up to the
depot to park for the night


W573XRO, seen on the 71E today, Still in UNO livery

bwsau cymru

Quote from: neale95 on June 13, 2013, 07:30:13 PM
W573XRO, seen on the 71E today, Still in UNO livery

Good to see a new arrival and a full size dart too! operate a good service on 71 and good to see exit of a step dart!
campaigning for better transport for all


Another UNO dart out on 71E today

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