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Favourite and worst liveries (both WM and UK wide)

Started by the trainbasher, July 01, 2013, 01:43:27 AM

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Quote from: Kiewii on June 01, 2014, 06:24:00 PM
This silly branding for the X95 Carlisle - Edinburgh...

Thanks for posting! Will get to see it in the flesh on Thursday hopefully! I quite like it, though not as much as the tartan livery!

EDIT: Apparently they will all be gaining different colours, see photo link-not mine.

Liverpool Street

I'm not being funny but... what the f*cks the point? Pardon my French but I'm totally disgusted at the way First are going about things. They've destroyed the company image once, and now putting ridiculous branding which I can't understand on every vehicle and every vehicles branding is about as identical as a snowflake.

Quote from: 2900
One thing Daimler Mercedes Benz are good at is producing excellent Diesel engines, I do miss the sound of the 0405n for all its faults you couldn't knock that 12 litre engine.
Quote from: karl724223
until it cought fire


@Liverpool Street words of wisdom there! As I've said many times before, if you're going to brand buses, do it properly, not a NX-style job, and don't make the front of the bus look like a road marking.


@Liverpool Street

I am personally a massive fan of the new First. The "new" livery looks amazing and the branding highlights local attractions and towns. Branding is about standing out from the crowd. If you were stood in Edinburgh then the X62 branding would stand out. The fact is, route branding grows ridership in areas where there isn't a network of services.

As for every bus looking the same, personally I think it makes the fleet look a lot more interesting and stand out.

And I'd also say the route branding is all pretty simple and easy to understand. In fact, to a non-user of a longer distance route such as myself, it is reassuring to have key stops highlighted.

Mike K

First are a bit of an oddity. At one end of the spectrum you have brandings such as the Edinburgh X62 Connect, and the Norfolk/Suffolk X1 Excel which in my opinion are eye catching, innovative and smart, and at the other end of the scale you have the brandings on the Leicester Enviro 400s which are crimes against humanity.


Quote from: Mike K on June 01, 2014, 07:53:45 PM
First are a bit of an oddity. At one end of the spectrum you have brandings such as the Edinburgh X62 Connect, and the Norfolk/Suffolk X1 Excel which in my opinion are eye catching, innovative and smart, and at the other end of the scale you have the brandings on the Leicester Enviro 400s which are crimes against humanity.

Yeah, I'm with you on that Mike. Apparently, one's meant to look like space or something, another textiles. I'm all for celebrating local industry but vinyl blobs are never going to look great!!

Liverpool Street

Quote from: Matt on June 01, 2014, 07:12:14 PM
@Liverpool Street words of wisdom there! As I've said many times before, if you're going to brand buses, do it properly, not a NX-style job, and don't make the front of the bus look like a road marking.

@Matt, haha, you've got it right there. It looks messy, it's not even as if the base First livery is basic and bright like it used to be but now they're using pastel colours and just not that instantly recognisable. You know it's First bus, but, it somehow isn't.

@DiamondDart - I'm not against branding per se, but I think doing it all different just makes it look confusing. I'd prefer if you're going to brand, do it in bold contrasting colours and keep it basic. Maybe a little logo to signify what's going about - an aeroplane for an airport, chimneys for heavy industry, train for a railway etc. but big and bold makes it noticeable in my eyes. Don't like this colouring one panel of the bus - for instance, the whole front end which is then different to the side branding? What's that about?

@Mike K - What was wrong with the instantly known Barbie livery? Sort of agree with you about the spectrum of liveries, some are good, others not so.

And can I just get one thing right... EVERY single bus is going to be branded in some way?
Quote from: 2900
One thing Daimler Mercedes Benz are good at is producing excellent Diesel engines, I do miss the sound of the 0405n for all its faults you couldn't knock that 12 litre engine.
Quote from: karl724223
until it cought fire


@Kiewii it would look good if the branding covered the whole of the bus in my opinion
Class 153, 155 and 156. The Super Sprinters
"Around the corner" routes: 21, 89
Local routes: 12/A, 48/A
Semi-local routes: 54, 80, 87

Most used routes in bold


The idea of Route Branding is sh*t. Don't get me wrong, I like the concept & design on some buses, but altogether, they have so much to live up to. With an average frequency attached to it! IMO, I'd much rather prefer if NX went WAYYY Back to about 2004, where they had a number in a colour coded circle & smallprint which displays where the bus was going directly... (Tony's Photo =
Check out my photos on Flickr & Instagram


@clayderman I think people get too mixed up with the definition of route branding, as long as the route branding increases awareness of the route, then surely it's effective, although it is nice to see route branding that is aesthetically pleasing, also long as it shows people where the route goes, the route number and the frequency, then what more does it have to do, that's my view.
Class 153, 155 and 156. The Super Sprinters
"Around the corner" routes: 21, 89
Local routes: 12/A, 48/A
Semi-local routes: 54, 80, 87

Most used routes in bold

Mike K


One thats most certainly up amongst the best:


And another. Despite the flamboyant branding for the 256, this shows how good/persistent Stagecoach is with a comparison of both liveries (Normal & Hybrid)... [However, I find the Stagecoach Oxford Hybrid livery better...)  :P
Check out my photos on Flickr & Instagram

Liverpool Street

Quote from: Mike K on June 18, 2014, 07:59:11 PM
How's about the latest offering from Reading Buses?:

It's certainly different.

Beautiful. That's how you brand a route! Lovely work. I must visit Reading one of the days.
Quote from: 2900
One thing Daimler Mercedes Benz are good at is producing excellent Diesel engines, I do miss the sound of the 0405n for all its faults you couldn't knock that 12 litre engine.
Quote from: karl724223
until it cought fire



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