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Tram 18

Started by Solo1, January 23, 2017, 06:08:04 PM

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"due to their length the Urbos 3 trams have always been moved in two sections"

So they can't take a 33m tram on the back of a lorry in one piece but they can take a 37.2m tram on the back of a lorry without having to split it  :D
Twitter @TomCousins60054


This move has been on the books for over a year and half, it was to take place just after the T69s  were taken out of service. 
The original plan was for it to be Tram 17 , but because of the parts robbed from it and it not having done any large amount of mileage .

Tram 18 was considered the best reliable tram out the fleet  ( alot more can be said for one or two of them !!!!)
18 went back minus a few  parts , these parts will be used to get Tram 27 back out working which has  now been out of use since April 2016 !

18 will be back in time for summer , testing on battery power with the Panto down should give a few people a second glance at it . :o



Can't believe that I haven't noticed 27 missing for nearly 2 years, only use the Metro to commute....


A shame they couldn't have taken 26 out of service. The noise of the bendy bit in the middle is deafening. It's truly shocking that it's allowed out like that.


Tram 27 was out on test Today, ran from the depot to Wolverhampton  Then  grand central and back to the depot,   CAF engineers on board and also a CAF  Driver has it is still under warranty.

More info on Btol


I'm on 27 right now. Seems different, like it has had different lighting fitted?


Quote from: uniquicity on February 17, 2017, 05:37:35 PM
I'm on 27 right now. Seems different, like it has had different lighting fitted?
According to the British Trams on-Line website:

"Of note is that one saloon of 27 has been fitted with new LED lighting with the other end still featuring the traditional strip lighting as carried on all other trams."


Both saloons on 27 Now have L.E.D   lighting Fitted,    ever wondered were BTOL   get there info   :-X


Quote from: MetroT69 on March 14, 2017, 12:44:14 PM
Both saloons on 27 Now have L.E.D   lighting Fitted,    ever wondered were BTOL   get there info   :-X

To be fair when I went on it both saloons looked to have slightly different LED lighting, was that me being stupid or have they been the same all along since return


Photo of tram 27 lights on my flicr site


Quote from: Solo1 on March 15, 2017, 04:19:27 PM
Photo of tram 27 lights on my flicr site

How about giving us some links to your Flickr site when you post this sort of thing, not every one knows your Flickr username after all.
Twitter @TomCousins60054



Tram 18 out today  see photo links for photo

windy miller

 can Anyone tell me if tram 18 is back in normal everyday traffic or is it still in restricted use?      Thanks
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

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