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Started by John, March 07, 2014, 09:10:42 PM

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windy miller

  I saw 1783 on driver training nr good hope hospital on Tuesday morning shame these 
  drivers are only trained to drive and not pick up or put down passengers !! 
Mind the Gap.....?:-)

cris 99

This thread is for people trying to find certain vehicles I have no idea why you've posted that here? And surely they are training to drive in readiness for picking passengers up so what do you mean ?


Quote from: windy miller on November 30, 2023, 05:39:03 PMI saw 1783 on driver training nr good hope hospital on Tuesday morning shame these
  drivers are only trained to drive and not pick up or put down passengers !!
Can't pick up or drop off passengers as they havnt got a licence 


5408(?), the one thats on loan to Walsall at the moment, on the 70 this morning.

cris 99

5408 tracks so if anyone wants it they only need to look on bustimes 


Quote from: Westy on January 17, 2024, 06:57:33 AM5408(?), the one thats on loan to Walsall at the moment, on the 70 this morning.
It was on the 70 yesterday all day and night as well.


Anyone know where 6108 is today please.



Does anybody know which route 4519 is on today?


Quote from: Westy on January 17, 2024, 06:57:33 AM5408(?), the one thats on loan to Walsall at the moment, on the 70 this morning.
3 days on the 70 service this week.


Quote from: West_Brom/WalsallBusGeek on January 18, 2024, 06:59:32 AMDoes anybody know which route 4519 is on today?
I'm sure I seen it on the 5 earlier today.


4770 on Wa 10 this morning.


5408 on 31/32.
3305 on 6.
4125 on 51.

samuel derrington

Anybody know where 4908 is today please? 


4752 is on the 7
5408 31/32 
Anyone know where 4770 is it doesn't track on Bustimes if she is in Service and times of the route she is on if possible 
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74

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