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West Bromwich Garage

Started by Ash, March 17, 2012, 06:40:59 PM

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There's only a handful that have made it through repaint with the badges still affixed. Believe NX and Scania had a falling out a few years ago - hence the reluctance I suspect for keeping the badges on these days. Although, could also be for more practical reasons, such as cleaning. YW's batch are looking very smart - good job by WA!


Has this falling out with Scania ever been confirmed? Seems very petty to remove badges? And what exactly would removing badges gain? They've also removed badges/logos from Tridents / Geminis and still bought from ADL / Wrightbus / Volvo


Is the 74 now the route with the highest PVR in the company (other than Outer Circle). I make the PVR at around 26. Can't think of anything on the top of my head at that PVR.


Would've thought removing the badges prevented them being nicked by third parties!

(But what do I know! )


Is that silly rumour of of NX called Scania's mum a name still going round?!


Are 4710 - 4712 still in service at WB?
Local Routes
94/95, 11A/11C, 28.


Quote from: 2206 on September 18, 2016, 03:01:52 PM
Are 4710 - 4712 still in service at WB?

Just saw 4711 about 5 mins ago on the 80 heading to West Bromwich, around Blue Gates

...and if it helps, just time I saw 4712 was Thursday night, on the 127/8s
Class 153, 155 and 156. The Super Sprinters
"Around the corner" routes: 21, 89
Local routes: 12/A, 48/A
Semi-local routes: 54, 80, 87

Most used routes in bold


Quote from: Sh4318 on September 18, 2016, 04:27:26 PM
Just saw 4711 about 5 mins ago on the 80 heading to West Bromwich, around Blue Gates

...and if it helps, just time I saw 4712 was Thursday night, on the 127/8s
Local Routes
94/95, 11A/11C, 28.


4710 was on late night 5's yesterday.


Local Routes
94/95, 11A/11C, 28.


Local Routes
94/95, 11A/11C, 28.


Local Routes
94/95, 11A/11C, 28.


4960 is on the 42E today. First one I've seen on that running board for a long time.


4706 is on the 82/87 today.


4706 on 127/128 today
1951 on a 127 today

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