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Started by the trainbasher, May 21, 2015, 03:16:30 PM

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the trainbasher

According to the Rail and Maritime Transport workers union, they have CANCELLED the impending Bank Holiday Strike

All opinions and onions mentioned on here are mine and not those of any employer, current, past, present or future, or presented as fact, unless I prove it otherwise.


Interesting what was considered!

CPT meets the Secretary of State for Transport about next
week's rail strike.

CPT's Chief Executive, Simon Posner, together with a delegation of
operators met with the Secretary of State for Transport, Patrick
McLoughlin, this morning to discuss how the bus and coach industry could
step in to help keep the country moving during the planned national rail
strike next Monday/Tuesday.

The Secretary of State was grateful to the industry for the contingency
measures it is proposing to make. In order to assist operators in
fulfilling this vital role, the Secretary of State is urgently looking
at a range of special measures to put in place, including:

- relaxing the drivers' hours rules
- relaxing tachograph rules
- making available additional off-road parking for coaches (ie London
parks etc)
- relaxing rules to allow HGVs to make night-time deliveries.

We can expect an announcement later today from DfT, which CPT will
circulate to members as a matter of urgency.

Pauline Gaunt OBE
Deputy Director of Communications, CPT UK

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