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Started by JoNi, October 09, 2014, 09:52:06 PM

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Quote from: JoNi on October 12, 2016, 09:56:54 PM
Expectations of a premium bus service that Platinum doesn't deliver.

Off bus
1) Sounds OK
2) Well, that should be there
3) What???
4) ---
5) It's great!
6) What???
7) ---
8) ---
9) OK...
10) ---
11) Keep the screen up then!
12) Bad idea
13) They'll just make the bus messy
14) Great!!!
15) Annoying
16) OK!
17) Great!
18) OK...
19) ---
20) Annoying
21) Annoying
22) Very annoying!
23) Good idea
24) ---
25) Great idea
26) Great!!!
27) Great!!!
28) Too much on a map makes it hard to read
29) Good
30) ---
31) ---
32) Annoying
33) Not much point - a bus is a bus
34) WHAT???
36) OK!
37) What about a bus shortage?
38) ---
39) Can't be helped

What I think

Just re-done my website.  Check it out to see all my photos.  Updated almost every day!

windy miller

 I live on the dead mileage route for PB services but unfortunately I still haven't seen any PB allocations actually in service yet?? Where are they?  On a recent rush hour jaunt from Wolverhampton to Birmingham (moor st).on the 126 service. via Dudley,( after An hour and a half and a stiff leg)..  I saw all bar one of the branded allocations up to 6785 on this service and a few unbranded ones as well. 
Mind the Gap.....?:-)


Quote from: windy miller on October 15, 2016, 04:15:44 PM
I live on the dead mileage route for PB services but unfortunately I still haven't seen any PB allocations actually in service yet?? Where are they?  On a recent rush hour jaunt from Wolverhampton to Birmingham (moor st).on the 126 service. via Dudley,( after An hour and a half and a stiff leg)..  I saw all bar one of the branded allocations up to 6785 on this service and a few unbranded ones as well.
6799 was in the City Centre on the 902 at about 12:50 today.
Local Routes
94/95, 11A/11C, 28.


4 at least were out today


Are BC's Platinums due before the end of the year ?
Please check out my Bus Photos @


Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on October 15, 2016, 05:59:44 PM
Are BC's Platinums due before the end of the year ?

As BC's existing Platinum's are being de-branded, I would expect the first of BC's new Platinum's may be imminent, they might be following on the production line that has just completed WN's batch, thus deliveries to PB & BC may run in tandem


How  many more platinums are left to arrive at Park Lane


Quote from: Solo1 on October 16, 2016, 01:32:40 PM
How  many more platinums are left to arrive at Park Lane

The only two I haven't seen reports of on delivery or arrived at WN for are 6791 & 6795, but I suspect that they are both already there by now.


Quote from: Winston on October 16, 2016, 01:35:03 PM
The only two I haven't seen reports of on delivery or arrived at WN for are 6791 & 6795, but I suspect that they are both already there by now.

6795 is showing as taxed, 6791 isn't


How long before the remaining platinums enter service 6790 to 95


Quote from: Solo1 on October 16, 2016, 03:14:30 PM
How long before the remaining platinums enter service 6790 to 95

6790 is already in service

Trident 4609

Quote from: Solo1 on October 16, 2016, 03:14:30 PM
How long before the remaining platinums enter service 6790 to 95

6790 and 6792 are already in service.

Mike K

The X61 that's being introduced soon - is this a replacement for, or in addition to the 61?

I thought it might have been the 63 that had a limited stop variant, with it covering much more of the faster Bristol Rd South to Frankley, and serving the redeveloped Longbridge and Rubery village.

At some point or another all of the original 61/62/63 routes will have had a limited stop variant.


Quote from: James4368 on October 17, 2016, 08:45:20 AM
Any Platinums out on the Suttons today?

They won't be sitting in the garage doing nothing


Quote from: John on October 17, 2016, 09:00:03 AM
They won't be sitting in the garage doing nothing
Really never thought of that genius 😂

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