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Noteworthy Workings - June 2017

Started by winston, June 01, 2017, 12:52:42 AM

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Local Routes: 002, 39/39A, X21, 46, 76.
Localish Routes: 18, 23, X22.

P419 EJW

1895 on WA 41 (daytime).
2109 on PN X10.
7031 on PB 101.


No doubt causing some confusion on the Brstol Road today, I saw an X1 branded Platinum on the 63 with an X61 branded platinum in front on its correct route. More comfOrt than the usual Tridents/ Enviros on the 63 but I'm sure some people would board the wrong bus at it looks so much like an X61.

Trident 4609

2025 on WN59 this evening (change bus).

P419 EJW


Unidentified omnilink on the 7 yesterday evening, possible peak extra?

P419 EJW



Local Routes: 002, 39/39A, X21, 46, 76.
Localish Routes: 18, 23, X22.

Ian Hardy

2133 on BC 24 13/06/17
2129 on BC 63 13/06/17
2136 on BC 24 14/06/17
5407 on WN 33 14/06/17
816 on WB 120A 14/06/17
4737 on WA 935 14/06/17


Saw 2109 on the X10 this morning.

Trident 4609

2066 on WN59
6794 on WN3
5407 on WN529

Quote from: P419 EJW on June 16, 2017, 09:07:52 PM
1767 on WA 89.

1758 was also on the 89 this afternoon.

P419 EJW



Wolverhampton Veg 😎

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