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Off Topic Western Greyhound depot fire

Started by winston, May 13, 2013, 11:02:37 AM

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Quote from: Kevin_Brum12 on May 15, 2013, 07:55:30 AM
Awful news for the firm.   Despite all of the competition rhetoric, the industry does have a knack though of helping each other and pulling through in times of crisis.  Strathcylde Buses suffered a similar fire at one of its depots (Larkhill?) in the early 1990's and operators across Scotland assisted by loaning vehicles.

So, if any spare NXWM vehicles are seen heading down the M5 in the next few days we know where they are going!

It is good to see that sort of thing happens, it's the same with the trains, Chiltern will help Virgin out and vice versa in times of need despite the fierce competition between the two
Now in exile in Oxfordshire....


Stuharris 6360

three buses have been destroyed in a second suspected arson attack at the Western greyhound depot in Liskeard at around 06:30 this morning.
Pensnett is my local garage. Favourite bus of all time is Fleetline 6360 (KON 360P).



This must be more than simply a coincidence...

is it a co incidence that those arrested over the last fire are currently on bail?


Quote from: nx4737 on May 17, 2013, 04:45:34 AM
From WG's Facebook page, various companies have loaned them buses.

On a completely different subject??????? CityFox Limited are still playing with photoshop.


Quote from: Tony on January 24, 2014, 08:44:11 PM
Quote from: nx4737 on May 17, 2013, 04:45:34 AM
From WG's Facebook page, various companies have loaned them buses.

On a completely different subject??????? CityFox Limited are still playing with photoshop.



At least it was only Three this time not 35.

As for CityFox yes they have a Dart but thats proberly about it and as for the website I cant seem to get on it......
Midland Red West, one of the best Companies to serve Redditch, with some of the best buses.


the trainbasher

Quote from: andy on January 24, 2014, 06:20:36 PM

Talk about unlucky, somebody must have some serious beef with them?

Also affects Plymouth Citybus as they stable some buses at that depot as seen in the pics on this site

Quote from: Plymouth Citybus @plymouthbus (Twitter)Due to a major fire at Liskeard and resultant road closures services 121 and 120 cannot leave the depot A replacement bus is on the way from

All opinions and onions mentioned on here are mine and not those of any employer, current, past, present or future, or presented as fact, unless I prove it otherwise.


I notice it's the 3 step entrance Varios that as far as I know aren't DDA compliant that have been destroyed... At lease it wasn't the Solos!


Quote from: nx4737 on January 26, 2014, 11:16:59 PM
I notice it's the 3 step entrance Varios that as far as I know aren't DDA compliant that have been destroyed... At lease it wasn't the Solos!

The following was posted in the comments section of the article below, don't know whether or not that there is any truth in it?

Western Greyhound operate "on the edge" and are currently being investigated for possible fraud by Cornwall Council. After they recently lost the council subsidised Truro Park and ride contract it was noticed by Cornwall Council that the new operators takings were much higher than those declared to the council compared to the previous operator Western Greyhound and are they are therefore not allowed to bid for any council bus contracts in the mean time. Western Greyhound operates bus routes subsidised by an increasingly cash strapped Cornwall Council. So I wont say any more, nod nod wink wink. I heard that the transport group "Go ahead" who own Plymouth City bus want to extend their bus operation into Cornwall and are interested in taking over Western Greyhounds operations, leaving the rest of Devon's bus operations outside Plymouth in the hands of the other big transport group "Stagecoach".



I visit Cornwall a lot as my Nan lives there and am a regular user of Western Greyhound services (as well as competing First). I won't say anymore for fear of being libellous but I know there are quite a few people who don't like the company one bit for one reason or another.


Quote from: StourportSam on January 27, 2014, 12:10:24 AM
I visit Cornwall a lot as my Nan lives there and am a regular user of Western Greyhound services (as well as competing First). I won't say anymore for fear of being libellous but I know there are quite a few people who don't like the company one bit for one reason or another.

I does seem that the someone is deliberately targeting Western Greyhound for whatever reason?


I have always read good things about them but something seems suspect..

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