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Kev's Cars & Coaches

Started by Adam 404, January 09, 2018, 06:03:27 PM

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Quote from: 4369Beast on July 05, 2019, 09:58:16 PM
Good point, although if the steering rotation is the same as NXWM's E200MMMC's then it may struggle in places, also might be to see if the E200MMC'S are suitable because of several speed bumps and pot holes in the road.

Do you mean turning circle? NXWM E200MMC's are full length, Kev's are 29 seaters SWB (same length as Solo SR's IGO used). Shouldn't be an issues, the 19 is up for re-tender, I suspect Diamond will be keen to retain it, as it employs 4 buses iirc


I know Kevs E200MMC's are SWB's but the turning circle is shocking on NXWM's so if its the same it could pose a few problems in places. Oh and Btw I hate to correct people but its actually 5 buses and not 4 for the 19.


Quote from: 4369Beast on July 06, 2019, 03:41:49 PM
I know Kevs E200MMC's are SWB's but the turning circle is shocking on NXWM's so if its the same it could pose a few problems in places. Oh and Btw I hate to correct people but its actually 5 buses and not 4 for the 19.

The turning circle tends to be better on the SWB compared to the longer wheel based E200s, so would assume it'd be the same with the MMCs. The LWB MMCs at LandFlight actually have a better turning circle than the older E200s.


Quote from: 4369Beast on July 06, 2019, 03:41:49 PM
I know Kevs E200MMC's are SWB's but the turning circle is shocking on NXWM's so if its the same it could pose a few problems in places. Oh and Btw I hate to correct people but its actually 5 buses and not 4 for the 19.

I don't see them being any different to any of SWB E200's, they have no problem negotiating tight residential streets. I was working on the 4 x 63 Solo SR's that Igo purchased for the route.

Stuharris 6360

Interestingly went on the 318 from Stourbridge to Oldwinford today. I have to ask, have the drivers been taught the route and places along the route.

I asked for Oldswinford and the driver seemed to think it was in Catshill and he asked for £2.60 for the journey. When I pointed out it wasn't near there, after some fiddling about with the ticket machine, he found Pedmore and duly charged me £1. Am not blaming the driver because the ticket machine seems very vague about the calling points of the bus.

Maybe more fare stages are needed so that the drivers are aware of calling points!
Pensnett is my local garage. Favourite bus of all time is Fleetline 6360 (KON 360P).


Interesting as both regular drivers on this route are ex Diamond and have been on the route for a long time. the machines are managed by Worcester and we have not heard of any reported problems before.

Stuharris 6360

Quote from: igogeneral on July 21, 2019, 11:10:30 PM
Interesting as both regular drivers on this route are ex Diamond and have been on the route for a long time. the machines are managed by Worcester and we have not heard of any reported problems before.

@igogeneral Maybe it wasn't one of the regular drivers then, hadn't seen the chap before.

When i told him in the past I had paid a £1 (which is an ultra reasonable fare) he managed to find it on the screen.
Pensnett is my local garage. Favourite bus of all time is Fleetline 6360 (KON 360P).


Checked today. One of the regular drivers was sunning himself in Florida so one of the coach drivers was doing it for the day. He did a good job and managed to avoid ending up in Weston

Stuharris 6360

Quote from: igogeneral on July 22, 2019, 09:14:51 PM
Checked today. One of the regular drivers was sunning himself in Florida so one of the coach drivers was doing it for the day. He did a good job and managed to avoid ending up in Weston

lol @igogeneral
Pensnett is my local garage. Favourite bus of all time is Fleetline 6360 (KON 360P).


@igogeneral every good coach driver knows how to avoid going to Weston lol

cris 99

has anyone got any details on the fleet cant seem to find anything on Mr hunters site unless its under another thread lol


Quote from: cris 99 on July 23, 2019, 05:53:28 PM
has anyone got any details on the fleet cant seem to find anything on Mr hunters site unless its under another thread lol

It is there, go onto the 'bus index' and scroll down to 'operators just outside the west midlands fleetlists' It does need updating, sure he'll get around to it when time allows.

cris 99



Now official so happy to inform all that KEVSbus will be operating the 19 service from October 27 on a new 5 year contract. We will be using new Enviro 200's yet to be delivered. More news as we get it


Stop press, KEV'S awarded contract to operate 19 Maypole to Rubery from October 27. 5 new E200's on order.

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