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national /regional bus timetables

Started by windy miller, April 10, 2012, 03:31:14 PM

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windy miller

Thanks everyone.Looking at the Bham- redditch-evesham route-I notice almost an hours wait in both directions at Evesham?- followed by an 1 hour+15 at worcester on the return journey? arriving back in birmingham just in time to miss the last train on the X city line  (23.15pm) or a sprint to Albert st for 23.30pm-- or a £10 taxi fare..... >:( A grand total of thirteen hours  to cover a round trip of 100 miles)...  The 'early' start ,(ie Saturdays) is obviously a MUST for future.!!!
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

windy miller

Heres an iteresting thought ,at least for anyone who may be into rail preservation that is-The Gloucestershire and Warwickshire railway is a presvn site near winchcombe? in the cotswolds-They have a working line,(Iv'e never been on it ) but I'm told they run trains down to Cheltenham race course? I think they need to raise money at present due to a landslip or something? I expect they will have an events calendar for 2012, But if,(A big IF,) they made some room for a bus/coach rally on site It would be a great day out. Trouble is-How the juice would you get there from B'ham?? ::)
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

windy miller

I should have said by service bus-sorry :-[
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

Isle of Stroma

Cheltenham by 'Bus is a non-starter. The only feasible way is by Train, then Castleways 606:

windy miller

nell111-Boy was that a non starter! :)-Castleways service to toddington NO sunday svc and, poss more importantly,No services on bank holidays- generaly when these places get the best patronage. Shackerstone (on the staffs-leics border) is another preservation site which is almost certainly a little **** to get to by service bus on a sunday.Surely some of these independants could advertise a 'special' service to these event days? maybe 3 buses out. say, mid-morning, and three back in the late afternoon.I suspect there may be staff problems if there is only a small fleet...The law was always quick to point out that you were only allowed to drive on 6 days a week, Not 7!!
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

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