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Vehicles seen in service, but not showing on bus times

Started by Tony, April 11, 2021, 01:33:19 PM

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H1020 is tracking on London vehicle finder today, but not bustimes. First time I have noticed one on one tracker but not the other


Quote from: Tony on January 12, 2022, 09:09:04 AM
H1020 is tracking on London vehicle finder today, but not bustimes. First time I have noticed one on one tracker but not the other
it's on bus times showing now heading to brum by the chuckery

the trainbasher

732 is tracking as being a 14A yet is actually on a 28 (my brother is on it)

All opinions and onions mentioned on here are mine and not those of any employer, current, past, present or future, or presented as fact, unless I prove it otherwise.



I saw 4823 on the 101 on Saturday, and it wasn't tracking.



4458 LineRef and JourneyRef has been stuck on N15 and 50 since 7th Jan, currently working on N2 today.
6780 not tracking since 17th Nov 2021
6787 has tracking issues since 11th Jan, currently reporting LineRef X8 and JourneyRef 136 all day today. As if NX can't work this out themselves? Why do I have to report this on a public forum?
6793 not tracking since 1st Oct 2021

I would like to understand why the issues affecting these trackers have not been addressed. Why are they left broken for days on end?

4458 is an issue, in that by pending it is working N15, means its journeys don't register correctly for service N15 or the service this vehicle is actually working.

Important for systems that monitor NX feeds for Emission compliance. Where this 18 year old non-compliant vehicle, dumped into Park Lane from BC in exchange for a compliant vehicle so that NX avoid paying Brummy Clean Air Zone charges, would be doing fewer turns working N15 through Wolverhampton AQPS zone than it actually does when working the likes of N2 - which are not logged as N2 journeys, due to a faulty tracker. Thus not only lowering the total number of journeys logged through the AQPS zone, but also the number of non-compliant journeys, thus increasing the percentage of compliance journeys made that day, ensuring +75% Euro 6 compliance target is met.

And, in the process, annoy NX Customers by providing false readings to real-time departure boards, wrongly reporting the need to double the waiting time for the next service, thus increasing the chance of finding an alternative method of travel.
"Forward in Unity"


Quote from: wulfrun on January 19, 2022, 02:25:31 PM

6787 has tracking issues since 11th Jan, currently reporting LineRef X8 and JourneyRef 136 all day today. As if NX can't work this out themselves? Why do I have to report this on a public forum?

Because no-one sits there staring at 1500 vehicles waiting for one to fail.

I do a full check on the whole fleet approximately once every two weeks, but ones reported on here get reported normally the next day, so it helps get them sorted quicker.


Quote from: wulfrun on January 19, 2022, 02:25:31 PM
4458 LineRef and JourneyRef has been stuck on N15 and 50 since 7th Jan, currently working on N2 today.
6780 not tracking since 17th Nov 2021
6787 has tracking issues since 11th Jan, currently reporting LineRef X8 and JourneyRef 136 all day today. As if NX can't work this out themselves? Why do I have to report this on a public forum?
6793 not tracking since 1st Oct 2021

I would like to understand why the issues affecting these trackers have not been addressed. Why are they left broken for days on end?

I make that a 0.27% failure across the whole fleet - making that a 99.73% operational success. Hardly a major concern to the average passenger, is it?

Also, you DON'T have to report this on a public forum, you have chosen to.

Quote from: Tony on January 20, 2022, 12:06:52 PM

Because no-one sits there staring at 1500 vehicles waiting for one to fail.

I do a full check on the whole fleet approximately once every two weeks, but ones reported on here get reported normally the next day, so it helps get them sorted quicker.

Tony checks these as a courtesy, not a requisite, for which we are very grateful. I'm sure this service reduces the number of faulty trackers that enhances the passenger experience.
Autofare 3 - the ticket that laughs in the face of contactless!



Any views/comments are my own and do not reflect those of my employer.


This is the list I currently have 'on report' some are now working but being watched.
4646 is working perfectly, 2138 is working, but only about 30% of the time so I will watch that one to see if it sorts itself out
4282   AG
4284   AG
4496   AG
6122   AG
6141   AG
4619   BC
4945   BC
6826   BC
6861   BC
6867   BC
2170   CV
4771   CV
4773   CV
6965   CV
6966   CV
4778   PB
4801   PB
4823   PB
4847   PB
6804   PB
7508   PB
7512   PB
732   PN
835   PN
6102   PN
6107   PN
6915   PN
6924   PN
6926   PN
2140   WA
3301   WA
4575   WA
2238   WB
4272   WB
6771   WN
6780   WN
6781   WN
6787   WN
6793   WN
4387   YW
4581   YW
E011   YW

Michael Bevan


Quote from: Michael Bevan on January 22, 2022, 03:05:42 PM
2132 wasn't tracking on Thursday on the 937.

Thanks, not Working today on the 11 either, another one reported

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