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Started by ilovetea4370, May 20, 2013, 11:05:27 PM

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Nice to see a website introducing some original ideas during a revamp...


It looks good, will take a while to get used to however. I was happy with the old layout to be honest. I should be able to get some nice shots of Class 66s tomorrow to go onto my Flickr page
Class 153, 155 and 156. The Super Sprinters
Local Routes: 21, 89, 48/A, 12/A, 54/A
Semi-local routes: 80, 87


Quote from: trident4370 on May 20, 2013, 11:05:27 PM
Nice to see a website introducing some original ideas during a revamp...

Sarcasm detected ;)

Trident 4609

Quote from: nitromatt1 on May 20, 2013, 11:37:43 PM
Quote from: trident4370 on May 20, 2013, 11:05:27 PM
Nice to see a website introducing some original ideas during a revamp...

Sarcasm detected ;)

I did wonder what happened to my flickr page. I only joined flickr not so long back and got used to the old layout.


Quote from: nitromatt1 on May 20, 2013, 11:37:43 PM
Quote from: trident4370 on May 20, 2013, 11:05:27 PM
Nice to see a website introducing some original ideas during a revamp...

Sarcasm detected ;)

Me, Sarcasm? Never!


I don't like it all. It was perfectly fine how it was.


Couldn't agree more >:( now it takes forever just to load previews of my photos in my photostream, and it's 10x more laggy as it's trying to fit too much on each page


Just reading on the flickr forum a lot of other people don't like it as well. Hopefully Flickr will take note and change it back to how it was. I dought it though!!


Personally I think its crap but I cant see them listening to peoples feedback, facebook never does...


I don't mind the picture pages, but the photostream homepage is rubbish, as well as the set pages. You can no longer easily access the collections, where I have organised my pictures to how I wanted them. You can only access sets, which is not how I wanted people to use my site.

I want it back how it was, with my collections on the side and smaller pictures for recent uploads, so it is easy to go to the NXWM pages, or other operators. The pictures on the set pages are too big, and the information I typed for each batch of buses is not readable.

I wish I knew how to make my own website like Tonys, otherwise I would have one of my own by now!! I would be off flickr like a shot.

Another thing, it seems like I am wasting my money now with a pro account, as the free ones seem to do the same now >:(

Rant over!


A free account used to give space for 200 photos. How much is a terabyte? I'll cancel my pro subscription if the free one is adequate. My current photos only total to just over 400 anyway. By the looks of it a pro account will remain advert free. Does that mean a free account will be covered in adverts for all kinds of crap?


Quote from: Gareth on May 22, 2013, 02:10:35 PM
A free account used to give space for 200 photos. How much is a terabyte? I'll cancel my pro subscription if the free one is adequate. My current photos only total to just over 400 anyway. By the looks of it a pro account will remain advert free. Does that mean a free account will be covered in adverts for all kinds of crap?

A terabyte is 1000gb, so it is enough space for more than tens of thousands of pictures.

The folder on my computer with all my bus photos in is only 11gb in size, and there is over 5000 photos in it.


Quote from: John on May 22, 2013, 01:45:37 PM
I don't mind the picture pages, but the photostream homepage is rubbish, as well as the set pages. You can no longer easily access the collections, where I have organised my pictures to how I wanted them. You can only access sets, which is not how I wanted people to use my site.

I want it back how it was, with my collections on the side and smaller pictures for recent uploads, so it is easy to go to the NXWM pages, or other operators. The pictures on the set pages are too big, and the information I typed for each batch of buses is not readable.

I wish I knew how to make my own website like Tonys, otherwise I would have one of my own by now!! I would be off flickr like a shot.

Another thing, it seems like I am wasting my money now with a pro account, as the free ones seem to do the same now >:(

Rant over!

I hadn't a clue how to make my own website and was quite happy with fotopic until it went bang. Someone recommended Microsoft Expressions as a programme of how to build a website and I found it really easy. Expressions is just like Microsoft Word in that you make a page the same as word.

I know some of the younger, more computer literate than me on here think Expressions is old fashioned and awkward, but if you have no idea what you are doing in building a website it is really easy. Then all you have to do is buy some web space!


It's probably a case that they will make more revenue through ad space than people buying pro accounts. And since the are still selling pro accounts, its win win for them!

With pro account though, you will still get detailed stats that you don't get with a free account. I must admit I do like the stats, seeing which photos are getting views, and which sites have have links to that photo etc. is it worth the price though? I'll have to have a think.


Yes John, the homepage is what really confuses me! It does seem such a drastic change to just spring on everyone like that!

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