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Questions for the NXWM Operations Director

Started by NX OD, July 24, 2013, 10:01:19 AM

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Any more (sensible) questions then people?

Can't think of any myself :)

Trident 4609

Thanks for Answering our comments Simon :) By the way one thing Simon, have you made progress in possibly starting WN 59 earlier on a sunday as the journey i was on on sunday was very busy and i do think as alo of people use it to go to work on a sunday and they usually have to rely on more expensive taxi's because the 59 starts too late. It starts around 5am Mon-Sat but around 9am on a sunday so starting it around 7 am or 8am would help?


Why has the Fox & Goose been taken off as a timing point on the new 11C timetables on your website or is that an error?


Quote from: trident4370 on August 21, 2013, 08:59:19 PM
Hi Simon, Are there any future branding or transfer plans for any YW tridents, particularly 4370-4380? I only ask because the most recent repaint pattern for YW buses seems to have shifted from 4333-4341+ to 4370-4380, but the rest of the 43**s in general don't seem to be having much done to them. (Also I'm secretly hoping to see the BV52s branded for the 35 :P) Could just be random buses being coincidentally chosen but thought I'd ask anyway, especially with the presidents slowly leaving!
Cheers in advance!

There are no current plans to brand the 35. Repaints at YW are currently being targeted at the various "wrapped" buses, but more pressing issues occasionally arise with specific other buses in the garage which require them to jump the queue.


Quote from: monkeyjoe on August 22, 2013, 01:02:26 PM
Why has the Fox & Goose been taken off as a timing point on the new 11C timetables on your website or is that an error?

It is deliberate.

We have had a long look at the timings on the Outer Circle and the timing points.  We were finding that some timing points were just before places that buses were getting stuck so we have moved them.  We have done something similar on the Bristol Road and it has worked well.


Quote from: Trident 4609 on August 22, 2013, 11:07:11 AM
Thanks for Answering our comments Simon :) By the way one thing Simon, have you made progress in possibly starting WN 59 earlier on a sunday as the journey i was on on sunday was very busy and i do think as alo of people use it to go to work on a sunday and they usually have to rely on more expensive taxi's because the 59 starts too late. It starts around 5am Mon-Sat but around 9am on a sunday so starting it around 7 am or 8am would help?

We have looked at it and think it is probably worth doing.  Given the registration process and the need to change on key dates we will try and get this done for 27th October.


Quote from: NX OD on August 22, 2013, 04:41:29 PM
Quote from: trident4370 on August 21, 2013, 08:59:19 PM
Hi Simon, Are there any future branding or transfer plans for any YW tridents, particularly 4370-4380? I only ask because the most recent repaint pattern for YW buses seems to have shifted from 4333-4341+ to 4370-4380, but the rest of the 43**s in general don't seem to be having much done to them. (Also I'm secretly hoping to see the BV52s branded for the 35 :P) Could just be random buses being coincidentally chosen but thought I'd ask anyway, especially with the presidents slowly leaving!
Cheers in advance!

There are no current plans to brand the 35. Repaints at YW are currently being targeted at the various "wrapped" buses, but more pressing issues occasionally arise with specific other buses in the garage which require them to jump the queue.

haha I knew the first wouldn't happen anyway, its too unlikely! I agree the wrapped buses need doing quite urgently, some look rather disgusting now. 4351 looked a right state on the 49 today especially at the back where its all peeling off. Thanks for the reply anyway!


Quote from: NX OD on August 22, 2013, 04:44:47 PM
Quote from: monkeyjoe on August 22, 2013, 01:02:26 PM
Why has the Fox & Goose been taken off as a timing point on the new 11C timetables on your website or is that an error?

It is deliberate.

We have had a long look at the timings on the Outer Circle and the timing points.  We were finding that some timing points were just before places that buses were getting stuck so we have moved them.  We have done something similar on the Bristol Road and it has worked well.

Thanks for the feedback. So peeps will no longer benefit from the short journeys that used to start from the fox & Goose in the early mornings for example they will start from the Manor house at a time when  there is no traffic? Is that correct or will they still start from the Fox & Goose.

Trident 4609

Quote from: NX OD on August 22, 2013, 04:45:57 PM
Quote from: Trident 4609 on August 22, 2013, 11:07:11 AM
Thanks for Answering our comments Simon :) By the way one thing Simon, have you made progress in possibly starting WN 59 earlier on a sunday as the journey i was on on sunday was very busy and i do think as alo of people use it to go to work on a sunday and they usually have to rely on more expensive taxi's because the 59 starts too late. It starts around 5am Mon-Sat but around 9am on a sunday so starting it around 7 am or 8am would help?

We have looked at it and think it is probably worth doing.  Given the registration process and the need to change on key dates we will try and get this done for 27th October.

Thank you so much Simon :) Any idea what time you are planning to retime it to? By the way the 9 minute Sunday frequency of the 59 needs to be untouched as its needed.

Thanks so much :) One question was reading a notice on the bus today with changes from September 1st saying you are introducing extra sunday morning journies on the 529. Does this mean earlier journies or extra journeys added in between the current departures :)

Finay the last point on my original question all i am asking is exact same timings just an hour or so earlier


Hello Simon,

A few questions relating to vehicle usage

1) Have you/NX considered using a range of different aged vehicles of appropriate size on individual routes (whether branded or not) so that passengers (and drivers) have the advantage of the newest vehicles in service the largest amount of time.

2) Could you see the benefit of allocating new vehicles pro rata in relation to garage size so that all customers benefit from ongoing investment to support question one.

3) Has NX ever considered buying good quality second hand vehicles refurbished to rapidly meet the need for more vehicles in smarter condition.

and finally

4) Do you ever travel on competitors services (e.g. Claribels, Arriva, Diamond) to gain an understanding of what their passengers experience compared with your own services.

Liverpool Street

So I notice they've maintained the 5minutes from Cofton Hackett to Turves Green, Moorpark Road on timetables from 1/9/13. You do understand there is a 20mph limit between The Jolly Fitter and Moorpark Road? I hope your drivers obide by this law as I think the local constabulary would benefit from doing random speed checks along that road.

No way, with the increasing passenger numbers, can that be maintained.

Can you tell me how the services are timed? I do know myself but I want to hear it from you.

Heh, am I glad to be retired.  ;D (but not for much longer with the way the missus is going on....)
Quote from: 2900
One thing Daimler Mercedes Benz are good at is producing excellent Diesel engines, I do miss the sound of the 0405n for all its faults you couldn't knock that 12 litre engine.
Quote from: karl724223
until it cought fire


Quote from: Liverpool Street on August 22, 2013, 11:11:19 PM
So I notice they've maintained the 5minutes from Cofton Hackett to Turves Green, Moorpark Road on timetables from 1/9/13. You do understand there is a 20mph limit between The Jolly Fitter and Moorpark Road? I hope your drivers obide by this law as I think the local constabulary would benefit from doing random speed checks along that road.

No way, with the increasing passenger numbers, can that be maintained.

Can you tell me how the services are timed? I do know myself but I want to hear it from you.

Heh, am I glad to be retired.  ;D (but not for much longer with the way the missus is going on....)

Tell me how you think they are timed then?


I have another question, have any project ever taken place looking at using the Heartlands Parkway to provide faster links to areas in East Brum like Castle Vale, Bromford, Hodge Hill & Castle Bromwich etc. Or is it the case the traffic that builds up at peaks times would not serve the intended purposes etc.

The could be a way of attracting commuters back onto these various corridors as I image numbers have gone down considerably over the years.

Liverpool Street

Quote from: NX OD on August 23, 2013, 08:16:38 AM
Quote from: Liverpool Street on August 22, 2013, 11:11:19 PM
So I notice they've maintained the 5minutes from Cofton Hackett to Turves Green, Moorpark Road on timetables from 1/9/13. You do understand there is a 20mph limit between The Jolly Fitter and Moorpark Road? I hope your drivers obide by this law as I think the local constabulary would benefit from doing random speed checks along that road.

No way, with the increasing passenger numbers, can that be maintained.

Can you tell me how the services are timed? I do know myself but I want to hear it from you.

Heh, am I glad to be retired.  ;D (but not for much longer with the way the missus is going on....)

Tell me how you think they are timed then?

I thought this was a forum to ask you questions, Simon?

When I worked for a small independent over Shropshire way in the early 90's, we calculated the length of the route, actually drove it to our standards in a van, stopping various places to allow for stops etc , then issue the timetables/running boards to the drivers and see what the timings are like in the real world. If anything needed changing - when the drivers braught it to our attention - we'd try and change it ASAP. And they were glad for a decent drop back in the peak if services weren't running correctly.

And for the record, I don't think NXWM timetables have taken into consideration speed limits. I think you've done the following: Length of route / Average speed (either 18mph or 12mph I can't remember which) = timetable.

But if you can clarify, please do.

Best Regards,
Quote from: 2900
One thing Daimler Mercedes Benz are good at is producing excellent Diesel engines, I do miss the sound of the 0405n for all its faults you couldn't knock that 12 litre engine.
Quote from: karl724223
until it cought fire

Liverpool Street

Oop, another question.

When, in your opinion, will the Dennis Tridents start to be withdrawn?

I only ask as with the rate of new buses, it could be sooner then I think.
Quote from: 2900
One thing Daimler Mercedes Benz are good at is producing excellent Diesel engines, I do miss the sound of the 0405n for all its faults you couldn't knock that 12 litre engine.
Quote from: karl724223
until it cought fire

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