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Questions for the NXWM Operations Director

Started by NX OD, July 24, 2013, 10:01:19 AM

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Liverpool Street

Thanks for your input Simon.

When I said 'you know there's an issue with accidents' I meant the management at least did. at BC (when I was there at least) as that was the whole point of the DQM's as the drivers had alot of bumps. I would like to know the volume of mirror accidents across the company, and compare them to when we didn't have such large mirrors and mirror arms. I've often changed buses to the engineers annoyance due to the arm sticking out like a sore thumb.

Who ever designed the E400 N/S arm is onto a winner though, they're fantastic. You can have the mirror high or low to your liking without the need to bend the arm down.
Quote from: 2900
One thing Daimler Mercedes Benz are good at is producing excellent Diesel engines, I do miss the sound of the 0405n for all its faults you couldn't knock that 12 litre engine.
Quote from: karl724223
until it cought fire


Quote from: NX OD on August 11, 2013, 10:41:46 AM
Quote from: GB_91 on August 10, 2013, 11:13:27 PM
Hi again Simon, I have a question that might seem bizarre but would be nice to discuss it none the less. Seeing as by now at least half the fleet must have TV screens on board, are there any plans to utilize them to show anything more than just CCTV? I know the previous system operators on the Outer Circle (Crystal Eyes?) went bust but maybe NXWM could run an "inhouse" service that could be used to show useful things aswell as CCTV like for example; service disruptions (like tunnel closures for example or upcoming diversions), fare increases in January, bank holiday services. network reviews etc. Even messages warning people not to smoke or fare dodge(maybe even name and shame people who are caught), mixed with general news and local events? It just seems a shame to me there is potential to have a really useful way of getting things across to the public and more people would take notice of a screen infront of them, than the notices that are stuck by the driver and can only be read whilst passing. I know this is unlikely to happen but it would be nice to hear your views about it.

[Hope you enjoyed your time off btw]

Hi GB,

We are looking at the Crystal Eyes kit at the moment to try and get the screens back and working.  I think we favour the screens showing the CCTV images live in the bus as this gives passengers reassurance that the system is working and that the CCTV is recording should anything untoward happening.  It is therefore unlikley that we would display anything else but you never know.

That is better than nothing at least, I do see the importance of showing CCTV but I just hoped both could be shown together. Nice to know the Gemini's and Tridents Screens will soon be working again though, it seems a waste having dead screens! Thanks for the reply Simon!


re liverpool streets comment about the mirrors, i personally hate looking through a passenger door with a tiny little mirror. the mirrors on the b7rles are much better, and show a lot more. ok they are causing issues with street furniture etc, but why on earth are bus shelters etc so close anyway to kerbs? only nag i have, is the amount of damage caused by swinging arms in when the buses are washed, as this weakens the arms, enabling them to flop around. on the coaches, these same arms have to be slid off before entering the wash.

Liverpool Street

Quote from: GB_91 on August 11, 2013, 11:42:47 AM
Quote from: NX OD on August 11, 2013, 10:41:46 AM
Quote from: GB_91 on August 10, 2013, 11:13:27 PM
Hi again Simon, I have a question that might seem bizarre but would be nice to discuss it none the less. Seeing as by now at least half the fleet must have TV screens on board, are there any plans to utilize them to show anything more than just CCTV? I know the previous system operators on the Outer Circle (Crystal Eyes?) went bust but maybe NXWM could run an "inhouse" service that could be used to show useful things aswell as CCTV like for example; service disruptions (like tunnel closures for example or upcoming diversions), fare increases in January, bank holiday services. network reviews etc. Even messages warning people not to smoke or fare dodge(maybe even name and shame people who are caught), mixed with general news and local events? It just seems a shame to me there is potential to have a really useful way of getting things across to the public and more people would take notice of a screen infront of them, than the notices that are stuck by the driver and can only be read whilst passing. I know this is unlikely to happen but it would be nice to hear your views about it.

[Hope you enjoyed your time off btw]

Hi GB,

We are looking at the Crystal Eyes kit at the moment to try and get the screens back and working.  I think we favour the screens showing the CCTV images live in the bus as this gives passengers reassurance that the system is working and that the CCTV is recording should anything untoward happening.  It is therefore unlikley that we would display anything else but you never know.

That is better than nothing at least, I do see the importance of showing CCTV but I just hoped both could be shown together. Nice to know the Gemini's and Tridents Screens will soon be working again though, it seems a waste having dead screens! Thanks for the reply Simon!

Well I think that's a slight fabrication as the Screens on 4610-34 have been covered over by a metal plate and removed or, the TFT screen has been replaced by a piece of floor lino. Are the screens to be replaced by HD units?

I wish NX would spend some money on the 46's as they're the best Tridents, best facelift, and even after those 'refurbishments' they still look shoddy. Whats with the removal of the rubber wheel arches? Like on 4619 I think, it adds age to the vehicle. Refurbish them to 2004 as new standard and we'll talk lol . :-)

And for Mr. Anon, it depends on the route. You shouldn't have such an arm on the 99 where every inch counts to do maneuvers correctly and avoid mounting curbs.
Quote from: 2900
One thing Daimler Mercedes Benz are good at is producing excellent Diesel engines, I do miss the sound of the 0405n for all its faults you couldn't knock that 12 litre engine.
Quote from: karl724223
until it cought fire


Wasnt NX allowed to put timetables in Cannock Bus Station anyway?

Who owns the bus station? I thought it was the local authority, not Arriva.

If they are putting timetables in the bus station, why not do the roadside stops in South Staffs too?

There is a marked difference at Newtown, when you cross the boundary.

Arriva or nothing.


When you place an order for new buses, how do you decide which bus routes to allocate new buses on?

What are the factors affecting this decision?

Reason I'm asking is that I can already notice the pattern of new buses being allocated on bus routes that go through more "desirable" areas. Obviously this isn't wrong (In fact it's probably correct decision), but I'm thinking that after a while, all new buses would've been allocated on bus routes going through desirable areas, so how do you decide which to allocate on those remaining bus routes.


Yes cannock chase district council own the bus station.  Its a pretty decent one to be fair, especially compared to thatmmonstrosity they have in walsall lol. Worst bus station in the world. Yea I cant see any reason why nx couldnt put up a timetable.  Theres still a few bus stops dotted around Cannock with 'West Midlands' on them lol.


Just a quick one here on dead running on the 9. Would it be possible or early journeys (before 6am) and late journeys (after midnight), instead of running dead between the garage and Stourbridge to run as a 256E, as it would not add to mileage at all, but I believe there is something about PE drivers not being paid between end of route and depot, would this mean that this route would come at a cost??

Sorry, think this one was missed, just eager for a response


Quote from: :D on August 11, 2013, 03:29:14 PM
When you place an order for new buses, how do you decide which bus routes to allocate new buses on?

What are the factors affecting this decision?

Reason I'm asking is that I can already notice the pattern of new buses being allocated on bus routes that go through more "desirable" areas. Obviously this isn't wrong (In fact it's probably correct decision), but I'm thinking that after a while, all new buses would've been allocated on bus routes going through desirable areas, so how do you decide which to allocate on those remaining bus routes.

Hi D,

The factors are very varied and can include:
- likely passenger growth on a route
- age of current fleet on the route, in area or in garage
- bus priority measures on the route
- partnership commitment made to provide new buses to an area or route
- capacity issues
- cascade possibilities from putting the new buses on that route, in that area or in that garage

We have not been allocating new buses to 'desirable areas' as a policy and I am not sure that the actual allocation shows this to be true.


Quote from: bususer12 on August 11, 2013, 06:14:31 PM

Just a quick one here on dead running on the 9. Would it be possible or early journeys (before 6am) and late journeys (after midnight), instead of running dead between the garage and Stourbridge to run as a 256E, as it would not add to mileage at all, but I believe there is something about PE drivers not being paid between end of route and depot, would this mean that this route would come at a cost??

Sorry, think this one was missed, just eager for a response


It is possible and there are no pay agreements that would stop it but I am not sure what the point would be?

It would take longer for the buses to get from the depot to Stourbridge and this may make some duties not work out properly but most would.  The timetable would be very odd and irregular as well.


Quote from: bob on August 11, 2013, 05:28:28 PM
Yes cannock chase district council own the bus station.  Its a pretty decent one to be fair, especially compared to thatmmonstrosity they have in walsall lol. Worst bus station in the world. Yea I cant see any reason why nx couldnt put up a timetable.  Theres still a few bus stops dotted around Cannock with 'West Midlands' on them lol.

It is Arriva we are talking to about putting up the information so maybe they have the responsibility for doing this on them rather than on the actual owners of the bus station.


Thats a point, Bob.

Since the Network Wm Bus stops were put up, you dont see the stickers for the individual operators now.

Suppose Simon will have to order a few 'National Express West Midlands' stickers for the stops in Staffs?


I'm just curious the new 59 to Kingshurst is it actually working for you as a route in terms of performance as it always seems empty at the Kingshurst side?


Quote from: NX OD on August 11, 2013, 06:29:48 PM
Quote from: bususer12 on August 11, 2013, 06:14:31 PM

Just a quick one here on dead running on the 9. Would it be possible or early journeys (before 6am) and late journeys (after midnight), instead of running dead between the garage and Stourbridge to run as a 256E, as it would not add to mileage at all, but I believe there is something about PE drivers not being paid between end of route and depot, would this mean that this route would come at a cost??

Sorry, think this one was missed, just eager for a response


It is possible and there are no pay agreements that would stop it but I am not sure what the point would be?

It would take longer for the buses to get from the depot to Stourbridge and this may make some duties not work out properly but most would.  The timetable would be very odd and irregular as well.

Whilst on this theme, there are several 40/39/69 journeys that operate dead from the depot to Wolverhampton to start service and several Wolverhampton based 529's run dead to Walsall to start service from there.

I have always wondered why, if these buses can not operate their 'own' route in service, they don't operate the other depots route before starting their own? (E.g. instead of WN operating a bus Dead to Walsall, 529 ex Walsall & WA operating dead to Wolves, 40 ex Wolves, it could operate WA to WBS, 529 ex Walsall, 40 ex Wolves) I appreciate the Wolverhampton drivers would be unlikely to know the 40/39/69/89, but a lot of Walsall drivers will know the 529 already

It just seems like pointless dead mileage to be having Wolverhampton buses running dead to Walsall and Walsall buses running dead to Wolverhampton!   


In a similar vein, plus may have been missed earlier!

Quote from: Westy on August 10, 2013, 11:54:53 PM

Is there many late night journeys that run dead to garage?

Perhaps, some of the journeys that finish in Walsall & Bloxwich could continue in service along the Bloxwich Road to the depot, or is there a H&S issue?

From memory, arent there buses on the Brum, West Brom  & Dudley routes that arrive back in Walsall after midnight?

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