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Questions for the NXWM Operations Director

Started by NX OD, July 24, 2013, 10:01:19 AM

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Quote from: domino.99 on July 24, 2013, 10:36:26 PM
Any chance of the 82 becoming full volvo b7rle operated sick of mercs

Hi Domino,

As stated on an earlier post there are no plans for this.


Quote from: vinh1000 on July 24, 2013, 10:36:43 PM
Any idea when Swift will be fully implemented onto the NXWM network?

Hi vinh1000

Likely to be throughout 2014.


Quote from: Steve3229vp on July 24, 2013, 10:37:59 PM

Hello Simon,
I'm a regular user of the 28 and 907, the 28 has always suffered from delays especially if there is an RTA on the motorways which impacts on the 28 both at the Scott Arms and Castle Bromwich. May I suggest the following:

28 Bordesley Green to Dyas Road only (every 15 mins)
38 Castle Vale to Scott Arms (every 15mins), replacing 638.

This would mean each service would only be impacted ONCE if there is an RTA on the motorway (28 at Castle Bromwich, 38 at the Scott Arms) and would combine 7/8 mins between Chester Road and Dyas Road which is the busiest section of the route.

Finally please STOP Perry Barr garage putting single deckers on the 907 especially in peaks, the amount of times I've had to walk to Livery Street to get the 7 or jumping on a 934 etc to Hawthorn Road then walking or getting a 28 because the 907 was full or coming from Sutton they can be full before reaching the Crossways, the 15 min frequency in peaks is inadequate as it is (it was every 10 mins 3 years ago) , this route has been neglected for too long the fact is that passengers have been driven away.

Hi Steve,

I did reply to this but it seems to have got lost.

I have asked PB to look at the 907 and single deckers.

In terms of the 28 plan I can see the merits so will pass this on as well.

Thanks for the feedback.


Quote from: Sh4166 on July 24, 2013, 10:52:45 PM
Quote from: NX OD on July 24, 2013, 09:25:20 PM
Quote from: Sh4166 on July 24, 2013, 06:40:12 PM
Hi Simon,

Are there any plans for the 289? Patronage is poor between Rowley Regis Hospital and Old Hill, and residents of Brickhouse Farm don't have a direct (NXWM) service to Merry Hill anymore

Hi Sh4166,

We are still monitoring the 289 from the recent change so no plans at present.

Could I also ask about the future of the 83 & 89, as far as vehicle allocations are concerned? Both routes appear to be allocated more and more double deckers, with at 5 of the 9 buses today being double decker. Will both routes eventually become fully double deck?

There are no plans to do this at present.


Quote from: BU07 LGO on July 24, 2013, 11:26:39 PM
Hi Simon, A friend of mine has asked me to ask if the 35 will be getting any kind of frequency increase soon as there are a lot of journeys that struggle to cope now. He also said is there a chance of an earlier Sunday morning journey being introduced soon as the first one currently doesn't arrive into city until 9 o' Clock. Thanks

Hi BU07 LGO,

There are no plans for a frequency increase at the moment.

We will have a look at the Sunday morning journeys for you.


Quote from: Westy on July 24, 2013, 11:39:04 PM
In case it was missed first time!

Quote from: Westy on July 24, 2013, 06:53:45 PM
Hi Simon.

Must admit I'm surprised a 'big boss' has come onto what is essentially a 'hobby' site, but anyway welcome.

(What is the current relationship between NX & the Beeb, as since Ed Doolan stopped doing regular shows, I haven't heard of any phone in involving you & Centro, like the ones Phil Bateman used to do with Ed, lately!)

How come 'traditional' circular services, like the old 370/371/372/373 in Walsall have fallen out of favour?

While it is good to see the likes of the 302 operate all day, restoring a evening & Sunday link between Lower Farm & Walsall via Leamore, the same as the daytime service, it seems to have had the reverse effect on the 70 evening service, the entire service being cut back a few years ago to run Walsall - Beechdale - Bloxwich only anyway.

While it appears to have healthy loadings during the day, the loadings have detiorated on the evening service to the point, where you have withdrawn the journeys, & being offered up for tender to be won by another company.

Surely it would've been easier to keep the services as 'Circulars', running back to Walsall via Leamore & perhaps look at the timetable again for the 301 service, as there seems to be lot of half empty buses during the daytime on this service. (I'm taking a guess that the frequency for this timetable seems to be for the benefit of the drivers going to & from the depot!)

There has been comments elsewhere about the reliability of the 302 service, compared to the 301. There is a guy called 'Stuart Williams', who runs a Facebook/Twitter/website called 'The Bloxwich Telegraph', who I believe has been in touch with local management via Walsall Council, plus I have a friend on Lower Farm, who has moaned about reliability too. (I know this service has changed recently, so hopefully that's fixed)

I do have a suggestion. Why don't you run the 301 & 302 as a circular service north of Bloxwich, so both services could serve Turnberry Road after serving Mossley & Lower Farm? (Interworking, I believe you call it?)

On behalf on my sister, who works in Birmingham, once the tunnel works are over, can you look at the to & from Cannock X51 journeys, as they seem to be unreliable.

Not for the first time, that the first journey leaving City after 5pm to Cannock seems to go 'missing', leaving her to either catch either a 'short' journey to Walsall or at worst, catch a 51 instead, which takes ages, as you're probably aware.

One day last week, the 2nd journey from Cannock was at least 15 mins late. (Followed 5 mins later by the 3rd journey! I know, as I saw both journeys pass the stop outside my house in Bloxwich!)

Surely there should not be an issue on journeys running straight from the garage to the outer terminus onwards?

By the way, definetely agree on the fleetname issue already raised.

Hi Westy,

Another one that I replied to and it got lost.  I think I lost a couple because when I clicked post there was a message saying that a new post had appeared and I didn't realise this would mean mine did not get posted.  Anyway....

We all have a hobby and mine might just be my job as well!

In terms of the BBC we have been on WM a few times since Ed Doolan semi retired whether that be an interview or a phone in.  I think that Jack Kelly did the last one.  I have not done one for a while.

Circulars can be difficult to make work and we are very pleased with the new networks in North and West Walsall which have seen good overall patronage growth.  The recent change to the 302 has been a big improvment in terms of punctuality.

I will ask the garage to look at the reliability of the X51.


Quote from: nx4737 on July 25, 2013, 04:59:47 AM

Good to see you here.

Do you know when the Scania Omnicity/link deckers at Perry Barr will be in for repaint?

Hi nx4737,

I don't know I am afraid.


Quote from: monkeyjoe on July 25, 2013, 07:41:15 AM
Thanks for answering questions. Are their still plans for a WB out station to house routes like 16/ 101 & soho Rd routes. To free up space at PB & WB?

No problem.

No plans at the moment.

NXWM Spectra

Thanks for your replies.
It's the Spectra that I'm really interested in, so I have to ask: Are the Spectra going to be withdrawn soon? They're great buses but they are getting a little more unreliable.


Quote from: NXWM Spectra on July 25, 2013, 08:39:36 AM
Thanks for your replies.
It's the Spectra that I'm really interested in, so I have to ask: Are the Spectra going to be withdrawn soon? They're great buses but they are getting a little more unreliable.

Not everyone shares your view on Spectras!

Their time with us is coming to an end but there is no set date as yet.


Quote from: NX OD on July 25, 2013, 07:37:32 AM

It is still our intention to sell Lea Hall unless a better plan comes along.


Many thanks for all your responses to my question, much appreciated!

It's a shame there aren't more directors around of big companies like you  ;)

Trident 4609

Quote from: domino.99 on July 24, 2013, 10:36:26 PM
Any chance of the 82 becoming full volvo b7rle operated sick of mercs

Simon did answer the question already and said there are no plans for the 81/2 to become fully B7RLE operation although i have noticed more B7RLE appearing on the 81/2


Hi again

Any chance on the restrictions on posting on the Facebook site being relaxed, so you can actually start your own thread instead of tagging onto to others, which may get missed.

Perhaps a polite word to Reiss & co, along the lines of 'Behave else we'll block you' as they were spoiling it for everyone else.

Coventry Facebook seem to be able to keep control of theirs.

Why cant the NX one do the same?


By the way, I enjoyed my trip on the entire Outer Circle yesterday.


Hi Simon

I was just wondering when will Walsall Tridents be Refurbised/Repainted some buses have not been repainted since new


Being 12 Years Old


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