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Cannock Garage

Started by sconehead85, September 15, 2012, 04:16:38 PM

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Maybe the streetlites are jinxed. ....


Quote from: Bob on October 30, 2014, 12:02:34 PM
Maybe the streetlites are jinxed. ....

Or maybe the staff don't deserve to be driving new buses....


Or maybe cannock couldnt run a p##s up in a brewery?  Today weve got an old dart on the 2, a pye green branded pulsar on the 1 and two stafford branded pulsars on pye greens!  It just looks poor and with route 1 branded commanders on the 70/76 etc looks really unprofessional.  Surely they could speed up the debranding at least.  A repaint is obviously too much to ask for.  Going from volvos to really knackered commanders on the 70/76 is a bit of a downgrade in my opinion as apart from one they're all minging inside and 3704 has sounded like it has had it for ages!  At least the volvos were refurbished and resprayed!


Have they got rid of the Volvos now? They've probably also gone to Wardles with the others.
This is a personal appeal... For Pete's Sake just save the #!@?$&% Scania's - don't let them follow the Dennis Falcons!


Yes theyve gone apparently.  So were left with Streetlites, sb200 pulsars, sb200 commanders most of which are knackered apart from a couple,  sb120 cadets and a fair few old darts the number of which seems to keep growing ( recently had a V-KDA & V-DGT transferred in). Not one heavyweight bus.

I cant believe there was an MPD dart on the 2 this morning.  I know theyre short of Sapphires but jesus christ couldn't they have found something a bit better ? For an allegedly now upmarket service.  Itd be like whacking a B6 on the 110 lol.


Pye green branded seen on 1 heading towards Huntington so guess its anything goes to replace damaged sapphire buses


Quote from: Ck on October 30, 2014, 09:20:42 PM
Pye green branded seen on 1 heading towards Huntington so guess its anything goes to replace damaged sapphire buses

I travelled on 3793 on the 1 today, which was probably the one you saw.

To be fair it still seemed in good nick inside and was comfy enough for a trip to Cannock from Walsall, so not a bad replacement for a Sapphire.


Yea but they've got unbranded pulsars they could use including two that came with the pye green batch....the pye greens were relaunched with "brand new buses" yet they still get anything on there ...stafford pulsars deckers last week.  Its pretty shambolic to be fair


It just seems like its throw anything anywhere and hope for the best


Just seen route 2 branded cadet on 70 from cannock, full. Thatll be an uncomfortable trip once people get on at cheslyn hay Featherstone etc. Well planned allocation as per


Funny I was asking about the Volvos...

W108 EWU on the 55 today! :--)
This is a personal appeal... For Pete's Sake just save the #!@?$&% Scania's - don't let them follow the Dennis Falcons!


A commander and a pulsar on 74/75 today. Along with two deckers.  Lets hope theyve timed it so the deckers are on the rush hour trips back from stafford!  Anyone know where the other two deckers are?


2731 - 60/825


3794 also on 60/825


Quote from: Bob on October 31, 2014, 03:46:08 PM
A commander and a pulsar on 74/75 today. Along with two deckers.  Lets hope theyve timed it so the deckers are on the rush hour trips back from stafford!  Anyone know where the other two deckers are?

I noticed one parked over the pits today

Trident 4609

One of the B9TL's on the A5 in W'ton this morning

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