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Started by JoNi, October 09, 2014, 09:52:06 PM

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Washwood heath road should get one.


Don't forget X9 and X96


Is it actually going to happen or has the 2017 rumours begun!
The Funny sounding Enviro 400

15 Wolverhampton to Merry Hill
15A Wolverhampton Merry Hill
16 Wolverhampton to Stourbridge

X10 Gornal Wood


Expectations of a premium bus service that Platinum doesn't deliver.

Off bus
1) Timetable that details stops on map, city centre diagram and fares
2) Timetables available at key bus stops.
3) Bus stop info in large font easily understandable. No codes
4) Brand emphasised, how many people would know where the platinum goes from if you asked them.
On Bus
5) Attractive livery, heard it described as those grey buses.
6) Halo happy way up
7) Branding with clear headway info, not multiplicity
8 On bus ticketing to state fares not blob
9) Branding with real customers not pair of high heeled shoes
10) Large destinations that constantly show all via points
11) Driver who can speak through assault screen that lowers
12) Hello sign in bus at head height
13) Racks containing leaflets for specific route
14) Seats with comfort on a par with Sapphire
15) Announcements that state "welcome aboard Platinum" at key points
16) Announcements that state route and destination at key points
17) Announcements to alert customers that bus short will terminate short of scheduled destination.
18) Announcements to advise customers of expected journey time to key destinations
19) Stop announcements start after leaving city centre.
20) Announcements to have varied next stop intros.
21) Announcements supplemented by information on connections/attractions at specific stops
22) Announcements that encourage positive behaviour.
23) Consistency between stop announcements, bus stop flag names and timetables.
24) Public address able to be used to alert customers of delays.
25) When bell pushed next stop sign should say "Stopping at....."
26) Clock (with correct time!)
27) On bus route maps to show all stops.
28) Maps to have connections with other Operators routes (in the spirit of Alliance)
29) Map future proofed to avoid going out of date. (900 buses say 12 goes to Warwick University)
30) Internal vinyls with direct messages to miscreants (not police sometimes travel on this bus)
31) Internal vinyls that feature cleaning staff not batman!
32) Internal vinyls encouraging feedback good or bad!
33) Refund/credit when non Platinum bus used on Platinum services.
34) Picture of route manager on bus
35 )Vandalism dealt with as soon as found/reported
36) All services show full rear destination
37) Platinum buses only used on Platinum routes
38) Platinum charter displayed on vehicle.
39) No condensation

Come as standard in the customer experience in other parts of the UK!
Platinum is not a panacea!


Quote from: JoNi on October 12, 2016, 09:56:54 PM
Expectations of a premium bus service that Platinum doesn't deliver.

Off bus
1) Timetable that details stops on map, city centre diagram and fares
2) Timetables available at key bus stops.
3) Bus stop info in large font easily understandable. No codes
4) Brand emphasised, how many people would know where the platinum goes from if you asked them.
On Bus
5) Attractive livery, heard it described as those grey buses.
6) Halo happy way up
7) Branding with clear headway info, not multiplicity
8 On bus ticketing to state fares not blob
9) Branding with real customers not pair of high heeled shoes
10) Large destinations that constantly show all via points
11) Driver who can speak through assault screen that lowers
12) Hello sign in bus at head height
13) Racks containing leaflets for specific route
14) Seats with comfort on a par with Sapphire
15) Announcements that state "welcome aboard Platinum" at key points
16) Announcements that state route and destination at key points
17) Announcements to alert customers that bus short will terminate short of scheduled destination.
18) Announcements to advise customers of expected journey time to key destinations
19) Stop announcements start after leaving city centre.
20) Announcements to have varied next stop intros.
21) Announcements supplemented by information on connections/attractions at specific stops
22) Announcements that encourage positive behaviour.
23) Consistency between stop announcements, bus stop flag names and timetables.
24) Public address able to be used to alert customers of delays.
25) When bell pushed next stop sign should say "Stopping at....."
26) Clock (with correct time!)
27) On bus route maps to show all stops.
28) Maps to have connections with other Operators routes (in the spirit of Alliance)
29) Map future proofed to avoid going out of date. (900 buses say 12 goes to Warwick University)
30) Internal vinyls with direct messages to miscreants (not police sometimes travel on this bus)
31) Internal vinyls that feature cleaning staff not batman!
32) Internal vinyls encouraging feedback good or bad!
33) Refund/credit when non Platinum bus used on Platinum services.
34) Picture of route manager on bus
35 )Vandalism dealt with as soon as found/reported
36) All services show full rear destination
37) Platinum buses only used on Platinum routes
38) Platinum charter displayed on vehicle.
39) No condensation

Come as standard in the customer experience in other parts of the UK!
Platinum is not a panacea!

You make a lot of points about the announcements but after driving platinums the most complaints I've had off passengers are "can you turn them bloody announcements off driver?"

"F*** sake not that commentary again!"


Thats the point bus passengers in the West Midlands aren't encouraged to have higher expectations. I agree with you the announcements could be softer, announcements that are more easy on the ear are usually female. I challenge even the most die hard NX fan to say their ability to communicate is good, after all the first I heard about X routes was on this web forum.


Fair points, personal response to some

1) as per London I suppose, I'd expect it at major stops but then we do have general schematic route maps available at major interchanges, should be rolled out more widespread though
2) and 13) face it they won't last, scum are scum and will scatter them all across the floor at any opportunity
3) my personal gripe with this is the X51 timetables on bus stops that says it runs to Cannock, with a symbol next to all but 2 journeys saying it only runs as far as Walsall (or Bloxwich)
4) not sure how much further it can be emphasised?
5) personal opinion, I know of a lot of "normal" people who like it
6) wtf does this even mean????
7) as in "up to every 10 mins"? Surely that's what they say? No?
8) window just as you're entering the bus
9) and 12) personally I'd find that too cheesey
10), 18), 20) why?
11) they can speak through it, surely? Alas Birmingham being Birmingham it's a safety issue
14) I find the seats comfortable
17), 24) I've heard drivers announce this tbf
19) where would you draw the line though?  Because some people get off outbound services as if it were one of the inbound terminal stops (Corporation Street Tesco with the X51'S an example)
22), 30) will just be laughed at by those misbehaving
27) all stops? Apart from the X51 that's going to be too many and so end up in too small writing to be of use. Unless it was as per the 51 once alongside the stairs. I'd say a map with most stops, but not all
29) kind of unavoidable here, bus routes are always changing, just have to keep updating
35) so take a bus out of service?
36) they do already don't they?
38) different to the normal charter?
39) not possible with people who insist on keeping the windows shut when it's the slightest bit nippy
Now in exile in Oxfordshire....


Apology for not responding sooner
1) relates to actual timetable showing all stops on route map and expanded town centres
2) I'm talking about manned places like bus stations and many rail stations have them even in "undesirable" places
3) couldn't agree more with current bus stop displays having numbers for "short workings"
4) Sapphire, Fastway and Gold have far more presence than Platinum
What percentage of people if surveyed would know what platinum meant.
5) It is a love it or hate it livery!
6) A number of people including myself noticed the line around the front destination is the "sad" way up. Might have been put on upside down.
7) 900s have 7 minutes on front 15 and 30 on side, 30 on back. Appreciate service likely to change in December.
9/12)  matter of opinion but real passengers set the tone for service (not the yob who was playing loud music on 900!)
10) So that intending passengers can see all major points
18) Wish I had pound for every time someone boarded at Birmingham Airport and asked how long it took to the city centre.
20) You would appreciate it if you encountered it. It cuts the monotony and you develop a sixth sense to where you are!
11) Company policy, but other companies have moveable ones or none at all.
14) Compare Platinum with Fastway, Sapphire and even Timesaver and look at the cushion depth.
17) 24) gives consistency and saves driver having to shout out especially with two decks.
19) Ringroad in Coventry, end of Small Heath By pass on 900.
Understand your point does X51 etc. drive round in a loop with only a hesitation?
22) 30) reflects cultures of dealing with poor performance.
27) Ive seen 80 stops on poster, also ever been on the tube in London.
29) Where you can go rather than route.
35) You can still have free sex on 6704!
36) I've seen number only and certainly when on non platinum routes.
38) yes, look on NX website
39) thats about two panes of glass appreciate it would affect the weight of the vehicle.

Thank you for counter pointing arguments there is always more than one point of view!


Quote from: JoNi on October 12, 2016, 09:56:54 PM
15) Announcements that state "welcome aboard Platinum" at key points
16) Announcements that state route and destination at key points
17) Announcements to alert customers that bus short will terminate short of scheduled destination.
18) Announcements to advise customers of expected journey time to key destinations
21) Announcements supplemented by information on connections/attractions at specific stops
Some good points here. I was surprised how simple the next stop announcements are. I imagined it would be a bit more like train announcements, where connections, service info etc are mentioned.

Would also be good if it told people about upcoming destinations, e.g. when approaching the airport, tell passengers the number of stops to the main airport terminus. As soon as 'airport' is mentioned on the stop announcements, you can guarantee someone gets up to ask the driver where to get off.

33) Refund/credit when non Platinum bus used on Platinum services.
Don't really understand this tbh, they don't cost any extra so what is there to refund? Should passengers on other routes be charged extra if a platinum turns up?


17) and 24) driver has a mic thats connected to the same announcement system, it's not them just shouting.
Point taken though, the system probably could be connected to what's on the display so if that's showing a short journey or "on diversion" as I've seen some normal services do recently, then potential for the audio to reflect
Now in exile in Oxfordshire....

Trident 4194

Very good points being used here. Personally platinum is very good but still has minor faults. The seats will please some, but certainly not me.


Having just completed a trip to Coventry and back, allow me to offer my insights. I like the legroom, its a nice compromise between adequate seating and nice legroom. I can see why people find the announcements annoying as at times I kept hearing them above my headphones ! I personally don't like Platinums going onto other routes but then the argument of better this bus than no bus rings true.

It's a nice upgrade over the current fleet but I just don't see any reason to add more "luxuries" because customers don't really respect what they're already given. My 2 buses (To & From journeys) were both littered. NX aren't at fault, it's those customers who just treat such good service with disrespect.
Please check out my Bus Photos @


Quote from: Trident 4194 on October 13, 2016, 06:32:57 PM
Very good points being used here. Personally platinum is very good but still has minor faults. The seats will please some, but certainly not me.

Nothing ever does please you with NX so why bother moaning. You enjoy the Diamond leather seats instead I prefer half and half seats nx have because they ain'the bloody cold in the winter and sweaty stick and hot in the summer...
The Funny sounding Enviro 400

15 Wolverhampton to Merry Hill
15A Wolverhampton Merry Hill
16 Wolverhampton to Stourbridge

X10 Gornal Wood

Trident 4194

Quote from: Chris on October 13, 2016, 07:07:40 PM
Nothing ever does please you with NX so why bother moaning. You enjoy the Diamond leather seats instead I prefer half and half seats nx have because they ain'the bloody cold in the winter and sweaty stick and hot in the summer...

Actually I said platinum was very good as a whole


Quote from: Trident 4194 on October 13, 2016, 07:16:12 PM
Actually I said platinum was very good as a whole

Your opinion is void..... you like 4194. Enough said.

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