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Messages - karl724223

National Express West Midlands / Re: Strike Action
March 18, 2023, 06:29:22 PM
Suddenly everybody experts on strike action
National Express West Midlands / Re: Strike Action
March 18, 2023, 02:14:22 PM
Oh no veg web day watching what buses are running 
National Express West Midlands / Re: Strike Action
March 18, 2023, 01:53:50 PM
Quote from: Solo1 on March 18, 2023, 01:50:12 PMWhy has it been rejected when engineering team have excepted it
Engineers were offered a different offer 
National Express West Midlands / Re: Strike Action
March 16, 2023, 05:56:38 PM
Quote from: Tony on March 16, 2023, 05:54:52 PMI have been a member of Unite and previously the TGWU for 40 years, never before have I seen such chaos where reps are slagging each other off. Misinformation being spread such as the 14% including the November rise. Different garages wanting their rep out and a vote to work while others are staunch strike.
33 years me and totally agree very poorly handled
National Express West Midlands / Re: Strike Action
March 16, 2023, 05:54:32 PM
New one year deal now been offered 14.3% plus some other things 
Voting Friday and Saturday results Saturday if no vote strike on Monday 
Quote from: Danthebusman on March 15, 2023, 11:07:58 AMAny EVs I come across without next stop announcments I will put here
Why don't you start a new thread for cov ev non working nsa
Quote from: 18WilliamsLi on March 14, 2023, 04:18:35 PMYou don't know what I saw definitely wasn't 6109
Nor you don't by the look of it
You saw a bus in service that's dead at pensnett😂
National Express West Midlands / Re: Strike Action
March 14, 2023, 10:33:07 AM
Every body now happy they can watch veg web all day now claiming they've seen buses running in service 
6104 the latest victim 
Ps Monday 👍
National Express West Midlands / Re: Strike Action
March 13, 2023, 05:29:49 PM
Quote from: Ginger66 on March 13, 2023, 05:20:56 PMI think the unions bosses are living in cuckoo land thinking 11.5% is a poor offer. 

NX should offer incentives like a cost of living bonus x amount for staff and if staff have 25 days annual leave increase the amount of days annual leave so they have more days annual from 25 - 30 or 28 to 32.
I already have a lot more holidays than 32
National Express West Midlands / Re: Strike Action
March 13, 2023, 05:04:11 PM
Quote from: Westy on March 13, 2023, 05:00:04 PMAre you training for a second career as a comedian?

You might get more money from that, than you would earn from Nx!
Doubt it very much how much I earn 
National Express West Midlands / Re: Strike Action
March 13, 2023, 04:53:09 PM
Quote from: Solo1 on March 13, 2023, 02:56:53 PMWhy can't they offer 15% meet half wY then all will be happy
Pmsl 😂😂 30% where's that come from Walsall way 😂😂
6932 X10 back from rta damage on the 9
Both driver and bus returned back to pensnett on the same day  today 😁
National Express West Midlands / Re: Strike Action
March 13, 2023, 04:35:27 PM
We going On strike  I've not seen anything about it  wow glad I read westy and his sisters posts
National Express West Midlands / Re: Strike Action
March 10, 2023, 05:18:07 PM
Quote from: Rachvince53 on March 10, 2023, 04:41:27 PMBack again, the link stopped working.
It went on strike 😂
National Express West Midlands / Re: Diversions
March 09, 2023, 04:45:28 PM
Quote from: Tony on March 09, 2023, 04:38:03 PMThe X51 isn't diverted and hasn't been. I am currently sst on 6737 on Turnberry Road
Give westy and his sister a wave 
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