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chrome trident handles

Started by windy miller, June 08, 2012, 05:59:09 PM

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windy miller

can anyone explain the original idea for the chrome/stainless near side 'handles' fitted to some/most of the BC tridents? I notice 4619 does, but there is an early shot of 4620 taken by tony where it appears to be fitted, but a later view of the same bus appears to have lost it?
Mind the Gap.....?:-)


Theyre tree defelctors I think but theyre pretty useless tbh. Was on a Green Bus ex Oxford Trident today and it made the tree bashes worse!!

windy miller

Thanks pete- I notice that 4622 was another example where the device had been removed. I had that experience happen to me in a curtain sider years ago. I just had time to see a huge piece of tree bounce off the deck behind me, as you said, it must be a bit of a waste-of time.
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

Jack Grove

Quote from: Peter123 on June 08, 2012, 06:04:04 PM
Theyre tree defelctors I think but theyre pretty useless tbh. Was on a Green Bus ex Oxford Trident today and it made the tree bashes worse!!

Yes, they're completely useless, it'd make more sense to just replace the glass each time...


Quote from: windy miller on June 08, 2012, 06:10:52 PM
Thanks pete- I notice that 4622 was another example where the device had been removed. I had that experience happen to me in a curtain sider years ago. I just had time to see a huge piece of tree bounce off the deck behind me, as you said, it must be a bit of a waste-of time.

Thats ok and as I say completely useless-they just trap the tree branches making the problem worse!!


They're tree deflectors, used to stop the bus from getting damaged when hit by trees... Which begs the question why don't all double deck buses have this, even some Mercs have tree deflectors (152* & 154*)


I don't think any tree could damage a Merc because the height of the log would be taller than a Merc so how would the branches hit it!

I think you might be confusing tree reflectors with the side mirrors!



wilmotm (Matt Wilmot)

Quote from: 4504 on June 09, 2012, 10:15:27 AM
Quote from: Michael on June 09, 2012, 04:43:18 AM
I think you might be confusing tree reflectors with the side mirrors!

No, I'm not

I fail to see any sort of tree deflector device on this photo, and I mirror other comments what would be the point on a Single Decker vehicle? If anything a hedge, shrub or bush deflector might be more appropriate but even that really isn't neccessary


Quote from: 4504 on June 09, 2012, 10:15:27 AM
Quote from: Michael on June 09, 2012, 04:43:18 AM
I think you might be confusing tree reflectors with the side mirrors!

No, I'm not

Evidently you are because there isn't one, unless I'm mistaken.


It would be stupid to have a tree reflector on a single deck and I've never heard of a bus having one or seen one before and I can't see one on this photo either.

windy miller

mike 360-neither can I -Iv'e just looked at the two photos given in the 'link' address-neither appear to have any deflectors-so maybe the 'link' was inaccurate? It would be interesting to know if WM could claim damages from BCC for lack of 'seasonal' trimming.
Mind the Gap.....?:-)


Is it me or am I failing to see a tree reflector. Dont tell me:there invisible ones!


Quote from: Peter123 on June 09, 2012, 05:34:26 PM
Is it me or am I failing to see a tree reflector. Dont tell me:there invisible ones!

It's you, the big white thing on top of the bus?

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