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Messages - Liberator9


That's true - stupid me.  ::) Been using the things for 10 years so should know that. Remember when the Trident 2s were new at Wolverhampton replacing some of the Metrobuses they had the pink.

Of course the B10Ls had their bars repainted from the orange into pink - e.g 1407 and 1434. Would therefore be nice to see some consistency and have the pink bars similarly redone into the newer red (at least on the Gemini Crimson refurbishments). Problem is now that just some of the pink bars are fading off a bit now and look naff in comparison to the newer red shades and new seat covers. 

Yeah I've noticed some have had the seatbacks had attention on some refurbs - couple of YW Tridents have had that treatment as well. Looks better for having it. Etching is the worst part on the seatbacks - think that fine felt stuff they use on some later Citaros (some Stagecoach Gold have it as well) seats is quite effective - can't etch on it or draw on it really either.
Assume that's just reserved for any seats that have been heavily vandalised then. Makes sense now why it's not usually worth repainting them then if it's going to be a long and expensive process.

Thanks John - did have seeds of doubt in my mind regarding whether they could actually respray the seat backs. Would be pricier then if they had to replace all the seatbacks. Yeah - the blue doesn't sit right.

My favourite interior would actually have to be the Gemini 2 hybrids BC have - really like the green moquette they have and the wooden effect partition downstairs.

Thanks for the clarification - better way of putting it!

Seems that way regarding the 6/49/76; so they'll do the reverse of what they did before the Gateway works. Suppose it won't make any difference; just the fact it could be very crowded in terms of services picking up on the 'Nationwide' side of Station Rd.

The 37 I'm lost on - can't see them doing that loop still - hopefully just worded badly.
The refurbs are great - look far better.

However two things that need work on in regards to the Geminis; firstly - respray the seatbacks into the NX grey (if possible?) - the blue backs just looks weird with the current moquette. Secondly the poles and seat handles need repainting as well in the brighter, newer red. The Geminis and Tridents have badly faded pinkish poles now. Have noticed on a few of the Tridents (forget the numbers of them at YW now) that they have had this done. There isn't an issue on the E400s or Scanias as it's the correct red shade and hasn't worn down.

Suppose though it comes down to cost - probably not cheap to respray the poles or seatbacks. At least the seats are all done and the bus given a deep clean and excellent repaint.
Garage threads / Re: Yardley Wood Garage
November 05, 2015, 04:56:45 PM
Any updates on how 1926 is doing? Thanks
National Express West Midlands / Re: Greener Buses
November 04, 2015, 09:34:08 PM
Optare Versa Electrics can go for around 5 1/2hours in service - then they need around 25 minutes charging before being able to run another 5 hours approx. It depends on the route - no hills, relatively flat with around 5 minutes layover time at the terminus.
National Express West Midlands / Re: Service with a Smile
November 04, 2015, 08:08:12 PM

Impressive - well done!

I've always found YW to be pretty good. WN always been good as well when I go up there. However as has been said there's excellent drivers at each garage. The majority of drivers at NX I've come across are courteous; rarely had any issues. Friendliness can vary though sometimes from route to route, probably because of the clientele they have to deal with at times.
National Express West Midlands / Re: Service with a Smile
November 04, 2015, 12:26:51 PM
I've had some very good drivers from YW - make sure you put in a compliment using the NX feedback page - they should pass it on to the driver. I've done that in the past.
National Express West Midlands / Re: Greener Buses
November 01, 2015, 11:11:15 PM
Interesting to hear - the Electrics carefully managed would very handy - I know some areas that use pure electric buses and they build it into the running boards to allow them to charge up. Good acceleration too. Will be interesting if NX try for any of the Signature contracts when they come up next time.

Plain idiots - could've injured you doing that sort of thing (hope you were ok after that) - can see why you'd just want to walk away on holiday! Things you have to put up with at times from some is mad by the sounds of it.
Garage threads / Re: Acocks Green Garage
November 01, 2015, 11:04:17 PM
I quite like the 11 branding actually - fine, Crimsons on the 11 would look far better, however this will do fine. Nice now to see the AG Geminis looking smart and refurbished in comparison to their previous tatty state.

Yeah what I like about the new livery on the Scanias is the gold lines on the front under the windscreen - fits in well.

Very nice livery on that Stagecoach example - thanks!

That E200MMC for the Unibus looks excellent - the other thing I like is the use of the black surrounds on the lights. Still think the NX E200MMCs would look good with the black surrounds; Scanias would look even better if after refurb if they kept the Silver surrounds (or had them painted black - D&M have that on their Scanias and it looks great).
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