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Started by domino.99, September 30, 2013, 08:56:03 PM

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Hey Guys

Anyone got any ideas for interworks for wn or pe routes (anyone got one for the 81 or 82?)
differant one for the 25 25/26?


Quote from: domino.99 on September 30, 2013, 08:56:03 PM
Hey Guys

Anyone got any ideas for interworks for wn or pe routes (anyone got one for the 81 or 82?)
differant one for the 25 25/26?

Routes won't interwork unless there is an important reason to, usually involving the timetable/trip length. You can't just pick 2 routes to interwork because their route numbers are similar

Trident 4609

Quote from: domino.99 on September 30, 2013, 08:56:03 PM
Hey Guys

Anyone got any ideas for interworks for wn or pe routes (anyone got one for the 81 or 82?)
differant one for the 25 25/26?

There was a thread for this some time ago.


3/6 (Sundays only)
5/10 (Sundays only)
32/3/79 (Sundays only)
11/32/3 (Evenings and Sundays)
25/7 (Evenings and Sundays)
26/62/A (Last 62 Mon-Fri goes onto an 11)
255/6 (Sundays and Mon-Fri Peak time)


243/4 (They interwork with the 276 In the Evenings)

6/10/77 (Sundays)
34/8 (Some 39 journeys interwork)
X51/935A/934E (Sunday Daytime. 934E and 935A interwork with the 51 Eveings)
934/6 (Some 935 journies interwork at peak time)


Some 934/5 interwork in Walsall as well in the daytime


Also some X51 peak journeys in the morning go out as a 934 or 936 cannot remeber which I seen it change to.
My Flickr;
4775, 4770, 4697, 4698 , 4141, 4444, 4555


53 & 289 also interwork at West Bromwich Monday-Saturday :)

Also for WN don't forget 256/257 interworking at Stourbridge


Also guys think about routes that you think would work well together like the 25/26 during the day as there is only about 10 min differance in each bus station so it would probaly make a bit of sense.


Quote from: domino.99 on September 30, 2013, 09:19:37 PM
Also guys think about routes that you think would work well together like the 25/26 during the day as there is only about 10 min differance in each bus station so it would probaly make a bit of sense.

Why interwork them when there are no problems with them working on their own?


Quote from: nitromatt1 on September 30, 2013, 09:07:21 PM
Quote from: domino.99 on September 30, 2013, 08:56:03 PM
Hey Guys

Anyone got any ideas for interworks for wn or pe routes (anyone got one for the 81 or 82?)
differant one for the 25 25/26?

Routes won't interwork unless there is an important reason to, usually involving the timetable/trip length. You can't just pick 2 routes to interwork because their route numbers are similar
Errrrm i didn't just choose 2 numbers that are simillar they leave within 10 mins of each other and go to the same places. Im not that stupid


Matt it's just a bit of fun if your just gonna be rude then don't look at the topic simple.
Anyone got any ideas for the 81 or 82???


Quote from: Trident 4609 on September 30, 2013, 09:11:18 PM
Quote from: domino.99 on September 30, 2013, 08:56:03 PM
Hey Guys

Anyone got any ideas for interworks for wn or pe routes (anyone got one for the 81 or 82?)
differant one for the 25 25/26?

There was a thread for this some time ago.


3/6 (Sundays only)
5/10 (Sundays only)
32/3/79 (Sundays only)
11/32/3 (Evenings and Sundays)
25/7 (Evenings and Sundays)
26/62/A (Last 62 Mon-Fri goes onto an 11)
255/6 (Sundays and Mon-Fri Peak time)


243/4 (They interwork with the 276 In the Evenings)

6/10/77 (Sundays)
34/8 (Some 39 journeys interwork)
X51/935A/934E (Sunday Daytime. 934E and 935A interwork with the 51 Eveings)
934/6 (Some 935 journies interwork at peak time)
Do they i didn't know that, when do they if you know?????

Trident 4609

Quote from: domino.99 on September 30, 2013, 09:23:30 PM
Matt it's just a bit of fun if your just gonna be rude then don't look at the topic simple.
Anyone got any ideas for the 81 or 82???

Tbh the 26/62/A interwork and the 25/A interwork at the moment and it works well that way so there wouldn't be need to interwork them but i can see your way of thinking :)


really struggling on ones for the 81/82 trying to create a timetable that would work well Any help nathan?

Trident 4609

Pretty sure it was said on here in a simalar thread about interworking Dom


Quote from: Trident 4609 on September 30, 2013, 09:26:07 PM
Quote from: domino.99 on September 30, 2013, 09:23:30 PM
Matt it's just a bit of fun if your just gonna be rude then don't look at the topic simple.
Anyone got any ideas for the 81 or 82???

Tbh the 26/62/A interwork and the 25/A interwork at the moment and it works well that way so there wouldn't be need to interwork them but i can see your way of thinking :)

Interworking five routes, that would be "a bit of fun"!

On top of that, Mercs are not really suitable for the 26/62/A but the 25/A loadings require full size single deckers at times

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