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Dudley Bus Review 2015

Started by Chris2301, January 15, 2015, 12:14:54 AM

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From what I'm being told merry hill bus station is here to stay as it is
Look at the state of it glass missing wooden boards in place of glass or a white Ballard every shelter has  damage to it from buses hitting them pot holes starting to reappear in the bus station again


Quote from: karl724223 on July 27, 2015, 10:38:27 PM
From what I'm being told merry hill bus station is here to stay as it is
Look at the state of it glass missing wooden boards in place of glass or a white Ballard every shelter has  damage to it from buses hitting them pot holes starting to reappear in the bus station again

@karl724223  well because the land is owned my Intu its down to them. The main reason the don't want to rebuild the bus station is because they believe it will result in a loss of revenue for intu. Eventually there will be a state when Merry Hill (although I and i imagine many others believe it is already) will be unfit for use, if I'm honest Merry Hill was more of a candidate for a new bus station than Cradley Heath.


Quote from: KarlX96 on July 27, 2015, 07:35:15 PM
It would be nice for Intu to let Centro up-grad the bus station, but it would probably mean closing the bus station altogether and re-locating it. Which would mean a lot of hassle for organizing a temp bus station, and the closest pace for the temp station would either be where the Mc Donald's play place is or up on Two Woods Lane.

With regards to the stand allocation at the currant t/t. There is only two alighting stands, which are the first and second stand before the 226 (Stand H). They should have three unload only stands if and when they do get the green light to re-build the bus staton.

Sorry if I seem rude here but that is absolute bo**ocks! When Wolverhampton was rebuilt there was no temp. bus station just temp. terminus' dotted around the town and Merry Hill is no different, but it is doable.

Trident 4609

Quote from: KarlX96 on July 28, 2015, 03:23:24 PM
I meant to say they may change the 141/241 to 24 and 41 not the 41/42.

There is a 24 that serves Dudley Bus Station too, Merry Hill-Foxyards Estate (Operated by iGo)

Trident 4609

Quote from: KarlX96 on July 28, 2015, 03:41:22 PM
Hi Nathan yes I know there is already a 24 which operate Merry Hill-Dudley but Centro have been known to duplicate routes and as it would probably be operated by NXWM it wouldn't matter if there were two 24 routes.

It would as you would then have two 24's serving the same termini. This would be very confusing for passengers.


Quote from: KarlX96 on July 28, 2015, 03:36:14 PM
Hi Dom there no need to have language like that. with regard to the temp stops I don't think they would work very well as they would be dotted around the centre. I also think it would make customers moan even more as at the moment some of the buses don't rune to time e.g X96. As it gets held up around Wrens Nest and or Wollaston Farm.

Does it ?


Quote from: KarlX96 on July 28, 2015, 03:41:22 PM
Hi Nathan yes I know there is already a 24 which operate Merry Hill-Dudley but Centro have been known to duplicate routes and as it would probably be operated by NXWM it wouldn't matter if there were two 24 routes.

Ok so you have some little old lady oe gentleman and they see the number 24, not meaning to be stereo typical, but they are known, in Dudley especially, thinking they are getting on the '24 to Quinton for example when they couldn't been further away and end up in foxyards!


Quote from: KarlX96 on July 28, 2015, 03:36:14 PM
Hi Dom there no need to have language like that. with regard to the temp stops I don't think they would work very well as they would be dotted around the centre. I also think it would make customers moan even more as at the moment some of the buses don't rune to time e.g X96. As it gets held up around Wrens Nest and or Wollaston Farm.

1) There is no argument there as when Wolverhampton was re-built the stops were dotted around the centre.
2) Do you have proof of this?


Quote from: KarlX96 on July 28, 2015, 04:27:05 PM
Hi pndriver I regularly get the X96 and over the last couple of years the X96 has got better. I have had times where there was no bus for over 20 minutes and considering it's supposed to be a 20 minuets frequency it bad for customers.

It is a 20 min frequency so your not going to get one within the 19 minutes so it doesn't go over the 20 mins, hence the bus is running early, which NXWM strongly disapprove.

Trident 4194

Quote from: Dom on July 28, 2015, 04:29:23 PM
It is a 20 min frequency so your not going to get one within the 19 minutes so it doesn't go over the 20 mins, hence the bus is running early, which NXWM strongly disapprove.

Considering he works for centro it doesn't look promising! I know more than him!


Quote from: KarlX96 on July 28, 2015, 04:38:14 PM
1) Yes they were but that was over a bigger area where as Merry Mill is congested  at the best of times especially at/around peak times. So it wouldn't be a great idea for the stops to be dotted around Merry Hill centre.

2) what do you mean?
Have you got proof that the X96 gets delayed around Wollaston and Wrena? Without using the 'I live on the route reason'


Quote from: KarlX96 on July 28, 2015, 04:33:51 PM
The little old lady or gentleman would have to look at the destination blind on the front of the bus, look at the station map/at stop info as there is RTI at the bus station, or ask at the travel shop for the right 24 service then.

Hi KarlX96

If what you're saying is going to be imposed, then surely this is going to bring a great deal of inconvinence to passengers? Suppose if the destination blind wasn't working correctly, or if a passenger catches the bus from the wrong stand, and someone accidently boards the wrong 24 service? I thought the whole point of Centro renumbering service was to reduce confusion for the public - surely having two 24's in one place is only going to contradict that?


Quote from: KarlX96 on July 28, 2015, 04:55:09 PM
To mop this matter up. just a few weeks ago I waited up at the bus station at Dudley for the 10 minutes past three and according to the inspector they it had got stuck up at Wrens Nest due to the schools around there. I have been on the 10 to three before in term time and it has never got held up due to the school so tell me something different. I also live on the route and travel on the route to work every Mon and Tues.

Does the fact that schools broke up occur to you, Wolverhampton was exactly the same, and I should know considering I was inspecting on my work experience that day.

Trident 4194

Quote from: KarlX96 on July 28, 2015, 05:08:21 PM
Hi Trident 4194. What do you know that I ma not know?

The frequencies of buses


Quote from: Nathan on July 28, 2015, 03:27:42 PM
There is a 24 that serves Dudley Bus Station too, Merry Hill-Foxyards Estate (Operated by iGo)
@KarlX96 this is getting complicated, Will there be two number 12's for the 120 and 126 ?

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