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Messages - windy miller

The Archive / Clean air
May 06, 2012, 06:22:00 PM
One thing I have learnt to appreciate in recent years is clean air on buses! In my youth I would often be chasing a West Brom Transport (pale blue/yellow) service on a frosty morning to get to work.Climbing the stairs only to be confronted with a Bonfire of fags/smoke .The lower deck was non smoking but you could never get a seat.anyone had similar experiences? or should I say- Ring any bells :)
One small point, this 'google+1' you suggest we click on to promote the site? I'm still looking
for it :-\
The Archive / Re: eurostar
May 04, 2012, 04:32:03 PM
Iv'e not been past the place for years,I imagine that as the regular (local) passenger services use the Tottenham hale -cambridge heath-bethnal route to Liverpool st, the line between T/Hale and Stratford (which passes Temple mills) may only be freight? The entire yard is wide open with many IL 421 units stabled at the north end at weekends and easily visible from the Adjacent collector road (orient way?). I will have a look-see next time I'm in the area.
Arriva / Re: Arriva Tamworth
May 04, 2012, 02:56:59 PM
Thanks andy.I suffer from angina and cant walk very far,  cold weather doesn't help either but I appreciate your concern...
The Archive / Re: eurostar
May 03, 2012, 08:52:27 PM
T :-\ony as you suggest there may be two half-sets at temple mills do you have any idea what the other one is? Logicaly I imagine it must be the corresponding half to 3308 ,ie3307?
The Archive / Re: Naming Vehicles
May 03, 2012, 08:27:24 PM
thanks for the info roy. another entry for my book! :)
The Archive / Outer circle
May 03, 2012, 07:12:59 PM
I was told some time ago that the anti clockwise 11a service was operated by AG and the clockwise service operated by PB- does this arrangement still stand?
The Archive / bonfire night-Pype hayes
May 03, 2012, 06:47:00 PM
Did anyone have the same aggro as we did last year? I stood with my grandchild at the 67 stop @ aston stn. for nearly an which time we were passed by several PB gemini which were packed out,and at least 2 scanny bendies which ignored us for the same reason.we were (eventually) picked up @ 7-30pm and arrived at the park just in time for the last sparkler and a voice on the tanoi to say "see you all next year".(NO CHANCE). Unlike previous years, this occasion had only one display (not two)-and there was NO Bonfire .
The attraction of free entry only added to the bus/traffic fiasco. Where were the 28's? never saw one from 8pm to 8.50pm! -can we expect more of the same next year? Hope not. >:( >:
Hi If you would like to travel a bit further out you might like to try the south end of platform 4 at Stafford? there is an adjacent car parking facility which (I believe) is fee paying up to 6pm.
if you arrive at (say) 2pm you should get 4 hrs for £2-50. You should see the following:Loads of sheds,the odd chopper,occasional tug,and, if you are realy lucky,a whistler, or even a growler. (not my Mrs) :) you will have a nice warm waiting room with good panoramic views and (probably) a group of b'ham guys to give you loads of advice. get clicking- and good luck!
Arriva / Arriva Tamworth
May 03, 2012, 03:29:01 AM
If I catch a 110 bus in birmingham and ask for a fare to Tamworth Rail station do I pay for the outward journey to Victoria road (terminus) and then pay an additional fare to the rail station?
The Archive / Re: destination blinds
May 03, 2012, 03:21:08 AM
thankyou tony. I had meant to specify arriva vehicles on this post not nxwm (sorry) its answered my question anyway. 
The Muster Room / Re: Avin a Larf
May 02, 2012, 09:08:22 PM
 My co driver and I were making our way to falkirk when we stopped near preston to eat our sandwiches.He said his sandwich was a bit dry and did I have any paste? I said yes. shortly afterwards he said "what sort of paste is this" ? I said "crab paste" he said "where did you buy it"? I said "in the chemist". :)lol?
The Archive / Re: eurostar
May 02, 2012, 08:55:29 PM
if anyone is interested the spare DM (3999) is currently working with 3107 as of last sat 28/4
The Archive / destination blinds
May 02, 2012, 08:45:58 PM
would I be correct in thinking that all WM service vehicles now have LED destination blinds?. I suppose the days of the old manually operated wind-up canvas blinds are obsolete?
The Archive / eurostar
May 02, 2012, 08:37:57 PM
I imagine there are a few people out there interested in eurostar? as they probably know the original 8 car east coast sets have been confined to french soil and have no tunnel permits.One exception here is the power car 3308,Which is presently at Temple Mills along with its half-set. What I would like to know is this -IS this half set visible from the main line at Temple mills? or is it kept indoors? anyone remotely interested?
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