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RMT actions

Started by windy miller, July 19, 2022, 03:04:05 PM

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windy miller

  During the official lockdown regulations advance rail booking were
  ultimately repaid to their original accounts..   Despite a WMT/LNW web page
  that clearly claims to be one of the 'few' Tocs who do NOT charge cancellation fees it would  appear those of us unfortunate enough to have booked a one day advance travel card to London (Euston) inc LUL travel may be asked to pay a £10 admin fee  Which is a bit rich ...even if the specified service actually runs
 on the 27th July There is NO guarentee that this 'all in' ticket would be usable on the LUL (as advertised).  I have posted my ticket to their WM Edinburgh  .address .. their suggeston that you pay a 'tracking' fee to the post office?  . At £6? .. really? are they serious?
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

windy miller

 My advance ticket was paid £25 (eventually) after 35 days despite several requests for a refund. In fairness although I returned my (WMT) advance ticket a week in advance of the 27th July..(Srike Date).. but I didn't ask for a recorded delivery AND I used a second class stamp....and (possibly) didn't use the full Edinburgh postal address..... I should have guessed RMT would choose the date before the start of the Commonwealth games..... I am wondering whether the rail authorities are planning a modern day 'beeching' act with so many unprofitable lines due for withdrawal the new 'tri' modal units may have no track to operate on! .
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

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