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Pride Bus

Started by 2206, May 27, 2017, 03:01:27 PM

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Quote from: Jack on May 02, 2018, 10:10:36 PM
Why's the date it was taken (today) on top of the photo?

They all will be as I update pages as google have changed the way the adverts appear and they are appearing between the photo and the date/location which looks silly. This way the description is still next to the photo


Quote from: Tony on May 02, 2018, 10:14:11 PM
They all will be as I update pages as google have changed the way the adverts appear and they are appearing between the photo and the date/location which looks silly. This way the description is still next to the photo
Thanks for confirming that - was going to say earlier but thought it would of been sorted by now.


Quote from: Jack on May 02, 2018, 10:23:44 PM
Thanks for confirming that - was going to say earlier but thought it would of been sorted by now.

Google have been very crafty

The original system was I put a code on the page where I wanted an advert to appear, and never took much notice after putting them at either the top or bottom of each page, but most of them stopped working and the income that covers all the costs of running the site dried up.

I got a new code off google, and the new code puts the advert where google want it, so I am working around that, but at least the income is back up to around £1.50 a day, so covering costs again.


4879 looks really good I must admit, hopefully they'll try and allocate it around a bit rather than just the 60 every day!

Mike K

When was the last full colour / all over ad bus prior to this? All the recent ones I can remember have been vinyl wraps where the red front end of the bus has been retained. This is a throw back to proper all over ad buses from years back; it does look smart.


Quote from: V89MOA on May 03, 2018, 05:41:38 AM
4879 looks really good I must admit, hopefully they'll try and allocate it around a bit rather than just the 60 every day!
I presume 4879 will be allocated onto the other E400 routes as well, PR, X70, 63 etc. Doubt it will be stuck on the 60 everyday.


Quote from: Jack on May 03, 2018, 07:26:42 AM
I presume 4879 will be allocated onto the other E400 routes as well, PR, X70, 63 etc. Doubt it will be stuck on the 63 every day.
Well no It won't considering all the hybrids are repainted now... Hence my point about it living on the 60! Would be nice to see it on PR as it goes past Gay Village.


Quote from: V89MOA on May 03, 2018, 05:50:15 PM
Well no It won't considering all the hybrids are repainted now... Hence my point about it living on the 60! Would be nice to see it on PR as it goes past Gay Village.
Gosh calm down, it can't live just on the 60 seen as the X70 is pretty much E400 now. The 45/47 are E400, but not every E400 on it is a branded E400 so it could be likely it will turn up. Anyway the 60 isn't solid E400 like you are trying to say.

Quote from: V89MOA on May 03, 2018, 05:50:15 PM
Would be nice to see it on PR as it goes past Gay Village
Aka Hurst Street if nobody knows where it is.


Quote from: Jack on May 03, 2018, 06:25:06 PM
Gosh calm down, it can't live just on the 60 seen as the X70 is pretty much E400 now. The 45/47 are E400, but not every E400 on it is a branded E400 so it could be likely it will turn up. Anyway the 60 isn't solid E400 like you are trying to say.
Aka Hurst Street if nobody knows where it is.
I'm perfectly calm thank you Mr Argumentative. Misreading my comments again clearly if me AGREEING with you about the 63 has rattled your cage! The X70 uses only 4 buses off peak, whereas the 60 uses I believe 13, granted one is usually a platinum and the odd trident. Out of 23 non route branded enviros at BC, of course it will go on other routes but the law of averages suggests that the majority of its time in Pride livery will be spent on the 60. Irrelevant anyway as my original comment said "hopefully they'll try and allocate it around a bit" which obviously meant around all of the routes at BC, not just the enviro 400 routes.
BTW google "Gay Village Birmingham" and you will see that the boundary stretches reasonably beyond just Hurst St.


Quote from: V89MOA on May 03, 2018, 08:17:55 PM
I'm perfectly calm thank you Mr Argumentative. Misreading my comments again clearly if me AGREEING with you about the 63 has rattled your cage! The X70 uses only 4 buses off peak, whereas the 60 uses I believe 13, granted one is usually a platinum and the odd trident. Out of 23 non route branded enviros at BC, of course it will go on other routes but the law of averages suggests that the majority of its time in Pride livery will be spent on the 60. Irrelevant anyway as my original comment said "hopefully they'll try and allocate it around a bit" which obviously meant around all of the routes at BC, not just the enviro 400 routes.
BTW google "Gay Village Birmingham" and you will see that the boundary stretches reasonably beyond just Hurst St.
I am simply not trying to cause any argument, it's nothing to do with the 63 either. Exactly how would you know its spends most of its time on the 60? I don't and really sure you don't either. Why use the capitals for? I'm not causing an argument at all, just stating that I doubt it will stick to the 60.
But yes it would be nice to see it on different routes, 14, 97 etc.


Quote from: Jack on May 03, 2018, 09:05:00 PM
I am simply not trying to cause any argument, it's nothing to do with the 63 either. Exactly how would you know its spends most of its time on the 60? I don't and really sure you don't either. Why use the capitals for? I'm not causing an argument at all, just stating that I doubt it will stick to the 60.
But yes it would be nice to see it on different routes, 14, 97 etc.
It was you who bought the 63 up in the first place!! Just because you have now changed your original post, doesn't mean it didn't happen, nice try though. The Capitals were there to make it nice and easy for you, even though you still seem to be missing the point of my very first comment about 4879. I've given you a reasonably detailed explanation and you are still even now trying to argue about it. You have your opinion I have mine, no further reply required.


For once tfwm have done something decent and put up Rainbow bus stop flags for Pride around Gay Village and the City Centre.


Quote from: V89MOA on May 08, 2018, 11:43:41 AM
For once tfwm have done something decent and put up Rainbow bus stop flags for Pride around Gay Village and the City Centre.

I genuinely don't get your issue with TfWM. At the end of the day you wouldn't have half the network now without them! I know you're bitter about Corporation Street closing but that was nearly 6 years ago!

Why do you have such a big issue with TfWM? You've never actually backed up your argument!


Quote from: Dom on May 08, 2018, 12:50:16 PM
I genuinely don't get your issue with TfWM. At the end of the day you wouldn't have half the network now without them! I know you're bitter about Corporation Street closing but that was nearly 6 years ago!

Why do you have such a big issue with TfWM? You've never actually backed up your argument!
Blimey another one butthurt by a compliment! It doesn't matter if it was 6 years ago if it still has repercussions on people today, it was a longterm decision with longterm effects.... However If destroying the City Centre interchange doesn't float your boat then how about this... They seem to be doing everything in their power to drive people away from public transport, Swift being a brilliant example. Rather than a straightforward top up and go system like London, we have the most basic Micky Mouse system where you have to then Collect your money on a reader which let's face it are only scattered about every so often in the suburbs, where most people will be starting their days journeys. As well as being inconvenient swift is also expensive what with it lacking the most basic of PAYG caps, something even NX have managed to implement fine on their upcoming contactless system. Or how about this, going around and replacing the perfectly good bus shelters with plastic walls that do bugger all to protect passengers from the elements and in the city centre tend to only offer a ledge for a seat. That is of course if you have not had your stop closed in a bid to "speed up journeys and ease congestion".
How about this, doing absolutely bugger all about the excessive non mileage on the tendered routes that they themselves are paying for, particularly those around Solihull.
Then there is the whole route renumbering fiasco of course and I can't forget, the biggest white elephant of the lot Sprint which we can be sure is going to end in disaster and cost a fortune... Rather than actually spending money making travel easier and effortless for people now, it just gets thrown at schemes which the majority do not want and can't / won't use, that is my issue with TfWM.

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