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Blue Diamond Enviro

Started by Tony, December 05, 2012, 08:49:52 PM

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Fresh from paint on way back to Long Acre with previous operators destinations still programmed!


Will this bus be used for any specific service like the X30 for example or just be used on any of blue diamond's services.


30929 the blue diamond enviro 200 on the 4 today. Looking very smart must be on loan for a while but the bus is in all over blue but only says diamond on the fleetnames.


Apparently the Blue Diamond Black Diamond Red Diamond brands are going


Quote from: Tomjusttom on December 15, 2012, 06:14:11 PM
Apparently the Blue Diamond Black Diamond Red Diamond brands are going

Thats interesting Tom because the buses that have been aquired by diamond recently and have just been put into service have just the fleename diamond on them but are painted black still and certain buses have logos missing due to replacement panels and no new logo's have been applied so doesnt suprise me if there going to get rid of the brands.


And everything is now on one licence I think-the diamond bus company limited with blue diamond buses displaying signs saying on hire to the diamond bus company


So does this mean it will just be diamond with different coloured buses representing the previous brands such as red/blue and black or will it mean all buses being painted into one colour. Do people think it would be better to have one garage for the west midlands operations and one for redditch and close long acre especially with the loss of the NX coach work.


I think they should just scrap blue diamond. As ash said, close long acre, reduce overheads repaint or sell blue diamond buses into black diamond livery and keep red diamond in redditch. However, maybe they are not intending to get rid of the blue diamond brand as theyre still repainting buses into that livery. Closing long acre and reducing overheads would almost certainly improve profits.


Surely though, closing Long Acre will just increase dead milage from Birmingham services having to run all the way back to Tividale? Maybe an overhaul of the management down there would do the trick?

bwsau cymru

I have to disagree. I don't think they will close long achere as it is surely an asset being there closest to Birmingham city centre. ok im the first one to say I think they having been going down hill lately and loosing nx just goes to show that they really are. Find it hard though that Yourbus run by a different Dunn do so well on NX....
And as with dropping the brand "Blue/Black/Red" again I can see why people might think its going if its not being added to buses and it certainly would help with swapping buses around easier but the amount of money painting the buses blue, branding them up and to create a brand new website, surely they would of just added blue into black?
Plus Diamond before rotala was just Diamond, I think creating the local brands is going forwards and again to drop the whole black/red/blue if you go back to 2007 when it was created why waste also that money now? Don't think the senior management would do that, but hay that's just my option.
campaigning for better transport for all


I presume the new website links in with the new brand scheme


Cheers for posting the link to the new website Tom. Looks a bit like the PrestonBus one if you ask me. Still, definitely makes more sense to have one website for everything diamond as opposed to 2/3 with the blue diamond website especially excluded.



I wonder if it will all be renamed diamond in the west midlands, diamond in Staffordshire and diamond in Worcestershire like the tabs have been renamed on their new website. Also extra cleaners being trialled out on the 4/4H and 4M services with centro. Also will the old websites close down soon or is this new website just for a trial period.

bwsau cymru

think its a good idea to have one website for all three diamond as it will make it easier for the average joe to use diamond, but still I don't think that they will get rid of the colours and local brands!
campaigning for better transport for all

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