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Stabbing on the 33

Started by BU07 LGO, March 11, 2014, 11:12:33 AM

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Awful news and hope that the person stabbed makes a full recovery. This seems to be starting to become slightly more regular; we had the 2013 fatal stabbing, a innocent man beaten up for asking a dad to stop his two kids throwing sweets and now this. Hopefully there will be some more transport police; had two Safer Transport police on the 6 the other week and already proved useful in shutting up some youth with no headphones!


Something to do with a family feud so I heard. No idea how true this is though


Ahh right; may change the situation a bit but still concerning that there are still people travelling around with knives in their pockets. Hope the driver is ok as well actually; would be a distressing situation to have a stabbing on your bus.

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