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Pensnett Open Day 24/10/15

Started by MrBevan2000, October 18, 2015, 10:32:10 AM

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For the few hours I was there I enjoyed it too, I never got there till nearly 2pm, so missed a lot of people.

Managed to come away with 2 TWM seat bases of a dead Excel, and the front numberplate off 660, with a donation to the charity pot


I have just had to delete a post in this thread because it was a personal attack on one person again.,

I am really getting fed up- with these.

Next one to happen and the person making the attack goes with no warning whatsoever


Great day at Pensnett day today! Was good to see quite a few preserved buses attend along with a few NXWM visiting buses.


It was a great day today, I missed the first shuttle although a quick trip on the 205 amended that. I also introduced someone to the forum so hopefully we'll be seeing a new member soon enough.

Great garage, I liked how open it was, the addition of memorabilia was great. Would have liked to get a nice panorama shot of the dead buses but sadly it wasn't to be.

I hope their is another open day soon enough ideally on a weekend when the garage has a few extra buses. Thanks to all NXWM staff involved. I was the 1 in the white jacket, black hat if anyone saw me.
Please check out my Bus Photos @

Ashley 60171

Great couple of hours spent at Pensnett this afternoon! Cheers!


Quote from: P419 EJW on October 24, 2015, 05:40:33 PM
What a brilliant day despite the dull weather! Met new and old members on the forum.

That's what I thought when I noticed no blinds sale... So I asked the engineer if he could get a B6 blind for me from the dead yard. He took me there and I requested for the Coventry and Yardley Wood blinds. They were from 660 and 1411. I'm a very very happy man! I was feeling generous and donated £40 to the charity for the blinds and other things I had today.

Many thanks to the NXWM and Tony for organising this day. :)
Bummer! Would've loved one, but I do feel anxious about talking to people. Yet again, my anxiety gets the better of me. ::) :(
Check out my photos on Flickr & Instagram

the trainbasher

All opinions and onions mentioned on here are mine and not those of any employer, current, past, present or future, or presented as fact, unless I prove it otherwise.


I swear I saw a B6ble on the dudley southern bypass this afternoon? Had that Been at PE today?


I would like to apologise for my slight rant earlier, sometimes when I am... Somewhat Annoyed, I tend to word things a little bluntly.

Also, can I ask why I am not allowed to speak my mind without being criticized but somebody IS allowed to go and cause mechanical damage to a vehicle and not get anything said to them?



The B6BLE you saw @s94  was probably 669 which was at Pensnett today.


Quote from: karl724223 on October 22, 2015, 08:43:57 PM
Quiz for the day when on shuttle bus where's Peggy's hoss
where was Peggy's hoss then ??


It was a fantastic day! Had fun playing with the blinds and confusing everyone with the test display! Also was good to see a lot of preserved buses and to be escorted around the dead pile by the engineers! Walked away with a lot of stuff including 1743's front licence plate (which is going for scrap)! Thanks to @Tony and all the staff at PE for making it a fantastic day!


Quote from: Liam on October 24, 2015, 08:26:11 PM
I would like to apologise for my slight rant earlier, sometimes when I am... Somewhat Annoyed, I tend to word things a little bluntly.

Also, can I ask why I am not allowed to speak my mind without being criticized but somebody IS allowed to go and cause mechanical damage to a vehicle and not get anything said to them?


Someone damaged a bus? Jesus wept. Another stupid prat giving us a bad name!

Please tell me it wasn't the 'little annoyance' that was at Walsall a few weeks back?

If it was him, he should be kicked off here.

If it wasn't him, I apologise.


Quote from: Westy on October 24, 2015, 09:58:29 PM
Someone damaged a bus? Jesus wept. Another stupid prat giving us a bad name!

Please tell me it wasn't the 'little annoyance' that was at Walsall a few weeks back?

If it was him, he should be kicked off here.

If it wasn't him, I apologise.

I don't know of any mechanical damage, and again people are having a go at others on this group THIS IS STOPPING or the whole forum goes

Ashley 60171

Quote from: the trainbasher on October 24, 2015, 07:40:03 PM
@Ashley 60171 I'll second that

@the trainbasher and myself took 825 completely off route without moving an inch. Gutted I missed 4798 but I'm sure it will turn up somewhere.

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