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GRS Travel

Started by Tomjusttom, April 27, 2012, 11:50:03 PM

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Quote from: Steveminor on August 01, 2015, 12:45:06 PM
Grs have asked sunny travel if they want his darts as they have now finished trading. RIP GRS

I agree Steve RIP GRS Travel, we've seen a lot of operators go bust this year...  I wouldnt expect you want ex GRS buses though? DTS Sunny and Social all have either newer buses or buses in better condition. R923RAU is nice though that might be worth going for as a spare? Even that is old and would need DDA mods in 5 months...


Quote from: DiamondDart on August 01, 2015, 01:04:08 PM
I agree Steve RIP GRS Travel, we've seen a lot of operators go bust this year...  I wouldnt expect you want ex GRS buses though? DTS Sunny and Social all have either newer buses or buses in better condition. R923RAU is nice though that might be worth going for as a spare? Even that is old and would need DDA mods in 5 months...
On the GRS fleetlist on the main site it says R923RAU Hs been withdrawn I wander what condition that is in I would have thought X604 OKH and X608 OKH are in the best condition and most suitable. Maybe for the 74 if they were to have any. Those two are also the latest aditons to the fleet
Local Routes
94/95, 11A/11C, 28.


The X regs he wants more for them than what he paid. Plus the chassis both show significant rusting. The others aren't even worth scrap value. Considering sunny see withdrawing several darts soon replacing them with dafs. Social will be taking 2 of the best sunny darts & there are thoughts of upgrading the DTS fleet in the near future.  We won't be taking any GRS darts. Banga & Travel Express both have better buses so I can see him being stuck with them darts, can't see who would want them.


Quote from: Steveminor on August 01, 2015, 01:30:42 PM
The X regs he wants more for them than what he paid. Plus the chassis both show significant rusting. The others aren't even worth scrap value. Considering sunny see withdrawing several darts soon replacing them with dafs. Social will be taking 2 of the best sunny darts & there are thoughts of upgrading the DTS fleet in the near future.  We won't be taking any GRS darts. Banga & Travel Express both have better buses so I can see him being stuck with them darts, can't see who would want them.
local tatters scrap mon


Quote from: Steveminor on August 01, 2015, 01:30:42 PM
The X regs he wants more for them than what he paid. Plus the chassis both show significant rusting. The others aren't even worth scrap value. Considering sunny see withdrawing several darts soon replacing them with dafs. Social will be taking 2 of the best sunny darts & there are thoughts of upgrading the DTS fleet in the near future.  We won't be taking any GRS darts. Banga & Travel Express both have better buses so I can see him being stuck with them darts, can't see who would want them.

In that case it looks like scrap for the lot. Theres now a big gap between the likes of GRS and all other competing WM operators. Banga are really upgrading and Travel Express if buses were in a livery would look ok. Then there might be one or two ex Joes buses still on site plus various other assets. Will be interesting to see if he sets up under another name as afaik he still has all important repute?


Repute!! He lost that 2 p.i ago & had to get a new TV.  Don't think he'll set up again like joes chalk it up to a tried but not successful.
It is a shame as when he first started he showed a lot of promise.
I think what has happened is what happened to a lot of the others, when money starts running low through bad route choice or whatever. Desperation sets in & corners are cut leading to a poorly run business.
But when you look at clarinets who when they first started had crap Ford coaches, money comes in & everything starts looking more professional.  The same can be said of banga & sunny travel. 3 years ago could anyone have seen them even running low floor buses.
The moto I think is ROUTE CHOICE. Get your route right get the money in & you can make a business.  Get it wrong too early in your business & you're always going to chase to keep your financial standing & ultimately are doomed.


Quote from: the trainbasher on July 31, 2015, 10:04:51 AM
Well the solution is to get the traffic commissioner to revoke their licences for these crimes and get the bosses strung up (!) Oh I forgot, they're too busy persecuting smaller operators for making a couple of mistakes which, lets face it, aren't as bad as the stuff NXWM have got up to!
Once again, when have the likes of NX or any other operator in the WM ever failed to operate their entire registered network for a number of days through not having any serviceable buses? GRS have done that.

Having read the report in the trade press about GRS's PI, written by someone who was at the inquiry of course, it is quite obvious that there weren't just 'a couple of mistakes'. The business was run in completely the wrong manner would seem to be a more accurate way of putting it, with no regard paid to the legal obligations which come with holding an O-Licence. Had GRS been on Beverley Bell's patch, it would have ended for them there and then.

So far from it being a case of 'RIP GRS', it is more a case of good riddance and may it and the people behind it never have anything to do with the industry again. The very fact that GRS has been allowed to operate for as long as it did makes an utter mockery of the O-Licencing system.


Quote from: the trainbasher on July 31, 2015, 12:37:15 PM
As I said before, NXWM had several fires and guess what...nothing done by the Traffic Commissioner!

I have told you this already, but the TC is not interested if a bus catches fire because it could have happened as a result of vandalism or a defective part of manufacturing process.

Don't take this the wrong way, but it is obvious from reading your contribution to this thread and continuing support for an operator which has been found to be almost completely non-compliant that you know nothing of how the bus industry works. Stop presenting your own opinions as fact.


I think good riddance is a bit strong. After all for a while he had been trying really hard to get things right.  But half way through the 246 when money started to run low that's when the business really died


Quote from: Steveminor on August 01, 2015, 11:37:15 PM
I think good riddance is a bit strong. After all for a while he had been trying really hard to get things right.  But half way through the 246 when money started to run low that's when the business really died
No it is not.

The likes of GRS have no place in the industry and the sooner they are removed once and for all, the better. The only shame is that it has taken as long as it has done.


The driver I was talking about will be starting for social travel on monday.  He has said he had been told off several times for missing a gap in service even though he was on the opposite direction (tells a story really doesn't it).
He has been told that he is expected to keep to his timetable at social travel & we don't expect any dirty driving against other operators.


Quote from: the trainbasher on July 31, 2015, 08:27:10 PM
I'm glad some people on here enjoy the misfortune of people losing their livelihoods and jobs! How very mature!

Anyone who wants to do a job properly in the bus industry will not lose their livelihoods. There are lots of decent operators crying out for good employees in all trades, engineering, driving and admin


Couldn't agree with you more tony.
But conversly if your a dodgy driver there are plenty of not so reputable operators who couldn't care less who works for them.


If anyone is interested in buying grs darts the 4 running darts that's the 2 t reg Marshall & the 2 x reg plaxton are going for £10 grand for the 4.


Quote from: Steveminor on August 04, 2015, 05:49:25 PM
If anyone is interested in buying grs darts the 4 running darts that's the 2 t reg Marshall & the 2 x reg plaxton are going for £10 grand for the 4.

£10k for 4 buses with 4 months' life left?

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