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Completely off topic... but...

Started by jnl1984, April 19, 2012, 10:09:25 PM

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This is completely away from what is discussed on here usually, but with nowhere else to ask, i thought id go ahead...

Me and a friend recently got on to the subject of 'haunted buses'... i recall seeing an article, or a forum like this, where it was stated that there was a commonly known bus in the West Midlands that was known to have a spook - does anyone know anything about this or experienced any instances along these lines...

promise - im not mad! i think.... :-[


Not so sure if it was haunted or not but West Brom Depot used to have a Metrobus that used to turn its own saloon lights on and off and ring its bells whenever it pleased, even when the breakers had been removed. Also West Brom Depot is haunted by the ghost of a woman who the story goes was killed during a fire at the depot many many years ago. Staff had experienced a woman screaming and also some staff have had "corner of the eye" sightings of a woman walking between the buses. There have been a few ghost hunts at the sight and a couple of spiritual mediums visit the site.

I know its a little off your topic but i hope it helps you

Former West Bromwich Depot Driver
No I don't go to F**KING SMETHWICK!!!!!!!


Thank you for the information. I was always curious as i had read little bits but never really took it in...
It would be interesting to go on one of these walks.

Rob H

Quote from: swifty on April 21, 2012, 09:00:32 PM
Not so sure if it was haunted or not but West Brom Depot used to have a Metrobus that used to turn its own saloon lights on and off and ring its bells whenever it pleased, even when the breakers had been removed. Also West Brom Depot is haunted by the ghost of a woman who the story goes was killed during a fire at the depot many many years ago. Staff had experienced a woman screaming and also some staff have had "corner of the eye" sightings of a woman walking between the buses. There have been a few ghost hunts at the sight and a couple of spiritual mediums visit the site.

I know its a little off your topic but i hope it helps you

Former West Bromwich Depot Driver

Did you know which Metrobus it was :)
60 Birmingham - Cranes Park
72/72A Solihull Station - Chelmsley Wood
73 Solihull - Heartlands Hospital
X1 Birmingham - Coventry
X2 Birmingham - Solihull Station
A10 Solihull - Cranes Park / Chelmsley Wood


Off the top of the head I can't remember the number of the Metrobus, I can remember it scaring the s*&t out of the cleaners when it would go, in the end most of the drivers would just ignore it. Sure I got a bit of mobile phone film of it going off, I'll have to have a look.

666 was the devil bus, but that was because it spent more time in the depot being fixed than on the road earning its keep lol. I spoke to a colleague who said it used to come in on average around 9 times a week.
Although 666 did have its moments, if a certain traffic clerk would radio the vehicle he always sounded like he was saying S*X S*X S*X, always brought a smile to the drivers face, and usually a sarcastic comment much to the annoyance of the clerk.
No I don't go to F**KING SMETHWICK!!!!!!!


Quote from: thetruth on April 23, 2012, 03:11:18 PM
Any depot which housed a bus numbered 666 has to be haunted.

Originally the fleet number for the 666 b6le (s166voa) was 166 but got changed to fit in with the rest of the fleet numbers


Quote from: thetruth on April 25, 2012, 11:12:05 PM
Didn't 666 get stolen and crashed which led to its withdrawl?

That was 116 I think. A Volvo B6 with a Plaxton Pointer body


No it was B6 666. But West Bromwich refused to give it fleetnumber 666 when it was new, so they applied fleetnumber 166 to it for a few years


666 was finally withdrawn after a tragic accident when a car crashed straight into it, sadly the driver of the car died. It appears the car driver was ovetaking another car and went staight into the front of 666. 666 driver could not do anything to prevent the accident.

A terrible incident, I was working at WB garage at the time and we were all stunned and saddened.


Not the clearest of photos in the world, but here is 666 withdrawn at Miller Street.

West Bromwich also had original 666, F666YOG, an MCW Metrorider.


that was the accident on Church Lane when it was on the 428/429 Route wasn't it. Terrible accident.
No I don't go to F**KING SMETHWICK!!!!!!!

windy miller

Jnl 1984- just a thought- I too would like to see the ghost at WB, trouble is it would have to be in the dark. I suspect the only 'Ghost' we would see would be the bloke from Health and safety telling us to sod off. :) :) :) The last time I spoke to a WB driver he speculated that funding may be made available for an upgrade.  "an upgrade to what? I said-an andersen shelter? :) might not be such a bad idea, if the garage suffered a direct hit from an enemy bomb the damage could amount to at least 50 quid :)
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

windy miller

 :'(As you say-completely off topic)-I know but this is one 'ghost' you might like,I know I did-
I heard a story about an old coaching house somewhere in gloucestershire in the late 18th century.The resident young girl had become infatuated with a local ruffian/traveller.When her parents found out they forbid her to leave the house after 7pm.But the aquaintance continued to flourish, at least in writing,when he would leave a love note on her doorstep every night which she would retrieve at midnight. that is,until her parents became aware of this and removed the notes each night without telling her.It was said she died of a broken heart and her ghost is often seen on the doorstep on a dark stormy night  searching for the letters that never came... :'(
Mind the Gap.....?:-)


During its many years at Yardley Wood Metro 2858 developed a reputation as being haunted. I never experienced anything  unusual but know a few that would not venture upstairs on it when parked up in the group at night.

windy miller

settlerman- your story about the ex YW metro 2858? my record tells me it was sold to Mccoll's at Balloch, (nr dumbarton) Scotland, in March 2003- I would be interested to know if they paid extra for the 'poltergeist' :) I cant imagine its still running!
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

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