<Removed at request of a company official>
You have been warned about this info before Tom
Quote from: Tomf1993 on February 01, 2016, 07:46:09 PM
Aren't these bus boards not driver duties ?!
Apologies, I didn't catch the PDF link as I'm on my phone. Quite interesting
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on February 01, 2016, 07:54:48 PM
Aren't these bus boards not driver duties ?!
@GeminiFan1991 Correct, but the attachment below is the duties. It is safe to download btw incase any one is worried.
What I wrote was bus running boards what the boards do, but the attachment is the actual driver duties. Im surprised Im not getting a good firm telling off from
@Tony about this. :D This is just a sample, I have some running boards, But its a very large file so wont let me attach it, their is also WTTs time tables but with additional info on them from what on the public ones
Quote from: Tomf1993 on February 01, 2016, 07:59:14 PM
What I wrote was bus running boards what the boards do, but the attachment is the actual driver duties. Im surprised Im not getting a good firm telling off from @Tony about this. :D This is just a sample, I have some running boards, But its a very large file so wont let me attach it, their is also WTTs time tables but with additional info on them from what on the public ones
Tom, as you know from your posting, this is wrong, not sure who supplied you with these, but they could find themselves in the disciplinary process
And before anyone asks, I will give you a very good reason why any information like driver's duties is not going on here, or if I see it anywhere else like facebook will make sure it is removed.
If you were a driver and had a dispute of any time with some thug, NX give you some sort of protection putting you behind the vandal screen.
How would you like it if someone could just go on the internet, to see exactly what time you duty finished, so him and his mates could be waiting at the bottom of the garage drive for him to walk out unprotected from any screen and away from CCTV?
Tony we are enthusiasts not dick*ead scum who go around beating up bus drivers mate.
A. you have not warned about me putting this on here
B. Why is it a problem, when in London TFL openly have all this online, even though some operators moan.
C. What is the issue with me having this?
If you dont want me on this forum, then delete, but I like schedules etc not photos Im into the fine details of the operational side of things, is that so wrong and atleast some people are helpful at TWM unlike some, this is why I have stopped using TWM buses wasting my money on them when I get treated badly by emails from your TWM buses, that why I use Diamond Bus now, I rather spend my money on them, then TWM.
Quote from: Tomf1993 on February 01, 2016, 08:33:13 PM
Tony we are enthusiasts not dick*ead scum who go around beating up bus drivers mate.
A. you have not warned about me putting this on here
B. Why is it a problem, when in London TFL openly have all this online, even though some operators moan.
C. What is the issue with me having this?
If you dont want me on this forum, then delete, but I like schedules etc not photos Im into the fine details of the operational side of things, is that so wrong and atleast some people are helpful at TWM unlike some, this is why I have stopped using TWM buses wasting my money on them when I get treated badly by emails from your TWM buses, that why I use Diamond Bus now, I rather spend my money on them, then TWM.
You don't know who else is reading this, neither do I
Not even in London can you access driver's duties
Yes I can, and the WTT is online for all London Routes which has the duty numbers, which even I can work out the duties from it. Tony were in a 21st Centenary now, I believe all info should be made available.
Send me a pm.
@Tomf1993 If Tony doesn't want it posting in 'HIS' forum, accept what are being told by the owner! Winston
Yes I have accepted that. I get the impression I anit wanted on here, so I am deleted my account. TWM buses what rubbish.
Quote from: Tomf1993 on February 01, 2016, 08:51:52 PM
Yes I have accepted that. I get the impression I anit wanted on here, so I am deleted my account. TWM buses what rubbish.
Clearly not, as you continued to argue,
Bye then!
I understand what Tony says. Although I think it would be quite extreme that someone who had an issue with a driver would go to those lengths, but it's not impossible.
A good few years ago I had a young passenger who was interested in buses start chatting to me (which I didn't mind), same time the next day he was waiting for my bus again, then again the next day - at which point I cringed when I saw him at the bus stop. Nothing to do with him being an enthusiast, but he was loud and kept coming up to the front everytime I stopped, getting in the way of passengers.
Anyhow, by Friday, he asked what I had the next day (luckilly, day off). He then asked what I had the next week, I told him late nights, (but I was really doing earlies on a different route).
The last thing I would have wanted was him tracking me down on the internet.
Also rival bus companys may be interested in seeing duty times. Garage notices, dutys etc stay in the garage.
Maybe he found you friendly etc, as not many of these drivers at TWM are very friendly or like to talk, even when you get off the bus passengers say thanks and try to make a little small chat, I always say are you finished some drivers are nice and tell you their day or evening ahead, some will just look and stair.
Quote from: Tomf1993 on February 02, 2016, 06:53:30 PM
Maybe he found you friendly etc, as not many of these drivers at TWM are very friendly or like to talk, even when you get off the bus passengers say thanks and try to make a little small chat, I always say are you finished some drivers are nice and tell you their day or evening ahead, some will just look and stair.
Thank you, good evening etc is fair enough but I wouldn't want people asking me about whether my shift was about to finish or not, my tendency would be to think that person was an oddball. There are pleasantries and then there's over stepping the mark where most people would feel quite uncomfortable. And let's face it, the bus enthusiast fraternity does attract some strange ones...
The one black lady driver on the 311/313, I have a natter with, because I know her sister, who works for the same company I work for.
Quote from: Mike K on February 02, 2016, 07:43:51 PM
And let's face it, the bus enthusiast fraternity does attract some strange ones...
Well maybe a few - but then so do many interests and professions. I've even come across strange bus drivers (both from the angle of a passenger - most notably excessive grumpiness or gross discourtesy) or as another road user (as a pedestrian, bus used as a weapon (a particular problem in London Tomf) as a motorist, gross discourtesy or thoroughly dangerous driving).
But let's not tar everyone with the same brush. I suspect most bus drivers would be more worried by potential hooligans, elderly ladies wielding umbrellas or the ever present threat of terrorist action rather than the occasional OCD/balmy enthusiast.
As has been said, the information requested is possibly commercially sensitive anyway. You can probably work it out for yourself from observation and timetables?
This is why the whole Bus network should be like TFL who openly provide this sort of data on their website, most operators I ask, I always get it, their is that saying if you don't ask you don't get, Ive got sets of info for most companies upto 50 companies or more. Its TWM which is the first company Ive had issues with this. Even though after a week of asking I got an email from a very senior figure with all the TWM info.
Quote from: Tomf1993 on February 03, 2016, 04:19:13 PM
This is why the whole Bus network should be like TFL who openly provide this sort of data on their website, most operators I ask, I always get it, their is that saying if you don't ask you don't get, Ive got sets of info for most companies upto 50 companies or more. Its TWM which is the first company Ive had issues with this. Even though after a week of asking I got an email from a very senior figure with all the TWM info.
We don't want the whole Bus Network to be like TFL, it will cost the tax payer a fortune to fund.
Oh so you like a Labour government , do you? everything free free free and Bill some one who is a millionaire? ;) Labour make me laugh, they wont get no where with Corbyn. Far to much welfare and everything free free free. No more free handouts that is what I say. People should learn to budget their money more properly instead of spend spend spend like Gordon Brown
Quote from: Tomf1993 on February 03, 2016, 04:45:05 PM
Oh so you like a Labour government , do you? everything free free free and Bill some one who is a millionaire? ;) Labour make me laugh, they wont get no where with Corbyn. Far to much welfare and everything free free free. No more free handouts that is what I say. People should learn to budget their money more properly instead of spend spend spend like Gordon Brown
Nope! Just don't want a regulated TFL system across the board, waste of money!
As a result of London Politics / TFL there are numerous Citaro Bendies sat idle / unwanted littering up the UK and they're wasting excessive amounts of money buying Borismasters over standard Hybrid models.
Could you not find the 'delete account' button?
@Winston this thread should be locked as no Dutys or Rotas should be put on any forum
@karl724223 - Tony's already removed the duty information originally posted
Quote from: Tomf1993 on February 03, 2016, 04:45:05 PM
Oh so you like a Labour government , do you? everything free free free and Bill some one who is a millionaire? ;) Labour make me laugh, they wont get no where with Corbyn. Far to much welfare and everything free free free. No more free handouts that is what I say. People should learn to budget their money more properly instead of spend spend spend like Gordon Brown
Do you forget that London is a whole different country compared to the rest of country gets treated differently I.E. Londoners get more money for a job and outside the M25 its a lower wage for the same job because its a higher living cost down there. Governments Labour spend, Torys cut back. Maggie was a milk snatcher.
London operates different to the west midlands. Likely doubt it will become like the tfl, see why the devolution brings when the combined west mids authority starts this year
Quote from: Tomf1993 on February 02, 2016, 06:53:30 PM
Maybe he found you friendly etc, as not many of these drivers at TWM are very friendly or like to talk, even when you get off the bus passengers say thanks and try to make a little small chat, I always say are you finished some drivers are nice and tell you their day or evening ahead, some will just look and stair.
Do the job for a few years and then come back with the same attitude.
Kids nowadays.
Thread terminated.